Journey 2050

journey 2050 student handout 1 answer key

Designed for: Grades 9-12 Learning Styles : Independent (student resource), Distance Learning Resource Type : External Link, Lesson Plan

Journey 2050 allows schools to experience agriculture like it’s never been taught before. As Grade 7-12 students explore sustainable agriculture, they make inquiry-based decisions to see the ripple effect on social, economic and environmental factors. Farm families across the world guide students through interactive games such as a virtual farm simulation and career avatar.

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Agricultural Literacy Curriculum Matrix

Lesson plan, grade levels, type of companion resource, content area standards, agricultural literacy outcomes, common core, journey 2050 lesson 1: sustainable agriculture (grades 9-12), grade level.

Students will explore the question, “How will we sustainably feed nearly 10 billion people by the year 2050?” as they discover what sustainable agriculture is and how it is critical to securing a stable food supply and future for a growing population.  Grades 9-12

Estimated Time

Materials needed.

  • Sustainable Agriculture slide deck
  • Journey 2050 Introduction video
  • Play online or download app
  • Create Free Teacher Account  to track student progress and print reports for Sustainability Farming Game .
  • Computer or tablet device for each student

sustainable: meeting the economic, social, and environmental needs of the present without compromising the needs of the future

sustainable agriculture: an approach to agriculture that focuses on producing food while improving the economic viability of farms, protecting natural resources, and enhancing quality of life for farmers and society as a whole

Did You Know?

  • Sustainable agriculture is critical in the global effort to eradicate hunger and poverty.
  • Reducing food waste positively impacts sustainability.
  • More than 700 million people, or 10 per cent of the world population, still live in extreme poverty today, struggling to fulfil the most basic needs like health, education, and access to water and sanitation. 7
  • Unfortunately, about one-third 8 of our current global food supply is wasted. In developed countries food is thrown out and over consumed, and in developing countries food is lost to unreliable storage and transportation. 

Background Agricultural Connections

journey 2050 student handout 1 answer key

  • Lesson 1: Sustainable Agriculture
  • Lesson 2: Soil Nutrients
  • Lesson 3: Water
  • Lesson 4: Economies
  • Lesson 5: Land Use
  • Lesson 6: Careers
  • Lesson 7: Technology and Innovations
  • Take Action: Project-based Learning and Program Summary

It is estimated that by 2050, Earth will be crowded with 2 billion more people. They’re all going to need water, homes, jobs and medicines. But most importantly, how are they all going to be fed? 

This growing population will eat the equivalent of all the food grown in the last 500 years put together. 1 That’s over 60 percent more than we grow today 2 or 1 billion tons more cereal 3 and 50 percent 4 more freshwater every year. 

This additional food has to be grown on less land and in a way that protects the environment and animals, while also ensuring there’s enough food for generations to come. This is called sustainability , and it can only be achieved by improving its three interconnected elements: economy, society and the environment. 

journey 2050 student handout 1 answer key

Imagine a barrel with parts made equally from the three elements of sustainability. You can only fill this barrel to the level of its lowest piece. If the environment is the lowest piece of the barrel, it limits sustainability. This element must be improved to make the world’s sustainability better. 

World leaders in the United Nations have committed to 17 Global Goals 5 in order to achieve extraordinary things such as: end extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and fix climate change. Sustainable agriculture is key to meeting these goals and creating a stronger 2050 for our people and our planet. 

The planting of a single seed creates a ripple effect that helps the farmer’s family, their community, their country and ultimately, the world. The more farmers grow and sell, the more they have to spend on seeds, machinery and fertilizer to produce even more food and fiber. Income that’s spent locally is invested in the community, providing education, medical care and infrastructure and protecting the environment. If farmers around the world start a ripple, it could improve global economies and help billions rise from poverty. Different farmers raise different crops and animals according to their local soil, climate, technology and markets. But they all have one thing in common. They love agriculture. 

On our journey to the year 2050, we’re going to be spending time with farm families around the world who are growing food sustainably. First, you’ll meet the the Oloos. They own a small farm in Kenya, East Africa. Then meet the Singh’s who live in India where multiple generations farm together. Next, we’ll fly across the Atlantic to meet the Madges. They’re a third-generation farming family from Central Alberta, Canada. Finally, we’ll meet the Van Löben Sels, they are a sixth-generation farming family in the United States. They grow various commodities in California. These families and agricultural experts will be giving you advice on what we call best management practices, which will allow us to grow more with less, protect the environment, build stronger communities and feed the growing population of our planet.

It’s a long journey ahead, but even the longest journey starts with a single step forward. Take it now and join us on our Journey to 2050.

This lesson has been adapted for online instruction and can be found on the  Journey 2050 eLearning site .

  • Project the Sustainable Agriculture slide deck. Begin with slide 2 and ask your students, “How much is 1 million?” Allow students to offer their answers as they begin visualizing the quantity and value of 1 million. Then ask, “If I spent $1000 every day, how long would it take me to spend 1 million dollars?” (2.7 years, or 1,000 days) 
  • Once students seem to grasp the value of 1 million, move to slide 3 and ask, “If I spend $1,000 every day, how many days would it take to spend 1 billion dollars?” (1,000,000 days or 2,740 years) 
  • Now that your students are beginning to visualize the sheer quantity of 1 billion ask, “What is the current world population right now?” (over 7 billion). Follow up by asking, “Do you know what the world population is projected to be in the year 2050?” (nearly 10 billion). 

Explore and Explain

journey 2050 student handout 1 answer key

Activity 1: Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture 

  • Slides 5–6: Ask students, “If it is [insert current year] right now, how many years until we reach the year 2050?” Then ask, “How old will you be in the year 2050?” Explain that scientists and world leaders have identified 2050 as a key moment in time when the world’s population will be nearly 10 billion—that is more than 2 billion more than today. Point out to students that they will be adults! They will have an influence on the decisions that impact everything from what is taught in schools to what they buy at the grocery store.
  • Slide 7: Ask students to identify some of the items we will need more of in order to provide for 2 billion additional people on Earth. Brainstorm and list several items on the board. Use questioning to help students identify items such as water, homes, jobs, medicines, food, etc. Remind students of all the products they get from agriculture (food, fiber, fuel, timber, medicines and by-products that are used in manufacturing or end up in items such as lipstick, paint and batteries). Explain that farmers and many other agricultural professionals are responsible for producing each of these daily necessities.
  • Before moving on, formatively assess students to ensure they understand the term sustainability .
  • Slides 9–10: Tomorrow’s farmer will have to feed even more people. It is estimated that by 2050, our growing population will require the equivalent of all the food grown in the last 500 years. 10 That’s a lot of food! Ask, “Do farmers have limitations to how much they can produce?” As students think about the answer to this question, give an example of a corn farmer with 100 acres. Can this farmer take their same land, soil, corn seeds, water and tractors and double their crop from one year to the next simply because there is a demand for more corn? No, there are limitations if a farmer wants to produce agricultural goods in a sustainable manner.
  • Slide 11: Ask students to picture a wooden barrel made up of several wooden slats. Explain that we are going to call it a sustainability barrel . Each wooden slat of the barrel represents a factor influencing sustainable agricultural production. Each factor can be placed into one of three challenges to sustainable agriculture—producing sustainably while maintaining economic, social and environmental systems. For example, in order to be able to grow enough food to feed the world sustainably, we have to make sure that farmers are able to earn a profit, that communities have access to education and healthcare, and that the soil stays healthy and we don’t destroy habitats.
  • Slide 12: Ask students, “What are some examples of limiting factors?” (water, available land, soil health, climate, economy, education, etc.) Ask students to explain how each factor influences our ability to produce our food. Remind students that we must continually improve the weakest part of our sustainability, whether it is education or soil health. They all impact our ability to feed the world. A community or program is only as successful as its least developed sustainability factor.
  • Slide 14: Ask, “Can a single drop of water impact an entire body of water?” (Yes, it creates a ripple.) 
  • Slides 15–16: Use these slides to illustrate how sustainable practices in agriculture can create a positive ripple effect. 

journey 2050 student handout 1 answer key

  • Slides 17–18: Inform students that they are about to embark on a “Journey to 2050.” Inform students that they will be using a game to farm virtually in different parts of the world. Along the way they will learn more about where our food, fiber (clothing and shelter) and fuel comes from and how farmers can sustainably produce these items for a growing population.
  • Introduce the Sustainability Farming Game . Inform students that they will experience the lives of actual farm families across the world. As they interact with each family, they should pay attention to the farming practices they choose, the technology they use and the community investments they make. Remember, agriculture is the foundation for life, and its success creates ripples locally and globally that will determine whether we meet the challenge of feeding the world.
  • Social: food, education, infrastructure, healthcare
  • Economy: profits, income, jobs, community
  • Environment: habitats, soil health, water, greenhouse gases
  • Open the Sustainability Farming Game Level 1 Demo on each student’s computer or device.
  • Explain that the sustainability barrel will determine their score, and help students understand the significance of balancing the social, economic and environmental pillars of the sustainability barrel throughout the game (e.g., investments in soil health produce better crops, earning more money; investments in roads allow products and people to travel easier, improving access to markets and labor).
  • Note to teacher: The first level is a demonstration of the game designed to teach students how to play. Students will be in Kenya and will play one round, which will take about five minutes. The game stops after they have completed each teaching moment (such as how to plant, water and harvest).
  • Once time is up, the game will pause on the Results page. When all students have reached the Results page, instruct them to press “continue,” and help them understand what the Ripple Effects screen shows. They will then move on to the Surplus Contribution Opportunities page. Encourage them to invest in their limiting factors (there will be a red arrow under the limiting factor). If the investment matches that factor, there will be a red arrow on the left, beside the investment name. Once their score stops going up they can press “continue” and finish with the demo level.
  • After growing your first crop, did you invest some of your money to purchase additional land? Why or why not?
  • What was the limiting factor in your sustainability barrel? What did this mean? (Answers will vary) 
  • What were some of the ripple effects of your farming choices? 

Show the animated video, 7 Billion: How Did We Get So Big So Fast?  to illustrate to students why and how our population grew to reach over 7 billion today. 

Utilize these 60-second supplementary videos for each of the topics below:

  • Sustainability
  • Best Management Practices
  • Ripple Effect

As an example to illustrate growth and improvement in agriculture, explain that a North American farmer in the 1900s produced enough food for 10 people. Today’s farmer feeds over 120 people. Ask students, “Why can farmers produce more food today than they could in the early 1900s?” (increased knowledge and skills about plants and animals, technology, machinery, improved breeding and genetics, etc.)

World leaders are working on solutions to global sustainability. The United Nations has released 17 goals  that we all need to work towards. There is a free App called Global Hero that highlights each goal in 30-second mini-games. (There are no in-app purchases to play the games.)

The Journey 2050 lessons provide an introduction to agricultural sustainability. Take a deeper dive into additional sustainability topics using the links found on the Sustainability page.

Review and summarize the following key concepts (Slide 26):

  • Our population is growing. By 2050 it is expected that our world will grow from over 7 billion people to nearly 10 billion people.
  • Sustainable agriculture is the practice of producing our food, fiber and fuel in a way that is profitable to the farmer, supports a healthy quality of life and protects our natural resources (land, air and water).
  • Many factors can limit our ability to produce food for a growing population. These limiting factors are depicted in the sustainability barrel.
  • Using sustainable agricultural practices can improve our society through the ripple effect.
  • Sustainable Development Network Solutions (2013). Solutions for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems,
  • , and
  • Sustainable Development Network Solutions (2013). Solutions for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems 


The  Journey 2050 program was originally developed by Nutrien in collaboration with Calgary Stampede, Alberta Canola Producers Commission, Nutrients for Life Foundation, and Agriculture in the Classroom Canada. Authors and contributors were drawn from each of these organizations under the direction of Lindsey Verhaeghe (Nutrien) and Robyn Kurbel (Calgary Stampede.) The lessons were updated and revised in 2017 and 2022 with contributions from the original J2050 Steering Committee, the National Center for Agricultural Literacy, and the National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization. 

Recommended Companion Resources

  • 9 Billion Mouths to Feed: Leading the Way to Abundance and Sustainability
  • Agriculture and the Sustainable Development Goals
  • Agronomy - Grow with It!
  • Creative Solutions to Ending School Food Waste
  • Food Machine
  • Growing Today for Tomorrow
  • Journey 2050
  • Journey 2050 Program Summary: Project-Based Learning
  • Population, Sustainability, and Malthus: Crash Course World History video
  • Smarter Food: Does Big Farming Mean Bad Farming?
  • What is Regenerative Agriculture?
  • What is Sustainable Agriculture?
  • World Population History


State standards for texas, world geography studies: 113.43.c.11.

Economics. The student understands how geography influences economic activities.

  • World Geography Studies: 11.C   -  The student is expected to assess how changes in climate, resources, and infrastructure (technology, transportation, and communication) affect the location and patterns of economic activities.

Economics with Emphasis on the Free Enterprise System and Its Benefits: 113.31.c.1

Economics. The student understands the concepts of scarcity and opportunity costs.

  • Economics with Emphasis on the Free Enterprise System and Its Benefits: 1.A   -  The student is expected to explain why scarcity and choice are basic economic problems faced by every society.

Economics with Emphasis on the Free Enterprise System and Its Benefits: 113.31.c.23

Social studies skills. The student uses problem-solving and decision-making skills, working independently with others.

  • Economics with Emphasis on the Free Enterprise System and Its Benefits: 23   -  The student is expected to use problem-solving and decision-making processes to identify a problem, gather information, list and consider options, consider advantages and disadvantages, choose and implement a solution, and evaluate the effectiveness of the solution.

World Geography Studies: 113.43.c.8

Geography. The student understands how people, places, and environments are connected and interdependent.

  • World Geography Studies: 8.A   -  The student is expected to compare ways that humans depend on, adapt to, and modify the physical environment, including the influences of culture and technology.
  • World Geography Studies: 8.C   -  The student is expected to evaluate the economic and political relationships between settlements and the environment, including sustainable development and renewable/non-renewable resources.

Economics with Emphasis on the Free Enterprise System and Its Benefits: 113.31.c.10

Economics. The student understands key components of economic growth.

  • Economics with Emphasis on the Free Enterprise System and Its Benefits: 10.B   -  The student is expected to analyze how technology relates to growth.

World Geography Studies: 113.43.c.19

Science, technology, and society. The student understands the impact of technology and human modifications on the physical environment.

  • World Geography Studies: 19.C   -  The student is expected to analyze the environmental, economic, and social impacts of advances in technology on agriculture and natural resources.

English I: 110.36.c.1

Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, discussion, and thinking--oral language. The student develops oral language through listening, speaking, and discussion.

  • English I: 1.A   -  The student is expected to engage in meaningful and respectful discourse by listening actively, responding appropriately, and adjusting communication to audiences and purposes.

English II: 110.37.c.1

Developing and sustaining foundation language skills: listening, speaking, discussion, and thinking--oral language. The student develops oral language through listening, speaking, and discussion.

  • English II: 1.A   -  The student is expected to engage in meaningful and respectful discourse by listening actively, responding appropriately, and adjusting communication to audiences and purposes.

English III: 110.38.c.1

  • English III: 1.A   -  The student is expected to engage in meaningful and respectful discourse when evaluating the clarity and coherence of a speaker's message and critiquing the impact of a speaker's use of diction and syntax.

English IV: 110.39.c.1

  • English IV: 1.A   -  The student is expected to engage in meaningful and respectful discourse when evaluating the clarity and coherence of a speaker's message and critiquing the impact of a speaker's use of diction, syntax, and rhetorical strategies.

Environmental Systems: 112.37.c.9

Science concepts. The student knows the impact of human activities on the environment.

  • Environmental Systems: 9.E   -  The student is expected to evaluate the effect of human activities, including habitat restoration projects, species preservation efforts, nature conservancy groups, hunting, fishing, ecotourism, all terrain vehicles, and small personal watercraft, on the environment.
  • Environmental Systems: 9.G   -  The student is expected to analyze how ethical beliefs can be used to influence scientific practices such as methods for increasing food production.

Environmental Systems: 112.37.c.5

Science concepts. The student knows the interrelationships among the resources within the local environmental system.

  • Environmental Systems: 5.A   -  The student is expected to summarize methods of land use and management and describe its effects on land fertility.
  • Environmental Systems: 5.B   -  The student is expected to identify source, use, quality, management, and conservation of water.
  • Environmental Systems: 5.C   -  The student is expected to document the use and conservation of both renewable and non-renewable resources as they pertain to sustainability.

Agriculture and the Environment

  • Evaluate the various definitions of “sustainable agriculture,” considering population growth, carbon footprint, environmental systems, land and water resources, and economics (T1.9-12.f)
  • Describe resource and conservation management practices used in agricultural systems (e.g., riparian management, rotational grazing, no till farming, crop and variety selection, wildlife management, timber harvesting techniques) (T1.9-12.b)

Culture, Society, Economy & Geography

  • Communicate how the global agricultural economy and population influences the sustainability of communities and societies (T5.9-12.a)
  • Compare and contrast the economic challenges facing developed and under-developed countries (poverty, population, and hunger) (T5.9-12.c)
  • Discuss how agricultural practices have increased agricultural productivity and have impacted (pro and con) the development of the global economy, population, and sustainability (T5.9-12.e)

Education Content Standards

Career & technical education (career).

AFNR (Grades 9-12) Environmental Service Systems Career Pathway

  • ESS.02.02    Compare and contrast the impact of current trends on regulation of environmental service systems (e.g., climate change, population growth, international trade, etc.).
  • ESS.02.03    Examine and summarize the impact of public perceptions and social movements on the regulation of environmental service systems.

AFNR (Grades 9-12) Natural Resource Systems Career Pathway

  • NRS.02.02    Assess the impact of human activities on the availability of natural resources.

Social Studies - Economics (ECONOMICS)

Economics Standard 1 (Grades 9-12) Scarcity

  • Objective (Grades 9-12)    Identify what they gain and what they give up when they make choices.

Economics Standard 2 (Grades 9-12) Decision Making

  • Objective (Grades 9-12)    Make effective decisions as consumers, producers, savers, investors, and citizens.

Social Studies - History (HISTORY)

NCSS 8 (Grades 9-12): Science, Technology, and Society

  • Objective 2    Science and technology have had both positive and negative impacts upon individuals, societies, and the environment in the past and present.
  • Objective 9    Science, technology, and their consequences are unevenly available across the globe.
  • Objective 10    Science and technology have contributed to making the world increasingly interdependent.
  • Objective 11    That achievements in science and technology are increasing at a rapid pace and can have both planned and unanticipated consequences.
  • Objective 12    Developments in science and technology may help to address global issues.

NCSS 9 (Grades 9-12): Global Connections

  • Objective 4    The actions of people, communities, and nations have both short-and long-term effects on the biosphere and its ability to sustain life.

NCSS 3 (Grades 9-12): People, Places, and Environments

  • Objective 3    Consequences of changes in regional and global physical systems, such as seasons, climate, and weather, and the water cycle.
  • Objective 4    The causes and impact of resource management, as reflected in land use, settlement patterns, and ecosystem changes.

Science (SCIENCE)

HS-ESS3: Earth and Human Activity

  • HS-ESS3-3    Create a computational simulation to illustrate the relationships among the management of natural resources, the sustainability of human populations, and biodiversity.

HS-LS2 Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics

  • HS-LS2-7    Design, evaluate, and refine a solution for reducing the impacts of human activities on the environment and biodiversity.

HS-LS4 Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity

  • HS-LS4-6    Create or revise a simulation to test a solution to mitigate adverse impacts of human activity on biodiversity.

APES Unit 5 Land and Water Use

  • STB-1.A Introduction to Sustainability    Explain the concept of sustainability.
  • STB-1.E Sustainable Agriculture    Describe sustainable agricultural and food production practices.

Common Core Connections

Anchor standards: reading.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.4 Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone.

Anchor Standards: Speaking and Listening

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.SL.1 Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.SL.5 Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations.

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  • Resource Library
  • Food Stability

Plant Health

  • Sustainable Agriculture

Education Standards

Nebraska agriculture and natural resources standards.

Learning Domain: Plant Systems

Standard: Identify the major challenges of feeding the world.

0-J2050 Getting Started

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1-Ripple Effect Illustration

1-Ripple Effect Illustration

1-sustainability barrel snippet_section 1 1080, 2-j2050 lesson 2, 2-j2050-student handout 5 - pests and diseases, 2-j2050-student handouts 2-4 agriculture terminology, 2- journey 2050 notes lesson 2, 3-10 ways farmers conserve water, 3-j2050 lesson 3, 3-journey 2050 part 3 notes, 3-poster_water_quality_aug_28_hr, 4-j2050 lesson 4, 4-journey 2050 notes part 4, 4r nutrient management poster 36in x 36in, 5-j2050 lesson 5, 5-journey 2050 part 5 notes, 6-j2050 lesson 6, 6-journey 2050 notes part 6, 7-j2050 summary.

Ag Innovation Examples

Ag Innovation Examples


Land-Use Map

Land-Use Map

Where in the world clues_print, where in the world_teacher answer key_final, who s who-hd, feeding the world: journey 2050 unit.

Feeding the World:  Journey 2050 Unit

Journey 2050 is a virtual farming app with interactive activities and hands-on lessons that students will use to explore important concepts like:  The simple planting of a seed starts a RIPPLE EFFECT that helps farm families, communities, countries and the world. Agriculture is the foundation for life. SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE balances economic, social and environmental factors for long term success. To FEED THE WORLD in 2050, we will need to grow over 60% more food on the same amount of land. Journey 2050 was developed by teachers, industry experts and professional game developers. It takes 7 hours to complete the program developed by Nutrien.

Journey 2050 Intro

Journey 2050 is a virtual farming app with interactive activities and hands-on lessons that students will use to explore important concepts like:  The simple planting of a seed starts a RIPPLE EFFECT that helps farm families, communities, countries and the world. Agriculture is the foundation for life. SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE balances economic, social and environmental factors for long term success. To FEED THE WORLD in 2050, we will need to grow over 60% more food on the same amount of land. Journey 2050 was developed by teachers, industry experts and professional game developers. It takes 7 hours to complete the program.

Essential Questions

  • How does the simple planting of a seed initiate a ripple effect that contributes to the well-being of farm families, communities, countries, and the world?
  • What role does agriculture play as the foundation for life, considering its impact on various aspects?
  • How does sustainable agriculture achieve a balance among economic, social, and environmental factors to ensure long-term success?
  • What challenges and strategies are involved in growing over 60% more food on the same amount of land to feed the world by 2050?

Nebraska 2023 AFNR Content Standards:

AFNR.HS.22.1.a Identify and categorize terms and methods related to animal production

(e.g., sustainable, conventional, humanely raised, natural, organic).

AFNR.HS.19.1.h Interpret the economic impact of the agriculture industry to the local community, state, nation, and world.

AFNR.HS.19.2.a Assess a variety of agricultural situations and devise ways to improve efficiency

and value to production, processes, and/or procedures.

AFNR.HS.19.2.b Investigate and determine the root cause of a problem.

AFNR.HS.19.2.c Create an implementation plan, considering prioritized solutions, to act on

AFNR.HS.19.2.d Consider the economic, social, community, environmental, and personal impact

of solutions.

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture

World Population Growth

Lesson 2 - Plant Health

Lesson 3 - water.

Lesson 3 Water

Lesson 4 - Economy

Lesson 5 - Land Use

Lesson 6 - Careers for 2050 and Beyond!

Summary Document & Presentation

Land use, who's who, and where in the world resources.

  • Ag Innovation Examples.jpg
  • Land Use Map.png
  • Clues and Answer Key
  • Who's Who.mp4

Assignment, Recap, and Assessments

Country Comparison assignment, Journey 2050 Recap, Test, and SPED Test

Journey 2050

  • 1 – Sustainable Agriculture
  • 2 – Nutrients and Plant Health
  • 4 – Economy
  • 5 – Land Use & Geography
  • 6 – Careers
  • 7 – Technology & Innovation
  • Antibiotics & Hormones
  • Health Standards
  • Pests & Diseases
  • Population Growth
  • Productive Land

journey 2050 student handout 1 answer key

Program Options

Guest Speaker

North America only. Locations vary.

Calgary, Canada


Journey 2050 brought global issues to my classroom to make an applicable connection. Students could relate to the world by understanding how they fit into global agriculture on a local level.

Jamie Brown

Grade 7, Grade 8,  Teacher , Washington State, USA

Extremely beneficial for involving urban teenagers into thinking about where their food comes from.

Roopa Patel

Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12,  Teacher , Alberta, Canada

I just wanted to say thank you so much for the program and educating young students about the world and the environment and different issues it faces.

Anna Mcdearmond

Grade 6,  Teacher , Michigan

Journey 2050 News

  • A Visit to the Oloo Farm in Kenya to Celebrate 10 Years of Journey 2050!
  • Curriculum Updates
  • New U.S. Farm Family

journey 2050 student handout 1 answer key


  1. 1-J2050-Student Handout 1-World Population Growth

    journey 2050 student handout 1 answer key

  2. Journey 2050 Flashcards

    journey 2050 student handout 1 answer key

  3. ️Journey 2050 Worksheet Free Download|

    journey 2050 student handout 1 answer key

  4. Journey 2050 Skeleton Notes #1 by Mix and Match Materials

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  5. Teachers, check it out! Get tips on how to use Journey 2050—a virtual

    journey 2050 student handout 1 answer key

  6. Distance Learning: Journey 2050 by Mrs Engen's Class

    journey 2050 student handout 1 answer key


  1. PDF Name: Student Handout 1: Date World Population Growth

    It took until 1830 for the global population to reach one billion people; the second. Milestones: 1 Billion: 1804. 2 Billion: 1927. 3 Billion: 1960. 19745 Billion: 19876 Billion: 19997 Billion: 2011billion took only 100 years, from 1830 to 1930; three billion occurred 60 years later.

  2. Student Farming Education

    It's easy! Follow the handouts, watch some videos and play some games! Plus, a Journey 2050 Program Coordinator is available to help you along the way! Steps: 1. Your teacher, parent or guardian needs to register here. Students do not register for this program. You simply get to jump to Part 2: Lessons 2. Make sure your device can play the ...

  3. PDF Lesson 1: Sustainable Agriculture

    Journey 2050 Lesson 1: Self-G. uided Experience video. You will hear a brief introduction to this lesson as well as the Journey 2050 program. Watch the 7 Billion: How Did We Get So Big So Fast? video. What 2 advances have helped to slow the death rate and therefore allowed. the world population to rise? 1-2-Watch the . Journey 2050 ...

  4. Journey 2050 Lesson 1: Sustainable Agriculture

    This video guides students through Lesson 1 of the Journey 2050 program. Students will be introduced to the concept of sustainable agriculture and presented ...

  5. Journey 2050 Lesson 1: Sustainable Agriculture (Grades 9-12)

    Journey 2050. Slide 4: Play the Journey 2050 Introduction video, (3:51 min). Prepare students for the video by asking them to discover three things: 1) Why is 2050 a significant year? 2) What is the sustainability barrel? and 3) What is the ripple effect? (Background and discussion prompts are outlined in the steps below and in the slide deck ...

  6. eLearning

    If you enjoyed the Journey 2050 Sustainability Farming Game, download Farmers 2050! This game builds on the concepts introduced in the Journey 2050 program and adds real-life complexity. The National Agriculture in the Classroom website provides K-12 educators with engaging resources to increase agricultural literacy among their students.

  7. 1-J2050-Student Handout 1-World Population Growth

    Home Students 1-J2050-Student Handout 1-World Population Growth. Nutrien © 2024 Home; Contact Us; Teacher Experience; Legal; Privacy Policy

  8. Journey 2050 Study Guide Flashcards

    Terms in this set (40) What is the world's population estimated to be by the year 2050? 9 8 billion. What will we need more of to support an extra 2 billion people on our planet? Water, jobs, food, medicines, homes. How much more food do experts believe we will have to grow on the same amount or less land? 60-70%.

  9. Journey 2050 : General

    Journey 2050 allows schools to experience agriculture like it's never been taught before. As Grade 7-12 students explore sustainable agriculture, they make inquiry-based decisions to see the ripple effect on social, economic and environmental factors. Farm families across the world guide students through interactive games such as a virtual ...

  10. PDF Journey 2050 Lesson 1: Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture Online

    Journey 2050 Lesson 1: Online Module video (10:43-13:19) for instructions. • The game can be downloaded to devices from Google Play or the App Store. It can also be played online using a Chrome, Safari, or Firefox web browser (do not use Internet Explorer). 7. Wrap-up. Continue the Journey 2050 Lesson 1: Online Module video (13:20-14:43). Answer

  11. PDF Lesson 1: Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture

    ollowing key concepts:Our population is growing. By 2050 it is expected that our world will grow from. er 7 billion people to nearly 10 billion people.Sustainable agriculture is the practice of producing our food, fiber and fuel in a way that is profitable to the farmer, supports a healthy quality of life and pro.

  12. Journey 2050 Lesson 7: Technology and Innovations (Grades 9-12

    Materials Needed. Engage: Technology and Innovation slide deck; TED Talk, A Global Food Crisis May be Less Than a Decade Away by Sara Menker Activity 1: Technology and Innovation. Technology and Innovation slide deck; Future of Agriculture: Technology and Innovation Handout, 1 technology sheet per group; Journey 2050 Technology & Innovation video . Based on The Future of Farming & Agriculture ...

  13. Journey 2050 Lesson 1: Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture (Grades

    Journey 2050 Lesson 1: Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture (Grades 9-12) ... 9 - 12. Purpose. Students will explore the question, "How will we sustainably feed nearly 10 billion people by the year 2050?" as they discover what sustainable agriculture is and how it is critical to securing a stable food supply and future for a growing ...

  14. PDF Teacher's Guide: Distance Learning

    Teacher's Guide: Distance Learning Using Journey 2050 From Home: All the program materials are available online for free. Teachers and Parents can access the complete curriculum from the "Teacher Experience" tab. • Why you should register: in order to access the full curriculum (lesson plans, PowerPoints, handouts with answer keys) in the Step-by-Step Guide you will need to have an ...

  15. PDF J2050 Lesson 4 Self guided Handout

    Journey 2050 Lesson 4: Economies | Self-Guided Experience. video. ("Step 5" chapter marker) Then, answer the questions below and review the key points. 1- What was the highest crop yield percent you received? 2- How did you achieve high results? 3- What choices did you make in the market when you sold your crop? Key Points:

  16. Journey 2050 Lesson 4: Economies (Grades 6-8)

    A market economy is driven by supply and demand. 1. Agriculture plays a significant role in the economic development of a country. 2. In 2015, each dollar of agricultural exports stimulated another $1.27 in business activity. The $133.1 billon of agricultural exports generated an additional $169.4 billion in economic activity for a total ...

  17. PDF Name: Student Handout 2: Word Search

    Student Handout 4: Matching Activity 1 Sustainable a. the ability of a business owner (e.g. farmer) to sell his or her goods to other people or companies 2 Agriculture b. an item that is purchased with the hope that it will generate income in the future 3 Economic c. scientific or technical ways to sustainably use and protect natural resources ...

  18. PDF Name: Student Handout 2: Word Search

    Down. 1. To produce or provide something: a measurement of the amount of crop that was harvested per unit of land. (eg. If three grains are harvested for each grain planted it is 1:3) 3. Scientific or technical ways to sustainably use and protect natural resources in order to prevent loss or waste. 4.

  19. Feeding the World: Journey 2050 Unit

    Pathways Project | Language Teaching Repository @ Boise State. Student Advocacy. See all Groups

  20. Journey 2050 Lesson 2: Soil Nutrients (Grades 9-12)

    Students will identify nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus as primary soil nutrients necessary in the production of abundant and healthy foods, describe various methods of replenishing soil nutrients that have been depleted by plant growth, discover how overall plant health impacts a plants ability to resist disease and pests and describe what best management practices are in agriculture to ...

  21. Journey 2050 School ProgramJourney 2050

    Journey 2050 brought global issues to my classroom to make an applicable connection. Students could relate to the world by understanding how they fit into global agriculture on a local level. Grade 7, Grade 8, Teacher , Washington State, USA. Extremely beneficial for involving urban teenagers into thinking about where their food comes from.