Memory Alpha

KFC is a global chain of fast food restaurants which is based in Louisville, Kentucky, USA.

  • 1 Star Trek association
  • 2 Star Trek/KFC Commercial
  • 4 External links

Star Trek association [ ]

In 2013, the company's Mexican subsidiary ran advertisements tied into the release of Star Trek Into Darkness and to cross-promote their Star Trek "Chicky Pack" meals and toy premiums.

Four Star Trek kids' toys were released at Mexican KFC restaurants:

  • USS Enterprise (printed cardboard)
  • Takayama -type shuttlecraft (printed cardboard)
  • Starfleet Command Division Logo projector
  • USS Enterprise ( TOS ) projector

KFC Mexico Star Trek Into Darkness "Chicky Pack" toys

Star Trek/KFC Commercial [ ]

Sulu and Chekov order KFC

Sulu and Chekov order fast food from KFC

In 1995 , a commercial featuring the crew of the TOS era aired on television as an advertisement for KFC.

On Stardate 2453.87 , the USS Enterprise flying through space. Captain James T. Kirk enters the bridge and orders Hikaru Sulu to reverse thrusters . He then walks toward his command chair as Uhura tells the commanding officer that hailing frequencies are open. He calls the transporter room , saying: " Scotty , we need more power !" Montgomery Scott , his chief engineer answers him saying: "I can't hold it much longer, captain." The ship begins shaking from turbulence . For a brief moment, a ship can be seen on the viewscreen . Uhura tells them they're losing the crew 's signal . Kirk then asked Sulu and Chekov what Spock 's order was. They told him it was his usual, the two-piece combo . Kirk told them to get him the same, before he changed his mind and made it the three-piece instead. He tells Scotty to beam up the away team .

While on the other ship, which is apparently a KFC in space , a red shirt is getting beamed away , and the cashier tosses the coleslaw to him just in time. He then materializes on the transporter pad in the transporter room . Scotty calls the bridge, telling the captain they almost lost the coleslaw.

Not long later, the captain records his log entry , and everyone is enjoying their fast food . Buckets of chicken are on top of their consoles , and everyone has satisfied their hunger . Everyone was munching on their chicken , French fries and biscuits . Kirk then orders Sulu to take the Enterprise out, warp factor 2 .

See also [ ]

  • Star Trek starship miniatures

External links [ ]

  • KFC at Wikipedia
  • 2 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 3 Sito Jaxa

My Star Trek Scrapbook

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Kfc's star trek ad, 4 comments:.

kfc star trek

Wow. Only thing missing was Mr. Spock. Hope all goes well with the family situation.

Good use of angles and lighting make Scotty almost dead on. Kirk is pretty close too with the facial expressions.

Core that was so cool. Spock and I have something in common we don't eat meat. So that's perhaps why Spock was not in short or maybe they could not find a look alike. Much better then the soap advert, which sucks. DFG

kfc star trek

Sam, Thanks for the wishes! I'm thinking that they couldn't find a good enough look-alike for Spock or McCoy (who being a southerner would have been a natural for chicken) so they left them out and went with what they had; which was a wise choice. Heller, Good point about the lighting. It carries the first season lighting to the extreme! And their "Kirk" really was awesome, wasn't he? Spot-on. And the voices!! Anon, Good point about Spock not eating meat. Probably best he wasn't in it!

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Throwback of an Awesome “Star Trek”-Themed KFC Commercial

This KFC commercial from 2006 has been making the rounds again.  It’s a spot-on spoof of  “Star Trek” , and it nails just about every cliché of the original show.

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Throwback of an Awesome “Star Trek”-Themed KFC Commercial

This KFC commercial from 2006 has been making the rounds again.  It’s a spot-on spoof of  “Star Trek” , and it nails just about every cliché of the original show.

Good News: Bus Drivers, Firefighters, and College Diplomas

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Musings of a "retired" game designer

Award-Winning Tabletop Game Designer (& Poet)

Star Trek KFC Drive-Thru

This KFC commercial is a great homage to the original Star Trek series. The transition from original clips to new bits is well done, with great casting!

I’d also like to take this moment to point out to our younger viewers that however hokey it may seem now, the original Star Trek was a ground-breaking series. Together with The Twilight Zone (which, frankly, could be equally hokey), Star Trek introduced sci-fi to TV in an era dominated by westerns.

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Why i’ll never buy another ms reader ebook, saucer people are coming, what could be verse, 2 thoughts on “ star trek kfc drive-thru ”.

Thanks for that, Maggi. Pretty funny.

Even funnier is a link from that page to

The further I read, the harder I laughed. Hope you enjoy it, too.

Pretty cool. Probably explains Shatner’s paunch. At least this campaign is more effective than this possible ad:

You have to scroll down until you see what I’m suggesting.

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The Kidd Kraddick Morning Show

Viral Video: “Star Trek”-Themed KFC Commercial

kfc star trek

This KFC commercial from 2006 has been making the rounds again.  It’s a spot-on spoof of “Star Trek”, and it nails just about every cliché of the original show.

Watch all Viral Videos

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Kfc gaming explained: will there be a kentucky fried console.


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Sony and Microsoft have already ushered in the newest generation of console gaming, but it seems a surprising name may be crashing the next-gen party. KFC is known the world over for their tasty fried chicken and Colonel Sanders' secret herbs and spices, but it seems the fast food chain is ready to make the jump into the gaming world with the KFConsole . KFC Gaming started in 2018 as a funny marketing ploy, but has since grown into an actual live streaming page. It's pretty run of the mill,   but they seem to be growing a sizable following. While their Twitch page has a modest 1.5K followers, KFC Gaming's Youtube account is nearly up to 25K subscribers, and their Twitter page is nearing 175K followers. Streaming is just the start for KFC Gaming, as the Colonel seems to have bigger plans in store.

Back in June, KFC surprised the video gaming world by announcing their own  gaming console, the KFConsole . The bucket-shaped system is said to run in 4K at 120 FPS and feature cross platform compatibility. Not only that, but the Kentucky Fried Console is expected to be the first video game console to ever feature a chamber for cooking chicken. Fans can now live out the dream of being able to cook a chicken while playing video games all with one machine. The KFConsole has the potential to revolutionize gaming, but fans will have to keep waiting a bit longer for its release.

Related:  Fall Guys Might Add KFC's Colonel Sanders As a Special Outfit

The KFConsole was originally suppose to be released on November 11th, but delays have pushed back  KFC's console's release date a full month to December 11th. This news came as a major disappointment to fans, but KFC promised the delays are for the best. It's not easy developing a gaming console that's capable of warming chicken, so they extra development time may be crucial. The delay is frustrating, especially because the console has already fallen behind the competition of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, but it should hit shelves just in time for the Holiday season... if it's even a real thing that is.

The KFConsole Is Just A Joke... Probably

As cool as it would be to have a video game console that is cross-platform compatible, runs in 4K at 120 FPS, and can cook chicken, it seems it'll remain just a pipe dream. The KFConsole is another in a long line of internet jokes put together by KFC Gaming. It was KFC's way of piggybacking off the upcoming generation of consoles to help create some buzz for themselves. The whole thing was a tongue-in-cheek publicity stunt, similar to when they launched the  I Love You Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickin' Good Dating Simulator   on Steam. Even KFC's "decision" to delay the release of the KFConsole was a joke poking fun at  Cyberpunk 2077's  delays

Even though the KFConsoles is just a joke, it'll be interesting to see what KFC has in store once December 11th roles around. The idea of these consoles actually being sold sounds ridiculous, but perhaps KFC will hold a contest and reward one lucky gamer with a KFConsole of their very own. It definitely seems like a stretch, but crazier things have happened. KFC does have their own dating simulator after all. Considering KFC Gaming's track record, it's anyone's guess as to what they may do next. The dream of cooking chicken with a video game console may be dead, but hopefully KFC Gaming has something good up their sleeve for when the KFConsole is suppose to drop early next month.

Next:  Bud Light Joins The Console Wars With The BL6

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KFC Star Trek Commercial

  • Thread starter SAndrews10
  • Start date Jun 7, 2023


  • Jun 8, 2023
1001001 said: I suppose the real question is: how did they pay for all that Chicken? Click to expand...

The Wormhole

The Wormhole

Fleet admiral.

Of course this turned into a money thread.  

The Wormhole said: Of course this turned into a money thread. Click to expand...

Now we just need to find a way to make it a military thread. As it turns out, Colonel Sanders wasn't actually a military officer...  

The Wormhole said: Now we just need to find a way to make it a military thread. As it turns out, Colonel Sanders wasn't actually a military officer... Click to expand...


Rear admiral.

  • Jun 9, 2023
CorporalCaptain said: No, I don't remember this, and I'm sure nobody else does either. Click to expand...


Laura Cynthia Chambers said: { "lightbox_close": "Close", "lightbox_next": "Next", "lightbox_previous": "Previous", "lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen", "lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox_download": "Download", "lightbox_share": "Share", "lightbox_zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox_new_window": "New window", "lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" } (Wrong franchise!) Click to expand...

kfc star trek


FormerLurker said: Reread my response two above yours. Click to expand...



Serveaux said: 1995. Click to expand...

It's hard to find out anything about this because it's so old. Apparently it features actor Tim Lounibos , who's quite a bit older now. So 1995 seems reasonable.  


There are so many strange and unusual things about the commercial that makes me wonder if it was some kind of proof-of-concept or demonstration reel thing that never actually aired.  

kfc star trek


Serveaux said: View attachment 34779 View attachment 34780 View attachment 34778 At 15:30 in this podcast, one of the actors in the commercial talks about doing it: https://www.alltheasiansonstartrek....OxI50WCO21meLmesrvcTkdQhezutB1rYN64uk13nbZQZ4 Click to expand...

Zapp Brannigan

Zapp Brannigan

Lieutenant commander.

shyborg said: The replicator, counterfeiting perfected by science! Click to expand...
EDDINGTON: It may look like chicken, but it still tastes like replicated protein molecules to me. Click to expand...


That took me back. The only part I definitely remembered was beaming the crewman back and almost losing the slaw Blast from the past!  

Serveaux said: View attachment 34779 View attachment 34780 View attachment 34778 Click to expand...
drt said: Thanks for being the only one not lazy enough to do the research. I think my favorite part of their set are the bridge chairs with arms. Click to expand...
drt said: Thanks for being the only one not lazy enough to do the research. Click to expand...
  • Jun 12, 2023

I liked the bridge….for another ship though  

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Published Jul 31, 2024

Everything Star Trek Revealed at San Diego Comic-Con 2024

Relive last week's exciting updates!

Collage of episodic stills of Lower Decks, Strange New Worlds, and Section 31, as well as Star Trek talent at SDCC 2024 / Francis Specker / CBS Studios

Star Trek beamed down to San Diego for another exciting SDCC. Whether you were with us for an away team mission or busy on Shore Leave, here's a recap highlighting our top moments coming out of and around the con this year!

Cillian O'Sullivan Joins Star Trek: Strange New Worlds as Dr. Roger Korby

Cillian O'Sullivan ( In From The Cold ) will play the legacy role of Dr. Roger Korby, a character first introduced in Star Trek: The Original Series and portrayed by Michael Strong. O'Sullivan will be a recurring guest star in the upcoming season.

In addition to the O'Sullivan's casting announcement, fans in Hall H were treated to an extended clip from the upcoming third season of Strange New Worlds .

Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5 Will Premiere with Two Episodes on October 24

It was also announced that the fifth and final season will premiere on Paramount+ with two episodes on Thursday, October 24 , in the U.S. and internationally. Following the premiere, new episodes of the 10-episode long season will drop every Thursday on the service leading up to the series finale on Thursday, December 19.

In Season 5 of Star Trek: Lower Decks , the crew of the U.S.S. Cerritos is tasked with closing "space potholes" — subspace rifts which are causing chaos in the Alpha Quadrant. Pothole duty would be easy for Jr. Officers Mariner, Boimler, Tendi and Rutherford... if they didn’t also have to deal with an Orion war, furious Klingons, diplomatic catastrophes, murder mysteries and scariest of all — their own career aspirations. This upcoming season is a celebration of this underdog crew who are dangerously close to being promoted out of the lower decks and into strange new Starfleet roles. Take a look at the teaser trailer below!

A New Live-Action Star Trek Comedy Series is in Development

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Star Trek on Paramount+ (@startrekonpplus)

Co-creators Justin Simien and Tawny Newsome teased that a new Star Trek series is in development!

In this live-action comedy, Federation Outsiders serving a gleaming resort planet find out their day-to-day exploits are being broadcast to the entire quadrant.

Legacy Cast Joins Star Trek: Starfleet Academy Series

Professional Headshots (L-R) Tig Notaro, Oded Fehr, Mary Wiseman, and Robert Picardo

Robyn Beck / Oded Fehr / Mary Wiseman / Robert Picardo

Executive producers and co-showrunners Alex Kurtzman and Noga Landau revealed that Tig Notaro ( Star Trek: Discovery ), Oded Fehr (S tar Trek: Discovery ), Mary Wiseman (S tar Trek: Discovery ) and Robert Picardo ( Star Trek: Voyager ) have joined the Season 1 cast of Star Trek: Starfleet Academy in various roles and special guest appearances , ahead of beginning production on its highly-anticipated first season next month.

Notaro and Picardo join as series regulars reprising their roles as Jett Reno and The Doctor, and Fehr and Wiseman join as guest stars reprising their roles as Admiral Vance and Sylvia Tilly.

Prior to the Hall H panel, Paramount+ revealed that Gina Yashere ( Bob Hearts Abishola ) has also joined the cast as an Academy instructor in a recurring guest star .

A casting reaction video featuring the previously announced actors playing cadets, Kerrice Brooks, Bella Shepard, George Hawkins, Karim Diané and Zoë Steiner, was also revealed.

The Official Teaser Trailer for Star Trek: Section 31 Is Here

Paramount+ debuted a teaser trailer for its original movie Star Trek: Section 31 , making its Hall H debut with cast members Omari Hardwick, Sam Richardson, and Kacey Rohl, along with executive producer Alex Kurtzman and director Olatunde Osunsanmi.

The panel featured a surprise video "interruption" from the film's star, Oscar winner Michelle Yeoh, who introduced the teaser. The new teaser also revealed a first look at a young Philippa Georgiou, played by Miku Martineau ( Kate ).

Kate Mulgrew and Brett Gray Celebrate the Season 2 Release of Star Trek: Prodigy

Star Trek: Prodigy panel at San Diego Comic-Con SDCC 2024 - Dan and Kevin Hageman, Brett Grey, Kate Mulgrew, and Ryan Britt

Francis Specker / CBS Studios

In addition to a discussion with stars Kate Mulgrew (Admiral Janeway), Brett Gray (Dal) and executive producers and co-showrunners Kevin and Dan Hageman, fans were treated to a screening of the episode "Cracked Mirror."

At the end of the panel, it was announced that Star Trek: Prodigy Season 2 will be available on Digital demand Monday, July 29 and on Blu-Ray and DVD with all-new special features on November 12. Get a sneak peek at one of the exclusive clips here . 

Star Trek 's Alex Kurtzman and Doctor Who 's Russell T Davies Kicked Off Intergalactic Friendship Day with an Exclusive Creator-to-Creator Conversation

During the Intergalactic Friendship Day panel at San Diego Comic-Con, fans were regaled by an exclusive creator-to-creator conversation between  Star Trek  franchise showrunner and executive producer Alex Kurtzman and showrunner and executive producer of the  Doctor Who  Universe, Russell T Davies .

The two titans of sci-fi discussed their shared love of storytelling in alternate universes and how the franchises have celebrated friendship across the cosmos through years of nods towards one another. Don't miss the full panel below!

During the panel, Star Trek and Doctor Who fans learned that there will be a limited time event across two mobile games starting on August 1.

The worlds of Star Trek and Doctor Who will intertwine, bringing fans an exhilarating story that spans across galaxies and time in the two mobile games Star Trek: Lower Decks - The Badgey Directive Mobile Game and Doctor Who: Lost in Time . Fans will be treated to the same thrilling story, experienced from two unique perspectives. Get a sneak peek at the mobile game event now !

Star Trek: Lower Decks Returns in New Ongoing Comic Book Series

STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS #1 Cover A, Cover B, and Retail Incentive Cover

STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS (2024) #1 Cover A by Derek Charm / Cover B by Megan Huang / Retail Incentive Cover by Chris Fenoglio

After earning a prestigious Eisner nomination for their work on STAR TREK: DAY OF BLOOD - SHAXS' BEST DAY , writer Ryan North and artist Derek Charm reunite to kick-off this can't-miss comic ride STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS featuring the beloved characters from the hit animated series in all-new ongoing series.

The ongoing series will feature episodic storytelling with each tale presented by a different artist. STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS #1 beams into shops on November 13, 2024

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Star Trek: Lower Decks streams exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S. and is distributed by Paramount Global Content Distribution. In Canada, it airs on Bell Media’s CTV Sci-Fi Channel. The series will also be available to stream on Paramount+ in the UK, Canada, Latin America, Australia, Italy, France, the Caribbean, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Ireland and South Korea.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds streams exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S., U.K., Australia, Latin America, Brazil, South Korea, France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland and Austria. In addition, the series airs on Bell Media’s CTV Sci-Fi Channel and streams on Crave in Canada and on SkyShowtime in the Nordics, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal and Central and Eastern Europe. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is distributed by Paramount Global Content Distribution.

Star Trek: Prodigy will stream on Netflix globally (excluding Canada, Nordics, CEE, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Russia, Belarus and Mainland China) and Season 1 is currently available on SkyShowtime in the Nordics, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal and Central and Eastern Europe with Season 2 coming soon. Season two has launched in France on France Televisions channels and Okoo.

A rift strikes through the Cerritos as the Tenth Doctor approaches a concerned Boimler as K-9, a Dalek, River Song, Mariner, Rutherford, T'Lyn, and Tendi look on

Bringing the Galaxy Quest Story to STFC – From the Writer’s Table

By Bek 7 August 2024

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Howiya, Commanders! Paul here from the Star Trek Fleet Command Narrative team! You might remember me from such written content as the ship flavor text you probably didn’t know was there, or the missions that give you that sweet, sweet Dilithium you crave.

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You don’t really hear from us Narrative Designers very often, mostly because Bek very rarely lets us out of our writing cave. Luckily, I stole the keys while she wasn’t looking, so now I’ve got an opportunity to talk to you about something that’s been very near and dear to my heart since I was a wee boy… Galaxy Quest!

Narrative Trek and the Challenge of Galaxy Quest

kfc star trek

Of course, all of us on the Narrative team are enthusiastic Trekkies. Writing for Star Trek Fleet Command involves a huge amount of watching classic and new Trek, as well as painstaking research into the incredibly deep lore of the universe. I’ve learned more about Tribble reproduction than I’m comfortable admitting, and I could probably name more Romulan senators than Irish presidents. 

It’s not a stretch, then, to imagine that I was drawn to Galaxy Quest early on as well. To this day, I adore what that movie represents. A parody of Trek, but not one written with spite or ill intentions. It pokes fun at the tropes while being a soulful love letter to history’s greatest science-fiction series. It points out the shortcomings of the era’s writing while highlighting its cultural impact. You can see that most within its iconic main trio, played to perfection by Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver, and the eternal Alan Rickman, who just threw themselves into the role and seemed like they had a great time doing it.

God, I freaking love this movie, you guys.

And, I’ll admit, that made it incredibly daunting to write for. Comedy is a really, really hard thing to pull off. Stephen King once said that making people laugh and making people scared are the two greatest challenges a writer can face, and that is most definitely true. We proved with Lower Decks that we can tackle comedy, but Galaxy Quest is a different beast entirely. We’re crossing over with a movie written as an express parody of the world we write in! How on Earth am I supposed to make that story work?

The Story Board

TOS Klingon, Mission story character

We started by throwing away the idea that this would just be a Galaxy Quest re-hash. We didn’t want to just re-tread the same ground as the OG, we wanted to do something transformative, to say something like the original movie set out to do. 

Now, what tools did we have in our space-belt to do that? Well, we had the whole Star Trek universe, didn’t we? So that gave us an idea. The entirety of Galaxy Quest is a Hero’s Journey but it’s one in which the heroes are only ever really compared against their villains. What happens if we take the Galaxy Quest crew, put them into a universe with radically different power scaling, and paired them up with some real powerhouse heroes?

That in itself would have been funny, but we didn’t just want it to be a cavalcade of references and “Hey, this is a thing from Star Trek, isn’t that hilarious!?”. 

The best comedies have, at their very core, a sense of emotion and soul. We wanted an emotional throughline that would guide our story and give our characters depth. 

Piecing The Story Together

Jason Nesmith, Galaxy Quest

And so, we settled on our core concept… Jason Nesmith teaming up with the character he was written to parody, James Tiberius Kirk! We wanted to tell the story of a man who spent his whole life pretending to be a hero, suddenly meeting someone who is one, and being forced to compare himself with that hero.

That emotional throughline of Nesmith seeking Kirk’s approval and eventually proving to himself that he is capable of true heroism is what our whole story is about. Everything else, Sarris’ return , his team-up with the Klingons, every joke and wisecrack, needed to come back and reinforce that emotional throughline. If it didn’t advance Nesmith’s development or his relationship with his crew, it was scrapped (unless it was really funny).

We also wanted to tie in directly with the awesome Invasion feature that the team put a ton of work into! That was what led us to our Klingon/Fatu-Kray alliance story beat, which also helped to solidify the parallels between Kirk and Nesmith, as their longtime enemies teamed up to conquer the galaxy. 

The work didn’t stop there, though. We wanted every facet of this arc to feel like Galaxy Quest. Every piece of flavor text, every name, every hostile, and every event was designed and written to evoke the same sense of wonder and tongue-in-cheek humor that so delighted us all in the movie.

All in all, this was probably the most fun we’ve had working on a tentpole in a long time and I genuinely can’t wait to see all of your reactions to the Galaxy Quest missions.

Star Trek Fleet Command and Galaxy Quest Crossover

So with that, I’ll leave you to enjoy the first crossover in STFC’s history. We truly hope it is as wonderful for you to play as it was for us to make. Talk to you again soon, Commanders, and until next time, remember…

Never give up! Never Surrender!



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First-Ever Star Trek Live-Action Comedy Announced at Comic-Con | SDCC 2024

A brand-new Star Trek series is on the way from Lower Decks star Tawny Newsome and Haunted Mansion director Justin Simien. Announced during San Diego Comic-Con's Star Trek panel, it will be set in the 25th century and feature a lighter take on the famed franchise. THR was the first to report the news.

The official logline for the series reads, "Federation outsiders serving a gleaming resort planet find out their day-to-day exploits are being broadcast to the entire quadrant."

Little else is known about the new series, but Star Trek producer Alex Kurtzman describes it as the franchise's "first live-action comedy." Newsome and Simien also joked about possible loglines, among them, "A clash of leadership. Outsiders and odd couples. 25th century appointment viewing" and "People on a thing. Shenanigans. Uh oh!"

It looks to follow in the footsteps of Lower Decks, which was lauded as a fresh take on the venerable space franchise. Newsome voices Beckett Mariner in that series in addition to co-writing Starfleet Academy. As for Simien, the new series will mark his first foray into Star Trek, though he is a self-professed fan.

In addition to the new series, the Star Trek Comic-Con panel included fresh looks at Strange New Worlds, Lower Decks, Section 31, and more. You can see everything else announced at San Diego Comic-Con right here .

Kat Bailey is IGN's News Director as well as co-host of Nintendo Voice Chat. Have a tip? Send her a DM at @the_katbot.

First-Ever Star Trek Live-Action Comedy Announced at Comic-Con | SDCC 2024


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  24. Bringing the Galaxy Quest Story to STFC

    Writing for Star Trek Fleet Command involves a huge amount of watching classic and new Trek, as well as painstaking research into the incredibly deep lore of the universe. I've learned more about Tribble reproduction than I'm comfortable admitting, and I could probably name more Romulan senators than Irish presidents. ...


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  26. First-Ever Star Trek Live-Action Comedy Announced at Comic-Con

    A brand-new Star Trek series is on the way from Lower Decks star Tawny Newsome and Haunted Mansion director Justin Simien. Announced during San Diego Comic-Con's Star Trek panel, it will be set in ...

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