Everest Base Camp Trek Weather

Everest Base Camp Trek Weather and Temperature

  • Last Updated on Dec 31, 2023

The Everest Base Camp trek is a very adventurous multiple-day hike in the eastern Himalayas of Nepal. From the starting point of the trail to the highest point, the landscape, terrain, and weather drastically changes. In this blog, you will understand the Everest Base Camp trek weather and temperature. This information will help you decide when to trek here and what to expect in each month.

Learning about the weather and climate along the trail will help you a lot in making the most of your trekking expedition. You will have ample information, which will set the right expectation benchmark for you. You will not be surprised even if the weather suddenly changes, and ultimately, it will not ruin your mood because you know it's inevitable.

The Everest Base Camp trek starts from Kathmandu at 1,400 meters (4,593 ft). From here, you will take a 30 to 35-minute flight to Lukla and ascend to Everest Base Camp at 5,364 meters (17,598 ft) and Kala Patthar at 5,545 meters (18,192 ft). This elevation change also brings changes in climate, vegetation, and weather. As the blog unfolds, you will learn the month-by-month breakdown of the weather and temperature in the Everest region.

Check out our Everest Base Camp trek cost blog for in-depth information on the money needed for this trek.

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Table of contents, everest base camp trek weather and temperature by month.

Month-by-month breakdown of the weather and temperature in the Everest region

Everest Base Camp weather and temperature in January

  • Temperature : The daytime temperature usually reaches a maximum of 4°C, while during the night, the temperature drops to around -17°C.
  • Estimated hours of daylight : In January, the daylight hours range from 5 to 7, so you have to start trekking early in the morning.
  • Wind : The average daily wind speed is roughly 12-19 km/hr (about 8-12 mph).

January is the middle of the winter and one of the coldest times in the Everest region. The daylight hours are short, ranging from 5 to 7 hours in the upper part of the region. During the daytime, the temperature ranges around 6°C and can drop below -20°C by midnight/early morning. Snowfall is common, and some lodges in the upper part of the trail get closed.

Everest Base Camp weather in January

Trekking to Everest base camp in January!

Likewise, the mornings are frequently shrouded by fog, but by the afternoon the sunrises, making the region brighter and the mountain views excellent. Somedays can be gloomy with no clear sky. The air is cold and crisp. If the day is clear, you will get to witness the best mountain panoramas as the mountains are covered by snow.

In January, there is no crowd. Moreover, the Everest Base Camp trail is almost empty, so trekking can become quite therapeutic with adventurous walks and tranquility. The lodges offer discounted accommodations and meals.

But with all these perks also comes the challenge of cold weather in January. You have to be well-packed and prepared for the trek. Good-quality down jackets, thermal innerwear, warm gloves/socks, hats, and high-quality sleeping bags are essentials. Even with all the challenges, January can be quite a lovely time to do Everest Base Camp trekking for experienced trekkers.

Everest Base Camp weather and temperature in February

  • Temperature: The temperature ranges around 4°C during the daytime and drops below -14°C in the night.
  • Estimated hours of daylight: In February, the daylight hours range from 6 to 7, so you have to start trekking early in the morning.
  • Wind: The average daily wind speed in February is around 12-19 km/hr (around 8-12 mph).

February is the last month of the winter season. Like January, the weather remains extremely cold, with frequent snowfall and short daylight hours. However, as the days pass by, the climate gradually begins to warm up, and by the end of February, the daylight hours also increase. During the daytime, the temperature ranges around 8°C in the lower altitudes, whereas the nighttime is still extremely cold, with the temperature dropping to -15°C.

February also sees empty trails. If you love solitude and want to experience the serenity of the Everest region, February is another great time for trekking. The mountains are all covered with blankets of white snow, and on clear days, the views are just out of this world. Not many trekkers have seen the Everest region's winter beauty. It is incredible and will take your breath away.

Everest base camp weather in february

Trekkers trekking to Everest base camp in february!

As the winter is also at its peak in February, you have to pack well for the trek. High-quality insulating clothes, thermal wear, and sleeping bags are essential. Likewise, you will also need a trekking boot that has a good grip on snow. As February comes to an end, the landscape gradually begins to change. You can see life back in the lower parts of the trail.

If you are planning to do the Everest Base Camp trek in the winter season, you have to be strong physically and mentally. Winter demands a lot more than any other trekking season. It will test your endurance, patience, and determination. So, be well prepared.

Everest Base Camp weather and temperature in March

  • Temperature: The temperature ranges around 7°C during the daytime and drops below -12°C in the night.
  • Estimated hours of daylight: In March, the average daylight hour is 7.
  • Wind: The average daily wind speed in March is around 15 km/hr (around 9 mph).

March is the beginning of the spring season, the transitional time in the Himalayas, and also the start of one of the peak trekking seasons. The climate slowly begins to warm up and the weather also gets stable. The average daily temperature is -2°C to 7°C during the daytime and -12°C at night. The daylight hours begin to rise, and the mountain views are much more clear with the bright sky.

The trekkers return to the region. All the lodges are ready to serve them. Gradually, the trail to Everest Base Camp begins to bustle with laughter and joy. Hundreds and thousands of flowers decorate the lower parts of the trail, especially rhododendrons. The leaves are back on the trees, and the streams and waterfalls start to unfreeze.

As the month progresses, the valleys and passes begin to melt as well, making the trails accessible once again. The cold is still there but not as intense as in February. There could be occasional snowfall in March, which indicates that the season is changing. If you wish to do the EBC trek in peak season but avoid the crowd, thendo the Everest Base Camp trek at the start of March . The trails are still serene, with only a handful of trekkers.

Everest Base Camp weather and temperature in April

  • Temperature: The temperature ranges around 10°C during the daytime and drops below -5°C in the night. The daytime gets warm, so dress in layers and remove them as needed.
  • Estimated hours of daylight: In April, the average daylight hour is 7 to 8.
  • Wind: The average daily wind speed in April is around 15 km/hr (around 9 mph).

April is the peak of the spring season. It is one of the best times to do the Everest Base Camp trekking because of the stable weather and moderate climate. The trekking route all around the Everest region and other parts of the Himalayas sees a bustle of travelers from all around the world. The daylight hours range from 7 to 8, and the sky remains mostly bright and clear.

everest base camp weather in april

Reaching the Everest base camp in April!

In April, the temperature ranges from 10°C to -5°C. The nights and mornings are on the cold side, whereas the daytime has a moderate climate- neither too hot nor too cold. The lower parts of the trails are full bloomed with rhododendron and magnolia. You can see rivers, streams, and waterfalls, almost back to life. The landscapes are clear and stunning.

With the beginning of April, the Lukla flights are also mostly on time. There are fewer delays and a rare chance of flight cancellation. With better weather conditions, you can trek in the Everest region without having a contingency day in your itinerary. Likewise, if you love birds, then April is a great time as various bird species migrate to the region.

By April, the EBC trail will be packed with travelers. While packing for the trek, make sure to bring some warm pieces, too. Focus on layering!

Everest Base Camp weather and temperature in May

  • Temperature: The temperature ranges around 20°C during the daytime and drops to around -10°C at night. The daytime gets warm, so dress in layers and remove them as needed.
  • Estimated hours of daylight: In May, the average daylight hour is 7 to 8.
  • Wind: The average daily wind speed in May is around 15 km/hr (around 9 mph).

May is the last month of spring. It is also the best time to climb mountains in the Himalayas. The excellent weather conditions in the month make trekking to the Everest Base Camp spectacular. The temperatures are relatively mild, with daytime averages at the base camp ranging between -2°C to -5°C. The nights can get colder, reaching around -10°C. Likewise, the temperature can reach up to 20°C in the lower part of the trail during the daytime.


Outfitter Himalaya trekking group reached everest base camp in May!

As May is the last month of the spring, the crowd is relatively low. Most trekkers have already left the EBC trail or are on the return journey to Lukla. However, you will see many mountaineers at the base camp. The landscape in May is surreal and adorned with the beauty of blooming rhododendron flowers at lower altitudes. Likewise, the upper part of the trail boasts barren, rocky sceneries.

The trail is in the best condition. As the next season is monsoon, there could be occasional rainfall in lower elevations, signaling the change in season. With the right preparation, including proper acclimatization, suitable gear, and pre-arranged accommodations, trekking to Everest Base Camp in May promises an unforgettable experience.

Everest Base Camp weather and temperature in June

  • Temperature: The temperature ranges around 25°C during the daytime and drops to around 0°C at night. The weather is quite unstable, so you need to pack all kinds of clothing, including warm, waterproof, and light, breathable.
  • Estimated hours of daylight: In June, the average daylight hour is 11 per day. This month has longer daytime and shorter nighttimes.
  • Wind: The average daily wind speed in June is around 16 km/hr (around 9 mph). The morning and evening times are usually chilly in the higher regions.

June marks the beginning of the summer/monsoon season. It brings unpredictable weather and gloomy days. The Lukla flights may not be on time most of the time, so contingency days are important in the itinerary. Even though it is the start of monsoon season, the full impact may not hit the region. So, if you plan well, you can do the EBC trek in June.

The daytime temperature ranges from 25°C to 15°C in different elevations. During the night, the temperature ranges between 0°C to 8°C. While there's a potential for some rain, cloudy sky, and reduced visibility, these factors do not significantly hinder the trek. Trails may become slightly muddy, but they remain navigable, adding a touch of adventure to the journey.

everest base camp weather in june

The Himalaya view in Everest in June!

As June is the start of another off-trekking season in Nepal, the number of trekkers decreases significantly, making the trails around the Himalayas almost empty. This creates a more intimate and tranquil experience with nature, allowing you to appreciate the beauty of the Everest region without the crowds.

The monsoon rains bring a refreshing touch to the flora, transforming the landscape into lush, green surroundings. Despite the wet conditions, the overall trekking experience is enhanced by the vibrant colors and rejuvenated environment. You have to pack waterproof clothing for trekking in June.

Everest Base Camp weather and temperature in July

  • Temperature: The temperature ranges around 32°C during the daytime in lower elevations and drops to around 0°C at night around EBC. The weather is unstable, and you need to pack all kinds of clothing, including warm, waterproof, and breathable.
  • Estimated hours of daylight: In July, the average daylight hour is 7 to 8 per day.
  • Wind: The average daily wind speed in July is around 16 km/hr (around 9 mph). The humidity is high as well.

July is the peak of the monsoon season in Nepal. The lower part of the trail is in its poorest condition during this month because of heavy rainfall. The trails are muddy and slippery, and some sections have leeches as well. Most hilly areas are on high alert for landslides, including the trekking routes. Likewise, the rivers, streams, and waterfalls are raging with rainwater.

Everest Base camp weather in July

EBC weather in July!

Expect frequent rainfall, which can vary from drizzles to heavy downpours. Despite being summer, temperatures are still relatively cool at higher altitudes. Around Everest Base Camp, temperatures range from 10°C during the day to -5°C at night. Likewise, the lower elevation has higher temperature. The humidity is at its peak this month, and the clouds block the views often.

July is not an ideal time for Everest Base Camp trekking because of elevated weather challenges. However, the trails are empty, and the prices of accommodation and meals are low along the way. Some tea houses may close during the monsoon season. Likewise, flight delays and cancellations to and from Lukla are more common.

Everest Base Camp weather and temperature in August

  • Temperature: The temperature ranges around 30°C during the daytime in lower elevations and drops to around -1°C at night around EBC. The weather is unstable, and you need to pack all kinds of clothing, including warm, waterproof, and breathable.
  • Estimated hours of daylight: In August, the average daylight hour is 6 to 7 per day.
  • Wind: The average daily wind speed in August is around 16 km/hr (around 9 mph). The humidity is high as well.

August is the last month of the summer/monsoon season. The weather is similar to in July with heavy regular rainfalls and cloudy days. The trails are muddy and slippery due to rainfall. Trekking can be more challenging during this time, and proper footwear with good traction is essential. Likewise, the risk of landslides remains, particularly in areas with steep terrain.

The humidity is also quite high, and the temperature ranges from 15°C to -1°C. On days with no rainfall, the temperature rises above 30°C in the lower part of the trails. As the weather is unpredictable in August, you will come across fog, gloomy days, heavy downpours, drizzles, and occasional bright, clear days.

Everest Base camp weather in august

Everest Base camp weather in August!

While there may be breaks in the weather, the overall visibility of the Himalayan peaks might still be limited, and clear views are not guaranteed. August is the last month of the off-season, and there are fewer trekkers on the trail. If you appreciate a quieter experience and are prepared for challenging conditions, you may consider trekking to EBC in August.

Everest Base Camp weather and temperature in September

  • Temperature: The temperature ranges around 20°C during the daytime and drops to around -5°C at night around EBC. The weather gradually gets stable.
  • Estimated hours of daylight: In September, the average daylight hour is 7 to 8 per day.
  • Wind: The average daily wind speed in September is around 8-11 km/hr (around 5-7 mph).

September starts the final peak trekking season of the year in Nepal. September is a transitional month, so you will see a mixed weather pattern. The weather begins to transition into clearer skies and more stable conditions. There could be occasional rainfall till the second of this month. Gradually, the climate begins to get cold with crisp air. The trekkers return to the trails.

Everest base camp weather in September

Trekkers at Everest base camp in September!

The first two weeks of September see empty trails, so it is the best time to do the Everest Base Camp trek if you wish to escape the crowd of peak season. Trails start to dry up as the monsoon subsides, reducing the mud and slipperiness. However, some sections might still be wet, so good trekking shoes are essential. With the decrease in rainfall and clearing skies, September provides better opportunities for clear views of the Himalayan mountains.

Daytime temperatures range from 10°C to 20°C, offering a comfortable trekking environment. Nighttime temperatures may still drop between -1°C to -5°C, especially at higher altitudes. There is a good balance between the end of the monsoon season and the onset of colder winter weather. By the end of September, the weather gets stable, making it easier to trek and enjoy the scenic landscapes.

Everest Base Camp weather and temperature in October

  • Temperature: The temperature ranges around 10°C to 20°C.
  • Estimated hours of daylight: In October, the average daylight hour is 8 to 9 per day.
  • Wind: The average daily wind speed in October is around 8-11 km/hr (around 5-7 mph). The humidity is high as well.

October is the best time to do the Everest Base Camp trek. The trail is crowded with trekkers from all around the world. The environment is joyful and lovely. Likewise, the mountain views are breathtaking and clear. The monsoon rain clears the sky, making the air quite refreshing, and there is a very soothing hint of coldness in the climate. The weather remains dry and stable, perfect for trekking.

Everest Base Camp weather in October

Clear weather in Everest Base camp in October!

The trails are almost dried up, reducing the chances of mud and slippery conditions. The daytime temperatures in October range from 10°C to 20°C at lower altitudes. Likewise, nighttime temperatures may still be chilly, especially at higher elevations. The autumn season brings vibrant colors to the landscapes.

As October is a popular month for trekking, accommodations along the trail can fill up quickly, so you have to make early bookings. The EBC trek in October may coincide with Dashain, the biggest festival in Nepal. This adds a cultural dimension to the overall trekking experience. While daytime temperatures are moderate, it's essential to pack layers for varying temperatures.

Everest Base Camp weather and temperature in November

  • Temperature: The temperature ranges around 18°C during the daytime in lower elevations and drops to around -10°C at night around EBC.
  • Estimated hours of daylight: In November, the average daylight hour is 7 to 8 per day.
  • Wind: The average daily wind speed in November is around 8-13 km/hr (around 5-8 mph). The humidity is high as well.

November is the last month in the autumn season and also brings the hint of winter by the middle of the month. This month is also a peak time for trekking in the Everest region due to favorable weather conditions. The sky remains clear with dry weather and moderate humidity. The daylight hours are also good, ranging from 7 to 8.

Everest base camp weather in November

View of Everest Base camp in November!

EBC Trek in November offers some of the best mountain views of the entire year. The skies are clear, and visibility is excellent. In November, you'll witness the autumn foliage, with colorful leaves on trees like rhododendrons. The landscapes are vibrant, adding to the scenic beauty of the trek.

The daytime temperatures at lower altitudes range from 6°C to 18°C, and nighttime temperatures can drop around -10°C in the upper part of the trail. The crowd gradually begins to lower, offering a tranquil environment once again. Although November is less crowded than October, it's still a popular month for trekking, so booking teahouse accommodations in advance is recommended.

Everest Base Camp weather and temperature in December

  • Temperature: Throughout December, daytime temperatures will generally be around 4°C to 12°C. At night, the average minimum temperatures drop down to around -14°C.
  • Estimated hours of daylight: In November, the average daylight hour is 5 to 7 per day.
  • Wind: The average daily wind speed in November is around 12-19 km/hr (around 8-12 mph). The humidity is high as well.

December starts the long, dark winter in the Himalayas. The weather begins to get quite unpredictable, and the cold rises. You can still do the EBC trek in December; however the Lukla flight may begin to see a lot more delays than in November. The possibility of snowfall is high at upper elevations.

Everest base camp weather in December

Everest Base camp weather in December!

Trails can be covered with snow and ice, especially as you ascend to higher altitudes. This can make trekking more challenging, and proper gear, such as trekking poles and crampons, may be necessary. December offers clear skies, providing good visibility of the snow-covered landscapes, but the unstable weather may disrupt the views on some days.

Most of the vegetation has shed its leaves, and the landscapes may appear more barren compared to other seasons. The daytime temperatures at lower altitudes can range from 4°C to 12°C, but temperatures drop significantly at upper altitudes (-14°C). With fewer trekkers on the trail, you can enjoy a more peaceful and serene trekking experience.

Arjun Rijal

Arjun Rijal

Hello, Hi & Namaste from the Himalayas !!!

I am Arjun Rijal, Founder Director of the Outfitter Himalaya Holidays P. Ltd & working as a travel planner/consultant for Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet Travel. I love hiking, trekking, and traveling.

I have been in most of the trekking regions in Nepal, that include Everest Base Camp , Annapurna Base camp , Annapurna Circuit , Manaslu , and Langtang . I also have travelled to Bhutan , India & planning further travel to many other countries in the world.

Find my writing on traveling, trekking, tours, travel news, and updates about the tourism activities of Nepal, Tibet & Bhutan.

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Shishir Banjara

Everest Base Camp Trek Month Wise: Weather and Temperature

Shishir Banjara

  • Aug 3rd 2023

Everest Base Camp Trek Month Wise: Weather and Temperature

The Everest Base Camp Trek is a thrilling journey that attracts adventure enthusiasts from around the globe. Spanning across some of the highest altitudes in the world, this trek offers breathtaking views, cultural insights, and a sense of accomplishment. But to make the most of your trekking experience, it's crucial to plan your trip around the weather conditions and temperatures in the region.

ebc trek weather

As the Everest Base Camp lies at an elevation of about 5,364 meters (17,598 feet), the weather can vary drastically depending on the time of the year. Therefore, understanding the monthly weather patterns and temperature fluctuations at Everest Base Camp can greatly enhance your trekking experience.

This guide provides a month-by-month breakdown of the weather and temperature during the Everest Base Camp Trek, helping you to choose the best time for your trek and what to expect during each season. From the crisp and clear days of autumn, the snow-filled paths of winter, the blossoming beauty of spring, to the lush green landscapes of monsoon, each month brings a unique flavor to this journey. Let's delve into the details and help you plan your trek efficiently.

January: The Coldest Month

January is considered the middle of winter in the Everest region, and it is indeed one of the coldest months. Day temperatures at lower elevations hover around 6°C (42.8°F), but they drop significantly as you gain altitude, and nights can be much colder. At the base camp itself, night-time temperatures can drop as low as -20°C (-4°F) or even lower.

ebc trek weather

Snowfall is common, especially at higher elevations, which can lead to trail closures or diversions. However, on days when the skies are clear, which is often the case, the mountain views are nothing short of spectacular. The air is crisp and the visibility is excellent, providing some of the best mountain vistas you'll see all year.

Another advantage of trekking in January is the lack of crowds. Unlike the peak trekking seasons in the spring (March-May) and autumn (September-November), the trails are much less crowded in January. This means you'll often find yourself in solitude, surrounded by the quiet beauty of the Himalayas.

Moreover, tea houses and lodges along the trail are less likely to be fully booked, so finding accommodation is rarely an issue. Many tea houses offer rooms for free, expecting you to dine with them.

However, trekking in January does require a high level of preparation. It is essential to bring warm clothing and gear to protect against the severe cold, especially at night. Items like a good quality down jacket, thermal innerwear, warm gloves, and a hat are must-haves.

In conclusion, while January presents more challenging conditions, it can be a great time for experienced trekkers who are well-prepared and looking for a quieter, more solitary trekking experience.

February: The End of Winter

February marks the tail end of winter in the Everest region. Similar to January, the weather is cold, and snowfall is common, especially at higher altitudes. However, as the month progresses, the intensity of the cold starts to lessen gradually.

During the day, temperatures at lower altitudes can reach up to 8°C (46.4°F). At higher altitudes and at Everest Base Camp itself, the daytime temperatures can still be below freezing, and night-time temperatures can drop down to -15°C (5°F) or lower.

Like January, February is a quiet month on the trails. The winter solitude continues to offer trekkers the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the Everest region without the crowds. The snow-capped landscape provides stunning views, and on clear days, you'll experience some breathtaking vistas of the Himalayas.

However, because February is still a winter month, it is essential to pack suitable clothing and equipment. Good quality warm clothing, thermal underwear, and good sleeping bags are necessary. Hiking boots with good grip are crucial as the trails can be slippery due to the snow.

Towards the end of February, the signs of spring start to appear, the snow begins to melt, and the rhododendrons start to bloom, adding a touch of color to the otherwise white landscape.

Despite the cold, February can be a great month for the Everest Base Camp trek if you're well-prepared and prefer a quieter trekking experience. Do note that winter trekking requires a higher level of experience and preparation compared to other times of the year.

March: The Start of Spring

March marks the onset of spring in the Everest region. The weather begins to warm up slightly compared to the freezing temperatures of winter. The average daytime temperature at the base camp during March can range from -2 to -8 degrees Celsius (28.4 to 17.6 degrees Fahrenheit). At night, temperatures can dip down to -12 degrees Celsius (10.4 degrees Fahrenheit).

ebc trek weather

During this time, the skies are generally clear, giving trekkers the opportunity to enjoy stunning views of the mountain peaks, including Mount Everest. This period is also characterized by fewer trekkers on the trail, offering a more serene and less crowded trekking experience.

Furthermore, March is a great time to witness the region's unique flora and fauna as the snow melts and flowers begin to bloom. However, be prepared for occasional snowfall, especially at higher altitudes. Ensure to pack layered clothing to stay warm and protect yourself from unpredictable weather.

In summary, if you prefer a tranquil trek with clear views and are prepared to face some chilly weather, March could be a good month for your Everest Base Camp Trek.

April: The Peak of Spring

April is one of the most popular and ideal months to trek to Everest Base Camp. The temperatures are relatively moderate and the weather is generally stable. The average daytime temperature at the base camp during April ranges from -2 to -10 degrees Celsius (28.4 to 14 degrees Fahrenheit). At night, temperatures can drop to around -12 degrees Celsius (10.4 degrees Fahrenheit).

Clear and bright skies are a trademark of this month, which provides stunning and uninterrupted views of the snow-capped Himalayas. The trails are livelier as the trekking season is at its peak, with many mountaineering expeditions heading toward the base camp.

The vibrant rhododendron and other alpine flowers are in full bloom, adding a splash of color to the landscape. April is also a great time for wildlife enthusiasts as various bird species migrate to the region.

While the weather is generally favorable, keep in mind that it can change quickly in the mountains. Be prepared for occasional snowfall and pack accordingly. Overall, with its ideal weather conditions and blooming natural beauty, April offers an excellent trekking experience for Everest Base Camp trekkers.

May: The Last Spring Month

May continues the run of favorable weather for Everest Base Camp treks, being the last spring month before the monsoon season sets in. The temperatures are a bit warmer than in April, with daytime averages at the base camp ranging between -2 to -5 degrees Celsius (28.4 to 23 degrees Fahrenheit). Nighttime temperatures can drop to around -10 degrees Celsius (14 degrees Fahrenheit).

The trails may be less crowded as many mountaineering expeditions will have already left for their summit attempts in April. You may still encounter a fair number of trekkers and climbers.

ebc trek weather

Clear skies are common in the mornings with more cloud cover in the afternoons. The breathtaking panoramic views of the Everest range are still very much on display in May. Wildflowers continue to dot the landscape, and the vibrant Sherpa culture is as enchanting as ever.

Be prepared for sporadic weather changes; despite being generally clear, the chance for snow and rain increases towards the end of May due to the approaching monsoon season. As with any time of year in the Himalayas, it's crucial to pack for a range of conditions and temperatures.

May is a great time to trek to Everest Base Camp with pleasant weather, relatively warm temperatures, and the continued offering of magnificent Himalayan scenery.

June: The Start of the Monsoon Season

June marks the beginning of the monsoon season in Nepal, which can bring unpredictable weather to the Everest region. Daytime temperatures at the base camp average around 2 to -2 degrees Celsius (35.6 to 28.4 degrees Fahrenheit), but they can drop to about -8 degrees Celsius (17.6 degrees Fahrenheit) at night.

Early June can still be a suitable time for trekking, as the full brunt of the monsoon may not have hit the region yet. However, as the month progresses, the likelihood of heavy rain, cloud cover, and poor visibility increases. Trails can become muddy and slippery, making the trek more challenging.

Despite these challenges, there are a few upsides to trekking in June. The trails and teahouses are less crowded, giving you a more solitary experience with nature. Also, the monsoon rain brings freshness to the flora of the region, with lush, verdant landscapes that can be a treat to the eyes.

Given the wet conditions and potential for low clouds and fog, it's crucial to pack waterproof clothing and be prepared for possible delays or itinerary changes due to the weather.

To summarize, while June isn't the peak season for trekking to Everest Base Camp, it can still provide a unique and rewarding experience for the well-prepared trekker who doesn't mind a bit of rain and muddy trails.

July: Peak of Monsoon Season

July is the peak of the monsoon season in Nepal and is often considered the least favorable month for trekking to Everest Base Camp. With average daytime temperatures at the base camp hovering between 2 to -2 degrees Celsius (35.6 to 28.4 degrees Fahrenheit) and nighttime temperatures dropping to -8 degrees Celsius (17.6 degrees Fahrenheit), the climate remains cool.

ebc trek weather

The main challenge in July comes from heavy rainfall, which can lead to slippery trails, landslides, and leeches. Furthermore, visibility is usually poor because of the rain clouds and fog, obscuring the stunning views that trekkers come to see.

Yet, like June, there are a few advantages to trekking in July. The trails are typically empty, providing a quieter, more introspective experience. The rain washes the landscapes, bringing out vibrant colors in the verdant vegetation, flowers, and waterfalls that adorn the trails. The monsoon also brings a sense of tranquility and calm to the mountains, which some trekkers find appealing.

Nonetheless, anyone planning to trek to Everest Base Camp in July must come prepared. Waterproof clothing, good trekking boots, and leech protection are essential. Furthermore, flexibility is key, as weather conditions may require changes in the trekking schedule.

While July is generally considered off-peak for Everest Base Camp trekking due to the monsoon season, it can still offer a unique trekking experience for those who are well-prepared and willing to face the challenges posed by the weather.

August: Transition from Monsoon Season

August is considered a transitional month for trekking in the Everest region as it marks the tail end of the monsoon season. As such, the weather remains unpredictable, with a mix of heavy rains, fog, and occasional clear days.

The average temperature at the base camp during August ranges from 1 to -1 degrees Celsius (33.8 to 30.2 degrees Fahrenheit) during the day, while at night, it can drop to around -7 degrees Celsius (19.4 degrees Fahrenheit). These temperatures are similar to those in July, but with decreased rainfall as the month progresses, the conditions become more favorable for trekking.

Despite the remaining challenges posed by the monsoon season, such as possible landslides and slippery trails, August begins to see more trekkers returning to the Everest trails. The landscapes are still lush and vibrant, washed clean by the monsoon rains, and the mountain views can be spectacular on clear days.

Trekking in August still requires a higher level of preparedness compared to the peak seasons. Waterproof gear, sturdy trekking boots, and warm clothing for cool temperatures are essential. Trekkers must also be flexible and ready for potential changes in their itinerary due to weather conditions.

By the end of August, the monsoon starts to retreat, and the post-monsoon or autumn season begins, which is considered one of the best times for trekking in the Everest region. Thus, those who choose to trek in August may experience the best of both worlds - the lush landscapes of the monsoon season and the clear skies of the autumn season.

September: Beginning of the Peak Season

September marks the beginning of the autumn season, which is one of the most popular times to embark on the Everest Base Camp trek. The monsoon season typically ends in early September, and the weather becomes more stable as the month progresses.

During September, the temperatures at the base camp range from 10 to 15 degrees Celsius (50 to 59 degrees Fahrenheit) during the day, and can drop to between -1 to -5 degrees Celsius (30.2 to 23 degrees Fahrenheit) at night. The first half of the month might still witness some leftover rain from the monsoon season, but these gradually decrease, and by the end of the month, the skies are usually clear.

One of the main advantages of trekking in September is the spectacular visibility. The monsoon rains wash away the dust and pollution, resulting in crystal-clear skies and excellent mountain views. The valleys are also lush and green, filled with blooming flowers.

However, September also marks the start of the peak trekking season, which means the trails can get quite busy. It is advisable to book your accommodations and flights well in advance. Also, remember to pack layers of clothing to adjust to the fluctuating temperatures and a sturdy pair of trekking boots for the trail. Despite the crowds, the incredible weather and stunning views make September a fantastic time for the Everest Base Camp trek.

October: Peak of the Peak Season

October is perhaps the most popular month for the Everest Base Camp trek and is often considered the best time to make the journey. The weather is stable, with little to no rain, clear skies, and moderate temperatures, making it perfect for trekking.

During October, daytime temperatures at the base camp can vary between 12 to 16 degrees Celsius (53.6 to 60.8 degrees Fahrenheit), and the night temperatures can drop to -6 to -10 degrees Celsius (21.2 to 14 degrees Fahrenheit). The lower regions of the trek will be much warmer, so it is essential to pack layers that can be adjusted accordingly.

ebc trek weather

The primary reason for October's popularity is the excellent weather and almost guaranteed spectacular views of Mount Everest and the surrounding peaks. The sky remains clear, offering breathtaking views almost every day. However, due to the stable weather conditions and high visibility, the trails can get quite crowded during this month.

Despite the crowds, October's comfortable temperatures, reduced chance of flight cancellations due to weather, and excellent mountain visibility make it one of the best months for the Everest Base Camp trek. As always, it's wise to book your accommodation and flights early due to the high demand in this peak season.

November: Early Winter

November sees the start of winter in the Everest region, but it's still a good time to trek to Everest Base Camp, especially in the early part of the month. The weather is still fairly stable, the skies are clear, and the trails are less crowded as the peak season of October ends.

Daytime temperatures in the early part of November range between 6 to 10 degrees Celsius (42.8 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit) at the base camp. At night, it can drop to -10 to -14 degrees Celsius (14 to 6.8 degrees Fahrenheit). Lower elevations will be warmer, but as you ascend, the temperatures will drop, and you will experience a chill in the air, especially during the mornings and evenings.

The clear skies of November offer stunning views of the mountains, with the snowy peaks appearing even more striking against the blue skies. As the month progresses, it may start to snow, particularly at higher altitudes, adding a beautiful white blanket to the landscape.

Since the crowds from the peak season have dispersed, you'll have more tranquility on the trails. It's also easier to secure bookings for teahouses and flights. However, as the month ends, the temperatures continue to drop, making trekking more challenging, so it's crucial to pack warm clothing and be prepared for colder conditions. Always check the weather forecast and consult with your guide or trekking company before setting off.

December: Deep Winter

December marks the arrival of deep winter in the Everest region. Despite the challenging weather conditions, it is still possible for seasoned trekkers to make the journey to Everest Base Camp.

In December, daytime temperatures at Everest Base Camp typically hover around -5 to 5 degrees Celsius (23 to 41 degrees Fahrenheit). However, nighttime temperatures can plunge to -15 to -20 degrees Celsius (-5 to -4 degrees Fahrenheit). The further you climb, the colder it gets, so it's crucial to pack accordingly.

Snowfall is also common during December, which can add a layer of complexity to your trek. Trails can be snow-covered, and in some cases, passes may be closed due to heavy snowfall. However, the snow also brings a serene beauty to the landscape, covering the mountains and valleys in a stunning blanket of white.

ebc trek weather

Despite the harsh conditions, the clear skies provide some of the best mountain views you'll see all year. The crowds are also significantly thinner, providing a more solitary and tranquil trekking experience. Teahouses remain open, but services might be limited, so it's advisable to check with your trekking company or guide about accommodation availability.

Trekking to Everest Base Camp in December is challenging, but with the right preparation and mindset, it can be a rewarding experience. You'll need to be physically fit and adequately prepared for extreme cold. It's also essential to have a seasoned guide and to keep an eye on the weather forecasts for any sudden changes. Remember, safety should always be your top priority.

Everest Base Camp Trek - Temperature - month-wise

January: During the day, temperatures usually range between -20°C to -10°C ( -4°F to 14°F). At night, temperatures can drop to around -25°C (-13°F) or even lower.

February: Daytime temperatures generally range between -15°C to -5°C (5°F to 23°F). At night, temperatures can drop to around -20°C (-4°F).

March: Daytime temperatures usually range between -10°C to 0°C (14°F to 32°F). At night, temperatures can drop to around -15°C (5°F).

April: Daytime temperatures typically range between -5°C to 5°C (23°F to 41°F). At night, temperatures can drop to around -10°C (14°F).

May: Daytime temperatures can range between 0°C to 10°C (32°F to 50°F). At night, temperatures can drop to around -5°C (23°F).

June: Daytime temperatures generally range between 5°C to 15°C (41°F to 59°F). At night, temperatures can drop to around 0°C (32°F).

July: Daytime temperatures usually range between 10°C to 20°C (50°F to 68°F). At night, temperatures can drop to around 5°C (41°F).

August: Daytime temperatures typically range between 10°C to 20°C (50°F to 68°F). At night, temperatures can drop to around 5°C (41°F).

September: Daytime temperatures usually range between 5°C to 15°C (41°F to 59°F). At night, temperatures can drop to around 0°C (32°F).

October: Daytime temperatures typically range between -5°C to 5°C (23°F to 41°F). At night, temperatures can drop to around -10°C (14°F).

November: Daytime temperatures generally range between -10°C to 0°C (14°F to 32°F). At night, temperatures can drop to around -15°C (5°F).

December: Daytime temperatures usually range between -20°C to -10°C (-4°F to 14°F). At night, temperatures can drop to around -25°C (-13°F) or even lower.

Everest Base Camp Trek - Air Pressure - month-wise

The air pressure at Everest Base Camp (5300m) remains fairly constant throughout the year. However, the way the human body perceives the pressure, or the 'effective altitude', changes with the weather. This is because cold, dry air seems thinner than warm, humid air.

On average, the barometric pressure at Everest Base Camp is about half that at sea level, or around 500 hPa (hectopascals). This is due to the fact that there is simply less air above you pressing down. Keep in mind that the higher you go, the more the pressure drops.

Here is an approximate guide for effective altitude throughout the year:

January - February (winter): The air tends to be dry and cold, which can make the effective altitude seem higher than it is. You may perceive the air pressure as equivalent to an altitude of 5500m or higher.

March-May (spring): This is a popular time for trekking, with generally warmer and moister air than in winter. The effective altitude might feel like 5300m or slightly less.

June - August (monsoon): The weather is warmer and the air is often moist. However, cloudy weather can interfere with acclimatization. The effective altitude might fluctuate a lot depending on weather conditions.

September - November (autumn): Another popular trekking season with relatively stable and dry weather. The effective altitude would likely feel around 5300m.

December: With winter setting in, the air becomes colder and drier, which could make the effective altitude seem higher, similar to January and February.

These are rough estimates and individual responses to altitude can vary greatly. Additionally, sudden weather changes can influence effective altitude perception. Always prioritize acclimatization and listen to your body when trekking at high altitudes.

Everest Base Camp Trek - Monsoon Measurement - month-wise

While exact measurements can vary from year to year and between different locations along the Everest Base Camp trek, here's a rough estimate of the average monthly rainfall, which peaks during the monsoon season:

January: This is the winter season, with relatively little rainfall, typically less than 20 mm.

February: As we get closer to spring, the rainfall is still on the lower side, generally less than 30 mm.

March: March sees a slight increase in rainfall, with averages around 30 to 40 mm.

April: With the approach of the pre-monsoon season, rainfall increases, with averages around 50 to 60 mm.

May: The pre-monsoon season sees more rainfall, typically around 60 to 70 mm.

June: This is the start of the monsoon season, with heavy rainfall, often exceeding 140 mm.

July: This is the peak of the monsoon season, with the highest rainfall of the year, often exceeding 200 mm.

August: The monsoon season continues with heavy rainfall, often around 180-200 mm.

September: The rainfall starts to decrease as the monsoon season ends, with averages around 100 to 120 mm.

October: With the return of the post-monsoon season, rainfall drops significantly to around 60 mm.

November: November sees low rainfall, similar to early in the year, typically around 20 mm.

December: This is another dry month with minimal rainfall, typically less than 20 mm.

These figures are estimates and can vary. The monsoon season, in particular, can see significant variations in rainfall. Always check local weather forecasts for the most accurate and up-to-date information. It's important to note that during the monsoon season, the trails can be slippery and views may be obscured by cloud cover, but the scenery can also be exceptionally lush and beautiful.

Luxury Everest Base Camp Trek - Weather and Temperature

The weather and temperature during the Luxury Everest Base Camp Trek vary depending on the time of year. The beauty of choosing a luxury trek is that regardless of the outside conditions, you'll have comfortable and warm accommodations waiting for you at the end of each trekking day.

ebc trek weather

January and February: These are the coldest months, with daytime temperatures around -15°C to -10°C. Nighttime temperatures can drop to -25°C. Despite the cold, the skies are usually very clear, with very few trekkers on the trail.

March and April: The weather starts to warm up with temperatures during the day around 5°C to 12°C. At night, the temperatures can drop to -8°C. The weather is usually clear, making it a popular time for trekking.

May: This month sees warmer daytime temperatures, usually between 5°C to 15°C, with clear and sunny weather. At night, the temperatures can drop to -4°C. This is a popular time for trekking due to good visibility.

June to August: These are the monsoon months, with higher chances of rain and cloudy skies. Temperatures during the day range between 10°C to 15°C, and at night it can drop to 2°C. Despite the rain, some trekkers still prefer this season due to fewer crowds.

September to November: These are the post-monsoon months with clear skies and dry weather. The daytime temperatures range between 10°C to 15°C, and at night it can drop to -5°C. This is one of the most popular times to trek due to the excellent weather conditions.

December: This is the beginning of winter, with colder temperatures ranging between -10°C to 5°C during the day and dropping to -20°C at night. The skies are clear, but there are very few trekkers due to the cold.

Always remember that the weather in the Himalayas can be unpredictable, so it's essential to come prepared with appropriate clothing for cold, heat, rain, and wind. In a luxury trek, you'll be well taken care of with hot meals and comfortable accommodations, making the weather an exciting part of the adventure rather than a challenge.

Everest Base Camp Helicopter Trek - Weather and Temperature

Experiencing the Everest Base Camp Helicopter Trek is an exhilarating journey, offering the breathtaking beauty of the Himalayas in a condensed time frame. While the trekking portion follows the same weather patterns as the traditional Everest Base Camp trek, the helicopter return adds an extra element of weather consideration.

ebc trek weather

January and February: These months are the coldest, with daytime temperatures reaching -10°C to -15°C, and can drop down to -25°C at night. The skies are usually clear, which is beneficial for helicopter flights.

March and April: The weather starts to warm up, with temperatures ranging from 5°C to 12°C during the day. Nighttime temperatures can still dip to -8°C. The weather is generally clear, which is excellent for helicopter flights.

May: Daytime temperatures warm up to 5°C to 15°C. The weather is generally clear, allowing for excellent visibility for your helicopter ride. At night, the temperatures can still drop to -4°C.

June to August: These are the monsoon months. Temperatures range between 10°C to 15°C during the day and drop to around 2°C at night. The flights are subjected to the day's weather conditions, which could potentially lead to delays or cancellations due to safety reasons.

September to November: These months offer the best weather conditions. The daytime temperatures range between 10°C to 15°C, and at night it can drop to -5°C. The weather is generally clear, making it ideal for helicopter flights.

December: The beginning of winter sees colder temperatures ranging between -10°C to 5°C during the day and dropping to -20°C at night. The skies are clear, but the cold weather can be challenging for some.

The helicopter portion of the trek requires clear and calm weather for safety reasons. Therefore, while the trek can be completed year-round, the best months for the Everest Base Camp Helicopter Trek are pre-monsoon (February-May) and post-monsoon (September-November). However, regardless of when you go, experiencing Everest from the unique vantage point of a helicopter is an adventure that is sure to leave you with lasting memories.

The weather and temperature during your Everest Base Camp trek will vary significantly depending on the month you choose for the expedition. From the crisp, clear skies of the post-monsoon period to the fresh, verdant landscapes of the pre-monsoon season, every month offers a unique perspective on this journey of a lifetime.

It's essential to be adequately prepared for the weather conditions you are likely to encounter. As such, having a comprehensive understanding of the month-wise weather and temperature on the trek can help you make informed decisions about the best time to go, what to pack, and how to prepare. Remember, regardless of the month, the Everest Base Camp trek is an adventure that promises awe-inspiring vistas and the thrill of a lifetime. Here's to your journey to the base of the highest peak on Earth!

FAQs Everest Base Camp Trek Month Wise: Weather and Temperature

Q: what is the best month to trek to everest base camp.

A: The best months to trek to Everest Base Camp are typically pre-monsoon (February to May) and post-monsoon (late September to December) when the skies are clear and temperatures are relatively mild.

Q: Is it possible to trek to Everest Base Camp in winter?

A: Yes, it is possible, but it is more challenging due to colder temperatures and potentially snowy conditions. Fewer trekkers choose this time, so the trail is less crowded.

Q: How cold does it get at Everest Base Camp?

A: Temperatures at Everest Base Camp can drop below -20°C in winter months (December to February). During the trekking season (March to May and September to November), nighttime temperatures can still drop below freezing.

Q: Does it rain a lot during the monsoon season on the Everest Base Camp trek?

A: Yes, the monsoon season (June to early September) can bring heavy rainfall and cloud cover, making the trek more challenging and views less predictable.

Q: What is the temperature like at Everest Base Camp in April?

A: In April, the day temperatures at Everest Base Camp can range from 0°C to 5°C. Night temperatures can drop to -10°C.

Q: Is it safe to trek to Everest Base Camp during the monsoon season?

A: While it's possible to trek during the monsoon season, it's less than ideal due to heavy rain, potential flight delays, and less visibility. It's generally recommended to trek outside of these months.

Q: How quickly do weather conditions change on the Everest Base Camp Trek?

A: Weather conditions in the Everest region can change rapidly due to its high altitude and mountainous terrain. It's not uncommon to experience sunshine, rain, and snow all in a single day.

Q: What clothing should I pack for the Everest Base Camp Trek, considering the weather and temperature changes?

A: Layering is key for the Everest Base Camp trek. Ensure you have thermal base layers, a down jacket, trekking shirts and trousers, a waterproof jacket and trousers, good quality trekking boots, warm gloves, and a beanie.

Q: Do all tea houses on the Everest Base Camp trail have heating?

A: Most tea houses will have a communal area with a stove for heating but bedrooms are usually not heated. It can be very cold at night so a good quality sleeping bag is essential.

Q: How can I prepare for trekking in cold conditions on Everest Base Camp Trek?

A: You can prepare by investing in good quality, warm clothing, and ensuring that you have a sufficient level of fitness. Additionally, it's crucial to understand your body's response to cold and be aware of signs of hypothermia. A positive mindset is also a valuable tool.

Everest Region Trekking Packages

Everest Heli Trek with Kalapathher Landing

Everest Base Camp Heli Trek - 9 Days

If you need any further information, please  contact us by email: at  [email protected] ,  Phone: at +977- 985 100 5129 ( WhatsApp )

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  • Everest Base Camp Trek Temperature
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Shishir Banjara

Mr. Shishir Banjara

Shishir Banjara is the founder of Luxury Holidays Nepal Pvt Ltd, a renowned luxury travel company, and also a highly esteemed professional blogger with a deep passion for exploring and promoting the beauty of Nepal. Having embarked on countless journeys throughout the country, Shishir has gained a wealth of firsthand knowledge and experiences that have shaped his understanding of Nepal's diverse landscapes, cultural heritage, and hidden gems. His extensive travels have taken him to remote villages, vibrant cities, majestic mountains, and tranquil valleys, allowing him to develop a profound insight into the intricacies and charms of Nepal. Through his blog, he shares captivating stories, insider tips, and breathtaking photographs, inspiring fellow adventurers and curious travelers to embark on their own remarkable journeys and discover the wonders that Nepal has to offer.

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Everest Base Camp Weather: a detailed guide to climate and weather of Everest Base Camp in Tibet

The weather at Everest Base Camp (EBC) is one of the extremes, both in terms of temperatures and winds. The temperature at the base camp rarely gets above freezing throughout the year, and the biting winds that blow across the Himalayas make the temperatures feel even colder. The coldest months of the year are from December to February, when temperatures drop well below freezing, even during the day, with the warmest temperatures in the rainy season in July and August. For most people traveling to EBC, the best time of the year is from April to May and September to October.

Climate and Weather of Everest Base Camp

Tibet is a land that lies on the world’s highest plateau and the temperatures and weather can be cold for most of the year, with high winds and a very varied climate.The weather conditions in Tibet depend on where you are and at what altitude, with the worst conditions being at the highest altitudes, such as that of EBC. Compared to the lower altitudes of Lhasa and Nyingchi, where the weather is relatively mild even in winter, EBC sees some of the harshest weather on the plateau.

 Everest Base Camp

At an altitude of 5,200 meters above sea level, EBC has a climate that is characterized as a mountain plateau climate, which can be cold throughout the year. The average temperature is -17 degrees Celsius, which is considered the coldest during the year mostly from mid-December to January. During spring months the temperature warms up rapidly but the night remains still cold and chilly, dropping to below freezing. Temperatures range throughout the year from around 22 degrees in the height of summer to as low as -5 degrees in winter during the day, with temperatures at night ranging from -15 in the winter to around 4 degrees in the summer months.

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Everest Base Camp Weather in Four Seasons

Spring (april - may).

Daytime temperature: 15°C Nighttime temperature: -1°C Wind speed: 11km/h Precipitation/month: 7mm Sunshine hours/day: 9

Spring at EBC is one of the best times of the year to visit. The weather is generally bright with clear skies and few clouds, so visibility of the summit is much better. The base camp is fully open, and the tent guesthouses are up once more, giving tourists a place to stay and eat in traditional Tibetan style. Temperatures may not be as high as summer, but it is still warm enough to be comfortable.

Monsoon Season (June - September)

Daytime temperature: 22°C Nighttime temperature: 4°C Wind speed: 10km/h Precipitation/month: 170mm Sunshine hours/day: 7-8

The monsoon season sees a much higher rainfall at EBC than throughout the rest of the year, and while some areas of the west of Tibet are not as wet, the area around Mount Everest sees high rainfall for this altitude. Temperatures are high, reaching up to around 22 degrees, but the higher rainfall can make the area muddy and hard to traverse.

Visiting to Everest Base Camp

Autumn (October - November)

Daytime temperature: 17°C Nighttime temperature: -8°C Wind speed: 22km/h Precipitation/month: 2.5mm Sunshine hours/day: 9-10

The autumn season in Tibet is another great time to visit EBC, with the skies being clear once more after the monsoon rains and the landscape still as lush and verdant as ever. Bright sunshine is warming, with highs of up to 17 degrees, though the winds can still be strong and cold, making it feel cooler. The heavier clouds are gone now, and the summit of the mountain is once more clearly visible from the base camp.

Winter (November - April)

Daytime temperature: -5°C Nighttime temperature: -15°C Wind speed: 7-8km/h Precipitation/month: 5mm Sunshine hours/day: 7-8

Winter is the coldest time of year at EBC, though January is actually the coldest month, with an average temperature of around -10°C through the season. However, there is almost no rain and the winds have died off a little, bringing in clear skies and bright sunshine that can still make it worth visiting. Despite being the middle of winter, there is often little snow around EBC, and it is still possible to travel to the base camp easily, even in January.

Best Time to Visit Everest Base Camp for Different Travelers

Mount Everest Base Camp is actually open all year round, and can be accessed from Lhasa quite easily, even in the depths of winter. For those planning a trek to EBC, the best time to travel is from April to May and September to October, when the climate is moderate and there is little rain. Wet weather can make the trek from Tingri to EBC a little harder.

Everest Base Camp

For those that are traveling on a budget, the winter months are actually the best time to travel, as the cost of the tours is cheaper. You will also find that there are cheaper accommodations in the winter months, though there is only the Rongbuk Guesthouse to stay in at EBC in the winter, as the tent guesthouses have packed up until April. But with fewer tourists and cheaper costs, it is better to travel from November to February for a cheap EBC tour .

Packing List for Everest Base Camp Tour

For a good visit to Tibet you need to pack carefully, as it can be cold there at any time of the year. Make sure that you have your valid passport and Chinese Entry Visa with you at all times, and that it is kept secure or on your person at all times.

Tibet Travel Documents

● Tibet Travel Permit : This permit is issued by the Tibet Tourism Bureau and is required for all international travelers heading for Tibet. You need to apply for this permit one month prior to your arrival in Tibet as this permit takes some time to get ready and you need to produce the original copy of this permit at the Airport before you board the flight. ● Alien's Travel Permit: required for travel outside Lhasa, this permit is issued by the Public Security Bureau in Lhasa once you arrive, and can be obtained in an hour by your guide, using your passport and Tibet Travel Permit. ● Frontier Pass: This is required for all tourists heading for the areas around the border of China with Nepal, India, and Bhutan, of which EBC is a part.

Tibet is renowned for having a very high temperature difference from day to night, and the temperatures at night at EBC can get pretty cold, even in the summer months, make sure that you have layers of long and short tops to keep warm with, a good fleece or down jacket and a couple of woolen sweaters, and rain and windproof coats. Bring along plenty of underwear, including long underwear for the colder times, and thick woolen socks to keep your feet warm.

Strong hiking boots are an advantage, as you will be walking on rough and rocky terrain, and you need to make sure your feet are kept dry and your ankles are supported. Sports shoes are only useful for towns and cities and using in the hotel.

Take a large backpack, a small bag and a waist bag is enough. Bigger backpack will be a wise option as it will be unable to keep clothes and will be easy to carry as the path is not that smooth to walk. The small bag will be usable to carry the things for daily use, such as hand towels, toiletries, etc., while the waist bag will be useful to carry some small and important things such as your passport and documents, cellphone, etc.

Toiletries and skin protection

Though the solar radiations are strong in Tibet, it is necessary to keep sunscreen with minimum SPF 35, lip balms, cold cream, moisturizer, UV protection sunglasses, sun hat, ear buds, nail clippers, etc. Do not expose your skin in the sun as rays are harsh there and may cause sunburn. You also need to make sure that you have enough toiletries, such as Toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, oil, shampoo, small hand towel, shaving kit, deodorant, etc.

Cash not Credit Cards

Bring cash in different denominations and try to keep enough cash with you as when you will be away from Lhasa in remote areas cash is the only form of payment available. Credit cards are usable only in the big hotels and restaurants.

Trekking Equipment

You need to take the necessary equipment with you because, in remote areas, availability of things is rare. Take trekking equipment including sleeping bags, sleeping mats, stoves, cookware, water filter, camp bathroom, tents and tarps, first aid kits for an emergency, expedition food, multi-tools, Swiss knife, compass, maps, etc.

Consult your doctor and do carry the prescribed medicines, if you take any on a regular basis. Take medicine for cold, insect bite, headache, stomach ache, and diarrhea. Bring an adequate amount of cleaning solution for your contact lenses as you may not find that easily in Lhasa. There are some medications for altitude sickness available, but you should consult your own doctor before you take them, and it is not recommended.

With such a varied climate around the year, travel to EBC is something that does require careful planning in terms of making sure that your packing is right for the time of year. Always pack the necessary things for the trip, and leave behind things you may not need, as you will be restricted in weight on the flights. Spring and autumn are the best months to travel to EBC, and for those that want to make the trip a little cheaper, winter is the best option, as long as you do not mind a little colder weather and do not want to trek.

Mount Everest

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Master Kungga Dundruk

About the Author - Master Kungga Dundruk

Kungga Dundruk, often respectfully referred to as “Manager Kunga”, is the most revered and legendary Tibetan guide in our team.

Currently working as a customer service manager in Lhasa, Kunga used to study business overseas and got his Bachelor of Business in Nepal and India before moving back to his homeland. With pure passion for life and unlimited love for Tibet, Kunga started his guide career as early as 1997.

As a legendary Tibetan guide with 22 years of guide experience, Kunga was awarded the Gold Medalist of China’s Best Tour Guide in 2019, marking the pinnacle of his career. Today, Kunga loves sharing his wealth of Tibetan knowledge through travel articles and stands ready to offer prompt support whenever our guests need help in Lhasa.

More Mount Everest Base Camp Travel Guide

ebc trek weather

  • Everest Base Camp Nepal vs Everest Base Camp Tibet
  • Mount Everest History and Its Famous Explorers
  • The Difference of Mt.Everest in Nepal and Tibet
  • Kathmandu to Everest Base Camp Distance: By Flight, Trekking, and Overland
  • How Many Base Camps on Everest in Both Sides of Tibet and Nepal

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  • When is the Best Time to Visit Tibet Everest Base Camp in 2024/2025
  • When is the Best Time to Enjoy EBC Trek in Nepal
  • The Best Hotel at Everest Base Camp in Tibetan Side
  • Guide to Tibet Everest Base Camp Tour in Winter
  • How to Get to Everest Base Camp (EBC) from Nepal?
  • How to Get to Mount Everest Base Camp from Lhasa
  • What Documents Do I Need for Everest Base Camp Tour in Tibet and Nepal?

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  • What to Pack for Everest Base Camp Trek
  • Tingri to Everest Base Camp Trekking
  • Everest Trek: Trekking Routes along The Gama Valley
  • Everest Base Camp Trekking Maps in Tibet
  • Ultimate Packing List for Everest Base Camp Trek in Tibet
  • Best Trek in Nepal: Everest Base Camp Trek vs. Annapurna Circuit Trek
  • Top 2 EBC Trekking Routes in Tibet
  • Tibet Everest Base Camp Trek vs Nepal Everest Base Camp Trek: Which Trek Is for You

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  • The Ultimate Guide to Mt. Everest Climbing in Tibet
  • Guide to Mount Everest Climbing in Nepal
  • Dangers Facing Mt.Everest Climbers
  • Edmund Hillary: The First Man to Reach the Top of Mt. Everest
  • Top FAQs about Mount Everest Climbing Tour

Recommended Everest Base Camp Tour Packages

Tour Route : Lhasa - Gyantse - Shigatse - Everest Base Camp - Gyirong - Kathmandu

Tour Route :Lhasa - Gyantse - Shigatse - Everest Base Camp - Shigatse - Lhasa

Tour Route :Lhasa - Gyantse - Shigatse - EBC - Shigatse - Lhasa - Namtso Lake - Damxung - Lhasa

17 Days Nepal Everest Base Camp Trek Tour

Tour Route :Kathmandu - Phakding-Namche Bazaar-Tengboche- Dingboche- Lobuche-Gorakshep- Everest base camp-Kathmandu

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ebc trek weather


Everest Base Camp Trek Weather and Temperature

Ganesh adhikari.

  • Last Updated on Mar 26, 2024

If you are planning to trek to Everest base camp , then you have to read this blog. It will provide you with detailed information on the weather and climate in the Everest region throughout the year. You will learn the best time to do the Everest base camp trek and other necessary information related to Climate,  weather , and temperature .

Everest region is known for its ever-changing and unpredictable weather pattern. Even during the peak trekking seasons- spring and autumn, you have to be prepared for all kinds of climate fluctuations. The upper part of the Everest region is mostly cold in the morning and night despite the time you are trekking. 

Given the very complicated weather in the Everest region, proper knowledge is important for a comfortable trekking experience. Read below to learn about the Everest base camp trek temperature by month and much more information.

Table of Contents

Everest base camp trek weather and temperature updated guide 2024, spring season (march to may).

The spring season includes months from March to May. The Everest base camp trek in spring is the peak time for trekking. The spring season has stable weather with a moderate climate and great visibility. Many trekkers visit the Khumbu region to witness its beauty in the spring season. You will get to meet lots of fellow trekkers from different countries on the trail, but it might get a bit crowded.

However, the greenery and pretty flowers, especially in lower areas like Lukla, Phakding, Monjo, and Benkar, pay for the bustle. The rhododendron flowers bloom, making the trail even more beautiful. Spring is great for seeing rare animals and birds along the way. The sky is clear, and the days are warm with fantastic views. Nights are chilly, but the adventure is truly amazing!

Pros of Everest Base Camp trekking in spring:

  • Moderate temperatures
  • Breathtaking views
  • Flora in bloom
  • Longer days
  • Comfortable lodge stays

Cons of Everest Base Camp trekking in spring:

  • Crowded trails
  • Higher costs
  • Unpredictable weather

Everest Base Camp Trek Weather Temperature

Everest Base Camp Trek in March

Temperature during the day: -10°C to 0°C (14°F to 32°F)

Night temperature: Up to -15°C (5°F)

Daily sunshine hour: 6 to 7 

Humidity: Dry and comfortable trekking environment

Wind speed: Mild to moderate (5300m or slightly less)

In March, the spring season starts. The weather gradually gets stable, and the temperature increases. The upper part of the trail remains cold in March, but the trekking condition gets better. There can be occasional snowfall in March, but overall, you can do the EBC trek in March month. The views are surreal, and the Lukla flights are mostly on time. 

The daylight hours increase with the beginning of March. The temperature ranges from 7°C to -12°C. You have to be well packed for cold while trekking in March. The trekkers return to the region, and the trail slowly begins to bustle. During the day, the climate is warm and gets cold at night and in the morning.

Everest Base Camp Trek Weather Temperature

Everest Base Camp Trek in April

Temperature during the day: -5°C to 5°C (23°F to 41°F)

Night temperature: Up to -10°C (14°F)

Daily sunshine hour: 8 to 9 

Humidity: Low 

Wind speed: 5300m or slightly less

By April, it becomes the best time to explore the Everest region with stable weather, moderate climate, and clear mountain views. The lower part of the trail bloomed with thousands of rhododendrons and other diverse vegetation. The bustle of trekkers returns to the EBC trail, making the environment happy and lively. 

The temperature ranges from -5°C to 10°C. The daytime is warmer. Everything related to weather and climate is just perfect in April for the Everest Base Camp trek. You can freely extend the EBC trek to other parts of the region, such as Gokyo Lakes , Three Passes , Ama Dablam Base Camp, etc. 

Everest Base Camp Trek Weather Temperature

Everest Base Camp Trek weather in May

Temperature during the day: 15°C to 25°C (59°F to 77°F)

Night temperature: -5°C to 0°C (23°F to 32°F)

Daily sunshine hour: 9 to 10

Humidity: Moderate 

Wind speed: Mild (5300m or slightly less)

May is the peak time for mountaineering in the Himalayas. Likewise, it is also a great time to enjoy trekking. Once you go above 3,000 meters, the climate gets moderate. The lower part of the Everest region is a bit on the hot and humid side. The temperature touches 30°C during the daytime. The nights and mornings are cold, though. 

Many trekkers explore the Everest region in May. The long daylight and pleasant climate present lovely trekking conditions. The Lukla flights are stable, and you can easily opt for helicopter flights in and out of the Everest reign. May offers quite a flexibility to change the itinerary or add further activities in the package anytime. 

Ace Vision Treks is known as an ex-guided Trekking Company based in Kathmandu Nepal. So, In my personal experience, I highly recommend the Spring season May is the best time for Trekking and adventure outdoor activities in Nepal. 

Everest Base Camp Trek Weather Temperature

Monsoon/Summer Season (June to August)

Following the spring months, Nepal transitions into summer/monsoon from June to August. During this time, trekking trails in the Everest region become damp, occasionally slippery, and muddy due to heavy monsoon rains.

Summer is generally considered less favorable for trekking to the base of Mt. Everest due to frequent downpours and cloudy weather. The high part of the region experiences quickly changing and sometimes harsh weather conditions, making trekking uncomfortable. 

Additionally, the risk of avalanches near Everest Base Camp increases during the summer period. There's also a possibility of landslides in lower mountainous areas. The number of trekkers on the trail is significantly low, and the paths are nearly empty throughout the season.

You can do the Everest base camp trek in summer/monsoon, but the overall journey will be quite demanding.

Pros of Everest Base Camp trekking in summer/monsoon:

  • Lush greenery
  • Fewer crowds
  • Lower costs of accommodations and meals

Cons of Everest Base Camp trekking in summer/monsoon:

  • Heavy rainfall, therefore bad trail condition
  • Limited mountain views
  • Increased risk of leeches and insects on the way
  • Difficult river crossings
  • Lukla flight disruptions

Everest Base Camp Trek in June

Temperature during the day: 5°C to 25°C (41°F to 77°F)

Night temperature: Around 0°C degrees Celsius (32°F)

Daily sunshine hour: 6 to 7

Humidity: High humidity with occasional rain

Wind speed: Fluctuate a lot depending on weather conditions

June is the beginning of the summer and rainy seasons. The climate is hot and humid, especially in Kathmandu and the lower part of the Everest region. The weather gets quite unpredictable and poor, affecting the Lukla flights. Likewise, the views may be obstructed because of a cloudy sky. It is an off-time for the Everest Base Camp trek. 

The temperature in June goes from a maximum of 16°C, and a minimum of -1°C. The upper part of the Everest region gets cold in the mornings and nights. There are not many trekkers on the way. The cost of accommodation, meals, and Lukla flights decreases. 

Everest Base Camp Trek Weather Temperature

Everest Base Camp Trek in July

Temperature during the day: 10°C to 20°C (50°F to 68°F

Night temperature: Around 5°C (41°F)

Daily sunshine hour: 5 to 6 

Humidity: High humidity with frequent rainfall

Wind speed: Fluctuate a lot depending on weather conditions 

With the start of July, the rainfall gets regular. The trail from Lukla to Namche Bazaar and Tengboche is at its worst because of rainfall. There are muds and leeches everywhere on the way. Risks of landslides are high, along with unclear views and slippery tracks. The climate is very inconsistent. You will feel hot and cold simultaneously. 

The humidity level is high. The trail is empty, and the prices of accommodation, meals, etc, are low. Despite all these cons of summer/monsoon season, the vegetation, rivers, streams, and waterfalls along the EBC trail thrive in this month. It is the best time to study the biodiversity of the Everest region. 

The temperature ranges from 17°C in the daytime to 2°C at night. If you are thinking of doing the Everest Base Camp trek in July, have contingency days and properly plan the trip.

Everest Base Camp Trek Weather Temperature

Everest Base Camp Trek in August

Night temperature: Up to 5°C (41°F)

Humidity: High humidity with regular rainfall

August is the final month of summer/monsoon. The climate is quite hot, going above 30°C. Likewise, the rainfall is also heavy and regular. The trails are wet, muddy, and slippery. Given poor weather and bad trail conditions, August is not a good time for the EBC trek. Also, the risk of landslides is quite high in the lower part of the region. 

The Lukla flights are not on time, and visibility is low. Trekking in August is not recommended unless you do not mind bad weather. The rivers and streams are full, so crossing them is risky as well. The climate remains either too hot or cold. August is also a low time for Everest base Camp trekking. 

Everest Base Camp Trek Weather Temperature

Autumn Season (September to November)

Autumn is the Everest Base Camp trek's best time. The weather from September to November is at its most stable, offering crystal clear skies and unobstructed views. The cloudless sky offers clear mountain views and picturesque landscapes. The lush greenery and autumn flowers add a burst of color to nature. Wildlife thrives in dry conditions.

It's neither too hot nor too cold, making the journey enjoyable. While temperatures at higher elevations are lower than those at lower elevations, the overall climate is favorable for trekking. Autumn is the ideal season for exploring various trekking routes in the Everest region. Contact us to do the Everest base camp trek in autumn . We have the best cost. 

Pros of Everest Base Camp trekking in autumn:

  • Stable weather
  • Colorful landscapes
  • Festivals and cultural experiences
  • Lodge availability

Cons of Everest Base Camp trekking in autumn:

  • Higher costs of accommodations and meals

Everest Base Camp Trek Weather Temperature

Everest Base Camp Trek Weather in September

Temperature during the day: 10°C to 20°C (50°F to 68°F)

Night temperature: Around 0°C (32°F)

Daily sunshine hour: 7-8

Humidity: Low humidity levels 

Wind speed: Moderate (around 5300m)

In the Everest region , September marks the end of monsoon, but rainfalls in Kathmandu and the lower part of the Solukhumbu region till the third week of this month. You can do the Everest Base Camp trek in September, as this month starts one of the best times for trekking in the Himalayas. Note that you may come across occasional rainfall, but it will not affect your trek that much. 

The weather gradually begins to get stable, and chillness in the air increases. The temperature goes up to 25°C to 20°C in the lower elevation. Whereas the upper part of the trail sees temperatures ranging from 2°C to 10°C. The trails slowly begin to see the bustle of the trekkers from around the world, and the trail condition also gets better. The mountain views are clear and better. 

Everest Base Camp Trek Weather Temperature

Everest Base Camp Trek Weather in October

Night temperature: -10°C to -5°C (14°F to 23°F)

Daily sunshine hour: 8-9

Humidity: Low with a dry and pleasant climate

As October starts, the weather stabilizes with no clouds, mist, or fog. The daylight hours increase by 8 to 9 hours per day, giving a lot of time to trekkers to enjoy the views. There is less chance of rainfall or snowfall, which makes the trail condition fantastic. Likewise, there is a hint of cold in the air, and the climate slowly dries. 

Because of the monsoon season, the rivers, streams, and waterfalls all are in their best condition. Likewise, the vegetation also thrives before it loses all the colors and changes into beautiful hues of browns, oranges, and reds. Once again, The EBC trail gets packed with travelers from around the world, making the environment quite lively.

Overall, October is the best time to do the Everest Base Camp trek . There is less chance of Lukla flights seeing long delays or cancellations. All the lodges are open. The temperature ranges from 12°C daytime to a minimum of -6°C at night and morning.

Everest Base Camp Trek Weather Temperature

Everest Base Camp Trek Weather and Temperature in November

Night temperature: -15°C to 5°C (5°F to 32°F)

Daily sunshine hour: 8

November is the final month of the autumn season. It is also the last month in the year to enjoy Everest Base Camp trekking without worrying about the weather and climate. The soft, crisp breeze with sunny, bright daylight makes trekking excellent. The mountain views are breathtaking, and the climate remains stable, with great hiking trail conditions. 

The temperature ranges from 6°C to -12°C in November in the Everest region. At the beginning of this month, the trail seemed the bustle of the trekkers, and by the end week of November, most of the trekkers left the region. Likewise, towards the end of this month, there can be snowfall in the upper part of the trail.  Autumn season November is the best time to do EBC trekking in Nepal . 

Everest Base Camp Trek Weather Temperature 

Winter Season (December to February)

The days are shorter than the nights in the winter season. The weather is stable and dry with freezing temperatures. Throughout the winter, the entire Everest region remains dry and crystal-clear, with occasional morning mist and snowfall. Thick layers of snow cover most places surrounding the peaks. 

During winter, most lodges are vacant and are available at a low cost. Despite the chilly temperatures, trekking to Everest Base Camp in winter remains possible with the right gear and preparations.

In mid-winter, nighttime temperatures may plummet to as low as -30°C (-22°F), however, the lower elevations offer comparatively milder conditions, with sunshine during the day making for comfortable walking.

It's worth noting that alternative routes such as Everest High Passes trek , Mera Peak climbing , and Gokyo Lakes trek might be closed due to the lower number of tourists, heavy snowfall, and extreme cold.

Pros of Everest Base Camp trekking in winter:  

  • Fewer crowd
  • Clear mountain views
  • Low costs of accommodations and meals
  • Unique winter scenery
  • Dry weather

Cons of Everest Base Camp trekking in winter:

  • Cold temperatures
  • Shorter days
  • Limited lodge availability
  • Risk of Lukla flight disruptions
  • Bad trail conditions

Everest Base Camp Trek Weather Temperature

Everest Base Camp Trek in December

Temperature during the day: 5 to 12 degrees Celsius (41 to 54 degrees Fahrenheit)

Night temperature: -10 to -5 degrees Celsius (14 to 23 degrees Fahrenheit)

Daily sunshine hour: 7

Humidity: Low with cool and crisp air

Wind speed: Moderate to strong (5500m or higher)

December is the first month of the winter season. With the beginning of December starts the deep and dark winter in the Everest region. The weather challenges get high. In the early days of this month, you can do the Everest base camp trek with not many hurdles. However, as the days pass by, the weather begins to get very unpredictable, and the cold increases extremely. 

The temperature during the daytime ranges from -5°C to 5°C (23°F to 41°F). Likewise, during the night, the temperature plunges to -15°C to -20°C (-5°F to -4°F). Compared to the lower part of the EBC trail, the upper region is very cold. Similarly, there is also the chance of snowfall in December, which increases the complexity of the trail. 

In the early morning hours, there may be fog. Likewise, as the sun rises, the sky becomes clear. Compared to November, the crowd is significantly lower, and the trails are almost empty. If you are trekking to the Everest Base Camp in December, stay updated with Everest  Base Camp Trek Weather and Temperature. 

Everest Base Camp Trek Weather Temperature

Everest Base Camp Trek in January

Temperature during the day: -20°C to -10°C ( -4°F to 14°F)

Night temperature: Around -25°C (-13°F) or even lower

Daily sunshine hour: 6-7

Humidity: Low with a dry climate and snowfall

By the beginning of January, the winter is at its highest level. This month has extreme cold. The temperature drops as low as -20°C (-4°F) and lower some time. During the daytime, the temperature hovers around 6°C (42.8°F). The nights and morning hours are the coldest and require a high-quality insulating sleeping bag if you are trekking to the base camp of Mt. Everest in January. 

January is not a favorable time for Everest Base Camp trekking , and the trail is all empty. You may come across 1-2 trekkers on the way, which is also rare. The Lukla flights are not on time, and the weather is very unstable. Snowfall is common at higher elevations, and if the weather gets bad, some sections of the trails might get closed, too. 

The Everest Base Camp trek in January requires lots of planning and preparation. Even though the challenges are high during this month, the serene surroundings and surreal winter landscapes make trekking quite memorable. We highly recommend having 1-2 contingency days in your Everest Base Camp trek itinerary if you are trekking in January in case you come across very bad weather or face delay/cancellation in the Lukla flight.

Everest Base Camp Trek Weather Temperature

Everest Base Camp Trek in February

Temperature during the day: -15°C to -5°C (5°F to 23°F)

Night temperature: Around -20°C (-4°F)

Daily sunshine hour: 6

February is the last month of the winter season. The cold is at its peak, and by the end of the month, the climate gradually begins to see life. Trekking to EBC in February is also very challenging and full of uncertainties. With short daylight hours, snowfall, and extreme cold, the challenges of the trek are the highest. 

The temperature during the daytime reaches up to 8°C (46.4°F) and nights and morning hours see -15°C (5°F) and lower. The trail remains empty in February as well. Towards the end of February, there can be some trekkers. On clear days, the mountain views are breathtaking. You can do the Everest Base Camp trek in February with proper planning and contingency days in the Trekking itinerary. 

Everest Base Camp Trek Weather Temperature

Frequently Asked Questions About Everest Base Camp Trek Weather, Temperature, Best Time

How cold is the trek to Everest Base Camp?

The cold along the Everest Base Camp trail varies from one season to another. During the peak trekking seasons, temperatures at lower elevations are generally mild, ranging from 10°C to 20°C (50°F to 68°F). However, as trekkers ascend to higher altitudes, particularly above 4,000 meters (13,000 feet), temperatures can drop significantly.

What is the coldest month at Everest Base Camp?

The coldest month at Everest Base Camp is generally January. During this month, temperatures can drop significantly, with daytime temperatures ranging from -10°C to -15°C (14°F to 5°F). Nighttime temperatures are even colder, often reaching -20°C (-4°F) or lower. 

How do you stay warm on the Everest Base Camp trek?

To stay warm during the Everest Base Camp trek, prioritize layering clothing. A thermal base layer helps trap body heat while insulating layers such as fleece or down jackets provide additional warmth. A waterproof and windproof outer layer is essential to protect against the harsh elements. Likewise, wear insulated gloves, socks, a hat, and a neck gaiter or scarf.

Does Everest Base Camp always have snow?

While Everest Base Camp itself doesn't always have snow, the surrounding landscape and higher elevations often do, particularly during the winter months. 

Which month is best for the Everest base camp trek?

The best months for the Everest Base Camp trek are generally considered to be either April or October. During these months, the weather is relatively stable, with milder temperatures, long daylight hours, and clearer skies. Both of these months provide favorable conditions for the trek, allowing trekkers to enjoy stunning views of the Himalayan peaks.

What is the warmest temperature in Everest Base Camp?

The warmest temperatures along the Everest Base Camp trail can range from 10°C to 25°C (50°F to 68°F) in spring and autumn. The lower part of the trail may see temperatures increasing up to 30°C (86°F).

How cold is Everest Base Camp in summer?

While summer is not an ideal time for the EBC trek, the temperature can still be quite chilly at higher elevations and the base camp. In June, July, and August, the summer months, the temperatures can range from 5°C to 15°C (41°F to 59°F) during the day.

Everest Base Camp Trek Weather Temperature

Does it rain on Everest?

While EBC itself does not experience rainfall, the surrounding regions, including the Everest Base Camp trekking route, can be affected by monsoon rains. From June to August, the monsoon season brings heavy precipitation in the Everest region. The lower elevations along the trekking route may experience rain, and the higher altitudes can receive snowfall. 

Is the Everest Base Camp trail open all year?

Yes, the Everest Base Camp trail is technically accessible throughout the year, but the feasibility of trekking largely depends on weather conditions and seasonal variations. While it is possible to trek during these less favorable times, it requires careful planning, appropriate gear, and a higher tolerance for challenging weather conditions. 

Is it possible to trek to Everest Base Camp during the monsoon season?

Trekking to Everest Base Camp during the monsoon season is possible but comes with additional challenges. The region experiences heavy rainfall in monsoon, making the lower parts of the trail slippery and increasing the risk of landslides. The monsoon can also obscure the stunning views of the mountains, impacting the overall trekking experience. 

Are there any specific gear recommendations for the Everest Base Camp trek?

Key recommendations include a well-insulated and waterproof jacket, pants, and sturdy, waterproof hiking boots to navigate varying terrains and weather conditions. Layering is crucial, so pack moisture-wicking base layers, insulating mid-layers, and a quality down or synthetic-filled jacket for warmth. Follow our EBC trek packing list for more detailed information.

How do weather conditions impact flight schedules to and from Lukla, the starting point of the trek?

Weather conditions significantly impact flight schedules to and from Lukla. The short airstrip and challenging terrain at Lukla make it sensitive to adverse weather conditions. Flights are often operated by small aircraft, and factors such as fog, rain, snow, or high winds can lead to delays or cancellations.

Need travel inspiration to the Himalayas? Check out my other updated travel blogs below:

  • The Reality of Everest Base Camp Trek Difficulty
  • Attractions of Everest Base Camp Trekking
  • Everest Base Camp Trek vs Other Treks in Nepal
  • Everest Base Camp Trek vs Manaslu Circuit Trek - Which is Better?
  • Manaslu Circuit Trek Weather and Temperature , Best Time 2024
  • Trekking in Nepal - A Complete Travel Guide


  • Adventure Travel Ideas

Ganesh Adhikari

Ganesh is an adventure outdoor enthusiast originally from Gorkha, Nepal. I hiked Everest, Annapurna, Langtang, and Manaslu region and the most famous teahouse trekking in Nepal.  Besides Hiking, I provide online travel packages for travelers to value their time with family and friends. As well, I always provide updated travel information about the Himalayas! what's Going on? let's keep and touch with me for an unforgettable travel experience in a lifetime. I organize private tours for hikers per your interest and time frame.

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Weather and Temperature in Everest Base Camp Trek

  • Everest Region Guide

Everest base camp trek weather and temperatures

Everest Himalaya

  • Sep 11, 2024

Rajesh Thapaliya

The world's highest peak, Everest Base Camp Trek , is one of the most adventurous trekking destinations in the mighty Himalayan region of Nepal. This legendary trek of Everest Base Camp takes you from the village of Lukla, the Trekking point of the Everest Region, which is situated at the elevation of the 2860meters, all the way to the Everest Base Camp, at an altitude of 8,848 meters. Before making a vacation trip to the Everest Base Camp Trek, trekkers should know the Weather and Temperature of the Everest Region in Nepal.

There are four seasons in Nepal, each with advantages and disadvantages. Some trekkers prefer one season, while the same season may be quite challenging for others. The weather and Temperature vary according to the season, and depending on the Weather and Temperature of the season, trekkers should pack essential gear and equipment before heading toward the Everest Base Camp Trek in Nepal.

Everest base camp trek

Table of Contents

Everest base camp trek weather in spring (march, april, and may).

ebc trek weather

the season consists of March, April, and May, the perfect months for making the Everest Base Camp Trek in Nepal. Everest Base Camp Trek up to the mighty Mt. Everest offers astonishing moments in one life, which will live in the hearts and minds of the trekkers. The weather at Everest Base Camp is one of the most unpredictable elements that trekkers should know about before making the Everest Base Camp trek in Nepal. The days in the spring are pretty long compared to other seasons in Nepal. The Spring season is the season of blooming, where travelers can witness a variety of flowers blooming on the way during their Trekking. The blooming surroundings will add more excitement to your Trek. Due to pleasant weather and moderate Temperatures, many trekkers or travelers prefer this season as an ideal season to explore Everest Base Camp in Nepal.

Everest Base Camp Trek

Gokyo lakes trek, everest view trek, everest base camp trek temperature in march.

ebc trek weather

Base Camp Trek Temperature in April

In the April season of the Everest Region, the temperature is moderate and keeps increasing in a day. This month, there will be a maximum of 10 degrees Celsius during the day while -10 degrees Celsius at night.

ebc trek weather

EBC Trek Temperature in May

May is the end of the spring season, in which the maximum Temperature is 15 degrees Celsius a day and -6 degrees Celsius a night. This month, the weather is warm and a bit humid in the Everest Region of Nepal. Rainfall is quite impossible this month, even though sometimes it might occur at the end of the season.

ebc trek weather

Is Spring the Best Time to Explore Everest Base Camp?

The Spring season is one of the Best Times to explore Everest Base Camp in Nepal. During this season, there will be relatively less precipitation in the Everest Region of Nepal, where trekkers will get a golden opportunity to have a stunning view of the mountains during their Trekking days. The weather is clear, and the environment is so pleasing that they can witness blooming flowers everywhere along the trekking trail, adding more excitement and energy to trekking at the higher altitude of Everest Base Camp. So, most trekkers consider spring the ideal season to explore and hike in the Everest Region of Nepal.

Adventure Everest Region Trek:

  • Everest High Passes Trek
  • Cho La Pass Trek

Renjo La Pass Trek

Everest base camp trek weather in summer (june, july, august).

ebc trek weather

The Summer season consists of three months: June, July, and August. Many trekkers around the world prefer to trek in the Summer season. While talking about the weather, this season has fantastic scenery of the Himalayas from the Everest Base Camp and during the trekking days. The temperature in this season is too hot, even though frequent rain makes the lower part of the trail muddy, slippery, and wet. In this season, days are pretty long, and nights are shorter than in other seasons of Nepal.

Due to the heavy downpour in the Everest Region of Nepal, most trekkers don’t want to make their vacation trip. While talking about the weather and Temperature of this season, the season is less preferred because the Weather is foggy, and there will be greater chances of covering stunning views of the Himalayas by cloud. The visibility of the Himalayas is quite tricky in this season. In June, the temperature will be 16 degrees Celsius maximum during the day while -1 degrees Celsius at night. In June and August, the temperature is slightly different. During the day, it will be 15 degrees Celsius, while at night, it will be -2 degrees Celsius.

Everest Base Camp Trek Temperature in June

If you are a peace lover and eager to make a Trekking vacation towards the world's highest peak (Everest Base Camp), this season is perfect.

Base Camp TrekTemperature in July

ebc trek weather

EBC Trek Temperature in August

ebc trek weather

Is Summer a Good Time to Visit Everest Base Camp?

Usually, the summer season is considered off-season to make the Everest Base Camp Trek in Nepal. If you are a keen lover of solitude and desire to discount the Everest Base Camp Trek package, this season is the perfect time to make your vacation trip to Everest Base Camp in Nepal. During this season, there may be occasional interruptions in the Everest Base Camp Trek in the Everest Region of Nepal due to uncertain rainfall. In such a case, Frolic Adventure will extend extra days in your Everest Base Camp Trek itinerary. In this season, early morning, it will be clear whether that is why trekkers should trek early in the morning to have clear and amazing views of the Himalayas. You have to follow some instructions from your guide.

  • Gokyo Valley Trek
  • Everest Panorama Trek

Everest Base Camp Trek Weather in Autumn (September, October, November)

ebc trek weather

The Autumn season consists of three months: September, October, and November. Many trekkers around the world prefer to Trek in the Autumn season. While talking about the Weather, this season has fantastic scenery of the Himalayas from the Everest Base Camp and during the Trekking days. Considering the Temperature in this season is not too cold nor too hot. Due to the Perfect Temperature and Weather, the Everest Base Camp Trek is mostly crowded this season because most trekkers come to visit and make their Trekking destination. During this season, some trekkers may not prefer to trek to Everest Base Camp but love peace and a calm environment. During this season, the temperature of Everest Base Camp is 15 degrees Celsius during the day and 2 degrees Celsius at night.

Everest Base Camp Trek Temperature in September

September is the beginning of autumn and the end of the summer season in Nepal. During this season, there will be unpredictable weather. In most cases, the temperature will be 15 degrees Celsius during the day and 2 degrees Celsius at night in the Everest Region of Nepal.

ebc trek weather

Base Camp TrekTemperature in October

Most trekkers prefer to trek in October because this month, the temperature is a maximum of 12 degrees Celsius during the day and -9 degrees Celsius at night.

ebc trek weather

EBC Temperature in November

November marks the end of autumn and the beginning of winter in Nepal. This month, the Temperature will be slightly moderate, with a maximum of 6 degrees Celsius a day and -15 degrees Celsius a night. So, trekkers should have proper gear, such as a sleeping bag and warm clothes, while Trekking this month to the Everest Base Camp Trek in Nepal. This month, you can see breathtaking views of the Himalayas and Everest Base Camp in high definition.

ebc trek weather

Is Autumn a Good Time to Visit the Everest Base Camp?

The autumn season is best known for its stable, precise weather that is not too cold or hot. Due to the tremendous and clear-cut visibility of the stunning Himalayas ranges, most trekkers prefer to take their vacation in the autumn season to explore the world's highest peak (Everest Base Camp). This season, the Everest Region of Nepal will be excessively crowded due to the number of trekkers. This season may not be ideal for trekkers who love peace and the environment during their trek to Everest Base Camp.

  • Gokyo Lake Trek

Everest Base Camp Trek Weather in Winter (December, January, February)

The Winter season consists of December, January, and February, the coldest seasons of the year in Nepal. This season falls between autumn and spring. In this season, the days are shorter, and the nights are longer compared to other seasons in Nepal. During this season, most of the Everest Base Camp Trekking trail is dry, and the Temperature is bearable at the low altitude of the Trekking trail. In the Everest Region, the average Temperature range is around 20 degrees Celsius a day and -17 degrees Celsius a night. You might experience cold at night, so you must care about proper gear before Trekking in the Everest Region this season.

Everest Base Camp Trek Temperature in December

ebc trek weather

Base Camp TrekTemperature in January

ebc trek weather

EBC Trek Temperature in February

ebc trek weather

Is Winter a Good Time to Visit the Everest Base Camp?

Compared to other seasons in Nepal, Winter is the least preferred because heavy snowfall at higher altitudes makes Trekking quite challenging and demanding in Nepal's Everest Base Camp Trek.

Some helpful information:

  • Everest Base Camp Trek Accommodation
  • Everest Base Camp Trek Gear List
  • Altitude Sickness

The Weather and Temperatures of the Everest Region in Nepal vary according to the seasons. Although all seasons are perfect for the Everest Base Camp trek , trekkers should know which season best suits them to explore Everest Base Camp. Looking at the weather and temperature data above, you can organize your vacation trip and pack all the essential gear according to the seasons. Now, book your Everest Base Camp Trek with us.

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  • basecamptrek

Rajesh Thapaliya

Namaste! I am Rajesh, a Nepal travel blogger who provides Nepal travel tips to travellers who are planning to visit Nepal and know about Nepal.

I am a tourism service provider in Nepal So far, I have been to the Nepalese Himalayan base camps as a tour leader and collected lots of information about the Nepalese Himalayas. You can find my experiences in my travel blogs, so it may make it a lot easier for you to travel to Nepal.

You may find beautiful photos on Instagram ,   Facebook and  Twitter . I have worked very hard to be in this stage after high school and dedicated my experiences to the people who would like to know about Nepal and Nepal travel.

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Clear Weather on Everest Base Camp During Spring Season.

Guide on Everest Base Camp Trek Weather

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Trekking information, everest base camp trek weather, why knowing the weather of the everest base camp trek is important.

When you’re planning to trek to Everest Base Camp , knowing the Everest region climate is super important for having a fun and safe adventure. The weather in the Everest area can change quickly, so understanding it can make a big difference to your trip. Let’s talk about why knowing the weather is crucial and how it affects your trek.

Safety First: The weather is a big part of keeping everyone safe on the Everest Base Camp trail. The high altitude brings many weather challenges that can be risky if you’re not prepared .

Cold Temperatures: At high altitudes, it gets really cold, especially at night. If you don’t know what to expect, you could get hypothermia or frostbite. Therefore, Knowing the Everest base camp weather helps you pack the right clothes to stay warm and safe.

Snowstorms: Snowstorms are common and can make it hard to see, making it tricky and dangerous to find your way. If you’re not ready, you could get into serious trouble. Checking the Everest base camp trek weather forecast can help you decide when to trek and when to stay indoors.

Altitude Sickness: Cold weather can make altitude sickness worse. Knowing how the weather affects altitude can help you get used to the height and avoid health problems.

What to Pack:

The Everest base camp weather tells you what to pack for the trek. Being aware of the weather makes packing easier and ensures you have everything you need for a comfy trek.

Clothes: Knowing the temperatures helps you pack the right layers to stay warm and dry. You’ll need waterproof and insulated clothing for rain or snow.

Gear: Different weather needs different gear, like crampons for icy paths or sun protection for sunny days. Knowing the weather means you’ll have the right stuff to handle whatever comes your way.

Enjoying the Trek: The weather can make your Everest Base Camp trek amazing or not so great. Clear skies make the views awesome and the trek more enjoyable.

Amazing Views: One of the best parts of the trek is the stunning mountain views. Clear weather lets you see everything perfectly. Bad weather, like heavy clouds or fog, can hide the views and make the trek less fun.

Trail Conditions: Good Everest base camp trek weather makes the trails easier to walk on. Rain makes them muddy and slippery, and snow can make them hard to follow. Knowing the weather helps you plan when the trails are in the best shape.

Feeling Good: Good weather makes you feel better both mentally and physically. Nice weather lifts your spirits and makes the trek less tiring. This makes the whole experience more enjoyable.

In short, knowing the weather for the Everest Base Camp trek is key to staying safe, packing right, and having a great time. Being prepared and informed about the weather helps you have a successful, safe, and memorable adventure on one of the world’s most famous treks.

The General Climate of the Everest Region

The Everest region, where the world’s highest peak is located, has a unique and tough climate called the alpine climate. This climate comes with high altitudes and extreme weather conditions. Understanding this climate is really important for trekkers planning a trip to Everest Base Camp. Here’s what you need to know.

Alpine Climate

Everest region climate is shaped by its high elevation and location. This climate has cold temperatures all year round, which get colder as you go higher and there’s less oxygen. The alpine climate affects everything about your trek.

Everest Base Camp Trek Weather Patterns and Temperatures Throughout the Year

Winter (december to february):.

Temperature: Winter is the coldest season. In places like Namche Bazaar, daytime temperatures are around 0°C to 5°C (32°F to 41°F), and at night it can drop to -10°C (14°F) or lower. At Everest Base Camp, daytime temperatures are often below freezing, and nighttime temperatures can drop to -20°C (-4°F) or even lower.

Weather Conditions: Winter has clear skies but very harsh conditions. Snowfall is common, especially at higher places, making trekking tough. Strong winds make it even colder, increasing the risk of frostbite.

Spring (March to May):

Temperature: Spring brings warmer temperatures. During the day at lower places, temperatures are between 10°C to 15°C (50°F to 59°F), and at night it’s around -5°C to 0°C (23°F to 32°F). At Everest Base Camp, daytime temperatures range from -5°C to 5°C (23°F to 41°F).

Weather Conditions: This season has clear and stable weather. Snow starts to melt, making the trails easier to walk on. The clear skies give you amazing views of the mountains.

Summer (June to August):

Temperature: Summer is also the monsoon season. Daytime temperatures at lower places can reach 15°C to 20°C (59°F to 68°F), and nighttime temperatures are around 5°C to 10°C (41°F to 50°F). At higher places, it’s cooler but not as extreme as winter.

Weather Conditions: The monsoon brings heavy rain, making the trails muddy and increasing the risk of landslides. Visibility can be low due to clouds and rain. Snowfall is less frequent than in winter.

Autumn (September to November):

Temperature: Autumn is a great time for trekking with stable weather. Daytime temperatures at lower places range from 10°C to 15°C (50°F to 59°F), and at night it’s around -5°C to 0°C (23°F to 32°F). At Everest Base Camp, daytime temperatures range from -5°C to 5°C (23°F to 41°F).

Weather Conditions: The Everest base camp trek weather is clear and dry in this season. The trails are less muddy, and the skies are clear, offering stunning views of the mountains. Many people prefer trekking in this season because of the stable weather and beautiful landscapes.

Precipitation Patterns

Snowfall: Snowfall is common in winter and can happen at higher places all year round. The amount of snow varies, with heavier snowfall often in winter. This affects trail conditions and visibility.

Rainfall: The monsoon season (June to August) brings heavy rain, making trails muddy and rivers swell. After the monsoon, rainfall decreases, leading to drier conditions in autumn.

Understanding the general Everest region climate helps you prepare for your trek, making sure you’re ready for whatever weather comes your way.

Everest Base Camp Trek Weather Chart

By considering the above data, we have prepared a detailed chart on the Everest Base camp Weather. Here is it-

Everest Base Camp Trek Weather With Range of Details Like - Rainfall, Snowfall, Visibility, Temperature and Wind Speed.

Comparison to Other Regions

The Everest base camp weather is much tougher compared to places at lower altitudes or areas with milder climates. Unlike temperate zones that have moderate temperatures and easy seasonal changes, the Everest region has extreme cold, high winds, and the effects of high altitude. This makes trekking in the Everest region very challenging and needs careful planning and preparation.

In summary, the Everest region climate is shaped by its high-altitude environment, with cold temperatures, lots of snowfall, and different weather patterns during the year. Knowing these climate patterns is important for planning a successful trek to Everest Base Camp, ensuring you are ready for the unique and tough conditions.

Factors Affecting Weather (Altitude, Monsoon, Jet Stream)

To understand the Everest base camp trek, you need to know about a few key factors: altitude, the monsoon season, and the jet stream. Each of these affects the weather you’ll experience during your trek.

Temperature Effects: As you go higher, it gets colder because the air is thinner and holds less heat. For every 1,000 meters (3,280 feet) you climb, the temperature drops by about 6.5°C (11.7°F). So, even if it’s mild at lower places, it can be extremely cold at higher spots like Everest Base Camp.

Oxygen Levels

Higher altitudes have less oxygen, which can cause altitude sickness. Symptoms include headaches and dizziness, and in severe cases, conditions like high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) and high-altitude cerebral edema (HACE). It’s important to acclimatize and be aware of these risks.

Monsoon Cycle

Monsoon Overview: The monsoon season is from June to August and brings a lot of rain. Seasonal changes in wind and moisture levels cause this.

Impact on Weather: During the monsoon, winds from the Indian Ocean bring heavy rain as they rise over the Himalayas. This can lead to:

Increased Humidity: It feels more uncomfortable and oppressive.

Rainfall: Trails get muddy and slippery, making trekking harder and increasing the risk of landslides.

Visibility: Clouds and rain can block mountain views.

Post-Monsoon Period: After the monsoon, the Everest region climate becomes stable, with drier conditions and better visibility. Autumn (September to November) is a great time for trekking as the trails are less muddy and the skies are clearer.

Jet Stream Overview: The jet stream is a fast-moving air current high above the Earth that flows from west to east. It affects weather patterns and the Everest region.

Influence on Weather Patterns

Wind Speeds: The jet stream can bring strong winds, causing severe weather conditions ike windstorms and making it feel colder.

Temperature Fluctuations: The jet stream’s movement can quickly change temperatures. When it moves south, it brings cold air, and when it shifts north, temperatures can rise.

Weather Fronts: It affects the movement of weather fronts, leading to sudden weather changes.

Seasonal Variations: The jet stream’s position changes with the seasons, impacting the timing and intensity of Everest base camp weather patterns. During pre-monsoon and post-monsoon periods, it can bring more stable weather, which is good for trekking.

In summary, the Everest base camp trek weather is influenced by altitude, the monsoon cycle, and the jet stream. Altitude affects temperature and oxygen levels, making high-altitude trekking tough. The monsoon season brings heavy rain and humidity, affecting trail conditions and visibility. The jet stream influences wind speeds and temperature changes. Knowing these factors helps you prepare for the Everest Base Camp trek and ensures a safe and enjoyable journey.

Common Everest Base Camp Trek Weather Phenomena

Occurrence: Snowfall is common, especially in winter, but it can also happen in spring and early autumn. Snow can make trails slippery and hard to see.

Impact: Heavy snowfall can make trails challenging to navigate and hide landmarks, increasing the risk of getting lost. Therefore, it’s important to be prepared and check Everest base camp trek weather forecasts.

Occurrence: The Everest region often experiences strong winds, especially at higher altitudes. These winds can be intensified by the jet stream and are common throughout the year, especially in winter.

Impact: High winds can cause wind chill, making it feel much colder. They can also lead to hazardous conditions like blowing snow and reduced visibility. Strong winds can affect your trekking pace and safety, so careful planning and appropriate gear are essential.

Long-Term Weather Trends

Climate change impact.

Temperature Increases: Over the years, temperatures in the Everest region have been rising, affecting snowfall patterns and glacial melting rates.

Changing Precipitation Patterns: The monsoon season has become more unpredictable, with periods of intense rainfall followed by dry spells. This can influence trail conditions and the risk of landslides.

Glacial Changes: Glaciers in the Everest region are retreating due to rising temperatures. This can affect the landscape and weather patterns, including changes in local precipitation and runoff.

The weather patterns and trends in the Everest region are marked by distinct seasonal changes, common weather phenomena like snowfall and windstorms, and long-term trends influenced by climate change. Understanding these patterns is essential for planning a safe and enjoyable trek to Everest Base Camp. Being aware of the general weather conditions, potential weather phenomena, and long-term trends helps trekkers prepare adequately and make informed decisions during their journey.

Everest Base Camp Trek Weather Forecast

If you would like to know more about Everest Base camp trek weather, then we have amazing resources for you. Here is a collection of the mountain weather forecasts which is especially best for the Everest Base Camp Trek journey in Nepal-

  • Weather forecast for Lukla
  • Interactive Weather Map for Everest Region
  • Weather forecast for Namche Bazaar
  • Everest base camp (Kalapatthar) weather forecast
  • Mt. Everest Weather Forecast
  • 14-day Everest base camp trek (China) weather forecast

In conclusion, knowing the weather for the Everest Base Camp trek is super important for staying safe, packing right, and having fun. If you’re well-prepared and know about the weather, your trek will be safer, more enjoyable, and memorable. The Everest region has a special alpine climate affected by altitude, monsoon seasons, and the jet stream, so careful planning is necessary. With this information, trekkers can handle the challenges and enjoy the amazing beauty of the Himalayas.

Final Thoughts

The Everest Base Camp trek is an adventure of a lifetime with incredible natural beauty. By understanding the weather and being prepared, you can have a safe and fun trek. Remember, the key to a great trek is planning well, respecting nature’s power, and keeping informed about the changing weather in the Everest region. Happy Trekking!

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Birendra Duwadi by profession a trekking and tourist guide and an enterpreur whose passion is trekking in the himalayas start Mission Himalaya Treks in 2015 with a new vision to introduce Nepal Himlayas to the world. his vision is explore and documentation new trekking routes . Birendra leads Mission Himalaya, a small company that change the qualities of trekking in Nepal.

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    ebc trek weather


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  1. Weather Everest Base Camp - meteoblue

    Today's and tonight's professional weather forecast for Everest Base Camp. Precipitation radar, HD satellite images, and current weather warnings, hourly temperature, chance of rain, and sunshine hours.

  2. Everest Base Camp Trek Weather and Temperature

    Everest Base Camp weather and temperature in September. Temperature: The temperature ranges around 20°C during the daytime and drops to around -5°C at night around EBC. The weather gradually gets stable. Estimated hours of daylight: In September, the average daylight hour is 7 to 8 per day.

  3. Everest Base Camp Trek Month Wise: Weather and Temperature

    A comprehensive guide detailing the month-wise weather and temperature conditions during the Everest Base Camp trek. Understand what to expect each month to plan your trek accordingly.

  4. Everest Base Camp Weather: Best time for EBC Trek

    Autumn, spanning September to November, is the ideal time to witness the enchantment of Everest Base Camp. After the monsoon rains depart, they leave crystal-clear skies, crisp air, and comfortable temperatures, perfect for your EBC adventure.

  5. Everest Base Camp Trek Weather | 12 Months Weather Info

    The minimum average daytime temperature during the Everest Base Camp Trek during April ranges from 20 to 22 C above the 4,000 meters elevation, while the temperature drops down to about 5 to 7 C at nighttime.

  6. Everest Base Camp Weather: a detailed guide to climate and ...

    The weather at Everest Base Camp (EBC) is one of the extremes, both in terms of temperatures and winds. The temperature at the base camp rarely gets above freezing throughout the year, and the biting winds that blow across the Himalayas make the temperatures feel even colder.

  7. Everest Base Camp Trek Weather Temperature Month wise

    In the early days of this month, you can do the Everest base camp trek with not many hurdles. However, as the days pass by, the weather begins to get very unpredictable, and the cold increases extremely. The temperature during the daytime ranges from -5°C to 5°C (23°F to 41°F).

  8. Weather and Temperature in Everest Base Camp Trek

    EBC Trek Temperature in May. May is the end of the spring season, in which the maximum Temperature is 15 degrees Celsius a day and -6 degrees Celsius a night. This month the weather is warm and a bit humid in the Everest Region of Nepal.

  9. Everest Base Camp Weather: What Every Trekker Needs To Know

    As you make your way up the EBC trail, the temperature decreases by about 6°C for every 1,000 meters you ascend. So, if you start your trek in Lukla, which is at an altitude of 2,860 meters, and you're aiming for Everest Base Camp at 5,364 meters, you're looking at a significant temperature drop.

  10. Guide on Everest Base Camp Trek Weather - Mission Himalayan Treks

    The General Climate of the Everest Region. Alpine Climate. Everest Base Camp Trek Weather Patterns and Temperatures Throughout the Year. Winter (December to February) Spring (March to May) Summer (June to August) Autumn (September to November) Precipitation Patterns. Everest Base Camp Trek Weather Chart. Comparison to Other Regions.