Cities Skylines 2 Mods

Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul (Formerly Complete Fast Travel Overhaul)

carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

A lightweight overhaul of both the vanilla Skyrim carriage system and Dawnguard’s ferry system. Realistic and bug-free.

Kinaga’s Carriage & Ferry Travel Overhaul Realistic, bug-free, functional carriages & ferries

An overhaul of both the vanilla Skyrim carriage system and Dawnguard’s ferry system. Designed to make ferries a viable means of travel, make prices realistic based on travel distance and add loads of cut carriage dialogue. A lot of mods do this already, but I was never really happy with any of them. The biggest problem with mods like this is bugs and instability, so I’ve kept this mod simple and stable. There are no background scripts, no navmesh edits and as few cell edits as possible. Scripts have been tested repeatedly to make sure they’re as efficient as they can be, and there are no known bugs.

Using another fast travel mod and want to switch? See Technical Information at the end of the description

Ferries Ferries operate on the north coast, Solstheim, Lake Ilinata and Lake Honrich. Scroll down for a complete list of destinations.

You can build a jetty and hire a ferryman at Lakeview Manor and Windstad Manor. A ferryman is also available for Honeyside.

Ferries are slightly cheaper than carriages, but only offer destinations on the same waterway. They also offer some destinations that carriages do not. Previously they cost the same price, so there was no reason to use them – carriages were superior in every way.

No more buggy ferry seats – after paying the ferryman you will be transported after a few seconds. You don’t need to “use” the horrendous, glitchy “ferry seat” activator.

To preserve realism, ferries do not offer routes that would involve going up or down waterfalls.

Carriages Carriages have been added to Falkreath, Morthal and Dawnstar.

Different carriages use different breeds of horses, they’re not all plain brown anymore.

Carriages will take you to any settlement in Skyrim. When you ask to hire a carriage, you’ll be presented with a list of nearby locations (usually within the current hold). You can also ask to be taken to any of the other 8 holds, in which case you’ll be presented with a list of their settlements. Hearthfire homes are included as destinations (provided you own the house).

Prices are roughly based on the length and danger of the journey. For example, from Whiterun a carriage to Riverwood is only 40 gold. To Falkreath it would cost 60 gold. To Winterhold it would cost 80 gold.

You have to pay for a carriage before you can use it. If you change your mind, you can ask the driver for a refund. If you wait too long, you’ll lose your money.

Prices All prices can be customised using TES5Edit, but cannot be changed once you have made a save with the mod installed. Scroll down to “customisation” for instructions.

Carriage Nearby location (within the same hold) – 40 gold Distant major city – 60 gold Distant minor settlement – 80 gold

Ferry North coast/Solstheim – 50 gold Lake Ilinata/Lake Honrich – 30 gold (except Ilinata’s Deep) Icewater Jetty – 100 gold Ilinata’s Deep – 50 gold

Exceptions: Although part of Whiterun hold, Riverwood is also considered local to Falkreath, and so is charged the local price tariff by the Falkreath driver. Although a capital, Winterhold is charged at the higher price tariff due to its remote location. Personal carriage and ferry operators do not charge any fee for transport. Icewater Jetty and Ilinata’s Deep are considered dangerous destinations and cost slightly more (as above)

Ferry Routes The ferry system consists of major stops and minor stops. At a major stop, a ferryman will be available to take you to any destination. A minor stop (italics) is a location at which you can be dropped off, but no ferryman is available to take you anywhere else.

North Coast Icewater Jetty* – Solitude Lighthouse – Solitude – Morthal – Windstad Manor* – Dawnstar – Frostflow Lighthouse – Winterhold – Windhelm

Lake Honrich Riften – Honeyside* – Heartwood Mill – Ivarstead

Lake Ilinata Lakeview Manor* – Brittleshin Pass – Guardian Stones – Half Moon Mill – Ilinata’s Deep

Solstheim Raven Rock – Tel Mithryn – Bujold’s retreat – Skaal Village – Northshore landing*

*Some routes are not immediately available:

At the Hearthfire homesteads, building a jetty will make the location a minor stop. If you want to travel from your home, you need to hire a ferryman by talking to your steward. You must have built the jetty before you will be able to hire the ferryman. At Honeyside, purchasing the house itself will make it available as a minor stop. Purchasing the porch upgrade will give you the ferryman. Northshore landing is not available as a stop until “A New Source of Stalhrim” is completed Icewater Jetty is not available until you have spoken to the ferryman about the “Island to the west of here”

Carriage Destinations Eastmarch – Windhelm, Kynesgrove, Darkwater Crossing, Mixwater Mill Falkreath – Falkreath, Lakeview Manor*, Half-Moon Mill The Reach – Markarth, Karthwasten, Old Hroldan, Soljund’s Sinkhole Haafingar – Solitude, Dragon Bridge, Thalmor Embassy Whiterun – Whiterun, Rorikstead, Riverwood Winterhold – Winterhold The Rift – Riften, Ivarstead, Shor’s Stone, Heartwood Mill The Pale – Dawnstar, Heljarchen (Nightgate Inn), Heljarchen Hall* Hjaalmarch – Morthal, Stonehills, Windstad Manor*

* Hearthfire homes are available as destinations as soon as you have purchased the land from the Jarl.

Additional Information If you had already bought it, you will have to purchase the carriage at your Hearthfire homestead again after installing CFTO.

Fully compatible with Expanded Towns and Cities (ETaC) and Dawn of Skyrim. A patch is available for JK’s Skyrim.

The carriages added to Falkreath, Dawnstar and Morthal should be compatible with most other settlement overhauls.

The ferry at Dawnstar has been moved closer to the city and given a jetty.

Where possible, new ferry stops use an existing jetty to maximise compatibility.

The Dawnguard quest “Prophet” has been adjusted to refer to the new carriage drivers instead of the vanilla ones.

Carriage horses no longer raise the alarm when you are sneaking out of a city and guards are looking for you.

To preserve realism, carriages will drop you off at the road nearest your destination. In most cases this is within the settlement itself, but in some cases the settlement will be a few paces away. Ferries will drop you off at the nearest waterway to your destination, which is usually the town/village’s port.

Patches Patches are available for some mods, but there are no severe conflicts. All patches can be safely merged with CFTO’s main esp. Here’s a list of patches and what they do, so you can decide whether you want to use them:

Hearthfire Extended patch – merges steward dialogue from HFE and CFTO so that you can purchase upgrades from both mods. Inconsequential NPCs patch – restores carriage guards added by Inconsequential NPCs. Does not add new carriage guards. Does not fix any actual bugs/conflicts. You may safely decide to go without using this. JK’s Skyrim patch – Removes a cart in Morthal that was clipping with CFTO’s carriage. Moves CFTO’s Dawnstar carriage out of JK’s Dawnstar wall. Removes CFTO’s Dawnstar jetty and moves CFTO’s ferryman to JK’s Dawnstar port. Moves CFTO’s Ivarstead ferry and ferryman to JK’s Ivarstead port. JK’s Towns patch – Identical to JK’s Skyrim patch, but rebuilt for JK’s Towns. JK’s Cities does not require a patch at all. Temporary Hearthfire Mod patch – Placing this at the end of your load order will force CFTO’s steward dialogue changes to overwrite any other Hearthfire mod. Use of this is a last resort. First try saving and then loading the save you just made – most people who use this I suspect are experiencing the CreationKit dialogue bug which is easily fixed by saving and reloading.

If you find another mod that conflicts with CFTO please let me know and I will build a patch for it too.

Limitations Carriage horses don’t always position perfectly against their carriage. This is a vanilla bug, but is made more noticeable by some of the lighter coloured horses.

Attacking a carriage horse may cause it to run away. It will have returned after you leave and reenter the cell. Until it has returned, you will not be able to travel using the carriage and will probably be arrested for damaging property. Realistically, the bolting horse would take the carriage with it, but just assume it broke free somehow… Personally I think this is more realistic than the horse standing there as though nothing happened.

During the Dawnguard quest “Prophet”, a carriage driver says “he wanted to go to Dragon Bridge, but I told him that wasn’t one of my stops”. With this mod installed, it now actually is one of his stops.

Customisation Once you’ve saved a game using the mod, price values are stored in your actual save file and cannot be changed. The reason I’m not adding an MCM is because most people will only ever change these prices once, if at all, so it’s not worth adding background scripts and an SKSE/SkyUI requirement for.

Open CFTO.esp in TES5Edit Open Global Edit the value of the prices you want to change:

KmodCarriageCostLocal – Settlements within the same hold (Default 40) KmodCarriageCost – Distant major cities (Default 60) KmodCarriageCostExtra – Distant minor settlements (Default 80) KmodFerryCostLocal – Lake Ilinata/Lake Honrich (Default 30) KmodFerryCost – North coast/Solstheim (Default 50) KmodFerryCostExtra – Icewater Jetty (Default 100) KmodFerryVolikhar – Do not edit this. It is not used to determine pricing. KmodCarriageDestination – Do not edit this. It is not used to determine pricing.

FAQ My Hearthfire carriage is gone! You need to buy it again after you install the mod.

I’m seeing duplicate carriage drivers Another mod is overwriting CFTO’s changes. Any mod that affects carriage drivers must be loaded before CFTO. Another solution is to disable one of the drivers using the console (NOT markfordelete). Make sure you keep the driver who offers all the new locations – only one of them will, the other driver will not work at all.

Ferry & carriage drivers have no dialogue options Save your game, then load the save. This is the Creation Kit dialogue bug, and is common with all mods that add dialogue.

I see no dialogue option to hire a ferryman or carriage. First, make sure you’re not experiencing the CK dialogue bug (see the previous question). Otherwise, it’s possible that you’re using a Hearthfire mod that edits steward dialogue (such as Hearthfire Extended) and don’t have a patch. If there’s a patch, use it. If not, try adding the temporary Hearthfire mod patch to the end of your load order. Please leave a comment letting me know what mod you’re using it for so I can release a proper patch! The temporary patch will disable the changes to steward dialogue made by any other Hearthfire mod you’re using. You can remove it once you’ve hired the ferryman and/or carriage. (Very few Hearthfire mods edit steward dialogue, so it’s unlikely anyone will have this problem)

Since installing this mod, isn’t working. You’re using a Hearthfire mod that edits steward dialogue (such as Hearthfire Extended) and don’t have a patch. If there’s a patch, use it. If not, ask me to make one. (Very few Hearthfire mods edit steward dialogue, so it’s unlikely anyone will have this problem)

Why is Dawnguard required? Dawnguard adds the dialogue used by the ferry operators. Without Dawnguard, there would be no ferry system to overhaul.

The new carriages are clipping with Please let me know so I can make a patch!

What’s the difference between the Heljarchen and Nightgate versions? Nightgate Inn was originally intended to be the village of Heljarchen, but Bethesda cut it down to just an inn. Cutting Room Floor restores the rest of the village and renames the location back to Heljarchen. If you’re using Cutting Room Floor, it makes sense for the names to match. I think perhaps ETaC and some other mods do the same thing. In any case, none of these mods are actually required so you can pick whichever version you prefer.

Please add carriages to every settlement in Skyrim. I want to keep the mod realistic, and if a settlement consists of nothing more than a few small farmhouses then it wouldn’t make sense for them to have a 24hr carriage service. I might add some new carriages to carefully selected locations, but I’m not going to go adding them everywhere.

Please add an MCM to customise prices. I may add an MCM later, but I’m not going to add one just to offer price customisation. Most players will only need to customise prices once, if at all, so it’s not worth me forcing an SKSE/SkyUI requirement as well as background scripts on all of the other users just because a few users don’t want to have to use TES5Edit.

Please add as a destination. I’ll be adding lots of mod-related destinations soon, so please leave a comment letting me know what location you’d like to see made available.

Does this mod disable normal (map-based) fast travel? No it doesn’t. I might add an option to later, but in the mean time there are other mods that do this already. Frostfall has an option in its MCM, and there are some other mods that exist solely for that purpose. You could also just… not use the map to fast travel?

Technical Information Cleaned with TES5Edit. No bad records, no further cleaning required.

Relevant fixes from USKP forwarded. USKP is however not a requirement.

Using Hearthfire Extended? Remember to use the patch.

This file shares some scripts with my other mod, Hearthfire Extended. Allow them to overwrite each other, the scripts are identical.

The patch for Helgen Reborn adds Helgen as a destination to the carriage system and adds a carriage and driver to Helgen, set up to appear at the same time as one of the buildings (so it won’t be there immediately) (Helgen Reborn patch is temporarily unavailable. The mod still works fine without the patch, the patch only served to add Helgen as a destination and give Helgen a carriage.)

If examining a papyrus log, here’s some errors that are normal and should be ignored:

CarriageDriverScript.psc > Cannot enable an object with an enable parent CWDisableDuringSiegeScript.psc > Cannot enable an object with an enable parent

These errors result from CFTO suppressing the vanilla carriage system. They will not be the cause of whatever issue you are investigating.

If you’re using another carriage/ferry overhaul, you’ll probably need to uninstall it before using CFTO:

Uninstall the other mod, load your game and create a new save. Don’t worry if carriages are missing completely – CFTO will take care of this automatically once it’s installed. Quit the game and install CFTO Load the save you created in (1)

Carriages should then return and work as intended.

Incompatible mods: You can still use the ferry only version alongside any of these mods! They only conflict with the full version. Touring carriages Cart in each big town Any other carriage overhaul mod

Compatible mods: Fast Travel Timescale Fix – Confirmed Small fast travel mods (eg Solitude Jetty) – Confirmed Mods that add individual new carriages, such as new settlement mods Expanded Towns and Cities – Confirmed Dawn of Skyrim – Confirmed JK’s Skyrim – Patch available JK’s Towns – Patch available JK’s Cities – Confirmed. Patch not required! JK’s Cities Lite – Confirmed. Patch not required!

While “Better Fast Travel” does not conflict with CFTO, I do not recommend you use it since it has not been updated recently and has many issues. CFTO is intended as a replacement for BFT, and incorporates most of its features.

If you can confirm whether any other mod is compatible or not, please leave a comment to let me know.

carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

Have you explored the world of Skyrim Mods? Gamers worldwide are enthralled by these enhancements that address a myriad of in-game challenges. To ascend to elite player status, the Skyrim Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul (Formerly Complete Fast Travel Overhaul) Mod might be your express ticket. Simply choose the desired mod file and integrate it seamlessly into your game. This unlocks unparalleled features, equipping you to manage game challenges more efficiently. Our site boasts an array of Skyrim Special Edition mods , you'll want to set aside time to explore at least a few. Every moment spent is worth it, as it catapults your gaming experience to unparalleled heights. We ensure every Skyrim mod in our collection is of the utmost quality and adheres to the highest standards. This guarantees that our users access only the crème de la crème of files. One of our standout offerings is unlimited access to a diverse range of supplementary files, equipping players with a competitive edge. If dominance in the game is your endgame, you must delve into the Skyrim Special Edition Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul (Formerly Complete Fast Travel Overhaul) Mod . It's transformative; you'll wonder how you gamed without these enhancements before. Why not redefine your gaming experience? Dive into our mods, and equip yourself with the finest tools, weapons, and functionalities on offer. Miss out? We think not. Make the leap, supercharge your game, and let your gaming prowess shine. Dive in without reservations, and watch your in-game world transform!

Tags: CFTO Icewater Jetty Lake Honrich Lake Ilinata

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Lexy's LOTD SE

Mod Installation - Part 4

Alternate start expansions & tweaks, alternate start - live another life - sse.

Live Another Life provides an alternative means to start the game for those who do not wish to go through the lengthy intro sequence at Helgen. The player will be given the opportunity to choose a race and then a new life to lead. A wide variety of choices will be available. What is chosen will have a lasting impact, so choose carefully or the gods may forsake them again!

At Your Own Pace

The mod is an overhaul of the first half of the main quest, designed to provide the player with breaks at each stage.

Relic Hunter (Legacy and ASLAL addon)

This addon pack for Legacy of the Dragonborn and Alternate Start - Live Another Life allows you to begin a new game as the guild master for the explorer's society. You start at the site of a small excavation of some Akaviri ruins with several explorer relic tools already at your disposal to get you going as a true relic hunter! The explorer's society and membership recruitment will already be established in this new start, allowing you access to all the benefits and features it has to offer.

Expanded Cities, Towns, and Villages

Books of skyrim se.

This mod adds a books store in Solitude similar to previous Elder Scrolls games. This allows the player to buy clutter books and grow their home library.

  • BooksOfSkyrim.esp

Books of Skyrim SE - Redux

Fixed esp for Books of Skyrim.

Farmhouse Chimneys

This mod adds chimneys to farmhouses that have fireplaces inside. It includes smoke effects for the chimneys and snow shaders where applicable.

FOMOD Instructions - Farmhouse Chimneys SE

carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

Expanded Towns and Cities (SSE)

Expands upon existing towns, villages, settlements, cities, etc. The "new" version so far includes Darkwater Crossing, Dawnstar, Kynesgrove, Riverwood and Rorikstead. Available in "Complete" - All the towns packed together; and, "Modular" - Individual towns à la carte versions. (Karthwasten and Morthal are currently in progress.)

FOMOD Instructions - Expanded Towns and Cities (SSE)

carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

  • Manually extract 05 Karthwasten - RS Children from the archive and install as a separate mod.


Compatibility patch for ETaC and Blended Roads.

Minor Town and City Overhauls

Another redbelly mine mod.

This is my take on the whole Redbelly Mine situation. Trying to provide a more balanced approach.

JK's High Hrothgar

This mod overhauls the interior of High Hrothgar.

JK's Sky Haven Temple

This mod overhauls the interior of Sky Haven Temple.

Old Hroldan Ruins SE

This mod attempts to fill out a discrepancy in which the area, according to lore, should have the remains of the old fort and currently serves as a battle monument in which Tiber Septim (as Hjalti) defeated the Reachmen by shouting down its walls and led troops to retake it successfully

RedBag's Falkreath - Half-Moon Mill Addon

Visual overhaul of the Half-Moon Mill location, using RedBag's Falkreath assets to unite better the Hold architecture into a single style. Standalone.

Spaghetti's Towns - Riverwood

his mod provides a lightweight, compatible, and FPS-friendly overhaul to Riverwood!

Riverwood's Well with Sunhelm support

A tiny but helpful addition for Riverwood - a well-with position based on ETaC Riverwood placement. Two options with and without Sunhelm support.

The Great Cities Resources

A master file required by some of the overhauls of 'The Great Cities' series.

The Great City of Dragon Bridge SSE Edition

Makes Dragon Bridge the fortress it always should have been.

  • The Great City of Dragon Bridge.esp

Rob's Bug Fixes - TGC Dragon Bridge

Simple .esp Replacer of Archinatic's The Great City of Dragon Bridge mod. Cleans up a little bit of junk and forwards USSEP changes.

FOMOD Instructions - Rob's Bug Fixes - TGC Dragon Bridge

carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

The Great Town of Ivarstead SSE

Makes Ivarstead the town it was always meant to be!

  • The Great Town of Ivarstead.esp

Rob's Bug Fixes - TGC Ivarstead

Simple .esp Replacer for Archinatic's The Great Town of Ivarstead mod. Cleaned up the navmesh, and corrected a few other things. Also forwarded some ussep changes and reviewed the JKs Skyrim patch from Janquels patch hub.

FOMOD Instructions - Rob's Bug Fixes - TGC Ivarstead

carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

Rob's Bug Fixes - TGC Rorikstead

Simple .esp replacer for Archinatic's The Great City of Rorikstead mod. Cleans up the navmeshes and forwards USSEP changes where needed among a couple of other misc fixes.

FOMOD Instructions - Rob's Bug Fixes - TGC Rorikstead

carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

The Great Town of Shor's Stone SSE

Makes Shor's Stone the town it was always meant to be!

  • The Great Town of Shor's Stone.esp

Rob's Bug Fixes - TGC Shor's Stone

A simple .esp replacer for The Great Town of Shor's Stone it includes a cleaned plugin, a few improved navmeshes, and some forwarded USSEP changes.

Rob's Bug Fixes - TGC Shor's Stone Enhanced

As per SmauXy's blessing, now presenting a simple .esp replacer for TGC Shor's Stone Enhanced that includes a cleaned plugin, a few improved navmeshes, and some forwarded USSEP changes.

The Great Town of Shor's Stone - Deserted Fallowstone Hall

Makes the castle of Fallowstone Hall much more abandoned by removing NPCs and light sources and adding clutter.

  • Open GreatVillageShorsStoneAbandonedCastle.esp in SSEEdit
  • Delete Navmesh Info Map entry.
  • Save and Exit.
  • Resave GreatVillageShorsStoneAbandonedCastle.esp in Creation Kit.

The Flying Knight

This mod An honorary tavern made after the death of a well-loved member of Lexy's community, Knight Flier.

FOMOD Instructions - The Flying Knight

carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

Falkreath City Overhauls

Capital of falkreath.

Falkreath is a small, quiet hold town and so there were just some little details added, to keep it in line with the other town overhauls.

Spaghetti's Cities - Falkreath

his mod provides a lightweight, compatible, and FPS friendly overhaul to Falkreath!

Unique Culture Falkreath

A set of lightweight vanilla-like building swaps for Falkreath, compatible with and even encouraged for Falkreath town overhauls. Base Object Swapper version!

Markarth City Overhauls

Jk's arnleif and sons trading company.

This mod overhauls the interior of Arnleif and Sons Trading Company.

JK's The Hag's Cure

This mod overhauls the interior of The Hag's Cure.

JK's Temple of Dibella

This mod overhauls the interior of The Temple of Dibella.

Sable's Bits and Bobs - Understone Keep Swept

This mod cleans up a bit of the rubble around Understone Keep, the Jarl's palace in Markarth. To make it a bit less messy.

Morthal City Overhauls

The great city of morthal sse edition.

Makes Morthal the city it always should have been.

  • The Great City of Morthal.esp

Rob's Bug Fixes - TGC Morthal

Simple .esp replacer for Archinatic's The Great City of Morthal mod. primarily cleans up and consolidates the navmeshes.

Finding Helgi... and Laelette - A Laid to Rest Overhaul

A home in Morthal burned down under mysterious circumstances; some say it was the murder of a wife and daughter. A woman leaves home without saying goodbye to her husband and son, ostensibly to join the war. Are these events connected? This is an overhaul of "Laid to Rest" and the third mod in the "Finding" series.

FOMOD Instructions - Finding Helgi... and Laelette - A Laid to Rest Overhaul

carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

Finding Helgi and Laelette - Grammar Fixes

My mod corrects a number of typos and grammatical errors in all subtitles and quest logs added or changed by Laid to rest. In addition, my mod also improves grammar consistency with USSEP, mainly by replacing mentions of "Jarl" with "jarl" when applicable.

Riften City Overhauls

Spaghetti's cities - riften.

This mod provides a lightweight, compatible, and FPS-friendly overhaul to Riften!

Riften Docks Overhaul

Docks overhaul for Riften created by combining and tweaking several high-quality mods.

FOMOD Instructions - Riften Docks Overhaul

carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

Riften Gate Restored

Replaces the boarded-up Riften city gate with a fully functional load door.

GG's Thieves Guild Headquarters

Complete rework of Riften's Thieves Guild Cistern, new architecture, new rooms, new NPCs, dynamic clutters and lots of secrets. This mod doesn't modify Ragged Flagon, so it is compatible with all mods which edit thieves guild tavern

JK's Elgrim's Elixirs

A lore-friendly overhaul of the Elgrims Elixirs Alchemy shop in Riften.

JK's Haelga's Bunkhouse

A lore-friendly overhaul of Riften's Haelga's Bunkhouse.

JK's Mistveil Keep

A lore-friendly overhaul of the Mistveil Keep in Riften.

JK's The Bee and Barb

A lore-friendly overhaul of the Bee and Barb in Riften.

JK's The Pawned Prawn

A lore-friendly overhaul of the Pawned Prawn shop in Riften.

Jk's Pawned Prawn - Riften Docks Overhaul Patch

Compatibility Patch between Riften Docks Overhaul and Jk's Pawned Prawn.

JK's The Ragged Flagon

A lore-friendly overhaul of the Ragged Flagon tavern in Riften.

JK's The Temple of Mara

A lore-friendly overhaul of the Temple of Mara in Riften.

Solitude City Overhauls

Solitude docks updated.

A lore-friendly overhaul of the Solitude outskirts, including the Katla's Farm and stables, the Solitude Sawmill, the docks, continuing all the way to the Solitude side entrance.

  • Textures\ax
  • Solitude Docks - LWF patch.esp

JK's Solitude Outskirts

Drengin's blue palace terrace.

This mod Overhauls of the Blue Palace in Solitude. Unique appearance and enhanced interior.

Extravagant Interiors - Solitude 4K

4K Retexture for babmer's Extravagant Interiors: Solitude

Blue Palace Terrace - Extravagant Blue Palace Standalone

Meshes and plugin for a standalone Extravagant Blue Palace with Blue Palace Terrace supplemented.

Improved Solitude Arch

Improves the models of Solitude arch.

FOMOD Instructions - Improved Solitude Arch

carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

Modular Blue Palace Terrace and Solitude Patches

Modular patches between Drengin's Blue Palace Terrace, Legacy of the Dragonborn v5, Palaces and Castles Enhanced, Enhanced Solitude, Enhanced Solitude Docks, and Solitude Skyway.

Solitude Dome Paintings SSE

This mod adds paintings to the Dome of the Blue Palace.

JK's Angeline's Aromatics

A lore-friendly Overhaul of Angeline's Aromatics Alchemy shop in Solitude.

JK's Castle Dour

A lore-friendly Overhaul of Castle Dour in Solitude.

JK's Bits and Pieces

A lore-friendly Overhaul of Bits and Pieces general shop in Solitude.

JK's Radiant Raiment

A lore-friendly Overhaul of the Radiant Raiment shop in Solitude.

JK's Temple of the Divines

An enhanced Temple overhaul.

JK's The Winking Skeever

A lore-friendly Overhaul of The Winking Skeever Inn in Solitude.

Whiterun City Overhauls

Fortified whiterun.

Fortified Whiterun seeks to bring realistic and logical defences to our most beloved city.

Fortified Whiterun - Immersive Clutter Patch

Changes the static clutter into dynamic clutter, and adds Whiterun guard faction ownership to all clutter, so they must be stolen to be taken. Plus a few other clutter enhancements...

Whiterun Horse Statue

This Mod add Horse statue near Dragonsreach.

JK's Arcadia's Cauldron

A lore friendly shop overhaul of Arcadia's Cauldron.

JK's Belethor's General Goods

A lore friendly shop overhaul of Belethor's General Goods.

JK's Dragonsreach

A lore friendly overhaul Dragonsreach.

JK's The Bannered Mare

A lore friendly and script-free Inn overhaul of The Bannered Mare.

JK's The Drunken Huntsman

A lore friendly shop overhaul of The Drunken Huntsman.

JK's Temple of Kynareth

An enhanced temple overhaul of The Temple of Kynareth.

JK's Warmaiden's

A lore friendly shop overhaul of Warmaiden's.

Windhelm City Overhauls

Spaghetti's cities - windhelm.

This mod provides a lightweight, compatible, and FPS-friendly overhaul to Windhelm!

Better Windhelm Ground Meshes - With Parallax Support

This mod changes a few of the worst-looking ground meshes in Windhelm that had very dark vertex colours and jagged edges that became especially visible when used with snowy Windhelm retextures. It also implements anti-flicker on some of the meshes to maintain compatibility with other mesh-altering mods and carries over USSEP changes.

Miscellaneous Patch Hub

A hub for the collection of patches that I make for mods that I play with, others might find them useful, so here they are.

  • Problem:  Windhelm - Snow Texture Cleanup.esp need cleaning
  • Solution: Load Windhelm - Snow Texture Cleanup.esp using the SSEEDIT - Quick Auto Clean of SSEEdit and let it clean the mod as you would the base ESMs.

Stairs of Skyrim - Windhelm Bridge Stairs

Replaces snow ramp with stairs. Fixes abrupt snow to stone seam. Mesh-only replacer. No ESP

FOMOD Instructions - Stairs of Skyrim - Windhelm Bridge Stairs

carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

Windhelm Docks Pathways

This mod adds stairs and pathways connecting the Windhelm Docks area to both the main bridge into the city as well as a side path leading to Winterhold.

Windhelm Entrance Offset Fix - Base Object Swapper

Centers the Windhelm Entrance using Base Object Swapper. No ESP

Windhelm Gate Fixes SE

Fixes a gap in the Windhelm Main Gate and the ugly view visible when opening it and the Docks Gate.

Windhelm Lighthouse (New)

This mod adds a lore friendly lighthouse to the north of Windhelm.

  • Textures\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceTint\Windhelm Lighthouse.esp\*.tga

JK's Windhelm Outskirts

A lore-friendly overhaul of the Windhelm outskirts, including the Talos Shrine, the Stables and the 3 farmhouses ( Brandy Mug, Hlaalu and Holy Frost)

JK's Candlehearth Hall

A lore-friendly overhaul of the Candlehearth Hall in Windhelm, featuring a new basement with three extra rooms for travellers a bathtub and a storage room for the Inn produce, tons of new decorations, and a balcony overlooking the city.

JK's New Gnisis Cornerclub

A lore-friendly overhaul of the New Gnisis Cornerclub in Windhelm.

JK's Palace of the Kings

A lore-friendly overhaul of the Palace of the Kings in Windhelm.

JK's Sadri's Used Wares

A lore-friendly overhaul of the Sadris Used Wares shop in Windhelm.

JK's Temple of Talos

A lore-friendly overhaul of the Temple of Talos in Windhelm.

JK's White Phial

A lore-friendly overhaul of the White Phial alchemy shop in Windhelm.

Winterhold City Overhauls

The great city of winterhold sse edition.

Makes Winterhold the city it always should have been

Simple Snow Improvements - The Great City of Winterhold (BOS)

A simple mod to improve the snow visuals on roads and objects for Archinatic´s awesome "The Great City Of Winterhold V4" with Base Object Swapper support.

Solstheim City Overhauls

Quaint raven rock - se.

Originally an Imperial settlement and a mining hub, Raven Rock is now home to Dunmer refugees. These extravagant people take pride in tenacity and hard work, still standing in spite of what happened to their homeland.

Quaint Raven Rock Navm Cleaned and Optimized

Cleans up the Navmesh from unnecessary edits, adds missing nav, and adjusts the nav around objects in town.

Quaint Raven Rock Patch Collection

A collection of compatibility patches for Quaint Raven Rock

FOMOD Instructions - Quaint Raven Rock Patch Collection

carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

Better Tel Mithryn

An expansion of the settlement of Tel Mithryn. Includes docks, a main gate, new merchants, guards, and more.

Skaal Village Overhaul

Mod completely overhauls the architecture in the Skaal Village on Solstheim and adds a new player home for you to acquire!

Skaal Village Overhaul Patch Collection

A collection of patches for Elianora's Skaal Village Overhaul.

FOMOD Instructions - Skaal Village Overhaul Patch Collection

carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

Cities, Towns, and Villages - Missives Board

This mod adds a large number of localized radiant quests found at Missive Boards of varying difficulty and with varying rewards.

Missives - Worldspace Additions

This is a compilation of patches for Missives and several new landspace mods.

Missives - Bigger Trigger Box

Makes the trigger boxes that generates the missives for the bounty boards bigger that way you don't have to wait at the board for a couple of seconds for it to generate bounties

Missives - Notes Retexture

This tiny mod adds 9 images to replace the blank notes hanging on the board of the amazing Missives.

Missives - The Witcher Board HD

Replaces the board model from IronDusk33's Missives with a new one converted from The Witcher with HD textures.

FOMOD Instructions - Missives - The Witcher Board HD

carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

Missives - Experience Patch

This mod changes the quest givens by Missives to be more consistent with Experience.

Statues and Shrines

Leanwolf's better-shaped talos statue with greatsword se.

A simple mesh replacer that gives the statue of Talos a Greatsword rather than that toothpick he was holding - for a more warrior-like Talos statue.

FOMOD Instructions - LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Talos with Greatsword SSE

carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

JS Shrines of the Divines SE

Replaces vanilla divine shrines with completely remade, higher resolution versions.

Solitude and Temple Frescoes SSE

This mod adds painted frescoes to the Temple of the Divines in Solitude

  • SolitudeTempleFrescoes.esp
  • SolitudeTempleFrescoesExpanded.esp
  • SolitudeTempleFrescoesSmall.esp

Stunning Statues of Skyrim

This mod is a high-quality meshes and texture for the statues of Skyrim.

FOMOD Instructions - SSoS - Installer Fix

carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

Daedric Shrines - Azura

Adds Azura statue in game.

Vanilla Azura Statue Replacer by Mandragorasprouts

Replaces the vanilla statue of Auzra with Mandragorasprouts' new Azura Shrine model.

Ryn's Azura's Shrine

A large overhaul of the Azura's Shrine area and a new dungeon.

Daedric Shrines - Boethiah

new shrine of Boethiah.

Daedric Shrines - Clavicus Vile

New Clavicus Vile shrine.

Daedric Shrines - Hermaeus Mora

Adds statue of Hermaeus Mora.

Daedric Shrines - Hircine

Adds Hircine statue.

Daedric Shrines - Jyggalag

Adds shrine of Jyggalag

Daedric Shrines - Mehrunes Dagon

Adds Mandragorasprouts Mehrunes Dagon statue to the Museum.

  • man_MehrunesDagonShrine.esp

Daedric Shrines - Mephala

Adds Mephala statue.

Daedric Shrines - Molag Bal

Adds statue of Molag Bal

Daedric Shrines - Namira

Adds statue of Namira.

Daedric Shrines - Nocturnal

Replaces statue of Nocturnal.

Gray Cowl of Nocturnal Statue position fix

fix some of misplace nocturnal statue when you have mandragorasprouts shrine.

Daedric Shrines - Peryite

Adds Peryite statue.

Daedric Shrines by Mandragorasprouts - Quaint Raven Rock Add-on

Tweaks to the statues of the Reclamations in front of Raven Rock Temple that were added in Quaint Raven Rock, using Mandragorasprouts' models.

Daedric Shrines - Sanguine

Adds Sanguine statue.

Daedric Shrines - Sheogorath

Adds Sheogorath statue.

Daedric Shrines - Vaermina

Adds statue of Vaermina.

Daedric Shrines by Mandragorasprouts - Legacy of the Dragonborn Add-on (LotD)

Tweaks to the Daedric Halls in Legacy of the Dragonborn's Museum to incorporate Mandragorasprouts' shrine models, along with some other small tweaks. ESP-FE

Interior Redesigns

Snazzy furniture and clutter overhaul.

This mod spruces up Skyrim Clutter with some new HD furniture.

FOMOD Instructions - Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul SE

carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul (SFCO) Patch Collection

A collection of SFCO patches and additions for various mods.

FOMOD Instructions - Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul Patches

carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

Collectables, Treasure Hunts, and Puzzles

Legacy of the dragonborn badgremlins collection.

This mod adds a collection of treasure and collectables for Legacy of The Dragonborn.

Skyrims Unique Treasures

This mod adds 100s of unique Items, Weapons, and Treasures.

  • Launch Cathedral Assets Optimizer and pick the Lexy's LOTD SE - BSA Profile from the drop-down menu, then run the mod through Cathedral Assets Optimizer.

Snazzy - Skyrims Unique Treasures

Mesh and texture enhancements for the great Skyrims Unique Treasures!

Fire and Forges

An overhaul of campfires and other fire sources.

FOMOD Instructions - Embers XD

carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

Animated Forge Water

A mesh-only animated forge water replacer with refraction. No ESP. Includes patches for Elsopa and Embers

FOMOD Instructions - Animated Forge Water

carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

Rally's Smithy

Texture Replacer for Anvils, Blacksmith Hammers, Hot Iron Rods and Tongs.

FOMOD Instructions - Rally's Smithy

carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

Sconces of Skyrim - Markarth and Dwemer Braziers Improved

Fixes ugly Markarth braziers

Trivial Smelters of Skyrim (could be YASM - Yet Another Smelter Mod)

Adds several smelters in towns and cities that don't have them.

FOMOD Instructions - Trivial Smelters of Skyrim

carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul

A lightweight overhaul of both the vanilla Skyrim carriage system and Dawnguard's ferry system.

Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul - Fixes and Winterhold

Provides fixes, extra carriage and ferry services, ESL flags and other features to the wonderful Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul mod.

FOMOD Instructions - Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul - Fixes and Winterhold

carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

Missives - Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul Patch

When using Missives alongside Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul, delivery quests involving carriage drivers and ferrymen become impossible to complete due to changes done by CFTO to these actors. This patch adds all these actors (and Klimmek) to Missives' exceptions FormID list, so the radiant quests from Missives won't target these characters.

The Great City of Morthal - CFTO Patch

A for CFTO and The Great City of Morthal

  • Problem: The Great City of Morthal - CFTO Patch.esp contains UDR's (Undeleted References).
  • Solution: Load The Great City of Morthal - CFTO Patch.esp using the SSEEDIT - Quick Auto Clean and let it clean the mod as you would the base ESMs.

CFTO Ferry Integration Patches

Integrates CFTO ferries with a few town overhauls to fit more naturally and seamlessly. Each patch is a separate plugin, so you can choose which ones you want to install. All plugins are ESL flagged.

FOMOD Instructions - CFTO Ferry Integration

carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

Snazzy Diverse Carriages - Base Object Swapper

Adds diversity to every carriage in the game via Base Object Swapper.

  • textures/smim/clutter/upperclass
  • textures/smim/clutter/diningset

Simply Knock SE

Simply Knock is the first feature-complete mod that allows you to knock on locked doors of houses in Skyrim.

Simply Knock SKSE64 DLL

Replacement SKSE64 DLL for Simply Knock.

Just Knock - Simply Knock Dynamic Activation Key patch

Adapts Chesko's Simply Knock to use Dynamic Activation Key by JaySerpa. Now also supports Simpler Knock by Alaebasta.

FOMOD Instructions - Just Knock - Simply Knock Dynamic Activation Key patch

carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

Worldspace - Late Loaders

My road signs are beautiful - multilingual hd retexture.

This mod is a high quality retexture of Road Signs with unique illustrations for all cities.

FOMOD Instructions - My Road Signs are Beautiful - Multilingual HD Retexture

carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold


This mod retextures the East Empire Signage.

Sepolcri - A complete Burial Sites overhaul

Sepolcri is a complete overhaul of all burial sites in Skyrim.

Skyking Signs

please note the Skyking Signs - Interesting NPCs Patch needs cleaning but this can't be done until Intresting NPCs is installed later on in the guide.

Skyking Signs offers all new meshes and textures for the shop and inn signs found throughout Skyrim. Signs will sway in the wind and respond more accordingly when hit. Their materials are set to wood as opposed to metal like the vanilla meshes.

Skyking Unique Signs

Add unique signs to the shops found around Skyrim. Designed to be used with Skyking Signs.

Unique Festival Ropes

Every city deserves festival ropes in the hold colours! Mod uses Base Object Swapper to switch default festival ropes to unique ones in the hold colour theme. Very compatible.

I hope you enjoy Lexy's LOTD SE


carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

There are multiple methods of transport in Skyrim.

  • 1.1 Movement Speeds by Method and Conditions
  • 3 Dragon Riding DB
  • 4 Horse Riding
  • 6.1 Dead Man's Dread CC
  • 7 Fast Travel

Walking, Running, Strafing and Sprinting [ edit ]

Walking is the slowest speed at which you will normally move. To walk, use the movement control appropriate for your platform. You cannot move faster than at a walking pace while you are overencumbered .

You will generally spend most of your time moving at a moderate run ; running uses no stamina . You can also strafe or sidestep using the left or right "move" commands.

Sprint by holding the sprint control key (or toggle on/off for the Special Edition ). Sprinting is significantly faster than running. As it consumes stamina, you can only sprint for a limited distance. You will generally exhaust your stamina more quickly when sprinting in heavy armor or when wielding a heavy weapon.

Walking or running backwards is slower than going forwards, and you cannot sprint backwards or sideways.

Movement Speeds by Method and Conditions [ edit ]

Falling [ edit ].

Also see information on falling , which can hurt or kill you.

Dragon Riding DB [ edit ]

As part of the Dragonborn DLC, you can ride a dragon once you have acquired all three words of the Bend Will shout. For more information see Dragon Riding .

As you cannot steer a dragon while riding it, the main functionality of this method of transportation is for fast travel .

Horse Riding [ edit ]

You can travel much faster on horseback than on foot. You can also ride a horse while overencumbered for normal or fast travel. For complete information see Horses .

Carriage [ edit ]

Carriages will carry you between the nine capital cities of each hold in Skyrim for 20–50 gold. They are the fastest means to get to cities which you have not yet discovered - although in the plain game, they are only available in the five major hold capitals: the four smaller hold capitals can be the destination but not the origin of a carriage journey.

The fare to the five larger hold capitals of Markarth , Riften , Solitude , Whiterun , and Windhelm costs 20 gold, whereas going to the four smaller hold capitals of Dawnstar , Falkreath , Morthal , and Winterhold costs 50 gold.

With the Hearthfire add-on , homestead carriages also provide transport from the three homesteads to Darkwater Crossing , Dragon Bridge , Ivarstead , Karthwasten , Kynesgrove , Old Hroldan Inn , Riverwood , Rorikstead , Shor's Stone , and Stonehills . There is no charge for these services beyond the initial cost of hiring the carriage driver.

When first arriving at one of the five major hold capitals, you can speak with the carriage operator for some local information. Carriages will not operate when you are overencumbered .

The carriage drivers are:

  • Alfarinn ( Windhelm )
  • Bjorlam ( Whiterun )
  • Engar ( Windstad Manor ) HF
  • Gunjar ( Lakeview Manor ) HF
  • Kibell ( Markarth )
  • Markus ( Heljarchen Hall ) HF
  • Sigaar ( Riften )
  • Thaer ( Solitude )

Ferrymen DG [ edit ]

Three ferrymen are added by the Dawnguard add-on and can transport you between three coastal cities for 50 gold, or to Icewater Jetty for 500 gold. You can also take a self-service ferry between Icewater Jetty and Volkihar Keep .

With the Bittercup Creation , you may have to ask Harlaug to bring you to the island of Giant's Tooth . He will continue to offer transport to the remote island for 50 gold.

  • Gort ( Windhelm )
  • Harlaug ( Dawnstar )
  • Jolf ( Solitude )

carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

Dead Man's Dread CC [ edit ]

With the Dead Man's Dread Creation , you will have the opportunity to acquire the Dead Man's Dread , an ancient pirate ship that serves as a player home . Once you have claimed the ship as your own, a map inside allows for instant sea transportation. This map will bring you to Solitude, Dawnstar, or Windhelm. You will also unlock the ability to travel to Volkihar Keep (or rather, Icewater Jetty) and Raven Rock once you have discovered these places. This mode of travel is one-way.

Fast Travel [ edit ]

You can fast travel from any exterior location to any location marked on your in-game map and which you have discovered (visited). Discovered locations are indicated on your map or compass with light-colored markers. Dark-colored markers, on the other hand, are places you have had marked on your map but have not yet discovered yourself, and therefore are not available for fast travel. Although fast travel transports you "instantly", a more "realistic" amount of game time will have passed upon arrival; however, such elapsed travel times are the same whether on foot or horseback.

With the Dragonborn expansion, fast traveling while riding a dragon transports you almost instantly in game time.

You cannot fast travel when near any hostile enemies, when overencumbered (unless you are on a horse), nor when falling, jumping, or during the animation of mounting a horse. Fast travel is totally disabled when playing in Survival Mode , except while riding a dragon.

See also [ edit ]

  • Sneak skill
  • Skyrim-Hints
  • Skyrim-Bugs Fixed by the Unofficial Skyrim Patch

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  • Skyrim LE Mods

SKYRIMLE Complete Fast Travel Overhaul (by Kinaga)


By Solmyr August 2, 2015 in Skyrim LE Mods

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Complete Fast Travel Overhaul  ( by  Kinaga)

This mod is intended as a replacement for Better Fast Travel. From the Nexus page:

  • Ferries operate on the north coast, Solstheim, Lake Ilinata and Lake Honrich. Scroll down for a complete list of destinations.
  • You can build a jetty and hire a ferryman at Lakeview Manor and Windstad Manor. A ferryman is also available for Honeyside.
  • Ferries are slightly cheaper than carriages, but only offer destinations on the same waterway. They also offer some destinations that carriages do not. Previously they cost the same price, so there was no reason to use them - carriages were superior in every way.
  • No more buggy ferry seats - after paying the ferryman you will be transported after a few seconds. You don't need to "use" the horrendous, glitchy "ferry seat" activator.
  • To preserve realism, ferries do not offer routes that would involve going up or down waterfalls.


  • Carriages have been added to Falkreath, Morthal and Dawnstar.
  • Different carriages use different breeds of horses, they're not all plain brown anymore.
  • Carriages will take you to any settlement in Skyrim. When you ask to hire a carriage, you'll be presented with a list of nearby locations (usually within the current hold). You can also ask to be taken to any of the other 8 holds, in which case you'll be presented with a list of their settlements. Hearthfire homes are included as destinations (provided you own the house).
  • Prices are roughly based on the length and danger of the journey. For example, from Whiterun a carriage to Riverwood is only 40 gold. To Falkreath it would cost 60 gold. To Winterhold it would cost 80 gold.
  • You have to pay for a carriage before you can use it. If you change your mind, you can ask the driver for a refund. If you wait too long, you'll lose your money.

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You have to tag it for testing.

I'm using it right now on STEP extended setup, not errors to report, only improvements:

It aways bugged me that the fast travel overhaul used in STEP placed a carriage in every single settlement, and they stood there all day long.

In this mod, you only have carriages in major settlements and can drop off cart in all settlements.

Boats are carrefully planned where it would be possible to handle then without going over waterfalls.

Both features above put it above the current STEP solution, in my view, not to mention the other stuff like no buggy activators, etc.

High King

Better Fast Travel is obviously superior to this mod when it comes to customization. In fact it is so customizable that you could make it have the same stops as this mod and remove some of the carriages from the minor stops if you so want. This mod feels kinda redundant tbh .


It's supposed to have less script load than BFT. There were always people reporting issues with BFT. (not me though)

Apart from that most noteable differences are the ferry routes which have far more destinations than BFT. And the option to travel to Hearthfire homes once they are built.

However, I saw that BFT is under new management (check comments on Nexus page), so maybe that mod will receive some updates.


I've never had trouble with BFT myself... this one looks good too. Will continue monitoring for developments on both.

It's supposed to have less script load than BFT. There were always people reporting issues with BFT. (not me though) Apart from that most noteable differences are the ferry routes which have far more destinations than BFT. And the option to travel to Hearthfire homes once they are built.   However, I saw that BFT is under new management (check comments on Nexus page), so maybe that mod will receive some updates.

The option to travel to/from HF homes is built-in BFT as well.



We need a real time carriage/ferry travel mod. Like the one in Morrowind, forgot the name though.

Edit: Obviously make it interesting by adding ambushes and raids by bandito horsemen.

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  1. Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul

    carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

  2. Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul

    carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

  3. Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul

    carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

  4. Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul

    carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

  5. Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul

    carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold

  6. Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul

    carriage and ferry travel overhaul fixes and winterhold


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  3. I'm a Wizard Now

  4. Skyrim: The Dragon Elder Scroll (Vampire & Winterhold College Questlines)

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  1. Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul

    Provides fixes, extra carriage and ferry services, ESL flags and other features to the wonderful Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul mod.

  2. Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul (Formerly Complete Fast Travel

    A lightweight overhaul of both the vanilla Skyrim carriage system and Dawnguard's ferry system. Realistic and bug-free.

  3. CFTO

    Add-on to Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul that adds a travel carriage to Winterhold.

  4. Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul (by Kinaga)

    Simpler alternative to Convenient Carriages - Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul by Kinaga useful patches - Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul - Fixes and Winterhold and Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul - Companions Radiant Quest Fix

  5. Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul (Formerly Complete Fast Travel

    Kinaga's Carriage & Ferry Travel Overhaul. Realistic, bug-free, functional carriages & ferries. An overhaul of both the vanilla Skyrim carriage system and Dawnguard's ferry system. Designed to make ferries a viable means of travel, make prices realistic based on travel distance and add loads of cut carriage dialogue.

  6. Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul (CFTO)

    Note that this isn't a port of the LE Ferries Only version, this is a patch created from scratch in accordance with Kinaga's permissions stated above. The patch is based on the CFTO.esp replacer from Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul - Fixes and Winterhold , so I can't guarantee it will work correctly with only the original CFTO.esp.

  7. The Winterhold Cart Issue : r/skyrimmods

    Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul (CFTO) This mod overhauls the vanilla Skyrim carriage system and Dawnguard's ferry system. It's designed to make ferries a viable means of travel and make prices realistic based on travel distance. It also adds loads of cut carriage dialogue. There's also a specific patch for Fixes and Winterhold.

  8. Compatibility Patch for Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul with Great

    Does anyone know of patch to make Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul (formerly Complete Fast Travel Overhaul) compatible with soldierofwar's The Great Cities mod? Was looking for the carriage in Dawnstar and realized that the placement of the carriage had clipped him through the new wall.

  9. Stuck in winterhold and lovin it

    Traditional (8K) Skyrim and Solstheim Paper Maps for FWMF (AE and SSE) Custom Map Markers for Traditional Skyrim and Solstheim Paper Maps [SkyUI] (AE and SE) Better tomboys (wide spread arms fix) DAR animations Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul - Fixes and Winterhold Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul - Companions Radiant Quest FIx SSE

  10. Mod Installation

    Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul - Fixes and Winterhold Provides fixes, extra carriage and ferry services, ESL flags and other features to the wonderful Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul mod.

  11. Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul

    Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul - Fixes and Winterhold - German Endorsements 55 Unique DLs 487 Total DLs 826 Total views 8,068 Version 3.0 Original File Download: Manual 5 items

  12. Skyrim:Transport

    When first arriving at one of the five major hold capitals, you can speak with the carriage operator for some local information. Carriages will not operate when you are overencumbered. The Unofficial Skyrim Patch, version 1.0, addresses this issue. Carriages will transport you overencumbered, as will horses and ferries.

  13. Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul

    Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul - Fixes and Winterhold By Nexus-Mods RSS Feed, August 20, 2022 in Nexus Skyrim SE RSS Feed Share Followers 0

  14. User : DrPharmDawg/SkyRem Guide Section3

    [MAIN] Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul - Fixes and Winterhold - Download: Nexus - Author: ViktoriaLanders - Version: 3.0 - Plugins: 0 ESP (Replaces CFTO.ESP)

  15. Complete Fast Travel Overhaul (by Kinaga)

    Solmyr. Complete Fast Travel Overhaul (by Kinaga) This mod is intended as a replacement for Better Fast Travel. From the Nexus page: Ferries. Ferries operate on the north coast, Solstheim, Lake Ilinata and Lake Honrich. Scroll down for a complete list of destinations. You can build a jetty and hire a ferryman at Lakeview Manor and Windstad Manor.

  16. Looking for mods that restore/finish cut, planned or ...

    Cutting Room Floor Cut Content - Windhelm Arena The Farmhand Contact Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul (Formerly Complete Fast Travel Overhaul) + Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul - Fixes and Winterhold Relationship Dialogue Overhaul or Relationship Dialogue Overhaul Lite True Alteration Armor Visuals The Soulbug Familiar Footprints

  17. Where is the carriage in Winterhold?

    For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Where is the carriage in Winterhold?".

  18. Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul

    Provides fixes, extra carriage and ferry services, ESL flags and other features to the wonderful Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul mod.

  19. Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul

    Tradução de Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul - Fixes and Winterhold Instalação Metodos Instalação Manual ou Mod Manager (Vortex, MO2 (Mod organizer), etc) 1.

  20. Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul

    All games Skyrim Special Edition Mods Patches Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul - Fixes and Winterhold - Simplified Chinese Translation "马车和渡船旅行大修-修复和冬堡" 简中汉化(包含部分Patch汉化,请看详细简介)

  21. Great City of Dragon Bridge

    In the vein of my two previous CFTO ferry tweaks, this one moves the Dragon Bridge ferry to the docks added by The Great City of Dragon Bridge. Please note that the Dragon Bridge ferry is NOT included in the original CFTO mod, but was added by the Fixes and Winterhold extension. Therefore the fixes mod is a mandatory requirement.

  22. In need of help : r/skyrimmods

    +Quaint Raven Rock Navm Cleaned and Optimized +SIC SE - Add-Ons and Patches Craft +Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes - CBBE Patch +Immersive College of Winterhold Patch Collection +Rob's Bug Fixes - TGC Solitude +SIC SE - Add-Ons and Patches +AI Overhaul SSE - Cutting +AI Overhaul SSE - relation +Deadly Spell Impacts Transparency Fix for ...

  23. Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul

    Fournit des correctifs, des services de transport supplémentaires et d'autres caractéristiques au merveilleux mod Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul de Kinaga. "Il s'agit d'un patch léger et simple que j'ai fait pour moi-même mais que je voulais partager avec la communauté, pour ceux qui sont i...