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Star Trek: Picard recap: A new mission begins

Having learned about the existence of a synthetic created from his late friend Data, Jean-Luc Picard looks to get himself reinstated by Starfleet for one last mission to the stars in this week’s Star Trek: Picard — a task complicated by both his own troubled history with the organization, as well as more nefarious forces at play.

“Maps and Legends” opens with a flashback to 14 years before Picard ’s main action. It’s First Contact Day on Mars circa 2385, and at the Utopia Planitia Shipyards, a group of human workers joke around with F-8 (Alex Diehl), one of the many bald-headed synthetics that help man the station. “Dude creeps me out,” says a female staffer about F-8, and though she shortly assures a colleague that “you can’t offend them — they’re not people,” that doesn’t mean they aren’t dangerous. Without warning, F-8’s eyes go wonky — as if another entity has taken control of him — and he begins messing with the computer system, causing satellites overhead to turn toward Mars and allowing invading ships to enter the atmosphere and fire on the shipyards. F-8 kills everyone who tries to stop him, and once his mission is complete, he blows his own robotic brains out.

Having now depicted the Mars calamity that led to the intergalactic ban on synthetics (referenced in the premiere ), the series returns to Château Picard, where Picard, Laris, and Zhaban watch video of Dahj’s demise — footage from which Dahj and the Romulan “death squad” have, mysteriously, been erased. Laris deduces this cover-up could only be the work of the Zhat Vash, a cabal of deep-state “boogeyman” that reside within the Romulans’ Tal Shiar secret police. According to Laris, the Zhat Vash’s sole purpose is to keep “a secret so profound and terrible, just learning it would break a person’s mind.”

To investigate further, Picard and Laris beam to Dahj’s apartment and use tech to watch a holographic recreation of the night she was attacked and her boyfriend was killed. Unfortunately, that footage has also been scrubbed. Laris asks Picard if he ever noticed that there’s a complete absence of artificial life in Romulan culture, thereby prodding him into realizing that the Zhat Vash have “a hate and fear and pure loathing for every form of synthetic life” – and that their secret must be related to this anti-synthetic sentiment. Further computer analysis leads to the revelation that Soji called Dahj multiple times from somewhere other than Earth.

In space, Narek and Soji are enjoying post-sex pillow-talk. Narek is surprised that Soji finds the Borg Cube “beautiful.” She corrects him by saying it’s an “Artifact” because “a Borg Cube is mighty and omnipotent [and] the Artifact is lost, severed from the collective, broken, vulnerable.” Narek teases her about being a subversive and then confesses that, like most Romulans, he’s “a very private person.” It’s clear from their talk that the Romulans are looking to extract intel from the Artifact and its dead Borg inhabitants, and that Narek isn’t necessarily who he claims to be.

Back at his French vineyard, Picard is visited by Dr. Moritz Benayoun (David Paymer), who references their earlier adventures together aboard Picard’s first ship, the Stargazer. Benayoun reports that “for a relic, you’re in excellent shape.” It’s not all good news on the medical front, however; Picard does have some parietal lobe abnormality, and while further tests are required, the prognosis is that they’ll eventually kill him. Given this bombshell, and hearing that Picard seeks clearance for an upcoming mission, Benayoun asks him, “You really want to go back out into the cold? Knowing?” Picard resolutely responds, “More than ever. Knowing.”

Picard beams to Starfleet, where he meets with Admiral Kirsten Clancy (Ann Magnuson) and tells her everything that’s taken place involving Dahj, Data, Maddox and the Romulans. He asks for temporary reinstatement, a small-scale ship and a light crew for one last mission — a request that doesn’t go over well. In the face of Picard’s “hubris,” Clancy rips the former Starfleet hero for his TV-interview criticism of the Federation’s handling of synthetics and the Romulans. When Picard defends himself by saying that the Federation doesn’t get to decide which species live or die, Clancy counters by asserting that’s precisely its role — and that it had to sacrifice the Romulan refugees in order to keep the Federation intact.

Picard warns Clancy about ignoring him, to which she sneers that he should do what he does best: “Go home.”

Back on the Artifact, Soji chats with new recruit Dr. Naashala (Chelsea Harris) at the Borg Artifact Research Institute. Nashaala asks Narek if the Borg collective might decide to reconnect to this Cube. He assures her that’s not going to happen, because as far as the Borg are concerned, this abandoned vessel is akin to a graveyard, populated only by those who feed on the dead, ghosts, and individuals — like Soji — who are hoping for resurrection. Narek accompanies Soji to work, where she oversees the dissection of a Borg male. Soji objects to the Romulan surgeon referring to these patients as “The Nameless,” and after the creature’s ocular processing core is removed, she gazes at the corpse, stating (in Romulan), “You are free now, my friend.”

In his chateau study, Picard finds Dr. Jurati flipping through an Isaac Asimov book; he remarks that she has “a taste for the classics,” but confesses — wink, wink — that he never liked science fiction (“I just didn’t get it”). Over Picard’s favorite, Earl Grey tea, Jurati informs Picard that all of Dahj’s personal and school records are fabrications, and were probably created within the past three years.

Clancy reports her meeting with Picard to Starfleet Commodore Oh (Tamlyn Tomita), a Vulcan who says that if Romulans were running secret operations on Earth, it would amount to an act of war. Oh calls for Lieutenant Rizzo (Peyton List), and shows her video of the aforementioned Dahj ambush. It turns out that Oh was the mastermind behind the attack, not the Romulans, and she’s furious that Rizzo’s team killed Dahj instead of capturing her for interrogation, as had been the original plan. “We have one more opportunity — do not squander it,” Oh tells Rizzo, thereby revealing that she knows about Dahj’s twin Soji. Oh promises to take care of Picard herself, while Rizzo assures the Commodore that she already has her best man on the job.

Having donned his combadge late at night to call old comrade Raffi Musiker (Michelle Hurd), asking for help and a ship, Picard is now yelled at by Laris for his stupid plan, which she implies is really motivated by his ego. Zhaban suggests Picard enlist his old crew for the mission, but Picard — in the aftermath of Data’s death — doesn’t want to once more be responsible for those loyal to him. He subsequently taxis out to a rocky desert home, where Raffi greets him with a pointed gun. Nonetheless, upon hearing he’s there because secret Romulan assassins are operating on Earth — and seeing the vintage wine he’s brought — she reluctantly invites him inside.

That meeting is followed by one between Narek and a hologram of Rizzo, who’s Narek’s sister, and the person behind his secretive surveillance of Soji on the Artifact. Gazing at Narek’s unkempt bed, Rizzo says that she can see her brother is “on top of it.” Rizzo asks if the Artifact has given up the location of its “fellow abominations” — meaning their orders involve finding the Borg. Rizzo warns Narek that if his undercover approach doesn’t get them their coveted intel by the time she arrives on the Artifact, they’ll try her method instead — or face a disaster that will consume them both.

Captain’s Log:

  • The real-world location of Raffi’s home is California’s Vasquez Rocks, a site used as numerous Star Trek locales throughout the franchise’s history
  • There’s no sign of Picard’s trusty pit bull Number One in this episode, which makes one think he may have a smaller role to play than initially imagined
  • Watching Picard go rogue, it’s hard not to be reminded of his legendary predecessor, Captain James T. Kirk
  • It’ll be interesting to see if we learn more about Picard’s seemingly fatal condition — especially since Picard has already been renewed for a second season, and thus in no hurry to kill off its protagonist.

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Star Trek: Picard episode 2 recap: another great episode with a shocking twist

Our spoiler-filled Star Trek: Picard episode 2 review

star trek picard episode 2

- Episode 2 (of 10), 'Maps and Legends' - Written by Michael Chabon & Akiva Goldsman - Directed by Hanelle M. Culpepper ★★★★

Spoilers follow . 

We begin with a flashback, 14 years ago, to the Utopia Planitia shipyards on Mars. It's First Contact Day, a celebration of the day humanity first made contact with the Vulcans. In the shipyards, humans work alongside primitive androids: so-called Synthetic Labour Units. One of these androids, F8, seems to have a playful relationship with his fleshy colleagues – although some are more mocking than friendly. But then his eyes suddenly begin to flicker and he uses a computer console to lower the facility's deflector shields. As alien ships attack, F8 brutally kills his co-workers, then turns the phaser on himself.

At Château Picard, Laris, Zhaban and Picard watch a recording of the attack in San Francisco. There's no trace of Dahj, as if she's been somehow erased. Laris, a former member of the Tal Shiar, the Romulan secret police, tells Picard that the group might be responsible. She says they have a deep loathing of synthetic life, noting that there are no androids in Romulan culture. At Dahj's apartment in Boston, Laris determines that the assassins wiped any clues to the crime, but finds a reference to Dahj's twin, Soji, in her call records. She's off-world somewhere, but they don't know where.

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Picard's dog, Number One, is a good boy. 

At the Romulan reclamation site – which we now know to be the remnants of a Borg cube – Soji and Narek, a Romulan, share a bed. She refers to the cube as 'the artifact' and notes that it has been severed from the Borg collective. He suggests that Narek isn't really his name, and that them sleeping together has to be kept secret. Back at Château Picard, Picard's doctor – an old friend with whom he served on his first ship, the Stargazer – tells him he has an abnormality in his brain that will eventually kill him. Undeterred, Picard asks the doctor to clear him for Starfleet duty so he can go and find Dahj's twin.

Picard travels to Starfleet HQ in San Francisco. He meets with an Admiral Clancy and asks to be reinstated to Starfleet, saying he's happy to be demoted to captain. Clancy angrily refuses his request, accusing him of hubris and calling him a "once great man desperate to matter." At the reclamation site, Soji prepares to enter the Grey Zone on a research mission, where she is "likely to encounter former members of the Borg collective." If her safety badge flashes green, she has one simple instruction: run . We also learn that Narek is the director of this project. Why are the Romulans so interested in the Borg?

Dr. Jurati from the Daystrom Institute arrives at the vineyard. Picard catches her leafing through an Isaac Asimov book, but says he never really cared for science fiction himself. Jurati tells Picard that Dahj's identity was too perfect, indicating that it was fabricated – and as recently as three years ago. Later, Picard is in his study and removes an item from a box: his old Starfleet badge, which he pins to his chest. He taps it, contacting someone, and says he needs a ship, and we hear echoes of the Next Generation theme. Seems Picard is going back into space, with or without the help of Starfleet.

star trek picard episode 2

At Starfleet HQ, Admiral Clancy tells her superior, a commodore, about Picard's request. The commodore seems concerned that Picard knows so much about Dahj and Soji, and about Bruce Maddox's experiments with organic synthetics. She calls in a Lieutenant Rizzo, and it's revealed that they're both undercover Romulans working with the Tal Shiar – and that they were behind the attack on Picard and Dahj in the previous episode. "Your team destroyed the thing before it could be interrogated." she says angrily, referring to Dahj. The commodore says Rizzo has one more opportunity; Rizzo says her best man is on it.

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It seems Narek is not just the director of the reclamation site, but also a part of the Tal Shiar conspiracy. Rizzo appears in his quarters through a holo-communicator and asks him if he's found the nest yet, and whether "the machine" (presumably Soji) has given up the location of "its fellow abominations" yet. Narek says he hasn't, and Rizzo indicates that if he doesn't get results soon, she'll have no choice but to try her approach. Back on Earth, Picard is in the desert and approaches a phaser-toting woman who orders him to leave. She lowers the weapon when Picard mentions the Romulan assassins he encountered, and the offer of a bottle of his vineyard's wine sweetens the deal.

Verdict: This is another great episode, with revelations you'd expect to see later in a season, not two hours in. A conspiracy at the heart of Starfleet is a shocking and unexpected twist, and Picard's newfound awareness of his fragile mortality will give Patrick Stewart plenty to chew on. 

He remains superb, and seeing Picard digging out his old Starfleet badge was a cathartic moment. The most intriguing thing in this episode is what exactly the Romulans want with the Borg cube, and why Soji refers to it as 'the artifact' with such reverence.

  • When Picard meets his new ally in the desert, her home is next to a very familiar-looking rock formation. This spike of rock has appeared in countless films and TV shows over the years, and is where Captain Kirk famously fought the Gorn in classic Trek episode 'Arena'.
  • You can learn more about Laris and Zhaban, and why they're so loyal to Picard, in the prequel comic series Picard: Countdown. The comic also reveals more details about Picard's controversial formation of a rescue armada in the wake of the destruction of Romulus.
  • The Tal Shiar, an elite Romulan intelligence agency, has appeared, or been mentioned, in Star Trek before. In the Next Generation episode Face of the Enemy, Deanna Troi finds herself posing as a Tal Shiar agent, having been surgically altered to look like a Romulan.

Star Trek : Picard is available to watch on CBS All Access every Thursday in the US, and every Friday on Amazon Prime Video internationally.

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Star Trek: Picard – Season 1, Episode 2

Maps and legends, where to watch, star trek: picard — season 1, episode 2.

Watch Star Trek: Picard — Season 1, Episode 2 with a subscription on Paramount+, or buy it on Fandango at Home, Prime Video, Apple TV.

What to Know

"Maps and Legends" continues to build on the core of Picard 's intelligently layered mysteries, even if it operates at a noticeably lower warp factor than the premiere.

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Cast & crew.

Patrick Stewart

Jean-Luc Picard

Isa Briones

Alison Pill

Agnes Jurati

Santiago Cabrera

Cristobal "Chris" Rios

Michelle Hurd

Raffi Musiker

Harry Treadaway

Critics Reviews

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Star Trek: Picard Season 2, Episode 2, 'Penance,' Recap & Spoilers


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WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Star Trek: Picard Season 2, Episode 2, "Penance," streaming now on Paramount+ .

After enjoying a period of peace and taking their lives into new, interesting directions, Admiral Jean-Luc Picard and his friends were confronted by the resurgent Borg Collective , with the seemingly resurrected Borg Queen at the helm. Just as Picard believed he endured certain death to prevent the Borg from assimilating Starfleet, he found himself face-to-face with his longtime frenemy Q in a new vision of reality with a decidedly more ominous edge than the home he briefly left behind, setting the stage for Star Trek: Picard Season 2.

As Picard acclimates to this twisted vision of reality , noticing Earth's climate is struggling, a more sinister Q confirms that he not only intervened but that his latest challenge to humanity uses Picard himself as its foundation. When Picard realizes that something has personally gone wrong with Q, the omnipotent being reacts harshly before touring Picard through his new home. He then reveals that Picard is this reality's most bloodthirsty, decorated officer in the Confederation of Earth, presenting him with a trophy room of all his fallen enemies. Q enigmatically implies this timeline serves as Picard's penance, and he will have to offer his forgiveness to someone to rectify things this time.

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Seven of Nine awakens to learn that she has never been assimilated in this reality, making her body completely free of the Borg Collective's cybernetic implants. Seven is startled to discover that she is married in this world and has recently taken power as the President of the Confederation, personally overseeing an ongoing war for the conquest of Vulcan. Chris Rios is the in middle of the conflict, serving as a colonel for the Confederation and coming to his senses during a harrowing space battle against the Vulcan Defense Force. Realizing Rios has retained his memories of the past reality, Seven summons him to meet with her privately while they both maintain their cover.

In slums on Earth, Elnor finds himself among a group of insurgents carrying out terrorist attacks on major cities in reprisal for atrocities committed on different planets. Elnor is cornered by the military only to be rescued by Raffi Musiker, who also retains her memories of the prime reality and takes him in custody to spare him and maintain their ruse before the authorities. Seven and her husband meet with Agnes Jurati, who begins to recall her past life before she realizes she has been placed in charge of monitoring the captive Borg Queen. The Queen senses that the timeline has been tampered with, as Seven's husband grows suspicious of this and how the Queen addresses his wife.

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Reuniting at the Confederation headquarters, Picard deduces that Q changed something in the past to cause this reality rather than creating a parallel dimension and, through a conversation with the Borg Queen, pinpoints this divergence to a single event in Los Angeles 2024. With time travel needed to restore the timeline , the group reluctantly admits they need the Queen to precisely calculate when to arrive in the past to stop Q. However, this plan is further complicated by the Queen set to be personally executed by Picard before an adoring public to mark the complete eradication of the Borg.

Jurati and Rios calculate a way to transport the Queen and the rest of the group directly to Rios' ship, interrupting the execution. As Jurati plugs the Queen into the ship's power source, the group is boarded by a Confederation strike force led by Seven's husband. Elnor is grievously wounded in the resulting skirmish, with everyone else held at gunpoint as Picard is proclaimed a traitor to the Confederation, threatening to end this mission to restore reality before it can even truly begin in earnest.

To see how Picard and crew get out of this conundrum, Star Trek: Picard releases new episodes Thursdays on Paramount+.

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'Star Trek: Picard' episode 2 is unexpectedly excellent

A-ha! The way in which the 'Star Trek' Picard legacy will continue is finally revealed.

A giant starship caught in an equally giant green ray of some kind. You don't get more classic 'Trek' than this.

Warning: Spoilers ahead for "Star Trek: Picard" season 3, episode 2

Following last week's not-terrible premiere of the final season of "Star Trek: Picard" comes an absolute belter of an episode, which frankly, was enough to make this cynical, tired old Trekkie with a wavering loyalty blubber like a baby. But more on that uncharacteristic emotional outburst later.

Without a doubt, the impact of this final season of "Picard" would have 100% benefited had episodes one and two dropped simultaneously. In all honesty, it would've achieved the same, low-cost social media buzz as giving select influencers advance access to the first six episodes, but it wouldn't have annoyed fans who didn't have that privilege quite so much — and it would've meant that nobody had to wait six weeks for a new episode. 

Interestingly, Paramount also chose this week to announce an increase in its subscription rates. The price of a Paramount+ Premium plan, which will include Showtime, will increase to $11.99 per month, up from the current $9.99 price point. Paramount+ Essentials, which won't include Showtime, will bump up by $1, to $5.99 per month. The price increase will go into effect "upon launch of the integrated service," which is set to occur "early" in the third quarter of 2023. 

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La Sirena is one of the most beautiful ships in the 'Star Trek' universe, but did they keep Rios' holograms?

It could also be argued that this updated reunion approach might have been the best strategy from the outset. That way, maybe Jean-Luc wouldn't be an android ... let's not forget that. Dear, oh dear. You have to wonder quite how he'll break that to Beverly. 

But thankfully, improvements over the previous seasons are already evident. The all-new Starfleet uniforms are massively influenced by the Kirk-era movies, with really rather beautiful monster maroon -inspired, cross-chest tunic fasteners, along with Beverly Crusher's (Gates McFadden) field jacket that we also saw last week. Plus, the opening credits have been, so far, kept to a minimum, which goes a long way toward quickly establishing a highly dramatic foundation for each episode. And, as we also mentioned last week, the closing theme has more than a nod to the late, great James Horner. 

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Easter eggs remain in bountiful supply, and the show benefits so very much more from them being subtly placed. When the Titan's shuttlecraft is destroyed by Vadic (Amanda Plummer) — who, so far , is just more or less just playing the part of Nero (Eric Bana) from the dreadful 2009 movie — we get to see a piece of wreckage whizzing past with the word "Saavik" on it. This ties in with an official Star Trek Logs post on Instagram, which reveals that the Vulcan Starfleet Officer (played first by Kirstie Alley and then Robin Curtis) was formerly a captain of the USS Titan. Add in the nebula as a plot device, plus the case of Romulan Ale and you've got quite a few nods to " The Wrath of Khan ," which is fine by us; it is, after all, one of the best sci-fi movies ever made. 

A tribute to Saavik, former captain of the USS Titan. Did she ever have a child from Spock in the end?

Too much nostalgia purely for the sake of it can cheapen the effect. And that's why this episode is really rather good — because the nostalgia is kept to a minimum. That, and the fact that the spotlight this week is much more on new characters, rather than the old. Will Riker's (Jonathan Frakes) cheeky chappie routine is thankfully absent, and even Jean-Luc Picard's monologues are mercifully few.

And the moment this week that sent this writer scrambling desperately for a tissue was Worf's introduction. It was beautiful . And just one perfectly placed bar of the epic Klingon theme was all that was needed to instantly produce a lump in my throat the size of a K't'inga-class battlecruiser.

But while this was unquestionably a contextual highlight across the whole of "Picard," from the very beginning to where we are now, there are still a lot of " Next Generation " cast members to reintroduce — and it's unlikely every one of them will be done in such an effective manner. Levar Burton (Geordi La Forge), Marina Sirtis (Deanna Troi ) and Brent Spiner are all yet to come. Are we in for another season with an equal mix of highs and lows?

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Jack Crusher, named after Beverly's first husband and Wesley's father. Will he take the Picard name?

Let's not forget that the first two seasons of "Picard" had both high points and low points. For example, season one started off in an average manner, then peaked with its visit to Stardust City , before dipping its nose and diving for the deck. 

The best from both of these seasons can count themselves up with the some of the best that other sci-fi franchises have offered us, including the likes of "33" (S01, E01) and "Exodus Pt II" (S03, E03) from " Battlestar Galactica " or "Severed Dreams" (S03, E10) and "Z'ha'dum" (S03, E22) from "Babylon 5" or "The Last Man" (S04, E20) and "Vegas" (S05, E19) from "Stargate: Atlantis" or just about any episode from the first season of "The Expanse." However, all of those shows incorporated series-long story arcs, and they weren't composed of standalone, seasonal story arcs. " The Orville " attempted — as best it could — story arcs that stretched over multiple seasons, a difficult challenge given all the production problems it faced. 

Even " Andor " — which was very good, but not quite perfect — had a slightly peculiar pace that peaked and dipped after each successive and spectacular set piece, and then repeated itself. But if you want to watch a masterclass in how to evenly pace a season, while slowly and very effectively building tension and character development, just watch "Severance" on Apple TV. This vastly underrated show was probably the best television series made in all of 2022. Bravo, Ben Stiller, bravo. 

Seven looks stunning in a Starfleet uniform, but a lot has clearly happened to her since Season 2…

Captain Liam Shaw (Todd Stashwick) proved his character is more than one-dimensional this week, which was welcome, although hopefully he'll retain his delicious arrogance. In his defense, though, he acted exactly like any responsible starship captain would in this situation — including both Riker and Picard — which makes their guppy-fish-at-feeding-time reactions somewhat strange when Shaw acts to maintain order on his ship. That said, it's practically a given that at some stage this season, Shaw will either explode, implode, get impaled, vaporized or blown out of a hull breach. Perhaps we should start a pool...100 quatloos gets you in. 

Along with wondering if the other remaining cast members' reappearances will be quite so nicely handled, this episode raises a few additional questions. For example, do we think Jack knows his half-brother is an existential being? Will Jean-Luc tell Beverly that, for all intents and purposes, he's actually indestructible? And will we learn how, in such a short space of time, the tranquil life on Nepenthe for Deanna Troi, Will Riker and Kestra seems to have hit hard times?

If — and that's a Galaxy Class starship-sized if — this episode represents the baseline standard for this concluding season, we are absolutely, positively in for a treat. If, however, we get an episode like " Two of One " (S02, E06) thrown into the mix, well, let's just say it will significantly lower the overall quality.

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"Star Trek: Picard" and every episode of every "Star Trek" show currently streams exclusively on Paramount Plus in the US. Internationally, the shows are available on Paramount Plus in Australia, Latin America, the UK and South Korea, as well as on Pluto TV in Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Switzerland on the Pluto TV Sci-Fi channel. 

They also stream exclusively on Paramount Plus in Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland and Austria. In Canada, they air on Bell Media's CTV Sci-Fi Channel and stream on Crave.

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When Scott's application to the NASA astronaut training program was turned down, he was naturally upset...as any 6-year-old boy would be. He chose instead to write as much as he possibly could about science, technology and space exploration. He graduated from The University of Coventry and received his training on Fleet Street in London. He still hopes to be the first journalist in space.

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‘Star Trek: Picard’ Season 3 Episode 2 Recap: Who’s Your Daddy? 


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If the premiere of Star Trek: Picard Season 3 left you with any questions about who Jack Crusher ( Ed Speleers ) is to Jean-Luc Picard ( Patrick Stewart ) you’ll be pleased to know that Episode 2 doesn’t beat around the bush. With the upbeat tune of Baby’s “Starchild” blaring in the background, the episode opens on a flashback to two weeks ago when Jack got into a spot of trouble for violating an airspace quarantine zone. The rock n’ roll of it all very quickly, and brilliantly, showcases the contrast between Jack and Picard, who is very much a character constructed to the tune of classical music.

The flashback also provides a little much-needed exposition and reveals a few key elements about Jack’s personality and what he and his mother ( Gates McFadden ) have been doing since Beverly’s last appearance in Star Trek: Nemesis . When the Fenris Rangers board their ship, Jack explains that they’re trying to deliver medical supplies to a planet that is suffering from a deadly fever—one that he hints may be part of an engineered pandemic that warlords are using to clear out refugees. The Rangers are skeptical and force him to show them the cargo aboard the vessel, which is largely medical supplies. Even the Romulan ale they have stowed away is used for medicinal purposes. But they also have weapons aboard the ship, which Jack explains they use for bartering, and those weapons also work on bribing the Rangers to let them help the refugees on the surface. Unfortunately, what Jack doesn’t realize is that the Rangers are on a reconnaissance mission of their own, and the flashback ends with them reporting back to a mysterious someone that they have found Jack.

This is exactly how they wound up in the situation that they’re in, in the present, at least in part. Jack explains to Picard and Riker ( Jonathan Frakes ) that he and his mother have been hunted for weeks by different groups of entirely unconnected people—including the Rangers and Romulans, and pretty much everyone in between. This is why Beverly told Picard to “trust no one,” because even Starfleet seemed to be after their pound of flesh. Jack is eager to get off the ship and get his mother to safety since the Med Pod she’s inside is running low on power. While Picard is still trying to wrap his head around the idea of Beverly having a son, Riker is quick to point out that there’s something “familiar” about Jack.

RELATED: 'Star Trek: Picard' Season 3 Proves Seven of Nine Doesn't Belong in Starfleet

Aboard the U.S.S. Titan , Seven ( Jeri Ryan ) and Captain Shaw ( Todd Stashwick ) butt heads about whether they should offer assistance to Picard and Riker. Even after another vessel appears and blows up the shuttle that Picard and Riker stole, Shaw digs in his heels and makes it clear that he isn’t interested in sacrificing his crew for a couple of “relics.” Seven attempts to convince Shaw to offer them aid, considering the enemy ship is targeting an unarmed vessel, but all Shaw cares about is the fact that Seven helped Picard. Realizing that she isn’t going to get through to Shaw, Seven tries one last time to appeal to whatever honor code he might live by, by pointing out that he can either be a hero and rescue them or become the man who let two legends die. It’s a risky move, considering Shaw is completely disenchanted by the myth and legend angle.

On Crusher’s ship, it quickly becomes apparent that their enemy isn’t interested in Beverly Crusher—they’re after her son. Picard thwarts their attempt to transport Jack off the ship by swiftly installing transport inhibitors, however, this doesn’t keep their mysterious enemies from boarding the vessel or capturing them in a tractor beam. One way or another, they’re bound and determined to capture Jack alive. After weeks of being tracked down and hunted across the galaxy, the ship isn’t just low on power, it’s low on everything. Their repulser capabilities are entirely shot and any chance they have of fighting their way out of their clutches is gone.

Luckily for them, Seven’s final plea to Shaw apparently worked. At the eleventh hour, the Titan shows up to disrupt the tractor beam and buy Picard and Riker enough time to evacuate the vessel. Shaw begrudgingly rescues the four life signs they discover aboard the ship all the while making a snide comment about how the Titan has become “basically a hotel now.”

Once they are all safely aboard the Titan , Shaw decides he doesn’t want to just leave—he wants to engage and find out who they’re dealing with. Vadic ( Amanda Plummer ) hails the Titan and reveals they’re bounty hunters who are after Jack, who has a sizable bounty on his head for breaking a myriad of different laws across the galaxy. As expected, Shaw points out that Starfleet doesn’t negotiate with bounty hunters, but Vadic is quick to remind him that they’re outside of Federation space, so their rules don’t apply. She drops her shields, giving the crew enough time to scan her ship—which reveals that they are absolutely loaded with weapons, leaving the Titan largely outnumbered and outgunned. In a show of power, Vadic gives Shaw one hour to turn Jack over and uses their tractor beam to literally slingshot Crusher’s ship at the Titan . Which isn’t a move that’s ever been seen before by anyone among the crew.

Picard and Jack have a quick heart-to-heart about needing to know everything that he knows about Vadic and the predicament they find themselves in, but Jack claims he knows nothing. Before they can get much further with their conversation, Shaw decides to throw Jack in the brig after discovering that Vadic’s claims about him being a conman are actually true. But Shaw isn’t done laying down the law just yet, in addition to taking Jack into custody, he also relieves Seven of her duties for insubordination—which felt like a long time coming after last week’s episode. Riker, who has a vested interest in the wellbeing of the Titan ’s crew, is quick to criticize Shaw for giving into the demands of bounty hunters and points out that Jack deserves a fair trial, not an execution by bounty hunters. Shaw isn’t willing to budge, however.

While Picard is reluctant to believe that Jack Crusher might be his son, especially with the new information about him being a conman with a dozen different aliases, Riker is completely convinced that he’s Picard’s kid. Even though they’re trying to sow seeds of doubt, everything about Jack feels like the perfect combination of Beverly Crusher and Jean-Luc Picard, right down to the British accent and the devil-may-care attitude.

Jack’s attempt to look cool and collected about his situation is betrayed by his trembling hands when Picard makes his way down to the brig to get more information out of him. Before Picard can probe him for information about their unfortunate situation, Jack’s first line of questioning is about his mother’s condition—which completely blows a hole in Shaw’s later assumption that he is just a conman who hitched his wagon to an unconscious lady. Picard questions him about all of his charges, which are legit, though Jack prefers to call himself a “freedom fighter” and a thief who provides medical aid, in addition to being someone who happens to be a bit of a scourge to fathers of daughters around the galaxy.

Jack reveals that everything he learned about rendering medical aid around the galaxy, he learned from his mother, including everything that earned him a rap sheet. Picard doesn’t buy it, because the Beverly Crusher he once knew would never be getting into trouble. Jack is quick to point out that Picard and Beverly haven’t seen each other in over twenty years, so how could Picard even begin to know who Beverly is now ? This forces Picard to finally ask the million-dollar question. Who is Jack Crusher’s father? It’s an emotionally charged question that reveals exactly how Picard feels about the potential answer. Even though Jack’s answer isn’t straightforward, because he never had a father who was in the picture, Picard knows the answer—and so does the audience.

Rather than deal with the fallout of this halfway revelation, Jack offers to turn himself over to Vadic, if it means his mother will be safe. With less than eighteen minutes left to decide Jack’s fate, Picard leaves him in the brig to mull over their options. But Jack has already made his mind up. In a very swashbuckler move, he convinces the officer that is guarding the brig to reveal the voltage of the force field keeping him inside his cell, which allows him to essentially hot-wire his way out of the brig. Armed with a blaster and the tenacity he inherited from both of his parents, Jack makes his way to the transporter bay to turn himself over to Vadic, since it’s clear they aren’t going to stop hunting him until he’s caught.

Fueled by Shaw’s belief that Jack was lying about Beverly being his mother, Riker headed to the sick bay to wake Beverly up, and they return to the bridge at the absolute perfect moment. Right as Shaw is ordering his officers to allow Jack to transport himself off the Titan , Beverly arrives on the bridge to confirm Picard’s theories about Jack. It’s a beautiful moment and completely silent moment, save for the soul-stirring orchestration playing beneath it. Patrick Stewart and Gates McFadden deliver a myriad of emotions—regret, shame, pain, heartbreak—simply through their expressions. As the moment passes, Picard gives the order to disregard Shaw’s orders, barring Jack from turning himself over to Vadic. Shaw questions him about who the boy is and, without missing a beat, Picard answers: “He’s my son.”

While all of this family drama is playing out aboard the U.S.S. Titan , Raffi ( Michelle Hurd ) is aboard La Sirena dealing with the guilt she feels about not stopping the terrorist attack. Her mysterious handler informs her that Starfleet is terminating the investigation because they believe that a Romulan by the name of Lurak T’Luco was behind the attack. Raffi refuses to believe that someone who is far from being a most wanted criminal could be behind it—especially after what she witnessed. After she learns that T’Luco likely retrieved the weapon from a Ferengi named Sneed, she decides she’s going to continue her investigation, much to the chagrin of her handler. This is also where the episode’s title is borrowed from, as her handler orders her to “Disengage,” but we all know that Raffi will not let this one go.

Raffi’s investigation takes her to another hotbed of criminal activity, and someone from her past. Back in Season 1, Picard revealed that Raffi had been previously married to a man by the name of Jae, who she had a son with named Gabe. While there have only been brief mentions of them in the series and its ancillary material, Raffi is estranged from both Jae and Gabe, as well as Gabe’s young daughter—who Raffi was looking at pictures of in the premiere of Season 3. In “Disengage” she goes to Jae in hopes of using him and his bar as a lead to finding Sneed, though Jae thinks Raffi is meeting with him to help mend the broken relationship between her and their son. Once Jae realizes what Raffi is up to, he delivers a cruel ultimatum. He can either help her reconnect with Gabe or he can help her find Sneed. He won’t do both. Of course, driven by duty, Raffi chooses her mission, which is probably why her relationship with Gabe fell apart in the first place.

Near the end of the episode, Raffi does track down Sneed, and she attempts to get information out of him about where he got the deadly weapon and who his supplier is. She pretends to be T’Luco’s handler, who is enraged that he’s being pinned for the attack, but that bluff quickly goes awry when Sneed reveals that he killed and beheaded T’Luco. Sneed accuses Raffi of being part of the super-secret Section 31 organization and forces her to take a hallucinogenic drug called Splinter to prove she isn’t working for Starfleet. Things go sideways fast as the drug takes its effect on her, but luckily her handler shows up to save the day. Star Trek: Picard doesn’t waste any time with revealing that Raffi’s handler is none other than Worf ( Michael Dorn ), who is just as magnificent as he was in The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine .

The stakes were already high, but Episode 2 of Star Trek: Picard Season 3 ups the ante by confirming, without a shadow of a doubt, that Jack Crusher is Beverly Crusher and Jean-Luc Picard’s son. With so much of the first two seasons focused on Picard’s past, the exploration of the tangible legacy he will eventually leave behind—the one that is more than just legend and acclaim—is a story that has not yet been explored for Picard. Now we just have to wait and see how Picard reacts to learning that he has had a son out there among the stars for all of these years, and how that will parallel Riker’s own exploration of grief after losing his own son, which was set up in the premiere.

The first two episodes of the final season of Star Trek: Picard are streaming now on Paramount+.

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‘Star Trek: Picard,’ Season 3, Episode 2: Another Next Generation

Jean-Luc Picard has not traditionally been much of a family man, but that may be changing.

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A man on a space ship looks concerned in a scene from "Star Trek: Picard."

By Sopan Deb

Season 3, Episode 2: ‘Disengage’

Um, wait, what? WHAT?!

A lot happened in this episode, but I’m mostly focused on the ending.

Jean-Luc Picard and Beverly Crusher had a kid together?

And that son, Jack, is named after Beverly’s first husband? The one who died and was a close friend of Jean-Luc’s?

Let’s break this down, because it is an interesting revelation on several levels. Before “Picard,” Jean-Luc had long kept his career at the forefront of his existence, at the expense of family and love. The closest he came to embracing a family came in the classic episode “The Inner Light,” where Picard is struck by an energy beam and somehow lives the life of someone completely different. It showed Jean-Luc what his life could have been. Romance has historically been rare for him, though there have been some brief flings, including Anij from “Star Trek: Insurrection,” but never officially with Beverly.

Also, Jean-Luc has generally hated children. In “Encounter At Farpoint,” the “Next Generation” pilot, he lectures Beverly that children aren’t allowed on the bridge — which is amusing now given that in the future, she will be the mother of one of his children. (Let’s not forget one of the worst written lines in “Trek” history: Picard yelling, “Shut up, Wesley!” to Wesley Crusher.)

There was the time Jean-Luc was turned into a child, in the hilarious “Rascals” episode. And he also seems to be a father figure to his nephew René, who dies in “Star Trek: Generations.”

Picard was married to the Enterprise. He never seemed to want more than that.

But people grow and change. Look at Beverly, who has spent several years traversing the galaxy as a rogue doctor with her son. In some ways, she was the most levelheaded member of the Enterprise crew. She was rarely impulsive and always thoughtful, which made her an ideal match for Jean-Luc. So it must have taken something serious for her to evolve to this.

In “Picard,” Jean-Luc appears to be more interested in being a father and family generally. He has a romance with Laris and is essentially a father figure to Dahj, her twin Soji and Elnor.

But Jack being Jean-Luc’s son raises many questions. Did Jean-Luc know this whole time about Jack? Or did he find out when he and Beverly exchanged looks on the bridge of the Titan? (This is something likely to be addressed in upcoming episodes, but given the tendencies in the previous seasons of “Picard,” we shouldn’t assume anything.) If Jean-Luc didn’t know, why in the world did Beverly keep the knowledge of a child from his own father and one of her closest confidantes? (In the episode “Attached,” Beverly learns about Jean-Luc’s feelings for her, and that he never acted on them out of respect for her late husband . It’s possible that Beverly kept the knowledge of Jack Jr. from Jean-Luc because of that respect.)

Does Jack know? I would guess no based on their conversation while in the brig. (But Jack is professional liar, so again, the assumption thing.) When Jean-Luc asks, “Who is your father?” Jack replies, “I never had one.” I thought I saw a hint of knowing remorse in Patrick Stewart’s face in response, and one could easily interpret Jack’s response as a dig at Jean-Luc for being an absentee father.

And what about Wesley?

There’s also the matter of Jean-Luc and Beverly actually having been together. That’s never been confirmed until this season of “Picard,” although the creative team more or less revealed this publicly in the summer.

Odds and ends

Captain Vadic (Amanda Plummer) makes a solid debut as this season’s villain — she has a sinister cadence, a predatory ship and an apparent unusual familiarity with the old Enterprise crew, as well as Shaw.

Maybe this is a reflection on Todd Stashwick’s charming performance, but despite the show’s best efforts to make Shaw seem like a jerk, he really is an admirable captain. Shaw agrees to save Riker and Picard from Vadic’s Shrike at great personal risk to the Titan, even though the pair had duped the ship’s crew and taken them outside of Federation space. Shaw also declines to throw Riker and Picard in the brig, though he would be in the right to do so. (Not to mention the shuttle that Riker and Picard stole, leading to its destruction.) Shaw also continues to let Seven of Nine serve aboard the ship, despite her betrayal of him. And repeatedly, he expresses — very rightfully — his concern for the lives of his crew members.

Raffi, apparently now a member of Starfleet Intelligence, has been trying to figure out who attacked a lower-tier Starfleet building. She chooses her profession over her son Gabe — again. But what happened to her relationship with Seven?

And it turns out Raffi’s handler is Worf, who promptly beheads the Ferengi Tony Soprano. Quite an entrance, though I fear this may be an example of “Picard” writers opting for short term payoff and forgetting who these characters actually are. Worf moderated the Klingon penchant for violence, particularly as he rose in command in “Deep Space Nine.” So much so that he was actually named ambassador to the Klingon home world at the conclusion of the series. (Then again, Worf did murder the Klingon chancellor Gowron, so maybe he is whatever the plot needs him to be.) I am certainly curious how one of the most famous Klingons in the galaxy — renowned in both Starfleet and among Klingons — ends up working in intelligence.

The episode ends with a classic “Trek” trope: An outgunned Starfleet ship sneaking into a nebula to hide.

Sopan Deb is a basketball writer and a contributor to the Culture section. Before joining The Times, he covered Donald J. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign for CBS News. More about Sopan Deb

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Memory Alpha

PIC Season 2

Star Trek Picard Season 2 poster

Season 2 teaser poster

This page contains information specifically pertaining to the second season of Star Trek: Picard , whose episode premieres were consecutively streamed on Paramount+ (USA) and CraveTV (Canada) from 3 March 2022 through 5 May 2022 for North America, with the rest of the world following suit through Amazon Prime with a one-day delay.

  • 3.1.1 Special guest star
  • 4 Background information
  • 6 External links

Episodes [ ]

Summary [ ], credits [ ], starring [ ], special guest star [ ], background information [ ].

  • This is the only season of Star Trek to be set predominantly in the 21st century.
  • With rumors of a third season already floating around, the second season of Picard was officially announced by CBS All Access on 10 January 2020 before the debut of season one , [1] in spite of it having been previously confirmed that lead Patrick Stewart had been signed for at least two seasons. [2]
  • Filming for season 2 began on 16 February 2021 . [3]
  • Season 2 was filmed back-to-back with season 3 in order to control costs and accommodate production schedules. This became viable when season 3 was confirmed in September 2021. [4]
  • The first season 2 teaser was revealed on 5 April 2021 during " First Contact Day ", after which during a panel almost all season one cast members were reaffirmed whereas John de Lancie 's return as Q was officially announced, [5] following rumors to that effect that had been floating around since December the year previously. [6]
  • Similarly, the "quasi-formal" confirmation by actress Michelle Hurd on 23 November 2021 that Whoopi Goldberg was to reprise her role as Guinan (the franchise itself had not issued an official announcement to that effect), [7] was not much of a surprise either ever since Stewart had in person formally invited Goldberg to join the series' second season on the ABC talkshow The View on 22 January 2020, purportedly with the blessing of franchise head Alex Kurtzman . [8]
  • Like season 1, season 2 was housed at Santa Clarita Studios in Santa Clarita, California. The season also featured extensive location filming in Los Angeles. The production crew numbered around 450 staffers, reportedly one of the largest television crews by 2021. [9]
  • Production on season 2 wrapped on 29 August 2021 . [10]

See also [ ]

  • PIC Season 2 performers
  • PIC directors
  • PIC writers

External links [ ]

  • Star Trek: Picard Season 2 at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • Star Trek: Picard Season 2 episode reviews at Ex Astris Scientia
  • 1 Bell Riots
  • 2 Obi Ndefo
  • 3 Gabriel Bell

Den of Geek

Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Episode 2 Review – Disengage

Star Trek: Picard reveals Jack Crusher is exactly who we thought he was — but what does it all mean?

star trek picard episode 2

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Jonathan Frakes as Commander Riker in Star Trek: Picard Season 3

This Star Trek: Picard review contains spoilers.

Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Episode 2

Despite the fact that Star Trek: Picard seems to have finally realized that what the people always wanted from this series was a mature version of Star Trek: The Next Generation that wrestled with maturity, legacy, and the way even the closest relationships can change over the course of a lifetime, the series continues to be plagued by pacing issues in its second episode. “Disengage” is an hour that not only takes forever to reveal a plot twist we all pretty much guessed last week, but it’s also full of the sort of laborious table setting that isn’t particularly fun to watch. 

It’s difficult to imagine that the episode that includes the long-awaited return of The Next Generation alum Michael Dorn, features a brief but wildly emotional (and entirely nonverbal!) reunion between Jean-Luc Picard and Beverly Crusher, and reveals that the two had a secret love child that Picard never knew about could be boring, but…it’s kind of true. Part of the problem is that Ed Speleers’ Jack Crusher isn’t a particularly compelling character as of yet, and the idea that he’s being chased by a powerful enemy because he’s just a charming roguish smuggler who loves his mom isn’t either. While one has to assume there’s more to his story than we currently know, there’s also every indication this show is going to take its sweet time unraveling whatever that is.

On the plus side, this is also an hour that features plenty of action, as the U.S.S. Titan dramatically returns just in time to defend the Crushers’ ship from attack by Amanda Plummer’s clearly villainous Vadic . She demands Jack be handed over for various crimes he’s supposedly committed in her territory, and Titan’s Captain Shaw doesn’t hate the idea, as it would save his crew from what is likely certain death. If Jack’s been breaking the law outside Federation space, it’s not really his problem. Until Picard finally puts the pieces together that Jack is his son and pulls admiral rank and suddenly Jack is everybody’s problem. (Whether they—or we—like it or not!) 

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To be fair, Picard does its best to position Jack as a sort of Han Solo-esque freedom fighter doing his best alongside his mother to bring medical supplies to those in need. But since it seems fairly obvious that Vadic’s designs for Jack go well beyond punishing him for something as simple as smuggling, the episode’s insistence on dragging its feet is kind of boring. Thankfully, Plummer’s over-the-top performance is absolutely ridiculous in the cigar-smoking, scenery-chewing way that often categorizes the best sort of sci-fi baddies. (Complete with a truly atrocious attempt at a French accent.) What does she really want? How does she know so much about Picard and Shaw? Who knows, but I’m looking forward to finding out. 

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Unsurprisingly, Raffi’s story remains the weakest part of the episode (and of season 3) thus far. She spends most of the episode trying to find out why Starfleet has terminated the investigation into last week’s horrific terrorist attack. Her undercover work leads her to believe that the low-level Romulan criminal Starfleet’s trying to blame the tragedy on was most likely not responsible and she’s furious when her hilariously dry handler insists that she back off (i.e. “disengage”, get it?) from the investigation. In a completely predictable twist, Raffi does not in any way do that and instead insists that she’s going to find out the truth on her own. Which is, on the surface, an absolutely noble effort, and something we’d expect from pretty much any Starfleet officer. But, at the moment, this storyline seems so utterly isolated from everything else we’re watching that it’s hard to care about what the answers are.  

It doesn’t help that Picard has pinned this subplot on the weakest character remaining on the canvas. Yes, it’s obvious that this terrorist plot will inevitably somehow intersect with the Picard/Jack/Vadic storyline, a fact that’s made even more clear by the sudden appearance of Worf to rescue Raffi after she’s forced to fall off the narcotics wagon in an attempt to prove her street cred to a Ferengi source named Sneed . But that doesn’t make what we’re sitting through any more interesting. And even the addition of Worf—and it should be noted that Michael Dorn looks great , welcome back, sir!!—isn’t enough to stop this subplot from sapping every ounce of momentum from the rest of the episode. Multiple peoples’ heads get cut off and it’s still incredibly difficult not to immediately fast-forward whenever the episode switches back to this storyline.

Sure, it raises plenty of tantalizing questions: Is Worf working in intelligence now? For whom? And if not, how did he just happen to show up in time to rescue Raffi? And, perhaps most importantly, what does any of this have to do with Jack Crusher and Jean-Luc Picard? Considering “Disengage” doesn’t even feature a conversation between Picard and Beverly, we probably aren’t going to get the answers to any of those questions anytime soon. Which, hey, I get it, let’s find out how The Next Generation’s most popular will they/won’t they romantic relationship somehow had a secret child together in the years after Star Trek: Nemesis first. (I’m ready!!) But with just a handful of episodes left in PIcard’s final season, it would be really great if we could get into the meat of this season’s larger story—and how it all connects—sooner rather than later.

Lacy Baugher

Lacy Baugher

Lacy Baugher is a digital producer by day, but a television enthusiast pretty much all the time. Her writing has been featured in Paste Magazine, Collider,…

Paramount Is Celebrating Star Trek Day With Huge Free Episode Event


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Paramount is celebrating Star Trek Day in style by giving Trekkers all over the U.S. free access to just about every Trek premiere between Sept. 7-13, 2024! Old fans will have the opportunity to re-experience their favorite moments, and anyone thinking about diving into the iconic sci-fi series can take advantage of this incredible opportunity to get acquainted with the franchise. The event will span multiple streaming outlets, and make this Star Trek Day another memorable event for all Trekkers out there.

In addition, Paramount is recognizing charitable causes and interactive opportunities alike. The production company has partnered with organizations like DoSomething.org to encourage Trekkers to engage with their community. They've also partnered with Code.org in the ongoing campaign to diversify the STEM field.

Star Trek lovers get to dive back into the premiere episodes that drew them into their favorite shows the first time around. Better yet, this unique opportunity gives secondary characters a chance to shine in ways they might not have received before. Deanna Troi (Marina Sertis), for example, might finally receive the appreciation she's always deserved.

Keen-eyed fans have already noticed that the series premiere of Prodigy won't be included in this experience. Still, Netflix's revival of the animated series means that accessing Season 1, Episodes 1 & 2, " Lost and Found I & II " will be given a different look for Star Trek Day. Fans will just have to get a little creative in making sure they have the full Trekker experience.

Celebrate Star Trek Day 2024

What Star Trek premieres will fans have free access to from Sept. 7-13? According to Gizmodo , the following episodes will be available to stream via Amazon, Apple, Roku, Paramount+’s official YouTube page, Pluto TV, and on the Paramount+ free content hub.

Lucky Star Trek fans looking for an interactive pop-up experience can find one at the ALEXA Mall in Berlin, Germany, the Richmond Centre in Vancouver, B.C., or at The Taste of Chicago which will "[feature] a replica of the USS Enterprise’s iconic captain’s chair." Meanwhile, Berlin and Vancouver will offer fans a chance to interact with a "modern architectural interpretation of the captain's chair crafted from sustainable materials."

If it's not enough to have Star Trek fans rushing to the nearest transporter, all these pop-up experiences offer fans a chance to take photos on the captain's chair, receive "a personalized mission" , and go home with a "limited edition enamel pin" .

10 Forgotten Star Trek Characters Who Deserve A Comeback

These Star Trek characters, whose distinctive personalities have contributed to the franchise's incredible longevity, all deserve a comeback.

Locking in on a target in classic Star Trek lore usually demands phasers, talented Starfleet officers, and a dedicated captain. To celebrate Star Trek Day, however, fans simply need access one of the several platforms hosting the free classic episodes.

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Screen Rant

After picard season 3, star trek can finally deliver the q war tng never could.


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“Never Say Never”: Picard Showrunner Says “What’s Great” About Doing Star Trek: Legacy Later

No one noticed star trek: picard season 3 subtly set up uss enterprise-d’s return, star trek day is missing netflix's prodigy but fans should still celebrate it.

After the conclusion of Star Trek: Picard season 3, Star Trek has the perfect opportunity to pit Traveler Wesley Crusher (Wil Wheaton) against the omnipotent Q (John de Lancie). While they were both introduced on Star Trek: The Next Generation, Wesley and Q were very different characters who had few scenes together. As the son of Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden), Wesley lived aboard the Enterprise-D and had a keen interest in starships and Starfleet. Although he initially chose to attend Starfleet Academy, Wesley later joined the mysterious group known as the Travelers.

Q popped up in eight episodes of TNG throughout the show's seven seasons, bookending the show with appearances in both the series premiere and finale. A member of the Q Continuum, Q had god-like powers and perceived time and space differently from most humanoids. He developed a particular fondness for Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) and enjoyed antagonizing the Enterprise Captain at every opportunity. At the end of Star Trek: Picard season 3 , Q revealed that while he had moved on from Jean-Luc Picard, he has now set his sights on Picard's son, Jack Crusher (Ed Speleers).

Star Trek: Legacy Can Finally Have Wesley Crusher Vs. Q

Could wesley face off against q to save his half-brother.

After Star Trek: Picard season 3 came to a close, fans began clamoring for a spin-off following the adventures of Captain Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) and the USS Enterprise-G. Despite the perfect setup and fan excitement for the long-rumored Star Trek: Legacy , Paramount currently has no plans to produce the spin-off.

After helping save the Federation from the Borg/Changeling attack at Frontier Day, Jack Crusher landed a position on the bridge of the Enterprise-G. While his exact duties as Special Counselor to the Captain remain unclear, Jack has already piqued the interest of Q.

Star Trek: Picard showrunner Terry Matalas explains the positives of making Star Trek: Legacy later if the Picard season 3 spinoff happens.

As the son of Jean-Luc Picard and Beverly Crusher, Jack is Wesley Crusher's half-brother, and Wes may have something to say if Q decides to go after Jack. Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 finally offered a glimpse into the full scope of Wesley's Traveler powers, as he fought to save the Prime Universe.

Wes has already met his little brother once, when he stopped by to visit his mom in the Prodigy season 2 finale.

If Q visits the Enterprise-G and endangers Jack, Wes could pop up to counteract whatever Q does. While Star Trek: Legacy may not happen for many years (if at all), it would be incredibly fun to see two cosmically powerful characters go head to head.

How Powerful Are Star Trek’s Travelers Compared To Q?

Q may be more powerful, but wes would do anything to save his family..

While Q's powers are very nearly infinite, Wesley's appear to have more limits. As a Traveler, Wesley can travel throughout time and space , manipulating the world around him with mere thought. Although the main purpose of the Travelers is to maintain the balance between the different universes, they generally have a hands-off policy when it comes to interfering. Wesley, however, has already shown that he's more than willing to break the Travelers' rules when it comes to his family and friends. It's also possible the other Travelers could get involved if Q became a big enough threat to the multiverse.

Neither Q nor Wesley experience time linearly, meaning they could pop up at any point in the Star Trek timeline.

In Star Trek: Prodigy season 2, Wesley sent out a powerful shockwave and then was further weakened when Asencia (Jameela Jamil) attacked his mind. However, Q may not be at the top of his game either. In Star Trek: Picard season 2, Q's powers began to wane and he came to believe he was dying. Q seemed genuinely afraid, but it remains to be seen what "dying" means for a supposedly immortal being like Q. Still, Q may not be as powerful as he once was, making a potential battle between him and Traveler Wesley Crusher all the more interesting.

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Premiere Episodes Of ‘Star Trek: Picard’, ‘Discovery’, ‘Lower Decks’, ‘Strange New Worlds’ & More Available For Free In Honor Of Star Trek Day

In honor of “Star Trek Day,” the premiere episodes of several Star Trek series and Short Treks will be available to watch for free in a special sampling Sept. 7-13. The episodes can be accessed on Paramount+ partner platforms Amazon, Apple and Roku, its official YouTube page, Pluto TV and on the Paramount+ free content hub (U.S.)

They include:

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Additionally, Star Trek has partnered with three worldwide nonprofits including Code.org, giving every K-12 student the opportunity to learn computer science; DoSomething.org, fueling young people to change the world; and Outright International, advocating for LGBTIQ inclusion and equality globally. The “Take the Chair” campaign invites fans to see themselves in the iconic  U.S.S. Enterprise  captain’s chair and ask themselves, “What would I do if I were setting the course to the future?” Fans will be able to engage through a digital experience on StarTrek.com. Throughout the month of September, 25% of U.S.product sales from select items on the official “Star Trek” shop will benefit these three nonprofits.

Star Trek Day also will see various pop-up events, including the Taste of Chicago located in Chicago, Ill., throughout the weekend of Sept. 6, which will feature the  U.S.S. Enterprise  captain’s chair, while on Sept. 8, activations in Berlin, Germany, at the Alexa Mall and in Vancouver, British Columbia, at the Richmond Centre will feature a modern architectural interpretation of the captain’s chair crafted from sustainable materials.

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A Gruesome Star Trek: The Next Generation Episode Couldn't Get Past British Censors

Star Trek: The Next Generation

In the "Star Trek: The Next Generation" episode "Conspiracy" (May 9, 1988), the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D find that a mysterious species of intelligent brain parasites has infiltrated Starfleet. The parasites look like pink-shelled stag beetles and enter a host's body through their mouth. Once inside, the parasites completely take over their host's brains, using their bodies like puppets. Multiple higher-ups at Starfleet Command had been taken over, with the queen parasite inhabiting the body of a character named Lieutenant Commander Remmick (Robert Schenkkan).

Luckily, Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) and Commander Riker (Jonathan Frakes) figure out the conspiracy and use clever disguises to sneak into a secret dinner party attended only by infected officers. (Infected officers prefer to eat live mealworms, hence the dinner party being a closed-doors affair.) Picard and Riker get the drop on everyone, thank goodness, and begin firing their phasers. Everyone is knocked out and the parasites exit their bodies.

In the climax of the episode, our two heroes blast the infected Remmick in the face, blowing his head off. It's fine because he was creepy and his neck was bulging with unseen bugs lurking inside of it. Once his corpse is blasted open, however, the queen parasite then emerges from Remmick's dripping, hollow abdomen, squealing in pain. Picard and Riker blast it to kingdom come. The monsters are killed and the day is saved.

"Conspiracy" is, one might note, doesn't exactly adhere to the usual philosophy of diplomacy and negotiation that "Next Generation" came to be known for. Instead, it's a straight-up alien invasion tale with creepy brain bugs and exploding human heads. Indeed, the exploding human head in "Conspiracy" was considered so gross that the episode was edited down or outright banned from broadcast in England and in Canada.

The censors didn't take kindly to all that glop

Star Trek: The Next Generation Conspiracy glop

It's only a brief scene, but the head explosion is about as gory as "Star Trek" has ever gotten. There's a brief moment during the phaser blasting when the audience can see Remmick's face sans skin, its eyeballs bulging creepily. The head explosion effect was achieved by taking a mold of a human head and packing it with meat, creating a pink, delicious model ripe for explosion. The handmade head was exploded live on set, sending bits of headcheese everywhere. Here's a strange piece of trivia: the human head mold used was actually a mold of Paul Newman's head, left over from an older Paramount production.

Another fun piece of trivia: the bulging in Remmick's neck was achieved by outfitting Schenkkan with an inflatable neck balloon. Tubes led up Schenkkan's back and the balloon was inflated by a tube, blown into by longtime "Star Trek" makeup artist Michael Westmore. Evidently, the scene was hard to film because poor Westmore became dizzy from all the blowing.

Apparently, producers Peter Lauritson and Rick Berman found the exploding head a little disturbing. They thought the flying meat was too gory for a mainstream audience and required a second opinion. Luckily, special effects supervisor Dan Curry had a six-year-old son who was nearby to give commentary. Not only did Curry's son love the exploding head, but he suggested that Paramount immediately manufacture a Remmick action figure with an exploding head function . That was affection enough for Berman and Lauritson to leave it all in.

The Brits felt otherwise

Star Trek: The Next Generation Conspiracy

In the 1997 book "Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Continuing Mission" by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens, it's revealed that "Conspiracy" was initially banned from the airwaves by the BBC. When the episode finally did air, on BBC2, the climax was shortened considerably, editing out the on-screen head explosion. It seems that the explosion of the parasite queen was also edited short. For many years, British Trekkies had to find international bootlegs to see the scene in its entirety. One might hope that any young people watching had a similar reaction as Dan Curry's son, and wanted to run out and buy an exploding head action figure right away.

Meanwhile in Canada, "Conspiracy" did air in its complete form, but it was one of the few "Star Trek" episodes to come with a content warning.

The exploding head wasn't bloody, mind you — blood is rarely smiled upon in network TV shows — but it was ... meaty. There is a final scene wherein Remmick's smoldering, hollowed out body sits in a chair with the dead parasite queen drooping into his lap, his feet surrounded by a pile of dead parasites that had been presumably living in his abdomen until a moment ago. Uncharacteristic for "Star Trek," there's no follow-up on the parasites. The episode ends with a mysterious parasite signal being broadcast into deep space, alerting additional brain bugs to a new conflict with humanoids.

That signal was never followed up on in "Star Trek," at least not on-screen. In a series of "Deep Space Nine" tie-in novels, however, it was eventually revealed that the parasites — called Bluegills — are actually a mutated species of the Trill symbionts , seen frequently in the series. If canonical, that would have been quite a twist.

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Star Trek: Picard

Episode list

Star trek: picard.

Jonathan Frakes and Patrick Stewart in The Next Generation (2023)

S3.E1 ∙ The Next Generation

Jonathan Frakes in Disengage (2023)

S3.E2 ∙ Disengage

Gates McFadden and Ed Speleers in Seventeen Seconds (2023)

S3.E3 ∙ Seventeen Seconds

Jonathan Frakes and Patrick Stewart in No Win Scenario (2023)

S3.E4 ∙ No Win Scenario

Michael Dorn and Michelle Hurd in Imposters (2023)

S3.E5 ∙ Imposters

Michael Dorn and Patrick Stewart in The Bounty (2023)

S3.E6 ∙ The Bounty

Amanda Plummer in Dominion (2023)

S3.E7 ∙ Dominion

Jonathan Frakes and Marina Sirtis in Surrender (2023)

S3.E8 ∙ Surrender

Gates McFadden and Patrick Stewart in Võx (2023)

S3.E9 ∙ Võx

Michael Dorn, Jonathan Frakes, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis, Brent Spiner, LeVar Burton, and Patrick Stewart in The Last Generation (2023)

S3.E10 ∙ The Last Generation

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‘Star Trek’ Announces New Social Impact Campaign Timed to ‘Star Trek Day’ on Sept. 8 (TV News Roundup)

STAR TREK, 1966-69, Leonard Nimoy (as Spock) & Arlene Martel (as his bride, T'Pring), in episode #34, "Amok Time," 9/15/67.

The Star Trek franchise has announced “Take the Chair, Make an Impact,” a global campaign encouraging fans to embrace the vision of a brighter future. 

The “Take the Chair” campaign “invites fans to see themselves in the iconic U.S.S. Enterprise captain’s chair and ask themselves, ‘What would I do if I were setting the course to the future?’” according to a statement.

Fans will be able to celebrate “Star Trek Day” at various pop-up events in cities such as Chicago, Berlin and Vancouver. 

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Watch the trailer below:

Paramount+ unveiled the trailer for the second season of “Colin From Accounts,” which will premiere on the streamer on Sept. 26.

All eight episodes of the new season will be available to stream at launch. Series creators Patrick Brammall and Harriet Dyer have returned to write, executive produce and star in the series that has already been feted with two Gotham TV Awards and has maintained a 100% Certified Fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

“‘Colin From Accounts’ is a romantic comedy about flawed, funny people choosing each other and embracing the all-too-relatable chaos of modern life. After Gordon (Brammall) and Ashley (Dyer) are brought together in season one by a spontaneous nipple flash and the subsequent accident that injured the titular (no pun intended) dog, season two of the hit series opens with Ash and Gordon now living together and trying to get their beloved, special needs dog, Colin, back from his new owners,” reads the series’ log line.

It continues: “It’s the first in a series of hurdles for the new couple as they find out more about each other, for better and worse.”

Watch the Season 2 trailer below:

DreamWorks Animation has unveiled the trailer for “The Bad Guys: Haunted Heist.”

“The Bad Guys set off on the ultimate Halloween heist, absconding with legendary deceased crook Reginald E. Scary’s prized stolen amulet. While on their mission in Scary’s haunted mansion, Wolf has a few tricks up his sleeve to spook his crew. But when Wolf ends up being haunted the Bad Guys must revisit the mansion to return the cursed loot,” the special’s logline teases.

This Halloween special premieres on Netflix Oct. 3 and is directed by Kevin Peaty. Bret Haaland and Katherine Nolfi serve as executive producers.

The cast includes Michael Godere as ‘Wolf,’ Ezekiel Ajeigbe as ‘Shark,’ Raul Ceballos as ‘Piranha,’ Chris Diamantopoulos as ‘Snake’ and ‘Reginald E. Scary,’ Mallory Low as ‘Tarantula’

Season 7 of the hit reality dating show “Love Is Blind” has been announced, with a scheduled premiere date of Oct. 2.

Created by Chris Coelen, “Love Is Blind” will feature 12 one-hour episodes this season and will take place in Washington, D.C.

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Atsuko Okatsuka ‘s second stand-up comedy special will premiere on Hulu this November as part of the platform’s new stand-up comedy brand it has cheekily dubbed “Hularious.”

The special will be filmed at the Disney-owned El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood on Nov. 9. The show is part of Okatsuka’s newly added Los Angeles date on her 2024 Full Grown Tour, which is produced by Live Nation.

Following her HBO special “The Intruder,” Okatsuka embarked on her tour with over 200 shows in 100+ cities, 20+ countries, four continents and over 100K tickets sold. 

In addition to her stand-up career, she debuted two films at the Tribeca Film Festival: “All That We Love” by Yen Tan; and “Group Therapy,” directed by Neil Berkely and produced by Kevin Hart’s Hartbeat Productions. She also wrapped the feature studio comedy “Outcome” for Apple, starring Jonah Hill and Keanu Reeves.

Hulu has yet to reveal the title of the special and its release date.

Jacoba Atlas’ documentary “The M Factor: Shredding the Silence on Menopause” premieres on PBS Oct. 17, followed by a 20-city U.S. screening tour.

Per the official logline, “‘The M Factor’ features renowned doctors, workplace advocates and leading advocates for women’s health addressing questions that have long plagued women. Women from all walks of life reveal the physical and mental anguish they live with every day. The film also sheds light on disparities faced by Black and Brown women as they assess their treatment options.”

“Every single woman will go through menopause,” said executive producers Denise Pines and Tamsen Fadal. “The neglect, ridicule, or shaming of debilitating symptoms is unacceptable and impacts more than just an individual woman’s well-being.“

“The M Factor” is produced by Women in the Room Productions and Take Flight Productions.

Fox has unveiled the guest stars for Season 2 of Dan Harmon’s mythological animated comedy “Krapopolis,” which premieres Sept. 29.

Guest stars making voice appearances in Season 2 include Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Alison Brie, Seth Rogen, Danny Pudi, Nick Kroll, Randall Park, Holmes, Sam Richardson, Paul Scheer, Brian Baumgartner, Dylan Gelula, Jason Mantzoukas, Ashley Park and Minnie Driver.


David E. Kelley, the writer and producer behind “Ally McBeal,” “L.A. Law” and “Big Little Lies,” will receive the 2024 International Emmy Founders Award at the 52nd International Emmy Awards Gala.

“Every generation has a favorite David E. Kelley show, and that’s because David Kelley has been turning out television hits since ‘L.A. Law’ forty years ago. He crafts memorable television for viewers across the globe,” Bruce L. Paisner, International Academy President & CEO, said in a statement.

“To be recognized by the International Academy in this way is truly overwhelming. This award stands as a testament to the incredible teams and individuals I have had the honor to collaborate with over the years,” Kelley said. “I am especially grateful for the many opportunities I’ve been given in being able to share stories and push boundaries of what television can be.”

The gala will take place on Nov. 25 in New York.

The Television Academy has revealed the first batch of presenters for night one of this weekend’s Creative Arts Emmys. Names include LeVar Burton, Mark Cuban, Nikki Glaser, Derek Hough, Phil Keoghan, Lucy Liu, Jane Lynch, Victor Montalvo and Hannah Waddingham.

The two-night 76th Creative Arts Emmy Awards takes place Sept. 7 and Sept. 8 at the Peacock Theatre in downtown Los Angeles. An edited recap of the ceremonies will air Sept. 14 on FXX. A complete list of presenters can be found on the Television Academy website .

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  13. Star Trek: Picard Season 2, Episode 2, 'Penance,' Recap & Spoilers

    WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Star Trek: Picard Season 2, Episode 2, "Penance," streaming now on Paramount+. After enjoying a period of peace and taking their lives into new, interesting directions, Admiral Jean-Luc Picard and his friends were confronted by the resurgent Borg Collective, with the seemingly resurrected Borg Queen ...

  14. 'Star Trek: Picard' episode 2 is unexpectedly excellent

    Warning: Spoilers ahead for "Star Trek: Picard" season 3, episode 2. Following last week's not-terrible premiere of the final season of "Star Trek: Picard" comes an absolute belter of an episode ...

  15. 'Star Trek: Picard' Season 3 Episode 2 Recap: Who's ...

    Episode 2 of Star Trek: Picard Season 3 reveals a shocking discovery for Jean-Luc as the stakes only get higher in the face of a new enemy. Jean-Luc Picard makes a shocking discovery.

  16. 'Star Trek: Picard,' Season 3, Episode 2: Another Next Generation

    Before "Picard," Jean-Luc had long kept his career at the forefront of his existence, at the expense of family and love. The closest he came to embracing a family came in the classic episode ...

  17. PIC Season 2

    Season 2 teaser poster. This page contains information specifically pertaining to the second season of Star Trek: Picard, whose episode premieres were consecutively streamed on Paramount+ (USA) and CraveTV (Canada) from 3 March 2022 through 5 May 2022 for North America, with the rest of the world following suit through Amazon Prime with a one ...

  18. Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Episode 2 Review

    Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Episode 2. Despite the fact that Star Trek: Picard seems to have finally realized that what the people always wanted from this series was a mature version of Star Trek ...

  19. Star Trek: Picard (TV Series 2020-2023)

    S2.E6 ∙ Two of One. Thu, Apr 7, 2022. Tallinn helps Picard and the crew infiltrate a gala on the eve of a joint space mission to protect an astronaut they believe is integral in restoring the timeline - Renee Picard; Kore makes a startling discovery about her father's work. 6.2/10 (3.5K)

  20. Paramount Is Celebrating Star Trek Day With Huge Free Episode Event

    Still, Netflix's revival of the animated series means that accessing Season 1, Episodes 1 & 2, "Lost and Found I & II" will be given a different look for Star Trek Day. Fans will just have to get ...

  21. After Picard Season 3, Star Trek Can Finally Deliver The Q War TNG

    After Star Trek: Picard season 3 came to a close, fans began clamoring for a spin-off following the adventures of Captain Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) and the USS Enterprise-G. Despite the perfect setup and fan excitement for the long-rumored Star Trek: Legacy, Paramount currently has no plans to produce the spin-off.After helping save the Federation from the Borg/Changeling attack at Frontier ...

  22. Premiere Episodes Of 'Star Trek: Picard', 'Discovery ...

    In honor of "Star Trek Day," the premiere episodes of several Star Trek series and Short Treks will be available to watch for free in a special sampling Sept. 7-13. The episodes can be ...

  23. Watch Star Trek: Picard Streaming Online

    ALL EPISODES NOW STREAMING. When the ghosts of Jean-Luc Picard's past return, the course he charted for himself could be irredeemably altered forever. Starring: Patrick Stewart, Alison Pill, Jeri Ryan, Michelle Hurd, Santiago Cabrera. Try It Free.

  24. A Star Trek: The Next Generation Episode Couldn't Get Past ...

    In the "Star Trek: The Next Generation" episode "Conspiracy" (May 9, 1988), the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D find that a mysterious species of intelligent brain parasites has infiltrated ...

  25. Star Trek: Picard (TV Series 2020-2023)

    Episode list. Star Trek: Picard. Seasons Years Top-rated; 1 2 3; Top-rated. S1.E1 ∙ Remembrance. Wed, Jan 22, 2020. Fourteen years after retiring from Starfleet, Jean-Luc Picard, still haunted by the death of Data, is living a quiet life on his family vineyard when a woman comes to him for help.

  26. Star Trek: Picard

    A série começa em 2399, 20 anos após a última aparição de Jean-Luc Picard em Star Trek: Nemesis (2002), [1] [2] e encontra o personagem profundamente afetado pela morte de Data nesse filme, bem como a destruição do planeta Romulus no filme Star Trek (2009). [3] [4] Aposentado da Starfleet e vivendo em um vinhedo de sua família, Picard é atraído para uma nova aventura quando é ...

  27. Watch Star Trek: Picard Season 1 Episode 2: Star Trek: Picard

    Picard begins investigating the mystery of Dahj as well as what her very existence means to the Federation. Without Starfleet's support, Picard is left leaning on others for help, including Dr. Agnes Jurati (Alison Pill) and an estranged former colleague, Raffi Musiker (Michelle Hurd). Meanwhile, hidden enemies are also interested in where Picard's search for the truth about Dahj will lead.

  28. Star Trek: Picard (TV Series 2020-2023)

    S3.E9 ∙ Võx. Thu, Apr 13, 2023. A devastating revelation about Jack alters the course of Picard's life - and uncovers a truth that threatens every soul in the Federation. Picard and his crew race to save the galaxy from annihilation - at a gut-wrenching cost. 9.3/10 (6.6K) Rate. Watch options.

  29. Star Trek Creates Social Campaign Timed to 'Star Trek Day'

    The premiere episodes of the "Star Trek" series will be available to watch for free in a special sampling between Sept. 7 and Sept. 13 on Paramount+ partner platforms (Amazon, Apple, Roku), as ...