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The Voyager is sure to elevate any gathering with 60,000 BTU’s and a premium 2.1 sound system with four modes to match any occasion. Get premium audio UKIAH is known for, with two 3.5” speakers, custom subwoofer and a long life lithium-ion battery. Ignite the music with BEAT TO MUSIC® (BTM) mode, bringing the flame alive and synchronizing the fire to the music for enhanced entertainment. Built to last, featuring marine-grade audio components, 304-stainless burner, and a tough powder-coated steel body. The Voyager will be the ultimate addition to your outdoor living space.

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Hear the Eerie Sounds of Interstellar Space Captured by NASA’s Voyager

By Jet Propulsion Laboratory May 12, 2021

Voyager 1 Fires Up Thrusters After 37 Years

An illustration depicting one of NASA’s twin Voyager spacecraft. Both Voyagers have entered interstellar space, or the space outside our Sun’s heliosphere. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

As NASA’s Voyager 1 Surveys Interstellar Space, Its Density Measurements Are Making Waves

In the sparse collection of atoms that fills interstellar space, Voyager 1 has measured a long-lasting series of waves where it previously only detected sporadic bursts.

Until recently, every spacecraft in history had made all of its measurements inside our heliosphere, the magnetic bubble inflated by our Sun. But on August 25, 2012, NASA ’s Voyager 1 changed that. As it crossed the heliosphere’s boundary , it became the first human-made object to enter – and measure – interstellar space. Now eight years into its interstellar journey, a close listen of Voyager 1’s data is yielding new insights into what that frontier is like.

If our heliosphere is a ship sailing interstellar waters, Voyager 1 is a life raft just dropped from the deck, determined to survey the currents. For now, any rough waters it feels are mostly from our heliosphere’s wake. But farther out, it will sense the stirrings from sources deeper in the cosmos. Eventually, our heliosphere’s presence will fade from its measurements completely.

Voyager 2 Nearing Interstellar Space

This graphic from October 20218 shows the position of the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 probes relative to the heliosphere, a protective bubble created by the Sun that extends well past the orbit of Pluto. Voyager 1 crossed the heliopause, or the edge of the heliosphere, in 2012. Voyager 2 is still in the heliosheath, or the outermost part of the heliosphere. (NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft entered interstellar space in November 2018 .) Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

“We have some ideas about how far Voyager will need to get to start seeing more pure interstellar waters, so to speak,” said Stella Ocker, a Ph.D. student at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, and the newest member of the Voyager team. “But we’re not entirely sure when we’ll reach that point.”

Ocker’s new study, published on Monday in Nature Astronomy , reports what may be the first continuous measurement of the density of material in interstellar space. “This detection offers us a new way to measure the density of interstellar space and opens up a new pathway for us to explore the structure of the very nearby interstellar medium,” Ocker said.

When one pictures the stuff between the stars – astronomers call it the “interstellar medium,” a spread-out soup of particles and radiation – one might reimagine a calm, silent, serene environment. That would be a mistake.

“I have used the phrase ‘the quiescent interstellar medium’ – but you can find lots of places that are not particularly quiescent,” said Jim Cordes, space physicist at Cornell and co-author of the paper.

Like the ocean, the interstellar medium is full of turbulent waves. The largest come from our galaxy’s rotation, as space smears against itself and sets forth undulations tens of light-years across. Smaller (though still gigantic) waves rush from supernova blasts, stretching billions of miles from crest to crest. The smallest ripples are usually from our own Sun, as solar eruptions send shockwaves through space that permeate our heliosphere’s lining.

These crashing waves reveal clues about the density of the interstellar medium – a value that affects our understanding of the shape of our heliosphere, how stars form, and even our own location in the galaxy. As these waves reverberate through space, they vibrate the electrons around them, which ring out at characteristic frequencies depending on how crammed together they are. The higher the pitch of that ringing, the higher the electron density. Voyager 1’s Plasma Wave Subsystem – which includes two “bunny ear” antennas sticking out 30 feet (10 meters) behind the spacecraft – was designed to hear that ringing.

Voyager 2 Spacecraft Instruments

An illustration of NASA’s Voyager spacecraft showing the antennas used by the Plasma Wave Subsystem and other instruments. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

In November 2012, three months after exiting the heliosphere, Voyager 1 heard interstellar sounds for the first time (see video above). Six months later, another “whistle” appeared – this time louder and even higher pitched. The interstellar medium appeared to be getting thicker, and quickly.

These momentary whistles continue at irregular intervals in Voyager’s data today. They’re an excellent way to study the interstellar medium’s density, but it does take some patience.

“They’ve only been seen about once a year, so relying on these kinds of fortuitous events meant that our map of the density of interstellar space was kind of sparse,” Ocker said.

Ocker set out to find a running measure of interstellar medium density to fill in the gaps – one that doesn’t depend on the occasional shockwaves propagating out from the Sun. After filtering through Voyager 1’s data, looking for weak but consistent signals, she found a promising candidate. It started to pick up in mid-2017, right around the time of another whistle.

“It’s virtually a single tone,” said Ocker. “And over time, we do hear it change – but the way the frequency moves around tells us how the density is changing.”

Weak but nearly continuous plasma oscillation events – visible as a thin red line in this graphic/tk – connect stronger events in Voyager 1’s Plasma Wave Subsystem data. The image alternates between graphs showing only the strong signals (blue background) and the filtered data showing weaker signals. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Stella Ocker

Ocker calls the new signal a plasma wave emission, and it, too, appeared to track the density of interstellar space. When the abrupt whistles appeared in the data, the tone of the emission rises and falls with them. The signal also resembles one observed in Earth’s upper atmosphere that’s known to track with the electron density there.

“This is really exciting, because we are able to regularly sample the density over a very long stretch of space, the longest stretch of space that we have so far,” said Ocker. “This provides us with the most complete map of the density and the interstellar medium as seen by Voyager.”

Based on the signal, electron density around Voyager 1 started rising in 2013 and reached its current levels about mid-2015, a roughly 40-fold increase in density. The spacecraft appears to be in a similar density range, with some fluctuations, through the entire dataset they analyzed which ended in early 2020.

Ocker and her colleagues are currently trying to develop a physical model of how the plasma wave emission is produced that will be key to interpreting it. In the meantime, Voyager 1’s Plasma Wave Subsystem keeps sending back data farther and farther from home, where every new discovery has the potential to make us reimagining our home in the cosmos.

For more on this research, read In the Emptiness of Space 14 Billion Miles Away, Voyager I Detects “Hum” From Plasma Waves .

Reference: “Persistent plasma waves in interstellar space detected by Voyager 1” by Stella Koch Ocker, James M. Cordes, Shami Chatterjee, Donald A. Gurnett, William S. Kurth and Steven R. Spangler, 10 May 2021, Nature Astronomy . DOI: 10.1038/s41550-021-01363-7

The Voyager spacecraft were built by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which continues to operate both. JPL is a division of Caltech in Pasadena. The Voyager missions are a part of the NASA Heliophysics System Observatory, sponsored by the Heliophysics Division of the Science Mission Directorate in Washington.

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voyager sound system

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106 comments on "hear the eerie sounds of interstellar space captured by nasa’s voyager".

voyager sound system

Hope someone loops the sample between the two high pitched spots. From 32 second to 36 second marks. Seem like a great mask for tinnitus pitch around 21 kHz.

voyager sound system

Wow! It sure would! My tinnitus is really quite bad, but I almost couldn’t hear it during those few seconds.

voyager sound system

Where is the sound?

voyager sound system

In the video?

voyager sound system

Don’t be a jackass Conrad

I thought there was no sound in space. I also thought nothing not even light can escape a black hole, yet they always report that black holes are emitting Jets of gamma rays and other stuff.

It is a radio wave, which happens to lie on an audible frequency (but else it is a popular presentation nowadays to translate frequency signals to sound).

Perhaps the paper title says it best: “Persistent plasma waves in interstellar space detected by Voyager 1”, The article is dumbing it down – I had to read the then no-paywall paper to understand what they see (and IIRC they find it likeliest that the nearest star is causing the emission, which is exciting).

voyager sound system

Nothing comes out of a black hole. The gamma rays you mention are from materials just outside the black hole. Material falling into the black hole are accelerated to high speeds, and they collide with each other creating high temperatures. Those hot materials emit the radiation.

And you beleive all that bs.. lmbo

voyager sound system

The only bs I am sure of is the uninformed tinfoil hat nonsense being typed by a few dunderheads hell bent on curing their fear of the unknown.

We will continue to follow the scientific method, you continue to type lmbo over and over like a demented parrot.

voyager sound system

Sound cannot travel thru the vaccuum of space

As radio waves, it can.

Space is fake. Nothing can travel though fakery. Lmbo People sure love their space monkey fantasies. There is water above us and the Controllers dam well know this

Radiation can travel in a vacuum. Think of it like this. The suns sends its radiation out to through space, when the radiation hits our atmosphere it is converted and Thea Seth is warm compared to space. Radio waves are radiation. There is no sound if you were in space and the radio waves passed by. There must be something that receive that radiation and convert it to sound. For instance you can walk outside and you will not hear a huge garbled sound of all televisions and all radio stations. Even when you are not in a vacuum you don’t hear the radiation of tv and radio signals. You have to have some device that can “catch” the radiation and convert it into sound like an FM or AM radio station. Only your radio can catch that radiation and convert it into sound. Of course it is a little more to it than that, but hopefully helps your head to wrap around the idea. Radiation needs no medium to travel through, like our conventional sound waves from knocking on a door. Radiation travels through a vacuum.

Omg..were you taught that BS lie in school or is that your own theory?. lmbo

voyager sound system

Just had to listen, being a common mortal, and so far away from interstellar space! Another first for NASA’s JPL and I will assume that there are many more pleasant surprises in store for all of us to marvel at. The whistling hum; way-spacey! Enjoy.

My tinnitus is annoying me extremely right now. I’m willing to try anything!

If you are serious about having tinnitus, there are effective treatments. Usually you see an Ears Nose and Throat specialists. Mine got really bad in the 1990s. There were different treatments then, and I imagine more so today. What worked for me was “attenuation therapy”. They give a hearing aid like device that emitted a white noise which covered up the ringing. Eventually, my brain started to tune out the constant white noise. It took a while, but once my brain tuned out the white noise the ringing was tuned out. My quality of life vastly improved. In the beginning they actually put a very tiny microphone into my ear canal to see if there really any noise. There wasn’t, so they new they were dealing with real tinnitus and not a structural deportation. My primary doc kept telling me there was nothing you could do about it. He was wrong. There are doctors who specialize just in tinnitus.

voyager sound system

The first ‘blast’of sound of plasma is the initial shock wave; the second is the second is the true sound yet echoing.

Sounds a little agitated.

Humpback whale song

voyager sound system

People actually believe this?

I said the same thing..fakery for sure.

And people actually buy this bs as real. Lmbo

It’s remarkable we are still receiving science data from these OLD, relatively primitive machines. They are sending extremely weak signals across billions of miles and we can still hear them. Amazing.

And, of course we hear from the deniers who immediately doubt anything they don’t understand. Surprised they haven’t accidentally fallen off the edge of the Earth.

And you actually beleive it? Lmbo

You call us deniars. I was indoctintated just like you all my life. Programmed. It’s time to come to reality friend. They have been deceiving us. We are not a spinning marble with water miraculously sticking to us like glue. Ridiculous in itself. Goes against your senses anyway. There is water above us and they dam well know it. They cannot and will not ever get past the firmament. You have been programmed all your life to beleive this and most will not research past their noses. They like being fooled

Indeed. It’s amazing they leave the house with pants on quite honestly.

You make jokes about the edge of the earth…lol And there is an obvious ice wall around us. Of course you will say that’s not so. But it dam well is. And the leaders of the world know it. The Antarctic treaty. Where you and I cannot go. But you will beleive something much more fairly talish like a spinning marble rotating a 1000 mph miraculously holding water to while moving 67,000 mph through space..lmbo fairy tail much

voyager sound system

Yeah that’s called gravity school boy ,,plus untill you get on a plane and flys around the earth dont talk your stupid ideals …that’s all u have is a ideal to run with

And you beleivethe bs… dam you people are indoctrinated and or programmed. Think for yourself and use common sense

voyager sound system

Science is about testing hypotheses and changing those hypotheses if the data doesn’t support it. So prove it. Go find your ice wall. Don’t come back until you do.

Just go to the Antarctic. That’s your Ice wall..go north south east or west and you will run into it. You beleive in spinning marble but an ice wall in somehow out of the question. I laugh at you people There is no OUTER SPACE. You have been fooled.

voyager sound system

Sounded ok until the end bit then it went high pitch I squinted too but like other comments we are not spinning on a ball it tells you in Genesis job and few more scriptures they only brought a globe into our heads cuz of copernicus but ancient tribes allsaid and showed earth was flat.anyway no stars are under earth no rain can fall up!!

When your actually out of grade school and have a clue what your saying…try putting anything like water or a ball of dirt ina vacuum and wait and watch how gravity forces all. Matter into it’s most simist form and that’s a ball just like the moon and sun you dummy

Joe keep up the desperate antics that make no dam sense. The earth is not a spinning magic marble and gravity is man made bulls#!t lie

I know you did not just say that bunch of BS…did you? Common sense should prevail. The world is so dumbed down by the lies/programming of these luciferians that cant see two feet in front of them. You included. We laugh at you. You are the ones in the fairytale.

I was talking to you Joe

voyager sound system

In space nobody can hear you scream “bulls#!t’

It’s turtles all the way down Pfft. Fools.

voyager sound system

I can’t believe you kids—gravity holds water to this blue & green ball. And no, the Earth is not flat. THAT is ridiculous

Oh. You mean that made up bunch garbage to fit their scientific theory? Gravity is joke. Pure fantasy. And you accuse commonsense of being crazy. A flat plain just sounds so crazy…lmbo. But magic gravity sounds so logical…lmbo Get out of your programming

Ya know all that crap about nothing can escape a black hole is only a theory plus how do they know if atoms or light photons are jus bouncing off the event HORIZON and. Your so called hole is actually some giant natural collider that creates new particles out of old stuff!

Oh my goodness Joe. You beleive in theories? Lmbo And Accuse us of being in grade school. Can you please stop repeating like a parrot what the liars taught you in school. Think for yourself and look up in the sky and start researching yourself. You wont. Cause you like being spoonfed BS.

voyager sound system

Seems like an odd way to lie about something (intricate, detailed, boring, scientific terminology)… To no real end goal, as the ‘stories’ of space don’t ask or persuade me to any specific task.

People that actually deny science never seem to have any method to prove their own beliefs… I guess that’s because they would need to provide some type of evidence, maybe with some odd method, maybe call it (schnience)

You mean psuedoscience

Nice Masonic pose in your picture

voyager sound system

JY you can go to Antarctica. It not off limits. Those countries signed that treaty to prevent military bases from being build. The world doesn’t have some weird water ring around it? Lmao. Where the hell did you gear that? History channel (Ancient Aliens) Or do you study scientology? World is flat?

Quick question? What does the science community gain by saying Voyager is picking up radiation waves? Nothing. It makes no difference to our everyday lives. What does the (plasma wave subsystem antennas) do on Voyager? What’s your degree in? Stop acting like everything is a conspiracy theory. You know nothing and ONLY follow conspiracy theories. Attach others when they challenge you. JY you are lame

You are so full of sh* you cannot go to the Antarctic. Only on tours…lmbo Where they say you can go…you programmed fool…

You are a programmed fool…lmbo They gain control by keeping the masses dumbed down. You lame excuse for a supposed educated person. Lmbo I am so sick and tired of trying to wake your asses up to these luciferian controllers. With their satanic ball earth. You cannot go freely to the Antarctic you idiot. You can only tour where they will let you. Lmbo Dam you people are dumb as rocks and clueless. Try going there by yourself you fool and walking around. Lmbo.

voyager sound system

To boldly go for no man has gone before… One big leap for men one giant leap for all…..

voyager sound system

Lmao sound in a supposed vacuum. If you buy into this they have a bridge to sell you

voyager sound system

JY is a hilarious troll so many people falling into the trap.

No…I am awake. You are either the real troll or part a programmed fool.

These people like JY that claim this is fake are scary. They are seriously messed up and need YEARS of therapy. YEARS. Amazing still they use GPS, Watch TV, and enjoy the internet never realizing that is because 9f SATELLITES in SPACE. Wow special kind of ignorant.

And we wonder why the WORLD laughs at us? We wonder how losers like Taylor Greene and Trump get elected? It’s because of simple minded ignorance like this guy. And of the Earth was flat, how would a plane fly die East and end up on the West Coast? Or are airplanes now a hoax and the devil?

You need help.

I dont watch TV and ththe internet has nothing to do satellites. It has everything to do with cell tower and under water cables. You are so smart. Let see. The earth is spinning 1000 mph. The satellite TV connects to the satellite moving 17,000 mph… somehow stays connected to it when it moves to the other side if the world. Lol…you people are the crazy ones to beleive the bulls#!t. Use your dam common sense. Cell towers people. Not satellites. They are lieing to us. I am awake to the scam. And by the way. GOD is real. And you better wake up. The devil and real and he is fooling you. And you beleive the opposite of way you should. Common sense tells you we are stable and not moving. Wow. What a bunch of programmed fools.

I dont watch TV and ththe internet has nothing to do satellites. It has everything to do with cell tower and under water cables. You are so smart. Let see. The earth is spinning 1000 mph. The satellite TV connects to the satellite moving 17,000 mph… somehow stays connected to it when it moves to the other side if the world. Lol…you people are the crazy ones to beleive the bulls#!t. Use your dam common sense. Cell towers people. Not satellites. They are lieing to us. I am awake to the scam. And by the way. GOD is real. And you better wake up. And you beleive the opposite of way you should. Common sense tells you we are stable and not moving. Wow. What a bunch of programmed fools.

The amount of anti-science people on this page is astounding. JY is the moon flat? Is Mars flat too? The Earth is a globe. People can and do visit Antarctica on their own. The only thing stopping you as an individual is money. Use enough amd take whatever supplies you will need and book the ship time. The Earth is round. Proven time and time again using different methods of science and math. Not one of you flat earth people can back up your claims in legitimate math or science. Curvature of the earth is a real thing. Plasma particles being translated into audio is rather simple. Stars do put off radio waves which can be translated into audible sounds as well.

It has not been proven time and time again. That is nothing but a lie. It gets so tiring with people like you making comments like it been proven that the earth is spinning 1000 mph whirling 67,000 mph through infinite nothing. That is such a lie. It’s all theory and make up bulls#!t. That’s your may of continuing the programming of their minds. It’s pure programming and indoctrination.

Mars is really just a desert on earth you programmed little boy.

You sure believe alot BS. Dont you? Lmbo How in the world do you people let them feed you such bull*** is beyond me.. You believe their fake Masonic math lol.. Cant even get real pictures of Earth. All CGI. And you people beleive these liars. Curvature has not been proven at all. Its smoke and mirrors. Fish eyed lenses. And if you calculate the math they use it doesn’t even add up All I see I flat land. No dam curvature at all. The dam problem is the programming of weak minds that think they are wise. You have no wisdom at all. You are a fed machine that only follows instructions with any reasoning or common sense

I’m glad you enjoyed the song. Now get back to work!

voyager sound system


voyager sound system

TY, you sound like the only one that is programmed. So everything to you is a hoax? Guess there is no sun either? I mean, how could a ball of fire remain in a circle? Or is the sun flat too? Your brainwashed. Good luck with your fantasy.

You poor brainwashed soul. I wish I could wake you guys up. But it hopeless for the majority of this programmed world

TY. Who programmed you ? You are clueless. Never take a long walk, you’ll fall off. But where? There’s nothing there, right? So the Sun must be flat too. Or are we just someone’s science experiment?

I have common sense…lol No one programmed me….a spinning marble hurdling through infinite nothing moving at ungodly speeds through the vacuum of space..lmbo ridiculous. That makes so much more sense them a flare non moving plain. I can see with my own eyes we are not moving. You are programmed

The Sun and moon are both lights. They give off there own light. But you beleive this stupid made up bs that the sun light reflects off the moon. Totally ridiculous. But then the programmed minds beleive anything. Once again common sense should prevail

voyager sound system

If light can travel through space, I can’t see why sounds can also. If anything can I believe sounds can, but die off at some point.

Be sure that your thinking doesnt fall flat. The world Is round.Some things cant be fully shared until they are more in the known than guessing. But in reality,unless you sitting in the craft we have to trust the judgement of those interpreting the data. Give them a break at least some one on the blue marble is thinking outside The Box, or in this case outside the Bubble.

Sorry buddy the blue marble is a satanic lie. Your senses tell you something else. Look up in the sky. We are not moving. Foolishness.

voyager sound system

Sorry my mistake after doing some actual research the earth is round and space does exist

Nice try the fake JY…

voyager sound system

Simply fascinating!

voyager sound system

JY was more interesting than the initial article. I feel I that I really want to learn more about his logic and his world. Feels like we are all different beings living in the same space time but somehow in different brain realities.

My life is pretty boring with normal ppl …I ve never heard in my life someone refering the moon and sun as light…still they are round. When I was a kid I enjoyed watching the boats at see and after a while they disappear. I have been wondering about that since then I am sure the real JY will tell me why everyone can see boats disappear once the go far away from the sea. Usually water is not round so why how do boats disappear on the horizon??

Read your Bible science man. Its says the moon and Sun are both lights. Makes perfect sense to me. You expect me to beleive you have never heard that before? Lmbo Your pseudoscience is your god/religon. All fakery and made up bs that makes no logical sense but people buy it as real. Your senses tell you something totally different science man. You can clearly see we are not moving and you can clearly see water finds its level. So go crawl back under your rock and continue your brainwashing.

Btw Science man. You can easily use a P900 camera and pull the boat right back into view. So if it went over the Horizon or supposed fake curve then you would not be able to bring it back it to view but you can. Btw. Have you ever heard of perspective? Science fiction people only use it when it benefits their cause. The earth is a Plain with nice mountains and valleys. Its circular just like the Bible says. Not a spinning hurdling water ball. Lmbo

Yet you beleive in a spinning water ball…moving though infinite nothing at ungodly speeds while spinning 1000 mph. And I beleive in MAGIC…lmbo Woe to the hypocrites of pseudoscience bs.

voyager sound system

Whoever this jy is, you are a credit to stupidity. Since you dont understand science at any level, please stop wasting everyone’s time by showing your infinite ignorance and get back to your xbox and blunts like a good little boy. We are all privileged to be witness to a connection beyond our solar domain. P.S. jy, that means our solar system.

You mean credit to common sense and logic. Thank you very much

voyager sound system

JY I have red the Bible a few times and a few versions too. Which one are u reading?

Its full of nice stories like people that can live inside a fish. A dude that walks on water. Women go gets converted into a statue. Cities that crumble because a magical box. I use to believe in all this stuff cause I was a kid and was living in a city that every one believe it… But I also believed in Santa Claus and unicorns and Peter Pan…we also have books for those stories.

All books made. Written and reprinted by men.

Bible is a bit outdated cause that God allows slavery..and violence. It also seems to favor men over women so not really a team player but really like the first miracle… Multiple the wine… That’s a strong message out all possible things that could be done to fix this world he choses as his first miracle to produce more wine… Each time someone says something when I am drinking…I remind them that wine is approved by God. Not only approved but he wanted everyone to drink more otherwise why produce more? That is a strong message to send to the humans and for eternity.

I don’t know how hell looks like but I am sure there must be good wine in heaven 🙂

Well when I was a kid red as a kid…I walked like a kid and I believed magical stories like Santa…but eventually I grew up and learn to read other books and think for myself and I don’t need to believe in Santa anymore to enjoy Christmas or to believe in unicorns to enjoy movies and stories… neither I need Bibles to live my life in a respectful and healthy way. And I don’t need heaven or hell to understand what is constructive or destructive. It’s nice to see that some ppl still believe in magic even as adults…I wonder if u write letters to Santa and think there’s a magical world waiting for your somewhere…but you need to send 200 000 comments on the internets before you’re allowed in??

Wait a minute Mr. 666…Who believes in magic? A spinning marble hurdling through infinite nothing while water sticks to it seems a little more like magic than a flat non moving plain. Lmbo Where you can observe with your own eyes that we are spinning 1000mph. Lmbo…BTW Santa Claus is really Satan Claus. Unscramble the word. Your Masonic 666 brothers made up the satanic ball earth and Santa/satan claus. Either you are asleep and indoctrinated/programmed like 99 percent of the world or your are a Masonic troll. There is a God brother. It’s funny how you believe Faith all bulls#!t fed to you by the liars but somehow God and a creator is crazy to you…Wow. It’s obvious there is a Creator. Intelligent design all around you…A fool beleives in his own heart that there is not a God. Now wake up before die and face judgment.

You can believe or not believe in God. You have a free will. Take your chances. Forfeiting your soul for an eternity is forever my friend. A fool beleives in his own that there is not a God. Creation is in your face. To act like you dont see it is dumb.

JY I don’t need to believe in any God to find a purpose and be happy and don’t care about paradises or hell I have enough with one.

Ppl that need to believe in God’s are weak. They can’t face reality just like kids …they need Santa…some ppl need God’s to stay stable and live through reality. You were endoctrinated by your mommy n now that endoctrination makes you feel good. It is ok not being able to go against what mommy told you. That would mean pain. Just like facing reality that u will never see ppl that died is painful. Painful like you will also die like everyone else and nobody will care cause we’re only dust in the wind my friend. So which story is the painful one? Face the painful reality takes courage and one needs to be strong to accept it. Thinking that there’s a magical dude that will take care of all my issues and give me immortality is very easy but weak. Makes you feel good but those are just feelings. I you had more money you could buy a boat and sail around the world and see it for yourself. If u were not poor you could buy a jet and drive around and see it for yourself. If I could I would send you for a trip to space so u could see it for yourself but I don’t have 20 million yet. And you would probably refuse to go because that would mean discovering of the painful reality.

It is easier and more pleasant for me to believe in God’s than it is for u to face the painful reality. You will die playing a god and I will die reading where voyager 1 and 2 are by that time and will be thinking…what a nice ride they had and one day they will crash into a planet or a black hole. Eventually everything dies and no one comes back. But u are free to believe otherwise if that makes you feel good. But remember…those are just feelings 🙂

Die in your Sin Mr 666. Its your soul. You wont be talking like this when you are standing before the Almighty.

The earth is not a spinning water ball friend. Regardless of what you think. They are lying to us. Learn how the Elite communicate worldwide. Learn signs and symbols and numbers. Its how they speak. Once you learn their language. It’s clear what is really going on here. Stay blind and decieved. This world is literally ran on signs symbols and numerolgy. That’s also in your face. But you will never see it. You like being controlled. The Elite of decievers are at the top of the pyramid. They bottom are just cattle. Good luck with you programming.

voyager sound system

Jy you need help bro space is not fake you have to be dumb as sh*t to believe that, space is real, asteriods, there is 100% factual science, nearly 80 years of evidence by experts an scientist who most of which btw dont work for the government an whos only interest is to learn about the things around our round planet, you know what they call space, your theory has no evidence or facts or findings to back up what you say. I recommend reading a book or two do your own research space is real, planets are real, and our earth is not flat it is round. Eduacate yourself just a tip

Boy you folks dont give up. Space is FAKE. EVERYTHING NASA gives you is smoke and mirrors. I was indoctintated just like you space monkeys. I have done plenty of research on my own to see that NASA is lying to us along with all the fake space agencies around the world. Water always finds it level. I don’t give a crap what scientific rebuttal you come up with. One more time. WATER ALWAYS FINDS ITS LEVEL. The Sun and moon or local. It’s obvious to anyone awake and willing to stop being programmed by these luciferians that control the world system. I always see flat land. Gravity is impossible if you actually just use your dam common sense God gave you. It’s made up bulls#!t to fit their scientific theory. That’s all it is. You are so indoctrinated you take everthing they tell you as truth. All they give us is CGI. They lost the technology to go back to the Moon but they can travel millions of miles further to Mars…lmbo Wake up blind fools. Its funny how they have the ability to control a rover millions of miles away though a computer and when it breaks down it fixes itself.. lmbo A super

You are programmed. You repeat like a parrot what you been fed all fed all your life.

I almost missed the video in the flood of other ads on the page.

voyager sound system

I hope you know that sound is something like animal or humanoid being Istanbul not space sounds but it the could pin point the exact location or close by with the hubble they might find a planet with life, on it the question is thier someone thier , I recognize the sound that of a cry out

Your kidding right? Lmbo

voyager sound system

This guy with the ice wall surrounding the earth is funny I flew around the earth it’s round and not surrounded by an ice wall.

I am sure you have.lmbo Nothing any of you programmed sheep say will ever change the fact that we do lot live on a spinning magic water ball.

voyager sound system

Magic ice walls and magic souls that live forever floating around sounds retarded. Maybe JY is just a retarded that was brainwashed by his religious parents. Poor person…

You mean magic spinning marble moving through infinite nothing at 67,000 mph…lmbo Sound a little more like fantasy than a non moving plain. Boy you folks have logic backwards….🤣🤣🤣🤣

Keep mocking God. How do you think you got here you very foolish person? Intelligence design all around you and you choose to beleive in magic. Wow. All this came from noth in nothing. Now that’s magic.

voyager sound system

I think NASA is bitch n fags all lairs they could go to hell where they belong

Well they are all liars and freemason/luciferians.

voyager sound system

JY I haven’t laughed so hard in ages, thank you so much. I’m stunned you hang around on these pages to embarrass yourself, your preaching should be on the stage or street corner it’s hilarious 😆🤣😂😄! Why are you even reading articles like this if you don’t believe? Lmao! I can’t stop laughing 😆🤣😂😭! I guess the dinosaurs are also a conspiracy!? Ice walls 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣, water in the sky🤣🤣😂, I can’t take anymore my sides are aching!!! Brilliant

Putting little laughing emojis is not going to change the fact that you are a brainwashed troll. Rovers and helicopters that fix themselves and fly by remote control millions of miles away…now that deserves an emoji.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

If JY was for real… I would pay to see this guy and his conception of universe and earth it is so far fetched and originally retarded like if he had missed the last 200 years of science LoL I ended here cause I want to read about science and space but I wonder how did JY ended here .. is he trying to convert ppl ? LoL 😂 I wonder how many people he has converted so far…in the internets lol all these lost internet souls LoL 😂

voyager sound system

Jy is loopy

ok lets carry the discussion to another level by thinking about speed of think… i gues it will overcome the light speed obviously and ppl discussing abt illusions and/or reality as if anyone able to understand what they are we call ourselves as a human being by compare to other souls but how abt if we are also hoax dream in the dream or just a echoes of the some creature which exist at zillion light years ..conclusion GOD exist ! if not pls advise what is a spirit and how its created by who and its appearance…. we are enjoying the message comes from the location where its out of our dimensions and we are the so luckiest ones that can hear it with a single click.there may be another dimensions which control the earth but eventually all the beings are subject to return to the Creator which we call GOD .

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Golden Record Sounds and Music

Sounds of earth.

The following is a listing of sounds electronically placed onboard the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft.

Music from Earth

The following music was included on the Voyager record.

Discover More Topics From NASA

Splotches of bright-pink and blue-white fill the lower half of the image. A bright bar of white stars extends downward from top-center toward the left. Random areas of dusty clouds form dark streams against the bright backdrop.

Our Solar System

An illustration of a slice of a bright orange sun, with planets, a comet and asteroids against a blue-black backround.

How Voyager 1 recorded noises when there's no sound in interstellar space


Beyond the border of interstellar space, the distant Voyager 1 spacecraft called back to Earth earlier this year with noises from its new environment. It's true that the void of space does not carry sound — there's no gas or other substance to transmit the waves — but the signal Voyager detected can be played back at frequencies the human ear can understand.

NASA announced in September that Voyager 1 had left the heliosphere in August 2012. The heliosphere is a sheath of magnetic influence that emanates from the sun and expands through a stream of charged particles called the solar wind.

At the press conference, Don Gurnett, the principal investigator for Voyager 1 's plasma wave science instrument, demonstrated a series of sounds the instrument had picked up.

"Strictly speaking, the plasma wave instrument does not detect sound. Instead, it senses waves of electrons in the ionized gas or 'plasma' that Voyager travels through," NASA stated in a statement. These waves, however, do take place at frequencies that humans can detect.


"We can play the data through a loudspeaker and listen," Gurnett, a physics professor at the University of Iowa, said in the statement. "The pitch and frequency tell us about the density of gas surrounding the spacecraft." [ Hear What Voyager 1 Detected ]

Within the heliosphere, the sounds had a frequency of about 300 Hz. Once Voyager left the scene, the frequency jumped higher, to between 2 and 3 kHz, "corresponding to denser gas in the interstellar medium," according to the NASA release.

There have been at least two verified instances of these tones: October to November 2012, and April to May 2013. Both occurred after huge coronal mass ejections (material from the sun) bumped up plasma activity around Voyager 1. There was a lag before scientists discovered the recordings because the data is only played back every three to six months, NASA said, and more time is required to interpret the results.

Gurnett further speculated that "shock fronts" from beyond the solar system could be tearing through interstellar space and disturbing the plasma surrounding Voyager 1. He will be listening for any evidence of this activity in future recordings from humanity's furthest spacecraft, he said.

Follow Elizabeth Howell @howellspace , or @Spacedotcom . We're also on Facebook and Google+ . Original article on

  • Voyager 1 Records 'Sounds' From Interstellar Space | Video
  • Voyager 1 Probe's 35-Year Trek to Interstellar Space Almost Never Was
  • How the Voyager Space Probes Work (Infographic)
  • Voyager 1 in Interstellar Space: Complete Coverage
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Voyager audio upgrade

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Has anyone upgraded their Voyager speakers or added an amp to the sound system on their 09-11 voyager?  

voyager sound system

I removed the stock front speakers and installed a set of Boston Acoustics. I got them for about $65. If I had it to do over I would have definately looked at the Hog Tunes speakers as well.  

voyager sound system

from 5.25 to 6.5? I am thinking about trying to fab or have an audio shop make a kit so I can put some 6.5" 3-way speakers in my fairing. Probably need an amp too...had a lot of stereos in my vehicles over the years. Almost never used factory speaker door neighbor runs the car audio dept at a local stereo/video/tv store. I will keep everyone updated on progress. Will plan in the winter and upgrade in the spring.  

Do you not like the Boston Acoustics? How do you find speakers that will hold up to the water?  

my friend has a 98 lectraglide and did the Hog Tunes and it flat out rocks with an Ipod hooked to it...and thats on an old bike. The Boston Acoustics are good, just want more bass and that's probably just not possible with 5 1/4"speakers. Most newer speakers have polypropylene speaker cones instead of paper cones. These are waterproof enough. I had an 03 Nomad that I put a HD fairing on with 4 Boston Acoustics speakers. No problems in over 35,000miles- and plenty of rain. Talked to the guy I sold it too recently and it's still going strong. Actual "marine" speakers are made so all the connections will stand up to salt water. Unless you live right near the ocean you don't really need marine speakers (just my opinion)  

I'm using Infinity 5.25" speakers in my Vaquero. Huge improvement over stock. Think I may add bass blockers to take out anything below 80Hz as they can't effectively reproduce them anyways. I'd be able to turn them up even more.  

voyager sound system

Do any 5.25 speakers fit? Anything in particular I need to look out for? Looking at either of these...|Polk+Audio|Polk+Audio Thanks  

I just received this from Hog Tunes. Pez told me in a follow up email that they will have an amp to add to the system also. Hey there Hogtunes WILL have a replacement speaker in January for 09+ Voyager/Vaquero. The speaker will be branded as “Metrix Audio by Hogtunes” We have done real world testing on this new model. The new speaker is a perfect fit, and has the correct electrical connections. Our normal speakers have a chrome tweeter---but since the Voyager grills are fairly see through, we made the cone of the speaker black, as well as the tweeter black. I guess the only bad news is I will not have them till 1st week January J Im pretty sure that American Voyager Association will do a review of these in their magazine as well Does this help? PEZ  

I reveived an email today from J&M that they will be working on speakers for the Voyager over the winter so we should have a couple of good options this spring.  

voyager sound system

I put the Infinity speakers in also and they make a big difference. They are a metal mesh so no problem with water and they have adjustable tweeters so I could point them towards the rider position and a crossover connection. I have purchased a Pyle marine amplifier that is small and waterproof but I have not installed it yet. Waiting for the riding weather to get bad because it will be an all day adventure to install. Stuart  

voyager sound system

I replaced all four speakers with Polk Audio's and then I installed a Sony amp in the trunk. The stock amplifier in the radio just doesn't have enough power to drive the new speakers plus it has a lot of THD when you crank it up. The downside is I need to engineer a way to vent the hot air from the trunk. After cranking the audio for a while the amp's thermal limit will kick in.  

Yes, the 5.25" will fit. Now, don't expect any real bass out of them, they're just not big enough to reproduce the lower frequencies. My amp has a LPF (low pass filter) to block anything below 80Hz I believe.  

+1 Any 5.25" should fit. I also suggest the bass blockers or an amp with high-pass crossover built-in.  

voyager sound system

:musical-note: just upgraded to 5.25 Clarions at all 4 corners. sounds cleaner than the stock speakers, Will road test them on the weekend :musical-note:  

voyager sound system

Does anyonoe have any pictures of the install or what the speakers look like installed? Also why couldn't you put the amp on the voyager in the area in the shroud above the front vent openings?  

Take the one allen bolt out and remove the 4 screws holding the speaker in place. Took 5 mins tops to do both fronts. I don't have rears as I have the VV.  

Thanks for the help. Do you have pictures of your installed speakers?  

I do not know what is wrong with my settings but I cannot see any pictures placed into a post. Does anyone have an idea where i may look to see what the issue is?  

voyager sound system

If you're referring to the image kickice posted, it is hosted on If your browser security (probably a 3rd-party piece of software) is blocking that site or you otherwise can't access (firewall or DNS resolution issue) that could be why you're not seeing it.  

sub woofer I have been looking at the top area of the lowers that is boxed in as a place that sub woofer can be mounted. It looks like maybe they can be mounted so they fir down towards the ground but since they are subwoofers it shouldn't matter. Does that seem reasonable?  

voyager sound system

HogTunes Available Soon I got an email from HogTunes and the upgrades for the Voyager and Vaquero will up on the Website this week sometime.  

Einstein said: I got an email from HogTunes and the upgrades for the Voyager and Vaquero will up on the Website this week sometime. Click to expand...

I saw this online. It's suppose to have a lot of bass. LOL  


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well let me know how it hooks up,,,wiring harness...sound,,,amp included??  

Speaker replacement I have looked at replacement speakers for both front and rear on the Voyager. I chose Rockford Fosgate 5.25 for all. However, I think I will need a amp. I do not think placing it in the truck will be a good option. Has anyone tried mounting the amp in the fairing (possibly above the factory radio)? I would rather have speakers than head sets. I like head sets for communication only when riding 2 up.  

trebor said: I have looked at replacement speakers for both front and rear on the Voyager. I chose Rockford Fosgate 5.25 for all. However, I think I will need a amp. I do not think placing it in the truck will be a good option. Has anyone tried mounting the amp in the fairing (possibly above the factory radio)? I would rather have speakers than head sets. I like head sets for communication only when riding 2 up. Click to expand...

just purchased a 2013 vaquero and i already know i want more/better sound. stuck on the issue of marine speakers or standard. worried about cleaning the bike and/or rain. saw a reply that told of standard being okay. are hogtunes marine? also ive seen conflicting reports on hogtunes. any real reason why?  

voyager sound system

Some good speakers and a set of Power Pucks  

HogTunes claims they have new improved speakers, any one try the new ones yet from them without an amp. Are they improved and better than the factory speakers?  

voyager sound system

I just bought a 2012 Voyager Saturday and pulled a speaker to install a toll road pass. What a crappy speaker! I'm an average amateur audiophile and tinker around with all my vehicle sound systems. These speakers have to go, I ordered some Polk DB521's and a Pyle marine amplifier to see if I can get this thing into the 21st century.  

voyager sound system

Im gonna tinker around with some amp locations and look at opening up the speakers to accept larger diameter. I wonder if I can fiberglass an 8in sub into one of the saddle bags  

Dumb question.. On the Vaquero speakers, which is positive and which is negative? I can't find a wiring diagram. Sent from App  

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Voyager SRS1000 Owner's Manual

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Summary of Contents for Voyager SRS1000

  • Page 1 SRS1000 Theater Sound Owner's Manual SRS1000 Theater Sound Owner's Manual THEATER SOUND THEATER SOUND SRS 1000 SRS1000 Owner's Manual Owner's Manual...
  • Page 2 SRS1000 Theater Sound Owner's Manual SRS1000 Theater Sound Owner's Manual Congratulations!!! You have purchased one of the best, integrated Radio/TV amplification systems available for in-vehicle use today. * Integrates TV and Radio sound into a single system for simplicity, enhanced performance and ease of use.
  • Page 3 SRS1000 Theater Sound Owner's Manual SRS1000 Theater Sound Owner's Manual Front Panel Controls: * Radio Gain adjustment * TV Gain adjustment * 3D Field adjustment * Radio Mode LED indicator * TV Mode LED indicator * 100Hz adjustment * 1KHz adjustment...
  • Page 4 SRS1000 Theater Sound Owner's Manual SRS1000 Theater Sound Owner's Manual Provides a Three-Dimensional Image from a Standard Stereo Source! Benefits: Natural 3D sound image from any two speaker stereo system Based on characteristics of the human hearing system for natural, non...

Page 5: Table Of Contents

Page 6: package contents, page 7: front/rear panel description.

  • Page 8 Do not connect any cable to the TV In ,Hi Level Jack if this input is used . 4.Line in ,Radio--Connect to variable line output from radio (if available). Do not connect the 8 pin harness to the SRS1000 if this input is used. 5.Main Connection Input. Use included 16 pin wire harness to apply power, TV mode trigger, and all speaker outputs though this connection.

Page 9: System Connections

Page 10: operation.

  • Page 11 SRS1000 Theater Sound Owner's Manual SRS1000 Theater Sound Owner's Manual 7) Adjust EQ until desired sound quality is reached. This is done by turning each of the 3 knobs under "3 Band Equalizer" on the front panel. 100Hz is for Bass, 1 Khz is for midrange, and 10 Khz is for Treble.

Page 12: Specification

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NASA, California Institute of Technology, and Jet Propulsion Laboratory Page Header Title

  • The Contents
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  • Where Are They Now
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Q & A with Ed Stone

golden record

Where are they now.

  • frequently asked questions
  • Q&A with Ed Stone

The Golden Record

Pioneers 10 and 11, which preceded Voyager, both carried small metal plaques identifying their time and place of origin for the benefit of any other spacefarers that might find them in the distant future. With this example before them, NASA placed a more ambitious message aboard Voyager 1 and 2, a kind of time capsule, intended to communicate a story of our world to extraterrestrials. The Voyager message is carried by a phonograph record, a 12-inch gold-plated copper disk containing sounds and images selected to portray the diversity of life and culture on Earth.

Golden Record

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  • Portable Measurement Devices
  • PU Regular GEN2
  • USP regular | 3D Acoustic Vector Sensor
  • Custom Probes
  • Low frequency VVS
  • Mid-High Frequency VVS
  • Scan&Listen
  • Scan&Paint 2D
  • Scan&Paint 3D
  • Acoustic Shape
  • Near-Field Acoustic Camera
  • In-situ Sound Absorption testing
  • Sound Transmission Loss
  • Sound Power Ranking
  • Panel Noise Contribution
  • AQCURA | Acoustic Quality Control Testing
  • Velo 32 bit
  • Velo 64 bit
  • Hand held array
  • Surface array
  • Flexible array
  • Custom Arrays
  • Data Acquisition Scout V2
  • Sound Calibrator
  • Extension Bar
  • Remote handle
  • Probe adapters


Voyager is a portable and mobile multi-channel acoustic analyzer that merges multiple functional units into one device. Data acquisition, signal conditioning and storage are combined into a powerful tablet unit suitable for sound and vibration data recording, NVH testing, acoustic troubleshooting, psychoacoustic analysis, and noise control.

Input Channels | 6 channels: 1 x LEMO 7-pin (4 channels) + 2 x BNC IEPE Output Channel | Stereo 3.5mm Jack Other connectors | Micro USB OTG, USB 2.0, Ethernet, powerCPU | Quad Core 1 GHz resolution | 24 bit Input Voltage range | ± 0.1 V, ± 1 V or ±10 V Internal Memory | 32 GB Sampling Frequencies | 8 kHz, 16 kHz, 24 kHz, 32 kHz and 48 kHz Display | 7 inch LCD Color TTL (800x480) O perating temperature | 0 °C to 40 °C Storing temperature | -10 °C to 50 °C

Calibration Instrumentation | ISO-17025 Octave-Band Filtering | ANSI S1.11-2004 Frequency weighting | IEC 61672 Loudness | ISO 532-1:2017 Loudness listening condition | ISO 8253-2 Sharpness | DIN 45629 Roughness | P. Daniel & R. Weber (1997)

Physical dimensions | 225 mm x 135 mm x 40 mm| Weight | 1.3 Kg

Nominal Power Supply | 18 VDC Battery type | Lithium-ion Battery capacity | 4800 mAh | 34.6 Wh Operating time | 6 h

Interactive Product Leaflet [click to open]

Voyager Sound Analyzer 2

  • Mobile multi-channel acoustic analyzer
  • Two modes: standalone or portable front-end
  • Built-in battery and internal storage capacity
  • Embedded touch-controlled software
  • Octave Bands, FFT, Spectrogram & Loudness
  • Real-time audio filters, for analysis and listening
  • Remote access and control
  • Compatibility with all Microflown probes
  • Compatible with up to 2 additional (IEPE) sensors


  • NVH testing
  • Noise source identification
  • Buzz, Squeak & Rattle noise localization
  • Quality and End-of-Line Control
  • Sound leakage detection
  • Psychoacoustic analysis
  • Sound Intensity
  • Sound Power
  • Sound Quality

Curious About Pricing Details?

Noise localisation made easy simply listen to particle velocity and find what you are looking for.

Gain an acoustic impression of a sound event by listening to the sensor signal in real-time. Benefit from the superior advantages of the Microflown particle velocity sensor, in terms of background noise cancellation and signal-to-noise boost, for locating sound sources. This allows using it directly at the test location in presence of environmental sounds also for non-stationary sources such as buzz, squeak & rattle. Real-time filters on the audio support to run more targeted analysis. A variety of options for real-time filtering on all channels combining: low pass, band-pass, band-stop and high pass filters.

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SIMPLIFYING TESTING TIMES. Record, real time listening and analyse your acoustic data with just a single device

A powerful standalone NVH tool offering conventional FFT and octave band analysis and the implementation of spectrogram analysis allows studying non-stationary or transient noises. Calculation of loudness, including overall instantaneous loudness. Targeted analysis with the help of real-time filters on data channels.

A mobile acoustic data acquisition system for VELO software

The Voyager is your acoustic data acquisition system for our Velo 64-Bit software and its applications. Start your measurement campaigns either by making a direct connection using the Micro USB or connecting it to a network using the Ethernet port.

DAQ mode

The fastest way to perform on-site sound Intensity measurements

Sound intensity, a measure of acoustic energy flow, is a vital tool for pinpointing the power of sound sources without the need for costly facilities like anechoic and reverberation rooms. With the ability to determine the sound power of machinery and other noise sources in their natural environment, our device is now a go-to solution for such assessments. Key uses include identifying and ranking partial noise sources, visualizing sound fields, and determining the efficiency of vibrating surfaces. Straightforward and effective, it's a versatile tool for all your sound intensity measurement needs.

Real-time calculation of psychoacoustics & sound quality

The Voyager Sound Quality module calculates key psycho-acoustic quantities, such as Loudness, Sharpness, and Roughness, turning human sensations into understandable numbers. This module provides an accurate way to measure sound that accounts for how people actually hear it, ensuring consistent and reliable sound quality estimations.

Web sound Quality2

Remote access and control your Voyager device with your smartphone, tablet or laptop

Simply connect your voyager to the same network as your device and you can fully access and control the voyager remotely. Start your recordings or check the FFT in real time. Transfer files and folders easily to your device or enable a network based connection using voyager as portable frontend for Velo 64 bit.

Voyager's New Sound Level Meter Functionality

This new feature seamlessly integrates with Voyager's advanced acoustic analysis capabilities, providing precise and reliable sound level measurements. Ideal for environmental noise monitoring, workplace safety, and audio equipment testing, the sound level meter functionality expands the Voyager's versatility, ensuring comprehensive sound analysis and quality assessment in a variety of settings.

Voyager SLM

The next gen hardware platform. Be ready for a bright Microflown future together with Voyager

The Voyager is a portable NVH testing device that merges multiple functional units like data acquisition, signal conditioning, battery and storage into a powerful tablet device. A powerful tool as a standalone device, enabled by the many features and possibilities embedded in the firmware. Furthermore, setting a new hardware platform as a portable frontend for the many unique solutions within the Velo 64bit software platform. We'll further build on the Voyager, by either adding modules and capabilities to its embedded firmware and also growing the amount of compatible Velo 64 bit based applications.

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The device interface is intuitive to operate and the modular applications enable easy usage by NVH experts and technicians alike. Inspired by the workflow operation, as daily used on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, a target was set to bring a similar approach and experience to the Voyager. All operations are easily done, fully configurable in a matter of seconds. The touch controlled interactive icons provides ready access to different modes & settings: you can listen to the signal in real-time, switch to playback or analysis mode with just a single touch. All settings and options are directly accessible and visible, leading to easy and fast operation. Intuitive toggles provide single touch activation or deactivation of many features. The icon based menus leave a clear & large space open to display all your analysis data, offering the perfect balance between intuitive usage and visual display. Scalable and modular firmware enables the right feature that you need for your successful measurements campaigns.

  • Firmware | Voyager
  • Firmware | Modules
  • Firmware | Releases

Base Firmware

  • Lite (FW-VYR-L)
  • Standard (FW-VYR-S)

Optional Firmware Modules

  • Sound Quality (FW-VYR-SQ)


The current firmware version is Voyager 2.5 In this version, Voyager introduces the Sound Level Meter and phase direction of the sound intensity field.

Click here to read the release note of firmware Voyager 2.5

Voyager 2.4 This firmware update brings full support for PU Gen2 probes, XML file loading via USB, a redesigned sensor settings UI, and resolves a WAV file issue for uninterrupted audio playback.

Click here to read the release note of firmware Voyager 2.4

Voyager 2.3

This version includes new features such as Sound Intensity calculations and a new (optional) Sound Quality module enabling loudness, sharpness & roughness.

Click here to read the release note of firmware Voyager 2.3

Voyager 2.1

A new version of the Voyager firmware is now available. Among other features, the latest update enables to capture of synchronized video and audio data compatible with Velo Scan&Paint 2D. Click here to read the release note of firmware Voyager 2.1

Voyager 2.0

The new version of the Voyager firmware is packed with new features and improvements. Field calibration, daq mode for Velo 64bit, loudness implementation, just to name a few! We are excited to announce that with the firmware version 2.0 arriving your Voyager can also be used as a portable data acquisition system with our Velo 64Bit software and its applications. There are two options available to interface the Voyager with your computer, either by using the Micro USB or the Ethernet port. A new version of the Voyager firmware is now available. Among other features, the latest update enables to capture of synchronized video and audio data compatible with Velo Scan&Paint 2D.

Click here to read the release note of firmware Voyager 2.0

PU Voyager

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NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft is talking nonsense. Its friends on Earth are worried

Nell Greenfieldboyce 2010

Nell Greenfieldboyce

voyager sound system

This artist's impression shows one of the Voyager spacecraft moving through the darkness of space. NASA/JPL-Caltech hide caption

This artist's impression shows one of the Voyager spacecraft moving through the darkness of space.

The last time Stamatios "Tom" Krimigis saw the Voyager 1 space probe in person, it was the summer of 1977, just before it launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida.

Now Voyager 1 is over 15 billion miles away, beyond what many consider to be the edge of the solar system. Yet the on-board instrument Krimigis is in charge of is still going strong.

"I am the most surprised person in the world," says Krimigis — after all, the spacecraft's original mission to Jupiter and Saturn was only supposed to last about four years.

These days, though, he's also feeling another emotion when he thinks of Voyager 1.

"Frankly, I'm very worried," he says.

Ever since mid-November, the Voyager 1 spacecraft has been sending messages back to Earth that don't make any sense. It's as if the aging spacecraft has suffered some kind of stroke that's interfering with its ability to speak.

"It basically stopped talking to us in a coherent manner," says Suzanne Dodd of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, who has been the project manager for the Voyager interstellar mission since 2010. "It's a serious problem."

Instead of sending messages home in binary code, Voyager 1 is now just sending back alternating 1s and 0s. Dodd's team has tried the usual tricks to reset things — with no luck.

It looks like there's a problem with the onboard computer that takes data and packages it up to send back home. All of this computer technology is primitive compared to, say, the key fob that unlocks your car, says Dodd.

"The button you press to open the door of your car, that has more compute power than the Voyager spacecrafts do," she says. "It's remarkable that they keep flying, and that they've flown for 46-plus years."

voyager sound system

Each of the Voyager probes carries an American flag and a copy of a golden record that can play greetings in many languages. NASA/JPL-Caltech hide caption

Each of the Voyager probes carries an American flag and a copy of a golden record that can play greetings in many languages.

Voyager 1 and its twin, Voyager 2, have outlasted many of those who designed and built them. So to try to fix Voyager 1's current woes, the dozen or so people on Dodd's team have had to pore over yellowed documents and old mimeographs.

"They're doing a lot of work to try and get into the heads of the original developers and figure out why they designed something the way they did and what we could possibly try that might give us some answers to what's going wrong with the spacecraft," says Dodd.

She says that they do have a list of possible fixes. As time goes on, they'll likely start sending commands to Voyager 1 that are more bold and risky.

"The things that we will do going forward are probably more challenging in the sense that you can't tell exactly if it's going to execute correctly — or if you're going to maybe do something you didn't want to do, inadvertently," says Dodd.

Linda Spilker , who serves as the Voyager mission's project scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, says that when she comes to work she sees "all of these circuit diagrams up on the wall with sticky notes attached. And these people are just having a great time trying to troubleshoot, you know, the 60's and 70's technology."

"I'm cautiously optimistic," she says. "There's a lot of creativity there."

Still, this is a painstaking process that could take weeks, or even months. Voyager 1 is so distant, it takes almost a whole day for a signal to travel out there, and then a whole day for its response to return.

"We'll keep trying," says Dodd, "and it won't be quick."

In the meantime, Voyager's 1 discombobulation is a bummer for researchers like Stella Ocker , an astronomer with Caltech and the Carnegie Observatories

"We haven't been getting science data since this anomaly started," says Ocker, "and what that means is that we don't know what the environment that the spacecraft is traveling through looks like."

After 35 Years, Voyager Nears Edge Of Solar System

After 35 Years, Voyager Nears Edge Of Solar System

That interstellar environment isn't just empty darkness, she says. It contains stuff like gas, dust, and cosmic rays. Only the twin Voyager probes are far out enough to sample this cosmic stew.

"The science that I'm really interested in doing is actually only possible with Voyager 1," says Ocker, because Voyager 2 — despite being generally healthy for its advanced age — can't take the particular measurements she needs for her research.

Even if NASA's experts and consultants somehow come up with a miraculous plan that can get Voyager 1 back to normal, its time is running out.

The two Voyager probes are powered by plutonium, but that power system will eventually run out of juice. Mission managers have turned off heaters and taken other measures to conserve power and extend the Voyager probes' lifespan.

"My motto for a long time was 50 years or bust," says Krimigis with a laugh, "but we're sort of approaching that."

In a couple of years, the ebbing power supply will force managers to start turning off science instruments, one by one. The very last instrument might keep going until around 2030 or so.

When the power runs out and the probes are lifeless, Krimigis says both of these legendary space probes will basically become "space junk."

"It pains me to say that," he says. While Krimigis has participated in space missions to every planet, he says the Voyager program has a special place in his heart.

Spilker points out that each spacecraft will keep moving outward, carrying its copy of a golden record that has recorded greetings in many languages, along with the sounds of Earth.

"The science mission will end. But a part of Voyager and a part of us will continue on in the space between the stars," says Spilker, noting that the golden records "may even outlast humanity as we know it."

Krimigis, though, doubts that any alien will ever stumble across a Voyager probe and have a listen.

"Space is empty," he says, "and the probability of Voyager ever running into a planet is probably slim to none."

It will take about 40,000 years for Voyager 1 to approach another star; it will come within 1.7 light years of what NASA calls "an obscure star in the constellation Ursa Minor" — also known as the Little Dipper.

If NASA greenlights this interstellar mission, it could last 100 years

If NASA greenlights this interstellar mission, it could last 100 years

Knowing that the Voyager probes are running out of time, scientists have been drawing up plans for a new mission that, if funded and launched by NASA, would send another probe even farther out into the space between stars.

"If it happens, it would launch in the 2030s," says Ocker, "and it would reach twice as far as Voyager 1 in just 50 years."

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voyager sound system

Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC)

NASA’s Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC) experiment is the agency’s first demonstration of laser, or optical, communications from deep space, covering Earth-Mars distances. DSOC is a technology demonstration, which means it will test key technologies that may be used in future missions. While the Psyche spacecraft will provide power to the DSOC flight laser transceiver and help it point at Earth, the experiment is not intended to relay Psyche mission data. DSOC operations are planned for about two years, beginning roughly 20 days after launch.

voyager sound system

The DSOC flight laser transceiver can be easily identified by its prominent tubelike sunshade protruding from the side of the Psyche spacecraft, seen here in a clean room at JPL as mission team members prepare the spacecraft for transport. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech | Full image and credit

How DSOC Works

The DSOC system is composed of three elements, all of which incorporate new advanced technologies:

  • A near-infrared laser transceiver, attached to the Psyche spacecraft, transmits and receives data through an 8.6-inch (22-centimeter) aperture telescope. The transceiver will transmit high-rate data to Earth using its 4-watt, near-infrared laser and receive low-rate data from Earth using an attached photon-counting camera.
  • A high-power (5-kilowatt) ground-based laser transmitter operated from the Optical Communications Telescope Laboratory (OCTL) at JPL’s Table Mountain facility near Wrightwood, California, will deliver a beacon and low-rate uplink data to the flight laser transceiver.
  • The 200-inch (5.1-meter) Hale Telescope at Caltech’s Palomar Observatory in San Diego County, California, will receive the downlinked high-rate data from the DSOC flight laser transceiver during the technology demonstration in the first two years of Psyche’s deep space journey.

Laser communication systems come with unique advantages and challenges. Both radio and near-infrared laser communications use electromagnetic waves to transmit data, but near-infrared light packs the data into significantly tighter waves, enabling ground stations to receive more data at once. Using this kind of narrower, more concentrated laser beam from space requires incredibly accurate pointing and tracking to transfer data efficiently to a ground station.

Also, as the distance between the laser transmitter and receiver increases, the laser signal becomes weaker, requiring highly sensitive sensors to detect and record the diminished laser light. Because the laser signal is so weak over large distances, background “noise” – in the form of stray sunlight and scattered light in Earth’s atmosphere – can overwhelm the data carried by the few laser photons that arrive at the detector.

voyager sound system

This illustration of the Psyche spacecraft shows the locations of the DSOC technology demonstration and X-band high-gain antenna. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU

To counter these challenges and demonstrate the efficacy of deep space laser communications, DSOC’s flight laser transceiver is mounted on an assembly of struts and actuators that stabilize the optics despite spacecraft vibrations. This essentially “decouples” DSOC’s flight hardware from the spacecraft, preventing these tiny motions from nudging the pointing of the downlink laser off target. The transceiver’s telescope is also fitted with a long cylindrical sunshade (to block stray light from hitting the receiver) that protrudes from the side of the spacecraft body, making it one of Psyche’s easily identifiable features.

During operations, the spacecraft will assist the initial coarse pointing of the DSOC flight transceiver by rotating to point the flight transceiver in the general direction of the ground-transmitted beacon at Table Mountain. The DSOC transceiver has the ability to search for and then lock onto the beacon, stabilize its line of sight, and transmit the narrow high-rate data downlink beam to Palomar’s 200-inch (5.1-meter) Hale Telescope.

The large-aperture Hale Telescope then collects the faint signal and guides it to a superconducting nanowire photon-counting detector that can precisely measure and process the time of arrival of the photons. Through this back-end signal processing, the data that is modulated and encoded into the laser beam in deep space can be decoded and converted to information on the ground.

voyager sound system

The 200-inch (5.1-meter) Hale Telescope at Caltech’s Palomar Observatory in San Diego County will receive high-rate data from the DSOC flight laser transceiver and (inset) the ground-based laser transmitter at JPL’s Table Mountain will send low-rate data to the flight transceiver. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Palomar Observatory

Timeline After Launch

The dates below could shift depending on how the Psyche spacecraft’s initial checkouts proceed.

  • Roughly 20 days after launch: DSOC calibration and commissioning phase is expected to begin, preparing the technology demonstration for operation.
  • Roughly 50 days after launch: First expected contact opportunity between DSOC ground systems and the flight transceiver aboard Psyche.
  • June 2024: First phase of this technology demonstration ends.
  • January 2025: Second phase of the tech demo begins.
  • October 2025: DSOC tech demo ends.

The History and Future of Laser Communications

DSOC is a natural extension of the experiments in laser communications that have come before it. In 2013, NASA’s Lunar Laser Communications Demonstration tested record-breaking uplink and downlink data rates between Earth and the Moon. In 2021, NASA’s Laser Communications Relay Demonstration launched to test high-bandwidth optical communications from geostationary orbit and to demonstrate relay capabilities so that spacecraft don’t need to maintain a direct line of sight with Earth to communicate. In 2022, NASA’s TeraByte InfraRed Delivery system downlinked the highest-ever data rate from a satellite in low-Earth orbit to a ground-based receiver.

These demonstrations form the foundations for NASA’s operational use of laser communications. The agency’s Integrated LCRD Low-Earth Orbit User Modem and Amplifier Terminal (ILLUMA-T) will launch in 2023 to the International Space Station, empowering the astronauts living and working there with new communications capabilities. The Orion Artemis II Optical Communications System will enable high-speed communications during the next human mission to the Moon.

But to test how optical communications may be possible beyond the Moon, new technologies need to be demonstrated. With its launch set for October 2023, DSOC will take optical communications into deep space for the first time. This will set the foundation for establishing higher data-rate returns from future robotic and human missions to Mars and beyond.

For more on DSOC, visit .

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NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft finally phones home after 5 months of no contact

On Saturday, April 5, Voyager 1 finally "phoned home" and updated its NASA operating team about its health.

An illustration of a spacecraft with a white disk in space.

NASA's interstellar explorer Voyager 1 is finally communicating with ground control in an understandable way again. On Saturday (April 20), Voyager 1 updated ground control about its health status for the first time in 5 months. While the Voyager 1 spacecraft still isn't sending valid science data back to Earth, it is now returning usable information about the health and operating status of its onboard engineering systems. 

Thirty-five years after its launch in 1977, Voyager 1 became the first human-made object to leave the solar system and enter interstellar space . It was followed out of our cosmic quarters by its space-faring sibling, Voyager 2 , six years later in 2018. Voyager 2, thankfully, is still operational and communicating well with Earth. 

The two spacecraft remain the only human-made objects exploring space beyond the influence of the sun. However, on Nov. 14, 2023, after 11 years of exploring interstellar space and while sitting a staggering 15 billion miles (24 billion kilometers) from Earth, Voyager 1's binary code — computer language composed of 0s and 1s that it uses to communicate with its flight team at NASA — stopped making sense.

Related: We finally know why NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft stopped communicating — scientists are working on a fix

In March, NASA's Voyager 1 operating team sent a digital "poke" to the spacecraft, prompting its flight data subsystem (FDS) to send a full memory readout back home.

This memory dump revealed to scientists and engineers that the "glitch" is the result of a corrupted code contained on a single chip representing around 3% of the FDS memory. The loss of this code rendered Voyager 1's science and engineering data unusable.

People, many of whom are wearing matching blue shirts, celebrating at a conference table.

The NASA team can't physically repair or replace this chip, of course, but what they can do is remotely place the affected code elsewhere in the FDS memory. Though no single section of the memory is large enough to hold this code entirely, the team can slice it into sections and store these chunks separately. To do this, they will also have to adjust the relevant storage sections to ensure the addition of this corrupted code won't cause those areas to stop operating individually, or working together as a whole. In addition to this, NASA staff will also have to ensure any references to the corrupted code's location are updated.

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On April 18, 2024, the team began sending the code to its new location in the FDS memory. This was a painstaking process, as a radio signal takes 22.5 hours to traverse the distance between Earth and Voyager 1, and it then takes another 22.5 hours to get a signal back from the craft. 

By Saturday (April 20), however, the team confirmed their modification had worked. For the first time in five months, the scientists were able to communicate with Voyager 1 and check its health. Over the next few weeks, the team will work on adjusting the rest of the FDS software and aim to recover the regions of the system that are responsible for packaging and returning vital science data from beyond the limits of the solar system.

Join our Space Forums to keep talking space on the latest missions, night sky and more! And if you have a news tip, correction or comment, let us know at: [email protected].

Robert Lea

Robert Lea is a science journalist in the U.K. whose articles have been published in Physics World, New Scientist, Astronomy Magazine, All About Space, Newsweek and ZME Science. He also writes about science communication for Elsevier and the European Journal of Physics. Rob holds a bachelor of science degree in physics and astronomy from the U.K.’s Open University. Follow him on Twitter @sciencef1rst.

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  • Robb62 'V'ger must contact the creator. Reply
  • Holy HannaH! Couldn't help but think that "repair" sounded extremely similar to the mechanics of DNA and the evolution of life. Reply
  • Torbjorn Larsson *Applause* indeed, thanks to the Voyager teams for the hard work! Reply
  • SpaceSpinner I notice that the article says that it has been in space for 35 years. Either I have gone back in time 10 years, or their AI is off by 10 years. V-*ger has been captured! Reply
Admin said: On Saturday, April 5, Voyager 1 finally "phoned home" and updated its NASA operating team about its health. The interstellar explorer is back in touch after five months of sending back nonsense data. NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft finally phones home after 5 months of no contact : Read more
evw said: I'm incredibly grateful for the persistence and dedication of the Voyagers' teams and for the amazing accomplishments that have kept these two spacecrafts operational so many years beyond their expected lifetimes. V-1 was launched when I was 25 years young; I was nearly delirious with joy. Exploring the physical universe captivated my attention while I was in elementary school and has kept me mesmerized since. I'm very emotional writing this note, thinking about what amounts to a miracle of technology and longevity in my eyes. BRAVO!!! THANK YOU EVERYONE PAST & PRESENT!!!
  • EBairead I presume it's Fortran. Well done all. Reply
SpaceSpinner said: I notice that the article says that it has been in space for 35 years. Either I have gone back in time 10 years, or their AI is off by 10 years. V-*ger has been captured!
EBairead said: I presume it's Fortran. Well done all.
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voyager sound system

May 10th 2024

This Week in Space 110

Voyager 1's brush with silence.

Saving an Icon With Project Scientist Dr. Linda Spilker

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The Voyager probes have been transiting space since 1977, and they're still at it 46 years later. But late in 2023, Voyager 1, now 15 billion miles distant, started sending what the flight controllers called "gibberish" back to Earth---uncoordinated ones and zeros and a heartbeat tone. They knew it was still alive, but something had gone wrong. The small team of software wizards at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory got to work and came up with a workaround... but due to the age of the program, did not have an old enough computer on the ground to test it! They'd have to eyeball the sequence and send it to overwrite existing programming on the spacecraft. The round-trip radio signal from Earth takes 45 hours... and it was a nail-biter. Join us as we discuss this rescue beyond the solar system with Voyager Mission Scientist Dr. Linda Spilker.

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  • A listener appreciates the discussion on how music relates to space exploration, but points out a missed opportunity to mention Ronald McNair's planned saxophone performance in space, which was tragically halted by the Challenger disaster.

Main Topic - Saving Voyager 1 with Dr. Linda Spilker:

  • Dr. Spilker's career at JPL, starting in 1977 and working on the Voyager mission, Cassini, and returning to Voyager as Project Scientist
  • Voyager's small flight team and science team, many of whom have been with the mission since its inception
  • The spacecraft's journey beyond the heliopause and into interstellar space, making unprecedented measurements of the interstellar medium
  • The ambitious Grand Tour of the outer solar system, visiting Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, and the remarkable discoveries made at each planet and their moons
  • The recent challenges faced by Voyager 1, including a failed chip and the efforts to restore its function from Earth
  • The limited computing power and memory of the Voyagers compared to modern spacecraft and the ingenuity required to program and communicate with them
  • Pressure Front 2, a mysterious feature in the interstellar medium that Voyager 1 was monitoring before its recent glitch
  • The expected lifespan of the Voyager probes and the need to start shutting down instruments as power decreases in the coming years
  • Dr. Spilker's personal highlights from the mission, including the beauty of Saturn's rings, the geysers on Neptune's moon Triton, and hints of Saturn's moon Enceladus feeding the planet's E-ring
  • Wishes for future exploration of the outer solar system, focusing on the ice giants Uranus and Neptune, Pluto, and other small worlds with rings

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  • Boeing Delay
  • JWST finds exoplanet atmosphere
  • I don't see any evidence of aliens.' SpaceX's Elon Musk says Starlink satellites have never dodged UFOs
  • Dr. Linda Spilker bio
  • Voyager Mission Visual Summary
  • NASA -- Voyager Mission Status

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    Dec. 5, 2013, 11:30 AM PST. By Elizabeth Howell. Beyond the border of interstellar space, the distant Voyager 1 spacecraft called back to Earth earlier this year with noises from its new ...

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  11. Voyager Will Carry Earth Sounds Record

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    Well, we don't know for sure, but when NASA launched Voyager 1 and 2 into the Solar System in 1977, the space agency equipped the probes with the 'Golden Record', intended for any aliens (or future humans) who might one day discover the recordings. The record is a phonograph compilation of greetings from Earth in several languages and other ...

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  19. Voyager

    The Voyager message is carried by a phonograph record, a 12-inch gold-plated copper disk containing sounds and images selected to portray the diversity of life and culture on Earth. Launched in 1977, both Voyager spacecraft began a historic journey and each carried a unique 'time capsule' along with them. Click to learn more.

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  22. NASA is trying to fix Voyager 1, but the old spacecraft's days are

    Now Voyager 1 is over 15 billion miles away, beyond what many consider to be the edge of the solar system. Yet the on-board instrument Krimigis is in charge of is still going strong.

  23. Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC)

    The DSOC system is composed of three elements, all of which incorporate new advanced technologies: A near-infrared laser transceiver, attached to the Psyche spacecraft, transmits and receives data through an 8.6-inch (22-centimeter) aperture telescope.

  24. NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft finally phones home after 5 months of no

    On Saturday, April 5, Voyager 1 finally "phoned home" and updated its NASA operating team about its health. The interstellar explorer is back in touch after five months of sending back nonsense data.

  25. Voyager 1's Brush with Silence

    The Voyager probes have been transiting space since 1977, and they're still at it 46 years later. But late in 2023, Voyager 1, now 15 billion miles distant, started sending what the flight controllers called "gibberish" back to Earth---uncoordinated ones and zeros and a heartbeat tone. They knew it was still alive, but something had gone wrong.