Acropolis of Athens & Parthenon

Visit acropolis and parthenon in athens greece - tours & tickets.

Acropolis Athens

The Acropolis is the central hill in Athens Greece. All info, online entrance tickets and tours for visiting the rock with the Parthenon temple and the Acropolis Greece.

Acropolis Greece, the hill of Athens

The Acropolis is a hill of no less than 156 meters in the middle of the city of Athens. Acropolis therefore appropriately means 'the highest point'. This rock is so high that you can see it from afar. The rock has a flat top and many steep slopes. The Acropolis Greece is one of the most famous and popular tourist attractions of Athens . On this mountain are a number of well-known landmarks that you can visit. The ancient site around the Parthenon was an important area for the patron goddess Athena. The Ancient Athena Temple was therefore dedicated to her. During the war with the Persians, a large part of the Acropolis had been destroyed. Rebuilding soon began after the war. Important statesman Pericles came up with the plans, which were executed by the sculptor Phidias. Every monument on the hill is an ode to a god or goddess.

What to see on the sacred Acropolis site?

On the Athens Acropolis grounds there are several buildings and monuments that you can visit:

1. Parthenon

The Parthenon is the largest building on the Acropolis Greece. Many people also see the Parthenon as the most impressive building. This building is dedicated to the goddess Pallas Athena. The purpose of this temple was to show how devoted and skilled the Greeks were when it came to art and architecture. The architect Phidias has kept the ratio 4:9 throughout this building. This was the first building built after the war. It was thus a symbol of democracy and hegemony in Athens. Many decorations and paintings could be found in the Parthenon. Today, these can no longer be found in the building itself. You can now see them in the Acropolis Museum and the British Museum of Londen.

Parthenon tickets

2. Propylaea

Propylaea is a term from classical antiquity that stands for a monumental entrance to a building complex or sacred area. The Propylaea are therefore the entrance gate to the Acropolis. This entrance is therefore dedicated to gods who protected entrance gates. The Propylaea consist of columns divided over two galleries. Visitors could enter through these galleries. The Propylaea are located on the west side.

3. Temple of Nike

The Temple of Nike was built in the honor of goddess Nike. Goddess Nike is the goddess of victory. This building was therefore built after the Greeks had defeated the Persians in the war and the building that used to be on this site was destroyed. This temple is built in the Ionic style with a total of eight columns. At the front wall you can also find a number of pilasters that have been placed there as decoration. The most special parts of this temple are probably the friezes. This is where the war between the Greeks and the Persians is depicted. On the other side, the gods Athena and Zeus can be seen. At this time it was very unusual to display such images on friezes.

Acropolis tickets

4. Erechtheum

The Erechtheum is named after the king Erechtheus. This building is one of the most important sanctuaries of the Acropolis Greece , although it is not the largest building. The original temple can be found in the main building. This building consists of two different areas. One room was dedicated to a statue of Athena Polias and the other room was dedicated to King Erechtheus and the god Poseidon.

A library and third room can be found in the northern hall. Also located here is the Pandroseion, a walled sanctuary. Here you will find an olive tree donated by Athena, an altar to god Zeus and the tomb of Cecrops. The southern hall consists of six columns that are shaped like the figures of women.

Acropolis entry

Other sights of the Acropolis

A total of more than 20 buildings and monuments can be found on and around the Acropolis site. You will also find a statue of Athena Promachos (4) and the old Athena Temple (2). Athena was the protector of the city and is one of the main goddesses worshiped in the Acropolis. You will also find the Eleusinion (7) on the Acropolis. This temple is dedicated to the goddess Demeter and her daughter Persephone.

Tickets Parthenon

1 = Parthenon, 2 = Ancient Temple of Athena, 3 = Erechtheum, 4 = Statue of Athena Promachos, 5 = Propylaea, 6 = Temple of Nike, 7 = Eleusinion, 8 = Sanctuary of Artemis Brauronia, 9 = Chalkotheke, 10 = Pandroseion, 11 = Arrephorion, 12 = Altar of Athena Polias, 13 = Sanctuary of Zeus Polieus, 14 = Sanctuary of Pandion, 15 = Odeion of Herodes Atticus, 16 = Stoa of Eumenes, 17 = Asclepieion, 18 = Dionysus Theater 19 = Odeion of Pericles, 20 = Temple of Dionysus, 21 = Aglaureion

Acropolis of Athens tickets

What else to see near the acropolis site.

On the way to the entrance of the Acropolis Greece or when you look down from the Ancient grounds, you will see some remarkable remains of important buildings that border the Acropolis grounds:

Odeion of Herodes Atticus

The Odeion of Herodes Atticus is a theater building commissioned by Herodes Atticus. This was a powerful and wealthy man in Greece who had it built for his late wife. The building has the shape of a semicircle that can accommodate approximately five thousand people. When it was built, this theater had a roof, so it was a completely covered theatre. Today there is no roof and many of the walls have disappeared. The theater was originally used for musical performances. Since the 1970s, public performances have been taking place again. Today you can attend concerts, operas, dance performances and Greek tragedies here.

Dionysus Theater

The Dionysus Theater is located on the southern side of the Akropolis and can be easily seen when looking down from the Acropolis grounds. This is the oldest theater in all of Europe. This is also where the art form of Greek tragedy originated. The ancient Greeks instituted the holiday Dionysia. During this holiday, the god Dionysus was worshipped. This was done through theatrical performances. These were first held downtown, but due to the growing audience, the theater performances were moved to the Acropolis. The audience first took place at the beginning of the rock on the ground or on benches. After that, stone seats were built which formed the basis for the theater.

Theater of Dionysos

Temple of Dionysus

At the foot of the Acropolis of Athens you will also find the Temple of Dionysus. This temple actually consists of an old and new temple. The ancient temple was built for a wooden statue of Dionysus. At this ancient temple, theatrical performances first took place during the holiday Dionysia. When these performances were moved to the Dionysus Theater, a new temple to Dionysus was built.

The Areopagus is located northwest of the Acropolis Greece. This is a rock 115 meters high. Pagus is therefore the Greek word for large rock. The main judicial institution of Athens was located on this rock. Today it is still called ‘ Areios Pagos ’, but has been moved to a different location. The purpose of this judicial institution was to ensure that all laws were observed. Legend has it that the god Ares was convicted here for the murder of Poseidon's son. Orestes, another figure from Greek mythology, is also said to have been tried here for killing his mother.


Video: Acropolis Greece Reconstruction

Where is the parthenon in athens.

FAQ Visit Acropolis and Panthenon in Greece

No, without Acropolis tickets you can unfortunately only see the Athens hill from a distance. To visit the archaeological area on top of the Acropolis, you must buy Acropolis tickets that allow you to visit the Parthenon and the Erechtheion temples, among others. More info about how to book Acropolis tickets .

The main attraction of Athens is the Acropolis, the central hill with the characteristic Parthenon temple. There are also several archaeological excavations in the center of Athens, such as the Temple of Olympian Zeus, the Roman Agora and the Ancient Agora. The areas of Pláka and Monastiráki are frequented by tourists and museum lovers can visit the Acropolis Museum and the National Archaeological Museum. Read more about the Top 20 Athens Attractions .

Yes, this popular city pass includes access to the Parthenon, six other archaeological sites such as the Agora and Temple of Zeus, as well as access to the Acropolis Museum. In this article you can read all about the Athens Pass .

Acropolis Greece

Most visited attractions

Things to do in Athens

Top 20 Things to do in Athens

Acropolis Tickets

Acropolis: Tours & Tickets

Athens pass

Acropolis tickets & tours.

Greece › Athens › Archaeological Sites › Acropolis Tickets Updated: March 12, 2024 By Santorini Dave

See Also • Athens – Best Hotels • Athens – Family Hotels • Athens – Best Places To Stay • Athens – Best Tours • Athens – Best Museums • Athens – Best Archaeological Sites

Visitors walk around the base of the Parthenon in Athens

The Parthenon is the largest and most iconic structure on the Acropolis, and a must-see for any first time visitor to Athens.

Online Tickets: Acropolis & Acropolis Museum • Skip the line ticket for Acropolis (no tour) • Skip the line ticket for Acropolis Museum (no tour) • Athens Pass Combo Ticket (no tour) Tours: Acropolis & Acropolis Museum I highly recommend doing a tour. Your visit will be much more interesting and memorable with a professional guide, and if you have kids they will likely be way more engaged by a professional guide than by their parents. (Sorry.) Also, all tours mentioned here include skip-the-line tickets, which saves time and hassle. • Acropolis Tour (small group) • Acropolis & Acropolis Museum Tour (small group) • Acropolis Tour (private) • Acropolis & Acropolis Museum Tour (private) The view of the Parthenon and Acropolis (my favorite cultural attractions in all of Europe) from the marvelous Acropolis Museum. A guided tour of both the Acropolis and the Acropolis Museum is the highlight of a visit to Athens . Acropolis Hours and Information Hours : 8am to 8pm daily in summer, 8am to 5pm daily in winter. Closed January 1, March 25, May 1, (Orthodox) Easter Sunday, December 25-26. Museum Hours : Summer hours are Monday – Thursday 9am to 5pm (last entry 4:30pm), Friday 9am to 10pm (last entry 9:30 pm), Saturday & Sunday 9am to 8pm (last entry 7:30 pm). Open daily in winter months from 9am to 5pm (last entry 4:30 pm). Website : Location : Central Athens Telephone : +30 210 9238747 Admission Fee : €20 full admission, €10 reduced admission for children age 6-25 with passport verification year-round, and for all tickets from November through March. Children ages 5 and under are admitted free. €30 combo tickets include access to Acropolis, Ancient Agora, Roman Agora, Hadrians Library, Kerameikos, and Temple of Olympian Zeus. Combo tickets are not offered at reduced fare. Free Entry : March 6 (in memory of Melina Mercouri), April 18 (International Monuments Day), May 18 (International Museums Day), the last weekend of September annually (European Heritage Days), October 28, every first Sunday of the month from November 1st to March 31st. Parking : Street parking, nearby pay lots. Nearest Metro : Acropoli The Acropolis in Athens

View of the Athens Acropolis from the southwest

The majestic Athens Acropolis

The Acropolis is one of the most recognized sites in the world and an enduring symbol of Ancient Greece. (The Acropolis is a must-see and definitely one of the best things to do in Athens .) The Acropolis Museum is a wonderful complement to the Parthenon and Acropolis. This fantastic and modern archaeological museum is just 15 years old and was built to house every artifact found on the Acropolis and surrounding slopes, from the Greek Bronze Age to Roman and Byzantine Athens. If you’re interested in the museum (and you should be) then I recommend combining visits to both sites by doing the Acropolis and Acropolis Museum guided tour . Entrance to the Acropolis Museum, located about a 10-minute walk from the Parthenon and the key buildings of the Acropolis. The Acropolis is an ancient fortress built in the 5th century BC and sits on a hill above Athens. It’s home to several ancient buildings of historical and architectural significance, the most famous being the Parthenon. Other buildings include the Temple of Erechtheion, the Temple of Athena Nike, and the nearby theatre of Odeon of Herodeion. The word Acropolis is from the Greek words akro, meaning “high, extreme, or edge” and polis, meaning “city”. The term acropolis is generic and there are many other acropolises in Greece. The Acropolis of Athens has the most historical significance so it’s known as “The” Acropolis. The closest metro station to the Acropolis is Akropoli, about 30 meters away from the site’s main entrance. (Though there are still many more stairs up to the top of the hill).

The view of the Acropolis Museum from the Acropolis.

The view of the Acropolis Museum (the large grey modern building just beyond the Theatre of Dionysus) from the Acropolis. It’s a short walk between these two must-see attractions.

Prominent structures on the Athens Acropolis The Parthenon is a marble temple that was dedicated to Athena, goddess of wisdom, arts, literature, and war. Construction of the Parthenon started in 477 BC. It was completed almost 40 years later in 438 BC. Although a little battered, the Parthenon has withstood earthquakes, fire, wars, and explosions throughout centuries. It was partially destroyed in 1687 during the Ottoman-Venetian War, when it was hit by a cannonball that exploded because gunpowder was being stored inside. The ancient main entrance hall to the Acropolis complex, the Propylaea is located on the west side of the hill. It was designed between 437–432 BC by the Athenian architect Mnesicles. The Temple of Athena Nike is on the southwest corner of the Acropolis. It was built around 420 BC. Nike is Greek for “victory”. Athena was worshiped in this form, representing victory in war. The Temple of Erechtheion is on the north side of the Acropolis and is dedicated to Athena and the god Poseidon. It was built around 406 BC. The female figures that support the entablature of the temple are known as Caryatids, from the Greek term for “maidens from Karyai”, an ancient Peloponnese town. The Odeon of Herodeion theatre is located on the Acropolis’ southwest slope. The building was completed in 161 AD, destroyed in 267 AD, and renovated and reconstructed in 1950. Theatrical performances and concerts still take place here.

Map showing the location of prominent structures on the Acropolis of Athens

Athens Acropolis FAQ How much are Acropolis tickets? The price of Acropolis tickets varies by season. From April 1 to October 31 (peak season), a standard ticket costs €20. From November 1 to March 31, a standard ticket costs €10. You can also qualify for a discount, in certain cases. For instance, children between the ages of 6 and 25 who are not from the European Union and people over 65 from the EU and European Economic Area get 50% off their ticket price during peak months. Acropolis tickets are categorized into: • Single-Use (Adults) • Single-Use Reduced (Children under 25 years, university students, and certain others) • Combo The prices of the Acropolis single-use entrance & single-use reduced tickets vary depending on the season you visit. A single-use ticket will grant you admission to Acropolis and its slopes. Listed below are the single-use entrance ticket costs to the Acropolis during the summer and winter seasons: Summer (1st April to 31st October): An entrance ticket to the Acropolis during the summer season costs €20 per adult. For children under the age of 18, students and others (single-use reduced), the cost is €10 per ticket. Winter (1st November to 31st March): An entrance ticket to the Acropolis during the summer season is reduced to €10 per adult. For children under the age of 18, students & others (single-use reduced), the cost is €5 per ticket. If you plan to visit the Acropolis along with the other archaeological sites in Athens, you can purchase a combo (multi-site) ticket for €30, which will grant you access to Acropolis & 6 other sites for a period of five days. A combo ticket will cost you €30, irrespective of the season you visit or ages of the visitors. There are no reduced price combo tickets offered.

People walk to a ticket booth under the Athens Acropolis

This is the eastern entrance to the Acropolis complex, located under the ruins of the Theatre of Dionysus and just a short walk from the Acropolis Museum.

Can you buy tickets to the Acropolis online? Yes, you can buy tickets to the Acropolis online. Just keep in mind that you can’t buy tickets ahead of time for the following season. You can only buy summer tickets from April 1 to October 31, and you can only buy winter tickets from November 1 to March 31. To purchase your tickets, all you need to do is to visit the Hellenic Heritage e-ticket portal . Once there, select “Acropolis and Slopes” and choose the date and time you wish to visit. Single-use and combo tickets are offered. Alternately, you can purchase Acropolis skip-the-line tickets from 3rd parties (like Tiqets) that cost a little more but have a much better user experience and are easier to get refunded should that be necessary. Note : Booking tickets online – through the Hellenic Ministry or otherwise – will only help you avoid the (often very long) ticket-booking line and not the entrance line to the Acropolis. In order to avoid the entrance queue, you’ll have to opt for a guided tour of the Acropolis . What does an Acropolis ticket include? A single-use Acropolis ticket will grant you access to the Acropolis, including the Parthenon, Erechtheion, and other monuments at the top, as well as those on the Acropolis’ North & South Slopes – like the Odeon of Herodeion theatre. A combo ticket will grant you access to the Acropolis & 6 other archaeological sites in Athens, each of them once for a period of five days. What does the Acropolis combo ticket include and how does it work? The Acropolis combo ticket gives you admission into the Acropolis and its slopes, as well as six other archeological sites: the Temple of Olympian Zeus, Hadrian’s Library, the Ancient Agora, museums in Ancient Agora, the Roman Agora, Aristotle’s School, and Kerameikos Cemetery. If you get the combination ticket, you can skip the ticket purchasing line for all seven of these sites. The cost of a combo ticket is €30 for both the summer and winter seasons. The combo ticket allows visits to each of the sites once within a 5-days period. Note that all Acropolis tickets are by timed entry , but the other sites can be visited at any time within the five days specified.

Athens flag, flying above the Acropolis

On certain days of the year, such as International Monuments and Museums Days and European Heritage Days, admission to the Acropolis is free for everyone.

Can you see the Acropolis for free? Anyone can also visit the Acropolis for free on the following days: March 6 (Melina Mercouri Remembrance Day) April 18 (International Monuments Day) May 18 (International Museums Day) The last weekend of September (European Heritage Days) October 28 Every month’s first Sunday between 1st November & 31st March Children under 5 from any country get in for free at any time, as do kids, teens, and young adults under 25 from EU countries. Is the Acropolis free on Sundays? That depends on the time of year you visit. During the winter (November 1 to March 31), entry to the Acropolis is free on every first Sunday of the month. In the summer months (April 1 to October 30), entrance is not free on first Sundays. Do you need skip the line tickets for Acropolis? We strongly recommend skip-the-line tickets to the Acropolis to save time, energy, and hassle but they are not mandatory. Do I need to buy Acropolis tickets in advance? Buying Acropolis tickets in advance is recommended but it is not mandatory. In-person tickets are for sale near the two entrance gates of the Acropolis. Be prepared for long lines to purchase tickets, however, especially since, as of 2024, there is a cap on how many visitors will be let in to the site every hour. The ticket line at the Acropolis can often be 1 to 2 hours long. I highly recommend buying skip-the-line tickets online and in advance. Where can I buy Acropolis tickets? Tickets can be purchased online, from either the Hellenic Heritage e-ticket portal or third-party sites ( skip-the-line tickets are recommended), or you can go to the entrance gates and purchase the tickets from the ticket counter. Acropolis tours will also include Acropolis tickets. Whatever option you choose, it’s advisable to purchase the tickets online; the Acropolis ticket-office queue is often quite long, with a wait of 1-2 hours until you get your hands on the ticket. Is the Acropolis Museum worth it? Yes, the Acropolis Museum is definitely worth a visit. It’s one of the best museums in Greece and deserves at least two hours to tour – though history lovers could easily spend the better part of a day inside. The Acropolis and Acropolis Museum Tour (with skip-the-line tickets) is an easy and efficient way to see both attractions.

People look down from above over ancient excavated ruins.

The excellent Acropolis Museum not only contains priceless treasures and artifacts from the Acropolis and its slopes, but it is also an archaeological site itself. It was built atop columns over of the ruins of an ancient Athenian neighborhood, which is now open for visitors to explore.

What should I wear to the Acropolis? There aren’t any restrictions on clothing for visiting the Acropolis. You can wear anything you like. Though there is no strict dress code, it’s best to use common sense. A climb up the hill during the hot summer months makes light, casual clothes a better choice than heavier or more formal wear. There is little vegetation in the area and lots of marble, so a midday visit can be bright and often hot. As for footwear, flip-flops are not allowed. Choose comfortable shoes with good tread, because the steps are made of marble and can be slippery, and much of the ground at the top is covered in uneven stones. The Acropolis is an important historic and cultural site for Greeks so while shorts and tank tops are fine, showing good taste and some modesty is always recommended. How difficult is it to climb the Acropolis? The Acropolis sits on a hilltop high above the city of Athens, so you’re going to have to climb a bit to make it to the top. The walk to the top can take up to 15 minutes and involves a fairly steep incline. But the paths are wide and well maintained and there are plenty of spaces to pull to the side, catch your breath, and enjoy the views. Water and snacks are available for purchase at the top near the ticket kiosks but there are no snack shops after you enter the ticketed gates. How many steps up the Acropolis? The uphill route to the Acropolis consists of several sets of steps. The Acropolis is 150 m (500 ft.) above sea level and 70 m. (230 ft.) above the surrounding neighborhoods from which you will climb. You can expect to climb the equivalent of 200 steps to reach the entrance.

Overhead view of people climbing the marble stairs to the Athens Acropolis

The marble stairs up to the Acropolis are uneven and can be slippery. Sturdy shoes are recommended.

Is the Acropolis Handicapped-Accessible? Yes. There is a new (as of 2020) elevator for wheelchair users and people with disabilities located about 350 meters from Acropolis’ main entrance on the west side of the hill. Atop the Acropolis, new specially designed concrete paths allow wheelchair users and mobility-impaired visitors to access the Parthenon and other main structures. Handicapped-accessible restrooms can be found at both the foot and the top of Acropolis Hill. Entrance to the Acropolis is free for people with disabilities. If the disability is not apparent, it’s a good idea to carry a physician’s note for verification. What’s the difference between the Acropolis and the Parthenon? The Acropolis is the name of the hill overlooking Athens on which numerous ancient monuments sit. The most recognizable building at the top of the hill is a temple called the Parthenon. The Ancient Greeks dedicated the Parthenon to the goddess Athena, who was viewed by the people of Athens as their patron. What buildings are at the Acropolis? The Acropolis is home to the following ancient buildings: The Parthenon The Propylaea The Erechtheion The Temple of Athena Nike The Old Temple of Athena The Pandrosion The Arrephorion The Chalkotheke The Brauroneion The Sanctuary of Zeus Polieus The Pandion Sanctuary Other sites on the hill and on the North and South slopes of the Acropolis include: The Theatre of Dionysus The Odeon of Herodes Atticus (also called Herodeion or Herodion) The Peripatos (the ancient pathway that encircles the Akropolis)

Side view of the Erechtheion temple on the Acropolis, showing the Caryatidid statues.

The Erechtheion Temple

Are there descriptions written in front of each building? Unlike at a well-appointed museum that might have elaborate descriptions for each painting, you won’t interpretive placards, descriptions, or markings in front of most Acropolis buildings. In fact, the only building at the Acropolis with an extensive description provided to orient site visitors is the Propylaea, the complex’s monumental entrance gate. That’s one of a few good reasons we suggest opting for an Acropolis guided tour . Can you walk up to or inside the Parthenon? The Parthenon is an ancient temple that has braved the elements for centuries. As such, visitors are forbidden from walking onto the Parthenon itself to prevent further damage or erosion. Many visitors do like to see the Parthenon from all angles, so they walk around the entire circumference of the temple for a better, longer look. What is the best time to visit Acropolis? The Acropolis is one of the most famous landmarks in Athens and is prone to large crowds and lines, especially during the peak season (June-August). The busiest time is usually between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM. If you want to avoid the largest crowds, book tickets in advance and arrive at the Acropolis entrance at 7:45 AM, 15 minutes prior to the opening time (8:00 AM). This should allow you a few hours to explore before the busy midday period. Crowds should start to thin around 3:00 PM making the late afternoon and early evening another good time to visit. Your options are more flexible in the quieter wintertime season, though you’ll still find less traffic early in the morning and later in the day.

People walk around the Parthenon in Athens at sunset.

Visiting the Acropolis in the early morning or evening is recommended to avoid both the thickest tourist crowds and the midday heat.

Can you visit the Acropolis at night? You cannot visit the Acropolis at night and for good reason: The steepness of the hill combined with darkness would create a major safety hazard, as would the uneven ground and loose stones at the top. The good news is that if you want to see the Acropolis at night, you can see it from anywhere in the city center because it’s lit up after the sun sets. How long should you spend at the Acropolis? If you’re counting the walk up the hill and back down again, budget 40 minutes for the round-trip walk. As for the time you’ll spend at the Acropolis itself, that depends on your sightseeing tendencies. If you just want to do a quick walk-through to say you’ve visited, you can see the Parthenon and other major sites on the hill in about an hour. A more thorough visit with moments of reflection, photos, reading from a guide book, or listening to an audio guide could easily fill two hours or more. Do you need a tour guide for the Acropolis? It’s not an absolute need by any means. Many people choose to walk around the hill on their own, taking in the sites. You can always use a guide book, audioguide, or scroll around on your smartphone to read about the key features of the Acropolis. That said, a good guide can certainly make the experience much richer and more memorable. If you traveled thousands of miles and spent thousands of dollars to visit Athens, a little more added expense for a good guide will be worth it. This is the guided tour of the Acropolis that I recommend. Video of the Acropolis This is a wonderful video on the history of the Acropolis and ancient Athens. Watch it twice. Once, before your trip and again the night before you visit the Acropolis when in Athens. There’s more great historical info from the Khan Academy here .

About Santorini Dave

Santorini Dave

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the tour guy travel blog

The Best Acropolis and Parthenon Tours to Take in 2024 and Why

Ian Sumpter Last Updated: September 27, 2023

Are you looking into visiting Athens? Then I’m sure the Acropolis and Parthenon are on your travel list. With a history that spans 3300 years, it can be challenging to decide which tours are best for you. In this guide, discover the best Acropolis and Parthenon tours to take and why.

Pro Tip: Pro Tip:  Planning what to do on your trip to Athens? Bookmark this post in your browser so you can easily find it when you need it. Check out our  guide to Athens  for more planning resources, our  best Athens tours  for a memorable trip, and  the top things to do in Athens .

Should You Take a Tour of the Acropolis and the Parthenon?

The Acropolis and Parthenon bathed in a late evening glow. What are the best Acropolis and Parthenon tours?

Absolutely! The Acropolis and the Parthenon are testaments to Western civilization. While many cities had an Acropolis (Greek for topmost city ), today ‘THE’ Acropolis is located in Athens. It is one of the most important archaeological complexes in the world, drawing around 3 million tourists per year. From the cradle of democracy to the towering edifice of the Parthenon, there is so much to explore on the Acropolis.

This year, visitor numbers were higher than ever. Tickets were sold out weeks in advance, and on-day purchases were strictly limited. With numbers expected to be even higher next year, the Greek authorities are already discussing further limitations to visitor numbers to help protect the integrity of this hugely significant archaeological complex. Guided tours help eliminate all of these problems by securing tickets in advance for the most advantageous times of the day. The most enriching way to delve into this historically profound archaeological area is with the assistance of a professionally licensed archaeologist guide. Not only will a guided tour arrange tickets, letting you avoid the scorching sun, but their passion will help bring alive this hugely significant site.

How to See Athens in a Day Guide

Not ready to book a tour? Check out our Athens guide !

The Most Popular Acropolis and Parthenon Tours To Take

The Acropolis boasts magnificent archaeological ruins, soaring temples, and, most importantly, the incredible Parthenon.

The fantastic news is that this area is perfectly tailored for tourism with numerous innovative tours and experiences. Anticipating the top picks, here are the best Athens tours!

  • Skip The Line Acropolis Tour with the Parthenon and Museum
  • Essential Highlights Tour of the Acropolis and the Parthenon
  • Athens Cooking Class with Dinner & Rooftop View of the Acropolis
  • Classical Athens Bike Tour

1. Skip-the-Line Acropolis Tour with Parthenon and Museum (4 Hours)

a small group enjoying one of the best Acropolis and Parthenon tours with an expert licensed guide.

During this half-day guided excursion, you’ll tread the paths once wandered by Plato and Socrates. You’ll be whisked through the lines and transported back to the birth of democracy by a knowledgeable archaeologist and licensed guide.

Not only will you gaze upon the wonderous ruins of the Acropolis and the Parthenon, but your knowledge will be deepened by expert commentary in the recently renovated Acropolis museum.

For anybody wanting to get a true understanding of the Acropolis’ significance and a greater appreciation for ancient Greek history, then this is absolutely one of the best Acropolis and Parthenon tours you can take.


  • Skip the Line at the Acropolis
  • Guided Tour of the Parthenon and Theater of Dionysus
  • Friendly, English-speaking archaeologist tour guide
  • See the temples of Athena and Asclepius , the Herodes Atticus Theater , and more!
  • Visit the Museum of the Acropolis
  • Small Group Size

See tour itinerary, price, and description

Not ready to book a tour? Check out the Top Things to See at the Acropolis .

2. The Essential Acropolis Tour with Parthenon and Museum ( 2 Hours)

groups enjoy the views on one of our best Acropolis and Parthenon tours.

Athens gets hot in the summer. I mean obnoxiously hot. So perhaps a four-hour tour of the ruins isn’t for you? With this tour, you can start at 9 a.m. and finish by 11 a.m. before the heat index cranks up.

Skipping the lines with your expert archaeological guide is a huge time saver, so you will still see all the major ruins and get expert commentary along the way.

Unlike the extended tours, this excursion does not go into the Acropolis Museum. This can be useful if you are short of time, are not a museum person, or are like me and get sucked into museums and want to explore the whole collection in depth. Either way, it is one of the best Acropolis and Parthenon tours on the market.

  • Small Group Size – Max 16

3. Athens Cooking Class with Dinner & Rooftop View of the Acropolis

Chef preparing food in our cooking classes.

So you just spent the day exploring the ruins of the Acropolis, marveling at the wonders of the National Archaeological Museum, so what now? How about one of our all-time favorite cooking classes?

Learn to prepare authentic Greek dishes under the guidance of an expert chef. From the crispy spanakopita to the classic tzatziki sauce, get hands-on experience creating traditional Greek recipes.

Head to the Monastiraki neighborhood, with stunning views of the Acropolis, and start preparing your meal. Then, the best part is to sit down and enjoy the three-course dinner on the roof deck, paired with local wines and views of the Acropolis.

You’ll bring home delicious recipes to recreate and amazing photos capturing the essence of Greek cuisine against a beautiful Athenian backdrop, and most importantly, someone else will do the washing up.

  • Make spanikopita, tzatziki, and more from scratch
  • Stunning rooftop views
  • Expert and entertaining local chef
  • Food and wine included

Not ready to book a food tour? Check out our guide on the Top Food to Try in Athens

4. Classical Athens Bike Tour

clients enjoying a cycling tour with the Acropolis in the background.

If you are looking for a fun way to get to grips with Athens, then this e-bike tour is a great option. You’ll cycle through ancient ruins and admire the remains of the cradle of Western civilization. 

This e-bike tour lets you see various historic locations around Athens, from the most visited attractions to hidden cobblestone alleys you wouldn’t find without your local guide. It’s the most efficient and enjoyable way to explore the city!

  • See the top sights of classical Athens, including the Acropolis
  • Local, English-speaking guide
  • Small group size of 10 maximum
  • Professionally maintained electronic bike

parthenon tour tickets

Where To Stay in Athens

Athens boasts a rich historical core brimming with iconic landmarks awaiting exploration. Plan your stay in the best neighborhoods in this captivating city to fully immerse yourself in its ancient charm.

How to visit the Acropolis Tickets Hours, Tours and More 1440 x 675

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Ticket guides for archaeological sites in greece.

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The Official Ticketing Site for Acropolis Tickets online 2024 [Guide]

The official ticketing site for athens acropolis tickets online – guide 2024..

Acropolis Athens tickets from the official website are easy to get.

Choose your dates, plan the trip you want, and book your official Parthenon e-Ticket online .

The Official Price from the Official Ticketing Site for Acropolis Athens tickets

Acropolis of athens ticket cost:.

The Official Ticket Prices for Acropolis

  • Reduced: €10
  • Special Athens Acropolis ticket package: Full: €30 , Reduced: Valid for 5 days. Valid for the archaeological site of the Acropolis and its Slopes.
Choose your favorite platform and purchase tickets for archaeological sites in Greece.
  • Click Here
  • Click Here
  • Click Here

Athens Acropolis official tickets  are available at ticket offices on-site as well as online . From November 1st to March 30th (01/11-31/03) of each year, a reduced rate applies exclusively to single-use tickets for all archaeological sites and museums belonging to the State. Special ticket package: Full: €30 – Valid for 5 days.

Acropolis Pass and 6 Archaeological Sites Combo Ticket

Secure a pre-booked combo ticket to access seven top archaeological sites in Athens. Save up to 50% and skip the long lines at:

  • Ancient Agora
  • Roman Agora
  • Temple of Zeus
  • Aristotle’s School
  • Hadrian’s Library
  • Kerameikos Ancient Cemetery

WARNING: Before Purchasing from the official website of the Greek government Please Note

The official website of the state is the first choice for many visitors who want to buy tickets for the Acropolis.

However, there is a disadvantage associated with the ticket purchase terms mentioned on the official website . Specifically, it states that the Athens Acropolis ticket is non-refundable, non-cancelable, and non-changeable and that the value of tickets that are lost, stolen, or destroyed is not covered.

This means that if a visitor purchases a ticket for the Acropolis and is unable to use it for any reason, they will not have the option of getting their money back. Additionally, if a visitor loses or has their ticket stolen, or if it is destroyed for any reason, they will not have the option of replacement or compensation.

Terms & Conditions (The official website of the state) 3) TICKET ISSUANCE 3.19 “The ticket is not refundable, cannot be canceled, and cannot be changed. The price of stolen, lost, or destroyed tickets is not refunded.”

parthenon tour tickets

Also, the limited payment options and the lack of special offers and packages can make the official website less competitive compared to other platforms.

parthenon tour tickets

Where to buy Athens Acropolis tickets and skip the line?

For the Acropolis , we propose the following items and vendors. Continue reading this page for a more detailed explanation of these and other ticketing alternatives.

Tickets for the Acropolis may be purchased at the following locations. The following are quick links to the Acropolis tickets we currently have available:

Quick Links to Acropolis Athens tickets

Why choose for your next adventure.

  • Variety of Options: Vast selection of tours and activities.
  • Customer Reviews : Insightful ratings and reviews for informed choices.
  • Flexible Cancellation: Free cancellation up to 24 hours before activities.
  • Mobile Ticketing: Convenient booking and ticket access on your phone.
  • Customer Support: Prompt and effective assistance for travelers.

Unlock Convenience and Flexibility with

  • Wide Selection: Extensive range of tours and activities.
  • Trusted Reviews: Reliable customer feedback for better choices.
  • Easy Cancellation: Hassle-free changes up to 24 hours before.
  • Mobile-Friendly: Seamless mobile booking and ticket management.
  • 24/7 Support: Round-the-clock assistance for all inquiries. Your Gateway to Effortless and Enjoyable Experiences

  • Instant Ticket Delivery: Quick access to Athens Acropolis tickets after purchase.
  • Skip-the-Line Options: Save time with fast-track entry tickets.
  • Mobile Tickets: Easy access and management through your phone.
  • Customer Support: Available help for any purchase-related queries.
  • Flexible Entry: Option to choose entry times for convenience.

Choosing Among Our Reliable Partners:

Getyourguide nearly always enables you to cancel your reservations up to 24 hours before the activity and get a full refund..

This option is not available by default with Tiqets , which is how they can offer the same Athens Acropolis ticket at a lower price than GetYourGuide in most circumstances.

To get a refund from Tiqets , you must pay an additional 12% of the listed ticket price when purchasing your tickets.

When deciding on this choice, consider how the extra cancellation charge would affect the pricing comparison. will get a commission if you buy any (but not all) of the products recommended on this page.

The old citadel (which contains the Parthenon and the Erechtheion , among other monuments), as well as the North and South Slopes (which include the Theatre of Dionysus – among other features, and you can see into the Odeon of Herodes Atticus ) are all accessible through the Acropolis .

However, purchasing a ticket entails more than just knowing the price. For starters, certain individuals are eligible for discounts. There are also a variety of ticket alternatives available, including combo tickets , skip-the-line tickets , and Athens city passes . Which one is best for you will be determined by a variety of criteria. Your budget, how much time you have, and what else you want to see in Athens are all factors to consider.

Changes in Ticket Pricing for Museums and Archaeological Sites in Greece

The Central Archaeological Council has decided to change the ticket prices for museums and archaeological sites in Greece. Starting from April 2024, we will discontinue tickets that are valid for more than one monument or museum. Additionally, we will introduce a new service. It will allow small groups to visit the Acropolis outside of normal opening hours. However, it will cost more.

Starting in April 2025, ticket prices will change. They will depend on the popularity of each monument or museum. There will be five different price ranges, from 5 to 30 euros, depending on their category. Furthermore, we will add an extra free Sunday each month during the winter period. Admission will be free.

These changes will help museums and monuments maintain better standards. They will also offer improved services to visitors.

  • Acropolis of Athens: Ticket Price 30.00€.
  • Highly Popular Monuments & Museums (over 200,000 visits per year): Ticket Price 20.00€.
  • Moderately Popular Monuments & Museums (75,000 to 200,000 visits per year): Ticket Price 15.00€.
  • Fairly Popular Monuments & Museums (15,000 to 75,000 visits per year): Ticket Price 10.00€.
  • Less Popular Monuments & Museums (under 15,000 visits per year): Ticket Price 5.00€.

We designed this tiered pricing strategy to reflect the visitor traffic and popularity of each site. This ensures a fair and balanced approach to the cultural experience in Greece.

Exclusive Acropolis Tours and Revised Ticket Prices for Greek Monuments 2024 – 2025

Starting in April 2024, the Central Archaeological Council introduces a new way to explore the Acropolis. They now offer exclusive two-hour tours for small groups. The price for these private tours is 5,000 euros per group. They offer a unique experience during the quiet moments of sunrise or sunset. You can book these special tours on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays during the summer. We exclude full moon nights.

In addition to this, there’s a change coming in April 2025 for entrance fees to the Acropolis and other sites. The ticket for the Acropolis will be set at 30 euros. For other archaeological sites and museums, prices will range between 5 and 20 euros. Also, there’s good news for budget-conscious visitors. Admission is free on the third Sunday of each month.

These initiatives aim to enhance your experience at these historic sites. They aim to give you more options and better access to Greece’s rich cultural heritage.

Who is eligible for free or reduced admission?

Throughout the year, some groups of individuals are eligible for free admission. If this applies to you, be sure you have all of the paperwork you’ll need to confirm your eligibility. During the summer (1 April to 31 October) , select groups of individuals may enjoy a 50% discount on archaeological site entrance fees .

The discount is only valid during the summer, during the winter, all admission costs are reduced. The Combo Ticket is not eligible for the discount. Make sure you have acceptable paperwork and identification to prove you’re qualified for the discount.  

In the summer – 50% reduction in entry fees.

Non-EU citizens between the ages of 6 and 25
Senior citizens from Greece and EU Member States, as well as the European Economic Union, aged 65 and above.
Teachers from elementary, secondary, and postsecondary institutions are visiting.
Primary school visitors from the EU and EEA are accompanied by their parents.

Entrance free – The Official Ticketing Site for Acropolis Tickets

  • Anyone from the EU under the age of 25 or from the rest of the world under the age of 5
  • Those above the age of 25 who are enrolled in secondary school in the EU and EEA
  • Teachers on educational trips from inside the EU for elementary, secondary, or university education
  • Unemployed Greeks or those who get Social Solidarity Income
  • Families with three or more children in Greece
  • Families with a single-parent
  • People with disabilities and their escorts with a disability of at least 80%
  • Journalists
  • Members of Greece’s Chamber of Fine Arts, as well as similar organizations from other EU nations
  • Guides for tourists
  • Members of ICOM-ICOMOS who have an ICOM-ICOMOS membership card
  • Members of Friends of Greek Museums and Archaeological Sites Associations
  • Guests of the Greek government
  • Greek citizens serving in the military
  • Olympic medalists among Greek citizens

  NOTE: As of July 1st, 2019, reduced combined Acropolis Athens tickets will no longer be issued. Reduced combined tickets issued before this date that have not been used, remain valid. To purchase tickets online for the archaeological site of the Acropolis and its Slopes visit the official e-ticketing service of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports at  

Do you need to buy Acropolis tickets in advance?

Pre-purchased Athens Acropolis tickets are also available, either as a single entrance or as part of a package that includes other ancient monuments in Athens, such as the Temple of Olympian Zeus . In addition, visitors may purchase skip-the-line tickets and participate in a variety of guided walking tours .

Is it possible to purchase Acropolis tickets online?

Tickets for the Acropolis may be purchased online, yes . As a general rule, you won’t be able to buy season tickets in advance. In the summer, tickets are only available from April 1 to October 31, whereas winter tickets are only available from November 1 to March 31.

In what season is the Acropolis best visited?

The Acropolis becomes crowded between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., so it’s best to arrive early. When to visit the Acropolis is between October and April, when the temperature is cooler and the site is less crowded.

To see the Parthenon, do I need a ticket?

There are two ticket options for access to the Acropolis and the Parthenon . You have the option of purchasing a ticket that just grants you access to the Acropolis or a ticket that includes admission to the Acropolis and six additional ancient monuments .

Sundays are free at the Acropolis?

Every first Sunday of the month from November 1st to March 31st, every year.

What are the free admission dates for the FIRST SUNDAY of every month from November 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024?

  • November 5, 2023
  • December 3, 2023
  • January 7, 2024
  • February 4, 2024
  • March 3, 2024

What are the free admission dates for the FIRST and THIRD Sundays of each month from November 1, 2024, to March 31, 2025?

  • November 3, 2024 (first Sunday of the month)
  • November 17, 2024 (3rd Sunday of the month)
  • December 1, 2024 (first Sunday of the month)
  • December 15, 2024 (3rd Sunday of the month)
  • January 5, 2025 (first Sunday of the month)
  • January 19, 2025 (3rd Sunday of the month)
  • February 2, 2025 (first Sunday of the month)
  • February 16, 2025 (3rd Sunday of the month)
  • March 2, 2025 (first Sunday of the month)
  • March 16, 2025 (3rd Sunday of the month)

According to the new legislation:

  • During the winter period (November 2024-March 2025), along with the 1st Sunday, the 3rd Sunday of each month will also be a day of free admission to archaeological sites.

Can you make a reservation for free admission to the archaeological sites?

  • There is no way to reserve a spot online.
  • You simply show up along with hundreds of other hopefuls.

What are the Detailed Operating Hours of the Acropolis and the Acropolis Museum?

Acropolis of Athens, operating hours:

  • Monday 09:00 – 17:00
  • Tuesday 09:00 – 17:00
  • Wednesday 09:00 – 17:00
  • Thursday 09:00 – 17:00
  • Friday 09:00 – 22:00
  • Saturday 09:00 – 20:00
  • Sunday 09:00 – 20:00

Acropolis Archaeological Museum operating hours:

How much does it cost to visit the museum on the Acropolis?

The Athens City Pass includes free admission for adults. Students and children under the age of 18 from the European Union are granted free admission. 

How does the Athens Pass enhance the visitor experience access to attractions and public transportation?

The Athens Pass is a comprehensive ticket that grants access to several of Athens’ top attractions and museums. These include the Acropolis, the Acropolis Museum, and other historical sites. It often comes with additional benefits. These may include public transport options and discounts at selected shops and restaurants. Tourists can save money and time with this pass. It offers a convenient way to explore the city’s rich heritage.

Does the Acropolis provide a nighttime tour?

The ancient site of the Acropolis in Athens closes after dusk . As a consequence, it is not open at night. If you want, you may just take a walk around it and admire its beauty from afar.

What is the distance from the Parthenon?

10 minutes is all you’ll need to get there if you’re in good shape and have plenty of time to stop and snap pictures along the way.

If you want to visit Athens, is it feasible to do it on a Sunday?

Sundays are revered as holy days around the globe. Athens, the capital of Greece, is not an exception. There is still much to do for visitors, even though many establishments are closed on Sundays. The Acropolis and its museum , for example, are open as normal.

Is the Acropolis open to students for free access?

There is no payment for anybody under the age of 18 or for students from EU countries who have a valid student ID. Free admission for children under the age of five.

To visit the Acropolis, do I need a ticket?

If you haven’t bought your tickets in advance, online , or are willing to take a chance, you can do so at the event’s ticket kiosks.

Where can I get multi-site tickets in Athens?

The multi-site combo ticket may be purchased at any of the places mentioned above  in Athens . If you prefer, you may book a tour online at Click here.

In what time slot does the Acropolis open?

The Acropolis of Athens is open from 8:00 a.m. until sunset every day of the week . The hours of operation fluctuate over summer and winter.

When it comes to seeing the Acropolis, how long do you expect it to take?

There are several buildings and stories to learn about at the Acropolis of Athens. We hope you’ll take your time and enjoy your visit, rather than rushing through it to get out the door.

Billet Acropole site Officiel

Greek Archaeological Sites and Museums provide acropole tickets  online . Tickets to the Acropolis of Athens are required for all visitors to Athens to climb the Acropolis. Make sure you watch this if you’ve never done anything like this before and don’t know how to buy the cheapest Acropolis tickets online . In less than five minutes, we show you how to acquire Acropolis tickets in Athens.

The ancient temples of Athens

The ancient temples of Athens are surrounded by a beautiful citadel in the heart of the city. These include the Parthenon , which stands in Athens . You may buy Parthenon Greece Tickets at the ticket gate or online in advance for all of Athens’ other historic landmarks.

Skip-the-line tickets and guided walking tours are now available to make things even more easy. There are several genuine ticket and tour providers to choose from, and this article covers all of them.   Purchasing Athens 2024 Acropolis and Antiquities Tickets It costs €20 per person for a regular ticket in April and October A standard ticket is €10 (US$11) from November 1 to March 31.

The fee of entry to the Acropolis includes access to the citadel.

As well as Mount Olympus’s North and South Slopes, they include the Parthenon and Erechtheion .

With a view of Herodes Atticus Odeon (among other things) and the Theatre of Dionysus ). It’s not enough to know how much a ticket costs to buy one. To begin with, certain folks are eligible for a reduced rate or freebies.

Passes that include combo tickets , skip-the-line tickets , and city passes in Athens are just some of the possibilities available. Several factors will come into play while determining your best course of action. Do not forget to include in your budget, the amount of time you have to spare, and any other Athens attractions you choose to see.

The Official Ticketing Site for Acropolis Tickets

Acropolis parthenon tickets are based on past trips to athens since 2024..

Quick links to buy Acropolis Parthenon Tickets on the internet.

Tickets to the Acropolis may be purchased by clicking on the following links:

Tiqets and GetYourGuide both provide skip-the-line tickets , but GetYourGuide has a free cancellation policy (does not include free cancellation).

Many visitors purchase the Acropolis Museum and the Acropolis Museum together .   Before you visit the Acropolis of Athens , read this page to learn about all of your ticket options .

No extra fees will be charged to you if you opt to purchase any of the products recommends on this page.

Athens City Pass Official Site

The official Athens City Pass provides numerous benefits for travelers visiting Athens.

It includes:

  • Free entry to several museums and monuments, including the Acropolis.
  • Skip-the-line access to the Acropolis.
  • A two-day hop-on hop-off bus ticket.
  • Discounts on other attractions, museums, tours, and restaurants in Athens.

The pass is available for purchase online and can be received by email. You can print it or show it on your smartphone during your visit. The Athens City Pass offers various options, including 1 to 6-day passes, each catering to different lengths of stay in the city.

Advice and Suggestions for The Official Ticketing Site for Acropolis Tickets

  • Plan and purchase tickets in advance to avoid long lines and sell-outs.
  • Check the official Acropolis ticketing website for information on ticket prices and hours of operation.
  • Consider purchasing a multi-site ticket , which will give you access to other historical sites in Athens in addition to the Acropolis .
  • Be aware of the dress code for the Acropolis, shoulders and knees must be covered.
  • Bring comfortable walking shoes and sunscreen, as the Acropolis is an ancient site with steep hills and no shade.
  • Try to visit early in the morning or later in the evening to avoid the heat and crowds.
  • If you have any physical limitations, please make sure to check the accessibility of the site.
  • It’s not allowed to take food, drinks, and pets on the site, so leave them in a safe place before visiting.
  • Guided tours can provide additional information and context for the site.
  • Do not forget to enjoy the beauty of the Acropolis and the history that surrounds it.

The Official Ticketing Site for Acropolis Tickets – General Admission

Admission to the acropolis requires payment of:.

April through October are the only months when it costs €20. From November 1 through March 31, the cost is €10. There are two ticket offices on the Acropolis where you can buy a basic ticket , or you can buy it online in advance. You can discover a comprehensive list of visitors who are eligible for free or discounted entry to the Acropolis at the bottom of this page.

Everyone is welcome to visit the Acropolis – The Official Ticketing Site for Acropolis Parthenon Tickets

Open Days in Greece allow visitors to all historic sites , monuments, and museums to access them for free . “Every first Sunday from November to March”. of the month from November 1 to March 31 is a special day dedicated to the memory of Melina Mercouri.

To secure a spot, you’ll have to show up at the event alongside the hundreds of other hopefuls. I won’t spend my time in the Acropolis on “Free Entry for All” days because it’s been chronicled in tales and photos. Free admission continues to attract a large number of people. If you’re on a limited budget, visit late in the day to take advantage of the free entrance (or early, but many tour groups go early).

What time can I visit the Acropolis, Parthenon, and other ancient Greek ruins?

When it’s warm outside, you may visit ancient sites from early in the morning till dark (beginning 1 April). In the winter, we are open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

I need to buy tickets at the Acropolis Athens and Acropolis ticket offices.

The only way to obtain a ticket to the event is to utilize the ticket vending machines on-site if you didn’t purchase one in advance online and don’t mind taking a chance. The primary ticket office for the Acropolis is located underneath the main entrance.

There aren’t long queues even on the busiest days and weekends in winter (20-30 minutes at the busiest periods). If you want to avoid waiting in line for longer than two hours throughout the summer, follow these tips.

On this website, you may also buy a ticket and other items together as a package deal. As a reminder, you may also get your unique ticket at the entrance of each participating archaeology. Check out some other options instead of waiting in line at the Acropolis ticket office this summer (there are never long queues at these sites). It doesn’t matter whether or not you purchase a special ticket at the gate.

No longer will you need to wait in line to  visit the Acropolis,  instead, you will be free to access the site whenever you choose. The multi-site ticket is valid for five days after purchase. Near the entrance to the Dionysus Theatre , there is a ticket booth. Compared to the main entrance, fewer people are waiting here.

Do you have the option of purchasing an Acropolis ticket online in advance?

To purchase either a single-entry ticket or a multi-site/combination ticket , you may do so online beginning in 2018. (As detailed in the following paragraphs). Online ticket purchases do not remove the requirement to wait in line at the box office for tickets. You’ll have to wait in a long line to get to the Acropolis. Skip-the-line tickets and guided tours are two ways to avoid the long lines at attractions.

Purchase online Athens Greece Acropolis Tickets

Even if you buy your tickets in advance , you will still have to wait in line with the rest of the passengers. Buy Parthenon Tickets online using the official e-ticketing site of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports . For your information, is not a part of the Greek government’s official website .

At the bottom of this page, which is available in both Greek and English, there are detailed instructions. Online ticket purchases will not be available to those looking to get a head start on the season. June tickets cannot be purchased on the official website before the end of January.

Until the 1st of April, this will not be finalized and put into practice. This is because summer and winter airfares are so vastly different in cost. At the moment of purchase, August tickets are only available until the end of October . To purchase a winter vacation ticket, you’ll need to try again on November 1st . Our GetYourGuide partners allow you to reserve your seats in advance, which is another perk.

Before purchasing tickets to the Acropolis online, please read this.

Parthenon in Athens Greece The Official Guide 2024

All of us assumed that purchasing from the “ official website for Acropolis Parthenon Tickets ” would be secure, and we’re not alone. Emails flood my inbox when individuals inform me they’ve ordered their tickets incorrectly (using the wrong dates) or that they have to change their vacation plans due to a mistake.

They sent a letter to this department. “Bad luck,” was the unambiguous reaction. “ Read the Terms & Conditions ” With authorized ticket sellers, refunds or exchanges for tickets purchased in error are not available.

You cannot change your plans, because there is no way for you to do so. If you’re unsure about anything, please double-check your order details before submitting it. To protect my client’s personal information, I am unable to provide email screenshots. Unfortunately, purchasing through the official website is a gamble.

In light of the above – The Official Ticketing Site for Acropolis Tickets

I strongly encourage you to use the GetYourGuide website to purchase a ticket from one of our reliable partners . You may cancel your order within 24 hours and get a full refund. So how come these providers won’t return your money?

Instead, they take your reservation and make large purchases so you don’t have to worry. I’m certain that the extra money I’ve paid is well worth it, based on the positive comments I’ve received from readers. A step-by-step tutorial will be provided at the bottom of this page if you are confident of your dates and cautious.   Takes you from the Greek home page to the last page of the process.

The Official Ticketing Site for Acropolis Tickets – Skip-the-Line

It’s authentic Acropolis Skip the Line It’s easy to buy tickets online , and the procedure is safe and convenient. Tiqets and GetYourGuide are highly recommended because of their reliability and safety. You can get a €25 Acropolis bypass-the-line ticket with GetYourGuide.

A skip-the-line ticket costs €22.90 at Tiqets . Free cancellation with a full refund is available up to 24 hours before the event for GetYourGuide tickets. You cannot cancel or exchange Tiqets tickets without paying an extra €2.75 nonrefundable penalty; this is not the case with Tiqets tickets.

Also, a tour guide is not included in the package. There are no audio guides available at this location. Nothing can be found. All that’s necessary are simple, regular-priced skip-the-line tickets . Ticket prices include booking costs , which are more than the €20 general entrance price . With this ticket, you may visit the Acropolis and its slopes on both ends just once.

Tickets have been bought for this event -The Official Ticketing Site for Athens Greece Acropolis Tickets

After placing a purchase, you will get an email confirmation and further instructions by mail. No refunds will be given for tickets bought via GetYourGuide. Tiqets enables you to buy a ticket online and have it delivered to you. After that, you may use it to skip the lengthy lines at the Acropolis entrance by printing it or saving it on your mobile device. Near the Royal Olympic Hotel , Key Tours has an office at 26 Athanasiou Diakou Alley where you may buy your ticket.

The Acropolis Metro Station is within a three-minute walk away. You will get your ticket and there will be no additional booking fees. The Dionysus Theatre (South Acropolis Entrance) is just around 400 meters distant from the main entrance to the Acropolis.

You may cancel this reservation up to 24 hours in advance and you will get a full refund, as well as bypass the line.

  You may obtain a full refund if you cancel at least 24 hours in advance if your plans change or you discover you made a date mistake (this occurs – I get emails about it). If you make a mistake or change your plans after buying tickets from the official website , you will not be able to get a refund. The expense of booking against the savings in time and comfort of mind is entirely up to you.

Tickets Online- The Official Ticketing Site for Acropolis Tickets

You may purchase Athens Greece Acropolis tickets for several trips to the Acropolis online . Packaged together or uniquely If you want to visit other significant archaeological sites in Athens , purchasing tickets is a smart idea. Due to the Greek Ministry of Culture’s control over certain locations, these Parthenon Tickets are legal to purchase. Each participating location’s entrance or the Ministry of Culture and Sports’s website may purchase a ticket (link below). You must buy a multisite/ Combo ticket online to avoid both the Ticket Office wait and the lines at the two Acropolis gates. You may buy a combo ticket for €30 per person all year round without a winter discount.

Do ticket bundles provide any advantages over purchasing only individual tickets?

The answer to this inquiry depends on how many locations you intend to visit, just as with other combination tickets/passes and packages. The Combo Ticket is valid at FIVE locations for seven days . Pricing for this particular ticket bundle varies greatly depending on whether you purchase it in the summer or winter. It costs €64 for the Combo Ticket to access both locations throughout the summer (1 April to 31 October).

To purchase the Combo Ticket , visitors may pay €20 for the Acropolis (€10) and €10 for the Ancient Agora (€10) . There are seven sites to view in the schedule, and the Acropolis is one of them. There is a half-price discount of 50% on single-entry tickets for each venue during the summer months (see the list below for eligibility). The Combo Ticket does not qualify for a 50% discount . Each location’s discounted entrance charge is €32.

Assuming that you want to visit all seven venues, you’ll save money by getting the combo ticket for €30 (€32). During the winter months (1 November to 31 March), everyone pays half-price (50 percent discount) at all seven sites (see the list below).

The Official Ticketing Site for Acropolis Tickets – Discounts are available for the duration of the summer.

A 50 percent summer discount does not include an extra 50 percent reduction on the reduced price.   There is no discount for the Combo Ticket during the year. As a result, the average winter admission fee to each of the seven venues is €32.

(unless you qualify for free entry). Adding €2 to your Combo Ticket is all that’s required. One or two winter vacations don’t justify purchasing the Special Ticket Package . Unless you plan to visit the Lykeion Archaeological Site , your vacation will cost you money. In the case of the Roman Agora , for example, you’ll lose €2.

Which historical places are included in the combination ticket?

The Official Ticketing Site for Acropolis Tickets – Athens, Greece’s Acropolis

Athens’ most renowned landmark is the Acropolis, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a popular tourist destination. Most important venue of worship for ancient Athenians.   This period is when Athens was at its most powerful, and most of its monuments are from this period. The Acropolis is home to Greece’s most famous religious structure, the Parthenon . Other notable structures are the Erechtheion and the Temple of Olympian Zeus . A one-person ticket costs €20 (a €10 savings).

You may purchase Acropolis Greece tickets for the North and South Slopes of the Acropolis online.

Acropolis’s northern and southern slopes are just as intriguing as its summit, even though most visitors to the mountain make their way to the top. Buildings on the Acropolis’s slopes are a reminder of how important the location was to ancient Athens regarding religion and culture. Nearby are the Odeon of Herodes Atticus and the Theatre of Dionysus , as well as a slew of other religious landmarks. Ancient Peripatos Street connects two hills considered to be one location. To access the North or South Slopes, you just need to pay the reduced €10 Acropolis admission fee.  

The Official Ticketing Site for Acropolis Tickets- City of Agora, Greece’s First Capital.

Besides acting as Athens’ principal food and retail market, the Agora was a political and judicial nerve center for the city. Even though Hephaistos Temple is the best-preserved ancient temple ruin in the area, it’s not the most visited. As a church since the 7th century, it’s been a great success. You can view the Acropolis from the Agora. Those who want to see the Stoa of Attlas restored to its former grandeur can pay an additional fee to visit the museum . There is a large collection of artifacts on show at this museum . For one person, the fee is €10 (reduced by €5).  

The Official Ticketing Site for Acropolis Tickets – The Forum of Romans

The Roman Agora , erected in the first century B.C., is not far from the Ancient Agora . Make sure to look out for the inscription on the building’s foundation that mentions Augustus and Julius Caesar . The agora’s enormous courtyard contains a variety of attractions such as restaurants and stores because of the number of business options available. This area has public sanitary facilities as well as the octagonal Tower of Winds, which served as a hydraulic clock and served as a location for astronomical observation. Artwork depicting “eight winds” adorns the roof of the tower. It costs €8 to enter (reduced to 4)  

The Official Ticketing Site for Acropolis Greece Tickets – Keramikos Archaeological Site and Museum

Kerameikos: the ancient cemetery.

Kerameikos is located in the ancient city of Athens’ northern neighborhood. According to the neighborhood’s name, it was formerly a popular destination for potters. However, here is where you’ll find Attic’s oldest and largest cemetery. Tumulus mounds, family graves, and individual columns surround an archaeological site ringed by walls.

Kerameikos Archaeological Museum

You’ll get free admission to the Kerameikos Archaeological Museum as part of your ticket. The museum displays artifacts collected from the evolving burial traditions of ancient Athens, as well as those unearthed during the city’s archaeological excavations. A one-person ticket costs €8 (a €4 savings).

Lykeion: A Distinct Historical Site

Lykeion is a separate kind of lykeion from the others. An ancient palaestra was discovered recently during rescue efforts.

Lykeion Gymnasium and Its Historical Significance

An esteemed university in Seoul called Lykeion Gymnasium (Lyceum) . According to historical accounts, Aristotle’s school of philosophy was formerly located in this region. The Apollo Lykeios shrine, which predates the gymnasium, inspired the gym’s name.

Archaeological Findings at Lykeion

However, archaeologists uncovered no evidence of this temple throughout their study of the site. Ancient wrestlers and boxers practiced in this 0.25-hectare palaestra, which is now open to the public (50 x 48 m). Entrance used to cost €4 but is now just €2, a savings of €2.

The Official Ticketing Site for Acropolis Tickets – Hadrian’s Library in Rome is just one example.

Hadrian’s library in athens.

When Athens opened to the public in 132 AD, the Roman emperor gave it Hadrian’s Library. Hadrian was a well-educated Hellenophile who had a significant impact on the city with his many accomplishments. A massive Corinthian propylon serves as an entrance to the region today, via a Pentelic marble façade with a massive Corinthian propylon.

The Structure and Collection of Hadrian’s Library

A 122-by-82-meter courtyard around the library’s peristyle structure. The ancient papyrus texts were kept in the ‘library’ to the east of the temple complex. A colossal statue of Nike and other relics uncovered during the dig are on exhibit in a small, cramped display area. The price of a single admission has increased from €3 to €6 (previously €2).

Olympieon: The Temple of Olympian Zeus

Olympian With its enormous Temple of Olympian Zeus , Olympieon is a famous tourist attraction in antiquity.

Experiencing the Grandeur of the Temple

You can’t view the monument from the fence, despite its vast size; instead, you must stand at its feet to understand its majesty (16 of the 104 columns remain). These include a Roman bath house , some residences, and the remains of a 5th-century basilica, as well as elements of the city wall.

Accessibility and Ticket Information

The archaeological site is only a short walk away from one of Athens’ biggest avenues, Hadrian’s Arch. A one-person ticket costs €8 (a €4 savings).

The Acropolis and the Acropolis Museum are must-sees.

It’s a no-brainer to see the Acropolis and the Acropolis Museum at the same time. The Combo Ticket does not include admission to the Acropolis Museum.   Admission to these museums isn’t too expensive. It costs an additional €2 to take a tour of the Acropolis Museum and Archaeological Excavation with Get YourGuide. If you’re just interested in seeing the Acropolis and the Acropolis Museum , avoid the crowds at both locations: The Acropolis and the Museum.

The Acropolis Museum’s Skip-the-Line Ticket with Audio-Guide is another popular choice.

Tickets for acropolis guided tours and visits are available online..

At GetYourGuide , you may purchase an Acropolis ticket for €45 for a guided tour of the Acropolis . The package includes a one-and-a-half-hour guided tour by an experienced local guide.  GetYourGuide has a variety of walking tours to choose from. They vary in duration and the destinations they visit. Even though these Acropolis Greece tickets allow you to avoid long lines, they typically don’t cover the cost of admission. Customers may already be eligible for discounts or multi-site passes as a consequence of this.

The Official Ticketing Site for Acropole Tickets – The audio tour

Skip-the-line ticket with audio tour.

Many people choose the skip-the-line ticket with an audio tour when they want a guide but do not want a human guide. For a little fee, you may skip the line and enjoy an audio tour of the Acropolis . With a smartphone and a set of headphones, you’ll be ready to go. Instead of waiting in line, take a guided audio tour of the Acropolis that includes historical context, fun facts, and an interactive map you can take with you.

Required Operating Systems for Audio Tour

To use this software, you must have one of the three operating systems stated above (Android or iOS) (English, French, and Spanish). More information and resources may be found by clicking here.

Best Value: Five-Hour Tour of Athens

The five-hour tour of Athens , which includes visits to the Acropolis and the new Acropolis Museum , is the best value. My year-round recommendation is this tour.

Details and Pricing of the Athens Tour

With a €84 guided tour of Athens , you’ll be able to view the Acropolis and the Royal Gardens as well as the Panathinaikos Stadium and the Acropolis Museum in person rather than via an audio guide. The €84 price includes both the Acropolis and the museum.

Booking the Walking Tour

To book this certified walking tour in advance, you may use GetYourGuide.

Parthenon in Athens Greece: A Journey Through Time and Art

The Parthenon in Athens, Greece, stands as a timeless Greek symbol. Perched on the Acropolis, it’s a 5th-century BC marvel. Dedicated to Athena, it showcases classical art and architecture. Despite history’s wear, its beauty remains striking. Approaching the Athena Parthenos, you’re captivated by its harmonious proportions. Every column and marble piece narrates ancient stories. The Parthenon’s damage highlights its resilience and significance. Visiting this site is an immersive experience. Sunrise and sunset transform the Parthenon, showcasing its dynamic beauty. It’s more than a monument. it’s a legacy of cultural grandeur. Walking through the Parthenon is an unforgettable journey, connecting visitors to Athens’ rich history.

Parthenon Sculptures – Elgin Marbles

Let’s talk about the Parthenon sculptures. You know, those amazing ancient Greek artworks? They’re split between London’s British Museum and Athens’ Acropolis Museum. Imagine seeing pieces of the same story in different places!

So, the Parthenon was this grand temple in Athens. Built-in the 5th century BC, it was a big deal in Greek culture. The sculptures on it? They’re not just art. They were part of the building, showing Greek myths and important events. Pretty cool, right?

Now, here’s the thing: most of these sculptures are in London, about 60% of them. Athens has the rest. But they belong together, telling one big story. It’s like having pieces of a puzzle in different boxes. We’re missing out on the full picture.

Greece is saying, “Hey, let’s work together with the UK.” They want to reunite these sculptures in Athens. This way, everyone, scholars or not, can see the whole story in one place. It’s not just about seeing cool art. It’s about understanding our history better.

The Parthenon is still standing strong, a symbol of freedom and democracy. UNESCO loves it so much, that they even made it their logo! Bringing these sculptures back together would be a win for our cultural heritage. It’s like giving back a missing piece of history.

So, what do you think? Should we reunite these ancient artworks? It’s a big question, but it’s all about keeping history alive and kicking for everyone to enjoy!

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Parthenon Athens – tickets, prices, discounts, timings, what to expect, FAQs

Parthenon Athens

Nestled on Acropolis Hill is the Parthenon, a temple constructed in the late 5th century BC, dedicated to the Greek Goddess Athena Parthenos, known as ‘Athena the Virgin.’

It resembles the Doric peripheral temple style, consisting of a rectangular floor plan and columns located on both the front and sides of the structure. 

Despite enduring numerous battles and adversities, the Parthenon stands as a paramount symbol of classical Greece.

What makes this historical landmark particularly intriguing is its multifaceted history, having served as a royal treasury, church, and mosque over time.

So, if you’re on a tour of Athens, don’t leave the city without exploring the Parthenon. 

This article covers everything you must know before booking tickets for Parthenon in Athens, Greece.

Top Parthenon Athens Tickets

# Acropolis, Parthenon & Acropolis Museum Guided Tour # Acropolis and Parthenon Guided Walking Tour # Acropolis and 6 Archaeological Sites Combo Ticket

Table of contents

What to expect at parthenon athens.

Prepare to be mesmerized by the Parthenon’s classical design, meticulously crafted from pristine white marble.

The temple’s traditional architecture features low steps encompassing each side, while a portico of Doric columns on a platform forms the perimeter.

Notably, the exterior boasts 46 columns, while the interior houses 19 columns.

The inner chamber, known as the cella, is adorned with intricate, horizontal decorative bands called friezes.

Significant restoration efforts have been undertaken since 1975 to preserve the Parthenon’s historical splendor, ensuring its timeless grandeur is maintained.

Recommended Reading: Acropolis of Athens and Acropolis Museum

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Where to book tickets

Tickets for Parthenon Athens are available online or offline. 

Online ticket prices tend to be cheaper than tickets at the attraction.

When you buy online, you can avoid the long queues at the attraction’s ticket counters.

When you book early, you also get your preferred time slot.

Because some attractions sell a limited number of tickets, during peak days they may sell out. Booking early also helps avoid last-minute disappointments. 

How do online tickets work

Go to the Parthenon Athens booking page , choose your desired date and time, and the number of tickets. 

Upon payment, the tickets will be emailed to you.

Ticket printouts are not required. 

On the day of your visit, show the e-ticket on your smartphone at the entrance for admission.  

Also, bring your official IDs. 

Parthenon Athens ticket price

The cost of tickets for the Parthenon tour depends on whether you book a shared or private tour with or without entry tickets. 

For a combined guided tour including entry tickets to the Parthenon, the ticket price for adults aged 18 years and above, as well as children between six and 17, is set at €99.

The shared, guided tour without entry tickets costs €59 for both adults and children. 

If you book a private guided tour of the Acropolis and Acropolis Museum, you pay €650 per person for the ticket. 

Parthenon Athens tickets

If you’re planning to visit the Parthenon in Athens, we’ve got a few ticket suggestions for you. 

While you can purchase tickets solely for the Parthenon, it is advisable to opt for a combined ticket that includes Acropolis Hill, the Parthenon, and the Acropolis Museum, given their close proximity within walking distance.

Another option to consider is a combo ticket that takes you to 6 archaeological sites, including the Acropolis, the Ancient Agora, the Roman Agora, the Temple of Zeus, and Aristotle’s School, among others. 

Acropolis, Parthenon & Acropolis Museum Guided Tour

Acropolis Museum Guided Tour

Travel back in time on a guided tour to the Acropolis Hill, and the Parthenon and Acropolis Museum.

You can choose from a private or shared guided tour. 

If you select a shared guided tour without tickets, you’ll have to purchase the tickets at the meeting point or online before the tour.

Ticket Prices

Shared Guided Tour with Entry Tickets Adult Ticket (18+ years): €99 Child Ticket (6 to 17 years): €99

Shared Guided Tour without Entry Tickets Adult Ticket (18+ years): €59 Child Ticket (6 to 17 years): €59 Private Guided Tour of the Acropolis and Acropolis Museum: €650 per person

Acropolis and Parthenon Guided Walking Tour


Grab this ticket and embark on a walking tour of the Acropolis and the Parthenon with an expert guide.

See the Dionysus Sanctuary, the Erechtheion, the Propylaea gateway, the Temple of Athena Nike, and most importantly, the Parthenon. 

From your guide, learn about the excavation, the citadel, temple, and how the places were slowly ruined by subsequent battles. 

Tourists have two options available: they can either book a tour inclusive of entry tickets that provide access to both Acropolis Athens and the Parthenon, or choose a tour without entry tickets, offering access solely to the Parthenon.

It is up to you whether you want to buy entry tickets for the tour in advance or not. 

If you choose to purchase tickets on the day of the tour, carry cash and pay it to the tour guide at the meeting point. 

For EU Citizens: Guided tour including entry tickets Adult Ticket (25 to 64 years): €68 Senior Ticket (65+ years): €55 Youth Ticket (6 to 24 years): €35 Infant Ticket (up to 5 years): Free

For Non-EU Citizens: Guided tour including entry tickets Adult Ticket (25 to 64 years): €68 Senior Ticket (65+ years): €68 Youth Ticket (6 to 24 years): €35 Infant Ticket (up to 5 years): Free For EU Citizens: Guided tour without entry ticket: €35 per person For Non-EU Citizens: Guided tour without entry ticket: €35 per person

Acropolis and 6 Archaeological Sites Combo Ticket

Kerameikos Athens

Make your Athens tour more exciting by booking this combo ticket, which grants access to the following landmarks of the city:

  • Ancient Agora
  • Roman Agora
  • Temple of Zeus
  • Aristotle’s School
  • Hadrian’s Library
  • Kerameikos Ancient Cemetery

On this self-guided audio tour, explore all the sites at your own pace.

You can pick from two options, one that includes audio guides for all the attractions and the other that provides audio guides for only three attractions:  the Acropolis and Parthenon, the Ancient Agora, and Plaka Old Town).

Acropolis & 6 Archaeological Sites Combo Ticket & Audio Tour Adult Ticket (6+ years): €36 Infant Ticket (up to 5 years): Free Combo Ticket to 6 Attractions with 3 Audio Guides: €52 per person

Save time and money! Discover Athens effortlessly with the Athens Pass , your ticket to the city’s top attractions. Gain easy access to the Acropolis Museum and the Acropolis & Archaeological Sites by simply presenting your pass. Enjoy an insightful City Tour of Athens with an audio guide app at your fingertips for all the essential information.

How to reach Parthenon Athens

The Parthenon stands on the Acropolis of Athens.

Address: Athens 105 58, Greece. Get Directions

You can reach the Parthenon via public transport or personal vehicle. 

The nearest metro station to the temple is Acropoli , within 10 minutes walking distance.

The Akropolē bus stop is hardly a 3-minute walk away. 

If you’re traveling by car, turn on Google Maps and get started. 

Click here to view the nearby car parking lots. 

Parthenon Athens timings

The Parthenon in Athens is open year-round, 24 hours a day.

Visitors usually take a guided tour of the temple which usually starts at 8 am. 

For most tours, you can pick a time slot that works best for you. 

How long does the tour take

The Athens Parthenon tour lasts about 60 minutes.

If you’re walking fast, you can wind up the tour in less than 30 minutes. 

Best time to visit Parthenon Athens

Best time to visit Parthenon Athens

The best time to visit the Parthenon is at 8 am when the tour starts.

The temple gets extremely crowded between 10 am and early afternoon, so it’s better to visit during the early hours of the day to avoid crowds. 

Consider visiting on weekdays to enjoy a smooth and serene tour, as queues tend to lengthen during weekends and school holidays.

FAQs about the Parthenon in Athens

Here are some questions visitors usually ask before visiting the Parthenon Athens.

Where can I book tickets for the Parthenon Athens?

Tourists can buy tickets for Parthenon Athens online or at the venue, on the day of their visit. For the best experience we suggest you book your tickets online , in advance.

What should I wear to the Parthenon Athens?

Make sure to wear comfortable shoes, apply sunscreen, and don a hat for your visit to the Parthenon, as the tour involves a considerable amount of walking on a rough and uneven surface.

Where is the entrance of the Athens Parthenon?

Opt for the side entrance of the Parthenon, as it offers convenient access to the temple, in addition to the main entrance known as Propylaea.

Are guided tours to the Parthenon helpful?

Absolutely! Opting for a guided tour not only provides valuable insights into the site’s history and significance but also allows you to efficiently explore every aspect of the temple in a shorter duration. With a guide, there’s no need to search for information online, as they will expertly handle all aspects of your visit.

Popular attractions in Athens

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This article was researched & written by

Jamshed V Rajan

He is a two-faced traveler, who enjoys both the hustle-bustle of an urban holiday and the serenity of a break from the rest of the World. During some of his vacations, he is a resort hopper, and on others, he barely spends time in his hotel. He loves to try mouth-watering local cuisines, especially non-vegetarian dishes. Favourite Cities: Amsterdam, Las Vegas, Dublin, Prague, Vienna

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Pristine Parthenon: No-Crowds Acropolis Tour & Skip-the-Line Acropolis Museum Tour

142 reviews

Pristine Parthenon guide

Why take this tour?

  • Morning tour: See the Parthenon before the crowds by using skip-the-line, first-entry tickets and following our special itinerary that gets you to the top of the Acropolis for the first viewing of the day.
  • Afternoon tour: Enjoy the Parthenon in peace after the crowds have left with our special itinerary and skip-the-line tickets.
  • Explore the Acropolis with an expert guide and see the Monumental Gateway, Erechtheum, Theater of Dionysus and Herodes Atticus, as well as panoramic views over the city.
  • Skip the line at the New Acropolis Museum for a guided tour featuring the original Parthenon Marbles, the Caryatids and access to the underground excavations.
  • With all-inclusive tickets, you can leave your wallet at home!
  • Sites Visited
  • Monumental Gateway
  • Temple of Athena Nike
  • Theater of Dionysus
  • Theater of Herodes Atticus
  • New Acropolis Museum
  • Underground excavations
  • Parthenon Marbles
  • Finds from the sanctuaries from the slopes of Acropolis
  • Tour Includes
  • Skip-the-line tickets to the Acropolis
  • Skip-the-line tickets to the New Acropolis Museum with underground area access
  • English-speaking guide

Take a special itinerary to view the Parthenon sans crowds

Total customer reviews: 142, latest reviews.

parthenon tour tickets

Meeting Point

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Athens view, Zeus temple overlooking Acropolis, Greece.

Parthenon Tourism Information 2024

The Parthenon, nestled atop the Acropolis of Athens, stands as a breathtaking testament to the grandeur of ancient Greece. This iconic temple is dedicated to the goddess Athena. The temple is renowned worldwide for its architectural splendour and historical significance.

The Parthenon, recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, draws people from around the world. They come to see its enduring beauty and explore Greek myths.

To embark on a journey to the Parthenon and the Acropolis of Athens, securing Acropolis entry tickets is essential. These tickets let you go into the whole Acropolis area. You can see the Parthenon, as well as other well-known places like the Erechtheion and the Temple of Athena Nike.

Acropolis tickets can be conveniently purchased online. This allows visitors to skip the ticket line and make the most of their time exploring this ancient citadel.

Whether you're a history buff, an architecture enthusiast, or simply a curious traveller, a visit to the Parthenon promises an unforgettable experience. Don't miss the chance to explore this architectural masterpiece and discover the wonders of the Acropolis of Athens firsthand.

Parthenon Greek Mythology Tour with Guide

Visitors in the Acropolis of Athens, Greece, want to look closely the remains of the famous Parthenon, on a sunny summer day

  • Discover the iconic landmark the Parthenon
  • Explore the marvels of the Athens Acropolis

Visit the Temple of Athena Nike

  • Get fascinating insights into Ancient Greek Mythology from a knowledgeable local guide
  • Marvel at the stunning views of the city Athens from the Acropolis summit
  • Gain knowledge about sites like Mars Hill and the Odeon of Herodes Atticus
  • Skip the ticket line entry to the Acropolis
  • Local expert Guide
  • Headphone use for clear audio while on tour

Your Experience

Experience the ancient marvels of Athens by strolling through tree-lined streets towards the foothills of the Acropolis. A UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Visit the Dionysus Sanctuary, a place for the Greek god of wine and fertility. Explore the Acropolis and enjoy in great detail the Parthenon and see other important landmarks like the Propylaea gateway, Erechtheion, Temple of Athena Nike. Your guide will tell you about the history of these interesting ruins.

Once at the top of the hill, enjoy the beautiful views of Athens. Learn about the excavations and the ruins of the citadel. Your guide will also talk about nearby monuments like Mars Hill and the Odeon of Herodes Atticus.

Parthenon Acropolis Guided Walking Tour

  • Marvel at the Parthenon
  • Avoid waiting in line at the ticket offices for the Acropolis and the Acropolis Museum
  • Be amazed by the ruins of ancient Greek temples and monuments
  • Explore the world's first theatre, the Theatre of Dionysus
  • Learn about the history of each ancient monument from licensed tour guides
  • Take a tour and visit the Acropolis Museum
  • Local Expert Guide
  • Acropolis Museum Private Entry
  • Acropolis Skip the line ticket
  • Acropolis Museum skip the line ticket

Embark on a fascinating tour of the Acropolis of Athens, guided by an expert local guide. Learn about its rich history, mythology, and stories as you explore this UNESCO World Heritage site.

Continue your journey at the Acropolis Museum, ranked among the world's best. Discover original masterpieces from the Acropolis temples.

Visit the Acropolis hill, where you'll see landmarks like the Dionysus Theater and the Odeon of Herodes Atticus. Explore the Propylea Temple of Nike and the Erechtheion Temple. Marvel at the iconic Parthenon, symbolizing democracy and Western civilization.

Enter the New Acropolis Museum with your combined ticket and discover ancient Greek treasures. Immerse yourself in classical antiquity at this modern wonder.

  • Early Morning Guided Parthenon and Acropolis Tour
  • Enter the grand Acropolis and head straight to the Parthenon.
  • Experience the tranquillity of an early morning visit, avoiding the crowds and heat.
  • Join a small group for a personalised guided tour.
  • Learn from a local guide about ancient Athens.
  • Hear your guide clearly with provided ear sets.
  • Local expert guide
  • Skip the ticket line entry
  • Headphones provided for clear guide audio

Discover the stories of Athens' famous Acropolis sites like the Parthenon and Dionysus Theatre on our guided tour, lasting 1 hour and 45 minutes. Enjoy great city views and take lots of pictures.

Beat the crowds with our Early Bird Acropolis Tour, exploring landmarks like the Parthenon and Erechteion's Caryatids. Hear about the Acropolis's history as you pass by Asklepeion, Odeon of Herodes Atticus, and Dionysus Theatre.

Opening Hours

  • The opening hours for the Parthenon in Athens, Greece, are typically from 8:00 AM to 7:30 PM during the summer months (April to October) and from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM during the winter months (November to March). 

Getting There

  • By Walking: Depending on where you are in Athens, you can walk to the Acropolis, where the Parthenon is located. There are pedestrian-friendly paths and signs directing you to the entrance.
  • By Public Transportation: Athens has an efficient public transportation system. You can take the metro to the Acropolis station (Line 2 - Red Line) and walk from there. Alternatively, you can take a bus to the Acropolis Museum stop or the Acropolis South Entrance stop.
  • By Taxi: Taxis are widely available in Athens. You can simply hail a taxi or use a ride-hailing app to get to the entrance of the Acropolis.
  • Impressive Architecture: The Parthenon is a grand temple with tall columns and intricate carvings.
  • Historical Significance: It's an ancient building built over 2,000 years ago to honour the goddess, Athena.
  • Iconic Columns: The temple is famous for its sturdy marble columns that still stand today.
  • Beautiful Sculptures: Inside, you can see sculptures and decorations that tell stories from Greek mythology.
  • Panoramic Views: From the top of the Acropolis hill where the Parthenon sits, you can enjoy stunning views of Athens.
  • Cultural Heritage: The Parthenon is a symbol of ancient Greek civilization and is recognized worldwide.
  • Restoration Efforts: Learn about ongoing efforts to preserve and restore this important historical site.
  • Educational Experience: Visiting the Parthenon offers a chance to learn about ancient Greek culture, art, and architecture.

Top Monuments

  • The Propylaea is a grand gateway that stands at the entrance of the Acropolis in Athens. It was built in the 5th century BC as a monumental entrance to the sacred site.
  • The structure is made of marble and features impressive columns and a central staircase. Visitors can admire its majestic architecture and imagine the grandeur of ancient Athens as they pass through.
  • Despite suffering damage over the centuries, the Propylaea remains a symbol of the city's rich history and cultural significance. It offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape and serves as a reminder of the architectural prowess of the ancient Greeks.
  • Today, it continues to attract tourists from around the world who come to marvel at its beauty and learn about its role in the history of Athens.
  • Odeon of Herodes Atticus
  • The Odeon of Herodes Atticus is an old theatre located on the south side of the Acropolis hill in Athens. It was built around 161 AD by a rich Athenian named Herodes Atticus in memory of his wife.
  • The theatre was used for concerts, plays, and other events. Today, it's a great example of ancient Greek architecture. Although it has been damaged over time, it's been partly fixed up and still hosts events, like concerts and shows, especially during the Athens Festival in the summer. Lots of people visit it to see a bit of ancient Athens' culture and history.

Old Temple of Athena

  • The Old Temple of Athena is an ancient Greek temple located on the Acropolis hill in Athens. It was built around 525 BC and is one of the oldest temples on the Acropolis.
  • The temple was dedicated to the goddess Athena, who was the patroness of Athens. It's believed to have been destroyed during the Persian invasion of Athens in 480 BC and later replaced by the Parthenon.
  • Today, only a few remnants of the temple remain, but it's still an important archaeological site and attracts visitors who are interested in ancient Greek history and culture.

What are the Top Tours Parthenon?

  • Parthenon Acropolis with ticket Tour

What are the top attractions to see near the Parthenon?

  • Erechtheion
  • Temple of Athena Nike
  • Theater of Dionysus
  • Agora of Athens

What is a skip-the-line tour?

  • A "skip the line" tour lets you avoid long lines at all attractions and landmarks. With these tours, you get special tickets so you can go straight in without waiting.

What are the best Parthenon Tours to do with kids?

  • Parthenon and Acropolis Tour
  • Mythology and History Tour of Athens
  • Athens Food Tour

Is it best to buy Parthenon tickets online or on-site?

  • It's best to book Parthenon entry tickets online in advance to avoid long lines and ensure entry, especially during peak tourist seasons. Purchasing tickets on-site may result in waiting times and availability issues.

How do I book tickets to see the Parthenon?

  • Most of our tours include tickets to see the Parthenon. This ensures guaranteed entry and the best possible price.

How long is a Parthenon tour?

  • Please refer to the tour description page for the duration of the tour.

Its going to rain, will my tour be cancelled?

  • No need to worry! Our tours are designed to operate in almost all weather conditions. 

When should I book my tour?

  • If you find an available slot, it's best to book it immediately. As our tours fill up very quickly. Most of our tours offer a free cancellation up to 24 hours before the start time, giving you flexibility. You can check the cancellation policy on the tour details page for more information.

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  • Getting Around


Acropolis Opening hours

April – August Monday – Sunday: 08:00 am to 08:00 pm September (1st to 15th) Monday – Sunday: 08:00 am to 07:30 pm September (16th to 29th) Monday – Sunday: 08:00 am to 07:00 pm October (2nd to 15th) Monday – Sunday: 08:00 am to 06:30 pm October (16th to 31st) Monday – Sunday: 08:00 am to 06:00 pm Winter Months (From November to March): Monday – Sunday: 08:00 am to 06:00 pm

How to get to the Acropolis

By Metro. The Acropolis station is on Line 2 (red line) of the Athens Metro. It's the nearest station to the Acropolis, just a 5-minute walk away. From the station, head uphill towards the Acropolis entrance. By Bus: The bus stop is an 8-minute walk from the Acropolis Museum and is served by buses 230, 236, and 237. Another bus stop near the Acropolis Museum, served by buses 40, 22, and 24.

How to access the Acropolis

To get into the Acropolis, go to the main entrance on the west side or the side entrance called the Dionysus Theater entrance. Make sure you book your tickets in advance to ensure entry.


The Temple of Athena Nike is a famous ancient Greek temple located on the Acropolis in Athens. Dedicated to the goddess Athena Nike. It was built in the fifth century BC. Despite its small size, the temple is a significant cultural and historical site, attracting many visitors on Acropolis tours. It honours Athena Nike, the goddess of wisdom and victory in battle. The temple's classical Greek architecture is admired for its beauty and has inspired various artistic and literary works over the centuries. Today, the Temple of Athena Nike still holds great significance for Athenian culture and heritage. It provides visitors with a glimpse into ancient Greek civilisation when they visit the Acropolis.

Visit the Erechtheion

The Erechtheion, located in the city of Athens, is an ancient Greek temple known for its association with Greek mythology. Dedicated to Athena and Poseidon, it stands on the Acropolis, offering stunning views of the city and the Parthenon. Built in the 5th century BCE, the Erechtheion is famous for its unique architectural features. Including the Porch of the Maidens with its six female statues. Legend says that the Erechtheion was where Athena and Poseidon competed to become the patron deity of Athens. Despite being damaged over time, the Erechtheion still stands as a symbol of Athens' history and culture. It draws visitors worldwide to admire its beauty and learn about its role in Greek mythology.

Visit the theatre of Dionysus

The theatre of Dionysus is an ancient Greek theatre located at the base of the Acropolis in Athens. It was dedicated to Dionysus. The god of wine and fertility, and hosted the city's dramatic festivals. With its strategic location, the theatre offers stunning views of both the Acropolis and the city of Athens. theatre of Dionysus was built in the 6th century BC and is one of the oldest theatres in the world and served as a centre for cultural and artistic activities in ancient Athens. It could accommodate up to 17,000 spectators and featured performances of tragedies, comedies, and satyr plays during the famous Dionysia festivals. Today, visitors can explore the ruins of the theatre of Dionysus and imagine the grandeur of the performances that once took place there. The theatre’s location provides an excellent vantage point to appreciate the architectural marvels of the Acropolis and to admire the sprawling cityscape of Athens below. It remains a significant archaeological site and a testament to the rich cultural heritage of ancient Greece.


Parthenon Acropolis with Ticket Tour

Explore the magnificent Parthenon and the entire Acropolis of Athens with entry tickets available online. With these tickets, you can discover ancient wonders like the Temple of Athena Nike, the Erechtheion, and more. With Acropolis skip-the-line tickets you can skip the long lines and immerse yourself in the rich history and architectural beauty of this UNESCO World Heritage Site. Take in panoramic views of Athens from the Acropolis hill and witness firsthand the legacy of Greek civilisation. Don't miss this opportunity to visit one of the most iconic landmarks in the world and learn about its significance in history and culture. Purchase your Acropolis tickets online and embark on an unforgettable journey through time.

Experience the ancient wonders with this Parthenon Tour. As you stroll along tree-lined streets towards the Acropolis, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Visit the Dionysus Sanctuary dedicated to the Greek god of wine and fertility. Explore the Acropolis with detailed insights into the Parthenon and other landmarks. These include the Propylaea gateway, Erechtheion, and Temple of Athena Nike. At the top of the hill, admire panoramic views of Athens while learning about excavations and citadel ruins. Discover nearby monuments like Mars Hill and the Odeon of Herodes Atticus with your knowledgeable local guide.

Join a captivating tour of the Acropolis of Athens led by a knowledgeable local guide. Learn about its fascinating history, mythology, and stories as you explore this UNESCO World Heritage site. Next, visit the Acropolis Museum, one of the world's top-rated museums. This is where you can see original masterpieces from the Acropolis temples. Explore the Acropolis hill to see landmarks like the Dionysus Theater and the Odeon of Herodes Atticus. Discover the Propylea Temple of Nike and the Erechtheion Temple. Admire the iconic Parthenon, representing democracy and Western civilisation. With your combined skip the ticket line, which includes the Acropolis Museum ticket. You can enter the New Acropolis Museum and uncover ancient Greek treasures. Immerse yourself in classical antiquity at this modern marvel.


Getting around Athens by bus is easy and convenient. You can buy tickets at kiosks or directly from the bus driver. Routes cover the city and suburbs, with frequent services to popular destinations like the Acropolis and museums. Look for bus stops with signs indicating the routes and numbers. Buses can get crowded during peak times, so it's a good idea to plan your journey ahead and allow extra time.

Getting around Athens by taxi is simple and fast. You can easily find taxis on the street or book one through an app. Just raise your hand to flag one down or head to a taxi stand. Make sure the taxi has a working meter before starting your journey.

Getting around Athens by walking is a great way to explore the city. Many attractions like the Acropolis and Plaka neighbourhood are within walking distance from each other. The city has pedestrian-friendly streets and sidewalks, making it easy to get around on foot. Just wear comfortable shoes, stay hydrated, and enjoy the adventure of exploring Athens on foot!


National Archaeological Museum

The National Archaeological Museum is a treasure trove of ancient Greek artifacts and art. It houses an extensive collection of archaeological finds from all over Greece, spanning thousands of years of history. From intricately carved sculptures to beautifully crafted pottery. The museum offers a fascinating glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of Greece. When planning your things to do in Athens, a visit to the National Archaeological Museum should be at the top of your list. This is one of the city's premier attractions and provides invaluable insights into the ancient world.

Acropolis Museum

Situated at the foot of the Acropolis hill, the Acropolis Museum is dedicated to showcasing the archaeological treasures of ancient Athens. The museum has a modern style and cool displays that everyone, young or old, will find interesting. The best part of the museum is the Parthenon Gallery. Here, you can see the real sculptures from the Parthenon arranged just like they were on the building. This is like taking a step back in time to see how they looked on the ancient monument. We highly recommend including a trip to the Acropolis Museum when you're planning what to do in Athens. It's a key part of fully exploring the Acropolis. At the museum, you can learn a lot more about the history and importance of this famous site. Plus, you get to see some amazing artifacts up close and learn about life in ancient Greece. The museum has interesting interactive videos that make learning fun. This is a great place for families, people who love history, and anyone who's into digging up old stuff.

Benaki Museum

The Benaki Museum is a cultural gem nestled in the heart of Athens. It offers a diverse collection of art and artifacts from throughout Greek history. Founded by Antonis Benakis in 1930, the museum's exhibits span multiple periods and genres. This includes Byzantine art, Islamic art, and folk art. Visitors can explore beautifully curated galleries showcasing everything from ancient Greek ceramics to intricate textiles and jewellery. When seeking out Athen’s attractions, the Benaki Museum stands out for its eclectic collection and commitment to preserving Greece's cultural heritage. Whether you're interested in classical art or contemporary crafts, the museum has something to captivate every visitor.

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Guided Tours

Acropolis museum, more tickets & tours, 5 tips for visiting the parthenon, frequently asked questions, what is the parthenon, can we go inside the parthenon, what else is there to see on the acropolis, should we take a guided tour of the acropolis, should we visit the acropolis museum, how long should we plan to spend at the parthenon, is the parthenon accessible to visitors with disabilities, general information, opening hours, how to get there.

Popular currencies

More currencies, acropolis & parthenon tickets with audio guide.

acropolis & parthenon tickets with audio guide-1

Travel back in time to the very symbol of ancient Western civilization, the Acropolis of Athens. Visit the remains of iconic structures like the Parthenon, the temple of Athena Nike, and the Odeon of Herodes Atticus!

Visit the Acropolis and explore the remains of this ancient Greek citadel at your own pace.

Take picturesque photographs of the Athenian cityscape and visit the famous temples of the Parthenon, Athena Nike, and Erechtheion.

Discover the traditional Greek amphitheater of Dionysus and the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Parthenon.

Upgrade your ticket to include multilingual audio guides for Acropolis or Athens City to learn as you explore or to include entry to other ancient sites.

Fun fact: The temple symbol on UNESCO's logo represents the Parthenon, which was built to honor the goddess Athena.

Self audio guided tour

Timed entry to Acropolis & Parthenon

Access to Odeon of Herodes Atticus & Theatre of Dionysus

Acropolis audio guide in English, Greek, German, Spanish, French, or Italian (optional)

Multipass tickets: Acropolis + 6 Archaeological Sites (optional)

Access to Acropolis Museum (optional)

Cancellation policy

These tickets can't be cancelled or rescheduled.

Quintin Corinne Monique

Your experience

Explore ancient greek history.

The Acropolis is a stunning Athenian temple complex located on a rocky outcrop above the city. Stop by the ruins of legendary structures like the Propylaea, the entrance to the ancient temple of Parthenon. Dedicated to Athena, the Parthenon’s main function was to shelter the monumental statue of Athena that was made by Pheidias out of gold and ivory.

Temples in the Acropolis

Wander across the once-sacred halls of Athena Nike and the Erechtheion. The Odeon of Herodes Atticus will leave you in awe. The large amphitheater was built in AD 161 by wealthy Roman Herodes Atticus in memory of his wife Regilla and is still used to this day for concerts and other events. You have the option to include a mobile audio guide in case you're looking to add some insights to your tour.

Operating hours

Acropolis museum, acropolis parthenon, know before you go, what to bring.

Have your passport, ID, and student ID ready for a seamless experience.

Bring along your walking shoes, a bottle of water, sunscreen, and a hat for comfortable exploration.

Stay ahead of the game; download the audio app beforehand to dodge any network glitches at the location.

Don’t forget your trusty earphones for an immersive audio guide experience.


This experience is accessible by wheelchair and pram/strollers with the availability of additional routes and facilities.

There's an elevator at the Acropolis that guests with disabilities can use. However, guests will have to contact the venue well in advance for details and terms

Additional information

The audio tours are not compatible with Windows Phones, iPhone 5/5C or older, iPod Touch 5th generation or older, iPad 4th generation or older, iPad Mini 1st generation.

The app and audio guides require around 200-250 MB of space on your device.

Due to Greek Orthodox Good Friday observances, archaeological sites will have adjusted opening hours. Specifically, on Good Friday (3rd May 2024), sites will be open from noon until 6:00 pm. Orthodox Holy Saturday (4th May 2024) hours will be from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm.

The Acropolis Museum offers free admission on March 6 (Melina Mercouri Day), March 25 (National Holiday), May 18 (International Day of Museums), and October 28 (National Holiday).

If you're an EU citizen under 25 or a non-EU citizen under 5, you get free entrance!

Your voucher will be emailed to you instantly.

Please display your mobile voucher along with a valid photo ID at the ticket redemption point

If you have purchased reduced-price tickets, please carry your valid photo ID proof for verification. Students must show their valid student IDs.

Ticket redemption point

  • Please check your final voucher for the meeting point details and specific instructions.

Cell phone signal is generally weak in the monuments area. It is highly recommended to download purchased products before arriving there to enjoy the tour without any interruptions.

Please don't wait until you get there to download the audio guide! Activate your phone's GPS to allow access to the location of the Clio Muse app.

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The Tennessee Destination That Basically Teleports You To Athens' Most Iconic Tourist Attraction

aerial view of Nashville Tennessee

The Acropolis is a major draw for tourists in Greece every year. Home to the Parthenon, this site is loaded with history and is truly one of the greatest cultural wonders of the world. But on top of being across the pond for those of us in the U.S., it's known for being super crowded, so much so that the Greek culture ministry started offering "exclusive" tours for people trying to avoid the crowds for a whopping €5,000. On top of that, Europe had one of its worst heat waves this summer, leading to temporary closures of the site. But the good news is a spot in Tennessee essentially whisks you away to the Parthenon without the crowds, the heat, or the long, expensive flight .

We're talking about Nashville's Parthenon in Tennessee, which boasts being "the world's only exact-size replica of the original Parthenon in Athens," according to the  Parthenon website . Capturing the essence of the original structure built in 438 B.C., this replica, as it stands today, was rebuilt starting in 1921 to take it from a temporary installation to a permanent celebration of Nashville's nickname, "Athens of the South." The Nashville Parthenon is a complete copy of the original, down to its columns and Athena Parthenos statue, a tribute to the goddess Athena, which was commissioned by artist Alan LeQuire in the 1980s. The statue is 42 feet tall, making it the tallest indoor statue on this side of the world.

The story behind the Nashville Parthenon

Parthenon replica in Nashville

The story behind Nashville's Parthenon is as fascinating as the structure itself. It was built in 1897 as a temporary attraction for the Tennessee Centennial Exposition, but everyone loved it so much that they decided to keep it even after the Exposition was over. However, it was only made of plaster and soon started falling apart. So, architect Russell Hart and architectural historian William Bell Dinsmoor came together to create a permanent and more exact replica of the original Parthenon in Greece. While finances held up construction, the building was finally finished in 1931. Interestingly, its construction took almost 10 years, which is how long historians estimate it took for the original Parthenon to be built in Athens.

One particularly impressive part of the Nashville Parthenon is how it replicates the curvature of the original columns. There are different theories on why the columns of Athen's Parthenon aren't perfectly straight; some say to counteract optical illusions that could make it look less than perfect from a distance, while others suggest it was an artistic decision. The Nashville Parthenon recreates all of these tiny details, including entasis, where the columns bulge slightly in the middle. One more cool detail – while you aren't allowed to actually go inside the Parthenon in Athens, visitors can enter and explore the inside of the Nashville Parthenon, which is separated into two rooms called the Naos and the Treasury (same as in Athens).

Planning a visit to the Nashville Parthenon

aerial view of Nashville Parthenon

Getting to the Nashville Parthenon is easy, whether you're driving or using public transportation. It's located in Centennial Park, which is also worth exploring as it's home to historical buildings and monuments, the Centennial Art Center, Musicians Corner, and more attractions, including events and festivals throughout the year. Visitors can also check out Lake Watauga, which is popular for water sports and fishing. Watauga Lakeshore Resort & Marina has everything visitors need to get out on the water, from ski boats to pontoon boats, and lakefront cabin rentals for longer stays.

Nearby, Nashville's West End neighborhood is a lively area with plenty to do, from shopping to dining to catching live music. If you plan on venturing out farther to explore the city, Tootsies Orchid Lounge is a well-known honky tonk where it's rumored that country legend Willie Nelson got his start. Other historical attractions in Nashville include Andrew Jackson's Hermitage, the former home of the US president, the Country Music Hall of Fame, and the Grand Ole Opry House.

The Nashville Parthenon's entry fee is only $10 for adults ($8 for kids and seniors), which certainly beats forking over thousands of euros for a crowd-free tour of the original in Greece. Visitors can find brochures inside to help with self-guided exploration of the inside, but it's not a bad idea to check out the online calendar ahead of visiting to see what's going on, as guided tours and other events are often scheduled.


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8 Things You Must Do in Nashville, Tennessee

Dylan sanders | 16 hours ago.

Tanner Boriack/Unsplash

Nashville, Tennesse is known as 'Music City' and for good reason. Any fan of music should make this a top destination for their next vacation.

Here are some things that everyone must see when visiting:

Grand Ole Opry

This live music venue has been home to many iconic country music acts and will continue to be for a long time. About five times a week there is a show at the Opry and be sure to get your tickets fast as they do sell out quickly.

Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum

Continuing down the path of legendary country music stops, this is one of the largest music-based museums in the entire world. Take at least two hours out of your day to see the many exhibits that call it home. The Rotunda is the most important attraction and is the final stop. It is where every member of the Hall of Fame is enshrined.

Centennial Park

Taking a trip outside, the Centennial is a large ubran park that is home to one of the most interesting stops in Nashville. It has a full-scale replica of the Parthenon in Anthens, Greece. Inside is an art museum and a large statue dedicated to Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom, warfare and handicraft.

Randor Lake State Park

If you want a break from the city life, Radnor can be a very peaceful and serene stop on your trip. It is home to many widlife and has plenty of hiking trails to make a trip easy. It's just eight miles south of Downtown Nashville, so it shouldn't be too hard to get to.

Lane Motor Museum

This museum holds the largest collection of European automobiles in the United States, with 500 total cars in a rotation of around 150 being displayed each day. They do offer vault tours which give access to the cars in the basement that aren't on display.

National Museum of African American Music

For a different vibe than country music, the NMAAM showcases the different genres that were inspired, created or influenced by African-Americans. It includes clothes worn by Nat King Cole, Whitney Houston, Dorothy Dandridge and more. It is located at Fifth and Broadway, where the Nashville Convention Center once was.

Speaking of Broadway, it is the main part of downtown Nashville. There is a great live music scene including some inconic honky-tonk perfomances. There are different food vendors and street performers that always make it feel like a vibrant area.

Nashville Hot Chicken

This is the most famous cuisine that the city has to offer. Some of the top spots include Hattie B's, Prince's Hot Chicken or Bolton's.

Dylan Sanders


Mostly Sunny

Megadeth ‘Destroy All Enemies’ tour: Where to buy tickets to 2 Pa. shows

  • Updated: Aug. 16, 2024, 12:25 p.m.
  • | Published: Aug. 16, 2024, 12:23 p.m.


Megadeth will perform on Sept. 9 in Reading, Pa., and Sept. 18, in Pittsburgh. In this file photo, the band performs at the outdoor Penn Heroes stage at the Hollywood Casino at Penn National Race Course in September 2023. (Zach Gleiter | Special to PennLive)

Megadeth started its “Destroy All Enemies” tour earlier this month.

In September, the band, along with Mudvayne and All That Remains, will perform twice in Pa. - Monday, Sept. 9, at Santander Arena in Reading; and Wednesday, Sept. 18, at Stage AE in Pittsburgh.

“Performing classic hits from ‘Rust In Peace,’ ‘Countdown to Extinction’ and more, the tour also brings Dave Mustaine and bandmates back to North America to perform their latest studio album ‘The Sick, the Dying… and the Dead!’ Featuring some of Mustaine’s strongest-ever songwriting, the tour offers an equally ambitious live performance that delivers on all fronts,” according to a Live Nation news release.

Fans can buy tickets to the shows here (prices are as of the time of this publication):

Sept. 9 in Reading

  • Stubhub, prices start at $33
  • SeatGeek, prices start at $34
  • Vivid Seats, prices start at $38

Sept. 18 in Pittsburgh

  • Stubhub, prices start at $67
  • SeatGeek, prices start at $68
  • Vivid Seats, prices start at $72

Other stops on the tour include:

Aug. 17 - Salt Lake City, Utah

Aug. 20 - Irving, Texas

Aug. 21 - Austin, Texas

Aug. 23 - Macon, Georgia

Aug. 24 - West Palm Beach, Florida

Sept. 3 - Tinley Park, Illinois

Sept. 5 - Huntington, West Virginia

Sept. 6  - Charlotte, North Carolina

Sept. 7  - Raleigh, North Carolina

Sept. 10 - Albany, New York

Sept. 11 - Boston, Massachusetts

Sept. 13 - Bethel, New York

Sept. 14 - Wantagh, New York

Sept. 15 - Richmond, Virginia

Sept. 17 - Cincinnati, Ohio

Sept. 20  - Noblesville, Indiana

Sept. 21  - Clarkston, Michigan

Sept. 22 - Cleveland, Ohio

Sept. 24 - Minneapolis, Minnesota

Sept. 26 - St. Louis, Missouri

Sept. 27 - Southaven, Mississippi

Sept. 28 - Nashville, Tennessee

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  2. Entry Tickets to Athens Acropolis & Parthenon with Audio Guide

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  5. Entry Tickets to Athens Acropolis & Parthenon with Audio Guide

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  6. Athens: Acropolis, Parthenon Guided Tour with Entry Tickets

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  10. Athens: Acropolis and Parthenon Guided Walking Tour

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    You may buy Parthenon Greece Tickets at the ticket gate or online in advance for all of Athens' other historic landmarks. Skip-the-line tickets and guided walking tours are now available to make things even more easy.

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  14. Athens Acropolis Tickets & Tours

    Enjoy guided tours with priority access to the Acropolis Museum & Parthenon. Explore the archeological sites & ancient ruins in the historic city of Athens

  15. Pristine Parthenon Tour & Skip the Line Acropolis Tickets

    A specially-curated Acropolis tour that avoids the crowds so you can see the Parthenon in peace before taking you inside the New Acropolis Museum.

  16. Acropolis and Parthenon Guided Walking Tour

    See the landmark monuments of Athens in a new light during a late afternoon tour of the Acropolis, guided by a licensed archaeologist. You're guaranteed to skip any long wait lines during this walking tour of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Avoid the crowds and warmer temperatures while taking a leisurely stroll around the Parthenon, Propylaia gateway, Temple of Athena Nike and more.

  17. Discover and Book the Best Tours in Acropolis Athens

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  18. Explore the Parthenon at the Acropolis of Athens

    Discover the Acropolis and Parthenon in Athens, Greece. Book tickets to explore these ancient landmarks and learn about their history and architecture.

  19. The Parthenon

    Discover the Parthenon, the jewel of the Athenian Acropolis. Compare tickets and tours to save time and money on your visit.

  20. Acropolis & Parthenon Tickets with Audio Guide

    Book Athens Acropolis tickets at Headout. With your tickets, enjoy entry to the Parthenon. Get 24/7 support.

  21. The Tennessee Destination That Basically Teleports You To ...

    Not in the budget to go see the Parthenon in Athens, Greece? Nashville has you covered with a complete replica in Centennial Park.

  22. Acropolis & Parthenon Entrance Ticket w/English Self Guided Tours

    The Acropolis of Athens, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is the city's most iconic attraction, with its ancient Parthenon and beautiful views of the city. Because of the ancient monument's popularity, lines to get in can get long. With this e-ticket, avoid the hassle of standing in line to purchase the ticket and head straight in.

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    It has a full-scale replica of the Parthenon in Anthens, Greece. Inside is an art museum and a large statue dedicated to Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom, warfare and handicraft.

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    On Tuesday, the Niners took their final tour of the Acropolis of Athens, an ancient citadel located on a rocky outcrop above the city that contains the remains of several ancient buildings including the most well-known, the Parthenon. The sculpture is considered one of the highlights of classical Greek art built in the fifth century BC.

  26. Acropolis monuments & Parthenon Walking Tour with Optional ...

    The UNESCO-listed Acropolis of Athens is the city's most visited attraction, but it has the traffic to match. This walking tour starts early to avoid the crowds and includes highlights such as the Parthenon, Erechtheion, and the Acropolis Museum.

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    Megadeth started its "Destroy All Enemies" tour earlier this month. In September, the band, along with Mudvayne and All That Remains, will perform twice in Pa. - Monday, Sept. 9, at Santander ...