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SKT – Wyjazdy, które łączą… Witaj na stronie SKT. Zapraszamy w podróż do świata niezapomnianych wyjazdów studenckich! SKT oferuje jedyne w swoim ...

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po udanym wyjeździe studenckim na majówkę do Belgradu – czas na kolejną nowość. W tym roku ruszamy na podbój stolicy Łotwy – Rygi oraz okolic. Będzie okazja przetesowania lokalnych piw w najstarszym browarze na Łotwie.  Zapiszy już trwają a first minute tylko do 28.02!

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Każdemu z nas należą się chwile wytchnienia, z dala od codziennego zgiełku i bieganiny. Czas więc już pomyśleć o zimowej przygodzie i odpoczynku po wyczerpujących zajęciach na uczelni. Jako Studencki Klub Turystyczny już od kilku lat organizujemy różnego rodzaju studenckie wyjazdy : zarówno obozy dla studentów jak i wycieczki dla studentów . W naszych wyjazdach rokrocznie biorą udział studenci z wielu uczelni z całej Polski. Przygotowywane przez nas wyjazdy dla studentów są tak dobierane, aby jak najlepiej odpowiadały studenckim potrzebom. W ten sposób każdy student znajdzie u nas odpowiednie wyjazdy dla siebie. Jeżeli interesują Was ciekawe miejsca, chcecie pojechać, dobrze się bawić i poznać wielu interesujących ludzi to ogranizowane przez nas obozy dla studentów i wycieczki dla studentów spełniają właśnie te kryteria. Nasze studenckie wyjazdy są najlepszą alternatywą dla banalnych i schematycznych wakacji, sylwestrów, ferii czy majówek. Dobra zabawa, dreszczyk emocji, odrobina szaleństwa - to właśnie charakteryzuje nasze wyjazdy dla studentów. Zapisz się i przekonaj się sam!

SKT - wyjazdy, które łączą Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone 2011


ST - Wyjazdy z Najlepszą Ekipą blog

Czas naładować baterie!

utworzone przez Student Travel | mar 22, 2022 | Lifestyle | 0 komentarzy

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Całą zimę czekaliśmy na ten moment, gdy kurtki zimowe odstawiamy do szafy. W powietrzu czuć wiosnę, a ilość słońca przypomina nam, że sezon na opalanie tuż-tuż. Pełni energii i optymizmu ochoczo przeglądamy Instagram, w poszukiwaniu miejsc na kilkudniowy wypad. Plaża, wycieczka czy duże miasto? Pomysłów na weekend majowy mamy przynajmniej kilkanaście a podróże poza sezonem mają kilka ogromnych plusów.

Majówka 2022 – cena?

Cena nie raz determinuje wybór kierunku, na który decydujemy się jechać. Tutaj należy przypomnieć, że wyjazd przed sezonem turystycznym potrafi uratować nasz wakacyjny budżet. Najbardziej znane miejscowości pobytowe na wybrzeżu włoskim, chorwackim czy albańskim przeżywają prawdziwe oblężenie podczas miesięcy letnich. Natomiast w niskim sezonie turystycznym chętnie przyjmują klientów w atrakcyjnych cenach. Brak tłumów na miejscu jest dodatkowym atutem. Można oglądać atrakcje bez konieczności wcześniejszych rezerwacji i przeciskania się miedzy turystami. Na plażach nie walczymy o każdy skrawek przestrzeni, za to możemy cieszyć się morzem, ciepłym piaskiem pod stopami i słońcem. A atmosfera zachęca, żeby wskoczyć w bikini, zażyć kąpieli i wrócić do domu z piękną opalenizną, wypoczętą głową i masą wspomnień.

Wyjazd na Majówkę – kiedy?

Praca czy uczelnia mogą nam pokrzyżować wyjazdowe plany w ciągu roku. Właśnie to jest jednym z powodów dlaczego przerwa majowa jest świetną okazją, żeby skorzystać z podróży. Nie przejmujemy się koniecznością brania urlopu czy nieusprawiedliwionych nieobecności na studiach. Wystarczy spakować walizkę, podlać kwiatki i ruszamy w drogę. Wyjazdy majowe z kategorii zwiedzanie specjalnie są szyte z myślą o tych, którzy szukają krótszych wycieczek, a jednocześnie chcą zobaczyć i przeżyć jak najwięcej. Krótszy wyjazd nie oznacza wcale, że zobaczymy mniej! O tyle o ile w lecie królują wyjazdy pobytowe lub dłuższe wycieczki objazdowe, to na majówkę biura podróży dopasowują liczbę dni do naszych możliwości czasowych. Stąd duża ilość krótszych wyjazdów zahaczających o dni wolne od pracy.

Ofert majówki

Oferta majówkowa również jest często bardziej różnorodna. Znajdziemy tam wyjazdy, na które możemy wybrać się tylko raz w roku – Słowenia, Rumunia czy wyprawa na fiordy. Dodatkowo na południu Europy wiosenna aura sprawia, że mamy więcej chęci do zwiedzania, nie czuć jeszcze sierpniowego gorąca. Państwa im bliżej lata tym bardziej ochoczo znoszą wszelkie obostrzenia związane z wjazdem. Wystarczy wybrać kierunek, odkurzyć walizkę i w drogę!

Student Travel majówka

Różnorodność kierunków, na które możemy jechać przyprawia o zawrót głowy. Z pomocą przychodzi ST, które już kilkanaście miesięcy wcześniej sprawdziło, gdzie będą najlepsze miejscówki na chill, imprezę, albo zwiedzanie. Startujemy już za kilka tygodni. Dobry czas na szybki reset, poczujmy przedsmak lata 2022!

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Ostatnie wpisy

  • Rakija – powód, dla którego warto wybrać się do Chorwacji
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  • Baltic Trip – impreza na promie do Szwecji i z powrotem

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  • Sylwia - Zaręczyny na wyjeździe – tutorial i case study
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  • Ola - Zaręczyny na wyjeździe – tutorial i case study
  • Ewww - Dookoła Koh Phangan
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Wyjazdy ZIMA 2023 / 2024

Włochy | Francja

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Wyjazdy i obozy zimowe w Alpy 2023/2024. Francja, Włochy, Szwajcaria

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Wyjazdy dla studentów w zimę i lato

Wybranie się na wyjazd studencki to najlepsze co możesz robić na studiach! Poznasz nowych znajomych, świetnie się będziesz bawić i przywieziesz masę wspaniałych wspomnień. Nie ma żadnych szans, że ktokolwiek nie pozazdrości Ci takich szalonych wakacji, jakie my zapewniamy. Gwarantujemy, że w grupie imprezowych, młodych osób - takich jak Ty będziesz się świetnie bawić. A kto wie, może podczas wyjazdu i wspólnych rozrywek pozna się przyjaciół na jakiś dłuższy czas? Zwłaszcza kiedy wiesz, że będziesz w otoczeniu osób, z którymi łączy Cię pasja do tych samych aktywności. Wspólny wyjazd to nie tylko miło spędzony czas, ale również przedsięwzięcie wymagające dużego nakładu pracy oraz odpowiedniej wiedzy. Z tego też powodu najlepiej jest powierzyć jego organizację osobom godnym zaufania, mającym w tym zakresie spore doświadczenie. Wychodząc naprzeciw tym oczekiwaniom przygotowaliśmy atrakcyjną ofertę zawierającą różnego rodzaju wyjazdy studenckie, wczasy dla studentów czy też wycieczki dla studentów oraz innych młodych ludzi powyżej 18. roku życia. Takie właśnie działanie pozwala wielu młodym osobom na odciążenie swojemu umysłu od kolejnych obowiązków. Przecież wakacje i wyjazdy polegają właśnie na odpoczynku, to dlaczego masz się męczyć i zaprzątać sobie głowę planowaniem jakiegoś urlopu dla siebie i znajomych, jak tuż pod nosem masz idealnie rozplanowane wakacje? Nie będzie na nich nawet jednego dnia nudy! Po to jest się młodym, aby móc szaleć i nie myśleć o czymś takim, jak branie całej organizacji wyjazdu na swoje barki. Oczywiście nie zapomnieliśmy podczas planowania o tym, że wyjazdy studenckie za granicę polegają także na tym, że potrzebujecie trochę czasu wolnego dla samych siebie, dlatego to też jest uwzględnione w całym rozkładzie zajęć.

Wyjazdy na narty, majówki, wakacje i obozy studenckie

Zmęczony po zimowej sesji? Wykończona po czerwcowym zakuwaniu do egzaminów? Mamy doskonałą propozycję na prawdziwy chillig dla Was. Organizujemy wyjazdy studenckie do wyjątkowo ciekawych i imprezowych miejsc na terenie Europy. Proponujemy wyprawy objazdowe łączące przyjemność relaksowania się ze zwiedzaniem oraz niezapomnianymi imprezami. Oferujemy również wycieczki typowo wypoczynkowe, nastawione na błogie lenistwo. Wśród naszych propozycji znajdują się wyjazdy na każdą porę roku - majówki i Sylwestry, letnie obozy oraz zimowe wyjazdy na narty i snowboard.

Stworzyliśmy studenckie biuro podróży w oparciu o nasze doświadczenie oraz z zamiłowania do podróżowania. Zapraszamy do korzystania z naszych ofert nie tylko studentów, ale wszystkie pozytywnie nastawione osoby w wieku 18-35 lat. Wyjedź z nami na wyjazd życia! Prowadzimy ścisłą współpracę z poważnymi zagranicznymi partnerami, co pozwala nam zagwarantować świetne warunki zakwaterowania, liczne atrakcje oraz dobre ubezpieczenie. Możesz zaplanować z nami niezapomniane wakacje latem, jak też pełne wrażeń ferie zimowe.

Dlaczego warto wybrać nas i nasze studenckie wyjazdy na narty?

Dla nas samych oczywiste jest to, że najlepiej zorganizowane wyjazdy studenckie na narty odbywają się z naszym biurem, jednak nie dla wszystkich może to być takie jasne. Trzeba pamiętać, że udane wyjazdy spełniają pewne kryteria, między innymi dobrze zagospodarowany czas, fajni ludzie, najlepiej w podobnej kategorii wiekowej, brak potrzeby myślenia nad dojazdem oraz noclegiem - bo to biuro powinno się tym zająć. Jeżeli te kryteria zostaną spełnione, wyjazd będzie całkiem udany. My natomiast gwarantujemy, że nie tylko je wszystkie spełnimy, ale także dorzucimy od siebie więcej powodów, przez które to nas powinno się wybrać! Jesteśmy biurem działającym na rynku już dobry czas, przez który zdobyliśmy liczne grono zaufanych i zadowolonych klientów, co potwierdzają pozytywne opinie. Jako jedni z niewielu organizujemy studenckie wyjazdy sylwestrowe, dzięki czemu nie musisz się przejmować tym, co będziesz robił ze znajomymi w ten specjalny dzień w roku. Najlepiej jest od razu zgłosić się i mieć gwarancję, że gdy wybije północ - Ty będziesz w niezwykłym miejscu w gronie swoich najbliższych przyjaciół.

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Bądź na bieżąco z imprezowymi i wyjazdowymi informacjami!

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Amazing experiences and fun adventures with Work & Travel USA.

Are you young, adventurous and independent? Do you want the ultimate summer experience? Through our programs you can travel, earn money, make new friends and live unforgettable experiences.

Work & Travel

Work & Travel USA program is one of the best ways to experience life in the United States and spend your university break discovering what it’s like to live, work, and travel in the USA.

Find out how you can go to the States and how you can get the coolest job!

Discover america with the ultimate summer experience.

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Aramark Crater Lake

2 jobs available.

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The Fresh Market

3j jobs available.

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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay

3 jobs available.

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Iulia Balaj

It is possible for you to also make it to the states.

Two to three years ago, if someone had told me that I would go to the United States, I probably would have laughed, thinking it was a joke. I knew how hard it is to obtain a visa, I knew how expensive and different life is here, I knew how far away from home it is, and I thought it was… impossible. But here I am now, spending my second summer in the States, visiting, exploring, living my life in the craziest and most beautiful way possible, but also working hard

Roland Sraum

I had a fantastic experience.

The journey to America was long (30 hours), but superb with Delta Airlines. We arrived at the accommodation around 9 in the evening, and then I found out that I would start work the next day at 8 am 🤕 The first week was the toughest until I finished the training and learned my way around everything; I was extremely tired. The first day off was the best; I went shopping and was amazed by the many new things I saw. After two weeks, I was already working alone in my own kitchen, as there were quite a few orders; I couldn’t wait for the new colleagues from Romania to arrive.

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Alexandra Samoilă

The first steps toward the 'american dream..

If you’re a student dreaming of strolling through the crowded streets of New York City, getting lost among tall buildings, enjoying the sun on the beach under a tall palm tree in Miami Beach, being mesmerized by the lights of Las Vegas, and constantly feeling like an actor in your favorite American movie that you used to watch countless times as a child, then the answer for you might be the Work and Travel program.

Andreea Bianca Asman

How the work and travel experience changed me.

Two years ago, my adventure with Work & Travel began. Excited but slightly scared, I applied for this program in the fall of 2021. Back then, I didn’t know that the future would bring me unique experiences, new friends, and memories that I would cherish for a lifetime.

I want to share my experience, the adventures, and what this program means to me, but for that, we need to go back to where it all began.

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In addition to the Work & Travel USA program, we offer a wide range of other experiences in the USA and Iceland

Internship and training usa, work and travel iceland, au pair usa.

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Work & Travel USA is a cultural exchange program of USA’s Department of State, through which students have the possibility to work legally in America during university summer holiday period.

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  • Întrebări frecvente

Poland’s Beloved Majówka

After long winter months, nature is waking up to life at an astounding pace. Birds chirping, trees blossoming, bees buzzing, sun shining, clouds sailing the blue sky slowly… doesn’t it make you want to grab a blanket, pack your picnic basket and forget about the everyday rush? Well, that’s how millions of Poles feel about it. Luckily, there’s majówka /mah-yoof-kah/.

poland weekend may

Generally, the term majówka refers to going on spring trips away from your home, outside of the city. Picnics, walks and spending time in the bosom of nature. But more specifically, people use it to talk about the end of April and the first days of May, a very busy time in the field Polish tourism. Millions of people pack their bags and together with their friends and family they set off to travel the country. Luckily, there’s always a long weekend at the beginning of May that allows them to do so.

On 1st May we celebrate the International Workers’ Day and two days later we have a national holiday to celebrate the 3rd May Constitution Day. Most Polish people don’t work on these days. What is more, 2nd May is the National Flag Day and there are no lessons at schools. If you are lucky and all of these days fall on weekdays, by taking just three days off work, you can extend your weekend to as much as… nine days! Tempting, isn’t it?

People usually choose to spend majówka in their cabins or stay at hotels that are located close to nature, by rivers or lakes, in the middle of the wood. They enjoy their free time with their family and friends. One could say that barbecuing during majówka has almost become a national sport. You will see barbecues in almost every backyard and garden. Grilled sausages and chuck steaks dominate the tables.

majówka Poland

Even if one prefers staying in the city, there’s definitely no room for being bored. 3rd of May celebrations include parades, public figure speeches, concerts and exhibitions. Reading the constitution preamble, cannon salvos, singing patriotic songs and a military parade are always a part of the official festivities. The 3rd May Constitution is considered to be one of the greatest achievements in the history of Poland.

The 3rd May National Holiday has a long tradition. It has been celebrated (with breaks) since 1792. It was banned during the partitions of Poland and had to wait until 1919 to be officially celebrated again. It was also banned by the Nazis and the Soviets. After the fall of communism, it was restored as a national holiday.

To all of you who are on your way to Poland at the moment, we wish you a pleasant and relaxing majówka! And those of you who still haven’t made up your minds, join us on majówka next year. Poland is breathtakingly beautiful at this time of the year, so we are sure you won’t regret it.

Now if you’ll excuse us, we have to start packing our majówka bags...

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How to plan Majówka weekend in Poland Posted by Kasia on May 1, 2016 in Culture

It’s the beginning of May, and time for a holiday in Poland, with May 1 and May 3 formally designated ‘free days’ to mark May Day and Constitution Day. In between falls Flag Day (May 2) – not officially a holiday, but one that in fact many will take off from work to allow a long weekend that is called Majówka .

The most commonly used definition of Majówka , however, is picnicking throughout the month of May, a tradition that goes back several generations. It is a reason to take advantage of warm weather and spend as much time outdoors as possible. Almost everyone takes few days off at the beginning of May to spend it with family and friends. One year we flew to Poland on April 30th…Wednesday. I didn’t think there will be any traffic driving from the airport to my parents house on a Wednesday around 1pm….I totally forgot about the long weekend! The whole Warsaw was leaving town!!! While usually it takes me about 2 hours to get to my home town….well…that day it took about 7 hours! Crazy traffic everywhere!


My Family’s orchards in May


Majówka bonfire with my friends in Poland!


As far as the Holidays go:

May 1  ( Święto Pracy ) has a long tradition in Europe, dating back to pre-Christian times. It was a reason to celebrate because it was a time by which winter would formally have been banished, and summer was on the way. From pagan fertility rights to what we now think of as the ‘workers’ holiday’, May 1 has been celebrated in Poland for as long as it has anywhere else. But this date also became a key ideological battleground in the war between the Communist authorities and the Catholic Church in Poland.

The Soviet Union, and all who governed those nations that fell into its sphere of influence, was strong on atheism, and rebranded the ancient May 1 holiday as the day of the worker. But, according to Encyclopaedia Britannica, the Church fought back – with Pope Pius XII establishing the date as the feast of St Joseph the worker. It remains for many Poles one of two days dedicated to St Joseph – the other being March 19, when he is remembered not as a worker but as the husband of Mary.

May 2 is Flag Day in Poland. Nestling between the public holidays of May 1 (Labour Day) and May 3 (Constitution Day), it is not a formal holiday, though this year it falls on a Friday so many will be angling for a day off work to take advantage of a four-day weekend. Here’s the story behind the famous red and white.


While the 1st May, or Labour Day, was an official holiday in the Polish People’s Republic for the entire period of communism, the celebration of 3rd May was prohibited since 1951 and only returned in 1990. May 3rd is National Constitution Day (Święto Konstytucji 3 Maja)  and commemorates its adoption in 1791.

In addition, 3rd May is also the religious feast day of Our Lady, Queen of Poland. In 2004, 2nd May was designated National Flag Day making this entire public holiday a deeply patriotic event. Poles consider this time as a great opportunity for a family vacation. The warm spring weather encourages people to travel and spend this time in the country or near water while attractions in some cities include marches, parades and shows.

Have you spend Majówka in Poland? If so, please let us know how:)

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About the Author: Kasia

My name is Kasia Scontsas. I grew near Lublin, Poland and moved to Warsaw to study International Business. I have passion for languages: any languages! Currently I live in New Hampshire. I enjoy skiing, kayaking, biking and paddle boarding. My husband speaks a little Polish, but our daughters are fluent in it! I wanted to make sure that they can communicate with their Polish relatives in our native language. Teaching them Polish since they were born was the best thing I could have given them! I have been writing about learning Polish language and culture for Transparent Language’s Polish Blog since 2010.

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Majówka… Polacy kochają ten czas, gdy nad Wisłą unosi się przepiękny dym grillowanej kiełbaski popijanej piwem. Jednak takie statyczne rozrywki nie muszą być atrakcyjne dla młodych, którzy szukają szalonych dni, które będzie można wspominać przez całe życie. Jak spędzić piękne, słoneczne majowe dni i nie wynudzić się za całe życie?

Wyjazdy na Obozy do Lloret de mar

  • Hiszpania - Lloret de Mar
  • 29.04.2024 - 5.05.2024 (7dni)

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  • Chorwacja - Novalja - Wyspa Pag
  • 29.04.2024 - 5.05.2024 (7 dni)

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Najbliższe wyjazdy.

Tomorrowland z Party Camp Week 2

  • Belgia - Boom

Wakacje w Chorwacji

  • Novalja - Zrce, Wyspa Pag

Wyjazdy zagraniczne na obozy

  • Lloret de mar - Costa Brava, Hiszpania


Majówka 2024  nie musi znów wyglądać tak samo. Grill, butelka piwa i chillout na działce. Równie dobrze może być spędzona aktywnie lub jeszcze ciekawiej niż kiedykolwiek. Jak? Odpowiedź jest prosta: wyjazdy na  majówkę . Oczywiście najłatwiej jechać w Polskę, ale nie zawsze najkorzystniej. Oczywiście, za granicą trzeba wiedzieć gdzie i z kim wyjeżdżać, jednak fakty są takie, że zarówno morze, jak i góry w naszym kraju przyciągają bliskością, ale odrzucają ceną. Tymczasem inne europejskie kraje oferują coś, czego u nas nie ma. Czyli? Bingo! Ciepło. Dzięki temu masz pewność, że  weekendu majowego  nie spędzisz na leżaku w pokoju lub grając w karty w świetlicy osiedlowej, ale naprawdę wygrzejesz się i zakosztujesz życia.

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Niezwykłą popularnością, zwłaszcza w ostatnich latach i zwłaszcza wśród osób młodych na majowy weekend cieszy się Hiszpania i Chorwacja

Dzięki niej zwiedzasz wiele zakątków Europy, zatrzymując się to tu, to tam, dążąc do określonego miejsca. Wyjątkowa atmosfera takich wycieczek, duża ilość młodych osób oraz świetna zabawa zachęcają do wyjazdów, młodzież, studentów i nie tylko do wyboru tej formy rozrywki.

To doskonała okazja do zabawy, przyjemności, relaksu oraz odpoczynku. A jakie europejskie kierunki są dziś w modzie?


Jednym z najpopularniejszych wyborów są wyjazdy do Chorwacji na  majówki . Jest tam wiele ciekawych miejsc, między innymi wyspa Krk, popularny kurort Dubrownik czy stary Split, jednak na  weekend majowy najlepiej nadaje się Chorwacja

To państwo nad Adriatykiem, i niezwykłe miejsce na prawdziwy Euro Trip. Jako destynacja wypoczynkowa znana jest już od XIX wieku. Cieszy się dużą popularnością, nie tylko podczas majowego weekendu , ale także podczas wakacyjnych tripów, zwłaszcza ze względu na doskonałe położenie oraz przyjemny klimat.

Poczuj aurę prawdziwej majówki i wybierz się do Chorwacji!

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Ready to experience the 2024 Solar Eclipse?

On April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will arc across the southern half of Indiana from southwest to northeast. learn more

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Getting parents involved in your educational trip.

Having parents involved in the program it a vital piece of the puzzle to be successful. learn more

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Getting Groups Through Airport Security

Here’s how to get your students through security, smoothly and efficiently. learn more

Motor Coach Travel Advice for Students

Motor Coach Travel Advice for Students

Make the most of your ride with these insider tips. learn more

Choosing the right educational student group travel company.

Choosing the right educational student group travel company.

When a student gets to experience to new locations, new cultures and new people with education being the focus, the revelations and the eye-opening impact that develop are priceless. learn more

Disney on Broadway with Educational Destinations.

Disney on Broadway with Educational Destinations.

Breathtaking! Amazing! Phenomenal! These are words you have probably heard time and time again from friends, family, and others when seeing a musical on Broadway. learn more

The Value of Education with a student Disney trip.

The Value of Education with a student Disney trip.

Have you ever wondered why opportunities involving educational trips to Disney are so abundant? The significance of education brought feeling and heart into... learn more

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Health Tip: Preventing Deep Vein Thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis, or deep venous thrombosis, (DVT) is the formation of a blood clot (thrombus) within a deep vein, predominantly in the legs... learn more

Fund Raising for your educational student trip.

Fund Raising for your educational student trip.

Time for some heavy lifting. Before your trip becomes a reality, some homework has to be done. Don’t worry, Educational Destinations is here to help... learn more

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Since 1987, Educational Destinations, led by passionate, award-winning teachers, has become the first choice for educational student group travel. By listening to teachers, providing cutting edge technology and unmatched service, and having dedicated ED Tour Directors conduct trips, Educational Destinations has built an unmatched reputation. Focused on designing custom trips that provide educational, memorable, and rewarding student travel experiences, Educational Destinations successfully partners with customers to do just that, in destinations within the United States and worldwide. Decades of combined travel expertise, earned in dozens of countries, enables Educational Destinations to anticipate performance needs and deliver group wishes, without surprises or hidden costs.

I wanted to write and tell you what a terrific job you did with our trip. I’ve been traveling since 1980 and this was the easiest trip ever for me. I simply had to do nothing but teach! It’s hard to believe it’s taken me this long to get it right, slow learner! The students and parents have had nothing to say but wonderful things…

Nan Moore Male High School

You have been so wonderful with our parents and students throughout the entire course of this tour. I am so glad we signed on with Music Travel Consultants/Educational Destinations as you gave our group the red carpet treatment every step of the way.

Janis Stackhouse Bloomington High School North

Music Travel Consultants/Educational Destinations is top-notch. The professionalism of the staff and their attention to detail is a director’s dream come true. My students and I have traveled with them four times over the past several years and I can say that “I won’t leave home without them!

Jena Adrianson Lawrence Central High School

I can’t say enough good things about Educational Destinations. They had everything covered and it was a relaxing and fun trip. My students and parents commented that it was the best trip we have ever taken. I’m ready to plan another trip with this company.

Brenda Bergman Jay County School Corporation

I recently had the pleasure of going on a Disney Trip with our band from Eastern High School in Greentown, IN. I was skeptical about going but am so glad I did. My Grandson and I came in rather late and had no problems whatsoever in getting onto your site, paying for our trip, and having confirmation that we were good to go.

Dianna Workinger Greentown, IN

Being able to trust implicitly the people who are planning what we will see, the timing of the itinerary, and the traveling arrangements is comforting not only to our staff but also to our parents. For our parents to know that this is a company that we use year after year with great results gives them the peace of mind that their children will experience the safest trip possible.

Mrs. Kathy Schubel Principal, St. Bartholomew Catholic School

I wanted to thank you so much for such a great trip! Our kids had a wonderful time and I could not imagine how we would have seen all that we were able to see without having you organize this trip for us.

Angie Remington Madison-Grant Elementary Students

I have worked with Educational Destinations on a yearly basis since 2001 and ED is the best educational travel group our school has ever worked with. It is refreshing to know that during the course of a trip that if any questions or problems arise, we have the consultant, whom we have worked with all year, right there with us to answer all questions and take care of the tickets and timing. It makes the trip very relaxing and enjoyable and a trip our kids never forget.

Darrin Russell 8th Grade U.S. History, Mitchell High School

I have been coordinating educational field trips for my school for the past 10 years and could not be happier with Educational Destinations. From the very first brainstorming session to the moment we return home from our trip, Educational Destinations works tirelessly to make sure our trips are memorable and successful. They are always quick to answer my questions, which I truly appreciate. Michael, Robin, and Ryan have been fantastic to work with over the years and I highly recommend them!

Kris Samick Spencer-Owen Community School Corporation

Educational Destinations has taken the stress out of planning and traveling with a large group. As a teacher, I am now able to actually enjoy the time I have with my students instead of worrying about all of the necessary details. From the very first contact made to the last moment of the trip and beyond, each and every person we have interacted with from Educational Destinations has been professional, concerned about fulfilling our needs, and exceptionally conscientious.

Linda Crady History Teacher, Sycamore School

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Anthropology, Culture, & Tradition

Understand the links between the ancient and present worlds, communities, and traditions, encountering traces of past civilizations and experiencing vibrant traditions that exist today.

Understand the links between the ancient and present worlds, communities, and traditions, encountering traces of…

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Climate & Geology

Examine Earth processes, witness dramatic geological forces at work, and discuss the science of global climate change with local researchers.

Examine Earth processes, witness dramatic geological forces at work, and discuss the science of global…

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Innovation, Technology & Robotics

Get a firsthand look at new technologies that are being created to address challenges facing the world today.

Get a firsthand look at new technologies that are being created to address challenges facing…

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Set out on shoots to improve your photography or film skills, leveraging storytelling to illuminate the places you encounter.

Set out on shoots to improve your photography or film skills, leveraging storytelling to illuminate…

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Wildlife Conservation

Delve into underwater ecosystems and better understand how the health of our oceans, seas, and shorelines impacts all life on Earth.

Delve into underwater ecosystems and better understand how the health of our oceans, seas, and…

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On these programs, I repeatedly witness students maturing and gaining skills in self-reliance, collaboration, science, and critical thinking. In short, I watch students become leaders. Dr. M. Jackson, National Geographic Explorer

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We get it, you’re on a tight budget. As in, instant ramen is one of your main food groups. But just because your bank account got blown on textbooks this year, doesn’t mean an epic trip is out of the question.

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A Gen Xer who got $250,000 in student loans forgiven said he can now finally start saving for retirement — and consider his dream of studying in India

  • Joel Lambdin, 49, received $250,000 in student-loan forgiveness in January.
  • It's a result of the Education Department's one-time account adjustments.
  • Lambdin said the relief would allow him to save for retirement and consider long-term dreams.

Insider Today

Joel Lambdin finished graduate school in 1998 — but as a professional musician, he was hardly making enough money to pay off his student loans and other bills.

So Lambdin, now 49, said his only option to make ends meet was to put his student loans in forbearance — in which he was not making payments but interest was still accumulating .

"It was just so that I could subsist, so that I could survive," Lambdin told Business Insider. "With the hope that at some point, I would be making enough money that I would be able to take them out of forbearance and start paying them down."

But he grew to realize that the only way he could make a significant dent in his student loans was by switching careers. He didn't want to do that because he loved working in music, so he decided to keep his larger student loan in forbearance and begin paying off his smaller loan with a lower monthly payment.

He continued making those payments until the pandemic pause on student-loan payments , at which point he and his wife started making a plan of action to tackle the larger debt once the pause ended. That led them to discover the Education Department's initiative allowing some borrowers a one-time account adjustment . It lets the department evaluate borrowers' accounts and update payment progress toward forgiveness on income-driven repayment plans and Public Service Loan Forgiveness, including any payments made during a forbearance period.

That account adjustment led to a letter Lambdin received on January 31, reviewed by BI, from his student-loan servicer Aidvantage. It said: "Congratulations! The Biden-Harris Administration has forgiven your federal student loan(s) listed below with Aidvantage in full."

For Lambdin, that letter meant his $249,255 outstanding student-loan balance was effectively wiped out.

"It had started to feel like my fate was being decided for me by the cold hand of finance," Lambdin said, "and that was a weight that I didn't realize was there until it wasn't there."

He added: "The feeling was much more like putting down a backpack that was really full of books that you got used to. And then you put it down, and you're like, 'Oh, man, that feels so much better.' It's more like that, rather than sort of a jump-for-joy kind of situation."

While Lambdin is still working to determine what exactly the relief will mean for him and his wife, he said, discussing retirement is "a much more present conversation now" because contributing to savings is viable after the relief. He can also begin to look into buying a home.

Related stories

The Education Department continues to cancel student debt through its one-time account adjustments, a process it plans to complete this summer. Most recently, the department wiped out $7.4 billion in student debt for 277,000 borrowers , some of whom benefited from the adjustments.

Beyond financial goals, Lambdin said the relief was also allowing him the freedom to pursue some of his long-term dreams, including taking a sabbatical to study with his meditation teacher in India.

"It's something that I wouldn't have been able to even consider doing if we had to pay off student loans, but without them, it's something that I can really seriously consider doing," he said. "And so those are the kinds of things that I think get really lost in the monetary side of the conversation about debt relief."

'I've been really lucky'

While Lambdin said he felt as though he earned the relief given his decades of payments, he recognized that it's not that easy for many other borrowers.

For example, as BI has previously reported , some borrowers who might qualify for relief through different repayment programs may not have gotten it yet because of paperwork backlogs and administrative errors. On top of that, funding for federal student-loan servicers is strained — meaning many borrowers face hourslong hold times and cannot get clear answers from customer service regarding their payment progress.

"There are some real horror stories out there, and I've been really lucky in that I haven't experienced the kinds of shenanigans that other people have experienced," Lambdin said. "So I actually feel very lucky that things have transpired the way they have."

Some of those horror stories include inaccurate payment projections and delayed billing statements . When it comes to student-loan forgiveness, some borrowers told BI that their servicer made a mistake with the forgiveness , reinstating their payments months later.

The Education Department has said it's aware of the challenges borrowers face and has established an accountability framework to punish servicers when they fail to fulfill their contractual obligations.

The department is also in the process of crafting its new plan for student-loan forgiveness — it recently released the draft text of the rules , which included relief for borrowers with unpaid interest and those who have been in repayment for at least 20 years.

As for Lambdin, he's still figuring out how to approach life without student debt hanging over his head. But now he can consider various options, and he can thank the loan forgiveness for that freedom.

"There's a certain amount of waiting for the other shoe to drop because it's not that I don't trust that it's happening but just that the debt has been with me for so long, and then it's not there," Lambdin said. "And it's something that I think really takes some getting used to."

Watch: Biden announces who can have $10,000 erased in student loans

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School of Nursing Students Travel to Washington D.C. for the annual AACN Student Policy Summit

Duke University School of Nursing PhD students joined forces to advocate for health equity and nurse-led policy innovation, showcasing the power of nursing in shaping the future of healthcare legislation.

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The AACN Student Policy Summit (SPS), held annually in Washington, DC, is a two-day conference open to baccalaureate and graduate nursing students from AACN member institutions. At the 2024 Summit, held this past March, four Duke University School of Nursing PhD students joined hundreds of other students and nursing colleagues. Also in attendance was the School’s Professor and Interim Dean Michael Relf, PhD, RN, ANEF, FAAN, Associate Chief Nurse Executive for Academic Partnerships and Innovation for Duke University Health System.   At the summit , students engaged in didactic program sessions focused on the federal policy process and nursing’s role in professional advocacy. Educating world-class nurse leaders who can help advance health equity through influencing legislation on a local, state, and national level is a core part of the School of Nursing’s mission, and the SPS provided the perfect opportunity for these students to flex their advocacy muscles. 

In their own words, here are some of the reflections the students had upon returning to Duke from Washington DC.: 

“For me, [the summit was] a great opportunity to see the power of nursing in advocating for advancing higher education, pursuing transformative research, and providing a better work environment for nurses to improve the quality of care. I loved the first session, Learning From the Past as we Prepare our Future Nursing Workforce. In this session they talked about the value of nursing, where nursing should be going, and how we can advocate for improving the power of nursing and providing better care.” – Youran Lee 

“In terms of enhancing my nursing education, this experience was very powerful.  I have been doing healthcare policy professionally for a while, but I had never had it presented by nurses with the focus being nurse-led policies and leaders. It was inspiring and transformative for me to see how nurses function in powerful ways at so many levels of government.  So often in my work I am the only nurse at a policy table so I was incredibly uplifted by being a part of a nursing policy community.   

My favorite part was watching some of the younger nurses really find their voice and ask some important and challenging questions of the panelists.  Made me confident that the future of nursing is in very good hands!” – Jill Sergison 

“My favorite part was knowledge sharing and networking with over 200 nurse leaders with the same goal of elevating the voices of nurses in spaces where policy is made. It was really inspiring and motivates me to do more in healthcare and education policy.” – Veronica Herndon 

“My favorite part of the conference was meeting over 200 nurses and nurse leaders from across the country. Everyone was at different stages within their career, and it was an incredible opportunity being able to listen and share our experiences. In addition, it was very empowering and motivating to see nurses take action and advocate for the future health of the population. My favorite session was with former member of Congress from Missouri, the Honorable Alan Wheat, who discussed how he became involved in Congress. His story was very impactful as he shared all the obstacles he had to overcome in order to be successful. His message resonated with me because as nurses we have been historically underrepresented within health policy, however just because it has been like this, does not mean it needs to continue to be this way. The conference was the perfect example of this. As nurses, we came together to influence change for the future of the career and health of the nation.” – Michelina Schuster 

  • International

April 22, 2024 - Protests at Columbia and other schools escalate

Matt Egan, Alicia Wallace and Chandelis Duster

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology says it is 'determining next steps'

From CNN's Jillian Sykes

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology issued a statement Monday regarding tents on its campus.

"MIT officials are aware of the tents, and are determining next steps with a focus on ensuring campus is physically safe and fully functioning. MIT Police were on scene throughout the night and will continue to be present."

Robert Kraft says he is willing to support The Kraft Center at the university

From CNN's Chandelis Duster

Robert Kraft, billionaire owner of the NFL’s New England Patriots and backer of Columbia University, on Monday said he is still willing to support The Kraft Center at the school that supports Jewish students, calling it “a haven of safety.”

Kraft, an alumnus of the university, told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “The Lead” that he loves the school and “we have to have accountability.”

“There are both professors and students within the university who say things that I think cross the line and there should be accountability. I believe in free speech. Say whatever you want but pay the consequences. And don't have your face covered. I don't think that should be allowed,” he said.  

“I can’t believe in New York City at Columbia University Jewish students are afraid to go to classes in the United States of America in 2024. It’s amazing to me and horrible,” Kraft also said.

Asked where he drew the line at Columbia University regarding both pro-Palestine and pro-Israel protests and what he finds objectionable, he said “there is a lack of education on the situation” happening in the Middle East. 

“I’m concerned about America and what’s going on in this country. And to keep it open and free for all people of all backgrounds to do as they wish,” he said.

Asked if he has confidence in Columbia University’s president, Minouche Shafik, he said he thinks she is “very well intentioned” and said “we have to look at what goes on with faculty.”

Columbia faculty stage walk-out in solidarity with students

From CNN's John Towfighi

Hundreds of people gathered on Low Plaza Monday afternoon as Columbia University faculty delivered speeches in support of the student protesters who were suspended and arrested Thursday.

Faculty who spoke denounced university president Minouche Shafik’s decision to authorize the New York Police Department to remove protesters from campus and demanded all legal and disciplinary charges be dismissed and expunged from students' records.

Faculty held signs that read, “Hands off our students,” and “End student suspensions now.” Some faculty donned their academic regalia and wore sashes that read, “We support students.”

Speeches were met with cheers and claps from the crowd, as well as chants for Shafik to resign.

Christopher Brown, a professor of history, said, “I’m here because I am so concerned about what is happening at this university, with where we are now and with where we are going. Thursday April 18, 2024, will be remembered as a shameful day in Columbia history.”

“The president’s decision to send riot police to pick up peaceful protesters on our campus was unprecedented, unjustified, disproportionate, divisive and dangerous,” Brown said.

US Rep. Ilhan Omar, whose daughter Isra Hirsi was among the protesters arrested Thursday , posted on X that while she’s glad to see faculty demonstrate in solidarity with students, she wants the protests to focus on Gaza.

"On Thursday, Columbia arrested and suspended its students who were peacefully protesting and have now ignited a nationwide Gaza Solidarity movement. This is more than the students hoped for and I am glad to see this type of solidarity. But to be clear, this about the genocide in Gaza and the attention has to remain on that," Omar wrote.

NYC Mayor condemns "vile" and "disgusting" rhetoric at college campuses

From CNN's Alicia Wallace

New York City Mayor Eric Adams on Monday condemned “vile” and “disgusting” rhetoric being used at campuses such as Columbia University, where students are holding protests over the Israel-Hamas War.

Adams told CNN’s Jake Tapper that he supports First Amendment rights but said law enforcement officials are on the ready if any of that speech goes too far or if there’s an imminent threat to people or property.

"That is one of the fundamental rights we hold dear as Americans: The right to protest," Adams said on CNN's "The Lead." "What we have seen playing out on many of our college campuses, and particularly Columbia University, is hate. We’re seeing vile language being used."

Adams noted that he can feel the "duality of this moment" and how the events of the past six months are weighing heavily on Jewish and Palestinian New Yorkers. He added that the police escorts of Jewish students through campus were reminiscent of the Army soldiers who escorted nine Black students into a high school in Little Rock, Arkansas, nearly 67 years ago.

"There is no place for hate in this city," he said.

New York Police Department officers have a “large presence” surrounding Columbia but have remained off the campus grounds at the request of the school’s administration, NYPD deputy commissioners said earlier on Monday.

Adams told Tapper that the NYPD’s commissioner of legal matter is monitoring the protests for any speech that violates law. Additionally, police officers will take "appropriate action" and go on private property if there’s an "imminent threat."

Protesters gather at The New School in New York City

From CNN's Elisabeth Buchwald

The New School students and pro-Palestinian supporters rally outside The New School University Center building, Monday, April 22, 2024, in New York.

Protesters have gathered at The New School, located near the Chelsea area of the New York City borough of Manhattan.

An encampment of four tents was set up in the lobby of the building that houses auditoriums, a cafeteria and a library. Roughly 75 students, and other people who have The New School IDs, gathered inside the building.

"Disclose, divest, we will not stop, we will not stop, we will not rest," was repeatedly chanted. 

Outside the building, protesters from the school, as well as outsiders, joined in chants from the sidewalk.

There is a stark difference between the inside and outside of Columbia University's campus

From CNN's Ramishah Maruf

A pro-Palestine rally is held at the steps of Lowe Library on the grounds of Columbia University today in New York City.

There’s a stark difference between the inside of Columbia University's campus and the outside, where there are protesters gathered on the street. 

The encampment is only open to those affiliated with campus. Only those with a Columbia ID can enter the campus gates. Inside the encampment, programs include teach-ins, poetry readings and film screenings. Some students are quietly finishing assignments, while others are painting posters.

Elsewhere around campus, students are eating and completing assignments. Many students take graduation pictures at this time, and some are in graduation gowns walking down Broadway. Risers are set up for an upcoming commencement ceremony.

Other students are holding large American flags underneath Butler Library.

Pro-Palestinian and Pro-israel face off outside of Columbia University which is occupied by Pro-Palestinian protesters in New York on April 22, 2024.

But the students can still hear the tension that is taking place yards away at the university gates. There is a gathering of pro-Palestinian protesters, who in the early afternoon were chanting “I believe that we will win” and “Long Live the Intifada.” There was a smaller group of pro-Israeli protesters, who chanted back “Down with Hamas” and “Victory to Israel.” A line of New York Police officers were monitoring the street.

What it's like inside the Columbia University encampment

Students protest in support of Palestinians on Columbia University campus, as protests continue inside and outside the university in New York City on April 22.

The inside of the encampment is quiet – most of the noise comes from protestors outside the gates of Columbia University's campus, who are chanting “I believe that we will win” and “Long live the Intifada."

It was a sunny day on campus, and in one corner, students were painting posters. One person strummed a stringed instrument, and other students are reading books or on their laptops finishing assignments. Others have donated provisions, ranging from a table of snacks to hygiene products. There was also a pile of blankets.

“We’ve just been trying to keep students mobilized and keep pushing for divestment,” Dalia, a first-year student at Columbia College, told CNN. “We are a very mobilized student body and a very unified student body. Hundreds of people have been in and out of the encampment.”

CNN agreed not to publish her surname due to safety concerns.

She said the students at the campus “refuse to be complicit in the genocide, the apartheid, and the occupation of Palestine.”

There are strict community guidelines for the encampment. One rule says not to share names or details of anyone met in camp, and asking for permission before photographing or taking video.

The encampment is filled with dozens and dozens of tents, from students to neighboring Barnard College staff. Today’s encampment program included an Earth Day performance, poetry reading and a Dabka lesson, a traditional dance from the Arab region. Prior program events included dance performances from different cultures.

Democratic House members tour Columbia campus

Democratic Reps. Jared Moskowitz of Florida, Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey, Dan Goldman of New York and Kathy Manning of North Carolina, who are all Jewish, spoke at a news conference Monday after touring Columbia University’s campus. 

"We saw it firsthand as we walked past the encampments on the university's main lawn full of protesters spewing incendiary antisemitic hate and vitriol. Many aren't even Columbia students I've been told. Their campaign of intimidation is sickening and shocking and as the White House said yesterday, ‘echoes the rhetoric of Hamas terrorists,'" Gottheimer said. 

He also criticized Columbia University leadership, saying, “toothless combinations from administrators aren't going to stop the anarchy we’re seeing.”

“The only way to do it is with deeds, not words,” Gottheimer said. “Colleges have a legal obligation under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act to provide students, including Jews and Muslims, a school environment free from discrimination and harassment based on race color or national origin. Yet just feet from here, Jewish students are being verbally and even physically assaulted.”

Gottheimer continued, “To the administrators of Columbia and beyond, here are our demands: Stop the double talk and start acting now. Discipline harassers, restore civility on this campus, encourage peaceful constructive dialogue.”

He also gave a message for students: “While the leadership of Columbia may be failing you, we will not. We will do everything in our power to keep you safe and do everything in Washington we can to make sure that you feel welcome at this university or any university across the United States of America. And Columbia University, if they don't follow through, will pay the price.”

Goldman said he was "encouraged" the Columbia University president issued guidelines about additional security, calling it a "very important first step" and criticized what is happening on campus.

"That is unacceptable for a university, that is unacceptable for an academic institution. There is no question that everyone has a First Amendment right to speak out in this country and that must be preserved," Goldman said. "But a university and all universities have an obligation to maintain the safety and security of their students from all backgrounds."

Manning said university leadership should "do more to keep Jewish students safe and to re-establish an atmosphere in which all students can learn, study and participate safely in campus life."

"Columbia must also move forward with its promised efforts to teach its students and its faculty about the nature and history and dangers of antisemitism. It must ensure that Columbia professors are not encouraging and spreading antisemitism," Manning said.

"I call on the US Department of Education and the US Department of Justice to work with the White House to ensure that all universities take steps necessary to keep Jewish students and faculty safe. I also call on Congress to enact legislation to implement the steps outlined in the US national strategy to counter antisemitism, to address the scourge of antisemitism which is a threat to the foundations of our democracy," she said.

President Joe Biden condemns antisemitism on campus

From CNN's Kevin Liptak

U.S. President Joe Biden delivers remarks during a visit to Prince William Forest Park to commemorate Earth Day in Triangle, Virginia, today.

President Joe Biden decried antisemitic protests around college campuses Monday and said his administration was working to combat anti-Jewish hatred.

"I condemn the antisemitic protests, that’s why I’ve set up a program to deal with that," Biden said when questioned about the events at Columbia University in New York.

"I also condemn those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians," he said, without expanding upon what he meant.

Biden was speaking after an Earth Day event in Prince William Forest Park in Triangle, Virginia.

When asked whether Columbia's president should resign, Biden appeared to mishear: "I didn’t know that. I'll have to find out more," he said.

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student travel majowka

Stanford students erect pro-Palestine encampment in defiance of university’s rules

A group of Stanford students took over White Memorial Plaza Thursday evening to erect a “People’s University for Palestine” encampment, similar to other demonstrations seen at U.S. universities over the past week to protest Israel’s attacks on Gaza. 

“After over 200 days of the ongoing genocide in Palestine at the hands of the Israeli apartheid government with a minimum of over 34,000 Palestinians dead in the Gaza strip, a coalition of Stanford students and organizations working as Stanford Against Apartheid in Palestine have launched The People’s University for Palestine at Stanford,” the group said.

The protest, which involved hundreds of students throughout the day and at least 10 tents overnight, according to a student on campus, came as the university held its “admit weekend,” when  Stanford welcomes hundreds of admitted students who are considering enrolling next fall. The protesters planned a full day of programming, including teach-ins, at White Plaza on Friday, according to social media posts.

The action is the latest in a string of demonstrations across the country in protest of the Israeli government and its military tactics in Gaza. On Tuesday, students at UC Berkeley placed tents atop the steps of Sproul Hall, promising to remain outside the administrative building until the university pledges to establish a Palestinian studies program and  divest from companies doing business with the Israeli government. Cal Poly Humboldt’s campus was shut down through the end of the school year after pro-Palestinian activists occupied an academic and administrative building.

It’s also the latest pro-Palestinian demonstration on Stanford’s campus. In February, students who camped out at White Memorial Plaza for 120 days  officially disbanded their protest after the university agreed not to pursue legal or disciplinary action against the protesters. Demonstrators at Stanford did not specify how long the current protest would last, only saying it would be a multiday demonstration. 

“The People’s University for Palestine at Stanford stands in firm solidarity first and foremost with the Palestinian people, whose resistance lies at the heart of our student-led efforts,” said a statement from Stanford Against Apartheid in Palestine. “Additionally, we stand with the numerous pro-Palestine movements at universities across the country and around the globe. Collectively we are demanding our universities to divest from the Israeli apartheid state and from companies fueling the genocide of the people of Palestine.”

In a statement to the Chronicle Thursday evening, Luisa Rapport, a spokesperson for Stanford, said the university is monitoring the protest.

“Our focus continues to be on providing for the safety of our community,” Rapport said. “We support the peaceful expression of free speech, but for those who violate university policies, the university will be enforcing its time, place, and manner rules through Stanford’s student disciplinary process.”

The students’ action Thursday is an apparent violation of the university’s policies.

“White Plaza is a designated free-speech area reservable by Stanford-recognized student organizations,” C. Matthew Snipp, Stanford’s interim provost for student affairs, told the Stanford Daily . Snipp also told the Daily that overnight camping, unapproved structures and other violations of policy would result in referrals to the university’s Office of Community Standards and could also lead to arrests if laws are violated.

According to Stanford’s website , tabling is allowed in White Plaza between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. During Stanford’s admit weekend, “unrelated tabling” is not allowed at White Plaza, the university’s website said.

The protests come as the war between Israel and Hamas nears its seventh month. More than 34,000 Palestinians have been killed since the conflict began and over 77,000 have been injured, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health.  

Reach Jordan Parker: [email protected] ; Twitter: @jparkerwrites. Reach Danielle Echeverria: [email protected]; Twitter: @DanielleEchev

Stanford students returned to White Memorial Plaza Thursday evening to erect a “People’s University for Palestine” encampment after an earlier tent city was dismantled in February.


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    A group of Stanford students took over White Memorial Plaza Thursday evening to erect a "People's University for Palestine" encampment, similar to other demonstrations seen at U.S ...