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Best Gap Year Travel Insurance

gap travel insurance

Are you thinking considering a gap year , a backpacking trip or round the world adventure? Have you been taken aback by the cost of insurance?

It might be an additional expense, but ask any seasoned traveller, it’s worth the cost. This is one of the most important things you can buy before you go away.

Don’t leave home without it! Accidents happen – and they can happen in the strangest places at the strangest times, like in an alley in Chinatown. Travel insurance can cover you for all sorts of mishaps during your travel, and even before you leave. Did you know up to 25% of all insurance claims are due to cancellation of travel?

On our guide we provide important information about why need to get covered and the most highly recommended companies to by with.

Top Rated Gap Year & Backpacking Insurance Companies

These are some of the companies we recommend who offer a range of different and affordable travel insurance policies for gap years, backpacking trips and round the world adventures.

1. SafetyWing

SafetyWing offer travel medical insurance that covers you for extended travel all over the world, while outside your home country.

SafetyWing is really popular with travel bloggers and they provide coverage for if you get sick or injured while abroad. Policies have been specifically designed for backpackers, digital nomads and gap years.

Buy anytime online and receive ongoing coverage for the duration of your trip.

2. World Nomads

Since 2002, World Nomads have been offering travel insurance designed by travelers for travelers.

World Nomads have been protecting, connecting and inspiring independent travelers all around the world. World Nomads are obsessed with travel, and passionate about helping you explore your curiosity and gain a deeper understanding of the world.

Choose between flexible travel insurance and safety advice to help you travel confidently. Because we believe in giving back to the places we travel to, we also enable you to make a difference with a micro-donation when you buy with us.

3. True Traveller

True Traveller Travel Insurance has been designed by travellers for Holidaymakers, Adventure Travellers and Backpackers. They offer a specific gap year insurance to cover you for a year or more, and it also includes activities like volunteer work and manual labour.

Anyone can take out True Traveller insurance up to the age of 65, so great for career gappers too, with outstanding medical cover (up to £10m) including medical repatriation to your home country, personal liability and personal accident cover as well as legal expenses. It also covers 92 activities as standard, including trekking to 3,000m with just a small supplement payable if you want to trek the Inca Trail or work when you’re away.

Oh, and if you’re sitting in an internet café in Hanoi and you realise your insurance is about to expire, you can extend your policy as well. And if you’re already abroad and don’t have any insurance at all, True Traveller still cover you as long as you’re normally resident in the UK or an EEA Country.

4. Alpha Travel Insurance

If you’re going on a Gap Year, you can’t just choose any old travel insurance. That’s why Alpha have created a range of Long Stay policies, to save you the endless search for the perfect insurance and to meet all your travelling needs.

Unlike Annual or Multi-trip policies, Long Stay policies provide cover for those travelling across numerous destinations over a period from 1 to 24 months (depending on the insurer).

Gap Years are unpredictable, and often you’ll end up going to a destination spontaneously which wasn’t in your original travelling plans. When you purchase your policy with Alpha, you’ll have the flexibility to travel to any that are included, or call your insurer to extend and cover even more!

And, if you thought this policy couldn’t get any better, it also provides cover for cancellation, curtailment, emergency medical attention and repatriation, personal possessions and activities- so you can travel knowing that everything is taken care of!

Alpha gap year insurance is ideal for: • Students – taking a gap year from studying; • Adults after a career break • Charity or volunteer workers; • Backpackers; • People who want to work or study abroad; • Adrenaline and adventure junkies – our policies automatically cover hundreds of activities free of charge, with the option to extend your cover to include many more; • Anyone aged 55 or under who wants an extended holiday.

5. InsureandGo

We think travel insurance should be available to as many people as possible, which is why we can offer you a policy whatever your age, consider any medical conditions you might have, and cover over 50 adventure activities as standard.

InsureandGo are travel insurance specialists – we’ve been looking after people’s holidays for over 20 years and we’ve covered over 27 million travellers.

If you’re taking a gap year from your studies to travel the world or live abroad for several months, our travel insurance is the ideal choice.

The usual type of insurance for a gap year is single trip insurance. This will cover you for a one-off trip of up to 365 days, and includes cover for medical expenses, lost baggage, and lots more. Just let us know the countries you’ll be travelling to and we’ll quote you a price for the whole trip.

Alternatively, if you’re planning to travel to multiple places but return home after each trip, our annual multi-trip travel insurance could save you time any money. These policies allow you to travel as often as you want on the same policy, although each individual trip will have a maximum duration of 31, 45 or 55 days abroad, depending on which level of cover you choose.

Do I Need to Buy Travel Insurance?

Whether you are planning a gap year or want to travel the world you really need to make buying travel insurance a priority.

After buying flights, accommodation, possibly a tour , you might be not keen to have the added expense of insurance, like do you really need it? The simple answer is yes.

Being covered for any emergencies overseas can help save you a lot of money, it also gives you peace of mind if anything does happen to you that you will be okay.

Whether you are going backpacking, studying, volunteering or working abroad , there are so many different companies offering policies to match your trip.

Make sure you have travel insurance that covers your valuables if something were to happen. Get it from a trusted insurer that offers extras, such as those for your laptop, phone and gear.

As long as you stay aware of your surroundings and are careful while traveling, you will be fine and able to enjoy your travel.

To get a good deal, have a look online on the websites we featured above, and select the policy that is the most affordable, as well as most suitable.

Once you’ve got all that covered, all you need to do is start your packing and begin counting down the days. Travelling abroad can be an incredible experience, as long as you’re organised about it, that is.

To ensure that you have everything under control, take note of the tips above.

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What is the Best Backpacker Travel Insurance for a Gap Year?

By: Author Amar Hussain

Posted on Last updated: June 15, 2022

It’s something you buy and hope to never have to use but travel insurance should strongly be considered for anyone taking a gap year, career break or time out abroad. Travel insurance can seem like a bit of a minefield with all the different policy types, rules, exceptions and small print.

So to make things easier we’ve created this simple guide to explain what your policy means, things to look out for, pitfalls to avoid and the different travel insurance types on offer.

  • Travel Insurance Basics
  • Travel Insurance Pitfalls

Reciprocal Healthcare Agreements

  • European Health Insurance Card
  • Travel Insurance Recommendations

Sky Diving over the Alps

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Do I Really Need Travel Insurance for my Backpacking Trip or Gap Year

Backpackers travel insurance basics, backpacker travel insurance pitfalls & things to consider, eu citizen get a european health insurance card, gap year travel insurance & backpacker travel insurance, other travel insurance providers.

The decision to get travel insurance shouldn’t be an afterthought. Once you have your flight booked, you have a date set and can book a policy.

There’s the mindset that travel insurance is money you are just giving away. It just seemed like an added expense when I bought mine but when I had my surfing accident I was sure glad I had travel insurance!

Just to give you an idea, the ambulance call out was $341 plus you pay per kilometre the ambulance has travelled, not to mention the CT scan I had and the $90 a pop physiotherapy sessions that I had for weeks after.

gap travel insurance

Cancellation   –   Anything can happen so you’ll need this if you need to cancel your trip or if you need to cut your trip short if a relative falls ill for example. Just remember to check what their definition of what “close” relative means.

Delay  – You could be compensated if your flight is delayed for more than 12 hours, or sometimes more than 24 hours depending on the policy. Get a written confirmation from your airline of the delay to make sure your claim goes smoothly. Keep receipts of things you’ve had to buy too!

Baggage   –   Don’t underestimate how much your bag is worth. Adding all your belongings up, including the bag itself, and you have yourself a small fortune. Just remember that valuable items or electrical goods can have limits and you’ll need to have receipts for them.

Personal liability  – It’s fair enough being covered if you hurt yourself but what if you accidentally hurt someone else or damage something? You’ll need personal liability in case you get sued!  A cool £1m+ cover ought to do it.

Medical coverage  – This is a big one because healthcare abroad, especially in the USA, can be really expensive. A medical evacuation could cost you a cool 250,000. Take this one seriously people. Just remember that the highest travel medical insurance payout was in the region of £2m so do you really need 10?

There are a long line of travellers who have missed out on payouts because they didn’t understand their insurance or quite frankly, didn’t bother to read it. Here are some things you should look out for:

Excess  – Simply put if your excess is £100 and you make a claim for £300, the insurer will reimburse you £200. Sounds simple enough right? Now imagine your day bag is stolen with your passport, camera and wallet or purse. Is there an one excess for the whole claim or for each individual item? Yes, you’ll need to check this.

Safety  – You may have winter sports coverage but if you failed to adhere to safety procedures whilst using a ski lift or if you aren’t wearing a helmet, you insurer may not pay.

Working Holiday  – If you’re planning on working abroad, you might not be covered. Fruit picking might be your plan but it could class as manual labour and be excluded from your policy. This can be the case for both paid and voluntary work so check your policy.

Pre-existing medical conditions  – Usually these will not be covered. Play it safe and disclose any pre-existing medical conditions that you may have. You might have to pay extra to have it included in your policy but this is better than trying to hide it and a payout being refused later.

Health of others  – If a family member is ill and you decide to cut your trip short and fly home, the insurer can refuse to payout if you did not disclose that they were already ill. If you believe cutting your trip short is a real possibility, you should disclose it to your insurance provider.

Airline bankruptcy  – Travel insurance usually doesn’t include this type of cover but it is possible to get scheduled airline failure insurance. Consider buying this as an add-on if you’re uncertain about the airlines you might be using.

Paperwork – Keep all copies of report, receipts and anything they give you. In most cases, insurance companies will want to see original documents and won’t accept copies. When you submit your claim, remember to send it recorded delivery!

Policy start date  – Most people take out a policy and have it start on the day that they leave. What happens if you cancel your trip before that day? Your policy hasn’t technically started yet so you may not be covered. Check with your insurance provider whether this would be the case with your own insurance.

Diligence  – Remember you need to be on it with reporting a robbery or theft. Sometimes you may have to report the incident to the police within a certain time frame. You also must remember to get a police report otherwise you won’t be able to make a claim.

You’ve also got to remember that an insurer can refuse your claim if you didn’t take the appropriate amount of care with your possessions. Leaving your iPad on your dorm bed isn’t going to cut it.

Items bought after you start – These won’t be included in your cover. If you buy say a new camera while you are away, be sure to contact your provider and have it added on to your policy. As always, keep the receipt.

Being under the influence  – Most policies will have an exclusion clause that states you will be unable to make a claim if you have had excessive alcohol intake. Remember that.

Safe to travel  – If the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) has a travel warning on a country, the chances are your policy might not cover you. If you plan on going somewhere like this, be sure to check with your insurer before purchasing to make sure you will be covered.

The UK has healthcare agreements with non European Economic Area (EEA) countries which means that if you’re from one participating country and travel to another, you can get free or subsidised public healthcare.

Countries include; Anguila, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Barbados, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Virgin Islands, Croatia, Falkland Islands, Georgia, Gibraltar, Isle of Man, Jersey, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Macedonia, Moldova, Montserrat, New Zealand, Russa, St Helena, Serbia and Montenegro, Tajikstan, Turkmenistan, Turks and Caicos Islands, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.

The good news about this card is that it’s free and the better news is that it allows you the same treatment as the resident of the country you are visiting. You should bare in mind that treatment quality can vary across the EU.

In a lot of countries treatment will be free but you may have to pay a patient contribution which you might be able to claim back when you return to the UK.

Just remember that the EHIC card is not a replacement for travel insurance when you are travelling Europe. For example, the card will in no way help with repatriation (getting you back home) if you are seriously injured. As we’ve pointed out, medical transport can be expensive!

The EHIC card is completely free and you can get yours from or you can call the dedicated NHS line on 0845 606 2030. Please note that this isn’t a free number. Finally, just remember that this card expires every five years so be sure to renew!

We won’t recommend you a particular insurance because everyone travels in a different way and has different requirements.

To aid you in finding your perfect insurance, we’ve pulled together all of the providers that cater for gap year and backpacking travellers.

Our final piece of advice is to remember that the cheapest insurance is not always the best. Remember to check for what adventure sports activities are included, the excess amounts, the single item limit for your electrical goods and all of the other stuff we mentioned above. It seems like a lot but do it once, do it right and then you can get on and enjoy your trip!

You must always read the terms and conditions of the policy wording and description of coverage before you purchase any travel insurance to make sure it is right for you! 

1. World Nomads Travel Insurance 

If you are looking for travel insurance while you see the world during a gap year (or at other times of your life), World Nomads offers travel insurance coverage in 140 countries. Designed by travelers for travelers, their policies could fit your needs perfectly.

Main coverage areas include medical treatment for sudden illness or injury, emergency medical evacuation to reach a treatment facility (and/or return home), trip cancellation due to serious illness, injury or natural disaster, and stolen or damaged gear and luggage. Other benefits are available depending on where you are traveling and level of policy you choose.

Since the point of travel insurance is to be able to use it, World Nomads has created a claims process that will not frustrate you and will pay your claim as quickly as possible. You can make a claim while still on your trip or after you return home – whatever works better for you. World Nomads does much for clients than just provide insurance policies.

They have also produced travel guides, language guides for your phone and much more. World Nomads is trusted by well-known brands such as National Geographic Adventure and Lonely Planet, so you know they’re one of the best of the best in the world of travel insurance.

Click here to get a quote from World Nomads .

Click here to read our in depth World Nomads Travel Insurance Review .

2. Columbus Direct Backpacker Travel Insurance

Columbus Direct has been a leading specialist provider of travel insurance more than 25 years. The company has served more than 15 million customers worldwide with their award-winning products and services focused on insuring people who love to pursue their dreams by traveling.

The company comes highly recommended by those who have used it – more than 95 percent say they would have no problem recommending Columbus Direct to their friends and family.

The company’s Backpacker Travel Insurance policy could work well for gap year students depending on your needs. Coverage includes 24-hour medical assistance and medical expenses up to $1.5 million, whether that is inpatient or outpatient treatment.

Trip cancellation is also covered, as is the loss, theft of or damage to your luggage and personal belongings. More than 150 sports and activities are also covered at no extra charge.

If you are in search of award-winning travel insurance backed by decades of experience, Columbus Direct could provide exactly what you need. They know just how to evaluate clients to provide the perfect amount of coverage, even when clients don’t know what they need.

Even their claims process is built to run as smoothly as possible to minimize further difficulties for you.

Click here to get a quote from Columbus Direct .

Click here to read our in depth Columbus Direct Backpacker Travel Insurance Review .

3. JS Insurance Backpackers Travel Insurance

JS Insurance brings more than 15 years of experience to the table, and during that time, they have effectively served more than half a million customers with effective policies that have kept clients traveling time after time.

JS Insurance focuses on providing a personal touch to clients while maximizing the use of online technology to meet needs as quickly as possible. Their coverage can take effect immediately, but they don’t pressure you to buy – they simply provide the best information and let you take action.

Travel insurance products from JS Insurance include single trip insurance, annual travel insurance for those who travel frequently, and longstay/backpackers insurance.

Clients who choose the backpacker policy are instantly covered for 24-hour emergency medical assistance, holiday abandonment, and loss of passport and other travel documents.

JS Insurance provides coverage for all areas where you are traveling, so you don’t have to continually call to add countries to your policy. Their coverage also includes a laundry list of activities and sports you can partake in while you are traveling.

Click here to get a quote from JS Insurance .

Click here to read our in depth  JS Insurance Backpackers Travel Insurance Review .

4. Downunder Insurance (DU Insure)

Designed for residents of Australia, New Zealand and Great Britain, DUInsure focuses as a company on two important aspects: fantastic customer service and travel insurance at prices you can afford. Coverage is available as soon as you can get a quote from their website, so your policy will be in full effect before you leave on your next grand adventure.

DUInsure’s gap year coverage works especially well for backpacking trips, but can be used by all types of travellers. Coverage includes accidents and medical emergencies, lost, stolen or delayed luggage, lost passports and money, additional travel and lodging costs, trip cancellation or interruption, missed flights and more than 60 sports and activities.

Coverage extends anywhere in the world, so you don’t have to worry about boundaries or limitations when you travel. DU Insure’s coverage also allows you up to two visits home during your travel period with no break in coverage.

Emergency assistance can provide immediate help 24 hours a day if you are sick or injured while on your trip. This help is available 365 days a year and gives you the peace of mind of knowing that your back is covered no matter what happens during your adventures.

Click here to get a quote from DUInsure .

Click here to read our in depth  DUInsure Travel Insurance Review .



Amar Hussain

Amar was born and raised in England and embarked on an 11-country round-the-world gap year after graduation and then became well and truly hooked. The first gap year inspired a second, which ended up being a 23-country down-the-world trip from Canada to Antarctica. Since then, Amar has spent the last 14 years traveling the 7 continents.

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Saturday 3rd of January 2015

Wow I hadn't thought of all of these things. It's not something you hope that will ever become necessary but it's good to know and important to have.

Thank you for sharing.

Friday 18th of July 2014

I use World Nomads. Never had a problem when I had to claim for my camera.

Wednesday 16th of July 2014

Will American express cover other things?

How To Protect Your iPad, Kindle or Tablet On Your Gap Year Travels

Thursday 5th of June 2014

[…] you should already have gap year travel insurance but the other thing to check is whether your device will actually be covered. Look for the section […]


Wednesday 15th of January 2014

American Express has a good health insurance plan that offers full coverage for emergency medical treatments with low deductibles for just $10/month (when bought as a 12 month plan).

International Gap Year Insurance for Travelers

Introducing international gap year insurance plans up to one year and renewable..

Not sure which plan to select? Scroll down for a quick summary of each Gap year insurance plan. Learn more about Gap Year insurance and view and compare rate between various Gap Year insurance plans for international travel including health insurance coverage in the USA, most of which can be renewed annually. We have also included some great resources including a gap year checklist, useful links and videos on gap year overseas traveling.

gap travel insurance

Gap Year Insurance Plans

Img patriot travel health insurance for international travel: customizable add-on benefits.

International medical travel insurance with option to add personal liability coverage and enhanced accidental death & dismemberment.

Atlas International Travel Medical Insurance Policy

Great choice for travelers with personal liability & crisis response

Diplomat International Health Insurance for U.S. and non-U.S. Travelers

International travel medical insurance that offers the option to add enhanced war and terrorism benefits to high-risk global areas

Diplomat America Travel Medical Insurance for Non-U.S. Residents

Comprehensive global medical insurance with the option to add adventure and team sport benefits

Emergency evacuation int’l. student plan

Emergency medical evacuation and repatriation insurance for international students (short-term or annual plans)

Compare a few of our GAP YEAR INSURANCE PLANS (up to one year in duration and renewable).

Scroll down for a quick summary of each Gap-year travel insurance plan.

Gap year insurance rates for U.S. Students going abroad – COMPARISION CHART

You may choose the different deductibles and medical coverage on the Patriot and Atlas International plans. The deductible only goes towards the medical coverage. Choose the Diplomat International short term plan if you are looking for the best adventure sports coverage or visit

*We recommend at least $500,000 of medical coverage for those doing adventure sports.

Below is a snapshot of some of the major benefits of each plan. To get a complete list of all the benefits and coverage’s please go to the link of each plan shown below.

GAP YEAR INSURANCE for U.S. Students going abroad – BENEFIT GRID

(1) Terrorism: Please note that no company will pay for political evacuation if there is a travel advisory in effect on or within six (6) months prior to the insured person’s date of arrival in the host country. Medical Evacuation won’t be done if safety of crew is in question.

Additional Information

  • A Gap Year Checklist
  • Some Useful Gap Year Links and Information
  • A few Gap Year Videos

gap travel insurance

Where do you live

All persons to be insured must reside at a permanent address within the EEC ( Excluding Switzerland, Russia, Belarus, Montenegro and the Ukraine) to be eligible for cover.

Can I take out this insurance if I am already travelling?

When cover is purchased after an Insured Person has departed their home to commence their journey, there is a fixed period of 48 hours prior to cover commencing. Any illness arising during this initial 48 hour period will be an excluded Pre-existing Medical Condition. In the event of serious injury in connection with an accident, you will be covered from the date you take out cover subject to the accident being independently witnessed and also verified by a Medical Practitioner.

There is no 14 Day Cooling off Period and no premium refund will be made if the insured Person has already travelled.

family family 

Definition of a couple

A couple is defined as 2 adults who have been permanently living together at the same address for more than six months, who intend to travel together.

If you do not qualify as a couple, please select individual(s)

Annual Multi-Trip Durations

Annual Multi Trip policies are designed for multiple short holidays leaving from and returning to your home country.

Annual Multi Trip trip limits:

Standard policy - 30 days

Premier policy - 70 days

If you need continuous cover for a year (home visits allowed on policies over 4 months long) select Single Trip or One Way. You can travel around as much as you like, to as many different countries as you like, with a Single Trip or One Way policy.

One Way Trip

Please note a Single Trip policy can cover travels with no return ticket booked, a One Way policy is intended for:

Emigrating to new country where you intend to permanently live

Returning to your home country permanently

All cover ceases upon arrival at final destination

Select the type of policy most suitable for your needs.

Single Trip: A flexible policy with no limits on how many countries you visit or how long you’re away for. Suitable for all types of travel whether it be short term/long stay or backpacking. No return ticket required and unlimited home visits offered on policies over 4 months long.

One Way Trip: Means you are Emigrating to a new country where you intend to live permanently or, returning to your home country permanently. Cover will end upon arrival at your final destination. Please note: There is no cover for emergency return travel expenses if you do not have an original return ticket.

Annual Multi-Trip: This policy covers an unlimited number of trips throughout the 12 month Period of Insurance. Each trip has a maximum stay validity depending on the type of policy chosen. For example, for Standard Policies, the maximum duration of any trip shall not exceed 30 days and for Premier policies, the maximum duration of any trip must not exceed 70 days. 

If you are already travelling it is not possible to purchase the annual multi-trip policy.

Geographical Areas

Europe: Europe means the continent of Europe West of the Ural Mountains, and includes the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands, Iceland, Jordan, Madeira, the Canary Islands, the Azores and Mediterranean Islands as well as all countries bordering the Mediterranean. Australia & New Zealand: a) For any period of cover purchased, a 48 hour stop-over anywhere in the World for both outward and return travel will be included. b) If the period of cover purchased is two months or more, a stop-over of 7 days/nights anywhere in the World will be included. Worldwide excluding North America & Mexico: (North America means the USA, Canada & Mexico.) a) For any period of cover purchased, a 48 hour stop-over anywhere in the World for both outward and return travel will be included. b) If the period of cover purchased is two months or more, a stop-over of 7 days/nights anywhere in the World will be included. Worldwide including North America & Mexico: Worldwide means anywhere in the World including the USA, Canada & Mexico.

Automatic Trip Extension   If the Insured Person is prevented from completing their travel before the expiration of this Insurance as stated under the Period of Insurance on the Booking Invoice or Validation Certificate (as applicable) for reasons which are beyond their control, including ill health or failure of public transport, this Insurance will remain in force until completion but not exceeding a further 31 days on a day by day basis, without additional premium. In the event of an Insured Person being hijacked, cover shall continue whilst the Insured Person is subject to the control of the person(s) or their associates making the hijack during the Period of Insurance of a period not exceeding twelve months from the date of the hijack. Please ensure you arrange cover for the entire duration of your travel

Where you normally reside

Where do you normally reside? Where do you normally reside? Please use the drop down box to choose your country of residence. Note we can only insure residents of the UK & EEA Countries. Can I take out this Insurance if I’m already abroad? If you are normally a resident of the UK or EEA Countries and your insurance has run out, you may take out cover online with us. This is on the understanding that nothing has occurred at the time of taking out the cover which has led to a claim or may lead to a potential claim. Note you cannot take out our Multi-Trip Insurance if you are already abroad. Do you have minimum residency requirements? No. If you are, for example, a British Passport holder and have right of abode in the UK, we are not concerned as to how many months in the past year you have been in the UK provided at the time of arranging this insurance you have a UK residential address.

Age Restriction Error

We are unable to quote, Please ring our Offices on 0333 0033 161 for further assistance.

Get a Quote


Working While Abroad

Non manual/clerical work such as working in an  office ,  bar/restaurant  work or  teaching English  as a foreign language is covered automatically.  If you'll be  volunteering ,  WWOOFing  or partaking in any sort of manual labour,  like working on a farm  or  conservation work  our activity pack add-on can cover you..

Get Cover if Already Travelling

You don't need to be in your Home Country to get cover, you can buy a policy from anywhere in the world, as long as you're residential status is still in the UK or EU. Just follow the Quote form to get a price and complete your purchase.

Unlimited Home Visits

If your policy is over 4 months you can put your travels on hold and return home at any time should you feel the need. We are happy to offer completely unrestricted access back home even if you’re just feeling a little homesick! We have no limits, so you can come back for as long or as short as you like!

Extend Cover from Overseas

If at any point you realise you're not quite ready to return home, you can extend your insurance to include the remainder of your trip. Even if you don't have a Policy with us.

No Return Ticket Required

You don't need to know when you'll be returning home to get cover. So if you're on an open ended trip, or emigrating, we can cover you.

Cover for 156+ Activities

Whether you'll be scuba diving, jet skiing, bungee jumping, sky diving, trekking above 2,500m or kayaking. Our Activity Packs can cover various levels of adventurous sports.

Up to £10m Medical Cover

24 hour emergency helpline, cancellation & baggage cover, claim while you're travelling, gap year travel insurance.

Gap Year Travel Insurance

With international travel increasingly affordable, every part of the world is within reach and the possibilities are as limitless as your imagination. If you need to subsidise your travels along the way, check out working holiday visas in some of the countries you wish to visit. If you fancy volunteering, there are many worthwhile schemes that assist and enrich the local populations in poorer countries in return for free food and board.

Or if you’re just into partying on a beach or getting up to crazy stuff, that’s cool too. But whatever you do, make sure you have the right Gap Year travel insurance in place to keep you safe and secure.

Big Cat’s travel insurance policies are designed for gap year travellers, backpackers, students, and people of all ages up to 69 years embarking on an extended trip abroad. We offer three great-value levels of cover - Budget, Standard and Premier - to suit your budget and the extent of the cover you require. 

Key Features of Gap Year Travel Insurance:

  • Emergency Medical and Repatriation Expenses up to £10 million.
  • Emergency Dental Cover.
  • Cover duration of up to 24 months.
  • Baggage & personal effects up to £2,000.
  • Gadgets & Valuable Cover up to £1,000.
  • One Way Travel.
  • No return ticket required.
  • Free Home visits.
  • Policy Extensions whilst still travelling.
  • 156+ Sports and Activities.
  • Winter Sports Cover.
  • Loss of Passport & Visa replacement costs.

Some FAQ's:

Riding a motorbike or scooter up to 125cc is automatically covered with all our policies. Riding a motorbike over 125cc can be covered with our Activity Pack Add-on.

If you are a pillion passenger on a motorcycle tour, such as the Ha Giang Loop, this is covered automatically and does not require any Activity Packs or any relevant licences.

When riding, you must always ensure you:

  • Wear an appropriate crash helmet.
  • Obey the Local road rules and laws
  • Have the relevant licence(s) required to ride a motorcycle in the country or countries you will be riding in. If the country you’re in requires you to obtain a specific in-country licence to legally ride a motorcycle, then to be covered, you must obtain this licence.
  • If all that’s required is an International Driving Permit (IDP), and you hold an IDP, then there’s no need to go about getting any more licences.
  • Be aware that an IDP will only allow you to ride the same class of vehicle as your home licence allows. So, if you’re not licensed to ride a motorbike at home, you’re not licensed to ride a motorbike abroad under your IDP. It's up to you to make sure you are licensed for the type of motorcycle you hire.
  • You should always ensure the bike is fully insured (motor insurance arranged by the company that owns the bike) as there is no Personal Lability cover whilst riding a bike. We cannot cover any participation in competitions or racing or any kind.

If you get sick while travelling or you're seriously injured you are covered for emergency medical treatment including:

  • Hospitalisation
  • Ambulance costs
  • Surgery and follow up treatment
  • Visits to the Doctor
  • Repatriation
  • Prescribed Medicine
  • Emergency dental treatment to relieve pain and suffering (limited to £350)

24hrs Medical Emergency Assistance.

Decide Canada’s not for you, and want to return earlier than your full period of insurance?

Other insurers will tell you to wave goodbye to your money, but Big Cat lets you claim a partial premium refund for the unused time you didn’t stay in Canada.

How does the EARLY RETURN REFUND work?

Let’s say you buy a 24-month policy to cover your time in Canada. But after nine months, you decide that Canada’s not for you, and you want to return home. You may have invested a substantial amount for your 24 months Big Cat policy, most of which you’ll now no longer need. Unlike most insurers, Big Cat is happy to offer you a partial refund on the redundant portion of your insurance as a fair’s fair consolation. Please note that travel insurance premiums are not calculated on a pro-rata basis, as such, no refund is calculated in this manner either.

How does Big Cat calculate the amount of EARLY RETURN REFUND?

We take the length of time of the original policy and subtract the actual amount of time you have used, and payout the difference, deducting a £50 Cancellation Charge.

Are there other conditions that apply to my EARLY RETURN REFUND?

  • Only applicable to 24 month IEC policies.
  • We are not able to offer refunds to cover the first 6 months of the policy.
  • No refund can be given on a policy where a claim has been made or is likely to be made prior to the cancellation of your Big Cat policy.
  • You must be back in your home country and notify us by email of your wish to cancel the policy within 14 days of your arrival, please also provide us with proof of your return to the UK (flight ticket / e-ticket / boarding pass).
  • All refund calculations are based on the base premium paid only. Add-ons are non-refundable.

Can you give an example of how much I could receive back in my EARLY RETURN REFUND?

Say you took out a 24-month budget IEC policy costing £525.24, then you wish to cancel the policy after 9 months. Our 9-month budget IEC policy costs £312.55. So we deduct £312.55 from £525.24 = £212.99

Then we apply the £50 Cancellation Charge, refunding you a total of £162.99.

Temporary return to home country (Single trip policies only) Where cover has been purchased for a total duration of 4 months or more, and you want to return to your home country during the period of insurance for any reason that is not directly or indirectly caused by arising or resulting from, or in connection with a claim under this insurance all cover under this policy will be suspended from the time that you clear customs in your home country and restarts after the baggage check in at the international departure point for the return flights, international train or ferry to the overseas destination. Any illness, disease, injuries, accidents which existed, showed symptoms or were diagnosed in the previous trip(s) during this period of insurance will not be covered in the restarted period of insurance.

To add any of our Activity Packs, just follow the Quote form - to stage 3 - there you will find all of the optional extras.

Means WWOOFing, fruit picking, casual farm work. Other Manual Work can be covered as long as it does not involve the use of plant/trade/industrial/agricultural machinery (other than tractors) or non-domestic power tools.

Please get in touch if you'd like to find out if we can provide cover for any light manual work you will be doing.

WWOOfing is classed as Permitted Manual Work, so with the Activity Pack, you’re covered.

(see above)

Yes, bar work or working in a chalet is automatically covered with all of our policies.

Non-manual/clerical work is covered automatically with a Big Cat policy. So, there’s nothing you need to add to be covered for things like teaching, caring or nursing.

With the Activity Pack, we can also cover work of a more manual nature. This can include things like WWOOFing, partaking in community or wildlife based conservation work, charity based supervised building / renovation projects or other permitted manual work (defined below).

Cover is excluded for any activity that involves the use of industrial machinery (other than tractors) or non-domestic power tools.

Big Cat Travel Insurance Services, a trading name of Ltd (registration No.FRN 745388)   is an Appointed Representative of Campbell Irvine Ltd (registration No.306242) who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. You may check this on the Financial Services register  or by contacting them on (0) 800 111 6768. © 2023 Big Cat Travel Insurance Services.  All rights reserved.

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List of automatically covered medical conditions that do not need to be declared

Acne, ADHD, Allergic reaction (Anaphylaxis) provided that you have not needed hospital treatment for this in the last 2 years, Allergic rhinitis, Arthritis (the affected person must be able to walk independently at home without using mobility aids), Asthma (the diagnosis must have been made when the affected person was under the age of 50, and the asthma be controlled by no more than 2 inhalers and no other medication), Blindness or partial sightedness, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Cataracts, Chicken pox - if completely resolved, Common cold or flu, Cuts and abrasions that are not self-inflicted and require no further treatment, Cystitis - provided there is no on-going treatment, Deafness, Diabetes (which is controlled by diet or tablets only), Diarrhoea and vomiting - if completely resolved, Eczema, Enlarged prostate - benign only, Essential tremor, Glaucoma, Gout, Haemorrhoids, Hay fever, Ligament or tendon injury - provided you are not currently being treated, Macular degeneration, Menopause, Migraine - provided there are no on-going investigations, Nasal polyps, PMT, RSI, Sinusitis - provided there is no on-going treatment, Skin or wound infections that have completely resolved with no current treatment, Tinnitus, Underactive Thyroid (Hypothyroidism), Urticaria, Varicose veins in the legs.

Important information

If you have a medical condition in addition to any of the automatically covered medical conditions, all conditions will be excluded from cover unless declared to the medical screening helpline.

What is classed as a medical condition?

a Any respiratory condition (relating to the lungs or breathing), heart condition, stroke, Crohn’s disease, epilepsy, allergy, or cancer for which you have ever received treatment (including surgery, tests or investigations by your doctor or a consultant/ specialist or prescribed medication).

b Any psychiatric or psychological condition (including anxiety, stress and depression) for which you have suffered which you have received medical advice or treatment or been prescribed medication for in the last five years.

c Any medical condition for which you have received surgery, in-patient treatment or investigations in a hospital or clinic within the last 12 months, or for which you are prescribed medication.

Any premium for medical screening quoted can be paid directly. This can be done either before or after taking out a policy with us. The policy and medical extension connect automatically, no reference numbers need to be exchanged.

Choosing not to declare a medical condition will not invalidate cover, but any costs incurred in relation to an undeclared condition will not be covered.

If making a declaration all medical conditions must be declared, you can't choose to only declare certain conditions.

Medical conditions can only be declared for up to 12 months at a time. A second declaration will have to be made after 12 months if necessary.

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Best Long-Term Travel Insurance

Josh Garber

Josh is a freelance travel writer who is passionate about remote work and finding amazing travel deals. He has visited over 60 countries and tries to work from a different location each month.

Meg Lee

Megan Lee joined the travel rewards team at NerdWallet with over 12 years of SEO, writing and content development experience, primarily in international education and nonprofit work. She has been published in U.S. News & World Report, USA Today and elsewhere, and has spoken at conferences like that of NAFSA: Association of International Educators. Megan has built and directed remote content teams and editorial strategies for websites like GoAbroad and Go Overseas. When not traveling, Megan adventures around her Midwest home base where she likes to attend theme parties, ride her bike and cook Asian food.

gap travel insurance

Many or all of the products featured here are from our partners who compensate us. This influences which products we write about and where and how the product appears on a page. However, this does not influence our evaluations. Our opinions are our own. Here is a list of our partners and here's how we make money .

Table of Contents

Factors we considered in long-term travel insurance

An overview of the best long-term travel insurance, top long-term travel insurance for u.s. citizens, long-term travel insurance coverage recapped.

If you take multiple trips a year, you may want to consider purchasing long-term travel insurance for emergencies. This is especially true if you go abroad for extended stays, as travel insurance typically covers you even when your U.S. medical insurance may not. 

Because the considerations and coverage for long-term plans differ from shorter, single-trip policies, NerdWallet has researched the best long-term travel insurance plans for U.S. citizens.

Here's our list of the best long-term travel insurance providers:

Allianz Global Assistance.

Travel Guard.

USI Affinity Travel Insurance Services.

» Learn more: The best travel insurance companies

We made the following considerations when selecting the best long-term travel insurance companies:

Coverage . We looked at the types of coverage offered and the amount of coverage you could purchase. 

Cost . Affordability is essential, as the best coverage worldwide won't matter if the policy is too expensive. 

Ease of purchase . Being able to quickly and easily find quotes and sign up for coverage is a crucial factor in choosing the right policy.

Customization . The more options you have to tailor a plan specifically for your needs, the better.

Note: We excluded companies that require you to list the length, locations or dates of your trips to purchase a policy. We recognize that most travelers likely don't know these details for all the trips they'll take a year in advance. 

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» Learn more: What to know before buying travel insurance

To compare prices and coverage levels, we looked at quotes for a one-year policy for a 35-year-old traveler based in California. If a company offered more than one tier of travel insurance, we went with their entry-level option. 

On average, the price of a policy offered by the listed companies was about $171. 

» Learn more: Does travel insurance cover award flights?

Let's take a closer look at our five recommendations for long-term travel insurance.

gap travel insurance

Allianz Global Assistance

What makes Allianz Global Assistance great:

Easy-to-use website.

Affordable coverage.

Different options for different budgets.

For our test, Allianz Global Assistance's basic coverage cost $138, about 19% lower than average.

Travel Guard by AIG

What makes Travel Guard great:

Includes dental coverage.

Offers security and emergency evacuation coverage .

Missed connection coverage of up to $500.

For our test, Travel Guard's basic coverage cost $259, about 51% above average.

gap travel insurance

USI Affinity Travel Insurance Services

What makes USI Affinity Travel Insurance Services great:

Budget-friendly option.

Includes emergency medical evaluation. 

For our test, USI Affinity Travel Insurance Services' basic coverage cost $100, almost 42% below average.

geoblue insurance

What makes GeoBlue great:

Certain prescription drugs are covered.

Covers medically necessary COVID-19 testing and treatment .

Allowed to take unlimited trips outside of the U.S. for a maximum of 70 days abroad per trip.

For our test, GeoBlue's basic coverage cost $125, about 27% below average.

heymondo insurance

What makes Heymondo great:

Offers a one-month refund policy, provided the trip has not started and no claims were made.

Easy to add coverage for electronics, cruises or adventure sports.

It has an app to file claims and chat with a doctor 24/7.

For our test, Heymondo's basic coverage cost $232, about 36% above average.

» Learn more: Does my Chase credit card have health insurance?

Most travel insurance companies offer annual plans as a cost-effective way for you to insure multiple trips in one year. Annual plans typically cover medical emergencies and basic benefits. Depending on the provider, some benefits such as baggage delay and trip cancellation are not always covered in annual plans. There are, at times, maximum trip durations per policy.

You can purchase an annual plan that covers multiple trips in one year (with restrictions on trip duration) or a specific long-term travel insurance plan if your trip is longer than three months. Annual plans are on a 12-month rolling basis. Long-term policies can last up to two years, depending on the travel insurance company.

Yes. If you're considering backpacking or taking a gap year, travel insurance companies have options for long-stay travel insurance. Policies vary by providers, but they'll typically include emergency medial treatment, legal protection and travel document replacements.

Yes, several travel insurance providers offer annual plans. Annual plans are a cost-effective way to insure more than one trip during the year. Depending on the plan, long-term trips may be excluded from coverage.

Before purchasing long-term travel insurance, you should think about the type of coverage you want, your budget and if you have any pre-existing medical conditions you wish to be covered.

Having the right plan may provide you with peace of mind and save you serious cash in the event of an emergency.

How to maximize your rewards

You want a travel credit card that prioritizes what’s important to you. Here are some of the best travel credit cards of 2024 :

Flexibility, point transfers and a large bonus: Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

No annual fee: Bank of America® Travel Rewards credit card

Flat-rate travel rewards: Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

Bonus travel rewards and high-end perks: Chase Sapphire Reserve®

Luxury perks: The Platinum Card® from American Express

Business travelers: Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card

Chase Sapphire Reserve Credit Card

on Chase's website

1x-10x Earn 5x total points on flights and 10x total points on hotels and car rentals when you purchase travel through Chase Travel℠ immediately after the first $300 is spent on travel purchases annually. Earn 3x points on other travel and dining & 1 point per $1 spent on all other purchases.

60,000 Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $900 toward travel when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.

Chase Sapphire Preferred Credit Card

1x-5x 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries, 2x on all other travel purchases, 1x on all other purchases.

60,000 Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $750 when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.

Chase Southwest Rapid Rewards® Plus Credit Card

1x-2x Earn 2X points on Southwest® purchases. Earn 2X points on local transit and commuting, including rideshare. Earn 2X points on internet, cable, and phone services, and select streaming. Earn 1X points on all other purchases.

50,000 Earn 50,000 bonus points after spending $1,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening.

gap travel insurance

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Travel Insurance

Medical travel insurance, seniors travel insurance, europe travel insurance, worldwide travel insurance, coronavirus travel insurance, gap year travel insurance.

  • Unlimited medical emergency expenses¹
  • Up to £10K cancellation cover
  • 24/7 emergency medical helpline

gap travel insurance

Covered 27 million+ travellers

Trusted for 20+ years

24/7 emergency helpline

If you’re taking a gap year from your studies to travel the world or live abroad for several months, our travel insurance is the ideal choice.

What is gap year travel insurance?

A gap year is commonly a period of time when students will take a break between college and university – essentially having a gap before further education. Many use this time to travel before settling into their studies or careers, which means that they often need travel insurance which covers them for a longer period.

The benefits of taking gap year travel insurance, means you can travel to a number of different countries under one single policy.

Types of gap year insurance cover

The usual type of insurance for a gap year is  single trip insurance . This will cover you for a one-off trip of up to 365 days, and includes cover for medical expenses, lost baggage, and lots more. Just let us know the countries you’ll be travelling to and we’ll quote you a price for the whole trip.

Alternatively, if you’re planning to travel to multiple places but return home after each trip, our annual multi-trip travel insurance  could save you time any money. These policies allow you to travel as often as you want on the same policy, although each individual trip will have a maximum duration of 31, 45 or 55 days abroad, depending on which level of cover you choose.

For more detail on what you’re covered for, see our  full policy breakdown .

For great gap year travel insurance,  get a quote online  or  get in touch . We’re happy to answer any questions you may have, especially if the insurance jargon leaves your head spinning.

*Discount excludes any premium generated to cover medical conditions or optional extras & is automatically applied. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Discount tiers of 5% for premiums between £0-49, 10% for £50-249, & 20% for £250+ apply. Offer ends at 23:59 on 02/09/24. T&Cs apply.

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses available on Black level policies.
  • InsureandGo’s Gold achieved a Which? Best Buy.

Coronavirus Update & FAQs

We now provide cover for Covid-19 on our policies, click here to find out more

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  • Up to 18 months of cover
  • Save 15% online
  • Optional specialist cover for your gadgets
  • European and Worldwide cover

Gap Year Travel Insurance

The world is your oyster - and what better time to explore and have an adventure than now? Whether it’s backpacking, working abroad, a gap in education, or simply leaving the comfort of your hometown and all its familiarities in search of something new, a gap year might just be for you!

We know that the hardest part of planning a gap year is deciding where you’re going to go. So, we’ve done the dirty work and found you the top backpacking destinations according to Instagram - so rest assured you’re guaranteed to have the most visually pleasing social media out of all your followers!

If you do decide on a Gap Year, then you must ensure you’ve got the right travel insurance. We’ve got you covered with our Long stay insurance- so you can just relax and discover the world. Life’s too short, so go have an adventure!

What is Gap Year Travel Insurance?

If you’re going on a Gap Year, you can’t just choose any old travel insurance. That’s why we’ve created our Long Stay range of policies, to save you the endless search for the perfect insurance and to meet all your travelling needs.

Unlike Annual or Multi-trip policies, Long Stay policies provide cover for those travelling across numerous destinations over a period from 1 to 18 months (depending on the insurer).

Gap Years are unpredictable, and often you’ll end up going to a destination spontaneously which wasn’t in your original travelling plans. When you purchase your policy, you’ll most likely be asked to choose a group of destinations, so you have the flexibility to travel to any that are included, or call your insurer to extend and cover even more! And, if you thought this policy couldn’t get any better, it also provides cover for cancellation, curtailment, emergency medical attention and repatriation, personal possessions and activities- so you can travel knowing that everything is taken care of!

Do I need Gap Year Travel Insurance?

Regardless of where you’re going, you always need some form of travel insurance. Given that a gap year differs considerably from, let’s say a 2-week family holiday to Benidorm, Single Trip and Multi Trip policies simply won’t provide you with enough cover. For example, the Long stay policies even allow you to come home twice during your trip for up to 21 days if you begin to miss those home comforts and need a pitstop for Mum’s cooking (without rendering your policy invalid).

There are several reasons why Gap Year insurance is so important:

  • Alpha’s Long Stay policies: We provide medical cover up to £10 million as well as offering repatriation - so you know you’re in the best possible hands.
  • Cover for activities: When you’re travelling, you’ll be offered experiences and excursions beyond your imagination. But what if you end up getting hurt? We don’t reckon you’ll be happy about a huge medical bill! Alpha’s Long Stay policies include automatic cover for over 100 adventure sports and hazardous activities.
  • Gadgets lost/or stolen: We hear about it all the time, you go on a gap year, deck yourself out with the best tech out there, and then it gets stolen, damaged or lost. You probably wouldn’t have the money, or at least wouldn’t be happy about re-purchasing all that tech, so we provide an extension which covers you for up to the value of £1,000. Without taking out insurance, you’d be completely out of pocket, so why risk it?

Who is Gap Year Insurance for?

Despite popular belief, Gap Years aren’t just for students. That’s why we’ve established a range of Long Stay policies which cater to a wide scope of travellers. The policy is ideal for:

  • Students - taking a gap year from studying;
  • Adults after a career break
  • Charity or volunteer workers;
  • Backpackers;
  • People who want to work or study abroad;
  • Adrenaline and adventure junkies - our policies automatically cover over 100 activities free of charge;
  • Anyone aged 55 or under who wants an extended holiday - because we all need a break sometimes.

For additional advice on taking a Gap Year, click here .

What does Alpha’s Gap Year Insurance cover?

Wherever your gap year takes you, rest assured- we’ve got you covered. Gap Year travel insurance falls under our Long Stay policies, which all include:

  • A choice of policy excess
  • Cover for trips up to 18 months (depending on your age and destinations of choice)
  • Two return home trips allowed up to a maximum duration of 21 days each time* - just in case you get homesick, or have to re-sit any exams
  • Cover for Worldwide and European trips as long as you’re not travelling against the advice of the FCDO
  • A wide range of sporting and other activities covered as standard
  • 24/7 Emergency Medical Helpline
  • Up to £10 million for emergency medical cover, which includes cover for medical expenses and repatriation
  • Discounts for couples
  • A 14-day cooling off period
  • Access To Our Free Customer Area!

* Please note, Alpha’s online prices automatically include a 15% discount against our Customer Service Centre prices. This is a discount from our standard price, not including the additional cost of optional extensions or any additional medical premium.

Gap Year Travel FAQs

How long will I be covered for with Gap Year Insurance?

If you take out Gap Year Insurance, it will fall under the Long Stay policy which provides cover for 1 to 18 months.

If I want to travel longer than planned, can I extend my policy?

Yes- providing you do not exceed the 18-month cover. For example, if you initially take out cover for 6 months, you can contact us and extend cover for a further 12 months. There is no limit on the number of times you extend your cover, as long as your overall trip does not exceed 18 months.

Is Gadget Insurance included in my policy?

Yes, we have several extensions which you can add to your policy, including cover for gadgets .

Can I come home during my Gap Year and then continue travelling?

Yes- you’re allowed two ‘return home trips’ of up to 21 days during your Gap Year, without invalidating your policy. So, if you’re worried you might feel a little homesick, this policy is perfect for you.

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Alpha Travel Insurance is a trading name of Travel Insurance Facilities Plc, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority FRN306537. tifgroup is trading name of Travel Insurance Facilities Plc registered in England No. 3220410. tifgroup; all rights reserved. Registered Office: 1 Tower View, Kings Hill, West Malling, ME19 4UY. All policies offered are on a non-advised basis


  • AIG Travel Guard Overview
  • AIG Travel Guard Plans

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AIG Travel Guard Insurance Review 2024

Affiliate links for the products on this page are from partners that compensate us (see our advertiser disclosure with our list of partners for more details). However, our opinions are our own. See how we rate insurance products to write unbiased product reviews.

AIG Travel Guard is a well-established and highly rated name in the travel insurance industry. It offers three main coverage options to choose from, and in general its policies have above-average coverage for baggage loss and baggage delays, plus high medical evaluation coverage limits. If you're looking for travel insurance, consider Travel Guard .

AIG Travel Guard Travel Insurance Summary

AIG Travel Guard is among the best travel insurance companies with impressive coverage limits, even with its basic plan, Travel Guard Essential. It's emergency medical evacuation coverage is particularly high, making Travel Guard a good choice for insuring cruises, as sea to land evacuations are often expensive. 

Additionally, Travel Guard's Premium and Deluxe plans offer coverage that many of its competitors don't, such as its travel inconvenience coverage and ancillary evacuation coverage.  

That said, Travel Guard is on the pricey side, compared with its competitors. While age is often a factor in your insurance premiums, Travel Guard tends to quote older travelers higher rates than its competitors. However, you often get what you pay for. In Travel Guard's case, you'll find that its coverage justifies its higher rates. 

While great coverage is important, it's also crucial that an insurance company has a smooth claims process, which Travel Guard lacks, according to its customer reviews. Across 135 reviews on its Trustpilot page, AIG Travel Guard received an average of 1.2 stars, with 95% of reviewers giving the company one star. Surprisingly, AIG Travel Guard fares even worse with the Better Business Bureau, receiving an average of 1.08 stars out of five across 301 reviews. 

Coverage Options Offered by AIG Travel Guard

AIG Travel Guard offers three primary plans: Travel Guard Essential, Travel Guard Preferred, and Travel Guard Deluxe. Each plan has different coverage limits and various types of protection.

Here's a look at what you'll get with each plan:

Depending on the policy you select, additional coverages may be included at no extra charge, such as a pre-existing conditions waiver , single occupancy fee coverage, worldwide travel and medical assistance services, and more. Be sure to check each policy closely to see what is and isn't covered.

Each of these plans also includes coverage for one child under 17 as long as their travel costs are equal to or under the adult's cost. Additional coverage does not apply to the child.

AIG Travel Guard Pack N' Go Plan

In addition to these three primary plans, Travel Guard offers the Pack N' Go policy along with an Annual plan. This policy is for last-minute travelers who don't need trip cancellation coverage.

This plan includes:

  • Trip interruption and trip delay ($200 per day maximum) up to $1,000
  • Missed connection up to $500
  • Baggage delay up to $200 and baggage coverage up to $1,000
  • Medical expenses up to $25,000 and dental expenses up to $500
  • Emergency evacuation and repatriation of remains up to $500,000.

AIG Travel Guard Annual Plan

Taking multiple trips throughout the year? Consider the Travel Guard Annual plan instead of purchasing a new policy for each adventure. This plan comes with coverage for: 

  • Trip interruption coverage  up to $2,500
  • Trip delay coverag e up to $1,500 ($150 per day maximum)
  • Missed connection coverag e up to $500
  • Baggage delay coverage up to $1,000 and lost/damaged baggage coverage up to $2,500
  • Medical expenses coverage up to $50,000 and dental expenses up to $500
  • Emergency evacuation coverage and repatriation of remains up to $500,000
  • Accidental death and dismemberment coverage up to $50,000 and security evacuation up to $100,000

Additional Coverage Options from AIG Travel Guard

Like many other travel insurance providers, Travel Guard offers add-ons for an additional cost. These can be selected while you're purchasing your policy.

The availability of these add-ons depends on the policy you're buying. Note also that some are already included in the Preferred and Deluxe plans. 

  • Medical bundle — Increases coverage amounts for medical expenses and evacuation and adds hospital of choice and additional evacuation benefits.  
  • Security bundle — Provides various coverages for trip interruption or cancellation due to riot or civil disorder.  
  • Rental vehicle damage coverage — Reimburses a predetermined amount for physical damage to a rental car in the policyholder's name. 
  • Cancel for Any Reason Insurance (CFAR) — This is just what it sounds like. Cancel for any reason coverage will reimburse 75% of nonrefundable expenses when you cancel your trip for any reason, up to 48 hours before your scheduled departure. CFAR coverage is only available for Travel Guard's Deluxe and Preferred plans. 
  • Inconvenience bundle — Offers reimbursement for inconveniences like closed attractions, credit/debit card cancellation, hotel construction, and more.
  • Pet bundle coverage — Daily travel benefit for boarding and medical expense coverage for illness or injury of dog or cat. Includes trip cancellation or interruption coverage if the pet is in critical condition or dies within seven days before the departure date.
  • Adventure sports bundle — Removes the exclusions for adventure and extreme activities.
  • Baggage bundle — Your baggage coverage with AIG becomes primary with increased coverage and baggage delay benefits. 
  • Wedding bundle — Provides trip cancellation coverage due to wedding cancellation (brides and grooms not covered).
  • Name a family member bundle — One person can be named as a Family Member for the purpose of family member-related unforeseen event coverage.

How to Purchase and Manage Your AIG Policy

Getting a quote from AIG Travel Guard is quick and easy. Head to the AIG website and enter basic information about the trip you're looking to cover. You'll get an instant quote for the insurance plans available for your trip, so it's easy to compare each option. Be prepared to provide information including:

  • Your state of residence
  • Date of birth
  • The cost of your trip
  • Travel dates
  • Destination
  • Method of travel

We ran a few simulations to offer examples of how much a Travel Guard policy might cost. You'll see that costs usually fall within 5-7% of the total trip cost, depending on the policy tier you choose.

As of April 2024, a 23-year-old from Illinois taking a weeklong, $3,000 budget trip to Italy would have the following  Travel Guard travel insurance quotes:

  • Travel Guard Essential: $86.96
  • Travel Guard Preferred: $152.01
  • Travel Guard Deluxe: $188.59

Premiums for Travel Guard's various single trip plans are between 2.8% and 6.3%, well within, and even below, the average cost of travel insurance .

A 30-year-old traveler from California is heading to Japan for two weeks, costing $4,000. The Travel Guard travel insurance quotes are:

  • Travel Guard Essential: $198.77
  • Travel Guard Preferred: $240.39
  • Travel Guard Deluxe: $305.04

Premiums for Travel Guard's various single trip plans are between 5% and 7.6%, within the average cost of travel insurance.

A couple of 65-year-olds looking to escape New York for Mexico for two weeks with a trip cost of $6,000 would have the following Travel Guard quotes:

  • Travel Guard Essential: $471.10
  • Travel Guard Preferred: $618.22
  • Travel Guard Deluxe: $834.78

Premiums for Travel Guard's various single trip plans range between 7.9% and 13.9%, which is significantly higher than the average cost. That said, travel insurance is often more expensive as you get older. 

AIG Travel Guard Annual Plan Cost

Getting a quote for the annual plan requires much less information, only asking for the intended policy start date, your state of residence, and how many people you plan to insure. Quotes from AIG remained at $259 per traveler, regardless of state of residence and number of travelers.

Filing a claim with Travel Guard is a straightforward process. You'll need your policy number and can either go to or call Travel Guard at 866-478-8222 to start the claim. Once submitted, you can check the status of your claim at

See how AIG Travel Guard stacks up against the competition and find the right travel insurance policy for you. 

AIG Travel Guard vs. Nationwide Travel Insurance

Nationwide is a household name when it comes to insurance providers and one of the largest and most recognized insurance providers in the US. Similarly to Travel Guard , Nationwide makes it easy to find coverage by offering just two single-trip plans: the Essential and Prime plan.  

In addition, Nationwide offers plans specifically designed for cruises along with annual trip insurance for those who travel a lot throughout the year.  

The Nationwide Essential Plan comes with trip cancellation coverage of up to $10,000, up to $250,000 in emergency medical evacuation, up to $150 per day reimbursement for travel delays of 6+ hours, and coverage for delayed or lost baggage.

In comparison, the Travel Guard Essential plan covers trip cancellations with up to $100,0000 in coverage, up to $150,000 in emergency medical evacuation expenses, up to $100 per day ($500 total) for trip delays of 12+ hours, along with lost or delayed baggage coverage. 

The high-tier Prime Plan from Nationwide offers even more coverage, including trip cancellation up to $30,000, trip interruption coverage up to 200% of the trip cost (maximum of $60,000), missed connection and itinerary change coverage of $500 each, $250 per day for trip delays of 6+ hours, and up to $1 million in coverage for emergency medical evacuation

AIG's highest-tier Deluxe plan comes with trip cancellation coverage of up to $150,000, up to $1,000,000 in emergency medical evacuation, up to $200 per day ($1,000 maximum) reimbursement for travel delays of 12+ hours, and coverage for delayed or lost baggage.

As you can see, it's hard to compare apples to apples when comparing the two different insurance providers. But it helps to know the specifics of the coverages that matter most to you.

Read our Nationwide travel insurance review here.

AIG Travel Guard vs. Allianz Travel Insurance

With Allianz Travel Insurance , you can choose from 10 different insurance plans to find one that suits your needs. Like Travel Guard , it offers one-off policies for specific trips and an annual travel insurance plan for those who take multiple trips a year. Similar to AIG, too, the different plans offer varying levels of coverage. 

Allianz's most popular single-trip option is the OneTrip Prime plan. This plan offers trip cancellation coverage up to $100,000, trip interruption coverage up to $150,000, emergency medical coverage for $50,000, coverage for baggage loss, theft, or damage up to $1,000, and up to $800 in travel delay coverage.

The most similar plan from Travel Guard is the mid-tier Travel Guard Preferred plan, which which you'll get up to $150,000 in trip cancellation coverage, trip interruption coverage up to $225,000, $50,000 in emergency medical coverage, coverage for baggage loss, theft, or damage up to $1,000, and travel delay coverage of up to $800.

A variety of factors will determine the final cost of any of these travel insurance policies. However, when comparing quotes with the same factors, Allianz tends to be cheaper. Additionally, Travel Guard seems to be more sensitive to the traveler's age. However, it's best to compare quotes using your specific personal and trip details to determine which policy is the best for you.

Read our Allianz travel insurance review here.

AIG Travel Guard vs. Credit Card Travel Insurance

Before purchasing a travel insurance plan, take a look at the coverage offered through your travel rewards credit cards. Some of the basic coverages you're looking for, like rental car insurance, may already be available through credit card travel protection . 

The coverage you have on your credit card couple be sufficient if, for example, you're taking a road trip by car and you don't have any non-refundable trip expenses. It could also be enough if your health insurance covers you while you travel and you aren't overly worried about incurring additional medical expenses during your trip.

It's also worth remembering that credit card coverage is usually secondary versus the primary coverage you'd get with a travel insurance policy. Meaning you'll have to file a claim with the other applicable insurance (like through the airline travel provider) before filing a claim with your credit card company.

Read our guide on the best credit cards with travel insurance here.

Depending on the single trip plan you choose, AIG Travel Guard offers $15,000-$100,000 in emergency medical expense coverage.

All three of Travel Guard's single trip policies offer pre-existing condition waivers as long as you purchase your policy within 15 days of your initial trip payment.

Travel Guard is the name used for AIG's travel insurance products, but AIG also offers other insurance products, like AIG Life Insurance .

Your coverage depends on the policy you buy, but all policies will cover (up to a specified limit) trip cancellation, interruption, delay, emergency medical expenses, lost and delayed baggage, and emergency evacuation. 

Yes, Travel Guard plans cover trip cancellation and interruption due to illness, injury, or death of a family member. If your trip is delayed or canceled due to inclement weather, that's covered too. AIG Travel Guard's is also among the best CFAR travel insurance companies.

Why You Should Trust Us: How We Reviewed AIG Travel Guard

The policy that's best for you will be the one that offers the right amount and type of coverage, fits your budget, and is easy to use if you ever need it.

In reviewing Travel Guard , we looked at the company's travel insurance offerings and compared them to plans offered by the top travel insurance companies in the space. Factors considered included things like coverage options, claim limits, what's covered, available add-ons, and typical insurance policy costs. We also considered buyer preferences.

Read more about how Business Insider rates insurance providers .

gap travel insurance

Editorial Note: Any opinions, analyses, reviews, or recommendations expressed in this article are the author’s alone, and have not been reviewed, approved, or otherwise endorsed by any card issuer. Read our editorial standards .

Please note: While the offers mentioned above are accurate at the time of publication, they're subject to change at any time and may have changed, or may no longer be available.

**Enrollment required.

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It costs only Re 1 to insure your railway travels: But is it worth taking it?

Deepa Soman

The freak accident that cost a Ponnani native his life during a train journey to Telangana has once again brought focus to travel insurance. While booking tickets online, many passengers skip the 'Travel Insurance' section that offers coverages for a one-time premium of Re 1 or less. But, the service, which promises to cover accidental death, permanent total or partial disability, hospitalisation expenses and even transportation of mortal remains due to an accident during your train journey, can go a long way in offering financial support in case of unforeseen incidents. You can pay less premium than Re 1 or more depending on your ticket. The premium of Re 1 is the most common option. Here are a few details you should know about railway insurance options:

How to take IRCTC insurance? 1) Book your tickets through the IRCTC website or the IRCTC mobile app. The option is not available for tickets bought from railway station counters.  2) Tick the checkbox that asks to insure your travel. It appears after you give passenger details, before paying for the ticket. Once your ticket is confirmed, you will get an email from your insurance provider, with details and options to give nominee details. 3) In case of disability or hospitalisation due to accidents, inform your insurance company. Also inform the TTE or station master about the incident, so that they assist you and document the incident. (Nominees of the deceased should also follow the same procedures)

4) Seek medical help, as reports from doctors detailing the issue are required. 5) Download a 'claim form' from IRCTC website. You can also get it from the Railway authorities. Fill it with all the details and your signature. 6) Keep supporting documents like the accident confirmation report issued by the Railways, your/deceased's train ticket, medical certificates, doctor's report, police FIR (if required), photographs of the passenger before and after the incident and other relevant documents ready 7) Submit it to the IRCTC insurance claim handling authority, within the time frame they give.

Other benefits of the IRCTC insurance In case of a death, the insured passenger's nominee or legal heirs can claim the compensation. Proper documentation and submission of claim forms are required for processing claims. An official report with details of the deceased should be included. The nominee will have to submit the passenger's proof of identity, e-ticket details, the filled claim form downloaded from the IRCTC website and other supporting documents as prescribed by the authorities. There is no exact timeframe within which claims will be processed, but it can vary from weeks to months, depending on the incident and how complex the case is.

Things to note Advocate Narayan R, who specialises in consumer cases, says, "It's important to note that if an accident is not due to Railways' mistake, it may not come under the policy's purview. For example, a person slipping down from a moving train need not be covered under the insurance. Also, you can include your nominee details through the mail you receive after booking the ticket."

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Do you need travel insurance this summer? It’s complicated, experts say

Travel troubleshooter.

If you’re planning to travel somewhere this summer, you’re probably thinking of buying travel insurance.

Kingsley Hopkins is. He’s headed to Portugal and Iceland with his girlfriend, and he wants to make sure he’s covered for things like medical emergencies or trip disruptions, “or if a volcano erupts,” he says.

But getting the right travel insurance can be complicated. There’s no one-size-fits-all policy, and Hopkins, an assistant editor at a book publishing company in New York, has been spending a lot of time thinking about how to protect his summer vacation.

Chances are, so have you.

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Why finding the right travel insurance is so hard

Most surveys suggest this will be a record summer for travel. How much of a record? Demand is so high that some airlines are afraid they will run out of planes. Now that’s busy.

At the same time, danger and uncertainty are lurking everywhere — wars in Europe and in the Middle East, the usual slate of natural disasters like hurricanes and maybe a volcanic eruption or two. It’s no wonder people are giving some serious thought to insurance. 

Older travelers are particularly worried. And they should be, says PK Rao, CEO of INF Visitor Care . Claims by travelers over age 50 spike during the summer months.

“According to our claim data, medical emergencies tend to uptick during the summer, especially for those going on trips that involve outdoor activities,” he says.

But there are so many choices out there, including credit card coverage, medical evacuation membership programs and stand-alone travel insurance. What should you get?

More Travel Troubleshooter

You need peace of mind .

But don’t just reflexively start shopping for a travel insurance policy this summer. Instead, look for peace of mind — knowing that if something goes wrong, you’ll be taken care of.

“Knowing you’re protected from unforeseen travel mishaps — like delays, lost baggage and even medical emergencies — can make the trip that much more enjoyable,” says Daniel Durazo, a spokesperson for Allianz Partners USA .

As it turns out, there are several ways to get the peace of mind you need. And there are times when you can safely skip travel insurance.

This is when you don’t need insurance

Here’s when you can skip travel insurance, according to experts:

  • If you already have coverage. “You may already have travel coverage through your benefits at work, your credit card or through group benefits with an organization,” says Jiten Puri, CEO of If you do, there’s no need to buy more coverage. You’re all set.
  • If you’re not traveling far. If you’re taking a driving vacation and staying in a place where lodging is free, like a relative’s sofa, then there’s not much to insure. “If you already have health insurance, it may cover you for a domestic trip, so you don’t need to think about health insurance coverage,” says Joe Cronin, CEO of International Citizens Insurance .
  • If your trip isn’t insurable. Traditional travel insurance covers conventional trips with prepaid, nonrefundable components like airline tickets and hotel stays. You might find that you either already have coverage through your medical insurance, or the trip is essentially uninsurable.

So think twice before saying “yes” to optional travel insurance that your online travel agency may offer you when you’re booking a trip. You might not need it.

Here’s when you need travel insurance

But most travelers should consider some kind of travel insurance coverage this summer. Here’s when you need the extra coverage:

  • If you have travel expenses that insurance would cover. “If you have many prepaid, nonrefundable expenses, it’s best to take out travel insurance,” says Lauren Gumport, a spokesperson for Faye Travel Insurance . “This includes things like flights, hotel rooms, tickets and activities.” The more conventional your vacation, the likelier travel insurance is to cover almost every aspect of your summer vacation.
  • If you’re leaving the country. “Your regular medical insurance might not extend coverage beyond your home borders,” says John Rose, chief risk and security officer at ALTOUR . Also, many countries require travel insurance for entrance. They include Bermuda, Qatar, Sri Lanka and some European countries.
  • If you can’t afford to lose your trip. “When considering travel insurance for your summer trip, evaluate whether you can afford to lose your vacation investment due to unforeseen circumstances like illness, weather disruptions or emergencies,” explains Robert Gallagher, president of the US Travel Insurance Association . “Can you afford the financial risk if you miss your cruise departure because of covered flight delays? What if you have to cut your trip short because of illness?”  

One of the most common mistakes travelers make is assuming their credit card will cover them. For example, I found that my credit card only covered my rental car as secondary insurance, which made it completely useless when I rented a car in Tampa, Fla., recently. I had to buy a stand-alone policy from Allianz to cover the vehicle.

How one traveler insured his summer vacation

So how did Hopkins handle his travel insurance needs? Well, as I already mentioned — it’s complicated.

Hopkins says he always buys some travel insurance before he takes a trip, “but how much, and what I cover, varies,” he explains.

He decided that his path to peace of mind in this case was to spend a few extra dollars: He made fully refundable flight and hotel reservations, just in case something goes wrong. That would eliminate a lengthy claim with his travel insurance company or credit card.

But he still needed at least $50,000 in medical coverage with emergency evacuation because of his active schedule.

“We’re going to be doing a lot of hiking in Iceland,” he says. “And you just never know.” 

At the beginning of the year, he decided to buy an annual MedjetHorizon plan, a membership that would get him from a hospital in Portugal or Iceland to a hospital at home, in case something happened. 

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For insurance, Hopkins checked to find an affordable travel insurance policy. He found coverage through Trawick International that pays up to $50,000 in medical expenses and up to $200,000 for an evacuation.

“I’ve heard good things about them,” he says. “Hopefully, we won’t need any of it.”

How do I insure my trips?

I’m on the road about 360 days a year, so I’m always thinking about peace of mind. I currently use a Wells Fargo credit card with lots of travel benefits, and I have long-term policies through Faye and Cigna, which have worked fairly well. I also am a longtime MedjetHorizon member. If I rent a car, I turn to Allianz for my primary coverage.

I know — that’s a lot of peace of mind. 

But I’ve also run into trouble and had to use many of those benefits. Medjet got me back home during the pandemic. Cigna covered me after a serious ski accident in Switzerland. My old Allianz policy took care of my medical expenses when I had to see a doctor in Santa Fe, N.M., a few years ago.

Like I always say, when it comes to having enough insurance, better safe than sorry.

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The opinions expressed in reader comments are those of the author only and do not reflect the opinions of The Seattle Times.


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