
100++ Hilarious Road Trip Memes and Cartoons Speaking Truth About Family Travel

  • Outdoor Activities
  • July 4, 2020

Family road trip memes, cartoons and funny jokes - feature

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Huge collection of absolutely hilarious family road trip memes, jokes, funny quotes, and cartoons to cheer you up while traveling with your spouse and kids. So True!

Road trips are one of the very best forms of adventure travel. You go to places you would never visit traveling via an airplane, enjoy the fantastic world of the great outdoors on your own schedule, and you get to know your family on a much more intimate level. But have you ever found yourself in an unexpected or funny situation while on a family road trip? That face-palm feeling you’d have, or that non-stop laughing spree? You’d wish you could make a road trip meme or a funny cartoon of it! We come across these meme-worthy moments and ridiculous jokes on almost every road trip! So we’ve decided to make a collection of our favorites! Dear road trip enthusiasts, you will not be disappointed! 

Quick links to road trip memes collection:

  • Going on a road-trip
  • How to prepare
  • How to pack
  • On the road
  • Road trip with kids be like
  • Road trip food guide
  • Bathroom breaks
  • Overnight stay
  • Problems on the road
  • Back from a trip

***This post may contain affiliate links and we may earn compensation when you click on the links at no additional cost to you. All product recommendations and feedback are ours and based on personal experience. Please refer to our Disclosure Policy .  

Family road trip memes, cartoons and funny jokes - pinterest pin

Please note, the images are taken from the internet and are not produced by us. These road trip memes, family road travel jokes, and funny road-trip quotes are posted “as is” – we have not been editing out any references on the pictures themselves. Where possible, on a “best-effort basis”, we tried to trace back the source of these road trip memes and added a credit to the author. 

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Let's Go On A Road Trip!

Many times when we are stuck at work, only thoughts of an upcoming vacation can keep us going.. We are ready for that vacation.

vacation expectation funny meme

Yet with most of international boarders remaining closed, road trips and staycations seem to be the only option for family travel. So are we, REALLY ready for THIS type of vacation?

testing relationship by taking a family road trip

Road trips can be so much fun! Yet car travel, especially with family, requires a great deal of preparation.

road trip dogs meme

If that alone is not enough, COVID-related restrictions are making family road trips so much more difficult. Here is a road trip meme that describes what I am talking about perfectly!

road trip during covid meme

If THAT is not enough also, let me ask you: are you planning to take a road trip with your kids?!! I could not stop laughing at the next road trip meme about travel with kids!

going on a family road trip with kids funny meme

Our readers who have kids know right away why that poor cat was so scared. For those of you who do not have kids, let me explain.

life before and after kids funny joke

These before and after kids funny memes describe it perfectly!

family car meme

You may also want to check out our other funny meme and humour collections:  60++ Absolutely Hilarious Homeschool Memes, Jokes & Cartoons for Moms 60++ Hilarious Hiking & Camping Memes You Absolutely Have To See 50++ Hilarious Travel Memes and Jokes To Cheer You Up During Covid19 Pandemic our entire collection of family fun is HERE

Once you have kids – everything changes. Everything. Road trips with kids are very different.

road trips without kids meme

Here is a funny cartoon on the lengths parents are prepared to go only not to take their kids on a road trip with them!

travel with kids cartoon

However if you ask a child if they want to go on a road trip… the following road trip meme is absolutely hilarious!

baby passport preparing for a road trip funny

Well.. maybe some kids are not that excited after-all..

baby on the phone before a road trip funny

How to Properly Prepare for a Road Trip Memes

Most of the road trips happen in summer of course. However in some parts of Canada summer can be like…

digging the car out of snow before road trip lol hilarious

Step 1: consolidate all kids car seats in one car. …and every mother everywhere is like…

switch car seat from one car to another funny meme

Step 2: Get snacks! Lot's of snacks! It doesn't matter how old you are, buying snacks for a road trip should always look like an unsupervised 9-year-old was given a $100 hilarious road trip joke.

buying snacks before a road trip funny joke

Step 3: learn the road trip car rules – best summed up in the next meme

road trip rules - funny diagram infographic

Also, let's get clear on the highway rules.. one last time.

rules of the road funny

All done? Let's pack! I personally absolutely adore this alpaca road trip meme!

road trip alpaca funny meme

Your Funny Road Trip Packing Guide

Now.. how to pack for a family road trip to ensure you are not a copy of a cartoon?

road trip packing guide cartoon 01

Tip 1: Make sure to pack it light.

packing lightly for a family road trip meme

Tip 2: Clean your car and make sure to leave enough space at the back …well for your kids of course! Otherwise your car can join the list of the perfect family road trip memes!

get in the car! funny packing joke

Tip 3: No need to bring absolutely everything with you! There are large chain stores all across North America and Europe. You can always make a shopping stop.

road trip packing guide meme 02

yeah… I laughed so hard at the Family Car Guys Be Like road trip meme!

packing sports car for family road trips funny joke

Well.. but what's going on here?!

no time to explain banana car

On the Road Family Driving Experience Memes

Are you finally packed and morally prepared for the road trip of your life?! Get ready for surprises! Kids have many!

taking kids on a road trip meme baby poops

Don't forget not to eat beans before your road trip!

eating beans before a road trip funny

Otherwise that moment when someone farts in the car will become a popular road trip meme 🙂

that moment when someone farts in a car funny road trip meme

Road Trip Tip: make sure to have good navigation and load your destination in advance. However I agree with this road trip meme: one does not simply do a road trip without getting lost! LOL

getting lost road trip funny joke

You'll be surprised, but I still sometimes see people relying on paper maps on many of my own family road trips. How? Why? Life before Google Maps road trip meme sums it up.

road trip google maps meme

Road Trip Tip: try to have at least two drivers in the car. Here is a road trip cartoon that explains it.

long road trip cartoon

But when you tell your wife on a road trip you're tired and ready to switch drivers…

switch drivers hilarious meme

At some point she's gotta take the wheel. Every man has this look when his wife is driving – road trip meme.

wife driving a car on a family road trip

What do you do in the car for so long?

What do you even do on those road trips? How do you entertain each other? Road trip cartoon: My family's favourite road trip game is called “heated argument”.

favourite family road trip game cartoon

Men, beware, your spouses are sneaky! Get into heated argument with my husband on a summer road trip – turn on his seat heater when he's not looking meme 🙂

car argument road trip meme hilarious

Guess who desperately wants to be a part of your conversation?!

backseat driver dog funny meme

Fights can happen for any reason. Wrong music mixtape? easy!

music in the car on a family road trip meme

Maybe it is best sometimes to turn a deaf ear on what your kids are listening to!

music on a road trip funny meme

Speaking about kids: they ARE listening! I realized I might have a road rage problem – road trip meme

road rage child meme

Road Trip Tip: you gotta keep it all together whatever it takes. you're a family after-all. Here is a great road trip cartoon situation that you definitely want to avoid.

family road trip funny cartoon

Most times on long road trips you have to be creative to pass time. Whenever I was on a long road trip, I used to imagine there was a little man running alongside me, dodging obstacles – joke 🙂 Thankfully there are many road trip kids activities you can choose from nowadays!

view of a train from a car window

But most of the time the whole family is trying to fall asleep. The driver is like naaahhh… Let me play you the song of my people!

falling asleep on a road trip funny meme

Depending on where you are travelling through, even dogs can fall asleep.

tired of a road trip dog meme

Road trips are definitely not a glamorous way of travel..

sleeping on a road trip meme

You may also want to check out our other funny meme and humour collections:  60++ Absolutely Hilarious Homeschool Memes, Jokes & Cartoons for Moms 60++ Hilarious Hiking & Camping Memes You Absolutely Have To See 50++ Hilarious Travel Memes and Jokes To Cheer You Up During Covid19 Pandemic our entire collection of family fun is HERE

The Hard Truth About Travel With Kids – Road Trip Memes & Cartoons

Here comes the juice stuff: road trips with kids meme and cartoon collection. Having a toddler of my own and travelling with him all over, I could not stop laughing at these road trip jokes!

taking kids on road trip will be fun meme

Every single thing done with the kid is a challenge. It all starts way before you leave. This “Get your child into a car seat” road trip cartoon sums it up perfectly.

baby getting into a car seat funny meme

Sometimes I wish things were easier…

kids safety on a road trip meme

Easy on the car seat buckle pressure! Kids are people too. LOL. Just look at his poor face!

fix my car seat baby meme

Suggested post: What To Do With An Old Baby Car Seat? How to Recycle a Car Seat?

“And then they expected a baby to sleep in the car seat” funny road trip meme

baby sleeps in a car on road trip meme

Some parents get creative to make their baby sleep… but does it really work?!

road trip with a baby meme

I am sure you've been through these situations so many times: your baby cries throughout the entire road trip and finally falls asleep two blocks away from your destination. Whyyyyyy…?!!!!!

baby cries all road trip meme

Or, probably worse: you baby sleeps all through the entire road trip only to be up all night when parents are trying to catch some sleep. Frankly, I'd rather have it hte other way around.

baby sleeping on a road trip funny meme

But what if your kids are older? Road trip meme: The look on my face when my kids fight in the car.

kids fight during a road trip meme

Road Trip With Kids PRO Trip: Want kids to behave on road trips? Bring a bag of candy. Anytime they misbehave, throw a piece of candy out the window. Problem solved. This tactic may be a bad joke, yet your kids good behaviour is guaranteed.

road trip with kids - candy funny joke

Good Road Trip Joke: on a road trip with my dad when I was young, he pulls out a diet pepsi and opens it. I yell “don't drink and drive!” and knock it out of his hand. LOL

dont drink and drive funny meme kids joke

The entire road trip with your kids in one infographic cartoon:

road trip with kids funny cartoon

“Are we there yet?” cute road trip meme.

are we there yet kids cat joke

Nope. Not there yet. But then we discover….. I find this family road trip cartoon both hilarious and a learning lesson.

parents with kids on a road trip cartoon

Your Funny Road Trip Dining Guide

Road trips are not just about driving. You gotta eat. Here is “dining out with children summer-up in one photo” hilarious road trip meme

kids eating at a restaurant hilarious meme

Many parents would rather eat gas station food than have a seat-down at a restaurant with their kids. I can totally understand this attitude.

gas station food on a road trip meme

Some cars are better equipped for gas station dinners than others…

eating off the car on a road trip joke

The alternative: eating right in your car.

eating fast food on a family road trip funny

Like this post if you are a Canadian, like we are! Tim Hortons forever.

true canadian road trip food meme

Well, some of us do try to eat healthy. Excellent road trip food joke by a healthy mom 🙂 Nice try mom!

McDonalds from an apple funny mom's joke

Yet, food is always fun and is always the subject of so many road trip jokes!

food during a road trip funny meme

Did you know our cars have a built-in taco holder?!

car taco funny joke

Suggested post: Best Car For Road Trips? Top Car Features to Ease Family Travel

Tacos on a road trip? Do you want to risk your marriage? Seriously? LOL

eating taco bell on a road trip funny meme

Yet some cars are even equipped with a perfect grill device! Hit a deer? You can eat it right then and there – sorry, this road trip joke is dark.

grilling food with your car during a road trip lol

Many times road trips with family do indeed test your relationship, and all you want at the end of the day is a good drink. Trust me, I am Russian.

vodka from mcdonalds funny road trip cartoon

Road Trip Bathroom Breaks

So you think road trip food is funny? Wait for it! Here come road trip bathroom jokes and memes!

child needs to pee on a road trip meme

…and it always happens as you just pulled out of the rest stop.

baby needs to pee on a road trip meme

..or if you are in the middle of nowhere. This “we have a problem Captain” road-trip mama is so funny!

family road trip bathroom break funny meme

Well, at least babies have diapers on. Sometimes I wish diapers were mandatory for all on family road trips. Love the Rock in this road trip baby bathroom meme!

baby poops vs the Rock hilarious road trip meme

What do you usually do if your kids need to use the bathroom on a road trip and you are stuck in traffic? Ideas? Share in comments!

when my kids need to pee in traffic funny family travel

We all had this feeling when you reach the end of a long road trip with no rest stops… you are like:

bathroom break after a long road trip funny meme

Where do we sleep on a road trip?

“Are we nearly there yet?” and everyone laughed! But no. There was still 89 minutes left. “Are we there yet” road trip joke.

are we there yet family road trip funny meme

I find the smoking in the car road trip meme appalling. Yet including it here still as an example of what NOT to do on your road trip. Smoking is bad for you by the way.

smoking in the car funny meme

When the family is finally tired and starts looking for an accommodation.

fancy hotel along the road funny joke

Finding a good hotel in the middle of nowhere can be tricky. There is an abundance of really weird ones for sure. Just look at this clown motel. Would you stay here?! No way!

stopping at a hotel on a road trip meme

What is ti with kids and pools anyways? “New hotel with kids pool just opened?” road trip meme.

new hotel with a pool funny meme

Suggested post: 5 Tips Baby-Proofing AirBnB, Hotel, or Vacation Rental When Traveling With Kids

Have you ever worked at a hotel? I can totally get this manager who decided “no, thank you”.

hotel kids attitude hilarious joke

This kids at a hotel road trip meme sums it up.

kids at a hotel funny family meme

‘Cmon, parents are people too! everyone needs a break on a road trip if only to check a favourite Facebook page or a YouTube Channel.

cat face kids running around the hotel funny

Camping? Anyone?

An alternative to staying at a hotel (or if you got kicked out of one) would be to go camping!!! By the way, check out our collection of hilarious camping and hiking memes.

baby watching parents putting up a tent hilarious road trip meme

Suggested post: 60++ Hilarious Hiking & Camping Memes You Absolutely Have To See

Camping with a baby expectation vs reality – funny road trip meme.

baby on a road trip expectation funny meme

Suggested post: Camping With a Baby – Six Baby Gear Essentials To Take With You

What wildlife thinks.. – camping road trip cartoon

bears looking at a car sticker funny road trip cartoon

Yet if you get creative, you can keep your kids entertained and clean your car at the same time. Whoever had created this road trip car-washing idea meme is a genius!

kids washing the car after a road trip meme

…and finally there comes the time when you get your kids asleep and can spend a little bit of time on yourself… what do you usually do?

kids asleep funny meme

Honestly, I go to sleep! instantly! LOL

kids fell asleep freedom funny joke

“Houston, We Have A Problem” Road Trip Memes

Now let's switch gears and talk about what common problems you might expect during your epic road trip.

Speeding. Simply don't speed. I absolutely love the road trip joke below.

speeding problems solved by a sniper joke

Yes, definitely slow down when you see a cop. Even if everyone in your car needs to use the bathroom urgently. You'll waste a lot of time if they pull you over.

speeding n a road trip meme

Can't stop laughing at the rock-paper-scissors joke!

cops on a road trip funny joke

Things you can see on the road. You'll be surprised.

hilarious car crash meme

Road Trip Tip: make sure your car is in perfect condition before your hit the road.

police stop on a road trip meme

It sucks when your car breaks down on your road trip.

engine broke down on a road trip meme

Most common problem on any road trip is a flat tire, so you should have a plan.

flat tire on a family road trip funny meme

Do you even know how to change a tire?.. I don't. The following baby changing tire meme says it all.

child is fixing a flat tire funny joke

Totally valid argument. LOL.

flat tire on a road trip meme

Love this family's plan! Need to make sure to pack some duct tape on my next road trip!

duct tape used on a flat tire funny meme

…And When You're Finally Back

Oh… family road trips can be so exhausting… No wonter there are so many road trip memes, cartoon and jokes floating around.

surviving a family road trip funny meme

When I get back from a road trip, I need three things. A good long hot shower.

need a shower after a long road trip meme

To return to my normal diet.

surviving road trip food funny meme

…and a weekend long sleep.

back from my trip tired panda funny meme

Travelling with kids is hard, there is no doubt.

taking kids on a road trip joke

Sometimes I am glad I only have one child, although they say it is easier with two or three.

if you have three kids funny meme

Yet, [most] road trips are so much fun! Road trips are the perfect way to really connect with everyone in your family on an intimate level, to see places you would never see from a plane, to experience adventure. We bring back lots of memories, lots of photos and lots of stories to tell.

vacation photos funny meme

No matter how hard it can be for us as parents, family road trips are some of the brightest childhood memories our kids would have. Ask yourself. I certainly remember many of them. I do not remember where we went, what we did, how we fought, what we ate… but I definitely remember how they made me feel – as a strong part of my family that loves to adventure together.

family road trip was the best time of my life funny meme

Have you enjoyed our large collection of road trip memes, travel jokes, funny family travel quotes, and cartoons? Which one was your favorite?!! POST IN COMMENTS!

Are you a creator of road trip cartoons, travel comics, or humorous books about travel with kids? Reach out to us , we’d love to feature you!

Cheerfully yours,

Alexandra, Alex & Cosmos

Share your own hiking and camping memes on social media! tag #PerfectDayToPlay to be featured on our Instagram! 

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Alexandra is an award-winning Vancouver Mom-blogger & YouTuber, travel addict, children's author, and a serial entrepreneur. Her focus is on family travel, outdoor adventures, eco-lifestyle, and teaching kids independence, sustainability, and appreciation for the natural environment. Work w/me: [email protected]

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road trip coffee meme


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25 Road Trip Memes Powered by Salty Snacks and a Sense of Adventure

One of the annoying things about America is also one of the great things : the culture of driving everywhere. Sure, it's annoying when you think of all the beautiful, walkable communities we're missing, but it all becomes worth it when you set out for the Great American Road Trip. 

There's no feeling quite like it-- the freedom of the open road, the feeling of soaring between states, the thrill of knowing that it's not about the destination, it's  about the journey . Even better if you have a road buddy with whom to share your adventure. Some of the best types of bonding are done between the driver seat and the passenger seat (you can speak more candidly if you don't have to look at each other). Not to mention the permission to snack at will, using sour gummy worms and Cheez-Its as your fuel. And we're coming up on peak road trip season, summer. So let these memes be your inspiration, and hit the road with two hands on the wheel. 

How dogs see road trips

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when you're driving with the same car for 2 hours and your exit comes up. YOU'LL ALWAYS BE WITH ME AND YOU'LL ALWAYS BE MY BROTHER.

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road trip coffee meme

Follow The Laughs


road trip coffee meme

Are We There Yet? 13 Hilarious Road Trip Memes.

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I’ve taken a decent amount of road trips in my life and I gotta say, every time I do is still very exciting.

I love hitting the open road early in the morning and driving to a totally different state or time zone. It’s so exciting!

I’ve actually done a lot of road trips alone in my life, including from Kansas City to Los Angeles and back and those were some of the best times of my life. Just me, a gigantic cup of coffee, and endless highway…

Ahhhh, it’s what America is all about, brothers and sisters!

Let’s enjoy some funny road trip memes right now and maybe you’ll get in the mood to hit the road again very soon!

1. Sweet relief!

That was almost a disaster!

road trip coffee meme

Photo Credit: The Chive

2. Good luck with that.

The dynamics will most likely change during this trip…

road trip coffee meme

3. I have to go again!

You might be going in a field, buddy.

road trip coffee meme

4. Oops, I did it again.

Happens every single time.

road trip coffee meme

5. Just the way it goes.

Not much you can do about that.

road trip coffee meme

6. I think you might have upset her.

Be very careful…

road trip coffee meme

7. Everyone, please pay attention to this.

Drives me INSANE.

road trip coffee meme

8. Not asleep any longer.

Pull over if you’re tired!

road trip coffee meme

9. This is TRUTH.

And you know it!

road trip coffee meme

10. This was a bad idea.

Here come the waterworks.

road trip coffee meme

11. Gotta pass the time somehow.

Why not do it this way?

road trip coffee meme

12. Not as fun as advertised.

This trip needs to be spiced up a little bit.

road trip coffee meme

13. Like in the covered wagon days.

This might take a while…

road trip coffee meme

Now we want to hear from you.

What’s the last great road trip you took?

Talk to us in the comments and tell us all about it!

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37 Funny Road Trip Memes for a Laughter-Filled Journey

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Are you ready to hit the open road and create unforgettable memories? Maybe even dance ? There’s nothing quite like the thrill of a road trip, where the possibilities seem endless and the adventure lies just beyond the horizon. And what better way to enhance your journey than with a collection of hilarious and relatable road trip memes?

Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or planning your first expedition, these humorous snapshots perfectly capture the joy, challenges, and unforgettable moments that come with exploring the world on four wheels . So buckle up and get ready for a laughter-filled ride as we delve into a compilation of funny road trip memes that will have you nodding your head in agreement and laughing out loud along the way!

1) Let the road trip memes begin!

37 Funny Road Trip Memes - "Going on a road trip with your besties like...Can I use the charger now? Deborah, did you eat all the snacks? I think I missed the exit."

“Going on a road trip with your besties like…Can I use the charger now? Deborah, did you eat all the snacks? I think I missed the exit.”

2) Living life in the fast lane with road trip memes!

37 Funny Road Trip Memes - "I don't always pass slow drivers but when I do, I check to see if they look as stupid as they drive."

“I don’t always pass slow drivers but when I do, I check to see if they look as stupid as they drive.”

3) Funny road trip memes that answer the question, “Are we there yet?”

37 Funny Road Trip Memes - "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? How about now?"

“Are we there yet? Are we there yet? How about now?”

4) Enjoying road trip memes with the fam.

37 Funny Road Trip Memes - "Babe, I know. I'll miss you too. But Mom and Dad are taking me on a road trip."

“Babe, I know. I’ll miss you too. But Mom and Dad are taking me on a road trip.”

5) Waking up to a fresh dose of road trip memes!

37 Funny Road Trip Memes - "When you've been asleep for the whole trip and somebody says, 'We're here.'"

“When you’ve been asleep for the whole trip and somebody says, ‘We’re here.'”

6) When you inhale the snacks.

37 Funny Road Trip Memes - "Buys $80 worth of road trip snacks. Eats them all in first 20 minutes."

“Buys $80 worth of road trip snacks. Eats them all in first 20 minutes.”

7) When you need to lookup the meaning of “Road head lane”…

37 Funny Road Trip Memes - "Let's clear this up one last time. Passing lane. Travel lane. Road head lane. Exit lane."

“Let’s clear this up one last time. Passing lane. Travel lane. Road head lane. Exit lane.”

8) When you have to also hear non-stop dad jokes in the car.

37 Funny Road Trip Memes - "Dads. State line signs on a road trip."

“Dads. State line signs on a road trip.”

9) When someone says, “Road trip!”

37 Funny Road Trip Memes - "Did someone say road trip?"

“Did someone say road trip?”

10) Road trip memes only people from Texas will understand.

37 Funny Road Trip Memes - "Europeans: I drove forty minutes to the Netherlands for some groceries and then I popped into Germany to see some of my relatives before driving back home. Americans: I was in Texas, I drove for nine hours, now I'm still in Texas..."

“Europeans: I drove forty minutes to the Netherlands for some groceries and then I popped into Germany to see some of my relatives before driving back home. Americans: I was in Texas, I drove for nine hours, now I’m still in Texas…”

11) When road signs are misleading.

37 Funny Road Trip Memes - "Fancy 4-star motel. Somehow I doubt that."

“Fancy 4-star motel. Somehow I doubt that.”

12) When you’re the master of holding it in.

37 Funny Road Trip Memes - "When you finally stop to pee on your road trip."

“When you finally stop to pee on your road trip.”

13) When you’re traveling on a budget.

37 Funny Road Trip Memes - "When your girl wants to see London, Italy, and Paris but you're on a budget..."

“When your girl wants to see London, Italy, and Paris but you’re on a budget…”

14) When you ask directions from an old friend.

37 Funny Road Trip Memes - "Are we going the right way Yoda? Off course, we are."

“Are we going the right way Yoda? Off course, we are.”

15) Funny Road trip memes only parents will understand.

37 Funny Road Trip Memes - "When you have to move your kid's car seat into another car."

“When you have to move your kid’s car seat into another car.”

16) When you start questioning your life choices.

37 Funny Road Trip Memes - "Holidays as a couple vs Holidays with kids."

“Holidays as a couple vs Holidays with kids.”

17) When you need a vacation.

37 Funny Road Trip Memes - "I get emotionally attached to the cars ahead of me on long road trips."

“I get emotionally attached to the cars ahead of me on long road trips.”

18) When you’re doing your best.

37 Funny Road Trip Memes - "When you're in the backseat desperately trying to be part of the front seat conversation."

“When you’re in the backseat desperately trying to be part of the front seat conversation.”

19) When you agree with the first rule of buying road trip snacks.

37 Funny Road Trip Memes - "It doesn't matter how old you are, buying snacks for a road trip should always look like an unsupervised 9-year-old was given $100."

“It doesn’t matter how old you are, buying snacks for a road trip should always look like an unsupervised 9-year-old was given $100.”

20) Road trip memes when you’re traveling with kids.

37 Funny Road Trip Memes - "Me: Hey, do you need to go potty? Kid: No."

“Me: Hey, do you need to go potty? Kid: No.”

21) When you call shotgun.

37 Funny Road Trip Memes - "Oh boy, did you say road trip?"

“Oh boy, did you say road trip?”

22) When you’re planning a road trip in Canada.

37 Funny Road Trip Memes - "Ok, we dug out the car, now what?"

“Ok, we dug out the car, now what?”

23) When you wish you were an only child.

37 Funny Road Trip Memes - "When you're on a road trip and your sibling's being hyper as [censored]. Then you realize you have seven more hours to go."

“When you’re on a road trip and your sibling’s being hyper as [censored]. Then you realize you have seven more hours to go.”

24) When you like to pack lightly.

"Me packing 56 outfits for a three-day weekend."

“Me packing 56 outfits for a three-day weekend.”

25) The reality of road trip memes.

"Road trips: Expectation vs Reality."

“Road trips: Expectation vs Reality.”

26) When it’s your first road trip.

"Road trip!"

“Road trip!”

27) When you read the rules for any road trip.

"Rules for any road trip. The driver: Drive, focus on the road, don't kill us. Shotgun: Stay awake, have mad DJ skills, and navigate so hard. Back seat: Snack distributor in chief, remind front seat people that bathrooms exist, and nap like a boss."

“Rules for any road trip. The driver: Drive, focus on the road, don’t kill us. Shotgun: Stay awake, have mad DJ skills, and navigate so hard. Back seat: Snack distributor in chief, remind front seat people that bathrooms exist, and nap like a boss.”

28) When you’re playing games on the road.

"Stuck in the alphabet game? QXYZ. You're welcome."

“Stuck in the alphabet game? QXYZ. You’re welcome.”

29) When you take your first road trip together.

"Let's test the limits of our love by taking a short road trip together."

“Let’s test the limits of our love by taking a short road trip together.”

30) Road trip memes only fans of Tim Hortons will understand.

"The first stop of every road trip in Canada."

“The first stop of every road trip in Canada.”

31) When you’re not sure what you’re getting into.

"Road trip with kids?? Trust me, it will be fun."

“Road trip with kids?? Trust me, it will be fun.”

32) Road trip memes that make you feel better.

"I was having a [censored] day. And then I saw this. I feel a lot better now."

“I was having a [censored] day. And then I saw this. I feel a lot better now.”

33) When you can’t wait to get there.

"Are we there yet?"

“Are we there yet?”

34) When you forget your luggage.

"When you arrive at a hotel and you realize you forgot your bag: Oh no."

“When you arrive at a hotel and you realize you forgot your bag: Oh no.”

35) Funny road trip memes for cat lovers.

"I will turn this car around, dammit."

“I will turn this car around, dammit.”

36) When your kids love snacks.

"When you think your car is clean but then you have to move a car seat."

“When you think your car is clean but then you have to move a car seat.”

37) When you’re a good parent.

"When your kid says something mean to their sibling but it was funny: I'll allow it."

“When your kid says something mean to their sibling but it was funny: I’ll allow it.”

I hope you enjoyed these road trip memes!

Please share these road trip memes with your friends and family.

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69 Funny Coffee Memes To Start Your Day😂

Nothing beats starting the day with a warm cup of coffee and inject bouts of laughter to lighten the mood. Take a sip ☕ and get ready as we jump right in 😂

#1 When you're a parent waking up...

road trip coffee meme

Oh to have kids and a morning. These are the moments I wake up and am so glad I am not a star of a reality show with cameras watching my every move. What happens in the kitchen in the morning stays in the kitchen in the morning.

#2 final warning...

road trip coffee meme

Have you ever tried to help someone make coffee in the morning. The fumbling around for measurements as your brain tries to remember how to fill the back with water. But your coffee helper is more in the way then help. Back TF up, I got this. You can save the world at lunch.

#3 morning...

road trip coffee meme

We have all sat down to work. Opened email, checked Facebook, made a list of to dos. So much work we already need a break. Look at the clock and it is only 9:10am. Give yourself a high five for doing so much in only ten minutes and take a break anyway.

#4 I've made it

road trip coffee meme

Maybe now that the coffee is brewing go wash your face and put on clean clothes. Just a suggestion.

#5 when it is never enough...

road trip coffee meme

How come it is so easy to drink three cups of coffee in less than an hour but so hard to drink 8 glasses of water in a whole day?

#6 when i smell...

road trip coffee meme

Did you know people's favorite smells are in this order: Playdough, Fresh Baked Bread, and Coffee. Don’t look it up, just take our word for it.

#7 water...

road trip coffee meme

I always tell my husband that MY body is 98% coffee. And you can’t really prove that it’s not.

#8 when you try

road trip coffee meme

You know how they say exercising is a great way to start your day? To me it is a great way to get me to nap. All out of breath and sweaty and all.

road trip coffee meme


#10 ideal time

road trip coffee meme

♪♫Coffee in the morning, coffee in the evening, coffee at supper time♪♪

#11 I wonder

road trip coffee meme

But you are glossing over the best parts. 1. I look dam good holding this drink and 2. Please refer back to 1

#12 it's safe now...

road trip coffee meme

But when you come out please also bring me lollipops and song. Let’s start this day out with a bang!

#13 makes me feel....

road trip coffee meme

Well it doesn’t make me feel like my stepmother has enslaved me and I am finally rebelling only with the help of magic in hopes to find a man to save and fix my situation. But yeah pretty dress, ok I’m in.

#14 a day might come...

road trip coffee meme

No today is also not the day I will choose to brush my hair or wash my face apparently. No today is much like yesterday and also tomorrow. Me barley being presentable and nice to the world. But you choose me, now your stuck with me.

#15 my face...

road trip coffee meme

Ah the 50’s. A time when women in ads couldn’t wait to catch a man with her fantastic stockings or her delicious cigarette. Did we also mention this woman is dead inside?

that thing in my coffee cup....

road trip coffee meme

#16 that moment...

road trip coffee meme

Janet, you look like you have to tell me something, but you also look like you want to kill me. Should I grab HR real quick?

#17 but first...

road trip coffee meme

What if the house was on fire? Or the zombies were right outside your door? I hear you, you said what you said.

#18 it's... monday

road trip coffee meme

Garfield couldn’t make this playdate. I mean will you want less coffee on Tuesday? I have a feeling you won't.

#19 trick me not...

road trip coffee meme

I wish coffee to trick me into thinking you were a good person for 27 seconds. I would take it.

#20 some mornings....

road trip coffee meme

Is this what Sia looks like in the morning? Does she have a tiny dancer that mimes drinking coffee around her kitchen while she is chugging down?

#21 coffeegasm

road trip coffee meme

I think you and I are having very different kinds of orgasums.

#22 No.1 mommy coffee hack

road trip coffee meme

As long as you don’t put the kids in the microwave I think we are ok.

#23 any minute...

road trip coffee meme

When it does kick in just realize that this is a lion. So you prolly don’t want to be standing next to him when it happens.

#24 when you thought...

road trip coffee meme

I mean coffee can’t fix stupid. If it could we would all use it. I guess except the stupid people, they prolly wouldn’t get on board.

#25 the moment when you ran out of coffee...

road trip coffee meme

Easy, find the person in charge of buying the coffee and scream at them till they cry. That should fix everything!

#26 I tried...

road trip coffee meme

Everytime I am about to murder someone I just think to myself...hey if I could have a cup of coffee all of this would go away.

#27 I promised...

road trip coffee meme

I also promised my wife I would be home on time for dinner and that I wouldn’t cheat on her. Just so you have a gage of how I am as a person.

#28 than... and now

road trip coffee meme

Other things you hated as a kid that as an adult you are good with: Going to bed and sleeping, brushing your hair, and beer.

#29 how to catch someone...

road trip coffee meme

I don’t want to be rude, but if that's all it takes you deserve to be captured.

#30 the coffee machine is...

road trip coffee meme

So is your business model apparently. Why doesn’t anyone in your office have a computer, or paper and pen? Do you run a sitting business?

#31 not enough....

road trip coffee meme

Maybe it is because it takes you like an hour to get dressed in the morning. Ever think about making it more casual?

#32 when you are...

road trip coffee meme

WAIT you are telling me they don’t put ANYTHING in those mugs? So they just hold them to look more relatable?

#33 Look... no phone.. no

road trip coffee meme

What club is this that just walks around together and makes random comments on the world? Not a running club I can tell you that much!

#34 my order just came in...

road trip coffee meme

This is the strongest commercial for Amazon Prime shipping I have ever seen.

#35 oh well you know...

road trip coffee meme

Sir this is a starbucks, you can’t just lay here. Please sir, you are scaring the children.

#36 but first...

road trip coffee meme

I shouldn’t have to say this, but don’t give coffee to your pets. It’s not good for them. Look what happened to this cat.

#37 i assume this means...

road trip coffee meme

Or she needs medical attention. I know how you always mix those two things up.

#38 what owwwl are you...

road trip coffee meme

Super simple answer. I am not an owl. I am a human being god dammit!

#39 did you ever stop to...

road trip coffee meme

No Sharon, you have a problem. No one ever says, geez did you ever think cocaine is addicted to me. Listen to yourself talk.

the moment when.....

road trip coffee meme

#40 mom rule 2...

road trip coffee meme

I wasn’t gonna question you about what you did before you made the coffee. But now it’s weird that you brought it up. So now I feel like you have to tell me. This is like your BS facebook posts that say “Today is the worst” you want me to ask why. Don’t do this to our friendship.

#41 a day without...

road trip coffee meme

Let me tell you a little secret, a day without coffee for YOU is probably the day you get a bad headache. It’s called caffeine withdrawal. You can google it.

#42 i had enough...

road trip coffee meme

It’s gonna take more than a cup of coffee to handle all this I got going on bub. Put that in your cup and drink it!

#43 when your kids starts yelling before...

road trip coffee meme

Man or man, remember when spanking was ok? No me neither cause spanking was never really ok, we just all kind of went along with it.

#44 why do you like coffee...

road trip coffee meme

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.

#45 like to thank.....

road trip coffee meme

Can you imagine what else they came up with? Like shoe laces. When we all know we could wear shoes perfectly fine without laces. But someone was like...no this is a skill we all need to learn. You know what I mean?

#46 motherhood... the truth...

road trip coffee meme

This is the worst Judd Aptow movie ever.

#47 you sure love coffee...

road trip coffee meme

Could you imagine if coffee could hide stuff around the house? They would probably hide all the mugs so they wouldn’t get drunk by you.

#48 every woman needs a...

road trip coffee meme

And a decent dishwasher, and grocery shopper, oh I could talk dirty like this all day.

#49 as it turns out...

road trip coffee meme

That only leaves 7% for whiny little asshole. Those numbers don’t check out.

#50 before... after coffee...

road trip coffee meme

This tiny cup of coffee couldn’t blind you if I threw it directly into your eyes. I doubt it could fix your day.

#51 how i think i look...

road trip coffee meme

Who flirts in coffee shops anymore. Get a dating app dude.

#52 look forward to going to bed...

road trip coffee meme

You know you could drink coffee at night right? There is no law or anything keeping you from doing that.

#53 i'm divine....

road trip coffee meme

This is what happens when you tell your kids they can be anything they want. It’s just not true.

#54 before my...

road trip coffee meme

And after your coffee. And in between sips. You basically are a beast like all the time.

#55 can i call you back...

road trip coffee meme

Just text me, we don’t need to talk ok.

#56 teacher: but you might...

road trip coffee meme

DUDE, don’t threaten death to a kid. Not cool. Take your basic ass outside and take a moment.

#57 the point of coffee is to...

road trip coffee meme

I think your first cup of coffee should be perfect. Half and Half with two sugars. And as your day bitters on do can you coffee.

#58 no filter...

road trip coffee meme

Hahahahha you made a filter joke. Now I have to kill you. I mean you get it right.

#59 Captian Janeway: Listen..... I don't need coffee

road trip coffee meme

I don’t need to breath, or think, or feel. I don’t need anything from anyone! Or except I do need to do all those things. I am confused, I haven’t had coffee yet. I was trying to cut back. Come on man don’t get mad at me.

#60 how i feel...

road trip coffee meme

You feel like an 80’s music video that no one really understands but we all jam to anyway? Cool cool.

#61 a giraffe's coffee....

road trip coffee meme

I mean, your not wrong.

#62 how i feel after a nap....

road trip coffee meme

Studies show you actually no longer need to nap after the age of 10. So really you shouldn’t. Then you wouldn’t feel like this. Just saying.

#63 moment when i spill coffee in my car...

road trip coffee meme

Now you don’t have to buy one of those scented air fresheners. Boom problem solved.

#64 there are basically 2 categories of coffee...

road trip coffee meme

What does smooth jazz coffee taste like?

#65 how does Moses make coffee....

road trip coffee meme

You know what Jesus said to this: NAILED IT!

#66 bottomless cup of coffee...

Is this what they mean when they say bottomless cup of coffee? The pot is magical and never runs out.

#67 let's get drunk...

I heard when Bill Murray crashes parties he gets crazy, but I had no idea. No Bill I don’t want to take a taste now thanks.

#68 this drink...

Hey hey Gary, you can’t just break all the dishes unless you are gonna pay for breakfast. We all know you don’t have any money so chill ok, we don’t want to get kicked out again.

#69 summon me....

road trip coffee meme

I also just answer to my name. You could just yell my name. I will totally come. But if you prefer the theatrical route I am here for it.

Had a good laugh 😂? Be sure to share some laughter and joy with your friends, especially those who need it to get through to Friday! Most importantly, enjoy your coffee!

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The perfect California road trip meal

Melon and cucumber salad at Full of Life Flatbread in Los Alamos.

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It’s Food Bowl weekend! Plus, Josiah Citrin’s Mélisse at 25, a coffee shop turned restaurant, pizza pop-ups, Frenchy grilled cheese. And robots in the kitchen? Meet the Autocado. I’m Laurie Ochoa, general manager of L.A. Times Food, with this week’s Tasting Notes.

Now, this is road food

Waygu beef burger with potato rosti, heirloom tomato, onion, pickles and fixings at Full of Life Flatbread in Los Alamos.

Last Sunday, I pulled off California’s 101 highway at Los Alamos, then clomped up the wood steps of the saloon-like building that is Full of Life Flatbread and had the kind of late-summer meal that shows the Golden State at its best.

A melon and cucumber salad is what first got my attention — the melon at peak ripeness was shaped into bite-sized orbs, its sweetness set off by the crisp cucumber, plus red chile slices for heat and a crumble of feta to tame the vinaigrette that was amped up with fish sauce. Fish sauce was also one of the welcome umami notes in Full of Life’s summer michelada with Tutti Fruitti heirloom tomatoes and serrano chile.

Then there was a genius burger of Waygu beef served with a crunch-perfect layer of potato rosti — think of your ideal hash browns — that erased the need for French fries. I can imagine a fast-food chain turning potato rosti on burgers into a nationwide phenomenon, but I’m glad I got to eat the real thing first.

Of course, we ordered flatbread for our group — multiple pies, in fact. One with dates, bacon and walnuts; one with beef cheek, caramelized onion, tomatillo, stewed tomatoes and cotija cheese; one with Full of Life’s own fennel sausage plus onion, mozzarella and Grana Padano; and another with great pepperoni and charred pasilla peppers.

A double-decker serving of some of the flatbreads at Full of Life Flatbread.

Flatbread, after all, is the reason Clark Staub started the business more than 20 years ago, after he left his life as a marketing executive for Capitol Records. I started coming to his Los Alamos outpost back in the days when it was known as American Flatbread. But it wasn’t always easy to get a table. At that time, the dining room was only open on Friday and Saturday nights because the rest of the week it functioned as the workroom for Staub’s business making frozen flatbread.

The frozen flatbread business continued after the name change, but slowly the dining room hours expanded a bit because so many people fell in love not only with Staub’s flatbreads but with Full of Life’s salad and pasta specials, which always make great use of the area’s best seasonal produce. I’m convinced that those meals are the reason that Los Alamos, basically a one-street town that looks like the setting for a movie western (if you ignore the excellent artisan bakery and high-end “provisions” shops that have moved in), became a mecca for food lovers ... and home to the one-star Michelin restaurant Bell’s.

In recent years chef Jill Davie, who has worked with Hans Rockenwagner, Josie Le Balch and many other chefs, joined Staub as his partner and wife. Her influence seems especially strong in the daily specials. Last year about this time I had a fantastic dish of chile crisp green beans and shrimp. And my friend Margy Rochlin and I are still talking about smoked chicken soup, packed with season produce.

I think I’m going to have to make Full of Life Flatbread more than a once-a-year road trip stop.

Chile crisp green beans and shrimp at Full of Life Flatbread in Los Alamos.

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L.A. dining’s star power

Illustrated lively Food Bowl scene

Our L.A. Times Food Bowl festival is in full swing this weekend at Paramount Studios. Last night on the L.A. Times Food Stage, Baroo chef Kwang Uh and his wife Mina Park received their Restaurant of the Year award along with Raul Ortega, who was this year’s winner of the L.A. Times Gold Award . Saturday tickets are sold out, but there are limited tickets remaining for Sunday’s session, which is the only day that kids are welcome to enjoy the fun. I’ll be on the L.A. Times Food stage on Sunday with Mozza’s Nancy Silverton, who is making treats from her latest cookbook, “The Cookie That Changed My Life.” Kismet’s Sarah Hymanson and Sara Kramer will also be on stage demonstrating recipes from their “Kismet: Bright, Fresh, Vegetable-Loving Recipes.”

If you have tickets, stop by our L.A. Times Food booth where you can purchase L.A. Asada and the michelada salt Spicy Angeleno, our latest spice collaborations with Burlap and Barrel developed by deputy food editor Betty Hallock, plus our original California Heat. Food editor Daniel Hernandez has been cooking with the spices and coming up with inventive ways to use them. We’ll also have copies of our 101 Best Tacos in Los Angeles zine, plus hats, sweatshirts and colorful aprons made for us by Hedley & Bennett.

And if you’re coming to Saturday’s Food Bowl session, look for TikTok star Owen Han, known as “the king of sandwiches,” who will be making recipes from his forthcoming “Stacked: The Art of the Perfect Sandwich.” Hallock profiled Han , whose TikTok post for his beef shawarma wrapped in laffa generated 52.3 million views. As Hallock points out, “that’s more than the entire population of South Korea.” We also have two recipes from Han that are worth checking out: Nonna’s Meatball Sandwich and OG Spicy Chicken Sandwich With Avocado And Bacon .

And here’s one more great sandwich for you from Pasjoli chef Dave Beran, star of the latest episode of our L.A. Times Food series “Chef That!” He makes the sandwich that Times restaurant critic Bill Addison called “ a grilled cheese for the ages ” and that columnist Jenn Harris named the best grilled cheese in the universe. At Pasjoli, the sandwich — served only on the bar menu — is named the Croque Matthieu for former chef de cuisine Matthew Kim. Find the full recipe for the ultimate grilled cheese sandwich at L.A. Times Food .

California-French pioneer

Chef Josiah Citrin at the Santa Monica Farmers Market.

Food contributor Heather Platt spent time with Mélisse chef and owner Josiah Citrin when the restaurant recently celebrated its 25th anniversary. “Mélisse is one of the few remaining French fine-dining tasting-menu restaurants of its era,” she writes in her story . “Yet it has thrived not as a bastion of ’90s California-French cuisine but instead because of Citrin’s openness to redefining what California-French food is.”

Small is beautiful

Diners early in the evening at Stir Crazy, a coffee spot turned restaurant.

Critic Bill Addison is crazy for Stir Crazy, the onetime Melrose Avenue coffee spot that Macklin Casnoff, Harley Wertheimer and Mackenzie Hoffman plus a kitchen team led by Caroline Leff, turned into a restaurant with “minimalist space, maximum impact.” Addison adds: It’s “a warming renovation that serves form and function. A casual, Euro-Californian menu. An incredible wine program led by Hoffman. In the year since the trio settled in, an old haunt has been reborn with a new soul.” Read more in his latest review .

Sara's Market in Los Angeles' City Terrace neighborhood.

Lately we’ve seen many of our favorite pop-ups transition to full-on brick-and-mortar restaurants . But that doesn’t mean we’ve seen a slowdown in pop-ups. In fact, more and more businesses — from wine bars to neighborhood markets — have become pop-up hosts with the owners giving customers a rotating roster of culinary talent coming through like touring deejays. Last week assistant food editor Danielle Dorsey and summer intern Bryan A’Hearn published a guide to some of L.A.’s most exciting pop-up hosts operating right now.

Pizza pop-ups are also still going strong. And though it almost sounds like a joke when L.A. Times Food columnist Jenn Harris describes the location of one of her new favorite L.A. pizza pop-ups — “a wooden table in a corner of the back patio of a coffee shop off Pico Boulevard started by a former management consultant who was briefly a vegan” — the pie is seriously good. “The bottom is golden and lacy with a delicate crunch,” writes Harris of Mievè in West L.A. “The middle is impossibly airy, a light, puffy cushion for all the toppings.” She’s also liking the blistered, bubbly crust of Jackson Baugh’s Caro Mio, which this month is available at Maury’s Bagels in Silver Lake.

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  • Cindy Carcamo reports on the Autocado , which “cuts, cores and peels avocados before they are hand-mashed by a human to make Chipotle’s guacamole,” plus other robotic innovations coming and already in our fast food restaurants.
  • Danielle Dorsey put together a list of 15 fantastic carnitas and pastor tacos to try from the 101 Best Tacos guide .

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Laurie Ochoa is general manager of Food at the Los Angeles Times.

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These food influencers spent 24 hours in Maine. Where did they eat?

When it comes to food influencers, the @SisterSnacking quartet — Sara, Madison, Carly and Julia Shapiro — have carved out a niche that’s as delicious as it is engaging. With nearly a million followers across their social media platforms, this quartet from Connecticut have made it their mission to guide food lovers through the best eats in New England and beyond.

In their latest video , the sisters embarked on a 24-hour trip up the coast of Maine, documenting every bite of the state’s culinary offerings.

“We went on a quick 24-hour road trip up the coast of Maine, and here’s everything we ate!” the sisters proclaimed.

@sistersnacking Everything we ate on a 24 hour road trip up the coast of Maine #sistersnacking #maine #lobster #lobsterroll #roadtrip ♬ original sound - Sistersnacking

Here’s a breakdown of their adventure:

The foursome kicked off their journey at the iconic Red’s Eats in Wiscasset , renowned for its lobster rolls. Even for these seasoned foodies, Red’s lived up to the hype. “This is one of the most popular lobster rolls in Maine, and we’re not going to lie — it really impressed us,” they shared.

They then visited Aragosta at Goose Cove , a destination they booked months in advance. About 2½ hours north of Red’s, this waterfront restaurant “showcases the best of local, seasonal ingredients.” The sisters indulged in a $150 per person tasting menu, with an added caviar service for the ultimate luxury experience.

44 North Coffee

After an overnight stay in Stonington, the quartet kick-started day two with some much-needed caffeine from 44 North Coffee.

Young’s Lobster Pound

Next, they headed to Young’s Lobster Pound in Belfast , a spot they wanted to try after seeing Erin French of “ The Lost Kitchen ” fame visit. Here, they savored another classic Maine lobster roll.

McLoons Lobster Shack

After stopping for another boost of energy at Seafolk Coffee in Rockport , their culinary tour continued with a visit to McLoons Lobster Shack in South Thomaston. This highly anticipated stop did not disappoint, as the sisters sampled nearly everything on the menu — from grilled clams and lobster rolls to crab rolls, chowder and clam dip. They even saved room for a slice of blueberry pie.

Glidden Point Oyster Farms

No trip to coastal Maine would be complete without oysters, and the sisters found the perfect spot at Glidden Point Oyster Farms . This charming location offered what they called a “cute” experience: sipping natural wine while shucking their own oysters.

Bite into Maine

To wrap up their journey, the siblings made a stop at Maine & Loire to grab a couple of bottles of wine for the road and couldn’t resist one final lobster roll from Bite into Maine .

Wondering if they could use another sibling on these adventures? One Instagram user got to the table before you: “Do you guys need another sister? Because snacking like this is my dream! 😂”

About the Author


Avery Newmark covers travel, health, events and trending news for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. With a dual background in film production and journalism, Avery came to the AJC after working as a video editor. She enjoys film photography and live music in her free time. Reach her at [email protected].

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13 Things To Do In Saint Petersburg | Russia’s Most Beautiful City

By Author Christian L.

Posted on Published: January 17, 2021  - Last updated: September 11, 2021

Categories Europe , Destinations , Russia

Once known as Leningrad and before that Petrograd, Saint Petersburg, Russia, is the country’s second-largest city. Set next to the Neva River, close to the Baltic Sea, this city is home to over 5 million people.

It’s the world’s northernmost city, founded by Peter the Great and named after Saint Peter the apostle. Once home to the Tsars of Russia, it is today known as the country’s cultural capital.

With iconic sights such as Hermitage Museum, Nevsky Prospect, Peterhof Palace, and so much more, it has a fascinating heritage ripe for exploration. Without further ado, let’s dive into the 13 best things to do in St. Petersburg. 

Visit Saint Petersburg, Europe´s most beautiful city

Top Things to do in St. Petersburg, Russia

St. Petersburg, Europe, has grown into one of the top tourist destinations on the continent. Although it might get very cold in winter, there are still plenty of things to do – and the summers are absolutely perfect! Saint Petersburg is one of the prettiest cities in all of Europe .

Keep reading for some of my favorite choices. 

1. Visit The World Famous Hermitage Museum

Saint Petersburg,St.Petersburg,russia,Hermitage Museum,russia

One of the city’s most popular attractions (with over 3 million items in its esteemed collection), State Hermitage Museum showcases everything from fine art to ancient artifacts. 

Even if you don’t plan on entering inside, the exterior is an architectural gem in itself. The columns are all in white with green/gold facades that can be viewed from the river or Palace Square.

If you’re visiting St. Petersburg, Russia, your trip would not be complete without stopping past this world-famous landmark. It’s also a great activity to do no matter what time of year you are visiting – and a perfect way to escape those cold Russian winter days. 

Saint Petersburg,St.Petersburg,russia,Hermitage Museum,russia

There are six buildings in the museum complex in total. Five of which – Winter Palace, Small Hermitage, Old Hermitage, New Hermitage, and Hermitage Theatre – can be accessed by the public.

Within, you’ll be treated to Egyptian collections, artifacts dating from ancient Mesopotamia, and classical Greek jewelry, pottery, and sculptures. This is any historical culture lover’s dream. 

Saint Petersburg,St.Petersburg,russia,Hermitage Museum,russia

Keep exploring, and you will find collections of prehistoric relics from the Palaeolithic era to the Iron Ages, European fine arts, Impressionist works, Catherine the Great’s personal collections, and so much more.

In fact, you’ll need an entire day or possibly longer to explore this incredible museum complex. If you only have limited time in St. Petersburg, be sure to add this museum to your itinerary! There are also guided tours available if you want a more educational experience. 

Did you know? The Hermitage Museum is the world’s second-largest art museum.

hermitage museum saint petersburg

2. Take in a Performance at Mariinsky Theatre

The Neoclassical Mariinsky Theatre is home to Russia’s revered opera and ballet companies.

The theatre – named after the wife of Tsar Alexandra II, Empress Maria Alexandrovna – has been here since 1860 when it was known as the Kirov Theatre.

This magnificent building, since it opened, has hosted stage performances and premieres from Tchaikovsky and Mussorgsky and famous ballets such as Sleeping Beauty, Swan Lake and The Nutcracker. 

Today, in addition to hosting live performances, the theatre has its own record label, which focuses on releasing music by Russian composers Stravinsky, Tchaikovsky, and Rachmaninov.

If you enjoy the arts and are going to be in St. Petersburg for several days, book tickets to see a world-class performance – you won’t be disappointed.

3. See Jewelled Eggs at the Faberge Museum

The House of Faberge was founded in St. Petersburg in 1842 by Gustav Faberge. Originally a jeweler, he became famous for designing jewel-encrusted eggs for the Tsars of Russia and is arguably the most famous goldsmith of the modern era. 

Today, you can view these iconic collection pieces in the Faberge Museum. It showcases 4,000 items in total, including Faberge Easter eggs, jewelry, silverware, home decor, and fantasy-themed objects.

The incredible jeweled eggs are famous all over the world, and there are several museums dedicated to them. But if you want to learn about Gustav Faberge, his family, and how it all began, this is the museum to visit. You can purchase a ticket in person or online. 

4. Spend an Hour Canal Cruising

St. Petersburg is built on 42 islands, and once upon a time (before bridges were constructed), cruising was the only way to navigate the city.

Saint Petersburg,St.Petersburg,russia,Hermitage Museum,russia

On a Golden Ring boat tour, you’ll see some of St. Petersburg’s iconic sights along the Kryukov Canal, including St. Nicholas Cathedral, Saint Isaac’s Cathedral, and the Mariinsky theatre.

Saint Isaac's Cathedral in central Saint Petersburg.

You’ll dip beneath the famous colored bridges on Neva River whilst enjoying views of Peter and Paul Fortress, Vasilyevsky Island, and the Summer Garden. This is truly one of the most breathtaking ways to take in all the beauty that St. Petersburg has to offer. 

This tour also only takes around an hour, so you’ll have plenty of time to revisit your favorite spots throughout the day!

Saint Petersburg,St.Petersburg,russia,Hermitage Museum,russia

5. Discover Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood

Saint Petersburg,Russia,Europe,Church

One of St. Petersburg’s architectural masterpieces is the Church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood.

This former Russian Orthodox Church was completed in 1907 and is built in Baroque, Neoclassical, and Russian Revival design. It is one of the city’s main attractions, with ornate domes, intricate frescoes, and 7,500 square meters of mosaics inside. 

If you don’t wish to enter, you can gain incredible views from Griboedov Canal. But if you do venture inside, you’ll be rewarded with interior frescoes and mosaic works depicting biblical scenes and figures created by celebrated Russian artists of the time.

The Church of the Saviour of Blood is built on the spot where Emperor Alexander 2 was assassinated in 1881 – hence the name. So, not only will you be able to appreciate the fine architectural designs, but also explore an important part of Russian history. 

6. Take a Rooftop Walk-in St. Petersburg

If you have viewed the city from canals and rivers, try it from the rooftops! You can take a guided rooftop walk in the city, seeing streets and skylines from an elevated perspective.

One particular tour to highlight is the Official Rooftops Excursion of St. Petersburg. Just a few minutes from Nevsky Prospect, these sites offer vistas of Fontanka River and Trinity Cathedral – and that’s just the first roof.

The second roof boasts views of St. Petersburg’s old center, St. Isaac’s Cathedral, Kazan Cathedral, and the Church on Spilled Blood.

This is a truly incredible way to see the city in all its glory, plus the tour provides you with binoculars so you can see everything in great detail.

7. Admire Nevsky Prospect’s Magnificent Architecture

Saint Petersburg,St.Petersburg,russia,

The main street of St. Petersburg is Nevsky Prospect. Begin at the intersection at Stroganov Palace before venturing to Kazan Cathedral. While you walk, take in the monuments dedicated to Catherine the Great and browse goods at The Passage – Nevsky Avenue’s premier department store.

This store was quite the trailblazer. It opened its doors in the late 1840s and was one of the first buildings in Russia to use gas for lighting. Then, in 1900, an electric station was installed on an underground floor.

Once you’ve finished shopping and enjoyed a fresh cup of coffee, continue to the Russian National Library – the oldest public library in Russia – and Alexandrinsky Theatre (which was built for the Imperial troupe of Petersburg).

8. Visit the Island of Peter and Paul Fortress

Peter and Paul Fortress saint petersburg

Set on an island connected by bridges, Peter and Paul Fortress is instantly recognizable from its needle spire, which dominates the skyline. The fortress was originally built to defend the maritime city from Swedish invaders.

Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral

However, Peter the Great defeated the opposition before it was even completed! It has since served as a military center and prison for political dissenters and, latterly, as a museum.

Inside the vast complex, you can see Peter and Paul Cathedral, visit the resting place of the Romanovs, and watch military processions or the firing of the noon-day gun.

It’s a great day trip for anyone interested in Russian, maritime or military history. There are also plenty of group walking tours available. 

9. Sample Russian Vodka in a Ryumochnye

A visit to Russia wouldn’t be complete without sampling the local drink – vodka, and the best place to do this is in a Ryumochnye. This is a specific style of 19th-century Russian drinking house that not only offers some of Russia’s best vodka but also a short history lesson.

You could call it a bar, but it’s more than that – most mainstream Ryumochnye have a definite Soviet vibe and are places for working men to kick back and enjoy vodka with their buddies.

Beverages come in bottles or shot form, and some places offer self-service and snacks.

If that sounds too hardcore for your taste, there are updated versions of Ryumochnye in the city, like Mayak in St. Petersburg, where you can gain a similar experience. 

10. Enjoy local Saint Petersburg Craft Beer

saint petersburg craft beer

Although most people think of vodka when visiting Russia, you can also enjoy some of the best craft beer in Saint Petersburg . Russia’s second-largest city has an exciting, rapidly growing craft beer scene, in part due to its history and geography.

Historically, the Russian empire was influenced by Northern Europe, and the Dutch & English beer-drinking culture eventually made its way here. Today, Saint Petersburg is home to a growing number of modern microbreweries, cool taprooms, and stylish bars.

craft beer saint petersburg

Saint Petersburg is also home to Stepan Razin Brewery, the oldest brewery in Russia (now, of course, owned by Heiniken). It opened in 1795, but today the building is known as the Saint Petersburg Beer Museum, showcasing the history of beer in Russia and the Soviet Union.

Russia’s largest and most popular brewery, Baltika, is also located in Saint Petersburg, and it’s possible to take a tour of their huge brewery.

11. See the Majestic Catherine Palace

A stately palace of blue and gold, Catherine’s Palace is located 26 kilometers south of St. Petersburg. Named after the wife of Peter the Great, this place was originally a two-story modest building commissioned in 1717.

The exterior, which stretches for one kilometer in circumference, is surrounded by woodlands, lawns, gilded balconies, and reliefs. However, the interiors are even more impressive.

With great halls, a white dining room, an amber room, and more. It’s the perfect place to step back into history and discover what life was like as a Russian aristocracy.

12. Explore Peterhof Palace

peterhof saint petersburg

If you’re going to visit Catherine Palace, you should tour Peterhof too. It’s a 40-minute drive away, but you can even take a hydrofoil speed boat from right behind the Hermitage in Saint Petersburg center.

Sitting close to the Baltic Sea, Peterhof Palace was constructed by Peter the Great to be Russia’s version of Versailles. The opulent residence surrounded by sculptures, fountains, and tiered staircases leading to the grand entrance evokes mystery and the history of a bygone era.

Inside it is lavishly decorated with dazzling chandeliers, one-of-a-kind artworks and beautiful ceiling frescoes.

Peterhof garden.

On a guided tour, you can learn more about the palace’s history. Discover the Throne Room, Portrait Hall and Peter the Great’s Oak Study. You’ll see dining rooms set for dinner, grand ballrooms where dancing and gatherings would take place, and décor which defies time.

Peterhof saint petersburg russia

The palace offers great insight into his life and legacy, and if you are interested in history, art and interior design, you’ll love it.

Want to know more about Peterhof?

13. Spend a Day by the Finnish Border at Vyborg

Just over an hour from central Saint Petersburg by train is the city of Vyborg. It sits on the Gulf of Finland and was first settled back in the 12th century. The city has been occupied by Finnish and German forces and suffered extensive damage during the Second World War. However, it has since been rebuilt. 

It’s a charming center to wander around, with narrow cobbled streets, a medieval castle, and Finnish art nouveau structures sprinkled throughout. An easy day trip from St. Petersburg, it can also serve as a stop-off point if you’re crossing into Finland to continue your adventure.

Want to know more about Saint Petersburg?

Where is St. Petersburg | Is St. Petersburg in Europe?

If you want to know “Where is Saint Petersburg?”, you’ve come to the right place. Beautiful St. Petersburg is located in northern Russia. Russia is a massive country, so it is no surprise that many people want to know “Is Saint Petersburg in Europe?”. The answer is yes. 

How to Get to Saint Petersburg

The maritime city is well linked to Europe by air, sea, rail and road. Depending on where you’re traveling from and the rest of your itinerary, you can use one of the following ways to arrive at St. Petersburg.

You can fly into Saint Petersburg through Pulkovo International Airport. There are around 1,100 international flights a week and 1,200 domestic flights operating in and out of the local airport.

Although many flights from European cities to Saint Petersburg are direct, you may have to change flights if flying from further afield.

It’s also possible to travel to St. Petersburg by train. The most popular (and most frequent) routes operate from Moscow, Helsinki, and Tallinn. However, there are options to travel from other areas in central Europe, central Asia, and eastern Europe by rail.

There is a central bus station in Saint Petersburg, with services to and from Moscow, Pskov, Novgorod, Vilnius, Riga , Tallinn and Helsinki. Some of these journeys can be long and arduous.

Therefore, thorough research and choosing the right bus company is important.

Baltic Sea Cruises also operate to St. Petersburg as part of a larger itinerary, and St. Peter Line Ferry sails from Helsinki in Finland and Tallinn in Estonia.

Exploring Saint Petersburg, Russia

Saint Petersburg is the 5th most populous city in Europe and also a leading tourist destination. Although people sometimes forget about Russia, this city is breathtakingly beautiful and provides plenty of cultural and historical attractions.

Now that you know where to go, I hope you have an amazing time in Russia’s most beautiful city.

Friday 19th of January 2018

Thank you! So great review about our St. Petersburg!

What to do in St. Petersburg in 1 day - Probe around the Globe

Thursday 11th of May 2017

[…] more about the beauty of St. Petersburg from the Unusual […]

Friday 17th of June 2016

Which hostel did you stay at? I am potentially thinking of going to Russia for World Cup 2018 after my World Cup trip to Brazil two years ago. Saint Petersburg is one of the host cities, and so I am very interested in learning more about this city and recommendations from fellow travellers who have been.

Christian L.

I stayed at Soul Kitchen Junior, and I will go so far and say its by far the best hostel I have ever stayed at!! Anywhere in the world, no other hostels even get close to it:)

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The Blend Coffee & Cocktails

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Regular Coffee Flight Walked in and greeted immediately. Nice place. It's spacious but not enough actual seating to be comfortable. The flight cost almost $15 bucks which is not bad for about... Read more

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I truly brings me no joy to write this. I love the blend, their kind staff, the ample seating in their many locations and the vast array of menu offerings. Unfortunately, the last few times I've... Read more

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We are at the brand new location on the 16th. No Yelp listing yet.Nice and roomy. Love the fall flavors and flights. The Blend is one of our go-to local coffee spots. Great service and comfy... Read more

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65 Fun & Unusual Things to Do in St. Petersburg, Florida

things to do in St. Petersburg, Florida

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Nicknamed “The Sunshine City” for its year-round fine weather, St. Petersburg could be one of the best family-friendly places to vacation on Florida’s Gulf Coast.

Endowed with gleaming white sands and tranquil clear waters, St Pete Beach is often voted one of the nicest in the country — the perfect place for sunbathing or paddleboarding. Its secluded barrier isles are an ideal place to get away from it all and a trip to its many lush parks and preserves are just some of the best things to do in St. Petersburg .

Explore up to 150 species of palm and cycads, as well as the nearly 500 different plants at Gizella Kopsick Palm Arboretum. Then, head to St. Pete Pier for the best green space near the sea!

The city has a thriving downtown district with a distinctly bohemian culture and many arts and cultural places to visit, including some of the country’s top museums and galleries.

The nearby cities of Tampa and Clearwater, with their world-famous theme parks and attractions, are always just a stone’s throw away. But what to do first?

Want to dive straight in? Browse our catalog now!

  • St Petersburg tours

1 – Be astounded at The Dalí (Salvador Dalí Museum)

Salvador Dalí Museum, St Petersburg, Florida

One of the 20th Century’s most genre-defying and vital artists, Salvador Dali’s work was as technically brilliant as it was unique. The Spanish-born artist revolutionized the art world with his surrealistic images and flamboyant personal flair.

The Dali Museum is a collection of thousands of items related to the great artist’s career.  Combining a spectacular purpose-built museum with exhibition areas, gardens, a cafe and a center for the avant-garde, this waterfront gallery is one of the most fun places to visit in St. Petersburg.

The James Family Wing holds the museum’s permanent collection of Dalí works, including 96 paintings created by the artist from 1918 to 1970 as well as holograms, sculptures and a lobster telephone.

2 – Cruise the historic city on a segway tour

segway tour in St Petersburg, Florida

Why take a bus tour when you can segway? Cruise the city streets on two wheels with these fun segway tours of historic St. Petersburg. Hit all the best sites, including the Victorian-style homes of the Old Northeast, the Tampa Bay area, and the St. Petersburg Museum of History.

Pick up some history on the area’s most famous residents, including the Native American princess Pocahontas, and see historic sites, including the departure point of the world’s first commercial flight, the St. Petersburg-Tampa Airboat.

Though they may look tricky to maneuver, segways are suitable for everyone and you’ll get the hang of it in no time. Make the most of your time in St. Petersburg, Florida and explore the city on a fun and lively segway tour.

  • segway tours in St. Petersburg

3 – Stroll along the St. Pete Pier

Saint Petersburg Pier, Florida

The new recreation center of the city, St. Pete Pier has a lot to discover, from shopping, dining and entertainment to sports and parks you’ll find it all here. Dine in style on the rooftop of Pier Teaki or grab a snack at the Driftwood Cafe.

Cool off from the summer heat at the Splash Pad or stroll around the Benoist Centennial Plaza before relaxing on the Bayfront Health Tilted Lawn, there’s something here for the whole family.

Take in the sea views and that fresh sea air as you check out some of the piers artworks, including the Morning Stars Mosaic, the water-inspired sculpture Olnetopia and the stunning net sculpture Bending Arc.

The pier is sure to be your new favorite place to go in St. Petersburg.

4 – Catch a Rays game at Tropicana Field

Rays game at Tropicana Field, Florida

Home to the Major League Baseball team, The Tampa Bay Rays, Tropicana Field is a must-visit for sports fans while in St. Petersburg. Commonly referred to as “The Trop” by locals, the stadium is the only indoor venue in Major League Baseball capable of hosting events all year long.

  • Tropicana Field tickets

As well as baseball games it has also hosted college basketball, football, and pro hockey tournaments. Some of the world’s biggest stars have also performed here including David Bowie, Janet Jackson and the rock group, Kiss.

Check out a Tampa Bay Rays game or see the website to find out what’s happening at The Trop during your time in St. Petersburg.

  • Tampa Bay Rays tickets

5 – Find inspiration at the Museum of Fine Arts

Museum of Fine Arts, St Petersburg, Florida

For the avid art enthusiast, there’s one place to visit in the city that will appeal above all else – the Museum of Fine Arts . The permanent collection covers almost 5,000 years of human history and creativity and is represented in thousands of objects in various media.

Visitors can see ceramics and porcelains from all over the globe and the museum features a large collection of decorative arts as well as folk art, artworks from indigenous cultures and ceremonial pieces.

You will also find more traditional works such as paintings, sculptures and prints. It has a rotating program of temporary exhibitions alongside its permanent collection and hosts a monthly series of lectures, talks and even cinema screenings. Art lovers won’t want to miss this one.

6 – Hike at Boyd Hill Nature Preserve

Boyd Hill Nature Preserve, St. Petersburg

If you would like to make the most of your time in St. Petersburg and explore the very best of the city’s natural landscape, Boyd Hill Nature Preserve is a great place to start. It is home to the Lake Maggiore Environmental Education Centre which teaches visitors about the many natural marvels of the preserve.

Looking for a peaceful place to camp? The Terry Tomalin Campground offers primitive camping inside the nature preserve as well as organized nature camps and bike tours. This is especially great for young campers who can learn all about the fascinating web of nature and how it functions inside the preserve.

During your visit to Boyd Hill, why not join one of many nature programs. Take a night hike through the park or catch a speaking presentation on the natural history of the area. As well as its wild and unspoiled beauty, Boyd Hill Nature Preserve really has a full season of activities to enjoy.

7 – Soar over Tampa Bay on a helicopter tour

helicopter tour in St. Petersburg

Okay, what could be better than a helicopter tour over St. Petersburg city and Tampa Bay? Enjoy the invigorating thrill of hovering high above the city on one of these unique helicopter cruises.

Take to the skies in an air-conditioned chopper and see the sites in a truly unique way. Glimpse famous landmarks such as St. Pete’s Pier, John’s Pass and Treasure Island as only a few people get to.

You will cruise over the sparkling waters of Tampa Bay and the luxury beachfront resort, Don CeSar. When soaring high above the barrier islands, keep your eyes peeled for dolphins and other wildlife in the waters below. This is sure to be an experience you will never forget.

  • helicopter tours in St. Petersburg

8 – Climb the Weedon Island Preserve observation tower

Weedon Island Preserve, Florida

The huge 3,000-acre Weedon Island Preserve is a must-visit for nature lovers in St. Petersburg. Here you can explore the diverse wetland and upland ecosystems that make up important habitats for local plants and wildlife.

The park has a lot of great routes to hike and almost two miles of boardwalk trails, making it accessible to most people. Visitors can check out the preserve’s education center and even borrow a backpack full of useful trail maps and field guides.

You can follow the boardwalk trail through mangrove forests and tidal streams to the park’s observation tower, which on a clear day provides fantastic views of the preserve as well as Tampa Bay and the city’s of St.Petersburg and Tampa. Why not discover this serene slice of Florida countryside for yourself?

9 – Explore the Chihuly Collection at Morean Arts Center

Morean Arts Center, St. Petersburg

The Morean Arts Center is a fun and engaging contemporary art space on St. Petersburg’s Central Avenue. It is open daily and puts on a series of art and creative classes, events and parties and also has an artist in residence program.

It houses the first permanent collection of works by American artist, Dale Chihuly in a purpose-built facility. Chihuly is known for his abstract and colorful glass constructions and has pioneered the production methods of elaborate glass artworks during his career. On entering, visitors to the gallery are met with a 20-foot sculpture created specifically for the site.

Admission is free, so why not take a class or explore the artworks during your time in the city. It could just be one of the best cultural things to do in St. Petersburg.

10 – Play and learn at Great Explorations Children’s Museum

Great Explorations Children’s Museum, St. Petersburg

If you’re looking for fun and educational things to do with kids in St. Petersburg, stimulate their curiosity at the Great Explorations Children’s Museum . Here they can meet the Explorasaurus and play and discover through interactive games and exhibits.

Try the augmented reality sandbox, where a regular sandbox becomes an entire world with gushing rivers and rocky mountains. Explore the creativity in all of us by imagining what simple tools like a pencil and paper can create.

Great Explorations puts on regular workshops with a focus on environmental topics as well as readings and discussions with authors. It also has a store that sells educational toys, of which 100% of the proceeds go back into the museum. Younger kids are sure to love this!

11 – Spot wildlife at Sawgrass Lake Park

Sawgrass Lake Park, Florida

Home to one of the largest Maple swamps on Florida’s Gulf Coast, Sawgrass Lake Park is a haven for local and migratory wildlife. The park is home to many species of birds, including egrets, ibis, herons, and a few reptiles too, such as native turtles and alligators.

It is a popular stop for migrating birds in the spring and fall seasons and, as such, the park attracts a large number of bird spotters who are eager to catch a glimpse of rare wildlife.  It is also an ideal place to see plants and colorful butterflies in their natural habitats.

Why not bring some snacks and make use of the picnic shelter and barbecue facilities after taking a stroll along the boardwalk nature trail and enjoying the sights. Sawgrass Lake Park surely has something for everyone.

12 – Visit the Florida Holocaust Museum

Florida Holocaust Museum

Dedicated to remembering the millions of murdered men, women and children, Florida’s Holocaust Museum is one of the largest of its type in the country. It houses both permanent and temporary exhibitions and is a vital resource for learning about the horrors of the holocaust and the levels of persecution European Jewish people faced.

The museum was founded in 1992 by Walter P. Loebenberg, a local businessman and philanthropist. Loebenberg himself escaped Nazi Germany for Florida and then joined the United States Armed Forces to serve in World War II.

The poignant exhibitions include one of the few surviving boxcars which were used by the Nazis to transport Jews and political prisoners to the death camps of Auschwitz and Treblinka. It also keeps an archive of video interviews with holocaust survivors as an integral memento for future generations.

13 – Beat the clock in an escape room

escape room in St. Petersburg

One of the most fun things to do in St. Petersburg, for those who like thrills, puzzles and games in equal measure, is to try an escape room challenge! Gather together your team of friends and family and test your powers of deduction and problem-solving in one of these themed games.

Think outside the box as you solve problems and gather clues in these immersive adventure games. You’ll have to work together to make sure you crack all the puzzles in time and escape the room.

Outerlife Studios is one of the city’s premier escape rooms and allows visitors to choose from themed experiences and settings, including a superhero’s headquarters, a locked apartment with a ticking time bomb or a building set to burn. Will you complete the challenge in time?

  • escape rooms in St. Petersburg

14 – Relax under the trees at North Straub Park

North Straub Park, St Petersburg, Florida

If the Florida sun is proving too much for you, why not take a stroll down to North Straub Park. Located on the bayfront between St. Pete’s Pier and 5th ave NE, the park has plenty of shady trees to lounge under, including some big old banyan trees with an unusual-looking aerial root system.

The park has plenty of shaded walkways so it’s the ideal place to go for a refreshing stroll in the cool ocean breeze. It also offers stunning views of the north shore and Tampa Bay and you can take a seat right on the waterfront to check out the yachts in the harbor.

Your four-legged friend needn’t miss out either as North Straub Park has a dedicated dog park and keep your eyes and ears open for year-round events and live music occurring on its permanent stage area.

15 – See gopher tortoises at Egmont Key National Wildlife Refuge

Egmont Key National Wildlife Refuge, Florida

Stuck out on its own in the mouth of Tampa Bay, Egmont Key has been an important ecological preserve since 1974. The island’s strategic position means it has played a major role in many domestic wars and includes the remains of Fort Dade as well as a 100-year-old lighthouse.

It is now an important nesting site for sea turtles, tortoises and hundreds of thousands of sea birds. A visitor favorite on the island is its large colony of gopher tortoises who definitely aren’t shy of people and can be seen trudging around the pathways and roads of Egmont Key State Park. Brown Pelicans are also a common sight in the area with over 600 of the birds calling the island home.

Egmont Key will be one of the most interesting things to do for nature and history lovers in St. Petersburg. Visitors can check out the historic Fort Dade and its large coastal gun battery, Battery McIntosh and the remains of Battery Burchsted, which now floats just off the island.

16 – Get your tickets to the Grand Prix of St. Petersburg

Grand Prix of St. Petersburg

Taking place every March is the event of the year for car lovers in Florida – the Grand Prix of St. Petersburg !

Head down for a racing good time, witnessing the premier racing series of North America, as you learn about the seasoned drivers, and see some of the new talents on the race car scene. Experience one of the most beloved sports in the U.S.!

Do some celebrity spotting while you’re in attendance, and check out the other tons of fun available at the event. Listen to the live entertainment, participate in interactive and race car-themed games, and so much more!

Chill out a bit after the fun at the Speed Zone, or better yet, get to the Beer Gardens for a proper refreshment. Don’t leave without getting your driver’s autograph!

  • Grand Prix of St. Petersburg tickets

17 – Go fishing at Skyway Fishing Pier State Park

Skyway Fishing Pier State Park, St. Petersburg

St.Petersburg is home to a very unique and cool fishing spot in the shadow of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge which spans Tampa Bay. When the Sunshine Skyway was built in the mid-1980s, the old bay bridge was left in place and quickly became popular with local anglers.

It is now considered the world’s longest fishing pier and gives fishermen unrestricted access to the deeper bay waters. What’s better still is that you can drive your car right up to your favorite fishing spot, pretty neat!

You can catch a wide selection of fish here. Common varieties caught at the pier include grouper, Spanish mackerel, red snapper and black sea bass and the bridge is even lit up after dark so you can fish late into the evening.

18 – Check out The James Museum of Western & Wildlife Art

The James Museum of Western & Wildlife Art, St Petersburg, Florida

Yeehaw! The James Museum of Western and Wildlife Art is enough to make even the most skeptical of souls feel patriotic. Its collection features contemporary works, mostly created since the 1980s and includes, paintings, sculptures, jewelry and more.

Many of the themes include historical subjects and recently the museum has focused on a selection of works by living Native American artists. It has separate exhibition spaces devoted to the early west, native life, western frontier and wildlife among others.

The collection of jewelry produced by Native American artists is particularly stunning as well as the diverse and dynamic sculptures depicting powerful images of the old west. Definitely check this museum out during your time in St. Petersburg and renew your appreciation for the good ol’ US of A.

19 – Go kayaking at St. Pete Beach

kayaking in St. Petersburg

Consistently voted one of the best beaches in the United States, St Pete’s Beach really has it all. Pure and soft white sands, turquoise water and a relaxed and laid-back vibe, what more could you need?

St Pete’s Beach is a great place for families to relax with the calm gentle gulf waters which are perfect for bathing, and action is just a step away. With fun sports to try right here on the beach such as snorkeling, kayaking and standup paddleboarding there’s enough to amuse those who just can’t sit still.

The beach is located just 10 minutes from downtown St. Petersburg, so you’re never far from the lively city center. Hit the beachfront bars and restaurants to try out the best fresh seafood dishes or stroll along the waterfront at sunset to experience the best of this low-key beach town.

  • kayaking in St. Petersburg

20 – Take a boat out from Demens Landing Park

Demens Landing Park, St Petersburg, Florida

Another of the city’s fantastic waterfront green spaces, Demens Landing Park occupies the space which was formerly the city’s first railway pier. It is named after its creator, Peter Demens.

Laying directly on the waterfront between the Central and South Yacht Basins and in close distance to the AI Lang Stadium and Saturday Morning Market, this park is in the most bustling part of the city’s harbor. It has plenty of benches to sit and relax on as well as large green spaces if you want to throw a frisbee around.

If you plan to venture out onto the water while in the city, the park is a good launch point and has a boat ramp that is available for use. There are also picnic benches and public restrooms. This centrally located park is a great place to visit and soak up the atmosphere.

21 – Explore the Gizella Kopsick Palm Arboretum

Gizella Kopsick Palm Arboretum, St Petersburg, Florida

It’s hard to believe that the lush 2-acre tropical gardens of Gizella Kopsick Palm Arboretum were a mini-golf course not so long ago. This beautiful collection of exotic palms is well worth a visit during your time in the city.

The transformation began in 1976 after a donation of 60 palms of ten different species was gifted by longtime palm admirer, Miss Gizelle Kopsick. The Arboretum was dedicated to Miss Kopsick one year later to celebrate her 100th Birthday.

Over nearly 50 years, the collection has grown to include 150 species of palm and cycads and 500 individual plants. The arboretum is wheelchair accessible and as part of St. Petersburg’s city parks, is free admission.

You’ll never have to go far to find amazing history here, and the Jungle Prada Site is a particularly compelling spot.

After all, it was here that some of Florida’s earliest residents made their homes!

22 – Learn some unique stories on the Jungle Prada Site history tour

Jungle Prada Site history tour in St. Petersburg

The Tocobaga tribe was a major influence in the region for centuries, and some of their ceremonial mounds are still intact today.

You’ll get to see these remarkable constructions up close, and spend some quality time exploring the remnants of their daily lives, as well as the impact of Spanish colonization in the 1500s.

You’ll even be able to look at many of the items used by those long-gone locals!

  • Parasailing in St. Petersburg

23 – See amazing Contemporary glass art at Imagine Museum

Imagine Museum, St Petersburg, Florida

The newly opened Imagine Museum is one of the first institutions dedicated solely to contemporary glass art in the US. Its collection includes over 1,500 pieces from all over the world as well as a core collection of 500 American studio glass artworks.

This inspiring museum is sure to uplift everyone who visits as it stretches our concept of the applications of glass as a material. The unique pieces collected here display the ingenuity of the individual artists and the wide range of techniques applied in the modern studio glass scene.

The museum displays both permanent and temporary exhibitions and visitors can opt to join a tour of the gallery to gain a deeper insight into the artworks on display. This is a must-see for art lovers but the pieces on display have a diverse appeal that will be fascinating and beautiful to most people.

Definitely check this out.

  • Imagine Museum tickets

24 – Cycle the Pinellas Trail

bike tour in St Petersburg, Florida

Whatever your preferred way to explore outdoors, be it jogging, walking, cycling or skating — you are bound to enjoy the Fred Marquis Pinellas Trail. The trail starts in St. Petersburg and runs all the way to Tarpon Springs, covering a distance of 50 miles.

The trail runs through a number of towns on the way including South Pasadena, Palm Harbor and Clearwater. This unique and level passageway used to be the route of the Atlantic Coast Line and Seaboard Air Line Railroads which were abandoned in the 1980s.

Why not take a bike tour of the city to learn a little more about its history and the best places to cycle and walk. The Pinellas Trail has some super-scenic stops to visit along the way including Honeymoon Island near Dunedin and Wall Springs Park in Palm Harbor.

  • bike tours in St. Petersburg

25 – Sunbathe at Fort De Soto Park

Fort De Soto Park, Florida

Pinellas County’s largest public park, Fort De Soto Park covers over 1,100 acres and has a huge amount of things to see and do.

The park is spread out over five islands sitting in the mouth of Tampa Bay and features coastal areas, wetlands, forests and meadows, as well as one of the region’s finest beaches. You’ll find plenty here to explore.

Wildlife lovers can spend the day spotting the wide variety of creatures that live in the area. Since the 1960s, 328 species of bird have been documented in the park. Visitors can hike over six miles of trails that stretch between both coasts and past the historic fort.

The park also has over seven miles of waterfront, almost half of which is blanketed with white sandy beaches, two fishing piers and a canoe trail. With two large swim centers, picnic areas and campgrounds, as well as the Quartermaster Museum, you’ll definitely fall in love with Fort De Soto Park.

26 – Spot manatees at Coffee Pot Bayou

Coffee Pot Bayou, St. Petersburg

The scenic waterfront road, Coffee Pot Boulevard, which skirts by Coffee Pot Bayou has picturesque views of Snell Isle and could be one of the most enchanting spots in St. Petersburg for a stroll.

The Bayou is a great year-round place to spot manatees but especially in the cooler months of the year when the water remains warmer than the surrounding Gulf of Mexico.

The area has charming old waterfront homes with European and Spanish designs and cool tree-lined avenues to explore. The walk over Snell Isle Bridge offers nice views of the historical Renaissance Vinoy Resort and the upmarket neighborhood of Snell Isle.

27 – Pet an alligator at Alligator & Wildlife Discovery Center

Alligator & Wildlife Discovery Center, St. Petersburg

Ever wanted to get up close to an alligator? Well now’s your chance! The Alligator and Wildlife Discovery Center allows visitors to do just that, you can even kiss one if you really want to?!

The center offers shelter and rehabilitation to surrendered gators that were bought as pets and outgrew their homes. Visitors get the unique opportunity to see alligators up close and pet and hold them under careful supervision.

Though the primary draw of the Alligator & Wildlife Discovery Center is going to be alligators, there are also plenty of other creatures to get up close to. The center is home to a bunch of unusual and interesting residents including fish, snakes, skunks, lizards, pigs and more.

Don’t forget to show them some love!

28 – Treat yourself to a Yacht dinner cruise

Yacht cruises in St. Petersburg

Time to treat yourself like a rock star – with the perfect watercraft to match! Yachts are the perfect way to enjoy this beautiful region, taking you on a luxurious trip around the Gulf.

Live music will add a little extra pizzazz to the trip, as you gaze out at all of the breathtaking views around you. And it’s an especially lovely option in the evenings, when the vivid sunset forms a backdrop like no other.

As an added bonus, there are optional dining packages that offer up some of the finest meals in town for you to savor – and the perfect nautical venue!

  • Dinners in St. Petersburg

29 –  Bike around Maximo Park

Maximo Park, St. Petersburg

Located on Boca Ciega Bay, Maximo Park is both a beautiful waterfront park and also an important archeological site in the city. For thousands of years, the park was home to indigenous American people who fished and lived on these shores. There is information throughout the park about the tribes that once settled here.

Why not take some time to rest under the shady trees and play a game of Tocobaga Disc golf on the specially built 18-hole course. Explore the boardwalk trails and climb the 50-foot observation tower to glimpse some amazing panoramic views of the park.

For the keen fisherman, the park has seven boat ramps giving access to the bay water as well as shoreline fishing areas for those who prefer it. There is also a large selection of picnic shelters available and two playgrounds which is sure to keep the kids entertained.

Maximo Park has something for everyone.

30 – Climb aboard a family-friendly pirate ship

pirate ship cruise in St. Petersburg

Hoist the sails, don the eyepatch, and get ready for an adventure above the towering Royal Conquest pirate ship! Setting sail from Madeira Beach on Gulf Boulevard (just a short drive north of Treasure Island and St Pete Beach), this stunning vessel promises an amazing day out on the Gulf of Mexico waters for kids and adults alike.

The youngsters can compete in limbo contests, work up a sweat during a little dance party, or cool off in a squirt gun battle — the crew runs interactive activities throughout the 90-minute journey, sure to keep the little ones occupied.

As for the big kids (read: adults), things get even more exciting with the free onboard beer and wine. With several departure times throughout the day (11 am, 1.30 pm, 4.30 pm and 7 pm), you can squeeze it in regardless of your schedule! But ask any former swashbuckling traveler and they’ll attest: the sunset ride is hard to beat.

  • pirate ship cruises in St. Petersburg

31 – Camp at Shell Key Preserve

Shell Key Preserve, St. Petersburg

Part of the reason people return to St. Petersburg year after year is for the abundance of unspoiled natural environments it offers, Shell Key Preserve is one such place. An important habitat for nesting birds, Shell Key Preserve includes one of Florida’s biggest areas of undeveloped barrier Islands.

The center of the reserve is a protected area, so not accessible to visitors, but the outer edges have overnight camping facilities which offer the perfect place to really get away from it all. Sleep out under the stars to the sound of the sea lapping the shore and the gentle cry of birds. Paradise!

The Preserve is a great place for wildlife spotting and is a nesting site for sea turtles. Besides turtles, visitors may be lucky enough to spot starfish and fiddler crabs as well as egrets, spoonbills and plovers. Shell Key Preserve is accessible only by boat so plan ahead. Its beautiful beaches are waiting.

32 – Ride the Iron Gwazi at Bush Gardens Tampa

Bush Gardens Tampa

Busch Gardens hardly needs any introduction. This Tampa Theme Park and Zoo has been entertaining visitors for over 60 years with its thrilling white-knuckle rides and attractions. Its newest ride, Iron Gwazi, is the tallest hybrid roller coaster in North America as well as the fastest and steepest in the world.

If that doesn’t tickle your fancy, you can choose from 25+  nausea-inducing roller coasters that will spin you every which way around. For those that like the more sedate life, take a safari ride and view some of the park’s 200 species of animals, including rhinos, elephants and gorillas.

After a busy day of thrills and spills why not take in some live family entertainment. Busch Gardens has jaw-dropping ice skating extravaganzas, storytime shows for kids, and live music by No.1 tribute bands. A day at Busch Gardens is one of the most action-packed things to do in St. Petersburg and is something the whole family will love.

  • Bush Gardens tickets

33 – Pay your respects at War Veterans Memorial Park

War Veterans Memorial Park, St. Petersburg

The sight of a Walker Bulldog tank may not be the most reassuring thing to see in a park but War Veterans Memorial Park is dedicated to honoring the memory of its Military Veterans.

The park has five dedications, one for each branch of the United States Armed Forces. It also has a battlefield cross monument dedicated to the 18 local members of the armed forces who died in the Gulf War.

The park has some nature trails to explore as well as a playground for the kids and even a boat ramp. Check it out while you’re in the area.

Fun fact! The Bulldog tank you see on entering the park is actually a four-man tank from the Korean War era and was built by Cadillac!

34 – Explore the colorful world of Fairgrounds St. Pete

Fairgrounds St. Pete

Those expecting Ferris wheels and funhouses won’t be disappointed for long. Fairgrounds St. Pete is an immersive and explorable art and technology exhibition that is a collaboration of 60 artists. It’s a very unique attraction and you won’t find anything like this elsewhere in the state of Florida.

The perfect place to escape reality, even if just for a while, this playful self-contained world has exhibits based on the weird and wonderful stories and history of the region. It allows you to choose your own interaction and offers visitors multiple ways to engage.

This colorful and abstract world will draw you into its narrative, divulging small chunks of information piece by piece until you are hooked. You may find yourself returning to Fairgrounds St. Pete again and again.

35 – Unwind (with a drink in hand) on a tiki boat!

tiki boat cruises in St. Petersburg

Bringing the laid-back vibe of the tropics to Florida’s Gulf Coast, Tiki Boat tours are all about the open-air party lifestyle.

Each tour runs for between 90 minutes and two hours and is fully equipped with a sound system, coolers and a licensed captain — so all you need to do is BYO food, drinks, and party hats (even if they’re metaphorical), and you’ll be all set.

Whether it’s a birthday, bachelor party, or even something as simple as a family outing on the water, these quirky vessels promise a great couple hours on the later (especially if you set sail in the late afternoon, in time to catch a sunset).

  • tiki boat cruises in St. Petersburg

36 – Crack up with the stand-up talent at Spitfire Comedy House

Spitfire Comedy House, St. Petersburg

From sketch, stand-up, and improv, enjoy the different comedic stylings of St. Petersburg’s local comedians as well as national ones at the Spitfire Comedy House !

The shows are typically held Friday-Saturday nights, with some shows taking place on Thursdays and Sundays as well, making it the perfect activity to do in St. Petersburg!

Enjoy a variety of shows, from a 40s-style murder mystery improv musical to a freeform comedy showcase, and interactive comedy shows where the audience participates!

If you’re feeling up for it afterward, you can ask about the improv comedy classes that the club offers to build up your own comedy chops!

With a seating capacity of up to 40 people, enjoy the shows in a small group setting. Children can attend, but it is held at the discretion of parents.

37 – Discover handmade beauty at the Museum of the American Arts & Crafts Movement

Museum of the American Arts and Crafts Movement, St Petersburg

If you need the inspiration to take up a craft, this is where you’ll find it. Step into a showcase of some of America’s best arts, pottery, textiles and more at the Museum of the American Arts and Crafts Movement .

This unique museum is dedicated to the movement that spread across America in the late 1800s and early 1900s, as more people turned to creating their own crafted pieces in retaliation against the mass-produced items of the industrial era.

It features over 2,000 items in a stunning gallery that includes a restaurant, cafe and a children’s gallery that will entertain the kids. Admire the furniture, lighting, photography, tiles and jewelry that Americans created and expressed themselves through.

Located in downtown St. Petersburg, the Museum of the American Arts and Crafts Movement will take you on a journey through the beauty of everything handmade.

38 – Start your weekend with a bang at St. Petersburg Saturday Morning Market

St. Petersburg Saturday Morning Market

One of the most fun things to do in St. Petersburg on a weekend is to drop by the Saturday Morning Market . Start your day the right way with freshly cooked food, locally farmed groceries and live music.

With over 120 vendors on site selling everything from fresh vegetables, meats and cheeses, teas and coffees and even artisan vegan popsicles, you know you’ll find something here you’re gonna love. The market also has stalls selling freshly cooked international dishes so you better bring your appetite.

Pick up some jewelry from one of the artisan craft stalls or choose some locally produced chocolates as a souvenir of your time in St. Petersburg. A trip to the Saturday Morning Market is a must-do thing while in the city and you can find it opposite Pioneer Park and a stone’s throw from Demen’s Landing.

39 – Spot dolphins at play on a boat tour

dolphin watching in St. Petersburg

The calm waters of Florida’s Gulf Coast offer some of the country’s best conditions for boating. The gentle currents and clear green waters, which are lit up by year-round sparkling sunshine, may make you feel like you’ve found paradise on Earth.

One of the most fun things to do in St. Petersburg is to take a boat tour of the surrounding coastline. There are so many different tours to try that there is bound to be something to suit your tastes. Are you an adventurous speedboat kind of traveler, or a laid-back tiki bar boat kind of person?

Maybe you want to explore under your own steam on a kayak or go out to the deeper waters to spot dolphins playing in the surf? There are so many options you are really spoiled for choice.

Simply choose your departure point, whether from St. Petersburg, Tampa or nearby Clearwater and then enjoy the cruise. This is what St. Pete’s vacays are all about!

  • dolphin watching in St. Petersburg

40 – Watch the sunset at Albert Whitted Park

Albert Whitted Park, Florida

With its privileged position at the southern end of St. Petersburg’s downtown seafront district, Albert Whitted Park has uninterrupted views of those spectacular Florida sunsets. The park is located near the airport and has an airplane-themed children’s playground.

It gained its name from the man who brought commercial aviation to the city in the early 1900s. With beautiful views of the yacht marina as well as some of the city’s most attractive buildings, including The Dalí Museum and Mahaffey Theater, this quiet park is a great place to just kick back and relax.

On busier days it’s a good place to watch the city’s Firestone Grand Prix or catch sight of old-fashioned biplanes taking off and landing at the nearby waterfront airport.

41 – Set sail on a magical sunset cruise

sunset cruise in St. Petersburg

Relaxing, beautiful, and oh-so-very romantic, a St. Pete’s sunset cruise sells itself as the perfect way to end a long day of Florida sightseeing.

Hop aboard a luxurious yacht and take in some of the most incredible views St. Petersburg has to offer — from its striking buildings and sandy shorelines, to the colorfully illuminated Skyway Bridge.

With several companies offering these trips — whether it’s with a group of fellow travelers on a 45-foot modern catamaran or a private charter in an intimate sailboat — you can choose an evening cruise that suits your schedule (and budget).

And for something extra special, there are companies who make a point of venturing into high-traffic dolphin areas!

  • sunset cruises in St. Petersburg

42 – See the baseball collection at the St. Petersburg Museum of History

St. Petersburg Museum of History, Florida

It may seem like a dubious title but St. Petersburg’s Museum of History is home to the world’s largest collection of autographed baseballs. It has 4,999 signed baseballs in its collection, including balls autographed by four US Presidents and even Fidel Castro.

Why not 5,000 you ask? The plan is for Hollywood legend, Tom Hanks, to sign the 5,000th baseball when pandemic measures allow it. More than just a baseball collection though, the museum uses these autographed trophies to tell key moments in the country’s history and tell the story of modern American achievements.

There is even a baseball signed by the first man on the moon, Neil Armstrong, how is that for iconic! The museum also has an archive of thousands of photos and over 30,000 artifacts in its collection. Take a look around this fascinating museum during your time in the city.

43 – Float between sky and sea on a parasailing trip

Parasailing in St. Petersburg

If you happen to be strolling around Madeira Beach, you might spot something unusual: floating humans! But don’t worry, this is no apparition; it’s just some folks enjoying a bit of parasailing… and trust us, you’ll soon want to join them!

After all, it isn’t every day that you can get strapped to a giant parachute and hover above the surface of the sea!

Go by yourself or a couple of travel buddies, and embark on an unforgettable journey that lets you briefly experience a true bird’s eye view of your surroundings.

With an expert captain driving the boat and the wind as your co-pilot, you can enjoy your bit of sky time!

44 – Drive the Sunshine Skyway Bridge

Sunshine Skyway Bridge, Florida

While in St. Petersburg you have to take a cruise over the Sunshine Skyway Bridge to see the exceptional views of Tampa Bay and the nearby cities.

Constructed in the late-1980s to cross Tampa Bay, after the old bridge was badly damaged and collapsed, the current Sunshine Skyway Bridge spans from St. Petersburg South to the north of Terra Ceia. The bridge extends for over 4 miles and at places is towers 190 feet above the water to give the necessary clearance for boats traveling beneath it.

This iconic sight on the Tampa Bay skyline is the second bridge on the site to be named the Sunshine Skyway, the first one was built in the 1960s. Why not take an aerial tour of the bay to and get see the bridge from above? Join a helicopter or light aircraft tour for a unique tour you’ll never forget.

Tip: Be sure to stop by in the evening to enjoy the spectacular Skyway light show !

45 – Be amazed by glass art at Duncan McClellan Gallery

Duncan McClellan Gallery, St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is the place to be for glass art. The Duncan McClellan Gallery is another of the city’s major exhibitions of studio glass and it resides in the most unlikely of places.

Based in a former fish and tomato packing facility, its 7,800 square feet of exhibition space displays work by some of the leading internationally known glass artists. Be sure to stop by the hot shop to watch some artisans creating their latest masterpieces!

An intrinsic part of the St. Pete art community, the Gallery is located in the center of the city’s Warehouse Art District. It houses work by dozens of artists and hosts regular exhibitions of contemporary glass art.

46 – Soak up the Florida sun on a boat tour

boat tour in St. Petersburg

Enjoy the sunset views from the Gulf of Mexico, as you board the St. Petersburg, Florida: Sunset and Skyway Lights Boat Tour. See as the golden sun sets behind the water, and the lights of the Skyway Bridge begin as you enjoy fresh fruit and refreshments.

The S. Saint Petersburg Pier to Egmont Key Cruise is a 60-minute ferry ride to the stunning Egmont Key. Enjoy views of the turquoise waters, and nature around. Once at Egmont Key, you’ll enjoy 2 hours on its shores to explore the historic lighthouse, nature, and wildlife.

And of course, no Floridian trip would be complete without a few dolphin-watching cruises, where you can keep an eye out for energetic pods at play!

  • boat tours in St. Petersburg

47 – Take a run in Vinoy Park

Vinoy Park, St Petersburg, Florida

In a perfect position looking out over Tampa Bay, Vinoy Park is one of the city’s most visited attractions. It hosts some of the city’s major outdoor shows like the Tampa Bay Blues and Reggae Rise Up music festivals, The Festivals of Speed Car Show and food fests throughout the year.

featuring lengthy trails throughout, it’s an ideal place to walk or cycle and if you’re looking for somewhere to take your morning run, this place can’t be beaten. The cool breezes blowing in off the bay and sea views are sure to give you all the inspiration you need to get outside and run.

48 – Cruise the bay on a jet boat

jet boat in St. Petersburg

A surefire way to see bottlenose dolphins in Tampa Bay is to take a ride on the Dolphin Racer speedboat . Cruise the beaches and waterways of the Gulf Coast on these thrilling and fun adventure rides.

The local population of bottlenose dolphins are a curious bunch and are drawn to the Dolphin Racer as it powers through the bay. They love to play and surf in the boats wake and jump alongside to catch a glimpse of the people onboard.

The trips last for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours and features narration from the team members. The crew is so confident that you will spot dolphins that they even offer a free ride to those who don’t. What are you waiting for?

  • Speed boat in St Petersburg

49 – Explore the lush and tranquil Sunken Gardens

Sunken Gardens, St Petersburg, Florida

A tropical paradise in the middle of the city, The Sunken Gardens has been wowing visitors to the area for 100 years. It contains some of the best established tropical plants in the region and its collection includes 50,000 specimens including plants, flowers and grasses.

This tropical wonderland was created as a hobby garden by a local plumber in the early 1900s on a six-acre piece of land that formerly held a lake. The rich and fertile soil of the lake bed made the perfect environment for The Sunken Gardens botanical collection.

Visitors can explore its landscaped miniature waterfalls and flowing ponds and see the gardens flock of pink Florida flamingos. Visiting this secret garden in the midst of the busy city might be one of the most invigorating things to do in St. Petersburg and is sure to be a big hit with nature lovers.

50 – Shop, eat and relax at John’s Pass presented by Nathan Shirk Realty

John's Pass, St Petersburg, Florida

If you’re looking for a one-stop destination for shopping, dining and entertainment in St. Petersburg, John’s Pass will likely fit the bill. With stores selling everything from clothing, apparel and jewelry to sweets, collectibles and Cuban cigars, there’s a lot to see here.

Take a family tour with lunch on the triple decked ship, Calypso Breeze , or board a tiki bar boat for a relaxing booze cruise around the bay. Try your hand at fishing or visit Splash Harbor Water Park for a wild afternoon on the slides.

Afterward, hit up one of the cafes or restaurants to grab a bite to eat and an invigorating coffee or cold beer. The choices are huge and you’re sure to find great fresh seafood, tasty grill and barbecue dishes and all your fast food favorites.

51 – See a live show at Duke Energy Center for the Arts – Mahaffey Theater

Mahaffey Theater, St Petersburg, Florida

On the downtown waterfront within a stone’s throw of The Dalí and the Museum of Fine Arts is one of the city’s largest and finest performing arts venues. The Mahaffey Theater opened its doors in 1965 and has been the place to go in St. Pete for live performances of all types.

Now known as The Duke Energy Center for the Arts, Mahaffey Theater hosts, on any given week, orchestral concerts, Broadway musicals and plays, stand-up comedy shows and touring live bands. Its position at the heart of the city’s waterfront makes it a beautiful venue to visit at any time of the year.

  • The Duke Energy Center for the Arts tickets

52 – Revel at the bungalows and landscapes at Historic Kenwood

Historic Kenwood, Florida

Step back over 100 years just a few minutes from Downtown St. Petersburg. Historic Kenwood is a charming neighborhood with bungalows built in the 1920s when real estate in Florida first flourished.

Stroll along brick sidewalks and imagine the old times, as you admire their well-kept landscapes and rows of trees lining the streets. You can time your visit during the Bungalow Fest in November when the homeowners open their doors and give tours to visitors.

See amazing gardens and get some inspiration, while checking out independent locally-owned coffee shops, restaurants, bars and boutique stores. This eclectic place has something for everyone — even for your furry friend like The Dog Bar . If you want to fully experience the vibe of Historic Kenwood, you can stay for a night or more at the art deco Avalon Hotel less than a two-minute drive from the neighborhood.

Hollander Hotel is also highly recommended and has over 20 craft beers and delicious cuisine to indulge yourself in at the Tap Room and Grill. Courtyard St. Petersburg Downtown is a historic hotel with modern amenities that is sure to tick all the boxes.

53 – Pick your aperitivo at Mazzaro’s Italian Market

Mazzaro’s Italian Market, St. Petersburg

Mazzaro’s started out as a coffee roasting business nearly 30 years ago and soon became the locals’ go-to place for anything Italian — stopping by here is one of the essential things to do in St. Petersburg and you won’t leave empty-handed for sure.

This Italian deli has got everything you need to satisfy your Mediterranean cravings such as coffee, wine, cured meats, cheeses, handmade pasta, pizza, bread, pastries, gelato and many more!

Mazzaro’s cellars include the largest selection of Italian wines in Florida. Not sure which wine to bring home? Join one of the free wine tasting sessions every Friday and Saturday lunchtime and get top recommendations from the staff.

54 – Scour the city on a scavenger hunt

scavenger game in St. Petersburg

Looking for a fun way to explore the city? Why not try a scavenger hunt to discover the best of St. Petersburg’s highlights. Gather together your team and hit the streets for a unique self-guided game experience.

This activity takes the tourist experience to the next level, turning the whole town into a treasure map of knowledge.

Simply download the app and follow clues and directions to locations around the city. Here you will have to use your eyes and intuition to answer trivia questions and solve puzzles. Uncover the history of the city, explore at your own pace and enjoy working together in these light-hearted and informative challenges.

  • scavenger games in St. Petersburg

55 – Shop retro at ARTpool Gallery – Vintage Clothing Boutique & Vinyl Record Store

ARTpool Gallery – Vintage Clothing Boutique & Vinyl Record Store, St. Petersburg

If you love to shop for vintage, retro and kitsch items, you’re gonna love ARTpool . This independent gallery, clothing boutique and record store is one of the most fun places to visit in the city to pick up those pre-loved gems from a bygone era.

The gallery portion is not restricted to paintings and prints but reflects the eclectic tastes of its owners. In fact, you may find something here that is so unique it defies explanation. The vinyl record store is a great complement to the vintage clothing on offer and will appeal to the crate diggers and record enthusiasts.

ARTpool hosts regular creative get-togethers and a monthly independent craft market. Beware though, you may come out with something fun and frivolous which you didn’t expect.

56 – Take in a show at Jannus Live

Jannus Live, St. Petersburg

Music enthusiasts, rejoice!

This beloved venue, which opened in 1984, hosts an endless array of concerts, from the large to the up-and-coming and everything in between.

And in true Floridian fashion, it’s all outdoors, letting you breathe in that nice, warm air as you jam out to new and old favorites.

2,000 people can celebrate together here on any given night, but be aware that it is standing room only.

Heck, you might even catch a new DJ or other performer!

  • Jannus Live tickets

57 – See rescued otters at St. Petersburg’s aquariums

St. Petersburg’s aquariums

If you toured the bays and beaches of the region and want to see its most spectacular sea creatures up close, St. Pete has some excellent aquariums to visit.

See rescued native sea creatures at Clearwater Marine Aquarium , including dolphins, sharks, sea turtles and pelicans. Many of the creatures here were in some way injured and cannot be returned to the wild but are well looked after in purpose-built habitats. The aquarium also has freshwater creatures such as its adorable river otters, Walle and Boomer.

The area’s other large facility, The Florida Aquarium , has some fascinating exhibits with native and exotic wildlife habitats. Visit the jungles of Madagascar to see lemurs and tomato frogs, then go deep beneath the sea to witness the elegant dance of the moon jellyfish.

58 – Tour the best craft breweries

best craft breweries in St. Petersburg

After a long day of exploring and beachcombing, you might just be in the mood to check out some of the city’s best craft brews — and where better to go than straight to the source.

3 Daughters Brewery is a great place to start. Sample some of its fruity IPA’s flavored with Florida oranges, mango and watermelon. It also does some more traditional blonde ales, red ales and porters and has a bar with over 40 brews on tap.

For a selection of great beers and whiskies paired with hearty barbecue dishes, URBAN Brew and BBQ is the place to go. This Central Avenue restaurant is family and dog friendly and has a laid-back and relaxed ambiance. This is a great place for bourbon and whisky lovers with a large selection to choose from.

The Cider Press Cafe has a good choice of local and international beers, wines and ciders and also serves up a wide selection of light lunches and snacks. It is a good centrally located place to pick up beers and wines to go.

59 – Experience exciting flavors at the locals’ favorite restaurants

best restaurants in St. Petersburg

Satisfying your taste buds is part of the deal when you’re in town. Make sure to try some of the best restaurants and their unique and modern take on the traditional cuisine highlighting local ingredients —  including, of course, the best fresh seafood.

Head to Doc Ford’s Rum Bar & Grille – Jungle Terrace to enjoy an incredible assortment of seafood and traditional Caribbean cuisine – plus some excellent beverages, of course!

Craving for a home-cooked meal? Famous for its fried chicken, PoFolks Restaurant is known for homestyle Southern cooking whether you want vegetables, catfish or barbecue grilled dishes. Give in to your cravings for fish, steak or chicken in its “all you can eat” on Fridays and weekends.

For classic Mexican dishes and cocktails, Red Mesa Cantina has fantastic traditional dishes and a wide selection of tequila. Taste the Shrimp Los Cabos served with avocado, cilantro, sweet tomato cocktail sauce and fresh tortilla chips. Dine next to the fountain in its outdoor courtyard and enjoy the delightful flavors this family-owned restaurant has to offer.

A local favorite, Bodega on Central is a “hole in the wall” known for its Cuban sandwiches and freshly squeezed fruit juices. Locals also recommend its delicious platters which you can diversify according to your preference (including vegan and vegetarian options). Check out the “Frita of the Month”, a Cuban-style hefty burger with exciting toppings.

60 – Take a trolley pub crawl

pub crawl in St. Petersburg

If you want to sample the St. Pete nightlife, you should definitely try a pub crawl of the city’s best pubs and bars. You could walk, or you could hop on to one of the city’s fun and rowdy trolley tours.

Join other party-goers to pedal your way around the city, stopping at the best drinking holes on the way. Pick up a little history from your trolley captain and best of all, don’t worry about driving.

It’s a wonderful way to make new friends, and get a taste of how and where the locals like to party!

  • pub crawls in St. Petersburg

61 – Huck some blades at Hatchet Hangout

axe throwing in St. Petersburg

Raise your blade and keep your eye on the target – ax throwing is serious business at Hatchet Hangout !

Ok, technically it’s entertaining business; after all, the most important part of this activity is having as much fun as possible with your family and friends.

But let’s face it, the element of competition is equally important, as you duke it out to see who can hit the most bullseyes.

And while the prospect of flinging blades around might seem daunting, this low-key venue is focused on safety as much as fun, with friendly staff standing by to show you the best techniques.

After that, you just have to channel your inner lumberjack and perfect your aim!

62 – Have a drink in the best rooftop bars

best rooftop bars in St. Petersburg

Where better to while away those sunny Florida evenings than in the city’s best rooftop bars. Enjoy the sunset over a cold beer or cocktail and start your evening the right way.

360 Rooftop Lounge , located atop Hotel Zamora, is a popular choice for beverages thanks to its namesake views, with the Gulf of Mexico perfectly laid out in front of you.

Some of the city’s other great rooftop bars include Pier Teaki , at the end of the 2nd Ave NE Pier, Level 11 over at St. Pete Beach and The Cambria Hotel at Madeira Beach. Wherever you choose to go, you’ll be greeted with beautiful sea views to make an evening worth remembering.

63 – Play an infinite number of games at Laser Ops

laser tag in St. Petersburg

Space battles, archery, and Pac-Man… oh my!

Laser Ops is an electronic wonderland that is the place to go for endless hours of fun, with electronic games and immersive activities that span the breadth and depth of arcade history.

Along with classic games and some incredible VR experiences, you can dive into some wonderfully nerdy sporting endeavors.

Take a crack at post-apocalyptic combat with laser tag, where you’ll weave your way through 8,000 square feet of wasteland and try to outwit your rivals.

Or set your sights on some very different targets with a round of Archery Tag, where you’ll channel your inner Robin Hood and fire arrows at each other – foam ones, of course.

And don’t miss the rowdy fun of Bazooka Ball, a hybrid option where you fire orbs from air cannons – or run around trying to avoid them!

64 – Enjoy all the fun for hours at the Historic Manhattan Casino

St. Petersburg's Historic Manhattan Casino

Step in for a fun time at the Historic Manhattan Casino, located in the lively Grand Central District. Historically known as a meeting space since the mid-20s, the casino has been renovated to reflect modern times while maintaining its community and history intact.

Check out the many things to do inside, from eating your heart out at the food hall to enjoying the soirees that take place here.

Check out the packed calendar, where you can attend everything from film screenings and watch parties, to the dozens of opportunities to join fun mixer events, comedy shows, private concerts, fashion shows, and so much more!

Locals recommend visiting for Sunday brunch as well, or the Jazz concerts on Saturday.

65 – Have a laugh at the Bonkerz Comedy Club

Bonkerz Comedy Club, Bonkerz Comedy Club

Making St. Petersburg and the country laugh since 1984, the Bonkerz Comedy Club has won the hearts of many, including a few celebrities, as one of their favorite comedy clubs, originally started in St. Petersburg.

The Bonkerz Comedy Club is one of the main comedy venues in Florida, so if you’re looking for a good show, you’ll find it here! The club hosts many celebrity comedians, as well as locals, from pop culture comedy to crude comedy, and relatable comedy – it’s all here!

Shows are typically held every 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month, so be sure to plan ahead!

Pro tip: Buy your ticket ahead of time to receive a $2 discount! Also, seats are first come first serve, so make sure to arrive 1 hour before the show starts!

Where to stay in St. Petersburg?

Check out the comfortable digs inside Crystal Bay Historic Hotel , featuring a 24-hour front desk, shuttle services for guests, and beautiful views out to the terrace and gardens. Breakfast is served daily, which includes vegetarian and vegan options. This hotel is only 3.4 miles away from John’s Pass.

The Holiday Inn Express St. Petersburg North doesn’t disappoint with its highly rated clean rooms, filling breakfast options, and secure free parking. At just a short distance away is the Tropical Sunken Gardens, the Tropicana Field Baseball stadium, as well as a few other notable sights.

Welcoming guest with rows of palm trees, large pools, and beautiful and clean rooms is the Hilton St. Petersburg Carillon Park . Soak up the Floridan way of life at this hotel, and focus on working on your sun tan in the lounge chairs by the pool, or working up a sweat in the state-of-the-art gym.

  • best hotels in St. Petersburg

Where to go next?

If you’re in search of exploring other incredible cities and things to do in Florida , then look no further! Go people-watching at the famous Pier 60 in Clearwater as the sunset rolls in, or better yet, set sail on a Pirate Cruise full of non-stop fun activities!

Get nerdy at the Henry B. Plant Museum in Tampa , and afterward devour the goodies inside Ybor City for a taste of Tampa. Hit the mangroves on a kayak in Sarasota , or for the art lovers, head to the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art for stunning works of art.

Take on all the water parks in Kissimmee , from Island H20 Live to Aquatica Orlando, and then wander back in time through Old Town Kissimmee for night fun! Create the perfect picnic to enjoy at Bok Tower Gardens in Orlando , or learn more about some of the local marine life in Crystal River.

Final thoughts

We hope you enjoyed our list of fun things to do in St. Petersburg! Which one was your favorite? Is it the mouthwatering restaurants, or the historic homes of Kenwood? Or perhaps it’s the stunning beaches like Fort De Soto Park?

Whichever it is, let us know! We hope your future travels take you to this Floridian slice of paradise.

Happy travels!


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