The 12 Best Virtual Vacations You Can Take Without Traveling

virtual travel destinations

While recent events may have kept us off planes and, well, on our couch, travel still remains one of the best ways to demonstrate our global interconnectedness and humanity. So for now, because we are all in this together (and separately from our individual couches), we’ll have to be armchair voyagers as we explore museums, libraries, and historical, religious, and cultural sites. Learning and discovery don’t have to stop. Keep reading to find out about the best virtual vacations from the comfort—and safety—of your own home.

Have a Virtual Adventure at the Grand Canyon

The National Park Service does more than educate sightseers in person when they visit any of the 61 national parks. You can view the Grand Canyon via 360-degree photographs on an archeology virtual tour, go on a virtual hike past layers of earth to the famous Phantom Ranch, or float down the Colorado River on a rafting trip.

Online: View virtual tours, maps, and photographs through the National Park System’s website.

See Llamas at Machu Picchu

Wendy Altschuler

High in the Peruvian Andes mountains sits Machu Picchu , an ancient citadel built in the 15th century. A visit here will reward you with stunning mountain views, llama sightings, and great hikes throughout olden ruins.

Online: Visit the citadel online through a 360-degree virtual tour , provided by You Visit.

Wander Through the Sistine Chapel in Italy

Located in the Apostolic Palace in Vatican City, the Sistine Chapel is famous for the Renaissance frescos that brighten up the interior. In person, when open to the public, The Sistine Chapel is crowded, and it can be difficult to view all of the artwork. A virtual tour is not only a great way to appreciate the chapel without the interference of too many people, but you can also see the gardens, Pontifical Villas, and Vatican City museums.

Online: See the Vatican grounds, including the Sistine Chapel , by clicking on arrows to move up, down, left and right throughout each tour. You’ll also be able to zoom in to get a better look at the paintings.

Visit the Land of Creation

Jerusalem is home to three monolithic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The Church of the Holy Sepulcher is one of the most notable locations in Jerusalem . Located in the Christian Quarter of the Old City in Israel, this religious site is said to be where Jesus was crucified, where his empty tomb is located, and where he is believed to have been resurrected.

Online: Experience 360-degree virtual tours of Jerusalem, including The Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the Western Wall, Old City markets, Mount of Olives, and much more via Samsung XL.

Tour the White House

Visiting Washington, D.C. , is inadvisable right now, but you can still go on a virtual tour of the White House . See the Eisenhower Executive Office Building positioned next to the West Wing where White House Staff offices are located. Click through a 360-degree view of the Vice President’s Ceremonial Office, the Secretary of War Suite, the War Library/The Law Library, and The Indian Treaty Room. Learn about how the art and décor of the White House has changed with each Presidential occupancy. You’ll have the opportunity to view the Entrance Hall, Cross Hall, East Room, Green Room, Blue Room, Red Room, State Dining Room, Vermeil Room, China Room, East Garden Room, and more.

Online: Google Arts & Culture offers a wide variety of virtual reality tours.

Visit the Guggenheim Museum in New York City

 Courtesy of The Guggenheim Museum

New York City’s Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum is one of the most stunning Frank Lloyd Wright-designed structures in the country. The white spiral ramp in the interior takes you from the bottom to the top in an organized and visually pleasing way.

Online: Google Arts & Culture will lead you through the museum’s multiple floors, highlighting 600 artworks along the way. You’ll be able to zoom in and out and rotate your view 360 degrees.

Understand the Natural World in Washington, D.C.

TripSavvy / Victoria Chamberlain

The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History , home to 125 million artifacts, is one of the most-visited natural history institutions on the planet. Visit the exhibits—permanent, current, and past—from your desktop or mobile device on a virtual tour. You’ll be able to click on blue arrows as you navigate through each exhibit, located on the ground, first, or second floors. Be patient as pages load and click on camera icons to get a close-up view of a particular object.

Online: The museum’s website showcases a wide variety of exhibits via virtual tours.

Visit the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island in New York City

If you’ve never been to New York City, then the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island and the Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration on Ellis Island are likely high on your travel wishlist. Both islands, which are part of the same National Park System, are worth exploring. Go on a virtual tour of Ellis Island to see where more than 40 percent of Americans can find family history and climb inside of the Statue of Liberty.

Online: The National Park Service has virtual tours of Ellis Island , created by Heritage Documentation Programs, and the Statue of Liberty National Monument. Scholastic also has an informative Teacher’s Activity Guide that will allow you to see photos, listen to audio, and learn about Ellis Island on an interactive tour.

Smile Back at Mona Lisa in Paris

kwanchai_k photograph / Getty Images

The Louvre in Paris is the largest art museum on the planet, home to more than 35,000 displayed works, including Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. While this historic museum is usually congested, especially on the weekends, you can visit virtually, from the comfort of your own home, and see the museum’s most impressive works. If nothing else, this online experience can be valuable research for when you travel to Paris in the future.

Online: Immerse yourself in the museum’s galleries and exhibits via virtual reality. See Egyptian antiques, the Louvre’s moat, and, of course, Mona Lisa’s smile. The museum’s website also has a number of videos that you can watch to get a better understanding of the museum’s art. Note: You’ll have to download Flash Player. You Visit also has a great 360-degree virtual reality display of several museum galleries.

Witness the Treasures of England’s British Museum

 TripSavvy / Gautier Houba 

Home to the Rosetta Stone, Greek vases, Egyptian mummies, an Easter Island statue, an Aztec double-headed serpent sculpture, and n umerous other artifacts and artworks , the British Museum is one of the most popular tourist attractions in London. See impressive examples of human history, art, and culture through a virtual tour.

Online: See the British Museum via Google, where you can navigate a timeline to view specific artifacts.

Learn About Amsterdam’s History and Culture at The Rijksmuseum

Merten Snijders /  GettyImages

The Rijksmuseum is one of the most visited museums in Amsterdam, and for good reason. See works from the Dutch Golden Age by Rembrandt, Vermeer, Ruisdael, Steen, and more. The building itself is also a work of art and worth viewing through virtual reality.

Online: Virtual tours, of the interior as well as the exterior, are available through Google Arts & Culture.

Float Along the Great Wall of China

Fortification walls, stretching thousands of miles, were built in northern China to protect the country against invaders and to control trade along the Silk Road. The Great Wall of China is known as one of the most impressive and significant archeological human feats in history.

Online: Wander through sections of the Great Wall of China through a virtual tour, provided by You Visit. Click on the camera icons to see close-up photographs.

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60 Virtual Tours To Travel The World During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Chloe Smulian

  • Written by Post author: Chloe Smulian
  • Post last modified: Updated on April 2, 2024

free virtual tours to travel the world for free

A comprehensive list of free virtual tours that will intrigue and delight all types of travel lovers. Discover the Seven Wonders of the World, visit UNESCO World Heritage Sites and iconic landmarks around the world from the comfort of your home! Experience your first virtual travel experience with us.

With extensive travel bans, citywide lockdowns and strict social distancing measures, it’s hard not to eventually let cabin fever weigh you down. This is especially true if you’ve got a healthy addiction to travel like us. So we’ve found a way around the problem – virtual travel!

Obviously it doesn’t replace the real thing, but it’s better than nothing. It’s also a great way to get travel inspiration and learn some interesting facts about the destination until we can travel again.

It will give you something positive to look forward to while we all do the responsible thing and #stayhome. Treat it like Facetiming the world!

It’s also a great thing to do with kids at home. They’ll especially love the wildlife live webcam feeds! This list is guaranteed to keep them occupied for days if not weeks!

So whether you love city escapes, exploring museums or learning interesting facts about the natural and man-made wonders around the world, there’s something for everyone.

Make sure you share this with your friends and family who love travelling too.

What Do You Need To Virtual Travel The World

Virtual touring the world is easy. All you need is a laptop, cellphone or tablet and an internet connection. You don’t need a VR set (virtual reality set), but if you have one it’s a bonus.

We recommend using Google Chrome web browser because some of these virtual tour websites are not in English. Chrome makes it really easy translating foreign languages to English or whatever language you prefer.

Lastly, have a little patience as some of these virtual tours take a bit longer to load.

New Seven Wonders Of The World Virtual Tour

Everyone’s heard of the Seven Wonders of the World. But did you know that there are two different lists for the 7 Wonders of the World?

No? We didn’t either. The list most people know is the New Seven Wonders of the World. But there’s also the Ancient Seven Wonders of the World.

Are you one of the those rare humans that can list all New 7 Wonders of the World?

virtual tour the 7 wonders of the world including great wall of china, christ the redeemer, chichen itza and petra

1. Great Wall of China

Often cited as the only human-made structure that is visible from space. The Great Wall of China is probably the most well known Wonder of the World. It captures over 2,000 years of history and stretches more than 21,000 km across several provinces in China. That’s as long as 5 times the length of Australia!

This iconic landmark is usually teemed with tourists all year round. But you can visit it crowd-free on this Great Wall of China virtual tour.

2. Chichen Itza, Mexico

The ancient city of Chichen Itza is one of the most well restored Mayan sites in Mexico and also its biggest tourist attraction. El Castillo may be the most famous pyramid of Chichen Itza, but there are many other ancient ruins to explore.

If you love astronomy, you’ll love learning how each structure was intricately designed to align with specific planets and stars. Sounds fascinating?

You can virtually tour Chichen Itza and explore some of its most popular sites and facts right from the comfort of your own home.

3. Christ The Redeemer, Brazil

The cultural icon of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and a symbol of Christianity across the world. The Christ The Redeemer statue is the largest art deco statue in the world. It stands 38 meters tall (around 13 storeys high) and stretches 28 meters wide.

It was built by the Roman Catholic community of Brazil following the end of World War I. The community was concerned about the growing ‘godlessness’ when Brazil officially became a republic and the church was officially separated from the state.

You can skip the 200+ step climb to the top on this stunning virtual tour of Cristo Redentor .

4. Petra, Jordan

Also known as the ‘Carved City’ or the ‘Lost City’, Petra is known as one of the oldest cities in the world. It is estimated that the city was established in the 4th century (312 BC) but was only discovered by Western civilisation in the 1800s.

Only 15% of Petra has been explored by archaeologists, so not much is known besides it being home to about 800 tombs.

It’s simply one of those places that you have to see to believe that it exists in real life. Petra is still on our travel bucket list, but this virtual tour is probably one of our favourites!

machu picchu, rome colosseum and taj mahal virtual travel experience

5. Taj Mahal, India

One look at the Taj Mahal and it’s easy to see why it’s a wonder. It’s considered to be one of the most magnificent masterpieces of architecture in the world. Besides that, it’s also a symbol of love. Don’t believe us? See the Taj Mahal in VR for yourself.

The emperor built it in remembrance of his third wife who passed away giving birth to their 14th child. Today the couple remains buried together beneath the main inner chamber of the Taj Mahal.

It took more than 22,000 workers, 1,000 elephants and 22 years to build this incredible structure. Now there are concerns that it will crumble into pieces as its wooden foundations are rotting away.

6. Rome Colosseum, Italy

Did you know that Italy has the most number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the world? There are a total of 51 World Heritage sites within Italy of which the Colosseum is the most famous.

Historically, the Colosseum was a place where gladiator fights and executions took place in Ancient Rome. Today it stands as a symbol of power and majesty of the Roman Empire. It’s also one of the most popular tourists attraction in the world.

7. Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu is famous for being the Lost City of the Incas. It is believed that this is where the Incas escaped to when the Spanish conquistadors arrived in the 16th century.

Besides its historical significance, Machu Picchu also showcases the Incas’ incredible mastery of stone. The stones used to construct some of the most beautiful structures in Machu Picchu were cut so precisely and wedged so closely together, that a credit card cannot be inserted between them.

Not only was this more aesthetically pleasing, it also has engineering advantages. The stones were designed to bounce through earthquake tremors and fall back into place. This was only possible because no mortar (or cement) was used and the reason why Machu Picchu still stands today.

Virtual Tours of Top UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Top unesco sites in africa.

famous unesco world heritage sites in africa include the drakensberg mountains, great pyramids of egypt and kilimanjaro

8. The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt

The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the most famous landmarks around the world. Its sheer colossal size and perfect symmetry makes you wonder how this world icon was constructed more than 4,500 years ago.

Today, the Pyramids of Giza are the only surviving members of the Ancient Seven Wonders of the World.

9. Kilimanjaro National Park, Tanzania

Kilimanjaro is one of the largest volcanoes in the world and also home to Africa’s highest mountain.

If you love hiking as much as we do, then Kilimanjaro is probably on your bucket list too. Close to 35,000 people attempt to hike Mount Kilimanjaro every year. But only 40% of them successfully reach the summit and around 5 to 15 people die every year attempting it.

There isn’t a proper virtual tour of Kilimanjaro , but you can get some awesome 360 panoramic views using Google Map street views. Just drag the little yellow man to the circles on the map to ‘explore’ the area.

Save Me For Later

pinterest save image for 60 free virtual tours to travel the world from home during self quarantine

10. Drakensberg Mountains, South Africa

Not only is the Drakensberg Mountains a UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site, it’s also a UNESCO Cultural World Heritage Site. Drakensberg is culturally significant because it hides more than 20,000 San rock paintings inside its nooks and crevices.

These rock paintings are important because they represent the earliest form of human creativity. They also symbolise the beginning of art in the world today.

We’ve had the privilege of hiking the Drakensberg Mountains when we lived in South Africa. If you plan to hike it too, make sure you read our top Drakensberg hiking trails of the Royal Natal National Park . We also share tips on how you can hike the Drakensberg with children .

Since that’s not possible right now, you can enjoy the magnificence of the Drake nsberg on this beautiful virtual tour.

Top UNESCO Sites in Asia

world heritage sites in asia like bagan, angkor wat, terracotta army in china

11. Bagan, Myanmar

Bagan is known as the ‘sea of temples’ because it has the largest concentration of Buddhist temples in the world. There were originally 10,000 Buddhist temples, pagodas and monasteries built here in the 1000s and 1100s. But only 2,000 of them still exist today.

Needless to say that the entire Bagan Archaeological zone is too vast to explore by foot alone. You can compliment your walk with a ride on old rickety bicycles, hot balloon rides or on this mind blowing virtual tour of Bagan .

12. Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Angkor Wat is famous for being the largest religious monument in the world. Yes, it’s even bigger than Bagan! Before the fall of Angkor Wat in the 15th century, it was actually the largest city in the world.

Unlike Bagan, most of Angkor Wat still exists today. It was built with durability in mind because it was designed and dedicated to the immortal gods.

13. Terracotta Army, China

This World Heritage Site isn’t a temple, but a mass grave. It’s the burial ground for the First Emperor of China and his world renowned Terracotta Army.

No one knows exactly how many terracotta warriors were made. But it’s been estimated that more than 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots with 520 horses and 150 cavalry horses were sculpted. And if that wasn’t amazing enough, each soldier has its own distinct facial features and were all built to life-size.

It took around 40 years to ‘build’ the entire army and its sole purpose was for protecting the emperor in his afterlife.

You can wander between these soldiers yourselves on this Terracotta Warrior virtual tour.

Top UNESCO Sites in Europe

virtual tour of top unesco world heritage sites in europe like stonehenge and the acropolis of athens in greece

14. Acropolis of Athens, Greece

‘Acropolis’ translates into ‘high city’ in Greek. Most cities in ancient Greece had their city centres built on a mound or a hill. This is where they would build their important temples and where citizens could retreat to if under attack.

The most famous acropolis of Greece is, of course, the one in Athens with the iconic Pantheon dominating its skyline. The Acropolis of Athens has withstood the test of time, including bombardments, earthquakes and vandalism. Yet it still stands today as a reminder of the rich history of Greece.

15. Stonehenge, United Kingdom

Also known as the Bronze Age Ring of Standing Stones, Stonehenge is one of the UK’s most unique sites and visited attractions. It’s a prehistoric monument steeped in all kinds of myth and speculation because no one knows its true origin or purpose.

Some believe that Stonehenge was a Druid temple, built by ancient Celtic pagans as a centre for their religious worship. Others believe it to have astronomical significance as the light from sunrise and sunset aligns with the stones during summer and winter solstice.

Why don’t you decide for yourself based on the interesting facts you’ll learn on this Stonehenge virtual tour.

Top UNESCO Sites in North and South America

world heritage sites in the US and south america

16. Mesa Verde National Park, USA

Mesa Verde is the largest and one of the most spectacular archeological sites in the USA. It was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site because it encapsulates how Native Americans once lived by carving their homes into the cliff.

It’s one of the most well preserved ruins of the Ancestral Pueblo people in North America and you can virtually explore Mesa Verde right from the comfort of your own home.

17. Mayan Ruins of Tikal, Guatemala

At first glance, the Mayan Ruins of Tikal appears to be quite similar to the ruins of Chichen Itza. They were both major cities in the history of the Mayan civilisation and are both declared UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

The biggest difference between the two is that Tikal is less visited and often less crowded compared to the more popular Chichen Itza. That’s because Tikal is located in the remote Guatemalan forests whereas Chichen Itza is much easier to access.

Some areas of Tikal remain unmapped or excavated too. So if you love hidden gems, make sure you visit the Mayan Ruins of Tikal , even if it’s only by virtual tour for now.

18. Easter Island, Chile

Easter Island is a Chilean island in the south Pacific Ocean. It’s famous for its 900+ giant statues known as Moais, which are scattered around the entire island.

It is believed that the Rapa Nui natives built these Moais to honour chieftains and important individuals from their village. They believed that by doing this, the spirit of the person would forever watch over the tribe and bring good fortune.

Today, Easter Island is believed to be the most remote inhabited island in the world. That’s why it’s also very expensive to get to. But have no fear, you can admire Easter Island virtually until then.

Iconic Landmarks and Buildings Around the World

Some of the most iconic and recognised landmarks and buildings around the world that you can explore for free from home.

free virtual tour of white house and statue of liberty

Iconic Landmarks and Buildings in USA

19. The White House, United States

Anyone can visit the White House free of charge. But you have to register and request a tour online and wait between 3 weeks to 3 months to visit. Skip the wait on this White House virtual tour.

20. Statue of Liberty, USA

More than 130 years ago, France gifted the Statue of Liberty to the United States to celebrate the friendship the two endured during the American Revolution. Today it represents freedom and democracy in the USA.

Iconic Landmarks and Buildings in the United Kingdom

21. Buckingham Palace, United Kingdom

The official residence of The Queen and a must-visit when in London. Skip the long 3 month wait and the €30 entrance ticket and see Buckingham Palace virtually.

Iconic Landmarks and Buildings in Italy

the leaning tower of pisa, vatican city and doge's palace

22. The Vatican, Italy

Vatican City is the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church and the seat of government. More than 5 million people come to Rome every year to feast their eyes on the prized paintings and sculptures of the Vatican and to experience the most religious and cultural site in the world. Check out for the tour.

23. Leaning Tower of Pisa

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of the most recognised landmarks in the world. The intention was to build the tallest bell tower for that era in order to show off Pisa’s growing wealthy and prosperity. The ‘leaning’ part of the equation was actually an engineering mistake.

24. Doge’s Palace, Venice

More than a 1,000 years ago, Doge’s Palace was the home to the ruler of Venice and the seat of power for the Venetian Republic. Today it is one of Venice’s must-see museums. Wander around the corridors of the Doge’s Palace or along one of its many surrounding canals on this beautiful virtual tour.

Iconic Landmarks and Buildings in Germany

25. Reichstag Parliamentary Building, Berlin

The Reichstag is one of the most important buildings in Berlin today. Built to symbolise the reunification of Germany. It’s one of the few parliamentary buildings in the world that allows the public to watch over government processions. Similar to the White House, it’s free to visit but you have to book months in advance for a tour. Wait no more as this virtual tour of the Reichstag is pretty awesome.

Wondering how travelling in Berlin and Germany has changed since COVID? Find out what it’s like to visit Berlin during the coronavirus pandemic .

Iconic Landmarks and Buildings in France

famous sightseeing spots in france include the louvre museum, palace of versailles and the catacombs of paris

26. Palace of Versailles, France

Did you know that the Palace of Versailles was a mere hunting lodge before it became the world’s largest palace? It’s one of the most important landmarks in French history because it symbolises the power and downfall of the French monarchy.

Explore its opulent, regal interior and admire its intricate details on this Palace of Versailles virtual tour.

27. The Louvre Museum, Paris

The Louvre use to serve as the royal palace for the French monarchy. It only became an art museum after the royal family moved their residence to Versailles. Today it is the world’s largest art museum and an iconic historical monument in Paris.

28. The Catacombs of Paris, France

It’s no coincidence that the word ‘catacombs’ rhymes with ‘tombs’. The Catacombs of Paris is the world’s largest underground burial site. The city was growing too fast for its cemeteries to handle the bodies of the dead. The solution was to move the bodies and bury them underground. Archaeologists estimate that around 6 to 7 million bodies were buried down there. Creepy…

Iconic Landmarks and Buildings in Israel

29. The Holyland, Bethlehem and Jerusalem

Also known as the most sacred place on earth. It is here at The Holyland that the main religious faiths believe that God first entered into a relationship with the human race.

Virtual Tours of Top Natural Wonders and Attractions

armchair travel experiences of the top natural attractions in the world including the northern lights, cliffs of moher, niagra falls and raja ampat

30. Niagara Falls , Canada – see live video feeds of these world famous falls on EarthCam.

31. The Northern Lights , Canada – another great live webcam to catch a glimpse of the Northern Lights. Remember to watch this in the evening Canadian time.

32. Victoria Falls , Zambia – a magnificent virtual tour of the world’s largest waterfall.

33. Sahara Desert , Africa – explore the world’s largest desert without getting sand in your eyes.

34. Mount St Helens , USA – travel back in time and witness the day Mount St Helens erupted back in 1980.

35. Mount Everest , Himalayas – the only way to trek the world’s highest mountain without training is going on this virtual tour. Remember to click on the arrows to explore around.

36. Cliffs of Moher , Ireland – discover the most beautiful natural landscapes of Ireland on this gorgeous virtual tour.

37. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park , USA – one of our favourite virtual tours from the whole list. Not only is it mesmerising, but you can also learn so many interesting facts on this tour.

38. Grand Canyon , USA – enjoy a virtual hike and explore one of the most famous national parks in the USA.

39. Yellowstone National Park , USA – a nature lover’s paradise. Make sure you use Google Chrome for this tour.

40. Zhangjiajie National Forest Park , China – otherwise known as ‘Avatar Mountain’. The mesmerising, otherworldly landscapes that inspired the ‘floating mountains’ in one of our favourite movies, Avatar.

41. Galapagos Islands , Ecuador – A scuba diver and nature lover’s idea of paradise! This is right on the top of our travel bucket list.

42. Raja Ampat , Indonesia – The epitome of utopia. Hundreds of jungle-covered islands as far as the eye can see and some of the best beaches, coral reefs and scuba diving spots in the world.

Virtual Tours From The Top: City Skylines

360 panoramic views over some of the best city skylines in the world like new york, tokyo, hong kong and paris

43. New York Skyline – New York, New York! Head up to the 102th floor of the Empire State Building on this virtual tour and admire the city that never sleeps from above.

44. Tokyo Skytree , Japan – Teleport yourself to the highest structure in Tokyo and admire the vibrant capital city of Japan from the top. We hope you aren’t afraid of heights because the Tokyo Skytree is 634 meters tall which is more than double the height of the Eiffel Tower.

45. The Eiffel Tower , Paris – Head to the top deck of the Eiffel Tower and marvel at the City of Love on this breathtaking virtual tour.

46. The Peak , Hong Kong – Ever heard the phrase ‘A New York minute is a Hong Kong second’ before? Discover one of the most populous and expensive cities in the world from its highest peak. When you’re ready to visit Hong Kong in person, make sure you read our 7 tips to travel Hong Kong on a budget before you go.

47. St Paul’s Cathedral , London – Admire London’s epic skyline from the top of St Paul’s Cathedral.

Free Virtual Museum Tours

You should download the Google Arts and Culture app to your phone if you’re a museum lover. You’ll find tons of stunning virtual tours and interesting things to learn from the arts and culture world. Here are some of our favourite free virtual museum tours.

free museum virtual tours during the coronavirus pandemic and travel bans

48. The British Museum , London – The famous British Museum is dedicated to human history, art and culture. Their permanent collection consists of more than 8 million pieces of artwork. Making it one of the largest and most comprehensive compilations in the world.

49. Musée d’Orsay , Paris – If you love French art whether that’s paintings, sculptures, furniture or photography, you’ll love the Musée d’Orsay Museum.

50. Pergamon Museum , Berlin – Explore one of the largest and most visited museums in Germany. The Pergamon Museum is known for its antiquity collection and Islamic and Middle Eastern artworks.

If you love history and want to learn more about the story behind the Berlin Wall like why it was famous and so important. We’ve explained it simply (i.e. Story of the Berlin Wall for dummies) in our Berlin Wall by Bike guide.

51. Rijksmuseum , Amsterdam – The national museum of the Netherlands that holds some of the world’s most famous artworks from artists like Vermeer and Rembrandt.

52. Van Gogh Museum , Amsterdam – Another jewel from Amsterdam. The Van Gogh Museum needs no introduction.

53. The Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York – Also known as The Met. This is one of the largest museums in the world. You can easily spend days if not weeks here admiring everything from antiquities, paintings, sculptures to modern art and fashion. A museum that has something for everyone.

Live Webcam Feeds for Wildlife Watching and Scuba Diving

We saved the best for last. Watch wildlife and underwater sea life from home via live webcam feeds! If you didn’t know you could do that, now you know.

free live webcam feeds of wildlife and aquariums around the world

54. Tau Game Lodge in Madikwe , South Africa – The beautiful Madikwe Game Reserve is located on the edge of the South African border close to Gaborone, Botswana. They have a 24 hour live webcam looking over one of the water reservoirs where the animals come to drink.

55. Kruger National Park , South Africa – Have you always dreamt of going on safari? Wait no more! WildEarth is hosting daily safari rides, twice a day so you can see some of South Africa’s most beautiful wildlife live with their awesome rangers! This is definitely one of our favourite wildlife webcam feeds! Support WildEarth with a donation if you can during these difficult times.

56. African River Wildlife, Kenya – There are more than 10 live webcam feeds here so you’re spoilt for choice. Head over to and enjoy ‘Facetiming’ these amazing creatures.

57. Virtual Dives with National Marine Sanctuaries – Discover the underwater world with virtual scuba diving! There’s a host of coral reefs waiting for you to explore. Just click on the video and use your mouse or VR set to look around.

58. Underwater Cave Diving – Even certified scuba divers like us are not allowed to explore underwater caves without the right technical qualifications and training. So whether you’re a scuba diver or not, you’ll most definitely enjoy this cave scuba diving virtual tour.

Want to learn how to scuba dive? Check out our Beginners Scuba Diving guide where we share how you can save time and money getting certified.

59. Georgia Aquarium – ‘FaceTime’ with the residents of Georgia Aquarium via their live webcams. See sea lions, puffer fish and even the elusive beluga whale.

60. Monterey Bay Aquarium – Another amazing aquarium with an array of live webcams. Spy on sea otters, jellyfish, penguins and even turtles and sharks.

Virtual Tours: How To Travel For Free From Home

We had a lot of fun looking for different ways to ‘travel’ the world from home. We hope you enjoyed your first experience of ‘armchair travel’. We’d love to hear which one was your favourite.

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10 of the Best Virtual Reality Travel Experiences

  With the time and expense required to travel being prohibitive to many, there are alternative ways of indulging your wanderlust – including via the burgeoning world of Virtual Reality.

virtual travel destinations

(Photo: Cubicle Ninjas)

There are a huge number of VR companies all vying to create ever more unique experiences for consumers – and one of the biggest growth categories has been travel. And what better time to get a taste of exploration and adventure from the comfort of your living room, equipped only with a VR headset, than now, when travel is a luxury that many just can’t stretch to? We’ve picked out 10 of the best virtual reality travel experiences currently on the market.

So which VR headset should you go for? Our favourite is the Meta Quest 3, which launched onto the market in mid-2023 and is the successor to the Meta Quest 2. For immersive games and travel experiences, we believe the Meta Quest 3 is destined to become the leading VR headset over the coming years. It’s pretty affordable, too, and unlike other headsets, doesn’t require cords or a computer. You can purchase the Meta Quest 3 at

Guided Meditation VR

Developed by Cubicle Ninjas, Guided Meditation VR is designed to bring peace, joy, and calm back into your daily life by teaching you ancient meditation practices in a cutting-edge way. It features over 40 lush environments to escape the everyday, 30-plus hours of guided meditations on anxiety, depression, maternity, resilience, sleep and zen, and hundreds of hours of calming musical audio tracks to help enhance your meditation experience. Users can also customise their sessions to their own specific preferences and needs, including the option to switch into Motion mode and gently float through beautiful vistas like you would on a lazy river, leaving the worries of your life behind before returning calmer and stronger.

PRICE £10.99 HEADSETS Meta Quest 3

Be anywhere in the world with anyone, instantly, in this captivating game developed by Wooorld Inc. Visit hundreds of cities, architectural landmarks, natural wonders, and vacation spots in incredible 3D detail, and get tips about the best places to visit, the hidden gems, where to get the best food and all the tourist traps to avoid. You can also create your own 3D avatars with face and body tracking and test your worldly knowledge by guessing where you are after being teleported to 5 random locations, with only the landscape, flora, architecture, and road signs for clues. The game can played as collaboratively as you wish, with options to explore the world with friends and meet new people, or hop into a Solo World without any distractions.

PRICE Free HEADSETS Meta Quest 3

virtual travel destinations

(Photo: Wooorld Inc.)

Blueplanet VR Explore

virtual travel destinations

(Photo: Blueplanet VR Explore)

Highlighting sacred and fragile locations of natural beauty and cultural heritage, Blueplanet VR Explore  is a collection of remarkable places across the world. With freedom to move around and explore, the virtual reality experiences are captured in volumetric 3D with great detail and accuracy. The scenes look and feel like these places do in real life, and enable you to freely move around to enjoy and explore these remarkable, fragile, and priceless environments. Concern for the environment often comes from direct experience, and being as close as we can get to experiencing a sense of actually being there, Blueplanet can help encourage people to appreciate and protect these treasures.

PRICE £18.99 HEADSETS Meta Quest 3

BRINK Traveler

Travel to some of the world’s most amazing natural wonders in fully immersive 3D and feel like you’re really there in this awe-inspiring game by Brink XR. Step into a scene akin to a postcard as you visit a total of 28 (with more on their way) of the most breathtaking places on Earth. In-game highlights include room-scale walkable areas in each destination, a virtual guide and assistant to learn about where you’re visiting, and the chance to shoot photos to share with friends. You can either play the game solo or with friends and family in multiplayer mode.

PRICE £11.99 HEADSETS Meta Quest 3

virtual travel destinations

(Photo: BRINK XR)

National Geographic Explore VR

Created in partnership with National Geographic, a world-leading society in the fields of geography, cartography and exploration, this magical VR experience invites you to discover two of the most iconic locations on Planet Earth. Don your explorer hat and head to Antarctica for an exhilarating expedition. Navigate around icebergs in a kayak, climb a vast ice shelf and survive a snowstorm as you hunt for a lost emperor penguin colony. Visit the ancient Inca citadel of Machu Picchu in Peru and get immersed in amazing digital reconstructions of the legendary site. Witness mummy worships, raise a cup of sacred chicha and encounter cute and furry alpacas as you match Hiram Bingham’s photographs from when he rediscovered the citadel. Be sure to take a camera as your best snaps may even make it into the prestigious National Geographic magazine.

PRICE £7.99 HEADSETS Meta Quest 3

virtual travel destinations

(Photo: Force Field Entertainment B.V)

The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners

Fans of the hugely popular TV blockbuster The Walking Dead can now join the world of zombies in this new VR adventure. Travel through the ruins of New Orleans as you fight, scavenge, and survive, each day unravelling another mystery lurking within the city’s historic quarters. Encounter desperate factions and lone survivors who could be friend or foe. Whether you help others or take what you want by force, every choice you make has consequences. What kind of survivor will you be for the people of NOLA? Scavenge for anything that you can; weapons, food, tools, and clues. Be wary of the living and the dead, with spatial audio drawing attention to any loud noise. Craft makeshift gear out of scrapped material; blades, guns, medicine, and more. Test your morals and make difficult choices for yourself and others. It’s all here, bringing the small screen to life in a big way.

PRICE £29.99 HEADSETS Meta Quest 3

virtual travel destinations

(Photo: Skydance Interactive)

Narrated by award-winning actress Anna Friel, this trail-blazing VR series opens the door to some of the planet’s wildest environments while redefining the limits of 3D-180 cameras. Meet the humans protecting our most precious wildlife, explore the great savannahs of Kenya, discover the ancient jungles of Borneo and dive into the rich coral reefs of Raja Ampat. Encounter elephants, orangutans, manta rays and some incredible humans, all in stunning cinematic footage filmed from the air and deep into the ocean. The series was produced in partnership with World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF),

virtual travel destinations

(Photo: PHORIA)

The world is your oyster with this interactive, immersive VR experience that’s designed to be played by the whole family. There’s global travel and adventure in which your friends and family can join city tours, hot air balloon rides, back-country road trips, and plenty more. Or you can simply kick back and relax, practice meditation and get back to nature – all in the company of a guide or going solo, if you prefer. Other features include photo sharing, soundtracks, a range of fun games and media customisation.

virtual travel destinations

(Photo: AARP Innovation Labs)

Rome Reborn: The Pantheon

Created by Flyover Zone, an American company specialising in virtual travel applications that present the world’s most important cultural heritage sites and monuments, Rome Reborn is one of five applications that present different areas of ancient Rome. This particular one transports users over the entire ancient city, focussing on the Pantheon, perhaps the best-preserved building from antiquity. In the company of two virtual guides, you’ll get to explore the exterior forecourt and interior sanctuary of the reconstructed complex as you listen and learn about the Pantheon’s design and decoration, as well as the nature of the religious cult once housed within it.

PRICE £3.99 HEADSETS Currently only available on Oculus Rift

virtual travel destinations

(Photo: Flyover Zone Productions)

Monte Fitzroy is Argentina’s most famous mountain landmark and is even used as the logo for outdoor retailer, Patagonia. It is a place that immediately evokes a sense of adventure. At the foot of the mountain is a beautiful and remote glacial lake known as Laguna Sucia. Most people who visit Monte Fitzroy view it from a location that is much easier to access. Laguna Sucia requires a much tougher hard-to-access trail that culminates in one of the most beautiful and remote glacial lakes in existence. You are rewarded with a sense of almost meditative stillness as you approach this untouched natural amphitheatre. This VR experience utilises Pterovision, a 3D technology that integrates computational photography, 360 Video, and gaming and allows you to take off like a bird, fly around the lake, visit the waterfalls along the edge, and fly over glacial formations beneath the mountain peaks. Numerous narrations will tell you about the challenges we faced when filming in this location, as well as educate you about the geology, culture, and history.

PRICE $2.99 HEADSETS Currently only available on Oculus Rift 

virtual travel destinations

(Photo: Specterras Productions)

Gala360 – Travel & Relax

Taking you on awe-inspiring virtual adventures across the globe, Gala360 is the result of the magic touch of an array of exceptionally talented photographers who have captured their globe-trotting trips in all their glory before being rendered into VR form. In professional 6K resolution, more than 300 tours around the world are featured, with some also including narration which allows you to listen to the stories behind the trips. Most of the tours are free, but you can pay a small fee to unlock more.

PRICE Free HEADSETS Currently only available on Oculus Go (soon available on Quest 2)

virtual travel destinations

(Photo: Gala 360)

360° Panoramic Creations:

virtual travel destinations

We create high-quality stabilized video having 8k and 4k resolution, 48 or 24 frames per second together with high-quality post-processing. Videos are supported by the most advanced technologies, such as virtual reality headsets (including Samsung Gear VR), different electronic devices and YouTube channels.

We use different types of moving and fixed objects (tripods, monopods, cars, helicopters, building cranes, etc.) to record videos. For aerial shooting we usually use drones with fully gyro-stabilized unique suspension. Panoramic video covers up all the space around the camera 360x180 degrees without black spots at both nadir and zenith viewing angle.

360° videos are available in any format you choose: .mp4, .avi, .mov, etc. All the videos are made and kept in frames, making it possible to encode them into any available format and bitrate with the resolution up to 8k.


Our team creates high-quality 360° photo-panoramas with 35000x17500 pixels resolution (in the equidistant projection) and carries out professional post-processing and corrections of any complexity. We develop virtual tours which are suitable for all browsers, support both Flash and HTML5 technologies and are compatible with different mobile devices and virtual reality headsets (including Samsung Gear VR).

We use different types of moving and fixed objects (tripods, monopods, cars, helicopters, building cranes, etc.) to record videos. For aerial shooting we usually use drones with the fully gyro-stabilized unique suspension. Panoramic video covers up all the space around the camera 360x180 degrees without black spots at both nadir and zenith viewing angle.

Ready 360° photo-panoramas cover up all the space around the camera 360x180 degrees without black spots at both nadir and zenith viewing angle.

Info-points (description buttons that can be placed in the panorama), embedded pictures, video and audio can be added to the virtual tour.

virtual travel destinations


Our team creates high-quality 360° photo-panoramas with resolution from 1 to 3 gigapixel and carries out professional post-processing and corrections of any complexity. We develop virtual tours which are suitable for all browsers, support both Flash and HTML5 technologies and are compatible with different mobile devices and virtual reality glasses (including Samsung Gear VR).

Info-points (description buttons that can be placed in the panorama), embedded pictures, video and audio can be added to the ready virtual tour.


We can make panoramic timelapses with the given viewing angle and resolution up to 12k with professional post-processing and without black spots at both nadir and zenith viewing angle. 360° timelapses are supported by the most advanced technologies, such as virtual reality glasses (including Samsung Gear VR), different electronic devices and YouTube channels.

360° timelapses are available in any format you choose: .mp4, .avi, .mov, etc. All the timelapses are made and kept in frames, making it possible to encode them into any available format and bitrate with the resolution up to 12K.

Content sales:

virtual travel destinations


On the basis of 360° panoramas we create virtual tours of any complexity, branded with logos and design elements of the company’s website together with embedding interactive elements, such as photos, slideshows, videos, descriptions, switch-points to other panoramas, audio descriptions, 3D sounds.

Our clients receive a fully functional virtual tour developed in HTML5 and supported by any computer or mobile device (iOS, Android, Windows Phone).

360° Photo    Price List


For almost 10 years of travelling around the world our team has gathered an extensive stock of pictures, taken from both flying devices and the ground.

Any picture presented at our stock can be licensed for any kind of possible use. We can also offer the photos of ultra-high quality (the longer side up to 103,000 pixels).

You can also take a look at the spherical panoramas published on the website . Any of the 360° panoramas represented on the website can be converted into a printed image of very high quality.

Photogallery    Price List

virtual travel destinations


By filming 360° video since 2011, our team has gathered an extensive stock of clips, taken from both flying devices and the ground.

Any video presented on our website can be licensed for any kind of possible use.

360° videos are available in any format you choose: .mp4, .avi, .mov, etc. All the videos are made and kept in frames, making it possible to encode them into any available format and bitrate.

360° Video    Price List


We are one of the software developers of applications based on 360° photos and videos. Currently, there are 7 applications in our portfolio. One of them was top-rated in 84 countries and listed among the best applications of the year 2014 according to App Store.

These applications can also be used for demonstration of panoramic content with the help of virtual reality devices, such as Samsung Gear VR, Google Cardboard and analogues.

Exhibition installations:

virtual travel destinations


AirPano team has the experience of creating panoramic cinemas and video-walls, making it possible to demonstrate our panoramic content at different kinds of events, exhibitions and in museums. The size is only defined by the premises, the quality of projector and the dimensions of plasma screens. Such solutions usually make a deep impression on visitors.

The control is carried out by a tablet or Kinect devices.

virtual travel destinations


We are ready to create applications with panoramic content working on touch screens of any size. Both AirPano panoramas and the client’s material can be the basis for this kind of software.

We create virtual tours of any complexity, branded with logos and design elements of the company’s website together with embedding interactive elements, such as photos, slideshows, videos, descriptions, switch-points to other panoramas, audio descriptions, 3D sounds.

virtual travel destinations


Our virtual tours and 360° videos are supported by all the types of virtual reality headsets (VR): Google Cardboard, Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR, Sony Morpheus and others.

We can also develop special software for operating on Samsung Gear VR, if required.

AirPano in cooperation with Polden Studio carries out the installation of the binocular usage of the client’s or our own content. With the help of binoculars, the client can present the panoramic content at different kinds of events, exhibitions and in museums. This kind of devices usually attract a lot of visitors and leave a deep impression on them.

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52 Places, Virtually

While you’re stuck at home waiting for travel restrictions to be lifted, we invite you on a virtual visit to each and every one of our Places to Go in 2020.

Supported by

By Paige McClanahan and Debra Kamin

  • Published April 14, 2020 Updated July 27, 2020

When we published our list of 52 places to visit in 2020 three months ago, no one could have guessed how much our world would change. And now, given our stay-at-home circumstances, we’d like to invite you on a series of virtual journeys: You can wander into the belly of an Egyptian pyramid, explore the house where Mozart was born, or fly over the rocky peaks of Glacier National Park. Sure, you’ll be looking at a screen, but you’ll see new places, hear new languages and pick up some interesting tidbits about other cultures. Call it a warm-up for that moment when you’ll actually be packing your bags and heading out for your next adventure.

[Sebastian Modak, the 2019 52 Places Traveler contacted friends he met on his journey around the world to see how they were doing during the pandemic. ]

virtual travel destinations

1) Washington D.C.

The U.S. capital makes for an engaging and varied virtual destination. Without leaving your sofa, you can commemorate the 100-year anniversary of American women winning the right to vote by visiting the Library of Congress’s online exhibition about the suffrage movement, then click through another informative exhibition from the National Archives . To explore the city further, tour the buildings around the Capitol, wander through the National Museum of Natural History, and explore the many online resources offered by the National Air and Space Museum , the National Gallery of Art and the National Museum of African American History and Culture . The annual Cherry Blossom Festival, which was due to run through April 12, has gone completely virtual. Visit the festival’s website to take a video tour of the tidal basin and watch highlights from previous years.

2) British Virgin Islands

Anyone dreaming of white sand beaches might enjoy browsing the views from this collection of webcams scattered around the British Virgin Islands. Admire the shifting light over Scrub Island Marina, or just watch the breeze wafting through the palms in front of Soggy Dollar Bar. You can also sail around the islands with a group of friends who visited last year.

3) Rurrenabaque, Bolivia

The Amazon jungle is about as remote as you can get, but you can get a sense of the place from home by reading the remarkable story of the tourist who spent nine days lost in the region’s dense rainforest (he said that monkeys helped him survive). Or skim around the waterways and look out for birds, turtles, caimans and other wildlife.

4) Greenland

Get a bird’s-eye view of Greenland’s stunning frozen scenery in this elegant nine-minute video from the Swiss filmmaker Stefan Forster. Without leaving your sofa, you can also watch the Northern Lights shimmer over the country’s snowy mountains, or even learn a few words of Greenlandic (Aluu!).

5) Kimberley Region, Australia

Australia’s wild northwestern corner is another out-of-the-way region that offers a gorgeous natural escape. To visit from afar, start with Tourism Australia’s guide to the Kimberley , then dive into a vivid photo gallery of the otherworldly Bungle Bungle Range, and wrap up with a fun video tour of some of the region’s most popular spots.

6) Paso Robles, Calif.

Paso Robles is known for its wineries, and good news: You can now visit many of them online , while enjoying a glass of whatever you have on hand at home. The area’s vast and dreamy Field of Light at Sensorio installation is closed to visitors, but this collection of images and videos gives a vivid sense of the place.

Embark on your own Sicilian adventure by exploring this series of panoramic photographs and videos from around the Italian island. (Just click on “Sicilian tour map” to get started.) Gape at the ceiling of the Monreale Cathedral, admire the ruins at the Valley of the Temples, or take in the sweeping coastline at Cefalù. For a loftier perspective, spend a few minutes watching this impressive footage of a recent eruption of Sicily’s Mount Etna.

8) Salzburg, Austria

Get an online taste of Austrian tradition through some entertaining snippets offered up by the Salzburg Puppet Theatre. Start with 10 minutes or so of The Magic Flute — composed by Mozart, Salzburg’s famous native son, then skip over here to take a virtual tour of Mozart’s birthplace.

Tokyo’s MORI Building Digital Art Museum: teamLab Borderless offers a range of immersive videos that take you inside the museum’s trippy and wonderful exhibits. Start in the forest of resonating lamps , then move on to the universe of water particles , or the weightless forest of resonating life . Want to get “outside”? Head over here for a virtual rickshaw ride around the city.

10) Caesarea, Israel

The Roman ruins of Caesarea occupy a beautiful stretch of Israel’s Mediterranean coast. Enjoy the landscape, as well as a lofty view of Caesarea’s impressive amphitheater, in these sweeping aerial shots . Then head over to the Jewish Virtual Library to find more detailed images of the ruins and to read about the history of the site.

11) National Parks, China

The world’s remaining giant panda population is set to get a helping hand from China’s proposed new Giant Panda National Park, which will spread over five mountain ranges and more than 10,000 square miles. You can read about the development of the park here and here . Or just get straight to the point and enjoy the highlights of these panda cams , which offer a glimpse into a panda center that lies within the proposed park.

12) Lesotho

One of the top sights of this tiny mountain kingdom is Maloti-Drakensberg Park, which straddles part of the country’s border with South Africa. The park, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site , is home to the largest and most concentrated group of rock paintings in sub-Saharan Africa. Check out these images from around the park, then enjoy some drone shots of the country’s dramatic landscape.

13) Colorado Springs, Colo.

There are a number of ways to get to the top of Pikes Peak, the 14,115-foot mountain that rises above Colorado Springs, without leaving your house. You can ride the cog railway (which — in real life — is scheduled to reopen next year after major renovations). You can hike . You can drive yourself up the Pikes Peak Highway . Or, if you’re maybe a little bit crazy, you can even try to run .

14) Krakow, Poland

This ancient city in southern Poland can be fully explored through an extensive virtual walking tour . Go for a guided stroll through the Old Town, admire the ornate interior of the Juliusz Słowacki Theatre, or visit the peaceful grounds of the Old Jewish Cemetery. Then head over to the National Museum in Krakow to peruse its collection online.

15) Jodhpur, India

The 15th-century Mehrangarh Fort, which stands at the top of a cliff above the city of Jodhpur, can be visited online . Wander through the ornate rooms and admire the views down to “the blue city” spread out below, then visit the Mehrangarh Museum Trust to learn about the history and architecture of the site. You can also check out these highlights from the international folk festival that the fort hosts every year.

16) Western Sweden

Good news, nature lovers: Without leaving home, you can spot a moose in the forest, go for an evening swim, or enjoy the views from the top of a spectacular waterfall. These 360 videos of the Swedish outdoors allow you to choose your own perspective as the scene unfolds. Enjoy.

Explore some of the great pyramids of Egypt with this panoramic video , or this clickable virtual tour . Then have a look inside the Pyramid of Giza with this 360 video from the BBC. You can also watch this video or read this story about the development of the Grand Egyptian Museum, an enormous complex that is nearing completion.

18) La Paz, Mexico

La Paz sits on the coast of the Sea of Cortez (also known as the Gulf of California), which has been described as “the world’s aquarium” because of its extraordinary biodiversity. The region’s islands and protected areas have been recognized by UNESCO, although the site was added to the organization’s “in danger” list last year because of ongoing threats to the vaquita, an endemic porpoise. Learn more about the region, then check out UNESCO’s gallery of images . You can also get lost in this mesmerizing scuba-diving video .

19) Grand Isle, La.

Get to know this tiny barrier island off the coast of Louisiana with this short video , then read about how environmentalists are working to protect the island’s remaining maritime forest, which serves as a critical habitat for migratory birds. Finally, get a sense of the size of the place with these flyby shots along the coast.

20) Chow Kit, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur’s Chow Kit neighborhood is home to one of the most popular markets in the city. Following along with an American family, you can wander among the stalls loaded with pineapples and plantains and plucked chickens. Then take a few minutes to learn some words of Malay , the native tongue of more than 33 million people .

21) Jevnaker, Norway

You can explore the many sculptures of Norway’s futuristic Kistefos Museum and Sculpture Park by clicking your way through this interactive map . You can also watch this video of the museum’s emblematic “Twist” structure taking shape (and get a taste of the Norwegian language at the same time).

22) The Bahamas

So brilliant is the sunshine on display in this panoramic tour of the Bahamas that you might be tempted to put on sunglasses (or at least dim the brightness of your screen). Gaze at the turquoise waters of Pipe Cay, stroll across the boardwalk through Lucayan National Park, then gape at the size of the ships in the cruise terminal in Nassau.

23) Kampot, Cambodia

Ride along with two young travelers as they explore Cambodia’s riverside city of Kampot and tour a nearby pepper plantation . Or just enjoy some drone shots of the city and nearby Bokor Mountain, which is home to a waterfall, a Buddhist temple and a towering statue of Lok Yeay Mao , whom locals revere as the protector of the mountain and sea.

24) Christchurch, New Zealand

The largest city on New Zealand’s South Island, Christchurch offers a range of cultural attractions, some of which are available on the web. Start with a tour of the online exhibitions of the Canterbury Museum, including a look at the evolution of New Zealand’s tourism posters. Then head over to the website of the Christchurch Art Gallery, where you can browse the artwork and even create your own gallery .

25) Asturias, Spain

The Asturias region in northwestern Spain is home to dramatic mountain scenery , sacred sites and even an extensive network of ancient Roman gold mines . Asturian dairy farmers continue to produce the region’s celebrated products, including cheeses and various types of milk, cream and butter. You can browse a photo gallery of local farmers at work, and other lovely images from the region here .

26) Haida Gwaii, British Columbia

Get your first taste of this remote Canadian archipelago with this panoramic video from Parks Canada. You can also take a close-up look at some of the area’s bald eagles with this GoPro footage , or learn about the proud history of the Haida nation .

27) Austin, Texas

Austin, the capital of American cool, is packed with quirky landmarks, vibrant street art and sparkling green spaces. Dive into all of them thanks to YouVisit, an immersive virtual reality platform whose Austin tour will take you from the elegant grounds of the Texas Capitol to the summit of Mount Bonnell and even to the packed, smoky barbecue pit of Salt Lick BBQ . And for a taste of Austin’s celebrated live music scene, take a look back at last year’s Austin City Limits music festival.

28) Sabah, Malaysia

Amid the volcanoes, dense rainforest and fluorescent blue water on this corner of Borneo, Sabah’s Mount Kinabalu, with its distinctive granite peaks, sits like an imposing crown. And now you can hike to its summit from home, thanks to Google Street View, whose trekkers captured sweeping panoramas all the way to the top. Want more thrills? Follow along on the world’s highest via ferrata (a mountain pathway of bridges and cables), which sits on Kinabalu.

29) Churchill, Manitoba

Wildlife enthusiasts head to Churchill, Manitoba, the Polar Bear capital of the world, for a glimpse of these incredible white mammals. Get to know some special sea bears , then climb into a Tundra Buggy, an all-terrain vehicle that can handle snow drifts, via an on-dash webcam, whose stunning footage can be viewed from home.

There is perhaps no better spot on earth to see gorillas than Uganda, home to the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest Park , a habitat for half of the world’s endangered mountain gorillas. And the virtual reality house VR Gorilla will take you right into the dense forest to meet them up close.

In the City of Light, it’s the world-famous cultural treasures that shine the brightest, and chief among them is the Louvre, the largest art museum in the world. But while this iconic Parisian landmark is closed to the public, several galleries, including Egyptian Antiquities and Galerie d’Apollon, remain open for online exploration. And for those who prefer art of the wearable variety, Paris’s fashion museum, the Palais Galliera , has an annotated online library of 10 collections, with vivid photography to click through.

32) Lake District, England

With craggy fells, rolling hills, glacial landforms and more than a dozen ribbon lakes, it’s no wonder that the natural wonders of the Lake District served as muse for William Wordsworth and all of English Romanticism. Meander through Dove Cottage , where Wordsworth wrote some of his most seminal works. And you, too, can be inspired by the charming district’s beauty, thanks to municipal webcams offering live feeds on a number of its lakes.

33) Tajikistan

For roadsters and adrenaline junkies, the remote Pamir Highway, a spectacular, high-altitude passage marked by yak sightings, gargantuan potholes and jaw-dropping mountain views, is the ride of a lifetime. And if you can’t drive it yourself, you can still ride shotgun with the travel blogger and videographer Pete Rojwongsuriya , who did. Don’t forget to fasten your seatbelt.

34) Antakya, Turkey

Antakya, also known as Hatay, overflows with rich treasures of Christian history, both below ground in its current archaeological excavations, and above it in stone churches carved into mountainsides. Explore the city in this time-lapse tour , then step into one of those treasures, the Church of St. Pierre, to explore frescoes and mosaics dating all the way back to the fourth century.

35) Leipzig, Germany

There’s no doubt that Leipzig knows how to party. The city has a long musical legacy; Bach wrote some of his best works here, so treat yourself to his great organ works , as performed in Leipzig’s St. Thomas Church. Then get a bird’s-eye view via a sleek drone video of the city that will show you its Renaissance architecture, its bustling market square, its arenas, green belts and cultural spots.

36) Lima, Peru

Lima is a triple threat kind of city, with riches in gastronomy, culture and history. Plan a 36 hours itinerary with the help of this video , then satisfy a craving for Lima’s abundant museums, including the National Museum of the Archaeology, Anthropology, and History of Peru , which is open for virtual visits thanks to the Peruvian Ministry of Culture.

37) Molise, Italy

Pastoral Molise, home to the traditional Transumanza ritual , remains blessedly undiscovered but has a notable artistic pedigree. At its foundation is the Praitano-Eliseo collection, the most significant collection of Molise art from the 19th and 20th centuries. You can now explore it online, thanks to a project, “From the Invisible to the Visible,” created by the Regional Directorate of the Museums of Molise. The site is in Italian; click on “i ritratti” in the upper right corner to navigate to the paintings.

38) Copenhagen

Spend one day in modern, sustainable, efficiency-focused Copenhagen via a virtual tour through its landmarks, then zoom in further. The city is home to CPH:DOX , one of the largest documentary film festivals in the world. And this year, when the coronavirus forced the city to cancel its physical event, it offered a virtual stand-in as substitute. Visitors can stream conferences, meetings and workshops, and even rent competition films for their own home viewing.

39) Richmond, Va.

The Virginia Museum of History and Culture, a state history museum and research library operated by the 190-year-old Virginia Historical Society , is currently closed to visitors. So it’s made more than 250 hours of lectures (spanning women’s history, popular culture, the lives of famous Virginians and more) available online, as well as virtual tours, links to videos like this one on Pocahontas, podcasts, and interactive games for kids.

40) Mount Kenya

On Mount Kenya, the sleeping volcano that is Africa’s second-highest peak, you might see wild elephants and white-tailed mongoose . You’ll most certainly see glaciers and grasslands; bamboo and peat-filled bogs. YouTuber Milosh Kitchovitch has captured all the wonders in 4D so you can explore it yourself, from home.

41) Minorca, Spain

Dive into a virtual tour of the pristine beaches and rugged wilds of beautiful Minorca with VR Menorca, whose 360 degree panoramas of the Balearic Island’s landmarks come with vivid captions and details. The new arts center on Minorca’s Isla del Rey, from top gallery Hauser & Wirth, is now delayed until 2021; for an extra cultural kick in the meantime, you can explore their extensive online exhibitions.

42) Oberammergau, Germany

Oberammergau, a tiny Bavarian village with colorful frescoes, unspoiled Alpine views and a centuries-old woodworking legacy, is best known for its once-in-a-decade Passion Play , now canceled for 2020. But its other charms can still be enjoyed from home, including a webcam feed of its adrenaline-spiking Kolbensattel Alpine Coaster.

43) Plymouth, England

The year 2020 marks the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower’s journey from Plymouth to the New World. And while the southwestern English city has had to cancel many of its commemorative events, the Mayflower Trail App , which is meant to turn your phone into a mobile tour guide while on the ground, offers an excellent window into history from home, as well.

44) Atlantic Forest, Brazil

The breathtaking biome that is Brazil’s Atlantic Forest is ground zero for global conservation efforts, and for good reason: one of Earth’s richest and most diverse ecosystems, it’s home to a stunning variety of wildlife. The Rainforest Trust has captured footage of 11 of its most elusive mammals , including the southeastern common opossum and the capybara — the largest rodent in the world.

45) Belle-Île, France

On Brittany’s “beautiful isle,” there are grottoes, jagged cliffs and colorful rock formations, making the Tour de Belle-Île, its annual yacht race, particularly thrilling. The next Tour de Belle-Île will be held in May 2021, but you can enjoy footage of the 2019 contest now. Belle-Île was also beloved by Claude Monet; his Belle-Île collection , rife with daydream blues and moody shadows, can be enjoyed on Wikimedia Commons.

46) Val D’Aran, Spain

Val D’Aran is at its finest in the snow, when its magnificent slopes and valleys become a pristine escape for those armed with skis and snowboards. See for yourself via this webcam of the ski resort Baqueira/Beret. But this Catalonian valley is also thrilling on two wheels and in warm weather; take an armchair ride through its cycling routes to see why.

47) Mongolia

Google came to Mongolia in 2014, intent on opening up the proud nomadic culture and rugged, dramatic vistas of this Asian country to the world. Today, those riches are online and waiting to be explored. The National Museum of Mongolia can now be visited via the Google Cultural Institute; Google Street View has also captured many of its sites in stunning 3-D.

48) Juliana Trail, Slovenia

Slovenia, a pint-size nation of quaint villages, green rivers and gorgeous glacial lakes, is a wonderland for trekkers and adventurers. To get a taste of i ts new 166-mile hiking loop, you can explore the virtual reality zip-line up Mount Triglav , the highest peak along the Juliana Trail, and also savor views from its summit.

49) Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Ethiopia’s colorful and chaotic capital has a thriving food scene and a gleaming new international airport. Until you can visit in person, watch the traditional Ethiopian dancer Melaku Belay move rhythmically through the city; join YouTube food vlogger Mark Wiens as he eats his way through Addis’s street food stalls, and then cook a feast yourself with help from the Ethiopian Swedish celebrity chef Marcus Samuelsson.

50) Transylvanian Alps, Romania

Just looking at the multitude of hairpin turns along the Transfagarasan , a paved mountain road loop-de-looping over the Transylvanian Alps in Romania, is enough to give you butterflies. But thanks to Google Street View, you can up the adrenaline from home, navigating them yourself with nothing more than a few clicks of the mouse. After your stomach calms, enjoy 360 panoramic views of Domogled-Valea Cernei National Park, then savor this meditative drone footage from above the Faragas Mountains.

51) Urbino, Italy

The year 2020 marks 500 years since the death of Raphael, the great Renaissance painter who was Urbino’s favorite son. Take a virtual tour of the major Raphael show at the Scuderie del Quirinale in Rome marking that anniversary. Much of the important ideas of the Italian Renaissance were hatched from within the studiolo (study) of Duke Federico III da Montefeltro, who served as Lord of Urbino in the 15th century, and you can also drop into its hallowed hallways, which sit within Urbino’s imposing, magnificent Ducal Palace.

52) Glacier National Park and Whitefish, Montana

Part of Montana’s Rocky Mountains, Glacier National Park is an American treasure under threat from climate change. The park is currently closed, but thanks to both Google Earth and Smithsonian Magazine, its more than one million acres, dotted with over 100 lakes, are still open for online exploration. Want more? Meditate on some of the park’s most captivating views, which can be seen here.

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100+ Virtual Tours of Popular Tourist Attractions Around the World [2024]

Christy Rodriguez's image

Christy Rodriguez

Travel & Finance Content Contributor

88 Published Articles

Countries Visited: 36 U.S. States Visited: 31

Jessica Merritt's image

Jessica Merritt

Editor & Content Contributor

101 Published Articles 531 Edited Articles

Countries Visited: 4 U.S. States Visited: 23

Keri Stooksbury's image

Keri Stooksbury


39 Published Articles 3344 Edited Articles

Countries Visited: 48 U.S. States Visited: 28

100+ Virtual Tours of Popular Tourist Attractions Around the World [2024]

Table of Contents

Czech republic, the netherlands, new zealand, south africa, united arab emirates, united kingdom, united states of america, zambia/zimbabwe, … and beyond, final thoughts.

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Satisfy your wanderlust by exploring famous sights — all from the comfort of your couch!

We’ve put together a list of over 100 virtual tours from more than 35 countries worldwide so that you can explore without having to catch a flight or spend a dime! We’ve organized this gigantic list by country so you can easily navigate to your country of choice or simply work your way down the list and digitally travel all over the globe.

Grab a snack and get ready to explore!

Hot Tip: We’ve also created extensive guides to virtual tours across U.S. National Parks , in addition to museums  and walking tours !

Los Glaciares National Park

Petito Moreno Glacier Argentina

Google Earth has a tour of this UNESCO World Heritage site, which is located in southwestern Argentina. This park contains the Perito Moreno Glacier, which is one of the only advancing glaciers in the world. It is nearly 20 miles long and is a popular tourist attraction and ice-hiking site.

You can also discover other parts of Argentina through Google Earth including:

  • Cerro Uritorco, the highest hill in the Sierras Chicas mountain range
  • Palacio San Jose, the residence of the first constitutional president of Argentina
  • Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi, the oldest and largest national park, located in the Patagonia region

To view the virtual tour page, click here . 

Great Barrier Reef

Great Barrier Reef

David Attenborough leads you on an interactive underwater tour to explore the Great Barrier Reef. Through interactive time-lapses, videos, and weather maps, the tour shows you the Earth’s most bio-diverse ecosystem.

All the while, a tracker notes miles traveled, total sailing time, and the effects of climate change during your “exhibition,” making this a great educational tour for adults and kids alike!

To start your virtual tour, click here .

Hamilton Island

Whitehaven Beach Whitsundays

Hamilton Island is one of the Whitsunday Islands in Queensland, Australia. This island features beautiful beaches and is close to the Great Barrier Reef. All you need is a tropical drink to be transported!

You’ll find these videos on YouTube, but the site recommends downloading the YouTube app for the best experience. Swim with sea turtles at the Great Barrier Reef, play golf at Hamilton Island’s championship golf course, take a helicopter tour over the iconic heart reef, or sail to the famous Whitehaven Beach on a yacht!

To start your virtual tour, click to explore . 

Bondi Beach Swimming Pool

YouVisit has an interactive tour of Sydney available. You start your journey by taking a ferry to Sydney, walking around Circular Quay, viewing the Harbour Bridge, seeing the Royal Botanical Gardens, and finishing by exploring both Luna and Hype Parks.

The 360-degree views really make you feel like you’re a part of the action!

Sydney Opera House Tour

Sydney Opera House Australia

Views of the iconic Sydney Opera House are synonymous with Sydney itself. Now you can explore this landmark virtually!

The Sydney Opera House and the Google Cultural Institute joined together to provide an interactive tour that takes you around the famous exterior, allows you to tour sets and the orchestra pit, and even features a performance by Nicole Car and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra.

Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park

Uluru Ayers Rock Australia

One of Australia’s most scenic spots is the Uluru rock formation, also known as Ayers Rock. Uluru is sacred to the Aboriginal people of the area and the surrounding area features an abundance of springs, waterholes, rock caves, and ancient paintings.

Qantas Airlines has a virtual reality app that allows you to experience an epic flyover via helicopter. You can experience it on your phone, or even a virtual reality (VR) device like Samsung Gear VR, Oculus Rift, or HTC Vive.

To view the virtual tour page and instructions on how to download the app, click here . 

Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna

Schonbrunn Palace Virtual Tour

Schönbrunn Palace was the summer residence of the Habsburg rulers and is the most-visited tourist attraction in Vienna. The palace consists of over 1,400 rooms and is considered one of the most important architectural, cultural, and historic monuments in Austria.

Once you leave the palace, be sure to venture out to the gardens to explore an impressive maze, orangery, and a botanical garden — all containing impressive fountains and sculptures.

To start your virtual tour, click to explore the palace or start by strolling through the park .

Amazon Rainforest

Amazon Rainforest

“Under The Canopy” is a VR experience produced by Conservation International and its partners. This unique view into the Amazon Rainforest and River Basin allows you to see how indigenous tribes live, follows along with a sloth’s journey, and goes deep into the rainforest.

The goal of this educational tour is to teach viewers how to protect the rainforest against the worst impacts of climate change. To get the full experience, you need to download the YouTube app, but you can also view the tour directly on the website.

Start here for more details.

Iguazu Falls

Iguazu Falls

While the exact number of waterfalls varies by season, the majestic Iguazu Falls are considered to be the world’s largest waterfall system and are also a UNESCO World Heritage site.

AirPano offers interactive photos and videos to explore these stunning vistas from both the Brazilian and Argentinean sides of the falls. Whether you choose the viewing platforms, trails, or videos via helicopter, you are sure to be amazed!

Sanctuary of Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro

Christ the Redeemer in Rio

The Christ the Redeemer statue overlooks the city of Rio de Janeiro and was voted one of the “New7Wonders of the World.” This statue is a symbol of Christianity across the world and also a cultural icon of both Rio de Janeiro and Brazil. 

Google Arts & Culture allows you to visit the statue virtually through its app. See unique details, such as the mosaic coating made of small, triangular-shaped pieces of soapstone that cover the entire surface of the statue!

To begin, first download the Google Arts & Culture app ( iOS , Android ) and then begin your virtual tour here .

Angkor Wat, Siem Reap

Angkor Wat Cambodia

Google Street View lets you experience the mysterious temples of Angkor Wat in Siem Reap. There are many other temples to explore, including:

  • The “lost temple” of Beng Mealea
  • Angkor Thom
  • Ta Prohm (made famous by Tomb Raider!)
  • Pink temple of Banteay Srei

Each walk includes the history and detailed descriptions of important pieces of artwork found along the way. And the best thing is — no crowds!

Start your virtual tour here . 

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls

Journey Behind the Falls is a popular tourist attraction on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. It offers a unique view below and behind the falls that you are now able to experience in virtual reality!

Niagara Falls Tourism has brought this experience to life with an interactive video detailing your trip. Experience the power of the falls from multiple vantage points — without the need for a rain poncho!

Visit Niagara Falls virtually here .

Old Quebec, Quebec City

Old Quebec

Known for its classical architecture and a distinctive European feel, Quebec City is a popular tourist destination. Old Quebec is the historic area of the city, rich in historic landmarks and museums. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Start with a sunrise walk on the Dufferin Terrace, where you can see the St. Lawrence River and a breathtaking view of the Château Frontenac. Take a funicular to get to the Petit-Champlain District and admire the charming boutiques and terraces. The 360-degree views will certainly impress!

Start your virtual stroll here .

Polar Bears, Churchill

Polar Bears in Churchill Canada

Churchill, Canada is known as the Polar Bear Capital of the World! Using Google Street View, search for polar bears as you trek along the frozen tundra — without needing your warmest winter coat!

This joint effort by Polar Bears International, Earth Outreach, and Google Maps allows you to learn more about the bears and their habitat, the impacts of climate change, and the work being done to advance the cause of polar bear conservation.

Begin your virtual trek here .

The Bund, Shanghai

View From The Bund Shanghai

The Bund is the waterfront located on the western bank of the Huangpu River in Shanghai, China. It is famous for its grand buildings and the epic view of the city skyline.

On this interactive walking tour, you can see the city during the day and night, explore the Bund Bull and Monument to the People’s Heroes, and learn about the history of Shanghai through the architecture of its buildings.

Visit the Bund by clicking here . 

Forbidden City, Beijing

Forbidden City

The Forbidden City is a palace complex in central Beijing, China. It was the former Chinese imperial palace and state residence of the emperor of China from the Ming dynasty until 1924. It is also China’s best-preserved imperial palace.

This tour allows you to see the main areas of the complex, including:

  • Hall of Supreme Harmony
  • Imperial Gardens
  • Meridian Gate
  • Pavilion of Ten Thousand Springs

Begin your virtual tour by clicking here . 

Great Wall of China

The Great Wall boasts a history of over 2,000 years and stretches more than 3,000 miles across several provinces of northern China. With over 10 million visitors each year, it is one of the world’s most-visited tourist attractions.

This virtual tour lets you walk along the Jinshanling to the Simatai section of the wall, experiencing multiple seasons along the way. This 6.5-mile stretch provides guests with some of the best views of the wall since this region is well-known for having some of the most well-preserved sections with original features still intact.

Walk along the Great Wall by starting here .

Guilin Mountains, Guangxi

Guilin Mountain China

“Avatar” fans will be interested to know that the movie’s floating mountains were based on the karst formations in the Guilin mountain range. This UNESCO World Heritage site is known for its natural scenery and wild and untouched landscape.

AirPano takes you on a flight over the area, exploring famous sites such as Seven Stars Park, Reed Flute Cave, Folded Brocade Hill, and Green Lotus Peak.

Start your interactive flight here . 

Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge, Hunan

Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge

Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge is a skywalk bridge that is made from glass — making it completely transparent. It spans 1,410 feet across China’s Grand Canyon. When it opened, it was the longest and tallest glass-bottomed bridge in the world!

The safety of this bridge has been called into question after incidents at similar bridges resulted in injuries. This makes for an even better reason to virtually experience this bridge safely and enjoy the heart-stopping views from the comfort of your own home!

Start your video tour here . 

Prague Castle

Prague Castle

Prague Castle sits overlooking the beautiful city of Prague. It serves as the official office for the president of the Czech Republic. Prague Castle is among the most-visited tourist attractions in Prague — attracting over 1.8 million visitors annually.

The Czech government has put together a virtual look at the courtyard, gardens, the castle’s picture gallery, and even the inside the Cathedral of St. Vitus.

Prague Walking Tour

St. Charles Bridge Prague

Step into this fairy tale town with a 4K virtual walk around Prague, also known as the “City of a Hundred Spires.” Start your tour at Charles Bridge, wander down the twisting cobblestone streets, and end your day by visiting one of Prague’s pubs.

You will really feel like you stepped into Prague with the city sounds and tourist chatter in this real-time stroll to Powder Tower — passing many historic buildings along the way.

Start your walking tour here .

Pyramids of Giza, Giza

Pyramids of Giza

Among the most famous tombs in the world, the Pyramids of Giza were built for the pharaohs Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure. The pyramids originally held the royal mummies and their worldly effects to be used in the afterlife.

Stand beside these 4,500-year-old pyramids that overlook the modern city of Cairo. The behind-the-scenes portion of the Google Street View trek gives you details about the construction process and purpose of this Ancient Wonder of the World.

Start your walk to the pyramids here .

Sphinx, Giza

Sphinx Egypt

The Great Sphinx was believed to have been built by ancient Egyptians of the Old Kingdom (around 2500 B.C.). This limestone statue has the body of a lion and the head of a human and faces from west to east, directly in the shadow of the famous pyramids of Giza.

Google Earth allows you to virtually see the Great Sphinx on the Giza Plateau.

Start your explorations here .

Tomb of Queen Meresanhk III, Giza

Meresankh III Tomb

Close to the Great Pyramid lies the tomb of Queen Meresankh III, the wife of Khafra and granddaughter of Khufu. The Giza Project, presented by Harvard University, allows us to virtually explore her tomb.

You will find many well-preserved wall reliefs as well as 10 large statues of women that are carved out of the northern wall. It is believed that the women represent Meresankh herself, her mother, and her daughters.

Venture underground by starting here . 

Catacombs of Paris, Paris

Paris Catacombs

Not for the squeamish, the Catacombs of Paris hold the human skulls and bones of more than 6 million people in a network of subterranean tunnels underneath the streets of Paris . Explore these catacombs, some of which date back over 1,200 years!

There are 5 areas you can navigate through:

  • The Alcôve de L’Ossuaire
  • The Atelier
  • The Cloche de Fontis
  • The Galerie de Port-Mahon
  • The Lampe Sépulcrale de L’Ossuaire

Begin your virtual tour here . 

Château de Versailles, Versailles

Chateau de Versailles

The Palace of Versailles was the principal royal residence of France from 1682 until 1789. What began as a simple hunting lodge transformed into a palace with over 2,300 rooms! Explore many of these rooms on your virtual tour.

Google Arts & Culture provides the unique experience of seeing Versailles free of tourists. Zoom in on artifacts, step into 3D renderings of rooms and wander around the expansive gardens. This is definitely a unique experience!

The best experience can be found by downloading the Google Arts & Culture app ( iOS , Android ), but you can also start your journey here .

Eiffel Tower, Paris

Sunset under the Eiffel Tower Paris France

The Eiffel Tower is one of the most recognizable structures in the world. It was visited by almost 7 million people last year, but you can avoid the crowds and take a virtual tour instead!

TV5 Monde created a 360-degree virtual reality tour that reveals every aspect of the Eiffel Tower in 3 minutes, featuring a sunrise from the Champ-de-Mars and a panoramic ascent to the top, both inside and out. Learn about 130 years of history and enjoy the stunning views.

Begin your virtual ascent here .

Louvre, Paris

Louvre Museum Paris

The Louvre is the world’s largest art museum and contains some of the world’s most amazing artwork and treasures. If you spent 60 seconds looking at each of the objects for 8 hours a day, it would take you 75 days to see them all.

Here is just a sampling of some of what you can view virtually:

  • Roman Antiquities Hall
  • “Winged Victory”
  • Napoleon’s Apartment
  • Tuileries Garden

Begin your journey through the Louvre here .

Hot Tip: We’ve also created a guide to the 50 best museums that you can tour and visit virtually !

Musee D’Orsay, Paris

Musee D'Orsay

The building of the Musee D’Orsay is just as beautiful as the artwork it contains. The Beaux Arts-style building was formerly a train station and later a hotel.

Inside, the museum contains a wide range of magnificent French art from the period 1848 to 1914, including furniture, paintings, photographs, and sculptures. Paintings by greats such as Renoir, Monet, Degas, Manet, and Van Gogh are on virtual display throughout the museum.

As is usual for Google, you can explore via Street View or download its app for a more interactive adventure.

Acropolis, Athens

Acropolis Athens

The Acropolis stands watch over the city of Athens. These ruins serve as a reminder of the rich history of Greece. Today, it is a cultural UNESCO World Heritage site and home to several temples that you can visit courtesy of the Acropolis Restoration Service.

On this virtual tour, explore the Parthenon, Erechtheion, Propylaea, and the Temple of Athena Nike while learning about the historical significance of the Acropolis and restoration efforts that are taking place.

Start your virtual tour here or you can follow directions on how to download the app.

Tikal Guatemala

Tikal was once the capital of one of the most powerful kingdoms of the ancient Maya. The site is part of Guatemala’s Tikal National Park and in 1979 it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

There are thousands of ancient structures and temple complexes at Tikal, but only a fraction of these sites have been excavated. On this virtual tour, explore some of the most prominent surviving pyramids — Temples I to VI — some of which are over 200 feet high!

Start exploring virtually by clicking here .

Ice Cave and Aurora Borealis Tour

Lava Cave Iceland

Ice caves are an extraordinary and mesmerizing wonder of nature. They’re a common tourist attraction in Iceland. The best time to visit is from November to March when the weather has been consistently cold enough for the ice caves to become stable enough to visit and explore properly.

Hike along with this YouTube adventurer to explore the freezing ice caves in Vatnajokull and the aurora borealis from the comfort of your warm home!

Start your virtual hike here .

Red Fort, Delhi

Red Fort Dehli

The Red Fort is a historic fort in the city of Delhi and served as the main residence of the Mughal emperors. It was constructed by the same architect that built the Taj Mahal.

Google Maps Street View allows you to get an up-close look at this fort. Explore the 1.5 miles of defensive walls, walk through the main gate, and explore the beautiful domed ceilings.

Start your Google Maps walk here . 

Taj Mahal, Agra

Taj Mahal India

The Taj Mahal is a marble mausoleum in Agra, India. This UNESCO World Heritage site was commissioned in 1632 by the emperor to house the tomb of his favorite wife. The Taj Mahal receives close to 8 million visitors a year and in 2007 it was declared one of the “New7Wonders of the World.”

Google Maps allows you to walk around this beautiful site from the comfort of your computer, tablet, or phone. It advertises that you can “enjoy postcard views or discover rarely-seen perspectives” as well as “get up close to the hand-carved details and explore expansive landscapes.”

Start your virtual walk here .

Borobodur Temple, Java

Borobudur Temple Indonesia

Borobudur Temple is a famous Buddhist temple dating from the 8th and 9th centuries located in central Java. The monument was restored with UNESCO’s help in the 1970s.

Google Earth allows you to explore the beauty of the temples in Borobudur. Tour the various tiers and wall reliefs, including numerous stupas, each containing a statue of the Buddha. Also, enjoy the gorgeous views overlooking the island.

Begin your virtual tour here .

Prambanan Temple, Yogyakarta

Prambanan Temple

Prambanan attracts many visitors from around the world. Built during the 10th century, it is the largest temple compound dedicated to Shiva in Indonesia. While it went through a period of decline, the British rediscovered Prambanan, along with Borobudur above, in the early 19th century.

While a major earthquake in the 16th century caused serious damage, there are still many beautiful temples to explore. By using Google Earth, you can walk among many stunning structures with stone spires and sculptures.

Start your wandering here . 

Cliffs of Moher, County Clare

Cliffs of Moher

The Cliffs of Moher are sea cliffs located in County Clare that run for about 9 miles. The stunning cliffs rank among the most-visited tourist sites in Ireland with around 1.5 million visits a year!

Start your walk at multiple sweeping viewpoints along the cliffs, move to the view from the top of O’Brien’s Tower, and explore the visitor’s center on your interactive tour.

Enjoy the views of the sea by starting here .

Jerusalem Western Wall

Jerusalem is one of the world’s foremost pilgrimage destinations since it is considered holy to Jews, Christians, and Muslims. 360 Virtual Tour has put together a digital tour of Jerusalem so you can experience what it’s like to explore the Holy Land.

See many of the most-visited sites, such as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Dome of the Rock, the Western Wall, and more.

Tel Aviv Museum of Art

Tel Aviv Art

Explore the art collection in Tel Aviv’s Art Museum. You can visit select exhibitions, including the SOLAR GUERILLA, at the Tel Aviv’s Museum of Art.

This exhibition showcases how cities can be used as tools for change. It presents case studies from Chicago, Copenhagen, Hong Kong, London, New York, Shanghai, and Tel Aviv and highlights ideas such as sponge cities and solar trees.

Start exploring the exhibition here .

Colosseum, Rome

Colosseum Rome

The Colosseum is located in the center of the city of Rome . It is the largest amphitheater ever built —holding between 50,000 and 80,000 spectators. It was used for gladiatorial contests and other events, such as mock sea battles, animal hunts, executions, and reenactments of famous battles.

Take a virtual tour around the corridors of the arena’s unknown underground, learn historical details, and more.

To begin, first download the Google Arts & Culture app ( iOS , Android ) and then start your tour here .

Uffizi Gallery, Florence

Birth of Venus Uffizi Florence

The Uffizi is an art museum located in Florence. It is one of the largest and best-known museums in the world, holding an immense collection of priceless works from the Italian Renaissance.

Google Arts & Culture allows you to tour inside the museum without any crowds virtually through its app. Walk down the hallways and explore the collection.

A sampling of the artwork inside includes:

  • “Annunciation” by  Leonardo da Vinci
  • “The Birth of Venus” by Sandro Botticelli
  • “La Primavera” (Spring) by  Botticelli Filipepi
  • “Madonna with the Long Neck” by Parmigianino Mazzola

To begin, first download the Google Arts & Culture app ( iOS , Android ) and then begin your tour here .

Valley of the Temples, Sicily

Valley of Temples Sicily

The Valley of the Temples is an archaeological site in Sicily. Once part of the Ancient Greek empire, it is one of the most outstanding examples of Greek art and architecture. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the main attractions of Sicily.

Your tour will allow you to take a virtual walk around the Temple of Juno, the Temple of Zeus, and the early Christian acropolis.

Venice Gondolas

Venice is a magical city situated on a group of 118 small islands — linked by over 400 bridges. Travel the canals, walk the streets, ride boats, and cross bridges to reveal one of the world’s most unique cities.

This virtual tour is a fantastic introduction to Venice, especially for those who have mobility issues that make crossing bridges difficult, but also useful in times when you can’t travel.

Explore the city virtually by clicking here . 

Hanami Around the World

Cherry Blossoms in Osaka Japan

While the pandemic spoiled many people’s plans to visit the cherry blossoms in Japan, Google Earth has got you covered. Enjoy the amazing experience of Hanami in Japan!

This tour starts in Japan but also jumps to 9 other popular sakura spots around the world, including Paris and Washington, D.C. It can also help you plan prime-viewing locations for when you are able to take your trips!

Start experiencing the cherry blossom festival here . 

Mt. Fuji Japan

Mt. Fuji is Japan’s tallest mountain, known for its perfect conical shape. Fujisan, as it is reverently referred, is used as a cultural icon of Japan and is frequently visited by sightseers and climbers.

Now, you can see the beautiful Mt. Fuji from home. Google Street View lets you see what it would take to hike to the top and be rewarded with stunning views from the summit.

To begin your virtual tour, click here .

Onsen All Over Japan

Onsen in Japan

An onsen is a Japanese hot spring — and since Japan is a volcanically active country, it has thousands of onsens scattered throughout its major islands.  Locals and tourists alike flock to the traditional inns and bathing facilities that these hot springs feed into.

Take a tour through the hot springs of Japan. Google Earth allows you to explore 13 of these magical hot springs situated all over the country.

Start your explorations here . 

Treasury Petra Jordan

Petra is an ancient city located in Jordan. The Nabataeans might have settled in what would become the capital city of their kingdom as early as the fourth century B.C. It is famous for its pink sandstone walls and stunning carvings.

Trek through the Siq and explore sights such as the Treasury, Royal Tombs, Little Petra, and Monastery. Learn about the people who inhabited Petra while staying out of the sun!

Start your walk around Petra here .

Samburu National Reserve

Samburu National Reserve

The Samburu National Reserve is a game reserve on the banks of the Ewaso Ng’iro in Kenya. This river provides water, without which the game could not survive. The elephants of this region have been studied by Save the Elephants  for over 20 years.

Get to know the landscape, people, and wildlife of Samburu through this virtual trek. Learn about conservation efforts and see elephants up close!

Start your virtual safari here .

Museo Frida Kahlo, Mexico City

Museo Frida Kahlo

The Frida Kahlo Museum, also known as the Blue House, is a historic house museum and art museum dedicated to the life and work of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo.

Use Google Street View to see inside of the Mexico City museum and zoom in on some of her most-famous artwork including:

  • “Frida and the Caesarian Operation” (1931)
  • “Long Live Life” (1954)
  • “Portrait of My Father Wilhelm Kahlo” (1952)



Teotihuacan is an ancient Mesoamerican city located near modern-day Mexico City. It is known for its Mesoamerican pyramids and also for being the largest city in the pre-Columbian Americas at its peak.

You can now see the pyramids at Teotihuacan from home. On this tour, walk along the Avenue of the Dead, visit the Temple of the Sun, Temple of the Moon, and more — and experience each viewpoint in 360 degrees!

Begin your virtual journey here . 

Climb Mount Everest

Mount Everest

Mount Everest is Earth’s highest mountain above sea level at 29,029 feet. Everest attracts many climbers, but it also presents dangers, such as altitude sickness, weather, and avalanches. More than 300 people have died trying to reach the summit.

But you don’t have to risk death to experience what it takes to summit Mt. Everest. You will need a VR device to be fully immersed in this experience, but if you don’t have one, you can always watch a video of the final ascent here .

Start your VR experience here . 

Anne Frank House, Amsterdam

Anne Frank House

The Anne Frank House, now a museum, is located in central Amsterdam and hid the young Jewish diarist, her family, and 4 other people from Nazis during World War II.

The Anne Frank Museum offers a virtual tour so that you can experience a video diary, see the Secret Annex where she lived and what it looked like when she was there, and more.

Begin your tour of her life here . 

Keukenhof Tulip Fields, Lisse

Keukenhof Tulip Fields

Keukenhof is one of the world’s largest flower gardens and is widely known for its beautiful tulip fields. Keukenhof opens for 8 weeks from mid-March to mid-May, with peak viewing for tulips arriving near mid-April, where it can receive 26,000 visitors per day.

The exhibition’s blooms are available virtually — free of crowds!

Begin your virtual walk around the gardens here . 

Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam

Van Gogh Museum

The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam is a must for anyone who is a fan of this tragic, ingenious painter. The Google Arts & Culture app allows you to see his works up close by virtually visiting this museum.

This collection contains the largest number of his artwork, including over 200 paintings, 500 drawings, and over 750 of his personal letters.

Some of the most famous items include:

  • “Almond Blossom”
  • “The Potato Eaters”
  • “Sunflowers”

To begin, first download the Google Arts & Culture app ( iOS , Android ) and then start your virtual tour here . 

Hobbiton, Hinuera

Hobbiton New Zealand

Any Lord of the Rings fans will recognize Hobbiton — it was created as the movie set for the Shire. It is situated on the North Island of New Zealand and the set is around 12 acres large!

On this virtual tour, you will be able to explore many parts of the set, including the Green Dragon Inn, Frodo and Bilbo’s much-loved Bag-End, and more.

Begin your virtual journey here. 

Waitomo Glowworm Caves, Otorohanga

Waitomo Cave New Zealand

The Waitomo Glowworm Caves are located on the North Island of New Zealand. They are known for their population of glowworms found only in New Zealand.

On this virtual tour by National Geographic, you can experience what it is like to take a boat ride under the glowworms.

Float in the caves by clicking here . 

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu takes your breath away. It stands high above the tropical mountain forest and is among the greatest artistic and architectural achievements made by the Inca civilization.

See Machu Picchu without the trek! Explore this UNESCO World Heritage site by seeing the views from multiple outlooks, wandering around the residences and burial grounds, and seeing the current residents — the alpacas!

Explore virtually by starting here . 

Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, Sergiyev Posad

St. Sergius Lavra Russia

The Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius is the most important Russian monastery and the spiritual center of the Russian Orthodox Church. It is also home to over 300 monks and serves as an educational center for young priests.

Use Google Earth to explore the entire complex, including many stunning churches, the famous Holy Trinity icon, as well as many important burial sites.

Explore the ornate buildings starting here . 

Gardens by the Bay Cloud Forest

Cloud Forest Dome Gardens By The Bay

The Cloud Forest at Gardens by the Bay is an indoor greenhouse with diverse vegetation and rare plants from all over the globe. The goal of the attraction is to expose visitors to these disappearing plants and discuss conservation efforts underway.

Be amazed as you encounter the world’s tallest indoor waterfall, descend through the surreal mist-filled Cloud Walk, and finish with the Treetop Walk.

Begin walking around the dome here . 

Marina Bay Sands

Marina Bay Sands

Visit Singapore’s most iconic hotel virtually! The Marina Bay Sands hotel has put together a virtual tour so that you can visit from home.

See views from various rooms throughout the hotel, a museum, and get a glimpse into some of the shopping the hotel offers. The main attraction is the Sky Park, which contains the infinity pool overlooking the Supertree Grove at Gardens by the Bay.

Start your virtual tour here .

Domica Cave, Kečovo

Domica Cave

The Domica Cave is made from light limestone and the passages were shaped by the waters of the underground river Styx. The cave is the largest of over 700 in the area.

Venture underground in Slovenia to visit this UNESCO World Heritage site, courtesy of Google Earth.

Walk around the caves starting here . 

Kruger National Park

WildEarth Safari

One of the largest game reserves in Africa, an amazing array of wildlife calls Kruger National Park home, including the “Big Five” of lions, elephants, rhinoceroses, leopards, and Cape buffaloes, as well as zebras, giraffes, hippos, antelopes, cheetahs, crocodiles, and hyenas.

The WildEarth team broadcasts 3-hour-long live safaris daily at sunrise (starting at 11:30 p.m. EST) and sunset (starting at 9 a.m. EST).

Begin your virtual safari here .

Robben Island Museum, Cape Town

Robben Island Museum

Robben Island Museum is an island off the coast of Cape Town. It was fortified and used as a prison from the late 17th century to 1996, after the end of apartheid. Many of its prisoners were political — including Nelson Mandela.

Google Arts & Culture brings you to the former island prison and educates you on the 18 years Nelson Mandela spent there.

Alhambra, Granada

Alhambra Granada

The Alhambra is a palace and fortress complex located in Andalusia. It is one of Spain’s major tourist attractions, exhibiting Islamic architecture together with 16th century and later Christian buildings and gardens due to its many different occupants.

Take a virtual tour of this UNESCO World Heritage Site and visit the following:

  • Charles V Palace
  • Justice Tower
  • Square of Cisterns

Tour the palace and gardens here .

Casa Batlló, Barcelona

Casa Batlló

Casa Batlló is considered one of Antoni Gaudi’s masterpieces. Many things inside (and on top of!) the house were designed by him, including some of the furniture, windows, and even the staircase railings.

There are few straight lines inside, and much of the façade is decorated with a colorful mosaic made of broken ceramic tiles. The roof is arched and the structures have been compared to the back of a dragon. It’s truly a unique house!

Begin your virtual tour inside the house starting here .

Dali Museum, Figueres

Dali Museum

The Dali Museum is dedicated to the artist Salvador Dali in his hometown of Figueres. There are an incredible 96 oil paintings and other artworks displayed in this space.

The virtual tour of this museum is pretty incredible — you can click through the rooms, zoom in on important pieces of art, and learn more about the life of Salvador Dali.

Some of the most outstanding works on display are:

  • “Port Alguer” (1924)
  • “Portrait of Gala with Two Lamb Chops Balanced on Her Shoulder” (1933)
  • “Self-Portrait with l’Humanité” (1923)
  • “The Spectre of Sex-Appeal” (1932)

Sagrada Familia, Barcelona

Sagrada Familia

The Sagrada Familia is considered to be the best example of Modernist architecture. The design developed by Antoni Gaudi was so complex and detailed that it remains unfinished to this day!

On the virtual tour of Gaudi’s famous cathedral, you can walk inside the basilica, see the different façades, and even see the tomb of Gaudi.

Tour inside the church by clicking here .  

Aurora Borealis, Abisko

Aurora Borealis

The northern lights, or aurora borealis, come alive as streaks of pink, green, and purple dancing across the night sky. The best time to visit is during the coldest and darkest months. Still, visitors flock to see the show during the long winter nights.

See the spectacle from home thanks to Lights Over Lapland. The site also has a dog-sledding adventure to experience!

Experience the northern lights here . 

Malmö Street Art Walk

Malmo Street Art

Malmö is Sweden’s third-largest city and home to a variety of street art thanks to the 2014 Artscape Festival, Sweden’s first large-scale street art festival. There are large sculptures and murals hidden around every corner!

Google Street View makes it easy to explore street art in Malmö.

Take a walk through the city to explore some of these gems!

Nature of Sweden

Nature in Sweden

Maybe a quiet escape to the outdoors in beautiful Sweden is more your speed? Visit Sweden has put together a virtual reality tour that you can experience either through your computer or VR device.

There are multiple adventures you can choose from: go for an evening swim, camp in the mountains, or meet the King of the Forest.

Escape to nature here . 

Gombe Stream National Park

Gombe Chimpanzee

The Gombe served as a home for Jane Goodall’s chimpanzee research. It is one of the smallest national parks in Tanzania, and only accessible by boat. Besides chimpanzees, primates inhabiting Gombe include beachcomber olive baboons, red colobus, red-tailed monkeys, and more.

Learn about Goodall’s life, her work with the chimpanzees, and see the beautiful place they call home. You can also experience a “day in the life” of a chimpanzee family.

Start your Street View Trek here . 

Burj Khalifa, Dubai

Burj Khalifa

The Burj Khalifa is the world’s tallest building. The floors are arranged in a unique spiral formation to provide stability from the strong desert winds.

Google Street View allows you to go to different rooms and floors within the building, and the behind-the-scenes section shows you the views from a window washer’s viewpoint on the 80th floor. Learn more interesting facts and figures about this amazing building on this trek.

Start your Street View Trek here .

The British Museum, London, England

British Museum

The British Museum, located in London, has a permanent collection of 8 million works — making it the largest and most comprehensive collection in existence. Many of its treasures were widely sourced during the era of the British Empire.

Google Street View begins the walk outside, but you can click through to experience some of the vast collection. Just a sampling of the objects include:

  • The Book of the Dead
  • Egyptian mummies
  • Parthenon sculptures
  • The Rosetta Stone

Read more about the British Museum in our guide to the best museums in London .

Click here to start your virtual tour.

Buckingham Palace, London, England

Buckingham Palace

Step inside the official residence of the Queen of England. It can be difficult to visit the Royal Palace as it is only open to the public between July and October.

Through this virtual tour, visitors will explore Buckingham Palace’s ornate rooms, garden parties, and famous artwork — available any time of year!

Giants Causeway, Bushmills, Northern Ireland

Giants Causeway

Explore the unique Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland. This is an area of about 40,000 interlocking basalt columns — the result of an ancient volcanic fissure eruption. There is a local myth that a giant named Finn MacCool built the causeway to get to Scotland to battle a rival giant.

The National Trust put together a virtual sunset tour of the Giant’s Causeway, as well as the surrounding areas of Aird Snout headland and Port Noffer.

Access all of the virtual tours here . 

London Walking Tour, London, England


London is one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations with millions of visitors annually! There is so much to do and see in London , from history to art to culture and food.

VisitLondon offers a virtual map of the entire city. The tour starts at the top of the London Eye. From there, you can drop down into selected landmarks, like Big Ben or Westminster Abbey, and explore the locations from a street view.

The Roman Baths, Bath, England

Roman Baths England

The Romans built a magnificent temple and bathing complex in Bath on the site of Britain’s only hot spring, which still flows with hot water. The Roman Baths are one of the finest historic sites in Northern Europe.

Enjoy a virtual tour around the steaming Great Bath where people bathed nearly 2,000 years ago. Learn more about the baths and walk through the complex.

Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England


Stonehenge consists of a ring of standing stones, each weighing around 25 tons.  Archaeologists believe it was constructed sometime between 3000 B.C. to 2000 B.C. It is one of the most famous attractions in the U.K., attracting 800,000 visitors a year.

English Heritage has put together an interactive tour around the site. Select various hotspots to find out more. The tour also offers a live view from within the stone circle.

Alcatraz Island, San Francisco, California

Alcatraz Island NPS

Alcatraz Island was developed with facilities for a lighthouse, a military fortification, a military prison, and a federal prison for almost 30 years.

Explore this former prison in San Francisco Bay on an interactive Google Arts & Culture tour where you can learn about notorious inmates and see escape materials and inmate artwork.

Begin your journey to “The Rock” here .

Baseball Hall of Fame, Cooperstown, New York

Baseball Hall of Fame

Die-hard baseball fans regularly make the pilgrimage to see the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown. This museum is committed to preserving the history of America’s pastime and celebrating the legendary people who have made the game great.

Examine vintage photos, signed baseballs, programs, posters, videos, and more thanks to Google Street View.

Walk around the museum virtually by clicking here . 

Bryce Canyon National Park, Bryce, Utah

Thors Hammer Bryce Canyon National Park

Bryce Canyon National Park is known for the beautiful, red, white, and orange “hoodoos” surrounding this famous desert landscape.

Take a virtual tour around Sunset Point and view the star-filled night sky from this Dark Sky-certified national park, see the park’s unique rock formations up close, and even take a horseback ride through the canyon.

Begin your virtual explorations of Bryce Canyon here . 

Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Carlsbad, New Mexico

Carlsbad Caverns National Park

Carlsbad Caverns National Park is located in the Chihuahuan Desert of southern New Mexico and is home to over 100 caves. The caverns are well-known for their many impressive calcite formations.

On this virtual tour, you can take a walk through some of the caverns, view incredible rock formations, and even experience life as a bat thanks to Google Arts & Culture’s simulation.

Walk into the caverns beginning here .

Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona

Grand Canyon

See the majestic Grand Canyon that was carved over millions of years by the Colorado River below. It’s amazing to see this much geological history revealed before your eyes.

Walk with Google Street View to explore the Bright Angel trail. It will lead you from the South Rim, down the Black Bridge, across the Colorado River, and up to the Phantom Ranch campsite. You can zoom in and click to discover new views of the park.

Begin your virtual descent here . 

Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park

Hawaii Volcano National Park

Hawai’i Volcano National Park is one of the most popular national parks, located on the Big Island of Hawai’i. This park spans from sea level to the summit of 2 of the world’s most active volcanoes — Kilauea and Mauna Loa.

Thanks to Google Arts & Culture, you can access a virtual tour to explore the Nahuku Lava Tube, enjoy the stunning view from the volcanic coastal cliffs, fly over an active volcano, and see the effects of an eruption from 1959.

Begin your tour through a lava tube starting here . 

Kenai Fjords National Park, Seward, Alaska

Kenai Fjords

Experience the Kenai Fjords National Park virtually. The national park was established to preserve the fjord and rain forest ecosystems, Harding Icefield, abundant wildlife, and historical and archaeological remains.

Google Arts & Culture offers a guided tour through the park. Climb down a crevasse on Exit Glacier, watch a glacier melt, and kayak through a Bear Glacier lagoon. You might even encounter some wildlife along the way!

Start your virtual journey here . 

Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida

Kennedy Space Center

The John F. Kennedy Space Center is 1 of 10 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) field centers. It currently serves as NASA’s primary launch center for human spaceflight.

Google Street View Treks allows you to experience a tour of the Kennedy Space Center virtually. Take a virtual walk through the transfer aisle of the cavernous Vehicle Assembly Building, stand at the top of Launch Pad 39A, and more.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, New York

Metropolitan Museum of Art New York

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, also known as the Met, is located in New York City and is the largest art museum in the U.S.

The Met 360° Project developed videos covering 6 of the Met’s most popular attractions and spaces, including:

  • The Charles Engelhard Court
  • Gothic Cloisters in Fort Tryon Park
  • Neo-Classical Grand Hall
  • Temple of Dendur

You can experience the museum through your computer, smartphone, on Google Cardboard, or with a VR headset.

For all of the details, click here . 

Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, California

Monterey Bay Aquarium

If you are missing the ocean, the Monterey Aquarium is here to help! This aquarium is known for its regional focus on the marine habitats of Monterey Bay and was the first to exhibit a living kelp forest when it opened.

Experience the stunning Monterey Bay Aquarium in real-time. It has several live cams broadcasting including a aviary cam , a  jelly cam , a  shark cam , and an  adorable penguin cam .

See all of the live stream options here . 

National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.

Smithsonian Natural History

The National Museum of Natural History is one of the largest natural history museums in the world. Science lovers can experience permanent , current , and past exhibitions online.

This includes exhibits such as:

  • The Butterfly Pavilion
  • The Hall of Fossils
  • The Hall of Geology, Gems, and Minerals (featuring the Hope Diamond)
  • The Hall Human Origins

Access all the exhibits here . 

Redwood National and State Parks, Crescent City,  California

Redwood National and State Parks

The Redwood National and State Parks hold some of the world’s tallest trees. In this series of short VR interpretive talks produced by the NPS, Ranger Greg takes you on your own ranger-led walk. Learn about habitats, rivers, ecosystem restoration, and historical figures, and understand some of the amazing adaptations that redwood trees have.

NPS suggests using a VR device for full immersion, however, it notes that you can also move the video/photo in any direction on your mobile device or PC.

Start your virtual hike here . 

Driving Route 66

Route 66 is one of the most famous roads in the U.S. It originally ran from Chicago, through many states in the Southwestern U.S., ending in Santa Monica. Because this road wound through so many tiny towns, hundreds of odd little trading posts, motels, and attractions popped up along the way — many still available to explore.

Take a virtual drive along the historic highway and get an up-close-and-personal look at 10 different sites along the way.

Begin your journey down Route 66 here . 

San Diego Zoo, San Diego, California

San Diego Zoo

The San Diego Zoo is one of the best out there. Its innovative animal habitats provide natural settings for animals, often with different species living amongst one another. The 100-acre facility features a variety of settings and wonderful exhibits.

The San Diego Zoo has several live streams on throughout the day focusing on various animals. The streams include an  ape cam , elephant cam , a  koala cam , and more.

Access all of the live cams here .

Statue of Liberty, New York

Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty is located on Liberty Island in New York Harbor. Interestingly, it was built by Gustave Eiffel, the creator of another item on our list — the Eiffel Tower. The statue became an icon of freedom and the U.S. to immigrants arriving by sea.

The NPS has created a 360-degree tour that allows you to virtually see the views from the torch, crown, inside the copper statue, and elsewhere on Liberty Island.

Visit Lady Liberty by clicking here . 

Walt Disney World Rides, Orlando, Florida

Star Wars Rise of the Resistance Disney

If you’re waiting on a visit to Walt Disney World , you can still experience a little of that Disney pixie dust from home.

Virtual Disney World has put together an astounding number of videos riding some of the famous rides throughout all of the parks.

Check out the main YouTube page here , which is divided by park. 

The White House, Washington, D.C.

White House

The White House is the official residence of the president of the U.S. Located in Washington, D.C., and every U.S. president since 1800 has lived here. Tours are not easy to come by as public tour requests must be submitted through your member of Congress.

Luckily, you can take a virtual tour thanks to Google. This tour offers tons of history and interesting facts while you see the following highlights:

  • The Oval Office
  • The Secretary of War Suite
  • Vice President’s Ceremonial Office
  • The White House Library

Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone was the first national park in the U.S. and is known for its many geothermal features, especially the popular Old Faithful geyser. You can also expect to see bison roaming around!

There are many video walks available thanks to the U.S. National Park Service (NPS). You take a map-based our of the park and you can also tag along for virtual walks to:

  • Canary Spring
  • Dragon’s Mouth Spring
  • Lookout Point

To start your virtual tour, click here . 

Yosemite National Park, Yosemite, California

Yosemite National Park

See the stunning Yosemite National Park , internationally recognized for its granite cliffs, waterfalls, clear streams, giant sequoia groves, and diverse wildlife. On average, about 4 million people visit Yosemite each year — primarily within Yosemite Valley.

Virtual Yosemite allows you to see the valley and beyond! Some of the places you can explore include:

  • Bridal Veil Falls
  • Glacier Point
  • Nevada Falls
  • Summit of Half Dome
  • Yosemite Falls

Start your virtual exploration here .

Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls is one of the most spectacular attractions in Africa. This waterfall was created by the Zambezi River that suddenly plummets into a narrow, 100-meters deep chasm. Its roar can be heard from 40 kilometers away — locals called even call it “The Smoke Which Thunders.”

Watch a series of 2 360-degree interactive videos to see these majestic falls from above and multiple vantage points on both the Zambia and Zimbabwe sides.

Start Part 1 , then continue to Part 2 . 

International Space Station

International Space Station

Would you like the chance to view Earth from above and learn what it feels like to live in space? Now you can, thanks to a virtual tour of the International Space Station (ISS) created by the European Space Agency.

Get station tours from some of the crew who live there. Through various video clips, learn what it’s like to eat, work, and even bathe onboard. And don’t forget to look outside to get a glimpse of Earth from space!

Access all the tours here . 

Outer Space

Outer Space

Even the nearest planets outside of our solar system are light-years away, so actually visiting remains a distant dream.

However, on NASA’s Exoplanet Exploration website, you can explore an imagined surface of alien worlds via 360-degree interactive visualizations. Explore the blood-red sky of TRAPPIST-1d , or stand on the imagined moon of Kepler-16b .

This tour works on desktop and mobile, but is optimized for VR devices such as Oculus and Google Cardboard.

Start exploring here . 

While we’ve listed over 100 of the very best virtual tours out there, we know there are even more! Use this list as a jumping-off point to explore even more. Google Earth, Google Arts & Culture, official websites for attractions, and national park websites have a treasure trove of fabulous content.

While viewing these attractions virtually isn’t quite the same as being there in person, it’s still very possible to explore and learn about the world around us from the comfort of your home.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do virtual tours cost.

All of the tours we’ve linked above are completely free, though they may require downloading free apps to experience. Some tours may be amplified by having a VR headset, but this isn’t necessary.

What virtual tours are available?

We’ve included over 100 of the very best tours out there, but there are countless more! Google Earth, Google Arts & Culture, national parks, and the official sites for attractions you are interested in are all great places to start looking for more options.

How do you do a virtual tour?

Depending on the tour, you may need to click on a link or download an app to experience your tour. Then, you will simply enjoy the experience! Each tour is different — so decide whether you prefer a virtual walking tour, a tour you click through, or even a VR tour so you can fly above the city or site!

Where can I watch virtual tours?

There are infinite possibilities of where you can experience a virtual tour. You can find virtual tours on Google Arts & Culture, go directly to the site’s website, or even find a great virtual tour on YouTube.

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About Christy Rodriguez

After having “non-rev” privileges with Southwest Airlines, Christy dove into the world of points and miles so she could continue traveling for free. Her other passion is personal finance, and is a certified CPA.

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Virtual tours: 35 destinations, museums and attractions you can experience online.

Stuck at home amid the coronavirus outbreak? Enjoy museums, performances and nature from the comfort of your couch.

35 Virtual Tours to Experience Online

Travel Destinations, Museums and Attractions You Can Experience Virtually

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The British Museum has an online museum complete with numerous artifacts from all over the world.

Coronavirus has rapidly spread throughout the world, forcing many to practice social distancing, work remotely and forego highly anticipated vacations. But even if you're confined to your home, you can still explore the world's greatest attractions.

Galleries, museums, concert halls, national parks and zoos have virtual experiences that are free for users to experience. Read on for a list of where to find some of the best online escapes.

For Museum and Art Lover s

Run by the Google Cultural Institute, Google Arts & Culture provides free, virtual access to a number of museums and cultural heritage sites worldwide. In a matter of seconds you can explore selected works in the Tate Modern's London museum collection then take a virtual tour of the Colosseum in Rome. Here are a few highlights:

  • Musée d'Orsay in Paris: See works by Degas and Renoir, and take a virtual tour of the museum here .
  • The White House in Washington, D.C.: Take virtual tours of different sections of the White House and see some of its art collection here .
  • Doge's Palace in Venice: Explore a selection of the Venetian treasure's artworks here .
  • Museum of Modern Art in New York City: See an online exhibit, paintings by Cézanne and images of the museum's installations here .
  • Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam: View two online exhibits and learn about more than 100 pieces by Van Gogh here .
  • Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy: Learn about Botticelli's famous "The Birth of Venus" painting and take a virtual tour of the gallery here .
  • The J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles: View nearly 16,000 pieces from the Getty's collection here .
  • The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City: Peruse 26 online exhibits and over 200,000-plus items from the Met's collection here .
  • Château de Versailles in Paris: View an eight-part exhibit and learn about nearly 400 works of art here .
  • Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam: See works by Dutch greats like Rembrandt and Vermeer here .
  • See a full list of museums, exhibits and sites here .

[Read: Coronavirus Travel: What You Must Know .]

Travel Destinations, Museums and Attractions You Can Experience Virtually

Versailles Palace is one of many global attractions you can experience online.

The British Museum in London offers a comprehensive exploration of its collection. Its interactive software allows users to view the collection based on topic (such as art) or region (like the Americas). What's more, exhibits include audio commentary users can listen to for additional insight. View the items here .

The National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea has curator-led tours and discussions of its exhibits. Check them out here .

The National Gallery in London offers virtual tours of nearly 20 different rooms in the museum. Take the tours here .

The Louvre in Paris runs virtual tours of three of its exhibits: "Egyptian Antiquities," "Remains of the Louvre's Moat" and "Galerie d'Apollon." Explore them here .

New York's Guggenheim has much of its collection online, complete with high-resolution images of the art and information on the works and artists. See it all here .

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The Vatican has 360-degree virtual tours of its museums and the Sistine Chapel . Explore its art and majesty here .

And if you want to get the kids involved, the Boston Children's Museum has a virtual tour of its facility. Check it out here .

For Performing Arts Patron s

The Berliner Philharmoniker is providing free, digital concerts for one month. Sign up by March 31 for access to more than 600 concerts from the last 10 years.

The Kennedy Center , located in Washington, D.C., has a digital library filled with clips of theater, dance and music performances as well as full-length performances. Access the full library here .

New York's Metropolitan Opera is running "Nightly Met Opera Streams;" filmed performances from its "Live in HD" series. The operas begin at 7:30 p.m. EST and will remain online for 20 hours. The series started March 16. Find more information and a list of upcoming operas here .

Travel Destinations, Museums and Attractions You Can Experience Virtually

Beluga whales are one of several species you can see through the Georgia Aquarium's cameras.

For Science and Nature Enthusiast s

NASA runs virtual tours of its Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virgina, and Mission Operations at Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington provides virtual tours of its exhibits (including some exhibits no longer on display) here .

[Read from U.S. News Health: Travel in the Time of Coronavirus .]

Zoos and aquariums nationwide have animal cams that livestream what the critters are doing. Some of the institutions include:

  • San Diego Zoo
  • Smithsonian National Zoo in Washington
  • Monterey Bay Aquarium in Monterey, California
  • National Aquarium in Baltimore
  • Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta

Meanwhile, Google Arts & Culture has 360-degree virtual reality tours of several national parks, including Bryce Canyon in Utah, Kenai Fjords in Alaska, Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona, and Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico. It also has several online exhibits from parks nationwide. Check it all out here .

Should you need a museum break, hop on to your favorite streaming service to check out a nature documentary. "Our Planet" (on Netflix ) explores different environments all over the world and the "Disneynature" series (on Disney+ ), offers a few family-friendly options.

Tags: Coronavirus , Travel , Vacations

World's Best Places To Visit

  • # 1 South Island, New Zealand
  • # 4 Bora Bora

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10 Virtual Travel Ideas That Will Transport You to Another Place

Travel to the destinations you love—or would love to visit—from the comfort of your couch..

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10 Virtual Travel Ideas That Will Transport You to Another Place

Explore world landmarks from the comfort of home.

Photo by Shutterstock

Although there’s no true replacement for getting on a plane or in a car and visiting a place in real life, many travel industry professionals and digital creatives have banded together to create some remarkable virtual travel experiences. We’ve been sharing many of these with the AFAR audience over the past few weeks as many Americans shelter in place at home , using them to fulfill our wanderlust.

These virtual travel experiences are proof that even while at home, you can still learn something new about a place, meet and interact with the locals who live there, and see some of the world’s most incredible natural wonders. If you, like us, are feeling the travel urge but unable to go anywhere IRL, use some of these 10 virtual travel ideas to explore, learn, and connect with a new (or old favorite) destination.

Visit a museum without the crowds

From the Musée d’Orsay to the MoMA, Google’s Arts and Culture has collaborated with some of the world’s most famous museums to digitize their galleries so you can still visit and tour galleries while their doors are (physically) shut. Outside of Google’s initiative, other museums are also offering their own virtual tours. Five of our favorite virtual museum tours include:

  • The Louvre Museum in Paris
  • Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C.
  • Museo Frida Kahlo in Mexico City
  • The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam
  • The San Diego Museum of Art in California

Read more: Virtual Museum Tours, Performances, and Tutorials to Keep You (and Your Kids) Entertained at Home

You can take a virtual tour of Bryce Canyon National Park.

You can take a virtual tour of Bryce Canyon National Park.

Photo by Joyce Marerro/Shutterstock

Explore and learn about a U.S national park

While you normally wouldn’t want to go on a hike in your slippers, The Hidden Worlds of the National Parks series lets you explore several of the United State’s national parks without lacing up your boots. A collaboration between Google Arts & Culture and the National Park service, these interactive, 360-degree virtual national park tours immerse viewers in an awe-inspiring, yet educational, tour of the parks. Through Hidden Worlds, you can watch the sunset and go stargazing in Utah’s Bryce Canyon or swim through the corals in Florida’s Dry Tortugas —all while learning about each one with a park ranger by your side.

Read more: How to Visit a National Park Without Actually Visiting a National Park

Learn more about this school of sweetlips in the Great Barrier Reef with David Attenborough.

Learn more about this school of sweetlips in the Great Barrier Reef with David Attenborough.

Photo by Tracey Winholt/Shutterstock

Travel to the Great Barrier Reef with David Attenborough

As one of the most incredible yet at-risk natural wonders of the world, the Great Barrier Reef sits high on the list of many travelers’ must-see lists. While we can’t go there in person right now, David Attenborough’s Great Barrier Reef: An Interactive Journey gives the next best thing: a virtual, multimedia experience aboard the Alucia research expedition vessel in which viewers can see, hear, and learn about the unique underwater ecosystem with the acclaimed Planet Earth host.

Read more: This Virtual Tour of the Great Barrier Reef With David Attenborough Is the Escape We Need

Explore Venice virtually with I Love Venice's live cams.

Explore Venice virtually with I Love Venice’s live cams.

Photo by Dimitry Anikin/Unsplash

Wander around Venice’s canals

Venice may not be inviting outside visitors back to the city yet, but you can still tour the city’s streets and canals virtually through 19 live streams on YouTube channel, I Love You Venice . From the Rialto Bridge to Campo Santa Maria Formosa, the channel lets viewers explore some of the city’s most scenic areas—without bumping elbows with the crowds that normally frequent them.

Read more: Live Streams of Cities, Beaches, and Wildlife for Virtual Travel

Meditate with monks or learn how to make ricotta cheese with dairy farmers through Airbnb Experiences and Indagare's Global Classroom.

Meditate with monks or learn how to make ricotta cheese with dairy farmers through Airbnb Experiences and Indagare’s Global Classroom.

Courtesy of unsplash

Connect with locals in other countries

While virtual tours and livestreams let you see places around the world from home, there is one part of travel they miss: meeting and connecting with the people who live there. Fortunately, travel companies such as Indagare and Airbnb have created online opportunities that foster these experiences.

Recently, Airbnb launched an online version of Experiences, which is hosted over Zoom so travelers can still connect with local hosts around the globe during quarantine. Sign up for a 90-minute session to learn how to make ricotta cheese with Sonoma dairy farmers, or spend an hour meditating with Buddhist monks in Japan , all without leaving the house.

Similarly, Indagare Travel, a luxury travel agency, has launched a Global Classroom series where you can join virtual lectures, such as “Behind the Scenes at Changing of the Guards with Andrew Wallis,” or more hands-on courses, such as an Irish soda bread baking class—all for free. They also have additional, paid offerings .

Read more: Airbnb Launches Online Experiences Via Zoom

Missing Rome? Recreate a day in the Italian city with a virtual travel itinerary.

Missing Rome? Recreate a day in the Italian city with a virtual travel itinerary.

Photo by Cosmin Serban/unsplash

Recreate a day in your favorite destination

If you need more than just a quick fix, use one of these creative at-home travel itineraries to recreate a day in another destination. AFAR editors have curated hour-by-hour guides that take you through virtual tours, sightseeing adventures, recipes to help you whip up a taste of each destination, and recommendations for music, books, and films that will make you feel like you’re there.

Spend a full day recreating a trip to one of these popular destinations at home:

  • Explore a food-and-art filled day in Paris
  • Take an urban adventure in Tokyo
  • Tour Rome ’s streets, history, and food
  • Experience Honolulu ’s island flavors
  • Dive into New York City ’s music, theater, and food
  • Drink and learn about Napa Valley ’s wine
  • Get to know New Orleans ’s history, culture, and Creole cuisine
  • Go from jungle to dance floor in Puerto Rico

Trade in the safari jeep for a couch and tag along on a game drive online.

Trade in the safari jeep for a couch and tag along on a game drive online.

Photo by Hendrik Cornelissen/unsplash

Go on a safari game drive

If you’ve always dreamed of seeing the Big Five, you can now trade a bumpy jeep for a cushy couch and tag along with world-class safari guides through Singita’s virtual game drives in countries like Tanzania, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. Tune in to see if you’re lucky enough to catch a rare glimpse of a leopard climbing a tree or family of lions feasting on freshly caught prey, all while learning about wildlife and conservation efforts in sub-Saharan Africa .

Read more: 5 Virtual Travel Ideas You Can Do Right Now

Watch a film or TV show set in another country

For a more classic virtual travel experience, watch a movie or TV show that takes place in a location you love—or would love to visit. To help you out, the AFAR editors listed their favorite films set in Paris , movies based in New York City , and flicks that will take you to Rome (figuratively, of course) that you can stream right now.

Read more: The Best Travel Shows to Stream Right Now

You can order NYC's famed bagels from Zucker's with Goldbelly.

You can order NYC’s famed bagels from Zucker’s with Goldbelly.

Courtesy Goldbelly

Eat an iconic dish from another city

Whether you’re a home cook or not, there are lots of options for bringing some of the world’s most iconic drinks and dishes to your home—just try your hand at one of these cocktail or meal recipes from around the globe.

Not in the mood to cook? No problem. Food delivery service, Goldbelly , delivers some of the United States’ most iconic dishes nationwide . With just a few clicks, you can have authentic Charleston biscuits or pastrami from New York City shipped to your door.

No matter which way you choose, don’t forget to order yourself a bottle of wine (or three)—delivered straight to your door—to enjoy with your global delicacy.

Read more: You Can Get America’s Most Iconic Foods Shipped to You, Wherever You Are

Turn your home into a wellness retreat

If you’re craving rest and rejuvenation more than adventure, consider turning your home into the world’s most exclusive wellness retreat. We reached out to several experts at spas and hotels around the world to learn how to create an at-home wellness retreat . Here are their top tips, as well as some of their favorite little luxuries (all under $50) to give your place a touch of that authentic spa mood.

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Take a virtual vacation to these 6 destinations

Maya Stanton

Mar 31, 2020 • 4 min read

St. Lucia panoramic © RONALD RAOUL

The social media series "7 Minutes in Saint Lucia" aims to give visitors a taste of the island life  Saint Lucia Tourism Authority

At home and dreaming of all the trips you’ll take when you have the chance? To satisfy that sense of longing for the wider world, a handful of tourism boards have launched initiatives to keep globetrotters connected while they’re stuck on the ground – and though they might not earn you a new passport stamp right away, they’re sure to fuel your wanderlust for future travels. Here are six destinations to visit from afar – at least until you can get there in person.  

1. Portugal

As most European countries have at this particular juncture, Portugal is hitting pause on all nonessential travel and asking its residents to shelter in place. But the tourism board doesn’t want that to be cause for despair, and it’s putting its money where its mouth is with a new video called "Can't Skip Hope," made totally by teams working from home. Featuring archival footage and a smartphone-recorded voiceover, the video ties imagery from across the nation – landscapes, monuments, people, and attractions – in with what the board is calling a message of hope: “It is time to reflect. It is time to take a break, for the good of the world. For now, we can dream of those incredible days to come. We are in this together.”

The 2020 Olympic Games might be postponed until next summer, but in the meantime, Japan is rolling out the red carpet for virtual visitors from around the world. A 360º VR movie hits the country’s highlights, from the 333-meter-high Tokyo Tower to Kyoto’s Bamboo Forest Road to Shibuya’s fast-paced nightlife. Don’t blink, or you’ll miss Yayoi Kusama’s Red Pumpkin sculpture in Naoshima, scenes from the Kawaii Monster Café in Harajuku, a restaurant where a conveyor belt whisks plates of sushi to and fro, practitioners of the arts of kabuki and sumo, and much, much more. To feel like you’re on the ground, check out the Shibuya Crossing livecam , head for Niseko Village , in the shadow of Mt. Fuji, or take a zen view of Hirono Park in the Shizuoka prefecture. For something a bit more down to earth, try the YouTube livestream from Toyooka City’s Hyogo Park of the Oriental White Stork, where a pair of oriental white storks is currently in nesting mode, looking after two chicks that recently hatched. 

3. South Africa

Last week, South Africa became the continent’s first nation to go into lockdown, prohibiting all domestic and international flights going forward. In response, the country’s tourism board has launched an initiative to urge visitors and locals alike to stay at home – and provide them with plenty of eye-candy-style inspiration in the process. Titled “Don’t travel now, so you can travel later,” South African Tourism’s videos focus on the people, places, and experiences that make the destination such a draw – and underscore just how wonderful it will be when everyone can move about freely again. “Just you wait til we can travel again,” the narrator intones. “Boy, we’re going to travel.”

virtual travel destinations

The UK might be on lockdown , but Visit Britain is doing its best to share the island nation’s pleasures , from bingeable movies and TV series to dance party–worthy playlists to pub quizzes that will keep those gray cells sharp . Try a deep dive into the shooting locations of the eight Harry Potter films , channel the Great British Bake Off and learn to make traditional scones for your afternoon tea, explore the flora and fauna of England’s famed gardens, or just settle in with some classic literature – it might not the same as experiencing it all in person, but it’s a pretty good substitute.

Chile 360° app screenshot - sunrise at Ahu Tongariki

If Easter Island is on your bucket list, Imagen de Chile’s new app will give you a whole new perspective on Rapa Nui’s world-famous moai . Available via free download for iPhone and Android, Chile 360º   offers a VR view of Ahu Tongariki – the largest ahu ever built – and its 15 statues, as well as stunning scenery from the rest of the country, from Parque Nacional Torres del Paine in southern Patagonia to northern Chile’s remote Atacama Desert . Away from the app, you can also pull out the VR glasses for tours of the European Southern Observatory , a much-lauded astronomy organization, and the Museo Histórico Nacional , both in Santiago.

St. Lucia panoramic © RONALD RAOUL

6. St. Lucia

St Lucia has closed its ports to international and private flights until April, but the tiny Caribbean island’s twin Pitons, lush greenery, and silver beaches are the stuff of travel fantasies, even if they’re temporarily out of reach. To give would-be visitors a taste of the local action, the social media series “ 7 Minutes in Saint Lucia ” is airing twice a week on Instagram Live , Facebook , and Twitter with yoga classes, mediation sessions, cooking lessons , dance parties, and more, all under the hashtag #7MinutesinSaintLucia. 

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Best virtual tours that you can take without leaving home

Need to get out of the house and go on vacation, but finances, health, or other circumstances have you staying at home? Virtual tours are the next best thing. They allow you to travel to exotic locations, including space, without ever leaving home. Here are some of the best ways to take a staycation getaway using virtual tours.

Best virtual tour app for Android

Best virtual tour app for iphone, best virtual tours online, best virtual space tours, best virtual tours of us national parks, best way to take a random tour, best global virtual tour, best zoo virtual tours, best aquarium virtual tours, best fine art virtual tours, best history museum virtual tours, best virtual nature walks.

The Seven Wonders app allows you to travel to the seven wonders of the world from your phone. The app supports the use of Google Cardboard but you don’t have to use it. You can just hold your phone up to your face — as you move the phone, you’ll see a 360-degree view of whatever location you’re visiting.

With the Sites in VR app, you can take tours around the world using a virtual reality headset or just your phone or iPad. You can choose from cities or countries to visit, or you can go inside famous landmarks, like the pyramids. There are even space panoramas for a little out-of-this-world entertainment.

AirPano is a free site that allows you to wander beautiful locations all over the world. The best features of these virtual tours are choosing to take a helicopter view over the landscape or a walking trail through the area. The site also has articles about the location you are visiting and allows visitors to leave comments. If you really like a tour, you can choose to buy it as a download.

Sometimes you just want to leave this planet behind. That’s where virtual space tours come in handy. The Exoplanet Travel Bureau , powered by NASA, is here for you. You can choose an exoplanet and travel around its alien surface. Of course, the planets are artist renderings, since we haven’t actually traveled there yet, but they’re fascinating just the same. NASA at Home has many more space-themed virtual and augmented reality tours, too.

The Hidden Worlds of the National Parks is a Google project that lets you explore five different U.S. parks, including Florida’s Dry Tortugas, Hawaiian volcanoes, the Kenai Fjords in Alaska, New Mexico’s Carlsbad Caverns, and Utah’s Bryce Canyon. Each tour starts with a little history lesson about the area, and then you can dive into the 360-degree landscape. There are also audio tour guides that help you along your journey, explaining what you’re looking at and a little of its history.

Sometimes you don’t know where you want to go, and that’s OK. The Random Street View generator (powered by Google Maps ) is the answer. It will take you on a virtual stroll down a random street somewhere in the world. Be careful, though. Exploring random locations is a bit addicting. One minute you may be virtually walking down a highway in Michigan, and then with a click, you could be in an alleyway in Romania. The best part is that you get to see places that other virtual tour sites and apps don’t offer.

With Google Earth , you can go anywhere on our planet, from your hometown to the other side of the earth. You can use the website to take your journey, or use the app together with VR equipment to enhance your experience. Other than the awesome street views and ability to travel just about anywhere, you can also enhance Google Earth with your own videos and photos of places you have been in person.

If you’re an animal lover, there are many great virtual zoo exhibits that you can visit from your home. The San Diego Live Cams , for example, let you watch live footage of a wide range of animals, from baboons to penguins. Some other great animal cams can be found at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo & Conservation Biology Institute , The Houston Zoo , and EarthCam .

There are plenty of ways to visit our fishy friends, too. The Monterey Bay Aquarium, The Georgia Aquarium, and The National Aquarium all have fantastic live webcams that allow you to watch sharks, jellyfish, stingrays, and much more.

When it comes to fine art, it’s hard to do better than a virtual tour of the Louvre . The website has a variety of tours you can take throughout the gallery, including The Galerie d’Apollon, Louvre’s Petite Galerie, and the east side of the Sully wing. When you’re finished at the Louvre, check out the virtual tours of the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in South Korea , the Musée d’Orsay in Paris , and the Museu de Arte de São Paulo in Brazil .

There are also virtual tours that can take you back in time, sort of. You can see amazing exhibits of curiosities from the past, like dinosaurs, Egyptian relics, Stone Age tools, and more at The Natural History Museum in London ,  The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History , and The British Museum .

Longing for a walk in the woods or a tour through habitats that rarely see a human? No problem. There are plenty of virtual tours to satisfy you. Conservation International, for example, has a 360-degree tour through the Amazon that is narrated by an indigenous guide. Other virtual hikes you might enjoy include a trip through the redwoods at Muir Woods National Park , a stroll through the Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve, and a tour of New Zealand’s Great Walks .

Editors’ Recommendations

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  • New mini-LED VR headset to ‘take clarity to another level’
  • You can now high-five in VR
  • Virtual Reality

Alina Bradford

As rival Apple is rumored to be eyeing an entrance into the metaverse, Microsoft, an early proponent of mixed and augmented reality applications, is criticized for its blurry vision behind the company's own HoloLens strategy. While HoloLens notched big early wins, including scoring a U.S. Department of Defense contract, subsequent delays, project cancellations, and high-profile executive departures may have resulted in the death of the HoloLens 3. Still, despite a scathing profile by Business Insider, it appears that Microsoft remains, at least publicly, committed to its HoloLens endeavors for now. The company has gone on record to refute the publication's reporting that HoloLens 3 has been killed.

There are a number of factors that may be causing Microsoft to pivot from its early bet on HoloLens, but the Microsoft profile cited internal divisions and the lack of a unified strategy among the top reasons for concern. As a result of the chaos, it appears that the largest collateral damage to Microsoft's infighting is the cancellation of its next-generation HoloLens 3 hardware.

Actronika, a startup company known for its HD haptics technology has a futuristic new product. Expected to be on display at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in January 2022 is Skinetic, a haptic vest that should make virtual reality experiences feel a lot more realistic.

Skinetic works much as you'd expect. The wearable vest makes VR feel more immersive by bringing life-like sensations and touch-like experiences to areas of the body like the chest when paired with a compatible headset. As reported by Business Wire, the technology "works with 20 patented vibrotactile voice-coil motors, capable of generating a wide range of vibrations that cover 100% of human vibrotactile perception."

It seems that virtual reality may be about to become even more real than ever before -- all thanks to a new VR headset. Pimax, a company that manufactures VR equipment, announced the upcoming release of a new 12K QLED VR headset that will feature technologies such as eye tracking, full-body tracking, and refresh rates of up to 200Hz. The headset, dubbed Pimax Reality 12K QLED, is part of the company's venture into the metaverse and a step toward bringing true realism to using VR.

During today's Pimax Frontier event, the company's representatives talked at length about the goals behind the product -- naturalness, self-awareness, and freedom. Pimax wants to bring these qualities into virtual reality and the metaverse, allowing people from all over the world to interact and explore virtual worlds together. While VR technology already allows for some of that to happen, Pimax wants to take it to the next level with its new invention -- the Reality 12K QLED VR headset.

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32 Vacations You Can Take from Home

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The Editors

We are the editors of SmarterTravel! Together we have appeared in countless travel publications including ABC News, Huffington Post, Travel + Leisure, USA Today, and more. We dedicate our days to creating and producing expert travel content, including packing tips, general travel advice, destination inspiration, and helpful videos. Follow us across social media on YouTube , Pinterest , Facebook , Instagram , and Twitter or drop us a line to say hi at [email protected]!

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Vacations are going virtual … for now. So dust off your empty suitcase, pour a drink of choice, and virtually travel with us to your dream destination.

Asheville, NC 

Asheville North Carolina at Sunset.

An arts and culture haven in the Blue Ridge Mountains, Asheville is sharing food, music, and outdoor activities you can experience in your home.

How to Support Local Businesses During COVID-19

Recipes to make at home include this quick and classic vodka martini from the Martini Workshop Lounge at The Foundry Hotel : A twist on the classic vodka martini, Workshop Lounge’s Martini features floral notes from the aromatic mixture of Hendrick’s Gin. In a shaker, add ice, 3/4 oz. dry vermouth, and 3 oz. Hendrick’s Gin. Mix well, strain, and pour the drink into a martini glass. Garnish with an olive.

Music and outdoor activities include an Asheville playlist on Spotify and Asheville experiences featuring 20+ virtual hikes , virtual tours of the iconic Biltmore Estate , a virtual walking tour of Blue Ridge Parkway , and virtual outdoor yoga classes .   

Head Down Under without the long flight by immersing yourself in Tourism Australia’s 360-degree aquatic and coastal experiences on YouTube . See the waves roll in along the Great Ocean Road, watch the sun set over Sydney Harbour, discover the rugged scenery along Tasmania’s Three Capes Track, and more.

Charleston, SC 

Imagine yourself in Charleston by checking out live Facebook streams of historic walking tours , led by guides at Bulldog Tours. You can also take a peek into the South Carolina Aquarium via virtual visits , held every weekday at 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. ET. (Past sessions are archived at the page linked above.) Carrie Morey, the founder of Callie’s Hot Little Biscuit, is offering cooking demos on her Instagram account , and Explore Charleston has put together a “Charleston This Summer” playlist on Spotify.

Charlotte, NC

Check out the tourism board’s complete roundup of virtual activities in the Queen City, here . Highlights include online classes by the NASCAR Hall of Fame’s SPARK! program , virtual concerts with local talent, and online videos and tours at Discovery Place Science .

Download the free app Chile 360 to discover bucket-list attractions like Easter Island, Torres del Paine, the Atacama Desert, and more. The National Historic Museum of Chile and the Santiago Chile observatory are also offering virtual tours so you can explore the country’s arts, culture, natural landscapes, and skies.

Bring a Vacation Vibe to Your Zoom Calls with These Free Custom Backgrounds

The fan-favorite hotel and resort chain has tons of online content with its Club Med at Home program. From yoga routines to hotel virtual tours to quizzes to kid’s activity plans, there’s plenty to do. You can even sign up for a weekly newsletter filled with more ideas and activities.

Czech Republic

From the bustling streets of Prague to kayaking in Cesky Krumlov, there are a variety of virtual experiences available for the Czech Republic’s UNESCO Sights , monuments and museums , as well as its arts and culture, like the Czech Opera . Other ways to virtually experience the Czech Republic are through this curated reading list or take a quiz about which castle in the country you should live in.

Miami beach tourists couple walking in South Beach, Miami, Florida.

Head to the Sunshine State, virtually that is. Visit Florida has compiled a range of virtual vacations , from aerial views of the beach to underwater videos.

Bring the magic of Orlando to your home with dozens of virtual experiences hosted by the city’s tourism board. Online experiences range from streaming IMAX films, virtual go-karting, and floating down a lazy river.

Naples just launched “Paradise in Place” , which is a collection of resources from area webcams to Facebook Lives of the town’s zoo.

St. Pete is also joining in on the travel-from-home fun by sharing local recipes, live beach webcams, music , and an augmented reality virtual art tour from the Salvador Dali Museum.

You can also check out the Miami region’s live webcams , which include sweeping beach views as well as an underwater coral reef cam and a feed of frolicking meerkats from Zoo Miami. You can add an audio soundtrack with this Spotify playlist from local restaurant Zuma Miami or this playlist from 1 Hotel South Beach .

Head to the vineyards in France, climb the Eiffel tower, tour the Louvre, and more from your computer screen with Explore France’s roundup . The tourism board has also curated book and movie lists to keep you further entertained. 

For the true history buffs, you can take an online course through The Great Courses and learn more about the country’s fascinating history and cultural treasures.

Transport yourself to the Hawaiian Islands with online experiences like a virtual field trip of the Battleship Missouri Memorial or learn how to traditional dance with the Polynesian Cultural Center . This year marks the 75th anniversary of the end of WWII and you can find interactive exercises and commemorations online, here .

While Jamaica can’t bring its sun, sand, and surf to you, it can help you bring the vacation spirit home. Start out by recreating this traditional Blue Mountain Coffee body scrub at home, courtesy of Playa Hotels & Resorts : “Combine 1/2 cup ground coffee, 1/4 cup cold-pressed coconut oil, and one drop of your favorite essential oil. Apply 1/4 cup coffee oil to the entire body, using strong circular motions to assist the stimulation of blood flow. Use drops of the coffee oil under the eyes and place iced cucumbers on the eyes for added benefits. Rinse and enjoy.”

Then head to the kitchen to whip up some jerk pork chops using the Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall ’s recipe. Here’s what you’ll need: one ounce pimento seeds (all spice), 1 1/4 ounces Scotch bonnet pepper, 1/2 ounce fresh thyme, nine ounces onion (chopped), three ounces fresh garlic (peeled and chopped), 3 1/2 ounces fresh ginger (peeled and chopped), three ounces scallion (green onion, chopped), a pinch of chopped bay leaf, 1 1/2 ounces brown sugar, a pinch of ground cinnamon, a pinch of ground nutmeg, six ounces soy sauce (low sodium), two ounces olive oil, a pinch of sea salt, a pinch of black peppercorns, and one ounce of white distilled vinegar. Got the goods? Now follow the instructions: “To prepare your Jerk marinade place all the ingredients into a food processor or blender and liquefy. Pour in a jar with a closed lid and keep it refrigerated. This marinade will last you a very long time as long as you keep refrigerated. Bone-in pork chops should be marinated 24 hours in advance with the marinade that you prepared the day before. Using a BBQ smoked grill, grill each chop for approximately eight minutes. Cover grill in between to obtain that awesome island smoke flavor.”

For a more visual taste of Jamaica, you can also check out the live stream at Rick’s Cafe. Things are pretty quiet right now, but you still see the sea sparkle and the breeze ruffle the curtains. 

Kiyomizu-dera Temple kyoto japan.

While the Olympics might be postponed, you can still explore the host country virtually. From a live feed of the famous Shibuya Crossing to snow monkeys bathing in hot springs , you’ll find a range of experiences online. You can even view the cherry blossoms blooming in locations like Miharu Falls in Fukushima and Hirosaki Park . If you are looking to learn even more, take an online course, like Understanding Japan (the course consists of 24, 30-minute lectures).

14 Amazing Travel Memoirs to Read When You’re Stuck at Home

You’ll likely recognize many of Ireland’s landscapes from your favorite movies and TV series like the Star Wars series and Game of Thrones ; now the country’s tourism board has curated entertainment experiences featuring Hollywood and the Emerald Isle. 

  • “Ireland on Screen” Quiz
  • The Game of Thrones Irish Legacy
  • Star Wars: The Last Jedi – Exclusive Behind the Scenes in Ireland
  • 12 Great Irish Stars and Their Movies to Watch

Lexington, KY 

In need of some adorable animals? Visit Horse Country launched virtual tours of thoroughbred farms, where you can watch foals frolic in fields, celebrate horse birthdays, and more. 

Or pour a glass of Buffalo Trace Distillery bourbon and watch its new virtual distillery tour  for an educational happy hour. 

Virtually experience this exciting destination with a variety of VR experiences on the region’s YouTube channel , like Chinese New Year and even jump off the world’s tallest bungee jump (from your computer, of course).

This historic European nation has partnered with Google Arts & Culture to bring you Heritage Malta Virtual Tours . Right now you’ll find more than 25 sites including museums, temples, forts, archaeological sites, and three of the country’s UNESCO Heritage sites, including the capital of Valletta. 

New Orleans

Listen and eat like you’re in NOLA, from home. The city’s tourism board has a list of museums and other learning centers that are offering virtual experiences, like the Audubon Nature Insitute and the National WWII Museum. You can also take a virtual cooking class (or order a cookbook), a full list of participating chefs can be found here . Or, listen to a live stream of some jazz (or other local NOLA-based artists and bands).

Nashville, TN

virtual travel destinations

Nashville’s tourism board, Visit Music City, has put together an entire portal of virtual experiences called “Visit Nashville from Home.” From a virtual tour of the Jack Daniel’s distillery to a weekly radio broadcast of The Grand Ole Opry , you can have your Tennessee whiskey and listen to some honky-tonk tunes all from your couch. 

Check out the full list of virtual attractions in Nashville here . 

Leave it to New York City to put its entire city online. NYC Go has a list of seemingly endless virtual experiences that you can find online. From live streams of performing arts and Broadway shows to genealogy discovery lessons with Ellis Island, you’ll find the complete list of online activities here . You’ll find us virtually exploring the New York Botanical Garden and taking a free ballet class with the New York City Ballet on Instagram .

NYC-boutique hotel brand Arlo Hotels is hosting virtual programming like Monday Movie Nights, Tuesday Tutorials, a Weekend Reads book club, and more on its Instagram Live channel . NYC residents get extra perks with free delivery from Harold’s and different menu combos. 

The rest of the state is also taking part in virtual activities with a virtual experience of Niagara Falls , a baby goat cam from local skincare brand Beekman 1802, online exhibits with the Baseball Hall of Fame , virtual happy hours organized by the state’s brewers association , and more.

Get out in nature virtually with live streams from the Finger Lakes region of central New York . Pretend that you’re at Bristol Harbour watching the sunset over Canandaigua Lake, or virtually hit the slopes via 24/7 live streams from Bristol Mountain and Greek Peak ski resorts.

Philadelphia, PA

For those who want to experience the City of Brotherly Love, check out the tourism board’s roundup of activities to experience Philadelphia from Home . Virtual activities include the Philadelphia Zoo, dozens of museums, and curated playlists on Spotify featuring local and legendary artists.

Visit Portugal has a variety of ways that you can explore Portugal from home, including reading lists and dozens of videos on its YouTube channel as a part of its #CantSkipHope campaign. Pour yourself some port wine and enjoy the views.

Puerto Rico

Escape to the Caribbean with Puerto Rico’s virtual weekend getaway . Each weekend the tourism board is lining up virtual activities like salsa dancing, cocktail making, and cooking classes. Stay up to date on what’s planned by following @discoverpuertorico on social media.

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

puerto vallarta beach at sunset.

Velas Resorts is virtually offering classes and workshops for the next 40 days to help share Mexico’s culture and experiences with you at home. Join here and on social media for activities like a Mexican toy workshop, resort-chef led cooking classes, hotel-style bed making, yoga for kids, massage lessons by the resort’s massage therapists, and more. Follow hashtag #BetterTogether on Velas Resorts’ social media channels for more info. 

Transport yourself to this culturally important country in the Middle East and view the Museum of Islamic Art , National Museum of Qatar , and the Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art through Google Arts & Culture.

San Antonio, TX

A handful of the city’s museums and animal attractions have made their entertainment accessible online. Families and kids will particularly find many of the streams exciting, like access to The DoSeum , San Antonio’s children’s museum, as well as the city’s zoo . Additionally, the San Antonio Museum of Art has put its entire collection online, free of charge. The museum is also offering virtual storytime and lesson plans that are free for educators. 

Sonoma, CA 

Sonoma County has been creative in the ways it’s bringing wine-country living into homes around the world. Inman Wines is hosting Meet the Maker happy hours , Belden Barns is launching a virtual tasting series on Sundays, and Kendall-Jackson is hosting virtual wine tastings via Instagram (or watch anytime on its IGTV channel ), and has a playlist inspired by harvest time. 

Get your yoga on, Sonoma-style, with online classes from Three Dog Yoga or Yoga on Center , or take an IGTV class with local practitioner Nina Jarnum . If you’re missing nature while you’re cooped up, check out nature-focused meditations from hiking-tour leader Margaret Lindgren. 

Sonoma is a family-friendly place, and that’s on full display in the way that kids can visit virtually right now. Safari West is posting videos to its Facebook page , Charlie’s Acres is running virtual animal visits on its social channels, and the Children’s Museum of Sonoma County is offering toddler activities on its Instagram page . The Museum of Sonoma County even has a virtual Escape Room experience. 

virtual travel destinations

If St. Lucia has been on your bucket list, as it is on ours, head there virtually with the Saint Lucia Tourism Authority’s “7 Minutes in Saint Lucia.” You’ll find experiences like yoga at the Pitons, tropical cocktail making, hiking the Tet Paul Nature Trail, and Caribbean cooking classes on Instagram @TravelSaintLucia , twice per week.

Tuscany, Italy

The Monteverdi Tuscany is introducing a new streaming music program to benefit the many musicians the hotel has worked with over the years through its cultural programming. Enjoy its efforts to help locals while you’re stuck at home.

The virtual performances have already debuted on the Monteverdi Tuscany Instagram account @Monteverdi_Tuscany featuring a tenor and a violinist of the Metropolitan Opera. Both artists are sharing their memories of performing at the property and performances recorded separately in their homes.

Vancouver, Canada

#VirtuallyVancouver (hosted by the tourism board) rounds up a variety of armchair activities to explore the Pacific Northwest city. Take a virtual tour of the cherry blossoms with a series of Tree Walks, view the live cam at the Vancouver Aquarium, view an entrant film for VIFF (Vancouver International Film Festival), and plenty more.

Our sister site is hosting hundreds of virtual tours , both free and paid, for you to explore from your couch for the ultimate armchair travel. From 360 videos to virtual cooking classes to guided museum tours, the tour-booking site has everything you could possibly dream of virtually doing, all in one place.

Experience a Viking cruise from your television with Viking’s launch of Viking.TV . In addition to housing onboard content, the cruise line is hosting live content with experts and cultural partners each week. Tune in for Museum Mondays, Resident Historian Tuesdays, Wednesdays with Music, Guest Speaker Thursdays, Fridays at Home at Highclere Castle ( Downton Abbey fans take note!), and Wellness Weekends, as well as daily conversations with the executive vice president, Karine Hagen. You’ll also find suggested reading lists, music playlists, and film recommendations for popular itineraries, so you can start daydreaming about your next cruise vacation.

Virtual Disney World 

Experience the thrill of dozens of Disney World rides on YouTube . From classics like Splash and Space Mountain to even Monorail rides, it’s the perfect way to recreate your postponed Disney vacation. The Virtual Disney World YouTube channel (not affiliated, sponsored, or endorsed by the Walt Disney Company) notes that the 360-degree videos are best experienced with a VR headset or a smartphone with a virtual headset, such as Google Cardboard or Samsung VR, and recommends using the YouTube app for the full 360-degree experience.

Share Your Virtual Vacation or Travel Inspiration With Us:

Are you itching to travel? So are we … that’s why we started the #GoLater campaign on social media. We want to see which destinations YOU are dreaming of. Head over to our Instagram channel ( @smartertravel ) to learn more. 

View this post on Instagram Even though we may be grounded now, we know we'll be traveling again #somedaysoon. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing some of our favorite destinations and hope you’ll join us by sharing your favorite places and experiences. Use the hashtag #GoLater and tag @smartertravel, so we can see them! We understand that these are uncharted times, but are confident that we will all return to exploring the world, in whatever way we feel comfortable. Until then, we're here to help you be the best traveler you can be right now. | By using #GoLater and tagging @smartertravel, we may feature your photo. . . . #travel #quarantine #foreveratraveler #italy #travelsomeday #postcardsfromtheworld #traveldeeper #travelaroundtheworld #travelingtheworld #smartertravel #traveldaily #travelforlife #passionpassport #wandertheworld #travelingislife #passportlife #travellist #travelbucketlist #mytinyatlas #distractionsandinspirations A post shared by (@smartertravel) on Apr 1, 2020 at 6:19am PDT

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12 Virtual Vacations You Can Take Right Now From the Comfort of Your Own Home

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With the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic , the world has been operating at a much slower pace for weeks. Safety precautions like social distancing and self-isolating are strongly advised by officials, and these include ceasing all travel if possible. But while a lot of us may be at home, that doesn't mean we can't still see the world! Thanks to the internet, we're now able to virtually tour museums , landmarks, cities, and more — no passport or packing required. From Ireland's Cliffs of Moher to Peru's Machu Picchu to virtually climbing El Capitan in Yosemite, keep reading for 12 virtual vacations you can take right now. Bon voyage!

Virtual Tour of the Cliffs of Moher

Virtual Tour of the Cliffs of Moher

If you've ever wanted to go to Ireland, now is your chance. Take a virtual tour of the Cliffs of Moher on their website. Choose from one of the many virtual location options that offer different vantage points, like from the Blarney Castle Gardens or O'Brien's Tower. You can catch a glimpse of what the cliffs look like at twilight!

Virtual Tour of the Great Wall of China

Virtual Tour of the Great Wall of China

A historic landmark, the Great Wall of China is arguably one of the most visited tourist sites in the world. This virtual tour stretches over the 3,000-mile, 2,000-year-old foot journey. This interactive map is a great way to find out if you think you still have what it takes for this hike.

Virtual Tour of El Capitan, Yosemite National Park

Virtual Tour of El Capitan, Yosemite National Park

Whether you're just a nature buff or a full-on adrenaline junkie, this virtual tour of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park is for you. This 3,000-foot interactive hike will take you to the nose of one of the most iconic rock formations in the US. Even if you hate hiking, this is the perfect opportunity to soak in those views without any of the work.

Virtual Tour of the Taj Mahal

Virtual Tour of the Taj Mahal

As one of the seven wonders of the world, the Taj Mahal virtual tour should be on the top of your list. While in person you can't get a view of the very top of the building, this virtual tour offers a 360-degree view of the breathtaking architecture.

Virtual Tour of Machu Picchu

Virtual Tour of Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu isn't for the faint of heart with its steep incline and high altitude, so touring it in person might not be for everyone. Luckily, a virtual tour of Machu Picchu exists so you can get a glimpse of one of the most incredible landmarks in the world.

Virtual Tours of Yellowstone National Park

Virtual Tours of Yellowstone National Park

If you're a national park newbie or looking to broaden your adventure horizons, start by watching the Yellowstone National Park virtual tours . The website has over seven virtual tours available, ranging from hot springs to the Upper Geyser Basin to mud volcanoes. Honestly, binging these videos is a great way to plan your next visit!

Virtual Tour of the Milan Cathedral

Virtual Tour of the Milan Cathedral

Go on a virtual tour of the Milan Cathedral and the piazza (or town square) that surrounds it. From restaurants to tourists to even parked bikes, you'll quickly see why the beautiful city of Milan is such a popular tourist destination.

Virtual Tours of Zoos

Virtual Tours of Zoos

Zoos across the US have generously uploaded live web cams of animal exhibits to check out, such as the elephant exhibit at the Houston Zoo and the panda exhibit at the Smithsonian's National Zoo . Even if you weren't planning on taking a trip to the zoo anytime soon, watching these animals interact with each other is sure to put a smile on your face.

Virtual Tour of the Louvre Museum

Virtual Tour of the Louvre Museum

Dreaming of Paris? The Louvre Museum offers virtual tours of three exhibits, including Egyptian Antiquities, Remains of the Louvre's Moat, and Galerie d'Apollon.

Virtual Tour of Lake Tahoe

Virtual Tour of Lake Tahoe

If you want to spend a day at the lake and enjoy the peacefulness of nature, take a virtual tour of Lake Tahoe via the area's many live Earth cams.

Virtual Tour of Buckingham Palace

Virtual Tour of Buckingham Palace

Pour yourself a hot cup of tea and go on a virtual tour of Queen Elizabeth II's home, Buckingham Palace . Brush up on your British history with one of the virtual tours the site offers. On the website you can explore the Grand Staircase, the White Drawing Room, the Throne Room, and the Blue Drawing Room. Remember, pinkies up!

Virtual Tour of an Amusement Park Roller Coaster

Virtual Tour of an Amusement Park Roller Coaster

Love them or hate them, watching roller coasters in motion can be really fun. From the point of view of the front rider, you'll quickly be screaming with your hands in the air and completely forgetting you're at home. Available virtual roller coaster rides include Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure , Jurassic World The Ride , and Ghost Rider Wooden Roller Coaster .

virtual travel destinations

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Step into a postcard

Travel the world from your living room.

The world is filled with amazing places to see and experience, but travel is becoming increasingly expensive, difficult, and inaccessible. But what if you could bring the experience of traveling the world into your home today?

BRINK Traveler is a virtual travel experience that takes you to amazing locations in full 3D to feel like you're really there. Step into a postcard and visit some of the most breathtaking places on Earth today!

The Wave

Arizona, United States

Mount Whitney

Mount Whitney

California, United States

Horseshoe Bend

Horseshoe Bend

Lone Pine Peak

Lone Pine Peak


South Korea

Delicate Arch

Delicate Arch

Utah, United States

Cirque de Gavarnie

Cirque de Gavarnie

White Pocket

White Pocket

Pulpit Rock

Pulpit Rock

Death Valley

Death Valley

Crystal Crag

Crystal Crag

Antelope Canyon

Antelope Canyon

Háifoss, Iceland

Mobius Arch

Navagio Beach

Navagio Beach

Zakythos, Greece

Aoraki / Mount Cook

Aoraki / Mount Cook

New Zealand



Pena Ezkaurre

Pena Ezkaurre

Mount Sunday

Mount Sunday

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Virtual Travel Experiences

A new way to see the world.

We capture amazing places in volumetric 3D to create incredible immersive experiences that bring you as close as you can get to really being there.

BRINK Traveler for AR turns your phone or tablet into a window to the world, walk around and explore a location as if you were there in person!

BRINK Traveler for VR is the closest thing you'll have to a teleport button anytime soon. Put on a headset and feel like you’re really there!

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Brink traveler for virtual reality (vr).

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Volumetric capture of real locations all the way to the horizon. Move through a place as you would in person.

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BRINK Traveler gives you a feeling of presence, scale, and immersion not possible from any other medium.

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Shared experiences with friends and family to travel together from anywhere in the world.

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More than just seeing! Each location offers a unique experience to interact with a living environment.

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Our experiences work on all phones, tablets, and VR headsets, from the comfort of your own home.

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We capture the most incredible locations of the world. Places that inspire and stir emotions!

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Making the world more accessible.

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Our Mission

BRINK XR is dedicated to making the wonders of the world personally accessible to all through Virtual Travel Experiences. We aim to give people who otherwise wouldn’t have the opportunity to visit the amazing places of the world a chance to feel like they’ve experienced it in person.

We see virtual travel as a tool to help lower the barrier of entry for those who don’t have the time, money, or health to travel freely. We believe virtual travel experiences can be a tool to build connection and empathy for these amazing places - to protect and ensure them for future generations. Beyond entertainment, we see profound uses for virtual travel - including education, healthcare, and historic documentation.

Our world is filled with amazing places to see and explore. Our passion for travel and the great outdoors is the guiding light of our work on BRINK Traveler . We strive to recreate the connection we have to the incredible natural places we love being in, and enable anyone to have their own connection to these wonderful locations.

Mission Portrait

We're an award winning team of VFX artists, VR creators, mountain climbers, and world travelers.

BRINK XR was formed because we recognized an opportunity to use our skills in a new and exciting way to create meaningful content that provides entertainment, education, awareness, and scientific / historic relevance to the world.

We've always been trying to capture and present the world as we experience it with 360 photos, timelapses, photography - but with BRINK Traveler , it finally feels like we've found something that does justice to the scale and feeling of being in these amazing places—something no other medium has been able to really capture before now.

Interested in joining our team? Get in touch with us

You don’t have to pack a bag or bring a passport to be instantly transported around the planet. BRINK Traveler gives you your own personal guide to each meticulously captured location.

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BRINK Traveler is a stunning app to have loaded onto your Quest. It falls into the category of essential apps to keep installed for when you’re introducing someone to VR.

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Travel to some of the world’s most amazing natural wonders in fully immersive 3D and feel like you’re really there in this awe-inspiring experience.

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This VR Travel App makes me long for the real thing. Brink Traveler might be a suitable replacement and a lot cheaper than a plane ticket.

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Latest Press and Updates

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BRINK Traveler's fall update now out on Meta Quest! (and coming soon to PCVR)

October 26 2023 BRINK XR

We're back with another great big content update - this time we've added twelve new spots to visit across eight spectacular locations. We're also releasing the beta of our brand new AI Travel Assistant, along with many other great improvements and fixes!

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BRINK Traveler & Puzzling Places present "The Wave" as an immersive puzzle!

August 18 2023 BRINK XR

Puzzling Places is thrilled to announce its latest premium puzzle, "The Wave," in partnership BRINK Traveler. The collaboration is an exciting adventure in itself, bringing together two innovative worlds to create a meditative experience for users...

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BRINK XR for the Environment & Earth Day 2023 fundraiser!

April 20 2023 BRINK XR

Our passion for the amazing natural places of Earth is the guiding light behind our work on BRINK Traveler. We believe that everyone should be able to experience the great outdoors — both in our apps and in the real world. Our mission relies on ensuring these wonderful places...

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BRINK Traveler's winter locations update now out on Quest, Rift, and SteamVR!

December 24 2022 BRINK XR

Happy Holidays and New Year from BRINK XR - our gift to you is our latest Winter Update for BRINK Traveler! This update focused on bringing in eight new highly diverse and international locations into the experience - places like Norway, South Korea, New Zealand, France...

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BRINK Traveler's summer multiplayer update now out on Meta Quest!

August 01 2022 BRINK XR

Summer is finally here and we’re excited to announce the Summer Multiplayer Update for BRINK Traveler! This update focused on the much-requested Social Multiplayer experience so you can travel with friends, family, and other explorers from across the world...

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BRINK for the Environment and joining 1% for the Planet

April 20 2022 BRINK XR

BRINK Traveler's winter update now available on Oculus & Steam!

February 01 2022 | BRINK XR

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Today we're excited to release our Winter Update as a FREE UPDATE for all existing users. Our main focus for this update is to begin growing the experience with more spots to visit, adding language localization, allowing for greater settings customization based on user feedback, and readying the framework for more updates we have planned in 2022.

Here's a quick rundown of all the new things in the BRINK Traveler Winter Update (v1.1.0)...

BRINK Traveler named one of Oculus' Best Exploration Apps of 2021

December 14 2021 | Oculus

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It's been an exciting launch for us, and we're very proud to announce BRINK Traveler has been selected as one of Oculus' best apps of 2021 in the Exploration category!

We'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support, positive ratings, and touching emails we've received. We're looking forward to the coming year as we release seasonal updates to the app - including many more amazing places to visit and features like multiplayer and guided experiences.

BRINK Traveler Offers Some Of VR’s Best Travel Content Yet...

September 12 2021 | Upload VR

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BRINK Traveler is available now for Oculus Quest and PC VR, allowing you to travel to a selection of stunning locations that are displayed in full volumetric 3D by way of photogrammetry-based capture technology.

The app was announced a few weeks ago and launched more recently for Oculus Quest and PC VR via the Oculus Store and Steam. After jumping into the app on Quest and trying out a few of the locations yesterday, it’s clear that Brink is one of the best travel apps available on the Quest...

See the world From the Comfort of Home with BRINK Traveler on Oculus Quest

September 09 2021 | Oculus Blog

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Teleport yourself across the planet with BRINK Traveler from Brink XR, a first-of-its-kind virtual travel experience app that lets you explore breathtaking real-world locations in fully volumetric 3D environments created from meticulously scanned photogrammetry and LiDAR.

Visit over a dozen gorgeous locations around the world with BRINK Traveler, out now on the Oculus Quest and Rift Platforms, as well as Steam for $9.99 USD...

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The 12 Best Free Virtual Travel Experiences Worth Checking Out


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Here's why i find opera's aria ai useful (even though i dislike ai), i used chatgpt to plan my vacation, and it was horribly underwhelming.

Do you want to travel, but circumstances are preventing you from doing so? Thankfully, the internet enables you to visit multiple destinations around the world in real time. No plane tickets, visas, or long flights necessary!

If you have a laptop, a smartphone, or a VR device and a reliable Wi-Fi connection, you are all set to take these virtual tours for free.

1. African Safari

WildEarth relies on safari vehicles, guides on foot, drones, balloons, rovers and remote cams to capture some of Africa's most iconic animals in their own habitats. You can interact with an expert game ranger hosting the safari while you watch.

Related: Outdoor Virtual Tours to Get Back to Nature With Hikes, Dives, and Spelunking

2. The White House

At 55,000 square feet, the White House has 6 floors, 132 rooms (16 are family guest rooms), 35 bathrooms, 28 fireplaces, eight staircases, three elevators, 412 doors and 147 windows.

Thanks to Google Arts and Culture, you can enjoy a walk through the most famous residence in the US without having to worry about the Secret Service.

Related: Virtual Field Trips That Make History Come Alive

3. Discover India

You can visit the Taj Mahal and other iconic Indian sites via the official Indian government's immersive Audio Odigos app.

Once the app is downloaded Audio Odigos does not require Wi-Fi or an Internet connection. You can choose a destination and download all the chapters of the destination you are visiting in one go and enjoy your tour offline.

Download: Audio Odigos for Android | iOS (Free)

4. Sydney Opera House

The Sydney Opera House offers exclusive live streams of their performances, inclusive of original new digital programming direct from Sydney Opera House. It's free when you sign up.

5. Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis)

The Northern Lights most commonly appear between 5:00 pm and 2:00 am.

A good display may last for no longer than 15-30 minutes at a time, although if you're really lucky, they could last for a few hours. Norway's lights over Lapland project enables you to experience the Northern Lights via VR.

6. The Grand Canyon

The most popular hiking trail into the Grand Canyon is the Bright Angel Trail. Google's Street View Trek enables you to virtually hike it.

7. Paris Catacombs

Beneath the City of Paris is a 200 mile series of macabre tunnels containing the bones of 6 million people. As photographer Felix Nadar put it, the catacombs are one of those places "everyone wants to see and no one wants to see again". You can see the catacombs for yourself with this virtual tour.

Related: The Best Virtual Tours of the Human Body for Interactive Anatomy

8. Christ the Redeemer Statue

Located at the peak of the 700-metre (2,300 ft) Corcovado mountain in the Tijuca Forest National Park, overlooking the city of Rio de Janeiro, the Christ the Redeemer statue is the largest art deco statue in the world. You can skip the 200-step climb to the top via this stunning virtual tour set to soothing jazz by Kenny G.

9. Roman Colosseum

Fans of the Gladiator movie will no doubt recall the legendary fight scenes in the colosseum.

In real life, the colosseum was used as an entertainment venue for 390 years. During that time more than 400,000 people and 1 million animals died inside the Colosseum. You can virtually visit the real colosseum on AirPano.

10. Brooks Falls, Alaska

EXPLORE is the largest live nature cam network on the planet.

If you are a fan of bears, the livestream of Brooks Falls in Alaska's Katmai National Park is the best place in the world to watch brown bears feasting on salmon as they swim upstream to spawn. EXPLORE offers a multicam experience of various virtual tours both on land and under the sea.

11. New York Times Square

Would you like to visit Times Square in New York right this very moment? EarthCam takes you on an aerial and street-level tour of the square, complete with audio.

12. Marine Life Virtual Dive

America's National Marine Sanctuary System is a network of underwater parks encompassing more than 600,000 square miles of marine and Great Lakes waters, and now you can visit these amazing places in the blink of an eye through virtual reality.

If you're on a desktop, click and drag to experience in 360 degrees, or pair your phone with your virtual reality headset. For the best viewing experience, watch the video in high-definition: click the gear symbol in the lower right corner, then select any of the HD options that pop up when you click "Quality."

Related: Google Earth Tour Guide: Virtual Tours You'll Want to Check Out

Hot Tip: Amazon Explore

Amazon Explore enables you to virtually tour the world's cities and experience local culture with the help, or rather the company, of local guides or hosts.

Amazon Explore experiences are not free. However, if you’re an Amazon Prime member, your first experience of up to $50 is free with the promo code FREEFUN for a limited time.

How to get a free Amazon Explore experience:

  • Visit Amazon Explore .
  • Select and schedule an experience that is $50 or less. Use the code FREEFUN at checkout. This will reduce your cost to zero.
  • Meet Your Host: When it’s time for your livestreamed session, show up at your computer and meet up with your host.
  • Explore: The session is private and just for you, so ask questions, take pictures, and focus on what interests you the most.

Virtual Travel Is Here to Stay

For travelers who have various physical impairments—mobile, visual, auditory—virtual tours are a great way to visit destinations that were once off limits. Needless to say, those with financial limitations are equally empowered to visit places they otherwise could not afford.

If you are worried about global warming, traveling via internet is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and avoid flight shaming while seeing the world.

And of course there are the time savings. You may not have the time to see the world in your lifetime. With virtual travel, you can visit a new continent every day.

  • Virtual Tours
  • Website Lists

virtual travel destinations

20 Amazing Virtual Travel Experiences Around the World

Posted by Francesca Brooking | Inspiration | 32

20 Amazing Virtual Travel Experiences Around the World

The coronavirus pandemic has put many of our lives on pause and events including weddings, parties, festivals and holidays have had to be cancelled or postponed. While it’s been difficult adjusting to the tighter restrictions on our daily lives, we’ve also become more resourceful. Travel in its literal sense has become the stuff of fond memories and hopeful aspirations while we wait out this virus but its essence still lives on in virtual travel experiences. 

Since the pandemic, we have entered a new era of virtual reality. Our physical selves may be stuck at home but the virtual space has become a place where we can hang out with friends, run businesses and see corners of the world that we may not have access to otherwise. This new focus on virtual reality could even be the start of an alternative way to travel in the future. 

Virtual tourism makes the world more accessible 

It’s no secret that travel is expensive and the recent travel ban has also shown that it’s a privilege which can easily be taken for granted. Virtual travel brings the world within reach of those who might not otherwise get to see it. 

Of course, seeing all the seven wonders of the world may be better in person but for many of us, and especially now when travel is limited, that opportunity is just not an option. At least with these virtual travel experiences, we get a chance to see some of the world’s top landmarks even if it’s from our own homes. 

Can virtual travel help tackle overtourism? 

Once the pandemic is over and the world begins to go back to normal we will return to tackling the ongoing threat of climate change. We won’t be able to ignore our environmental impact as travellers and the tourism industry will need to become more sustainable. 

Many top destinations are already dealing with the effects of overtourism and are starting to introduce measures to control it. For example, Peru is limiting the number of tourists on Machu Picchu over concerns that human traffic is damaging the conservation of this ancient site. In the future, virtual travel could be used to help mitigate overtourism and it could become a real asset in the fight to preserve this fragile world. 

While virtual travel experiences may currently be limited to 360-degree interactive virtual tours, I look forward to seeing how virtual reality could develop in the future. Personally, I would love to see a virtual reality wildlife experience (if this already exists please do let me know!). In the meantime, while we get through this pandemic, here are 20 virtual travel experiences to satisfy your wanderlust at home.

1. Winter Escape in Swedish Lapland, Sweden

virtual travel experiences

Lights Over Lapland has created a series of virtual travel experiences in the heart of the Swedish Lapland for those in need of a relaxing escape. Available on YouTube and on their website, the 360-degree videos capture peaceful reindeer and dog sledging tours, a peek inside an ice hotel and even a compilation of the Northern Lights in action. 

Check it out here. 

Want to see more of the Northern Lights? This guide to at-home travel-inspired retreats reveals a way to virtually see them in Iceland with a professional photographer!

2. Sunset Over the Cliffs of Moher, Ireland

Ireland’s iconic landmark is now in reach thanks to this 360-degree virtual tour. Catch a sunset over the geological wonder from your living room and follow the arrows to O’Brien’s Tower for panoramic views at the top. It even has the capacity for virtual reality headsets if you’re looking for a fully immersive experience.  

3. Party in Ibiza, Spain

If you’re craving some part vibes, one of the best virtual travel experiences you can do is join #StayAtHomeSessions by Ushuaïa Ibiza Beach Hotel, an open-air club in Ibiza. Here you can catch up on a re-stream series of some of the club’s top DJ sets from 2019. You can watch them all on Facebook and invite your friends to join in too. 

Check it out here.

4. Explore Central Park, New York

central park new york

New York City’s Central Park is inviting virtual travellers to explore its grounds from their homes. Starting from West 72nd entrance, you can wander through the park at your own pace and learn about the history of some of its most notable landmarks. Sites to look out for include Strawberry Fields, Bethesda Terrace and the Alice in Wonderland statue. 

5. Study Stonehenge, UK

See one of England’s most iconic landmarks up close with these two virtual tours by English Heritage . One tour allows you to experience a 360-degree tour of this neolithic monument. Or, you can switch to Skyscape and get a view from within the stone circle itself. Both these tours give unparalleled access to Stonehenge that you would never get in real life. 

6. Virtual Hike in Yosemite National Park, California

Transport yourself to the rugged landscape of Yosemite National Park in California. The park may be closed to hikers right now but virtual visitors can still enjoy its magnificent views online through a selection of webcams . Views include Yosemite Falls, Half Dome and El Capitan. 

7. Marvel at the Great Wall of China, China

great wall of china

For an unbeatable experience of virtual tourism, you can mentally climb the Great Wall of China from the comfort of your sofa. Considered one of the great wonders of the world, the Great Wall has over 2,000 years of history and covers more than 3,000 miles. Discover the section of the wall from Jinshanling to Simatai and enjoy views of watchtowers and snow-dusted mountains. 

8. Archaeological Exploration in the Grand Canyon, Arizona

Armchair travellers are invited to indulge in a virtual reality tour of the Grand Canyon. In addition, you can get a fascinating and in-depth insight into the history behind the canyon’s otherwordly rock formations. This tour is an absolute must for geology enthusiasts. 

9. Enjoy Birdsong in the Rocky Mountains National Park, Colorado

It’s no secret that nature has therapeutic benefits. Studies have shown that birdsong makes us feel safe and secure – a lingering evolutionary fragment of our ancestors from thousands of years ago. Rocky Mountains National Park has brought the sounds of nature into our homes with a mesmerising sound library that captures the acoustic diversity of the park. Sit back, relax and let the sounds wash over you during this virtual travel experience. 

10. Virtually Visit Machu Picchu, Peru

virtual travel experiences

If Machu Picchu is on your bucket list then this tour is one of the top virtual travel experiences for you. This 360-degree tour allows you to explore the archaeological Incan settlement while learning about its incredible history. During this tour, you can get phenomenal views of the Andes and virtually climb to Machu Picchu’s highest point for panoramic views. 

Want to know how people across the world are dealing with life in lockdown? Read their stories here. 

11. Discover Petra, Jordan

Google Maps and Queen Rania of Jordan have teamed up to allow armchair travellers the chance to explore the ancient ‘rose red city’ from their homes. In this fully immersive virtual tour, you can learn about the history behind Petra’s iconic facade and the nomadic Nabataeans who built this city of stone over 2,000 years ago. 

12. Hike a Mountain in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

In the mood for a spot of mountain-climbing ? Grand Teton National Park has brought virtual reality travel to the next level with its series of virtual hikes. You can climb all the way to the top of Grand Teton and admire the view from its 13,770-foot summit while discovering the surrounding geology and wildlife. If you prefer a more low-key virtual hike, try the eHike String Lake or the Moose-Wilson Corridor. 

13. Gaze at the Taj Mahal, India

virtual travel experiences at the taj mahal

The Taj Mahal is one of the seven wonders of the world. For those who want to see this beautiful monument up close, this YouTube video gives you a fascinating high-definition virtual tour. Let the footage guide you while you marvel at the intricate designs that cover every inch of this architectural masterpiece. 

14. Feel Royal at Buckingham Palace, UK

Ever wondered what it’s like to live the life of a queen? Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen of the United Kingdom and it’s inviting virtual visitors to try its three virtual tours. You can enjoy 360-degree views of the Throne Room, White Drawing Room and Grand Staircase. Be sure to look out for the information points embedded in the tours to find out more about each decadent room. 

15. Watch the Northern Lights, Canada

Explore is offering armchair travellers one of the most exciting virtual travel experiences you can do at home – the chance to see a live stream of the Northern Lights. Visitors can tune in to the Churchill Northern Studies Center in Canada at any point during the night to see the stunning natural light display in action. 

16. Expedition in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia

virtual travel experiences at the great barrier reef

Fans of David Attenborough will love this interactive virtual tour of the Great Barrier Reef. Whether you’re an experienced diver or just beginning to wet your feet, this tour gives you a thrilling glimpse into the Great Barrier’s underwater world. 

17. Soak up the sun in Greater Miami Beach, Miami

Spend a virtual day at the beach with Miami’s live webcams . From South Beach to Sunny Isles and Little Havanna to Coconut Grove, these virtual travel destinations offer visitors the chance to admire the sun, surf and sand from their homes. 

18. Hitch a Ride Up Mount Everest, Nepal

Ever wanted to see what it’s like at the top of Mount Everest? Usually reserved for the most experienced of mountain hikers, the world’s tallest peak is now accessible to all thanks to Discovery. Take this 360-degree virtual tour that follows rescue helicopter pilots on patrol and see breathtaking views of Mount Everest and its surroundings. 

19. Remote-control Adventure, The Faroe Islands

virtual travel experiences in the Faroe Islands

There may be a travel ban right now but the Faroese tourism board has come up with an ingenious way to attract virtual tourists to its eighteen islands. Each day a resident straps a camera to their heads and invites virtual visitors to direct their movements in real-time via an on-screen console. Depending on the weather conditions you can explore regions on foot, in a helicopter, on horseback and in a kayak. 

Find the next scheduled tour here. 

20. Make Pasta with Nonna Nerina, Italy

If you’re keen to try something different and pick up a skill while you’re at it you can join a pasta-making masterclass streamed live from Italy . Learn how to make mouthwatering pasta dishes under the instruction of 84-year-old Nonna Nerina and her sister and granddaughter. The class runs for two hours and it costs $60 to take part. 

In need of some more virtual travel experience? Check out this guide to the best virtual museum tours. 

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About The Author

Francesca brooking.

Francesca Brooking is the Founder of Little Lost Travel. A travel expert with a passion for the planet, Francesca is on a mission to help you travel well. From Costa Rica to Jordan, she's travelled all over the world. When she's not off on an adventure, she's reviewing sustainable travel products and writing travel guides.


This is tremendous! I have never heard of any of these and now I want to do them all. Thank you for compiling and sharing.

Thank you! Enjoy 🙂

I had never thought virtual tourism is so widespread, thanks for this info. It’s definitely very sustainable. I will check some of these destinations virtually for sure. Thanks for collecting them.

Thank you! I think definitely more so when attractions still need to attract attention to themselves when no one can visit them.

Wow, this is a great collection of worldwide virtual travel! I’ve been covering the Internet looking for these types of events, so I’m grateful to you. For me, the virtual escapes do a little something to cure – well, tame – my unrequited wanderlust!

Thank you! I hope your wanderlust can be satisfied a little with these 🙂

Such a fun post! Although honestly I can’t wait to travel again for real :p

Thank you! Urgh me too. As lovely as it is to explore them virtually it just makes my need to see them in real life worse!

So cool! I love this idea, especially since we can’t travel right now. I think I’ll check out Petra, Jordan, as that’s where I was supposed to be in March!

Thank you! Oh cool, Jordan’s tour is really fun!

I love the idea of virtual travel at the moment and I think I am going to watch the northern lights one soon! Thank you so much 💗

Thank you! I hope you see them!

Macchu Picchu and the Taj Mahal would be my choices! Maybe I will pour a glass of wine and sit down to take a little journey 🙂 Thanks!

Great picks! Enjoy 🙂

Attenborough virtual tour I love the most! Thank you for all the tips!

Thank you! It’s so cool and I love that there are different sections to explore.

Such an iconic list of things to see! There’s even a few that I haven’t done and now they’re on my list!

Thank you! Amazing, have fun!

These are some great options while being stuck at home! The Great Barrier Reef virtual expedition looked especially interesting.

Thank you! It’s really fun and you learn quite a bit too.

Amazing list!!! Visiting the Faroe Islands has always been a dream of mine. Haven’t been able to make the trip yet, so I’m going visit virtually for now. Thanks for this inspo!

Thank you! I did the tour last week and it was really fun exploring the village and getting a glimpse of the stunning views. I definitely recommend it.

This post is wonderful! I’ve been to NYC twice and now can’t wait to walk through Central Park again virtually! And omg, watching the Northern Lights from Canada, YES! Thanks so much for sharing!

Thank you! It’s great that you also get to learn so much on the virtual tour. Yes, definitely do it! I need to get my timings right so that I tune in when it’s night time in Canada but it’s so cool!

This is such a great post! Going to go ahead and satisfy my travel bug through these virtual experiences.

Thank you! I hope it helps while the lockdown is on 🙂

Welp There goes my Saturday with Netflix! This is FANTASTIC and we’ll be screen-sharing this to the TV for couch entertainment and cocktails for hours!!!

That’s amazing! Sounds like such a fun evening!

What an amazing list!! Thanks for putting that together

The remove control local resident sounds like such an interesting idea. That is a different level than just having a 360 camera or prerecorded tour. It seems like it would give some level of interaction with the local environment rather than just seeing images.

It was really interesting. You get to see what it’s like in real-time and it feels very like a real tour – weather and all!

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Last Updated on 26/08/2023

Oculus: Your Virtual Travel Companion

  • Last updated Jul 26, 2024
  • Difficulty Advanced

Cagri Burak

  • Category Travel

what places can oculus go virtual travel to

Virtual reality (VR) has opened up a whole new world of travel opportunities. With an Oculus headset, you can travel to a multitude of destinations without ever leaving your home. From VR apps to games, there is a wide range of virtual travel experiences to choose from. You can visit famous landmarks, natural wonders, cities, museums, and even go on a safari or underwater exploration. The possibilities are endless. With VR, you can fulfil your wanderlust and go on adventures from the comfort of your living room. So, whether you're interested in exploring new cultures, historical sites, or just relaxing in a virtual meditation space, Oculus has got you covered.

What You'll Learn

National geographic explore vr, google earth vr, the grand canyon vr experience, blueplanet vr explore, the vr museum of fine art.


National Geographic is a world-leading society in the fields of geography, cartography and exploration, so it is fitting that it has its own VR experience. National Geographic Explore VR takes you to two of the most iconic locations on Earth: Antarctica and Machu Picchu, Peru.

In Antarctica, you can navigate around icebergs in a kayak, climb a vast ice shelf and survive a snowstorm as you search for a lost emperor penguin colony. The ancient Inca citadel of Machu Picchu is brought to life with digital reconstructions of the legendary site. You can witness mummy worships, take part in a sacred chicha ceremony and meet alpacas, as well as try to recreate Hiram Bingham’s photographs from when he rediscovered the citadel.

The VR experience is interactive, and you can take photographs, with the best snaps possibly making it into the National Geographic magazine. The whole family can join in on the fun and explore the world without leaving home.

The National Geographic Explore VR is available on the Meta Quest 3 headset for £7.99.

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Google has also added several comfort features to Google Earth VR to prevent virtual travel sickness, making it a must-see virtual reality app. With this app, you can explore the world's cities, landmarks, and natural wonders from the comfort of your home.

One unique feature of Google Earth VR is the ability to see your house from space and then virtually fly to it and stand in your front yard or on your rooftop. This blends the physical and digital worlds, providing a transformative experience that goes beyond traditional travel.

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In the game, you take on the role of a kayaker, embarking on a serene journey through the Grand Canyon. You can customise your experience by choosing between a sunlit or moonlit tour and adjusting the speed of your kayak. As you paddle along, you'll encounter a diverse range of wildlife, including fish that you can attract and feed. The game also features a realistic day/night cycle, and you can use a flashlight to illuminate your path when exploring the canyon at night.

To enhance your immersion in the game, it is recommended to set up a comfortable chair in the middle of your play space, use an oscillating fan, and minimise any external light sources. With these tips, you can create an even more engaging and realistic virtual reality experience.

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The app is continuously updated with curated content, ensuring that users have access to new and exciting locations. Blueplanet VR Explore can be purchased and experienced on the Meta Quest 3 headset, with the option to try a free demo before buying.

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One of the highlights of the museum is the Water Lilies exhibition, where users can take a closer look at Monet's Water Lilies painting. The VR technology allows users to examine the brushstrokes and details of the artwork in a way that would not be possible in a traditional museum setting.

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Frequently asked questions.

Yes, you can. The VR Museum of Fine Art offers an immersive experience where you can peruse a museum at your own pace and get incredibly detailed views of some of the world's most famous paintings and sculptures.

Yes, you can. The app Titans of Space PLUS offers a theme park-style ride through the solar system and beyond. You can control the pace of the experience and learn facts about the planets and moons along the way.

Yes, you can. The Grand Canyon VR Experience lets you ride in a virtual motorized kayak through the Grand Canyon, with the option to choose between a sunlit or moonlit setting.

Yes, you can. Rome Reborn: The Pantheon transports you to ancient Rome, focusing on the Pantheon and its surrounding complex. You can explore the exterior forecourt and interior sanctuary while learning about its design, decoration, and the religious cult it once housed.

Yes, you can. Apps like National Geographic Explore VR and Blueplanet VR Explore offer the opportunity to visit multiple countries and explore their iconic locations. With National Geographic Explore VR, you can visit Antarctica and Machu Picchu in Peru, while Blueplanet VR Explore offers a collection of sacred and fragile locations of natural beauty and cultural heritage worldwide.

Cagri Burak

  • Cagri Burak Author Reviewer Traveller

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  • Duke Trotter Author Editor Reviewer Traveller

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Unlocking new horizons: the benefits of using virtual reality to explore destinations.

virtual travel destinations

The Benefits of Using Virtual Reality to Explore Destinations**Imagine stepping into a breathtaking landscape without leaving your living room, or immersing yourself in the vibrant culture of a distant city with just a headset and a few clicks. Welcome to the world of virtual reality (VR), where travel dreams come alive in ways you never thought possible! As wanderlust continues to inspire us all, VR technology is revolutionizing how we explore destinations around the globe. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the incredible benefits of using virtual reality for travel exploration—whether you’re planning your next adventure or simply seeking an escape from your daily routine. Get ready to discover how VR can elevate your travel experience beyond imagination, opening doors to new cultures and experiences like never before!

Discuss the rise of virtual reality technology and its impact on various industries, including travel.

Virtual reality is no longer just the stuff of science fiction. It has seeped into our lives, transforming industries in ways we never imagined possible. One of the most thrilling applications? Travel! Imagine stepping off your couch and exploring a bustling market in Marrakech or gazing at the majestic Eiffel Tower—all without leaving your home. The rise of VR technology has opened up new doors for exploration and adventure, making it easier than ever to discover destinations like never before. As wanderlust calls to us all, using VR to preview travel destinations offers an innovative way to satisfy that craving for exploration while allowing for informed travel choices later down the line. Let’s dive into this exciting world and see how virtual reality can reshape our travel experiences!

What is Virtual Reality? Explain what virtual reality is and how it works.

Virtual reality (VR) immerses users in a computer-generated environment. This technology creates an experience that feels as real as the physical world.

Using VR headsets, users can look around and interact with the 3D space. The headset tracks head movements, adjusting visuals accordingly to enhance realism.

Motion controllers add another layer of interaction. They allow users to grasp virtual objects or navigate through environments seamlessly.

VR works by combining specialized hardware and software. Sensors and cameras detect user movements while advanced graphics create lifelike scenes.

With audio elements integrated, sounds correspond to actions within the virtual space. This multi-sensory approach heightens the immersive experience further.

As a result, people can explore destinations without leaving their homes—offering new ways to discover travel locations before booking trips.

Benefits of Using Virtual Reality for Travel: Explore the advantages of using VR to preview travel destinations.

Virtual reality has transformed how we approach travel. One of its standout benefits is cost-effectiveness. Imagine experiencing a breathtaking sunset over Santorini without booking an expensive flight or hotel. With VR, you can explore stunning locations from the comfort of your home.

Convenience is another major advantage. You can virtually stroll through bustling markets in Marrakech or hike lush trails in the Swiss Alps anytime you wish. No packing required, and no time zone changes to navigate.

Accessibility also shines with virtual reality experiences. Those with mobility challenges can access destinations that might otherwise be difficult to reach physically. Everyone deserves the chance to discover new places, and VR makes that possible for all individuals.

With these advantages combined, using VR to preview travel destinations opens doors to adventures previously thought unattainable for many travelers around the world.

How to Use Virtual Reality for Travel: Provide step-by-step instructions on how to use virtual reality for travel

Getting started with virtual reality for travel is easier than you might think. First, choose a VR headset that fits your budget and needs. Popular options include the Oculus Quest 2 or HTC Vive.

Next, download VR travel apps like Wander or Google Earth VR from the app store compatible with your device. These apps allow you to explore various destinations in stunning detail.

Set up your space by clearing an area where you’ll move around safely. Make sure your headset has sufficient battery life.

Once you’re ready, put on the headset and navigate through the app menus using hand controllers or gaze-based selection.

Take your time exploring different locations—zoom in on landmarks, walk through streets, and even experience local attractions as if you were really there. Enjoy this immersive preview of potential adventures!

Virtual reality (VR) technology has revolutionized the way we experience and explore new destinations. With VR, you can immerse yourself in a virtual world that feels just like the real thing without leaving the comfort of your home. In this section, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to use virtual reality for travel and recommend some equipment and resources to enhance your experience.

Step 1: Get a VR headset The first step is to get a VR headset, which is essential in experiencing virtual reality travel. There are various options available on the market, from budget-friendly options like Google Cardboard to high-end headsets like Oculus Rift or HTC Vive. If you’re just starting out with VR travel, we recommend using a smartphone-based headset as they are more affordable and readily available.

Step 2: Download a VR app or game Next, you will need to download a VR app or game that allows you to explore different destinations. Some popular options include Google Earth VR, National Geographic Explore VR, and Wander. These apps offer stunning visuals and immersive experiences that simulate real-world locations.

Step 3: Choose your destination Once you have downloaded an app or game, it’s time to choose your destination. Many apps offer a vast range of locations around the world for you to explore virtually. You can visit famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower in Paris or take a walk through bustling cities like Tokyo.

Step 4: Set up your surroundings Before diving into your virtual adventure, make sure you set up your surroundings appropriately for maximum immersion. Find a quiet room with enough space for movement if needed. Also, ensure there is adequate lighting so that the sensors on your headset can track your movements accurately.

Step 5: Put on your VR headset With everything set up correctly, put on your VR headset and adjust it until it fits comfortably without any light leakage from outside sources. Make sure the lenses are clean for a clear and crisp view.

Step 6: Use your controllers Most VR headsets come with controllers that allow you to interact with the virtual world. These controllers have buttons, triggers, and touchpads that enable you to move around or select objects in the virtual environment. Familiarize yourself with these controls before starting your journey.

Step 7: Start exploring Now it’s time to start your virtual travel adventure! Move around using the controller or by physically walking (if your VR headset allows it) and take in the breathtaking views of your chosen destination. You can also interact with objects and learn more about different cultures, history, and landmarks.

Top Destinations Available for Virtual Exploration

The use of virtual reality is revolutionizing how we explore the world. With just a headset, you can transport yourself to destinations far and wide without leaving your home. Imagine walking through the streets of Paris or lounging on a beach in Bali—all from your living room.

As more travel companies adopt VR technology, the options for exploration grow exponentially. Whether you’re interested in ancient ruins or modern urban adventures, there’s likely a VR experience that caters to your interests.

Some top destinations available for virtual exploration include:

– The majestic landscapes of New Zealand – The historic sites of Rome – Thrilling safaris in South Africa – Breathtaking views from Machu Picchu

Each destination offers unique experiences that can ignite wanderlust and inspire future travels. Using VR to preview these locations may be one of the best ways to choose your next adventure while enjoying all the convenience it brings.

With advances in technology continually enhancing our experiences, it’s clear that using VR to preview travel destinations will only become more immersive and accessible over time. So why not take advantage? Dive into this innovative way of exploring and see where it takes you next!

Virtual reality has opened up a world of possibilities for travelers, allowing them to explore new destinations from the comfort of their own home. From enhancing trip planning and preparation to providing immersive experiences and promoting cultural understanding, the benefits of using virtual reality in travel are undeniable. As technology continues to advance, we can only imagine the endless possibilities and exciting adventures that await us through this innovative medium. So why wait? Start unlocking new horizons with virtual reality today!

virtual travel destinations

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Tails will wag at the 10 best dog bars in the US

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Best Dog Bar (2024) July 3, 2024

Dog bars have become popular spots for pet owners who want to socialize without leaving their furry friends behind. These unique establishments offer a space where dogs can mingle and play, while their owners relax and enjoy a drink.

These 10 dog bars — selected by an expert panel and voted by readers as the best in the U.S. — cater to pooches with off-leash play areas, and they often feature dedicated menus for your pup.

Boo's Ice House & Dog Bar

No. 10: Boo's Ice House & Dog Bar - Sarasota, Florida

Boo's Ice House & Dog Bar is a spacious facility with indoor and outdoor dog parks, where humans and dogs can grab a bite to eat. There's plenty of room for pups to mix and mingle off-leash in this former ice house.

Omaha Dog Bar

No. 9: Omaha Dog Bar - Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha Dog Bar's spacious 17,000-square-foot facility is a fantastic place for both you and your best friend. There's an indoor and outdoor play area for your pup, along with a doggy daycare. You can grab a pizza for yourself and order your furry pal a doggurt.

Fetch Park

No. 8: Fetch Park - Georgia

Hugely popular with locals and tourists alike, Fetch Park has five locations in Georgia. Open 365 days a year, they offer a huge off-leash dog park for your four-legged buddy to romp and play. Check out their events page for live music, fundraisers, and other fun happenings.

The Dog Bar

No. 7: The Dog Bar - St. Petersburg, Florida

If you're with your pup in St. Petersburg, The Dog Bar is where you want to be. This membership-only sports bar and off-leash dog park features a huge selection of 31 draft beers and many food truck options. There are several areas for you and your dog to hang out, along with plenty of TVs for watching sports.

Unleashed Hounds and Hops

No. 6: Unleashed Hounds and Hops - Minneapolis, Minnesota

Unleashed Hounds and Hops is an indoor and outdoor dog park, serving up drinks and delicious pub fare. Grab a beer, order one of their mouthwatering sandwiches, and watch your pup engage in some serious play in the spacious facility.

Dogwood Play Park

No. 5: Dogwood Play Park - Seattle, Washington

Located in the Evergreen State, Dogwood Play Park offers an indoor/outdoor off-leash play area for your pup. Human visitors can enjoy a cold beer or a glass of wine as they watch the jubilant interactions.

Pub Dog Colorado

No. 4: Pub Dog Colorado - Colorado Springs, Colorado

Pub Dog Colorado features a restaurant and bar, as well as an indoor/outdoor dog park that welcomes your furry friend with open arms. It's the only restaurant in Colorado that allows people to dine indoors with their pups, so it's hugely popular. You'll want to arrive early because they don't take reservations.

The Boozy Mutt

No. 3: The Boozy Mutt - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Hailed as Pennsylvania's very first indoor/outdoor off-leash dog bar, The Boozy Mutt offers doggy goodies on their menu for your best friend. Let your pup burn off some of that play energy and order a burger for yourself and some well-deserved homemade biscuits for them.

Bark Social Bethesda

No. 2: Bark Social Bethesda - North Bethesda, Maryland

Visitors to Bark Social in Bethesda love the chill vibes and pub fare, but above all, it's a super cool place for your best friend to play and socialize. The large off-leash dog park is a great space for your pup to release play energy, and they can cool off with a pupsicle or puppy ice cream afterwards.

Bar K

No. 1: Bar K - Missouri and Oklahoma

Bar K has three locations (Kansas City, St. Louis, and Oklahoma City) and offers a spacious dog park alongside a full-service restaurant and bar. Your pup can socialize and even enjoy their own plate from the pup menu.

About 10Best Readers' Choice Awards

Nominees are submitted by a panel of experts. 10Best editors narrow the field to select the final set of nominees for the Readers’ Choice Awards. Readers can vote once per category, per day. For any questions or comments, please read the FAQ or email USA TODAY 10Best .

The Experts

Jean chen smith.

Jean Chen Smith

Jean Chen Smith is a freelance journalist who has...   Read More

Jean Chen Smith is a freelance journalist who has been producing content for over 15 years. With a love of travel and storytelling, her intention is to create content to inspire and connect people to places, things, and experiences. Her articles have appeared in AARP, Travel and Leisure, 1859 magazine, Insider Travel, USA Today, Family Vacationist, The Oregonian, SFGATE,, and more. When not writing or teaching Pilates at her studio, she enjoys trail running, spending time with her pups Tonka and Paisley, and reading suspense novels.

Jean Chen Smith

Catherine Smith

Catherine Smith

Catherine Smith, Expert and Award Eligibility...   Read More

Catherine Smith, Expert and Award Eligibility Coordinator for the USA TODAY 10Best Readers' Choice Awards, has a special interest in health and wellness, family travel, women's solo travel and off-the-beaten-path adventures. Catherine is the founder of  Her Bags Were Packed  where she focuses on helping  women release emotional baggage through solo travel and self-discovery.

Catherine Smith

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10Best Editors

USA TODAY 10Best provides users with original,...   Read More

USA TODAY 10Best provides users with original, unbiased and experiential travel coverage of top attractions, things to see and do, and restaurants for top destinations in the U.S. and around the world.

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Times of India TIMESOFINDIA.COM / TRAVEL NEWS , UNITED STATES / Created : Jul 26, 2024, 15:15 IST

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The US Department of State updated its travel advisory for India, recommending increased caution and reconsidering travel to specific regions. Areas like Jammu and Kashmir and parts of the northeast faced heightened warnings due t … Read more

The US Department of State updated its travel advisory for India, recommending increased caution and reconsidering travel to specific regions. Areas like Jammu and Kashmir and parts of the northeast faced heightened warnings due to terrorism, violent crime, and civil unrest. Tourists are advised to stay informed and exercise caution, especially in high-risk zones. Read less

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US updates travel advisory for Americans in India: Avoid J&K, Manipur, and more

The US Department of State updated its travel advisory for India, recommending increased caution and reconsidering travel to specific regions. Areas like Jammu and Kashmir and parts of the northeast f...

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These Are Going to Be the Most Popular Travel Destinations in 2024

A lready thinking about where you want to travel in 2024 ? If you’re hoping to hit the hottest travel destinations of the year, Expedia Group is here to help. The one-stop travel site—alongside and VRBO—just released Unpack '24 , a travel trends analysis for the coming year. In addition to detailing the projected top 10 most popular international destinations of 2024, the site also revealed 10 “dupes” for travelers looking to perhaps spend a bit less, as well as those hoping to be surrounded by fewer fellow tourists. Additionally, they revealed 10 affordable cities where the world’s biggest musical acts are set to perform, as well as where to travel if you live a sober lifestyle.

“At Expedia Group, we have extensive first-party travel data that we use to enhance and curate experiences for our travelers across Expedia,, and Vrbo,” Jon Gieselman, president of Expedia Brands, says in the report. “These insights shape our travel forecasts, revealed in Unpack '24, enabling our travelers to be the first to discover and book the most desired trips before they become well-beaten paths.”

Ready to ignite your travel bug? Ahead, discover the most popular travel destinations of 2024.

The Top 10 Travel Destinations of 2024

Expedia Group predicts that travelers are most likely to jet set to destinations popularized in fan-favorite TV shows and movies. According to the report, “More than half of travelers say they’ve researched or booked a trip to a destination after seeing it on a TV show or in a movie. In fact, travelers say TV shows influence their travel decisions more than Instagram, TikTok, and podcasts.” With that in mind, they reveal that the top 10 travel destinations of 2024 are as follows:

  • Thailand - Featured in White Lotus , Season 3—which has sadly been pushed to premiere in 2025
  • Romania - Featured in Wednesday , Season 2—which has not yet set a release date
  • Malta - As seen in Gladiator 2 , which is set to premiere on November 22, 2024
  • Paris - As seen in Emily in Paris
  • Scottish Highlands - Featured in Outlander
  • London, Bath, and Windsor, U.K. - As seen in Bridgerton and The Crown
  • South Korea - Featured in Squid Game —the Season 2 release date has yet to be announced
  • Florida Keys - As seen in the series Bad Monkey
  • Australia - Featured in Baz Luhrmann’s Faraway Downs series, as well as the film Furiosa , which is set to premiere on May 24, 2024
  • Greece - as seen in the films Argylle (set to release in 2024) and My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3

The Top 10 Travel Destination Dupes

Dupes have long been lauded in the beauty and fashion categories, and now the concept is making its way to travel. “1 in 3 of those polled say they’ve booked a dupe,” the report reveals. “But what do these less obvious alternatives offer besides potential savings? They’re often less crowded, tend to be a little unexpected, and can be every bit as delightful as the tried-and-true destinations.”

Intrigued by the idea of booking a stellar vacation for a fraction of the price? Check out Expedia Group’s Top 10 Travel Destination Dupes, below, which are listed as the original destination of inspiration and the dupe that mirrors it.

  • Seoul —> Taipei
  • Bangkok —> Pattaya
  • Santorini —> Paros
  • Saint Martin —> Curaçao
  • Sydney —> Perth
  • London —> Liverpool
  • Lisbon —> Palermo
  • Geneva —> Québec City
  • Zermatt —> Sapporo
  • Nashville —> Memphis

The Top 10 Tour-Inspired Travel Destinations

Music lovers, this one’s for you! As you well know, traveling to see your favorite artists live is expensive, to say the least. With this in mind, Expedia set out to find the most affordable destinations where the world’s most famous pop and rock stars are set to take the stage in 2024.

Through their research, in which they analyzed the average daily rates of tour locations, they found the top 10 most affordable cities (less than $150/night on average) where travelers can witness the likes of Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Coldplay, Metallica, Madonna, and more. They are as follows:

  • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - $91
  • Edmonton, Canada - $108
  • Mexico City, Mexico - $119
  • Warsaw, Poland - $119
  • Birmingham, U.K. - $127
  • Houston, Texas - $130
  • Antwerp, Belgium - $140
  • Tokyo, Japan - $147
  • Perth, Australia - $148
  • Detroit, Michigan - $149

For more research-backed travel trends, be sure to check out Expedia’s full Unpack ‘24 Trend Report .

Discover destinations all over the world inspired by TV and movie sets, music tours, lifestyle trends, and more.

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The 14 best solo travel destinations

Woman relaxes above lake and mountains on bench

Whether you are on a journey of self-discovery, or just need some vacation time to yourself, solo travel can afford the most rewarding adventures. If you've never traveled alone before, the thought can be intimidating. But once you hit the road, you might just find your own company to be the best.

Among the benefits solo travel offers is the freedom to do as you please on your own schedule. It can also let you step out of your comfort zone to try new things and even form new friendships on the road.

Solo travel is also more accessible than ever thanks to new tour companies offering group trips geared toward single travelers.

No matter what your reason or goal for traveling solo, though, there are destinations and experiences out there just waiting to be discovered. Here are our top picks for solo destinations around the world.

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Best for: Well-rounded adventurers who want to explore a well-trod destination.

If this is your first solo travel experience, Thailand is a great starter locale. The tourism industry runs like a well-oiled machine, and you'll never really be alone as it is one of the world's most popular travel destinations, hosting more than 40 million visitors annually. Once the backbone of the backpacker travel scene for its mix of affordability, delicious food, stunning beaches, vibrant cities and both natural and cultural attractions, today Thailand attracts a wide swath of travelers, including those on solo stints.

You'll want to begin and end with a few days in Bangkok , which has a fantastic food scene and great nightlife. Jay Fai is a Michelin-starred street food eatery famed for its crab omelets, drunken noodles and hard-to-get tables. They don't take reservations, and there is often a line before the doors open at 9 a.m., but solo travelers may have an advantage squeezing into available counter seats.

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Fly south and spend a week exploring the Gulf of Thailand, home to tropical islands like Koh Samui (parts of " The White Lotus" season three were filmed at the Four Seasons Resort Koh Samui ) and Koh Tao (where there is excellent diving). Hop across to the Andaman Sea coastline afterward, where you'll find beach resorts for all budgets in Phuket , Krabi and the Phi Phi Islands.

You'll also want to spend some time in northern Thailand, including Chiang Mai, which is home to hundreds of elaborate Buddhist temples and a famed night market. It also serves as a jumping-off point for multiday treks through jungle and waterfall-dotted landscapes.

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In one of Bangkok's tallest skyscrapers, The Standard, Bangkok Mahanakhon is a playful, hip boutique with eye-catching art and design and a celebrity scene. Rates start at $154 per night.

"The White Lotus" set-jetters will want to book the Four Seasons Resort Koh Samui , the main hotel backdrop for season three. Rooms start at $1,300 per night.

The Banyan Tree Phuket offers chic digs in private pool villas. Solo travelers will like the number of curated experiences this resort offers, including cooking classes, local market tours and a meditative labyrinth walk. Rates start at $304 per night.

In Chiang Mai's Old City, the Inside House has just 31 opulent rooms and suites. The 13 private, marble-tiled pool suites are a content creator's dream. Rates start at $96 per night.

South Africa 

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Best for: Your first solo trip to Africa.

Playing the backdrop for incredible wildlife safaris , thriving cities, beautiful beaches, wine regions and some of the world's most iconic road trips, South Africa is one of the most scenically diverse and accessible solo travel destinations on the African continent.

United Airlines flies nonstop to Cape Town International Airport (CPT) from Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) and Dulles International Airport (IAD) and from Newark to Johannesburg O.R. Tambo International Airport (JNB). Delta Air Lines flies nonstop to Johannesburg from Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport (ATL). South Africa's infrastructure is solid, making it easy to get around by car, plane and public transport.

Cape Town is one of the world's most stunning cities and has become quite a hotspot with digital nomads thanks to its affordability and friendly vibe. Built around the towering flat-topped Table Mountain, it sits on a peninsula surrounded by white sand beaches sandwiched between turquoise waters (be warned, it's deceptively cold!) and a series of dramatic rock cliffs known as the Twelve Apostles. Adding to the allure, the Stellenbosch and Franschhoek wine regions, penguin-populated Boulder Beach and Cape Agulhas, Africa's southernmost point, are all within easy day-trip reach.

Johannesburg is South Africa's largest city and another main hub. Here, travelers can visit the historically significant township of Soweto, where Nelson Mandela lived for 18 years before his arrest in 1962. From trendy bars and clubs in Melville to legendary jazz at Kippies in Newtown, Johannesburg also has a vibrant nightlife scene. Of course, no visit to South Africa would be complete without a safari in Kruger National Park or a private concession like Sabi Sands.

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Road-tripping in South Africa can also be legendary. From Cape Town, head east for six hours to the start of the Garden Route in Mossel Bay, which is one of South Africa's most famous road trips. Best lingered upon for three to five days, the 190-mile coastline drive takes you through charming beach holiday towns like Knysna, known for its oysters and subtropical evergreen forest.

South African backpacker hostels are usually stylish affairs that offer ample opportunities to meet other adventurers. You won't need to stay in a dorm room either; nearly all offer private accommodations among the choices. Additionally, they can be great places for finding information on joining group safaris or overland trips around southern Africa. The Bazbus , which is a hop-on, hop-off bus system, links many of the hotels. It is an excellent choice for solo travelers who do not want to rent a car.

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Never@Home, Green Point in Cape Town is an upscale hostel with private rooms. It is within walking distance of the famous V&A Waterfront and offers easy access to some of Cape Town's best beaches. It also offers many affordable excursions, from wine tasting to sunset safaris. Private rooms start at $65 per night.

South Beach Camps Bay , also in Cape Town, has a Miami-inspired look, original artwork and spacious all-suite accommodations with balconies and fully equipped kitchens. Fridges are stocked daily with a complimentary selection of breakfast items, Nespresso machines are on hand to make your own coffee and freshly baked baguettes and croissants are delivered to your door each morning. Nightly rates start at $177.

Voco Johannesburg Rosebank is a design-forward boutique hotel adjacent to the Rosebank Mall. On Sunday, the mall's rooftop parking level transforms into a market with extensive creative crafts, arts and food stalls. Rates start at $192 or 38,000 IHG One Rewards points per night.

For a safari experience that won't break the bank, check out Kruger Gate Hotel . Just a few minutes outside of Kruger National Park's main gate, the lodge does not charge a single supplement. You can also choose from rates that include breakfast and dinner to those that add on a daily shared game drive. If you have a rental car, you can also do self-drive safaris through the park (roads are paved). Single occupancy rooms with bed and breakfast start at $288 per night.

Facing the lagoon in Knysna, along the Garden Route, Amanzi Island Boutique Hotel offers tranquil suites with ocean or garden views. Rooms start at $67 per night.

New Zealand

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Best for : Thrill-seekers and road-trippers.

New Zealand was ranked the second-most peaceful country in the world on the Global Peace Index . It is also one of the most LGBTQIA+-friendly countries on the planet. Auckland has the buzziest scene, with many gay bars, restaurants, clubs and festivals, but both the North and South Island have vibrant, visible LGBTQIA+ communities.

Thrill-seeking solo travelers looking to push their boundaries will love New Zealand. Catch a flight to Queenstown on the South Island to get your adrenaline fix against a backdrop of snowcapped peaks and shimmering Lake Wakatipu. After all, bungee jumping's birthplace is just outside of town on the Kawarau Bridge. You can take the famous 141-foot plunge off the bridge yourself with AJ Hackett Bungy. Other adventure activities include skydiving, whitewater rafting, heli-skiing and jet boating.

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Queenstown also makes a good starting point for a road trip around the South Island , which is home to just 25% of New Zealand's population, but 10 of its 13 national parks. Over the course of a week or two, you can explore breathtaking fjords, primordial glaciers, secluded stretches of coast and up-and-coming vineyards, among other landscapes.

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In an ideal location across from the Ferry Building at the end of Queen Street, the InterContinental Auckland has sleek, spacious rooms and a Mediterranean-inspired restaurant. Rooms start at $181 or 36,000 IHG One Rewards points per night.

The QT Queenstown is one of the city's hottest sleeps. It is also very affordable. The art-forward hotel with a bright, contemporary vibe is close to Lake Wakatipu's shoreline and all rooms have lake and mountain views. There is a heated pool and a buffet-concept restaurant onsite. Rooms start at $125.

Puerto Rico 

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Best for: A tropical getaway without a passport.

Puerto Rico is an excellent choice for American solo travelers who want a Caribbean experience without having to keep their passports handy. As a U.S. territory, it also offers the convenience of using the U.S. dollar as its currency.

The island is home to three of the world's five bioluminescent bays, and taking a kayak tour through one of them on a moonless night is a must-do. The bays glow neon green and blue thanks to a thriving population of microscopic dinoflagellate organisms. Mosquito Bay on Vieques Island is the most dramatic of the three.

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El Yunque National Forest, the only tropical rainforest part of the U.S. National Forest System, is another must-see. Here, you'll find lush hiking trails, waterfalls and wild rock waterslides that the adventurous can body surf down. Culebra Island, accessible via tour, ferry or flight from the mainland, is home to gorgeous Flamenco Beach and good snorkeling. Meanwhile, the laid-back west coast around Rincon has some of the Caribbean's best surf breaks.

Most visitors stay in the capital, San Juan , and then make day trips to other parts of the island. Ubers are plentiful around San Juan, making it safe and quick to get around. If you venture further afield, you will likely need to rent a car or book a guided tour.

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The piña colada was born in 1954 at the Caribe Hilton in San Juan, and the original recipe is still served at the hotel's bar today. The luxe resort has a beachfront location with a calm lagoon area for swimming and is also just a 10-minute drive from Old San Juan, where you'll find plenty of nightlife. The property is fresh off a $150 million renovation, with rooms and public spaces looking as glam as they did when doors opened in 1949. Rooms start at $340 or 70,000 Hilton Honors points per night.


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Best for: Train travel enthusiasts who want an eye-filling dose of scenery.

Switzerland is a haven for solo travelers, offering a blend of breathtaking landscapes and lively cities. Safe and easy to explore, the country's renowned train system makes traversing its picturesque terrain a breeze. Purchase a Swiss Travel Pass , which garners unlimited travel by train, bus and boat, and spend a week exploring this tiny, adventure-packed country. Passes can be purchased in increments of three to 15 days of consecutive travel (there are also flex versions with a set number of days within a month). A 3-day pass starts at 244 Swiss francs ($272).

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Outdoor enthusiasts will want to play in the Swiss Alps, and Zermatt, with its Matterhorn backdrop, is one place to start. The lively, car-free town attracts a fair share of solo travelers who come to climb, hike and bike in summer and ski in winter. The Bernese Oberland around Interlaken is another outdoor adventure hot spot with gorgeous high alpine lakes and dramatic mountains. Interlaken has an established backpacker culture where solo travelers will feel welcome.

Lakeside Geneva is surrounded by mountains and home to the European headquarters of the United Nations and the International Red Cross. After plying the waters on one of the Lake Geneva Cruise Line's historical vessels, sign up for a half-day watchmaking workshop with Initium . You'll get to design and create your own unique watch.

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In Zermatt, The Omnia focuses on wellness. It features a showstopping swimming pool and hot tub with Matterhorn views, multiple saunas and a lengthy spa treatment menu. The small boutique property has an elegant alpine ambience, a restaurant with a vegetarian-friendly menu and complimentary bourbon in crystal decanters in guestrooms. Nightly rates start at $590.

For a hostel experience in Interlaken, Balmer's Backpackers is an institution. You can book area activities like paragliding, rock climbing, e-bike tours, skiing, ice-climbing, zip lining and skydiving here. There is also a restaurant and nightclub on-site. If you are traveling with your pup, private rooms are dog-friendly. Nightly rates start at $87.

In Geneva, the Ritz-Carlton Hotel de la Paix is located on the lakefront and blends historical grandeur with contemporary style. Nightly rates start at $760 or 90,000 Marriott Bonvoy points.

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Best for: An immersive foodie experience.

Japanese traditions intersect with flashing neon lights and ultramodern skyscrapers in Tokyo , a never-stops city that is one of the world's culinary capitals. If this is your first visit, head to the Shibuya Crossing intersection to feel its rapid heartbeat as you people-watch to your heart's content.

Exploring Tokyo through its food is one immersive way to experience the Japanese capital. Eating well doesn't have to cost you a fortune, either, if you stick to no-frills sushi, ramen or udon restaurants. You can have your fill of the freshest fish and seafood at Tsukiji Market, where giant oysters cost around $2. For noodles, try Rokurinsha on Ramen Street in Tokyo Station and Shin Udon in Shinjuku. At least one splurge is mandatory, and the eight-seat Sushi-Ya omakase restaurant in the Ginza district is a good place to spend an evening enjoying a meal you'll talk about for the rest of your trip.

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In between meals, you'll want to see the sights. Shinjuku is a shopping and entertainment hub. Stores sell everything from second-hand designer goods to the newest cameras and electronics. When you need respite, pay a visit to Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden. The buzzy Ginza district is known for its luxury shopping, high-end restaurants and entertaining nightlife including karaoke bars and rooftop cocktail lounges. Other top Tokyo experiences include playing Mario Kart in Akihabara's underground cafes and checking out the numerous gardens and historic temples, including the city's oldest Buddhist temple, Senso-ji.

Tokyo has so much stimulation that you may want to clear your head for a few hours with a trip to an onsen. You'll find these hot spring pools in the city center, but for more zen, head to one on the outskirts to soak in a natural setting.

(Helpful tip: If you take prescription medication, read this article before traveling to Japan.)

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Solo travelers who are looking for easy access to nightlife and have Hyatt points to spend will like the Grand Hyatt Tokyo . The property is in the upscale Roppongi district, home to Tokyo's best nightlife, and blends sophistication with Japanese charm. Rooms start at $412 or 25,000 World of Hyatt points.

Tokyo Edition, Ginza is a trendy, brand-new property in one of the city's most vibrant areas. Part of Marriott's Edition hotel collection, it has a glamorous and intimate feel. Rooms start at around $750 or 94,000 Marriott Bonvoy points.

Santa Fe, New Mexico

virtual travel destinations

Best for: A healing spa retreat in an artistic setting.

When you want to escape to serene natural surroundings for some much-needed self-care, book a trip to Santa Fe. The "city different," as the all-adobe state capital bills itself, looks like nowhere else in the U.S.

This high desert city is nestled beneath the Sangre de Cristo Mountains and boasts two award-winning destination spas, Ojo Santa Fe and Ten Thousand Waves. Both have healing hot mineral spring pools, healthy food and a full range of massage treatments.

virtual travel destinations

Santa Fe is best known for its art scene, and it is easy to spend a day perusing Canyon Road's galleries and artistic studios, then visit the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum, which houses the world's most extensive collection of the late artist's works. In summer, the Santa Fe Opera is a world-famous, open-air venue that attracts a global audience. Finally, Santa Fe's food scene is on par with much larger cities. The Shed is a revered local favorite that focuses on innovative New Mexican fare, including excellent red and green chile enchiladas, tamales and stuffed sopapillas.

virtual travel destinations

La Posada de Santa Fe is a Tribute Portfolio Resort & Spa, so Marriott loyalists can earn and redeem points. The Pueblo-inspired property with rooms decorated in a signature Southwestern style has a great location within walking distance of Santa Fe Plaza and Canyon Road. Rates start at $199 or 41,000 Marriott Bonvoy points per night.

Bocas del Toro, Panama

virtual travel destinations

Best for : Equal parts outdoor adventure and relaxation.

Bocas del Toro, off Panama's Caribbean coast, is a great Costa Rica dupe for travelers seeking a less-touristy getaway. The archipelago is famed for its pristine beaches, lush rainforests, surfing, diving and snorkeling opportunities, and it offers just the right combination of adventure and chill.

The local community is welcoming, and solo travelers can find their groove in vibrant Bocos town on the Isla Colón. Its colorful buildings house lively bars and relaxed restaurants. Isla Colón is also where you can find some of Bocas' best waves, with breaks for beginners and experts alike. Head to Isla Bastimentos, a 10-minute water taxi ride from Bocas town, for jungle hiking and sloth-spotting in Panama's oldest marine park. There is also excellent snorkeling and diving offshore.

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La Coralina Island House is a luxurious wellness-focused resort with a social vibe. The serene beachfront property with rainforest and Caribbean views offers complimentary yoga classes, meditation sessions, sound baths and other organized activities that make meeting other travelers a breeze. What's more, solo travelers can save cash by booking single-occupancy rooms, which start at $200 per night.

virtual travel destinations

Best for : Epic safaris and blissful beaches.

The word safari is Swahili for journey, and a solo trip around Kenya can be a life-changing experience. Plan a visit to the Maasai Mara National Reserve timed to the annual Great Migration when millions of wildebeest and zebra make the trip from Tanzania's Serengeti in search of water. It starts around August and continues through October.

To avoid paying a costly single supplement at a safari lodge, consider a small group safari trip from an outfitter such as G Adventures , which does not charge solo travelers extra. These trips also allow you to share the safari experience in a group setting, which some travelers might prefer.

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Kenya's eastern coastline on the Indian Ocean is home to gorgeous white-sand beaches, emerald-hued water and top-notch snorkeling and diving. Watamu and Diani are popular beach towns with lively expat scenes and plentiful restaurants, bars and accommodation options.

You can also catch a flight to Lamu Island, just 30 miles from the Somali border. The island is East Africa's oldest continuously inhabited Swahili settlement, and a visit feels like stumbling back in time. Make sure to book a sunset sail in a traditional Arab dhow.

Nairobi has grown in the last decade and is an energetic and cosmopolitan capital worth experiencing. You'll find the world's only national park in a capital city here — it is a mind-trip to ride in a taxi and see lions, rhinos, giraffes and other African animals in the heart of the city. It is easy to get between all these locations on commercial flights that usually cost less than $200 per leg.

virtual travel destinations

In Nairobi, Tribe is a Marriott-affiliated property that is great for jetlag recovery thanks to its comfortable rooms and suites. It has a curated, artistic feel due to unique architecture and lots of original art. Tribe is adjacent to the Village Market, one of the city's top dining and shopping centers. Rooms start at $320 or 30,000 Marriott Bonvoy points per night.

If you have Bonvoy points you want to burn, the JW Marriott Masai Mara opened in 2023 with rave reviews. Rates includes all meals, most alcoholic beverages and game drives and start at around $1,550 or 110,000 Marriot Bonvoy points per night, single occupancy.

In Watamu, Temple Point Resort attracts many solo travelers, and some staff members are also expats. There is a strong community feel, and starting a conversation at the large swimming pool or the supertrendy LichttHaus bar and restaurant is easy. Facing Midas Creek, it has hammocks over the water for lounging, DJs spin regularly and it gets packed just before the usually intensely colorful sunsets. Rates start at $180 per night.

The ocean-facing Peponi Hotel Lamu is the place to stay on the island, attracting a who's who of Kenyan clientele. It also has one of the only restaurants serving alcohol on this predominantly Muslim island. Single rooms start at $195 per night, including breakfast.

Cinque Terre, Italy

virtual travel destinations

Best for : Solo walking expeditions.

Less crowded than the Amalfi Coast, the Cinque Terre region on Italy's northwest coast is a beautiful destination populated by friendly villages where you can find some of Europe's freshest seafood. Here, you'll find sun-drenched, terraced vineyards, lemon and olive tree groves, cliffs tumbling into an aquamarine sea, picturesque harbors and five colorful seaside towns linked by the Sentiero Azzurro, a cliffside hiking trail.

One of the best ways to explore this region is by foot, and one of the easiest ways to do this is with a preplanned, self-guided seven-night trip along the coastline set up by a company such as Macs Adventure , whose itineraries typically include nightly accommodations, daily luggage transfer and a dedicated walking route that showcases the region's highlights. And since this is not a guided tour, you'll be able to focus on yourself for a week and embrace as much solitude as you need (and once you hit the lively towns, there are opportunities to mingle, of course).

Monterosso al Mare is an excellent choice if you don't do a walking tour and instead prefer to base yourself in one village. It has a variety of family-run hotels and charming restaurants. Hotel La Colonnia (rates from $192 per night) is in the main town square, but within walking distance of the beach, and has a welcoming ambience and a relaxing rooftop terrace with sun loungers and ocean views.

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Best for: The best weather in the Caribbean.

Unlike most of the Caribbean, Aruba sits outside the hurricane belt, and its desert climate makes rain here a rare occurrence, nearly guaranteeing a sunny beach vacation. Near-constant trade winds also keep it from getting uncomfortably hot.

Aruba offers a diverse range of experiences and resorts ranging from luxury to budget, and its beaches are some of the Caribbean's prettiest, with clear turquoise water and soft white sand. Many beaches around Aruba have reefs swimming distance from shore, so you can snorkel without taking a boat tour — you will need your own gear. Catalina Cove and Arashi Beach are two favorites. If you dive, Aruba has one of the Caribbean's top wreck-diving scenes.

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Land explorations include ATV adventures through the desert landscape to natural bridges and black sand beaches. San Nicolas, a town on the island's southern tip, has an impressive graffiti art scene with about 50 murals. Aruba Mural Tours offers passionate guided walking tours, but you can also wander solo.

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The best part about staying at the Renaissance Wind Creek Aruba Resort is the easy access via a complimentary water taxi to the resort's offshore private island. Here, you'll find beautiful stretches of white sand beach, clear turquoise water, flamingos, plenty of sun-loungers and cabanas, along with restaurants and bars. Back on the mainland, the resort has an infinity swimming pool, food and beverage service and several other dining options. There are also many restaurants within walking distance. If you are visiting before embarking on a cruise, the location just across from the port is another plus. Rooms start at $341 or 56,000 Marriott Bonvoy points per night.

Queensland, Australia

virtual travel destinations

Best for : Anyone wanting to experience the Great Barrier Reef.

On TPG's best places to travel in 2024 list , Queensland in northeastern Australia is also an excellent solo travel destination. It is home to one of Earth's natural wonders, the Great Barrier Reef, and other attractions. Start in the capital, Brisbane, filled with trendy bars, restaurants and a slate of new hotels before heading north to the Sunshine Coast. Popular with solo travelers, especially surfers, base yourself in one of the laid-back beach towns like Noosa Heads and devote some time to beach hopping and rainforest hiking.

Continue north to Cairns, a jumping-off point for the Great Barrier Reef. The reef has seen significant coral bleaching in the last few decades but is still well worth visiting. Booking a liveaboard sailing trip for a few nights around the Whitsunday Islands is one of the best ways to experience the Great Barrier Reef. Other Queensland highlights include the Daintree Rainforest for back-to-nature solitude and the Gold Coast for its flashy surf scene.

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Peppers Noosa Resort & Villas (rates from $170 per night) is set in the rainforest in Noosa Heads, slightly removed from the bustle of Hastings Street, where you'll find the town's restaurants, bars, cafes and shops concentrated. The eco-friendly luxury property is a social place with three pools, a top-notch restaurant and a posh spa.

​​The Hilton Cairns is on the waterfront and within walking distance of the Reef Terminal, where most Great Barrier Reef tours depart. It has artsy, contemporary rooms and suites, a lagoon-style pool, a restaurant and a bar on-site. Rooms start at $153 or 35,000 Hilton Honors points per night.

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Best for: Trekking, stargazing and hot-spring soaking amidst surreal topography.

From the cultural hotbed of Santiago to the stunning natural scenery of Patagonia, Chile offers much to explore. Start with a few days in the capital, Santiago. Hike or take the funicular to the top of Cerro San Cristobal, a 2,789-foot peak, for mesmerizing city views. Also, visit La Chacosa, the poet Pablo Neruda's home, which is now a museum. The Bellavista neighborhood is great for strolling thanks to colorful street murals, trendy boutiques and lively cafes.

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With the Andes Mountains as a frame, the Atacama Desert in Chile's north is one of the driest places on the planet and features otherworldly terrain in a remote location. At night, the stargazing is phenomenal, while during the day, you can surf down towering dunes, visit high-altitude geysers, watch swarms of flamingos gather in bright lithium-rich lakes or enjoy a relaxing soak in the Puritama hot springs, a series of eight geothermal pools at the bottom of a canyon.

In the country's south, meanwhile, Patagonia's Torres del Paine National Park is the place to trek through an ever-shifting landscape of jagged peaks, dense forests, active glaciers, crystalline lakes and solitary waterfalls. The scenery is truly spectacular and you won't see many other travelers during your visit, lending the experience a truly special feel.

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The Renaissance Santiago Hotel is a sophisticated retreat with bona fide sustainability credentials in Santiago's prestigious Las Condes district. Many of the rooms have floor-to-ceiling windows. Rooms start at $110 or 15,000 Marriott Bonvoy points.

Nayara Alto Atacama is a stark but sumptuous desert lodge just a few minutes' drive from the tourist center of San Pedro de Atacama. Meals are sourced mainly from the hotel's own Andean gardens and guests have their pick of included and paid activities each day. Be sure to spare some time for an elements-inspired spa treatment like the signature volcanic hot stone massage. Rates start at $522 per night including accommodation and breakfast, and $1,244 per night full-board including transfers to and from the airport in Calama.

Tierra Patagonia is a luxury adventure lodge overlooking Lake Sarmiento and Torres del Paine National Park. The property has just 40 suites that blend beautifully into the natural environs. While not inexpensive, the lodge allows solo travelers to explore the area as rates include guided excursions as well as food, drinks and airport transfers, which can take up to several hours. All-inclusive rates start at $1,456 per night.

Dalmatian Coast, Croatia

virtual travel destinations

Best for: Medieval cities, beaches, "Game of Thrones" set-jetters.

Croatia's Dalmatian Coast is a dreamy solo travel destination that is more affordable than Santorini in Greece and Italy's Amalfi Coast, but with similar sophisticated beach vibes.

Begin in the fairytale city of Dubrovnik , which has a medieval Old Town surrounded by intact walls. If you are a "Game of Thrones" fan, you'll appreciate that it served as one of the King's Landing set locations. A series of stunning pebble and sand beaches are tucked between the Adriatic's calm, clear, aquamarine waters and towering limestone cliffs to the north and south of Dubrovnik.

Located less than a three-hour drive from Dubrovnik, Split is another photogenic medieval walled city. It also served as a "Game of Thrones" backdrop and is surrounded by still more beautiful beaches. Split is also a jumping-off point for exploring some of the Dalmatian Coast islands. Trendy Hvar and charming Brac islands are both accessible via ferry from Split.

virtual travel destinations

The Dalmatian Coast has a distinct summer high season and, especially in Dubrovnik, rates at properties can more than double during July and August. Hotel Excelsior Dubrovnik is a historic property five minutes from Old Town in Dubrovnik. It has fantastic views of the sea and walled city that are especially sweet at sunset. Nightly rates start at $369.

On Hvar Island, Amfora Hvar Grand Beach Resort has a buzzy ambience that solo travelers will like. The beachfront attracts couples as well as friend groups. The vast, cascading pool is a spirited hangout spot on summer afternoons. The resort is within walking distance from the island's Old Town. Nightly rates start at $184.

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The world’s top 15 bucket list trips ranked—according to a new report.

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Hot air ballooning over Cappadocia in Turkey is a bucket list item for many travelers.

Bucket list travel aspirations tend to vary by individual, with every traveler curating a personalized list of places they’d like to go and experiences they’d like to try out one day. But some adventures around the world are universally enticing and tend to make the cut on many people’s trip bucket lists. To determine which bucket list travel experiences hold the most appeal, adventure travel company Skyhook surveyed 4,000 people from around the world about their travel preferences.

As part of the Skyhook survey, participants picked three activities that would be at the top of their bucket lists. The travel company provided 15 common bucket list activities for them to choose from, which ranged from climbing Kilimanjaro, hot air ballooning over Cappadocia in Turkey, embarking on an Antarctica cruise, venturing into space and gorilla trekking.

A tent pitched up in snow at night with the northern lights flickering in the sky above. Aurora ... [+] Borealis and travelling. Photo composite.

The No. 1 bucket list travel activity in the world, according to the ranking, is seeing the Northern Lights. Traditionally, travelers will plan trips to countries like Iceland, Norway, Sweden, or Finland for a shot at seeing the Northern Lights—receiving middle-of-the-night wake-up calls from hotels or lodges when the night sky is swirling with shades of green, pink, and purple or staying in glass igloos to watch the spectacle. Seeing the Northern Lights ranked highest among Gen Z, with 6 in 10 respondents in the generation notating it as a top bucket list experience.

While the Northern Lights are sometimes visible from the United States in states like Alaska, Minnesota, Michigan, Maine, and other Northern states, larger swaths of night skies in lower latitudes showed off the aurora borealis in May thanks to a global geomagnetic storm .

Google Confirms Bad News For 3 Billion Chrome Users—You Will Still Be Tracked

Here’s why biden says he dropped out—in first speech since leaving 2024 race, today’s nyt mini crossword clues and answers for thursday, july 25.

A family of four King penguins walking on the black sandy beach of South Georgia with the sea and a ... [+] cruise ship in the background

Cruising Antarctica was a top choice for Baby Boomers, with 46% choosing it as a top bucket list experience. Cruises to Antarctica to see penguin colonies and humpback whales among the ice glaciers have spiked in popularity in recent years, but environmentalists have cautioned that more restrictions need to be put in place to protect the continent’s wildlife from the “last-chance” tourism.

The only U.S.-based location to make it on the top 15 bucket list activities was a trip to the Grand Canyon, which is one of the country’s most-visited attractions drawing more than 6 million visitors each year to see the Arizona landmark. The Grand Canyon stretches 277 miles with rocky walls plunging more than a mile to the canyon’s floor. Visitors come to take in the beauty from viewing points at the rims (the South Rim is most popular), camp in the national park, or raft the Colorado River that cuts through the canyon.

A view of the rugged yet beautiful Grand Canyon national park during a bright day shows the ... [+] intricate details of the ridges and formations.

Top Bucket List Trips Ranked in 2024

Ahead, here’s the top ranked bucket list trips around the world, according to the Skyhook survey:

No. 1: See the Northern Lights

No. 2: Trekking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

No. 3: Visit the Galapagos Islands

No. 4: Climb Kilimanjaro

No. 5: Take an Antarctic cruise

No. 6: Explore the ancient city of Petra

No. 7: Everest Base Camp Trek

No. 8: Go on an African safari

No. 9: Dive the Great Barrier Reef

No. 10: Space travel

No. 11: Gorilla trekking

No. 12: See the Grand Canyon

No. 13: Ride in a hot air balloon above Cappadocia

No. 14: Visit Angkor Wat

No. 15: Surf in Indonesia

How many of these bucket list experiences have you checked off?

Brittany Anas

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    With a love of travel and storytelling, her intention is to create content to inspire and connect people to places, things, and experiences. Her articles have appeared in AARP, Travel and Leisure, 1859 magazine, Insider Travel, USA Today, Family Vacationist, The Oregonian, SFGATE,, and more.

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    Best for: Well-rounded adventurers who want to explore a well-trod destination. If this is your first solo travel experience, Thailand is a great starter locale. The tourism industry runs like a well-oiled machine, and you'll never really be alone as it is one of the world's most popular travel destinations, hosting more than 40 million visitors annually.

  30. The World's Top 15 Bucket List Trips Ranked—According To A ...

    Bucket list travel varies by person, but some top experiences and destinations tend be universally popular. A new study ranks the top bucket list trips around the world.