Mekong Escape
(Valid for travel before 31 October 2020)
This journey has been personally designed by Anh and Benoit, owners of Bassac Cruise who have spent decades in Can Tho, the main city on the Mekong Delta.
Highlights of the Journey:
- The Unicorn Island and its plantation, fish markets
- Floating markets
- A night cruise on a traditional wooden rice barge
- Possible extension for 1 night in Can Tho
The Mekong Delta is a rich and vibrant escape a few hours from Saigon: colonial architecture, floating markets, plantations, fishing, boats and bikes... it is a condensed mosaic of Vietnam and a fascinating journey through this vital artery of the country: My Tho and Can Tho. A cruise in the delta is the best way to witness the daily life and activity of the water, but also the still heritage Khmer pagodas with the rich colours and fancy script of Cambodian-style temples.
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Your Journey Day by Day
based on 2 people sharing the same room (Valid for travel before 31 October 2020)
based on 2 people sharing the same room
Your Accommodation on this Asia Travel Itinerary
The total price includes: 3 or 4 nights (depending if you go for the extension or not) on a bed & breakfast basis in the hotels detailed in the itinerary. All meals as mentioned d in the program All transfers by private, spacious, air conditioned car, with provision of water and refreshing towels, and a professional driver Local English-speaking guide for all visits mentioned in the program All program activities (cycling, bike, kayak, or others...) and shows mentioned in the program Cruise on board of Bassac Government taxes currently in force (VAT, etc...)
The total price does not include: Visa if needed (Please make sure your passport is valid for 6 months beyond your departure date). Other meals that are not included in the program Drinks, personal expenses, tips and gratuities. Travel insurance
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Vietnam og Kambodsja fra Ho Chi Minh City til Siem Reap
Elvecruise på Mekong
Vi har gleden av å invitere til et uforglemmelig elvecruise i Vietnam og Kambodsja! Besøk noen av Asias mest fargerike og spennende byer, se dagliglivet langs elven, fantastiske templer, eksotisk dyreliv – og ikke minst nyt livet om bord i det lekre elvecruiseskipet.
Noen høydepunkter:
Seil på Mekong – en av verdens mektigste elver En natt på førsteklassehotell i Ho Chi Minh City Åtte dagers seilas i utvendig lugar på førsteklasseskipet RV Mekong Navigator Opplev de eksotiske flytende markedene En natt på førsteklassehotell i Siem Reap Mekong er Sørøst-Asias hovedpulsåre. Turen starter i pulserende Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnams kulturelle høydepunkt. Det lekre skipet RV Mekong Navigator eller RV Mekong Jewel tar dere så med på en spennende reise gjennom Vietnam og Kambodsja. Dere seiler på Mekong og får oppleve landsbyer med smilende barn, flytende markeder, majestetiske templer og Kambodsjas hovedstad Phnom Penh.
Lignende gruppeturer med norsk reiseleder
15 dager / 2 avreiser
Vietnam og Kambodsja - elvecruise på Mekong med foredragsholder
Elvecruise fra Ho Chi Minh City til Siem Reap
19 dager / 3 avreiser
Red River, Halong Bay og Hoi An i Vietnam
Elvecruise og rundreise i Vietnam
11 frokoster, 7 lunsjer og 7 middager inkludert
Direktefly fra Oslo til Doha om morgenen, ankomst Doha sen ettermiddag
Ankomst Ho Chi Minh City om morgenen lokal tid. Ved ankomst blir dere hentet på flyplassen og kjørt til hotellet. Resten av dagen til egen disposisjon.
Notre-Dame katedralen i Ho Chi Minh City.
Frokost, middag
For morgenfuglene kan vi anbefale en tur ut i byen før frokost, hvor du får et innblikk i det lokale livet i Ho Chi Minh City. Spaser gjennom parken, hvor den lokale befolkningen er i full gang med morgenritualene. Her utøves Tai Chi overalt og det yrer av liv på de lokale kafeene. Hvorfor ikke returnere til hotellet med en lokal cyclo (sykkeldrosje) for en deilig buffetfrokost? (F)
Tidlig ettermiddag settes kursen for My Tho, beliggende cirka 70 km fra Ho Chi Minh City. My Tho er hovedstad i Tien Giang-provinsen og kjent for sin nudelsuppe, utallige frukthager og risplantasjer. Sent om ettermiddagen sjekker dere inn på det luksuriøse skipet RV Mekong Navigator. Når alle er vel om bord, kaster skipet loss og cruiseeventyret starter. Skipet seiler gjennom Mekong-deltaet mot Cai Be. Om kvelden er det velkomstmiddag og presentasjon av mannskapet ombord.
Flytende marked er en fargerik og eksotisk opplevelse.
Frokost, lunsj, middag
Dere ankommer Cai Be om morgenen. Etter frokost drar dere med sampaner, mindre lokale båter gjennom det flytende markedet og opplever dagliglivet på og langs de smale kanalene. Dere går i land og spaserer langs elvebredden, besøker en rispapirfabrikk, får smake på søtsaker laget av kokos og tar en titt på den franske, gotiske katedralen. Turen går også innom Ba Duc, et tradisjonelt vietnamesisk hus.
Vel om bord igjen seiler dere gjennom Vinh Long-provinsen som ligger midt i Mekong-deltaet, kjent for sine store appelsinplantasjer. Etter lunsj kommer dere til Sa Dec, hvor den franske forfatteren Marguerite Duras tilbrakte mye av sin barndom. Hennes mest kjente bok er kanskje «Elskeren», hvor handlingen er fra nettopp Sa Dec. Både skolen og huset til familien står urørt, og lite er forandret siden franskmennene forlot byen. Sa Dec er også kjent som «Garden of Cochinchine» på grunn av utallige eksotiske blomster. Dere blir med på sightseeing til fots i Sa Dec og besøker den kinesiske elskerens hus, omtalt i Marguerite Duras bok. Dere spaserer gjennom det fargerike lokale markedet, hvor utvalget er stort. Her selges det blomster, frukt og grønnsaker, fisk og andre ferske råvarer.
Skipet seiler videre gjennom natten, ankrer opp midt i Mekongelven for natten.
Lesetips på reisen er klassikeren «Elskeren» av Marguerite Duras. I Cai Be kan du besøke huset til «elskeren» fra romanen.
Sampaner henter dere ved skipet etter frokost og bringer dere til øya Cu Lua Gieng. Her lever en blanding av trosretninger og rundt 50 000 mennesker i harmoni. Dere besøker katedralen som ble bygget i 1879, og slår av en prat med den lokale presten. De fleste her livnærer seg på båtbygging, og dere får se hvordan de lokale trebåtene bygges. Retur til skipet for lunsj og videre seilas.
Om ettermiddagen skal dere besøke øya Long Khanh. Dette er en typisk landsby i Mekongdeltaet, hvor befolkningen lever, jobber og handler på vannet. De har imidlertid hatt lite besøk av turister, så nysgjerrigheten deres er like stor som vår. Her er det landbruk og veving som er inntektskildene. Dere spaserer gjennom landsbyen, snakker med de lokale og får en innføring i hvordan de lokale khmerskjerfene produseres. Vi kan i dag også by på et møte med en lokal krigsveteran, som kjempet for Viet Cong. Skipet ankrer opp for natten ved den vietnamesiske/kambodsjanske grensen.
Soldekket på Mekong Navigator – et fint sted å være på seilingdagene.
Så snart grensekontoret åpner, vil mannskapet ta seg av formalitetene, så skipet kan krysse grensen ved Vinh Xuong (dette kan ta noen timer). Så snart papirene er i orden, seiler dere videre på Mekong-elven mot Phnom Penh. I dag får dere en avslappende dag om bord, og kan nyte alle fasilitetene dette skipet kan by på. Skipets SPA-avdeling kan virkelig anbefales! Langs den mektige Mekong-elven ligger risplantasjer og små fiskersamfunn på rekke og rad. Ta innover dere alle inntrykkene og nyt utsikten fra dekk.
Rundt middagstider ankommer dere Kambodsjas hovedstad, Phnom Penh. Dette er en av Asias fattigste, men likevel mest sjarmerende hovedsteder, med sine cirka en million innbyggere. Byen ble khmerrikets hovedstad allerede i 1453, men måtte senere gi tapt for andre byer. Franskmennene gjorde igjen byen til kongesete og hovedstad i sitt kolonirike i 1866, og den har beholdt mye av sin franskinspirerte kolonistil. Her står arkitektoniske skatter fra det gamle khmerriket og falleferdige skur side om side med vakre palasser i fransk kolonistil.
Etter middag anbefaler vi et besøk ved Forreign Correspondence Club (FCC), kjent som samlingssted for utenlandske journalister under borgerkrigen. I dag er dette en livlig restaurant og bar, men historien og minnene henger på veggene. Kanskje vises filmen «Killing Fields» i salongen, hvis noen vil ha et innblikk i neste dags hendelser. Skipet ligger til kai i Phnom Penh over natten.
Det kongelige palass i Phnom Penh, Kambodsja.
Kambodsja har en sterk historie å fortelle, noe dere skal få lære mer om denne formiddagen. Dere besøker først Choeung Ek – en tidligere frukthage og kinesisk gravlund, beliggende cirka 17 km syd for hovedstaden Phnom Penh. Stedet er dessverre den mest kjente av dødsmarkene «The killing fields», hvor totalt rundt 2 millioner mennesker ble henrettet og lagt i massegraver av kommunistregimet Røde Khmer mellom 1975 og 1979. I dag er Choeung Ek et minnesmerke, med en buddhistisk stupa, fylt med mer enn 5 000 hodeskaller.Mange av de drepte var tidligere fanger i det beryktede Tuol Sleng-fengselet (S-21) i Phnom Penh, som dere også skal besøke. Den tidligere skolen fungerte som konsentrasjonsleir og tortursenter under borgerkrigen i årene 1975–1979 og er et vitnesbyrd om Røde Khmers overgrep på lokalbefolkningen. Dere returner til skipet for lunsj, fulle av sterke inntrykk og ettertanke.
Bruk ettermiddagen til å slappe av på skipet, eller utforsk byen videre på egenhånd. Det blir satt opp transport mellom skipet og det lokale Central Market, hvor det er mulig å gjøre noen gode kjøp.
Middag om bord, etterfulgt av en tradisjonell Apsara danseoppvisning. Også i natt ligger skipet til kai Phnom Penh.
Wat Hanchey i Kambodsja .
Etter frokost venter en utradisjonell transport på brygga, lokale tuk-tuk’er (motoriserte trehjulssykler), som skal ta dere med på en litt annerledes byrundtur. Dere besøker det storslåtte kongelige palassområdet med Sølvpagoden, der gulvet er dekket av sølvplater. Videre går turen til Nasjonalmuseet, som byr på en enorm samling av khmerkunst og skulpturer fra forskjellige epoker. Dere returnerer til skipet for lunsj.
Nyt ettermiddagen på soldekk, ta en spasertur langs havnepromenaden eller besøk det buddhistiske tempelet Wat Phnom, som ble bygget i 1373 og har gitt navn til byen. Byen kan også by på en rekke gode og billige massasjesteder.
Skipet seiler fra Phnom Penh rundt middagstider og ankrer i løpet av kvelden opp ute i Mekong-elven.
Etter frokost går dere i land i Angkor Ban, en sjarmerende landsby med gamle og historiske trehus. Dere rusler gjennom landsbyen og besøker en lokal familie. Her får dere et innblikk i den lokale byggeskikken og får høre om livet her. Dere besøker også det lokale klosteret og en liten, privat skole. Her får dere bli med inn i klasserommet og barna forteller gjerne om skoledagen sin. Retur til skipet for lunsj og noen avslappende timer på den mektige Mekongelven.
Mens dere nyter lunsjen om bord, seiler skipet til Wat Hanchey. 303 trappetrinn bringer dere opp til det lokale klosteret (buss for de som ikke ønsker å gå). Vel oppe blir dere belønnet med en fantastisk utsikt – og mottar velsignelse fra munkene.
Før middag samles alle på soldekk for en cocktail og avskjed med mannskapet. Kokken varter opp med en skikkelig festmiddag i kveld! Skipet seiler siste biten til Kampong Chang, hvor det ligger til kai over natten.
Ta Prohm-templet – et av de storslagne templene dere kan besøke.
Etter frokost er tiden dessverre kommet for å si farvel til våre nye venner om bord på skipet Mekong Navigator. Dere sjekker ut fra skipet og tar plass i bussen som skal frakte dere til Siem Reap, en kjøretur på fem-seks timer gjennom vakkert landskap. Vel fremme sjekker dere inn på hotellet i sentrum av Siem Reap. Kvelden til egen disposisjon i Siem Reap. Vi anbefaler gjerne et besøk til nattmarkedet. Middag på egenhånd.
Frokost på hotellet, og utsjekk fra rommet. Dagen til egen disposisjon. Om ettermiddagen blir dere kjørt til flyplassen for hjemreise.
Ankomst Oslo tidlig ettermiddag.
Takk for turen!
Pakkepris per person i delt dobbeltrom/lugar fra kr 48 285,-
Dette er inkludert.
- Flyreise Oslo–Ho Chi Minh City/Siem Reap-Oslo med Qatar Airways og partnere
- Flyskatter og havneavgifter
- En natt på Hotel des Arts Saigon i Ho Chi Minh City
- Syv netter i utvendig lugar på RV Mekong Navigator
- En natt på Somadevi Angkor Boutique and Resort i Siem Reap
- Helpensjon (frokost, lunsj og middag) på cruiset
- Frokost i Ho Chi Minh City og Siem Reap
- Drikke ombord på cruiset (vann, juice, mineralvann, lokalt øl, drinker, samt husets vin til lunsj/middag)
- Alle utflukter og transport iht. program
- Tradisjonelt apsarashow, filmer og foredrag om bord
- Lokale engelsktalende guider
- Obligatorisk tips til besetningen ombord på skipet
Dette er ikke inkludert
- Drikkevarer utover det som er nevnt over
- Visum til Kambodsja (pt. USD 36)
- Tips til lokale guider og sjåfører (anbefalt beløp totalt cirka USD 50 pr. reisende)
- Reise- og avbestillingsforsikring
Prisen er basert på reise i perioden april - september 2024. Reisen kan forlenges med flere netter i Siem Reap hvis ønskelig.
- Classic Trips
- Trail Running Holidays
- Family Travel
- Topas Lodge Trips - Sapa
- Ho Chi Minh City
- Lan Ha & Bai Tu Long Bay
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Mekong Riverside Escape
Trip overview.
This 5-day itinerary explores the wonderful traditions and history of Vietnam’s vibrant Mekong River Delta from the comfort of the chic Mekong Riverside Boutique Hotel and Spa in Cai Be. Learn about Caodaism, a religion created in Vietnam, and visit craft villages for hands-on opportunities to create regional products. Then, set sail for Can Tho and the gigantic wholesale floating market of Cai Rang on an overnight cruise.
- Cycling and kayaking through the Mekong Delta’s lush nature
- Learning about Caodaism at the Cao Dai Pagoda
- Sailing through the delta on an overnight cruise
- Drifting through the stalls of Cai Rang Floating Market in Can Tho
This Tour is Perfect for
- Culture and relaxation, with stylish accommodation
- Combining a stay in Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City with the vibrant nature of the Mekong Delta
- Families with children of all ages
- Getting off the beaten path
Detailed Itinerary
Topas Travel creates tailor-made tours for our guests according to their specific requests. This itinerary has been designed to show you just one of many options
Day 1: Ho Chi Minh Arrival
Day 2: Ho Chi Minh – Cai Be
Day 3: Cai Be
Day 4: Cai Be – Can Tho
Day 5: Can Tho – Ho Chi Minh City Arrival
Day 1: Welcome to the land of the ascending dragon | Ho Chi Minh City Arrival
Xin Chao and welcome to Vietnam! Upon arrival to Ho Chi Minh City’s Tan Son Nhat International or Domestic Airport, a Topas representative will welcome you to the land of the ascending dragon before heading straight to your hotel in the heart of the city. The day is at leisure to discover Saigon on your own, wandering the pulsating streets of District 1 along the river.
Included meals: N/A Transfer distance and activities:45’ drive
Day 2:Off to the Mekong Delta | Ho Chi Minh City – Cai Be
Leave the hustle and bustle of Ho Chi Minh City behind today, heading into the fertile rice bowl of Vietnam: the Mekong Delta. Watch the lush land of palm trees and great rivers pass you by on a 2-hour ride to Cai Be, a town situated along the Tien River. Check-in to the Mekong Riverside Resort, a boutique lodging with 24 private bungalows, a swimming pool, and lovely spa.
Spend the afternoon at leisure, learning how to craft toys, ropes, and rugs out of coconut leaves or perhaps kayaking down the river.
Included meals: Breakfast Distance and activities: 2h transfer
Day 3: Mekong Traditions | Cai Be
Spend the morning on two wheels cycling through the scenic countryside of small rivers and village life. Stop by the Cai Be traditional craft village, where they craft a whole range of local specialties such as rice paper, coconut candy, and pop-rice and corn, and Mr. Kiet’s ancient house, receiver of the Award of Merit by the Cultural Heritage Conservation Project, to sample some traditional teas and fruits.
Then, ditch the bike for a rowboat and explore Phu Chau Pagoda, situated on peaceful An Ninh Island. Enjoy a delicious vegetarian lunch before heading to the eye-popping Cao Dai Temple – a cross between Buddhism and Confucianism that started in southern Vietnam.
Return to the resort around 1 pm, with the rest of the day free at leisure to swim in the pool or try out the spa.
Included meals: Breakfast, Lunch Distance and activities: 4h sightseeing
Day 4: Cruising the Mekong I Cai Be – Can Tho
Spend the morning at leisure until a late-morning transfer to the pier to board your overnight Mekong Cruise to Can Tho, the largest city in the Mekong Delta.
Spend your afternoon on the sun-deck, absorbing the beautiful scenery passing you by on either side. Mid-afternoon stop to visit a local village and sample delicious fruits from a tropical orchard before returning to the boat. Enjoy cocktails during happy-hour and a delicious onboard dinner before retiring to your cozy cabin for the night.
Included meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Distance and activities: Overnight Sightseeing Cruise
DAY 5: Can Tho - Ho Chi Minh City Departure
Wake up well rested to the sounds of the Mekong River Delta as the ship begins to cruise at 6:30. Watch locals going about their daily lives drying fruits and building ships in small wooden yards while eating breakfast.
Afterwards, board a sampan, a type of traditional Vietnamese rowboat, and wind through Cai Rang Floating Market, the biggest wholesale floating market in the region. Bargain with merchants for the tastiest fruits before heading back to the ship to disembark.
Leave the boat and return to Ho Chi Minh City by road, or alternatively, fly directly from Can Tho Airport.
Included meals: Breakfast Distance and Activities: 2h sightseeing tour – 3.5h transfer
Tour Inclusions
- 1-way private A/C airport transfer
- All accommodation indicated as twin-shared room
- All meals as indicated in the program
- All entrance tickets to local villages
- Refillable water in vans (Please check with your guide or driver)
- 1 x English speaking local tour guide on days with activities
- Government VAT
Important Notes
- Prices are quoted in Vietnamese Dong and valid until 31st October 2020
- Prices based on group of 4 persons
- Exchange rate applied at VND 23,200. to USD 1
- Prices calculated with Value Added Tax
- Surcharge may be applicable during peak season and public holidays
Tour Exclusions
- Drinks and alcohol
- Vietnam visa (On request with additional charge)
- Travel insurance (Compulsory with Topas Travel programs)
- Upgrades to higher standard rooms or single supplements
- Personal travel items (Please visit our Vietnam weather page for more information)
Essential Information
This program utilizes comfortable accommodation in the form of carefully curated hotels, lodges, and homestays. Hotels and lodges have been selected with the active traveler in mind, offering standard services and located as close to nature and local engagement as possible. Homestays are simple and equipped with western toilets and amenities such as fans and mattresses. If you have a specific property in mind you wish to stay at, please let your travel designer know so they can work it into your program.
All bookings are made with and through Topas Travel. By booking a trip with Topas Travel, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth here.
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8 days | Sport
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Escape to the Mekong Delta Can Tho - Chau Doc - Long Xuyen
Escape to the mekong delta, important information.
Discover the treasures of the Mekong Delta region in the narrow canals of Ben Tre, the hustle and bustle of Vietnam's largest floating market or the wonderful natural world of the Tra Su forest.
- Explore the beautiful countryside and local life in the Mekong Delta
- Admire the rich local culture, influenced by the Vietnamese, Khmer, Chinese & Cham communities
- Visit the landmarks of Can Tho & Chau Doc
- Sail the mighty Mekong River and its serene canals
- Get a taste of the local flavors at a Vietnamese floating market
Start your journey today!
HCMC - Can Tho - Chau Doc
Our Services Include:
- English speaking guide
- Luxury cabin in the Victoria Mekong Cruise
- Entrance fees
- Meals mentioned in the itinerary
- Free flow of soft beverages all day
- Free flow of house wine by the glass during lunch and dinner
- Complimentary refillable bottle in room
- Escorted excursions included in program
- Onboard entertainment
Our Services Exclude:
- Tipping for tour guide & driver
- Other services not mentioned in our program.
An additional surcharge applies for bookings on Christmas, New Year & Tet (Lunar New Year).
Day 1 - saigon - can tho: the peaceful mekong delta meals provided [ d ], hcmc - can tho 4h.
Depart from your hotel on a 4 hours’ drive to Can Tho, capital and biggest city of the Mekong River Delta.
Board the Victoria Mekong at Can Tho’s Cai Cui Jetty at 3pm. As the ship sets sail against the setting sun on the Hau River, learn about the many onboard services and facilities with a refreshing cocktail in hand.
Enjoy a live performance of Don Ca Tai Tu, traditional Vietnamese folk music from the Mekong Delta recognized by UNESCO as a world intangible cultural heritage. After, sit down to a welcome dinner, followed by a movie in the ship’s plush theater. Overnight in Vam Nao.
Day 2 - Vam Nao - Chau Doc - Long Xuyen MEALS PROVIDED [ B | L | D ]
Regional travel (depends on multiple factors).
As the ship sets off from Vam Nao, enjoy a lovely breakfast in the restaurant, followed by activities on board, including an interactive cocktail competition and a vegetable carving lesson.
After lunch, explore the Tra Su Cajaput Forest, home to several rare species of flora and fauna. Glide along narrow waterways aboard a canoe in this enchanting ecosystem known for its incredible diversity and atmospheric submerged forest. Return to the Victoria Mekong in time for dinner. Take in the tranquil riverscapes as the ship heads back to Long Xuyen, the capital of An Giang Province. Overnight in Long Xuyen.
Day 3 - Long Xuyen - Tan Loc - Can Tho - Disimbarkation MEALS PROVIDED [ B | L]
Can tho - saigon 4hrs.
Start the morning off with a Yoga session on the Sun Deck, infusing a measure of balance and mindfulness to the day, followed by a beautifully-presented breakfast spread to fuel up for the day’s activities.
Step ashore at Tan Loc Islet and observe how the island residents make plum wine the traditional way including a taste of this delicious local specialty. Back on board, enjoy a final lunch followed by a fun trivia session as the ship makes her way back to Can Tho. Check out and disembark at 3 pm.
Return to Saigon and arrive in your hotel just in time for dinner.
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Let Vietnam’s Mekong Delta Chase Away the Blues
While Ho Chi Minh City is one of Asia’s most exciting urban destinations, even the locals need a break once in a while. The serene Mekong Delta offers the perfect respite, whether it’s a day trip, an overnight escape, or the start of a cruise up the Mekong, bound for Cambodia. Flowing all the way from the Tibetan Himalayas to the South China Sea, through Myanmar, Thailand, and Laos, the Mekong River defines Southeast Asia, sustaining over 60 million people and countless native species.
For Vietnam, the Mekong Delta is the nation’s pantry, producing half its rice and three quarters of its fruit. It’s also one of the best places in the country to experience rural Vietnamese life and taste local specialties. Sure, you can get some of the country’s freshest phở and banh mi , but dip your taste buds into specialties like fried elephant ear fish, nam vang noodle soup, and green bean cake with durian. Try Cái Răng floating market for an early morning feast on the water.
A guided trip through the region’s mangrove forests, or its famous floating forests in a private sampan boat, is a magical Mekong experience. There are options for stand-up paddle boarding, motorized boating, and river tubing too. On dry land, biking is a great way to explore the local villages and the beautiful temples and pagodas of the region.
The leisurely pace of life in the Delta means there’s no rush! To really immerse yourself, book a homestay with a local family. Besides making new friends and enjoying some typical Mekong home cooking, you can experience Delta life up close, lending a hand on the family farm, or chasing up your host’s local tips. Visit during the dry season (November to April) for optimal sightseeing. While the wet season’s rising waters revitalize the region’s farms, they can make getting around a lot harder.
If you prefer an extended river journey, a cruise along the Mekong is the ultimate way to see Southeast Asia up close. Leave the urban rhythms and ever-beeping motorcycles of Ho Chi Minh City behind and sail up the Mekong bound for Cambodia and the incredible temples of Angkor. Sip your Vietnamese coffee while watching sunrise over the river and get to know the Cham people who inhabit the region near the Cambodian border.
Where to from here? Phú Quốc, a tropical island just offshore from the border, rivals any in Asia for beauty and tranquility. It’s an easy ferry ride from the coastal town of Hà Tiên and a great add-on to your Mekong adventure. Alternatively, the Côn Đảo archipelago is just a short flight from Ho Chi Minh City, but its beauty will have you convinced you’ve arrived in another world without ever having left Vietnam.
Christian’s first globetrotting adventure saw him get lost exploring the streets of Saigon. Following his nose to Asia’s best coffee, two lifelong addictions were born. A freelance writer and novelist, Christian’s travels have since taken him around his native Australia, Asia, Europe, and much of North America. His favourite trips have been through Japan, Spain, and Brazil, though with a love of off-beat, artsy cities, he’ll seize any opportunity to return to Paris, New York, or Berlin.
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Elegance on the Water: The Ultimate Mekong River Cruise Experience for the Discerning Traveler
by Aileen Adalid Cruises & Sailing , Cambodia , Vietnam 0 comments
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Going on a Mekong River cruise is tantamount to entering into a tapestry of bright landscapes, enriched by ever-flowing narration—journeys that entwine the word “ adventure ” with “ luxurious indulgence “.
For the discerning traveler, one would say that this is not a trip but a journey into the heart of Southeast Asia. Designed to achieve the perfect blend of rich culture, serene landscapes, and exceptional service, this article unveils a one-of-a-kind Mekong River cruise . It’s a classic experience crafted for those who seek elegance and refinement in their travels — it’s an experience for YOU!
Table of Contents
Mekong River Cruise
Luxurious Onboard Accommodations
The fabled Mekong River becomes even more enchanting with the luxurious accommodations aboard this cruise, transforming the journey into a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Each suite, featuring stunning panoramic windows, sumptuous interiors, and all the luxuries of a five-star hotel, is meticulously designed to be a haven of comfort and sophistication. Every detail, from the lavish bedding to the in-suite dining, is crafted to perfection, ensuring an extraordinary onboard experience.
With expansive decks, spectacular infinity pools, and soothing spas, the cruise offers a serene escape. Coupled with the crew’s impeccable service and dedication to high hospitality standards, a Mekong River cruise becomes the epitome of luxury travel.
– – –
Gourmet Culinary Experiences
Culinary delights are in store on a Mekong River cruise! Good food is a special event, and the menus are designed by master chefs with a rich culinary heritage during every meal. Onboard dining venues also serve the freshest fare from local markets with menus that include elegant à la carte substitute options and lavish buffets filled with the finest local specialties and international favorites.
Wine lovers will even discover the extensive wine cellars with selections of good wines and champagnes coupled with sommeliers’ expertise to help guide you to the perfect match for every cuisine. Dining al fresco up on the sun deck with only the soft sounds of the river as ambiance adds an extra touch of magic to your meals.
Exclusive Shore Excursions and Cultural Immersion
Beyond the superficial comforts of the cruise ship, Mekong River cruises offer meticulously designed excursions that immerse travelers deeply in local culture and history. Each unique excursion invites guests to explore everything from ancient jungle-bound temples to bustling markets teeming with life.
Travelers have the opportunity to interact with local artisans, enjoy traditional performances, and participate in hands-on workshops that showcase crafts passed down through generations along the Mekong. These tours are not only engaging but also responsible and respectful toward local communities, making them ideal for the socially conscious traveler.
Harmony and Wellbeing on the River
Many cruisers like the Mekong River for the simple reason that being there lets them shut down and refocus. The wellness options on board typically more than do justice to this, with a long list of treatments all echoing Asian healing practices and the use of all-natural and locally sourced ingredients. Pre-dawn yoga and meditation sessions offer a tranquil beginning each morning with views across the rising sun over the Mekong.
With such facilities on board, fitness enthusiasts can continue with their okayed routines even aboard the vessel, while the sleepy-heads are off seeking the solace of the ship’s library or generally spaces designed to offer them comfort and tranquillity. This well-balanced blend of wellness activities offers every ennobled traveler a pace to find their style of relaxation.
Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Travel
More and more, Mekong River cruises incorporate sustainability in their operations to preserve the ecological and cultural integrity of the river. Adoption for lowering impact includes state-of-the-art water treatment systems, energy-efficient technologies, and practices in waste reduction.
In fact, it also continues to help the visitors understand more about the river’s ecological and social composition and creates an appreciation and respect for the destinations they visit along the course of the river. Opting for an environmentally friendly Mekong River cruise would mean making a small contribution to these efforts behind the scenes in making the conservation and preservation of this unique ecosystem possible.
The Mekong River cruise seamlessly blends exploration, relaxation, and luxury, making it one of the finest travel experiences available.
Elegant and thoughtfully curated, a cruise through the heart of Southeast Asia is more than just a journey—it’s an experience that enriches your soul, delights your senses, and creates memories that will last a lifetime.
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Luxury Thailand Escape
Customizable private tour with flexible start date
- 14 DAYS / 13 NIGHTS
- Escape to Thailand's tropical treasures in lavish luxury
- Experience a first-class river cruise and helicopter flight
- Explore the spectacular beauty of Chiang Rai
- Indulge your senses on the sunny island of Phuket
- Wind down on the island paradise of Koh Yao Noi
- Take a day trip to Phang Nga Bay and famous James Bond Island
- Activities and accommodations can be tailored to suit your taste and budget
- Private guided excursions and transfers to enrich your experience
On this luxury Thailand escape package, you can enjoy an action-packed tour of Bangkok’s must-see sights, including a lavish river cruise and an exciting helicopter ride, before jetting north to hang out with the elephants and the hill tribes in the Chiang Rai province. You will then fly south to Phuket for some rest and relaxation at a beachside resort, meeting rescued gibbons and endangered marine turtles. Your tour finishes with four days of exploration and relaxation on a small and beautiful paradise island in the Andaman Sea.
A first-class city tour
Your tour of Thailand’s fast paced capital city combines sightseeing, temples, palaces, culture, history, entertainment, fine wines and fine dining, complete with a fabulous cruise and a royal Thai feast aboard a luxurious river barge, a helicopter flight over the iconic sights, a visit to the famous floating market of Damnoen, and a dazzling cultural stage performance.
Meet the elephants and hilltribes of the Chiang Rai Province
Immerse in the nature and spectacular beauty of Chiang Rai, Thailand’s northernmost province and the Golden Triangle, stay in an incredible jungle resort and spend a day with the happy, healthy rescued elephants of the Golden Triangle Elephant Foundation, meeting them in their natural habitat and watching them do what they love doing the most. Visit hill tribe villages in the highland regions, each with a distinct language and a fascinating well-preserved culture, meet and mingle with the friendly tribespeople, whose traditional dress is truly gorgeous.
Indulgence, entertainment, and conservation in Phuket
Head back south, this time to the island of Phuket, and allow yourself to be pampered at a private spa villa with a two-hour massage blending aromatherapy with acupressure. This will bring harmony to your entire body, leaving you feeling restored, reenergized, and in a contented state of lingering bliss. The next day, take a conservation tour to meet the island’s rehabilitated gibbons and endangered sea turtles. A famous and colorful cabaret show is also on the agenda.
Rest, relax and explore Koh Yao Noi
Accessed by speedboat from Phuket and largely untouched by modern development, Koh Yao Noi is a wonderful place to relax and wind down after your splendid adventures and encounters in Bangkok, the Chiang Rai Province and Phuket. On this paradise island, you will discover hidden coves, lovely white sand beaches, spectacular views and a laid back pace of life. Take a day trip to the amazing Phang Nga Bay and James Bond Island; enjoy kayaking, snorkeling or scuba diving in the pristine waters; or venture out on your own on a bicycle or in a tuk-tuk to visit the local restaurants, cafes, bars, and shops along the coastline.
Of all the luxury escapes Thailand has to offer, this tour includes stays in top-class hotels in the city as well as a jungle resort in Chiang Rai, an upmarket beachside resort in Phuket, and a stunning hill resort on the island of Koh Yao Noi. Look forward to exemplary comforts and outstanding food, service and facilities.
Please note, this luxury tour is just a sample itinerary, and the featured excursions, activities, and accommodations herein can be tailored to suit your taste, budget and time availability in accordance with your personal wishes.
Itinerary & Prices
- Phang Nga Bay
- Animal Rescue Centers
- Breathtaking Natural Scenery
- Cultural Performances
- Epic Beaches and Coastline
- Experience Village Life
- Explore Ancient Archaeology
- Helicopter Ride
- High-End City Experiences
- Indigenous Encounters
- Observe Exotic Wildlife
- Sustainability Practices
- Temples & Spirituality
- Unique Photo Opportunities
- Wellness & Meditation
- 13 Days Luxury and Ultra-Luxury Hotels Accommodation
- Private Pick-Ups and Transfers
- Private English Speaking Guides
- Meals as Stated in the Itinerary
- Flight Mentioned in the Itinerary
- All Entrance Fees
- Travel Insurance incl. medical evacuation International
- Flights Outside the Itinerary
- Anything not stated in Itinerary
Welcome to Bangkok!
Upon your arrival to Bangkok airport, you will be met by the guise and a driver, who will escort you to your hotel in the city. If need be, we will have an immigration officer ready to assist with any visa procedures.
Settle down at your hotel and enjoy the remainder of the day, resting after the flight, getting a massage, and relaxing.
Venice of the East and Chao Phraya River Dinner with Historian
Take this morning easy, have a late breakfast, or plunge into the pool and get into the holiday mood.
Your guide will meet you after early lunch, to start your sightseeing with the legendary Bangkok canals.
Explore the rivers and canals of Bangkok for an insightful view of local life. Transfer from your hotel to the Chao Phraya River and visit the Bangkok riverside. Bangkok has been called the “Venice of the East” because of its many klongs (canals) that zigzag through the city. While many of them have been filled in to make way for roads, old bridges remain and colorful houses still crowd the water’s edge. Visiting the waterways is very much a local experience rather than a touristy one.
Make a stop at Wat Arun on the west bank of the Chao Phraya River. It is easily one of the most stunning temples in Bangkok, not only because of its riverside location but also because of its unique design. Notice its impressive 82m (269ft) high Khmer-style tower and the many detailed floral mosaics made from broken Chinese porcelain.
Return to your hotel to refresh before your dinner experience.
Meet your driver for a transfer to Chao Phraya River.
Step aboard a lovingly restored old rice barge to experience the ultimate luxury river cruise, privately joined by a Thai Historian who will give you an orientation of this exquisite trip. He has extensively studied over 600 ancient temples in the old town area and will tell the story of how the Kingdom was built alongside the river, a principal factor in the development of Thai heritage, culture, and economics. Listen to the artistic tales and secret love stories of princes and princesses while enjoying the sumptuous Thai set menu aboard this magnificent vessel as it meanders through one of the largest cities in Southeast Asia. Savor the essence of Thailand’s world-renowned authentic cuisine and sample an evolving Royal Thai feast of unforgettable flavors, textures, and aromas as you glide down the Chao Phraya River, uncovering the City of Angel’s cultural contrasts by night. The cruise will take you to the King Rama VIII Bridge from where the boat makes a turn to return. Upon arrival at the pier, transfer to your hotel.
Meals: B, D
Helicopter over Bangkok, Palace and a Sommelier Dinner
Meet your guide in the morning. Ride to the AA Bangkok Base to embark on a helicopter flight. Enjoy the amazing bird’s eye view of Bangkok.
Fly over Ratchamangkala Stadium to Erawan Museum. From there, Phra Samut Chedi, Paknum Samutprakarn, and the Ancient City. On the way back, you will pass Silom area, well-known as a business road in Bangkok.
After the 30 minutes flight continue by car to visit the Royal Palace.
King Rama I began the construction one of the most impressive palaces in Southeast Asia in 1782 after he moved the capital from Thonburi to Bangkok. The vast 94ha (233ac) grounds encompass more than 100 buildings including the Royal Residence and Throne Halls, government offices, and the renowned Wat Phra Kaew, home to the most revered Buddha image in Thailand, the Emerald Buddha.
Later tonight Wine & Dine with one of the best sommeliers in the region, president of the Association of Thai Sommeliers. Mr. Pairach Intaput has been well known in the food and beverage business for more than twenty years, hosting wine dinners for some of the most prestigious events and the important political as well as business figures in the country. This exclusive experience includes the service of selecting food and wine according to your liking and demand.
PM: Pick up from your hotel in the early evening, we will take you to one of the Thai restaurants in Bangkok where Mr. Pairach will welcome you with wine and tell you the stories of the winemaking around the region. Enjoy your exclusive dinner and taste some of the region’s top selections. Listen to a short orientation on how to pair Thai food with wine and enjoy the evening with one of the most exclusive experiences.
Damnoen Saduak Floating Market and Evening Show
Depart early morning for the 2hr drive to the 100-year-old Damnoen Saduak floating market located 100km (62mi) from Bangkok.
This vibrant, most famous of local markets features numerous small boats laden with colorful fruits and vegetables, paddled by Thai women wearing bamboo hats. Almost always crowded with hundreds of sellers, buyers, and tourists the market is one of the most photographed places in Thailand and certainly a Bangkok icon.
No lunch is included in this tour, but there is plenty of opportunities to enjoy a snack at the market. Drive back to Bangkok in the afternoon.
Spend an evening at Siam Niramit, a world-class celebration of Thailand’s artistic and cultural heritage. Set in the heart of Bangkok, this must-see spectacle is performed on a gigantic stage featuring over 150 performers with as many as 500 costumes. Enhanced special effects using the latest technology add to the inspiring experience.
Transfer to Chiang Rai and Evening in Nature
See your driver after breakfast for your transfer to the airport. You will take a short flight to Chiang Rai airport where you’ll be met by your driver for a transfer to your remote yet luxury jungle resort. After check-in enjoy your evening in beautiful surroundings – take in the amazingly clean air, listen to the birds from your jacuzzi, or visit the spa for one of the Thai treatments. Consider wine tasting in the evening and enjoy your dinner with Elephant Camp insight.
Day with Elephants
Your resort works together with Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation, saving elephants from the streets and captivity, providing them with a happy life in the jungle. Spend your day with the elephants, by keeping them company in their natural habitat. Meet their caretakers and learn about their habits and needs, as you partake in bathing and feeding.
Rest of the day at leisure.
Hill Tribes and transfer to the Beach
North Thailand is famous for its colorful hill tribes.
Drive to Mae Chan district and continue uphill along narrow mountain roads to visit the simple Akha and Yao hill tribe villages. The Akha, who originated in Tibet, are amongst the poorest of Thailand’s ethnic minorities and can also be found in the northern part of Laos. They are mainly farmers and known for their artistry. The Yao, whose origins are in China, is heavily influenced by Chinese traditions, still using Chinese characters in the writing of their language. The two minorities live peacefully close to each other. Observe the distinct differences between them and learn more about their culture, traditions, and costumes.
Transfer to the airport and take a flight south, to Phuket. Your driver will pick you up and bring you to the beachfront resort for the night.
Private Massage and Evening Show
In the early afternoon, a luxurious and personalized experience awaits at a private villa, equipped with traditional wellness facilities and managed by our specially handpicked therapists from an elite class of the Suuko Academy.
Immerse yourself in a cultural custom that reflects the luxurious legacy of Thai Heritage and experience a massage designed to synchronize acupressure with aromatherapy. Let your strains and stresses fade away with this two-hour session and walk out feeling reenergized.
In the evening, we’ll bring you to the renowned Simon’s Cabaret Show, for the most entertaining and colorful performance.
Conservation Projects in Phuket and Evening Show
After breakfast, take a conservation tour that will give you an insight into the efforts to preserve the natural condition of the island.
Visit the “Gibbon Rehabilitation Project” and learn about the effort to return the abandoned and abused gibbons to the wild. We continue to Mai Khao Marine Turtle Foundation, an organization helping the endangered leatherback turtles, one of the world’s most ancient species.
From here we head to your hotel. Take the remainder of the afternoon to relax or shop. In the evening we’ll bring you to one of the famous shows: Simon’s Cabaret or Phuket Phantasea Show.
Transfer to the Paradise Island
This morning, you will take a speedboat from Phuket pier and arrive at your stunning Joh Yao Noi hill resort around an hour later. Check-in and settle down, find your way around the resort, discover the pool and the spa.
Choose your spot for the sunset – at the resort or right at the beach!
Phang Nga Bay and James Bond Island
Phang Nga Bay is nature’s treasure at its best. Take the speedboat or a traditional long-tail boat and set on an exploration of this beauty. Greenery-covered karst formations mount over pristine waters, in a labyrinth of sandstone and jungle. Find secluded beaches, visit the wild monkeys, arrive at the famous “James Bond Island”.
Day to Explore the Island
Day at Leisure.
Koh Yao Noi is an island of unique charm. Small and never overcrowded, it is home to many attractions. Enjoy the quiet beach and luxury spa, or explore the island’s treasures! The rubber plantation, batik production, or lobster farm give you insights into the local living.
If you wish, you can just hop on a bicycle on your own, finding the lovely cafes and local restaurants. Watersports, including snorkeling and diving, are available.
Take this last day on the island to fully relax, enjoy a massage on the beach, go swimming, and having the time of your life. If you wish to visit a rubber plantation, take a cooking class, go snorkeling – there is an abundance of options!
Let us bring you to the airport in Phuket and wish you safe travels. If need be, we will also provide a transfer between airports in Bangkok.
Master Cabin
The cabin comes with comfy seating and a 42-inch flat-screen TV with a media library of more than 200 movies ensuring maximum entertainment. The room is air conditioned and has ample storage space. The ensuite bathroom has a walk-in shower, a separate toilet, and two vanities.
Anantara Riveride Bangkok Resort
Bangkok 5 Star
Four Seasons Tented Camp Golden Triangle
Chiang Mai 4 Star
Rosewood Phuket
Phuket 5 Star
Treehouse Villas - Adults Only
Phang Nga Bay 5 Star
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From Ho Chi Minh City: Mekong Delta 2-Day Tour With Hotel
The Mekong Delta ‘s enchanting landscapes and vibrant traditions offer a captivating escape from the bustle of Ho Chi Minh City. This 2-day tour promises an immersive experience, guiding travelers through key sights like the Vinh Trang Pagoda and the lively Cai Rang floating market . Complemented by boat trips and local delicacies , the tour provides a well-rounded introduction to the region’s rich culture. With comfortable 3-star accommodation and an English-speaking guide, this getaway presents an opportunity to discover the Mekong Delta’s allure firsthand. What intrigues you most about this destination?
- A 2-day guided tour from Ho Chi Minh City to the Mekong Delta region, including visits to Vinh Trang Pagoda, Qui Islet, and Cai Rang floating market.
- Tour package priced at €93.62 per person, with free cancellation up to 24 hours in advance.
- Includes transportation, boat trips, accommodation in a 3-star hotel, meals, and English-speaking guide.
- Not recommended for pregnant women, those with back problems, or mobility impairments due to various modes of transportation.
- Preparation guidelines include comfortable clothing, sun protection, and respect for local customs and wildlife.
More tours and experiences nearby.
- HoChiMinh: 2-Day Mekong Delta & Floating Market Group Tour
- From Ho Chi Minh: Cai Rang Famous Floating Market in Can Tho
- Private Half Day Tour – Nature, Wildlife & Forest in Can Tho
- Son Islet Tour – an Ecotourism-Based Community in Can Tho
Tour Overview
This 2-day tour from Ho Chi Minh City to the Mekong Delta region costs €93.62 per person.
Travelers can take advantage of free cancellation up to 24 hours in advance and the reserve now & pay later option.
The tour lasts 2 days and is led by a live English-speaking guide . Participants will visit top sights like the Vinh Trang Pagoda, Qui Islet, and the Cai Rang floating market .
The itinerary includes boat trips, a coconut candy mill, traditional music, and meals such as lunch in an orchard garden.
Accommodation is provided in a 3-star hotel .
The tour isn’t suitable for certain travelers, and participants should prepare with appropriate clothing and sun/insect protection.
Itinerary Highlights
The 2-day tour begins with a bus ride from Ho Chi Minh City to My Tho town, where travelers will visit the Vinh Trang Pagoda , the largest Buddhist temple in the Mekong Delta region.
The itinerary then includes:
A boat trip on the Tien River to Qui Islet to observe the local fishing port, stilt houses, and boat-building workshops.
Exploration of Ben Tre province , known for its coconuts, and the chance to experience the Garden-Pond-Cage agricultural model.
Sampling coconut candy and honey tea, as well as a rowing boat trip on a shaded canal.
A lunch in an orchard garden with fruit tasting and traditional music , followed by a dinner on a boat in Can Tho.
Inclusion Details
The tour includes several transportation and activity inclusions to provide a comprehensive Mekong Delta experience. Travelers will be transported in an air-conditioned bus and take multiple boat trips to explore the region. A professional, English-speaking guide will accompany the group throughout the tour. Meals are also included, with 1 breakfast, 2 lunches, and 1 dinner. Overnight accommodation in a 3-star hotel is provided for the first night. Additional inclusions are telephone fees and laundry services.
Participant Considerations
Typically, the tour isn’t recommended for pregnant women , individuals with back problems, mobility impairments , or wheelchair users.
The day’s activities involve various modes of transportation , including boats and walking. Participants should be prepared with the following:
- Comfortable, sturdy shoes for walking
- Sun protection such as hats, sunscreen, and sunglasses
- Insect repellent to ward off mosquitoes
- Water to stay hydrated
Visitors are advised to respect local customs and wildlife by refraining from smoking, littering, feeding animals, or touching plants during the tour.
Preparation and Guidelines
Preparing for the tour involves wearing comfortable, sturdy shoes suitable for walking throughout the day’s activities.
Bringing sun protection , such as a hat and sunscreen, is recommended to shield against the tropical sun. Insect repellent is also advised to ward off pesky mosquitoes.
Visitors should dress in lightweight, breathable clothing that can withstand the region’s warm and humid climate. It’s wise to bring a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated.
Respecting local customs and wildlife is essential, as guests will be immersed in the Mekong Delta’s unique cultural and natural landscapes.
Following these simple guidelines will ensure a memorable and enjoyable two-day adventure.
Booking and Cancellation
Conveniently, travelers can book this Mekong Delta 2-day tour online through the tour operator’s website or by contacting their customer service team. The tour is priced at €93.62 per person and offers a flexible cancellation policy , allowing free cancellation up to 24 hours in advance.
Travelers can take advantage of the "Reserve Now & Pay Later" option, which allows them to secure their spot without making an immediate full payment.
The tour includes various inclusions, such as transportation , tour guide services , boat trips, meals, and one night’s accommodation in a 3-star hotel .
It’s important to note that the tour may not be suitable for individuals with certain physical limitations, and visitors are advised to follow the recommended preparation and guidelines for a smooth and enjoyable experience.
Accommodation and Meals
The tour includes one night’s accommodation in a 3-star hotel during the overnight stay in Can Tho.
Meals are provided throughout the 2-day tour, including 1 breakfast, 2 lunches, and 1 dinner.
The breakfast is served on the second day, followed by a boat trip on the Lower Mekong River .
Lunch on the first day is enjoyed in an orchard garden , where travelers can taste local fruits and listen to traditional music.
The dinner on the first day is served on a boat in Can Tho.
The tour’s all-inclusive nature ensures travelers can fully enjoy the Mekong Delta’s culinary and cultural experiences.
Tour Highlights and Experiences
The 2-day Mekong Delta tour promises an immersive exploration of the region’s distinctive culture and natural wonders.
Highlights include:
Visiting Vinh Trang Pagoda , the largest pagoda in the Mekong Delta, and taking a boat trip on the Tien River to Qui Islet to witness the thriving fishing industry and traditional boat-building workshops.
Discovering the coconut-rich Ben Tre province and experiencing the Garden-Pond-Cage agricultural model.
Enjoying a rowing boat trip on a shaded canal, followed by a lunch in an orchard garden with fruit tasting and traditional music .
Exploring the lively Cai Rang floating market and observing the production of vermicelli noodles, before trekking through a village and crossing the iconic Monkey bridge.
Here's a few more nearby tours and experiences we think you'll like.
- Private Tour Mekong Delta 2 Days 1 Night By Car
- Mekong Delta Tour 2-Day (SaDec – Can Tho – My Tho – Ben Tre)
- Can Tho: Floating Market and Authentic Small Canals
- Private Transfer: Can Tho Airport – Can Tho City Center
- Private Tour: Cai Rang Floating Market in Can Tho 1 Day
- Explore Lung Ngoc Hoang Nature Reservation
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I Customize the Itinerary for This Tour?
Customers can’t customize the 2-day Mekong Delta tour itinerary. The tour operator provides a fixed schedule, but participants can discuss any special requests or needs with the tour guide during the trip.
What Is the Group Size for This Tour?
The tour group size is not explicitly stated in the overview. However, it is a small-group tour, allowing for a more personalized experience with the English-speaking guide. The exact group size may vary but is likely limited to ensure an intimate exploration of the Mekong Delta.
Is It Possible to Extend the Tour Duration?
Yes, it is possible to extend the tour duration. Customers can inquire with the tour operator about adding extra days to explore more of the Mekong Delta region. Additional fees may apply for the extended itinerary.
Do You Offer Any Discounts for Children or Seniors?
Yes, this tour offers discounts for children and seniors. Children under 12 receive a 50% discount, while seniors over 65 get a 10% discount off the standard price. These savings can be applied at the time of booking.
Can I Request a Specific Tour Guide for This Trip?
Customers can’t request a specific tour guide for this trip. The tour company assigns a live English-speaking guide to each group. However, guests can provide feedback on their guide’s performance after the tour.
Not for you? Here's more of our most recent tour reviews happening neaby
- From HCM: Mekong Delta 4D3N Chau Doc Can Tho Ca Mau Bac Lieu
- Hcm: Cai Rang Floating Market With English or French Guide
- Private 2 Days 1 Nights Tour HCM- Can Tho Mekong Delta
- Explore Cai Rang Famous Floating Market in Can Tho
- From Ho Chi Minh City: Mekong Delta 3-Days Tour
- Cai Rang Floating Market One Day Private Tour
- From HCM: Explore Mekong Delta & Floating Market For 2 Days
- From Ho Chi Minh: Mekong Delta and Tra Su Forest 3D2N Tour
- From Ho Chi Minh: Mekong Delta Ca Mau 3 Days 2 Nights
- Explore MEKONG 3D2N: My Tho – Ben Tre – Floating Market.
- From Ho Chi Minh: Mekong Delta 2D1N Tour
- 【O-Tan Dedication】Chocoret Workshop Observation and Maples Crullers to Be Fully Enjoyed! a Two-Day Tour/ Japanese Guide/ Dedicated Vehicle/ Lunch Included
- From Ho Chi Minh: Mekong Delta 3-Day Tour
- From Ho Chi Minh City: Mekong Delta For 2 Days 1 Night
This Mekong Delta 2-day tour from Ho Chi Minh City offers an immersive cultural experience, allowing travelers to explore the region’s vibrant landscapes, bustling floating markets , and rich traditions. With comfortable accommodation, local cuisine , and an English-speaking guide, the tour provides a hassle-free way to discover the enchanting Mekong Delta and create cherished memories.
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Mekong river cruises
Discover natural delights and ceremonial cultures, as you explore Southeast Asia on a luxury Mekong river cruise.
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Explore the treasures of the Mekong River
Unveil three thousand years of history as you lose yourself in the lands of Southeast Asia. Board your Star-Ship, Emerald Harmony, and cruise the mystical Mekong River, delving deep into the traditions of Vietnam and Cambodia.
Discover Vietnam & Cambodia on a Southeast Asia river cruise
A world of experiences
Angkor Wat temple, Cambodia
Buddhist Monks, Cambodia
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
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Discover the Mekong River
Where tradition meets the modern world.
Exotic flavors
Explore the last three thousand years
A lush landscape
Featured Itineraries
8-Day Majestic Mekong Cruise
Explore vibrant Vietnam & Cambodia by river
10-Day Meandering Majestic Mekong Cruise
Wonders of Cambodia, Vietnam & the Mekong
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Start planning your Southeast Asia river cruise
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Taking pride as an official authorized Mekong cruise booking agent with 20 years’ experience, you may find it easy to arrange a perfect journey with best rates offered. We make sure to get you the best choice within your budget and will always be willing to make necessary customized services on your request.
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Taking a Mekong river cruise trip should be a stress-free adventure. By booking your Mekong river cruise with us, you will have everything arrange smoothly in advance. Be locals, we especially focus on customer care services so we are always here to support you 24 hours/ 7 days by email or telephone.
MekongRiverCruises team is proudly a part of Inside Travel™ – the leading Mekong tour operator with over 20 years of experience in organizing private and escorted tours, quality cruises for couples, families and groups with selection of luxury, deluxe, budget and charter cruises.
Being the locals, we know the true value of our land. is the collection of the best choices to discover Mekong river delta. There are so many choices for you with the luxurious and comfortable services + best offers… Everything will give you special feelings and unforgettable time in our beautiful land.
Myanmar (Burma)
Let The Journey Begin
With Myanmar river cruises you can discover all the famous sites, Temples, Pagodas...
Siem Reap is the capital city of Siem Reap Province in northwest Cambodia, Siem Reap has a beauty of a historic city...
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Siem reap - phnom penh cruise, mekong cruise in cambodia, cambodia vietnam cruise, tonle river.
Tonle River is a part of the Lower Mekong River basin in Cambodia. This amazingly narrow and meandering river connects the Great Tonle Sap...
Natural World Heritage Site
Halong bay cruises are the best choice to Discover Halong Bay...
Kampong Cham
Being the third largest city in Cambodia, Kampong Cham is a peaceful capital of the eponymous province stretched along the banks of the Mekong...
Phnom Penh, the capital of the Kingdom of Cambodia, is an exotic city with fascinating scenery and enjoyable attractions...
Phnom Penh - Saigon Cruise
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Chau Doc is a part of An Giang Province, is the first town in the S-shaped country that the stream of Bassac River or Hau River...
Mekong Cruise in Vietnam
Saigon (ho chi minh city).
Saigon is one of the best tourist destinations that keeps the country's ancient culture and traditions alive in every corner...
Saigon - Siem Reap Cruise
Saigon - phnom penh cruise, vietnam cambodia cruise.
Sa Dec is a true hidden gem in the Mekong Delta, Sa Dec is a lovely town of tree-lined streets, authentic markets, beautiful pagodas...
Cai Be is famous for Cai Be floating market, a featured highlight of the lives on the rivers of Mekong Delta...
Cai Be - Can Tho Cruise
Can tho - cai be cruise.
My Tho is a city located about 86 kilometers away from Ho Chi Minh City and also one of the prominent tourist attractions not to be missed in Mekong Delta...
Phu Quoc is a well-known tourist destination and one of the best islands of Vietnam for stupendous beach holidays...
Saigon - Phu Quoc Cruise
Phu quoc - saigon cruise, can tho, vietnam.
You will definitely find some of the best floating markets in Can Tho, the largest city of the Mekong Delta...
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Mekong cruise luang prabang, latest mekong river cruise deals.
Heritage Line Jahan Cruise
Mekong Cruise Expert
The Jahan is Heritage Line's most romantic cruise liner. The Jahan cruise is decorated by England-India Style When guests aren't relaxing in their luxurious cabins they can meet friends in the atmospheric East India Club, soak in the Jacuzzi on the Pool Deck, challenge a new friend to a game of chess in the Observatory Lounge, or enjoy a pampering massage in the Apsara Spa.
Downstream Saigon - Cai Be
Departure date, save up to 15% now , heritage line jahan cruise downstream saigon - cai be.
Upstream Cai be – Phnom Penh
Heritage line jahan cruise upstream cai be – phnom penh, upstream saigon - phnom penh, heritage line jahan cruise upstream saigon - phnom penh.
Upstream Siem Reap Cai Be
Heritage line jahan cruise upstream siem reap cai be.
Heritage Line Anouvong Cruise
Being the baby brother of the renowned Jayavarman Cruise, Jahan Cruise is another captivating story-teller from Heritage Line Cruise Fleet that creates unforgettable 5-star journeys in lower Mekong Delta. Named after the 16th century Indian emperor, Jahan is a new flagship river cruise with elegant beauty evoking the glory of former British-India's art. Offering the same itineraries as its brother, Jahan Cruise blends the exotic charm of romantic style and lavish ambiance from fine interior & exquisite artworks inspired from Indian heritages. The ship has on-board outdoor jacuzzi pool, spacious sundeck, and 26 well-designed staterooms with private balconies in each room, which brings leisure river cruise experiences into a new realm and make Jahan itself the signature style of luxury Mekong river cruise
Gecko Eyes Cruise
Bassac Cruise
Mekong Eyes Explorer Cruise
Mekong Prestige Cruise
RV Mekong Princess Cruise
Being the baby brother of the renowned Jayavarman Cruise, Jahan Cruise is another captivating story-teller from Heritage Line Cruise Fleet that creates unforgettable 5-star journeys in lower Mekong Delta.
Mekong river cruise 2022 2023.
We would like to provide you the Mekong Cruise Departures & Mekong Cruise Schedules in 2022 2023, All Mekong river cruise departures are updated daily
Mekong River Cruise & Travel Guide
How to Choose Best Mekong River Cruises for Your Mekong Trip
A Mekong River Cruise Trip is the perfect way to embark on an ultimate cultural and historical journey in the…
To have an extraordinary experience during your Mekong river cruise trip, it is very important to choose a suitable cruise…
THE real local life experiences
Mekong River Cruise
Our family including 4 and 8 year old children absolutely loved our journey along the Mekong River. Hong was so helpful and thorough working out our requirements and making sure everything was to our satisfaction. I sent numerous requests and questions, and Hong patiently and efficiently handled them all. The river cruise was wonderful, and exceeded our expectations. We were a little worried about the safety of the 4yo on board the boat, but the staff were fantastic and the other passengers were very kind to both children. I thoroughly recommend this company to ensure a fantastic and memorable Mekong River cruise Valerie Vermaas - Australia
Luxury Mekong River Cruise
We joined the river cruise - Jahan. The boat was amazing cabin spacious and bathroom spacious It was so spotlessly clean with lovely food and good wine.Staff amazing always happy. Thank you Jahan cruise for an amazing time and for all that you give back to the communities you travel to. Joy Thompson - New Zealand
review 2 - [502]
We had such a great time on our Mekong Cruise! Thankyou Mrs.Lisa - Australia
review 1 - [490]
Thank you We have to say the trip exceeded our every expectation and then some thanks to Ms Lacey and Ms Nham. It went off without a hitch. The boat was perfect the staff was outstanding. The arrangements you made from the pickups to the tour guides were fabulous. Particularly Kiki the tour guide on our Saigon tour. He was a delight! I am sure to recommend your services to all of my friends and acquaintances and I am already considering a tour for next year and will certainly be in contact for that trip. Again thank you Lawrence Weber Lawrence P Weber - United States
"Rediscover Love, Explore the World, Cherish Every Moment."
I craft travel experiences that inspire adults to explore uncharted territories, reignite their passions, and cherish every precious moment.
Hassle-free planning, dedicated support, hello, i'm detra you're in the right place if....
You are seeking a vacation that goes beyond typical tourist destinations. You aim to rekindle and deepen your connection through unique and enriching experiences.
You are excited about the prospect of both river and ocean cruising. You value the serene beauty of rivers and the expansive views of the ocean and seek to explore destinations from the unique vantage point of a cruise ship.
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Mekong River cruising: The hot new travel trend for any budget
It’s luring budget holiday-makers away from hostels, and luxury travellers love it just as much. Welcome to Asia’s hottest travel trend.
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Luxury cruise lovers are setting their sights on Asia to get more bang for their holiday buck.
Annabel Tidmarsh, first and business travel expert from Flight Centre in Brisbane, has seen a huge rise in interest for Mekong River cruises in the past couple of years.
“I think the Australian traveller these days is more interested in getting off the beaten track, whereas when I started in the industry almost six years ago, people were interested in heading over to Europe or America and hitting those bucket-list locations. Now they’ve been there done that and want to experience something different.
“It’s a really luxury way to travel through Asian countries that are sometimes seen as an adventure destination, but the Mekong cruises make it more of a five-star destination.
“I think the biggest tip would be making sure you picking the cruise line or touring company that’s perfect to fit your style. G Adventures do a great three-star option for the younger adventure style traveller … (but) if you’re used to having five-star everything, and everything included, that’s when you definitely want to go for a Scenic or an APT.”
We found three Mekong River cruises for all budgets.
$2599 A PERSON (10 DAYS)
Travelling at a languid pace allows opportunity for reflection. It’s in these slowed-down moments along the Mekong, where you’ll cruise for eight days from Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam to Siem Reap in Cambodia, that the opening of eyes, minds and hearts begins.
But it’s during a traditional Khmer meal at the New Hope Vocational Training Restaurant in Siem Reap that you’ll realise you’ll be taking home more than just Instagram moments from this journey. A social enterprise developed and supported by G Adventures, this restaurant provides skill-building opportunities to locals and funds the free community school and health centre.
Of course, you’ll also enjoy many other enriching experiences this pocket of South-East Asia has to offer, like crawling through the Cu Chi tunnels, cyclo riding through Phnom Penh and visiting the floating village of Chnok Tru.
$3790 A PERSON (8 DAYS)
Kick off with a Luke Nguyen Welcome Dinner on board as you board in either Siem Reap or Ho Chi Minh City and prepare to be immersed in the local villages that hug the waterway.
Throughout your week aboard the RV AmaLotus, you’ll have the opportunity to take an authentic ox cart ride in Kampong Tralach, visit the holy Cao Dai Great Temple in the village of Long Hoa and appreciate what goes into delicate rice paper in Cai Be.
Close your eyes, open your heart and receive a blessing in the Oudong Temple — the town was the royal capital of Cambodia from 1618 until 1866 — and slip into the melting pot of cultures in Phnom Penh.
In Sa Dec, don’t miss the chance to learn the story behind French author, Marguerite Duras’s best-selling novel, The Lover.
$6075 A PERSON (11 DAYS — 2018 DEPARTURES)
Meandering along the Mekong from Ho Chi Minh City to Siem Reap, you’ll be transported from the French colonial splendour of Saigon, to Phnom Penh’s Killing Fields and stop at small silversmithing villages, shiny pagodas and ancient hilltop monasteries along this aquatic artery.
On top of included sightseeing options, five “Enrich” experiences are peppered throughout the itinerary that will see you receiving a blessing from a monk and learning how to pray in a Buddhist pagoda, enjoying a Cambodian circus performance, and witnessing sunrise over Angkor Wat.
After you disembark from your luxury ship, stay on in Siem Reap to discover the temples, ancient hydraulic systems and communication routes of Angkor. The tour culminates in a gala dinner at an Angkor temple with Apsara dancers as the sun sets on your final evening in Cambodia.
Freelance travel journalist and author Celeste Mitchell has been writing for Escape since 2014 when she was one of the last ones standing on an overnight sailing adventure in the Cook Islands (thank you, cast-iron stomach). She first travelled overseas as a 10-year-old exchange student in Japan and after living in Sydney, London, and Mexico, settled back on the Sunshine Coast where she grew up. A co-founder of Life Unhurried, she favours slow and sustainable travel, especially with her family by her side.
Don’t want the journey to end? Here’s how to keep cruising
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How much does a river cruise cost? Inclusions explained
River cruising is a tempting alternative to independent travel, here’s why.
Europe Chevron
Greece Chevron
The Best Time to Visit Greece
A version of this article originally appeared in Condé Nast Traveller India .
The best time to visit Greece is any time you can make it to Greece, naturally. Dotted with stunning islands surrounded by the sparkling waters of the Aegean, Mediterranean, and Ionian Seas, Greece has so much to offer within and beyond its most popular attractions. The best time to travel to Greece depends on what you seek: formidable historic sites that have stood the test of time, islands buzzing with exciting beach clubs, or quiet beaches and cool weather. If you’re planning a trip soon, here’s a handy guide on the best time to visit Greece.
Jump to: When is the best time to visit Greece? Temperatures throughout the year When is the off season in Greece? How many days are enough for a trip to Greece? Do Americans need a visa for Greece? Plan your stay
When is the best time to visit Greece?
Like most European countries, the best time to visit Greece is considered to be the summer season, which lasts from June to September. This is when tourism is at its peak in the country. There’s a lot of sunshine and little to no rain, which means you can spend a lot of time outdoors. However, recent summer heatwaves in Europe have led to the mercury touching over 110°F in Greece; in July 2023, the Acropolis was shut in the afternoons and air-conditioned public spaces were opened for people.
The summer season, which lasts from June to September, is when tourism peaks in Greece.
For fewer tourist crowds, the best time to visit Greece is in its shoulder season, during spring (April to June) and autumn (September to October). In spring, sea temperatures are still slightly lower, so expect chillier weather but pleasant conditions to spend days outdoors. In autumn, temperatures begin to fall in October and many Greek islands begin seeing fewer and fewer tourists. Parts of central Greece experience fall foliage and colors, while beaches are emptier and cooler.
Temperatures throughout the year
November to March: 44°F to 68°F (temperatures dip to sub-zero levels in some parts of northern Greece) April to June: 52°F to 86°F July to September: 59°F to 113°F September to October: 46°F to 84°F
When is the off season in Greece?
Winter, which lasts from November to around March, is the off season in Greece. Accommodation and flight prices typically dip during this time, as do the temperatures across Greek islands. This is also the wettest season in Greece: rainfall typically peaks in December and January, and some parts of Greece also experience snowfall. The further north you go in the country, the colder it will be. While many historical sites across the mainland remain open, islands and beaches may shut down. Even if they’re not officially shut, the water is too chilly to take a dip in.
Plan at least a week to explore the main attractions in Greece, like sprawling Athens and Mykonos in the Aegean.
How many days are enough for a trip to Greece?
You will need at least a week to explore the main attractions in Greece, in Athens, Mykonos and Santorini. Head to Crete, Greece’s largest island, for beach treks, sunbathing, and lush vineyards. If you plan to also visit lesser-known Greek islands, account for four to five extra days in your itinerary.
Do Americans need a visa for Greece?
According to the US Department of State , “U.S. citizens may enter Greece without a visa for stays of up to 90 days for tourism or business purposes.” That said, remember that travelers who hold passports issued by the United States will need to complete a new travel document prior to traveling to the European Union. The new visa waiver scheme, known as the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) is anticipated to launch early next year .
Plan your stay
• Where to Eat, Stay, and Play in Athens - From modern art galleries and tsipouro bars to traditional live-music rebetadikos for dancing the night away, • The Best Airbnbs in Santorini - Where to rent for a private slice of the Greek Island this summer. • A ‘Mamma Mia’–Inspired Packing List for Greece - Flowy white dresses, linen skirts, and overalls included. • 11 Best Hotels in Mykonos - Smart, stylish, and supremely laidback places to stay.
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Escape Bangkok and explore these hidden corners of Thailand by rail
While bangkok’s exciting buzz and modern metropolis is undoubtedly a must-vist, sometimes a little adventure is in order – lucie grace explores thailand’s best cultural, luxurious and tropical lesser-known gems all in reach by a train ride.
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I t seems like everyone loves train travel in Europe . Night train services are increasing all the time, making it easier than ever before to travel across the continent by rail. And, rather excitingly, Southeast Asia is following suit.
Thailand ’s improvements to its train lines are rolling out year on year, with international links opening and national lines getting swifter. Whether you live in Bangkok or are travelling around the kingdom on a holiday or sabbatical, making the most of the trains here is something we don’t do in Thailand as often as we should, with domestic flights and long haul buses being so cheap.
But there’s a lot to be said for the stress-free, scenic routes of the Thai railways, which are low cost and extremely reliable – ask a Thai friend if they have train strikes here and they’ll look at you bemused, questioning what a ‘strike’ is. Having lived in Thailand for three years, I’ve tested some of the best routes out of the capital.
Here are four of my favourite train trips to take from Bangkok , starting at Krung Thep Aphiwat Central Terminal Station (formerly known as Bang Sue Grand Station), to enjoy your time away from the vibrant, bustling city.
Bangkok to Ayutthaya
This is an easy day trip from Bangkok : history-rich Ayutthaya is just one hour away by train. Setting off bright and early is the way forward because there’s so much to see in Thailand’s former capital city, so I suggest hopping on board at 7.30am, with a third-class seat setting you back 20 Thai baht (50p) – not the comfiest seat, sure, but it will get you there. Ayutthaya train station is a short drive from the old town centre so I use Grab (Bolt works too) to get a taxi to bicycle and moped rental agency Tour With Thai (TWT) where my old favourite, Joy, rents me a bike for the day. It’s a flat city and easy to navigate, so I drive to Wat Phanan Choeng Worawihan to pay my respects to the biggest Buddha in town at the huge and very much operational temple, before heading off to Wat Lokkayasutha, a ruin with a colossal, plaster-coated reclining Buddha. I whip to Wat Chaiwatthanaram in time to watch the sunset over the huge complex of pointed stupas , before heading to the dinky station to get the train back to Bangkok.
Where to stay
The Siam , Bangkok’s riverside boutique resort, 15 minutes taxi or car ride from Krung Thep Aphiwat Central Terminal Station (Bang Sue Grand Station).
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Bangkok to Hua Hin
A great weekend getaway from Bangkok, Thailand’s original beach resort Hua Hin has a long history of hospitality; the town played host to the royal family who had their ornate summer palace built there in the 1920s. Consequently, the railway station is just as embellished, with the 1926 station a real gem of Thai design. Even after the recent modernisation, the striking red and white stripes make it the most memorable station in the country. On disembarking, I go on a little quest to find the original signal control huts. I get here on the 7.30am train from Bangkok; a journey which has recently been reduced from a four-hour ride to a swift three hours since the upgrading and raising of the tracks. Depending on which service you board, a one-way ticket costs as low as £1. There’s no denying I’m here for the beach, which is a white sand beauty, lined with luxury hotels like the Avani+ and The Standard. Post-beach, head to fantastic restaurant La Terrasse; the shrimp, lobster and mussels are all stellar here. It’s not all beach and seafood though, as there are great waterfalls near Hua Hin. Next on my hit list is the majestic eleven tiered Pa La-U rock waterfall in Kaeng Krachan National Park; a rope swing awaits with my name on it.
The Standard, Hua Hin , is regularly voted one of the best seaside resorts in Asia.
Bangkok to Pak Chong for Khao Yai National Park
There’s a cluster of sprawling tropical national parks just a few hours from Bangkok, but only one has a train-themed luxury hotel in its lush green forests. With that in mind, I hop on the 7.10am North East Line train to Pak Chong and get a window seat, snoozing to the rhythmic sounds of the wheels on rails below, dreaming of retro train carriage hotel rooms. Three and a half hours later, after whizzing past Buddha-lined hills and monastery towns, my dream became a reality as I arrived completely windswept – the train windows were wide open the whole way. I was picked up from the station and driven to the Bill Bensley-designed InterContinental Khao Yai, which is a Disneyland for train-loving adults, and a love letter to all things rail and to Thailand of old. Bensley’s art team scoured the country for years to find the antiques, maps and memorabilia that line the walls and adorn the corridors. It’s the salvaged train coaches that have been sumptuously decked out in and repurposed as a tea room, a restaurant adaptly called Poirot (given the Art Deco style interiors), a spa, and 19 colourful but oh-so-elegant carriage bedrooms. If you can prise yourself away from the resort, the national park next door is one of the few places in Thailand where you can still see wild elephants, as well as gibbons and hornbills.
It has to be the InterContinental Khao Yai , a luxury resort for train lovers.
Bangkok to Chiang Mai
This is Thailand’s most popular train ride, and one to book in advance. The 13-hour journey from Bangkok to ‘Rose of the North’ Chiang Mai is best taken overnight. The sun rises as the train trundles out of the jungle and through the cities of Lampang then Lamphun, so scenic views are plentiful. Word to the wise: go for a second-class ticket and be sure to nab a lower bunk, which are bigger, comfier and further away from the blasting AC unit. Three night train services run from Bangkok to Chiang Mai every evening, and I suggest aiming for Special Express Service 9 (or 10 in the opposite direction) as the shiny, newer train has better facilities. Give yourself at least a few days in Chiang Mai, ideally over the weekend so you can check out the night markets. Wua Lai walking street market is set up every Saturday night and the city’s largest, the Sunday walking street, stretches along the length of Rachadamnoen Road, which cuts a horizontal line through the old city. Whether you buy a bowl from the night markets or one of the small local restaurants, be sure to try Chiang Mai’s much-loved noodle dish, khao soy, at least once. Chicken is usually on top of the lightly spiced yellow noodles but vegetarian and vegan versions are easy to find in the temple city – look for the ‘jay’ restaurants near the temples and monasteries.
Read more: Drenched by Super Soakers and blasted by buckets of water – celebrating Songkran in Chiang Mai
137 Pillars House is a heritage stay, just a five-minute taxi ride from Chiang Mai train station.
Find out more about ethical and sustainable travel options, and other ways to support local communities and protect the environment during your stay at Responsible Thailand.
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Day 1 : Ho Chi Minh City - Unicorn Island (-/-/-) Pick up either at Saigon Airport of in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City and drive to the heart of the Mekong Delta, passing by My Tho and a long bridge over the Mekong to reach the Unicorn Island, with hidden at the far end of the island, Island Lodge (about 2 to 2h30 drive).
Pakkepris per person i delt dobbeltrom/lugar fra kr 48 285,-. Prisen er basert på reise i perioden april - september 2024. Reisen kan forlenges med flere netter i Siem Reap hvis ønskelig. Skreddersy et uforglemmelig elvecruise i Vietnam og Kambodsja med Escape Travel - opplev magiske Mekong, markeder, templer og nyt deilig mat og drikke.
MEKONG riverside escape TRIP TYPECulturePRICEFrom 10,700,000 VNĐDURATION5 DAYS Trip Overview This 5-day itinerary explores the wonderful traditions and history of Vietnam's vibrant Mekong River Delta from the comfort of the chic Mekong Riverside Boutique Hotel and Spa in Cai Be. Learn about Caodaism, a religion created in Vietnam, and visit craft villages for hands-on opportunities ...
During a cruise on the Mekong River with AmaWaterways, I was able to more fully appreciate the beauty of traveling in the rainy season.
2 Days Cai Rang Floating Market and Mekong Delta from HCM Tour. 20. Bus Tours. 2 days. Explore villages, savor local cuisine, witness floating markets, engage in crafts, experience homestays, enjoy landscapes…. Free cancellation. Recommended by 95% of travelers.
HCMC - Can Tho 4h. Depart from your hotel on a 4 hours' drive to Can Tho, capital and biggest city of the Mekong River Delta.. Board the Victoria Mekong at Can Tho's Cai Cui Jetty at 3pm. As the ship sets sail against the setting sun on the Hau River, learn about the many onboard services and facilities with a refreshing cocktail in hand.
The serene Mekong Delta offers the perfect respite, whether it's a day trip, an overnight escape, or the start of a cruise up the Mekong, bound for Cambodia. Flowing all the way from the Tibetan Himalayas to the South China Sea, through Myanmar, Thailand, and Laos, the Mekong River defines Southeast Asia, sustaining over 60 million people and ...
Embark on our Mekong Delta Trip 3 days: escape city hustle and bustle to Can Tho and other Mekong Delta's highlights surrounded! Cruise Can Tho's floating markets, cycle Cai Be's orchards, discover Chau Doc's temples and Tra Su Forest, showcasing the Southern Vietnam's scenic beauty and rich culture
Overall. The Mekong River cruise seamlessly blends exploration, relaxation, and luxury, making it one of the finest travel experiences available. Elegant and thoughtfully curated, a cruise through the heart of Southeast Asia is more than just a journey—it's an experience that enriches your soul, delights your senses, and creates memories ...
The river fractures and stretches out into many tributaries and rivulets in a flat, comma-shaped delta jutting from the south of the country, all flowing gently seawards. The huge Mekong River is one of the world's most spectacular rivers. With a length of 2,700 miles (4,350 kilometres) and a basin of 307,000 square miles (795, 125 square ...
A luxury escape to Thailand's lush Chiang Rai jungle and near-private island paradise, Koh Yao Noi.
Visit Ho Chi Minh City, Cu Chi Tunnels, Unicorn Island, and rivercruise on the Mekong River with Lotus Cruises and RV Mekong Navigator, Cambodia, Phnom Penh,...
The Mekong Delta's enchanting landscapes and vibrant traditions offer a captivating escape from the bustle of Ho Chi Minh City.This 2-day tour promises an immersive experience, guiding travelers through key sights like the Vinh Trang Pagoda and the lively Cai Rang floating market.Complemented by boat trips and local delicacies, the tour provides a well-rounded introduction to the region's ...
Siem Reap to Ho Chi Minh City. 13 Days. SEASON: 2024/2025. Wonders of Cambodia, Vietnam & the Mekong. Explore vibrant Vietnam & Cambodia by river. From. USD. $4,020*. View Itinerary.
Twenty years later, this border crossing is taken for granted as passengers on a variety of river cruise ships travel up and down the Mekong to explore these two very distinct cultures. Not satisfied with cruising just on the lower Mekong, in 2015 the Pandaw company was the first to also cruise the shallower waters of the upper Mekong in Laos ...
Most Mekong River cruises travel from Siem Reap in Cambodia to Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam (or vice versa) and the entry-level eight-day cruises will only include the cruise. Padgham says it's worth choosing a cruise of 12 days or longer so you can explore the bookend cities in depth.
MekongRiverCruises team is proudly a part of Inside Travel™ - the leading Mekong tour operator with over 20 years of experience in organizing private and escorted tours, quality cruises for couples, families and groups with selection of luxury, deluxe, budget and charter cruises.. Being the locals, we know the true value of our land. is the collection of the best ...
Picture: Scenic. ESCAPE ROUTE. Scenic's 13-day Treasures of the Mekong Cruise is priced from $6835 a person twin share. Travel in 2017 and fly free return to South East Asia, a saving of up to $3070 a couple. Plus upgrade to business class from $2995 per person.
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Travel on the Mekong. Morning arrives. Well, the depth of night, but the prescribed time to awaken for the start of our journey. It's dark and cold, my images of a balmy Asia wrapped in a blanket of purple fuzz. ... Unable to completely escape the slave to technology urge, I cast a glance at my phone (it has a light) - 8 p.m. The Mekong ...
Annabel Tidmarsh, first and business travel expert from Flight Centre in Brisbane, has seen a huge rise in interest for Mekong River cruises in the past couple of years. "I think the Australian traveller these days is more interested in getting off the beaten track, whereas when I started in the industry almost six years ago, people were interested in heading over to Europe or America and ...
Peter Greenberg travels the world, reporting on 'Hidden Gems' in places like Ireland, Saudi Arabia and now South Mississippi. "America's Hidden Coast: Mississippi" is the first time ...
Whether you're looking for buzzy beaches or a quiet coastal escape, here's the best time to visit Greece. By Arundhati Ail. September 5, 2024 ... up-to-the-minute voice in all things travel, ...
Escape Bangkok and visit these hidden Thailand gems by rail Lay your head in a luxury train-themed hotel, equipped with retro designs and Art Deco interiors Intercontinental Khao Yai
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