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15 Best Things to Do in Córdoba (Spain)

A thousand years ago Córdoba ( Spain ) was the largest city in the world, with a population three times its current 320,000. It was the capital of the Caliphate of Córdoba, which for several hundred years controlled  much of the Iberian peninsula. The Umayyad Caliphate is long gone, but its heritage is visible throughout the historic centre, best represented by the spellbinding Mosque-Cathedral.

Be sure to wear comfortable shoes, as you won’t be able to resist wandering the labyrinthine cobblestone streets of the Jewish Quarter or the enigmatic ruins of the Medina Azahara just outside the city.

Let’s explore the best things to do in Córdoba :

1. Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba

Mosque - Cathedral of Córdoba

One of Spain’s cultural wonders, this astounding complex dates to the 900s at a time when Córdoba was Europe’s leading city for science and culture under the rule of Emir Abd-ar-Rahman.

There could be no finer symbol of this golden age than the forest of columns and horseshoe arches that greet you upon entry, with their two-tone brick and stone pattern.

There are 850 columns in total, and the effect of the sunlight that filters through the hall is unforgettable, as is the Mihrab (apse) with its gilded calligraphy.

The mosque became a church as soon as Córdoba was retaken in 1236, and from then a number of chapels were built, culminating with the cathedral nave in the 1500s.

2. Patio de los Naranjos

Patio de los Naranjos

The main entranceway to the complex is the courtyard where Muslim worshippers would perform their ablutions before prayer.

Not a great deal has changed since then: The fountains are still here, as is the grid of 98 orange trees that are particularly pretty and fragrant in spring when they’re in bloom.

On the north west and east sides of the courtyard are arcaded galleries and if you walk along these and look up you’ll see their original delicately-carved coffered ceilings.

On the south side are the 17 horseshoe arches that lead to the Mosque.

3. Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos

Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos

This marvellous royal compound has had a long and complicated history.

It was the site of a Visigothic fortress before falling to the Umayyad Caliphate, under which it was expanded in the early-medieval period as the city around it thrived.

Gardens, courtyards, baths and the largest library in Western Europe were all added.

After Córdoba fell to the Christian forces in the 13th century it became a palace and the seat of the Castilian Royal Court.

Later it was the headquarters of the inquisition for three centuries.

So as you can tell there’s a lot to discover! The gardens alone sprawl across 55,000square metres and were originally fed by the great Albolafia waterwheel that helped channel water from the Guadalquivir River.

Get your guided tour skip-the-line ticket by clicking here

4. Historic Centre

Old Town

It will be very easy to lose yourself here – in a good way! Córdoba has one of the largest old-towns in Europe, and it’s protected by UNESCO. This city is famed for its patios, large interior courtyards that offered needed shade to the Romans and then the Moors.

Also devised to help Córdoba’s citizens  keep cool are the twisting alleys, which are  remain cloaked in shadow for much of the day.

Away from the big monuments just see where your curiosity carries you: A couple of the courtyard doors will be open and you can peek inside, or chance upon a secluded little square with orange trees.

5. Jewish Quarter

Jewish Quarter

North and west of the Grand Mosque is the city’s Jewish quarter, which retains the street-plan it had as a ghetto hundreds of years ago.

The Jews were expelled from Spain in the late-15th century, but during the Caliphate Córdoba’s Jewish population thrived and it was home to Maimonides, the 12th-century Sephardic polymath.

In the 21st century it’s quite a posh part of the city, home to the Calleja de las Flores (little street of flowers), and true to its name it’s fragrant and colourful at any time of year.

The main indication that there was a Jewish population is the Synagogue, one of only three left in Spain.

6. Roman Bridge

Roman Bridge, Cordoba

Crossing the Guadalquivir along this Augustan footbridge is just one of those things every visitor to Córdoba has to do.

The panoramas are postcard-worthy, whether you’re on the south bank viewing the Calahorra Tower and 16 arches with the Great Mosque in the background,  or making the exciting crossing to the old city.

It dates right back to the 1st century, but the structure today is completely medieval.

This helped earn it a role in Season 5 of the TV show, Game of Thrones.

Come at sunset when the stones of the bridge and cityscape are bathed in an orange glow.

7. Calahorra Tower

Calahorra Tower

This is a Moorish fortification from the time of the Almohad Caliphate in the early-13th century and guards the southern entrance to the Roman Bridge.

Reinforcements were made in the 14th-century during the reign Henry II of Castile, and that’s exactly how it looks today.

It did a good job of keeping  Henry’s brother Peter the Cruel out of the city in 1369 before becoming a prison and then a girl’s school in the 1800s.

Duck inside for a great little museum about life in Al-Andalus, with 3D presentations of the city in this era and insight about how Christians, Jews and Muslims coexisted in the city.

8. Medina Azahara

Medina Azahara

One of the world’s most beautiful vanity projects, this Moorish city to the west of Córdoba was built by Abd-ar-Rahman III to put the other rulers across the Islamic world in the shade.

It was to be the capital of the Caliphate, but despite 25 years of construction only stood for 65 years: It was sacked by North African Berbers and forgotten until 1911. What’s amazing is how well the site has been restored, as you pass through a mosque, marble-paved gardens, offices, bath houses, dignitary’s houses and military structures.

The hall is particularly special, where the Caliph received visiting politicians and civil servants.

You can book a guided tour of Medina Azahara right here .

9. Palacio de Viana

Palacio de Viana

Get to the Santa Marina district to see this sumptuous Palace-Museum and its 12 exquisite courtyards.

The building is from the 14th-century with a renaissance facade that was added a century later.

A Spanish noble family that had owned the building for generations donated it to the bank Cajasur, which opened it up to the public in the 80s.

You’ll see their art and furniture collections in situ and tread with awe through the medieval internal courtyards, each with a slightly different theme and story to tell.

10. Archaeological Museum

Archaeological Museum

When this attraction was being expanded a few years back the builders happened upon a Roman theatre, the largest in Spain, which was a happy coincidence! This site is has been fully excavated and is now a key part of the museum.

Most of the museum is in the eight halls and three courtyards of a renaissance palace that was home to the Páez de Castillejo family.

Collections go back to prehistory and up to medieval times, but the best bits are from the Iberian and Roman periods.

The Iberian Lion of Nueva Carteya is a must: It’s from the 4th century BC and was discovered when a motorway was being built.

11. Plaza de la Corredera

Plaza de la Corredera

After your adventure through Córdoba’s exotic ruins and old city, here’s a reminder that you’re still in Spain.

It’s a classic Castilian plaza that was built in the late-1600s by the Salamancan architect Antonio Ramós Valdés, and measures 113 metres by 55. As with all Spanish central squares it’s one of the centres of daily life and at all sides are arcades that let you escape the glare of the sun in summer.

For many years the city’s bullfights were held right here and then it was the site of the city’s food market.

Now it’s a vast open space: A fine venue for summer concerts and  the elegant backdrop for a stroll at any other time.


This amenity, a couple of minutes on foot from the mosque.

isn’t original, but instead recreates the experience of visiting  real Moorish baths.

In the Caliphate there were literally hundreds of hammams around the city, but nearly all were demolished because of their dodgy reputation.

The building, with its horseshoe arches and gemoetric tiles, is a faithful copy of a bathing complex and was built in 2001, so it’s worth a visit for that alone.

And after days of trekking through the city streets you could probably do with a massage or relaxing in these soothing waters for a while.

13. Patios de Córdoba

Patios de Córdoba

May is when Córdoba celebrates, and in the 2nd week of the month the city throws open the doors to its many interior courtyards.

It’s the most fragrant time to be in the city, when jasmine and orange blossom fills the air and the residents compete to make their courtyards the best in the city.

It’s a fabulous way to nose around 50 or more courtyards that you wouldn’t normally see, and people take the competition very seriously, decorating their patios with colourful flower arrangements and mosaics.

The city’s many convents and other religious buildings also take part, and at night the city hums with the sound of flamenco guitar.

14. Feria de Córdoba

Feria de Córdoba

On the back of the Patios festival is Córdoba’s annual spring fair, which has its roots in the 13th-century.

It runs for a week at the end of May and is centred on the recinto, fairgrounds on the southeastern edge of the city, where huge Moorish-style arches invite you in.

There are some 100 tents, or casetas, where people go to eat, drink and make merry from the early afternoon until dawn the next day.

Sevillanas, classic dances influenced by flamenco and Castilian folk, are integral to the celebrations.

Also part of the fun are traditional fairground rides, equestrian shows, firework displays and all kinds of old-time amusements.

15. Aquasierra


Córdoba is landlocked, far from the Mediterranean, and when you factor in the sub-tropical climate with scorching highs that hit the 40s in summer you’re going to need to cool off.

The only water park in the province is one way to do it, and it’s open from June to September.

Teenagers and little ones will be most pleased with the seven plunges and the massive pool with an artificial beach.

If adults shell out a little more they can get a sunlounger and table at the VIP area, away from the crowds and noise.

Further reading: Best Destinations in Spain

15 Best Things to Do in Córdoba (Spain):

  • Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba
  • Patio de los Naranjos
  • Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos
  • Historic Centre
  • Jewish Quarter
  • Roman Bridge
  • Calahorra Tower
  • Medina Azahara
  • Palacio de Viana
  • Archaeological Museum
  • Plaza de la Corredera
  • Patios de Córdoba
  • Feria de Córdoba

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View of Córdoba (Andalusia)

The city of flowers

cordoba spain tourism

What to visit

Select from the list or hover over the map to find out about points of interest.

cordoba spain tourism

Medina Azahara

Location map

Great Mosque of Cordoba

Museo Julio Romero de Torres

Julio Romero de Torres Museum

Saad Chaudhry

Roman Bridge and Bridge Gate

cordoba spain tourism

Alcázar fortress of the Christian Monarchs

cordoba spain tourism

Calleja de las Flores Alley

cordoba spain tourism

Palace of the Marquises of Viana

cordoba spain tourism

Plaza de la Corredera Square

cordoba spain tourism

Roman temple

cordoba spain tourism

Calahorra Tower

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How to get there - transport information

Select the means of transport to see how to get there or how to get around at your destination.

How to get to aeroplane

The nearest airports with international connections are: Seville airport , 125 kilometres away, Malaga airport , 175 kilometres away,  Madrid airport , 400 kilometres away.

How to get to train

Approximate journey times by high-speed train :  Madrid-Córdoba: 1 hour 40 minutes. Seville-Córdoba: 40 minutes. Málaga-Córdoba: 50 minutes.  Granada-Córdoba: 1 hour 30 minutes. Valencia-Córdoba: 3 hours. Alicante-Córdoba: 4 hours. Barcelona-Córdoba: 4 hours 35 minutes.

The Córdoba railway station is very close to the old town, and less than two kilometres from the Great Mosque (just over a 20-minute walk). There are also several bus routes que you can take to the city centre.

Ticket booking

How to get to bus

Córdoba bus station is located very close to the historical part of the city, just two kilometres from the Mosque-Cathedral. The journey on foot is around 25 minutes, or there are several city bus routes .

You can check the bus routes to Córdoba on the bus station website .

How to get there by road

From Madrid, via the A-4 motorway.

From Seville, via the A-4 motorway.

From the Costa del Sol, via the A-45 motorway.

From Valencia via the A-4, the A-3 and A-4, or the A-3 and the A-43.

you can check where to park your car on the Córdoba Tourist Board website .

Practical information

The city is easy to explore on foot.

How to get around in bus

Córdoba’s city buses usually run between 6 am and 11.00 pm. On Saturdays and Sundays they start 30 or 60 minutes later. More information  

There is a bus from Cordoba to Medina Azahara, with daily departures between Tuesday and Sunday at 10:00 a.m. and at 10.45 a.m. On Fridays and Saturdays, it also leaves in the afternoon at 5:00 p.m. More information

There is also a tourist bus that runs between 9.30 am and 5 pm. More information

How to get around in other means of transport

Córdoba taxis are white with their official number marked on the door. More information

An unusual way to see Cordoba is from a horse-drawn carriage. You can find these opposite the Mosque-Cathedral, next to the Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos, and at the Glorieta de la Cruz Roja (Red Cross roundabout).

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  • Main attractions . Main attractions . Main attractions . Main attractions . Mezquita de Córdoba +info Mezquita de Córdoba +info Mezquita de Córdoba +info Mezquita de Córdoba +info La Giralda +info La Giralda +info La Giralda +info La Giralda +info Alcazaba de Málaga +info Alcazaba de Málaga +info Alcazaba de Málaga +info Alcazaba de Málaga +info Jaén Cathedral +info Jaén Cathedral +info Jaén Cathedral +info Jaén Cathedral +info Cádiz Cathedral +info Cádiz Cathedral +info Cádiz Cathedral +info Cádiz Cathedral +info Muelle de las Carabelas +info Muelle de las Carabelas +info Muelle de las Carabelas +info Muelle de las Carabelas +info Alcazaba de Almería +info Alcazaba de Almería +info Alcazaba de Almería +info Alcazaba de Almería +info Alhambra y Generalife +info Alhambra y Generalife +info Alhambra y Generalife +info Alhambra y Generalife +info
  • Andalusia's Natural Treasures . Andalusia's Natural Treasures . Andalusia's Natural Treasures . Andalusia's Natural Treasures . Cerro del Hierro +info Cerro del Hierro +info Cerro del Hierro +info Cerro del Hierro +info Doñana +info Doñana +info Doñana +info Doñana +info Duna de Bolonia +info Duna de Bolonia +info Duna de Bolonia +info Duna de Bolonia +info Caminito del Rey +info Caminito del Rey +info Caminito del Rey +info Caminito del Rey +info Georuta Desierto de Gorafe +info Georuta Desierto de Gorafe +info Georuta Desierto de Gorafe +info Georuta Desierto de Gorafe +info La Geoda de Pulpí +info La Geoda de Pulpí +info La Geoda de Pulpí +info La Geoda de Pulpí +info Gruta de las Maravillas +info Gruta de las Maravillas +info Gruta de las Maravillas +info Gruta de las Maravillas +info Tinto River +info Tinto River +info Tinto River +info Tinto River +info Los Alcornocales +info Los Alcornocales +info Los Alcornocales +info Los Alcornocales +info Sierra Nevada +info Sierra Nevada +info Sierra Nevada +info Sierra Nevada +info Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas +info Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas +info Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas +info Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas +info Sierras Subbéticas +info Sierras Subbéticas +info Sierras Subbéticas +info Sierras Subbéticas +info Torcal de Antequera +info Torcal de Antequera +info Torcal de Antequera +info Torcal de Antequera +info Despeñaperros +info Despeñaperros +info Despeñaperros +info Despeñaperros +info
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  • Andalusia made to measure . Andalusia made to measure . Andalusia made to measure . Andalusia made to measure . With the family +info With the family +info With the family +info With the family +info - +info - +info - +info - +info Digital and energetic nomad +info Digital and energetic nomad +info Digital and energetic nomad +info Digital and energetic nomad +info
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  • Where to sleep? +info . Where to sleep? +info . Where to sleep? +info . Where to sleep? +info . Hotel +info Hotel +info Hotel +info Hotel +info Hotel-Apartment +info Hotel-Apartment +info Hotel-Apartment +info Hotel-Apartment +info Apartment +info Apartment +info Apartment +info Apartment +info Housing for tourism purposes +info Housing for tourism purposes +info Housing for tourism purposes +info Housing for tourism purposes +info Rural House +info Rural House +info Rural House +info Rural House +info Country House Lodge +info Country House Lodge +info Country House Lodge +info Country House Lodge +info Rural Resort +info Rural Resort +info Rural Resort +info Rural Resort +info Campsites and overnight parking +info Campsites and overnight parking +info Campsites and overnight parking +info Campsites and overnight parking +info Youth Hostel +info Youth Hostel +info Youth Hostel +info Youth Hostel +info Hostel +info Hostel +info Hostel +info Hostel +info Boarding House +info Boarding House +info Boarding House +info Boarding House +info
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Cordoba 's municipal area of mountain ranges in the north, many of which belong to Sierra de Hornachuelos Natural Park , the province's largest protected area, which is of immense scenic value, with its cork oak groves, holm oaks and undergrowth, as well as riverside willows, ashes and alders, not to mention its wealth of fauna and game. More countryside is to be found in the south, consisting mainly of fertile plains. The River Guadalquivir flows through the city and is an integral part of both its daily life and its history.

Cordoba today is a city of immense monumental wealth, having been declared a part of Humanity's Heritage in 1994, with art and history to be found in every alleyway, patio and square. The city is best known for its Mosque , a unique building which tells of the splendour of this one-time Caliphate, though we must not forget the Cathedral, the Fortress of the Christian Monarchs ( Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos ), the Roman Bridge and the Albolafia , La Calahorra Tower , the Jewish Quarter, the patios, El Potro Square and the myriad of other charms and locations that this, one of the country's most interesting and beautiful cities, has to offer.

The outskirts are home to other places of immense interest, such as the ruins of Medina Azahara , a former palace-city; Saint Jerome of Valparaí­so Monastery and Chapels, located among mountain pe M e dina Azahara aks and an ideal place to relax.

All of this, plus other attractions such as excellent tourist facilities and delicious cuisine.

The past of a place such as Cordoba, a key city not only in the history but also in the prehistory of the peninsula, is difficult to sum up in a few words.

Of ancient origin, Cordoba stands on the site of an Iberian settlement, but it was not until Roman times that it began to play a major role in Spanish history. The city is believed to have been founded by Claudius Marcellus. During this period, it was the capital of the lower region of Roman Spain.

Cordoba's greatest glories came during the Moslem occupation, the city being both an independent Caliphate and the capital of Al Andalus with one million inhabitants.

The city was reconquered by Ferdinand III in 1236. Eminent citizens Seneca. Lucano. Osio, bishop. Mahimonides. Averroes. Ibn Hazm. Luis de Gongora, poet. Juan de Mena, poet and humanist. Duque de Rivas, poet. Julio Romero de Torres, painter Manolete, bullfighter. Pablo Garcia Baena, poet. Concha Lagos.

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Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos

Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos

Sierra de Hornachuelos

Sierra de Hornachuelos

Palacio de los Marqueses de Viana

Palacio de los Marqueses de Viana

Conjunto Arqueológico Medina Azahara

Conjunto Arqueológico Medina Azahara

Mezquita de Córdoba

Palacio de la Merced

Baños Califales

Baños Califales

Sotos de la Albolafia

Sotos de la Albolafia

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Visit Cordoba: Top 15 Things To Do and Must-See Attractions

Things to do in cordoba.

You’re planning to visit Cordoba during your next trip in Spain?

Cordoba, along Seville and Granada is one of the three most visited cities of Andalusia, and it is not by chance!

Visiting Córdoba in 1 or 2 days is discovering one of the most beautiful old town of Andalusia, as well as prestigious monuments like the mosque-cathedral of Córdoba or the Alcázar.

It’s also the perfect destination for a day trip from Seville (it’s only at 40 minutes by train!).

In order to help you plan your stay , I have created this guide of the best things to do in Cordoba , with all the best places to visit and points of interest. If you’re planning to spend more than a day in town, you should also have a look at the list of my favorite accommodations in Cordoba , for every budget. It’s located at the end of the article.

And as always, I will also give you my best tips to make the most out of your trip!

So, what are the best things to do in Cordoba? Where to stay?

Discover the top 15 must see attractions in Cordoba now!

1.  Jewish Quarter of Cordoba (La Judería), the heart of the city

2. the mosque–cathedral of córdoba, 3. alcázar de los reyes cristianos, 4. cordoba synagogue, 5. chapel of san bartolomé, 6. the royal stables of cordoba, 7. the bridge gate, 8. the roman bridge, 9. calahorra tower, 10. plaza de las tendillas, 11. see the roman temple of cordoba, 12. plaza de la corredera, 13. viana palace, 14. visit cordoba’s museums, 15. try the salmorejo: cordoba’s typical dish, best things to do around cordoba, one day in cordoba, 2 days in cordoba, where to stay in cordoba, cordoba: tourist map, my impressions about cordoba, you’re traveling in andalusia these articles will help you, visit cordoba: the 15 must-see attractions.

To enter the historic center of Cordoba, you will pass through the Almodovar Gate, surrounded by its high walls and battlements. It marks the entrance to La Judería, the old Jewish quarter of Cordoba.

Stroll through its typical Andalusian streets with whitewashed facades and flowery balconies. Don’t miss la calleja de las Flores, Cordoba’s most famous little alley, which leads to a nice view of Cordoba’s Mosque-Cathedral.

This neighborhood is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and includes the majority of historical monuments to visit in Cordoba. It’s the place where you will find the city’s main attractions such as the Mosque Cathedral and the Alcázar . I will tell you more about them below.

In this area, you can also shop in the numerous lather crafts and jewellery stores.

jewish district cordoba Spain

The mosque-cathedral of Cordoba (also sometimes called Mezquita ) is the city’s emblematic monument and certainly the most impressive.

Built in 785 by a Muslim emir on the ruins of a church, it has been enlarged and embellished over several centuries. Nowadays, it’s considered one of the most beautiful examples of Islamic art in Spain.

Following the Christian conquest, a cathedral was erected at its center, creating a singular architectural mix. Inside you can admire columns and endless red and white arcades, glorified by the beautiful lighting.

Spending an hour or two photographing the columns from every angle is the dream of every photographer.

This is one of the most impressive monuments I’ve had the opportunity to see, the atmosphere is really special there. You will love it!

All the important information you need to visit the Mosque Cathedral of Cordoba can be found on the Mezquita’s official website.

  • Buy your tickets at the vending machines, to avoid the big waiting lines. They are located right next to the ticket booth.
  • If you know the exact date of your trip to Córdoba, you can buy your tickets in advance here . They also include an amazing guided visit of the mosque-cathedral.
  • Visit the Mezquita around 12:45 there are a lot less people and you can take beautiful pictures of the arcades without anyone around.
  • It is also possible to climb the minaret of the Mezquita for 2€

And last but not least, here is a great tip to save money:

If you plan to visit Cordoba’s 3 main monuments (the Mosque-Cathedral, the Alcazar and the Synagogue) in one day, the best is to book a guided tour of the 3.

To book it, you just have to click on the following button:

Last but not least, if you also plan to visit Seville and Granada in addition to Córdoba , you can buy the Andalusia Pass. It includes:

  • A skip the line ticket for the Alcazar of Seville
  • A skip the line ticket for the Alhambra of Granada and the Nasrid palaces
  • A guided tour of the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba
  • An audio guide for Seville and Granada, to download on your smartphone.

To book your Andalusia Pass , you just have to click on the button below:

Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba

This is the other must-see monument when visiting Cordoba: the Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos (“Alcázar of the Christian Kings” in English) . It served as a residence for Catholic kings, but was also the headquarter of the Holy Office during the inquisition. At that time, it was converted to a prison.

You can start your visit by climbing into one of the Alcázar’s 4 towers. You will end up on the ramparts, with a unique panorama of the city to enjoy.

Then go back downstairs to visit the interior of the Alcázar of Cordoba, with its mosaic salon, the royal baths and the moorish patio. You can then enjoy the highlight of the visit, the beautiful gardens. Large paths lined with trees and orange trees with beautiful fountains and ponds in the center.

Visiting the gardens is truly relaxing and refreshing, the perfect opportunity to have a break in the shade and quiet.

For only 4.50 €, the visit is really worth it. And if you want additionnal historical information during your visit, I highly recommend you to book a guided tour by clicking here (the guides are really good). The Alcazar of the Christian King is a must-do, very relaxing after a day of visit in Cordoba!

Alcazar of Cordoba

Located in the Jewish quarter, it’s the only existing synagogue in Andalusia and the third best preserved in Spain. Although small, it’s worth a visit especially for the nice stucco decorations of the main hall.

Until the expulsion of the Jews,  Cordoba Synagogue served as a temple. Later, it has been used as a hospital and school before being recognized as a national monument in the 19th century.

Cordoba Synagogue

Very close to the synagogue, you can find the chapel of San Bartolomé. This chapel is a perfect example of Mudéjar art and architecture. Located inside the Faculty of Arts, it was built in the 14th century. Inside, you can admire its unique nave with a ribbed vault and walls decorated with earthenware tiles.

You’re going to Cordoba?

You probably know it: the hardest part of planning your trip is to find an hotel offering a good value for money!

The closer you get to your travel dates, the harder it will be to get a good deal. Lots of people will be visiting Cordoba on the same dates as you , so you can be sure that the best deals are booked extremely quickly!

Hopefully, there is a pretty simple solution to this problem: do like me and book your hotel as early as possible!

So, my best advice is to take 5 minutes (now) to have a look at the list of travelers’ favorite hotels in Cordoba.

And if you see a good offer, book it!

Most hotels offer free cancellation, so it’s quick, easy, and you will avoid the the inconvenience of finding nothing but mediocre rooms at exorbitant prices.

To check the current best deals for your hotel in Cordoba, simply click on the green button below 😎:

Once you’ve booked your hotel, it will be time to continue reading this guide and find out more about the best things to do in Cordoba!

san bartolome Cordoba

On a piece of land belonging to the Alcázar, you can find the royal stables of Cordoba (las caballerizas reales in Spanish) founded in 1570 by King Felipe II, a horse lover.

You may not know it, the famous race of Andalusian horses was created here.

The stables can be visited and you can also attend a horse show, held from Wednesday to Saturday at 9pm for about 17 euros.

Royal Stables of Córdoba

The bridge gate is as its name suggests, located just opposite the Roman bridge of Córdoba. It was built in the 16th century on the site of ancient Roman and Moorish gates. Pretty aesthetic, I must say!

Bridge Gate Cordoba

Now let’s head to the Roman Bridge, another must-see monument in Cordoba, great for beautiful shots of the old city, especially at sunset. The complex formed by the bridge over the Guadalquivir river and the view of the mosque-cathedral is one of the most beautiful views of the city.

Built in the 1st century BC, it was the only bridge in the city for nearly 20 centuries and the main access to Cordoba.

Crossing the bridge will take you directly to the Calahorra Tower.

Roman Bridge Cordoba

At the end of the Roman Bridge ,  you will find a defensive tower from the Muslim era: the Calahorra Tower

Declared as a national historical monument, after serving as a school and prison, it now houses the museum of Al-Andalus. This museum is about the coexistence of Jews, Muslims and Christians, a topical theme. You can also see a model of the mosque and access the tower’s terrace to enjoy the view of the bridge and river.

Calahorra Tower

The plaza de las Tendillas is a very pleasant square, ideal for a break. Its water jets and fountain makes it even more enjoyable in Andalusia hot weather! I suggest you to extend this moment of relaxation in one of the many bars and restaurant terraces around. Don’t miss the magnificent buildings facades on the square.

If you’re staying 2 days in Cordoba , it’s also a good place to visit in the evening, when the fountains are illuminated and the Andalusian night life starts around tapas and sangria.

plaza de las tendillas

As it’s not far from the plaza de las tendillas, you should definitely go have a look at he the Roman temple of Cordoba. Located in front of the town hall, this temple impresses with its dimensions. The are no guided visits available, you can just see the columns from the street but since it is on the way between the two most famous squares of Cordoba, it is worth a brief visit.

The Roman Temple, in Cordoba

Your path will then take you straight to the most famous square in Cordoba: the Plaza de la Corredera (Corrodera Square) . Its rectangular shape and its arcades recall the classic “Plaza Mayor” of Castile but it’s actually the only square with such features in Andalusia. For centuries, it has been a gathering place for parties, markets, bullfights and even….executions!

Today it’s with the plaza de las Tendillas the best place in Cordoba to enjoy a drink or a lunch on a terrace. There is also a market, where you can buy fresh produce.

Corredera square Cordoba

As it’s located about ten minute walk from the plaza de la Corredera , you should continue your visit of Cordoba with a stop at the Viana Palace (“Palacio de Viana”). The highlights of the visit are for sure the 12 magnificient patios and gardens. Art enthusiasts will also be delighted by the impressive collection of paintings, ancient dishes and tapestries that can be found in the palace’s multiple outbuildings.

All information for your visit can be found on the Viana Palace official website.

One of the Viana Palace patio

If you have more than one day to visit the city, here is a list of museums in Cordoba that might interest you:

  • The archaeological museum and its collection of Roman objects discovered in Cordoba
  • The fine arts museum : collections of modern Spanish and baroque art
  • The bullfighting museum for those who are not opposed to this practice of course
  • The ethnobotanical museum and the botanical garden
  • The Julio Romero de Torrez museum, housing a collection of the famous local painter
  • The gallery of the inquisition which presents the instruments of torture used in the inquisition. It’s not recommended for children.

Cordoba archaeological museum

Finally, don’t leave Cordoba without tasting its typical dish: the salmorejo . It is a cold soup (perfect for the hot weather!) made of tomato, olive oil, bread crumbs, garlic, vinegar on which they put small pieces of Serrano ham and eggs.

And to finish with a sweet touch, why not give an ice cream a go? Personally, I have tried the one from Cremeria di Vaniglia , close to the plaza de las tendillas and they were amazing!

ice cream cordoba

Madinat al-Zahra (Medina Azahara)

The remains of the mysterious city of Madinat al-Zahra (a UNESCO World Heritage Site) are located at 8 kilometers from Cordoba .

The this city was built by a caliph in tribute to his wife named “Azahara”. The palace was built with marble, gold and precious stones!

In addition to the palace, Madinat al-Zahra city consisted of 3 levels and there was also a mosque. Nowadays, it’s is in ruins but it’s a very interesting visit for history lovers!

The best way to enjoy the visit is for sure to book a guided tour from Cordoba.

Everything is included: transportation, the guide, and access to the historical site.

To book it, you just have to click on the button below:

Monastery of San Jerónimo de Valparaíso

In front of Madinat al-Zahra , you can find the impressive monastery of San Jerónimo de Valparaíso, built in the 15th century.

It was originally a Gothic building, but you can find some Renaissance and Baroque architecture elements.

For several years, the family of owners has done a great job of restoration and you can now admire a large art collection.

Be careful, visits are only private, so you need to make a reservation before going.

It’s totally possible to visit Cordoba in one day . Even without hurrying, you can see all of the most important attractions of the city.

  • Start by visiting the Jewish Quarter and its flowery streets
  • Then head to the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba, a unique place in Andalusia
  • Lunch in a terrace at the Plaza de las Tendillas for example.
  • Then go to the Plaza de la Corredera. Along the way you can see the Roman Temple of Cordoba.
  • Walk along the Guadalquivir to get to the B ridge Gate and the Roman bridge of Cordoba
  • Cross the bridge, and arrive at the Calahorra Tower
  • Finally, end your day in town with a visit to the Alcázar of Cordoba and its magnificent gardens.

And if you don’t want to walk all day, you can opt for the Hop-on Hop-off tourist bus. It stops in from of every tourist attraction of the city!

You can click here to book it.

If you spend 2 days in Cordoba , you should do the program I recommended just above for the 1st day. However you can visit the Alcázar on the second day, in order to split the 2 longest visits.

  • Start the day at plaza de la Corredera for a coffee on the terrace.
  • Visit the Viana Palace and its 12 patios
  • Why not try the Salmorejo for lunch? (Followed by an ice cream of course!)
  • Visit one or more museums of Cordoba to choose from the list above. I personally recommend the museum of the inquisition
  • If you have a car, visit Madinat al-Zahra or  the monastery of San Jerónimo de Valparaíso
  • Option Be : Hostel located in the district of Judería. Bed in dormitory from 22€, breakfast included. The positive aspects of this brand new hostel: perfect staff welcome, comfortable bed, very clean, outdoor pool and great location.
  • Ayre Hotel Cordoba : Located within a 10 minute drive from the center of Cordoba, at the center of a beautiful and quiet garden. Room with classic decoration but very spacious from 61€, breakfast 10€. The best: quiet location, large outdoor pool and free parking. We love to be far from the crowds and the city.
  • Hotel Boutique Caireles : Located in front of the Mosque of Cordoba, right in the historic district. Modern and bright room from 67€ breakfast included. The best: the view of the Mezquita from the rooms, the kindness of the staff who also speaks French. My favorite for its great value for money!
  • Eurostars palace : Located on the paseo de la victoria, within a 5 minute walk from the entrance of Judería and Mezquita. Huge room and very good design from 110€ per night, breakfast at 14€. The best: good geographical location, swimming pool on the roof. The best choice in Cordoba for an affordable luxury stay!

To help you prepare for your visit to the city, here is the Córdoba tourist map, in very high resolution. I advise you to download it on your Smartphone, so you will have it during your trip!

Cordoba Tourist Map

This other map of Cordoba, extremely complete and accompanied by the list of activities will also be very useful during your stay in Cordoba

Cordoba Map

I loved the city of Cordoba , it’s easy to go over by foot and in one day in Cordoba, without much hurry, you can see all the must-see attractions of the city. As most alleyways and the historic centre are pedestrian only area, it’s very pleasant to walk around in complete safety, without noise.

The Mosque Cathedral of Cordoba  particularly impressed me, even if I had seen several pictures before entering it in real. I really had the impression to discover it for the first time, it’s hard to realize how amazing it is before going there!

The Alcázar of Cordoba gardens are also particularly beautiful and well put together. Everything is very geometric and graphic, I liked that, in addition to being able to enjoy a little shade and quietness!

And you, have you planned to visit Cordoba during your trip to Andalusia?

Andalusia travel Guides

  • Buy the DK Eyewitness Andalusia guide on or on
  • Buy the Lonely Planet Andalusia guide on or on
  • Buy the Rick Steves Snapshot Andalusia guide on

Discover all my articles about Spain : All my articles to help you plan your trip to Spain are listed there.

The 20 Best Things to Do in Andalucia : The ultimate bucket list!

  • Itinerary: 4-5 days in Andalucia – The perfect itinerary for a short stay in Andalucia !
  • Itinerary: 1 week in Andalucia – With all my best tips + accommodation suggestions!
  • Itinerary: 10 days in Andalucia – Discover how to visit Andalucia in 10 days, with all my best tips!
  • Itinerary: 2 weeks in Andalucia – The best itinerary to visit Andalucia in 14-15 days
  • Cadiz: The 12 things you must-see in town!
  • Granada: Top 15 best things to do
  • Malaga: The 15 best places to visit
  • Ronda: The 10 best things to do
  • Seville: Top 15 best things to do and places to visit

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Visit Cordoba

Creator of the Voyage Tips blog, travel and photography lover. I give you all my best tips to plan your next trip.

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Discussion 2 comments.

Córdoba Ecuestre

Good morning,

We contact you from Córdoba Ecuestre. We have our Equestrian Show at the Royal Stables of Córdoba.

We would like to modify some information. The show takes place from Wednesday until Saturday at 9:00 p.m.

The price for adults is 17,50€.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me by e-mail: [email protected]

Best regards,


Thank you for the precision. I have uptaded the information about the show.

Have a nice day,

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