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World Tourism Day

World Tourism Day is a United Nations holiday commemorated on September 27 . It is a day that encourages people to travel, as it not only enriches our lives but is also crucial for countries' economies and politics.

Tourism is the best way to broaden our horizons and expand our knowledge of other cultures, making us more accepting and sociable people. Because of this, World Tourism Day's aim is also to raise people's awareness about how travel and tourism need to be made more accessible for everyone.

A world map on a chalkboard, a toy plane is held against North America by the index finger of a hand

Background of World Tourism Day

World Tourism Day was founded by the United Nations World Tourism Organization in September of 1979, and its first celebrations took place the next year on September 27, 1980.

September 27 was chosen as the date to celebrate this holiday, as that was the day in 1970 when the UNTWO Statutes were adopted, which represented a huge milestone for tourism worldwide.UNTWO Statutes were adopted, which represented a huge milestone for tourism worldwide.

These Statutes promote the development of tourism as a way to economic development and international cooperation, with the observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all. 

As with most UN holidays, World Tourism Day has a different theme every year. The theme for 2023 is " Tourism and Green Investments ".

Since 1997, a different host country is chosen each year to help the UNWTO organize the events for World Tourism Day.UNWTO organizes events for World Tourism Day.

Encouraging tourism is crucial for countries' economies, as it helps create new jobs in hospitality which reduces unemployment rates, and tourists on holiday also tend to spend more money which boosts a country's economy.

Every year, tourism generates billions of dollars around the world, which is huge, especially for smaller countries. World Tourism Day also aims to develop sustainable tourism that is accessible to everyone. 

What to do on World Tourism Day

If you can, book yourself a trip for September 27 to live the real World Tourism Day experience. Whether it is a shorter break or a week-long trip, just remember to always be respectful of the culture of the country you are visiting, and try to learn about different things that you don't have in your country. Traveling is the best way to enrich our education and culture!

If you are unable to travel for World Tourism Day, you can still look out for great travel deals in the future and book yourself a dream trip. 

Alternatively, spend the day as a tourist in your own city! we often take the place we live in for granted and are unaware of all that our city has to offer. Visit some museums and monuments, try a new restaurant, and maybe even do a tour. Sometimes getting to know our own city is just as rewarding as traveling to a different place!

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World Tourism Day - Next years

Saturday, 27 September 2025

Sunday, 27 September 2026

Monday, 27 September 2027

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Tourism as an instrument for peace

Tourism, often highlighted for its role in economic development, also plays a significant role in fostering peace. On a global level, where nations are interconnected and interdependent, Tourism, an industry made by people and for people, emerges as a compelling and dynamic force to defy stereotypes and challenge prejudices.

This sector can be perceived as the epitome of intercultural dialogue; it allows meeting the "other", learning about different cultures, hearing foreign languages, tasting exotic flavours, bonding with other human beings, and building tolerance. In essence, it is a mind-broadening educational and spiritual experience.

World Tourism Day 2024, under the theme " Tourism and Peace ", wants to highlight the vital role of this sector in fostering peace and understanding between nations and cultures and in supporting reconciliation processes.

Tourists shaking hands

Visit the World Tourism Organization’s website

The UN World Tourism Organization has prepared a website where digital materials will be available soon and where you can share your event for World Tourism Day!

How tourism should invest to contribute to the SDGs

The possibilities of strategic investment for this triple dimension are immense:

For the People by investing in education and skills

Looking ahead, the global tourism workforce will require millions of hospitality graduates annually between now and 2030 and a further 800,000 jobs a year will require specific vocational training. For these reasons, we need to invest in people, as they are the foundation of tourism so that all those who wish to be part of the sector have the same opportunities to access quality tourism training, anywhere in the world.

For the Planet by investing in sustainable infrastructure and accelerating green transformation

Looking into the future, the need to reduce emissions provides an investment opportunity of $24.7 trillion in the green buildings sector of emerging market cities by 2030, in which hotels, resorts, and restaurants account for $1.5 trillion. In addition, tourism faces a lot more investment opportunities related to new solutions and technologies to decarbonize the sector as well as to ensure climate-resilient infrastructure through adaptation solutions.

For Prosperity by investing in innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship

Digitalization and innovation programs are a strategic priority to support particularly young people and women, which are critical to upskill the tourism sector’s workforce. Moreover, the global need to increase investments in programs that support and incentivize entrepreneurship and generate opportunities for innovations is highly need it in the tourism sector.

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In order to succeed, let’s make this World Tourism Day a call to action to the international community, governments, multilateral financial institutions, development partners, and private sector investors to unite around a new tourism investment strategy .

Photo camera, notebook and a face mask over a suitcase

What is the Glasgow Declaration?

The Glasgow Declaration is a compromise to accelerate climate action in tourism and to secure strong commitments to support the global goals to halve emissions over the next decade and reach Net Zero emissions as soon as possible before 2050. Over 450 organizations have become signatories of this declaration.

World Tourism day Logo 2024

Did you know?

  • Countries with a more open and sustainable tourism sector tend to be more peaceful.
  • Tourism spreads philanthropy and leads to regional cooperation. For instance, some African countries are implementing an open visa policy for members of the African Union to encourage the free movement of people and boost tourism and trade. Travel and tourism in Africa are now forecasted to rise.
  • Tourism aids Post-Conflict Recovery.

Campaign materials

Campaign materials for 2023

Follow our event live!

The UN World Tourism Organization wants you to join the celebration online ( 27-28 September). You can follow its two-day event through its website or its YouTube channel .  

Different tourist attractions around a globe

An indigenous entrepreneur in tune with Mother Earth

After successfully reclaiming her people’s territory in Quebrada de Humahuaca, Northern Argentina, Celestina Ábalos turned to tourism to share and promote her indigenous culture. ILO entrepreneurship training during the COVID-19 pandemic helped her business to grow.

A couple enjoying the view of Horseshoe Bend

World Tourism Organization

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is a leading UN international agency in the field of tourism. Its mission is to promote tourism as a driver of  economic growth, inclusive development  and  environmental sustainability  and offers leadership and support to the sector in advancing knowledge and tourism policies worldwide. Discover how they are working to cope with this pandemic along with the tourism sector and other UN agencies. 

an abstract illustration of people engaged in an event

Why do we mark International Days?

International days and weeks are occasions to educate the public on issues of concern, to mobilize political will and resources to address global problems, and to celebrate and reinforce achievements of humanity. The existence of international days predates the establishment of the United Nations, but the UN has embraced them as a powerful advocacy tool. We also mark other UN observances .

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Sustainability and rethinking tourism for 2022 World Tourism Day

Aerial photo of the Toronto skyline including Lakeshore Boulevard and Exhibition Place

“World Tourism Day returns to focus on the future. As the sector’s recovery gets underway and building on unprecedented political and public recognition for the sector, UNWTO will highlight the opportunity to rethink how we do tourism. This means putting people and planet first and bringing everyone from governments and businesses to local communities together around a shared vision for a more sustainable, inclusive and resilient sector.” - World Tourism Day 2022 Concept Note

Given that tourism and travel make up one in ten jobs in Canada, World Tourism Day is an important day to celebrate. But the world is changing, and the United Nations World Tourism Organization is hoping this September 27 will be a little different.

UNWTO officials say this year they intend to “highlight the opportunity to rethink how we do tourism.” That includes helping to “realize tourism’s potential as a vehicle for recovery and transformation.”

One of the ways to transform tourism in this day of climate change is by re-examining the travel and hospitality industry and its effect on the environment in which we live.

It’s obvious that sustainable tourism businesses are good for the environment. It also appears to be good for business.

In Toronto and across Canada, hospitality business operators are finding innovative ways to lessen their impact on this one-of-a-kind planet of ours. They’re also finding that good environmental practices attract consumers who are just as eager to make a difference.

Jef Edwards, executive chef and co-founder of Ration Food Labs at the Beverley Hotel on Queen Street West in Toronto, said his restaurant has taken a number of initiatives to minimize its impact on the environment, including a no-food-waste policy and a vertical garden in the basement for winter for growing all their microgreens and herbs for both the kitchen and the bar.  In summer the garden moves to the rooftop.

“The food service industry has historically been very wasteful, and we aim to act as a beacon for change and inspire other restaurants to follow suit by showcasing ways restaurants can thrive and still be ethical. 

“Our discerning customers are thrilled to hear how we minimize our impact. I truly believe this focus is why people have gravitated to our dining room: not only do they get a great meal but they can feel good dining here once hearing about our zero waste and sustainable agriculture practices.”

Yes, ethical sourcing can cost more money, but Edwards said the restaurant is able to offset those costs by farming for themselves and foraging for everything they can

Hotels around the world also are paying close attention. Accor Hotels, which includes Fairmont, Novotel and many other brands found in Canada, has a chief sustainability officer, Brune Poirson, who was formerly a cabinet minister in the French government.

Speaking at an Accor conference in San Francisco in July, Poirson said Accor was the first hotel group in the world to commit to net zero carbon emissions by 2050. They’re also committed to abolishing single-use plastics, such as mini-shampoo bottles, in their rooms by the end of this year.

Accor officials say company executives don’t get their bonuses if they don’t meet environmental targets, so there’s a great incentive.

Design also is important; hotels need to be built with sustainability in mind, she said.

“We also have to cut food waste, and we need to get our chefs to embrace more plant-based foods.”

Sustainability is seen by many as an environmental issue, but Poirson said there’s also a human element.

“Equal opportunity and social equality also are important,” she told reporters in San Francisco. “If people aren’t happy, if workers can’t make ends meet, it won’t work.”

According to  Export Development Canada , a “responsible and sustainable business is a proven formula for long-term success.”

Export Development Canada describes a sustainable business as having four categories:

  • Protecting the environment and people
  • Conducting business with the highest level of integrity
  • Building a supportive and inclusive workplace
  • Contributing to the communities where we live and work

A recent poll found that 59% of Canadians say sustainability influences their purchases. This is especially true for food and drinks, which means it’s something the hospitality industry has to pay attention to.

The former Thompson Hotel in downtown Toronto was gutted and rebuilt as The 1 Hotel Toronto, a luxury property with an emphasis on recycling and waste reduction. The hotel has contracted with a company that takes old trees from the city that were destined for the scrap heap and uses them for tables and such. Some of them have a little stamp so you know what kind of tree it was, and even where it was growing before being taken down. 

The 1 Hotel lobby bar, called Flora Lounge, is a botanist’s dream, with a massive array of plants surrounding a huge mirror. There are plants just about everywhere you look throughout the hotel, including some hanging from the rafters in the restaurants.

The remote Fogo Island Inn in Newfoundland uses filtered rainwater in the washrooms and for laundry, as well as utilizing the property’s 68 solar panels to heat both water and floors. Local suppliers and craftspeople are employed to make wooden furniture and colourful quilts, which are placed in every room.

The Coast Coal Harbour Hotel in Vancouver runs on a  Zero Waste management system  that ensures none of the property’s waste ends up in landfills. Other eco-friendly efforts include using keycards that are made from 40 percent recycled plastic, biodegradable cleaning supplies, as well as providing tissues, toilet paper, and paper towels that are made from 100 percent recycled EcoLogo-certified products. It said their measures save more than 700 trees, 300,000 gallons of water, and 177,000 kilowatts of energy each year.

Marriott International says it has set a long-term, science-based target to reach net-zero value chain greenhouse gas emissions by no later than 2050, in line with the criteria and recommendations of the Science Based Targets initiative.

Here in Canada, The Sheraton Centre Toronto has installed a food waste dehydrator that reduces food waste volume by 80-90%. By-product can be used as fertilizer for gardens and plants, and saves on food waste going to the landfill.

Delta Hotels by Marriott Winnipeg recently replaced all bathroom mirror vanity lights from compact fluorescent to LED (800 lights replaced). The Ritz-Carlton Toronto has switched out all 263-guest room, Club Lounge, and spa entrance lights to LEDs, along with six floors of parking garage lights.

Canadian Marriott hotels also are developing standards and guidelines around electric vehicle charging.

Exhibition Place, home to Canada’s largest convention centre, says it’s a leader in the field and that directors have “taken an integrated approach to sustainability since 2004” with the formal launch of their GREENSmart Program .

“We have embraced environmental stewardship in a three-pronged approach; energy creation, waste diversion and energy conservation,” said Exhibition Place General Manager Laura Purdy. “We incorporate a significant variety of sustainable initiatives including: Photovoltaics, Geothermal, Wind Turbine, District Energy, Rainwater Harvesting, Green Roofs, living wall, waste diversion of over 25 streams, urban forestry, bee hives, and LED lighting retrofits, across our 192-acre site.”

Purdy said Exhibition Place boasts the LEED Platinum Enercare Centre, the LEED Silver Beanfield Centre and LEED Silver Hotel X.  The District Energy System at Exhibition Place encompasses the Enercare Centre, Coca-Cola Coliseum, Beanfield Centre and Hotel X. Cold and hot water is produced by the cooling/ and heating plant located at the Enercare Centre and provided to these facilities to sustain their operational requirements.

Exhibition Place was one of the first convention centres in North America to sign on to the Net Zero Carbon Events Pledge, a global initiative to address climate change across the events and meetings industry through targets set out in the Paris Climate Accord to commit to achieving net zero by 2050. 

The various programs in place are offered at no extra cost to clients, Purdy said

Jim Byers

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Good news on World Tourism Day: Tourism spending in Canada rose 5.7% from January to June 2018

From: Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada

News release

Tourism is a vital industry in communities across Canada. The tourism economy means prosperity and good middle-class jobs, so that’s why the Government of Canada is committed to supporting tourism from coast to coast to coast.

Statistics Canada releases national tourism indicators for second quarter 2018

September 27, 2018 – Ottawa, Ontario

Today, as we celebrate World Tourism Day, Statistics Canada released a report highlighting the latest quarterly results for Canada’s tourism sector.

In the first half of 2018, tourism spending in Canada was $43.8 billion, an increase of 5.7% compared to the first half of 2017. Domestic revenues edged up 6.4% to almost $34.5 billion, and tourism revenues from international travellers increased 3.2% to over $9.3 billion.

In the first half of 2018, tourism activities directly accounted for $18.7 billion of Canada’s GDP, an increase of 6.2% over the first half of 2017. Tourism directly accounted for 733,800 jobs in the first half of 2018, an increase of 1.4% compared to the first half of 2017.

Tourism is a vital part of the Canadian economy, and the sector is growing. From 2014 to 2017, Canada’s tourism sector gained ground by almost every measure. International arrivals in Canada grew by an average of 8% per year, and the tourism sector’s contribution to GDP grew by an average of 4.6% per year. The tourism sector is a good source of employment for Canadians, supporting 1.8 million jobs across the country. From 2014 to 2017, the number of jobs in Canada’s tourism sector grew by an average of 1.7% per year.

Statistics Canada’s release of the latest numbers on the Canadian tourism industry coincides with World Tourism Day, a yearly celebration instituted by the World Tourism Organization. 

“On World Tourism Day, we celebrate the contribution of Canada’s thriving tourism industry. Tourism is a key part of the Canadian economy and creates good middle-class jobs in every community. As the Minister of Tourism, Official Languages and La Francophonie, I look forward to increasing Canada’s engagement with partners throughout the international community on tourism matters in order to create economic growth that will benefit Canadians from coast to coast to coast.”    – The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Tourism, Official Languages and La Francophonie

Quick facts

Canada’s tourism industry is thriving, supporting over 1.8 million jobs across the country.

In the first half of 2018, Canada welcomed a record 8.6 million international tourists, an increase of 1.6% over the same period in 2017.

China is Canada’s second largest source of tourists. In the first half of 2018, Canada welcomed 300,800 tourists from China, an increase of 9.1% over the same period last year.

The 2018 Canada-China Year of Tourism is an opportunity for Canada and China to build on and deepen the people-to-people ties that connect us.

China is the world’s largest outbound tourism market, with 142.7 million trips in 2017. In 2016, Chinese travellers contributed $1.488 billion to Canada’s tourism sector.

Associated links

  • National tourism indicators, second quarter 2018
  • World Tourism Day 2018

Follow Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada on Twitter: @ISED_CA

Follow @cdntourism on social media for tourism-related news: Twitter , Instagram

Jeremy Ghio Press Secretary Office of the Minister of Tourism, Official Languages and La Francophonie 343-998-5328

Media Relations Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada 343-291-1777 [email protected]

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World Tourism Day – September 27, 2024

Get your bulky cameras ready, unfold your maps and make sure your fanny pack still fits snugly. World Tourism Day every September 27,  raises awareness of the need for accessible tourism all over the planet.

World Tourism Day is the result of the work done by the UN’s specialized agency — the World Tourism Organization (WTO). If you’ve ever strolled through a charming, perfectly-preserved European village or town, you’ve probably seen the WTO at work. Boosting local economies and ensuring sustainable tourism are but a few of the benefits of the WTO.

More importantly, on World Tourism Day, the WTO makes sure that travel is accessible for everyone, including those with disabilities and folks with low-income. Whether you’re walking with a cane or rolling in a chair; the world is open for business to you and your friends. So, get traveling!

World Tourism Day related content

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Cheap Flight Day

Hopefully, you globetrotters marked your calendars for Cheap Flight Day, well in advance.

World Tourism Day Activities

Treat a normal day like a vacation.

Today, take a step back from your normal routine and consider: If I were on vacation in my hometown, what would I do? Where would a tourist go for the day? By checking out your own turf through the eyes of a tourist, you’ll support local businesses and you may see your town from a new perspective.

Get the word out

The key to continuous improvement in global tourism is economic stability and sustainability. Educate yourself on the best ways to see a new country, city, or village in ways that create a positive impact.

Plan a trip

If you’ve been putting off that vacation, use World Tourism Day as an opportunity to make those plans. Talk to friends and family with special challenges, either physical, financial or both; who may want to travel but have never been able to plan a trip. Together, you can help and encourage each other, following the message of the WTO that tourism is for all.

Why We Love World Tourism Day

It creates jobs.

All over the world, even in its most remote corners, tourism has become a dependable source of jobs. In the U.S. alone, the travel, tourism and hospitality industry supported 7.6 million jobs in 2015. This means one out of every 18 Americans is employed in tourism. When done responsibly, tourism can create jobs in areas where unemployment has risen due to unavoidable factors like automation.

It’s a cash cow

In 2015, international tourism generated $1.5 trillion in export earnings. This can be a tremendous benefit for smaller, under-developed communities. Developing a sustainable tourism ecosystem is paramount for ensuring these earnings are distributed among the community. Thanks to the work of the WTO, these areas are seeing smart tourism strategies put in place.

It creates a better world

Sure, the site of yet another lost tourist in your hometown may induce a small groan, but the reality is that traveling and seeing new places is good for our minds and good for our society. So, start planning your next trip!

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Important and Commemorative Days

World tourism day, related content, september 27.

Adopted by the United Nations in 1980, World Tourism Day marks the adoption of the Statues of the United Nations World Tourism Organization and serves as a day to raise awareness of tourism and impact it has on the development of social, cultural, political and economic values worldwide. 

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World Tourism Day, September 27: What Does It Mean For Alberta’s Visitor Economy?

By: Travel Alberta

Date: Sep 24, 2020

Calgary, AB, September 24, 2020 —World Tourism Day is the perfect time to shine a spotlight on tourism and remind the world of the sector's significant contribution to the global economy. Travel Alberta is recognizing this important day by highlighting the economic value of tourism for Alberta, and the work being done with tourism partners in every corner of the province to rebuild the industry, support community recovery, and spur job creation.

"As Alberta moves forward, we are focusing on our province's economic strengths and opportunities to get Albertans back to work. Alberta's tourism industry is an important part of Alberta's Recovery Plan and will play a central role in the province's economic success. I encourage all Albertans to take advantage of World Tourism Day and safely explore a new corner of our province this Sunday," said Doug Schweitzer, Minister of Jobs, Economy and Innovation.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Alberta's tourism industry generated $8.9 billion in revenue, supporting 22,000 businesses, and generating nearly 73,000 jobs in communities throughout the province. Today, it is a very different story, with traveller spending to Alberta forecast to fall to $3.5 billion in 2020—a 63 per cent drop compared to 2019—and an estimated 30,000 jobs lost.

The pandemic is the travel sector's worst crisis of the modern era. But in trademark fashion, Alberta tourism organizations and businesses are meeting the challenge head-on, with resilience and resolve," said Chris Heseltine, acting CEO, Travel Alberta.

In support of World Tourism Day 2020, a few Alberta tourism operators share their thoughts on the industry’s resilience, state of the visitor economy, and a brighter future for Alberta.   WATCH

Incredible tourism experiences are essential to Alberta's visitor economy—but it also takes travellers to ensure tourism destinations and experiences survive. With international travel restrictions still in place, that means most of the province's experience-seekers right now are Albertans.

"We would like to thank all the Albertans who supported local businesses this summer and took time to try new experiences and explore new parts of the province. Your support is directly contributing to tourism's and Alberta's economic recovery," said Heseltine.

For Alberta's tourism industry, it will be a long road to restore the province's visitor economy to 2019 levels. But if this summer is any indication, tourism partners across Alberta are unwavering in their determination to work together and rebuild tourism in the province. With winter only weeks away, community tourism businesses are also counting on Albertans to keep on experiencing the beauty and wonder of our province's place international travellers the world over can only dream about visiting in the future when it is safe to do so.

"Alberta is a world-renowned destination for its beautiful landscapes, fresh air and every amenity a traveller could want. It's all right here in our backyard and there is no better time to take a break and experience Alberta for yourself," said Heseltine.


For more information about World Tourism Day, visit the   World Tourism Organization's website .

Travel Alberta is also regularly curating a collection of relevant   COVID-19 tourism research   reports, surveys, and articles, along with   international market insights , to understand when and how people are resuming travel and support our tourism partners' business planning efforts.


Travel Alberta   is the destination promotion organization of the Government of Alberta. We promote Alberta as a desirable place to travel, live, work, play, invest and learn. Working with businesses throughout the province, we capitalize on Alberta's breathtaking landscapes and world-class hospitality to develop memorable experiences for visitors to enjoy, in all regions, year-round. Our work directly and indirectly benefits our province, driving visitation and revenue, diversifying the economy, providing jobs, encouraging economic investment, and enhancing quality of life for Albertans and their communities.

Established as a Crown corporation on April 1, 2009, we operate under the authority of the   Travel Alberta Act   within the Ministry of Jobs, Economy and Innovation.

To learn more about Travel Alberta's strategy and programs visit   industry.travelalberta.com . @TravelAlbertaCo Travel Alberta on LinkedIn

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Canada at a Glance, 2023 Tourism

In 2023, Canadian domestic travel surpassed pre-COVID-19 levels. International travel—inbound and outbound—has improved compared with 2022; however, it has not fully recovered from the effects of the travel restrictions put in place in 2020. Even though recovery rates have begun to slow, tourism trends continue to increase, in some cases exceeding 2019 levels for number of trips and travel expenditures.

To further explore these trends and interact with tourism data, please visit the Frontier Counts: Interactive Dashboard .

Did you know?

Domestic travel.

  • From January to September 2023, Canadian residents took 219.2 million trips within Canada (up 3.0% from the same period in 2019) and spent $58.8 billion on domestic travel (+28.7% compared with  2019) Note . The top three domestic expenditure categories were accommodations ($12.5 billion), vehicle operations ($11.2 billion), and spending in restaurants and bars ($9.8 billion).

Chart 31

Outbound travel

  • From January to November 2023, Canadian residents returned from 43.4 million trips abroad (countries outside of Canada), representing 83.9% of the pre-pandemic level from 2019. For the first nine months of 2023, the main reason Canadian residents travelled abroad was for holidays, leisure, or recreation, followed by visiting friends and family.
  • From January to November 2023, Canadian residents returned from 8.9 million overseas trips (countries outside of Canada and the United States of America). From January to September 2023, the top five destinations were Mexico (1.2 million trips), France (543,000), Dominican Republic (485,100), the United Kingdom (443,500), and Cuba (397,300). During the same nine months, total overseas travel expenditures reached $15.4 billion (+0.6% compared with the same period in 2019), with accommodations as the top spending category ($7.0 billion).

Chart 32

Inbound travel

  • From January to November 2023, non-resident visitors to Canada totalled 25.2 million, representing 83.4% of the pre-pandemic level from the same period in 2019. Ontario, British Columbia, Quebec, and Alberta were the most-visited provinces.
  • From January to November 2023, overseas residents visiting Canada (5.5 million) reached 79.3% of 2019 levels, with most arrivals (79.2%) being by air. During those 11 months, the top five overseas countries visiting Canada were the United Kingdom (730,100), France (571,100), Mexico (526,200), India (395,500), and Germany (309,600). From January to November 2023, trips to Canada by European residents reached 80.8% of trips recorded in 2019, while trips taken to Canada by residents of Asia reached 64.2% of those recorded in 2019. Using preliminary numbers for the first half of 2023, total travel spending by overseas residents fell by 10.7% ($4.5 billion) when compared with the pre-pandemic level from 2019.

Chart 33

Frontier Counts National Travel Survey Visitor Travel Survey

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Note of appreciation.

Canada owes the success of its statistical system to a long-standing partnership between Statistics Canada, the citizens of Canada, its businesses, governments and other institutions. Accurate and timely statistical information could not be produced without their continued co-operation and goodwill.

Standards of service to the public

Statistics Canada is committed to serving its clients in a prompt, reliable and courteous manner. To this end, the Agency has developed standards of service which its employees observe in serving its clients.

Published by authority of the Minister responsible for Statistics Canada.

© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Industry, 2022

All rights reserved. Use of this publication is governed by the Statistics Canada Open Licence Agreement .

Catalogue no. 12-581-X

Frequency: Annual

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  • What and When Is World Tourism Day?

World Tourism Day highlights the important role of tourism.

World Tourism Day is an annual event observed by the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) on September 27. The idea of commemorating World Tourism Day on September 27 of every year was proposed by the late Ignatius Amaduwa Atigbi of Nigeria. The purpose of establishing World Tourism Day is to make the international community aware of the role of tourism and its impact on the social, political, economic, and cultural values of people around the world. The event seeks to address the global challenges highlighted in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to discuss how the tourism industry contributes towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The color of the event is blue.

History of World Tourism Day

The UNWTO General Assembly instituted World Tourism Day in September 1979 during its third session in Torremolinos, Spain. The Assembly chose to celebrate the international event on September 27 because the date coincides with a significant milestone in global tourism: the adoption of the UNWTO Statutes in 1970. The timing is also crucial to the tourism sector because it comes at the beginning of the high season in the southern hemisphere and the end of the season in the northern hemisphere.

The first World Tourism Day celebrations were held in 1980, and the theme of the event was "Tourism's contribution to the preservation of cultural heritage and to peace and mutual understanding." Since then, the UNWTO has observed World Tourism Day annually under a different theme selected by its General Assembly. In October 1997 the Assembly resolved to appoint a country to partner with the organization and host the event each year. The first country to host the event under the new protocol was Mexico. Six years later, in 2003, the UNWTO General Assembly agreed to follow a geographical order when designating a host country for the celebrations.

Celebrating World Tourism Day

World Tourism Day is strictly a UN observance hence it is not a public holiday in any country. The UNWTO invites all the stakeholders in the tourism sector as well as other interested parties to observe the day and participate in the special celebrations organized in their respective countries. People are also encouraged to visit both local and international destinations on this day to promote global tourism. The official event is held in a designated host country, and it is chaired by the Secretary-General of the UNWTO who is responsible for issuing a special message based on the theme of the celebrations each year to commemorate the occasion.

World Tourism Day 2018

In 2017, the official World Tourism Day celebrations were held in Doha, Qatar, under the theme "Sustainable Tourism: a Tool for Development." In 2018, the occasion is set to be held in Budapest, Hungary. The theme of this year's event is "Tourism and the Digital Transformation." Currently, the world is becoming digitized, and we are in an era where technology is impacting every aspect of our lives. One of the industries that is most affected by this transformation is the tourism sector, and all stakeholders are asked to come together and find solutions that will help the industry cope with the changes.

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World tourism day - career event with panelists, share online.

banner of world tourism day with wording and a picture of tibetan flags

World Tourism Day, a 36 year old day was created by the  United Nations World Tourism Organization  to raise awareness of how tourism helps the international community to thrive by boosting the social, cultural, political and economic values around the world.

We say “environmental values” should be updated to be included in that description as well. To view the official declaration of 2016 World Tourism Day, click here .

This year’s theme is promoting universal accessibility. This year the conference is in Bangkok, check out the video here .

What are you doing to celebrate? http://wtd.unwto.org

UN Tourism | Bringing the world closer

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Canada 365 - welcoming the world, every day : the federal tourism growth strategy. : Iu44-263/2023E-PDF

"The visitor economy is one of Canada’s top service exports. Global projections point to strong continued growth; one such forecast, from the World Travel and Tourism Council, indicates that tourism’s contribution to Canada’s GDP could double by 2033. This potential worldwide growth represents a tremendous opportunity. In 2022, the tourism sector supported 1.9 million jobs across Canada. No other sector has an economic impact that reaches every region in the country"--Tourism by the numbers, page 6.

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World Tourism Day in 2022

World tourism day quick facts - ca 2022, 2022 holidays & dates.


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    Join the global celebration of tourism as a tool for peace and understanding on 27 September 2024 in Tbilisi, Georgia. Learn how tourism can foster harmony, sustainability, and innovation in a world divided by tensions and disparities.

  2. Canada 365: Welcoming the World. Every Day. The Federal Tourism Growth

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    World Tourism Day is an international observance on September 27 to raise awareness on the role of tourism in the global community. Learn about its history, themes, host countries and objectives from this Wikipedia article.

  4. World Tourism Day in Canada

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  5. World Tourism Day 2021: Tourism for Inclusive Growth

    UNWTO invites the global tourism community to celebrate World Tourism Day 2021 on 27 September, focusing on how tourism can benefit everyone fairly and widely. Find official messages, resources, events and join the campaign to share your stories and photos of tourism for inclusive growth.

  6. World Tourism Day

    World Tourism Day. Next World Tourism Day Friday, 27 September 2024. World Tourism Day is a United Nations holiday commemorated on September 27 . It is a day that encourages people to travel, as it not only enriches our lives but is also crucial for countries' economies and politics. Tourism is the best way to broaden our horizons and expand ...

  7. World Tourism Day Celebrations

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    Learn how tourism can contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals by investing in people, planet, and prosperity. Join the UNWTO online event on 27-28 September to celebrate World Tourism Day ...

  9. Sustainability and rethinking tourism for 2022 World Tourism Day

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  10. Good news on World Tourism Day: Tourism spending in Canada rose 5.7%

    Today, as we celebrate World Tourism Day, Statistics Canada released a report highlighting the latest quarterly results for Canada's tourism sector. In the first half of 2018, tourism spending in Canada was $43.8 billion, an increase of 5.7% compared to the first half of 2017. Domestic revenues edged up 6.4% to almost $34.5 billion, and ...


    Learn about the history, importance and activities of World Tourism Day, celebrated on September 27 every year. Find out how the UN's World Tourism Organization promotes accessible and sustainable tourism for all.

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  13. World Tourism Day, September 27: What Does It Mean For Alberta's

    Calgary, AB, September 24, 2020—World Tourism Day is the perfect time to shine a spotlight on tourism and remind the world of the sector's significant contribution to the global economy.Travel Alberta is recognizing this important day by highlighting the economic value of tourism for Alberta, and the work being done with tourism partners in every corner of the province to rebuild the ...

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    Domestic travel. From January to September 2023, Canadian residents took 219.2 million trips within Canada (up 3.0% from the same period in 2019) and spent $58.8 billion on domestic travel (+28.7% compared with 2019) Note . The top three domestic expenditure categories were accommodations ($12.5 billion), vehicle operations ($11.2 billion), and ...

  15. What and When Is World Tourism Day?

    World Tourism Day is an annual event of the UNWTO on September 27 to highlight the role of tourism and its impact on the world. Learn about the history, theme and celebrations of World Tourism Day, and how it contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals.

  16. World Tourism Day

    Canada. Join us in celebrating World Tourism Day by embracing the 2024 theme of Peace. Travel has the power to bring people together, bridge cultural divides, and promote understanding and harmony across the globe. This year, let's focus on how tourism can foster peace and reconciliation, creating a more united and compassionate world.

  17. World Tourism Day

    World Tourism Day is September 27, and will be celebrated as the shift towards tourism is being recognized as a crucial pillar for development and as progress is well underway. Tourism is now on the agenda of governments and of international organizations in every global region. ... Canada. 250-860-5999 [email protected]. Hours. Mon 8am - 12pm ...

  18. World Tourism Day 2023

    The theme for World Tourism Day 2023 reflects the challenges faced by the tourism industry during the COVID-19 pandemic and underscores the role of tourism in rebuilding economies and reconnecting people. In the wake of lockdowns and travel restrictions, this theme encourages us to: ... Canada . Cheap Places to Travel in August 2024

  19. Happy World Tourism Day Canada

    Happy World Tourism Day Canada. Uncategorized. World Tourism Day, a 36 year old day was created by the United Nations World Tourism Organization to raise awareness of how tourism helps the international community to thrive by boosting the social, cultural, political and economic values around the world.

  20. World Tourism Day in Canada

    World Tourism Day last year (2023) - Canada: Top X Posts (Tweets), News, Hashtags and info. World Tourism Day in 2023. ... Happy World Tourism Day! This year's theme, "Tourism and Green Investments," highlights the vital role of sustainable tourism in preserving our planet. Let's invest in people, the planet, and prosperity for a brighter ...

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    Popular 2021 News for World Tourism Day in Canada Updated 19:34 On World Tourism Day, the Scottish Government must step up. scotlibdems.org.uk. World Tourism Day: Yorkshire's best tourist attractions selected by Yorkshire Post readers - from the iconic to the hidden gems.

  22. World Tourism Day 2021 Events

    webinar: World Tourism Day 2021; Tourism for Inclusive Growth 01 Oct 2021. Africa WTD2021. Zambia Tourism Expo 01 Oct 2021. Americas WTD2021. La renovación del turismo en 2021 30 Sep 2021. Africa WTD2021. Tourism and Technology Summit Africa 30 Sep 2021. Americas WTD2021.

  23. PDF Canada 365: Welcoming The World. Every Day

    The 2019 strategy outlined the need to extend the peak tourism season into the shoulder season and winter to help create more stability, attract a higher volume of guests, and diversify Canada's tourism assets. After hitting a benchmark year for tourism in Canada, we were on a course for growth.

  24. Canada 365

    Canada 365 - welcoming the world, every day : the federal tourism growth strategy.: Iu44-263/2023E-PDF "The visitor economy is one of Canada's top service exports. Global projections point to strong continued growth; one such forecast, from the World Travel and Tourism Council, indicates that tourism's contribution to Canada's GDP could ...

  25. World Tourism Day in Canada

    World Tourism Day last year (2022) - Canada: Top X Posts (Tweets), News, Hashtags and info. World Tourism Day in 2022. World Tourism Day Quick Facts - CA 2022.