lunes - viernes 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM, Hora estándar del Pacífico

  • Contáctenos

Paquete de Viajes Cristiano a Tierra Santa Israel de 10 días

Circuito cristiano tierra santa israel y jordania de 13 días, circuito cristiano a tierra santa israel y roma de 13 días, los pasos de moisés egipto, jordania e israel tour de 15 días, paquete de viajes a tierra santa │ tours a israel, jordania, egipto, turquía, grecia, roma, dubai.

Paquete de viaje cristiano a Tierra Santa

Tierra Santa Tour Cristiano a Israel

Recorrido de: 10 días │ Descubre lugares Bíblicos más importantes de la fe Cristiana en Israel.

  • Tarifas desde: $ 1,505


Paquete de viaje a Israel y Jordania

Circuito Tierra Santa Israel y Jordania

Recorrido de: 14 días │ Un maravilloso tour espiritual a Israel y Jordania.

  • Tarifas desde: $ 2,515

Paquete de viaje a Israel y el Vaticano en Roma

Tierra Santa Tour a Israel y Roma

Recorrido de: 13 días │ Visita a Tierra Santa y a el Vaticano en Roma y más.

  • Tarifas desde: $ 2,679

Paquete de viaje a cristiano a Egipto, Jordania e Israel

Los Pasos de Moisés Tour a Egipto, Jordania e Israel

Recorrido de: 15 días │ Siga los pasos de Moisés en la misma ruta del Éxodo.

  • Tarifas desde: $ 3,360

Paquete de viaje cristiano a Israel y Estambul Turquia

Circuito Tierra Santa Israel y Estambul

Recorrido de: 13 días │ Únete a un viaje biblico maravilloso a Israel y despues Estambul.

  • Tarifas desde: $ 2,349

Paquete de viaje  a Israel y Dubai

Circuito Tierra Santa Israel y Dubai

Recorrido de: 14 días │ Increíble viaje a Israel y continuación a Dubai y Abu Dhabi.

  • Tarifas desde: $ 2,762

Paquete de viaje cristiano a Israel y Atenas Grecia

Circuito Tierra Santa Israel y Atenas

Recorrido de: 14 días │ Extraordinario viaje a Israel y continúa a Atenas Grecia.

  • Tarifas desde: $ 2,283

Peregrinaciones cristianas en grupos de iglesia

Peregrinaciones Cristianas en Grupo

Viaje a Tierra Santa en una peregrinación de grupo acompañado con miembros de su Iglesia, amigos, y familia.

Testimonios de nuestros viajes a Tierra Santa

Lee más testimonios y comentarios .

Faith Travel Association Israel Tierra Santa Tours

Israel Tourism Consultants un DBA de Vacations For Less, Inc.® establecido desde marzo de 1995 es una marca registrada en la Oficina de Patentes y Marcas de EE.UU..

Llámenos hoy para viajes a tierra santa desde (¡se habla español!):

Viajes a Tierra Santa llame por Whatsapp

Travel Viajes Perú

Paquetes de Viaje a Jerusalén desde Perú 2024-2025

Viajes a jerusalén desde perú baratos tours a jerusalén desde perú todo incluido oferta a jerusalén 2x1 paquetes turísticos a jerusalén precio de un viaje a jerusalén todo incluido 2024-2025, tour por jerusalén desde perú 2024, ¿cómo viajar barato a jerusalén desde lima paquetes a jerusalén con vuelo incluido saliendo de lima, arequipa, trujillo perú, viajes a jerusalén 2024-2025.

Viajes a Jerusalén  desde Perú


Viajes Organizados a Jerusalén  desde Perú Precios


Paquetes Turisticos a Jerusalén  Todo Incluido


Paquete Turistico a Jerusalén  saliendo de Lima Arequipa Trujillo


Ofertas a Jerusalén  2x1


Viajar a Jerusalén  Economico


¿Cuánto cuesta viajar a Jerusalén  desde Perú?


Viaje de Perú a Jerusalén  en Semana Santa y Fin de Año


Paquetes para Jerusalén  Vuelo y Hotel


Tour a Jerusalén  con Vuelo desde Perú


Tours a Jerusalén  saliendo de Lima Perú


Agencia de viajes para ir a Jerusalén  en Perú


Excursiones a Jerusalén  en Español


Vuelos de Lima a Jerusalén


Viajar de Perú a Jerusalén


Vacaciones Todo Incluido para Jerusalén  2024


Mejores paquetes de luna de miel en Jerusalén


Itinerario de Un Viaje por Jerusalén  7 Dias 5 Dias


Mejor Recorrido por Jerusalén  en Español


Precio de Un Viaje por Jerusalén  10 Dias 15 Dias


Mejor Circuito por Jerusalén  en Español


¿cuánto cuesta viajar a jerusalén desde perú.

El viaje más barato a  Jerusalén  desde Lima, Perú  encontrado en las últimas 72 horas tiene un precio de  $USD 850.50 por persona. El paquete de viaje más popular de Perú a Jerusalén es " Israel Express "


tour peru jerusalen

Tierra Santa Tours

Viajes a Israel | Tierra Santa Tours

Visite los lugares más importantes de la biblia.

Tierra Santa Tours

Viajes a la Tierra Santa

Siga los pasos de jesucristo en una experiencia inolvidable.

Guías Turísticos

Creemos firmemente que su viaje a la Tierra Santa debe ser mucho más que unas simples vacaciones, debe ser una experiencia inolvidable. El visitar los lugares más importantes de la Biblia, lugares que has soñado con visitar desde su niñez, debe ser algo especial. Es por eso que por más de 12 años hemos trabajado arduamente para crear tours con todo incluido y viajes a Israel que incluyan un itinerario completo, alojamiento en los mejores hoteles y guías turísticos con experiencia en la industria.

Ver Video

Tour: Descubre La Tierra Santa : Tour Bíblico

Visita y explora los lugares Bíblicos más significativos de la fe Cristiana. Nuestros tours ofrecen hoteles de alta calidad, desayunos y cenas diarias, guías de habla hispana con experiencia y certificados por la compañia de turismo de Israel. Haga su sueño realidad y descubra el lugar donde nació la fe cristiana.

Más Detalles

Tour: Moisés y el Éxodo : Las Maravillas del Mundo

Este tour Cristiano a Egipto, Jordania e Israel le llevará a través de la ruta del éxodo bíblico, donde explorará y descubrirás los principales sitios bíblicos e históricos del éxodo, mientras disfruta de nuestros alojamientos en hoteles de alta calidad.

Tierra Santa y Petra

Tour: Tierra Santa y Petra : La Ciudad de Piedra

Este tour acompañado por guía turístico lo llevará a través de la Tierra Santa, donde podrá conocer los lugares bíblicos e históricos más importantes de Israel y Jordania, mientras disfruta de nuestros alojamientos de hotel de alta calidad.

Tierra Santa y Petra

Tour: Tierra Santa y Petra : con Extension Opcional de 4 Días / 3 Noches en Egipto

Este tour acompañado por guía turístico lo llevará a través de la Tierra Santa, donde podrá conocer los lugares bíblicos e históricos más importantes de Israel y Jordania, mientras disfruta de nuestros alojamientos de hotel de alta calidad. *Tambien incluye un tour opcional privado de 3 noches en Egipto. Este tour opcional se lleva a cabo luego del tour operado por Tierra Santa Tours.

Israel y Roma tour

Tour: Israel y Roma : Tierra Santa, Vaticano y Ruinas Romanas

Explore los sitios bíblicos e históricos de Israel, disfruta de nuestros hoteles de 4 y 5 estrellas, transporte de lujo y más. Viajare a Roma y recorre las calles de la Ciudad del Vaticano, las impresionantes ruinas romanas y una misa papal (sujeto a disponibilidad).

Compare nuestros hoteles de 4 estrellas con cualquier otro tour a la Tierra Santa... Tierra Santa Tours ofrece el mejor valor y los mejores servicios de viaje! Nuestros hoteles son otra buena razón para elegir sus vacaciones con nosotros, especialmente ya que incluyen desayuno y cenas todos los días!

Grand Beach Hotel Tel Aviv

Su opinión es muy importante para nosotros y nos ayudan a mejorar la calidad de nuestros tours. Aquí compartimos algunas reseñas sobre nuestros tours a la Tierra Santa. Si desea enviarnos su opinion, haga clic aquí .

Mindalay Repollet

Leonilo paguia, beverly y rick aragón, pastor jorge h. cárdenas.

Planificamos, viajamos, exploramos, y luego regresamos y escribimos para ustedes sobre nuestras experiencias!. Esta sección de noticias es un foro para compartir experiencias, consejos de viaje y mucho más sobre la Tierra Santa. Haga clic aquí para registrarse a nuestro boletín de noticias y reciba lo último relacionado a Israel, promociones y más.

Bucket list lugares viajar

Bucket List: 10 Lugares Donde Visitar

Si le gusta viajar, es probable que tenga una lista de cosas por hacer y lugares que quieres visitar durante su vida. Si está buscando algunas ideas, aquí hay una lista de nuestros 10 sitios favoritos para visitar. Flotar en el Mar Muerto ¿Has visto fotos de personas flotando en el mar mientras leen un […]

Año nuevo Israel

¡WOW! ¡Qué año!

¡WOW! ¡Qué año! ¡El 2018 llega a su fin y Tierra Santa Tours quiere tomarse un momento para agradecerles por hacer del 2018 un año memorable! Tuvimos el privilegio de hospedar a muchos de ustedes en la Tierra Santa y esperamos que hayan hecho muchos recuerdos que durarán toda la vida y nuevos amigos en […]

Turismo en la Tierra Santa

Récord Histórico De Turistas Visita a Israel en 2018

¡El Ministerio de Turismo proyecta que para fin de año, Israel habrá recibido un récord de cuatro millones de turistas! Hasta el momento, más de 3.6 millones de turistas han visitado la Tierra Santa, superando el récord del año pasado por un 15% y generando NIS 18 mil millones en ingresos. De hecho, casi medio […]

Andrea Affinito

Luis palacios, patricia tamayo.

Israel Ministry of Tourism

Complete el siguiente formulario y uno de nuestros expertos en viajes le enviará por correo electrónico información adicional sobre nuestros paquetes de viaje a la Tierra Santa.

We take your privacy seriously. We’ll never sell or rent your information.

¿Que nos diferencia?

Estamos comprometidos en proveer el mejor servicio al cliente, comenzando desde el día de su reservación hasta el viaje de regreso. Llámenos hoy y comencemos a planificar un viaje inolvidable.


Reciba más información sobre promociones y especiales ofrecidos por Tierra Santa Tours mediante nuestro boletín mensual.

tour peru jerusalen

Boletín de Noticias y Especiales

tour peru jerusalen

  • Asia Oriente
  • Tierra Santa
  • USA y Canadá
  • Centroamerica y México
  • Quienes somos
  • Contáctenos
  • Eres una agencia?

Tours a Tierra Santa y el mundo guiados en español 2024-2025

Buscar por pais

Por nombre del tour

Por favor, escoja una opción de busqueda.

Agencia de Viajes

Somos una agencia de viajes mayorista y minorista con mas de 5 mil tours alrededor del mundo.

Con mas de 25 años de experiencia te ofrecemos solo los mejores viajes curados con mucho cuidado. Más del 50% de nuestros clientes, son repetitivos.

Protocolos de Sanidad

Queremos poner de nuestra parte para protegerte. Solo contratamos servicios que sigan estrictamente los protocolos de sanidad.


Sabemos que puedes necesitar hacer cambios a tu viaje. Nosotros te ofrecemos la mayor flexibilidad posible.

Super Oferta JULIO 2024

Circuito sara.

Precio desde USD 1700.00 Reserve en este mes y aproveche este super precio!!!


Conoce nuestras ofertas! Tours 2024-2025

A veces se necesita algo más que ganas de viajar, por eso hemos creado estas ofertas para ti. Por ser ofertas no significa que te pierdas de los lugares más importantes. Desde África hasta el Lejano Oriente, Europa y la Selva Amazonica, tenemos una promoción perfecta para ti!


8 dias desde USD 560

Espacios limitados!



6 dias desde USD 739



7 dias desde USD 885



6 dias desde USD 667



7 dias desde USD 944



5 dias desde USD 490


7 dias desde USD 932

Lugares: PERU - LIMA, CUSCO.


9 dias desde USD 941



6 dias desde USD 986



8 dias desde USD 1706



7 dias desde USD 910


10 dias desde USD 1474



5 dias desde USD 545


6 dias desde USD 772



6 dias desde USD 716



8 dias desde USD 2959



5 dias desde USD 1048



6 dias desde USD 964



8 dias desde USD 820



4 dias desde USD 1022



8 dias desde USD 1598


Los tours Más Vendidos de Tierra Santa 2024

Los destinos en español más solicitados por nuestros viajeros!


Israel 5 dias..

Desde US$ 980 Precio en Base a hab. Doble


Egipto 7 dias..

Desde US$ 736 Precio en Base a hab. Doble


Egipto 8 dias..

Desde US$ 779 Precio en Base a hab. Doble


Egipto 9 dias..

Desde US$ 886 Precio en Base a hab. Doble

Los mejores tours de Israel 2024-2025

los mejores destinos seleccionados por nuestros especialistas de paquetes en español.


Israel 7 dias..

Desde US$ 1554 Precio en Base a hab. Doble


Desde US$ 1471 Precio en Base a hab. Doble


Israel 8 dias..

Desde US$ 1700 Precio en Base a hab. Doble

Los mejores tours de Jordania 2024-2025

Tour a raices de jordania, jordania 7 dias..

Desde US$ 1113 Precio en Base a hab. Doble


Jordania 8 dias..

Desde US$ 1331 Precio en Base a hab. Doble


Tour a raices de jordania con una noche en el desierto de wadi rum.

Desde US$ 1261 Precio en Base a hab. Doble

Los mejores tours de Egipto 2024-2025

Tour a el nilo con aswan.

Desde US$ 908 Precio en Base a hab. Doble


Desde US$ 915 Precio en Base a hab. Doble


Egipto 10 dias..

Desde US$ 1122 Precio en Base a hab. Doble

Viaja seguro a Tierra Santa con Festival.

Tours Festival es parte de asociaciones reconocidas en USA que acreditan la formalidad de nuestra empresa.

Quieres saber mas de Festival? Conocenos aqui!

Métodos de pago

Aceptamos transferencias y depositos bancarios

Cheques enviados a nuestra oficina en California

Pago seguro via plataformas de Paypal y Authorize Net


Direccion: 120 Chaparral Court St. - Suite 160 Anaheim Hills CA 92808

Gratis en USA: 800-776-0088

Local en USA: +1714-221-6380

Whatsapp: +1 657-275-4250

Correo: [email protected]

Centro de Ayuda

  • Ciudad de México: (52)5585258778
  • Monterey, México: (52)8141648444
  • Guadalajara, Mexico: (52)3353514313
  • Panama City: (507)8389157
  • Santiago de Chile: (56)232100991
  • Guatemala City: (502)22786787
  • Buenos Aires: (54)1151685737
  • Santo Domingo: (1)8299463799
  • El Salvador: (503)21367260
  • Bogota, Colombia: (57)15084551
  • Sao Paulo, Brasil: (55)1140409600
  • Perú: (51) 17084938

Informacion General

  • Politica de cancelaciones
  • Terminos y Condiciones Generales
  • Materiales de Derecho de Autor
  • Politica de Privacidad
  • Terminos de Autorizacion de tarjetas de créditos (Credit card Authorization terms and conditions)
  • Si eres una Agencia de Viajes
  • Compre un seguro de viaje


Actividades en Jerusalén


Últimas opiniones

  • Excursión a Masada y al Mar Muerto 10,0 30/06/2024 Fernando Rodriguez España Viajó solo
  • Visita guiada por Jerusalén + Belén 10,0 11/02/2020 Ivan Michele Lima , Perú Viajó solo
  • Excursión a Nazaret, Tiberíades y Galilea 10,0 04/10/2023 Carolina Cutanda Pérez España Viajó con amigos

Lleva tu guía siempre contigo

Descarga la app Civitatis en la App Store

Excursión a Masada y al Mar Muerto

Excursión a Nazaret, Tiberíades y Galilea

Excursión a Nazaret, Tiberíades y Galilea

Visita guiada por Jerusalén al completo

Visita guiada por Jerusalén al completo

Visita guiada por Jerusalén + Belén

Visita guiada por Jerusalén + Belén

Excursión a Cesarea, Haifa, Acre y Rosh Hanikra

Excursión a Cesarea, Haifa, Acre y Rosh Hanikra

Excursión al Mar Muerto

Excursión al Mar Muerto

Traslados en Jerusalén

Traslados en Jerusalén

Tour en 4x4 por el desierto de Judea

Tour en 4x4 por el desierto de Judea

Autobús turístico de Jerusalén

Autobús turístico de Jerusalén

Excursión a Belén

Excursión a Belén

Tour por la Ciudad Santa de Jerusalén

Tour por la Ciudad Santa de Jerusalén

Tour por el Monte de los Olivos

Tour por el Monte de los Olivos

Excursión a Belén y Jericó

Excursión a Belén y Jericó

Visita guiada por Jerusalén + Mar Muerto

Visita guiada por Jerusalén + Mar Muerto

Excursión a Jericó

Excursión a Jericó

Tour del Shabat por Jerusalén

Tour del Shabat por Jerusalén

Tour de la cultura judía ortodoxa por Jerusalén

Tour de la cultura judía ortodoxa por Jerusalén

Excursión a Petra de 1 o 2 días

Excursión a Petra de 1 o 2 días

Excursión de 2 días a Petra y Wadi Rum

Excursión de 2 días a Petra y Wadi Rum

tour peru jerusalen

Compass Travel Israel | Peregrinación Católica en Tierra Santa 10 días | Compass Travel Israel

  • Israel Un día Grupo Tours desde Tel Aviv
  • Israel Un día Grupo Tours desde Jerusalén
  • Israel Tours desde Netanya
  • Israel Tours desde Herzliya
  • Israel Tours desde Tel Aviv
  • Israel Tours desde Jerusalén
  • Paquetes Turísticos Israel y Jordania
  • Paquetes Christiano a Israel Tierra Santa
  • Tours Privados en Israel

Utilice el siguiente formulario para contactarnos directamente.

Por favor completa todos los campos requeridos.

01 Booking details

02 submit tour booking, 03 confirmation.

Thank you. We will get back you with regards your tour booking within 24 hours.

Traveller info

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We wish you a pleasant tour your Compass Travel Israel team

tour peru jerusalen


Visita los aspectos más destacados de la tierra santa. paquete de viaje católico en la biblia tierra de israel por 9 noches y 10 días. a continuación, encontrará un itinerario para nuestra gira católica de 10 días y 9 noches por tierra santa que lo llevará a lugares históricos y espirituales. los sitios que ha leído en la biblia se convertirán en una vida y usted tendrá la oportunidad de seguir los pasos de jesús. ofrecemos paquetes de peregrinación guiados por los guías turísticos católicos israelíes más calificados. paquetes de peregrinación disponibles solo para grupos privados, mínimo de 6 personas (peregrinos) y más. comience su viaje espiritual cualquier día, disponible todos los días en 2024..

Disponibilidad del paquete de peregrinación: cualquier día de acuerdo con los detalles de su vuelo de llegada en 2024.

  Peregrinación Católica en Tierra Santa 9 noches / 10 días incluye:

  • COVID-19 NORMAS DE SEGURIDAD aplicar y practicar durante todo el paquete turístico
  • Recogida en el aeropuerto Ben Gurion el día de llegada
  • Traslado de regreso al aeropuerto Ben Gurion el día de salida
  •   9 tours de día completo según el itinerario del tour a continuación
  • Guía turístico profesional Certificado por el Ministerio de Turismo de Israel.  
  • Guía Experto en creencias y enseñanzas católicas.
  • Entradas a todos los sitios según el itinerario del paquete turístico católico de peregrinación a Tierra Santa
  • Traslados en minivans y minibuses de lujo según itinerario
  •   4 noches en Tiberíades hotel en habitación doble (Royal Plaza Tiberias Hotel o similar)
  •   5 noches en Jerusalén Hotel en habitación doble (Montefiore Jerusalem Hotel o similar) 
  • 9 Desayuno incluido en el hotel – Buffet diario israelí
  • 9 Cena incluida en el hotel – Diariamente en el hotel
  • Certificado oficial de peregrinación de Compass Travel Israel

  Peregrinación Católica en Tierra Santa 10 días

Día 1: llegada – bienvenido a israel tierra santa.

tour peru jerusalen

El monasterio carmelita de Mukhraka – donde Elías hizo descender fuego del cielo (1 Reyes 18: 19-39). Después de este milagro, una gran sequía terminó con la aparición de una pequeña nube sobre el mar (1 Reyes 18:44), un pre-calcular de Santa María. Acre – llamada Tolemaida cuando San Pablo visitó (Hechos 21: 7), una joya del mundo medieval, con sus Salas de Caballeros, puerto de pescadores, Museo Baño Turco, bazar y murallas con vistas al mar Mediterráneo.

  • Las posibles sedes para la Misa : Iglesia de San Pedro en Jaffa, Monasterio Carmelita de Mukhraka; Iglesia de los Franciscanos en Acre.

Día 2:  Paseo en barco por el Mar de Galilea y Cesarea de Filipo

tour peru jerusalen

Cafarnaún -Escenario de muchos milagros y enseñanzas, y conocido como «propio pueblo» de Jesús:, incluyendo: (Mateo 9 1.) La Casa de San Pedro – (Marcos 1:29) y el Memorial de San Pedro. La antigua Sinagoga – Construida sobre el lugar donde Jesús predicó (Marcos 1:21). Tiberíades – Construida por Herodes Antipas (Lucas 13:31) durante el ministerio de Jesús, Tiberíades es la capital moderna del Mar de Galilea, con muchos recuerdos de días de la Biblia.

  • Las posibles sedes para la Misa : Monte de las Bienaventuranzas; Primacía de Pedro; Memorial de San Pedro en Cafarnaúm, la Iglesia de San Pedro en Tiberíades.

Día 3:  Nazaret Cana Meguido Monte Tabor

tour peru jerusalen

  • Las posibles sedes para la Misa : la Basílica de la Anunciación, la Iglesia de San José, Caná, el Monte Tabor, Nain.

Día 4:  Galilea Bethsaida Cesarea de Filipo

tour peru jerusalen

  • Las posibles sedes para la Misa: Betsaida, en el aire libre en Cesarea de Filipo, Domus Galilea.

Día 5: Jerusalén Paternoster Gethsemane Monte Zion

tour peru jerusalen

  • Los posibles lugares de celebración de Misas: Pater Noster, Dominus Flevit, Iglesia de Todas las Naciones, o la Abadía de la Dormición; San Pedro en Gallicantu, Betfagé.

Día 6: Jerusalén Via Dolorosa

tour peru jerusalen

  • Las posibles sedes para la Misa : La capilla franciscana en la Iglesia del Santo Sepulcro; la Iglesia de la Visitación; la Iglesia de San Juan.

Día 7: Nueva Jerusalén La Iglesia Católica Maronita

tour peru jerusalen

  • Las posibles sedes para la Misa : La Iglesia Católica Maronita

Día 8: MasadaMar Muerto Qumran

tour peru jerusalen

  • Posible lugar de celebración de la Misa: al aire libre en Qumran.

Día 9: Belén Iglesia de la Natividad Gruta de Leche

tour peru jerusalen

Día 10: Salida

Desayuno en el Hotel en Jerusalem, traslado a  Tel Aviv Jaffa Antigua un tour de medio día y traslado al aeropuerto Internacional de Ben Gurion. Si alguna vez quieres repetir la experiencia auténtica y los sentimientos espirituales, siempre estaremos aquí para ayudarte.

Gracias por viajar con Compass

Términos y condiciones de la política de cancelación:

  • Cancelación en cualquier momento el 10% del precio total no es reembolsable
  • Cancelación con menos de dos meses antes del día de llegada se aplicará el 50% del precio total
  • Cancelación con menos de un mes antes del día de llegada se aplicará el 75% del cargo total del precio
  • Cancelación con menos de una semana antes del día de llegada se aplicará el 100% del precio total
  • Cualquier servicio no utilizado completamente no reembolsable
  • Todo lo no mencionado en incluye – excluido del paquete turístico

4,9 rating based on 12.345 ratings Overall rating: 4.9 out of 5 based on 248 reviews. Anonymous

Best guide and service, ask for enrique for your trips in israel when booking with compass travel, amazing experience, lo mejor de israel, breathtaking jerusalem and bethlehem done with a 5 star ++ tour, the perfect one day tour.


  Escribi una opinión

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Contáctenos en WhatsApp +972 58 707 66 11 para asistencia instantánea o [email protected]

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Dear Guests, Assistance During ISRAEL WAR We understand that this may be a challenging time, and we want to inform you that our staff will not be available during the war. However, please be assured that once the conflict is over, we will be fully operational and ready to provide assistance. Safety and well-being are our top priorities, and we will do our utmost to support you when conditions allow. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

tour peru jerusalen



  • פתיחת “תת תפריט”

tour peru jerusalen

Peru Tour 9 Days

Visit the fascinating ancient inca kingdom.

Peru is a unique place. Standing in the citadel of Machu Picchu is just an unforgettable experience. This Inca fortress has been internationally voted as one of the new Seven Wonders of the World and has been considered a World Heritage monument since 1983. But Machu Picchu is not the only place in Peru that has been recognized as something outstanding. Lima is a pulsating city that archives Peru’s history in a fascinating manner. And the islands of Ballestas commonly referred to as the “Galapagos of Peru” display some of the ancient animal life and vegetation that lured Darwin to his eventual theories. So come and join us. It’ll be a blast!

Tuesday: arrival to Lima

Arrival at Lima International Airport, Peru, where we will meet the English-speaking guide and be transferred to our hotel.

Wednesday: Lima

We will have a city tour that begins at the Plaza the Armas, which has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Running along two sides are arcades with shops: Portal de Escribanos and Portal de Botoneros. In the centre of the Plaza is a bronze fountain dating from 1560.

Located in the Plaza is the Cathedral, note the splendidly carved stalls, the silver covered altars surrounded by fine woodwork, mosaic covered walls bearing the coats of arms of Lima and Pizarro. Next to the Cathedral is the Archbishop’s Palace. Then you’ll visit the XVII century Monastery of San Francisco, this is famous for the Sevillian tile work and paneled ceiling in the cloisters, the catacombs under the church and part of the monastery are well worth seeing, You’ll visit the old colonial streets in the centre of the city, and the modern Lima with the district of San Isidro and Miraflores. We will also visit Larco Museum.

Thursday: Lima - Paracas

After breakfast we will visit the Peruvian Gold Museum, this excellent collection includes pre-Columbian gold, silver and bronze, ceramics, weavings, mummies, etc. Upstairs is a remarkable arms collections with an impressive exhibition from Spanish colonial times. After the visit we will drive to Paracas. On the way we will visit Archeological Chincha Sites.

Friday: Paracas - Lima

After breakfast will be transfer to Paracas Luxury Collection Pier. We will take a cruise to Ballestas Islands Navigation. After the cruise we will drive back to Lima and prepare for Shabbat. Shabbat Dinner at Jewish Community

Shabbat: Lima

After prayers and breakfast, we shall go for a walking tour of Lima. In the evening – drive to Parque de la Reserva for a visit of the Magical Circuit of the Water.

Sunday: Lima - Cusco - Urubamba

Transfer to the airport for your flight to Cusco. Upon arrival will have a full-day excursion to the Sacred Valley of the Incas. The tour begins at Awanakancha, a living museum of the Peruvian Andes, where you can observe traditional textile dyeing and weaving techniques and the four types of camelids that are native to the region. Transfer to the hotel via Pisak market.

Monday: Urubamba - Machu Picchu - Urubamba

After breakfast will be a transfer to the train station for the ride to Machu Picchu, ‘the Lost City of the Incas’ (7,900 feet). This mountaintop citadel, which served as both a center of worship and an astronomic observatory, is located in the middle of the cloud forest overlooking the Urubamba River.

There are both agricultural and urban areas constructed with the precision stonework that the Incas are known for. The agricultural area consists of terraces and food storehouses, and the urban area contains temples, squares, and royal tombs. After the tour return to Ollanta station.

Tuesday: Urubamba - Cusco

After breakfast, we will drive to Cusco via Maras Salt Ponds. Upon our return to Cusco, we shall have a city tour that includes a walk-through of the Cathedral, the Koricancha (‘site of gold’), typical streets, and the four ruins that surround the city: the Sacsayhuaman Fortress, Kenko, Puca Pucara, and Tampumachay. In the evening we will have a buffet dinner & a show.

Wednesday: Cusco – flight back home

Morning sightseeing in Cusco. After the tour, flight back home from Cusco airport.

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Prices & dates.

tour peru jerusalen

* Price per person in USD double or twin room

** Supplement Price for single room


Price includes:.

Domestic Flights First-class hotels or the best available locally Comfortable air-conditioned touring coach for travelling Kosher half board & lunch packs daily Local English-speaking guide Tips for local service providers Entrance fees to all sites mentioned in the tour plan

Price Excludes:

International Flights Travel and baggage Insurance Personal expenses

Important to Know:

There may be changes to the order of places visited. We will make every effort to visit every place mentioned in the itinerary. The tour organizers have no control over airline services such as seating, special meal requests, changes in departure times or delays. These remain the sole responsibility of the airline company.

Kashrut on Tours

Only strictly kosher food is provided to our travelers on all our tours. On some of our tours we are able to provide glatt meals. Kashrut is of utmost importance to us and we take special measures to ensure that everything served is kosher.

Breakfast is prepared using our utensils. We use local fresh fruits and vegetables, and we use milk products when they are permitted. We use kosher cereals, and bread. We usually serve hard boiled eggs and sometimes scrambled eggs or omelets. At breakfast, we prepare our lunches so that people have their choice as to what they eat for lunch. We bring food from Israel to supplement what is served in the hotel such as cheeses, peanut butter, tuna, etc. For dinners, we serve either fish or meat (usually chicken) as our main course. In areas where meat is not available nor readily acquired, we will have fish. When possible, we acquire the meat locally from Chabad or other reliable kosher source, and in some cases we fly the meat in from Israel. We try to provide as many meat meals as possible. The main course at dinner is preceded by soup and salad and accompanied by freshly prepared vegetables. Dessert typically consists of fresh fruits. We do not guarantee Pat Israel and Chalav Israel for all destinations. In many destinations we have our own dishes and silverware. Where we don’t, we provide disposables at the meals. When we cook in hotel kitchens, we use our own knives, cutting boards, pots and pans, cooking implements and disposable metal trays. All food preparation is done on covered surfaces under the strict supervision of our trained staff/guides who function as our mashgichim. We make great efforts to assure that our travelers will experience local foods first-hand, while maintaining stringent observance of Kashrut laws on all occasions. On most of our tours, you will be accompanied by two of our staff members- one a guide for the tour who is knowledgeable about the places you are visiting and will accompany you throughout the day and the second, a person who will deal with the logistics of the tour and provide kashrut supervision in the kitchen.

It is our aim to provide the finest hotel possible in each area we visit. We require our hotels to allow us to work in the kitchen and to supervise the cooking and there are many hotels that are not willing to cooperate. They simply have no desire for us to be “meddling” in their cooking process nor are they happy about our bringing our equipment into their kitchens. We work very hard to find the best hotel in the area that will meet our requirements. Because we are not ready to compromise on kashrut, we may not always be able to use a five star hotel.

Deposit, Cancellation Fees & Policy:

A $500 USD Deposit per person must be received at the time of booking in order to confirm your reservation. Payment in full is due 60 days before departure. A minimum number of participants are required to operate tour dates. If a minimum number has not been reached prior to tour departure and the tour is cancelled you will receive a FULL refund.

• 60 days before departure bookings are refundable less a $100 administration fee • 59-30 days prior to departure: 25% of total. • 29-15 days prior to departure: 50% of total. • Less than 14 working days prior to departure: 100% of total – no refund

• We strongly recommend purchasing Travel Insurance.

tour peru jerusalen


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Peru Tours & Vacations

Hikers in a group photo with their guide on the trek to the Sun Gate at Machu Picchu, Peru

Peru is an indomitable land of deserts etched with ancient geoglyphs, rainforests teeming with wildlife, and soaring peaks harboring secret cities.

While many travelers come to visit one of  South America 's most famous sites, the ruins of  Machu Picchu , the real Peru lies within its warm, proud inhabitants – many of whom can trace their bloodlines back to the  Incas . What you might not expect is the  foodie bonanza  found in Lima or the adventures that await you in the ancient capital of Cusco. Whether you’re exploring the cobbled streets of Arequipa, bobbing on the floating islands of Lake Titicaca or learning about mummies in Nazca, our Peru tours will have you feeling like a modern-day Indiana Jones. Just don’t forget to pack your fedora.

Our Peru trips

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Peru tour reviews

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  • Inca Trail Express

Inca Trail & Amazon Adventure

  • Sacred Land of the Incas

Articles of Peru

The joy of seeing Machu Picchu with the descendants of its builders

From heartache to hiking boots in Peru’s Sacred Valley

The top 10 destinations to travel in May 2024

Machu Picchu or Chichen Itza? Which historical site should you visit?

10 ways to get closer to nature with Intrepid  

What to expect on an Intrepid Premium trip

What it’s like spending the night in a homestay on Peru’s Lake Titicaca

8 offbeat trips to escape the crowds in 2023

Peru departures by month

Popular destinations, peru at a glance, capital city.

Lima (population 11 million)

Peruvian Sol (PEN)

Spanish, Quechua

(GMT-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito, Rio Branco



Type A (North American/Japanese 2-pin) Type B (American 3-pin) Type C (European 2-pin)

Learn more about Peru

Best time to visit peru.

Peru is a fascinating country with four distinct geographical regions. Not many countries can offer beaches, mountains, rainforests and deserts on one visit. These distinct regions offer something for everyone, which is why most Intrepid tours operate all year round.

June, July and August are considered the driest months in the Highlands and Amazon basin and are optimal for hiking and river journeys. However, even during the rainy season in the Amazon, the rains only fall for a few hours at a time. In the Andes, the rainy season can sometimes just mean a bit of overcast weather.

Remember that the Inca Trail is closed for maintenance in February, although there are other treks to Machu Picchu which are available at this time.

Learn more about the best time to visit Peru

Culture and customs

Like many other South American nations, contemporary Peru is a rich mix of the modern and the ancient. In the highlands, where most of the population is Quechua or Aymara (descendants of the Incas), people speak their local language, wear traditional clothes, follow Inca traditions and chew coca leaves. Most lead agricultural lives and there is a great deal of poverty.

This is a stark contrast to the  European -influenced coast, which is considerably wealthier and mixed with Europeans, Mestizo (mix of Spanish and indigenous), Afro-Peruvians, Japanese  and Chinese immigrants.

Cultural festivals offer fascinating insights into the ancient customs of Peru that have been carried on from Inca times, with centuries-old food, clothing, song and dance playing an integral role in these celebrations.

What unites the country is a reverence for religion and family, as well as a love for soccer, or  futbol , as it’s called here.

Eating and drinking

Peruvians take their food seriously. Whether you’re in a village or a large city, your taste buds will thank you for visiting this South American nation.

Peruvian cuisine draws on a mix of Andean, Spanish, African and Asian influences. Stews and soups made with potatoes (Peru grows more than 4,000 varieties!), corn and quinoa are common, particularly in the highlands. Japanese-inspired seafood dishes and chifas (Peruvian-Chinese fusion) restaurants are also popular along the coast.

The cuisine is meat-heavy, but vegetarian options aren’t hard to come by - particularly dishes featuring avocados which grow abundantly throughout the country.

Taste your way through Peru on our  10 day Peru Real Food Adventure.

Foods to try in Peru

Peru's national dish is made with fish marinated in lime juice, onions, salt and chili peppers. It's typically served with chunks of corn on the cob and sweet potato. Cevicherias in Lima do it best.

Adventurous eaters should add cuy (guinea pig) to their must-try list. Roasted and usually served whole, it’s a popular staple in the highlands.

3. Lomo saltado

This beef or alpaca stir-fry is a popular chifa dish found across Peru. 

4. Pisco sour

Made by mixing pisco, the national brandy, with lime juice, egg whites and sugar, this creamy and zesty cocktail goes down a treat. 

5. Coca tea

Rumored to help with altitude sickness, this tea made from coca leaves is drunk by locals all over the Andes region and is hailed for its 'medicinal' properties.

Learn more about what to eat in Peru

Learn more about what to drink in Peru

Geography and environment

Peru is home to a diverse range of landscapes, including parts of the Amazon Basin, the Andean mountain range and Lake Titicaca. Not to mention areas of tropical savanna, desert, cloud forest and mangroves. Peru also has a long stretch of coast along the Pacific Ocean.

The Pacific Coast alternates between narrow bands of desert and fertile valleys, while the Andes cut through the center of the country, separating the coast from the jungle. Machu Picchu, Cusco and Puno are all located in the Highlands region.

History and government

Early history.

Archaeological evidence indicates that early life in Peru started up to 11,000 years ago, with nomadic people living a hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Organized civilizations based on land cultivation appear to have been established sometime around 6000 BC.

Over the centuries, Peru has seen many different civilizations rise and fall, grow and decline and evidence of these ancient civilizations can be found all around the country today, with the Nazca Lines being one of the most enigmatic examples.

However, the Incas lay claim to being one of the most famous and revered empires of all. Spanning from 1438 to 1532 AD, the audacious Inca Empire was responsible for one of the world's most impressive archaeological ruins – Machu Picchu.

Recent history

Military coups and regional disputes have dominated Peru's more recent history. The period between 1960 and 1990 saw lots of political instability and economic difficulty. With world commodity prices leveling out, Peru's agriculture-based economy suffered, as did its population who were largely reliant on farming.

New leadership in the 1990s and beyond has led to economic reforms and trade promotion, which has driven economic growth.

Celebrating the centenary of the re-discovery of Machu Picchu in 2011, Peru continues to enjoy widespread international attention for its cultural and historical riches.

Must-visit places in Peru

Peru isn't short of bucket list-worthy wonders. Here are just a few must-visit places to experience on your trip:

1. Machu Picchu

No matter how many photos you've seen, nothing can prepare you for seeing Machu Picchu in the flesh. Time slips away as you try to uncover the ruins' secrets and marvel at how such grandeur is possible in such a remote place.

Immerse yourself in ancient history on our 8 day  Inca Trail Express from Lima  tour.

History comes to life in Cusco . You can't turn a corner without coming across another reminder of its Inca past. Ruins are everywhere, and even new, elegant buildings have been built upon old Inca temples, houses and markets.

3. Sacred Valley

This fertile valley is packed with Inca sites including the massive fortress of Ollantaytambo. Visit on market day when the laidback villages come to life. The cobbled streets fill with every color, produce and animal imaginable.

Trek through llama-filled plains on our 15 day  Sacred Land of the Incas trip.

4. Amazon Jungle

Spend mornings watching colorful macaws and monkeys, and afternoons learning about traditional plant usage or spotting crocs in oxbow lakes. Then, at night, get your torch ready to seek out the jungle's larger creatures.

Spend a weekend in the Amazon on our 4 day  Amazon Jungle Short Break.

Peru's capital is home to unexpected treasures. Dig beneath the city's surface to uncover pre-Columbian temples, a touch of elegance and a huge dose of modern distractions; like the cafe-rich district of Miraflores. Lima is also world-renowned for its incredible food scene.

Savor the flavors of Lima on our 20 day  Peru Encompassed tour.

6. Arequipa

The White City, as it's affectionately known, is spectacular. Surrounded by canyons, volcanoes and deserts, the location is perfect for exploring Peru's wild side. But the true beauty of the city is in its buildings, built from white volcanic rock.

7. Colca Canyon

While the canyon is a dramatic sight (it's twice as deep as the Grand Canyon), it's a glimpse of the elusive Andean condor that will really get your heart racing. With a wing span of 3.2 meters, this bird doesn't just glide, it soars.

Marvel at this massive canyon on a 21 day  Peru Essentials tour.

8. Lake Titicaca

Big enough to house countless island communities, coca smugglers and the entirety of Bolivia's navy, Lake Titicaca is massive. Remnants of ancient cultures are everywhere and many communities live on reed islands as they have done for hundreds of years.

See Peru through the eyes of the locals on a  Lake Titica Homestay.

9. Nazca Lines

The Nazca Lines are one of the world's great mysteries. Shapes of spiders, monkeys and birds are drawn into the desert landscape over 500 sq kilometers. The most amazing part? They're only visible from the air.

10. Aguas Calientes

Whether you've just trekked the Inca Trail or traveled by train through the Sacred Valley, Aguas Calientes is the perfect place to stop, soak in a steaming thermal bath and reflect on the adventure so far.

Explore the 'gateway to Machu Picchu' on our  9 Premium Peru trip.

You'll find vendors selling colorful Peruvian handicrafts at tourist spots across the country. When possible, try to carry small bills and coins, as it can be difficult for vendors to give change, especially in remote areas.

Things to buy in Peru

1. Alpaca wool clothing

As one of the largest alpaca wool producers in the world, you'll find alpaca wool clothing almost everywhere in Peru. Beautiful shawls, ponchos and jumpers are the perfect way to keep warm, as Peruvians have traditionally done for centuries.

The classic hallmark of any backpacker who has traveled through South America, the chullo (knitted hat with ear flaps) might be a bit of a travel cliché but will be well-received as a gift back home.

3. Jewelery

Good quality gold and silver earrings, rings and bracelets are widely available throughout Peru, with classic Inca-style designs proving popular.

Festivals and events in Peru

Festivals are an important part of Peruvian culture. If you're lucky (or very organized), your trip may coincide with one of these lively fiestas:

Virgen de la Candelaria (Virgin of the Candlemas)

The city of Puno celebrates its patron saint with an epic two-week party each November. Join in the revelry as performers parade the streets in elaborate costumes and masks. 

Mistura Culinary Festival

Mistura is a massive event held in September where thousands of Peruvians and tourists come together to celebrate the country’s cuisine in Lima.

Cusco Inti Raymi (Festival of the Sun)

Every year on June 24, Cusco celebrates the winter solstice with street dances, parades and a re-enactment of the Inca winter solstice festival at the Sacsayhuaman ruins.

Each year before Lent, cities across Peru host Carnaval celebrations, but the festivities in Cajamarca are known for being the wildest – and wettest. Visitors flock to the city for nine days of dancing, partying, parades and water fights.

Learn more about festivals in Peru.

Public holidays that may impact travel include:

Feast of St Peter and St Paul

National Independence Days

Feast of Santa Rosa de Lima

Battle of Angamos Day

All Saints Day

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Please note that the dates of  Peru's public holidays  may vary.

Highlights of Peru

However you get to Machu Picchu – whether it’s through spectacular scenery on the classic Inca Trail, through small Andes villages on the Inca Quarry Trail, or over mega mountain passes on the Choquequirao Trail – the feeling of reaching this otherworldly archaeological site will stay with you for a lifetime. This ancient 15th-century citadel is a spectacular reminder of the ingenuity of the Inca civilization.

  • Peru Encompassed

2. Arequipa

Be dazzled by the 'White City' of Arequipa. Standing at the foot of El Misti Volcano, Arequipa vies with Cusco for the title of Peru's most attractive city. Wander the famous Plaza de Armas and while away the days in cozy cafes, admire the city's beautifully built churches and the iconic Basilica Cathedral, or learn about ancient mummies in the Andean Sanctuaries Museum.

  • Premium Peru in Depth
  • Premium Peru in Depth with Ica Valley

Shrouded in mystery, the Nazca Lines is one of the world’s most intriguing archaeological sites. Thanks to dry desert conditions, these geoglyphs – which date back to the 2nd century BC – and the mummies, textiles, ceramics and other relics that have been discovered here, offer a rare glimpse into pre-Inca life. Climb to the viewing platform, or perhaps take a flight over the lines for an epic view.

  • Peru Essentials

4. Puerto Maldonado

Experience the magic of the Amazon on an enthralling jungle adventure. Hike beneath cool, leafy canopies while looking for monkeys, parrots and otters; cruise along the Amazon on a canoe; learn about the healing properties of native plants with a local guide, and swap your alarm clock for the songs and croaks of toucans and other tropical birds.

  • Real Peru to Bolivia

Welcome to the capital of Peru. Lima is one of the most up-and-coming foodie destinations, so the best way to explore is through your tastebuds! Be sure to sample ceviche (the country’s national dish), washed down with a pisco sour in the bustling Barranco neighborhood. Then, stroll through the beautiful Lima Cathedral, or swing your hips to folk music at a peña  (a traditional Peruvian music venue).

  • Galapagos & Inca Trail Adventure
  • Majestic Peru
  • Galapagos & Peru Adventure

6. Lake Titicaca

Defy logic while standing on Lake Titicaca’s famous floating islands, which are made entirely out of reeds by the Uros people (who still live on them!). Surrounded by striking peaks on the border of Peru and Bolivia , this is one of the highest lakes in the world. Dive into learning about the history of the lake and its communities, or simply enjoy the bliss of being immersed in nature.

  • Lake Titicaca Homestay

Cusco is South America's oldest continuously inhabited city and was the home of the Inca for two centuries before the Spanish arrived. Today, it’s a fascinating combination of both cultures. Tour the Coricancha Temple, wander the World Heritage-listed Cusco Cathedral, peruse the colorful San Pedro market, or do the incredible Inkilltambo trek on the city’s outskirts.

  • Classic Peru
  • Peru Family Holiday

8. Sacred Valley

Treasured for its climate and fertile land, Sacred Valley has long been the main food source in the high Andes. It’s also home to the ruins of Sacsayhuaman, another site that will show you how incredible the Inca civilization was. Take part in an ancient cooking ritual known as pachamanca with the Chichubamba community; do a traditional chocolate and corn beer workshop; or climb the steep terraces to Ollantaytambo where sweeping views over the valley await.

  • Inca Trail Express from Lima
  • Explore Peru & Bolivia

Further reading

Peru travel faqs, do i need a covid-19 vaccine to join an intrepid trip.

Trips from 1 January 2023 onwards

From 1 January 2023, Intrepid will no longer require travelers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 (excluding all Polar trips and select adventure cruises).

However, we continue to strongly recommend that all Intrepid travelers and leaders get vaccinated to protect themselves and others.

Specific proof of testing or vaccination may still be required by your destination or airline. Please ensure you check travel and entry requirements carefully.

Do I need a visa to travel to Peru?

Peru has visa-free travel agreements with most countries, and foreign nationals including those from the  United Kingdom , United States,  New Zealand  and  Canada  do not require a visa for tourism purposes. Eligible foreign nationals will be issued a free visitor permit in their passport upon arrival.

The page is for general information only and may be subject to change. It is your responsibility to obtain relevant visa and travel information required for entry, departure and travel to each country or region you visit on your trip. You should confirm these with the relevant embassies and/or consulates. 

Last updated: 27 June 2023 

Is tipping customary in Peru?

While tipping isn't mandatory in Peru, it's customary to add spare change or a small amount to restaurant bills. Although most restaurants and bars may already include a 10% service charge within the bill, feel free to add more if the service was good. Taxi drivers generally don't expect tips.

What is the internet access like in Peru?

Internet can be accessed at hotels, restaurants and cafes in large cities, but it can be more limited in rural and remote areas.

Can I use my cell phone while in Peru?

Cell phone coverage is generally good in Peru’s cities, but may not be available in more remote and mountainous areas. Ensure global roaming is activated with your service provider before leaving home. You could also buy a local SIM card when you arrive.

What's the weather like in Peru?

The weather in Peru differs from region to region with coastal areas experiencing a subtropical desert climate, a tropical climate in the Amazon rainforest and a temperate climate in the Andes (places like Cusco and Arequipa). While varying climates can mean the best time to visit  Peru  changes depending on the region you're visiting; generally, May to October sees consistently dry and sunny days perfect for enjoying the vibrant cities and beautiful landscapes of this  South American  country. 

What to wear in Peru

Wearing layers made of natural, breathable fabrics like linen and cotton is a good idea for Peru's varying climates. Merino wool is good for hiking and trekking as it wicks away moisture and regulates body temperature, and lightweight, quick-drying sportswear is a good idea for hot weather.

What are the toilets like in Peru?

Peru has a mix of both squat toilets and western-style flushable toilets. It’s a good idea to carry your own toilet paper and hand sanitizer, as they are not always provided. Some public toilets charge a small usage fee. Expect to use squat toilets if traveling on the Inca Trail. 

Can I drink the tap water in Peru?

Drinking tap water isn't recommended in Peru . I t's also advisable to avoid ice in drinks and peel fruit and vegetables before eating . Your local leader will be able to help you find filtered water, and for environmental reasons, we suggest filling a reusable bottle to avoid buying plastic bottles.

Are credit cards widely accepted in Peru?

Most hotels, large retailers and tourist attractions accept credit cards but will usually charge a fee (about 7%) for using them. Expect to pay cash when dealing with small vendors, family-run restaurants and market vendors. 

What is ATM access like in Peru?

ATMs can be found in most of Peru's major cities and tourist areas. ATMs are far less common in rural areas and small villages so have enough cash to cover purchases when traveling away from the larger cities.

Do I need any vaccinations before visiting Peru?

No vaccines are required in order to enter Peru but some are recommended for protection against disease. Visit your doctor or travel clinic for advice and make sure to schedule vaccinations 4-6 weeks before your departure date, as some require time to become effective.

Recommended travel vaccines for Peru:

1. Hepatitis A (transmitted through contaminated water) 2. Typhoid (transmitted through contaminated water) 3. Yellow Fever (transmitted by mosquitos): This vaccination is recommended if you’re visiting Puno or the Amazon. Some countries require a valid yellow fever vaccination certificate for entry after visiting Peru. Do your research before leaving home to see if you require this vaccine.

How do I stay safe and healthy while traveling?

From Australia?

Go to: Smart Traveller

From Canada?

Go to:  Canada Travel Information

From the UK?

Go to:  UK Foreign Travel Advice

From New Zealand?

Go to:  Safe Travel

From the US?

Go to:  US Department of State

The World Health Organisation also provides useful health information.

What kinds of accommodation will I be staying in?

Experience home-grown hospitality and food while staying with a local family who live right on the shores of Lake Titicaca.

  • Jungle Lodge

Stay close to the wildlife action in a lodge located within the leafy wilds of the awesome Amazon Jungle.

Camping along the Inca Trail is one of the world's most sought-after travel experiences. Bond with new friends over delicious local food and rest up before another day of trekking.

What kinds of transport will be used in Peru?

Intrepid believes half the fun of experiencing a new country is getting there, and getting around once there! Where possible, Intrepid uses local transport options and traditional modes of transport - which usually carry less of an environmental impact, support small local operators and are much more fun.

Pedal along Lima’s incredible coastline, making your way through local areas and go on a cycling adventure to the epic Sacred Valley.

Spot exotic flowers, birds and mammals while enjoying a canoe ride down the mighty Amazon River.

Everyone gets a window seat while riding on the Vistadome train. The clear roof and windows allow maximum viewing for all.

Will I experience altitude sickness in Peru?

Most people can start to feel the effects of altitude at over 6561 feet (2000 m) regardless of age, gender or fitness level. While our leaders have basic first aid training and are aware of the closest medical facilities, it is very important that you make yourself aware of the cause and effects of traveling at altitude, monitor your health and seek assistance accordingly. It’s important to take it easy, drink plenty of water and speak to your group leader at once if you feel unwell.

We recommend seeing your doctor if you have any health concerns before undertaking the trip. Particularly if you have a pre-existing medical condition or take any medication.  

Is Peru a LGBTQIA+ friendly destination?

While it might be common to see rainbow flags displayed throughout the Andes, this is, in fact, the flag of the Inca Empire and not a gay pride flag. Peru is a conservative, Catholic country where LGBTQIA+ rights are still developing. Many members of the LGBTQIA+ community don’t publicly identify themselves, and generally, Peruvians will tolerate homosexuality on a ‘don’t-ask-don’t-tell’ basis. While Lima may be more tolerant towards LGBTQIA+ travelers, it’s advised that you should exercise discretion when traveling in country areas. 

For more detailed and up-to-date advice, we recommend visiting   Equaldex   or   ILGA   before you travel.

Does my trip to Peru support The Intrepid Foundation?

Yes, all Intrepid trips support the Intrepid Foundation. In fact, we make a donation on behalf of every traveler. Trips to Peru directly support our foundation partner, Awamaki.

Awamaki empowers indigenous women in Peru with education and job opportunities. They offer lessons in quality control, product development and technical skills training for women artisans in rural Andean communities. Donations from our trips support the growth and development of their programs to lift more women into financial independence.  

Intrepid will double the impact by dollar-matching all post-trip donations made to The Intrepid Foundation.

Do I need to purchase travel insurance before traveling?

Absolutely. All passengers traveling with Intrepid are required to purchase travel insurance before the start of their trip. Your travel insurance details will be recorded by your leader on the first day of the trip. Due to the varying nature, availability and cost of health care around the world, travel insurance is very much an essential and necessary part of every journey.

For more information on insurance, please go to: Travel Insurance

What is it like traveling on a small group tour?

Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or you’re about to embark on your first trip, traveling can be as intimidating as it is exciting. That's the beauty of a small group tour. From handling the logistics and organizing amazing cultural activities to local leaders who know each destination like the back of their hand (like which street has the best markets and where to get the most authentic food), traveling on a small group tour with Intrepid will give you unforgettable travel experiences without the hassle that comes with exploring a new place. Plus, you'll have ready-made friends to share the journey with. All you have to do is turn up with a healthy sense of adventure and we’ll take care of the rest.

The Grand Tour of Peru

Lima, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, Cusco, Puno and Arequipa


Unravel the tale of Peru on the journey of a lifetime. Take your pick from our Peruvian trains and hotels to create an unforgettable adventure over 7 nights or more. From Peru’s iconic peaks to its most dynamic cities, we’ll provide expert advice on unique experiences.

Answer the call of colourful Cusco, unwind in the sanctuary of Sacred Valley, or discover the condors of Colca Canyon. Center your getaway on an overnight stay on the edge of Machu Picchu at the Sanctuary Lodge, A Belmond Hotel, to experience the enchanting citadel in exclusive style.

Thank you for your interest in Belmond.


Preferred date*

For further information about how we use your data, please see our privacy policy .

Choose Your Adventure

  • Las Casitas, Colca Canyon, Peru
  • Monasterio, Cusco, Peru
  • Palacio Nazarenas, Cusco Peru
  • Sanctuary Lodge, Machu Picchu, Peru
  • Miraflores Park, Lima, Peru
  • Rio Sagrado, Sacred Valley, Peru
  • Andean Explorer, Journeys through Peru
  • Hiram Bingham, Journeys through Peru
  • Please note: Requires a minimum one-night stay at Sanctuary Lodge From USD $3366 per couple (based on a 7-night itinerary)

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Find great prices on holidays to the historic and scenic Peru. Book now online! More 10 years of making travel simple. TRAVELRUBIO protected so you are covered. Book with confidence.

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RUC 20 Sejours RUBIO eirl

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  • Pérou 2 semaines
  • Pérou Bolivie 3 semaines
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  • Que voir au Pérou en 2 semaines
  • Que voir au Perou en 3 semaines
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  • Comment se rendre de Cusco a aguas Calientes
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Peru Guided Tours & Trips

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  • Inca Trail Fully Guided

10 best fully guided Peru tour packages

3 days - Tambopata Amazon Jungle Tour

3 days - Tambopata Amazon Jungle

"The accommodation had a quaint rustic feel, enjoyed being off the grid. The activities were spaced out so overall it was very relaxing." Pracheetee, traveled in April 2023
  • Book With Flexibility View tour Download Brochure

7 Day Cusco Travel Package: Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, Humantay Lake, and Rainbow Mountain. Tour

7 Day Cusco Travel Package: Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, Humantay Lake, and Rainbow Mountain.

"Everything was very well planned. The tour guide were very knowledgable and very polite." Jasmina, traveled in June 2024

INCA ADVENTURES - 7 Days  (Lima and Cusco) with Domestic Flights Tour

INCA ADVENTURES - 7 Days (Lima and Cusco) with Domestic Flights

"Absolutely incredible trip with a meticulously planned itinerary. The accommodations were quite good, and the hosts at all the places we stayed were incredibly hospitable." Nitin, traveled in June 2024

5 Day Cusco Travel Package: Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, and Maras Moray. Tour

5 Day Cusco Travel Package: Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, and Maras Moray.

"Great tour! Highly Recommended!" Kevin, traveled in November 2023

6 days Luxury in Cusco & Machu Picchu Tour

6 days Luxury in Cusco & Machu Picchu

"This was everything I could have hoped for and more in experiencing all that Peru has to offer." Deborah, traveled in May 2022

Machu Picchu Adventure Tour

Machu Picchu Adventure

"I had never done an adventure group tour before and it was a pleasant experience." Sandra, traveled in June 2023

The Inca Journey Tour

The Inca Journey

"Excellent tour, full of great sites to visit." Alexander, traveled in August 2022

Magical Peru 8 days Tour

Magical Peru 8 days

06 Days Cusco Machu Picchu - Humantay Lake And Rainbow Mountain Tour

06 Days Cusco Machu Picchu - Humantay Lake And Rainbow Mountain

"Cusco motel had character and a helpful staff. Machu Picchu motel was excellent." charles, traveled in February 2024

Discover the Magical  Inca Trail  Classic Trek Tour

Discover the Magical Inca Trail Classic Trek

Southern Treasures - 8 Days Tour

Southern Treasures - 8 Days

"The trip was wonderful, and the information about the Inca culture was especially insightful." Albertus, traveled in July 2023

Ultimate Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu - 5 Days Tour

Ultimate Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu - 5 Days

"Stunning scenery the whole trek. You definitely won't go hungry on this trip, all meals and snacks are provided." Ron, traveled in May 2024

Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu 8 days Tour

Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu 8 days

"Fantastic value for money and many memorable moments." Craig, traveled in May 2023

Hiking The Classic Inca Trail to Machu Picchu & Sacred Valley Tour

Hiking The Classic Inca Trail to Machu Picchu & Sacred Valley

"The classic inca Trail 4 days was absolutely an amazing experience! The service was great!!" Edward, traveled in January 2023

Classic Inca Trail Trek 4D/3N to Machu Picchu (Group service ) Tour

Classic Inca Trail Trek 4D/3N to Machu Picchu (Group service )

"Absolutely Phenomenal experience, incredible guide, chefs & porters! They literally will run past you to cheer you on!" Alyssa, traveled in November 2023

What people love about Fully Guided Tours in Peru

This trip was truly the trip of a lifetime. Jesus really submerges you into the Peruvian culture and the three days you’re there, you are nonstop with activities. Our guide was so knowledgeable and he made the trip. His family grew up in the rainforest so he was able to tell you the history about most things there (the families, the foods, the animals etc). We went during rainy season, and still had a wonderful time. If you’re looking for adventure, meeting wonderful people, and being in nature - this trip is for you!
We had a tour package of 7 Day Cusco Travel Package: Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, Humantay Lake, and Rainbow Mountain in the early June this year. It was one of most memorable tours we had among all our international travels. We were amazed by the stunning beauty of the Machu Picchu, Humantay Lake, and Rainbow Mountain, and the rich history of Cusco region. We learned so much about Inca people and their history.
Absolutely incredible trip with a meticulously planned itinerary. All the tour guides during this trip were consistently good but Nohemi was simply outstanding. Not only is she an excellent guide, brimming with knowledge, but she is also an empathetic and remarkable human being. Chatting with her felt like conversing with an old friend, as she shared personal anecdotes and genuine historical insights. Her recommendations were always on-point. She got me so many memorable pictures. The review would be incomplete without mentioning how incredibly Leoned orchestrated the entire trip. He truly went above and beyond. When I found myself in a sticky situation due to my carelessness with my phone charger, Leoned went out of his way to retrieve it for me. I cannot thank him enough for his unwavering support throughout the trip. Right from the day I landed, he has been on top of things and made me feel so comfortable and taken care of. His professionalism and meticulous management were truly commendable. I absolutely loved Peru—the food, the sights, the people—everything was amazing.I was initially skeptical before booking a group tour like this, but having everything taken care of really lifted a burden off my shoulders. The accommodations were quite good, and the hosts at all the places we stayed were incredibly hospitable. A special shout-out to Yanet in Cusco, who was a lifesaver during the trip. Note for other solo travelers based on my experience: because it can sometimes get lonely without company: - Since the groups may change daily, you might not always have consistent companionship. I was fortunate to meet some wonderful people, but your experience may vary. - Another aspect I underestimated was the length of bus journeys. This might be less noticeable if you are traveling with a group or as a couple.

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Regions in Peru

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  • Peruvian Amazon (40)
  • Iquitos (19)
  • Tambopata (19)
  • Peruvian Coast (18)
  • Rainbow Mountain (12)
  • Huascaran National Park (10)
  • Colca Canyon (10)

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A practical guide to exploring Peru

Machu Picchu might be its star attraction, but this south American favourite is hardly a one-trick pony, and visits here reward those who plan in advance.

Peru is one of South America’s most popular countries for foreign visitors, but planning a trip here remains hardly intuitive. This is a destination with landscapes ranging from a drenching rainforest to high-altitude peaks and desert coastal plains. Some of its attractions are blockbusters, making early booking essential — and the choice of tickets on offer can be confusing. While the tourist infrastructure is generally well developed, rural areas remain wonderfully traditional, meaning English isn’t always understood and cash still reigns. From when to book to what to pack, this quick guide will help you sort through the logistics.

Should I visit using a tour operator or independently?

Booking with a tour operator means you won’t have to worry about logistics, which can, at times, be complicated. If you’re travelling to Machu Picchu from Cusco, for example, a tour operator will take care of all legs of the journey, which includes a bus, rail and minibus ride. As larger suitcases aren’t allowed on the train, your operator will also look after your luggage should you want to overnight in the gateway town of Aguas Calientes before or after visiting the citadel. What’s more, it means you’ll have a guide with you at most times, which can really bring this storied country to life. That said, Peru — especially the south — is easy enough to visit independently, with a well-developed tourist infrastructure. Bus companies such as Peru Hop, whose services include hotel pick up and English-speaking guides, can make the logistics easier.

If I plan the trip myself, should I book every leg of the itinerary before I leave?

Cornerstone experiences such as Machu Picchu and the Inca Trail require advance booking, particularly during high season (June to the end of August). Reserve six weeks in advance for the former and at least six months ahead for the latter. Flights and accommodation should also be booked at least three months in advance during this period. Overland bus travel can generally be secured a day or two before departure, particularly in the north of   Peru, where there are fewer tourists.

Which Machu Picchu circuit should I book?

In 2021, the Peruvian Ministry of Culture implemented one-way visitor circuits at Machu Picchu to disperse traffic and, while pandemic-era restrictions are no longer in place, the system remains to help better distribute footfall and protect constructions. The circuits got updated on 1 June 2024, with 10 ticket types now on offer (some of which are only available in high season), combining different sections of the citadel with the mountains and sites around it. Circuit 1 is the only that gives access to the House of the Guardian, which offers the iconic pulled-back view of the site, while Circuit 2 is the most comprehensive — it takes in both the ‘lower’ and ‘upper’ areas. Circuit 3 only has access to the ‘lower’ structures but offers a more thorough visit of this area compared to Circuit 2. For more information on what each circuit includes, visit Ticket Machu Picchu .

What do I need to know about the Inca Trail?

There ‘classic’ route takes four days, starting at a trailhead near Cusco and ending at Machu Picchu, with entrance to the site though the ancient Sun Gate. Visitors must book a slot and hiking permit via a licensed operator, putting down a non-refundable deposit. These tour companies provide guides — it’s obligatory to have one — and porters to transport luggage and necessities along the way, as well as meals, energy snacks and technical equipment. Nights are spent at established campsites complete with rustic toilet facilities.

As the trail is exceedingly popular, the number of people allowed on the path has been capped to 500 per day, including guides, porters and other staff. Still, solitude can be elusive, so do expect to come across other groups on the way.The trail covers 26 miles in four days, and much of it is high-altitude trekking, crossing mountain passes that reach elevations of almost 14,000ft. Be sure to prepare and acclimatise sensibly. Shorter one- or two-day options are also available, as well as longer ones that pair the Inca Trail with other ancient paths.

How should I manage my money when travelling here?

In places such as Cusco and Lima, credit cards are increasingly accepted, but in rural areas and small restaurants, shops and B & Bs, cash is king. ATMs will generally charge a fee of between £5 and £10 for withdrawals, so it can make sense to take cash out in larger amounts. Use ATMs attached to banks, during daylight hours and with other people around.

Do I need to speak Spanish?

Few Peruvians outside of tourist hubs speak much English. Aside from helping you board the correct bus, knowing some basic Spanish can assist when it comes to haggling for a taxi or at the local market, where it’s common to try to knock a bit of money off prices.  

What do I need to take with me?

Spanning everything from bone-dry desert to the cool, rainy climate of the highlands and the humidity of the Amazon jungle, Peru’s terrain presents a unique challenge to visitors when it comes to organising your luggage. That said, basic packing principles apply: a lightweight rain jacket is essential for downpours in the Andes and the Amazon, while layers can help navigate both hot and cold climes. Hiking shoes are needed for treks, but if you’re heading into the Amazon, lodges should provide wellies for muddy jungle trails. Bring earplugs, an eye mask and warm clothing for bus rides; temperatures can either be glacial or sweltering.

Is the water in Peru potable?

No, as cases of giardiasis, caused by the giardia parasite, which lives in the water, have been reported. A water filter such as the Grayl Geopress will make tap water safe to drink by removing viruses and bacteria — and stop you from polluting and spending a small fortune on single-use plastic bottles.

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tour peru jerusalen

In the city of Arequipa exist a popular biking tour which is called the “country side en bicicleta”. In this tour, you visit the Remain of the Fundator (mansión del fundador), the Mill of Sabandia (Molino de sabandía) and the View Point of Sachaca. An other interesting tour is to go to the Valley of Chilina. A new and beautiful tour is to visit the Colca Valley and the Colca Canyon by bike.

This tours of downhill by mountain bike are always accompanied by a 4x4 van in which we transport the bikes TREK or GT. Our downhills are the following : Volcan Chachani Downhill from 5 000 m to 2 325 m Volcan Misti Downhill from 3 300 m to 2 325 m Downhill in the Colca Canyon from 3 300 to 2 000 m (Colca River).

The city of Arequipa is a region where you can find interesting rivers to do rafings : Colca rafting, Chili rafting, Cotahuasi rafting, ...

.Arequipa has an average annual temperature of 20° (Maximum 24° C and minimum 5° C). The rain season runs from December to March.

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    En Viajes Falabella puedes encontrar descuentos imperdibles en paquetes para tu viaje a Jerusalén, además contamos con una gran cantidad de paquetes turísticos para que puedas disfrutar tus vacaciones a Jerusalén al máximo.¿Quieres viajar con todo resuelto? La mejor opción es elegir un paquete a Jerusalén de Viajes Falabella ya que vas a tener incluido el hotel más el vuelo de ida y ...

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    27 días Tours Lima Europa Jerusalén, Lima. Duración: 27 Días. Ubicación: Lima - Europa - Israel ( Jerusalen) Idioma: Guiado en Español, va a escuchar frances, aleman, italiano... Francia, Alemania, Polonia, Belgica, Holanda, Austria, Italia, Israel y España. Salidas a incio de cada mes, la quincena de mes o previa coordinación.

  7. LOS 10 MEJORES Tours y Excursiones en Jerusalén en el 2023

    Excursión de un día a Belén y el Mar Muerto desde Jerusalén y Tel Aviv. 38. Combine una visita guiada de los lugares históricos cristianos con la oportunidad de flotar en las aguas ricas en minerales del punto más bajo de la tierra durante esta visita combinada de un día completo a Belén y el Mar Muerto.

  8. Actividades, excursiones, tours y visitas guiadas en Jerusalén

    Lima , Perú . Viajó solo. Excursión a Nazaret, Tiberíades y Galilea. 10,0 04/10/2023 Carolina Cutanda Pérez. España . Viajó con amigos. Lleva tu guía siempre contigo. 19 excursiones y actividades en Jerusalén ... En este tour por la Ciudad Santa de Jerusalén conoceremos el legado de cristianos, ...

  9. Peregrinación Católica en Tierra Santa 10 días

    A continuación, encontrará un itinerario para nuestra gira católica de 10 días y 9 noches por Tierra Santa que lo llevará a lugares históricos y espirituales. Los sitios que ha leído en la Biblia se convertirán en una vida y usted tendrá la oportunidad de seguir los pasos de Jesús. Ofrecemos paquetes de peregrinación guiados por los ...

  10. Peru Tour

    Peru Tour 9 Days Visit the Fascinating Ancient Inca Kingdom. Peru is a unique place. Standing in the citadel of Machu Picchu is just an unforgettable experience. This Inca fortress has been internationally voted as one of the new Seven Wonders of the World and has been considered a World Heritage monument since 1983. But Machu Picchu is not the ...

  11. Best Peru Tours & Vacations 2024/2025

    Real Peru. Ashlea · Traveled June 2024. This trip was an action-packed two weeks but definitely worth it! It showcases so many amazing parts of Peru, with a little bit of everything; nature, physical activity, and historical sights. I would recommend this trip to anyone who wants to get a taste of Peru! Review submitted 15 Jun 2024. Page 1 of 257.

  12. Top 12 Peru Tours & Custom Travel Vacations 2024-2025

    5 Best Peru Tours for 2024. Historic Lima, the Ballestas Isles (the 'Galapagos of Peru'), Nazca Lines, the white city of Arequipa, Lake Titicaca, mystic Cuzco, the Sacred Valley... See all the highlights of Peru and Bolivia on the Peru Bolivia Train Tour! Enjoy guided city tours in Lima, Cuzco and La Paz.

  13. 10 Best Peru Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    Browse the best tours in Peru with 7,110 reviews visiting places like Cusco and Machu Picchu. All Major Brands. Biggest selection. Best Prices. Shop 2,500 operators. 4.5 stars on (6,326 reviews) 24/7 customer support. Deals of the Week Viva España! Up to 50% OFF. Deals end: 15 Jul, 2024.

  14. Peru Best Packages

    Peru best Packages. Tour Operator with 28 years experience. Explore Peru and best atractions with fully-customizable excursions. Family Trips... Skip to content. ... Address: Jerusalen 604-A, Arequipa. Peru Contact: +51 959 561 572 Email: [email protected]. Facebook Instagram Youtube Linkedin. OUR COMPANY. About Giardino Tours;

  15. Peru Tours & Packages

    Peru Tours & Packages. AARP MEMBERS SAVE $100 on select vacations. Shop our selection of 7 - 23 day Peru tours and you'll quickly discover why Peru is one of the most visited countries in South America. More than just the awe-inspiring Machu Picchu, travelers in the know don't miss a chance to explore romantic Lima and the Incan capital of the ...

  16. The Grand Tour of Peru

    Palacio Nazarenas, Cusco Peru. Sanctuary Lodge, Machu Picchu, Peru. Miraflores Park, Lima, Peru. Rio Sagrado, Sacred Valley, Peru. Andean Explorer, Journeys through Peru. Hiram Bingham, Journeys through Peru. Please note: Requires a minimum one-night stay at Sanctuary Lodge. From USD $3366 per couple (based on a 7-night itinerary) From iconic ...

  17. Tours y Paquetes en Perú

    Tours y Paquetes en el Perú. Somos una agencia de viajes y tour operador con más de 26 años de experiencia. Arequipa, Machu Picchu, Colca. ... Dirección: Jerusalen 604-A, Arequipa. Peru Contacto: +51 959 561 572 Email: [email protected]. Facebook Instagram Youtube Linkedin. SOBRE GIARDINO.

  18. Machu Picchu desde Lima venta pasajes Latam peru

    Peru Tour de aventura Buggy + sandboarding. Iniciaremos con un paseo lleno de emoción y adrenalina por las dunas de Ica, luego haremos paradas para tomar fotografías del paisaje. ... Tours Peru Europa Jerusalen. Tours Europa Jerusalen 27 dias; Que voir au Pérou en 2 semaines;

  19. 10 Best Fully Guided Tours in Peru 2024/2025

    5 Day Cusco Travel Package: Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, and Maras Moray. Joy Chang 14 Jun, 2024. 5. We had a tour package of 7 Day Cusco Travel Package: Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, Humantay Lake, and Rainbow Mountain in the early June this year.

  20. Arequipa

    This was one of the best trips during our stay in Peru. We highly recommend this tour guide! Previous. Next. ... RUC: 20273066323 Address: Jerusalen 604-A, Arequipa. Peru Contact: +51 959 561 572 Email: [email protected]. Facebook Instagram Youtube Linkedin. OUR COMPANY. About Giardino Tours; Peru Important Travel Information; Testimonies ...

  21. Everything you need to know to plan a trip to Peru

    Peru is one of South America's most popular countries for foreign visitors, but planning a trip here remains hardly intuitive. This is a destination with landscapes ranging from a drenching ...

  22. Exploor Peru: Top-Rated Peru Tours & Machu Picchu Tours

    tour in Peru with us! Peru Tours. Explore Peru's must-visit sites in 4-16 days starting at $779. Customized Tours. Create the Peru trip of your dreams with tours, hotels, transport & more. Machu Picchu Tours. Discover our 1 to 5-day tours to Machu Picchu starting at $369. Day Tours. Enjoy our most popular day tours in Peru starting at $119.

  23. Colca Canyon Tours

    This was one of the best trips during our stay in Peru. We highly recommend this tour guide! Previous. Next. ... RUC: 20273066323 Address: Jerusalen 604-A, Arequipa. Peru Contact: +51 959 561 572 Email: [email protected]. Facebook Instagram Youtube Linkedin. OUR COMPANY. About Giardino Tours; Peru Important Travel Information; Testimonies ...

  24. Colca Trekking

    We also organize tours and treks in Southern Peru: Puno and Cuzco. Our offices are located in Peru - South America, in the city of Arequipa, at 4 blocks from Arequipa`s Main square, in the Jerusalén Street 400 AB-1, phone 51-54-203737 and e mail: [email protected]. We are a resposible Colca Canyon tour Company. recommended by.