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Stage 6 of the Tour de Bretagne cancelled after massive crash - Video

Dozens of riders go down on mud-covered roads at 2.2 stage race

The peloton during the neutralised stage 6 of the 2023 Tour de Bretagne

Organizers of the Tour de Bretagne called off the racing on Sunday's stage 6 after a massive crash on Sunday.

The peloton was on a stretch of mud-covered road in the UCI 2.2-rated stage race in northwestern France when a rider near the front of the pack went down, leading to a massive pileup. The crash saw dozens of riders hit the deck.

Organisers initially neutralised the race and then decided to maintain the neutralised state of affairs through the finish in Plancoët.

Social media video taken at the race shows the peloton racing along at high speed downhill before several riders slid out on the mud, leaving dozens more with nowhere to go.

Riders who were able to continue went on to complete a procession lap of the closing circuit. Some weren't so lucky, though, including Jasper Dejaegher of Intermarché-Circus-Wanty U23 squad Circus-ReUz-Technord, who suffered a fractured wrist in the pileup.

In total, four riders were taken to local hospitals, and with all the race ambulances in use, the stage couldn't continue.

With that, the Tour de Bretagne GC remains unchanged after stage 6, with Simon Pellaud ( Tudor Pro Cycling ) sitting atop the leaderboard. Racing at the Tour de Bretagne will resume on Monday for the seventh and final stage from Piré-Chancé to Châteaugiron.

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DirectVelo spoke to race director Christophe Fossani after the incident, with the Frenchman calling it "a case of bad luck".

"No, I don't regret it. It was a nice little road. I only regret that there were 10 metres of mud. Ten metres! It was a nice, dry little road," he said.

"I reported the danger on Radio Tour. The police had signalled the danger and put up a yellow flag to warn everyone. Everything was reported. But without radios, it's more difficult. This is a case of bad luck. Unfortunately, it was one of the first riders in the peloton who fell. If it had been one of the last riders in the peloton, the story would have been different.

"I got in touch with the prefecture quickly, yes. They told me that we made a very good decision. It's a decision that you don't take on the spur of the moment. You sit down, think about it, discuss it with the main players in the race and agree on a plan.

"Of course, I am disappointed for everyone, for the spectators, for the city. But it is still heart-warming to see the riders applauded as they cross the line. It will remain one of the facts of the Tour de Bretagne.

"It's a fact of racing, we could do without it, that's for sure, but it happens in the biggest races in the world… There were choices to be made, it was necessary... But yes, of course, when you see how many people were there today, it's a shame. It was the queen stage of the Tour de Bretagne, but that's how it is."

Pour ça April 30, 2023
Stage 6 of Tour de Bretagne is cancelled after 90% of the peloton crashed at 60km/h on muddy roads. April 30, 2023

tour bretagne

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Dane has been a sports writer and editor for many years, and makes a return to Cyclingnews as a contributor in 2022. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Virginia.

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La tour de Bretagne à Nantes

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Le Groupe Giboire lance le projet de réhabilitation de la tour Bretagne à Nantes

Avatar de l'auteur "Charlotte Costa"

le 31 janvier 2023

[ mis à jour le 18 avril 2023 ]

La tour Bretagne, un monument phare du paysage urbanistique nantais

Une tour fantôme depuis 2020, giboire veut donner “une magnifique seconde vie” à la tour bretagne, un gratte-ciel mixte, accessible à tous, que va accueillir la nouvelle tour bretagne à nantes , un financement évalué à 120 millions d’euros et un calendrier millimétré.

Absente de toute vie depuis 2020 suite à la découverte de traces de poussières d’amiante, la tour Bretagne à Nantes est en passe d’être transformée. Jeudi 26 janvier 2023, le promoteur Giboire, propriétaire majoritaire de l’édifice de 144 mètres de haut a convié la presse locale à une présentation du projet qui doit accueillir à sa réouverture à l’horizon 2028, un hôtel, des commerces et des logements.

L’ agence NantesImmo9 , spécialisée dans la commercialisation programmes immobiliers neufs à Nantes Métropole vous présente le projet de la nouvelle tour Bretagne.

 Tour Bretagne Nantes – la tour Bretagne à Nantes

Que les nantais l'aiment ou non, la Tour Bretagne est un élément majeur du patrimoine de leur ville. Conçue en 1966 par l’architecte Claude Devorsine et l’ingénieur Marcel André, la Tour Bretagne à Nantes est pensée à l’origine pour accueillir un parking de 6 étages avec une station-service, un centre commercial comptant 25 boutiques, des bureaux et une terrasse de 200 m² avec un restaurant.

Si sur le papier l’offre est plutôt intéressante, dans les faits, la construction de la Tour Bretagne est un long combat et surtout un semi-échec économique. Après 5 années de travaux débutés en 1971 et des problèmes administratifs à répétition, la tour Bretagne est finalement inaugurée en 1976, soit 10 après sa conception.

Ne répondant plus aux mentalités du moment, la tour Bretagne fait un véritable flop auprès des nantais. Elle est rapidement décrite comme obsolète et comme un bâtiment introverti et fermé. La tour Bretagne est perçue d’un mauvais œil et reste à moitié vide à cause des loyers bien trop élevés.

En 2017, des traces de poussières d’amiante sont découvertes dans les clapets de désenfumage mais aussi un peu partout dans les revêtements de sol, les coffrages et les joints de vitrage de la tour Bretagne. Une terrible nouvelle qui engendrera d’importants travaux d’études et de désamiantage, et qui encouragera au fil des années la mise en sommeil progressive de la tour.

En 2019, les copropriétaires de la tour Bretagne missionnent un cabinet d’études quant aux solutions possibles pour exploiter les lieux. Les résultats de l’analyse aboutissent à trois propositions : soit vider la tour pendant 6 à 18 mois pour opérer que sur les volets amiantés, soit en plus rénover les parties communes, soit désamianter et transformer tout l’édifice pour le remettre en conformité et au goût du jour.

En mai 2020, les copropriétaires optent pour la troisième option. C’est-à-dire la réfection totale de la tour Bretagne impliquant sa fermeture pour une durée comprise entre 5 et 10 ans. Depuis juin 2020, ce colosse de 32 étages est une coquille vide, les derniers bureaux ayant déserté la tour fin 2019. Seules des équipes de sécurité et d’entretien sont toujours présentes sur les lieux.

Propriétaire à 76 % de la surface de la tour, le promoteur immobilier breton Giboire a pour ambition de transformer en profondeur la tour Bretagne. Pour cela, il se laisse jusqu’à la fin de l’été pour choisir le projet de l’un des 8 cabinets, architectes ou groupements présélectionnés. “On laisse une grande marge aux architectes pour nous surprendre” souligne Michel Giboire, président du groupe éponyme.

Parmi les 8 cabinets en lice pour la transformation de la tour Bretagne, il y a Ateliers 2/3/4, Architecturestudio, Christian de Portzamparc, Dominique Perrault Architecture, Hubert & Roy Architectures, JBA et Urbanmaker, Nouvelle AOM et PCA-Stream. Tous sont familiers aux Immeubles de Grande Hauteur (IGH).

Les noms des 4 cabinets d’architecture ont été dévoilés le 12 avril 2023 lors du jury de sélection. Il s’agit de : Ateliers 2/3/4, Nouvelle AOM, PCM-Stream et le binôme nantais Jacques Boucheton Architecte et Urbanmarkers. Les 4 finalistes doivent maintenant proposer et dessiner un projet abouti. L’architecte sélectionné pour la transformation de la tour Bretagne sera annoncé au mois de septembre.

Jeudi 26 janvier 2023, le promoteur Giboire et Nantes Métropole qui détient 20 % de la tour Bretagne ont présenté à la presse locale les contours du projet et leur volonté d’en faire un exemple à l’échelle nationale.

 Tour Bretagne Nantes – Vue aérienne sur Nantes et la tour Bretagne

“Nous voulons faire de ce totem nantais, un exemple de réhabilitation urbaine écoresponsable qui puisse être un exemple à l’échelle nationale.” souligne Olivier Biancarelli, directeur général de Giboire. Pour y parvenir, les acteurs du projet planchent sur plusieurs pistes : réemploi des matériaux, possible raccordement au réseau de chaleur urbain, développement des mobilités douces ou encore obtention du label BBCA Rénovation.

Pour ce qui est des usages, les porteurs du projet souhaitent tirer un trait avec le passé. Exit les espaces clos et sans âme, la nouvelle tour Bretagne n’accueillera aucun bureau. Le promoteur Giboire veut aménager les 20 000 m² de la tour Bretagne en un véritable lieu de vie mixte et accessible à tous les publics. Pour Thomas Quéro, adjoint au maire de Nantes délégué à l’urbanisme, “un des gros enjeux est de pouvoir amener plus de vie” .

Le socle commercial de la tour Bretagne à Nantes sera réparti sur 3 500 m² entre le rez-de-chaussée et le 2ème étage. Si les locataires des cellules commerciales n’ont bien sûr pas encore été choisis, le promoteur comme la ville de Nantes souhaiteraient des enseignes de la transition écologique et de l’économie sociale et solidaire. Lors de la réalisation, un tiers des places de parking existantes va être détruit.

Une “jauge-libre” de 1 000 m² sera destinée à l’aménagement d’un tiers-lieu ou d’un incubateur. Les agences et groupements d’architectes retenues devront proposer des solutions d’aménagement pour cet espace mais également inclure un porteur de projet pour occuper les lieux. Si possible un porte-étendard du savoir-faire à la nantaise et en lien avec l’ESS.

Au 3ème étage, on trouvera un hôtel 4 étoiles de 100 chambres, ainsi qu’un restaurant. Au-dessus, le promoteur Giboire dont le domaine de prédilection est l’immobilier résidentiel proposera entre 150 et 200 logements neufs du T1 au T6 en accession libre. Les prix ne sont pas encore connus pour le moment, le promoteur attend d’avoir davantage de visibilité quant aux coûts des travaux.

 Tour Bretagne Nantes – Une salle de restaurant chic et branché

Enfin, le toit qui est encombré d’équipements techniques pour la chaufferie sera remplacé par un roof top aménagé de 700 m² accessible au public. Il y accueillera certainement un bar, comme l’était Le Nid, un bar œuvre de l’artiste Jean Julien. Une adresse emblématique où les nantais pourront y boire un verre et admirer la ville de Nantes à 360° depuis le toit perché à 120 mètres de hauteur.

La surface plancher de la tour Bretagne pourra être augmentée de 20 % à partir du 3ème étage.

Les 8 agences mandatées par le promoteur Giboire ont jusqu’au mois de mars pour remettre leur note d’intention. En avril, le groupe choisira 4 équipes projets qui auront ensuite jusqu’au mois de septembre pour rendre leur présentation finale de la transformation de la tour Bretagne. Après analyse des dossiers, le groupe ne retiendra qu’un seul nom et soumettra le projet à la copropriété (Nantes Métropole et le groupe Lamotte).

Estimés à 120 millions d’euros, les travaux de réhabilitation se poursuivront jusqu’à la fin de l’année 2027, voire début 2028. Le temps de recueillir tous les documents d’urbanisme, de désamianter tout le site et de réaliser les travaux qui s’annoncent pharaoniques.

  • Le Figaro – Article sur la réhabilitation de la Tour Bretagne à Nantes
  • Le Moniteur – Giboire lance la transformation de la Tour Bretagne
  • Groupe Giboire - Présentation du lancement de l’appel à projets de la transformation de la Tour Bretagne
  • France Bleu – Nantes - La Tour Bretagne va être totalement transformée

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Preview Bretagne Classic 2024 | Here we have Nys, now a strong contender in WorldTour classics!

T he WorldTour calendar is now firmly back on track because of the Vuelta a Espana and races such as the Bretagne Classic and the Renewi Tour. In this preview, IDLProCycling anticipates the famous one-day race in Western France, where Thibau Nys normally finishes his road season.

Whoever looks at the list of honors of the Bretagne Classic sees a wide range of riders. On the one hand, there are fast men like Elia Viviani and Alexander Kristoff, but punching types like Benoit Cosnefroy and Valentin Madouas have already registered the one-day race in their name. In between, we see typical guys like Sep Vanmarcke, Oliver Naesen (twice), and Wout van Aert.

Last year in Plouay, Mathieu van der Poel rode his first race in his then-achieved Glasgow rainbow jersey, but in the Madouass, he won. The Frenchman from Groupama-FDJ held off Mathieu Burgaudeau, Felix Grossschartner, and teammate Stefan Küng, while Van der Poel came in anonymously in place 74.

Practical information Bretagne Classic 2024

  • Plouay - Plouay (259.0 km)
  • Sunday, Aug. 25, 2024
  • Participants
  • Classification: WorldTour

In this article

  • Latest winners
  • Course, weather, and timetable
  • TV information

Latest winners Bretagne Classic

2023 Valentin Madouas

2022 Wout van Aert

2021 Benoit Cosnefroy

2020 Michael Matthews

2019 Sep Vanmarcke

2018 Oliver Naesen

2017 Elia Viviani

2016 Oliver Naesen

2015 Alexander Kristoff

2014 Sylvain Chavanel

Course, weather, and timetable BretagneClassic 2024

The Bretagne Classic: Ouest France has been a stronghold of the annual WorldTour circuit for several years under different names. The exciting thing about this race is that the type of winner does not always match the number of altimeters to be covered. There are 4000 altimeters, yet men like Alexander Kristoff and Elia Viviani are on the recent victory list.

This year's course will likely be no different, though, in recent years, it has tended more toward the classic types. From start to finish, it goes up and down through the Breton countryside, where cycling heroes like Bernard Hinault and Warren Barguil hail from. From Plouay, we initially head north, turning right at Plouneuor Menez.

After ninety kilometers, we are at that turning point through the Breton country, with barely any meters of flat ahead of us. At about eighty kilometers from the finish in Plouay, we should probably expect the start of the finale, knowing that we have several challenging hills to overcome there, even before we get to the local circuit.

With the hill Marta (0.9 km, 8.4%) and shortly after that, the Longeo (1.2 km, 6.3%), more separation can be made before we reach the local lap in and around Plouay. This one is 11.7 kilometers long and has to be conquered once, but it secretly contains 171 tricky altimeters hidden within it.

There are three more tricky climbs in this local lap, the first of which is the Rostervel. This one is 1.5 kilometers at 4.5 percent, after which the riders get a little breathing room. The Lezot (0.8 km at 5.3 percent) and Kersoulic (0.3 km at 8.9 percent) follow each other a bit faster, after which we still have about four kilometers in a slightly downhill trend to the finish line in Plouay. Therein, it often comes to a battle between a few breakaway riders and a trailing group.

Sunday is expected to be pleasant in Plouay. With 21 degrees Celsius and a breeze from the sea, the weather will be fine, with probably no precipitation.

Start: 10:30 a.m.

Finish: approximately 5 p.m.

Favorites Brittany Classic 2024

Please note that the list of participants is not yet official, so changes may still be made.

Well, then, what an impressive list of participants! Nobody is from the list of all-time greats (category Van der Poel, Pogacar, Van Aert, and Evenepoel), but that shouldn't spoil the fun. Indeed, on paper, it only makes the race in Brittany more exciting. The season's revelation is Thibau Nys, who will normally end his road year with the WorldTour classic after nine seasonal victories. He does this with Jasper Stuyven and Bauke Mollema at Lidl-Trek.

Traditionally, the French also perform well in Brittany; we can list some of them. Two-time world champion Julian Alaphilippe (Soudal Quick-Step), for example, but also Mathieu Burgaudeau (TotalEnergies), Christophe Laporte (Visma | Lease a Bike), Kévin Vauquelin (Arkéa - B&B Hotels), Paul Lapeira and Benoit Cosnefroy (Decathlon AG2R). And then we haven't mentioned defending champion Valentin Madouas of Groupama-FDJ, with Romain Grégoire and Laurence Pithie as teammates.

Besides Nys and Stuyven, there will be many strong Belgians at the start. Lotto-Dstny will start with a solid formation, with Maxim Van Gils and Arnaud De Lie assigned the leadership role. In addition, riders such as Tiesj Benoot (Visma | Lease a Bike), Gianni Vermeersch (Alpecin-Deceuninck), and Ilan Van Wilder (Soudal Quick-Step) will perform well in this race.

In a way, the Bretagne Classic is a race for the punchers. At UAE-Team Emirates, you have Clasica San Sebastian winner Marc Hirschi and his compatriot Jan Christen, while INEOS Grenadiers is fielding Tom Pidcock. Types like Maximilian Schachmann (Red Bull-BORA-hansgrohe), Soren Kragh Andersen (Alpecin-Deceuninck), Alex Aranburu (Movistar), and Magnus Cort (Uno-X) should also be able to go far. The latter team also has Jonas Abrahamsen, Rasmus Tiller, and Soren Waerenskjold at its disposal.

Looking at strong sprinters, we end up with Michael Matthews (Jayco AlUla) and Marijn van den Berg (EF Education-EasyPost). Not yet mentioned men with a sprint are Casper van Uden (dsm-firmenich PostNL), Vincenzo Albanese (Arkéa - B&B Hotels), Ivan Garcia Cortina (Movistar), Fred Wright (Bahrain Victorious) and Hugo Page (Intermarché-Wanty).

Favorites Bretagne Classic 2024, according to IDLProCycling

Top favorites: Thibau Nys (Lidl-Trek) and Christophe Laporte (Visma | Lease a Bike)

Outsiders: Marc Hirschi (UAE-Team Emirates), Valentin Madouas (Groupama-FDJ), Julian Alaphilippe (Soudal Quick-Step), Maxim Van Gils (Lotto-Dstny) and Tom Pidcock (INEOS Grenadiers)

TV Bretagne Classic 2024

Those wishing to watch the Bretagne Classic live on Sunday must tune in to HBO Max or Discovery+ . Due to overlap with numerous other races/sports, the race will be available exclusively via the live stream from 12:40 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Preview Bretagne Classic 2024 | Here we have Nys, now a strong contender in WorldTour classics!

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Le Tour de Bretagne Cycliste

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Sprint | Saint-Derrien (45.4 km)

Sprint | saint-pol-de-léon (129.9 km), sprint | saint-pol-de-léon (142.7 km), points at finish, kom sprint | castellic (67.4 km), youth day classification, team day classification, race information.

tour bretagne

  • Date: 25 April 2023
  • Start time: 13:03
  • Avg. speed winner: 46.264 km/h
  • Classification: 2.2
  • Race category: ME - Men Elite
  • Distance: 155.5 km
  • Points scale: 2.2.Stage
  • UCI scale: UCI.WR.2.Stage
  • Parcours type:
  • ProfileScore: 16
  • Vertical meters: 1203
  • Departure: Plouescat
  • Arrival: Saint-Pol-de-Léon
  • Race ranking: 210
  • Startlist quality score: 33
  • Won how: Sprint of large group
  • Avg. temperature: 13 °C

Race profile

tour bretagne

Grand Tours

  • Vuelta a España

Major Tours

  • Volta a Catalunya
  • Tour de Romandie
  • Tour de Suisse
  • Itzulia Basque Country
  • Milano-SanRemo
  • Ronde van Vlaanderen


  • European championships

Top classics

  • Omloop Het Nieuwsblad
  • Strade Bianche
  • Gent-Wevelgem
  • Dwars door Vlaanderen
  • Eschborn-Frankfurt
  • San Sebastian
  • Bretagne Classic
  • GP Montréal

Popular riders

  • Tadej Pogačar
  • Wout van Aert
  • Remco Evenepoel
  • Jonas Vingegaard
  • Mathieu van der Poel
  • Mads Pedersen
  • Primoz Roglic
  • Demi Vollering
  • Lotte Kopecky
  • Katarzyna Niewiadoma
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Tour Bretagne Ticket Price, Hours, Address and Reviews

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Tour Bretagne

  • Address: Place de Bretagne, 44000 Nantes, France Map
  • Timings: 24-hrs Details
  • Tags: Observatory, Tower, Architecture

Tour Bretagne is a 37 stories skyscraper situated in downtown Nantes. The tower is an essential part of the city. It comprises of eight elevators of which seven escalators and on the roof a water tank which holds 24,000 gallons. This architecture of this tower is very modern. The tower gives a 360 degree view of Nantes.  It is visible from the center of the town.  Around the building there are museums, boutiques, libraries etc for a complete experience.   

  • Tour Bretagne Address: Place de Bretagne, 44000 Nantes, France
  • Tour Bretagne Timing: 24-hrs
  • Try the best online travel planner to plan your travel itinerary!

28.92% of people who visit Nantes include Tour Bretagne in their plan

  • 08 AM - 09 AM

35.71% of people start their Tour Bretagne visit around 08 AM - 09 AM

People usually take around 1 Hr to see Tour Bretagne

85.37% of people prefer to travel by car while visiting Tour Bretagne

People normally club together Island Of Versailles and Place Du Bouffay while planning their visit to Tour Bretagne.

Tour Bretagne Reviews & Ratings

tour bretagne

Attractions Nearby

  • Musee Des Beaux-arts De Nantes
  • Les Machines De L'ile De Nantes
  • Jardin Des Plantes
  • Memorial De L'abolition De L'esclavage
  • Cathedrale De Saint-pierre Et Saint-paul
  • Lieu Unique
  • Le Passage Pommeraye
  • Chateau D' Angers
  • Chateau De Serrant
  • Cathedrale St-maurice
  • Parc Anjou Aventure
  • Musee Lurcat
  • Musee Des Beaux-arts
  • Nantes Itinerary for 1 day
  • Nantes Itinerary for 2 days

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  • Southern Brittany Photos

tour bretagne

Secrets of Brittany, the Golfe du Morbihan + Northern Brittany extension option

Contact  us  to request information for our 2024 tours.

Join our tour to Southern Brittany!

Begin your nine day adventure in Nantes to experience the most beautiful villages and coastal towns in Brittany and sample the regional specialties at the finest restaurants.

Enjoy daily excursions to explore the most quintessential Breton villages and towns: Quimper (ceramics!), Locronan town of granite houses, Concarneau a walled city by the sea, Pont Aven where Gaugin, Monet and others were inspired to paint this beautiful region, Belon sur Mer home of the Belon Oyster and the famous restaurant Chez Jacky. Each town and village is a unique example of this region’s fascinating culture and history.

Continue your Brittany discovery on our four-day Northern Brittany extension tour!

Extend your Brittany adventure with us for four nights to discover some of northern Brittany, including Rennes, Dinan and Vitré and a special excursion to the inspiring Mont St Michel on the Brittany/Normandy border.

Brittany Rochefort en Terre scene

What is Included in your 10 Day Luxury Tour of Brittany?

  • Hotel Accommodation ten nights at all 4 star hotels of charm (Main tour)
  • 3 nights at Hotel Ginkgo Quimper
  • 4 nights at a luxury beach location hotel in Carnac
  • 3 nights in Nantes
  • Breakfast daily
  • 4 gourmet dinners
  • 4 lunches at specialty regional restaurants
  • All transportation during the tour in luxury coach bus
  • Luggage assistance
  • Airport transfers from Nantes airport to your Nantes hotel for arrival and departure
  • All tips included
  • All entry fees to museums and all visits listed in daily program
  • Boat cruise on the Golfe du Morbihan and visit of Ile des Moines
  • Visit with local expert guide of the Stones of Carnac
  • Visit and oyster tasting at oyster farm by the sea in Belon
  • Visit of the Machines de l’Ile in Nantes

What is Included in your Luxury 4 Day Brittany extension tour?

  • Hotel Accommodation four nights at a 4 star, centrally-located hotel of charm in Fougères (extension tour)
  • 1 Lunch & 1 gourmet dinner
  • Entrance to the UNESCO World Heritage site listed Abbey of Mont Saint Michel
  • All transportation during the tour in small luxury coach
  • Airport transfer to Nantes airport or Nantes (SNCF) train station for your departure
  • Visit to Château de Fougères

Day by Day Program for Brittany Tour with Best of France Travels

Extension tour - day 10 continued..., extension tour - day 11, extension tour - day 12, extension tour - day 13, extension tour - day 14.

Welcome to Nantes!

Transfer to the hotel and check in. Enjoy the remainder of the day at your leisure.

Your Best of France Travels Secrets of Brittany discovery begins tomorrow morning!

tour bretagne

We will say ‘au revoir’ to our main group mid-morning and depart by coach for northern Brittany.

Making a stop en route in the delightful Breton town of La Gacilly, home to the French health and beauty brand: Yves Rocher, we will visit the Maison de Yves Rocher for an interactive tour. The focus is very much on working with nature, conservation and the environment.

This quaint town with its plethora of flower baskets decorating the town, is also a center for a variety of artisans.

We will continue onto Fougères this afternoon and check into our hotel.

The town is famous for its medieval fortress and castle with 13 towers.

Dinner as a group this evening.

tour bretagne

With thanks – Image by Yves from Pixabay

Today we’re off to discover the truly charming Dinan!  This beautiful medieval town with its ramparts, cobblestone streets and half-timbered houses is perfect to discover at your own pace. It was once a great center for weaving and hide tanning between the 14-18th centuries. You will discover a variety of artisans and craftspeople from woodwork to glass-blowing.

We will return to Rennes late afternoon. Enjoy dinner on your own.

tour bretagne

With thanks – Image by Andreas from Pixabay

Today we will travel a short distance just over the regional border into Normandy to visit the UNESCO World Heritage site of Mont Saint Michel. The abbey atop the fortified island dominates the landscape. Once only accessible during low tides, there is now a causeway for us to access the island easily. It is a short walk to access the shuttle transfer to the island.

There will be time for you to explore at your own pace. The climb up to the abbey involves a number of stairs, so there’s no rushing here!

We will depart the Mont Saint Michel for a wonderful picnic lunch with views across the bay.

We will return to Fougères late afternoon.

tour bretagne

With thanks – Image by Ralf Mohrs from Pixabay

We will check out of the hotel this morning.

Before we depart Fougères, we will visit the castle and its ramparts.

Lunch on your own in the town center.

We will arrive in Nantes and check into our hotel. There will be some free time before dinner.

Our final dinner together to celebrate a wonderful tour in Brittany this evening.

tour bretagne

Image with thanks by Franck Barske from Pixabay

Check out of the hotel after breakfast this morning and bid ‘Au revoir’ to the beautiful region of Brittany. We will arrange your private transfer to Nantes-Atlantique Airport (NTE) or Nantes (SNCF) train station per your departure schedule.

tour bretagne

Customers' Appreciation

“After a one-year wait for Carol to develop her Brittany trip, we went on it in June.  We very much enjoyed the new Brittany trip.  My favorite hotel was the Moulins du Duc because of its magnificent environment, the history that was apparent, and the quaintness of the rooms. And the food … ooh la la! We also were amazed by Carnac and the stones.  We did not know they even existed before we arrived on the bus.  It was fascinating!  I thought Nantes was a very interesting stop for the city itself, the slavery information, and the elephant and other things at the “Le Machine” museum.  I was especially impressed by the slavery exhibit by the river and the slavery section in the castle museum.  They made me think. We will gladly come to France again!  Another trip to Provence would be one we would like to do.” Donna and Gary D.  – Wilmington SC

View Photos From Our Southern Brittany Tour

Brittany Chateau

The Ultimate Brittany Road Trip (Bretagne Road Trip) – Nature & Culture

Article written by Elisa This article may contain compensated links. Please read disclaimer for more info.

The region of Brittany (Bretagne) in  Western France  makes for a spectacular road trip. Driving to Brittany from Paris takes less than 4 hours, and it’s only an easy hop from the UK by ferry.

If you are looking for ways to spend 5 days in Brittany, look no further. This  5-day Brittany road trip from Dinan to the Bay of St. Michel  covers two French departments (Côtes d’Armor and Ile et Vilaine) and will take you through some of the main sights Brittany has to offer. This Brittany itinerary by car is a good combination of natural sights, picturesque small towns, and good food. We’re sure you will enjoy it as much as we did!

This road trip Brittany is one of the most beautiful road trips in France, plus driving in Brittany is super easy. Click here for the best road trips in France .

France by Car

Brittany Road Trip Overview

  • Start:  Dinan
  • Finish:  Mont St. Michel
  • Duration:  5 days
  • Suggested Route:  Dinan – St. Malo – Mont St. Michel (or vice-versa, if you are coming from Normandy)
  • Total distance:  185 km, 3 hours drive in total
  • Regions covered:  Brittany
  • Best for:  nature, outdoor activities, medieval towns, and food.

Actually, this Brittany road trip is a Normandy – Brittany road trip because the last stop of this itinerary is Mont Saint-Michel, which belongs to the Normandy region. I hope you don’t mind ending this Brittany itinerary with the Wonder of the Western World !

Bretagne Road Trip Map

tour bretagne

Click here to view this Road Trip in Brittany Map on Google

Road Trip Brittany – Itinerary 5 Days

This road trip Bretagne starts from Dinan. For this road trip, you don’t need the car until day 2. If you need to hire a car, wait until then to pick up your rental car in Dinan. Click here for our best tips to rent a car in France .

Click here to rent your car in Dinan

tour bretagne

Day 0 | Arrival in Dinan

tour bretagne

The first stop of this Brittany road trip is  Dinan , a picturesque medieval town where you will spend three nights. For your stay in Dinan, we recommend the Hotel Ibis Styles Dinan-Centre Ville , which is beautiful and central. There’s paid parking just in front of the hotel, but there’s no problem parking in the streets behind the hotel for free. Try to get a room facing the square, with its beautiful carousel.

Click here to book your stay at Hotel Ibis Styles Dinan

Day 1 | Dinan – Vallée de la Rance

Morning in Dinan

tour bretagne

Day 1 of this Bretagne road trip explores Dinan and its surroundings. Dinan  is one of the prettiest small towns in Brittany. It was a powerful trading city in medieval times, and you can still see many remains of this glorious past.

A stroll around Dinan is like a step back in time with its medieval ramparts, cobbled streets, and half-timbered houses: exploring Dinan is pure wonder!

The list of fun things to do in Dinan includes:

  • Dinan’s 13th-century ramparts
  • Climb up the Bell Tower (La Tour de l’Horloge)
  • Stroll the cobblestone streets, visit the small squares
  • Browse the art galleries
  • Try Breton gastronomy

tour bretagne

The  Rue du Jerzual , which connects the upper town to the lower town and its port, is one of Dinan’s most beautiful streets, but – you are warned – it is also very steep! Take your time and enjoy the beautiful facades with their intricate, antique doorways. The shutters, wrought iron, historical plaques, and stonework are a photographer’s dream.

tour bretagne

Afternoon at Vallée de la Rance

tour bretagne

Dinan developed on the shores of the  River Rance , which flows into the English Channel. From Dinan’s port in the lower town, take a bike * or an electric boat (no boating license required) and follow the River Rance upstream to explore the  Vallée de la Rance . As soon as you leave Dinan, the houses disappear, and nature takes over again.

*We had our own bikes, but you can rent bikes at the Port of Dinan-Lanvallay (Location de Vélos Kaouann 21 Rue du Quai, Dinan).

tour bretagne

Exploring the valley on two wheels is easy (the path is flat) and allows you to explore neighboring villages.

Stop at  Léhon , a lovely village located a few kilometers south. Stroll through Léhon’s streets and visit the abbey and its medieval garden. The garden was reconstructed as it was in medieval times from ancient illuminated manuscripts.

tour bretagne

In medieval times, the garden’s design and layout had strong symbolism. For example, the central fountain represented Heaven, and it divided the space into four sections that represented the four rivers of Paradise. The plants were carefully selected both for their virtues and symbolism.

After exploring the Vallée de la Rance, travel back to Dinan, where you will spend the night.

tour bretagne

Day 2 | Cap Fréhel and the Breton Coast

Morning in Cap Fréhel

Le Sentier des Douaniers

After one day of sightseeing, it’s time to pack some sandwiches and head to the coast for a hike and a dip in the sea.  Cap Fréhel  in Côtes d’Armor is a peninsula and one of Brittany’s most spectacular sights. This beautiful place is home to a seabird reserve and a historic lighthouse.

It is possible to climb up to the top of the lighthouse, or you can spend your time hiking around the area. There’s a paid parking on-site, but it gets full pretty fast.

Hiking the Sentier des Douaniers (GR34)

One of the top things to do in Brittany is the Sentier des Douaniers (GR34), a multi-day hike that follows all of Brittany’s 2,000-kilometer coastline.

This incredible hike – one of the best hikes in France – starts at the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel and ends in Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique), covering most of the coastal sites, Cap Fréhel included. On the way, hikers cross 5 French departments while enjoying great views, lonely lighthouses, and some of Brittany’s best towns.

To get a taste of the GR34 (spoiler: you will want more), you can drive to  Plage de Château Serein , the starting point of one of the sections of the GR34 hike. Despite the name, there’s no castle but a beautiful isolated beach, which is great for a picnic and a dip in the sea. From the car park, it’s a 5-minute hike down through the forest to the beach.

tour bretagne

From here, you can follow the GR34 and hike to  Fort La Latte , a spectacular 14th-century fortress built on a rocky outcrop above the sea. This is an easy 10-km hike (return) through the forest, it is mostly flat and has beautiful views on the way.

tour bretagne

Day 3 | Saint-Malo

From Dinan, drive to Saint-Malo , where you are going to spend one night. For your night in Saint-Malo, you’ll want to stay central and close to everything. We recommend  La Maison des Armateurs , a 4-star hotel near the cathedral and Saint-Malo’s marina, with a good choice of restaurants nearby.

Click here to book your stay at La Maison des Armateurs

Day at Saint-Mal o

tour bretagne

Take the day to explore  Saint-Malo , the city of pirates and corsairs, and a popular destination in Brittany. The old walled city stands on a granite islet that is joined to the mainland by an ancient causeway and also by an avenue bridging the inner harbor.

In the 10th century, the Norman invaders forced the population of this area to seek shelter on an islet and to begin fortifying it. In the 12th century, a bishop settled on this islet: it was the beginning of the existence of Saint-Malo, a city which over the centuries will gain in importance in France.

Saint-Malo developed into a city of merchants and sailors. Cod fishing, the conquests of distant lands, and the hessian trade contributed to the city’s development and wealth. By the end of the 17th century, Saint-Malo was the first harbor in France and the headquarters of many shipping companies. The beautiful private mansions built by the city’s wealthy inhabitants that remain bear witness to this rich past.

tour bretagne

There’s an excellent self-guided tour of the Old City. Starting from Place de Chateaubriand, follow the arrows.

The list of exciting things to do in Saint-Malo includes:

  • Walk the ancient ramparts that protect the old city
  • Fort National (low tide only), built by Vauban and Garangeau (1689)
  • Petit Bé Fort (low tide only), also built by Vauban (1695)
  • The Cathedral of Saint-Vincent
  • The 16th-century Solidor Tower, with three linked towers
  • Visit the Corsair frigate L’Étoile du Roy, a perfect replica of the 18th-century Corsair ship of the same name
  • The churches of Sainte-Croix and Saint-Ideuc
  • Grand Aquarium of Saint-Malo

INFO: Tide times and tide chart for Saint-Malo  

Day 4 | Cancale – Mont St Michel

Early morning at Le Grand Bé

Day 4 of this driving tour of Brittany explores some beautiful sights. If possible, wake up early – when the tide is still low – and hike to  Le Grand Bé , an uninhabited islet located a few hundred meters off the ramparts of Saint-Malo. It is here that the illustrious romantic writer  François-René de Chateaubriand  (Saint-Malo 1768 – Paris 1848) rests for eternity, near the edge of the cliff and eternally facing the sea and the storm of which, he said, “ the noise rocked my first sleep .”

tour bretagne

Chateaubriand’s tomb does not have any inscription, but a non-nominative plaque (one without his name) was however placed on the wall behind the grave with the following inscription:

“ A great French writer wanted to rest here to hear only the wind and the sea. Passerby, respect his last will. “

This place also provides an incredible panorama of Saint-Malo from the beach.

GOOD TO KNOW: You can only visit the Grand Bé for a few hours a day when it is low tide. Roughly, you will have an access window of 3 hours. For this, refer to the  low tide time of the day (check the link to the tide times for Saint-Malo at the end of day 3) and add 1h30 before and after this reference time. This is your window of opportunity to visit the Grand Bé.

Head back to St. Malo and linger over a second coffee (and perhaps a second breakfast) before leaving the city for Cancale.

Spend the Remainder of the Morning at Cancale

tour bretagne

Located on the Bay of Mont St. Michel,  Cancale  is a seaside resort best known for its fishing port and oyster farming center. Here you can get a taste of the famous Cancale oysters, which in the 17th and 18th centuries arrived at the tables of the King and nobles twice a week by special courier.

Cancale, today, is a small village that you can visit in a couple of hours or so. The houses along the quays were, in the past, the fishermen’s homes, while the houses set further back in the village were the ship owner’s and noble’s homes.

DID YOU KNOW? In Cancale, they have harvested oysters since at least Roman times. The village has the label  ‘Site remarquable du goût,’ but their oysters are not protected by an AOC (Apellation d’Origine Contrôlée) as yet. Cancale’s specialty is the huître plate / flat oyster ( Ostrea Edulis ), which was the only oyster known and eaten until the 19th century. Due to intense harvesting today in Brittany you can find this oyster only in deep water in the bay of Mont-Saint-Michel, which makes it more difficult to harvest and, therefore, more expensive. Cancale was saved ‘in extremis’ by the arrival of the Portuguese oyster, also known as huître creuse / hollow oyster ( Crassostrea Gigas ), that we eat everywhere in France. When you visit the harbor of Cancale, try both kinds of oysters, they taste very different! The oyster price depends on the type of oyster and its size (which range from Nº1 to Nº5 /Nº4).

tour bretagne

On the way to Mont Saint-Michel, the most adventurous may want to stop at Hirel to discover or re-discover sand yachting on the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel . Whether you are a beginner or an experienced sailor, this 1-hour tour (3 time slots in the morning, many more in the afternoon) will allow you to have a good time in your sand yacht on the beach of Hirel. The large stretch of sand of Hirel Beach , only 15 minutes from Saint-Malo, is a perfect place to practice sand yachting in Brittany. This is a rather physical activity, and we recommend bringing gloves and a windbreaker (helmets are provided).

tour bretagne

Afternoon at Mont St. Miche l

tour bretagne

From Cancale, drive to Mont St. Michel, where you will spend the last night of this Brittany road trip. For a unique stay, book one night at  La Vieille Auberge , a 14th-century half-timbered house located on Mont St Michel tidal island. Enjoy the charm of this old hotel with exposed beams and period furniture in the most magical setting.  It is truly magical.

Click here to book your stay at La Vieille Auberge, Mont St. Michel

Day 5 | Mont Saint-Michel (in Normandy)

tour bretagne

Day 5 of this Bretagne road trip is dedicated to visiting Mont St. Michel.  Mont Saint-Michel  in Normandy is one of the wonders of the Western World and one of France’s most spectacular sites.

Explore the medieval abbey, visit the bay with a local guide, and taste Mont St. Michel’s unique dishes, such as the omelet by La Mère Poulard or the Lamb (AOP) Prés salés du Mont-Saint-Michel (a unique type of lamb that is raised in the salt-marsh meadows of Mont-Saint-Michel). For the history and what to see and do at Mont St. Michel,  head to this article .

TIP: Mont Saint-Michel is a very popular destination that sees the crowds from spring to the end of fall. Don’t waste any of your time when visiting, click here to buy a ticket for priority entrance.

Mont Saint-Michel skydive

Experience tandem skydiving and fly over the bay of Mont-Saint-Michel , a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to admire the Wonder of the Western World from a unique point of view! The departure point is from Val-Saint-Père, 25km northeast of the island, while the drop zone is located by the sea, which allows you to admire the bay of Mont-Saint-Michel from a unique point of view.

If this sounds too scary to you, then try the  microlight flight over Saint Michel Bay in Normandy , accelerations that will certainly remind you of a motorbike, except that you are in the air!

This road trip Brittany ends in Mont St-Michel, one of France’s most beautiful sites. With more time available, consider this Normandy road trip that covers the D-Day landing beaches and other related sites.

So, what are you waiting for? Book this Brittany road trip today!

Click here for other Road Trips

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Tour Bretagne

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Tour Bretagne Highlights: Must-See Features and Attractions

The building was built between 1971 and 1976. It is an office building located in the center of Nantes and houses a large shopping mall, panoramic restaurants, etc.

Explore near Tour Bretagne: Where to Stay, Eat, and Visit

Tour bretagne reviews: insider insights and visitor experiences.

Such an ugly tower

Maybe this was fashion in 20c 70's, but this is such an ugly skyscraper ruining the Nantes skyline. Nantes is a very beautiful city with nice squares, terrific Chateau, historic buildings,...etc and ...


Everything closed for repairs

The whole place is closed for repairs indefinitely. There are signs on the outside that seem to suggest they don’t know when it will open up again. Pretty disappointing!


Great views but underwhelming bar

€1 euro entry which is not bad considering the beautiful the views of the city. The bar itself was cool and funky in terms of the set up and decor with the bird & eggs. However the atmosphere was n...


Great views

Great views of Nantes. The cafe was definitely quirky and the kids enjoyed the egg seats and giant bird. We didn't stay for a drink however. The views themselves are fantastic, however, unless you kno...


The city's aesthetic building was closed in October 2022 and seemed to be abandoned.

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Bretagne Classic - Road race Men

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Bretagne Classic - August 25th, 2024

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ibis Nantes Centre Tour Bretagne 3 stars

ibis Nantes Centre Tour Bretagne - Image 1

51 51 photos

45 45 photos


ibis Nantes Centre Tour Bretagne

Vibrant economy hotel, open to everyone

The ibis Nantes Centre Tour Bretagne hotel offers 140 comfortable, air-conditioned rooms in a quiet area in the heart of Nantes, with the Tour Bretagne secure paying car park 164 yards (150 m) from the hotel. The hotel is ideally located for business and leisure trips in the center of Nantes, with access to all the main attractions on foot or by tram: the Brittany Tower, La Cité Events Center, Nantes exhibition center, universities, historic neighborhoods and monuments, and the new Arts Museum.

The ibis Nantes Centre Tour Bretagne Hotel is ideal for business and leisure stays. Walk into Nantes following the green-line trail leading you to Les Machines de L'Ile, the Château des Ducs de Bretagne, the Passage Pommeraye and its shops. Enjoy our ideal location, perfect for discovering the Erdre river with a Bateaux Nantais boat cruise. Extend your stay by venturing into the region's vineyards and exploring the beautiful beaches of the Atlantic coast. Nantes, take the journey!

Located in the heart of the city, 10 minutes' walk from the castle and cathedral. Five minutes from walks and cruises on the River Erdre. In partnership with Wojo, our hotel boasts a "Wojo Spot" workspace

We are ready and look forward to welcoming you to Nantes!

Hotel extras

Reception open 24 hours

Air-conditioned rooms

New services: wine for sale, electric bike hire

"Wojo Spot" certified workspace

Bike rental

Our accommodation(s)

Page out of

Standard Room with 1 double bed

tour bretagne

  • 2 pers. max
  • 13 m² / 139 sq ft
  • Bedding 1 x Double bed(s)
  • Views: Courtyard View or Historic side view or City View

From NaN EUR NaN EUR Note  *

Fees and taxes included

1 night | 1 adult

Standard 2 Single Beds

tour bretagne

  • Bedding 2 x Single bed(s)
  • Views: Historic side view or Courtyard View or City View

Standard accessible room with 1 double bed

tour bretagne

  • Views: City View
  • Accessible room

Hotel location

tour bretagne

19 Rue Jean Jaures 44000  NANTES France

GPS : 47.219106, -1.560411

Contact email [email protected]

Click to copy the email address

Access and transport

Railway station

Access: 800 m  /  0.5 mi     1 min walk


Historic monument

Access: 500 m  /  0.31 mi     15 min walk  /  2 min drive


Access: 500 m  /  0.31 mi     15 min walk  /  5 min drive


Opera/symphony/concert hall

Access: 500 m  /  0.31 mi     15 min walk  /  4 min drive


Tourist attraction


Entertainment/theatre district

Access: 800 m  /  0.5 mi     2 min walk  /  5 min drive



Access: 1 km  /  0.62 mi


Sports centre

Access: 1 km  /  0.62 mi     15 min walk  /  5 min drive



Access: 1 km  /  0.62 mi     20 min walk  /  8 min drive


Access: 1.5 km  /  0.93 mi     5 min walk  /  1 min drive


Access: 2 km  /  1.24 mi     5 min walk  /  2 min drive


Botanical gardens

Access: 2 km  /  1.24 mi     30 min walk  /  10 min drive



Access: 2.5 km  /  1.55 mi     2 min walk  /  5 min drive


Access: 5 km  /  3.11 mi     20 min walk  /  10 min drive


Access: 5 km  /  3.11 mi     15 min walk  /  8 min drive


Access: 6 km  /  3.73 mi     15 min walk  /  8 min drive


Access: 10 km  /  6.21 mi     30 min drive



Shopping centre/mall

Restaurant and cafe district

Hotel services

Check-in from 12:00 PM - Check out up to 12:00 PM

  • Pets welcome
  • Air conditioning
  • Meeting rooms
  • Room service


tour bretagne


tour bretagne

Come and relax, eat and drink... The ideal place for work and play.

tour bretagne

Meetings & Events

tour bretagne

Our guest reviews

100% genuine reviews from our guests

ALL Rating  4.3/5  841 reviews

TripAdvisor Rating  4.0/5  1,075 reviews

Good central location

Customer review rating 4.5/5

Mr M. Solo - 8/11/2024 Confirmed reviews ALL

Good central location next to many bars and restaurants also very clean will stay again

Dear Robert M., Thank your for your nice comment. It was very nice hosting you. We hope you have a great summer. Kind regards, Gaëlle - réceptionniste

Great breakfast

Customer review rating 4.0/5

Shadan Business - 7/17/2024 Confirmed reviews ALL

The hotel is conveniently located and the rooms were clean. The lobby is great with nice seating and some games available to play. The bathroom was a bit small and the room can benefit from a kettle/tea bags, water bottle etc.

Customer review rating 5.0/5

Julie A. S. Friends - 6/29/2024 Confirmed reviews ALL

Dear Julie s., We very much appreciate your comments regarding your stay at the ibis Nantes Centre Tour Bretagne. It is always a pleasure to receive positive feedback. I will share your comments with our team. I am sure that this feedback will serve as an encouragement to all of our staff as we strive to continuously improve the quality of our services. Thank you again for sharing your experience, and we hope your next visit will be as pleasant as the previous one. Sincerely, Gaëlle - réceptionniste

City centre Ibis with outdoor terrace

K B. Couples - 6/16/2024 Confirmed reviews ALL

Easy check-in, friendly helpful receptionist, good location, small room but functionable.

A liitle bit under our expectations

Customer review rating 3.5/5

Marc Couples - 6/11/2024 Confirmed reviews ALL

Location OK. Reception friendly. Bathroom smallish, no toilet brush, towelrail under the wahbasin but no handtowel, only 1 bathtowel per person

In partnership with  TripAdvisor

Web-users rating

Other web-users rate our hotel

  • 305 reviews 8.8/10 Location
  • 486 reviews 5.2/10 Room
  • 429 reviews 9.2/10 Service
  • 6 reviews 9.6/10 WiFi
  • 307 reviews 4.3/10 Comfort
  • 217 reviews 8.4/10 Breakfast
  • 158 reviews 6.6/10 Cleanliness
  • 10 reviews 8.8/10 Bar
  • 36 reviews 8.9/10 Location
  • 77 reviews 4.6/10 Room
  • 77 reviews 9.1/10 Service
  • 56 reviews 3.9/10 Comfort
  • 34 reviews 8.8/10 Breakfast
  • 17 reviews 6.8/10 Cleanliness
  • 30 reviews 8.5/10 Location
  • 75 reviews 4.9/10 Room
  • 80 reviews 9.1/10 Service
  • 42 reviews 4.2/10 Comfort
  • 32 reviews 8.3/10 Breakfast
  • 27 reviews 6.4/10 Cleanliness
  • 23 reviews 5.1/10 Vibe
  • 21 reviews 9/10 Location
  • 35 reviews 5.8/10 Room
  • 36 reviews 9.3/10 Service
  • 20 reviews 4.8/10 Comfort
  • 14 reviews 8.6/10 Breakfast
  • 10 reviews 7/10 Cleanliness
  • 19 reviews 8.9/10 Location
  • 29 reviews 5.5/10 Room
  • 39 reviews 9.3/10 Service
  • 16 reviews 8.5/10 Breakfast
  • 10 reviews 6.6/10 Cleanliness


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Price from: 1 night for 1 person in the room category identified within the same price range, excluding additional services and breakfast. This refers to the lowest public price, including all taxes ( VAT and tourist tax included) for the accommodation concerned, found on site today, for a one-night stay in the next 20 days . Varies according to period and availability. The price is only guaranteed at the time of booking. All bookings (foreign) are payable in the local currency where the hotel is situated. Only the amount confirmed during the booking in the hotels local currency is guaranteed. An estimated conversion in your local currency may be given for reference but is not part of the contract. Your bank may charge you bank fees and/or exchange fees at the time of payment.

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  2. Nantes. La tour Bretagne, gratte-ciel et coquille vide

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  3. Journées du patrimoine: Qui veut visiter la Tour Bretagne à Nantes?

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  4. Tour Bretagne (Nantes, 1976)

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  5. High angle view of the Tour de Bretagne, in Nantes city, Loire

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  6. Nantes : quatre agences en finale pour la transformation de la tour

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  1. Official site

    Tour Bretagne

  2. Tour Bretagne

    Tour Bretagne ( Brittany Tower in English) opened on November 18, 1976, at 17:00, is a 37-story skyscraper situated in downtown Nantes between a main thoroughfare, Cours des 50 Otages, and Place Bretagne ( Brittany square ). With a total height of 144 meters (472 feet), [2] it dominates the skyline of the city of Nantes and is the third tallest ...

  3. Accueil

    Retrouvez les dernières nouvelles du Tour de Bretagne, une course cycliste par étapes qui se déroule en Bretagne. Découvrez les résultats, les classements, les photos et les vidéos de la 57ème édition.

  4. The official website for Brittany Tourism

    Brittany is all about getting away from it all, whether you're walking or enjoying good food, following your dreams or just exploring. Along the footpaths, on the beach or in the cobbled streets, take a deep breath of sea air and let yourself go: this is Brittany! Beaches and seaside activities. Go for a walk without ever losing sight of the sea.

  5. Stage 6 of the Tour de Bretagne cancelled after massive crash

    Organizers of the Tour de Bretagne called off the racing on Sunday's stage 6 after a massive crash on Sunday. The peloton was on a stretch of mud-covered road in the UCI 2.2-rated stage race in ...

  6. Le Tour de Bretagne

    Toute l'actualité vidéo du Tour de Bretagne Cycliste

  7. Tour Bretagne

    Tour Bretagne is amazing as you can access the viewing deck and have a panoramic view over Nantes for next to nothing (just €1). With the rooftop bar, you can enjoy a drink while you enjoy the view too. Recommended to go at opening to away the queue or around sunset for obvious reasons! Read more. Written January 13, 2018.

  8. GR® 34, the customs officers' path

    This is the preferred long-distance footpath of the French: welcome to the Customs Officers' path! It snakes along the coastline of Brittany for over 2,000 km, from Mont-Saint-Michel to the bridge of Saint-Nazaire. Showing off its red and white markers, it offers anyone who walks it a large breath of fresh ocean air and stunning sea views.

  9. Startlist for Le Tour de Bretagne Cycliste 2024

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  10. Tour de Bretagne

    Tour de Bretagne Cycliste, also known as the Tour de Bretagne trophée des granitiers and formerly known as Ruban Granitier Breton, is an annual early season professional cycling stage race held in late April and early May in Brittany, France. The race often acts as a showcase for upcoming riders of the under-23 category who race together with ...

  11. Tour de Bretagne

    Get updates on the latest Tour de Bretagne action and find articles, videos, commentary and analysis in one place. Eurosport is your go-to source for Cycling news.

  12. Le Tour de Bretagne Cycliste 2023 Stage 7 results

    Simon Pellaud is the winner of Le Tour de Bretagne Cycliste 2023, before Nolann Mahoudo and Luke Lamperti. Roel van Sintmaartensdijk is the winner of the final stage.

  13. Le Tour de Bretagne Cycliste

    Paris 2024. Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI)Allée Ferdi Kübler 121860 AigleSwitzerland. Tel. +41 24 468 58 11 [email protected] Partners. UCI WORLD CYCLING PARTNERS.

  14. Road trip itineraries

    From Rennes to Brest, a 4-day jaunt through inland Brittany. Travel from Rennes to Brest through the green heartlands of Brittany! From Brocéliande Forest to the ocean, point the compass west for four days of sightseeing amidst... Read more. Five days in northern Brittany, on the west coast.

  15. Comment la tour Bretagne à Nantes va être transformée

    Que les nantais l'aiment ou non, la Tour Bretagne est un élément majeur du patrimoine de leur ville. Conçue en 1966 par l'architecte Claude Devorsine et l'ingénieur Marcel André, la Tour Bretagne à Nantes est pensée à l'origine pour accueillir un parking de 6 étages avec une station-service, un centre commercial comptant 25 boutiques, des bureaux et une terrasse de 200 m² avec ...

  16. Preview Bretagne Classic 2024

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  17. Le Tour de Bretagne Cycliste 2023 Stage 1 results

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  18. Tour Bretagne, Nantes

    Tour Bretagne is a 37 stories skyscraper situated in downtown Nantes. The tower is an essential part of the city. It comprises of eight elevators of which seven escalators and on the roof a water tank which holds 24,000 gallons. This architecture of this tower is very modern. The tower gives a 360 degree view of Nantes.

  19. Secrets of Brittany Tour

    Join Us for the Best Small Group Tour in France! To receive a Traveler Information booklet and an application for any of our tours, kindly send us an email or message us through our contact form. We look forward to hearing from you! Our Secrets of Brittany Tour will guide you throughout a 9 day, 10 night tour of Southern Brittany!

  20. The Ultimate Brittany Road Trip (Bretagne Road Trip)

    Total distance: 185 km, 3 hours drive in total. Regions covered: Brittany. Best for: nature, outdoor activities, medieval towns, and food. Actually, this Brittany road trip is a Normandy - Brittany road trip because the last stop of this itinerary is Mont Saint-Michel, which belongs to the Normandy region.

  21. Tour de Bretagne 2024 : Résumé de l'étape 1

    Une sublime étape sur la côte finistérienne pour ouvrir ce #TDB2024, et un circuit ensoleillé autour de Plougonvelin, pour célébrer la victoire de Tim Torn T...

  22. Tour Bretagne

    Discover Tour Bretagne in Nantes! See updated opening hours and read the latest reviews. Discover nearby hotels and dining for a perfect trip. Plan your visit to Tour Bretagne on

  23. Bretagne Classic Live

    Cycling fans can read breaking Bretagne Classic news headlines, interviews, expert commentary, replays & highlights. Keep up with all of this season's top events, including the Tour de France ...


    Que retient-on de ces 15 jours de road trip à travers la Bretagne? On vous partage nos 10 destinations préférées, quelques incontournables mais beaucoup de c...

  25. Ibis Nantes Centre Tour Bretagne

    The ibis Nantes Centre Tour Bretagne hotel offers 140 comfortable, air-conditioned rooms in a quiet area in the heart of Nantes, with the Tour Bretagne secure paying car park 164 yards (150 m) from the hotel. The hotel is ideally located for business and leisure trips in the center of Nantes, with access to all the main attractions on foot or ...

  26. Tour de Bretagne (@TourDeBretagne)

    The latest posts from @tourdebretagne

  27. Bretagne Classic Ouest-France 25 août 2024 les partants

    Liste des partants et guide technique de la 9ème Bretagne Classic - Ouest-France, 93e édition de la grande course de Plouay, organisée par Plouay Cyclisme Organisation sous les règlements de l'Union Cycliste Internationale le dimanche 25 août 2024 après un départ fictif de 2 km sur une boucle de 247,900 km puis une boucle de 11,7 km, soit une distance totale de 259,6 km. Le dénivelé ...