
14 Best Things To Do In Sylhet Bangladesh

tourist attractions in sylhet

Are you planning a trip to Bangladesh and looking to visit Sylhet? This is a complete guide with everything you need to know when looking for the coolest places to visit and things to do in Sylhet.

I never completed an article so quickly as this one. I was still in Bangladesh and my trip to Sylhet was just a couple days old, but I was still full of excitement and wanted to share my adventures with you. Traveling to Bangladesh is already off the beaten path but when you decide to visit Sylhet you are surely an avid world traveler.

If you are visiting Bangladesh you must definitely try to make time in your itinerary to travel to Sylhet in the Northeast of Bangladesh and with this list of cool things to do I hope to convince you.

1. Visit the Lala Khal Tea Gardens

lala khal tea gardens 2

One of the main places to visit in Sylhet are the tea plantations. There are many tea plantations around but the Lala Khal Tea gardens are the most beautiful ones to visit. To get here you will need to take a little boat trip across the river and once you walked pass the gate you can make your own way around the tea plantations.

lala khal tea gardens 1

Like all tourist attractions in Bangladesh the experience is real! There are no museums here or places where they make you taste their tea and try to sell you something. The main source of income is tea leaves and not tourism. Wander your way up to the top of the tea gardens and find hidden local villages in the hills.

tea garden sylhet village

These people will be waiting for you with a big smile and are happy to interact and have your pictures taken. Western tourists are a rarity. Simply another fantastic experience in Bangladesh!

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This kid always changed his face for the photos, he was seriously posing! If you follow me on Snapchat (traveltomtom) or Instagram (@traveltomtom) stories you would have seen how much fun we had.

2. Boat trip on the Sharee River

boat trip sylhet bangladesh 1

Bangladesh is almost completely flat and with so many rivers flowing through the country there are plenty opportunities to hop on a boat. When you travel to Sylhet this is one of the most relaxing things to do and a great way to see the countryside and life on the riverbank from a different perspective.

sylhet tourist attractions

In the Jaflong area you can witness the stone collecting business from the water, the main source of income in this region. On the Lala Khal side you will float on the river alongside tea plantations, river beaches and local life all the way up to the Indian border.

3. Camp on the riverbank

If you are up for an adventure when you travel to Sylhet then I have the perfect thing for you: stay overnight in a luxurious Tent Camp on the river bank. Due to the monsoon season this is only available from October to March in the area of Lala Khal. But sleeping on the beach under a million stars right on the river bank must be incredible! I have to plan a trip to Sylhet again to experience this myself.

4. Local cooking class

things to do in sylhet cooking class

In Lala Khal I also enjoyed a local cooking class organized by our hotel. Not a standard cooking class but one in a local home preparing dishes on a wood fire. We picked our own vegetables in the garden behind the house and helped the family preparing our meals. If you want to get in touch with locals this is a great way when you travel to Sylhet.

5. Local market in Jaintiapur

local market jaintiapur

For a real local experience make sure you don’t miss the local market in Jaintiapur, which is held every Wednesday and Saturday. This seriously is one of the best things to do in Sylhet as more authentic than this is it won’t get.

As a foreigner I was the main attraction here and literally people would stop and stare when I passed by. Simply out of curiosity as not many tourists make it here. See the live video for an impression of this tourist attraction in Sylhet only very few people know about.

Locals come here to buy vegetables, fruit, live animals, fish, get a haircut, drink tea and meet with friends all in one market. Incredible!

6. Visit the Khasi Tribe

  A post shared by Travelblogger ???? Globetrotter (@tomtomtravel) on Jan 20, 2018 at 10:30pm PST

What about visiting an indigenous tribe ruled by women? Welcome to the Khasi tribe. The Christian Khasi population in Bangladesh resides on a tiny peninsula on the India border surrounded by the Goyain River. Visiting the local village is an incredible experience where you can get dressed up in the local attire and feel like a prince.

Keep on reading for one of my secret tips when you travel to Sylhet how to meet the Bangladeshi queen of the Khasi people, the ruler of the tribe!

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Café Sengram Punji is a great place to drink a coffee while enjoying the view over the river and India on the other side.

7. Visit a workers camp at the Quarry

visit sylhet workers camp quarry

Bangladesh has many faces in there is no need to hide that poverty is also a side of this country. You will most definitely stumble upon some places were people live in extremely basic condition and I understand that this is not a Sylhet tourist attraction.

But if you want to meet the most friendly people ever and are in need of an eye-opener of how blessed you are in life then go visit the quarry on the riverbank in Jaflong. The people here live in tent camps next to the quarry. Walking around here felt like a Hollywood film set, almost unreal!

8. Step into India

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Sylhet is like a landlocked peninsula in Bangladesh surrounded by India and because of that there are a ton of border crossings all around. In and between the control posts there is 50 meters of nomandsland where you can have your picture taken with one foot in India and one foot in Bangladesh. A typical Western tourist attraction in Sylhet! Lol ;)

If you travel to Bangladesh as a foreigner it is cheaper to travel over land by the way. On Dhaka airport will you pay $51 dollar for your visa here at the border crossings in Sylhet only $8. :) I have some old blogs about India from the time I just started blogging, they are a funny read.

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Two fishermen just before the border crossing on the river, the two green tents in the distance are the border partol huts from both countries.

9. Visit Local villages

local village sylhet

Along your way there are a ton of local villages to explore. Be brave make your driver stop and wander around. There is no need to be scared or anything like that.

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Local people love to see you coming. They will all stop what they are doing and they will stare at you. Not staring in a way that it is intimidating, but in a way that they look up to you.

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There will hardly be anyone who will say no when you ask for a picture, but expect to get a ton of selfies taken with you too. :)

10. Try a 7 layer tea in Sylhet

7 layer tea sylhet

Apparently this is a typical thing to do in Sylhet so I could not resist either. Ask around in your hotel and someone will point you in the right direction where to find the famous local tea: 7 layer tea. It took about 15 minutes to make two cups of tea but it was waiting for. Ingredients: black tea, milk tea, ginger tea, lemongrass tea, sugar and two more, but I forgot about them.

11. Marvel at amazing sunsets

The flatlands and swamps all around Sylhet turn into a mystical landscape around sunset. The shadows of the trees become longer with each minute that passes and I am sure somewhere in the distance you will see a group of local kids playing football. A peaceful and serene setting and that is exatly what Sylhet in Bangladesh is.

12. Enjoy a jungle pool

jungle pool sylhet

On a hectic trip to Bangladesh I am sure you are going to be excited when you get a moment to relax. So therefore when visiting Sylhet I recommend you to find one of these jungle pools in some of the better hotels. They will allow admission for tourists even if you are not staying there.

These pools will give you that Bali vibe a little bit with endless jungle around you, sounds of the birds and lush green gardens. Especially in the summer months this is the best way to end your day sightseeing in Sylhet.

Scroll down to my where to stay in Sylhet section and I will tell you which hotels in Sylhet have these jungle pools.

13. Ratargul Swamp Forest

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Last but not least one of the best things to do in Sylhet is a trip to the Ratargul Swamp Forest. The road to get here is bumpy but once you are floating on a little boat peddled forward by a friendly local you forget everything.

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This extremely peaceful ride through the swamps is the ultimate place to find peace in this bustling country.

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The beautiful mangroves are a protected area where you can find endemic species of wildlife like the pygmy-goose. 

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There are also hiking trails and a watch tower to climb up to. A 1 hour private boat ride in Ratargul Swamp Forest should not cost more than 1,000 BDT = $9 USD.

14. Meet the queen

visit sylhet khasi tribe queen

One of the best things to do in Sylhet is unfortunately not for everyone available. But if you are in the position and you have the right contacts you might be able to arrange a meeting with the queen of the Khasi tribe in Sylhet. I was among the lucky people to be invited at her house, sip tea and learn about the life of a royal. This experience made my trip to Sylhet extra special!

Where to stay in Sylhet

Nazimgarh wilderness.

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I would recommend staying close to the action and therefore take a look at the Wilderness Resort. This beautiful hotel is literally located in the tea plantations and an extremely peaceful place to rejuvenate. The rooms are clustered around the refreshing pool and the onside restaurant serves delicious food. The staff is extremely helpful and they can arrange all the above things to do in Sylhet.

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The big advantage about Wilderness is that the tea plantations are within walking distance and so is the boat trip on the river. The hotel is located in an off the beaten path location a stone throw away from the Indian border.

Garden Resort

nazimgarh garden resort

Closer to the mangrove forest you can find another great option to stay in Sylhet: the Garden Resort. This resort with a hilltop swimming pool, multiple restaurants and suites with their own Jacuzzis is only 15 minutes away from Sylhet city and the airport, but located in a lush green garden away from the hustle and bustle of Bangladeshi countryside life.

Some extra tips for traveling to Sylhet

Best local sim card for sylhet.

Wi-Fi signal in Sylhet is weak and not the fastest. As a foreigner I would recommend you to get a Grameen sim card. This mobile provider has good service up here, were Banglalink fails most of the times.

I wish someone had given me this tip before my trip to Sylhet. You can easily buy a Grameen sim card in Dhaka.

where to stay in sylhet

No WiFi, no phone reception so time to enjoy the view from Wilderness Resort Sylhet.

Prepare for bad road conditions

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When you travel to Sylhet expect though road conditions. If you get carsick easily opt for a seat in the front and prepare to thrown around the car avoiding one pothole after another. They say it is not about the destination, but it is the journey that counts. Not in this case trust me! ;)

Bring mosquito spray

Make sure to bring mosquito spray when you visit Sylhet. Probably everywhere you go in Bangladesh have mosquito spray on you. It is only bad around sunset and just after, but it can save you a lot of bites. Or just wear long pants and sleeves! ;)

Try Betel Nut

Not a recommend activity when traveling to Sylhet! But since there are so many betel nut trees around and so many people are chewing betel nut, I also had to try it. It was my first time trying Betel Nut and I regret as soon as I put it in my mouth. Damn this stuff is bitter.

wilderness resort sylhet

This is the betel nut tree, not a palm tree.

Where is Sylhet Bangladesh?

boat trip sylhet bangladesh

Sylhet is about 250 kilometers northeast of the capital Dhaka and the most northeastern division in Bangladesh. It is almost completely surrounded by India with border crossings in the north, east and south.

How to get to Sylhet

how to get to sylhet

There are several daily flights from Dhaka with US-Bangla and NovoAir. The domestic airport in Dhaka is not as crazy as the international airport although delays are common. The flight from Dhaka to Sylhet is only 30 minutes in a propeller plane, but traveling can take up to a couple hours because of the delays. There are also international routes serving Sylhet Bangladesh and you are able to find flights from London and Dubai.

Tourist busses with AC go on a regular basis from Dhaka to Sylhet and take about 6 hours. Price: between $8 - $13.

The most adventurous way to get to Sylhet is to take the train. Several trains a day go from Dhaka to Sylhet and back and are cheap. The train ride is beautiful!

Travel to Sylhet itinerary

places to see in sylhet itinerary map

This map shows you all the best places to visit in Sylhet and where to find them. When asking me how many days I would recommend to travel to Sylhet I would say about 3 to 4 days is enough. You can even do most of the things to do on this list in just 2 days, but it would be very rushed.

Already want to visit Sylhet?

I hope this article made you visit Sylhet soon. My trip was an absolutely amazing experience and coming to Bangladesh showed me once again that you can’t judge a country before you have been. According to a lot of people Bangladesh is not safe, but the fact that this is a crazy country, does not make it a dangerous country. 

meeting locals in sylhet bangladesh

Life in Bangladesh is so different from out Western standards that we quickly judge for no reason. But as you have seen on the live video of the market in Jaintiapur there is no reason to be scared, people are just curious and above all they are the most friendly ever!

My trip to Bangladesh

Last week I have been asked a couple times why I did not travel to Bangladesh before and I actually had no answer. I have been to India, Sri Lanka, Nepal and all the countries around a bunch of times, but never stopped by in Bangladesh. I think just because very few people talked about it and it is not directly on the tourist trail.

Read more about my trip to Bangladesh in my complete blog post in the link.

It is may be not the best country for your first time backpacking alone , as it can be very intense. But on the other hand so amazing at the same time. I can now finally say I made it to this beautiful country and also got the chance to visit Sylhet.

Thank you Bangladesh for adding another amazing experience to my travel life!

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Top 10 tourist place in Sylhet in 2023

top 10 tourist place in sylhet pic

Are you looking for the top 10 tourist place in Sylhet with ranking? As Sylhet is a big city of Bangladesh, many top tourist places are located in Sylhet. If you are searching for the list of the best tourist place in Sylhet, then you are in the right place. In this article, we have collected the details of the top 10 tourist place in Sylhet. There are many tourist places in Sylhet and we choose the top tourist places. If you want to pass some quality time with your friends and family in Sylhet, then this ranking factors will help you find the right tourist place. The ranking of a tourist place depends on many factors like the number of visitors, land area, the natural beauty of the place, facilities, etc. By considering all these factors, we have prepared the list of top-rated tourist place in Sylhet.

List of the best tourist place in Sylhet

1. Jaflong 2 Bholaganj Sada Pathor 3. Bisnakandi 4. Madhabpur Lake 5. Ratargul Swamp Forest 6. Madhabkunda Waterfall 7. Lalakhal 8. Lawachara Rain Forest 9. Tanguar haor 10. Nilkantha Tea Cabin (Seven Color Tea)

Jaflong Sylhet Pic

1. Jaflong:

Jaflong is called the daughter of nature. It is situated in Gowainghat upazilla border between the Indian state of Meghalaya and Bangladesh. It is about 56 km far from Sylhet City. Moreover, the hanging bridge of Dawki mainly attracts the tourists in Jaflong. It is a hilly area of natural beauty. It is a peaceful land of natural beauty on the foothills of Jointa hill. Besides, the bank of Pian river increases its beauty. Tourists can see the lifestyle of Tribe Khashia in Jaflong. It is one of the most attractive tourist places in Sylhet in 2023. Moreover, it is also called the best Beauty spot or Picnic spot in Sylhet. Waterfall from the Dauki hill, swinging Dauki Bridge, Crystal water of Pian river, quiet, and calm environment will enthrall you. Surely, Jaflong is an amazing place among the top 10 tourist place in Sylhet in 2023.

Bholaganj Sada Pathor Pic

2. Bholaganj Sada Pathor

Bholaganj (Sada Pathor) is situated 33 km away from the north of Sylhet. Indeed, it is the largest stone quarry in sylhet. However, the Sylhet tourist spots draw the attention to this place are – the Meghalayan clouds, waterfalls from hills, the sandy shores of the Dholai, and ceaseless streams. Although, it is an amazing place, but the way to go there is not satisfactory. However, the road of Bholaganj is in very bad condition. Surely, it is the best Sylhet tourist spot. Besides, tourists who like walking can set off at Bholagonj as well as move Doyar Bazaar, Mayar Bazaar, Uthma, Turong, Upur, Domdoma and Bitthorgul before reaching Bisnakandi. If you are looking for the best places to visit in Sylhet, then undoubtedly it will be a good choice for Sylhet tourist spot. Bholaganj is in 2nd position among the top 10 tourist place in Sylhet in 2023.

Bisnakandi Pic

3. Bisnakandi:

Bisnakandi is an outstanding geographical tourist place between India and Bangladesh border. Tourists can see beautiful waterfalls, and the flags of India standing there 100 feet away. The picnic spot in Sylhet is so eye-catching with green, mint natural views. Besides, it is very comfortable to stay around. Whoever comes to sylhet visiting place usually fall in love with marvelous, astonishing natural views. Although, Bichanakandi is not suitable in winter, but you will find the best natural views in the rainy season. It is a place where adorn hills, stones, waterfall, and river. To clarify, tourists can go to Bisnakandi on the month of June-July or August-September, especially during the rainy season. Moreover, by roaming you will have a heavenly feeling. In Bisnakandi, tourists must be careful while swimming or roaming in the area of India-Bangladesh border.

Madhabpur Lake Pic

4. Madhabpur Lake:

It is an amazing lake inside the Madhabpur tea estate. Madhabpur lake is located in Kamalganj Upazila, Moulvibazar district. It is in between the small hills, and most of the hills are planted with tea trees. Moreover, the water of the lake is so clear, clean, and transparent. In winter, migratory birds come here from cold countries. So, bird lovers can see and enjoy different kinds of birds in Madhabpur Lake. It is the best picnic spot in Sylhet in 2023. Besides, there is always heavy wind that made the water of the lake looks like a river or calm water. Surely, you can enjoy the natural views and quietness of Madhabpur lake. Undoubtedly, it can be the best choice for Sylhet visiting place. This is a great to travel in Sylhet. Madhabpur Lake is in 4th position among the top 10 tourist place in Sylhet in 2023.

Ratargul Swamp Forest Pic

5. Ratargul Swamp Forest:

Ratargul is situated in Gowainghat River, Sylhet. This is around 26 km away from Sylhet city. It is the only swamp forest in Bangladesh. Moreover, it is known as not only ‘The Sunderban of Sylhet’ but also ‘The Amazon of Bangla’. Its area is of almost 3, 325.61 acres. The forest is under 20–30 feet water in the rainy season. Moreover, on the other times of the year the level of water is nearly 10 feet deep. In winter, if you visit, you will not get the real beauty of Ratargul. At that time you will see the dry leaf is dropping. Besides, the lake water turns into a small hole.

However, it gets full of its youth in the rainy season. Ratargul fills with water, lots of fishes and animals get their life back. Ratargul swamp forest is one of the most beautiful places to visit in Sylhet in 2023. It is another Sylhet tourist spot among the top 10 tourist place in Sylhet in 2023.

Madhabkunda Waterfall Pic

6. Madhabkunda Waterfall:

The Madhabkunda waterfall in Sylhet is a famous sylhet tourist spot. Madhabkunda Waterfall height is 61m or 200 ft. Travelers are coming from different countries of the world prefer visiting Madhabkunda waterfall. Moreover, this place is peace and tranquility picnic spot in sylhet. If you go to Madhabkunda Waterfall by road from Kulaura, it will take about 1 hour. Indeed, you can see the greenish beauty of the world’s biggest tea garden, and the zigzag road through the hills will increase the enjoyment of your journey. Indeed, it will be the picturesque places to visit in sylhet. Surrounding forest, Big boulders, and the adjoining streams attract many tourists for day trips and picnic parties in Madhabkunda. Undoubtedly, it can be the best choice for Sylhet visiting place. So, Madhabkunda Waterfall is in 6th position among the top 10 tourist place in Sylhet in 2023.

top 10 tourist place in sylhet Lalakhal

7. Lalakhal:

Lalakhal is one of the most attractive tourist attractions in Sylhet. It is located in Jointapur about 35 km away from Sylhet. It is a wide canal known as Lala Khal which is situated at Sharee River near the Tamabil road. Moreover, it is the source of Sylhet Sand. The fascination of this canal is the water which differs in color at different points. You will find blue, green, clear water. You can also see three beautiful things together in Lalakhal green water river, mountain, and tea garden. In addition, it is very suitable place to feel the nature very nearly. If you go there in the full moon, you will never forget the moonlight. Tourist can hire a boat to hangout in there. You can ride a boat at the blue water canal Lalakhal. It is another best tourist place in Sylhet in 2023.

tourist attractions in sylhet

8. Lawachara Rain Forest:

It is one of the largest lush green forests in Bangladesh. Lawachara Rain Forest is one of the best national sanctuaries in Sylhet. Bangladesh government declared it as a National Park in 1997. Lawachara National Park consists of 460 species, 167 species of plants, 4 amphibian species, 6 reptile species, bird species, and 20 mammal species. Moreover, different types of plants make the natural views of ‘Lawachara’ more thrilling. Trees like Raktan, Erythrina Indica, Shegun, Orchid, Fishtail Palm, Dhootora, etc are found in ‘Lawachara’. ‘Lawachara’ consists of a huge bamboo forest. ‘Jai Bash’ is a bamboo which are very rare. Besides, ‘Agor’ tree is another excellent tree. If you are looking for sylhet visiting place, then you can consider Lawachara. Lawachara Rain Forest is in 8th number in the list of top 10 tourist place in Sylhet in 2023.

top 10 tourist place in sylhet Tanguar haor

9. Tanguar haor:

Tanguar haor is located in the Dharmapasha and Tahirpur upazila of Sunamganj. It is a unique wetland ecosystem. Tanguar haor is the second Ramsar site in Bangladesh. Moreover, it is a crucial hub for biodiversity. In winter, numerous migratory birds join the local birds giving an increase to its natural views. There are almost 51 species of birds. Besides, there are rare species of Palace eagles, vultures, seagulls, and cranes. However, there are six species of mammals, six species of turtles, five species of snakes, seven species of lizards. The area of Tanguar haor including 46 villages. In addition, it is the source of livelihood for more than 45,000 people. Most importantly, Tanguar haor plays an important role in fish production. It is also a historical place in Sylhet. Moreover, the Government is committed to preserve its natural resources.

top 10 tourist place in sylhet Nilkantha Tea Cabin

10. Nilkantha Tea Cabin (Seven Color Tea):

Seven-color tea or seven-layer tea is a well-known hot beverage in Sylhet. Nilkantha Tea Cabin is located at Ramnagar village on Kalighat Road, Srimangal in Moulvibazar. Romesh Ram Gour invented the seven-layer tea. He claims, no one else has been able to replicate. Although, none have been able to unlock the secret to Mr. Gour’s rainbow brew. Afterwards, discovering that different tea leaves have different densities. Moreover, each layer contrasts in taste, color, and smell. Indeed, it is the top sylhet tourist spot. Mr. Gour said that he perceived that different teas leave have slightly different densities. In addition, it took almost a year of experimenting before he could sell teas with more than three layers. Ultimately, he learned to expand to seven. Nilkantha Tea Cabin is in 10th position among the top 10 tourist place in Sylhet in 2023.

Top 20 tourist place in Sylhet city

To help you of choosing the right tourist place in Sylhet city in 2023, we are also providing the list of the top 20 tourist places in Sylhet city. We hope that the following table will help you to travel in the top tourist place in Sylhet city. The tourist place you choose to travel can impact on the rest of your life. So, it’s an excellent idea to do some research of the tourist places first. So, to made easy the process, we’ve compiled a ranking of the best tourist places in Sylhet city in 2023.

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Complete travel guide about Sylhet. Sylhet Tourist Spot

  • Post author: The Traveler
  • Post category: Travel Guide
  • Post last modified: June 5, 2024

tourist attractions in sylhet

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This comprehensive guide will help you plan a trip to Sylhet and make the most of your time there. Discover the best Sylhet tourist spot to visit, things to do, and local experiences to enjoy in Sylhet.

tourist attractions in sylhet

Sylhet is a city in northeast Bangladesh renowned for its lush tea gardens, stunning waterfalls, and rich cultural heritage. It is a hub for adventure, relaxation, and natural beauty, making it a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to Bangladesh. This complete travel guide about Sylhet will help you plan the perfect trip and make the most of your time in this beautiful city.

Introduction to Sylhet :

Sylhet is the fourth-largest city in Bangladesh and the capital of the Sylhet Division. It is located in the northeast part of the country, near the border with the Indian state of Meghalaya. The city is surrounded by lush green hills and tea gardens, making it a popular destination for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts.

Sylhet is also known for its rich cultural heritage and history, with numerous ancient temples and shrines scattered throughout the city and surrounding countryside. The city is famous for being the birthplace of the famous poet and philosopher Hazrat Shah Jalal, and there are many shrines and monuments dedicated to his memory throughout the city.

tourist attractions in sylhet

Mayabi Waterfall, Sylhet

tourist attractions in sylhet

Must-See Attractions in Sylhet tourist spot :

Sylhet has a wealth of attractions and experiences to offer visitors, including:

  • The Shrine of Hazrat Shah Jalal: This shrine is one of the most important religious sites in Bangladesh and is dedicated to the famous poet and philosopher Hazrat Shah Jalal. Visitors can pay their respects to this important historical figure and learn more about his life and teachings.
  • Madhabkunda Lake: Madhabkunda Lake is a natural lake in the Moulvibazar district of Bangladesh, formed by a waterfall that originates from the nearby hills. The lake and its surroundings are popular tourist destinations for their natural beauty and tranquility.
  • Jaflong: This popular tourist destination is located near the border with India and is known for its stunning waterfalls and breathtaking views. Visitors can hike through the hills, enjoy picnics by the river, and watch the waterfalls from a distance.
  • The Tea Gardens: Sylhet is renowned for its lush tea gardens , and visitors can enjoy guided tours of these beautiful plantations, sample the tea, and learn about the tea-making process.
  • Bichanakandi: Bichanakandi is a scenic spot located in the Sylhet division of Bangladesh, known for its crystal clear water and beautiful stone boulders. It is a popular tourist destination for its natural beauty and adventure activities such as hiking, trekking, and boat riding.
  • Lalakhal: Lalakhal is a popular tourist destination in Sylhet, a division of Bangladesh. It is known for its natural beauty, including a river with crystal clear water, surrounding lush green hills, and diverse flora and fauna. Visitors can enjoy boat rides on the river, trek in the mountains, and observe the local wildlife. It is a must-visit place for nature lovers and tourists seeking a peaceful retreat in Bangladesh.
  • Khasia Polli: Khasia Polli is a village in Jaflong, located in the Sylhet district of Bangladesh. It is home to the Khasi tribe, one of the indigenous communities of the region. The village is known for its natural beauty, including the nearby Jaflong hills, a picturesque river, and the Jaflong Zero Point, where the Piyain River meets the plains. Visitors can also observe the Khasi way of life and their unique culture, including their traditional clothing, food, and handicrafts. Khasia Polli is a popular destination for tourists and nature lovers visiting Sylhet.
  • Mayabi Waterfall: Mayabi Waterfall is a scenic natural attraction located in the Sylhet division of Bangladesh. It is situated in a remote hilly area surrounded by dense forests and tea gardens and is known for its natural beauty and picturesque views. The waterfall is a popular destination for tourists and nature lovers, who come to enjoy trekking in the nearby hills, exploring the surrounding forests, and swimming in the cool and refreshing water of the waterfall. Mayabi Waterfall is a must-visit place for those seeking a peaceful retreat in the midst of natural beauty in Sylhet.

Sylhet Weather:

Sylhet has a subtropical climate with hot and humid summers and mild winters. The monsoon season typically lasts from June to September, bringing heavy rainfall and occasional flooding. The best time to visit Sylhet is during the winter months of November to February when the weather is cooler and drier. Average temperatures range from 15°C (59°F) to 32°C (90°F), with January being the coldest month and May being the hottest. Visitors should be prepared for occasional rain and high humidity throughout the year.

Best Time to Visit Sylhet :

The best time to visit Sylhet is during the cool and dry winter months, from October to March. During this time, the weather is mild and comfortable, making it ideal for outdoor activities and sightseeing. Visitors can also enjoy the city’s numerous festivals and cultural events during this time, including the famous Sylhet International Film Festival.

tourist attractions in sylhet

Getting Around in Sylhet tourist spot:

  • Taxis: Taxis are available in Sylhet and are a popular mode of transportation for tourists. You can find taxis at designated taxi stands, or you can hail one on the street. Make sure to negotiate the fare with the driver before getting in.
  • Rickshaws: Rickshaws are a common mode of transportation in Sylhet. They are relatively cheap and can be a fun way to explore the city. Negotiate the fare with the driver before getting in.
  • Auto-rickshaws: Auto-rickshaws, also known as CNGs, are a convenient mode of transportation in Sylhet. They are faster than rickshaws and can navigate through traffic more easily. Negotiate the fare with the driver before getting in.
  • Buses: Buses are a cheap and popular mode of transportation in Sylhet. There are several bus companies operating in the city. You can take a local bus to get around or book a coach bus for longer distances.
  • Hiring a car: You can also hire a car with a driver to get around Sylhet. This is a more comfortable option but can be more expensive than other modes of transportation.
  • Walking: Sylhet is a relatively small city, and many tourist spots are within walking distance of each other. Walking can be a great way to explore the city and get a feel for the local culture.

tourist attractions in sylhet

It’s important to note that traffic in Sylhet can be chaotic, and road conditions can be poor in some areas. Make sure to plan your route in advance and allow extra time for transportation.

FAQs about Traveling to Sylhet Tourist Spot:

Q: Is Sylhet tourist spot safe for tourists? A: Sylhet is generally considered safe for tourists, but it is always a good idea to exercise caution and be aware of your surroundings when traveling to any new destination. Visitors are advised to carry only what they need, keep their valuables in a secure place, and be mindful of local customs and laws.

Q: What is the local cuisine like in the Sylhet tourist spot? A: Sylhet is famous for its delicious food, with a range of local specialties that are sure to tantalize your taste buds. Some of the must-try dishes in Sylhet include pitha (a type of rice cake), biryani (a spicy rice dish), and hilsha fish, which is considered a delicacy in Bangladesh. Visitors can also enjoy fresh fruit juices, lassi (a type of yogurt drink), and traditional sweets like rasgulla and roshogolla.

Q: What is the local currency in Sylhet tourist spot? The local currency in Sylhet is the Bangladeshi Taka (BDT). Visitors can easily exchange their money at banks, hotels, or local money changers, and ATMs are widely available in the city.


Q: Are there any cultural customs or etiquette to be aware of in Sylhet? A: Yes, there are several cultural customs and etiquette to be aware of when traveling to Sylhet. Visitors are advised to dress modestly and respect local religious customs, especially when visiting shrines or temples. It is also considered polite to remove your shoes when entering someone’s home or a place of worship. Visitors should also be mindful of local laws and customs, especially with regard to drug use and public displays of affection.

Conclusion :

Sylhet is a city full of surprises and unique experiences , making it a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to Bangladesh. With its stunning tea gardens, breathtaking waterfalls, rich cultural heritage, and delicious cuisine, there is something for everyone in this beautiful city. Whether you are an adventure lover, a history buff, or simply looking to relax and soak up the scenery, the complete travel guide about Sylhet has everything you need to plan the perfect trip.

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Top 10 Best Places to Visit in Sylhet

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Top 10 Best Places to Visit in Sylhet

A city with breathtaking natural beauty is Sylhet. This historical region, located in Bangladesh's northeast, is abundant in fisheries, minerals, and forests, as well as in other forms of natural beauty. In addition to its natural beauty, Sylhet has a distinguished past. The many tribes that inhabit Sylhet speak different languages and have different cultures. When visiting Sylhet, tourists shouldn't miss the tea gardens, Jaflong, Ratargul Jalaban, Hakaluki Haor, Lalakhal, Bholaganj, Bichanakandi, Tamabil, hills, and waterfalls. Hence, we have prepared our travel guide with the top 10 best places to visit in Sylhet with your family and friends. So dive deep and discover more of your next destination in Sylhet.

How to go to Sylhet?

The majority of people often go from Sylhet to Dhaka. Between Dhaka to Sylhet, there is about 250 KM. From Dhaka, it should take 5–6 hours to get there. However, it takes longer than that. The increased traffic is to blame for that.

However, plane travel to Sylhet will be the most excellent option if you have a short time for your trip or want to save time and energy to experience the best of Sylhet right away. From Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport in Dhaka, it takes 50 to 60 minutes to go to Sylhet's Osmani International airport. A long road trip can be stressful, but flying might be a terrific option to save time and energy. Even after landing in Sylhet, you'll feel refreshed and energized!

Best Time to Visit Sylhet

The optimum time to visit Sylhet to see it in its most picturesque state must be considered before you begin planning your trip there. Our observations show that November through January is the busiest month for tourists to travel to Sylhet. The temperature often hovers between 23 and 25 degrees Celsius. This produces a relaxing ambience appropriate for domestic and foreign travellers. For this reason, most visitors to Sylhet at this time of year make advance plans. June through September will be perfect for you if you want to see Sylhet's splendour while it's raining. Usually, throughout certain seasons of the year, there will be a lot of rain, which wipes away the dust and makes nature appear to have regenerated.

Sylhet Tea Garden

Tea is traditionally grown in the region surrounding Sylhet. Tropical trees and terraced tea gardens are all throughout the lovely Surma Valley. The green carpet of tea gardens that cover the hill slopes can be seen for kilometres around Srimangal, which is considered the capital of Bangladesh's tea industry. Three of the largest tea gardens in the world in terms of size and production are among the more than 150 tea gardens in the region. The tea estates employ up to 300,000 people, more than 75% of whom are women. Since women perform better jobs and are paid less than men, employers prefer to hire them to pluck tea leaves.

Sylhet Tea Garden

A trip to the Sylhet tea plantation is a special one. The gardens are remnants of the British Raj era. The British established the plantations, and the manager still resides in homes made of white timber, just as they did back then. The service and way of life are mostly untouched, and the bungalows are situated on expansive lawns that are meticulously maintained. Alongside the Sylhet Tea Garden, the following 10 are the best places to visit in Sylhet for anyone.


Jaflong is popularly known as the natural world's daughter in Sylhet. It is located on the border of Bangladesh and the Indian state of Meghalaya, in the Gowainghat Upazila. To reach Jaflong from Sylhet city, you will need two hours of driving to cover a total distance of 56 kilometres. To be precise, the main attraction of Jaflong is not the natural stone resource but rather the ancient Dawki Hanging Bridge. It is a steep region with stunning scenery for tourists around the country. It is a serene, picturesque area at the base of Jointa hill. Additionally, the Pian River's bank adds to its attractiveness. You will be mesmerized by the Pian River's crystal clear water, the tranquil, serene setting, and the waterfall from Dauki Hill. In Jaflong, visitors can observe the way of life of the Tribe Khashia.

2. Bichanakandi


The village of Bisnakandi is located in the Guainghat Upazilla of the Rustompur Union. Here, numerous Khasi mountain layers from both sides converge into a single place. High fall flowing from above. Dark clouds that hug the mountain during the rainy season add to its attractiveness. A branch of the Piyain also runs underground in the direction of Bholaganj. Huge boulders are deposited and mined at Bisnakandi along the stream that originates from a high mountain. Similar to Jaflong, the majority of Bisnakandi is a quarry. The Rainy season is the perfect time for tourists to explore the stunning Bisnakandi, which combines the beauties of high mountains, sinuous rivers, gorgeous falls, and dancing clouds because there are no such annoyances.

3. Ratargul Swamp Forest

Ratargul Swamp Forest

The only freshwater swamp forest in Bangladesh is Ratargul. The swamp forest only covers a surface area of two square kilometres now, despite once covering a large region of swampland. Ratargul is a deep forest home to many natural hijol and koroch trees and provides a haven for several birds, monkeys, snakes, and other reptile species. Three rivers are close to Ratargul. The Chenger Khal and the Kafna, which originate in the south and the east, respectively, unite near Ratargul and travel north towards Guainghat under the name Guain. The banks of all these rivers were once covered with a swamp forest. These rivers' water finds its way into the forest, engulfing it in 15 to 20 feet of water during the rainy season. Ratargul makes for a sight that may ease even the most indifferent of eyes, with the bottom half of the dense forest submerged and the top half visible with its myriad of shades falling on crystal-clear water beneath.

In the rainy season, early morning or early evening is the finest time to visit Ratargul Swamp Forest. At that time, one would be fascinated by the presence of the local fauna, which included various bird and monkey species. At the end of the monsoon, the water begins to recede and turn dirty. Additionally, you can walk through the forest in the winter. Besides, tourists can combine Ratargul with Lalakhal, Jaflong, Pangthumai, and Bisnakandhi on the same day.

4. Sada Pathor, Bholaganj

Sada Pathor

Another prime tourist attraction in Sylhet is Bholaganj Sada Pathor, situated just 33 kilometres away from Sylhet city. To be precise, it is the largest stone quarry in Sylhet. However, the Meghalayan clouds, hillside waterfalls, the sandy Dholai coastlines, and endless streams are the Sylhet tourist attractions that bring visitors to this location. Travellers who enjoy walking can travel from Bholagonj and through Bitthorgul, Doyar Bazaar, Mayar Bazaar, Uthma, Turong, Upur, and Bisnakandi before arriving there.

5. Madhabkunda Waterfall

Madhabkunda Waterfall

The largest waterfall in Bangladesh, Madhabkunda, is located in Moulvibazar District's Barlekha Upazilla. The Kulaura-Shabajpur track is roughly five kilometres from Dakshinbagh Railway Station and 350 kilometres from Dhaka City. Madhabkunda, a waterfall that is around 200 feet (61 meters) high, has developed into one of Bangladesh's most popular tourist destinations. From all across the nation, a sizable number of visitors and picnicking groups come here every day for their enjoyment and recreation. The mental impact of a million tons of water falling from a height of 200 feet can be enormous. Numerous large, dark, and imposing stones, along with countless lush, leafy trees and the sound of lovely waterfalls, create an outstanding shape of care and feelings in Madhabkunda. 

The waterfall's surroundings are simply breathtaking and enjoyable to view. Madhabkunda is the perfect tourist destination because it is tucked away in a range of lush, green mountains. Even though the winter months see the greatest visitors, the waterfall is always packed. Even the trip to Madhabkunda is interesting. The joy of your travel will be increased by the hills, the zigzag road through the hills, and the emerald splendour of the tea gardens that you may observe along the way.

6. Madhabpur Lake

Madhabpur Lake

Within the Madhabpur tea estate in the Kamalganj Upazila sits Madhabpur Lake, a natural water reservoir. Srimangal is 16 kilometres away. Unlike city life, the lake is surrounded by green tea gardens that give you a sense of peace. You can't help but jump into the lake and swim because the water is so clear. There are wide different varieties of aquatic plants, including water lilies in various shapes and hues. You may watch the sunset at this location, which is bordered by little hills covered in beautiful vegetation. It is the sole confirmed location for the great white-bellied heron in Bangladesh.

7. Lalakhal


Another popular tourist destination in Jaintapur Upazilla is Lalakhal, which is surrounded by hills, natural forests, tea gardens, and rivers beneath the Jainta Hill, which is a part of India's Meghalaya Ranges. The river Myntdu enters Lalakhal as the Saree after flowing from the Indian portion, and after passing Sarighat, it merges with the river Guaiyan. Due to the minerals in the water and the sandy riverbed, the colour of the water along a nearly 12-kilometre length of the river from Lalakhal to Sarighat remains translucent green in winter (as well as other seasons without rain). There is a "Lalakhal Tea Garden" on the Saree River's eastern bank. In Lalakhal, visitors can simultaneously witness a river with green water, a mountain range, and a tea garden.

8. Lawachara Rain Forest

The entrance to Lauachora National Garden is located on the Vanugach-Komalganj Road, about seven kilometres from Sreemongol town. It has an abundance of precipitation and is an evergreen rainforest. On a sunny day, the tall trees' broad branches and towering foliage provide a distinctive canopy for the woodland. One of Bangladesh's ten national gardens and seven safari parks is Lauachora. 1996 saw the establishment of a national garden on 1,250 hectares of the 2,740-hectare West Vanugach Reserve Forest.

Tourists can enter the forest after paying a specified amount of money. With the assistance of qualified guides, you can walk paths that last 30 minutes, an hour, or three hours. You may view a vast range of plants, orchids, insects, birds, and other animals. The hoolok gibbon and phayre's langur, two endangered species, a vast range of apes, cats, and snakes, including pythons, parrots, and magpies, and several other birds, live in this forest, despite its relatively small size.

9. Hum Hum Waterfall

Hum Hum Waterfall

In the Moulvibazar District's Razkandi Reserve Forest is where you'll find the Hum Hum Waterfall. 2009 saw its discovery. In reality, it's a location where you can get a true taste of adventure. The fall is between 135 and 160 feet high. If you are wondering when to visit, then the most significant time to visit this location is during the rainy season where you can experience the fall's unending beauty. Astonishingly, the majority of Bangladeshis are unaware of the decrease. You can travel from Dhaka to Sreemangal by bus or train. There are some hotels there. Kolabagan Bosti is the next action to take. You must rent a vehicle in order to travel to Kolabagan Residance.

The most crucial thing is that you need to leave early in the morning—around 5 or 6 am. Everyone should always have a knife, a torch, dry food, fresh water, saline, glucose, and rapid aid on them. There are many guides available today who can assist travellers in getting to Hum Hum. Take several bamboo poles from Kolabagan to use as support for the duration of your trek. The traveller must descend into a natural fountain (referred to as chhara or nala locally), where they must walk through water; after about 30 minutes of walking through this. This water's height will occasionally change from ankle to thigh level.

10. Hazrat Shahjala Mazar Sharif

Hazrat Shahjalal Mazar Sharif

Hazrat Shah Jalal was revered by followers of all religions (r). No matter their religion, people from all over the world visit The Shrine Of Hazrat Shahjalal (R) every year. A pond is close to Hazrat Shahjalal's (R) shrine. There are lots of gauzar fish in the pond. When Hazrat Shahjalal (R) arrived in Sylhet with 360 Auwalia, it is stated that he brought the gauzar fish. When visitors see these fish floating in the pond, they are ecstatic and feed them fish food. By the shrine of Shahjalal, there is a well.

According to legend, Hazrat Shahjalal (R) Nizamuddin Auliya (R) welcomed him with great love and gave him a pair of Surma-colored pigeons as a sign after learning about its spiritual potential. The Jalali Pigeon has become a well-known name for that pigeon. The cluster of shrines is the one that attracts visiting pigeons. A two-foot-wide room with grilled stars is located south of the shrine. Hazrat Shahjalal used it as a latrine (R). Public rumour has it that Hazrat Shahjalal (R) worshipped here for about 23 years. Visitors can view numerous objects used by Hazrat Shahjalal at mufti Nazimuddin Ahmad's home through the Dargah Madrassa Building on the left. These include swords, straws, dishes, bowls, and more (R). The main dargah sharif of Hazrat Shahjalal (R) is a holy place; keep an eye on the dargah's purity when you are there.

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Sylhet Tourism

  • Ratargul Swamp Forest
  • Srimangal Tea Gardens
  • Lawachara National Park
  • Madhabkunda Waterfall
  • Ratnai Waterfall
  • Pangthumai Waterfall
  • Shahjalal University of Science and Technology campus
  • Hazrat Shah Jalal Mazar Sharif
  • View all 10 places
  • Things to do
  • Best time to visit
  • How to Reach
  • Tourist Map

Ratargul Swamp Forest

Other Suggested Reads for Sylhet

  • Places To Visit in Sylhet
  • Things to do in Sylhet
  • How to Reach Sylhet
  • Best time to Visit in Sylhet
  • Sylhet Tourism History
  • Food in Sylhet
  • FAQS about Sylhet
  • Sylhet Tourist Map

Top 10 Places to Visit in Sylhet

Jaflong Sylhet

Sylhet is a region in Bangladesh known for its natural beauty, tea estates, and cultural richness. Located near the Indian Meghalaya mountains. Sylhet is a place where you can enjoy the natural Jacuzzi, natural waterfalls and many other religious places. Here are ten top places we have enlisted for you to visit in the Sylhet and it’s nearby areas.

Table of Contents

List of Places

Sylhet’s gallery, location information, important links.

  • Sylhet City Tour would be a nice time for knowing the local culture and cuisine. This city is near to the Surma river. You can enjoy street foods such as “Fuchka”, “Chotpoti” etc at the river bank during the evening time. There is a huge pond at the heart of the city and you can feel the city life under the night light.
  • Bichanakandi is similar to the Sada Pathor . You can enjoy the beauty of Meghalaya mountains and a river with crystal clear water and clorfull stones. Boat ride over the river would be fantastic experience.
  • Hazrat Shah Jalal Mazar Sharif is a significant shrine honoring Hazrat Shah Jalal, a revered Sufi saint, attracting pilgrims and tourists alike.
  • Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) is a very beautiful place for any tourist visiting the Sylhet area. The place is quiet and calm, environment is clean and tourist friendly.
  • Jaflong is the most popular tourist destination in the Sylhet region. It’s mostly surrounded by the attractive view of Meghalaya mountains, river with crystal clear water and colorful stones. This is one of the most popular place in Bangladesh. If you’re looking for a peaceful and scenic getaway,  Jaflong  is a great choice.
  • Lalakhal is small shallow river with it’s unique beauty. It’s mysterious green color water would definitely amazed you. You may enjoy a boat ride over the river’s green water at the evening.
  • Sada Pathor (White Stones) at Bholaganj upazila. It has a river with crystal clear water flowing over the colorful stones bed. You can enjoy the natural Jacuzzi in the shallow river’s water.
  • Ratargul Swamp Forest is a small swamp forest with it’s own unique ecosystem. This place is very quite and calm. You can feel the nature by a boat ride inside the forest.
  • Khasia Polli is located near Jaflong . It is the home for some indigenous Khasia people. They have their own culture and ethnic belief. You can see large flat tea fields in the Khasia Polli.
  • Khadimnagar National Park is a serene and bio-diverse protected area located near Sylhet city. Spanning over 68 acres, the park is a haven for nature lovers.

Sada Pathor - Bholaganj

These are just a few of the many attractions Sylhet has to offer. Each place provides a unique experience, whether it’s enjoying nature’s beauty, exploring cultural sites, or connecting with the local community.

Sylhet City  is located in the northeastern part of Bangladesh, situated in the Sylhet Division. Its located nearby the Indian Meghalaya mountains and at Surma river flowing by the southern part of the city.

Sylhet City – Google Maps

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  • Destinations

Top Tourist Places in Sylhet, Bangladesh

Tea Garden Sylhet

Sylhet, often referred to as the land of two leaves and a bud, is a haven of natural beauty located in the northeastern part of Bangladesh. This ancient town is not only rich in forest, mineral, and fishery resources but also boasts a captivating landscape. From lush tea gardens to sparkling rivers and serene haors, Sylhet’s natural charm is undeniable. The region’s diverse history and cultural tapestry are equally compelling, with various tribes contributing to its unique linguistic and cultural mosaic. As one of Bangladesh’s premier tourist destinations, Sylhet offers a plethora of attractions, including Jaflong, Ratargul Swamp Forest, Hakaluki Haor, Lalakhal, Bholaganj, Bichnakandi, and Tamabil, all set against a backdrop of rolling hills and cascading waterfalls.

Let’s know about the top places to visit in Sylhet

Malnichara tea garden:.

Malnichara Tea Garden is one of the most beautiful sightseeing spots in the Sylhet district. Surrounded by lush greenery, this garden looks like a green carpet under the blue sky. The rolling hills and plains are covered in green tea plants, creating a serene and pollution-free environment. Occasionally, you’ll find small towns nestled among the hills, and winding paths that meander along the mountain edges. There’s even a silver fountain flowing gracefully in some spots.

Established in 1849 by Englishman Hardson, Malnichara is the largest and oldest tea plantation in Bangladesh and the entire subcontinent, spanning 1,500 acres. Now maintained privately, it’s a top destination for travelers. Located close to Sylhet city, tourists often head straight to Malnichara to see the tea gardens. There are several entrances, and you can start your tour from any of them. However, it’s best to get permission from the authorities before entering to avoid any issues. Once inside, you can explore the garden and see the garden bungalow. The Ali Baha tea garden is nearby as well. Sylhet tea is renowned for its color, taste, and aroma, making a visit to Malnichara Tea Garden a must for tea lovers and travelers alike.

  • Transportation: The garden is about 24 km from Sylhet railway station or bus station. An auto-rickshaw ride will cost between Tk 350 and 400.
  • Where to Stay: There are no accommodations within the tea garden itself, so you’ll need to stay in Sylhet city.

Featured hotels for Sylhet

Ratargul swamp forest.

Ratargul Swamp Forest is the only swamp forest and wildlife sanctuary in Bangladesh. Spanning over 3,325.61 acres, 504 acres of this forest was declared a wildlife sanctuary in 1973. It’s a must-visit spot in Sylhet district.

Ratargul Sawam Forest

This freshwater wetland features two layers of vegetation. The upper layer consists of woody plants, while the lower layer is rich with thick foliage, especially murta plants. The forest canopy can reach up to 15 meters high, with about 80% of the forest area covered by vegetation. So far, 73 species of plants have been recorded here.

Originally a natural forest, the Bangladesh Forest Department has added water-tolerant trees like cane, kadam, hijal, and murta. You’ll also find hijl, karach, and barun trees, along with Pithali, Arjuna, Chatim, Gutijam, and banyan trees.

Tourists visit throughout the year, especially during the monsoon season, to see the trees with their lower limbs submerged in water. To explore the forest, you need to travel by canoe. The serene beauty of nature is best appreciated while gliding through the water in a small boat.

There are three entry points to the forest: Motar Ghat, Middle Ghat, and Last Ditch. The best entry point is Middle Ghat, as it offers the quickest and easiest access to the forest. Boatmen at this ghat provide life jackets for tourists’ safety.

Transportation: The forest is about 21 km from Sylhet railway station or bus station. A Noha (microbus) ride will cost between Tk 3,500 and 4,000 and take about 1 to 1.5 hours. Renting a boat to explore the forest will cost around Tk 1,200.

Where to Stay: There are no accommodations within the forest, so you’ll need to stay in Sylhet city.

Book a Cheap Flight or Hotel for Sylhet


Bichnakandi is one of the newest and most popular tourist destinations in Sylhet district. Located in the Rastumpur union of Goainghat upazila, it’s known for its stunning natural beauty. The main attraction here is the mountain springs of Meghalaya that flow over a vast expanse of stones.

The rock-water bed at Bichnakandi is truly mesmerizing. Clear water flows continuously from the nearby hills over the rocky terrain. During the monsoon season, the water flow increases significantly, making the main stream quite strong. Bichnakandi sits on the border between Bangladesh and India, with the boundaries not clearly marked. Therefore, it’s important to be cautious and stay within the Bangladesh side.

Visitors should avoid crossing into the Indian part for safety reasons. Additionally, if you do not know how to swim, it’s crucial to wear a life jacket while exploring Bichnakandi.

How to Go: From Sylhet city, take an auto-rickshaw to Hadarpar. The easiest route is via Malnichhara along Bholaganj road behind Osmani airport. The fare is between Tk 1,500 and 2,000 for up to five people, taking about 1.5 to 2 hours. From Hadarpar Bazar post office ghat, you can rent a tourist boat to Bichnakandi for Tk 1,000 to 1,500, suitable for 10 to 20 people.

Where to Stay: There are no accommodations at Bichnakandi itself. Visitors need to stay in Sylhet city.

Bholaganj is place of extraordinar natural beauty

Bholaganj is undoubtedly one of the must-see places in Sylhet district.

Transportation: From Sylhet city, you can take a CNG or rented car to Bholaganj, which takes about 1.5 to 2 hours.

Where to Stay: There are no accommodations in Bholaganj, so it’s best to stay in Sylhet city and make a day trip.

Khadimnagar National Park

Khadimnagar National Park is a place you’ll never want to leave. Located on the left side of the Jaflong-Tamabil road from Sylhet city, this park is a wonder of natural beauty. As you walk through the tea plantations and thick forests, the dense greenery might seem overwhelming, so it’s best not to venture too far alone.

Khadimnagar is one of the newest protected forest areas in Bangladesh, designated as a national park in 2006. Covering about 678 hectares, it was declared a reserve forest back in 1957. The park includes six tea gardens: Haramgang, Habibnagar, Barjan, Kalagul, Gulni, and Khadimnagar. USAID oversees the conservation efforts of this national park.

Spending a day in this green haven will refresh your mind and eyes. The sight of green tea gardens and trees lining the hills is truly mesmerizing. The untouched greenery of Khadimnagar National Park will make your trip even more enjoyable.

Transportation: From Sylhet city, you can take a CNG to the forest, which takes about 1 hour. Most of the road is paved, but if it’s raining, it’s better to take a CNG. The entry fee to the forest is Tk 30.

Where to Stay: There are no accommodations within the park. Visitors need to stay in Sylhet city.

Sylhet Hotels on Map

Lalakhal, located in Jaintapur Upazila, Sylhet. The best time to visit is in early winter.

Lalakhal is located just below Cherrapunji in India, with the river originating from the Cherrapunji hills and flowing through Bangladesh. The best time to visit is in early winter, but you can also go during the rainy season if you prefer. However, winter is generally safer for travel. Lalakhal is truly one of the top sightseeing spots in Sylhet district.


From Sylhet city, take the Sylhet-Tamabil road to Sarighat, then take a boat for 1 to 1.5 hours to Lalakhal. The boat journey depends on the speed of the motorboat. The fare for a Noha from Sylhet railway station to Sarighat is Tk 2,500 to 3,000.

Where to Stay:

There are no accommodations in Lalakhal. Visitors need to stay in Sylhet city.

Jaflong is a popular sightseeing spot in the Sylhet district, located about 70 km from Sylhet city under the Goainghat police station.

What You Will See at Jaflong:

A. Jainta Rajbari: Jainta Rajbari, situated near Jainta Bazar, was the residence of the Jainta kings. Although the palace is now in ruins, many tourists visit to learn about the history of the Jainta kings. Surrounded by tea gardens, Jaintapur, which is just 5 km away from Jaflong, is full of natural beauty.

Jaintapur Upazila is rich in history, tradition, and natural beauty. Unlike most areas of Bangladesh, which were under British rule, Jaintapur remained an independent state ruled by the Khasia kings from 1500-1600. The ancient monuments of Jaintapur, including Jainta Rajbari, royal palace, valuable antiquities from the reign of Ramsingh, and various buildings of the Jainta state such as Meghatilak, Kalapathar, and Vijay Singha Maharaja’s memorial temple, are still there. Tourists are also impressed by the historic panthshala located in the middle of the road at Sarighat on the Sylhet Tamabil road. The people of Jainta take pride in the history of their royal house.

Jaflong is a popular sightseeing spot in the Sylhet, Bangladesh.

B. Sengrampunji Jharna: Recently, new places to visit in Sylhet have been discovered. One such place is Sangrampunji or Sengrampunji Jharna, also known as Magical Fountain. This waterfall is located on the Indian border, just a 15-20 minute walk from the Jaflong Zero Point.

The distance from Sylhet railway station or bus station is about 70 km. The fare for a Noha is Tk 2,500 to 3,000, taking approximately 1 to 1.5 hours.

There are no accommodations in Jaflong. Visitors need to stay in Sylhet city.

Hakaluki Haor

Hakaluki Haor is the largest haor (wetland) in Bangladesh, spanning 18,115 hectares across the Moulvibazar and Sylhet districts. It covers areas in Fenchuganj, Golapganj, and Biyanibazar of Sylhet, as well as Baralekha, Juri, and Kulaura upazilas of Moulvibazar. Hakaluki Haor is one of the most popular and scenic places in the Sylhet district.

During the rainy season, the vast body of water in Hakaluki Haor resembles a floating sea. The landscape transforms into a vast expanse of water with scattered hijal and tamal trees. In the winter, the haor turns into lush green fields, paddy fields, and ditches, creating a picturesque view.

Hakaluki Haor is also famous for its fish, such as Chital, Ai, Baush, Pabda, Magur, Shing, and Koi. It is a protected wetland in Bangladesh and a haven for birdwatchers. Around 25 species of ducks and waterfowl migrate from Siberia in winter, and about 100 species of local birds can be seen here throughout the year. Bird species like stilts, kingfishers, crested swans, and mergansers, among others, create a vibrant and thrilling environment for visitors. The haor is also home to a variety of aquatic plants, including almost extinct species in the region like Puti, Hingajur, and Hawa.

Hakaluki Haor offers a unique and captivating experience for nature lovers, bird watchers, and anyone looking to enjoy the serene beauty of Bangladesh’s wetlands.

From Dhaka, take a train or bus to Kulaura. From there, take a rickshaw to a nearby village and trek to the haor.

Accommodation is available in two-story cottages belonging to the bill tenants. Alternatively, you can camp overnight in the bill area.

Book a Flight for Sylhet

Lobhachara is located in the border region of Kanighat upazila in Sylhet. It’s primarily known as a stone quarry, but there’s also a very old sawmill in the area. The region is characterized by its picturesque scenery, with clear river water reflecting the distant mountains. The Lovachara tea garden spreads from the riverbank to the slopes of the high mountains, creating a beautiful landscape.

A unique feature of Lobhachara is the clear water of the Lova River, which flows through the area. Tourists can enjoy a boat ride from Kanaighat, taking about one and a half hours to reach Lobhachara. The boat journey offers mesmerizing views of the clear water and the surrounding mountains, making it a memorable experience for visitors.

From Sylhet, take a boat from Darbast Bazar on the Sylhet Jaflong highway to Kanighat boat ghat. The boat ride takes about 1.5 hours.

There are no accommodations in Lobhachara. Visitors need to stay in Sylhet city.

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Frequently asked questions.

Welcome to! If you’re planning a trip to Sylhet, Bangladesh, you’re in for a treat. This region is renowned for its breathtaking natural landscapes and cultural treasures. To help you make the most of your visit, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions about the top sightseeing spots in Sylhet. Whether you’re curious about how to get to Malnichara Tea Garden, what to do at Ratargul Swamp Forest, or where to stay during your trip, our FAQ section provides all the essential information you need for a memorable adventure. Dive into these insights and start planning your Sylhet exploration with ease!

1. What are the top sightseeing spots in Sylhet?

  • The top sightseeing spots in Sylhet include Malnichara Tea Garden, Ratargul Swamp Forest, Bichnakandi, Bholaganj, Khadimnagar National Park, Lalakhal, Jaflong, Hakaluki Haor, and Lobhachara. Each location offers unique natural beauty and experiences.

2. How do I get to Malnichara Tea Garden from Sylhet city?

  • Malnichara Tea Garden is about a 15-minute drive from Sylhet city. You can take a CNG auto rickshaw from Jindabazar point in Sylhet city to the garden. The fare is approximately Tk 20 per person.

3. What activities can I do at Ratargul Swamp Forest?

  • At Ratargul Swamp Forest, you can enjoy canoe rides through the waterlogged forest, observe diverse plant species, and experience the unique wetland ecosystem. It is best visited during the monsoon season when the water levels are high.

4. How do I travel to Bichnakandi?

  • To reach Bichnakandi, take an auto rickshaw from Sylhet city to Hadarpar. From Hadarpar, you can take a reserved tourist boat to Bichnakandi. The total travel time is about 2 to 3 hours, with boat rental costing between Tk 1,000 to Tk 1,500.

5. What is the best time to visit Bholaganj?

  • The best time to visit Bholaganj is from after the monsoon season until October. During this period, you can enjoy the beautiful river scenery, white stones, and clear water.

6. Is there accommodation available near Khadimnagar National Park?

  • There is no accommodation within Khadimnagar National Park. It is recommended to stay in Sylhet city and visit the park as a day trip. Various hotels in Sylhet offer comfortable lodging options.

7. How can I reach Lalakhal?

  • To reach Lalakhal, travel by road from Sylhet city to Sarighat, and then take a boat journey to Lalakhal. The distance from Sylhet city to Sarighat is about 40 km, and the boat ride takes approximately 1 to 1.5 hours.

8. What should I know before visiting Jaflong?

  • When visiting Jaflong, be sure to explore Jainta Rajbari and the Magical Fountain. Jaflong is about 70 km from Sylhet city, and the journey can be made by Noha with a fare of Tk 2,500 to Tk 3,000. There is no good accommodation in Jaflong, so stay in Sylhet city.

9. What wildlife can I see at Hakaluki Haor?

  • Hakaluki Haor is known for its diverse bird species, including migratory ducks and local birds. You can also see various fish species and aquatic plants. The haor is best visited during the winter season for bird watching and exploring the wetlands.

10. How do I get to Lobhachara, and what should I expect there?

  • To reach Lobhachara, travel to Darbast Bazar or Kanighat boat ghat, and then take a boat ride to the Lova River. The area is known for its stone quarry and old saw mill. There is no good accommodation in Lobhachara, so plan to stay in Sylhet city.

We hope these FAQs from have provided you with valuable information for your Sylhet journey. From the serene beauty of Malnichara Tea Garden to the unique experience at Ratargul Swamp Forest, Sylhet offers a wealth of experiences for every traveler. Remember to plan your travel logistics and accommodations in advance to ensure a smooth and enjoyable visit. If you have more questions or need assistance with your travel plans, don’t hesitate to contact us. Enjoy your exploration of Sylhet’s stunning sights and make unforgettable memories!

Final Words

Sylhet is a treasure trove of natural beauty and cultural heritage, offering a diverse range of attractions for all types of travelers. From the serene tea gardens of Malnichara and the mystical Ratargul Swamp Forest to the breathtaking vistas of Bichnakandi and the historical charm of Jaflong, each destination in Sylhet promises a unique and memorable experience. Whether you’re exploring the lush greenery of Khadim Nagar National Park, enjoying the clear blue waters of Lalakhal, or witnessing the vast expanse of Hakaluki Haor, Sylhet’s enchanting landscapes and rich history are sure to leave a lasting impression. As you plan your visit, remember that while the region’s natural beauty is easily accessible, accommodations are best found in Sylhet city, allowing for comfortable day trips to these stunning locales. Embrace the adventure and discover the hidden gems of Sylhet, where every corner holds a new wonder waiting to be explored.

W U Mahmud

Founder & CEO, With years of experience in the travel industry, W U Mahmud is the visionary founder and CEO of Specializing in government and corporate tours, W U Mahmud has successfully navigated the dynamic landscape of travel, particularly focusing on providing seamless SOTO air ticketing and international hotel booking services. Under W U Mahmud's leadership, has become synonymous with reliability and excellence, ensuring every journey is memorable and stress-free. Passionate about travel and dedicated to client satisfaction, W U Mahmud continues to innovate and elevate the travel experience for all clients.

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4 top tourist attractions in sylhet, bangladesh.

Sari River in Sylhet, Bangladesh

The most common and ultimate travel fun in Sylhet is a boating. In fact, who does not love boat riding on the beautiful river? To visit almost all the places in Sylhet, one must have to go for a boat ride. So if you love nature and enjoy boating then Sylhet is a must-visit travel destination for you. As boating is a common activity and so will lead you to enjoy the top tourist attractions in Sylhet, Bangladesh .

I enjoy boat riding a lot. So my Sylhet tour was full of fun for boat and boating while visiting many remote places. There are many beautiful rivers to explore in Sylhet and the mountain views work as a backdrop. And definitely, boating is a thrill and give you an adventurous experience.

There are many tourist spots in Sylhet. But among many places, I found the below 4 are the most beautiful and popular among tourists. And worth to visit and explore as well in Sylhet, Bangladesh.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Ratargul Swamp Forest
  • 2 Bisnakandi
  • 3 Panthumai
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Ratargul Swamp Forest

You must already read my post on Ratargul Swamp Forest , right? Then you understood my love for this most beautiful and yes this is one of the top tourist attractions in Sylhet. Just imagine you’re entering into a beautiful natural freshwater swamp forest by boat. The total area is almost 504 acres and covered with various types of water plants. A boat ride is the best way to explore the extreme beauty of this forest.

The amazing greeneries and the tranquility around. And the whole forest is connected with the Gowain river and the Chengir Lake. During Rainy Season all trees go under 20 to 30 feet water. The water reflection looks so beautiful. How thrilling!! It does so and must-visit for all adventure seekers around the world.

Ratargul Swamp Forest Sylhet

A long journey by an engine boat on the beautiful Piyain river will take you to the beautiful destination Bisnakandi . Yes, a boat ride on the river Piyain can be your memorable experience. You’ll love the rural landscape and the mountain views around this destination. Bisnakandi is the popular tourist spot in Sylhet these days. The crystal clear water and rolling stones are the main attractions here.

Piyain River

A boat ride on the river Piyain can also lead you to Panthumai . The top attractions here are the Borhill waterfall. Though this fall is not the part of Bangladesh for the transboundary river Piyain, Panthumai became popular among tourists in Sylhet. The beauty of the entire destination is just outstanding. You can also visit Panthumai by road if you don’t want to go for a boat ride.


Lalakhal became the top attractions in Sylhet because of the color (emerald green) of the water. There are no ways to take away your eyes from the water of the most beautiful natural canal. A short boat ride on Lalakhal you’ll definitely love. Actually, the main source of this water is the beautiful river Sari. The Sari river is originated from the State of Meghalaya in India.

There are some other must-visit places in Sylhet to explore. You might like to visit Jaflong hill station, boating is possible and also you can enjoy the beautiful sunset from here. Madhabkunda Waterfall in Moulvibazar is also much popular among local tourists. And if you’re visiting Sreemangal then don’t miss to explore the lush green Lawachara Rain Forest and any tea garden around.

Furthermore, all the above tourist places in Sylhet are best to explore in the Rainy Season (June – August). You can even hire the whole boat or you can prefer to share with other travelers. There are many places to visit in Sylhet but the 4 top tourist places are unique and you’ll love to visit again and again.

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Nafisa Habib

Nafisa Habib loves nature and often got fascinated by old beautiful architecture. Here she is with My Own Way To Travel to share her adventures on the road. To her nothing is so interesting than exploring new destinations around. And knowing a new culture and meeting new peoples on the road? Oh, yeah she just loves that too.

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Top 6 Tourist Attractions In And Around Sylhet

Best Tourist Attractions in Sylhet

 Top 6 Tourist Attractions in and around Sylhet ,  Tourist Attractions

Top 6 Tourist Attractions in and around Sylhet

Can you imagine yourself in a heavenly tranquil place in the midst of greenery with mountains as backdrop? To make this dream come true you can visit Sylhet, which is located in the north-eastern part of Bangladesh. Standing on the bank of the Surma River, Sylhet is blessed with subtropical climate, featuring humid weather, hot summer and cooler winter. Besides mausoleums and tea gardens, Sylhet has lots of tourist attractions. In this article, we are going to introduce you with top 6 tourist attractions in and around Sylhet .

Ratargul Swamp Forest

Ratargul Swamp Forest is a heavenly tourist attraction in Sylhet. Covering about 504 acres of land, Ratargul forest connects with Chengir Lake and Gowain River. This forest is composed of diverse kinds of water plants. What makes Ratargul forest exclusive is the amazing beauty of standing trees over the water.

During the rainy season, this forest is submerged with 20-30 feet water. Then it looks like the trees and their shadows have divided the crystal water. What is more? The marvelous greenery of surrounding Mizoram hills is merged with the eternal beauty of this serene forest.

How to reach Ratargul Swamp Forest from Sylhet city? First, you can hire a CNG – fare ranges around 500 BDT – from Sylhet city to arrive at Goain Ghat. The journey usually takes about 2.5 to 3 hours. From Goain Ghat, you can reserve a trawler engine boat to explore the Ratargul Swamp Forest.

Wanna feel the thrill of visiting the neighboring country India without crossing the border? The famous tourist destination Jaflong can give you this outstanding experience. The Dauki River originating from the north Khasi mountains of India flows into Bangladesh with the name ‘Piyain’. Lying on the bank of ‘Piyain’ River Jaflong falls under the East Jaflong Union at Guainghat Upazilla in Sylhet.

How to reach Jaflong from Sylhet city? The distance from Sylhet city to Jaflong is about 62 km. You can take a bus from Sylhet city heading towards Jaflong directly. The journey takes about 3 to 3.5 hours .

Hiring a boat in Jaflong, you can visit Zero Point, the last border of Bangladesh. The most amazing attraction of Jaflong is a natural bridge hanging over the river Dauki. Here you can also enjoy the magnificent water falls flowing from distant green mountains.

If you are a crazy lover of boat journey, then Bisnakandi would cherish your soul. The Bisnakandi village falls under Rustompur Union at Guainghat Upazilla in Sylhet. Bichanakandi presents a unique natural beauty where several layers of Khasi Mountain summits at a single peak from different sides. While flowing from the high mountains, the river stream carries huge rocks which naturally get deposited in Bisnakandi. The rolling stones lying over crystal clear water would leave an unforgettable memory in your mind.

Bisnakandi is about 25 kilometers far from Sylhet City. There are several ways to reach Bisnakandi from Sylhet city. You can take a CNG auto-rickshaw to arrive at Hadarpar. On this point you can reserve a local boat to explore Bisnakandi.

During your boat-journey to Bisnakandi, the boat will travel across the heavenly beautiful Piyain River. On the way, you can enjoy the cherubic sceneries of cloud-hugging mountain views, sinuous falls and graceful rural landscape. The best views of Bichanakandi are found during the rainy season.

Wanna spend your vacation floating on a wide natural canal where the water looks emerald green? You can have such a heavenly place in the ‘Lalakhal’ canal near Tamabil road in Sylhet. The distance from Sylhet city to Lalakhal is about 35 km. This canal is connected with the mind-blowing Sharee River, originated from the Meghalaya – a state of India. Being comparatively shallow, the Sharee River is a great source of sand resource in Sylhet.

How to reach Lalakhal from Sylhet city? First, get on a bus to arrive at Sarighat – 42 km distant from Sylhet city. Here you would find reserve boats. Now, you can step on this heaven on earth through a boat ride. The amazing beauty of Lalakhal would keep you enthralled throughout the journey. The greenish blue crystal water of Lalakhal creates a breathtaking combo with cloud touching hills and surrounding greenery.

Manipuri Rajbari

If you are fond of ancient architecture, then you can put Manipuri Rajbari in your bucket list. Manipuri Rajbari is a significant piece of Sylhet’s history and architecture. This historical place bears remembrance of dynasty and architectural monuments built by three royal brothers: Gombir Singh, Churging Singh, and Marjit Singh.

Visiting this place you can see a few remaining assets – like the principal gate, Bhalakhana, decorated stairs, and border wall – of the sing dynasty.

Malnicherra Tea garden

Sylhet is renowned worldwide for production of standard quality tea leaves. Not to mention the unique beauty of tea gardens have presented Sylhet a different identity. To make your Sylhet tour contented, don’t miss to visit Malnicherra tea garden.

Bottom Line:

Sylhet is a divisional headquarter and one of the major cities of Bangladesh. The amazing combination of greenery, beautiful rivers and mountain views has made Sylhet a favorite destination of tourism for the outdoor enthusiasts from Bangladesh as well as the whole world. So far, we have highlighted the top 6 tourist attractions in and around Sylhet . Besides these, Sylhet has many other tourist spots to visit.

Sylhet has good communication system with capital city Dhaka and other parts of Bangladesh. However, it is recommended to checkout weather forecast before starting expedition. While you go for boat rides don’t forget to carry lifejacket, if you can’t swim. Happy travelling!

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  • Sylhet Division

Tourist Attractions in Sylhet

Welcome to Sylhet District , a jewel in the northeastern part of Bangladesh that enchants visitors with its natural splendor and cultural vibrancy. Nestled amid rolling hills and lush tea gardens, Sylhet is a captivating destination known for its picturesque landscapes and rich heritage. As part of the Sylhet Division, this district has earned a reputation as a must-visit location for travelers seeking a harmonious blend of nature and tradition.

Sylhet's history is intertwined with tales of ancient trade routes and cultural exchanges, creating a mosaic of influences that shape the district's identity. The region is renowned for its significance in the development of the tea industry, with verdant tea estates painting the hillsides in hues of green.

Tourism in Sylhet is marked by the exploration of its iconic tea gardens, serene lakes, and spiritual landmarks. The district is home to revered shrines and mosques, attracting pilgrims and tourists alike. The Ratargul Swamp Forest , one of the few swamp forests in Bangladesh, offers a unique and immersive experience for nature enthusiasts.

Sylhet's bustling markets and vibrant bazaars showcase the dynamic cultural tapestry of the district. Local handicrafts, traditional artifacts, and the famed Sylheti cuisine contribute to the sensory delights awaiting visitors.

The district is a gateway to the captivating Ratnagiri and Jaintiapur archaeological sites, providing glimpses into the historical and cultural roots of the region. As you traverse Sylhet, you'll encounter warm hospitality, a reflection of the district's welcoming spirit.

Sylhet invites you to embark on a journey that unfolds the stories of its past, embraces the beauty of its landscapes, and celebrates the diversity of its people. Whether you seek spiritual enlightenment, cultural exploration, or a retreat into nature, Sylhet promises an enriching experience for every traveler.

There are 21 tourist attractions found in Sylhet . This is 31% of all tourist attractions listed in Sylhet Division. The major types of tourist attractions listed here are nature attractions and museums . Then there is also amusement parks listed in Sylhet. You may find a list of all categories of Sylhet attractions on this page. Click on a category to find all attractions of Sylhet of that type.

Sylhet Map with Tourist Attractions

Find tourist attractions in Sylhet and nearby locations using the following map.

Top 10 Tourist Attractions in Sylhet

Visit the top tourist attractions in Sylhet . Click on a tourist attraction bellow to find the detailed information.

Ratargul Swamp Forest

Sylhet Tourist Attractions in the Following Categories

All tourist places and attractions in Sylhet are grouped in the following categories. Click on a category bellow to find all the attractions of that type.

Nature Attractions

Directions to Go

The distance from the capital to Sylhet is about 247 km. Direct roads connect these two important cities as well as other the districts of northeastern Bangladesh. Direct train services are operated daily from Dhaka to Sylhet. The district is also accessible by air directly. It has an international airport which is one of the largest in Bangladesh. Several aviation companies operate their flights between Dhaka to Sylhet regularly.

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Discover The Hidden Gems: Visit The Stunning Tourist Attractions Of Sylhet

A stunning waterfall surrounded by lush green mountains, featuring diverse individuals in various outfits and hairstyles.

Are you in pursuit of an adventure that combines  vibrant culture ,  mystic beauty , and  less trodden paths ? Nestled in the northeastern region of Bangladesh, Sylhet is a  treasure trove  brimming with  hidden gems .

This blog post will guide you through the  stunning tourist attractions  of Sylhet including local favorites and offbeat trails filled with  natural wonders . Let’s kickstart this joyride to discovering what makes Sylhet truly unforgettable!

Key Takeaways

  • Sylhet is a  hidden gem  in Bangladesh, offering  vibrant culture  and  stunning natural attractions .
  • Must  – visit tourist attractions in Sylhet include  Ratargul Swamp Forest ,  Bisnakandi ,  Khadimnagar National Park ,  Pangthumai Waterfall , Shahjalal Dorgha, and Satchari National Park.
  • Visitors can enjoy tours and sightseeing activities to explore these attractions and experience the beauty of Sylhet City.
  • The city also offers outdoor activities like walking and biking tours for those who want to immerse themselves in nature.

Top Attractions in Sylhet City

Top Attractions in Sylhet City 136555709

Experience the breathtaking beauty of Ratargul Swamp Forest, marvel at the enchanting Bisnakandi, immerse yourself in nature at  Khadimnagar National Park , be awe-struck by the majestic  Pangthumai Waterfall , explore the spiritual significance of  Shahjalal Dorgha , and embark on an adventure in Satchari National Park.

Discovering Sreemangal: Exploring the Hidden Beauty of Sylhet's Tea Capital

Ratargul Swamp Forest

A wooden boat sails through the lush greenery of Ratargul Swamp Forest in this nature photography.

Ratargul Swamp Forest is in  Sylhet, Bangladesh . It sits by the  Gowain River  and is the only  freshwater forest  here. Many people call it the “Amazon of Bangladesh.” Nature lovers and photographers love this place.

The sights are very pretty and make you feel calm. You should visit during rainy season for a memorable trip.

A young woman is captivated by the stunning natural beauty of the river at Bisnakandi.

Bisnakandi is a  gem hidden  in Sylhet, Bangladesh. It rests in the  Gowainghat sub-district . Here, a  crystal-clear river  flows smoothly through the land. You will find yourself lost in its  stunning natural beauty .

The perfect time to go to Bisnakandi is from June to August. If you are in Sylhet, grab an auto rickshaw at Ambarkhana. This ride will take you straight to this lovely spot. Once there, be ready for your breath to be taken away!

Khadimnagar National Park

A group of hikers exploring the lush trails of Khadimnagar National Park.

Khadimnagar National Park is a must-see spot in Sylhet. It sits  15 kilometers from the city , on  Tamabil-Jaflong Road . The park has many  green hills  that look stunning. You will enter it through  Shahparan Mazar’s gate .

Nature lovers find this park  important in Bangladesh .

Pangthumai Waterfall

A young couple enjoys the view of Pangthumai Waterfall in a bustling atmosphere.

Pangthumai Waterfall is a  popular tourist attraction  in Sylhet city, Bangladesh. Despite not having much water, the waterfall still holds its beauty and attracts visitors with its  scenic views .

It is often  referred to as an “untouchable attraction”  and is best seen from the Bangladeshi side. The Sylhet Division is also home to other beautiful waterfalls like Madhabkunda Waterfall, Ham Ham Waterfall, and Hum Hum Waterfall.

Pangthumai Waterfall can be found in Lalakhal and can be visited on the same day as well. Locally, it is  known as Fatachhari Jharna .

Shahjalal Dorgha

A photo capturing the diverse faces, hairstyles, and outfits of participants in a Muslim prayer session.

Shahjalal Dorgha is the  biggest mosque in Sylhet  and one of the  largest in Bangladesh . It can be found at Hazrat Shahjalal Mazar Sharif, which is an important place for Muslim pilgrims.

This magnificent mosque is a must-visit attraction when exploring Sylhet City. Located near other popular tourist spots like Tilagarh Eco Park and Hum Hum Waterfalls, Shahjalal Dorgha offers a beautiful spiritual experience combined with the opportunity to explore nearby attractions.

If you’re planning to visit this area, consider staying at Jatra Flagship Sylhet City Centre hotel, which is conveniently located near Shahjalal Dorgha and provides comfortable rooms for your stay.

Satchari National Park

A vibrant, lush forest in Satchari National Park, captured with precision and detail using professional photography equipment.

You can explore the park by walking on its natural trail, which can be challenging during rainy days. Satchari National Park is about 130 kilometers (81 miles) away from Sylhet city.

Sylhet City Attractions Information

A picturesque tea garden in Sylhet City with rolling hills and vibrant greenery, capturing the bustling atmosphere.

There are plenty of things to do in Sylhet City, from tours and sightseeing to outdoor activities.

Sylhet City Tour | Visit Sylhet City In a Day | Episode 3

Things to Do

A diverse group of hikers enjoying a breathtaking mountaintop view in a bustling atmosphere.

Here are some things you can do in Sylhet City:

  • Explore the beautiful Ratargul Swamp Forest and take a boat ride to see the stunning greenery.
  • Visit  Bisnakandi  and witness the crystal clear water and breathtaking views of the surrounding hills.
  • Go on a safari at Khadimnagar National Park and spot various wildlife species.
  • Take a refreshing dip in the Pangthumai Waterfall and enjoy the natural beauty around you.
  • Pay a visit to Shahjalal Dorgha, a famous religious site known for its peaceful atmosphere.
  • Discover the diverse flora and fauna at  Satchari National Park .

Tours & Sightseeing

Aerial photograph of Ratargul Swamp Forest showcasing its lush greenery and winding channels.

Explore Sylhet City with exciting tours and sightseeing activities. Immerse yourself in the beauty of this stunning destination. Here are some options for you to consider:

  • Ratargul Swamp Forest Tour: Discover the enchanting beauty of the Ratargul Swamp Forest with a guided tour. Cruise through the narrow channels surrounded by lush greenery and witness a diverse range of flora and fauna.
  • Bisnakandi Sightseeing : Take a trip to Bisnakandi and witness its breathtaking landscapes. Marvel at the crystal clear water, rocky hills, and flowing rivers that create a picturesque setting.
  • Khadimnagar National Park Exploration: Embark on an adventure through Khadimnagar National Park. Explore its dense forests, encounter wildlife, and admire the scenic surroundings.
  • Pangthumai Waterfall Visit: Visit Pangthumai Waterfall and be mesmerized by its cascading waters and serene atmosphere. Take a dip in the cool waters or simply enjoy the beauty of nature.
  • Shahjalal Dorgha Tour: Explore Shahjalal Dorgha, one of Sylhet’s most renowned religious sites. Admire its grand architecture, soak in the peaceful ambiance, and learn about its historical significance.
  • Satchari National Park Expedition : Experience the wonders of Satchari National Park with an exciting expedition. Trek through its trails, encounter unique wildlife species, and immerse yourself in nature’s tranquility.

Outdoor Activities

Sylhet offers a variety of outdoor activities for visitors to enjoy. Here are some top options:

  • Bisnakandi : Explore the  scenic beauty of Bisnakandi , known for its  crystal clear rivers and breathtaking views .
  • Ratargul Swamp Forest: Take a boat ride through the enchanting Ratargul Swamp Forest, known as the  Amazon of Bangladesh .
  • Khadimnagar National Park: Immerse yourself in nature at Khadimnagar National Park, home to  diverse flora and fauna .
  • Shahjalal Dorgha: Visit the sacred Shahjalal Dorgha, an  important pilgrimage site for Muslims .
  • Satchari National Park : Discover the rich biodiversity of Satchari National Park through its nature trails and wildlife sightings.

Ways to Tour Sylhet City

A group of diverse friends enjoy a bike ride through the vibrant streets of Sylhet City.

Discover the best ways to explore Sylhet City and immerse yourself in its beauty and culture. From private tours to walking and biking tours, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

Read on to plan your perfect trip!

One Day Sylhet Tour: Exploring the Hidden Gems | My Travel Vlog 2023 Diary | My Weekend Vlog

Private & Custom Tours

Explore Sylhet City in a unique way through  private and custom tours . These tours allow you to  tailor your experience  to your preferences and  discover hidden gems  in the city. Whether you want to visit  off-the-beaten-path attractions  or  explore popular tourist sites  at your own pace, private and custom tours offer a  personalized and flexible  way to make the most of your trip. With  knowledgeable guides  who can provide insider tips, you’ll have the opportunity to  delve deeper into Sylhet’s rich culture and natural beauty . So why not embark on a private or custom tour during your visit to Sylhet City?

Multi-day Tours

There are  multi-day tours available  in Sylhet City.

  • TripAdvisor offers a range of multi  – day tours in Sylhet City.
  • The tours have  itineraries and attractions tailored  to suit different preferences.
  • Some popular attractions to visit during the tours include Jaflong, Ratargul Swamp Forest, Hazrat Shahjalal Mazar Sharif, Bisnakandi, and Ali Amjad’s Clock.
  • The  Lala Khal Tea Gardens  are one of the main highlights of the tours.
  • In 2023, there are several top  – rated tours and activities available in Sylhet City and Bangladesh.
  • Sylhet City offers a  range of hotels for tourists to stay in  during their multi-day tours.

Walking & Biking Tours

Walking and biking tours in Sylhet offer a great way to explore the city and its stunning tourist attractions. Here are some options for you to consider:

  • Ratargul Swamp Forest: Take a leisurely walk through the beautiful swamp forest and immerse yourself in nature’s tranquility.
  • Bisnakandi : Hop on a bike and ride to Bisnakandi, where you can enjoy breathtaking views of crystal clear water flowing through rocks.
  • Khadimnagar National Park: Lace up your walking shoes and venture into this lush national park, home to diverse flora and fauna.
  • Pangthumai Waterfall: Hike up to Pangthumai Waterfall, where you can witness the cascading waters amidst a picturesque setting.
  • Shahjalal Dorgha: Explore the spiritual side of Sylhet by walking around the historic Shahjalal Dorgha, a famous mosque.
  • Satchari National Park : Embark on a biking tour through this wildlife sanctuary, known for its rich biodiversity.

Cultural & Theme Tours

Sylhet City offers cultural and theme tours to explore its hidden gems and stunning attractions. Here are some options for you to consider:

  • Visit the Shahjalal Dorgha, a famous shrine dedicated to a Sufi saint.
  • Explore the  vibrant local markets , where you can experience the culture and taste traditional food.
  • Take a tour of  tea gardens in Srimangal , known as  the tea capital of Bangladesh .
  • Discover the spiritual side of Sylhet by visiting  various mosques and mausoleums .
  • Enjoy a  boat ride on the Surma River  while witnessing the scenic beauty of the surrounding areas.

Luxury & Special Occasions

Sylhet is the place for luxury and special occasions. Here are some options for a luxurious experience:

  • Stay at the  best hotels in Sylhet  that offer  comfortable and luxurious accommodations .
  • Treat yourself to  fine dining experiences  at  high-end restaurants  in the city.
  • Indulge in  spa treatments  and rejuvenate your senses.
  • Enjoy VIP services and personalized attention from staff at  luxury resorts .
  • Explore the city in style with  private tours  tailored to your preferences.
  • Attend  special events and festivals  happening in Sylhet during your visit.

Hidden Gems in Sylhet Division

A trekker enjoys the stunning landscapes of the Sylhet Division in this well-lit and breathtaking photo.

Discover the unexplored beauty of Jaflong, Tanguar Haor, Lawachara National Park, Madhabpur Lake and more. You don’t want to miss these hidden gems in Sylhet Division!

Jaflong is a  stunning tourist attraction   located in the Sylhet Division of Bangladesh . It is well-known for its  beautiful hills and natural beauty . Many visitors choose to take  day tours from Sylhet  to explore Jaflong’s picturesque landscape.

The main attractions in Jaflong are the  scenic hills and a hanging bridge  that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding area. One thing that sets Jaflong apart is its  unrestricted mining and crushing of stones , which has become a famous activity here.

Despite this, Jaflong remains a  popular destination for tourists  who are captivated by its charm and allure in Sylhet.

Tanguar Haor

Tanguar Haor is a  stunning tourist attraction  located in the Tahirpur Upazila of  Sunamgonj district  in the  Sylhet Division . It is a  river basin  that offers breathtaking beauty and stunning sceneries for photography.

Many tourists visit Tanguar Haor to experience its  natural charm  and explore the  unique ecosystem  it provides. However, it’s important to note that tourism in Tanguar Haor is mostly seasonal, so it’s best to plan your visit accordingly.

Lawachara National Park

Lawachara National Park is a beautiful and popular  nature reserve in Bangladesh . Located in Kamalganj Upazila, Sylhet Division, it is one of the best-known protected areas in the country.

The park attracts many visitors due to its  rich biodiversity and stunning landscapes . It is especially famous for its  diverse range of plant and animal species . Lawachara National Park is  located near the town of Srimangal , making it easily accessible for tourists.

If you love nature and wildlife, this park should definitely be on your list of places to visit in Sylhet.

Madhabpur Lake

Madhabpur Lake ,  located in Sylhet Division, Bangladesh , is a hidden gem that should not be missed on your visit to the region. Surrounded by small hills and tea gardens, this lake  offers a stunning scenic view .

It  provides a peaceful and tranquil environment  for visitors to relax in. The cool and quiet atmosphere adds to its charm. Whether you are a nature lover or simply looking for some serenity, Madhabpur Lake is definitely worth exploring when you’re visiting the tourist attractions of Sylhet.

Best Time to Visit

A diverse group of friends enjoy a scenic hike through Sylhet's lush forests, capturing the beauty of nature.

The best time to visit Sylhet is in November, when the weather is pleasant and the landscapes are at their most vibrant. Be sure not to miss out on special events like WordCamp Sylhet 2023 for a unique experience during your trip.

November is the  best time to visit Sylhet  and explore its hidden gems and stunning tourist attractions. During this month, you can embark on a journey to discover  Volagonj Sada Pathor Tourist Spot ,  Tanguar Haor ,  Bholaganj Sada Pathor ,  Joynal Abedin Shimul Garden , Jaflong Zero Point, and Lalakhal.

These places offer breathtaking landscapes and unique experiences that will leave you in awe. So pack your bags and get ready to uncover the beauty of Sylhet in November!

Special events – WordCamp Sylhet 2023

Get ready for an exciting event in Sylhet –  WordCamp 2023 ! On  May 19-20 , this special gathering will bring  WordPress enthusiasts  together for learning, sharing, and fun. It’s the first WordCamp being held in Sylhet and aims to provide a platform for  networking and idea exchange .

WordPressers from South Asia and beyond will be attending, including weDevs, a company involved in WordPress development. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to be part of the WordPress community in Sylhet!”.

Day-Trips to Plan

Day Trips to Plan 136555268

Experience the breathtaking Lalakhal-Jaflong-Dibir Haor day trip, where you can witness the mesmerizing beauty of Lalakhal’s emerald green waters, explore the captivating Jaflong stone collection area, and immerse yourself in the serenity of Dibir Haor.

Lalakhal-Jaflong-Dibir Haor

Lalakhal, Jaflong, and Dibir Haor are three amazing places to visit in Sylhet.  Lalakhal, located in Jaintapur Upazilla, is a hidden gem known for its natural beauty. Surrounded by hills, tea gardens, forests, and rivers,  Lalakhal offers stunning views of a vibrant green and crystal-clear river.

The winter season is the best time to visit as the scenery becomes even more breathtaking.  Visitors can enjoy a boat ride on the river Saree. and admire the scenic view of the Meghalaya mountain range during a day trip to Lalakhal and Jaflong.

Additionally, Dibir Haor is another beautiful spot in Sylhet where you can explore vast wetlands filled with diverse flora and fauna. It’s an ideal place for nature lovers who want to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life.


Ratargul Swamp Forest is a  stunning freshwater swamp forest   located 26 kilometers away from Sylhet city . It’s the only swamp forest in Bangladesh and has been  compared to the famous Amazon and Sundarbans .

During the dry season,  visitors can walk through the trees  and experience its unique beauty up close. A popular tour package includes visits to Ratargul Swamp Forest, as well as Bisnakandi and Sadapathor, which are both  known for their natural wonders .

Lawachara National Park-Madobpur Lake

Lawachara National Park  is a popular  tourist spot in Sylhet, Bangladesh . It’s located near the town of Srimangal and offers lush greenery and hiking opportunities. The park is known for its  diverse wildlife , including several  endangered species like hoolock gibbons and capped langurs .

Another attraction in the area is  Madhabpur Lake , which was initially  created by the British to provide water for locals and tea gardens . Today, it’s a reserved area where visitors can enjoy boating and admire the scenic views.

Both Lawachara National Park and Madhabpur Lake are must-visit places when exploring Sylhet’s natural beauty.

Tanguar Haor-Niladri Lake-Shimul Bagan

Tanguar Haor is a beautiful  sweetwater swamp area  in Sunamganj district, covering about 100 sq km. It is the second-largest of its kind in the region. When you visit Tanguar Haor, don’t forget to explore Niladri Lake, which is located nearby and offers breathtaking views  surrounded by hills from Meghalaya .

Another spot worth seeing is Shimul Bagan, situated next to the Jadukata river. This place is especially enchanting during the spring season when vibrant shimul trees are in full bloom.

Tanguar Haor-Niladri Lake-Shimul Bagan has become a popular tourist destination due to its  stunning landscapes and crystal-clear waters .

Alternative Places to Visit

A captivating photo of ancient ruins surrounded by lush greenery, capturing different faces, outfits, and a bustling atmosphere.

Explore the enchanting Volagonj Shadapathor, with its ancient ruins and breathtaking landscapes. Immerse yourself in the mystical ambiance of Unakoti, home to stunning rock-cut sculptures.

Don’t miss a visit to Jaintia Rajbari, where you can admire the grandeur of this historical palace.

Volagonj Shadapathor

Volagonj Shadapathor is a  hidden gem  located about 39 kilometers from Sylhet city in the Companigonj Upazila. It’s a stunning tourist spot  known for its white stones, hills, rivers, waterfalls, and quarries .

Many tourists are now visiting this place to admire its natural beauty. Volagonj Shadapathor  offers a unique and alternative experience  for those exploring the attractions of Sylhet.

Unakoti is a  famous pilgrimage site  in India that  dates back to the 7th-9th centuries . It is  located in Kalishashon, Kailashahar , in the Unakoti district. The site features  impressive rock carvings and murals  depicting primitive art.

These intricate carved-rock sculptures are  set amidst a beautiful natural backdrop  of marshy areas fed by two streams, Jarail Cherra and Bagua Cherra. Unakoti Rock Carvings is a must-visit attraction for tourists who appreciate ancient art and want to explore its historical significance.

Jaintia Rajbari

Jaintia Rajbari is a beautiful  royal residence  located in  Jaintiapur, Sylhet, Bangladesh . It was the home of the  rulers of the Jaintia Kingdom  and is now a popular tourist attraction.

The ancient kingdom of Jaintiapur itself draws many visitors to explore its rich history and cultural heritage. In addition to its  historical significance , Jaintia Rajbari boasts  stunning architecture and intricate designs  that showcase the opulence of the past rulers.

When visiting Sylhet, make sure to include a trip to Jaintia Rajbari on your itinerary for an unforgettable experience.

Contact Information

A group of diverse people gather around a map in a bustling cityscape, captured with a high-quality camera.

For more information on the stunning tourist attractions of Sylhet, including tours and other services offered, feel free to contact us.

How to Contact

To get in touch with Sylhet Tourist Guide, you can visit their website at They offer various contact options including email and phone. You can email them at [email protected] or call them at +880XXXXXXXXX.

They are available to assist you with any questions or inquiries you may have about visiting the stunning tourist attractions of Sylhet.

Other Services Offered

In addition to exploring the stunning tourist attractions of Sylhet, there are other services offered to make your visit more convenient and enjoyable. Transportation options such as  taxis, rickshaws, and car rentals  are readily available for getting around the city and its surrounding areas.

There is also a  range of accommodation options  including  hotels, guesthouses, and homestays  that cater to various budgets and preferences. Additionally,  tour packages can be arranged  for guided visits to the different attractions in Sylhet division.

Whether you need assistance with transportation or accommodation, these services are designed to enhance your travel experience in Sylhet.

A serene photo of Ratargul Swamp Forest's river surrounded by dense foliage.

Don’t miss out on the hidden gems of Sylhet! Explore the stunning tourist attractions like Ratargul Swamp Forest,  Bisnakandi , and Khadimnagar National Park. Sylhet offers a unique experience with its  natural beauty and picturesque views .

So pack your bags and discover the hidden gems waiting to be explored in Sylhet!

1. What are some of the stunning tourist attractions I can visit in Sylhet?

Sylhet is full of beautiful places like waterfalls, tea gardens, and ancient sites that you can visit.

2. Are there any hidden gems in Sylhet?

Yes! There are many less-known spots in Sylhet which are true hidden gems worth visiting during your trip.

3. Is it safe to visit the tourist attractions of Sylhet?

Absolutely! Tourists often find their trip to these fantastic spots safe and enjoyable with great memories to take back home.

4. How do I plan my visit to these stunning attractions of Sylhet?

To plan your trip effectively, research about each place you wish to go, check weather updates, and ensure you have enough time to enjoy every attraction.

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tourist attractions in sylhet

Sylhet Tourism and Travel Guide

Trips and itineraries for sylhet.

Profile photo of Shyikh Mahdi

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Photo of Jadukata River

Weekend Getaways from Sylhet

Photo of Shillong


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