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  • Science Fiction Discussion

Voyager or DS9, which do you prefer and why?

  • Thread starter Majestic
  • Start date 6 Jan 2011


Eisenhower said: Voyager was ridiculously over powered compared to any other ship! lol But with the Defiant it actually makes sense since its supposed to be a badass Federation warship. Click to expand...

Deleted Due to Inactivity

Actually I'm the other way around believing that the Defaint was more overpowered than Voyager Click to expand...
I'm an avid Voyager fan and believe it was the best series Click to expand...

Yeah different views, it's something that many Trek fans have in regards to Voyager and DS9. Most prefer one or the other over the other.  


Master of the arwing.

Yeah different views, it's something that many Trek fans have in regards to Voyager and DS9. Most prefer one or the other over the other. Click to expand...
Starfox1701 said: I prfere DS9 to Voyager but thats mainly because they weren't quite so outlandish in trying to solve problems and kept the the "I don't care whats been done before" moments to a resonable level. It was much worse in Voyager and even worse still in Enterprise. Berrman was lazy and it showed in the quality of each shows feldercarb science. Click to expand...

Bringer of order to chaos

Eisenhower said: Personally I can't stand Voyager, I'd rather watch Enterprise than that. But too each his own I guess. Click to expand...

Gettin' down and GUI!

Filipino expat, lord of death.

I like them all from TOS to ENT as such I see no reason for a verse debate it all part of the same tapestry so to speak Each show has there own flaws but each show has it moments of perfection it no order just prove my point by naming a few of the top of my head THE CITY ON THE EDGE OF FOREVER (Star Trek) THE DOOMSDAY MACHINE (Star Trek) AMOK TIME (Star Trek) IN THE PALE MOONLIGHT (Deep Space Nine) Living Witness (VOY) Bound (ENT) JOURNEY TO BABEL (Star Trek) THE MENAGERIE (Star Trek) THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS (The Next Generation): Year of hell part 1&2 (VOY) ROCKS & SHOALS (Deep Space Nine): MIRROR, MIRROR (Star Trek): Borderland (ENT) Cold Station 12 (ENT) The Augments (ENT) BALANCE OF TERROR (Star Trek) The Omega directive (VOY) YESTERDAY'S ENTERPRISE (The Next Generation) ARENA (Star Trek) Message in a bottle(VOY) CHILDREN OF TIME (Deep Space Nine): THE MEASURE OF A MAN (The Next Generation): Q WHO? (The Next Generation): SHORE LEAVE (Star Trek) THE VISITOR (Deep Space Nine) Hope and Fear (VOY) In a Mirror, Darkly (ENT)  

Oh don't get me wrong there are good stories in all the shows and I know the cast all did there best. I just think as time went on the producers and writers got lazy. They let the wonder of Star Trek go in there minds and didn't work as hard to be consistant and as creative as they should have. Plotlines and character development as well as believeablity suffered for it in later shows. This is especialy true of Enterprise where they had the oppertunity for very fresh storytelling and instead chose to relie on the same old same old. Enterprise never lived up to here promise and that was not the fault of the cast. It was the producers who set the tone and therefore their fault when the show came off feeling tired and just for of the same.  

Its funny, I didn't watch either series while they were on the air. I was aware of their existence but at the time I was just far more interested in TNG. I've seen DS9 from beginning to end and loved it for the most part. Section 31 story arcs was just awesome, I love that clandestine type stuff. Voyager, like I said earlier, I've mostly skipped around. I just DISLIKE all of the main characters of Voyager so it makes it nearly impossible for me to like it. And the only episodes I do like are the ones that feature the Borg of course, except Unimatrix Zero which was lame. What the borg go into their alcoves and become individuals! really! Oh and on a positive note Jeri Ryan was SUPER SUPER HOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. Every episode she's in I'm like :Y P.S. What I liked most about Enterprise was the birth of the federation storie arcs. I disliked the show too when it was episodic.  

In Unimatrix Zero I understood it that there was only a few that became individuals then regenerating. And that was those that had a "flaw" known as dreams which the Borg Queen wanted to remove. It shows up that less than 10% of the Borg had that "flaw", and thus it was only a small part that became individuals then regenerating.  

In Unimatrix Zero I understood it that there was only a few that became individuals then regenerating. And that was those that had a "flaw" known as dreams which the Borg Queen wanted to remove. It shows up that less than 10% of the Borg had that "flaw", and thus it was only a small part that became individuals then regenerating. __________________ Click to expand...

The older I get, the more I forget

Hellkite said: I like them all from TOS to ENT As such, I see no reason for a verse debate. It's all part of the same tapestry, so to speak. Each show has their own flaws, but each show has it moments of perfection Click to expand...


I watched DS9 from beginning to end. I really liked the Sisko character. At the time he was very different from any other Starfleet officer we'd been shown before. I never got to watch Voyager while it was running. I have seen most of the episodes since. I dislike what the writers did with the Seven of Nine character. Why, after they removed the implants and she became part of the crew, did she not wear a regulation uniform? I would have taken the character much more seriously had they not gone to such lengths to emphasize her figure. As it was she was little more than a live action Barbie Doll which was stuck in every scene possible to lure in the 18 to 29 male dempgraphic. I know avid male Star Trek fans who do not know what color Jeri Ryan's eyes are. Some of them may not even be aware she has eyes, lol. Kinda pathetic and sad really. Enterprise did the same thing with T'Pol. Only Vulcan I know who never appeared in robes. Ever. The sad part is both of these actresses, Jeri Ryan in particular, are very talented. I feel had they not gone to the lengths they did to emphasize the physical attractiveness of the actresses playing the roles, it would have been more obvious, not less. I have seen Jeri Ryan in several other films and series and she is very, very good. Voyager is pretty good too. I like Captain Janeway. She has been presented with an impossible task and must come up with some novel solutions to meet the challenge. When I watch a VOY episode, I am more reminded of the Anabasis rather than other Star Trek series. And this concludes the obligatory reference to obscure Greek classic literature. The Harry Kim character reminds me of every brand new junior officer I ever met when I was in the US Army. He does not know what it is he can do or is needed to do yet, but he wants to do whatever it is very well. He wants to matter, to make a difference. This enthusiasm occasionally gets him into situations with unintended consequences. Hard not to chuckle at Ensign Kim. But my amusement is not intended to be hurtful or mean spirited. I am a TOS fan. Always will be. There are things about TNG , DS9 , VOY , and ENT I don't care for. But they are still Star Trek . I have never seen the point of threads like this where somebody wants me to choose one film or series over the other and in effect turn my back on the one not chosen and be disrepectful of it. Smells like FanBoyism to me. And this is always something I am opposed to. Regardless of how well intentioned it is, it always winds up turning into...(insert ominously swelling musical score here) US vs. THEM!! They are Different! They are Not Like Us! And They are Wrong! They Must Be Stopped From Taking Over Everything!! Back on point. All of the various series and films have their strong and weak points. Plenty of Star Trek for people to find something that suits them to a T. But if you insist on making me publicly declare my allegiance to one particular part of Star Trek over another, maybe I ought to take my warp core and go home.  

Adm_Z said: Yeah, Voyager, by far, is my favorite. I am just getting through DS9, but my initial opinion is that it is boring and out right lame. Mostly due to the slowness. Could be because I"m watching Babylon 5 at the same time though. Click to expand...
Katala said: I'm pretty much doing the same, But I was starting to watch DS9 and to be honest I fell asleep during every episode, so Maj has started me watching B5 though in my case, to his dismay I fall asleep even faster... he has moved on to the second season and while I find a very few episodes interesting I still can't keep my eyes open long enough to get halfway through one episode.. Maybe I should just stick to reading my books... Somethings some people like and others don't, its just the way it is Click to expand...
Adm_Z said: B5 didn't grab my interest to begin with, but as I watched more it became one of my favorite series of all time. About halfway into season 2 it starts to pick up really fast. Click to expand...

Thats good, you'll enjoy season 3 even more. *evil laugh*Muwahahah!!*evil laugh* I am nearly half way through season 4 now.  

Oh, tough question. Both, neither. I disliked the earlier DS9s, they were trying to do TNG, but without the ship which makes things difficult. Boldly going without a ship is difficult. It was too nice, too clean (apart from a station that was falling apart), but anything regarding the moral dilemmas of the Marquee were interesting. DS9 got better as the series went on and the crew went into some real dark places. In the Pale Moonlight is one of my favourite Trek episodes - ever. Another favourite is the one where O'Brian is undercover in the Syndicate. I liked the fact that the characters had flaws. The War helped in this respect. That said, the one thing that I hated was the religious element of it, when Sisko went all "I'm the Emissary" it drove me nuts (other than that I liked Sisko). Voyager I enjoyed because it went back to the roots of Trek - Boldly going where no man has gone before. This was what annoyed me about TNG, considering it was boldly going there were an awful lot of spacedocks. Voyager was out there, on its own and had to cope by bending the rules if necessary. The Janeway-Chakotay mix was great here, it reminded me a bit of the Kirk-McCoy relationship. Now that said, I thought that it lost its way a bit after Scorpion. Don't get me wrong, some of the best Voyager episodes were after this (Year of Hell for example), but they started putting the crew in situations and then had them get out of it by having 7of9 use the latest Borg widget. It's like being invulnerable in a computer game, it gets you through the level but soon gets boring. Similarly with the Borg, jeez did they go wimpy in the Delta quadrant. So after my rambling disjointed argument with myself... I'm going with Babylon 5. Katala - sleeping during B5 - sacreledge (ok, I can't spell). But to be fair, S1 was scene setting, S2 was setting up the plot, S3 and 4 is where it all the action happens. Just wait until "Severed Dreams" (my personal favourite), and if you fell asleep during "Babylon Squared" then go back and re-watch it! The thing to remember is that it is all important (well, with one or two exceptions), everything is part of one big story and when you get there you'll see all the pieces fit together.  

kjc733 said: Katala - sleeping during B5 - sacreledge (ok, I can't spell). But to be fair, S1 was scene setting, S2 was setting up the plot, S3 and 4 is where it all the action happens. Just wait until "Severed Dreams" (my personal favourite), and if you fell asleep during "Babylon Squared" then go back and re-watch it! The thing to remember is that it is all important (well, with one or two exceptions), everything is part of one big story and when you get there you'll see all the pieces fit together. Click to expand...

MSFC's Cheshire Cat

To be honest, I think that B5 was one of the best shows I've seen so far. They recently reran the entire show here and it was fantastic. Awesome story, cool races, realistic space battles and kick-a** characters. I mean, what more could one want? Uh.. wrong question... DS9 vs. VOY, yes. Personally, I really enjoyed Voyager. They had some strange plot ideas (really, I think I've missed the first two seasons, maybe that wasn't bad) and some ****py episodes (Threshold, anyone? There is a reason why Bernd Schneider refers to it as Trashhold). The same can be said about DS9 (most of the episodes before the introduction of the Dominion were meh). Where DS9 had awesome wartime stories, Voyager had awesome crazy races (pun intended). In retrospective, DS9 had more good episodes. But sit down and watch Scorpion, or Dreadnought, or Year Of Hell, and then try to tell me that Voyager was ****py. It was, kind of, but sometimes it was plain good old AWSUM.  

Terra_Inc said: To be honest, I think that B5 was one of the best shows I've seen so far. They recently reran the entire show here and it was fantastic. Awesome story, cool races, realistic space battles and kick-a** characters. I mean, what more could one want? Uh.. wrong question... DS9 vs. VOY, yes. Personally, I really enjoyed Voyager. They had some strange plot ideas (really, I think I've missed the first two seasons, maybe that wasn't bad) and some ****py episodes (Threshold, anyone? There is a reason why Bernd Schneider refers to it as Trashhold). The same can be said about DS9 (most of the episodes before the introduction of the Dominion were meh). Where DS9 had awesome wartime stories, Voyager had awesome crazy races (pun intended). In retrospective, DS9 had more good episodes. But sit down and watch Scorpion, or Dreadnought, or Year Of Hell, and then try to tell me that Voyager was ****py. It was, kind of, but sometimes it was plain good old AWSUM. Click to expand...

I prefer DS9 because the Crew and enemies are better  

Star Trek: Evolution

Screen Rant

Wait, star trek: voyager's chakotay is in ds9.


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Star Trek: Voyager & DS9 Crossed Over In The Mirror Universe

Star trek continues ds9’s longest running joke, returning the boys season 5 character makes butcher's comic ending inevitable.

  • Star Trek: Voyager and Deep Space Nine characters occasionally crossed over, such as Lt. Tuvok and Dr. Lewis Zimmerman.
  • Commander Chakotay's Maquis background connects both series, but he isn't in DS9.
  • Admiral Chekote and Commander Chakotay share similar names, but it's not a relation; it's a coincidence or possibly an in-universe explanation.

Is Star Trek: Voyager 's Commander Chakotay (Robert Beltran) in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ? It's not outside the realm of possibility, because Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine overlapped for six years in the Star Trek timeline . Star Trek: Voyager 's Delta Quadrant setting should prevent Voyager characters from appearing in Deep Space Nine and vice versa, but Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: DS9 crossovers did happen , like Lt. Tuvok (Tim Russ) from the Mirror Universe in DS9 season 3, episode 19, "Through the Looking Glass", and Voyager 's Robert Picardo as EMH engineer Dr. Lewis Zimmerman in DS9 season 5, episode 16, "Doctor Bashir, I Presume".

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine also played a huge role in establishing the Maquis, which Star Trek: Voyager 's Commander Chakotay belonged to. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 2, episodes 20 & 21, "The Maquis" shows the rise of the Maquis, comprised of civilians and Starfleet officers motivated to retaliate against both Cardassians and the United Federation of Planets, because neither has their best interests in mind. The conflict between Starfleet and the Maquis from Deep Space Nine continues on a smaller scale in Star Trek: Voyager , when Commander Chakotay's Maquis crew must work with the USS Voyager's Starfleet officers in the Delta Quadrant. Could Chakotay be in DS9 as setup for Voyager?

Despite being stuck in the Delta Quadrant, a Star Trek: Voyager crew member briefly crossed over into the Mirror Universe to join the DS9 cast.

Is Star Trek: DS9's Starfleet Admiral Related to Voyager's Commander Chakotay?

Or is it a coincidence that it sounds like chakotay is in ds9.

In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 2, episode 2, "The Circle", it sounds like Commander Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks) is talking to Star Trek: Voyager 's Commander Chakotay, but it's actually Starfleet Admiral Chekote (Bruce Gray) . On The Delta Flyers podcast, hosted by Star Trek: Voyager actors Garrett Wang and Robert Duncan McNeill, Wang reads a list of the DS9 episode's guest stars, and the Star Trek: Voyager alum questions the similarity to their USS Voyager Commander. Read Wang and McNeill's quotes below and listen to The Delta Flyers , starting at the 11:40 timestamp.

Garrett Wang: "Bruce Gray is Admiral Chekote. And I'm thinking, guys, why would you repeat a name again? Clearly, Voyager was being written about this time. Was it something that was in the head of ... the executive producers?"
Robert Duncan McNeill: "Maybe they didn't even make the connection that they had already used this name, and somebody in their subconscious just threw it out in a room, and it came to life again. It's just a weird coincidence."

The name of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 's Starfleet admiral in "The Circle" is pronounced just like Star Trek: Voyager 's Commander Chakotay. Admiral Chekote's name is spelled differently, so he isn't related to Commander Chakotay , but that distinction isn't immediately apparent without subtitles or captions turned on. As McNeill points out, it's "a weird coincidence" — and it's not the first time that a seemingly coincidental and unusual name has been repeated on Star Trek .

Bruce Gray also appears as Admiral Chekote in Star Trek: The Next Generation season 7, episode 4, "Gambit, Part 1".

Star Trek: The Next Generation Repeated A Distinctive Name From Star Trek: The Original Series

Star trek: voyager's chakotay and star trek: ds9's chekote weren't the first star trek sound-alikes.

Long before both Star Trek: Voyager 's Commander Chakotay and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 's Admiral Chekote ever evoked uncanny similarities, two other Star Trek characters had very similar uncommon names. The creator of Star Trek: The Next Generation 's Lt. Commander Data (Brent Spiner) is named Dr. Noonian Soong (Brent Spiner), and that sounds suspiciously like the infamous Star Trek villain Khan Noonien Singh (Ricardo Montalbán) from Star Trek: The Original Series and Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan . At first glance, this seems like a glaring oversight, but there's a reason that Khan Noonien Singh and Dr. Noonian Soong's names sound alike.

Star Trek gives an in-universe explanation for the similarity between Khan Noonien Singh and Dr. Noonian Soong's names in Star Trek: Enterprise season 4, episode 4, "Borderland".

Allegedly, Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry named both Khan Noonien Singh and Dr. Noonian Soong to attract the attention of a man named Kim Noonien Singh, an old friend from the military that Roddenberry had lost touch with. If someone who worked on both Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager wanted to honor a person in their own life, that could explain the similarity between DS9 's Admiral Chekote and Voyager 's Commander Chakotay . McNeill and Wang's explanations also make sense, as either a coincidence or an accidental similarity. Either way, Star Trek: Voyager 's Commander Chakotay isn't in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — just someone with a similar name.

Source: The Delta Flyers , "The Circle"

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DS9 DVDs vs Voyager DVDs

  • Thread starter GulBahana
  • Start date Sep 9, 2017


  • Sep 9, 2017

Recently, I noticed when watching a Voyager DVD set that the picture quality seems much better than the DS9 DVDs. Voyager wasn't filmed that much later so I wasn't sure why the quality was so noticeable. It is just my imagination?  


Vice Admiral

Have you got an example? There may some marginal improvements but I don't recall Voyager looking "much" better. MPEG 2 compression used in DVDs can struggle with darker scenes, which DS9 generally had more of than Voyager. That's one possible reason. Later seasons of Voyager probably made better use of editing on digital video. You'd probably want to compare like-for-like, say a DS9 third season episode and a Voyager first season, or season seven of DS9 and Voyager's fifth year.  


Tomalak said: You'd probably want to compare like-for-like, say a DS9 third season episode and a Voyager first season, or season seven of DS9 and Voyager's fifth year. Click to expand...


  • Sep 10, 2017

Where is the epic conflict between DVDs? Damned clickbait  


  • Sep 11, 2017

Also DS9 and Voyager were mastered to D2 composite videotape, even for Voyager's last episodes. Of course the last episodes of Voyager might've been edited on a computer compared to early-Voyager & DS9's linear editing on D-2 tape.  

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What Voyager 1's near-death experience says about the future of space exploration

Scientists recently had to repair the voyager probe from afar. how much longer can they keep it alive, by matthew rozsa.

From more than 15 billion miles away, NASA engineers last April  began repairing a space probe that is headed to the constellation of Ophiucus, though it won't arrive for some 38,000 years. NASA launched Voyager 1 in 1977 and it has already outlived expectations, but the space agency hopes to continue receiving data from the probe until at least 2030. Yet after Voyager 1 experienced a computer glitch in November, it began transmitting incomprehensible data (which isn't entirely unusual for it), prompting NASA to initiate those long-distance fixes.

After some uncertainty if any of it would work, the repairs succeeded . Even better, when Salon spoke with NASA about the problem of fixing distance spacecraft, the experts were optimistic about its future and what it says about space exploration in general.

To understand why, it is first necessary to break down what happened to Voyager 1 in the first place. In November, the space probe sent a signal that did not include any data. Engineers figured out that the issue was either with the flight data subsystem (FDS) or the telemetry modulation unit (TMU). By the last week of February, NASA sent a "poke" to Voyager 1 to prompt the FDS to send a memory readout with data; not only did this succeed, but NASA soon uploaded a separate command that caused Voyager 1 to reply with a full memory readout that helped them identify the specific issue with the FDS.

"The team confirmed that the issue is with the FDS," NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory media relations specialist Calla Cofield told Salon. "A chip responsible for storing 256 words of the FDS memory has a stuck bit (the code is stuck at a 0 or a 1), indicating the part failed, either due to age or due to external particle damage. This section represents about 3% of the FDS memory. The team would need to relocate the portion of the software code stored on the damaged chip."

During the April mission, NASA transmitted a command to the Voyager 1 to both relocate the portion of the impacted FDS software code and redirect references to that code to other places in the spacecraft software. 

"On April 20, the team received engineering data from the spacecraft, indicating that the command was a success," Cofield said. "All indications suggest the spacecraft is fine after five months of no contact." 

The team began once again receiving scientific data from Voyager 1 on May 19, and by June all of the science instruments on Voyager 1 had resumed sending usable data. Even so, Cofield added that "housekeeping [is] still ongoing with the spacecraft."

Of course, this is not the end of the issue; Voyager 1 is not the only space probe out there that may some day require repairs. Currently there are two other space probes that have left the Solar System and remain operational, Voyager 2 and New Horizons. Additionally NASA has sent out two other probes that are now defunct, Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11. Can the lessons which allowed NASA to repair Voyager 1 be applied to these and other distant space craft?

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"All indications suggest the spacecraft is fine after five months of no contact."

"The future is less about repairs than about finding ways to work around problems," Bob Rasmussen, a member of the Voyager flight team, said. "We know several life-limiting factors and have strategies for preserving capability as long as possible. We can’t predict outright failures though, so we need to deal with them as they arise."

This is not to say that Rasmussen is entirely hopeful about NASA's ability to salvage malfunctioning probes. In 2019, the agency had to turn off a heater for the cosmic ray subsystem instrument in Voyager 2 to conserve the probe's power. In April NASA further kept Voyager 2 chugging along by tapping into a small reservoir of backup power that is used to fuel the onboard safety mechanism. By doing this, NASA believes it can keep the craft powered with enough juice that they will not need to shut down a scientific instrument until 2026.

Voyager 1 and 2, meanwhile, are always on the verge of a more lasting breakdown . Even if all of their systems perform optimally going forward, the spacecrafts are still not expected to survive past the 2030s. If anything, the fact that they lasted this long is a testament to the skill and dedication of the 1970s engineers who built them. Unfortunately, there could be a day when more than one of their vital systems simply ceases to properly function.

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  "Worst case is that both can fail at any time," Rasmussen said. "Not all failures are recoverable. For many, we would never be able to tell what happened, because contact would simply cease."

Rasmussen added that the best case scenario is that Voyager 1 continues to function for another five to 10 years. "We have a long-term strategy for gradually reducing activities as power wanes and for using degraded modes of operation," Rasmussen said. "But we also know what happens to best laid plans."

On a tragic note , June was also the month in which Ed Stone, the man who pioneered the Voyager missions and led their missions for half a century, died. In their obituary for former Jet Propulsion Laboratory director, NASA wrote that Stone was "a trailblazer who dared mighty things in space" and "took humanity on a planetary tour of our  solar system  and beyond, sending NASA where no spacecraft had gone before."

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Matthew Rozsa is a staff writer at Salon. He received a Master's Degree in History from Rutgers-Newark in 2012 and was awarded a science journalism fellowship from the Metcalf Institute in 2022.

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    Sep 10, 2016. #1. Hi, all. Just for fun, I ended up putting together a Chronological Guide for Deep Space Nine and Voyager that covers the first 5 seasons of DS9 and the first 3 seasons of Voyager, and figured I'd share it with my fellow Trek fans. [Deep Space Nine Season 1] Emissary (Deep Space Nine 1x01/1x02) Past Prologue (Deep Space Nine 1x03)

  6. Deep Space Nine vs. Voyager

    Q99. Feb 23, 2009. #4. I feel DS9 is better than TNG which is in turn much better than Voyager. I know a lot of people who considered DS9 to be the best Trek show- it didn't get the ratings TNG did while it was on, but it did have an overarcing story and some great characters.

  7. DS9 or Voyager?

    Voyager is, at best, lukewarm. DS9 expands upon the universe you knew in TNG and makes it more complex and more interesting. In many ways, DS9 was a better show than TNG. DS9's characters are rich, well-developed and interesting. The supporting cast is the best of any science fiction show I've ever seen.

  8. Voyager never mentioned/referenced on DS9

    Admiral. Mar 18, 2021. #4. It doesn't seem like Voyager would necessarily be mentioned on DS9, but it would have been cool if it was, during Season 3. Even if it was just a passing reference, such as Sisko telling Dax about cooking dinner for Captain Janeway, right before Voyager disappeared. A.

  9. DS9 Vs Voyager

    uOpt. Jul 21, 2008. Boston, MA, USA. Voyager has extended periods of suckage, DSN is overall better. Voy has it's moments, especially around the "they didn't respond to diplomacy" theme. But there's also some bad acting in there and IMHO the captain is a weak point. DSN has an almost good captain.

  10. DS9 Vs Voyager

    DS9 Vs Voyager. Thread starter MAJOR METAL; Start date Oct 8, 2013; Jump to latest Follow Reply DS9 Vs Voyager Deep Space Nine Votes: 17 54.8% Voyager ... Reddit Pinterest Tumblr WhatsApp Email Share Link. Latest posts. does the swr sm 500 and 900 have the same stock preamp tube ?? Latest: Al Kraft; A moment ago;

  11. Voyager or DS9? : r/startrek

    There's no debate here. Voyager is pretty much the worst Trek series (even Enterprise is better) while DS9 usually gets referred to just as much if not more than TNG as the best that Trek has to offer. The characters and setting in DS9 are much more real than any other Trek series, to say the least.

  12. Why Fans May Never See DS9 or Voyager on Blu-ray

    The Movement by Fans to Do the Job. In 2020, I interviewed a few Trek fans taking it upon themselves to do this tedious work of upconverting DS9 and Voyager.Rather than rescanning all the old 35mm ...

  13. I Can Restore Star Trek Voyager and Deep Space Nine to HD ...

    A little over two years ago, I launched a personal and completely unofficial effort to restore Star Trek: Deep Space Nine based on the original DVD source, using then-new software like Topaz Video ...

  14. Paramount Announces 'Demastered Edition' of Star Trek Deep Space Nine

    In lieu of these options, Paramount has announced a new, "Demastered Edition" of Star Trek Deep Space Nine and Star Trek Voyager. Instead of using Blu-ray or even DVD, these new editions of the ...

  15. Star Trek: Voyager & DS9 Crossed Over In The Mirror Universe

    Summary. Star Trek: Voyager and Deep Space Nine crossed over within the Mirror Universe, bringing the shows together across vast cosmic distances. The crossovers featuring characters like Tuvok and Doctor Zimmerman added depth to the interconnected Star Trek universe. Despite differing tones, Voyager and DS9 remain beloved shows, delighting ...

  16. Voyager is as good as TNG and DS9. : r/startrek

    Voyager should be 3rd or 4th on every list in my opinion. TOS, DS9, or TNG should be 1. Don't matter where you place them.. me personally DS9. 1, VOY. 2, TNG. 3, TOS. 4, ENT. 5, SNW. 6. Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. "rankings don't matter, they're all just as good".

  17. "Anti-Serialization" Was Voyager's Weakness Compared To DS9, Says Star

    Star Trek: Discovery creator Bryan Fuller says "anti-serialization" was a weakness of Star Trek: Voyager, especially compared to its predecessor, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. DS9 wove a rich tapestry of stories about the Dominion War, centering the moral dilemmas inherent to maintaining Federation ideals at a time of political upheaval and strife, which necessitated a serialized format in order ...

  18. Voyager on Netflix vs DVD quality?

    Red Shirt. Apr 10, 2020. #2. The best you'll get from DVD is 480p. Voyager and DS9 have not been remastered, and likely never will be, so true HD (1080p) or UHD/4K is out. My guess would be that Netflix would look a bit better than DVD, but I might be wrong. Regarding streaming, I've been rewatching VOY on CBS All Access and the quality isn't ...

  19. Voyager or DS9, which do you prefer and why?

    Voyager was ridiculously over powered compared to any other ship! lol But with the Defiant it actually makes sense since its supposed to be a badass... 10 Jun 2023, 17:50 MSFC, a great source for modding, modelling, community and friendship. We're one of the last bastions for Armada 2 modding, plus have so much more to enjoy. ...

  20. I just finished watching all of TNG. DS9 vs Voyager! Which ...

    Start with Voyager. I think that would improve your enjoyment of both shows. I think that DS9 is the better show: while Voyager can still be really good, it has some weaknesses that can be very frustrating after you've become accustomed to Deep Space Nine. That said, the last season of Voyager sucks and the first season of DS9 is lousy.

  21. Wait, Star Trek: Voyager's Chakotay Is In DS9?

    The name of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's Starfleet admiral in "The Circle" is pronounced just like Star Trek: Voyager's Commander Chakotay.Admiral Chekote's name is spelled differently, so he isn't related to Commander Chakotay, but that distinction isn't immediately apparent without subtitles or captions turned on.As McNeill points out, it's "a weird coincidence" — and it's not the first ...

  22. DS9 DVDs vs Voyager DVDs

    MPEG 2 compression used in DVDs can struggle with darker scenes, which DS9 generally had more of than Voyager. That's one possible reason. Later seasons of Voyager probably made better use of editing on digital video. You'd probably want to compare like-for-like, say a DS9 third season episode and a Voyager first season, or season seven of DS9 ...

  23. Viewing order (crossovers) for DS9 and Voyager? : r/Treknobabble

    Those VOY episodes in turn reference something that starts happening in DS9, specifically during/after DS9 S05E15 "By Inferno's Light". Because of this, it might be beneficial to have watched up through DS9's S05E15 "By Inferno's Light", before watching VOY S04E15 "Hunters". It's not a huge deal, but by VOY S05E03 "Extreme Risk", it carries ...

  24. What Voyager 1's near-death experience says about the future of space

    Reddit. Email. From more than 15 ... NASA launched Voyager 1 in 1977 and it has already outlived expectations, but the space agency hopes to continue receiving data from the probe until at least 2030.