Bolivian Life

A Guide To Amboró National Park

A Guide To Amboró National Park

For those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life, Amboró National Park is a jungle paradise, perfect for unwinding, relaxing and getting back in touch with nature.

Located only 40 kilometres west of Santa Cruz , in the Andean foothills of Bolivia, Amboró spans a whopping 4,425 square kilometres stretching all the way to the borders of Carrasco National Park in the department of Cochabamba. The unspoiled park is also part of the Vilcabamba – Amboró Corridor that begins at the Vilcabamba mountains in Peru and extends all the way to Bolivia.

Noted for its rugged and varied topography, Amboró National Park lies within three distinct ecosystems: the foothills of the Andes, the northern Chaco, and the Amazon Basin. Nowhere else in the world do three such diverse environments coincide, making Amboró a unique host to a wide range of flora and fauna.

In 1984, with the help of esteemed conservation biologist Noel Kempff, British zoologist Robin Clark, and other notable researchers, Amboró was legally given the status “National Park” in order to protect the ecological hotspot from human settlements, hunting, mining and deforestation. One of the most biodiverse parks in the world, the preservation of Amboró is of immense importance to the scientific community.

Featuring beautiful walks, cascading waterfalls, dense vegetation, spectacular landscapes, fascinating archaeology and a great diversity of flora and fauna, it is no wonder that Amboró National Park is one of Bolivia’s greatest natural treasures.

Bolivia travel tips Many travelers continue their journey to Peru. Make sure to check out Bolivia Hop , considered the best way to travel between Bolivia and Peru. Nearly everyone visits Bolivia for the Salt Flats. Check out the official Salar de Uyuni website for all the information you’ll need. Use FindLocalTrips for information and tours in all of Bolivia. More info   here . Try not to rush if possible, Bolivia has lots to offer!

Plants and Wildlife

Photo Credit: Maartenzam

Photo Credit: Maartenzam

Home to over 2,659 species of plants, 177 mammals, 135 reptiles, 173 amphibians, and 812 species of birds, Amboró is one of the most botanically rich and wildlife abundant national parks in the world.

A large range of beautiful yet elusive mammals including tapirs, armadillos, spider monkeys, jaguars, giant anteaters, pumas, ocelots and spectacled bears, exist among the jungle’s dense vegetation, making it a prime location for wildlife watching.

Amboró is also a popular place in Bolivia to go birding. Featuring a staggering 830 species of bird (the highest of any park in the world), the pristine jungle contains 60% of the country’s avian population, making it the perfect place to spot blue horned curassows, spectacled owls, white-bellied hummingbirds, cock of the rocks, military macaws, cuvier toucans, and much, much more.

Characterised by great floristic diversity as well as presenting a high level of endemism, the current number of documented plant species in Amboró totals around 3,000. The large quantity of plants native to the area can be attributed to the park’s sharply divided topography, wide variance in elevation and unique geographical position at the junction of three distinct ecosystems. Made up of lowland forests, cloud forests, palm forests, tree-fern forests, cactus forests, tropical yungas forests, montane scrublands, pampas and much, much more, Amboró’s vegetational diversity is truly astonishing.

Due to difficult terrain and lack of infrastructure, much of Amboró has never been botanically surveyed, meaning there are likely many more plant and animal species yet to be discovered.

Photo Credit: La Chonta

Photo Credit: La Chonta

With an altitude ranging from 300 up to 3500 meters above sea level, Amboró National Park has varying climatic conditions.

Following a bi-seasonal cycle, the highest temperatures can be felt between December and January, dropping to cooler temperatures in the months of July and August. At higher elevations the climate is temperate with frosts occurring in the coldest months. Characterised by a more pronounced topography, the foothills of Amboró is where you’ll experience hotter and more humid weather.

Rainfall varies between 600 mm and 4,000 mm annually with more rain being observed in the north than the south. The rainy season occurs between October and April with a maximum in January and the dry season extends from May through to September, with a minimum in July.

The best time to visit Amboró is in the dry season. Despite the cooler weather, this is the time when trails are less muddy and there are fewer mosquitoes hovering about.

North Side vs South Side

Photo Credit: Maartenzam

Amboro National Park is divided into two distinct sections; the highland region in the north and the lowland region in the south. Separated by a narrow trail called the “red line” the park is comprised of two administrative zones, the National Park encompassing 442,500 hectares and the Integrated Management Natural Area (IMNA) with 195,100 hectares. Effectively a multi-use zone, the IMNA was put in place to harmonize the conservation of biological diversity with the sustainable development of the local population.

Differing in landscape, vegetation, climate and wildlife, both sides of the park offer a breathtaking glimpse into one of Bolivia’s most beautiful regions.

Despite its beautiful towering rainforest and rich animal life, the northern side of Amboró sees very little tourism. Most tours are conducted 3km inside the “red line” where hikers can visit local communities to learn about the park’s rare species of plant and wildlife. Consisting of waterfalls, natural pools, rivers and streams, this portion of the park is a spectacular destination for those looking to explore the deepest areas of the green and mysterious jungle.

The south side of Amboró National Park is located in a mountainous area making access to the IMNA  section of the park more difficult than on the north side. On the south side, vegetation is less dense, the climate isn’t as humid and there are fewer rivers and streams. The south side is also home to the rare spectacled bear as well as other species of endemic wildlife.

Popular Things To Do

Photo Credit: Josie

Photo Credit: Josie

  • Visit the unique and picturesque region of Mataracú where you can try to spot rare animals like the giant sloth
  • Cool off after a strenuous trek in one of Amboró’s many crystal clear waterfalls and mountain streams
  • Rappel down Jardin de las Delícias waterfall
  • Canoe, raft, fish and kayak along the river of Cajones del Ichilo
  • Hike along the beautiful trails of La Orquídea, La Cascada, El Cóndor, Los Loros, Bosque Seco y Amboró
  • Soak in spectacular panoramic views over the Volcanes mountain range at Mirador Loma Borda
  • Observe giant trees, medicinal plants, ferns and much more on the well maintained “Las Palmeras” hiking circuit
  • Go horseback riding along one of the many eco trails near the Chonta Carbones community
  • See caimans and other jungle animals at Laguna Verde
  • Walk along the “Dinosaurios” path where you can explore mysterious caves, enormous ravines and see dinosaur fossils with your very own eyes
  • Explore Amboró National Park with experienced local guides learning about the park’s exotic flora and fauna
  • Discover exotic bird species such as the Andian Condor, the Black-Chested Eagle, the Paraba Militar and the Emerald Tucan at Refugio Los Volcanes
  • Stroll through Amboró’s beautiful cloud forest peering up at the giant ferns, a plant species so old it used to be dinosaur food!
  • Spend some time in the Amboró Interpretation Center to learn about the different biological, geographic and cultural values of the National Park
  • Have a picnic at the beaches of the Surutu River

Bolivian Life Quick Tip:

As voted the best way to travel around Bolivia and Peru, we highly recommend choosing Bolivia Hop as your means of transport. Their safe, flexible and trustworthy service have proven to be the best way of getting the most out of your time in South America!

Photo Credit: Maartenzam

By law tourists may only enter Amboró National Park with a certified guide. There are plenty of tour operators serving the national park offering different programs for varying lengths of time.

The average cost for a good quality 2 day / 1 night tour is around $120 US per person which typically includes the following:

  • Experienced local guide
  • Accommodation in tent, cabin or lodge (depending on tour price)
  • Meals and water
  • Hikes and night safari
  • Entrance fees
  • Private transportation from Santa Cruz – Amboró Park – Santa Cruz

Most tours can be paid for in advance by credit card. You can book via email or on a walk-in basis directly in Santa Cruz or in the smaller towns of Samaipata and Buena Vista. If possible, try to organize a group of 4 or more people to travel with as prices become cheaper the more people sharing a tour.

When booking a tour, it’s important to note that quality and standards do vary significantly according to price. Higher tour prices usually mean tour staff are paid well year round, guides are professional and knowledgeable, accommodation is comfortable, and tour companies are environmentally conscious.

amboro tours

Getting There

amboro national park bolivia 7

Access to Amboró National Park is made easy via two roads connecting the cities of Cochabamba and Santa Cruz. Only a three hour drive west of Santa Cruz, the National Park can be reached using either the old south road or new north road depending on which side of the park you wish to access:

Entrance to the South Side

Built in the 1950’s, the once asphalted southern road was left decaying after the opening of the northern route in the 1980’s. Today tourists must travel along a dirt road to access the south side of the park. The main access point to the more developed areas of the national park are via secondary gravel roads departing from the towns of El Torno, Samaipata, Mairana, Pampa Grande, Mataral an Comarapa, which are all located on the main highway.

A popular gateway to the south of Amboro is the pretty town of Samaipata. A 3 hour ride from Santa Cruz, you can reach Samaipata via taxi, public mini-bus, or private vehicle:

Public Mini-Bus: Take the no. 8 bus from the Santa Cruz bus terminal located on Avenue Omar Chavez Ortiz 1147 on the corner of Soliz de Olguin. Buses leave with at least 4 passengers and cost around $4 US for a one way ticket

Taxi: Shared taxis leave from calle Aruma and Grigota (just past second ring) costing around $4 US per person. You can book the whole taxi from Santa Cruz to Samaipata for around $18 US one way.

Private vehicle: Take the old road to Cochabamba up to Samaipata

Entrance to the North Side

The main access points to the northern side of the park is via the town of Buena Vista which is located along the northern Cochabamba / Santa Cruz road.

A 1.5 hour scenic ride from Santa Cruz, you can reach Buena Vista via taxi, public mini-bus, or private vehicle:

Public Mini-Bus: Leaving in the morning and evening from the old “terminal de buses” on calle Isos.  Take buses heading to “Yapacani” and get off at Buena Vista’s main square. A one way ticket is around $3 US

Taxi: You can book the whole taxi from Santa Cruz to Buena Vista for around

Private vehicle: Take the new paved road to Cochabamba up to Buena Vista

Once in Buena Vista, it’s worth stopping by the Amboró Information Centre where you can gain up-to-date information on exploring the park

From Buena Vista into Amboró only 4×4 vehicles are recommended. Access to La Chonta, Macuñucu and to the Yapacaní River can be obtained via one of the several dirt tracks that lead off the main road.

Once inside the park, tourists can delve deeper into the jungle via the small trails and riverbeds surrounding the area.

Where To Stay

Photo Credit: La Chonta

Ranging from basic camping to comfortable wooden cabins and well organised eco-resorts, the following accommodations are ideally located for excursions into the stunning Amboró National Park:

  • Mataracú Tent Camp (north side)
  • La Chonta Lodge (north side)
  • Villa Amboró (north side)
  • Refugio Los Volcanes (south side)
  • La Yunga Eco Lodge (south side)

Travel Tips

amboro national park bolivia 5

  • Be prepared for varying weather conditions. Bring a flashlight, sunscreen, sunglasses, hat, long sleeve shirt, long pants, insect repellent, boots and waterproof clothing
  • Be extremely careful during the rainy season when roads and tracks become muddy and treacherous. To enter one of the roads into the park you will need a 4×4, especially during heavy rainfall
  • In wet weather, rivers can become difficult to cross within hours. It is possible to get stuck for 1 or 2 days while waiting for water levels to drop, something to be aware of if you have scheduled flights or other commitments
  • When visiting Amboró, always bring a local guide and a map. Be sure to register with the park administration before entering and leave your itinerary
  • To minimize the risk of malaria and insect bites, it’s recommended to wear long sleeved shirts and trousers, sleep under a mosquito net and to use insect repellent containing DEET, especially at night (see our guide to protecting yourself against mosquitoes ). We also recommend consulting a physician prior to visiting Amboró to get the most up to date advice on medications and vaccinations
  • Do not feed or touch wildlife as it changes their natural behaviour and encourages interaction with humans
  • Take only pictures, leave only footprints. Don’t remove anything from the park including plants, nuts, seeds etc.

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The Whole World Or Nothing

Guide To Samaipata & Amboró National Park Bolivia

By: Author Sarah McAlister

A small town in Eastern Bolivia with temperate climate chilled out vibe. It’s easy to see why a fair few European immigrants have settled here and there’s certainly enough things to do in Samaipata to keep you entertained for a few days.

best things to do in Samaipata Bolivia

As we did, most visitors come to Samaipata Bolivia to venture into nearby Amboró National Park. A unique jungle paradise spanning a ginormous 4,425 km squared. 

The collision of three distinct ecosystems: the foothills of the Andes, the northern Chaco, and the Amazon Basin means that Parque Nacional Amboró has a unique environment that isn’t found anywhere else on the planet.

But more on what makes it so special and one of the best places to visit in Bolivia in a bit.

best Amboro National Park tour

How To Get To Samaipata Bolivia

Santa cruz to samaipata.

From Samaipata to Santa Cruz or visa versa, the route is an easy one. Collectivos run all day between the terminal on the corner of Av. Omar Chavez Ortiz/Soliz de Olguin in Santa Cruz and the central plaza in Samaipata Bolivia.

Samaipata Plaza

Depending on the season the cost is $30-40BOB ($4-5USD / £3-4 GBP) per person. The journey will take around 4 hours and the road.  

Sucre to Samaipata

To get from Sucre to Samaipata you’ll need to take a night bus from the main terminal heading for Santa Cruz. Not all buses pass through Samaipata so make sure you double check. And you’ll need to set your alarm as you’ll be arriving in the early hours of the the morning.

The bus will drop you on the main road, from which it’s a 10 minute walk depending on where you are staying. Hostels and hotels in Samaipata are not open 24/7 so you will need to book in advance and reserve a stay for that night so they know to expect you. 

Bolivia boys in Samaipata

The journey should be around 8 hours and cost approximately $100 BOB ($14.50 USD / £12 GBP).

However the night bus we took was closer to 10 hours.

We suppose to leave Sucre at 5pm (it didn’t), and due to various delays along route didn’t arrive in Samaipata until just before 4am. From what we’ve read this doesn’t seem to be have been a one off experience. So prepare for potential delays.

It also goes along the old south road so it was a very bumpy journey and we didn’t get much sleep. We were grateful to slide right into bed at the other end. 

Just an FYI if you’re not a fan of them, there’s lots of street dogs in Samaipata Bolivia. And whilst they were friendly enoughduring the day, it was a different vibe wandering through the streets at 4am.

Luckily it accumulated to no more than barking, but we had a couple of moments during the walk from the main road where we thought, shit, we’re gonna get bit here. 

how to get to Samaipata Bolivia

If you don’t fancy arriving early in the morning, there are day time buses to Santa Cruz from Sucre, so your other option is to take one of those and then jump in a collectivo to come back to Samaipata Bolivia. That way arriving at a more reasonable hour.

The buses going straight from Sucre to Santa Cruz go along the new north road so it’s also a quicker, more comfortable journey.

Where To Stay in Samaipata

Cheap & cheerful: hostal andoriña.

Simply put this place is a dream to stay at. Not only do they make a cracking breakfast with homemade bread, proper coffee and plenty of fruit, the owners are ridiculously helpful. There’s a cute little hideout on the roof. And if you like furry friends, their cat is an absolute cuddle monster.

Hostel Andoriña is where we stayed and absolutely loved it.

Hostal Andorina Samaipata

Mid-range: Hostel Serena

This hostel has the best ratings out of everywhere to stay in Samaipata Bolivia. It’s a little further out of the town centre (800m) but in return for that you get incredible views. They even have treehouses! The breakfast gets glowing reviews, as does the optional reasonably priced dinner you can opt in for.

People often choose to stay longer than planned at Hostel Serena .

Affordable Luxury: Finca La Vispera

We had lunch at this hotel in Samaipata so can tell you from experience that it’s a gorgeous place to stay. Individual chalets are dotted around the property, each separated by a beautifully landscaped garden.

Finca La Vispera tranquility and relaxation down to a tee.

Where To Eat in Samaipata 

La Cocina: This was our favourite restaurant in Samaipata Bolivia. They do seriously delicious burgers. They also serve them to the bar down the road, La Boheme. It’s got a great vibe, great cocktails and live music most nights. Expect to pay $30-40 BOB ($4-5USD / £3-4GBP) for a main meal.

La Cocina Samaipata burger

La Pizzeria: Somewhere else that does excellent food in Samaipata is La Pizzeria on Calle Arenales near the market. Fully rate this place. Except to pay between $30-50 BOB ($4.50-7.25 USD / £3.50-5.50 GBP) for a full size pizza.

Caffe Art : This is awesome cute little spot for breakfast or lunch. The courtyard is stunning. Except to pay around $50 BOB ($7.25 USD / £5.50 GBP) for a sandwich and a coffee.

Caffe Art Samaipata

Latina: The Samaipata restaurant has a lovely terrace and great vibes. It’s on the expensive side but the service is excellent, as is the food. Expect to pay around $70 BOB ($10 USD / £8 GBP) for a main course.

Things To Do In Samaipata

So here’s the thing about things to do in Samaipata Bolivia. They’re not all that easy to get to. Well when we say not easy to, we mean cheap to get to.

Because while there are a few things to do in Samaipata town, the only way to get to the big hitters is to take a taxi. Because frustratingly there isn’t any public transport. And while it’s good for the taxi drivers pockets, it’s not so much for anyone backpacking on a budget.

Sort it out Bolivia.

Las Cuevas Waterfalls

A series of three waterfalls with small hikes in between, you won’t regret hanging out here for a few hours. You can swim in the water and even jump off some off one of the waterfalls.

Jumping off Las Cuevas Waterfalls

You’re not supposed to take food and drinks near the waterfalls (although we saw plenty flaunting the rule). But pack some in your bag if you’re likely to get peckish because there’s nowhere to buy food near here. There are toilets here though.

The entrance fee is 20B’s each ($3USD/£2.25GBP). And you’ll have to get a taxi there as it’s about 40 minutes drive from town.

If you do happen to have your own transport and are camping there’s a really nice enclosed spot with BBQ areas directly over the road from the entrance to Las Cuevas Samaipata. 

what to do in Samaipata Bolivia

We hired a taxi to first take us to Las Cuevas waterfalls in the morning, pick us up a couple of hours later, then drop us at Samaipata Fort. And then from there we walked back into town which is a pleasant 9km hike that’s mostly downhill. It took us just under 2 hours.

It is also easy to hitch hike back too, we had a few cars and trucks stop to offer us a lift but we really did just want to walk.

For the taxi we paid $150B’s ($22USD/£17GBP).

So if you’re travelling on your own or as a couple, be worth making a few pals so you can split the costs of taxi fare. Obviously, that’s easier to do in the high season when it’s busier.

El Fuerte de Samaipata

You’ll find plenty of mixed reviews about the Samaipata Fortress UNESCO World Heritage Site. We were fascinated by it, but equally we can see why if you’re not too interested in history you will just see a big rock.

Samaipata Fort

But look beyond that and you’ll find a hugely important pre-Hispanic historic site. Divided into two areas, a religious part and an administrative part, the site of Samaipata Fort is huge.

From walkways you get a panoramic view over the main religious area which is the big rock with pre-Incan carvings. Then a marked path with information boards in Spanish and English takes you around the different Inca ruins in the administrative area.

Inca ruins Samaipata Bolivia

We think you’d get a lot more from visiting El Fuerte de Samaipata if you hired one of the guides at the entrance. But because on top of having to take a taxi there and the entrance fee being 50B’s ($7.25USD/£5.65GBP) for foreigners, we opted not to pay another 100B’s for that.

Again would be cheaper to do if there’s a few of you and you could split the cost.

There’s a restaurant here that serves traditional 2 course bolivian menus for 15-25B’s each and toilets.

Oh and your entrance ticket covers you for a entry to a museum in town about El Fuerte de Samaipata. Unfortunately it seemed to siesta time each time we stopped by so we can’t tell you if it’s any good or not. Opening times are 8am-12pm and 2-6pm.

Refugio Zoológico

We heard that visiting the animal refuge is a popular thing to do in Samaipata Bolivia. We opted not to however because we already had quite a packed Samaipata itinerary and we couldn’t find enough information about the ethics and specific actions of the place.

things to do in Samaipata Bolivia

Not specifically in Bolivia, but unfortunately we’ve visited plenty of ‘refuges’ in the past that have just turned out to be zoos profiting off animals kept in poor conditions so we now err on the side of caution when it comes to animal tourism.

If you do go, please drop us a comment below to let us know how it was. The entrance fee is 25B’s each ($3.60USD/£2.85GBP). 

It’s possible to walk there from town and there’s supposed to be a great place to grab an ice cream called La Vaca Loca on the way. 

Vinos de Altura 1750

We didn’t know about this Samaipata wine tasting until the day before we were leaving otherwise we’d have been all over it. You’ll find the winery on the path up towards Mirador de Samaipata, it’s hard to miss because it’s surrounded by fields of grape vines.

Samaipata vineyards

Tours happen at 9am, 10.30am, 2pm and 3:30pm but you’ll need to book in adance. Here’s the numbers for reservations: 69077787 or 76061430.

Again if you do a Samaipata wine tasting tour let us know how it goes in the comments so we can update this information for other fellow travellers.

There is also another vineyard called Bodegas y Viñedos Landsuá on the road up to the Samaipata fort.

Mirador de Samaipata

A little confusing to find if you don’t have the right information, this next what to do in Samaipata is actually inside a hotel resort called El Pueblito.

So once you reach that, you’ll need to go through the gates to the reception and pay the 20B’s entrance fee ($3USD/£2.25GBP). It’s pretty steep, the price, for what it is but a nice enough view and walk up is lovely.

Mirador de Samaipata

Obviously if you happen to be staying here, you get to see this Samaipata viewpoint for free.

You can get lunch here if you fancy it and have the budget.

We opted to eat at another hotel we were recommended, back along the path to town and then off towards the right called Café Jadin “Finca La Vispera”. The menu is wholly vegetarian and all the produce is organically homegrown.

Finca La Vispera Samaipata Bolivia

Prices per dish are 30-50B’s so it’s not the cheapest but worth it for the gorgeous setting.

Amboró National Park

The first helpful thing to know about Amboró National Park Bolivia is that you can’t enter without a certified guide. It’s the law, no wiggle room. Not that you’d want to anyway, there aren’t exactly clear paths in and out.

But obviously there’s a cost that comes attached to hiring a guide. If there’s more of you, which is easier when visiting during high season then prices are lower.

Hike in Amboro National Park Samaipata

There’s lots of different types of tours that you can do to different parts of Amboró National Park, the most popular being the Bosque de Nubes (Cloud Forest) or Helechos Gigantes (Giant Fern) – it has two names – and the Condor Nest day hikes.

We chose to do the Giant Fern/Cloud Forest hike so it’s that Amboró National Park tour that we have the most info about.

Amboro National Park Bolivia

Of course we can’t compare it to the others but we’d highly recommend it. It was one of the best things we did in Bolivia and the scenery was out of this world.

Cloud Forest Samaipata

We did originally have 5 in our group. However unfortunately our hike got cancelled on the day we were supposed to do it due to bad weather. And the other 3 people booked on had to be somewhere else the next day so it ended up just the two of us.

We paid $500B’s in total which worked out at around $36USD / £28GBP each.

But prices v people with the tour company we went with – Tucandera Tours – are as follows:

1 person (450B’s) – 2 people (260B’s each) – 3 people (190B’s each) – 4/5 people (170B’s each) – 6/7 people (150B’s each). So you get the vibe. It’s similar with most tour agencies. 

Tree in Amboro National Park

Of course you can, but you don’t have to get a group together yourself. You’ll see outside the tour agency offices signs like ‘tomorrow 2 pax’ so you’ll know they already have some people booked on a tour and that you’ll get a cheaper price.

The tour agencies also tend to call around the hostels too to let them know when they are looking for a few more to make it cheaper for everyone. So make sure you ask around.

Amboró National Park Tour

However do also just bear in mind that not all the Amboró National Park tour agencies are equal. We heard some guides can be a bit crap. We would recommend Tukandera Tours because the main guide and owner, Elva, is Bolivian and also a biologist.

Not only did she have a wealth of fascinating information but her excitement about everything nature was infectious. We never knew it was possible to get us so excited over plants. It’s also a small family run business.

 Helechos Gigantes Samaipata Bolivia

We also heard good things about Chané Tours and Samaipata Tours too. But as always do check the most up to date reviews for tour companies before booking. 

What’s Special About Amboro National Park

As mentioned above this particular National Park in Bolivia is so special and unique because it’s where three diverse ecosystems collide. But more than that, because of the consequent precipitation cycle you get these huge flying air rivers tumbling through the sky with suspended waterfalls.

Cloud Forest Samaipata

From afar it just looks likes clouds but close up we’ve never seen anything like it and were absolutely amazed.

Also as one of the most biodiverse national parks in the world, Amboró National Park is stuffed with tonnes of unique flora and fauna. 

In fact, the scientific community has logged near 3,000 different species of plants, 135 reptiles, 173 amphibians, and 177 mammals including tapirs, armadillos, spider monkeys, jaguars, giant anteaters, pumas, ocelots and spectacled bears. 

Giant Fern Forest Samaipata

And then there’s the birds, all 812 different species of them.

Owing to how dense the jungle is you’d have to be very lucky to see any animals, although tracks in the mud are common. Our guide showed us photographs of jaguar footprints she’d seen recently. 

But being as Amboró National Park has more bird species than any other National Park in the world and is home to 60% of the whole country’s bird population, they are however much easier to spot. 

We saw Masked Trogons, Ruddy Quail-Doves, Woodcreepers, Tanagers, Thrushes Vultures, Toucans, Macaws and Hummingbirds. But cock of the rocks, curassows and spectacled owls are also common.

Beetle in Amboro National Park

What’s more, much of Amboró National Park is yet to be botanically surveyed so there’s likely even more species. Our guide was practically jumping around as much as a tiny frog we came across which she’d never seen before.

She excitedly took photographs and measurements to log in the database in case no one else had either.

Giant Fern Hike Samaipata

The day starts at 9am with a bumpy 40 minute taxi ride (included in the tour price) to the closest entrance of Amboró National Park. It’s a full day and you’ll arrive back in Samaipata for around 5/6pm depending on the conditions and which route your guide takes.

Amboro National Park tour

We hiked a total of 12km, right up to the summit of La Mina, the mountain we were on. We’d enjoyed the hike immensely up to that point, learning about the jungle environment and winding our way through giant fern species so old they were once dinosaur food.

But it was standing on top of a Mina, above the clouds that blew us away because this is where the best views of the air rivers are.

It also did quite literally nearly blow us away on a couple of occasions so be sure to take an extra layer with you. It gets seriously windy up there.

It’s also colder in Amboró National Park than in Samaipata town so it’s best to wear long sleeves and leggings if you have them. It’s just because it’s such a constantly wet and damp environment.

Transparent butterflies in Amboro National Park

You’ll also need a minimum of a litre of water, probably two. Unless you have a water filter bottle like we do, there’s plenty of streams to fill up in as you go. And you’ll need to take your own lunch, it’s not provided by the tour companies.

There’s a market in town where you can pick things up from. Or most hostels in Samaipata will make one for you to take if you order in advance.

It gets muddy in some parts but its not a technically difficult hike so trainers are fine and are what we wore.

La Mina Amboro National Park

A waterproof jacket and dry bags are essential. And although we didn’t see any, mosquito spray. We wore suncream too but you are under the canopy the majority of the time out of the sun. 

The other tours you can take into Amboró National Park are as follows:

  • Refugio los Volcanes
  • Laguna de Volcanes
  • Condor Nest
  • The Che Trail
  • Night time safari

Best Time To Go To Samaipata

The warmest months are during the rainy season October – April. The coldest months are May – September which is said to be the best time to visit Samaipata and Amboró National Park.

Samaipata town

We visited in January, the rainiest month and as we said had to delay our cloud forest hike a day due to a huge downpour. But then when it was sunny, it was hot hot.

Samaipata FAQ’s

Is samaipata worth visiting.

Best known for the UNESCO ruins of El Fuerte de Samaipata, there’s actually loads of cool stuff to do in and around Samaipata. For example hike to see the cloud rivers in Amboró National Park, jump off the pretty Las Cuevas Waterfalls, wine tasting from the vineyards that this region has been bussin’ of late.

What are the Samaipata ruins in Bolivia?

The Samaipata ruins in Bolivia are of an historical fort called El Fuerte de Samaipata. They date back to AD 300, and are of huge ceremonial importance. There are two clearly identifiable parts. The large rock was where rituals took place and then there’s the residence and political part where people lived.

What does Samaipata mean?

The name Samaipata is Quechuan and the meaning is broken down into two parts. Samai means ‘to rest’ and pata means at an elevated place or by the river edge.

How do I go from Santa Cruz to Samaipata?

It is easy to get from Santa Cruz to Samaipata Bolivia . Collectivos run all day between the terminal on the corner of Av. Omar Chavez Ortiz/Soliz de Olguin and drop in the central plaza in Samaipata Bolivia. The cost is around $30-40 BOB ($4-5USD / £3-4 GBP) per person and the journey takes about 4 hours.

Where To Next in Bolivia?

  • Complete Guide To Trinidad Bolivia
  • Choosing a Rurrenabaque Amazon Tour
  • Potosi: What To Do & Where To Stay

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Street with church and text overlay Guide to Samaipata Bolivia

Yorkshire born & bred, Sarah is a professional blogger who loves to travel. Pushing her boundaries with new adventures is her jam, so you likely won’t find her in one place for too long. Also a serious Marmite addict. 



This exciting new tour package explores the most beautiful areas of the Santa Cruz department and includes an excellent mix of nature, scenery, wildlife and culture. The tour includes visiting the spectacular Refugio Los Volcanes, Pre Incan Ruins of El Fuerte, Giant Fern Forests of Amboro National Park, Las Cuevas Waterfalls, visit the Inter Andean Town of Samaipata plus a number of other optional attractions.



T his exciting new tour package explores the most beautiful areas of the Santa Cruz department and includes an excellent mix of nature, scenery, wildlife and culture. The tour includes visiting the spectacular Refugio Los Volcanes, Pre Incan Ruins of El Fuerte, Giant Fern Forests of Amboro National Park, Las Cuevas Waterfalls, visit the Inter Andean Town of Samaipata plus a number of other optional attractions.

3 days / 2 nights

Example itinerary, day 1: santa cruz/refugio los volcanes lodge.


Hotel pick up and we drive to the spectacular Refugio Los Volcanes lodge which is one of the most stunning and spectacular locations in Bolivia, here we will marvel at the giant stand stone cliffs surrounding the lodge, partake in a series of wildlife treks, learn about the flora and fauna and swim in many of the areas many incredible waterfalls. Freshly prepared lunch and more treks into the jungle.


Dinner, night walk and overnight stay in the lodge. If we are lucky we may even get the chance to see Andean Condors, Pumas or the endangered Spectacled Bear.

DAY 2: Refugio Los Volcanes/El Fuerte Ruins and Samaipata


Breakfast and hiking, after lunch we depart the lodge and visit the world heritage listed Ruins of El Fuerte, here we partake in a guide tour and learn the incredible history of one of the least known Pre Incan Ruins.


Overnight stay in the colonial town of Samaipata.

DAY 3: Samaipata-Amboro National Park –Santa Cruz


Breakfast at the hotel before departing to the Amboro National Park, here we will be visiting one of the most unique forests in the world, the ancient Giant Fern Forests, a region which is only found in just a few places in the world, here we will explore the giant ferns some of which are over 13 metres high, we will be looking for any number of animals and trekking through this pristine forest. Lunch in Samaipata and if time permits a quick stop at the lovely Las Cuevas Waterfalls before returning to Santa Cruz in the evening to your hotel.



3 days/2 nights-(Longer stays can be arranged)

Families, Nature Lovers, Elderly,Photographers,Birders and Wildlife watchers

Santa Cruz Bolivia or Samaipata

Santa Cruz or Samaipata

Enhance Your Experience With

  • Hiking in Refugio Los Volcanes
  • Swimming in waterfalls of Refugio Los Volcanes & Las Cuevas
  • Local Coffee and Wine Tasting
  • Bird watching
  • Wildlife watching
  • Cultural Ruins and Museum
  • Setting up and checking camera traps

Listen to our clients

testimonial author

I did 2 day 1 night trip to Amboro. I could have stayed there for a week, the scenery is just unbelievable and the lodge just pure gold. I loved it. Food was really good and my vegetarian diet was well taken into concideration.

Nick is super nice and helpful guy who managed to make this trip happen for me in a very short timeframe.

testimonial author





Delightful bohemian town

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Southern Amboró National Park (Refugio Los Volcanes) - 2 Days

Southern Amboro National Park (Refugio Los Volcanes) - 2 Days

Home to lush rainforests and an astonishing diversity of wildlife, Parque Nacional Amboro has long been a coveted destination in the protection of natural heritage in Bolivia. Experience this gorgeous region on a fun-filled adventure with plenty of hiking trails, pristine waterfalls, birdwatching and relaxing times, taking you from the city of Santa Cruz to Refugio Los Volcanes in the southern part of the park.

Refugio Los Volcanes Santa Cruz Bolivia Tour

This morning, a couple of hours’ drive will take us from Santa Cruz de la Sierra to the southern rim of Amboro National Park, where the imposing ‘volcanoes’ (sandstone rock cliffs) rise majestically from the tropical rainforest. Upon arrival at the mirador (the high gateway overlooking the lodge) you will discover why it is called ‘Refugio Los Volcanes’. A small 4WD vehicle will drive us deep into the clearing where the lodge is located. You will be shown to your room and allowed a short rest. Fresh lunch will be served in the restaurant and the afternoon will be left for you to choose among several hiking trails. You will have the opportunity to learn about the flora, including orchids, bromeliads and plenty more of plant species. Enjoy the breathtaking vistas before returning to the lodge for a pleasant evening with dinner included.

Included: Lunch, dinner

Today, we will have a guided tour of the cloud forest, walking the paths that wind their way through gigantic ferns, ducking underneath the lichen and moss that hangs from the giant trees of Parque Nacional Amboro. The jungle floor is often littered with blossoms that fall from the high canopy providing a myriad of colors amidst the endless green. Wildlife is elusive, but if you’re lucky, you may get to see several species of unique birds (over 200 species have been registered) and mammals. The rest of the day is left free to enjoy one or more of the optional activities available in the area. One of the most popular activities is to take refreshing baths in natural pools by the river or relax on a hammock before embarking on the drive back to the city of Santa Cruz. Arrive back in town in the evening being dropped off right at your accommodation. 

Included: Breakfast, lunch


  • Wildlife watching is not guaranteed. Being located in an accessible part of the park, viewing large mammals is rare
  • About 80% of the drive is on a paved road/highway. The rest is on a winding and bumpy dirt track for which an appropriate vehicle will be provided
  • You may choose to not request a specialized, bilingual guide, in which case a local, non-bilingual guide will show you through the trails and provide limited information. We recommend opting for a specialized guide that will accompany you from the city of Santa Cruz (price is higher) though it is not mandatory


  • Private transportation from Santa Cruz to Santa Cruz (return)
  • 1 night(s) accommodation in private, twin room
  • 2 lunches, 1 dinner, 1 breakfast
  • Bilingual (English/Spanish) speaking guide
  • All admission fees


  • Alcoholic and soft drinks
  • Optional tips (highly appreciated)

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Amazon Lake

amboro tours

Selva Blue - Lodge Los Lagos - Amazonia Lakes

Amazon Lake projects include zealously protecting our 100 square km (24710 acres) so that the fauna may find refuge and protection from hunting here, as we have done thus far, keeping our core centres undisturbed maintaining their incredible fauna unwary of humans and prevent our unavoidable footprint, becoming an Ecological Resort and minimising our consumption of fossil fuels by shifting to renewable power sources when possible, educating our local staff and our tourists as well as influencing our community to become more ecologically sensitive. Our end goal is to become a sanctuary to all the fauna, to become a conservation and research center, with Reintroduction Programs of endangered species. There is still a long road ahead of us but we are certain that with passionate and dedicated effort we will achieve our goals.   

Amazon Lake Lodge - Selva blue - Los Lagos 

 The natural  reserve

Amazon Lake -  A wildlife Santurary

( Some parts are taken from Amazonas Lakes)

This region comprehend  a number of Amazon Lakes, located in the Amazon basin, is the only resort in the Amazon, with an extension that surpasses 100 square kilometers (24710 acres) of private protected area. Our protected ecoregions include Amazon tropical forest, Amazonian neotropical Savannas, Floodplains and Grasslands, Lowlands, and Wetlands (marshes, swamps, lakes and streams). Although we are not an official Reserve, we are working towards becoming one. We are deeply committed to the conservation of the wonderful Flora and Fauna of this part of the Amazon. Through Tourism we expect to preserve these amazing lands and to support our Wildlife Conservation Projects. Each Amazon lake offers a sanctuary to the fauna and flora of the region.

Wire fencing of our Property

With our last effort of wire fencing our property we have successfully been able to almost completely stop illegal hunting inside our property. Controlling and enforcing our regulations has become easier. We are happy to observe that more animals roam our lands, finding refuge and seem to feel safe.

Moxos Culure

amboro tours

This destination  is  surrounded by some 300 lakes, each one connected by artificial canals to keep the level of the water. These ponds and canals were made thousands of years ago and these are some of the evidences of the great archaeological culture of Moxos that began in the area about some 4000 years before Christ.The plain Moxos also includes a large Eco-system of natural grasslands, wetlands, birds, aquarium fish, terrestrial aquatic mammals like freshwater dolphins and Giant River Otters 

Tour Details

  4wd - boat ride  - amazon lake villa marina.

Tour Description -  Season: March- December  

Amazon Lake - Eco regions: Drive along the Amazonian Neotropical Savanna, Boat ride along themuddy Stream and Lake bordering the Jungle, visit to our tallest Observation Tower in the Jungle

Duration: Approximately 5 hours (14:00 – 19:00)

Locations to visit: Villa Marina Lodge, Arroyo de los Manechis, Laguna Dichosa, Observation Tower “Guapango”.

Type: Mixed (Drive in 4X4 vehicle, Nature walk, Boat ride)

Participants: Maximum 6 Persons


We leave in our 4X4 vehicle from Los Lagos Lodge and head to Villa Marina Lodge, which is set at the shores of the Laguna Amazonica Dichosa (Blessed Amazon Lake) in a short but exciting drive along the savanna, admiring along this journey a large amount of birds and from time to time some mammals.Once we reach our destination, our boat will be waiting. We continue our adventure sailing along the lake, heading to the Arroyo de los Manechis (Black Howler Monkey Stream) that transports you to a wild land of mystery. When we reach the part where it flows into the Laguna Brava (Bad-tempered Lake), we turn back sailing again along the stream, discovering the loud black howler monkeys on the trees, which gave the stream its name. We sail alongshore the Laguna Dichosa, until we reach the pier that leads to our tallest Observation Tower “Mirador Guapango” to continue on foot.  From the top, take in the panoramic view of this magical region.

We return to Villa Marina Lodge, where we enjoy a beautiful sunset at the pier, as we admire the stunning panoramic view of the lake. After a short break we head back to Los Lagos Lodge next to anther amazon lake.

 Tour; Boat Ride - Amazon Lake "Lago Largo"

Season: March- December 

Tours description; Eco regions:

Boat ride along  an Amazon lake with  its  crystal-clear water. Duration: 4 hours   (05:00 – 9:00) Locations to visit: Arroyo de las Parabas Type: Lacustrine (Boat ride) Participants: Maximum 4 Person

This day, in an amazon lake, starts before dawn from Los Lagos Lodge’s pier, where your boat awaits to take you to the Arroyo de las Parabas (Macaw Stream). As you sail along Lago Largo admire the flocks of birds that fly across the sky. Discover in the beaches as well as among the bushes of the dense vegetation which frames this stunning lake, other species of birds, reptiles and from time to time mammals that at this early time of day feed on the plants´ tender shoots or look for unsuspecting preys drinking water in the shores. As you admire a beautiful sunrise, the silence is broken by the guttural sounds groups of black howler monkeys make. And as we continue along the Macaw Stream, you will discover in the stream’s crystal clear waters an array of fish as well as other animals on the shores, and the dead palm trees which are the nesting places of the amazing macaws. Look up to spot these impressive creatures that fly across the moriche palm forest with their characteristic loud screams. Return to the Lodge. 

Others Activities

amboro tours

Our Core Centers -  Selva Blue Lodge Los Lagos

Impenetrable Swamps and areas of virgin Jungle are part of our highly protected areas within the Resort, kept undisturbed as core centers, in order to preserve them. Our goal is to safeguard them with no interference whatsoever from humans and by keeping these areas inaccessible we can ensure that no illegal hunting or logging takes place. Dither Cuellar is our lead Ranger; he is in charge of the protection of the wildlife as well as enforcing our regulations and he is our guide extraordinaire. At the moment he is our only Ranger.

Amazon Lake La Raya (Stingray Pond) 

This small pond, with the shape of a stingray, is fed by a bifurcation of the Black Stream that flows south to north and discharges its waters in the Blessed Lake (Laguna Dichosa). It is also part of our Core Centers.

The Amazon Lake Lagunas Tojas (The Twin Ponds)

These ponds are surrounded by swamps and in some parts covered by aquatic plants, which is why they are practically inaccessible. These ponds are part of our private protected areas.

amboro tours

Amazon Lake Lago Largo´s Delta: Our Delta 

The Delta, with an extension of approximately 10 kilometers, is one of our strategic spots for sport fishing (Catch and Release) of Peacock Bass (Chicla Pleiozona). However only 20% is used for this purpose and the remaining 80% is under protection, since the nesting places of these amazing fish are found here, as well as at the Lacustrine Islets. These islets are in addition a small paradise of the lacustrine biodiversity.

amboro tours

Growing our own Produce 

Our objective is to become almost entirely self-sufficient, which is why our Menu is based on produce that we can grow. This way we can minimize our fossil fuel consumption. Our current production includes all the fruits used in our Menu, herbs and some types of vegetables, as well manioc and plantain.

Free-range Chicken and Eggs

Our entire supply of eggs comes from our free-range hens, ensuring that the eggs we consume here at the lodges come from hens that live happy and healthy, and that they can roam freely. Our chickens will supply the lodges soon

amboro tours

Rancho San Antonio -  Selvablue Lodge Los Lagos

Beef, milk and its byproducts are supplied to the lodges for our guests as well as our staff. The meat is very lean, and growth hormones are not employed. Rancho San Antonio promotes sustainable management, and ethical and gentle farming methods, with natural grasses, low environmental impact and no factory farming, battery farming or animal cruelty. Our other beef supplier also supports ethical farming.

amboro tours

Amazon Lake - Villa Marina

Villa Marina, located at the shores of the brown water Lake (Laguna Dichosa), set deep in our Natural Private Preserve, offers you a chance to connect with an untouched nature, to find appreciation for its emblematic flora and fauna, relax and find utter peace in the middle of the Amazon Basin.

The Resort  - Los Lagos - Amazon Lakes

This Amazon Lake Resort has two Lodges, Los Lagos Lodge and Villa Marina Lodge, both with direct view of the lake from all their rooms.Los Lagos located at the shores of the crystal-clear Lake (Lago Largo) with comfortable suites, restaurant, bar, pool, gardens and a park with a large variety of tropical and exotic fruit trees.

Videos - SelvaBlue Lodge Los Lagos

Maps - selvablue lodge los lagos, the facilities - amazon lake.

The facilities that the lodge  provides cover a high level of expectations of visitors

Dawn and Dusk Suites

Dawn and Dusk, are spacious and bright rooms with large windows so the light get inside easyly. These suits offer a wide and fabulous view of the lake and gardens. So it is very likely that we are awakened by the singing of birds. 

The suites have a mixed between contemporary decor and rustic, simple, cozy and comfortable styles that meet the city conveniences including air conditioning. Enjoy spectacular sunrises either from the comfort of the bed or from the terrace.

SUITE Amanecer

      • Double Bed, King Bed and Sofa Bed

      • 24-inch LED TV and DVD player

      • Mini Bar

      • Bathroom

      • Fan and Air Conditioning

      • Small Terrace with Hammocks

SUITE Anochecer

 • 3 Double Square and Media

• Sofa Bed.

• 24-inch LED TV and DVD player

 • Bathroom

• Ceiling Fan and Air Conditioning

• Small Terrace with Hammocks

Colonial Rooms

The Colonial rooms in Los Lagos Lodge are simple and comfortable, airy, with a sober decoration between contemporary and rustic. In confined spaces, these comfortable rooms have prioritized the spectacular panoramic views of the Lake and Gardens. Fully enjoy waking up to the chirping of birds, in the comfort of your room with lake view.

• 4 Single Beds

• Terrace with Hammock

AIR CONDITIONING 12:00 to 15:00 and 19:00 to 6:00 / Cost USD 40 per day

ELECTRICITY 12:00 to 15:00 and 19:00 to 9:00 (17 hours)

• Breakfast

• Use of pool

• Use of kayaks 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

Overnight Lodge Villa Marina

Rustic Cabins

Our rustic cabins are charming, comfortable and cozy with rustic decor. Very conveniently located between the pool and the bar provides all the conveniences of the city, including Air Conditioning service and have an amazing view of Long Lake. The cabins are ideal for enjoying the sunrise right from the comfort of your bed or from the terrace.


       • Bathroom

      • Two Adjoining Rooms

      •Spacious Terrace with Hammocks


     • Double Bed

     • Ceiling Fan and Air Conditioning


    • Two Single beds 

    • 24-inch LED TV and DVD player

    • Fan

    • Mini Bar

Rustic Cabin

The Rustic Lodge Villa Marina cottages offer warm, welcoming and attractive environments with rustic décor in harmony with the environment. The cabins have panoramic views of the Amazon Forest and to the lagoon "La Dichosa" with its murky water. 

Enjoy a more natural and exotic setting at this rustic lodge. It is located in a completely different eco region of the Amazon rainforest (Lowland or flooded lands, instead of sheets)

      • Private Bathroom (Exterior)

     • Two Adjoining Rooms

      • Terrace with Hammocks

      • Two singles beds in each roomç

      • Fans in every room

"Tropical Flavors, Fresh Ingredients in Los Lagos Lodge"

The Restaurant

Our restaurant, casual yet elegant, stands out for its rustic décor with touches of elegance. Intimate atmosphere and a cozy atmosphere contrasts with its wide open spaces and well-lit. Exotic ceilings, built with palm leaves, wood floors and colorful walls give that tropical feel. 

These warm environments are mixed wiht a  gentle refreshing breeze from the lake, which provide a break from the midday heat. Let yourself be pampered by our friendly  staff.

The restaurant is located in the heart of the lodge, opposite the pool and bar, and very close to the rooms and Long Lake. This place  has capacity to accommodate 40 guests.

The covered terrace offers an excellent opportunity to enjoy the panoramic view of the lake breeze and nature during lunch. Accompanied by the singing of birds and the murmur of the waves of Lago Largo.

Tasting the delights of the local cuisine. The warm night breeze, under a starry sky, creates a ideal for those romantic couples.

The dinners by candlelight are subject to availability and are exclusively under reserve.

The Food: Traditional Cuisine of Beni

Traditional, tropical and fresh ingredients, describes the cuisine of this region. A culinary adventure, experiencing new flavors and a new culture. We offer a range of regional, national and also international dishes. The menu varies according to season and its contents are subject to what has been caught or farmed in the town of the lodge or in the same region. Beef and fish are the major proteins in our menu, reflecting the culture of the area. The fish is caught by our staff and comes from the nearby lagoons. It is fresh fish from the lake to the plate, can not be betterl! Beef is supplied by the Rancho San Antonio, which promotes the sustainable management, low environmental impact, using natural pastures without animal cruelty, which is reflected in the quality and taste of the meat.

The menu in Los Lagos Lodge includes traditional dishes while offering international cuisine a la carte. Start the experience with some of the house cocktails made with exotic fruits in the region, or accompany your meals with our domestic wines or some of our finest South American wines.

Please note that for the Beni-style Barbecue, reservations are necessary. Also serve vegetarian, vegan or other dietary restrictions groups. Let us know your needs so advanced, when planning your trip, to prepare some options.

Photos - SelvaBlue Lodge Los Lagos

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  4. Amboro National Park , Santa Cruz

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  5. Tour package: Amboro National Park & Samaipata

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  6. Amboro National Park , Santa Cruz

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  1. Hamster Kombat Daily rewards 5M Coin 😁🤩

  2. FerrauTours : parque amboró

  3. Parque Nacional Amboró

  4. showcase 07 12.08.22


  1. Amboro Tours Travel Agency

    Amboro Tours Bolivia. We are a Tour Operator and travel agency located in BuenaVista,Ichilo-Santa Cruz- Bolivia We have being working since 1999 without interruptions and directly operating touristic destinations and supporting Receptive Tourism based on the field experiences of our leaders with continuously updates transmitted to the staff.

  2. Amboro Park North Side

    A Brief Program to visit Amboro National park North Side. This program / itinerary is a brief explanation of the activities of 1,2,3 days or more in Amboro National park Noth side 1st day.- These tours to Amboro Park North Side, usually start at 8:00 a.m. in the city of Santa Cruz.

  3. Amboro Tours

    Amboro Tours is a legally Bolivian Company. We are located at Buena Vista, Santa Cruz , Bolivia South America We have being working since the year 1999 without interruptions and directly operating touristic destinations, servicing and supporting Receptive Tourism based on the field experiences of our leaders with updates continuously transmitted to the staff.

  4. Amboro National Park Tours [Top Rated Tour Guide]

    Our Amboro National Park tours are a perfect way to see the beaulty of the park with an expert tour guide! REFUGIO LOS VOLCANES LODGE. AMBORO NATIONAL PARK. I deally situated in the southern side of Amboro National Park is the spectacular Refugio Los Volcanes. Just two hours' drive from the city of Santa Cruz this paradise is a place that has ...

  5. Amboro National Park

    Explore the tropical rainforest and diverse wildlife of Amboro National Park, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Enjoy waterfalls, natural pools, and stunning views of the Andes, Chaco and Amazon ecosystems.

  6. Guided Tours In Bolivia

    Amboro Tours is proud to be pioneers in organise Eco-trips to this park. Refugio Los Volcanes in Amboro National Park. Entrance View R.Volcanes. Refugio Los Volcanes is a touristic destination in Amboro National park South side. It is in the region of Santa Cruz, Bolivia. This touristic attraction offers a comfortable lodge in the middle of a ...


    Aug 29, 2024 - Amboro Tours is a legally Bolivian Company. We are located at Buena Vista, Santa Cruz , Bolivia South America We have being working since the year 1999 without interruptions and directly operating ...

  8. A Guide To Amboró National Park

    Amboro National Park is divided into two distinct sections; the highland region in the north and the lowland region in the south. ... Most tours are conducted 3km inside the "red line" where hikers can visit local communities to learn about the park's rare species of plant and wildlife. Consisting of waterfalls, natural pools, rivers and ...

  9. Guide To Samaipata & Amboró National Park Bolivia

    The cute town of Samaipata and lush Amboro National Park are absolute musts for your Bolivia itinerary. Here's everything you need to know. The cute town of Samaipata and lush Amboro National Park are absolute musts for your Bolivia itinerary. ... Tours happen at 9am, 10.30am, 2pm and 3:30pm but you'll need to book in adance. Here's the ...

  10. About Amboro Tours

    Amboro Tours began to operate organized tours more than 20 year ago. Our first destination was Amboro National park north side. Amboró National Park in central Bolivia is a nature reserve with over 800 species of birds, over 125 mammalian species including puma, ocelots, and the rare Spectacled Bear (Tremarctos ornatus). ...

  11. Amboro National Park/Refugio Los Volcanes and Samaipata Package Tour

    This exciting new tour package explores the most beautiful areas of the Santa Cruz department and includes an excellent mix of nature, scenery, wildlife and culture. The tour includes visiting the spectacular Refugio Los Volcanes, Pre Incan Ruins of El Fuerte, Giant Fern Forests of Amboro National Park, Las Cuevas Waterfalls, visit the Inter ...

  12. Refugio Los Volcanes Amboro National Park

    Refugio Los Volcanes, Amboro National Park (South side) The lodge Refugio Los Volcanes is located close to the southern part of Amboró National Park and is roughly a 2-hour drive from the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra. Tucked away in a deep valley surrounded by the Volcanes mountain range, this place has a privileged location with ...

  13. Amboro National Park Overnight Tour From Santa Cruz

    Explore the captivating biodiversity of Amboro National Park on this 2-day overnight tour from Santa Cruz, offering an all-inclusive experience in the heart of the rainforest. Wildlife spotting is a highlight of this adventure, with opportunities to see a variety of species in their natural habitat. From colorful birds like toucans and macaws ...

  14. Southern Amboro National Park (Refugio Los Volcanes)

    Southern Amboró National Park (Refugio Los Volcanes) - 2 Days. Home to lush rainforests and an astonishing diversity of wildlife, Parque Nacional Amboro has long been a coveted destination in the protection of natural heritage in Bolivia. Experience this gorgeous region on a fun-filled adventure with plenty of hiking trails, pristine ...

  15. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Omsk Oblast (2024)

    10. Omsk State Museum of History and Regional Studies. 52. History Museums. Established in 1878, this museum safeguarded valuable collections during World War II and, after the war, expanded its holdings to reflect the region's rapid social development, economic achievements…. 11.

  16. Full Day Tours

    Full Day - Buenavista. Buenavista is a pleasant town less than 2 hours by car from the city of Santa Cruz. People who puts a bit of attention on the atmosphere of this place may realize that the air or oxygen over here most of the time is very healthy. And the spectacular view of the Amboro Park on clear days is an ideal complement.

  17. AMBORO TOURS (Santa Cruz)

    Amboro Tours is a legally Bolivian Company. We are located at Buena Vista, Santa Cruz , Bolivia South America We have being working since the year 1999 without interruptions and directly operating touristic destinations, servicing and supporting Receptive Tourism based on the field experiences of our leaders with updates continuously transmitted to the staff.

  18. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Omsk (2024)

    It shows a couple sitting and... 10. Omsk State Museum of History and Regional Studies. 52. History Museums. Established in 1878, this museum safeguarded valuable collections during World War II and, after the war, expanded its holdings to reflect the region's rapid social development, economic achievements…. 11.

  19. Amboro National Park

    Amboro National Park. Creation; year 1984. Localization; Elbow of the Andes, geographical point where the Western mountain ranges change course towards the south 17° 43' and 17° 55' south latitude and 60° 39' and 64° 04' west longitude. Eco-regions. Savannas and groves of the cerraExtension; 636,000 hectares Flora; There are ...

  20. THE 30 BEST Places to Visit in Omsk (UPDATED 2024)

    10. Omsk State Museum of History and Regional Studies. 52. History Museums. Established in 1878, this museum safeguarded valuable collections during World War II and, after the war, expanded its holdings to reflect the region's rapid social development, economic achievements…. 11. Achairsky Holy Cross Monastery. 86.

  21. Amazon Lake

    Amazon Lake - A wildlife Santurary. ( Some parts are taken from Amazonas Lakes) This region comprehend a number of Amazon Lakes, located in the Amazon basin, is the only resort in the Amazon, with an extension that surpasses 100 square kilometers (24710 acres) of private protected area. Our protected ecoregions include Amazon tropical forest ...

  22. THE BEST Omsk Observatories & Planetariums (Updated 2024)

    Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, number of page views, and user location. 1. Omsk Planetarium. 2. Omsk Planetarium. 3. Zodiak Digital Planetarium. Top Omsk Observatories & Planetariums: See reviews and photos of Observatories & Planetariums in Omsk, Russia on Tripadvisor.