wandering spider peru

The wandering spider - Found in many of South America’s rainforests

The Brazilian wandering spider is the commonly used generic term for what is in fact a family of eight different species, found in the rainforests of the Americas all the way from Costa Rica to Argentina, including Peru.

Also known as the “armed” or “banana” spider (for its alarming habit of finding its way into shipments of bananas), this fearsome creature is called the “wandering spider” because instead of building a web and laying in wait for its prey, species of the Phoneutria genus prefer to go in search of their victims.

Phoneutria means “murderess” in Greek, and these spiders certainly live up to their reputation as the deadliest arachnids in the world.  The best known member of the Phoneutria genus is Phoneutria nigriventer , because it is frequently found near human settlements and is therefore the species of wandering spider which most often comes into contact with people.  Along with Phoneutria fera, this is the species most closely associated with the widely used common name “Brazilian wandering spider” . Two other species of the genus Phoneutria live in the rainforests of Peru’s Tambopata National Reserve .

While the Brazilian wandering spider has even been included in the Guinness Book of World Records as the “world’s most venomous spider”, very few substantiated reports have been received of it biting humans; however, its venom certainly has the potential to kill a human, particularly a child, where no venom antiserum is available for timely treatment of the victim.

The venom of the deadliest species of the Phoneutria genus has been reported as being more lethal than that of the famous black widow spider. They are nocturnal and tend to feed on mice, small lizards, frogs and large insects, and are able to kill such manageable prey with a single bite.

As mentioned, wandering spiders are also known as “banana spiders”. One particularly famous case of these venomous stowaways making it to more northerly climes was widely reported in the British press, when in 2005 a man was bitten in the UK and as a result was hospitalized for several weeks.

Wandering spiders are very large, with some species reported as possessing bodies around five centimeters (two inches) in diameter, and legs up to fifteen centimeters (six inches) long. Their brown tones vary across the eight known species, although all of them are reported as being hairy. In common with other spider species, the female wandering spider is larger than the male, and will often attack and even kill her partner following copulation.

A single fact concerning the bite of the wandering spider is probably most responsible for the intimidating reputation they possess. By working to increase blood flow in victims and disrupt their neuromuscular systems, in addition to cramps, abdominal pain, convulsions and severe burning pain, the chemicals in these spiders’ venom can cause prolonged and painful erections in male humans, and scientists have been researching ways of using wandering spider venom in treatment for erectile dysfunction.

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The Brazilian Wandering Spider: A Venomous Arachnid That Could Kill You

If you’re an arachnophobe, look away now! The Brazilian wandering spider is one of the deadliest spiders in the world, with a venom that can cause paralysis and even death in humans.

In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about this venomous arachnid, from its physical characteristics and habitat to its bite symptoms and treatment options. So, let’s get started!

wandering spider peru

The Brazilian wandering spider, also known as the banana spider, is a highly venomous arachnid that can be found in various countries across South and Central America. It’s considered one of the deadliest spiders in the world due to its potent venom and aggressive behaviour, which can lead to fatal consequences if left untreated.

As humans continue to encroach on the spider’s natural habitat, it’s becoming more common to encounter these venomous creatures in urban areas.

That’s why it’s important to know what to look out for and how to avoid an encounter with a Brazilian wandering spider.

Table of Contents

Physical Characteristics

wandering spider peru

This spider can grow up to 6 inches in leg span and has a distinct appearance that makes it easy to identify.

Its body is covered in brown or black hairs, and it has long, thin legs that are often banded with lighter and darker stripes.

Males have larger pedipalps (the “boxing gloves” at the front of the body) than females, which they use to transfer sperm during mating.

Habitat and Distribution

Brazilian wandering spiders can be found in a variety of habitats, including forests, grasslands, and even human dwellings. They are most commonly found in Central and South America, including Brazil, Costa Rica, and Peru.

These spiders are often referred to as “wandering” spiders because they do not build webs like other spider species. Instead, they roam the forest floor or hide in dark crevices during the day, making them difficult to spot.

Venom and Toxicity

The venom of these arachnids contains a neurotoxin that attacks the nervous system, causing paralysis and eventually death if left untreated.

The venom is especially dangerous to young children and the elderly, as well as those with pre-existing health conditions.

Interestingly, their venom has also been studied for potential use in medicine.

It contains a molecule that can help to treat erectile dysfunction, and is being researched as a potential treatment for other conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and epilepsy.

Symptoms of a Bite

In a period from 1925 to 1945 there were recorded 415 bites by this species, 400 of which required antivenom .

If you’re unlucky enough to be bitten by one of these, you’ll likely experience symptoms within a few hours. These can include:

  • Intense pain and swelling around the bite area
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Elevated heart rate and blood pressure
  • Muscle cramps and spasms
  • Difficulty breathing

Symptoms can vary in severity depending on the amount of venom injected, as well as the age and health of the person bitten. In some cases, the bite can be fatal.

Treatment Options

If you suspect that you’ve been bitten by a Brazilian wandering spider, it’s important to seek medical attention immediately.

The first step is to clean the wound with soap and water and apply a cold compress to reduce swelling. You should then try to keep the affected limb immobilized and elevated.

In severe cases, antivenom may be necessary to counteract the effects of the spider’s venom.

This is typically administered in a hospital setting, where the patient can be closely monitored for any adverse reactions.

Why Banana Spider?

These spiders acquired their other common name, “banana spider”, because it is claimed that they are occasionally found in shipments of bananas, though the number of reports is exaggerated due to common misidentifications of unrelated spiders.

A survey of spiders found in international shipments to North America revealed that only 7 of 135 spiders were  Phoneutria  species, six being  Phoneutria boliviensis  from bananas and one  Phoneutria nigriventer  from a shipment of electrical parts.

Interesting Facts

This arachnid is named for its habit of wandering the forest floor in search of prey, rather than building webs like other spiders.

Male spiders of this species will perform a “dance” to attract females, waving their pedipalps and vibrating their bodies to create a rhythmic sound.

In some parts of South America, the spider is considered a delicacy and is even used as an ingredient in traditional medicine.

By understanding its physical characteristics, habitat, and venom, we can better protect ourselves from encountering this arachnid in the wild.

If you do happen to be bitten, remember to seek medical attention immediately to prevent potentially fatal consequences.

The Brazilian Wandering Spider is not the only deadly spider in the world, check out our article on the Funnel-Web Spider for some more interesting spider goodness!

Is the Brazilian wandering spider the most venomous spider in the world?

Yes, this spider is considered one of the most venomous spiders in the world.

How do I avoid encountering a Brazilian wandering spider?

The best way to avoid encountering a Brazilian wandering spider is to stay away from its natural habitat, which includes forests and grasslands. Be sure to shake out any clothing or shoes before putting them on, and keep your home clean and free of clutter.

Can you die from a Brazilian wandering spider bite?

Yes, in severe cases, a Brazilian wandering spider bite can be fatal.

Are there any natural remedies for a Brazilian wandering spider bite?

No, there are no known natural remedies for a Brazilian wandering spider bite. Seek medical attention immediately.

What should I do if I see a Brazilian wandering spider in my home?

If you see a Brazilian wandering spider in your home, do not attempt to handle it. Call a professional exterminator to safely remove the spider.

How can the venom of the Brazilian wandering spider be used in medicine?

The venom of the Brazilian wandering spider contains a molecule that can help to treat erectile dysfunction, and is being researched as a potential treatment for other conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and epilepsy.

Are Brazilian wandering spiders found only in Brazil?

No, while the Brazilian wandering spider is primarily found in Brazil, it can also be found in other countries in South America.

How can I identify a Brazilian wandering spider?

The Brazilian wandering spider is typically brown or black in color, with long, hairy legs and a body that can be up to 2 inches in length. It has a distinctive red marking on its underside, which is often used as a warning signal to potential predators.

Can I keep a Brazilian wandering spider as a pet?

No, it is illegal to keep a Brazilian wandering spider as a pet in many countries, including the United States. Additionally, the spider’s venom makes it a dangerous animal to keep in captivity.

What should I do if I encounter a Brazilian wandering spider in the wild?

If you encounter a Brazilian wandering spider in the wild, the best course of action is to stay away from it and not disturb it. If you do get bitten, seek medical attention immediately. Remember to never attempt to handle or capture a venomous spider like the Brazilian wandering spider, as it can be extremely dangerous.

However, not all spiders are created equal. Some of them are quite docile and even friendly (ish)! We have a great article on jumping spiders HERE for example.

Until next time, stay spidery!

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Brazilian Wandering Spider facts

Brazilian Wandering Spider facts

Last updated on July 12th, 2023 at 01:48 pm

When you think of deadly spiders, there are a few names that spring to mind – but none more infamous than the Brazilian Wandering Spider. This species is reputed to have the most toxic venom of any spider, having a bite which causes horrendous side-effects like priapism and convulsions.

What you may not know, however, is that the Brazilian Wandering Spider name is actually used for a few species. The most common, and perhaps the most medically significant in the group are Phoneutria nigriventer and Phoneutria fera .

In this post, I’ll tell you more about these two species, from where they live, to what they eat. To keep things simple, I’ll just refer to them both as the “Brazilian Wandering Spider”, given how similar they are. Let’s dive in…

Quick Facts

To kick things off, here are some fascinating factoids about the Brazilian Wandering Spider:

  • They belong to the genus ‘Phoneutria’, which translates to ‘murderess’ in Greek.
  • They are known for their highly potent venom.
  • Wandering Spiders are nocturnal creatures.
  • They are also known as ‘banana spiders’ due to their tendency to hide in banana plants.
  • They are not web-weavers but active hunters. This is called ‘cursorial’ hunting.
  • It’s considered one of the most dangerous spiders in the world.

Other Common Names

The Brazilian Wandering Spider goes by several other names. The most common is the ‘banana spider’, thanks to their notorious habit of stowing away in banana shipments. In their native Portuguese, they’re known as ‘aranhas-armadeiras’ , translating to ‘armed spiders’ – a reference to their aggressive defense posture.

Brazilian Wandering Spider Venom

Possessing one of the most potent venoms among spiders, the Brazilian Wandering Spider’s bite is a cause for concern. Its venom is a complex cocktail of toxins, proteins, and peptides.

The main component that gets everyone’s attention is the neurotoxin, called PhTx3 , which can interfere with the functioning of our nervous system, leading to a variety of symptoms.

Brazilian Wandering Spider facts

What’s the Benefit of Having Such Strong Venom?

With venom potent enough to kill a human, one might wonder why this spider needs such a powerful weapon. The answer lies in its lifestyle.

Brazilian Wandering Spiders are active hunters and their venom is primarily used to incapacitate prey quickly. The venom’s potency also serves as an effective deterrent against potential predators.

Brazilian Wandering Spider Deaths

Despite the notorious reputation, actual deaths from Brazilian Wandering Spider bites are rare. This is largely due to the rapid medical attention available in areas where these spiders are common. Plus, these spiders don’t always inject venom when they bite – a dry bite can occur.

This actually common in venomous animals, including spiders and reptiles. Occasionally they bite and decide to not inject any venom. The point of this is to conserve it, given that it is energetically costly to produce.

Brazilian Wandering Spider Size

Being quite large and impressive compared to most arachnids, adult Brazilian Wandering Spiders can reach a leg span of up to 7 inches (18 cm) . The body size excluding the legs can be up to 2 inches (5 cm). Their size contributes to their intimidating presence.

If you’d to learn more about why they get so big, check out my article on Brazilian Wandering Spider size for more info!

Brazilian Wandering Spider Location and Habitat

Brazilian Wandering Spiders are native to South America. Here’s a quick rundown of their range and preferred habitats:

Brazilian Wandering Spider facts

Brazilian Wandering Spider Speed

An adept hunter, the Brazilian Wandering Spider can move quickly when chasing prey or evading threats. While exact speed measurements can vary, some sources report that these spiders can achieve speeds up to 1 meter per second.

What Does the Brazilian Wandering Spider Eat?

The Brazilian Wandering Spider’s diet consists mainly of insects, other spiders, and occasionally small amphibians and reptiles. Their potent venom allows them to tackle prey larger than themselves, making them one of the apex micro-predators in their habitat.

Final Thoughts…

While the Brazilian Wandering Spider might seem terrifying to many, as an arachnid enthusiast, I find them to be incredibly fascinating. Their potent venom, hunting prowess, and adaptation to diverse habitats reveal the intricate beauty of the evolutionary process.

Just remember, these spiders, like all creatures, play a vital role in our ecosystem. Respect, not fear, should be our response to these remarkable arachnids.

The truth is that most bites are accidental, but they do occur. The fact that so few deaths occur each year is a testament to the effectiveness of the antivenom that has now become widely available.

Brazilian Wandering Spider facts

FAQ related to the Brazilian Wandering Spider

What happens if you are bitten by a brazilian wandering spider.

Immediately after a bite from a Brazilian Wandering Spider, you will experience localized pain. Then, within 5 to 15 minutes the area around the bite will swell. The swelling can spread to most of a limb, for example. Finally, neurological symptoms like coldness, sweating, and convulsions will set in.

Do wandering spiders jump?

Wandering Spiders are excellent at jumping. They can jump several feet when surprised, and may occasionally use this as a tactic to evade predators. Jumping at you isn’t part of how bites happen though. When faced with humans, Wandering Spiders usually stand their ground and use their threat display of raised legs to warn us away.

Is Brazilian wandering spider friendly?

Wandering Spiders are not friendly. As a general rule, they are relatively calm, but can also be defensive. They tend to see humans as a threat, and will not take to being handled easily. That said, they are not aggressive, and most bites happen when someone accidentally touches one or tries to kill it.

Are Brazilian wandering spiders in Australia?

Brazilian Wandering Spiders are not found in Australia. The only species in Australia that get as large as Wandering Spiders are the Huntsman Spiders. At a distance they may appear relatively similar, but Huntsman Spiders are completely harmless to humans.

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Brazilian Wandering Spider: Care, Food, Habitat & Preventions

Mike Wallace

Have you ever heard of or do you know what a  Brazilian wandering spider is ? It is a big venomous spider from places like Central and South America, and people sometimes call it the  banana spider . Why? Well, we are about to find out!

Table of Contents

These wandering spiders are aggressive hunters who go out on the hunt at night. Their meals include both invertebrates (like insects) and vertebrates (creatures with a backbone, like small animals).

These spiders are super dangerous because their venom is like a powerful potion that can make people really sick or even worse. They usually hang out in tropical rainforests and even in cities, hiding in banana plants. 

So, let’s get more information about the world of this sneaky spider to learn the details about its looks, eating habits, where it lives, the venom it carries, and find out if it is genuinely risky. Ready to explore? Keep reading!

Brazilian Wandering Spider Description:

Scientific name and family:.

In Brazil, they are sometimes known as “ armed spiders ” (armadeiras), and they share the name “ banana spiders ” with a few other spiders. They have different names, but they are all talking about the same interesting spider!

Brazilian Wandering-Spider sitting on hand Spiders-Planet

The Brazilian wandering spider, scientifically known as  Phoneutria , Maximilian Perty kickstarted the Phoneutria genus in 1833. The name comes from the Greek word φονεύτρια , which means “murderess” and falls under the Animalia kingdom, Arthropoda phylum, and Arachnida class.

Within Arachnida, it is classified in the order Araneae, infraorder Araneomorphae, and Ctenidae family. The genus Phoneutria, described by Perty in 1833, includes the type species  Phoneutria fera .

This classification helps us understand where these spiders fit into the larger picture of living organisms.

The following 9 species are accepted by The  World Spider Catalog :

  • Phoneutria bahiensis
  • Phoneutria boliviensis
  • Phoneutria eickstedtae
  • Phoneutria fera
  • Phoneutria keyserlingi
  • Phoneutria nigriventer
  • Phoneutria pertyi
  • Phoneutria reidyi
  • Phoneutria depilata

What do Brazilian Wandering Spider look like?

Size range:.

The spiders in the Phoneutria group can get pretty big in size. Their legs can stretch out to be 13 to 18 centimeters (5 to 7 inches) wide, and their bodies can have a range between 17 to 48 millimeters (a little more than half an inch to almost 2 inches) long.

The female Brazilian spiders can get pretty big, reaching up to 15 centimeters (5.9 inches) in length. On the other hand, the males are smaller, usually measuring around 7 centimeters (2.8 inches). They usually weigh up to 0.21 ounces.

They have long, slender legs, and even though some other spiders with different names might have longer legs, the Phoneutria spiders are champions when it comes to having the longest bodies and being the heaviest in their spider gang.

The spider’s body has two main parts. The first is the prosoma, kind of like its “head,” where you will find all eight legs, eyes, fangs (chelicera), and little multitasking arms (pedipalps).

The second part is the opisthosoma, holding the spinnerets for making silk, the back end opening (anal opening), “the lungs,” the heart, and the important bits for making baby spiders (reproductive organs).

So, the prosoma is like the front control center, and the opisthosoma is like the back office, handling things like silk-making and baby-making.

Brazilian spiders come in different colors, with most being hairy and shades of brown and gray. Some species may have lightly colored spots on their abdomen.

A distinctive feature of many species is the presence of bands of black and yellow or white on the underside of their two front legs.


To identify a spider from the Phoneutria group, look for a dense brush of fine hairs on their leg parts. They might seem like other spiders, especially  Cupiennius , but here is how you can differentiate: 

  • Phoneutria often have a dark line on the front of their palps and a thin black line on top of their head. 
  • Check underneath, too; their legs usually have dark parts and light joints. Sometimes, the belly has black dots or is reddish. 
  • Usually it has been observed that when they are upset, they do a cool defensive move like lifting their front legs high with a distinctive pattern. So, if you see a spider doing that dance, it is probably a Phoneutria!

Brazilian Wandering Spiders live all over the Americas, from Costa Rica to northern Argentina. They are like the residents of the jungle, chilling in forests east of the Andes in countries like Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, and the Guianas.

Some, like P. reidyi, P. boliviensis, and P. fera, love the Amazon rainforest, while others prefer the Atlantic Forest in Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil.

They have also made themselves at home in the Cerrado savanna. But if you head to northeastern Brazil, they are not around. These spiders have even taken trips to Chile and Uruguay.

Why are they called Banana Spiders?

These spiders are linked with bananas. Richard S. Vetter, a researcher at the University of California, found that these powerful spiders sometimes end up in North America and Europe by accident, hitching a ride in banana shipments.

Banana Spider sitting on banana leaf - Spiders Planet

But it is often a case of mistaken identity. Only a few Phoneutria species have been found in banana shipments, and sometimes, other spiders get the blame due to misidentification. 

What They Like to Eat or Hunt?

Their food includes flies, beetles, butterflies, moths, grasshoppers, locusts, and crickets. Occasionally, they might even feast on small creatures like amphibians, reptiles, or mice. All these diet or food findings tell us about how diversified eating habits these fascinating spiders have.

Mating and Lifecycle:

Like most spiders, the female spiders are bigger than the males. When the male spider wants to be friends, they do a little dance (vibrating his pedipalps and specialized sensory appendages) to signal his intentions to impress the female, but it is a cautious approach.

The behavior of the female can be choosy, and she might say no to a few before picking the right one. 

After the dance, sometimes, the females decide to attack them, or if she is interested, she can store the male’s baby-making material in a special place until she is ready to use it.

Then, she lays a bunch of eggs, up to 1,000 at a time, and keeps them safe in a silk egg sac. Sadly, after laying her eggs, the mom spider says goodbye. It is her way of making sure the new spiders are ready to explore the world on their own.

The lifespan of the banana spider (Phoneutria nigriventer) differs for males and females. Females usually live for 6 to 8 weeks after reaching maturity, while males have a shorter lifespan of 2 to 3 weeks after their last molt. 

Certain mammals, like coatis (Procyonidae, which includes raccoons) and other small insectivores, birds are potential predators of large wandering spiders.

These spiders got their name as wandering spiders because of the fact that they are not into web building. Instead, they stroll around the forest floor at night(nocturnal), searching for dinner.

Brazilian Wandering Spiders are active hunters and use both ambush tactics and direct attacks to catch their prey. During the day, they prefer cozy spots like under logs or in crevices, only emerging at night for their hunting adventures. These spiders do not build nests like other spider species.

While wandering spiders are not naturally aggressive towards humans, they won’t hesitate to bite if they feel cornered or threatened. Most bites happen when a spider accidentally gets trapped in clothing or bedding. 

Bite and Venom:

The bite of the armed spider is the most dangerous in the world as the venom it carries can be harmful to humans.

The danger is not just about how strong the venom is; it is also about factors like the spider’s likelihood to bite and how close it is to where people live.

These spiders often hide in houses, clothes, and other dark places during the day, making accidental bites more likely. 

While their fangs are adapted for small prey, some experts think they might give a “dry” bite in defense to save venom. Studies suggest that not all bites inject venom, and serious cases requiring antivenom are rare.

However, there have been confirmed cases of death, with symptoms appearing quickly, including:

  • Severe pain
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure
  • In severe cases, paralysis and death

The severity can depend on the spider’s sex, with females generally more dangerous. The spiders produce less venom in colder months, and a small amount can be potent enough to harm.

Fortunately, bites from Brazilian spiders are rare, and when they do occur, the exposure to the toxins is generally mild, as explained by Vetter.

Also Read: What is a Huntsman Spider? (Heteropodidae) – The Ultimate Guide

Banana Spider’s Facts:

Below are essential details about Brazilian wandering spiders:

  • They hold the title for the world’s largest spiders , boasting leg spans reaching up to 15 centimeters (6 inches).
  • Their venom packs a powerful punch, capable of inducing severe pain, paralysis, and, in extreme cases, fatal outcomes for humans.
  • Despite their intimidating reputation, they are generally non-aggressive and resort to biting only when provoked.
  • These spiders inhabit tropical rainforests and urban areas across Central and South America.
  • In case someone has been bitten by this spider, he/she needs quick medical treatment to control the effects timely.

Brazilian Wandering Spider sitting on wood -Spiders Planet

Treatment and Preventive Measures:

If bitten by a wandering spider or armed spiders, prompt medical attention is crucial. There is an antivenom for the spider’s venom, but its effectiveness is highest when administered within a few hours of the bite.

To prevent a bite:

  • Wear protective clothing, use shoes and long pants when in areas where these spiders are found.
  • Before wearing your clothes and shoes, make sure to check them to ensure no spiders are hiding.
  • Maintain cleanliness and avoid leaving food or garbage exposed, as this can attract spiders.

These preventive measures are essential for minimizing the risk of encountering and getting bitten by Banana spiders.

Can Brazilian spiders kill humans?

Brazilian wandering spiders (Phoneutria nigriventer) are venomous and can potentially kill a human with a single bite. Their venom contains a potent neurotoxin that can cause severe pain, paralysis, and even death. 

Are Brazilian spiders poisonous?

Yes the venom of this spider is poisonous, that can cause death. While Brazilian wandering spiders are potentially dangerous, actual bites are relatively rare.

By adopting preventive measures and promptly seeking medical attention if bitten, the risk of serious complications can be significantly reduced.

Can you keep Brazilian spiders as pets?

It is strongly advised against keeping wandering spiders as pets due to their venomous nature and the potential risk to human safety.

Managing these spiders in captivity demands specialized knowledge and handling procedures to minimize the risk of bites.

Final Thoughts:

The Brazilian wandering spider, banana spider, or armed spider is a large and venomous arachnid found in Central and South America. While their potent venom can be harmful to humans, encounters are rare.

These nocturnal hunters have adopted various habitats, from rainforests to urban areas, and are associated with banana shipments. Understanding their appearance, behavior, and habitat is crucial for minimizing risks.

Seeking immediate medical attention after a bite is essential, as antivenom is available but most effective when administered promptly. Despite their fearsome reputation, the Brazilian spider remains a captivating and potentially dangerous species.

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Understanding the Wandering Spider: Quick Essential Facts

wandering spider peru

Wandering spiders are a group of venomous arachnids found primarily in South America.

Among these, the Brazilian wandering spider is particularly known for its potent venom and unique behavior. They are often referred to as “banana spiders” due to their frequent encounters with humans in banana plantations.

As a reader, you might be interested in learning more about these fascinating creatures, including their habitat, hunting techniques, and the effects of their venom.

In this article, we will delve into the world of wandering spiders and provide you with all the essential information to satisfy your curiosity.

Wandering Spider

Scientific Classification and Naming

The wandering spider belongs to the genus Phoneutria , which is a part of the Ctenidae family.

These spiders are known for their potent venom and aggressive behavior. Here is the scientific classification of the wandering spider:

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Arthropoda
  • Subphylum: Chelicerata
  • Class: Arachnida
  • Order: Araneae
  • Family: Ctenidae
  • Genus: Phoneutria

Within the genus Phoneutria, two species are particularly noteworthy: Phoneutria fera and Phoneutria nigriventer, also known as P. nigriventer . These spiders are primarily found in South America and other tropical regions.

Phoneutria fera and P. nigriventer differ in some aspects. Let’s compare their features using a table:

Some key characteristics of the wandering spiders in the genus Phoneutria include:

  • Potent venom that can be dangerous to humans
  • Nocturnal hunters and are active at night
  • Equipped with long, spiny legs for capturing prey
  • Aggressive defenders of their territory

By understanding the scientific classification and differences between Phoneutria species, you can better appreciate the diversity and fascinating biology of these wandering spiders.

Identification and Appearance

Color and size.

The wandering spider, also known as the banana spider, has a distinctive appearance that can help you easily identify it in the wild.

They usually have a combination of hairy brown and black colors on their body. Their size can vary, but they are generally considered large spiders. Their size can range from 1 to 2 inches in body length.

wandering spider peru

When it comes to wandering spider’s leg span, these creatures can have an impressive reach. Their leg span can extend up to 5-6 inches.

Some key characteristics of a wandering spider’s legs include:

Habitat and Distribution

Wandering Spiders are known to inhabit various environments, including rainforests and tropical forests.

These spiders can adapt to different habitats based on their needs and availability of food sources. They prefer warm and humid places, as these conditions suit their growth and reproduction.

Geographical Coverage

Wandering spiders are found in Central and South America .

They live in forests from Costa Rica to Argentina, including Colombia, Venezuela, The Guianas, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, and Northern Argentina.

They may also be present in some parts of the United States, particularly in the northern part of southern America.

However, they don’t inhabit countries like Australia. In summary, the Wandering Spider is mostly prevalent in the following areas:

  • South America
  • Central America
  • Southern parts of the United States

Types of Wandering Spiders

Here’s a brief description of the major types of wandering spiders.

Brazilian wandering spiders

Also known as armed or banana spiders, these spiders are nocturnal and don’t make webs.

They are known to have been transported outside of South America in banana shipments.

Phoneutria nigriventer

These spiders contain neurotoxins that can cause cerebral changes and breakdown of the blood-brain barrier .

Their venom is medically significant and has been used in manufacturing drugs. Their bites may be fatal to children.

Ctenus captiosus

Also known as the Florida false wolf spider or tropical wolf spider, this species is found in the United States.

Some species of these spiders are large and scary-looking, but they’re only mildly venomous. Their venom is comparable to a bee sting.

Other types of wandering spiders include: Acantheis, Acanthoctenus, Africactenus, and Afroneutria.

wandering spider peru

Behavior and Diet

Aggression level.

Wandering spiders, as their name suggests, are known for their aggressive behavior .

While they won’t attack without provocation, if they feel threatened, they will not hesitate to defend themselves.

This is especially true during mating season.

Prey and Predators

In their natural habitat, wandering spiders primarily feed on insects and small vertebrates, such as:

  • Insects like ants and moths
  • Small amphibians

This diverse diet allows them to thrive in various ecosystems.

However, they are not top predators, as their natural predators include larger birds, mammals, and other spiders.

Nocturnal Activities

Wandering spiders are nocturnal creatures , which means they are active during the night.

During the day, they remain hidden in their retreats, often made from rolled-up leaves or small crevices.

At night, they leave their hiding spots to search for prey using their strong hunting skills.

wandering spider peru

Venom and Its Effects

Composition of venom.

The venom of the wandering spider is a complex mixture containing several toxic components.

Its main component is a potent neurotoxin, which can have severe effects on your nervous system 1 . Here’s a brief overview of its composition:

  • Neurotoxins

Symptoms and Severity

A wandering spider’s venomous bite can cause a wide range of symptoms, depending on the severity of envenomation. These symptoms may include 2 :

  • Mild to moderate pain
  • Redness and swelling at the bite site
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Blurred vision
  • High blood pressure

Some severe cases may result in life-threatening complications, such as respiratory failure or even death 2 .

Medical Treatment and Antivenom

If bitten by a wandering spider, it’s crucial to seek immediate medical attention. Treatment often involves the following steps:

  • Cleaning and immobilizing the affected area
  • Monitoring and managing the symptoms
  • Administering antivenom if it’s available and appropriate, depending on the severity of envenomation 3

Antivenom is specific to the venom of the wandering spider and can help neutralize its effects.

However, the availability of antivenom may be limited in some regions 3 .

Always remember that prevention is better than cure: learning how to identify and avoid wandering spiders is the best way to stay safe.

wandering spider peru

Reproduction and Mating

Mating ritual.

When it’s time for reproduction, the wandering spider undergoes an intriguing mating ritual.

The male spider performs a dance to attract the female by displaying his brightly colored legs and vibrating his body.

During the process, the male also produces a sperm web and transfers his sperm to the female’s reproductive organs using his pedipalps.

Egg Sacs and Offspring

After the mating process, the female wandering spider will create an egg sac to protect her eggs.

The sac consists of silk and can hold hundreds of eggs. She then attaches it to a safe hiding place, usually against a protective surface or within a secure web.

The female often guards the egg sac to ensure the protection of her offspring until they hatch.

Once the spiderlings hatch, they are known to be highly independent.

They disperse quickly and start their own journey, fending for themselves soon after emerging from the egg sac.

As they grow, they’ll go through a series of molts before reaching adulthood and beginning their own reproductive cycle.

Danger and Defense Mechanisms

The Wandering Spider is known to be one of the most dangerous spiders in the world.

Although they can potentially kill humans, fatalities are rare due to their reluctance to bite.

Oddly enough, their venom can cause an involuntary erection in men, alongside other painful symptoms.

Here are some ways the Wandering Spider protects itself and displays its dangerous nature:

  • Fangs : These spiders are equipped with strong, sharp fangs that can easily pierce human skin, allowing them to inject their venom with ease.
  • Venom : Their venom is potent and can cause severe pain, inflammation, and other adverse effects. In rare cases, it can even lead to death.

While interacting with Wandering Spiders, be cautious and observe them from a safe distance.

Knowing their defense mechanisms will help you respect their space and avoid any unpleasant encounters.

Remember, it’s essential to be informed and aware when dealing with these fascinating, yet dangerous creatures.

wandering spider peru

Comparison with Other Dangerous Spiders

Comparison to black widow.

The black widow spider is notorious for its potent venom, but the wandering spider has a stronger venom overall.

Both spiders are capable of causing severe symptoms, but the black widow’s venom is primarily neurotoxic, affecting your nervous system.

In contrast, the wandering spider’s venom can cause both neurotoxic and cytotoxic effects, potentially damaging your nerves and cells.

  • Potent neurotoxic venom
  • Red hourglass marking
  • Stronger venom (neurotoxic and cytotoxic)
  • No distinct marking

Comparison to Brown Recluse

The brown recluse spider is known for its necrotic venom that can lead to tissue damage and sometimes requires medical intervention.

While both the brown recluse and wandering spider can produce venomous bites, wandering spiders are considered more dangerous due to the potency of their venom and the severity of their bite symptoms.

  • Necrotic venom
  • Dark violin-shaped marking

Comparison to Wolf Spider

Wolf spiders are frequently mistaken for more dangerous spiders due to their size and appearance.

Although they can bite, their venom is not particularly potent and generally only causes mild itching, redness, and swelling.

In comparison, the wandering spider’s venom is far more dangerous, and its bite can result in serious symptoms, requiring immediate medical attention.

  • Large and hairy
  • Smoother appearance

Comparison to Sydney Funnel-Web Spider

The Sydney funnel-web spider is another highly venomous spider known for its potentially lethal bites.

While both spiders possess powerful venom, the wandering spider has a broader range of symptoms due to the combination of neurotoxic and cytotoxic effects.

In conclusion, wandering spiders are more dangerous than wolf spiders but their venom’s effects are more varied compared to black widows, brown recluses, and Sydney funnel-web spiders.

Be cautious around these spiders and seek medical help if bitten.

Interesting Facts and Guinness World Records

The Wandering Spider, also known as the Brazilian Wandering Spider, is a fascinating creature that has caught the attention of many.

They belong to the genus Phoneutria , which means “murderess” in Greek, giving you an idea of their potency. Let’s explore some interesting facts about this spider and its place in the Guinness World Records.

wandering spider peru

First, you might be curious about their venom. The Wandering Spider is known for having one of the most potent venoms among spiders.

In fact, it holds the Guinness World Record for the most venomous spider. Their venom contains a potent neurotoxin that can cause severe symptoms, including difficulty breathing, high blood pressure, and intense pain.

Apart from their venom, their behavior is also quite intriguing. These spiders are called “wandering” because they are known for actively hunting their prey rather than spinning webs to catch them.

They are mostly nocturnal creatures and, during the day, can be found hiding in logs or dark crevices.

Here are a few more notable characteristics of the Wandering Spider:

  • Females are larger than males, with a body length of up to 1.6 inches (4 cm).
  • They have eight eyes, arranged in two rows, which help them in hunting.
  • The Wandering Spider is primarily found in Central and South America, particularly in Brazil.
  • They are known to show aggression when threatened.

While the Wandering Spider is a marvel of the arachnid world, it’s essential to keep a safe distance from them due to their venomous nature.

However, their unique characteristics and record-breaking venom potency make them a fascinating subject for those interested in the natural world.

Prevention and Safety Measures

To protect yourself from wandering spiders, there are some simple safety measures you can take.

Firstly, be cautious in areas where these spiders may live, such as dark and warm spaces. For example, avoid reaching into crevices or lifting piles of wood without inspecting them first.

Always wear appropriate shoes when outdoors, particularly in wooded or grassy areas. This can help prevent bites on your feet or ankles.

Reduce the risk of wandering spiders entering your home by sealing gaps and cracks. This minimizes the chance of the spiders finding a way inside.

Regularly clean your living spaces, paying special attention to dark and hidden areas. By maintaining a clean environment, you’ll discourage wandering spiders from making themselves at home.

When out in nature, avoid disturbing spider habitats like webs or egg sacs. This can prevent agitating wandering spiders, reducing your chance of accidental encounters.

Remember, wandering spiders can be dangerous, but by taking these precautions, you can significantly reduce your risk of encountering them or being bitten. Stay safe and always be aware of your surroundings.

In summary, wandering spiders, particularly those in the genus Phoneutria, are a group of venomous arachnids predominantly found in Central, South America and parts of Southern United States.

These spiders, including the Brazilian wandering spider, are known for their potent venom, nocturnal hunting habits, and aggressive defense mechanisms.

Their venom, containing neurotoxins and other components, can cause severe symptoms in humans, making them one of the most dangerous spider species.

Despite their fearsome reputation, fatalities are rare, and they play a vital role in their ecosystems.

It’s important to respect their space and take preventive measures to avoid encounters. Understanding these spiders’ behavior, habitat, and characteristics can help in appreciating their role in nature while ensuring safety.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2857337/ ↩

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3851068/ ↩ ↩ 2

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6560916/ ↩ ↩ 2

wandering spider peru

Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. whatsthatbug.com is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page .

Piyushi Dhir

Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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8 comments . leave new.

' src=

Hi Michele, I am an Ecuadorian scientist and specialized on spiders, I would like to find one like yours, I can say that, almost without doubt, you found the Phoneutria itself, it is the Phoneutria fera, look at this picture: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-bFH9qzT0F7U/T_2sZuk6xAI/AAAAAAAAAGY/8jnMVcPOcNI/s1600/phoneutria_fera2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://rangerbaiano.blogspot.com/2012/07/animais-peconhentos-e-venenosos.html&usg=__iCWEz7S86xub6RAyvXTER6HBaco=&h=864&w=834&sz=215&hl=es-419&start=6&zoom=1&tbnid=jjOROVO9h-vKXM:&tbnh=145&tbnw=140&ei=99eRUY6xKo2K9QTLvYCoDQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dphoneutria%2Bfera%26sa%3DN%26hl%3Des-US%26sout%3D1%26tbm%3Disch%26prmd%3Divns&itbs=1&sa=X&ved=0CDYQrQMwBQ Can you see the similarities?, unfortunately the spider might be in a better life today 🙂 Another thing, when you want identifications you should take a picture in front, the under part, and the upper part, as well as some characteristics about behaviour like how they react when you approach. The Phoneutria is a very agressive one.. best wishes, bye.

' src=

Hi Miguel, Thanks so much for the comment. This is a seven year old posting and we did not have the ability to post comments when it was originally posted online. We have made an update on What’s That Bug? and your comment is greatly appreciated.

Ah, there is also needed the size and the picture of its face so we can see the eye arrangement, depending on that it could also be pisauridae, but I stay in Ctenidae..

' src=

This is a female Cupiennius sp. wandering spider.

Perhaps surprisingly, this ubiquitous large spider of the Mindo area appears to be undescribed to species level.

Although one is indeed best advised to exercise caution in the presence of large ctenids, members of the genus Cupiennius are not known to be dangerously venomous (Barth, 2002). By way of confirmation, my girlfriend, Shannon Bowley, managed to be bitten by a mature female of this Mindo species in 2013 – she felt only mild effects, equivalent to a bee sting.

Thanks for this valuable information.

' src=

I’m planning a trip to Ecuador and I’m fearing these spiders. Do they get in houses? Any tips to keep them out, so I can sleep at night?

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How to Identify a Brazilian Wandering Spider

Last Updated: February 12, 2021 Approved

This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff . Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 93% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 134,493 times.

The Brazilian wandering spider is a large, hairy spider that lives in South and Central America. It’s considered the most venomous spider in the world. Since these spiders sometimes wander right into towns, cities, and shipments of fruit, it’s important to be able to recognize this spider and know its habitat. If you happen to be bitten, you should get immediate medical attention. Don’t panic, however! These bites can almost always be treated.

Recognizing a Brazilian Wandering Spider

Step 1 Watch out for 6-inch (15 cm) long spiders with leg span.

  • Some spiders may be more yellowish than brown. Others may appear to have black legs, or black bands on brown legs. [3] X Research source

Step 3 Be prepared for a fast-moving spider.

  • Do not try to trap this spider. Call animal control professionals if you think you have one in your home or outdoor buildings, and leave those buildings while you wait for help.

Being Aware of Their Habitats

Step 1 Be on guard in Central and South America.

  • Small, unlit closets or nooks in homes
  • Outdoor sheds and garages
  • Unused clothes, shoes, or gloves
  • Boxes of food in pantries
  • Boxes in attics or garages

Step 3 Take care when opening fruit shipments.

Avoiding a Bite

Step 1 Wear protective gear in dark spaces or when moving firewood.

  • If a spider falls out, don’t panic. Back away slowly and leave the area.

Step 3 Inspect dark spots like closets before entering them.

  • You can also spray bug and spider repellant around doors and windows to ward off creepy crawlies.

Step 5 Don’t store firewood against your house.

Treating a Bite

Step 1 Contact emergency medical personnel right away.

  • In men, these bites can also cause a long and painful erection.

Step 3 Clean the wound with soap and water.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Keep in mind that these spiders prefer to wander along the ground. Always wear sturdy shoes if you are in an area where these spiders are known to live. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
  • These spiders are highly dangerous and should not be approached or provoked unless you are an expert such as an entomologist. They are recognized as one of the most dangerous spiders in the world and are the most venomous so they should always be treated with care and respect. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
  • Children are more susceptible than adults to the venom of a Brazilian wandering spider, and you should ensure that any child who’s bitten gets medical attention as quickly as possible. Thanks Helpful 6 Not Helpful 0

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  • ↑ https://www.livescience.com/41591-brazilian-wandering-spiders.html
  • ↑ http://www.wandering-spiders.net/phoneutria/gallery/
  • ↑ https://animalcorner.co.uk/animals/brazilian-wandering-spider/
  • ↑ http://bioweb.uwlax.edu/bio203/s2013/johnson_jor4/habitat.htm
  • ↑ http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/spider-bites/manage/ptc-20204189
  • ↑ https://www.livescience.com/37974-he-surprising-cause-of-most-spider-bites.html
  • ↑ http://www.mayoclinic.org/first-aid/first-aid-spider-bites/basics/art-20056618
  • ↑ http://www.webmd.com/first-aid/snakebite-treatment

About this article

wikiHow Staff

To identify a Brazilian wandering spider, look for a spider with a long leg span of about 6 inches and a brown, hairy body. Also, carefully examine the spider from afar to see if it has large red fangs, which are common in Brazilian wandering spiders. Keep in mind that Brazilian wandering spiders only live in South and Central America. If you encounter one, move away slowly since Brazilian wandering spiders are aggressive and very poisonous. To learn how to avoid getting bitten by a Brazilian wandering spider, scroll down! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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wandering spider peru

Brazilian Wandering (Phoneutria)

The Brazilian Wandering spider is a type of spider from the Phoneutria group. Even though they’re called “Brazilian,” not all of them come from Brazil. They’re known for having strong venom. In this post, we’ll share cool facts about these spiders and help you understand them better.

Scientific Classification

  • Family: Ctenidae
  • Genus: Phoneutria

Brazilian Wandering Spider Size

List of Spiders Belonging to This Genus

Physical description and identification.

  • Size: They are large in size, with their body being 17- 48mm (.67 – 1.89 inches) long and they also have a leg span of 130 – 150 mm (5.1-5.9 inches).
  • Color: The color may vary from one species to the other, though most of them have a brown hairy body, with black spots on their stomach. Some have bright, red hairs on their mouthparts or chelicerae, while others may lack it, a feature that confuses them with species of another genus, particularly the Cupiennius.
  • Other characteristics: They often lift their body in an erect posture and hold their frontal legs high to defend themselves against predators.

Brazilian Wandering Spider Size

They are safely placed in a silken sac and the female spiders of this genus are known to lay about 1000 of them in her lifetime.

Brazilian Wandering Spider Egg


They remain with their mother for some time after which they disperse to be on their own. The juvenile spiders are known to consume pin crickets as well as non-volatile fruit flies for their diet.

The spiders of this genus do not build webs but walk on the jungle floor, on the lookout for their prey.

Are Brazilian Wandering Spiders Venomous?

Yes, Brazilian Wandering Spiders have strong venom. They use it to catch their food. It’s one of the reasons they’re pretty famous.

Can Brazilian Wandering Spiders Bite?

Yes, they can bite. While they don’t always want to, they might if they feel scared or threatened by something.

Banana Spider

How Fast Can a Brazilian Wandering Spider Kill One?

It has been reported that the bite of species belonging to this genus may result in the victim’s death within one hour after the venom enters the person’s body. However, with effective anti-venom being introduced for treatment in Brazil to combat the toxic effects of these spiders, the incidence of fatalities has been less. In fact, most studies show that death mostly occurs in children below seven years of age. Of all the eight species, P. nigriventer , followed by P. fera, is said to account for most venom intoxications in Brazil.

Ecological Importance and Behavior of the Brazilian Wandering Spider

The Brazilian Wandering Spider, scientifically known as Phoneutria, stands out not just because of its reputation as one of the world’s most venomous spiders , but also due to its ecological significance and unique behavior.

Natural Predator: Despite their fearsome reputation, Brazilian Wandering Spiders are not at the top of the food chain. They fall prey to larger animals and birds. Among their predators are the coatis, certain species of large spiders, and a variety of avian predators.

Prey-Predator Dynamics: The dynamic between the Brazilian Wandering Spider and its prey is a showcase of nature’s balance. While they are efficient hunters, specializing in ambushing their prey, their own survival is constantly under threat from their predators. This cycle ensures that no one species dominates the ecosystem and that biodiversity thrives.

Relationship with Humans: The relationship between humans and the Brazilian Wandering Spider is one of respect and caution. Their venom is potent and can be harmful to humans, although fatal encounters are rare. 

Quick Facts

Brazilian Wandering Spider Picture

Did You Know

  • Species of this genus are known for wandering along the jungle floor during the night which is why they are referred to as “wandering spiders”.
  • They are alternately called “banana spiders”, a name that they also share with other species because members of this genus have often been found in banana shipments. Research in shipments going to North America showed that 7 of the 135 spiders found in such shipments were of the Phoneutria genus.
  • Phoneutria in Greek means murderess, a name perfectly attributed to its aggressive nature.

Mumpi Ghosh

Other Spiders in this Family

Wandering spiders.

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Phoneutria depilata

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Phoneutria boliviensis

Phoneutria Fera

Phoneutria fera

Phoneutria nigriventer

Phoneutria nigriventer

Anahita punctulata

Southeastern Wandering (Anahita punctulata)

Anahita Spider

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9 Dangerous Animals In Peru Hiding In The Shadows

dangerous animals in Peru

Dense, dark, and full of deadly animals – Peru has one of the wildest and most diverse ecosystems on the planet. Around 60% of Peru is dominated by rainforests with both the Amazon and the Andes covering the land. So what dangerous animals in Peru are hiding in the shadows?

This South American nation is among the world’s top 10 megadiverse countries due to its proximity to the equator creating wet tropical conditions. The long North-South extension offers climatic variation within the rainforest, similar to the habitats for dangerous animals in Chile . Peru’s coastline is also home to several endemic species, along with the three distinct regions across the country divided up by the Andes.

Some of the most dangerous animals in Peru are so small that they can hide in plain sight without going detected. Others are incredibly skilled at hunting, so much so that you wouldn’t notice being measured up for size. The jaguar is Peru’s big cat that prowls the jungle, with jaws strong enough to pierce skulls. However, this solitary animal tends to stay in the full depths of the Amazon, meaning attacks on humans are rare.

Nonetheless, whether you’re exploring the famed Machu Picchu or hiking the Inca Trail, being on high alert while exploring Peru is always a good idea for survival. You never know which of these most dangerous animals in Peru is just around the corner.

Table of Contents

Poison Dart Frog

Yellow poison dart frog

Poison dart frogs are perhaps one of the world’s most deadly animals. The poison they pack (batrachotoxin) is powerful enough to kill up to seven men, delivering a toxic attack even in minuscule quantities. Toxin from a poison dart frog can kill any animal, including humans, in less than three minutes and there is no antidote. However, it’s not all bad – scientists are researching the toxic and possible uses for pain relief.

On average, a poison dart frog is only 15mm in length (some known to have grown up to 6cm). However, once the frog is spotted, identifying these poisonous frogs is straightforward. They come in a variety of colors, all bright and vibrant as a warning about the potent toxic found on their skin.

You’ll find gold, copper, red, blue, or green poison dart frogs across Peru, Argentina, and other South American countries. The golden poison dart frog is the most dangerous and poisonous variety. If you are unlucky to come into contact with the frog poison, you’ll experience some or all of the following symptoms:

  • Muscular paralysis

Poison dart frogs can be found throughout the jungle, especially around the Amazonian marshes, lakes, swamps, streams, and rivers. The best thing to do is steer clear of these tiny yet powerful amphibians! Be careful where you’re putting your hands when exploring the depths of the Peruvian jungle.

Amazonian Giant Centipede

Giant Centipede

A creature worthy of a leading role in a Stephen King novel, the giant yellow-leg Peruvian centipede, also known as the Amazonian giant centipede, can grow up to 30 cm in length. They prey on a large variety of animals and feed on whatever they manage to kill. These killer creatures climb the ceilings of caves to hold and manipulate their prey like bats, administering a lethal toxin from the forcipules.

The giant centipede is also extremely aggressive and is known to have attacked people that cross its path. A four-year-old child was reported to have been killed by the centipedes’ venom.

Luckily, the centipede doesn’t make a regular habit of adding humans to their meal plan. These creature’s diet is based on invertebrates and also larger creatures like lizards, snakes, frogs, mice, bats, and sparrow-sized birds found in the rainforest. It can overpower and kill creatures larger than itself.

This arthropod thrives in the shadows of the Peruvian tropical jungle. They are typically found in the dark and damp corners, under shelter and awaiting their unsuspecting victim.

Brazilian Wandering Spider

Brazilian wandering spider

One of the most dangerous arachnids in the world is the Brazilian wandering spider. Bites from these spiders contain a powerful neurotoxin that can lead to serious respiratory paralysis as well as excruciating pain for the unfortunate victim. An antidote was only recently discovered in 1996, a year when a recorded 14 people died from the Brazilian wandering spider bite.

Identifying the Brazilian wandering spider can be challenging, especially as they are more active during the night. The body is typically around 2 inches with the leg span being a more notable 6 inches. Colors can vary, but most are brown with a yellowish band down the back. All Brazilian wandering spiders are hairy and fast movers!

These arachnids give plenty of warning before they strike into an attack. They raise their body onto their hind legs and expose their red jaws – a defensive posture in the spider world. A venomous bite from a wandering spider can cause the following reactions:

  • Loss of muscle control
  • Respiratory paralysis
  • Inflammation

As the name suggests, these spiders can be found across Peru and other South American nations. They prefer to crawl on the floor of the jungle looking for prey during the night but have also been known to wander into human settlements. These spiders can remain hidden in houses and cars, quietly building nests unbeknown to the homeowners. Banana farms and importers from South America have to be careful as sometimes the wandering spiders have settled in bunches.

Bullet ant

Bullet worker ants can grow up to 1.2 inches in length and have no limit to their sting . They are not naturally aggressive but have one of the most painful stings ever recorded. The bullet ant sting releases poneratoxin, a compound that disrupts synapses in the central nervous system causing the following side effects:

  • Nerve confusion
  • Intense pain lasting more than 12 hours
  • Swelling at the area of the bite

Typically after 24 hours, the toxin is flushed out of the body. This means that the pain can last a full day, however, the intense sensation typically subsides around 12 hours. There are no reports of deaths from bullet ant stings, perhaps because it would take at least 250 stings to kill an average-sized adult.

That being said, we still advise you to avoid receiving a sting from one of these dangerous animals in Peru. The Schmidt sting pain index ranks the bullet ant’s sting as one of the most painful, above that of a tarantula hawk wasp sting. Some victims have claimed the pain of being shot by a bullet is comparable to that of a bullet being hit by the bullet, which explains the name’s origin. Whereas others have likened the intense pain to walking over flaming charcoal with a 3″ nail in your heel.


Mosquitos are one of the most dangerous insects found globally. These tiny buzzing bugs are more than just annoying, they act as the vectors of diseases like malaria and yellow fever. Tourists to the Amazon rainforest are advised to take all necessary precautions to avoid mosquito bites.

Yellow fever vaccinations and mosquito repellant creams are among the best measures to prevent mosquito bites in the jungle. Also wearing long-sleeved tops and pants while in the rainforest is helpful. Some medical practitioners may advise taking malaria tablets either before your trip or in the event of being bitten.

The Amazon has a huge population of mosquitos. Its hot, humid, and tropical rainforest provides the most ideal conditions for mosquitos to thrive.

Black Caiman

Caiman headshot

Lurking in lakes, slow-moving rivers, and flooded savannahs is the black caiman. This powerful reptile is considered the biggest predator in the Peruvian ecosystem . It feeds on a variety of birds, reptiles, fish, and mammals.

Black caimans are capable of taking any animal that unknowingly ventures into its territory, and that includes humans. Between 2008 and 2013, 43 people have been attacked by black caimans. Thankfully less than one-fifth of these attacks on humans were fatal.

These dangerous animals can grow up to a staggering 6 meters in length. They look very similar to the American alligator except for the clear difference of color. Its jaws are extremely powerful, which they use to grab prey to drown, not chew.

Green Anaconda

Anaconda in the water

The green anaconda is the largest non-venomous snake in the world and is found across most of South America . These giants average 20 to 30 feet in length and can weigh up to 550 pounds. Anacondas are found in swamps, lakes, and marshes across Peru – so it’s highly advisable not to go swimming in the jungle!

Despite being incredibly large, these snakes have mastered the art of camouflage. They blend in perfectly with the jungle environment and are often submerge the bulk of their body in water. This harmony with the natural environment makes the anaconda one of the most dangerous animals in Peru and Latin America.

Anacondas use their size and strength advantage to constrict their prey, breaking bones and suffocating their victims. They have a legendary status of being “man-eaters”, however, attacks on humans are not common. These enormous snakes feast on deer, birds, wild pigs, and even jaguars.

Electric Eel

Eel underwater

Sticking with the waters of Peru, next up is the electric eel. Strictly not an eel, but rather a species of knife fish that is capable of stunning an adult human with its powerful electrical charge . Three pairs of abdominal organs allow it to generate a shock of up to 600 volts.

There are cases in which the electric eel has stunned horses, caiman, and other large mammals. Fatal attacks on humans are rare but not completely non-existent. A single jolt is enough to cause the person to stop breathing and potentially drown in shallow water. The shocking capability is a defense mechanism as well as a feature used to shock prey before consumption.

Electric eels can grow up to 8 feet in length and weigh up to 20 kg. They have a slender snake-like body shape and are typically dark in color, making them extremely camouflaged on riverbeds. Yet another reason to skip swimming in Peru!

Piranha fishes

And last but not least, piranhas! Piranhas are freshwater fish infamous for their powerful jaws and razor-sharp teeth . The black piranha’s bite is one of the most forceful bites among the animal kingdom. Despite the fish being reportedly so dangerous, local tribes have brought them to their tables and even created tools and weapons using the teeth and bones.

A piranhas bite can easily tear through all flesh including that of humans. In 2015, a girl’s body was found partly eaten by piranhas in Brazil! The girl was riding a boat with her grandmother when the boat capsized during a storm, leading to an extremely unfortunate feeding frenzy.

That being said, piranhas don’t make a habit of adding humans to their diet. They tend to stick to eating other fish, insects, mollusks, crustaceans, algae, and seeds. However, when hungry during the dry season, attacks and feeding frenzies are likely to happen.

Identifying piranhas is fairly clear. Most piranhas don’t grow more than 2 feet long and generally are dark in color with a deep red underbelly. They have deep bodies with blunt heads and scissor-like jaws.

What is the most dangerous animal in Peru?

Considered one of, if not the most dangerous animals in Peru is the poison dart frog. The poison excreted by this amphibian can be fatal and there is no known antidote. This frog is also extremely small and can be difficult to see when exploring the jungle making an accidental encounter likely.

What is the most dangerous snake in Peru?

Anacondas are the most dangerous snakes in Peru due to their size and strength. These snakes don’t often hunt humans. However, they are capable of constricting the average-sized man, breaking bones, and suffocating the unfortunate victim. Often named the “man-eating snake”, this is clearly one of the most dangerous animals in Peru.

Are there any dangerous spiders in Peru?

There are several species of spiders in Peru that are considered dangerous. The most toxic to avoid at all costs is the Brazilian wandering spider. The bite is extremely painful and can result in muscle paralysis, respiratory issues, and even death which make these spiders one of the most dangerous animals in Peru.

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For more than 11 years, Joe has worked as a freelance travel writer. His writing and explorations have brought him to various locations, including the colonial towns of Mexico, the bustling chowks of Mumbai, and the majestic Southern Alps of New Zealand. When he's not crafting his next epic blog post on the top Greek islands or French ski resorts, he can often be found engaging in his top two hobbies of surfing and hiking.

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FACTS ABOUT Wandering spider

Brazilian wandering spider

Phoneutria genus.


Did you know? Our Rainforest Expeditions guests find the relatives of these shy, eight-legged creatures on night hikes!

Brazilian wandering spider fun facts.

  • Most toxic spider venom is known : The venom of at least one species of Phoneutria is much more toxic than the Black Widow Spider and can easily kill mice with one bite. Human fatalities in Brazil are an extremely rare occurrence.
  • No web : Unlike many other spiders, the wandering spiders don’t build webs but actively search for their prey.
  • The banana spider : Wandering spiders occasionally turn up in shipments of bananas! One such stowaway actually bit a man in England in 2005. He survived but spent a week in the hospital!
  • Understory predator : These spiders are active, aggressive predators that feed on large insects, small lizards, mice, and frogs.

How to plan your Amazon jungle travel to see Brazilian Wandering Spiders and other jungle wildlife

  • Go on a night hike: These large spiders are most active at night. We have nightly hikes in the rainforest with trained guides so you can see wandering spiders and other nocturnal jungle animals.
  • Make science happen with AmazonCam: even if Amazon Travel is not in your short-term plans, you can connect with Amazon wildlife!
  • And of course, if you´re thinking (or even dreaming) of Amazon jungle Travel, drop by to chat with the Amazon Travel experts . We will help you get there.


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  • AMAZON KINGFISHER (Chloroceryle Amazona) AMAZON KINGFISHER (Chloroceryle Amazona) Height 29 - 30 cm Weight 130 gr Lodge Posada Amazonas
  • WHITE-LIPPED PECCARY (Tayassu pecari) WHITE-LIPPED PECCARY (Tayassu pecari) Height 90-139 cm Weight 25-40 kg Lodge Tambopata Research Center
  • SPIDER MONKEY (Ateles chamek) SPIDER MONKEY (Ateles chamek) Height 90 cm Weight 7-10 kgs Lodge Tambopata Research Center



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The lodge is located in the middle of the forest accessible only by boat. The experience was very unique and exciting. S ervice is great, and the fun part are the nature activities and tours the hotel offers for free. We had an amazing tour guide that had a lot of knowledge and was fun to spend time with. The rooms are totally open to the forest which is really cool the struggle is the there is no privacy at all in between the rooms, also food was pretty basic. All together a very unique experience. Read all

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This hotel is the perfect blend of comfort and hospitality, with the natural experience. The hotel is reached by a hour� ��s boat ride from Puerto Maldonado, expertly organized and accomplished. Most staff are members of the local Esa Ejja community. The food is good and plentiful. Hot water is always available and lovely bedding features mosquito nets. There is of course no air conditioning (one side wall is open in rach room) and the electricity is off for a few hours at night affecting overhead fans, so I was glad to have brought a small battery powered fan for sleeping. But the best of the experience is the wildlife. Our expert guide Oscar Mishaja introduced us to nearly 100 bird species, along with caimans, river otters, poison dart frogs and capybara. A trip of a lifetime. Read all

Excellent experience overall— really kind and welcoming staff at every point of the journey. All transfers were well o rganized and smooth. Excellent and educational excursions all around the rainforest. Delicious food for every meal. We had wonderful guides- Freet and Alvaro. Enjoyed our time here! Read all

Unbelievable.... Magical Everything I have dreamed of since I was 8 years old but MORE Read all

We had a surreal experience at Refugio Amazonas. From the well organized transportation to the warm welcome, hospitality and the experience of living in nature - we loved it all. Huge shout out to our guide Boris who went out of his way to ensure we had a good experience and got to watch all kinds of wild life. The meals and cocktails were delicious. And even though this place is smack in the middle of the jungle there was super fast WiFi available. We made unforgettable memories. Read all

We had an amazing time in TRC. From the guide, tours, lounge staff, food and room, everything has exceeded our expectati on and like an amazing dream came true. We highly recommend to directly book with the lounge website, so that you got a private guide for your group. Special thanks to our guide Saul, who made this experience extra special! We were so impressed by his knowledge about all the animals and the rainforest. Read all

We had an amazing time in TRC. From the guide, tours, lounge staff, food and room, everything has exceeded our expectati on and like an amazing dream came true. This is the only lounge available in Tambopata national park, and this eco lounge takes environment seriously. We highly recommend to directly book with the lounge website, so that you got a private guide for your group. Special thanks to our guide Saul, who made this experience extra special! We were so impressed by his knowledge about all the animals and the rainforest. If you are a natural lover, you can’t miss this place Read all

Excellent and luxurious place, wonderful experience and our guide Boris was first class, he had a unique patience with m y 8 year old son. An experience in the tropical rainforest that marks the life of its visitors. In addition to the scientific research that takes place in the place: a whole research center. Rooms: Very comfortable and luxuriou Read all

El mejor hotel para visitar la Amazonia peruana. Hotel eco turístico metido en medio de la selva, equipado para visitar y vivir la selva, su flora y fauna, en todas sus facetas. Todo incluido, con guías preparados y amables, resultó una experiencia increíble para mi familia. Dentro de las opciones no se debe perder el Canopy de 45 metros de altura para observar y escuchar la selva, así como el lago de las tres Chimbadas, lugar único para ver caimanes, nutrias gigantes, monos y aves exóticas. Recomiendo mínimo dos noches!!! Read all

Wunderbare lodge mit freundlichen Menschen. sehr persönliche guides, tolle Tourangebote und super kulinarische Verpfleg ung ! Wir wurden herzlichst von Caesar empfangen und unser guide JuanJo hat uns phantastische Dinge gezeigt. Wir können die lodge nur wärmstens empfehlen! Read all

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Animals Around The Globe

The World’s Most Venomous Spider: The Brazilian Wandering Spider

Published: August 10, 2023

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Few things fear people’s hearts, like the mention of venomous spiders. According to the Guinness World Records , venomous spiders are some of the most dangerous creatures on Earth, and the Brazilian Wandering Spider is the world’s most venomous spider. This elusive arachnid is found in the rainforests of South America, more specifically in Brazil, Argentina, and French Guiana. ‘

It is considered one of Brazil’s most significant public health threats, with a potent venom capable of causing extreme pain, paralysis, and even death. Despite its fearsome reputation, however, the Brazilian Wandering Spider is a fascinating and unique creature with many incredible features that make it stand out from other spiders.

Brazilian wandering spider

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Brazilian Wandering Spider’s Habitat And Range

Brazilian wandering spider

The Brazilian Wandering Spider is found in the rainforests of South America. These rainforests are the world’s largest and most biodiverse terrestrial ecosystems, covering an area of approximately 6.7 million square kilometers. This equates to roughly 40% of the total area of South America and spans nine countries, including Brazil, Peru, and Colombia.

The Amazon rainforest, the most extensive rainforest on Earth, plays an essential role in the Brazilian Wandering Spider’s habitat and range. The spider relies heavily on the dense canopy of trees in these rainforests for shelter and protection. The Amazon rainforest also provides the spider with an abundant prey source, including insects, small mammals, and other spiders.

The South American rainforests are characterized by their warm and humid climate, which creates the ideal conditions for the Brazilian Wandering Spider to thrive. These ecosystems also have a high rainfall throughout the year, which sustains the dense vegetation and creates an ideal environment for spiders to hunt and reproduce.

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Specific Locations The Brazilian Wandering Spider Is found

The Brazilian Wandering Spider is most commonly found in Brazil. It can also be found in other parts of South America, such as Argentina and French Guiana. In Brazil, the spider can be found in various regions. This includes the Amazon rainforest, the Atlantic forest, and the Caatinga ecosystem.

The Atlantic forest, a tropical forest that spans the Brazilian coast, is also an important habitat for the Brazilian Wandering Spider. This ecosystem is under threat due to deforestation and urbanization. This has resulted in the loss of the spider’s natural habitat.

In French Guiana, the spider is present in the Guiana Amazonian Park, a protected area of the Amazon rainforest managed by the French government. The Guiana Amazonian Park is home to an array of biodiversity, including monkeys, jaguars, and over 400 species of birds. This makes it an important region for the Brazilian Wandering Spider’s survival.

Brazilian Wandering Spider’s Characteristics

Brazilian wandering spider

It is a remarkable arachnid species found in the rainforests of South America. It has numerous unique characteristics from other spiders. The Spider is large and intimidating, measuring up to 10 inches (25 cm) in leg span. Its body size ranges from 0.98 to 1.77 inches (2.5 to 4.5 cm) in length. This makes it one of the biggest spider species in the world. It has eight long and hairy legs, which help it move quickly and climb trees effortlessly.

The spider is striking, with a shiny brown or black body covered in short fine hairs. Its legs are also covered in fine hairs with dark stripes or spots. These markings have a unique pattern that helps to identify the spider from other species. Unlike most spiders, the Brazilian Wandering Spider doesn’t have a distinct web-spinning organ. But instead moves around the forest floor and trees in search of its prey.

Behavioral Patterns

They are aptly named because they are known to wander about and can cover a great distance while searching for food and mates. It’s primarily active at night and is a solitary hunter that preys on insects, spiders, rodents, and even small snakes. It has a unique hunting technique where it grabs its prey with its front legs and sinks fangs into it, injecting a potent venom that can quickly immobilize and kill its victim. Interestingly, this spider can adjust the amount of venom it injects to fit the size and the species of its prey, a skill unique to this spider species.

During the mating season, the Brazilian Wandering Spider’s behavior changes drastically. The males will approach females cautiously, tapping on the female’s web to signal their interest. They then perform a complex courtship display that involves waving their front legs, drumming their pedipalps, and vibrating on webs. The more intricate the display, the higher the chances of mating with the female.

Brazilian Wandering Spider’s Venom

Brazilian wandering spider

The venom of the Brazilian Wandering Spider is considered one of the deadliest in the world. The potency of the venom is due to the presence of a potent neurotoxin called PhTx3. This toxin is responsible for the spider’s ability to paralyze its prey and defend itself from predators.

In scientific studies, the venom of the Brazilian Wandering Spider has proven to be significantly more toxic than other venomous spiders, such as the Black Widow and the Brown Recluse. The effectiveness of this venom is a result of its unique chemical structure, which allows it to attack the nervous system of its victim and cause significant damage.

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Effects Of Venom On Humans And Animals

The effects of the venom of the Brazilian Wandering Spider can be devastating. When bitten, victims may experience severe pain, muscle spasms, and even paralysis. In extreme cases, the venom can cause respiratory failure, resulting in death.

While the venom initially causes pain and discomfort, it can lead to severe, long-lasting symptoms. In addition to causing physical harm, the venom can also have psychological effects, leading to anxiety, panic attacks, and even PTSD.

Animals are also susceptible to the venom of the Brazilian Wandering Spider . Small animals, such as mice and birds, are often preyed upon by the spider, while larger animals, such as dogs and cats, can be bitten accidentally.

Public Health Threat And Prevention

Brazilian wandering spider

The Brazilian Wandering Spider is a significant public health threat in Brazil, with hundreds of bites reported yearly. The spider has a wide distribution throughout the country, and its venom is particularly toxic, making it a serious risk to human health.

Also, the spider is especially dangerous because it is highly aggressive and can be found in homes, gardens, and public spaces. This means that anyone can encounter the spider, regardless of location or occupation, making it difficult to prevent bites.

Measures Taken To Prevent Bites And Treat Victims

To prevent bites from the Brazilian Wandering Spider, it is essential to take steps to reduce the risk of encountering the spider. This may include keeping homes and gardens free of clutter and debris, sealing windows and doors, and avoiding areas where the spider is known to live.

In the case of a bite, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. While no anti-venom is available, medical professionals can offer supportive care to alleviate symptoms and prevent complications.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Brazilian Wandering Spider’s venom contains a potent neurotoxin called PhTx3, which can cause extreme pain, muscle spasms, and paralysis in humans. This venom is 20 times more deadly than a rattlesnake’s and can cause respiratory failure in victims.

It is primarily found in South and Central America, especially in the Amazon rainforest. They hide in dark, moist environments such as piles of leaves, tree trunks, and burrows.

To avoid contact with the Brazilian Wandering Spider, it is important to inspect your surroundings, especially before putting on shoes or reaching into piles of debris. It is advisable to wear gloves and long sleeves when working outdoors or in areas where these spiders may be present. If you suspect a Brazilian Wandering Spider has bitten you, seek medical attention immediately.

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Overall, the Brazilian Wandering Spider is a fascinating and deadly spider that deserves respect and caution. Though its venom is incredibly potent, the spider itself is a remarkable creature. Its ability to move quickly and seamlessly across the ground makes it a formidable predator in its native habitats. 

Despite its fearsome reputation, we must learn to coexist with this remarkable arachnid, preserving its unique place in the natural world. Given the immense diversity and beauty of our planet’s biodiversity, the Brazilian Wandering Spider reminds us that we still have much to learn about the remarkable creatures that share our planet.

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Brazilian wandering spider: Where are they from and how deadly are they?

One was found in a bunch of supermarket bananas in london, article bookmarked.

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A Brazilian wandering spider

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The world’s most venomous spider has been delivered to a south London home in a bunch of bananas.

Specialists were called in to trap the Brazilian wandering spider, which ripped its leg off in a bid to escape and left an egg sac full of thousands of baby spiders behind.

The family who received the deadly arachnid in their Waitrose online shop told the Mail on Sunday they were “too traumatised to remain in the house”, while the supermarket apologised for the “distressing” incident.

It was not the first time a Brazilian wandering spider made the long journey to the UK.

In 2005, a chef in Somerset was bitten by a stowaway that had been hiding in bananas delivered to his pub.

He was saved by anti-venom administered after a nearby zoo identified the arachnid from a picture he took on his phone before passing out.

The spiders and their eggs have also been found in bananas from a Tesco in Essex and One Stop in Staffordshire.

Where are they from?

Fortunately, it is very rare to find Brazilian wandering spiders in the UK or anywhere outside their natural habitat in South America.

They live in the forests of Costa Rica, Columbia, Peru, Brazil, and Paraguay and gain their name from the habit of moving across jungle floors at night in search of food.

In the day, they like hiding in places that are dark and moist and are known to favour piles of wood, garages, cupboards, shoes and even heaps of clothes.

The apparent tendency to hide in banana bunches – like in the latest incident – has given them the nickname “banana spider”.

Their scientific name translates as “murderess” in Greek and they are also known as the “armed spider”, because of their unusual attacking stance, and “horse stinger”.

How deadly is it?

The Guinness Book of World Records has named it the most venomous spider in the world for possessing the most active neurotoxic venom of any living spider.

The toxin PhTx3 causes extreme pain, swelling, paralysis, skin cell destruction, fatal breathing complications, heart attacks and painful erections (priapism) in men lasting up to four-hours.

Victims of a Brazilian wandering spider bite can reportedly be killed in an hour.

But few deaths occur because an effective anti-venom is available in Brazil and Guinness claims that people are killed, it is usually in children under the age of seven.

Scientists have reportedly considered investigating the use of the deadly venom as a possible ingredient for drugs treating erectile dysfunction.

What do Brazilian wandering spiders look like?

There are eight known species, with the most dangerous being the Phoneutria fera and the Phoneutria nigriventer.

All vary slightly in appearance but are known for their size, with a leg span of up to 15 cm (6 ins) and body length of up to 5 cm (2 ins).

They are covered with hair and usually dark brown in colour, with some displaying bright red hairs on their venom glands.

When Brazilian wandering spiders feel threatened, they adopt a distinctive “attacking” stance with their front legs in the air, swaying from side to side.

How do they attack?

The spiders use bites as their main form of attack but do not always deliver venom, using it only in an estimated third of bites.

They eat insects and small mammals, including other spiders, amphibians, reptiles and mice, hunting them on the ground and killing with an ambush or direct attack.

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Envenomation by Wandering Spiders (Genus Phoneutria )

  • Reference work entry
  • First Online: 03 April 2018
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  • Fábio Bucaretchi 6 ,
  • Rogério Bertani 7 ,
  • Eduardo Mello De Capitani 8 &
  • Stephen Hyslop 9  

Part of the book series: Toxinology ((TOXI))

1021 Accesses

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Spiders of the genus Phoneutria , commonly known as wandering or banana spiders, are found in southern Central America (Costa Rica) and throughout South America east of the Andes into northern Argentina. Eight species, classified as Amazonian ( P. fera , P. reidyi , and P. boliviensis ) and non-Amazonian ( P. keyserlingi , P. pertyi , P. eickstedtae , P. bahiensis , and P. nigriventer ), have been described. Most of the clinically important bites by this genus occur in Brazil (~4,000 cases per year), with only 0.5% being severe. Local pain is the major symptom reported after most bites and involves peripheral (tachykinin (neurokinin NK 1 and NK 2 ) and glutamate receptors) and central (spinal) mechanisms (neurokinins, excitatory amino acids, nitric oxide, proinflammatory cytokines, and prostanoids). Other local features observed in envenomed patients include edema, erythema, radiating pain, sweating, fasciculation, and paresthesia. Systemic manifestations are less common and may include diaphoresis, tachycardia, arterial hypertension, agitation, prostration, sialorrhea, vomiting, tachypnea, pallor, hypothermia, cyanosis, diarrhea, and priapism. Shock and pulmonary edema, the main severe complications, are uncommon and possibly related to increased sympathetic activity and a systemic inflammatory response, although no sequential serum catecholamine, nitric oxide, and interleukin levels have been measured in prospective case series of human envenomations by Phoneutria spp. Most cases are treated symptomatically, with antivenom being recommended only for patients who develop important systemic clinical manifestations; such manifestations occur in ~3% of cases and involve mainly children <10 years old and adults >70 years old. Fifteen deaths attributed to Phoneutria spp. have been reported in Brazil since 1903, but in only two of these cases are there sufficient details to confirm a causal nexus.

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Envenomation by Wandering Spiders (Genus Phoneutria)

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Argentina. Ministerio de Salud de la Nación. Guía de prevención, diagnóstico, tratamiento y vigilancia epidemiológica del envenenamiento por arãnas. Programa Nacional de Prevención y Control de las Intoxicaciones. Buenos Aires: Ministerio de Salud de la Nación; 2012. 69 pp.

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Department of Pediatrics and Campinas Poison Control Center, Faculty of Medical Sciences, State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Rua Tessália Vieira de Camargo, 126, Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz, 13083-887, Campinas, SP, Brazil

Fábio Bucaretchi

Ecology and Evolution Laboratory, Butantan Institute, Av Vital Brazil, 1500, 05503900, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Rogério Bertani

Department of Clinical Medicine and Campinas Poison Control Center, Faculty of Medical Sciences, State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, SP, Brazil

Eduardo Mello De Capitani

Department of Pharmacology and Campinas Poison Control Center, Faculty of Medical Sciences, State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, SP, Brazil

Stephen Hyslop

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Correspondence to Fábio Bucaretchi .

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University of Hawaii Cancer Center, and Department of Pathology, John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Carl-Wilhelm Vogel

Department of Emergency Medicine New Mexico School of Medicine, New Mexico Poison Center, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

Steven A. Seifert

Laboratory of Immunochemistry, Division of Development and Innovation Butantan Institute, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Denise V. Tambourgi

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Bucaretchi, F., Bertani, R., De Capitani, E.M., Hyslop, S. (2018). Envenomation by Wandering Spiders (Genus Phoneutria ). In: Vogel, CW., Seifert, S., Tambourgi, D. (eds) Clinical Toxinology in Australia, Europe, and Americas. Toxinology. Springer, Dordrecht. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-7438-3_63

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-7438-3_63

Published : 03 April 2018

Publisher Name : Springer, Dordrecht

Print ISBN : 978-94-017-7436-9

Online ISBN : 978-94-017-7438-3

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  1. Wandering Spider Family Ctenidae Manu Peru Stock Photo

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  3. Peru, Manu National Park, wandering spider on twig Stock Photo

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  1. Wandering spider

    Wandering spiders (Ctenidae) are a family of spiders that includes the Brazilian wandering spiders.These spiders have a distinctive longitudinal groove on the top-rear of their oval carapace similar to those of the Amaurobiidae. [1] They are highly defensive [2] and venomous nocturnal hunters. Wandering spiders are known to hunt large prey, for example hylid species Dendropsophus branneri. [3]

  2. Phoneutria

    Phoneutria is a genus of spiders in the family Ctenidae.They are mainly found in northern South America, with one species in Central America. [2] Members of the genus are commonly referred to as Brazilian wandering spiders. [3] Other English names include armed spiders (armadeiras in Brazilian Portuguese) and banana spiders (a name shared with several others).

  3. Phoneutria fera

    Phoneutria fera is a species of spider with medically significant venom in the family Ctenidae found in South America (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Suriname, and Guyana). [1] It is commonly known as the Brazilian wandering spider and the banana spider, [2] although these names are applied to other species in the genus Phoneutria, particularly Phoneutria nigriventer.

  4. The wandering spider

    04 December 2018 (5804 visits) The Brazilian wandering spider is the commonly used generic term for what is in fact a family of eight different species, found in the rainforests of the Americas all the way from Costa Rica to Argentina, including Peru. Also known as the "armed" or "banana" spider (for its alarming habit of finding its ...

  5. Brazilian Wandering Spider (Phoneutria): Bite, Attacks And Other Facts

    Brazilian Wandering Spiders Facts. The term 'Brazilian wandering spider' actually refers to not just one spider, but a number of extremely venomous spider species found primarily in South (especially Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Suriname, Peru and Guyana) and Central America.

  6. Brazilian Wandering Spider (Arachnids of Loreto, Peru)

    Summary 2. Phoneutria fera is a species of spider in the family Ctenidae found in South America (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Suriname and Guyana). It is commonly known as the Brazilian wandering spider as well as the banana spider, although these names are applied to other species in the genus Phoneutria, particularly Phoneutria nigriventer .

  7. The Brazilian Wandering Spider: A Venomous Arachnid That Could Kill You

    The Brazilian wandering spider, also known as the banana spider, is a highly venomous arachnid that can be found in various countries across South and Central America. ... Costa Rica, and Peru. These spiders are often referred to as "wandering" spiders because they do not build webs like other spider species. Instead, they roam the forest ...

  8. Brazilian Wandering Spider facts

    Brazilian Wandering Spider Size. Being quite large and impressive compared to most arachnids, adult Brazilian Wandering Spiders can reach a leg span of up to 7 inches (18 cm). The body size excluding the legs can be up to 2 inches (5 cm). Their size contributes to their intimidating presence.

  9. Brazilian Wandering Spider (Phoneutria fera) · iNaturalist

    Phoneutria fera is a species of spider in the family Ctenidae found in South America (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Suriname and Guyana). It is commonly known as the Brazilian wandering spider as well as the banana spider, although these names are applied to other species in the genus Phoneutria, particularly Phoneutria nigriventer.

  10. Brazilian Wandering Spider: Care, Food, Habitat & Preventions

    The Brazilian wandering spider, scientifically known as Phoneutria, Maximilian Perty kickstarted the Phoneutria genus in 1833. The name comes from the Greek word φονεύτρια, which means "murderess" and falls under the Animalia kingdom, Arthropoda phylum, and Arachnida class. Within Arachnida, it is classified in the order Araneae ...

  11. Wandering Spider Facts: Understanding This Species

    Here are a few more notable characteristics of the Wandering Spider: Females are larger than males, with a body length of up to 1.6 inches (4 cm). They have eight eyes, arranged in two rows, which help them in hunting. The Wandering Spider is primarily found in Central and South America, particularly in Brazil.

  12. Brazilian Wandering Spider (Phoneutria nigriventer) · iNaturalist

    Source: Wikipedia. Phoneutria nigriventer is a species of spider in the family Ctenidae, found in South America (Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina). Along with Phoneutria fera, it is sometimes called the Brazilian wandering spider. Phoneutria nigriventer is a species of spider in the family Ctenidae, found in South America (Brazil ...

  13. Wandering spider

    wandering spider, (family Ctenidae), any member of the family Ctenidae (order Araneida), a small group of large spiders of mainly tropical and subtropical regions, commonly found on foliage and on the ground. Their first two legs are armed with strong bristles on the lower side. Cupiennius salei, found in rainforests in Central and South America, has a characteristic banding pattern on its ...

  14. Phoneutria nigriventer

    Phoneutria nigriventer is a species of medically significant spider in the family Ctenidae, found in the Southern Cone of South America (Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Argentina). [1] Along with other members of the genus, they are often referred to as Brazilian wandering spiders. [2]Its bite can cause severe symptoms, including increased pulse, blood pressure, and respiratory rate ...

  15. 4 Ways to Identify a Brazilian Wandering Spider

    The Brazilian wandering spider is a large, hairy spider that lives in South and Central America. It's considered the most venomous spider in the world. ... Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana. Its habitat extends all the way down to northern Chile and Argentina. 2. Exercise caution around dark spaces. ...

  16. Brazilian Wandering Spiders (Phoneutria): Facts ,Identifications & Pictures

    The Brazilian Wandering spider is a type of spider from the Phoneutria group. Even though they're called "Brazilian," not all of them come from Brazil. ... Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Peru, Argentina, Colombia, Guyana, Ecuador: Habitat: Jungle floors in the wild, and also in dark, dingy places like cars, log piles, boxes, and clothes ...

  17. 9 Dangerous Animals In Peru Hiding In The Shadows

    There are several species of spiders in Peru that are considered dangerous. The most toxic to avoid at all costs is the Brazilian wandering spider. The bite is extremely painful and can result in muscle paralysis, respiratory issues, and even death which make these spiders one of the most dangerous animals in Peru.


    The Brazilian Wandering Spider is the name of many spider species in the Phoneutria genus. They are large, intimidating, and infamous for being the most toxic spider venom in the world. ... Madre de Dios, Peru. Contact us [email protected]; WhatsApp: +51 993 512 268; Whatsapp For Travel Agents: +51 993 512 265; Reservations

  19. The World's Most Venomous Spider: The Brazilian Wandering Spider

    The Brazilian Wandering Spider is found in the rainforests of South America. These rainforests are the world's largest and most biodiverse terrestrial ecosystems, covering an area of approximately 6.7 million square kilometers. The spider is striking, with a shiny brown or black body covered in short fine hairs.

  20. Brazilian wandering spider: Where are they from and how deadly are

    Specialists were called in to trap the Brazilian wandering spider, which ripped its leg off in a bid to escape and left an egg sac full of thousands of baby spiders behind. ... Peru, Brazil, and ...

  21. Envenomation by Wandering Spiders (Genus Phoneutria )

    Spiders of the genus Phoneutria, commonly known as wandering or banana spiders, are found in southern Central America (Costa Rica) and throughout South America east of the Andes into northern Argentina.Eight species, classified as Amazonian (P. fera, P. reidyi, and P. boliviensis) and non-Amazonian (P. keyserlingi, P. pertyi, P. eickstedtae, P. bahiensis, and P. nigriventer), have been described.

  22. Spiders in Peru

    "The Brazilian Wandering Spider doesn't actually occur in the Tambopata rainforest. However, there are at least two other closely related species that live in the Peruvian jungle. Despite the hype that the Brazilian Wandering Spider receives from the press, this creature rarely bites people.

  23. Goliath birdeater

    Goliath birdeater. The Goliath birdeater ( Theraphosa blondi) belongs to the tarantula family Theraphosidae. Found in northern South America, it is the largest spider in the world by mass (175 g (6.2 oz)) and body length (up to 13 cm (5.1 in)), and second to the giant huntsman spider by leg span. [ 1] It is also called the Goliath tarantula or ...