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Willkommen auf den seiten des auswärtigen amts, national visas for non-turkish citizens.

Long-term (national) visas for stays of more than 90 days for non-Turkish citizens.

How can I start working in Germany?

When can i apply as a non-turkish citizen in türkiye, where can i apply, how can i book an appointment, which documents do i need, how do i apply for the visa, how long do i have to wait, can i apply for asylum.

We explicitly caution against using the services of visa agencies and non-official websites. Please only use the official information on our website and the websites that we refer to here. Our only partners are the iDATA company and the International Organization for Migration ( IOM -FAP).

Germany welcomes international skilled workers from all over the world. We are happy to advise you on your opportunities to work and live in Germany. Find out more about professions in demand, the recognition of your qualifications, starting a business, research and job search on Make-it-in-Germany.

You can apply for a national visa at the German visa sections in Türkiye without Turkish citizenship if your permanent residence is in Türkiye. This means that the main focus of your life is in Türkiye. It is not sufficient to have a Turkish residence permit or shares in a Turkish company and live elsewhere. Permanent residence is usually established by living in Türkiye uninterruptedly for at least 6 months without longer stays in another country at the date of your visa application. Permanent residence is also established without a stay of 6 months minimum if you have a long-term right of residence in Türkiye (i.e. as a registered refugee or with a residence permit for family reunion). The Turkish short-term residence permit (“Kisa Dönem / Short Term”) – even if issued for 6 months or longer - does not establish permanent residence. In this case, the directive mentioned above for a stay of 6 months minimum applies. Please provide proof of permanent residence in Türkiye when applying for your visa.

Non-Turkish foreign nationals having their permanent residence in Türkiye can only apply for national visas at the visa section of the Consulate General in Istanbul.

If your family member in Germany has subsidiary protection status ( subsidiärer Schutz ) : Please register for family reunion here. Currently, due to the high demand waiting times of more than one year arise. Please wait for the International Organisation for Migration ( IOM -FAP) to contact you.

If you have only Syrian citizenship and your family member in Germany holds German citizenship, refugee status, long-term residence permit (“Niederlassungserlaubnis”) or another residence permit not based on subsidiary protection, please register for family reunion online with our external service provider iDATA here.

In all other cases , please regsister online with our external service provider iDATA here.

For the appointment booking, iDATA charges a fee of 7,80 euros.

The required documents depend on the purpose of your planned stay. There are many sub-categories of national visas with different prerequisites. If you are not sure for which of these categories you should apply, you can try our Visa Navigator

Family reunion

Family reunion visa for non-Turkish citizens

Blue Card EU + family reunion

Skilled worker visa + family reunion, specialists + family reunion.

Specialist visa without recognized academic/professional degree for non-Turkish citizens

Job search opportunity card

Preparatory language course.

Language course visas with subsequent studies for non-Turkish citizens

Vocational training (Berufsausbildung)

Study or vocational training applicant.

Study and vocational training (Berufsausbildung) applicant's visa for non-Turkish citizens

Language course without studying

Language course visas for non-Turkish citizens ​​​​​​​

For work visas as an artist or au-pair, for a voluntary service, internship, recognition of your foreign qualifications, self-employment or research and all other national visa categories please prepare your documents according to the information sheets on national visas for Turkish citizens (German/Turkish).

In most cases you can only submit your application directly at the visa section. Please come on time and in person to your appointment. Each family member applying for a visa must be there in person. The staff at the visa section speaks Arabic, English, German or Turkish. If you do not speak any of these languages very well, you must bring an interpreter with you.

It has also become possible to submit your visa application for certain visa purposes directly with our external service provider iDATA. Applicants for family reunion visas with persons of subsidiary protection status (s ubsidiärer Schutz ) in Germany submit their applications directly at IOM -FAP Istanbul.

You will receive the information where to file your application after booking an appointment. If you can submit your application at iDATA or IOM -FAP, you will pay the visa fee (and for iDATA a service fee additionally) and submit all documents there. Your application will be forwarded to the visa section. iDATA or IOM -FAP do not have any influence on the decision of any visa application.

After the visa section has undertaken a first check of your application and if all documents are complete (otherwise you will be informed), the necessary authorities in Germany will be consulted, depending on the planned visa purpose. The visa section cannot influence the processing periods at these authorities. The table below provides an overview of the usual processing periods:

As soon as we have taken a decision upon your application, you will receive your passport together with all original documents you submitted and the final decision. Information on how to pick up your passport or how to have it sent back to you will be available during your visa appointment.

If your application had to be denied, you will receive a written notification explaining the main reasons for this decision together with your passport. We would like to inform that it is no longer possible to appeal against the rejection of an application ( Remonstration ) till the 30th of June 2025. With regard to the legal remedies available, please refer to the refusal letter.

The German missions abroad are not authorized to grant asylum. An application for asylum can only be filed with the responsible authorities in Germany.

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Visitor Visa


Can I visit Germany?

Foreign citizens who want to travel to Germany need a visa, except for citizens of other EU and Schengen countries - and some other third countries whose citizens are allowed to travel to Germany visa-free. You can find out whether you need a visa for Germany at  auswaertiges-amt.de .

Here you can find information about the visa for visiting Germany, i.e. the visa for a (short-term) trip to Germany, which is officially known as "Schengen Visa Type C", "tourist visa" or "visitor visa".

What do I need to know?

A so-called "Schengen Visa Type C" is the visa you need to visit Germany for a few days or weeks- it allows you to stay in Germany for up to 90 days within 6 months in total . This is the type of visa you need if, for instance, you are visiting family or friends in Germany, want to travel to Germany as a tourist or for a business trip. 

A visa can be issued for a few days or for 4 years, for example. The diplomatic missions abroad decide whether to issue a visitor visa– the validity duration depends on your travel plans and the documents you submit. If you regularly visit your family or friends in a Schengen state or have to travel frequently to the Schengen area for professional reasons and can prove that, you can obtain an annual visa with multiple entries.

It is important to note: If your Schengen visa is valid for more than 6 months, you must ensure that you do not stay in Schengen countries for more than 90 days within 6 months (180 days). That means you need to watch out as not to exceed the permitted length of stay each time you visit.

Good to know : If you have a visitor visa valid longer than 90 days, you can divide your visit into 90-day slots within 6 months. You can calculate the remaining days of your visa using the Short-stay Visa Calculator on the European Union website.

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To have a chance of obtaining a Schengen visa, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You have to offer an adequate, credible reason for your trip. You can read more about this in our chapter " Invitation Letter for a visitor visa ".
  • You must be able to secure your travel and living expenses during your stay. You can prove that, for example, by showing your bank statements from the previous three months, proof of your assets, etc. If you cannot prove that you have enough money, someone living in Germany can submit a so-called "declaration of commitment" for you. You can find out all about that in our chapter " Declaration of commitment for a visitor visa ".
  • You need to have travel health insurance with a minimum coverage of €30,000 for the Schengen area for the entire duration of your trip. Such travel insurance costs around €10 per week.
  • The staff at the embassy/consulate must conclude that you will leave the country after your visa has expired. Possible evidence of your willingness to leave the country is, for instance, having a job or educational commitment in your home country, showing a purchase contract for a flat in your home country, having underage or dependent family members in your home country, etc. You need to submit relevant, convincing evidence when applying.

Please Note : You must meet ALL of the above requirements to obtain a visa. The decision on whether you should be issued a visa is up to the embassy/consulate. Unfortunately, it could be pretty hard to obtain a visa when numerous people from your home country flee to Germany.

You need to apply for a Schengen visa in person at the German embassy/consulate in your home country or a neighbouring country (if there is no German embassy or consulate in your home country) or the country where you reside. You can find the addresses of all German embassies and consulates on  the website of the German Foreign Office . You have to make an appointment in advance to submit the application. 

You can usually download and print out the form for the visa application on the website of the embassy/consulate. There you will also find a list of all the documents that you have to submit. If you cannot print out the form yourself, you can find it in your language free of charge on-site and fill it out.

Alternatively, you can fill out the form online at  videx.diplo.de   and then print it out. The website works in many languages.

Yes. When you apply for a Schengen visa, you must briefly describe the reason for your trip (e.g., attending a wedding, a holiday with friends, etc.) and your travel details and prove it, e.g., through hotel bookings or invitations.

  • As a tourist , you must describe your travel plans in a detailed daily programme. You can do so by providing a clear schedule (e.g. a list of the museums or sights you want to visit), the destinations you want to see and preferably also present the reserved tickets for the cities you want to go to in Germany.
  • If you are planning a business trip or a visit to a trade fair , you must be able to show an invitation or ticket for the event. It will also be checked whether your area of work has a meaningful connection with the planned visit.
  • If you wish to apply for a visitor visa for a short stay (up to 90 days in total within 6 months) for medical treatments in Germany, you will need an invitation from the clinic where the treatment will take place, confirmation of funding for the treatment, confirmation of accommodation for you and your accompanying person, medical documents and a medical certificate as well as other documents proving your travel plans. Further information can be found on the website of the German diplomatic mission or consulate where you wish to apply for your visa. You can find a list of German diplomatic missions abroad on the website of the Federal Foreign Office .

For a Schengen visa, you usually need at least the following documents:

  • A valid passport
  • Current biometric passport photos
  • A completed visa application
  • Proof of your accommodation
  • (If you want to visit someone) an invitation from relatives or acquaintances or an institution or company. You can learn more in our chapter " Invitation Letter ".
  • Your travel dates according to your tickets
  • Proof of your financial resources or a letter of commitment. You can learn more in our chapter " Declaration of commitment for a Visitor Visa ".
  • Schengen visa travel insurance

Important : The documents must always be complete, i.e. you must bring all documents with you to the appointment . In individual cases, it may be possible to submit documents later within a certain period of time but only by prior arrangement! Otherwise, the embassy will reject your application directly (without informing you beforehand).

The processing fee for a Schengen visa is €90, and you have to pay the money when you apply. Important: You will not get this money back even if your visa application is rejected.

Please note : There are exceptions to the costs for certain groups of people. Please note : There are exceptions to the costs for certain groups of people. For example, depending on their age, children pay less or nothing at all.  You can find out more (in German) in the  German Foreign Office's leaflet .

In principle, the application procedure takes up to 14 work days until the embassy/consulate decides on your visa application.

Please note , however, that this deadline is not always met. So book your appointment at least 2 weeks to a month before your planned trip.  You can apply for the visa up to 6 months before the planned trip, and you can make an appointment for the application in advance.

If your application is rejected, you will receive written notification with the reason behind the rejection. You can object to the decision within a month. T o find out where and how to file your objection, check the notice of rejection (usually at the end) .  

To object the rejection of your application, you must prove that the reasons for the rejection are not valid. When filing an objection, you have the opportunity to submit all the documents that were previously missing.

For example, it could be said that you have not provided enough proof of funds. However, if you are sure that you have enough money for your trip, clarify it in a letter and prove it with bank documents and other financial proof.

If you stay in Germany after your visa has expired, your stay will be considered illegal. The authorities will demand that you leave the country - and if you don't, you could get deported.  In such a case, you would also receive an entry ban of several months.

A Schengen visa can only be extended in exceptional cases. For example, if you are ill and unable to travel. However, for you to be considered “unable to travel”, significant requirements must be met. Even an illness that is proven by a medical certificate is often not considered sufficient ground if the person concerned is still able to travel or be transported by plane. The local Immigration Office where you are staying will decide whether your visa should be extended.

You can enter Germany with a Schengen visa and then apply for asylum  as you always have the right to apply for asylum . But  whether your asylum application will be approved depends on the circumstances in your home country. In principle, people who have a chance of asylum usually are not issued a visa at all. You can learn more about the asylum procedure in Germany in our chapters " Asylum Procedure " and " Residence Permit for Refugees ".

Please note : Until a decision has been made on your asylum application, you or the person who has made a declaration of commitment for you must cover all upcoming costs (accommodation, food, medicine, etc.)- including expenses of possible deportation. You can learn more in our chapter " Declaration of commitment for a Visitor Visa ". 

If you enter Germany with a Schengen visa and find a job that meets the considerable requirements of the EU Blue Card after entering the country, you can apply for the EU Blue Card under the new regulations. Please note , however, that the employment contract may only be signed after you have entered the country.

Important : Since the law is new, it is also possible that the Immigration Office initially rejects your application for an EU Blue Card because there is not yet much practical experience with the new regulation. But in principle, if you meet the requirements, you should be able to obtain an EU Blue Card.

At  videx.diplo.de , you can fill out the form for the visa application online and then print it out and bring it with you to your appointment at the embassy. The website is available in many languages.

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Additional Links

Find the German embassy or consulate in your country on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Here is where and how you can apply for a Schengen visa for an up to 90-day stay in Germany.

Here are the requirements you need to meet to obtain a Schengen visa for Germany. 

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Schengen visa

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Are you a globetrotter who loves to visit different countries of the world from time to time? Are you planning to spend your holidays in another country? Germany should be on your bucket list of countries if you have not visited a Western European country before, but to enter Germany, you will need a Germany Tourist Visa. The tourist visa application process has never been easier than it is today, so visitors can now apply and get theirs at short notice.

Tourism in Germany

Germany is located in Western Europe and is a top tourist destination for tourists who troop in every year to enjoy the amazing sights and sounds the country offers. The country has a rich and illustrious history with majestic castles and museums, picturesque landscapes, rich wildlife, and amazing festivals like the legendary Oktoberfest beer festival.

The safety and security make it a welcoming short-term abode for tourists, and commuting from one city to another is seamless due to the world-class transport facilities.

Those planning to spend time in Germany will surely enjoy the experience as there is so much to see in the country.

Do I Need A Tourist Visa To Visit Germany?

This will depend on your nationality. If you are from an EU country, you can travel to Germany without a visa, but if you are not, you need a German Schengen visa. The Federal Republic of Germany is a member of the European Union and has been a member of the Schengen region for years, so citizens from these regions can freely enter and exit the country with only their passports.

Others who are not citizens of the region need national visas issued by the German embassy.

Germany Tourist Visa

The tourist visa is a short-stay visa for no EU citizens. The visa allows the holder to stay in the country for 90 days maximum and is valid for 180 days. Holders of the German tourist visa may enter Germany by air or sea, allowing them to travel to any part of the country for vacation or sightseeing. However, the applicant must provide travel information about the places they wish to visit and their entry and exit date.

What You Should Know

Germany operates very strict immigration rules, and many argue that their system is one of the strictest in Europe. This visa is only issued for tourism, not work, study, or other purposes. You will be sanctioned if caught working on a tourist visa. Sanctions range from fines to deportation or imprisonment and bans in the worst cases.

Furthermore, tourists are not allowed to overstay their visas beyond the 90 days of grace. Furthermore, they are advised to obtain the right type of visa to suit their needs. Single-entry visas can only be used once, while double-entry visas can be used twice. If you wish to visit Germany several times but wish to save yourself the trouble of applying for the visa before every trip, you may need to apply for a multiple-entry visa.

Germany Tourist Visa Requirements

Want are the tourist visa application requirements for this visa?

There are more than a few requirements, but remember that it will depend on your passport. While the German government may request certain supporting documents from some nationals same may not be required from other nationals. Here are the common documents all applicants must provide.

Visa Application Form: A visa application form containing information about the applicant. Endeavor to present personal details; otherwise, your application will be rejected.

Valid Passport: Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months and contain nothing less than 2 pages for visa stickers. Copies of old passports and visas are required if available.

Photos: 2 recent passport photographs in colored form. The photographs should be taken on a white background showing your face, shoulders, and neck clearly.

Travel Itinerary: Copy of your travel Itinerary showing the date of arrival and departure, places you plan to visit, and other details.

Reserved return flight ticket: A reserved flight ticket for your return trip to your country.

Travel Insurance: Travel insurance medical cover with a minimum of €30,000 for potential medical expenses. The insurance issuer must be recognized by the German government, consulates and embassies worldwide.

Proof of accommodation: Proof of accommodation such as a hotel reservation or a contact address where you will stay.

Proof of funds: A statement of account for the last 6 months showing the sufficient balance to cover your expenses.

Sponsorship Letter: A sponsorship Letter if you will not be responsible for funding the trip.

How To Apply For A Germany Tourist Visa

You can apply for a Germany tourist visa on VisaHQ by following these simple steps.

Visit VisaHQ

Pick Germany as your destination

Select your country of citizenship

Choose “Tourist visa”

Complete the application form

Attach all relevant documents

Pay the visa fee with a credit or debit card

Submit for approval

The Germany tourist visa online application is fast and easy on VisaHQ. After submitting the form, the visa will be forwarded to your email in a few days.

Germany business visa is available for international business persons who wish to invest in Germany or have business engagements in the Western European country. The Federal Republic of Germany is one of the most industrialized nations on earth and is a G7 nation with vast infrastructure and a massive GDP. This makes it a top business destination for investors, collaborators, partners, and top talent.

This is why many people wish to visit the country to tap into its cast economic potential. If you have any business engagements in Germany and would like to apply for a business visa, then you are on the right page. This page contains valuable information about the business visa application process and the supportive documents requirements.

What Is The German Business Visa?

A business visa is a short term Schengen visa designed for citizens from non-Schengen countries. The visa allows the visitor to enter and stay in Germany for a maximum of 90 days, and it is valid for 180 days. Most business visas are issued on a single-entry basis, but there are multiple entry options for frequent visitors with a longer validity period. The visa is issued for business-related reasons like attending meetings, signing contracts, and other important business engagements that will require the visitor's presence.

Contrary to the common misconception many hold, business visas are not work visas, so holders are not eligible to work. This is because the visa doesn't qualify the visitor for a work permit and is valid for only 6 months. Those interested in working in Germany must apply for a work visa.

Who Needs The Germany Business Visa?

The Germany business visa is not for citizens of 62 member nations who are either EU countries or those on the visa exempt list. If you are not a European Union citizen and your country is not on the visa waiver list, you need to apply for a visa to enter Germany.

If you want to visit Germany for business and you have the supportive documents to back your application, you can apply for a visa.

Types of Business Visas

Single Entry Visa: A single entry business visa is used only once and cannot be used for re-entry. After the visitor enters Germany with the visa and departs, they will have to apply for a new business visa to re-enter. Single-entry business visas are Valid for 180 days.

Multiple Entry Visa: A multiple entry business visa can be used to enter Germany multiple times as long as it is valid. They usually have a longer validity, but holders can only stay in the country for 90 days and not a day more.

Germany Business Visa Requirements

Here are the visa application requirements for a business visa.

Application Form: A duly completed visa application form with correct information. Applicants are advised to be honest about their declarations on the visa and should not give false or pretentious information; otherwise, they will be sanctioned if caught in the future. The applicant must sign the application form.

National Passport: The National passport of the applicant should be attached to the application form. Passports older than 10 years or those with less than 6 months of validity will not be accepted. It should also have at least one or two blank pages to affix the visa sticker.

Photographs: Two recent colored photographs were taken on a white background. The photograph should clearly show the applicant's face, shoulders, and neck. Wearing spectacles is not allowed.

Passport Data Page: A copy of the passport data page on A4-size paper.

Travel Insurance: Travel medical insurance with a minimum balance of €30,000. The funds will be used to settle the bills of the applicant in case of accident, illness, or repatriation in case of death. Only insurance contracts recognized by Schengen nations will be accepted.

Flight Itinerary: A copy of your flight reservation back to your country. If you plan to travel back by train, you should include your rail ticket.

Proof of Accommodation: A copy of your hotel reservation or the contact address of the house you intend to stay in. The proof should include the address, phone number, and email.

Proof of funds: A statement of account for the last 6 months with sufficient balance

Invitation Letter: An invitation letter sent to the applicant by the inviter stating the purpose of the trip

How To Apply For A Germany Business Visa?

You can apply for this visa online or by visiting the German embassy.

For online applications, follow these steps.

Log onto VisaHQ

Select Germany as your destination

Choose Business Visa as your preferred option

Attach the necessary documents

Pay the visa fee using a credit or debit card

Submit the application for approval 

If your Germany business visa application is approved, your visa will be sent to your registered email address. However, note that not everyone can apply for this visa online, so they must visit the embassy in their country to apply in person.

What are you looking for?

Visa for Germany

We hope you understand that we cannot respond individually to questions featured in this catalogue.

Please contact the Help Desk if you haven't found the answer to your question.

You are living abroad and you are in need of consular information? Please contact the German mission which is competent for your place of residence.

German missions abroad: Countries A to Z

Do I need a visa for Germany?

On the Federal Foreign Office webpage you can find out whether you need a visa for visits to Germany and the Schengen states of up to 90 days. Most non- EU -foreigners wanting to work or study in Germany or to stay longer than 90 days in Germany for other purposes, usually need a visa.

Exceptions are indicated in the relevant list of countries.

  • Overview of visa requirements/exemptions for entry into the Federal Republic of Germany
  • The Schengen Agreement

Visa regulations

I am a (non-German) EU citizen and want to visit Germany with my spouse (who is not an EU citizen). Does my spouse need a visa?

If you and/or your spouse live in a Schengen country, the situation is as follows:

As holder of a residence permit issued by a Schengen country, you need no visa for short-term stays in other Schengen countries - so you need no visa for Germany either. In any 180 days period you may stay for up to 90 days maximum in another Schengen country. Please check with the relevant authorities in your country of residence whether your spouse's residence permit entitles him or her to visa-free travel within the Schengen area.

If you or your spouse live in an EU country where the Schengen Agreement does not apply or not apply in full, the situation is as follows:

If the authorities of your country of residence have issued your spouse with a “residence card of a family member of a Union citizen” pursuant to Art. 10(1) of Directive 2004/38/EC, he or she needs no visa for travel within the EU .

If you and your spouse live outside the EU , your spouse will need an entry visa if he or she is from a country subject to a visa regime. In this case, however, a facilitated visa procedure applies.

If you have further questions, please visit the website of the relevant German mission or contact the mission directly.

The EU provides a guide to your rights as an EU citizen .

Are there special visa arrangements for EU citizens?

EU citizens do not need a visa to visit, live or work in Germany. They only have to register at the local German registration office (Einwohnermeldeamt).

Additional information is available at the European Job Mobility Portal.

  • European Job Mobility Portal

Do foreigners with a residence permit for one of the Schengen member states need a visa to visit Germany?

Please note that not all EU members fully apply the Schengen Agreement, but that some non- EU countries do apply it fully.

Non- EU citizens living in one of the countries that do apply the agreement fully (so-called Schengen States) with a valid residence permit do not need a visa for visits to Germany of up to 90 days in any period of 180 days when not taking up work.

Schengen states:

Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. For non- EU citizens living in another European country regular visa regulations apply.

My visa was issued by a mission of another Schengen state. Can I use it to travel to Germany?

Yes. Holders of

- a Schengen visa (text on the visa reads “valid for Schengen states”),

- a residence permit of a member state or

- a national visa of a member state

can also travel to Germany for up to 90 days in any period of 180 days.

The Schengen visa should, however, have been issued by a mission of the country which is the main destination. The country of entry and departure is not the determining factor.

What countries are Schengen states?

I'm planning a trip by air and have to transit at a german airport. do i need a visa.

The vast majority of foreign travellers benefit from the “transit privilege” - if during a stopover at a German airport, you do not leave the International Airport Area and if the destination is not in a Schengen country, you do not need a transit visa.

However, if for some reason you need to enter the Schengen area during your stopover (for example to change terminals or if the destination is in a Schengen country), you may require a visa; please plan for this. You should apply for a visa well before you travel!

Only five airports in Germany have an International Transit Area enabling you to transit without formally entering the Schengen area:

  • Frankfurt/Main
  • Hamburg (4.30 a.m. - 11.30 p.m. only)
  • Düsseldorf (6.00 a.m. - 9.00 p.m. only) and if the airline has arranged the transit beforehand with the authorities responsible for cross-border security (the Federal Police)
  • Berlin-Brandenburg

Nationals of the following countries do not have the transit privilege and therefore require an airport transit visa (category A) for transit at a German airport:

  • Afghanistan
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • South Sudan

* certain exceptions apply to these countries

Exceptions from the requirement to hold an airport transit visa:

  • Holders of valid visas and national residence permits from EU and Schengen countries
  • Holders of certain national residence permits from the following countries: Andorra, Japan, Canada, San Marino, United States of America
  • Holders of valid visas from the EEA countries (the EU , Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland) and visas issued by Japan, Canada and the United States of America

I don't need a visa for my trip to Germany, but are there other things I should bear in mind?

You can only enter Germany if you have valid identity papers. On the planned date of departure from Germany, your passport has to be valid at least for another three months and it has to be issued within the last 10 years.

In certain cases, documents have to be presented that prove the purpose and circumstances of the visit.

Similarly, proof may also have to be provided that you have sufficient funds to maintain yourself during your stay and to finance the return trip. The amount of funding depends on the type and length of stay. There are no fixed daily rates.

You are advised to take out health insurance before your trip which also covers return transport to your home country.

In cases of repeated entries and a longer duration foreigners who are not nationals of a European Union or European Economic Area state must bear in mind that visits to the Schengen area are restricted to 90 days in any period of 180 days.

For longer stays for example to study or take up employment, different regulations often apply.

What is the procedure for applying for a work visa?

What is the procedure for applying for a student visa, my visa was issued by a german mission abroad. can i use it to travel to other countries in europe, do i have to enter and leave via germany or can i do so elsewhere.

Yes, you can. Holders of

- a Schengen visa (text on the visa reads “valid for Schengen states”)

- a national visa (D-visa)

can stay in the entire Schengen area for up to 90 days in any period of 180 days. The Schengen area consists of the following countries:

Germany, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

The Schengen visa has to be applied for at the foreign mission of the country which is the main destination. The country of entry and departure is not the determining factor. The entry into and departure from the Schengen area can thus occur at any border crossing.

I am a foreigner living in Germany and am planning a trip abroad. Do I need a valid passport and visa?

As a foreigner you are requested to hold a valid passport or document in lieu of a passport at any time. In general, the issuance and extension of foreign passports have to be applied for at the competent foreign missions in Germany, except for recognized asylum seekers, recognized refugees according to the Geneva Refugee Convention, stateless persons or those entitled to subsidiary protection. The mentioned groups are mostly issued a passport in lieu of a passport (Passersatzpapier) by the local Immigration Office (Ausländerbehörde) at the place of residence. There are three types of those documents:

- Travel document for refugees (“Blue Passport”)

- Travel document for stateless persons

- Travel document for foreigners

Holders of Blue Passports are in general allowed to travel to all the countries which have signed the Geneva Refugee Convention. Please note that for many of these countries, however, you may have to apply for a visa in advance. Information on visa provisions for non-German citizens wanting to travel to a third country can only be provided by the respective foreign mission of the country concerned. The addresses of the foreign missions in Germany are available here:

Foreign Missions in Germany

However, you are not allowed to travel to your country of origin - this would imply that you no longer need humanitarian protection; you risk losing your asylum in Germany if you travel to your home country.

Foreign nationals who are in possession of a valid German residence title (Aufenthaltstitel) may travel for a period of up to 90 days within 180 days to other Schengen-States, so do not need a visa. This applies as well to holders of a German Visa of the category “D”.

In both cases, general entry requirements of Article 6 Section 1 letters a, c and e of the Regulation ( EU ) 2016/399 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2016 on a Union Code on the rules governing the movement of persons across borders (Schengen Borders Code) are fulfilled and the person is not listed by the relevant Member State as not permitted.

In case of doubt please get in touch with the competent mission of the country in Germany.

  • Who are Member States of the Schengen Agreement?
  • Vertretungen anderer Staaten: Länder A-Z
  • Schengen Border Code
  • Travelling abroad for refugees (Handbook Germany)

Germany, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland have all acceded to the Schengen Agreement and are thus Schengen states.

The Schengen area thus includes all EU member states except Ireland and Cyprus; at present the EU members Bulgaria and Romania only apply some of the Schengen provisions. Until these three countries apply what is known as the Schengen acquis in full, as is their aim, passport controls will remain in place at internal borders. In addition to the EU countries already mentioned, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein are also Schengen states.

Holders of Schengen visas (text on the visa reads “valid for Schengen states” in the language of the issuing country) may spend up to 90 days in a given 180 days period in the Schengen area, provided their visa is valid at the time. The same applies to holders of most national residence permits and national category D visas issued by individual Schengen states for long‑term visits of more than three months. A separate visa may well be needed for travel to other EU states which are not Schengen states.

Where do I have to apply for my visa? And who is responsible for the decision?

Visas have to be applied for prior to entry at the German mission abroad covering the place of residence of the applicant.

Please find more information on the webpage of the competent German mission.

The decision on granting a visitor/business visa lies with the competent German mission abroad. The mission also decides on granting visas for longer stays and/or to take up work or studies. These, however, can in most cases only be issued with the approval of the aliens authority concerned.

If a visa application is rejected, the applicant has the option of writing to the visa department of the competent German mission abroad asking for the reasons leading to the rejection of your application (known as remonstration). Please note that you have to submit the remonstration yourself.

How long does my passport have to be valid if I want to apply for a visa for a trip to Germany?

On the planned date of departure from Germany, your passport has to be valid at least for another three months and it has to be issued within the last 10 years. It should also contain at least two empty pages where the visa can be inserted.

I want to travel to Germany/the Schengen area several times in the next few months. Can I apply for a visa with longer validity?

The mission abroad decides what type of visa to issue (period of validity, number of days covered) on the basis of the documents submitted. If necessary, it may issue a visa that entitles the holder to enter the Schengen area on multiple occasions within the given period of validity. Such annual or multi-annual visas, which are valid for one or more years, are as a rule only issued to persons who have already been to Germany or other Schengen states several times in the past and whom the mission abroad considers to be particularly trustworthy (e.g. because of their position in the host country). Please note that regardless of the length of validity, visas only entitle the holder to a maximum stay of 90 days in any period of 180 days.

I am in Germany on a tourist/visitor/business visa. For important reasons, I want to stay in Germany past the expiry date of my visa.

Can i have my visa extended in germany.

It is only possible to extend the validity of visas in certain exceptional cases. This can only be done by the foreigners authority in Germany covering the place of residence of the visa holder. This is the only authority that can decide on an extension of a visa during a visit to Germany. Neither the Federal Foreign Office nor its missions abroad can do so.

The person I issued an invitation for has had their visa application rejected (Tourist/Visitor/Business). What can I do?

The notification sent to the applicant by the mission abroad states not only that the visa application has been unsuccessful, but also gives the grounds on which it was rejected and information on the applicant's right to appeal the decision.

If a visa application is rejected, the applicant has one month to appeal in writing (“remonstrate”) to the mission abroad. The mission abroad will then reconsider the application.

If the mission still concludes that the applicant does not meet the conditions for obtaining a visa, it will again set out in detail in writing the reasons why it rejected the application in a Remonstrance Notice.

The applicant may appeal this decision within one month by filing an action with the Administrative Court in Berlin.

The applicant also has the option of appealing to the Court (also within one month) against the initial decision instead of remonstrating to the mission.

For reasons of data protection, information about individual visa applications may only be provided to the applicant personally or to a person whom the applicant has authorized in writing to receive such information.

What is the procedure for applying for a tourist/visitor/business visa? Can we apply for the visa in Germany?

The visa always has to be applied for by the person who intends to travel to Germany. Details on the documents to be presented at the time of application are often available on the webpage of the competent German mission or directly from the mission itself.

For private visits, an invitation is usually required to confirm the purpose of the journey. In case the visitor is not able to fully cover the expenses associated with the trip a formal pledge to cover all costs (declaration of commitment) has to be presented with the visa application. In this case the host can sign the relevant form (“Verpflichtungserklärung”) at his/her residency's local authorities (usually Ordnungsamt or Ausländerbehörde).

For my visa application I need an invitation from a relative/acquaintance living in Germany. What form does such an invitation have to take?

In the first place, an invitation proves the purpose of the intended journey. Therefore, no special formalities are required. If, however, the host intends to cover the expenses associated with the trip, a formal pledge to cover all costs (declaration of commitment) has to be presented with the visa application. In this case the host can sign the relevant form (“Verpflichtungserklaerung”) at his/her residency's local authorities (usually Ordnungsamt or Auslaenderbehoerde).

I am not a German national and want to marry my German partner in Germany. What do we have to do to get an entry visa?

First of all find out from the competent registry office in Germany what documents you and your German spouse have to present in order to marry in Germany.

As soon as the registry office confirms your documents are complete, you can apply for a visa to marry in Germany.

Once you are married the final residence and work permit will be issued by the foreigners authority in Germany.

Details on the documents to be presented with your visa application are often available on the webpage of the competent German mission abroad or directly from the mission itself.

Does my foreign spouse have to provide proof of German language skills when applying for a visa (i.e. before arriving in Germany?)

I am not an eu national and want to live in germany with my german spouse. what do we have to do.

First of all you have to apply for a visa for family reunification (subsequent immigration of spouses) from the competent German mission abroad.

Documents required include an authenticated marriage certificate as well as the German passport of the German spouse.

The German mission will forward the visa application to the foreigners authority in the place where you want to live in Germany for an opinion.

The German mission abroad can only issue a visa for entry once the foreigners authority has given its approval. The final residence permit will be issued by the foreigners authority in Germany once you are there.

I am a German citizen and want to move to another EU country with my spouse (who is not an EU citizen). Does my partner require a visa?

National residence permits issued by the Federal Republic of Germany entitle the bearer to travel to the other Schengen countries of the EU without a visa. If you intend to move to an EU country that does not belong to the Schengen area, it is possible that your spouse may not require a visa if he or she holds a national residence permit.

If your spouse does not hold a national residence permit, an entry visa is generally required if he or she is from a country subject to a visa regime. In this case, however, a facilitated visa procedure applies.

A visa is not required if your spouse has been issued with a “Residence card of a family member of a Union citizen” pursuant to Art. 10 (1) of Directive 2004/38/EC. If you and your spouse intend to move from one EU country, of which you are not a national, to another EU country, you should first establish the applicable regulations with regard to visas.

If you have any other questions, please contact the responsible mission abroad for the EU country in question directly and visit their website for further information.

I am not a German national but am living and working in Germany with a valid residence permit. Can my spouse ....

...who is also not a German national live and work with me in Germany?

If you want to live in Germany with your spouse you have to submit an application for family reunification to the competent German mission abroad. Details on the documents to be presented with your visa application are often available on the webpage of the competent German mission abroad or directly from the mission itself.

EU citizens as well as citizens of Iceland , Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland citizens have the right to live and work in Germany . After arrival , they just need to register with the appropriate office of the town hall ( mostly called “Einwohnermeldeamt” or “ Bürgeramt ”) of their residence in Germany .

Studying and working in Germany

Yes. Under the amended Immigration Act which entered into force on 28 August 2007, foreign spouses have to prove they have at least a basic knowledge of German. For detailed information on this, please click on the link below to the website of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. You can also request further information directly from the German diplomatic missions in the respective country.

  • Federal Office for Migration and Refugees

Do I need a visa if I want to study/work in Germany?

As a general rule, all foreigners staying in Germany for more than 90 days wanting to work or study in Germany need a visa before entering Germany. For more information:

Nationals of Australia, Canada, Great Britain, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea and the United States may apply for the necessary permit after arrival in Germany. The same applies for nationals of Andorra, Brazil, El Salvador, Honduras, Monaco and San Marino who do not intend to take up employment.

EU citizens as well as citizens of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland citizens have the right to live and work in Germany. After arrival, they just need to register with the appropriate office of the town hall (mostly called “Einwohnermeldeamt” or “Bürgeramt”) of their residence in Germany.

If you plan to study in Germany, you have to submit an application for a student visa to the respective German mission abroad before travelling. Citizens of the EU are exempted from this duty, as well as - under certain conditions according to the EU -mobility program - foreigners who already hold a temporary residence permit as a student issued by another EU -country, due to the EU -mobility program, please see the Implementation Status of the REST-Directive of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.

Documents have to be presented proving inter alia that the applicant has been accepted for studies by the university. The German mission abroad will then forward the visa application for an opinion to the foreigners authority in the town housing the University.

The German mission abroad can only issue the visa for entry once the foreigners authority has given its approval.

Details on the documents to be presented with your visa application are often available on the website of the competent German mission abroad or directly from the mission itself. the application form for a visa can be downloaded here .

When applying for a student visa, how can I prove that my financing is secure?

Financing can be proved by presenting the income and financial circumstances of parents, by a declaration of commitment in line with Article 66-68 Aufenthaltsgesetz (German Foreigners Act) made by a person with sufficient assets or income, by paying a security into a blocked account in Germany, or by depositing an annually renewable bank guarantee at a bank in Germany. Proof of sufficient funds is also taken as satisfied if the stay is being financed by a scholarship from public funds or a scholarship from an organization recognized in Germany or a scholarship financed by public funds in the country of origin, if the Federal Foreign Office, the German Academic Exchange Service ( DAAD ) or another German organization granting scholarships has been responsible for providing the link to a German higher education institution.

  • German Academic Exchange Service ( DAAD )
  • I want to study in Germany. Where can I apply for a scholarship?

How long does it take to issue my student visa? Can you speed up the process?

Visa applications of students need amongst other things the approval of the competent German alien´s authority. Therefore the processing time for student visas may take several weeks, in individual cases even months. Applicants for student visas are encouraged to read all the relevant information on the respective German mission´s website carefully before their appointment and hand in only complete paperwork. This is the best way to assure a speedy process.

As soon as there is a development in the processing, the applicant will be contacted.

Kindly be advised that the help desk of the German Foreign Office is not able to speed up the process or check the status of the application.

As a general rule non- EU nationals need a residence title (visa or residence permit) to take up employment in Germany. By law the residence title has to give information whether and to which extent access to the labour market is granted. This information replaces the former work permit. If you intend to commence work in Germany you have to apply for a visa with the competent German mission abroad before entering Germany. (Only nationals of Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea and the United States may apply for the necessary residence title after arrival in Germany.)

Details as to which documents have to be presented with your visa application are available on the webpage of the competent German mission abroad or directly from the mission itself.

Can I take on holiday jobs in Germany?

Germany has concluded bilateral agreements on working holiday stays with Australia, New Zealand, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Israel, Chile, and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

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Frequently asked questions (faq).

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Frequently asked questions.

Going to Germany? Take a moment to have a look at our FAQs before you call or contact us.

Please read the Information carefully and use the contact form for inquiries to specific questions . If the information requested is readily available on our website, we may not reply to your message.

My visa has been issued by the german consulate, could i use this visa to make a sidetrip to other european countries (for example to france or austria).

Yes , you can. According to the Schengen agreement, visas are also valid for Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. Please note, however, that you always have to apply at the consulate of the country which is your primary destination. If you intend to visit several of the above-mentioned countries but do not have a primary destination, you should apply at the consulate of the country which is your first point of entry.

I have already made a trip to Germany with a visa (“Schengener Staaten” is mentioned on the visa sticker) issued by the German Consulate. I think the visa is still valid and I am planning now a business trip to Italy for example. Can I use this visa?

Yes, you can. Please check your visa's validity, its number of entries and the maximum duration of stay (both are mentioned on your visa sticker) carefully.

My flight itinerary requires an overnight stay at a German airport. Do I have to apply for an airport transit visa or a regular visa?

Airport transit visa are only good for short stopovers while you are waiting a few hours for your onward flight in the airport's international transit area. However, hotel accommodation is only available outside the transit area. Please apply for a regular tourist visa if you want to stay at the airport overnight.

My flight itinerary requires airport transit in Germany, however I do not have a confirmed onward flight (e.g. Buddy Pass) from Germany. Do I have to apply for an airport transit visa or a regular visa?

If you do not have a confirmed onward flight from Germany you have to apply for a regular tourist visa.

I am planning to apply for a visa at the German Consulate, how long should my passport be valid?

Your passport should be valid for at least 3 months upon conclusion of your trip.

This website tells me that I have to show my bank statement when applying for a visa. I do not have a bank account / my balance is low and the trip will be paid by my friends/relatives in Germany. What do I have to submit?

Ask your friends/relatives to sign an official affidavit of support (called “Verpflichtungserklärung” in German).

I cannot get a national passport from my country of origin but I do hold a U.S. “Permit to Re-Enter”. Can I use this permit to travel to Germany?

We expect you to submit your national passport. However, in rare instances, a U.S. “Permit to Re-Enter” can be accepted if it is evident that you cannot get a national passport from your country of origin. Please be informed that visa applications of “Permit to Re-Enter”-holders may take up to two weeks to be processed.

I cannot get a national passport from my country of origin but I do hold a “Travel Document for Refugees”. Can I use this document to travel to Germany?

Holders of the “Refugee Travel Document” (Form I-571) which is issued by the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are not required to obtain a visa to enter the Federal Republic of Germany for purposes of business, tourism, or to visit friends if they stay no longer than 90 days. The Travel Document must be valid for at least four months after entering Germany.

Please be advised that this regulation applies to Germany only. If you plan to transit or travel to other Schengen countries you have to contact the responsible consular mission of the respective countries to find out about their visa regulations. Please also note that holders of the very similar document called “Permit to Re-Enter” (Form I-327) do not fall under this rule. Holders of a “Permit to Re-Enter” must apply for a visa.

If you are in doubt whether you are a holder of a “Permit to Re-Enter” or a “Refugee Travel Document” please refer to the data page of the document in your possession issued by DHS. More information on the type of document issued to you can be found above and below the photo in your document.

How can my friends/relatives in Germany get an official affidavit of support (so-called “Verpflichtungserklärung”)?

Your friends can get this document at the local Aliens' office at their place of residence in Germany. Please bring the original of this affidavit when applying for your visa.

I want to visit my friends/relatives. My own funds are sufficient so I am paying for the trip myself. What kind of invitation should I submit?

Just ask your friends/relatives to send you an informal invitation. Name, address and a copy of the friend's/relative's passport. A copy of the residence permit is an additional requirement if your friend/relative in Germany is not a German national. If your friends/relatives pay for your travel expenses you will need to submit an official affidavit of support.

I have my own business and therefore cannot bring an employment letter. What documents should I submit?

Please include your business registration, your tax returns and your latest bank statement to complete your Application.

Why am I required to have a health insurance coverage for Germany?

Imagine you have an accident during your stay in Germany. Please check carefully whether your medical insurance will also cover costs for medical treatment abroad. If yours does not, you need to submit a health insurance covering your stay in Europe when applying for the visa. In general all major US medical insurance companies cover costs for emergency medical treatment abroad.

My U.S. Resident Alien Card/U.S. visa has expired and has to be renewed/extended. How can I apply for a visa to Germany?

We can only accept applicants holding a vaild U.S. Resident Alien Card/U.S. visa. If yours has expired, please contact the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service first for renewal/Extension.

US Immigration and Naturalization Service

I am planning to move to Germany with my German wife and have to apply for a residence permit. The application process requires me to show my US marriage certificate and an apostille. What is an apostille good for and where can I get one?

Your application for a residence permit has to be approved by the Aliens' Office at your intended place of residence in Germany. The Aliens' Office will check whether your U.S. marriage certificate is a proper American public document. An apostille is needed as a confirmation.

My spouse is a German national. We both plan to establish a joint residence in Germany. Do I get a German work permit immediately after we move to Germany?

Yes, you do. The residence permit will be issued by the Aliens' Office after your arrival in Germany. It will include a permit to work.

I have heard that Germany has a shortage of IT specialists. I am an IT-expert and would be interested to work in Germany. How can I find an employer and how can I apply for a residence and work Permit?

The Federal Employment Agency has set up an online job fair where you can introduce yourself and present your curriculum vitae. Companies also post job openings in this online fair. Of course, you may also apply directly to a company in Germany. As soon as you have a written formal notice that a work permit will be issued, you can apply for an entrance visa at the German Embassy or Consulate which has jurisdiction for your place of residence.

My US employer is sending me to work in Germany for a few years in its office. May my wife and children accompany me?

Yes, in general they may. Aliens eligible to obtain a residence and work permit may be accompanied by members of their family. Please submit your marriage certificate and your children's birth certificates when applying for their residence Permit.

I am a legal resident alien in the US and would like to work in Germany for a few years. However, I do not have any contact with an employer in Germany yet. How can I apply for a residence and work Permit?

First things first: It is essential to find an employer in Germany who is willing to make you a job offer. Once you got a job offer, please apply for a residence and work Permit.

I am a member of the US Armed Forces and will be stationed in Germany. Do I need to apply for a visa?

Under the NATO Status of Forces Agreement, members of the US Armed Forces and their dependents are exempt from German laws and regulations relating to aliens. When entering Germany, they must be in possession of a copy of their orders and a military identification card. Dependents should have a military identification card and a valid passport containing certification or a stamp by the military authorities indicating their dependent status.

We want our child under the age of 18 to travel to Germany. How do we apply for a visa?

Please apply for a regular visa to visit friends/relatives in Germany or a regular tourist visa. A birth certificate of your child is an additional requirement. Children under 18 are considered minors by EU law. Therefore, the visa application needs to be signed by the persons exercising permanent or temporary parental authority or legal guardianship - usually both parents. Please make sure that you include a family court order if only one parent has full custody. The application form has to be signed by the legal guardian(s) during the visa interview. Alternatively, their signature can be certified by a notary public.

I am a visitor to the US with a B1/B2 visa and would like to spend two weeks in Germany after my trip to the US. Where do I apply for a visa?

We can only accept visa applicants of legal resident aliens in the US. If you are only visiting you need to apply at the German Embassy or Consulate in your home Country.

How long will I have to wait for my visa?

The processing time for visa applications (short stay) takes up to 15 days. If long-term residence permits or visa for employment in Germany are applied for, the processing time will be up to several months.

Please Note: Although the information on this website has been prepared with utmost care, we can not accept any responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein.

How can I file a complaint about the conduct of the consular staff or the visa application process?

Applicants for a Schengen visa may submit a complaint regarding the conduct of the consular staff or the application process, by using the contact form on our website.

In the drop down menu of the contact form, please choose the option “Complaints regarding the Schengen visa application process in …”. Please note that complaints can only be submitted in German or English. Complaints in a different language cannot be investigated.

You may enter one of the two following options in the subject line:

  • Complaint about the conduct of the consular staff
  • Complaint about the process of the visa Application

We will investigate your complaint.

Important note: Visa applicants cannot use the contact form to file an appeal (“Remonstration”) against decisions made in terms of refusal, annulment or cancelation of a visa.

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Germany Schengen Visa for Turkish citizens

For Turkish citizens with dreams of exploring Germany and its neighboring European countries, the Germany Schengen Visa is the key to unlocking these opportunities. In this article, we'll walk you through the essential steps and information you need to apply for this visa successfully.

Tailored to accommodate a range of travel intentions including tourism, business trips, short-term studies, medical visits, and family reunions , the Germany Schengen Visa offers remarkable versatility.

This visa not only facilitates exploration of Germany but also extends the invitation to experience the richness of all other Schengen countries without needing additional visas.

Continue reading for more info about applying for the Germany Schengen Visa from Turkey!

germany castly landscape

Do Turkish citizens need a Germany Schengen Visa?

Yes, Turkish citizens must obtain a Schengen visa for travel to Germany or any Schengen country . This visa grants access to all 27 nations within the Schengen Agreement, including Germany.

The visa permits stays of up to 90 days within a 180-day timeframe. Although we facilitate applications for multiple-entry visas, determining if you get a single-entry, double-entry, or multiple-entry visa rests with the German immigration officer overseeing your case.

It's important to note that this visa does not permit work or living in Germany or the Schengen Zone. If you're considering an extended stay, explore alternative German visa options such as work or study permits through the German embassy or consulate nearby.

How to get a Germany Schengen Visa from Turkey with us

Securing the Germany Schengen Visa from Turkey is a remarkably straightforward process with our efficient approach. Here's your simplified guide:

Step 1: Share your initial personal and travel details through our user-friendly online platform. Alternatively, for an even smoother experience, consider downloading the iVisa app .

Step 2: After entering your details, take a moment to carefully review them. Once all is correct, proceed to make the service fee payment using either a debit/credit card or PayPal.

It's important to note that the government's Germany Schengen Visa fee will need to be paid separately during your scheduled interview appointment.

Upon completing this step, you can expect to receive an extensive guide by email. This will cover the remaining stages of the application process and offer valuable insights for your interview preparation.

Step 3: The final phase involves attending a mandatory visa interview, bringing along all the necessary documents. Rest assured, we are committed to assisting you by skillfully managing the appointment scheduling on your behalf.

Upon receiving the approval, your Germany Schengen Visa will be placed into your passport, paving the way for an exciting journey to Europe!

Contact us for more info about the German Schengen Visa

Contact us if you need more information about the Germany Schengen Visa application. Use our online chat or email our customer service team at [email protected] . Our dedicated experts are eager to help you get your Germany Schengen Visa without issues. Apply now

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Germany Consulate in Istanbul- 6 Steps to Apply For Schengen Visa

Jun 20, 2021


Germany Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey- 6 Steps to Apply For a Schengen Visa

The consulate general of Germany in Istanbul is one of 498 foreign representations where applicants can process anything from visas to Passports. Germany consulate in Turkey which has processed huge number of Germany Schengen Visa applications. From June 25, 2021 it will be possible for people from Turkey to enter Germany   with vaccines against the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 fully vaccinated by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) .  Fully vaccinated persons can then also re-enter Germany for visiting and tourist purposes. Germany is one of the 26 member Schengen country based on the Schengen agreement.  Schengen or the Schengen area  are the territories of the States which are signatories to the Schengen Agreement. The Schengen States have a common visa policy. A general visa is used in Schengen. This means that a person only needs one visa to travel within the Schengen area. From the first day of membership in Schengen, all Germany visa services issue Schengen visas and carry out checks in the Schengen Information System, including consultations of Schengen visas in the VIS mail system. Germany Consulate in Istanbul has an agreement with   iData Although the procedure for all Schengen visa applications is almost similar but before applying for visa, it’s better to go through all the information related to that particular consulate. In this blog we are going to discuss that how we can apply for Schengen visa at Germany Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey

Schengen visa (2019) stats issued at Germany consulate In Istanbul, Turkey


Who can Apply Schengen Visa from Germany Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey

Visa applicants who reside near Istanbul, Turkey are eligible to apply for a Schengen visa from Germany Consulate in Istanbul. Travelers with Turkey Visit visas are not eligible to apply and they need to apply from their home country.

All nationals of countries whose citizens are subject to Schengen visa obligation who are legally present in Turkey can present a justification for lodging an application in Turkey rather than in their country of residence. Germany Consulate in Istanbul has the right to evaluate the justification provided and to receive or not the visa applications.

Germany consulate in Istanbul has now outsourced all visa processing to IData and they will process visa application for Germany Schengen Business visa

1) Consulate General of Germany in Istanbul, Turkey

Inönü Caddesi, 10 34437 Gümüssuyu PK 6 Beyoglu 34431 Istanbul Turkey

Email : [email protected]

Phone: (+90) (212) 334 61 00 (+90) (212) 334 61 67 (Visa)

View on Google maps ->

2) At the iData Germany Visa Application Center Istanbul, Turkey

Opaş, Altunizade Mah. Mahir İz Cad. Shibuya Sokak, Ziya Avcı İş Merkezi No:5/6, 34662 Üsküdar, Turkey

IData visa application center at Istanbul, Turkey allows to make appointments between 9 am to 5:00 pm, according to availability. Access is restricted to applicants who have an appointment confirmed by the Embassy or whose interview has been scheduled through the Visa Centre. Please, always remember to print and bring your appointment confirmation received from the Embassy or from the Visa Centre. Proof of appointment will be asked both by guards at the main gate on the street and by security at the entrance of the Embassy.

Visa Application Fee Structure for Germany Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey

Application fee is collected on behalf of the Embassy of Germany in Turkey

Visa fee can be paid only by TL or € and only cash

IData Coordination Fee:

Applicants lodging the visa application at the iData Germany Visa Application Centre also need to pay a iData coordination fee as service charge in Turkish Lira (TL) which is 342 TL(Ages 6 years and above) for submission and can be paid in cash or credit card for applicants applying at the visa application center.

Visa Application Processing time by German Consulate

The Embassy of Germany processes Schengen tourist and business visa applications within 15 calendar days, eventually extendible to 30 days. For national visas processing requires up to 30 days for family reunion and salaried work, and up to 120 days for self-employment work

Schengen Visa Types issued by Germany Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey

Schengen visas are issued for about 90 day or less depending the reasons for applying visa which are explained below. National visa is also issued which has the duration longer than 90 days.

Visa Applicants can choose category depending on below reasons

  • Visiting Italy- This visa is issues for tourism/vacation purposes
  • Business Visa- This visa is issues for professional/work related purposes
  • Schengen cultural visa- This visa for attending events
  • Study Visa – This visa is used for training or study purpose
  • Airport transit visa- This visa is used for transit
  • Family visa- This visa is issues for meeting family
  • Sports visa- This visa is issued for sports person
  • Medical visa- This visa is issued for receiving medical treatments

Can Schengen Visa be Used for Multiple Entry or Single Entry?

Consulates offer Schengen visa depending on reasons applied for, documents submitted and the fees paid.  Below are categories applicants can get

Multiple Entry Visa – Traveler can enter Schengen country any number of times within 90 days

Single Entry Visa – Traveler can enter Schengen country only once within 90 days

Can a third party submit my visa application for me?

Personal appearance is mandatory for all visa applicants, unless you are exempt from biometric data entry. Exemptions from the fingerprinting requirement are provided for a limited number of applicants, including children under the age of twelve and persons for whom the collection of fingerprints is physically impossible. Heads of State and members of the national government with members of their official delegation and spouses will also be exempted, if travelling for official purposes.

germany visit visa from turkey


6 steps to apply schengen visa application from germany embassy in istanbul.

Applying for Schengen business Visa is a simple and quick process if you prepare documentation carefully. If you follow steps below you can apply visa without any worries. You need to apply atleast 2 -3 weeks prior to travel date so that you give enough time for embassy to process your application

Step 1: Choose right visa category and Complete Schengen visa application

Applying for a Germany Schengen Visa, your main destination should be Germany. Depending on your reason for trip select the right Schengen visa type for traveling to Germany. Fill the Schengen Visa Application for the selected visa type. Print the form and attach a photo. Note that these documents will be requested when submitting your visa application to the IData center .

Step 2: Prepare for supported documents

One of the most critical steps for getting visa is to get all required documents which need to be submitted along with your visa application. Below is the list of documents needed which may be needed depending on visa type.

  • Passport size photo
  • Schengen Visa application form
  • Valid Passport – with at least 6 months validity having 2 blank pages
  • Flight Reservation for Germany Schengen Visa
  • Hotel Reservation
  • Proof of sufficient funds
  • Invitation letter
  • Travel Medical Insurance For Schengen visa
  • Address proof
  • Employment certificate
  • Marriage/ Birth certificate

Step 3: Make an appointment with the iData Visa Application center in Istanbul, Turkey

Go to the iData website and click Get Your Appointment button, select Germany consulate, choose residential city, choose iData office location, choose VIP or normal service based on your urgency, select visa purposes (Tourist, business, medical etc), select number of persons and click forward button. In the next page enter name, personal email address, Date of Birth, passport number and click forward button. Book an appointment by selecting day and time at your convenience and pay the visa fees to attend visa interview at IData center, Istanbul, Turkey. Don’t forget to print your appointment confirmation letter, as it will be required at our reception area.

Refer the below queries on appointments

1. What to do with an appointment with PNR number which I received when travel restriction was in place?

If you think your appointment day and time is not working for visa interview, you can create or cancel your new appointment for July or August by selecting a later date and time at  https://schengen.idata.com.tr/tr/editappointment.  You can follow your appointment date via the information or  https://schengen.idata.com.tr/tr/editappointment  to your e-mail address.

2. Are the Covid-19 restrictions taken away. Can I apply for a Schengen Visa and make an appointment for visa interview?

You can enter the required information correctly by pressing the “Make An Appointment” button above to apply for a visa in July 2021 and make an appointment to apply from our office in Turkey for the date and time you want.

3. I haven’t completed my vaccination, Can I still apply for visas from all categories?

Yes, there is no requirement for vaccination to be completed at the time of applying for a visa. However, airlines and/or border passport checkpoints review that you were vaccinated only with one of the vaccines listed on the Paul Ehrlich Institute’s (PEI) website and that it has been at least 14 days since the second dose was administered. Please make your Schengen visa flight itinerary with this information in mind and with these documents with you.

4. I want to do payment by credit card to apply for a Schengen visa and make an appointment be deducted from the service fee at the time of application?

Yes, your payment is not an extra payment and will be deducted from the iData service charge when you arrive at our offices for your Schengen visa application.

5. Are there any changes to the required Schengen visa documents due to the pandemic?

You can check the necessary documents information via the link  https://idata.com.tr/de/tr/p/gerekli-evraklar-de.


Step 4: Attend Schengen Visa Interview at iData Visa Center for Germany Consulate in Istanbul

Go through few important and most frequently asked question by visa officer during interview. Below is the list of frequently asked questions

  • Purpose of Your Trip?
  • Is anyone sponsoring your trip?
  • How long do you stay?
  • Do you regularly pay your income tax?
  • Can you provide your bank statement?

To refer detailed interview questions, check out Schengen visa interview questions

What To Do on the Date of Visa Interview

Go to iData Germany Visa application center in Istanbul, Turkey on the date of interview atleast 30 min before your interview so that you can relax and have an overview of the location to get yourself comfortable. Ensure you got all required documents along with photocopies for your visa application. During the interview process you may be required to give biometrics data depending on embassy requirements. After the biometrics is done you need to pay the required Schengen visa fee & service fee and submit your application.

Step 5: Processing the visa Application

At iData visa application center for Germany Consulate, you will be taken care of by an agent who will check that all the documents necessary for your application are present in your file. A fact sheet will be given to you. If your file is complete, your application will be forwarded to the Embassy.

If documents are missing or do not meet the requirements of the Embassy General of Germany, you can:

  • Request the shipment despite everything the application, at the risk of losing the visa application fee and being refused by the Embassy;
  • Withdraw your application and recover the visa application fee. You will be able to re-file a complete application at a later date.

If you decide to send your file to the Embassy, you will proceed, after payment of the fees, to deposit your biometric data directly with the iData Visa center.

Step 6: Return of Passport

You can track the progress of your application using track your Germany Schengen visa application . Applicants can use the barcode present on the invoice/receipt issued by the Visa Application Centre along with your Passport to access this service. Once your visa application is decided by the Consulate General of Germany, your passport will be returned to the IData visa application Centre or have your documents returned to you by  courier  (if offered by the Visa Application Centre) for an additional fee. You will be notified to collect your passport either in person or through a representative. In some cases, due to incomplete/insufficient supported documents provided, visa application can be rejected.

What happens if Schengen Visa is refused

Negative decisions on applications are notified to the applicant. In the refusal letter reasons on which refusal decision was taken are clearly stated. Visa applicants whose applications are refused can decide to apply again or to appeal.

Below are some of the reasons of Schengen Visa Rejection

  • Inadequate explanation of the traveling purpose
  • Lack of financial proof to support trip cost
  • Invalid passport or Passport expiring in 2 months
  • No travel insurance covering trip
  • Did not provide accommodation proof
  • Missing documents

If your Schengen Visa is rejected for some reason then you can re-apply Schengen Visa by following the article Help With Schengen Visa Rejection

Apply Schengen Visa process at Germany Consulate, Istanbul Turkey is simple and you need to work with IData to submit your application by following this article. Hopefully your visa will be approved and you can enjoy your trip with family, friends & others. Holders of a new Schengen visa, or of a Schengen visa still valid, therefore, are not automatically allowed to enter Germany and Schengen territory and must comply with the travel restrictions in force at Schengen level and at the level of the country of first entry into the Schengen area because of Covid pandemic. It is indeed the responsibility of each traveler to check the travel restrictions in place before departure

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  • Consular Info
  • For Foreigners
  • Visa Information
  • General Information About Turkish Visas

germany visit visa from turkey

It is highly recommended that foreigners, who wish to visit Türkiye, should read the related information about our country’s visa regime. Visa regime for Touristic and Business Purposed visit of a country may differ from Work and Education Purposed visit. Also Türkiye’s visa regime may change according to reciprocity principle. While some applicants may be exempt from visa for their touristic or business visit to Türkiye, the others can obtain an e-Visa. All other applicants will need to obtain a visa through Turkish Representations in the abroad. An information note about visa regime of Türkiye is available in the following address: www.mfa.gov.tr Visa types granted by Türkiye are; 1- TOURIST/BUSINESSPERSON a) Touristic Visit b) Single Transit c) Double Transit d) Business Meeting/Commerce e) Conference/Seminar/Meeting f) Festival/Fair/Exhibition g) Sportive Activity h) Cultural Artistic Activity i) Official Visit j) Visit to Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus 2- OFFICIAL VISA a) Assigned for duty b) Courier 3- STUDENT – EDUCATION VISA a) Internship Visa b) Internship ERASMUS c) Internship AISEC d) Turkish Language Course Purpose e) Course Purpose f) Education Purpose g) Education in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus 4- WORKING VISA a) Employment Purpose/Special Employment Purpose b) Assigned Lecturers/Academics c) Assigned Sportsperson d) Assigned Artists e) Assigned Free Zone Workers f) Assigned Journalists g) Montage and Repairman Purposes 5- OTHER VISAS a) Archaeological Excavation, Exploration Purpose b) Documentary Purpose c) Tour Operator Representative d) Medical Treatment Purposes e) Accompaniment Purpose f) Family Unification Purpose g) Freight Vısa h) Seafarer Visa PASSPORT VALIDITY In accordance with the article 7.1b of “the Law on Foreigners and International Protection” no.6458, foreigners wishing to enter Türkiye should carry a travel document (passport) with an expiration date at least 60 days beyond the “duration of stay” of their visa, e-Visa, visa exemption, or residence permit. Example A: In order to enter Türkiye having a visa with 90 days “duration of stay”, foreigners should hold a travel document valid at least for an additional 60 days which totals to 150 days (90 days + 60 days) of validity at the time of entrance. Example B: In order to enter Türkiye having a visa with 30 days “duration of stay”, foreigners should hold a travel document valid at least for an additional 60 days which totals to 90 days (30 days + 60 days) of validity at the time of entrance." In accordance with international agreements and special legal provisions, the following categories are exempted from this provision: a) Citizens of countries who are allowed to enter Türkiye with their national ID’s in accordance with “European Agreement on Regulations governing the Movement of Persons between Member States of the Council of Europe”; 1- Germany 2- Belgium 3- France 4- Georgia 5- The Netherlands 6- Spain 7- Switzerland 8- İtaly 9- Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus 10- Liechtenstein 11- Luxembourg 12- Malta 13- Portugal 14- Greece b) Citizens of countries holding passports which are expired but considered as valid for a certain period 1. Germany – Passports expired within the last year / ID’s expired within the last year 2. Belgium - Passports expired within the last 5 years. 3. France - Passports expired within the last 5 years. 4. Spain - Passports expired within the last 5 years. 5. Switzerland - Passports expired within the last 5 years. 6. Luxemburg - Passports expired within the last 5 years. 7. Portugal - Passports expired within the last 5 years. 8. Bulgaria – Valid ordinary passport c) Holders of diplomatic, special and official passports GENERAL INFORMATION - Visitors who are not exempt from entry visa must obtain their visas or schedule an appointment with the Turkish Consular offices via Pre-Application System for Turkish Sticker Visa ( www.visa.gov.tr ). The applicants who meet the requirements will be directed by the Pre-Application System for Turkish Sticker Visa to the e-Visa system ( www.evisa.gov.tr ) In those countries where Türkiye does not have a consular representation can also use online scheduling for appointments with the nearest accredited consular office of Türkiye. - In order to avoid inconveniences that may be caused by delays in processing, it is recommended to apply for visas at least one month in advance before the planned travel. - The visas submitted to foreigners do not guarantee absolute rights of entry to Türkiye. - Visa fees are not refundable in cases where applications are rejected - All applicants are required to have a medical insurance that will be valid during their stay in Türkiye. - The length of stay provided by visa or visa exemption cannot exceed 90 days within each 180 days. The regulation of 90 days of stay within the last 180 days is binding for all foreigners that will travel to Türkiye. - It is not possible for foreigners holding two passports to stay in Türkiye for 90 days each with their two different passports within the last 180 days. - In all types of visa applications, Turkish consular offices may issue visas with a maximum duration of stay of 90 days. The foreigners who wish to stay longer than 90 days in Türkiye, should apply for “Short Term Residence Permit” at the Provincial Directorate of Migration Administration in order to extend their residence. - The residence permit of the foreigners will be cancelled if they stay outside Türkiye for longer than 120 days in total during the last year. - For United Nations (UN) Travel Document (Laissez-Passer) holders who have blue UN travel documents, visa exemption with 90 days length of stay within the preceding 180 days may apply during their official visit to Türkiye if they can certify their official assignment. Red UN Travel Document holders, shall be exempt from entry visa and may stay in Türkiye 90 days within the preceding 180 days regardless of their purpose of visit. General visa provisions shall apply for Blue UN travel document holders subject to regulations specified according to their country of origin. - Visa applications for travels except for touristic or trade purposes (work or study etc.) will need to obtain visa through Turkish Representations in the abroad. - Regardless of the visa regime applied towards the citizens of a country, the travel document holders of that country need to obtain visa from Turkish missions beforehand. - Any applicant under the age of 18 must submit official written approvals from both parents. For those applicants who certify that their parents are officially divorced and prove the parent holding their custody as well as for those with one parent deceased, visas may be issued in accordance with their purpose of visit. - The authorization of processing the residence permit applications submitted by the following persons who enter Türkiye availing visa-free regime and without requirement of obtainment of Student Visas lays with Local Immigration Offices (Provincial Directorates of Migration): Foreigners who arrive in Türkiye upon invitations by universities under Turkish Higher Education Board to study at the associate, undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate, Ph. D levels pursuant to international student exchange programs, cultural programs as well as under EU Education and Youth Programs. - For foreigners wishing to enter Türkiye via naval ports with touristic purposes, visa-free entry permits may be issued by the local governorates. These permits shall have a maximum 72 hours duration of stay and will be only valid for sightseeing purposes in the vicinity of naval ports where they entered the country. This practice, as it intends to facilitate entry for those visitors subject to visa, does not entitle visitors to visa. Passports of these visitors are not retained by the border authorities; however, visitors are given "Harbor City Entry Permit" which is required to be returned to the authorities upon their exits. - Any piece of data submitted here may be processed and stored in database accessible to the relevant Turkish authorities in accordance with their respective mandates. Tourist Visa - If an invitation letter is submitted for a Touristic Visa application, it must include the inviting person's TR Identity Number, clear identity, the list of invitees, permanent address, contact number, length and purpose of stay and the affinity with the applicant must be stated in the letter. If the inviting side is an organization or a company, tax registration certificate of the organization will be required. In the invitation letter it is also required for the inviting person/authority to pledge for covering victuals and accommodation expenses and for taking their own responsibility. The applicant is required to have sufficient and/or regular remunerations. Working Visa: - Foreigners lay their applications for work permit through our consular offices in the country of their residence or nationality. - To work in Türkiye, you must apply to the nearest Turkish mission to obtain work permit and visa. Your passport, visa application form and a letter from your employer are the necessary documents for your application. Other documents should be submitted to the Turkish Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MLSS) by your employer within ten working days after your application. - Work Permit Applications are concluded positively or negatively by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. Work Permits have equivalence to residence permits. Thus, should a working permit is approved by the Ministry, the foreigner is charged an Entry Visa Fee, Work Permit Certificate Fee and Residence Fee by the Turkish consular offices. Since Work Permit Card substitute residence permit in Türkiye, "Work Annotated Visa" issued by these offices can only be used for entrance and for 90 days at maximum. - You may find the list of those documents in the MLSS’s website ( http://www.csgb.gov.tr ). Applications are finalized by the MLSS within thirty days at the latest. Right after your arrival in Türkiye (before starting to work), you should be registered at the local police department within one month to obtain the necessary residence permit. - Work permit is granted to foreigners who will work in Free Zones in our country by the Ministry of Economy, to those to work in units under Ministry of Culture and Tourism by the mentioned Ministry and to foreign national personnel to work in universities by the Higher Education Board. Internship Visa / Work Permit Exemption: - Applicants need to obtain a work permit from the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to the Law numbered 4817 for private internship applications outside the provisions set forth in the Article 55 "Work Permit Exemption" title of Law Enforcement Regulation about Working Permits of Foreigners. - Article 55 of the Law Enforcement Regulation on Working Permits of Foreigners no. 4817 regulating working permit exemptions, the extent and the lengths of time the foreigners are exempt from working permit are stated. Those who meet the requirements below do not need to obtain a work permit. (1) Without prejudice to the provisions set out in specific laws and on condition that the foreigner and the employer fulfill their obligations resulting from other laws; a) The persons exempted from work visa under the bilateral or multilateral agreements to which Türkiye is a signatory party, b) the foreigners holding permanent residences abroad and wishing to visit Türkiye temporarily with purposes of scientific studies, cultural and artistic activities for a period shorter than a month and with the aim of sporting activities for a period less than four months, c) For the purpose of installation, maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment imported to Türkiye, providing training for their utilization or transporting of defective equipment from Türkiye and provided that they do not exceed the total stay of three months within a year as of the date of entry into Türkiye and verify this condition with the documents that they will submit, the ones coming to Türkiye, ç) For the purpose of training in the use of goods and services exported from or imported to Türkiye and provided that they do not exceed three months totally within a year as of the date of entry into Türkiye and verify this condition thanks to the documents that they will submit, the ones in Türkiye d) Being an entertainer, performer and etc. in charge at fair and circuses which are going to carry out activities outside the borders of certificated tourism establishments and provided that they do not exceed six months as of the date of entry into Türkiye and verify this condition with the documents that they will submit, the ones in Türkiye e) On condition that it does not exceed two years and it will be limited to the period of study, the foreigners coming to state institutions and organizations together with the universities so as to enhance their information and good manners by verifying their state via the documents that they will submit, f) Persons who notified the Turkish authorities on the fact that they will provide important services and contributions socio-cultural and technological fields and educational fields within a period not exceeding six months. g) Persons visiting Türkiye under the programs of the Center for European Union Education and Youth Programs (National Agency), ğ) The foreigners to go on a training under the framework of international trainee programs sanctioned by the Higher Education Board, the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. h) The foreigners who are the representatives of tour operators coming to Türkiye on condition that the term of contract does not exceed eight months, ı) During the contracts of other athletes, trainers, football players whose requests are approved by Turkish Football Federation or General Directorate of Youth and Sports i) By the bilateral protocols signed under the Rule no. I/10 of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, the foreign seafarers serving on vessels which have received " Conformity Approval Certificate" from the related administration and is registered in Turkish International Ship Registry Law and operate outside the cabotage line, j) Foreign experts employed in the projects that are conducted within the scope of Türkiye-European Union Financial Cooperation Programs are not in need of obtaining a work visa during their term of office. - Within the scope of article 55, residence permits of the foreigners coming to Türkiye are given as “Short Term" residence permits by Provincial Directorate of Migration Administration. Exemption periods cannot be extended, the foreigners under this provision can make use of exemption rules only once within one calendar year. However, it is required that it must have been three months as of the expiry date of the residence permit granted to the foreigner with the same purpose in order to exercise this right. In case of the need of working longer than the exemption period allows, the foreigner has to obtain a work visa through the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. Tour Operator Representative Visa - The foreign representatives of tour operators, are exempted from obtaining a work visa for their duties for up to eight months. The applications of the foreigners asking for a residence permit from Provincial Directorate of Migration as the representatives of tour operators are processed under rules regulating touristic visits. Transportation Visa - The foreigners applying for visa for transportation may be given a multiple entry visa valid for one year in case they submit the required documents. - Visa regime for truck drivers of a country may differ from the overall visa regime effective for citizens of that particular country. For further information, please contact the nearest Turkish mission. The Personnel Assigned for Foreign Religious Foundations - The personnel employed officially in foreign religious foundations in Türkiye - Work permits of the foreigners employed in religious foundations are under the framework of exceptional condition. Applications of permission are made via our Ministry and residence permits are issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs so that they can work in our country. Archaeological Excavation, Exploration, Documentary Purpose Visas - Foreigners who will shoot a documentary film conduct a research or an archeological excavation should get a special permission from the Turkish authorities in advance. - It is necessary that the one should enter Türkiye by obtaining a relevant visa via our foreign representatives for excavation and research. - The foreigners to come to our country for the purpose of movie and documentary shooting should obtain a permit document from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Directorate General of Cinema and the provincial Governorate. - One can directly apply to the related institutions for scientific researches, sound track recording, filming documentaries and movies, photo shooting to be carried out on archeological, historical, geological, sociological and natural issues in Türkiye, on land, in the air, at sea, at river and at lake. Applications on surface explorations to be made on the land registry cadaster records with archaeological excavations and underwater archaeological researches apart from these are made to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs via the applicant's own diplomatic mission in Türkiye and to the Ministry via Turkish foreign representatives abroad on the other hand.

germany visit visa from turkey

VfT GmbH Am Bahnhof Westend 10B 14059 Berlin

Mon-fri: 09:00 - 15:00, welcome to vft gmbh, authorized visa application office for türkiye.

germany visit visa from turkey

Required Documents

Check the required documents to submit your application prior to your appointment.

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Create an Appointment

Create an appointment to submit your application at our offices.

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Post Application Status

Check on the status of your application after its submittal to our offices.

We are offering you some Special Services to make your Visa Application easier.

Travel health security insurance.

You may issue your travel insurance from our offices.

SMS Service

You may recieve a sms ( text message ) when your passport returns to our office from the consulat.

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germany visit visa from turkey

22 Feb 2021

General information.

According to the Law on Foreigners and International Protection No. 6458, a residence permit document shall stand for the permit issued for the purpose of staying in Türkiye.

germany visit visa from turkey

Residence Permit Types

germany visit visa from turkey

Documents To Be Required In First And Transfer Appointments

Documents To Be Required In First And Transfer Appointments.

What are you looking for?

Checklist for a schengen visa for business, a. personal details of the applicant.

  • Name: _____________________________________
  • Surname: _____________________________________
  • Date of birth: _____________________________________
  • Passport number: _____________________________________

B. Required documents

C. additional documents for applications of minor applicants.

  • Application form and both declarations under 1)-3) have to be signed by both parents
  • Birth Certificate
  • Passport copy (biometric and address page) of the applicants mother
  • Passport copy (biometric and address page) of the applicants father
  • If one or both parents are not submitting the visa application with the child: copy of the visa of that parent
  • If only one parent submits the application:  Proof of single custody of that parent either by submittal of the court ruling or submittal of the death certificate of the deceased parent  Or (if both parents have shared custody) submittal of written and signed authorization letter of the parent non-present with passport copy (biometric and address page)

D. Additional documents the applicant wants to submit

Please note that VFS is not authorized to refuse acceptance of documents the applicant wants to submit but are not mentioned on the checklist.

E. Information about biometric data

  • Were the fingerprints of the applicant collected in the last 59 months for applying for a Schengen visa in India? If yes, please mention month and year of collection:
  • Was the applicant excused from giving fingerprints for biometrics? If so, please specify why!

F. Additional document if application is not submitted by the applicant directly

  • Signed authorization letter for the travel agent or the representative
  • Copy of passport of the person submitting the application

G. General remarks of the German mission for submittal of a Schengen visa application

 Applications are processed within 15 working days from the day of arrival at the visa section. When submitting your application via VFS application center, please keep in mind that the visa application will need up to two working days to reach the visa section. Public holidays of the German missions as announced on our website will not count as working days.  Please note that individual status inquiries cannot be answered within the standard processing time of 15 working days.  A booked flight ticket does not result in a preferred processing of the application.  All documents, forms and declarations have to be submitted either in German or English. All documents, forms and declarations not in German or English have to be submitted with proper German or English translation. Failing to provide proper translation will result in the document, form or declaration considered “missing”.

H. Special remarks of the German mission for submittal of a Schengen visa application in the respective category

 If you are planning on working in Germany on your Schengen Visa, kindly check with the inviting company whether you need a (Pre-)approval of the Federal Employment Agency (Einvernehmen und / oder Zustimmung der Bundesagentur für Arbeit!)

The (Pre-)approval of the Federal Employment Agency (Einvernehmen und / oder Zustimmung der Bundesagentur für Arbeit) has to be obtained by the hosting company / institution directly at the Federal Employment Agency and has to be presented when submitting the visa application. The visa section cannot apply for these documents. Be aware that if your visa category requires a (Pre-) approval of the Federal Employment Agency (Einvernehmen und / oder Zustimmung der Bundesagentur für Arbeit) and you cannot provide us with the same in your application, this justifies grounds for rejection!

I Declaration of the visa applicant (signed by the representative if application is submitted by him/her at the VFS VAC on the day of submittal)

I have taken note of the general and special remarks as mentioned under F and G on checklist. I have been informed that VFS Global does not have any influence on the decision about a visa application! I confirm that the VFS officer has noted all documents submitted by me and that I want the application in its present form to be forwarded to the German mission. I am aware that original documents not submitted with a copy will be kept by the visa section.

Name, Surname of the applicant or representative:

Signature of the applicant or representative:

J Confirmation of VFS on the day of submittal

Date of submittal: __________________________ VFS VAC in _____________________ Application submitted: by the applicant / the parents as holders of the custody of minor applications / a representative with proper authorization (please cross what is not applicable)

I confirm that above this checklist has been filled out together with and signed in front of me by the applicant or his / her duly authorized representative at today’s appointment at the above VAC.

VFS Officer Full Name: …………………… Signature: ……………………….….

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Home Blogs Turkey Transit Visa: Everything You Need to Know

Turkey Transit Visa: Everything You Need to Know

If you are planning to transit through Turkey and wish to leave the airport during your layover, even if it's just for a few hours, you will need to obtain a transit visa. However, if you intend to remain within the transit area of the airport, you will not require a visa. This article provides detailed information on how to apply online for a Turkish e-Visa specifically designed for transit and transfer passengers.

Do I Need a Turkey Transit Visa?

Travelers with long layovers in Turkey often seize the opportunity to explore the area surrounding the airport, especially if they have a lengthy wait between connecting flights. Istanbul Airport (IST), located less than an hour away from the city center, offers transit passengers the chance to visit Istanbul , Turkey's largest city. However, to do so, foreign citizens must apply for a Turkish transit visa , unless they are from a visa-exempt country.

Applying for a Turkey Transit Visa

The application process for a Turkey transit visa is straightforward and can be completed online from the comfort of your home or office, provided you meet the requirements for a Turkish e-Visa . The online application form requires you to provide essential biographical details, such as your full name, date and place of birth, and contact information. Additionally, you will need to enter your passport number, as well as the issue and expiry dates. It is crucial to review your application carefully before submitting it to avoid any processing delays caused by errors. The Turkey visa fees can be securely paid online using a debit or credit card.

Transit in Turkey During COVID-19

Transit in Turkey During Covid 19

Since June 2022, it is now possible to transit through Turkey without any COVID-19-related restrictions. Transit passengers are not required to present a negative test result or a vaccine certificate.

However, it is important for all passengers to stay updated with the latest entry requirements before embarking on their flight to Turkey, as COVID-19 restrictions can change rapidly.

Processing Time for a Turkey Transit Visa

The processing time for a Turkey e-Visa is typically fast, with successful applicants receiving their approved visa within 24 hours. To ensure a smooth travel experience, it is recommended to apply for the Turkey transit visa at least 72 hours before your scheduled trip to Turkey.

For travelers who require an urgent transit visa, a priority service is available, granting them the visa within just one hour.

Once approved, the transit visa will be sent to the applicants via email. It is essential to carry a printed copy of the approved visa when traveling.

Important Information about the Turkey e-Visa for Transit

The Turkish e-Visa for transit is not only valid for transiting through a Turkish airport but also allows visitors to explore the country. The duration of stay permitted varies between 30 and 90 days, depending on the traveler's nationality. Furthermore, single and multiple-entry visas are issued based on the country of citizenship.

The Turkish e-Visa for transit is accepted at all international airports in Turkey, with Istanbul Airport being the largest and busiest one. Travelers who wish to leave the airport during their layover must present their approved visa when going through immigration.

In cases where travelers are not eligible for the Turkish e-Visa , they will need to apply for a visa through the Turkish embassy or consulate.

By following the outlined guidelines and obtaining the necessary transit visa, travelers can make the most of their layovers in Turkey, exploring the vibrant city of Istanbul or experiencing the country's unique culture and attractions.

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To obtain a turkey visa, follow these steps:.

Step1: Fill out the online application form by entering your passport details.

Step2: Make an online payment using a credit card.

Step3: Keep an eye on your email for confirmation of payment and the electronic delivery of your eVisa.

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