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Sweden Tourism Statistics

Page last updated: 17 March 2024

Renowned for its stunning natural beauty, rich history, and cultural heritage, Sweden has long held appeal for international tourists from different corners of the world. 

How many tourists visit Sweden every year?

  • In 2019, Sweden reached a tourism high with approximately 7.62 million visitors, marking a 2.4% increase from the previous year. 
  • However, the pandemic in 2020 led to a sharp decrease in tourist numbers, resulting in just 1.96 million visitors. 
  • A year later in 2021, tourism began to recover, with visitor figures growing to 2.99 million . 
  • The rebound continued into 2022 when tourist arrivals surged to 6.63 million . 1


How much do tourists spend in Sweden every year?

  • In 2017, tourists spent a total of $10.02 billion . The following year, 2018, saw a slight decrease in spending to $9.97 billion , and a more notable drop in 2019 to $9.17 billion . 
  • The impact of the 2020 pandemic severely cut tourist spending to $4.35 billion . 
  • Nevertheless, a recovery commenced in 2021, with expenditure climbing to $6.06 billion . 
  • This positive trend persisted into 2022, with expenditures recovering to $8.96 billion . 1


Where do visitors to Sweden come from?

  • In 2021, most of Sweden’s inbound tourists hailed from neighbouring and nearby countries, with Germany leading at approximately 1.74 million visitors. This was followed by Norway ( 801,600 ), Denmark ( 645,100 ), the United States ( 581,300 ), and the Netherlands ( 487,300 ). 2

Sweden Travel Resources

  • Car rental prices in Sweden

How many people visited Sweden in 2022?

  • Sweden welcomed 6.63 million tourists in 2022.
  • This showed an increase of approximately 122% from 2021 and represented a recovery of about 87% of pre-pandemic levels in 2019.

How much did visitors spend in Sweden in 2022?

  • In 2022, tourist spending in Sweden substantially rebounded to $8.96 billion .
  • This spending represented a hefty 48% increase from the previous year and recovered about 98% of the expenditure seen in 2019 ( $9.17 billion ).

Impact of Coronavirus – Sweden Tourism Statistics 2020 and 2021

  • The pandemic led to a sharp decrease in Sweden’s tourism in 2020, with visitor numbers and spending falling to 26% and 47% of 2019’s levels, at 1.96 million arrivals and $4.35 billion in expenditure.
  • In 2021, a modest recovery occurred, with arrivals at 2.99 million and spending at $6.06 billion , marking increases of 53% in visitors and 39.3% in expenditure from 2020. However, these figures remained significantly below those before the pandemic.

Top Attractions in Sweden

  • The Göta Canal, Gothenburg to Stockholm : Often described as Sweden’s greatest feat of engineering, the canal offers a unique perspective on Sweden’s heartland.
  • Northern Lights : Sweden’s far north is one of the top places in the world to experience the illuminating beauty of the Northern Lights.
  • Gammelstad Church Town : A UNESCO World Heritage Site, this town is a living reminder of a traditional and rural Scandinavian village.
  • Skansen : As the world’s oldest open-air museum, Skansen provides a glimpse into Sweden’s past with historical buildings and a zoo.
  • Öland Bridge : Connecting mainland Sweden with the island of Öland, the bridge itself is a sight to behold, and the island hosts unique attractions including Iron Age burial grounds and old wooden windmills.

Europe Travel Statistics Resources

  • Paris Statistics
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  • UNWTO : Tourism Statistics – Global and Regional ↩︎
  • OECD : Tourism Trends and Policies 2022 – Sweden ↩︎

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38+ sweden travel & tourism statistics [fresh for 2024].

Cazzy Magennis

Sweden. Its many lakes, forests, and islands.

And home to IKEA, of course.

It’s a truly gorgeous country with so many incredible things to do and places to see. So, it’s no wonder that Sweden’s tourism is growing.

But did you know that in 2021, Sweden received 2.99 million tourists?

Or that Germans spent the highest number of nights in this Scandinavian country?

We’ve compiled some of the latest and most interesting statistics about travel and tourism in Sweden, just for you!

Let’s get started.

Sources : We have included the source for each statistic below, or you can head over to the end of this post for the full list of references and sources used.


How many tourists visit Sweden annually?

Sweden welcomed 2.99 million tourists in 2021, ranking 39th in the world.

International tourists in Sweden also spent an increasing number of nights every year from 12 million in 2008 to 17.5 million in 2019, before dropping due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

international tourist nights spent in Sweden

What is the tourism trend in Sweden?

  • Between 2023 and 2027, tourism revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate of 2.79% until hitting a market volume of US$7.19 billion by 2027.

This is based on the trend of tourism receipts from 2012 to 2021.

tourism in sweden statistics

What is the impact of tourism in Sweden?

The revenue in the Swedish travel and tourism market is expected to reach 6.44 billion US dollars in 2023.

Does Sweden rely on tourism?

In 2021, Sweden’s tourism industry generated 6.03 billion US dollars, which represented 1% of its GDP and 11% of the total international tourism receipts in Northern Europe.

While tourism generates healthy numbers in terms of revenue for Sweden, it is not the country’s largest source of income.

Sweden travel and tourism key statistics

  • International tourists in Sweden spent an increasing number of nights every year from 12 million in 2008 to 17.5 million in 2019.
  • Based on total number of nights spent in accommodations in Sweden, Germany was the leading source market for inbound tourism in Sweden in 2021 with more than 1.7 million nights. 
  • However, before the pandemic, Norway was the leading inbound travel market for Sweden. Norwegians made 3.5 million overnight stays in 2018.
  • In 2021, Swedish residents took a total of 122.67 million domestic trips.
  • In 2021, Sweden’s tourism industry generated 6.03 billion US dollars, which represents 1% of its GDP and 11% of the total international tourism receipts in Northern Europe.
  • In 2020, there were 2,150 hotels in Sweden, which was 7 more than in 2019.
  • Hotels in Sweden had an occupancy rate of 34.1% in 2020.
  • The volume of travellers through the Stockholm airports was 30.5 million in 2019, which dropped to 8.7 million in 2021.

International tourism in Sweden statistics

How many tourists visit Sweden every year?

1. International tourists in Sweden spent an increasing number of nights every year from 12 million in 2008 to 17.5 million in 2019.

2. unfortunately, this fell to just 5.18 million nights in 2020 due to the pandemic, before increasing slightly to 7.27 million in 2021..

The Coronavirus pandemic caused the number of nights spent by international tourists in Sweden to fall to 5.18 million nights in 2020 .

3. Based on total number of nights spent in accommodations in Sweden, Germany was the leading source market for inbound tourism in Sweden in 2021 with more than 1.7 million nights. 

With a difference of nearly 943 thousand nights , Norway was in 2nd place in 2021.

nights spent in accommodations in Sweden by country 2021

4. However, before the pandemic, Norway was the leading inbound travel market for Sweden. Norwegians made 3.5 million overnight stays in 2018.

In 2018, German tourists took second place with just over 3 million overnight stays.

Tourists from Denmark, same as in 2021, also took third place in 2018 with 1.3 million overnight stays.

5. Sweden welcomed 2.99 million tourists in 2021, ranking 39th in the world.

[World Data]

This was an increase from the 1.96 million tourists in 2020, but still far from the 7.62 million tourists recorded in 2019.

Number of tourists in Sweden

6. International arrivals in Sweden rose by 109.6% in 2022, whereas international departures grew by 143.5%.

[Global Data]

Domestic tourism in Sweden

How many domestic tourists are there in Sweden?

7. In 2021, Swedish residents took a total of 122.67 million domestic trips.

8. interestingly, this was a significant jump from the 56.17 million domestic trips taken in 2021, and a slight decrease from 128.8 million in 2021..

This might indicate that Swedish residents took more domestic trips during the Covid-19 pandemic due to restrictions on international travel.

Number of domestic trips in Sweden

9. In terms of the number of nights spent in accommodations across Sweden by domestic tourists, 46.9 million in 2021, which is a significant increase from 38.1 million recorded in 2020.

10. 58.3% of all domestic trips taken by swedish residents in 2021 were same-day trips instead of overnight..

Domestic trips in Sweden, by type

11. Domestic tourism spending in Sweden in 2020 was 137 billion Swedish kronor, falling by 31.8% from 2019. 

For reference, Sweden’s population is 10.5 million inhabitants.

12. In 2021, Swedish households spent a total of 9 billion kronor on package holidays.

Outbound tourism from sweden statistics.

Where do Swedish tourists travel to the most?

13. The number of outbound trips made from Sweden was 7.62 million in 2021, roughly only 40% of the pre-pandemic figures.

Number of outbound trips from Sweden

14. The most popular travel destination for Swedish outbound tourists in 2020 was Spain, with almost 300 thousand trips taken in that year.

Denmark was the second most visited country by tourists from Sweden. In fact, Denmark makes for an excellent destination to include in your Sweden road trip !

The only non-European country to make the top 10 destinations in 2020 was Thailand .

15. In 2021, Sweden ranked fifth as the EU country that travelled the most, with 78% of its population participating in tourism in 2021.

In comparison, the EU country with the highest proportion of its population participating in tourism in 2021 was Switzerland (82.2%) .

The economics of tourism in Sweden

16. in 2020, international tourists spent less than 50 billion kronor in sweden, which was 48% of the 2019 expenditure., 17. the number in 2018 was 171.8 billion kronor spent by international tourists in sweden..

This was expected to rise to 186.7 billion kronor by 2028.

international tourist expenditure in Sweden in kronor

18. The revenue in the Swedish travel and tourism market is expected to reach 6.44 billion US dollars in 2023.

19. between 2023 and 2027, tourism revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate of 2.79% until hitting a market volume of us$7.19 billion by 2027., 20. in 2021, sweden’s tourism industry generated 6.03 billion us dollars, which represents 1% of its gdp and 11% of the total international tourism receipts in northern europe..

This was a slight recovery from 2020, but has yet to reach its 2019 levels.

21. Before the pandemic, revenues from tourism in Sweden were $9.17 billion billion, or 1.7% of GDP.

In 1995, tourism revenues in Sweden were at 4.39 billion USD, which has consistently increased throughout the years.

22. In 2020, tourism receipts fell drastically to $4.35 billion billion, which was a 53% decrease from 2019.

international tourist expenditure in Sweden in USD

23. In Sweden, accommodation revenue increased from 2009 to 2019, reaching 26.5 billion Swedish kronor in 2019.

24. 84% of total revenue in swedish tourism will be generated through online sales by 2027..

Online travel booking is expected to have an increasingly large role within the tourism industry in Sweden.

25. 101,000 people were employed in the tourism industry in Sweden in 2021, and tourism contributed an export value of SEK 57 billion.

[Visit Stockholm]

Travel accommodation in Sweden

How many hotels are there in Sweden?

26. In 2020, there were 2,150 hotels in Sweden, which was 7 more than in 2019.

27. meanwhile, as of 2020, there were 874 youth hostels and 282 holiday villages in sweden., 28. hotels in sweden had an occupancy rate of 34.1% in 2020. this was one of the lowest rates recorded, with the next lowest occupancy being in 2009, at 48.2%..

Swedish hotels suffered a significantly lower occupancy rate of 34.1% in 2020 .

29. In 2018, hotels in Sweden had roughly 252 thousand beds, compared to 44 thousand hostel beds and 43.7 thousand beds in in holiday villages.

30. in 2018, hotels in sweden employed 28,075 people, an increase of 868 from 2017..

Meanwhile, youth hostels across Sweden employed 759 employees in 2018.

Top destinations in Sweden statistics

What are the most visited destinations in Sweden?

31. The most popular city for international tourists in Sweden is Stockholm. In 2022, it was the 19th most popular city worldwide.

Stockholm is one of the best places to visit in Sweden , especially among tourists.

32.  Stockholm received a record-high number of visitors in 2019, with 15.3 million overnight stays recorded in Stockholm County.

In this year, Stockholm ranked as the 13th most visited destination in Europe, after Hamburg.

It’s possible to experience what Stockholm has to offer in just one day !

33. In 2019, the average overnight stay for visitors to Stockholm was 2.7 nights.

34. most foreign owned holiday houses in sweden are found in västra götaland county (7,575 houses)..

Most holiday houses that are owned by a foreign national in Sweden are owned by a Norwegian. This is mainly due to the proximity of both countries.

Number of foreign owned holiday houses in Sweden

35. Västra Götaland is also the most popular county for domestic owners of holiday houses, with 77,603 properties recorded in 2020.

Stockholm takes second place with 72,808 houses, Dalarna with 44,927 houses, while Värmland sits on the 10th rank with 27,235 houses.

Number of local owned holiday houses in Sweden

Travel and tourism trends in Sweden

36. the volume of travellers through the stockholm airports was 30.5 million in 2019, which dropped to 8.7 million in 2021..

Stockholm is the most popular place for tourists to fly into. From there, it’s possible to rent a car and explore Sweden on your own.

37. During the 2010s, roughly 10 million people passed through Stockholm’s ports annually, with the majority of journeys being to and from Finland.

38. until 2019, business travellers rented most hotel rooms in stockholm, but the gap with rooms rented by leisure travellers has shrunk until 2021, when more holidaymakers rent hotel rooms in stockholm compared to business travellers..

Stockholm is a famous destination for business travellers .

39. In 2022, a survey by Visit Stockholm on a citizens' panel showed that 9 in 10 Stockholmers have a positive attitude towards visitors in their city.

Visit Stockholm citizen survey 2022

That’s all for the most recent statistics on Sweden’s travel and tourism.

Hopefully, this helped you understand the industry and market more.

Did we miss anything crucial about Swedish tourism?

Let us know in the comment section!

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Tourism in Sweden

Diverse landscape for nature lovers, travel times, the most popular destinations, development of the tourism sector in sweden from 1995 to 2021.

Tourists per year in Sweden

Revenues from tourism

Tourism receipts in Sweden per year

All data for Sweden in detail

Comparison: quality of life

Sweden - International tourism, number of arrivals

The value for International tourism, number of arrivals in Sweden was 1,957,000 as of 2020. As the graph below shows, over the past 25 years this indicator reached a maximum value of 12,372,000 in 2012 and a minimum value of 1,957,000 in 2020.

Definition: International inbound tourists (overnight visitors) are the number of tourists who travel to a country other than that in which they have their usual residence, but outside their usual environment, for a period not exceeding 12 months and whose main purpose in visiting is other than an activity remunerated from within the country visited. When data on number of tourists are not available, the number of visitors, which includes tourists, same-day visitors, cruise passengers, and crew members, is shown instead. Sources and collection methods for arrivals differ across countries. In some cases data are from border statistics (police, immigration, and the like) and supplemented by border surveys. In other cases data are from tourism accommodation establishments. For some countries number of arrivals is limited to arrivals by air and for others to arrivals staying in hotels. Some countries include arrivals of nationals residing abroad while others do not. Caution should thus be used in comparing arrivals across countries. The data on inbound tourists refer to the number of arrivals, not to the number of people traveling. Thus a person who makes several trips to a country during a given period is counted each time as a new arrival.

Source: World Tourism Organization, Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Compendium of Tourism Statistics and data files.

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Development Relevance: Tourism is officially recognized as a directly measurable activity, enabling more accurate analysis and more effective policy. Whereas previously the sector relied mostly on approximations from related areas of measurement (e.g. Balance of Payments statistics), tourism today possesses a range of instruments to track its productive activities and the activities of the consumers that drive them: visitors (both tourists and excursionists). An increasing number of countries have opened up and invested in tourism development, making tourism a key driver of socio-economic progress through export revenues, the creation of jobs and enterprises, and infrastructure development. As an internationally traded service, inbound tourism has become one of the world's major trade categories. For many developing countries it is one of the main sources of foreign exchange income and a major component of exports, creating much needed employment and development opportunities.

Limitations and Exceptions: Tourism can be either domestic or international. The data refers to international tourism, where the traveler's country of residence differs from the visiting country. International tourism consists of inbound (arrival) and outbound (departures) tourism. The data are from the World Tourism Organization (WTO), a United Nations agency. The data on inbound and outbound tourists refer to the number of arrivals and departures, not to the number of people traveling. Thus a person who makes several trips to a country during a given period is counted each time as a new arrival. The data on inbound tourism show the arrivals of nonresident tourists (overnight visitors) at national borders. When data on international tourists are unavailable or incomplete, the data show the arrivals of international visitors, which include tourists, same-day visitors, cruise passengers, and crew members. Sources and collection methods for arrivals differ across countries. In some cases data are from border statistics (police, immigration, and the like) and supplemented by border surveys. In other cases data are from tourism accommodation establishments. For some countries number of arrivals is limited to arrivals by air and for others to arrivals staying in hotels. Some countries include arrivals of nationals residing abroad while others do not. Caution should thus be used in comparing arrivals across countries.

Statistical Concept and Methodology: Statistical information on tourism is based mainly on data on arrivals and overnight stays along with balance of payments information. These data do not completely capture the economic phenomenon of tourism or provide the information needed for effective public policies and efficient business operations. Data are needed on the scale and significance of tourism. Information on the role of tourism in national economies is particularly deficient. Although the World Tourism Organization reports progress in harmonizing definitions and measurement, differences in national practices still prevent full comparability. Arrivals data measure the flows of international visitors to the country of reference: each arrival corresponds to one in inbound tourism trip. If a person visits several countries during the course of a single trip, his/her arrival in each country is recorded separately. In an accounting period, arrivals are not necessarily equal to the number of persons travelling (when a person visits the same country several times a year, each trip by the same person is counted as a separate arrival). Arrivals data should correspond to inbound visitors by including both tourists and same-day non-resident visitors. All other types of travelers (such as border, seasonal and other short-term workers, long-term students and others) should be excluded as they do not qualify as visitors. Data are obtained from different sources: administrative records (immigration, traffic counts, and other possible types of controls), border surveys or a mix of them. If data are obtained from accommodation surveys, the number of guests is used as estimate of arrival figures; consequently, in this case, breakdowns by regions, main purpose of the trip, modes of transport used or forms of organization of the trip are based on complementary visitor surveys.

Aggregation method: Gap-filled total

Periodicity: Annual


Topic: Private Sector & Trade Indicators

Sub-Topic: Travel & tourism

Note: This page was last updated on December 28, 2019

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Sweden Flag

Tourism in Sweden – 30+ Statistics, Numbers and Trends

Last Updated July 19, 2022 by Axel Hernborg

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Tourism in Sweden has grown over the past 10 years, both for foreign visitors and for Swedes themselves. In this article you will find statistics on various aspects of tourism in Sweden in recent years.

Table of contents

  • 1.1 But how many were the individual visitors from abroad?
  • 2 What Are the Most Popular Tourist Destinations In Sweden?
  • 3 The Most Popular Tourist Attractions in Sweden
  • 4 How Much Money Does Tourism Contribute to The Swedish Economy?
  • 5 How Much Money Do Tourists Spend in Sweden Per Year?
  • 6 How Many Jobs Does the Tourism Industry Create in Sweden?
  • 7 The Impact Of The Pandemic On Tourism In Sweden
  • 8 Summary Of Tourism in Sweden
  • 9 References

How Many Tourists Visit Sweden Per Year?

Looking at 2019, the number of guest nights increased by 4 percent compared to 2018 – a total of 67.8 million guest nights in total. Most of these guest nights are accounted for by Swedes themselves, just over 50 million .

If you look at statistics from Tillväxtverket you can see that over the last 10 years the number of guest nights has increased by about 3 percent per year looking back to 2019.In 2018 the number of foreign guest nights was 17.3 million , an increase of about 5.3 million foreign guest nights since 2008.

But how many were the individual visitors from abroad?

There are currently no comprehensive figures on this, as the next report on foreign visits will be published sometime in 2021, but if you look at the latest report, which covers the years 2011-2014, it says that 19.9 million people from abroad visited Sweden in 2014.

In 2014, the breakdown of visitors from abroad was as follows :

  • Norway – 5.5 million visitors
  • Finland – 4 million visitors
  • Denmark – 3.6 million visitors
  • Germany – 1.5 million visitors
  • United Kingdom – 0.7 million visitors
  • Russia – 0.5 million visitors
  • Poland – 0.5 million visitors
  • Other countries – 3.6 million visitors

According to the data available for 2020, Germans were the most frequent tourists in Sweden with more than 900,000 guest nights , and in that year Denmark came in second place with around 640,000 guest nights .

What Are the Most Popular Tourist Destinations In Sweden?

Tourists prefer to go to the counties where the big cities are located in Sweden. This is how it looked in 2019:

  • Stockholm – 15.2 million guest nights.
  • Västra Götaland County – 10.6 million guest nights.
  • Skåne County – 6.6 million guest nights.

In Gävleborg County, the number of guest nights increased most in 2019 from the previous year. The increase was 12 percent , which was a total of 1.4 million guest nights.

The five most popular cities for Swedes to travel to in 2019, according to a survey conducted by SJ in collaboration with Kantar Sifo:

The Most Popular Tourist Attractions in Sweden

Foreign tourists like to shop and visit restaurants, cafés, bars and kiosks when they visit Sweden. Sightseeing and going to museums are also popular. 60% of foreign tourists went shopping when they visited Sweden and 58% of them visited restaurants, bars and cafés.

The most popular tourist attraction in Sweden is Liseberg amusement park ( 3,100,000 visitors in 2019), followed by Malmö Folkets Park ( 2,650,000 visitors in 2019) and Stockholm’s Kulturhus ( 2,323,800 visitors in 2019) in third place.

How Much Money Does Tourism Contribute to The Swedish Economy?

Tourism in Sweden contributed 2.5 per cent of GDP in 2019, or SEK 127 billion . The value of GDP has remained stable at around 2.5 per cent between 2017 and 2019.

The total contribution to GDP from both the travel and tourism sectors in Sweden in 2018 amounted to around SEK 452 billion , and according to forecasts made, this sum is predicted to increase to SEK 603 billion by 2028.

How Much Money Do Tourists Spend in Sweden Per Year?

Tourists shop, stay in hotels and eat in restaurants and of course spend a lot of money when they visit Sweden – but how much? Foreign tourists together with Swedish tourists spent about 306 billion SEK in total in 2019. 99.8 billion of this money was spent by the foreign tourists.

In 2018, tourists spent almost SEK 100 billion on shopping and food, accounting for 30% of total tourism consumption that year. 22% , or SEK 75 billion , of consumption was spent on travel and transport such as trains, planes, rental cars, shipping and taxis.

Between 2000 and 2018, the consumption of foreign tourists increased by 255 per cent , or SEK 103 billion. In 2018, foreign tourists accounted for more than 43% of total tourism consumption, whereas in 2000 they accounted for 27%. This is a significant increase, and it is predicted that it will continue to increase after the pandemic.

How Many Jobs Does the Tourism Industry Create in Sweden?

Many people in Sweden work in the tourism sector today, and as more tourists choose to holiday in Sweden, job opportunities are also increasing.

In 2019, an average of 126,000 people were employed by the tourism industry, or in other words 192,000 hours worked .

The number of actual jobs in this sector was 560,000 in 2018, but it is estimated that by 2028 the number of jobs in tourism will increase to around 674,000 .

The Impact Of The Pandemic On Tourism In Sweden

Like most countries in the world, Sweden’s tourism has been affected a lot by the pandemic. Travel restrictions in various countries and the high spread of the disease at times have made it more difficult for people to travel and the desire to go on holiday has of course been affected. One thing that has been positively affected by the pandemic is domestic nature tourism. The proportion of Swedes engaging in outdoor recreation has risen sharply, and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency estimates that there were 300,000 more visitors to Swedish national parks in the pandemic year 2020.

For Sweden, the pandemic meant that tourism consumption fell by 38% in 2020 compared to 2019. For obvious reasons, foreign tourism has been affected the most. Foreign tourism consumption decreased by 52% in 2020 compared to 2019, and the Swedish equivalent decreased by 29% compared to the previous year.

  • In terms of the impact of tourism on GDP, this figure fell to 1.6% in 2020 from 2.7% in 2019.

As the pandemic subsides, it is predicted that Sweden’s tourism will continue to grow just as it did before the pandemic started.

Summary Of Tourism in Sweden

  • In 2019, the number of guest nights in Sweden increased by 4 per cent compared to 2018, and totalled 67.8 million guest nights.
  • Swedes themselves accounted for most of the guest nights in 2019, just over 50 million.
  • In 2014, 19.9 million foreign tourists visited Sweden.
  • Most tourists visiting Sweden are from other Nordic countries.
  • Tourists prefer to visit the metropolitan areas, and Stockholm is at the top.
  • In 2019, Swedish tourists preferred Visby, Stockholm, Gothenburg, Halmstad and Malmö.
  • Foreign tourists prefer to shop , dine , sightsee and visit museums when they are on holiday in Sweden.
  • The most popular tourist attraction in Sweden is the Liseberg amusement park in Gothenburg. It has more than 3 000 000 million visitors a year.
  • Tourism in Sweden contributed 2.5 per cent of GDP in 2019, or SEK 127 billion .
  • The value of GDP has remained stable at around 2.5% between 2017 and 2019.
  • Foreign tourists, together with Swedish tourists, spent a total of around SEK 306 billion in 2019.
  • In 2019, an average of 126,000 people were employed by the tourism industry in Sweden.
  • The number of actual jobs in the tourism sector was 560,000 in 2018.
  • For Sweden, the pandemic meant that tourist consumption fell by 38% in 2020 compared to 2019.



SJ och Sifo

Axel Hernborg

Hello! I am Axel,’s travel savings, deals and discounts expert and founder. I have been in the travel deals and discounts industry for almost a decade now. It’s me who publish and update most of the content and discounts on! I also have a podcast in which I share valuable information about how to get the best travel deals and discounts.

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Sweden - International Tourism, Number Of Arrivals 2024 Data 2025 Forecast 1995-2020 Historical

International tourism, number of arrivals in sweden was reported at 1957000 in 2020, according to the world bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized sources. sweden - international tourism, number of arrivals - actual values, historical data, forecasts and projections were sourced from the world bank on august of 2024.,   markets,   gdp,   labour,   prices,   money,   trade,   government,   business,   consumer,   housing,   taxes,   energy,   health,   climate.

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Sweden Tourism Statistics

Sweden se: international tourism: expenditures, view sweden's sweden se: international tourism: expenditures from 1995 to 2016 in the chart:.

Sweden Sweden SE: International Tourism: Expenditures

Sweden SE: International Tourism: Expenditures: % of Total Imports

View sweden's sweden se: international tourism: expenditures: % of total imports from 1995 to 2016 in the chart:.

Sweden Sweden SE: International Tourism: Expenditures: % of Total Imports

Sweden SE: International Tourism: Expenditures: for Passenger Transport Items

View sweden's sweden se: international tourism: expenditures: for passenger transport items from 1995 to 2010 in the chart:.

Sweden Sweden SE: International Tourism: Expenditures: for Passenger Transport Items

Sweden SE: International Tourism: Expenditures: for Travel Items

View sweden's sweden se: international tourism: expenditures: for travel items from 1995 to 2016 in the chart:.

Sweden Sweden SE: International Tourism: Expenditures: for Travel Items

Sweden SE: International Tourism: Number of Arrivals

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Sweden Sweden SE: International Tourism: Number of Arrivals

Sweden SE: International Tourism: Number of Departures

View sweden's sweden se: international tourism: number of departures from 1995 to 2013 in the chart:.

Sweden Sweden SE: International Tourism: Number of Departures

Sweden SE: International Tourism: Receipts

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Sweden Sweden SE: International Tourism: Receipts

Sweden SE: International Tourism: Receipts: % of Total Exports

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Sweden Sweden SE: International Tourism: Receipts: % of Total Exports

Sweden SE: International Tourism: Receipts: for Passenger Transport Items

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Sweden Sweden SE: International Tourism: Receipts: for Passenger Transport Items

Sweden SE: International Tourism: Receipts: for Travel Items

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Sweden Sweden SE: International Tourism: Receipts: for Travel Items

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FACT SHEET: United States Response to the Clade I Mpox Outbreak in Several African Countries

On August 14, 2024, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern about the upsurge of mpox cases in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and a growing number of countries in Africa. This announcement followed the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention's (Africa CDC) declaration of a Public Health Emergency of Continental Security on August 13. The significant increase of clade I mpox cases, in both endemic countries (those that have previously had mpox outbreaks) and non-endemic countries (those that have historically not reported mpox outbreaks), threatens the health security of the region, as well as countries outside Africa. In addition, clade I mpox has a newer sub-clade referred to as clade Ib. Both clade Ia and clade Ib are circulating in DRC and have been detected in neighboring countries and in Sweden and Thailand (one case each associated with travel to Africa with known clade I cases).

In 2022, the world experienced a global outbreak of clade IIb mpox, which led to more than 95,000 cases across 115 non-endemic countries and continues to occur in the United States. The Biden-Harris Administration responded by ensuring the JYNNEOS mpox vaccine was available to at-risk populations in the U.S.

In February, as the clade I mpox outbreak grew in DRC, the Biden-Harris Administration established an incident response structure across federal departments and agencies to ensure a coordinated response and to take a proactive approach to U.S. domestic preparedness for potential clade I mpox cases. Clade I mpox causes a higher number of severe infections and has a higher mortality rate than clade IIb mpox. Because evidence for clade I mpox clinical outcomes is based primarily on data from endemic countries without widespread supportive care, particularly DRC, we do not yet know how clade I mpox would impact Americans; we do expect it would cause lower morbidity and mortality in the United States.

United States preparedness for clade I mpox

The Biden-Harris Administration has been closely monitoring the spread of mpox, specifically clade I mpox, and has been working since December 2023 to prepare domestically. The risk to most Americans from clade I mpox circulating in Central and Eastern Africa and the travel associated cases outside of Africa is very low, and there are no known cases in the United States at this time. The United States is well prepared to rapidly detect, contain, and manage clade I cases should they occur domestically.

The United States continues to increase our capacity to detect cases of clade I and clade IIb mpox through existing surveillance systems, including wastewater testing, and through expanding the robust diagnostic testing capacity built during the ongoing clade IIb outbreak to ensure coverage for clade I. The ability to expedite such diagnostic testing—in particular for those with recent travel to DRC or neighboring countries—also supports rapid detection. In addition to reaffirming the importance of mpox vaccination for those who are eligible , we are working to prevent the spread of both clades of mpox by providing and disseminating recommendations for clinicians, health departments, diagnostic laboratories, and the public.

From August 2022 to August 2024, the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR), part of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), distributed more than one million vials of the JYNNEOS vaccine across the United States to mitigate the spread and severity of the clade II mpox outbreak. In addition to the preventive vaccine, partners across the U.S. government are working to better understand the effectiveness of existing treatments for mpox and have treatment options available in the event that clade I mpox is reported in the United States. The United States will continue to provide information to the public on transmission, prevention, and treatment of mpox. Those who have already had clade IIb mpox or who are fully vaccinated against it are expected to be protected against clade I mpox.

CDC has issued an updated Health Alert Network advisory for clinicians and public health departments and partners, as well as an updated Travel Health Notice , recommending travelers to DRC and neighboring countries to practice enhanced precautions. Through the State Department, our embassies are working to keep U.S. citizens abroad informed of these updates. At this time, CDC and WHO do not discourage travel to DRC or elsewhere due to the mpox outbreaks.

United States support to the global mpox outbreak

The U.S. government has been closely monitoring the spread of clade I mpox in DRC and the risk to neighboring countries since 2023, and we have been working closely with the affected country governments and regional and global health partners to reduce the impact of this outbreak and safeguard public health. The U.S. government support for the mpox response builds on our longstanding partnerships in global health security and development with DRC and throughout Africa, which have helped to combat infectious diseases, such as HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria for more than 20 years. In fiscal year 2023, the United States allocated more than $2.65 billion in bilateral health funding to countries in Central and Eastern Africa and is the largest global health donor.

Since March 2024, USAID and CDC together have provided an additional $20 million USD to support clade I mpox response efforts in Central and Eastern Africa, and on August 20, USAID announced up to an additional $35 million in emergency health assistance to bolster response efforts, pending Congressional Notification, bringing the proposed total U.S. government financial support for DRC and other affected countries in the region to more than $55 million.

In addition to direct financial support, the United States government is surging staff to support the mpox response. More than 200 staff including epidemiologists, laboratorians, and risk communication experts have been deployed to support response efforts in the United States and Africa. United States government support has focused on a range of critical public health interventions aimed at limiting transmission and reducing mpox morbidity and mortality. These interventions include surveillance with deployment of additional local field epidemiologists, risk communication and community engagement, laboratory supplies and diagnostics, infection prevention and control, clinical services, and vaccine planning.

In addition to scaling up surveillance, testing, and treatment of cases, vaccination will be a critical element of the response to this outbreak. Successful vaccination campaigns will require health workers to provide vaccinations, financial support to roll out vaccine and vaccination supplies, and regulatory approval for use of vaccines in affected countries. To support this effort, USAID is donating 50,000 doses of the FDA-approved JYNNEOS vaccine to DRC, as well as financial support for rollout of the vaccine doses. The United States is working with other countries that have vaccine stockpiles, WHO, and international partners to encourage additional donations that support vaccine efforts and address challenges with vaccine delivery. This includes evaluating vaccine demand, supporting country engagement on regulatory pathways, planning vaccine implementation, and providing technical assistance to deliver the vaccines.

The United States is working with bilateral, multilateral, and private sector partners to develop and implement a coordinated response – including encouraging collaboration between WHO and Africa CDC on their response plans. The United States, through the State Department, will continue working through the U.S.-Africa CDC Joint Action Plan adopted in November 2023 to increase African Union Member States' capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to health emergencies.

The Biden-Harris Administration will continue its whole-of-government response to this growing outbreak, building on lessons learned from the 2022 mpox response. To learn more about mpox, signs and symptoms, treatments, and prevention, please visit the CDC website here .


Whether diseases start at home or abroad, are curable or preventable, chronic or acute, or from human activity or deliberate attack, CDC’s world-leading experts protect lives and livelihoods, national security and the U.S. economy by providing timely, commonsense information, and rapidly identifying and responding to diseases, including outbreaks and illnesses. CDC drives science, public health research, and data innovation in communities across the country by investing in local initiatives to protect everyone’s health.

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Revenue of accommodation establishments in Sweden 2020-2024, monthly

In June 2024, the revenue of Swedish accommodation establishments reached 3.6 billion Swedish kronor, which is an increase of more around 2.5 billion kronor since 2020 of the same month. Over the documented period, from the start of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, the revenue has generally increased. July is the month that accounts for the highest revenue of each year.

Revenue of accommodation establishments in Sweden from January 2020 to June 2024 (in Swedish kronor)

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August 2024

January 2020 to June 2024

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Other statistics on the topic

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  • Inbound tourism volume in Panama 2010-2022
  • Inbound tourism volume in Belize 2010-2022
  • Inbound tourism volume in El Salvador 2010-2021

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Statistics on " International tourism in Central America "

  • Total tourism GDP in Central America 2019-2021
  • Total contribution of travel and tourism to employment in Central America 2019-2021
  • Inbound tourism volume in Central America 1995-2021
  • U.S. outbound tourism volume to Latin America and the Caribbean 2011-2021
  • Inbound tourism intensity in Central American countries 2019-2021
  • Inbound tourism spending in Central America 1995-2021
  • Contribution of inbound tourism to Central American exports 2019-2021, by country
  • Inbound tourism share over total tourism spending in Central America 2019-2021
  • Inbound tourism volume in Guatemala 2010-2022
  • Inbound tourism volume in Nicaragua 2010-2021
  • Inbound tourism volume in Honduras 2010-2022
  • International tourism spending in Costa Rica 2010-2021
  • International tourism spending in Panama 2016-2022
  • International tourism spending in El Salvador 2010-2021, by category
  • International tourism spending in Guatemala 2010-2020
  • International tourism spending in Nicaragua 2010-2022
  • International tourism spending in Honduras 2010-2021
  • International tourism spending in Belize 2011-2020
  • Cruise ship calls in Central America 2018-2023, by coastline
  • Cruise ship calls in Central American countries 2023, by coastline
  • Cruise ship calls in Central American Caribbean ports 2023
  • Cruise ship calls in Central American Pacific ports 2021
  • Cruise passenger traffic in Central America 2014-2020, by type
  • Cruise tourist arrivals in Belize 2010-2022
  • Number of hotels in Costa Rica 2010-2021
  • Number of accommodation establishments in Panama 2010-2021
  • Number of lodgings in El Salvador 2012-2021
  • Number of lodgings in Guatemala 2013-2022
  • Number of lodgings in Nicaragua 2010-2021
  • Number of hotels in Honduras 2014-2020
  • Number of hotels in Belize 2021, by location
  • Costa Rica's tourism development 2021, by subindex
  • Panama's tourism development 2021, by subindex
  • El Salvador's tourism development 2021, by subindex
  • Guatemala's tourism development 2021, by subindex
  • Nicaragua's tourism development 2021, by subindex
  • Honduras's tourism development 2021, by subindex

Other statistics that may interest you International tourism in Central America

  • Basic Statistic Total tourism GDP in Central America 2019-2021
  • Basic Statistic Total contribution of travel and tourism to employment in Central America 2019-2021
  • Premium Statistic Inbound tourism volume in Central America 1995-2021
  • Premium Statistic U.S. outbound tourism volume to Latin America and the Caribbean 2011-2021
  • Premium Statistic Inbound tourism intensity in Central American countries 2019-2021
  • Premium Statistic Inbound tourism spending in Central America 1995-2021
  • Premium Statistic Contribution of inbound tourism to Central American exports 2019-2021, by country
  • Basic Statistic Inbound tourism share over total tourism spending in Central America 2019-2021

Tourism volume

  • Premium Statistic Inbound tourism volume in Costa Rica 2010-2022
  • Premium Statistic Inbound tourism volume in Panama 2010-2022
  • Premium Statistic Inbound tourism volume in El Salvador 2010-2021
  • Premium Statistic Inbound tourism volume in Guatemala 2010-2022
  • Premium Statistic Inbound tourism volume in Nicaragua 2010-2021
  • Premium Statistic Inbound tourism volume in Honduras 2010-2022
  • Premium Statistic Inbound tourism volume in Belize 2010-2022

Tourism expenditures

  • Premium Statistic International tourism spending in Costa Rica 2010-2021
  • Premium Statistic International tourism spending in Panama 2016-2022
  • Premium Statistic International tourism spending in El Salvador 2010-2021, by category
  • Premium Statistic International tourism spending in Guatemala 2010-2020
  • Premium Statistic International tourism spending in Nicaragua 2010-2022
  • Premium Statistic International tourism spending in Honduras 2010-2021
  • Premium Statistic International tourism spending in Belize 2011-2020

Cruise tourism

  • Premium Statistic Cruise ship calls in Central America 2018-2023, by coastline
  • Premium Statistic Cruise ship calls in Central American countries 2023, by coastline
  • Premium Statistic Cruise ship calls in Central American Caribbean ports 2023
  • Premium Statistic Cruise ship calls in Central American Pacific ports 2021
  • Premium Statistic Cruise passenger traffic in Central America 2014-2020, by type
  • Premium Statistic Cruise tourist arrivals in Belize 2010-2022

Accommodation offer

  • Premium Statistic Number of hotels in Costa Rica 2010-2021
  • Premium Statistic Number of accommodation establishments in Panama 2010-2021
  • Premium Statistic Number of lodgings in El Salvador 2012-2021
  • Premium Statistic Number of lodgings in Guatemala 2013-2022
  • Premium Statistic Number of lodgings in Nicaragua 2010-2021
  • Premium Statistic Number of hotels in Honduras 2014-2020
  • Premium Statistic Number of hotels in Belize 2021, by location

Tourism development

  • Premium Statistic Costa Rica's tourism development 2021, by subindex
  • Premium Statistic Panama's tourism development 2021, by subindex
  • Premium Statistic El Salvador's tourism development 2021, by subindex
  • Premium Statistic Guatemala's tourism development 2021, by subindex
  • Premium Statistic Nicaragua's tourism development 2021, by subindex
  • Premium Statistic Honduras's tourism development 2021, by subindex

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