Starting A New Journey in Life Quotes

52 Inspiring Starting A New Journey in Life Quotes For Next Chapter of Your Life

Life is structured into stages and phases. When one phase expires, another phase is opened up. This is the progression of life and everyone has to bear this in mind. What makes every phase of life beautiful and colorful is preparation. The more prepared you are, the more every stage of life favors you. It is important to be ready for the next phase as you outgrow the current one.

I know you are ready for the next phase that’s why you are here on this page! On this page, you will find starting a new journey in life quotes to inspire you and get your mind ready for what’s coming ahead of you. You deserve to be here and I want to welcome you to your new season.

One you must bear in mind is that nothing happens by chance. Everything that you see working is worked out by someone. While you desire to change levels and seasons, be prepared to work things out for yourself until you have them working. As you advance, be ready to work more.

Starting A New Chapter In Life Quotes

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Starting a new journey in life quotes are made available for you to begin a new chapter ahead of you!

1. In every story, there is an end, but in life, the end of a journey marks a new beginning. The next phase is always better than the previous one if adequate preparation is made.

2. Starting a new journey in life means you have chosen to take a bold step, and let go of the past. Do not turn back, a great life lies ahead of you, keep going!

3. Starting a new journey in life could be exciting, however, it could be full of doubts and fears. Whichever way, it’s a great thing to start a new journey.

4. Before you start a new journey in life be sure you are prepared for the future and learned everything you need from the past you’re leaving behind.

5. It’s the beginning of a new journey, new life, new adventure, new fear, new challenges- It’s the beginning of a new journey, and I hope you’ll find it more exciting. Keep going forward!

6. Starting a new journey in life means you are ready to let go of the past, and boldly say, “on to the next one!” Keep going on without looking back!

7. Starting a new journey might be a little bit challenging, as you end up starting a new life in a world you’ve never lived before.

8. It’s a new beginning, stay focused, be positive, and anticipate an exciting journey ahead. Life is beautifully designed for you!

9. The beautiful thing about starting a new beginning in life is that you a presented with yet another opportunity to begin once again which determines how that aspect of your life turns out to be.

10. Starting a new journey in life is that rare opportunity that comes to us once in a while. We must embrace it with all gladness and make the most of every opportunity it presents.

11. Starting a new chapter in life requires you to trust the journey even when you do not understand it. Faith is required if your future must be realized.

12. You cannot discover a new Ocean until you learn to develop the courage to lose sight of the shore.

13. The beautiful new chapter ahead can only begin when we learn to let go of our yesterday. Yesterday may be a hindrance to tomorrow if we don’t let go.

14. Though not easy, we must learn to start somewhere to begin a new destination or a new chapter in life.

15. New chapter in life comes with new phases, a new adventure, and a new season. Enjoy every bit of it.

16. Here’s a new chapter in life, enjoy the process, and never let anything hold you down. Aim for the sky, but never lose the excitement for the moment.

17. Welcome to a new chapter in life. I wish you a beautiful life full of fun and success stories.

18. Here’s to a new life of awesome possibilities and unending joy. Aim at the future but learn to enjoy the present.

19. May your joy overflow, and may you experience victory on every side. I welcome you to a new chapter in your life.

20. It’s a new chapter of your life. You are welcome to a new phase where winning becomes normal and your life becomes a success.

21. Welcome to a new life journey, spread your wings, feel the breeze, and enjoy the moment.

22. Free your mind, let nothing hold you back, forget the past, and dream of the future. The future belongs to the dreamer.

23. As you start a new life journey, remember it’s not all about the destination but about the exploration.

24. Never see life as a problem you want to solve, but as a journey to be experienced. Find excitement in every journey.

25. As you journey in life, you will meet people that will discourage you, and you will meet those who will make you feel alive.

26. As you start a new life journey, may you find the courage to keep moving and the hope to never let go till you reach your destination.

27. I wish you all the best as you start this new journey in life. I believe the best of life will come to you in this season, keep enjoying the euphoria of the new phase.

28. Your life has been full of ups and downs. I hope this new journey of your life offers you the best and makes you find fulfillment.

29. As you are starting a new life journey today, I hope you find true happiness, and your expectations are delivered.

30. Your life is starting on a new note, may you find abundant joy, peace, and love on your way.

Related thought : beautiful quotes about moving forward

31. Welcome to a new life, a new beginning of freedom from the past, and hope for a glorious future. As long as you keep trying, the future can never deny you everything good.

32. It’s a new life. You’ve got a new opportunity to live. Seize the day, and live each day to the fullest.

33. Welcome to a new life, welcome to a new moment of opportunity to begin a new phase and enjoy new blessings.

34. New life, a new beginning. Embrace the moment with gratitude and let every step along the journey count.

35. It’s a new life, it’s a new beginning. It’s a beautiful journey, enjoy the ride while it lasts. Life is amazing and it’s worth enjoying .

36. Welcome to a new life. I wish you all the best it has to offer. This phase is a wonder you have never experienced before, be expectant.

37. This new phase will never be without challenges, expect the best but also prepare for the worse. You are meant to get the best!

38. All fresh and new, full of fun and excitement. The beginning of a new life is something we all desire to have.

39. A new life, new glory, new strength, and grace to live in total victory. This will be my actual experience as I embark on this journey.

40. We sometimes need to take that bold step to start almost all over again. To start a new journey into a new life.

41. With a new life comes freshness, and new opportunities to rewrite our stories. You can always make today better than yesterday if you will stay focused and determined.

42. Starting a new life is a great thing, it is one of the best decisions we can make that our future self will thank us for.

43. As this new chapter in my life begins, I pray that the Lord helps me get the best out of it, and make the most of every opportunity that comes my way.

44. I’m so glad that a new chapter of my life begins today, I’m grateful to God for how He has kept me so far, and where he is taking me to.

45. If God is for me, nobody can be against me. The Lord has kept me and shown me mercy. I’m so grateful to God because a new chapter of my life begins today.

46. As a new chapter begins in my life today, I say yes to new glory, new grace, and an abundance of blessings.

47. I’m thankful for the grace to welcome a new chapter in my life. The Lord has helped me, and I will greatly rejoice and bless His holy name.

48. Dear Lord, please grant me a new life full of love, happiness, and endless possibilities. Amen.

49. I pray for a new life today. The new life that will uphold righteousness and give glory to God.

50. Dear Lord, I need a new life today. Please show me mercy and grant it to me. That I may bring glory to your Holy name.

51. I pray for a new life, where I will experience all round success, peace, and victory concerning everything I set out to do.

52. Lord, please bless me with a new life. Let me experience your love, and make me evidence of your grace. Amen.

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500 Inspirational Quotes Beginning New Journey (2024)

Let us embrace this new year, seize the moment, and embark on our exciting journey of endless possibilities with these inspirational new beginning quotes.

Embarking on a new journey offers an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. As the New Year unfolds, each new day presents itself as a fresh start and a chance to take that crucial first step towards new experiences.

It is said that every adventure begins with a single step, and this holds true for this new chapter in life. With an open mind, embracing the unknown can lead to remarkable encounters and invaluable lessons along the way.

Here’s the scoop on inspirational quotes for a new journey and beginning!

Table of Contents

Motivational quotes for the start of a new journey, inspirational quotes to embrace new beginnings, uplifting quotes for the adventurous spirit embarking on a new path, powerful quotes to spark courage in the face of new challenges, words of wisdom to illuminate your new journey, empowering quotes to fuel your determination for the journey ahead, inspirational quotes to foster resilience and perseverance on your new path, optimistic quotes to encourage positivity in your new beginnings, heartening quotes to ignite hope in your new adventures, inspirational quotes to guide you as you forge new paths, final thoughts.

A calendar with the word new beginning written on it.

Going in a new direction can sometimes be scary with many unknowns, especially after going through a painful experience. However, these inspirational quotes for a new beginning and journey will allow you to take small steps towards a new life.

  • “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu
  • “New beginnings are not always easy, but they hold the promise of endless possibilities.” – Lao Tzu
  • “Embrace new beginnings, for they hold the potential to unveil the whole staircase of opportunities.”
  • “Every day is an opportunity for a new beginning. Embrace it with gratitude and let go of the past.” – Oprah Winfrey
  • “New beginnings are not always easy, but they have the power to transform our lives if we have the courage to take that first step.” – Oprah Winfrey
  • “Every brand new start holds the power to redefine our journey.”
  • “Every moment is a fresh beginning, where we can let go of the past and embrace new possibilities with open hearts.” – Meister Eckhart
  • “In every ending lies the seed of a new beginning, waiting to be nurtured and embraced with courage and resilience.” – Meister Eckhart
  • “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “Every fresh beginning brings new opportunities to conquer.”
  • “A new journey awaits, filled with endless possibilities.”
  • “Embrace the unknown and let it fuel your new adventure.”
  • “With a fresh beginning comes the chance to explore uncharted territories.”
  • “Don’t be afraid of starting anew; greatness lies beyond comfort zones.”
  • “In every fresh start, there’s an opportunity for growth and transformation.”
  • “Dare to dream bigger and achieve greater things on this new path.”
  • “Welcome the unfamiliar with open arms and watch as magic unfolds before you.”
  • “A fresh beginning is like a blank canvas; use it to paint your masterpiece.”
  • “New beginnings are the perfect time to reinvent yourself and redefine success.”
  • “Leave behind what no longer serves you; embrace new things that ignite your passion.”
  • “New beginnings are not just about starting over but also about discovering yourself.”
  • “Step into the unknown with confidence – great things await you!”
  • “Let go of the past – today marks a fresh start towards unlimited possibilities.”
  • “A fresh beginning is like opening a door – walk through it boldly!”
  • “The best way to predict your future is by creating it in this moment.”
  • “Unlock your potential on this new journey – surprise yourself!”
  • “Fresh starts allow us to leave our fears behind and make room for courage.”
  • “You possess all that you need within – trust yourself on this new path.”
  • “Starting anew allows us to rewrite our stories – may yours be filled with triumph.”
  • “Embrace change as an opportunity for growth during this exciting chapter of life.”
  • “Onward we march, leaving behind old chapters while embracing new ones yet unwritten.”
  • “With each new beginning comes the chance to define our own destiny.”
  • “As you embark on this fresh journey, remember that strength lies within you.”
  • “The past is a lesson, but today is an opportunity for a fresh start and new things.”
  • “In the realm of new beginnings, resilience and determination pave the way to success.”
  • “Sometimes, all it takes is one small step to begin a remarkable transformation.”
  • “A fresh beginning brings renewed hope and enthusiasm for what lies ahead.”
  • “Say goodbye to stagnation and welcome growth with open arms on this exciting path.”
  • “Seize this moment – it holds the power to shape your future in extraordinary ways.”
  • “Embrace uncertainty with courage as you embark on new adventures awaiting you!”
  • “Today marks a turning point – let go of what was, and embrace what will be.”
  • “A fresh beginning gives us another chance to get it right.”
  • “New beginnings are opportunities masked as challenges; embrace them fearlessly!”
  • “Turn your dreams into reality by taking bold steps towards something new!”
  • “Don’t shy away from change – let it ignite your passion for fresh experiences.”
  • “Step out of your comfort zone with confidence – greatness awaits you there!”
  • “With every sunrise comes a chance at reinventing yourself – seize this opportunity!”
  • “Remember that failure can be part of growth on this exciting journey forward.”
  • “Starting anew allows us to appreciate all the beauty that life has in store.”

A woman with a backpack looking out a window.

After staying in your comfort zone for a while, it can be difficult to transition and take actionable steps towards a new beginning whether that’s a new job or letting go of the obstacles of your past.

  • “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs
  • “Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” – Steve Jobs
  • “It’s never too late to create a better tomorrow; embrace new beginnings with open arms and navigate the path to your desired destination.” – George Eliot
  • “Each sunrise brings the promise of fresh opportunities; seize the chance to start anew, for in embracing new beginnings lies the power to shape your own destiny.” – George Eliot
  • “The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.” – Joseph Campbell
  • “We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell
  • “Embrace new beginnings as the most important part of your journey.”
  • “Every new beginning holds the potential for greatness.”
  • “See each new chapter as a chance to rewrite your story.”
  • “Welcome change with open arms and watch the magic unfold.”
  • “The most important part of any work is to start anew with passion.”
  • “New beginnings are opportunities in disguise, waiting to be unraveled.”
  • “Don’t let fear hold you back from embracing fresh starts and endless possibilities.”
  • “Embrace every sunrise as a symbol of hope and renewal.”
  • “Life’s most significant moments often stem from daring to embrace new beginnings.”
  • “The key to growth lies in embracing change and starting afresh.”
  • “Take that leap of faith into unknown territory, for it is where transformation begins.”
  • “In the realm of new beginnings lies an infinite playground for growth and self-discovery.”
  • “The most important part of the work is having the courage to embark on a fresh journey.
  • ‘It’s not about how you start; it’s about how you embrace every step along the way.”
  • “Unlock your full potential by embracing each opportunity as a chance for rebirth.”
  • “Find strength in bidding farewell to what no longer serves you, and welcome what lies ahead.”
  • “New beginnings are magical portals that lead us closer to our dreams.”
  • “Embracing fresh starts empowers us to shape our own destiny.”
  • “Great achievements originate from seizing those precious moments when new paths open up before us.”
  • “Greet every day with excitement, knowing that it holds countless opportunities for starting anew.”
  • “Leave behind regrets and mistakes; focus on building a brighter future instead.”
  • “The most important part of the work is to always be open to learning from new beginnings.”
  • “Embrace the unknown with curiosity, for it holds the keys to your next adventure.”
  • “True growth begins when we bravely step outside our comfort zone into uncharted territory.”
  • “The beauty of new beginnings lies in their ability to provide fresh perspectives and renewed energy.”
  • “The most important part of the work is having faith in your ability to embrace change gracefully.”
  • “Don’t let failures discourage you they are merely stepping stones on the path to success.”
  • “Find joy in each new beginning, no matter how small or grand it may be.”
  • “New beginnings offer us a chance to redefine ourselves and create a life aligned with our true desires.”
  • “The most important part of the work lies not in perfection but in embracing imperfections and growing from them.”
  • “Embrace uncertainty as an opportunity for growth and transformation.”
  • “New beginnings hold within them untapped potential; it’s up to us how far we can go.”
  • “Be courageous enough to start over even when things seem uncertain.”
  • “Life’s true essence lies not in holding onto what was but rather, embracing what will be.”
  • “The most important part of the work is understanding that every ending brings forth a beautiful new beginning.”
  • “In each new beginning, there resides an invitation for personal evolution and self-discovery.”
  • “It’s time to let go of past mistakes and allow yourself room for growth.”
  • “Embrace change as a catalyst for progress; remarkable things happen at new starting points”.
  • “Leave behind old habits that hinder progress and adopt ones that empower growth.”
  • “Every sunrise heralds the birth of infinite possibilities; embrace them with open arms.”
  • “Recognize the value of embracing new beginnings and shedding old limitations.”
  • “New beginnings are not about forgetting what came before, but rather creating a brighter future from those lessons learned.”
  • “Have faith in yourself and your ability to navigate uncharted territories.”
  • “Embrace each new beginning as an opportunity to become the best version of yourself.”

A man is climbing up a rock on a mountain.

Embarking on a new path can be both exciting and challenging. As you shed your old skin and embrace a new way, it’s important to stay motivated and inspired. Here are uplifting quotes that will fuel your adventurous spirit along this journey.

  • “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill
  • “An adventurous spirit is the compass that leads us to new paths, unlocking doors of opportunity and revealing the extraordinary possibilities that await.” – Mary Pickford
  • “An adventurous spirit is essential for paving new paths and achieving greatness.” – Henry Ford
  • “Every morning is an opportunity to begin anew.”
  • “Embrace the unknown with open arms.”
  • “Let go of what no longer serves you.”
  • “The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.” – Arthur C. Clarke
  • “Dare to dream big, then make it happen.”
  • “A new path awaits, full of endless possibilities.”
  • “Adventure is calling, will you answer?”
  • “Stepping into the unknown takes courage and faith in yourself.”
  • “Open your heart and mind to new experiences.”
  • “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”
  • “With each step forward, leave behind what holds you back.”
  • “Embrace change as an opportunity for growth.”
  • “New paths lead to discoveries within yourself.
  • “Be fearless in pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.”
  • “Success comes from taking risks.”
  • “Discover strength in facing challenges head-on.”
  • “Travel light, let go of baggage from yesterday.”
  • “Remember: Progress requires motion.”
  • “Explore uncharted territories with curiosity.”
  • “A single morning can change everything.”
  • “Adventure awaits beyond familiar horizons.”
  • “Growth happens when we step outside our comfort zone.”
  • “Leave footprints on paths untouched by others.”
  • “Embrace uncertainty; it paves the way for great adventures.”
  • “Find beauty in every twist and turn along your new journey.”
  • “Follow your heart, it knows the way.”
  • “Discover the magic in each new beginning.”
  • “Release the past, embrace the present, create your future.”
  • “Welcome challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.”
  • “In every ending lies the potential for a beautiful beginning.”
  • “Take risks, break boundaries, and redefine what is possible.”
  • “The best time to start something new is now.”
  • “Your journey is yours alone; compare yourself to no one.”
  • “Trust in yourself and your ability to navigate this new path.”
  • “Embrace solitude as a chance to explore your inner self.”
  • “Adventure isn’t about the destination; it’s about the journey itself.”
  • “New paths are often filled with hidden treasures waiting to be discovered.”
  • “Celebrate every step forward, no matter how small.”
  • “Believe in yourself and watch miracles unfold along this new path.”
  • “Embrace the unknown and discover your true potential.”
  • “Let curiosity guide you as you explore uncharted territories.”
  • “Dare to take risks, for it is through adversity that we grow.”
  • “Every new path holds the promise of incredible adventures.”
  • “Trust in yourself and your ability to navigate uncharted waters.”
  • “Keep pushing forward, even when the journey gets tough.”
  • “Remember, your greatest achievements lie just beyond your comfort zone.”
  • “Embrace uncertainty with open arms; it is where magic happens.”

Asian man relaxing at his desk in front of a window.

Painful endings mark the close of one chapter, paving the way for the beginning of a new chapter filled with fresh opportunities. As we embark on this journey, it is often helpful to reflect upon inspiring quotes about new beginnings.

These profound statements remind us that embracing change and starting afresh can lead to great achievements in life.

  • “Be willing to embrace new challenges, for it is in the face of the unknown that we discover our true strength.” – Rainer Maria Rilke
  • “Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.” – Nelson Mandela
  • “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • “Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage.” – Dale Carnegie
  • “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” – Anais Nin
  • “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt
  • “The harder the struggle, the more glorious the triumph.”
  • “Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”
  • “Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal.” – Henry Ford
  • “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs
  • “Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.” – Og Mandino
  • “Success usually comes to those who are too busy looking for it.”
  • “With every hardship comes an opportunity for personal growth.”
  • “Don’t watch the clock; do what it does: keep going.”
  • “Believe in yourself and all that you are capable of.”
  • “Difficulties in life are intended to make us better, not bitter.”
  • “Embrace uncertainty as a path towards personal development.”
  • “Find solace in knowing that challenges mold character.”
  • “Keep calm and face every challenge head-on.”
  • “Know that with perseverance, no obstacle is insurmountable.”
  • “Take risks and conquer new challenges fearlessly.”
  • “In challenging times, stay focused on your goals and stay determined.”
  • “See obstacles as stepping stones towards success.”
  • “Remember that challenges bring out strength you didn’t know existed within.”
  • “Approach each new challenge with a positive mindset.”
  • “The greatest glory lies not in never falling but rising every time we fall.” – Confucius
  • “Success is not the absence of failure; it’s the persistence through failure.” – Aisha Tyler
  • “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” – John D. Rockefeller
  • “The biggest risk is not taking any risk.” – Mark Zuckerberg
  • “Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you thought you couldn’t.” – Rikki Rogers
  • “Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” – Joshua J. Marine
  • Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.”
  • “You were born to be a player, so play on.”
  • “No challenge is too big when you have faith in your abilities.”
  • “Stay committed to your dreams even when challenges arise.”
  • “The only limits are those we place on ourselves.”
  • “Greatness comes from pushing beyond comfort zones.”
  • “Challenge yourself daily and watch how you grow.”
  • “Believe in your potential, even when facing uncertainty.”
  • “In every difficulty lies an opportunity for personal transformation.”
  • “When faced with a challenge, ask yourself: ‘What can I learn from this?'”
  • “Embrace change as a catalyst for personal and professional growth.”
  • “Don’t fear failure; see it as a stepping stone toward success.”
  • “Stay focused on your goals, no matter how tough things may get.”
  • “Remember that challenges are temporary; perseverance leads to victory.”
  • “Success is not achieved overnight; it’s built one challenge at a time.”
  • “Use challenges as fuel for motivation instead of obstacles.”
  • “Never underestimate your ability to overcome adversity.”
  • “Embrace new challenges as opportunities for growth and discover the depths of your potential.”
  • “The path to success is paved with audacious steps forward, as each new challenge brings an opportunity to shine brighter.”

A toy man standing in front of a pile of books.

Embarking on a new journey requires wisdom and guidance to navigate through present circumstances while letting go of the past. Here are inspirational new beginnings quotes that will inspire you to embrace a new chapter and journey in your life.

  • “Your present circumstances don’t determine your future; they merely shape it.”
  • “Embrace the uncertainty of today, for it holds the possibilities of tomorrow.”
  • “Letting go of yesterday’s burdens frees your spirit to embrace new opportunities.”
  • “The key to unlocking a brighter future lies in staying focused on the present moment.”
  • “In every ending lies the seed of a new beginning waiting to be nurtured.”
  • “Choose growth over comfort and pave your path towards a brighter tomorrow.”
  • “Releasing attachments to past failures opens doors for fresh successes ahead.”
  • “The past is a place for lessons, not residence; learn and move forward bravely.”
  • “Find solace in knowing that each step taken today leads you closer to your dreams.”
  • “Freedom begins when you let go of regrets from yesterday’s choices.”
  • “Every sunrise gifts you an opportunity to start anew; seize it with open arms.”
  • “Learn from yesterday’s mistakes, but don’t let them define who you become tomorrow.”
  • “Present circumstances may challenge you, but they can never define your true worth.”
  • “Growth flourishes when we release our grip on what no longer serves us.”
  • “Looking back impedes progress; focus forward and create a future filled with purpose.”
  • “Realize that every setback only strengthens your resilience for the journey ahead.”
  • “Embrace change as an opportunity for personal growth and transformation.”
  • “Letting go paves way for healing wounds, enabling fresh rays of hope ahead.”
  • “Present challenges are stepping stones leading towards future triumphs.”
  • “The power to shape your new journey lies within; trust in yourself and the path will unfold.”
  • “Release yesterday’s pain, open your heart to today’s joy, and welcome tomorrow’s possibilities.”
  • “Every ending marks a transition point towards a brighter chapter of your story.”
  • “Embrace the unknown with an unwavering belief in the magic of new beginnings.”
  • “Your present circumstances are temporary; focus on building a future filled with abundance.”
  • “Letting go allows space for new experiences and people who align with your true self.”
  • “In releasing the past, you create space for miracles to enter your life today.”
  • “Present challenges are opportunities in disguise; embrace them as stepping stones towards growth.”
  • “Allow yourself to be transformed by embracing the lessons hidden within present circumstances.”
  • “Yesterday is but a memory; live fully in this moment, for it holds infinite potential.”
  • “The door to endless possibilities opens when you let go of yesterday’s regrets.”
  • “Present difficulties mold us into stronger versions of ourselves; embrace them wholeheartedly.”
  • “Within every ending resides seeds of wisdom that will guide you towards a brighter future.”
  • “Growth occurs when we shed old layers and step courageously into the unknown territory ahead.”
  • “Today is not defined by yesterday’s mistakes but rather by how we choose to grow from them!”
  • “Letting go sets you free from chains that bind you to past disappointments.”
  • “Present circumstances serve as catalysts for personal transformation and renewed purpose.”
  • “Wisdom lies in recognizing that present challenges bring forth opportunities for growth and resilience.”
  • “Yesterday may have shaped our lives, but it is today that determines our destiny!”
  • “Releasing attachment to past outcomes creates space for fresh victories on your new journey.”
  • “Embrace life’s twists and turns, for it is within present circumstances that true growth blossoms.”
  • “Growth requires the courage to let go of past narratives and create a new story.”
  • “Allow yourself to be guided by the light of today, leaving yesterday’s darkness behind.”
  • “Present difficulties are temporary; your determination will lead you towards brighter horizons.”
  • “Releasing yesterday’s burdens permits space for today’s blessings to unfold.”
  • “In every end lies an opportunity to begin again with renewed wisdom and resilience.”
  • “The key to unlocking your potential lies in embracing present circumstances with grace.”
  • “Letting go doesn’t mean forgetting; it means making room for a brighter future.”
  • “Your journey begins anew when you release yesterday’s grip on your heart and mind.”
  • “Present challenges build character, laying the foundation for future victories yet unseen.”
  • “Remember, each step taken forward on this new journey brings you closer to fulfillment.”

A woman jogging on stairs near the ocean.

Empowering quotes can serve as a source of inspiration to fuel your determination for the journey ahead. Life quotes have the power to uplift and motivate, reminding us to take a deep breath and keep moving forward.

They encapsulate wisdom gained from past experiences, helping us learn from last year’s words while propelling us toward new achievements and a new relationship. Harnessing this motivational force can empower us to overcome challenges and stay focused on our goals.

  • “Empowerment is the fuel that propels us on our new journey.” – Maya Angelou
  • “Empowerment is not just about giving people a voice, but also providing them with the tools and opportunities to make that voice heard.” – Desmond Tutu
  • “Believe in yourself and don’t let anyone dim your light.” – Taylor Swift.
  • “Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.” – Walt Disney
  • “Dream more, learn more, care more, and be more. Empowerment comes from within.” – Dolly Parton
  • “Knowledge is power, and the ability to think critically empowers individuals to shape their own destiny.” – Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.
  • “Every ending is a brand new beginning.”
  • “Embrace the unknown, for it holds the potential of a brand new ending.”
  • “In every challenge lies an opportunity for a brand new ending.”
  • “Celebrate the closing of one chapter and eagerly anticipate the beginning of another.”
  • “Welcome change, as it paves the way for a brand new ending.”
  • “A fresh start awaits those who are willing to let go of what no longer serves them.”
  • “Endings mark milestones on your journey towards greatness.”
  • “See every goodbye as an invitation to welcome a brand new ending.”
  • “Release what has ended and make space for something remarkable to begin.”
  • “The end of one thing signifies the start of something extraordinary.”
  • “Trust in your ability to create a beautiful and fulfilling future, even when faced with endings.”
  • “Endings are merely stepping stones on your path towards personal growth.”
  • “Allow yourself time and space to heal from endings, knowing that brighter beginnings await.”
  • “Aim not just for closure but also for an empowering transformation.”
  • “In every breakup lies an opportunity to discover oneself anew.”
  • “Embrace change in relationships; it can lead you toward incredible growth.”
  • “Recognize that endings pave way for opportunities in both love and life.”
  • “Choose self-growth as you navigate through endings in relationships.”
  • ”Leave behind toxic relationships, welcoming healthier connections instead.”
  • ”Acknowledge that each relationship teaches valuable lessons along the journey.”
  • ”Accepting ends allows room for discovering meaningful beginnings.”
  • ”Start afresh by nurturing inner strength after relationship closures.”
  • ”Embrace independence after each relationship’s closure, finding strength within.”
  • ”Moving on from endings opens doors to new possibilities in relationships.”
  • ”Build a stronger foundation for future connections by healing from past endings.”
  • “Find solace in knowing that with each ending, you are one step closer to your true self.”
  • “Release the past and create space for a loving and fulfilling relationship.”
  • “Seek relationships that empower you and bring out the best version of yourself.”
  • “Embrace change, as it is often the gateway to healthier relationships.”
  • “Choose growth over comfort; allow relationships to transform you positively.”
  • “The end of one relationship signifies an opportunity for another beautiful connection.”
  • “Each ending brings valuable lessons that shape our future relationships.”
  • “Grant yourself permission to heal after the end of a relationship, paving way for new beginnings.”
  • “Embrace the unknown in love, as it holds the possibility of a brand new ending.”
  • “Choose growth amidst relationship closures; they are stepping stones towards finding true happiness.”
  • “Endings provide us with an opportunity to redefine what we desire in our next relationship.”
  • “Recognize your worth and attract healthy connections after every ending.”
  • “Let go of what no longer serves you, making room for a loving and fulfilling partnership.”
  • “Celebrate each breakup as an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery.”
  • “Endings pave the way for deeper connections based on authenticity and mutual respect.”
  • “Acknowledge that every chapter has its closing line before turning over a new page.”
  • “In every farewell lies potential magic waiting to be discovered in fresh beginnings.”
  • “Grant yourself permission to close chapters that no longer serve your personal narrative.”
  • “Embrace closure as an empowering tool for creating your desired story’s climax.”

A small plant growing out of a crack in the ground.

Embarking on a new journey can be both exhilarating and challenging. As you turn over a new leaf, it’s important to stay resilient and persevere through the inevitable struggles.

In this section, we present 50 inspirational quotes that will uplift your spirits and encourage you to keep going towards new beginnings, even when the journey gets tough.

Let these words from wise men and women inspire you to let go of struggle and create good memories filled with strength and determination.

  • “Perseverance is the fuel that propels us forward on a new journey.” – C. Joybell C.
  • “Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.” – Unknown
  • “Life is about accepting the challenges along the way, choosing to keep moving forward, and savoring the journey.” – Roy T. Bennett
  • “The only way out is through.” – Robert Frost
  • “Strength doesn’t come from what you can do; it comes from overcoming things you once thought you couldn’t.” – Rikki Rogers
  • “Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.”
  • “Stay focused on your goals, even in the face of setbacks.”
  • “Find strength in your ability to overcome obstacles.”
  • “Believe in yourself and your capacity to succeed.”
  • “Cultivate a resilient mindset that sees failure as a stepping stone to success.”
  • “Surround yourself with positive influences who encourage perseverance.”
  • “Remember that every journey starts with a single step – take it!”
  • “When faced with adversity, rise above and prove your resilience.”
  • “Success is not measured by how many times you fall, but by how many times you get back up.”
  • “Keep pushing forward, even when progress seems slow or uncertain.”
  • “Resilience is not about avoiding difficulties; it’s about bouncing back stronger from them.”
  • “Trust in your ability to adapt and thrive in new situations.”
  • “View challenges as opportunities for personal growth and development.”
  • “Stay committed to your goals, even when the path becomes difficult.”
  • “Perseverance is the fuel that propels you towards success – keep going!”
  • “They may say it’s impossible, but remember: nothing great was ever achieved without someone daring to believe it could be done.”
  • “You are stronger than you think – tap into that strength and keep moving forward.”
  • “When faced with adversity, remember why you started on this path and let it fuel your determination.”
  • “Resilience isn’t just about enduring hardships; it’s also about finding joy amidst the struggles.”
  • “Don’t let fear dictate your future – embrace change and grow through life’s challenges.”
  • “Inspiration can be found within yourself – dig deep and harness the power within to persevere.”
  • “Mistakes are inevitable on any new path; learn from them, adjust course if needed, but never give up.”
  • “Remember: resilience isn’t just about surviving; it’s about thriving and flourishing despite the odds.”
  • “When life knocks you down, use it as an opportunity to show how strong you can bounce back.”
  • “Success is not a straight line; it’s a journey of ups and downs – embrace the process and keep going.”
  • “Your new path may be challenging, but your resilience will carry you through.”
  • “Every setback is an opportunity to learn, grow, and come back stronger than before.”
  • “Trust in your abilities and trust that setbacks are temporary roadblocks on the path to success.”
  • “Embrace change with open arms – it often leads to unexpected opportunities for growth.”
  • “Remember: resilience isn’t about avoiding failure; it’s about bouncing back with renewed determination.”
  • “Stay focused on your vision – even small steps forward are progress towards your goals.”
  • “Believe in yourself, even when no one else does – self-belief is a powerful tool for resilience.”
  • “When faced with doubt or criticism, let it fuel your determination rather than hinder it.”
  • “Resilience requires patience – trust that every step forward brings you closer to where you want to be.”
  • Surround yourself with positive influences who inspire and support your journey towards resilience.
  • “The road ahead may be uncertain, but remember: uncertainty breeds possibility – embrace the unknown!”
  • “You have overcome challenges before; draw strength from past victories as you face new ones now.”
  • “Resilience means finding solutions instead of dwelling on problems – focus on what’s within your control.”
  • “Don’t let fear hold you back from pursuing your dreams – use it as motivation to prove yourself wrong.”
  • “Success often comes after multiple failures – keep going until you achieve what others think is impossible.”
  • “Never underestimate the power of perseverance in turning dreams into reality.”
  • “When facing adversity, ask yourself: ‘How can I grow from this experience?’ Then take action.”
  • “Inspiration comes from within – listen to your inner voice and trust that you have what it takes to overcome.”
  • “Challenges are opportunities for growth – embrace them and come out stronger on the other side.”
  • “Resilience is not about being unbreakable; it’s about bouncing back with newfound strength and wisdom.”

A blonde woman holding up a balloon with a smiley face on it.

Optimistic quotes can provide a source of encouragement and positivity during new beginnings. They serve as reminders to maintain a positive mindset and embrace change with optimism.

By focusing on uplifting messages, these quotes can help individuals overcome challenges, stay motivated, and approach their new endeavors with confidence.

Incorporating optimistic quotes into daily routines can cultivate a supportive environment that fosters personal growth and resilience in the face of uncertainty.

  • “A wise man embraces new beginnings, for they hold the power to ignite a spark of positivity in one’s life.”
  • “Embrace new beginnings as the canvas for your best story, painting it with positivity.”
  • “Embrace new beginnings, for they pave the path to a better man.”
  • “Embrace the blank page, for it holds the potential to script a story of new beginnings and infinite possibilities.”
  • “New beginnings offer endless opportunities to explore in different ways and embrace change.”
  • “Next year’s words hold the power to shape new beginnings.”
  • “Every day is a chance for a new beginning.” – Mel Gibson.
  • “From broken pieces, new beginnings emerge.”
  • “Embrace new beginnings as opportunities for growth.”
  • “Stay positive and believe in your ability to succeed.”
  • “See challenges as stepping stones towards a brighter future.”
  • “Cultivate optimism and watch positivity flourish.”
  • “Let go of the past and focus on the possibilities ahead.”
  • “Choose optimistic thoughts to shape your new beginning.”
  • “Approach each day with a hopeful mindset.”
  • “Believe that every ending paves the way for a fresh start.”
  • “Surround yourself with positive people who uplift and inspire you.”
  • “Start each day with gratitude, it sets the tone for positivity throughout.”
  • “Choose to see setbacks as temporary roadblocks, not permanent obstacles.”
  • “Trust in your journey, even during uncertain times.”
  • “See change as an opportunity to discover hidden strengths within yourself.”
  • “Remember that optimism attracts abundance into your life.”
  • “Focus on progress, not perfection, in your new beginnings.”
  • “Visualize success and let it guide you towards achieving it.”
  • “Be patient with yourself; great things take time to unfold.”
  • “Find joy in the process of creating a new chapter in your life.”
  • “Discover the power of positive self-talk on your journey forward.”
  • “Release fear and embrace courage as you embark on this fresh start.”
  • “Optimism is contagious – spread it generously wherever you go!”
  • “Look for silver linings amidst any challenges that arise along the way.”
  • “Choose kindness over negativity; it magnifies positivity around you.”
  • “Celebrate small victories along your path towards bigger goals.”
  • “Remind yourself daily: you have everything within you needed to succeed!”
  • “Let go of limiting beliefs that hold you back from embracing new possibilities.”
  • “Every sunrise symbolizes another chance to make your dreams come true.”
  • “Trust that every step forward brings you closer to where want to be.”
  • “Surround yourself with those who encourage and support your positive outlook.”
  • “Embrace the unknown in your new beginnings, it is full of endless possibilities.”
  • “Believe that every setback is an opportunity for a powerful comeback.”
  • “Focus on progress rather than perfection; each step forward counts.”
  • “Choose to see challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.”
  • “Trust in your ability to overcome obstacles and create a brighter future.”
  • “Remind yourself that positivity attracts success into your life.”
  • “Find joy in the journey of creating a fresh start for yourself.”
  • “Release fear and embrace courage as you embark on this new chapter.”
  • “Cultivate gratitude daily; it fuels optimism throughout your new beginning.”
  • “Surround yourself with supportive individuals who uplift and inspire you.”
  • “Visualize success as you move forward towards achieving your goals.”
  • “Let go of self-doubt; believe in yourself and the power of new beginnings.”
  • “Remember that optimism is contagious – spread positivity wherever you go!”

A man is jumping off the back of a sailboat.

Hope is the most important thing that keeps us going, even in new places. It fuels our determination and optimism, allowing us to face challenges with resilience.

In unfamiliar surroundings, hope serves as a guiding light, reminding us that brighter days lie ahead.

With hope by our side, we embrace the unknown with an unwavering belief in possibilities and a steadfast resolve to create a better future.

  • “Hope is the idea that turns each day into the beginning of a new book.”
  • “Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul.” – Emily Dickinson
  • “Every new opportunity is a ray of hope, illuminating the path to a brighter future.”
  • “Hope is the fuel that keeps us moving forward, even when all seems lost.” – Paulo Coelho.
  • “Hope is the anchor that steadies us during tough times.”
  • “Hope is the fuel that keeps us going, even when faced with the toughest of challenges.” – Muhammad Ali
  • “Hope is the fuel that ignites our potential and propels us towards a brighter future.” – Nido Qubein
  • “Embrace uncertainty as an opportunity for growth.”
  • “Find strength in the face of new challenges and forge ahead.”
  • “Believe in yourself, for you are capable of great things.”
  • “Let go of fear and step into the unknown with courage.”
  • “Remember, every journey begins with a single step forward.”
  • “Stay resilient when faced with setbacks; they are part of the adventure.”
  • “Trust that your path will lead you to where you need to be.”
  • “Embrace change as a chance to discover new possibilities.”
  • “Have faith in your abilities, even when others doubt you.”
  • “Choose optimism and let it guide you towards brighter horizons.”
  • “Cultivate gratitude for the opportunities that lay before you.”
  • “Don’t forget to celebrate small victories along the way.”
  • “Surround yourself with those who uplift and inspire you on your journey.”
  • “Seek inspiration from nature’s ability to adapt and thrive.”
  • “Think big, dream bigger- there are no limits to what you can achieve.”
  • “Persevere through challenges, knowing they are temporary.”
  • “Seize each day as an opportunity for growth and learning.”
  • “Remember that failure is not final–it’s a stepping stone towards success.”
  • “Find solace in knowing that every end is just a new beginning.”
  • “Allow curiosity to fuel your thirst for discovery.”
  • “Have confidence in your ability to navigate uncharted waters.”
  • “Draw strength from past triumphs as motivation for future adventures.”
  • “Be open-minded; embrace different perspectives along your journey.”
  • “Let passion be your driving force towards new heights.”
  • “Trust the magic of beginnings: each one holds boundless potential.”
  • “Smile at adversity; it only serves to make us stronger.”
  • “Seek solace in exploring untrodden paths.”
  • “Nurture hope like a flame, lighting up even the darkest corners.”
  • “Be bold in pursuing your dreams; they are worth the risk.”
  • “Embrace change as a gateway to personal transformation.”
  • “Remain curious and open to new experiences.”
  • “Let optimism be your compass, guiding you through uncharted territories.”
  • “Cherish the present, for it’s an adventure waiting to unfold.”
  • “Relish in the beauty of taking chances and embracing new beginnings.”
  • “Stay resilient; every setback brings you one step closer to triumph.”
  • “Trust that each endeavor will shape you into a stronger version of yourself.”
  • “Seek inspiration from those who have conquered their own adventures.”
  • “Discover joy in unexpected detours along your journey.”
  • “Have faith that even amidst uncertainty, greatness awaits.”
  • “Believe in yourself, for within lies infinite potential.”
  • “Sometimes, the smallest things give us hope.” – Dr. Seuss
  • “Remember that every new adventure holds promise for growth and fulfillment.”
  • “The very least you can do in your life is to figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof.” – Barbara Kingsolver

Footprints in the sand on the beach.

Inspirational quotes can be powerful tools to guide and motivate us as we embark on new journeys and new beginnings. They serve as reminders of our strength and resilience, encouraging us to overcome challenges and forge ahead with determination.

These quotes often encapsulate timeless wisdom from great minds who have faced adversity and triumphed. By incorporating these inspirational words into our daily lives, we can find the inspiration needed to navigate uncharted territories, embrace growth, and create the future we desire.

  • “Forging a new path requires courage, determination, and an unwavering belief in one’s vision.” – Josiyah Martin
  • “Embracing a new path is not just about change, but about taking courageous steps towards progress and innovation.” – Shahbaz Sharif
  • “Embrace the uncertainty of a new path and trust that it will lead you to extraordinary discoveries.” – Sarah Ban Breathnach
  • “Embrace the uncertainty of a new path; it holds the key to personal growth and endless possibilities.” – Marsha Petrie Sue
  • “Embark on a new path, for it is through the journey that we discover our true selves.” – Germany Kent
  • “Every new journey brings a chance for transformation and self-discovery.” – T.S. Eliot
  • “Embrace the possibilities that await at every given moment of a new journey.”
  • “Every new journey begins at the end of the day.”
  • “Exploring great places ignites the spark of a new journey.”
  • “Embrace the thrill of a new journey, where the path intertwines with new people, opening horizons of endless possibilities.”
  • “Embark on a new journey, leaving behind last year’s language.”
  • “Embrace the beautiful journey of today, as it leads you to new horizons.”
  • “Every single moment of a new journey holds the potential for limitless possibilities.”
  • “Achieving a new journey requires unwavering dedication and hard work.”
  • “Embrace uncertainty and have faith in your abilities.”
  • “Be courageous enough to take the first step towards your goals.”
  • “Seek opportunities to learn and grow from every experience.”
  • “Trust the process, even when it feels challenging or unfamiliar.”
  • “Stay focused on your vision and let nothing deter you from it.”
  • “Remember that setbacks are merely stepping stones to success.”
  • “Be open to new perspectives and ideas that can shape your journey.”
  • “Embrace failure as a chance to learn, adapt, and improve.”
  • “Surround yourself with positive influences that inspire greatness.”
  • “Stay persistent in the face of obstacles; they are temporary roadblocks, not dead ends.”
  • “Believe in yourself, even when others doubt you or your path.”
  • “Take risks without fear of failure; they lead to extraordinary growth.”
  • “Let go of what no longer serves you; create room for new opportunities.”
  • “Cultivate a mindset of resilience and perseverance through challenges.”
  • “Find inspiration in everyday moments; beauty is all around us if we look for it.”
  • “Find strength within yourself during difficult times; you are more capable than you think.”
  • “Stay committed to personal growth; continuous improvement is key.”
  • “Seek balance between work and life pursuits for long-term fulfillment.”
  • “Release self-doubt by focusing on past achievements and successes.”
  • “Cultivate gratitude as a daily practice; appreciate both big and small wins equally.”
  • “Take time for self-care along your journey; prioritize rest, rejuvenation, and reflection.”
  • “Surround yourself with supportive individuals who celebrate your victories genuinely.”
  • “Be proactive rather than reactive in shaping your destiny.”
  • “Allow curiosity to guide exploration into uncharted territories.”
  • “Value progress over perfection as each step forward brings new insights.”
  • “Practice patience knowing that great things take time.”
  • “Harness the power of positivity by maintaining an optimistic outlook.”
  • “Accept challenges as opportunities for growth and self-discovery.”
  • “Cultivate adaptability to navigate unexpected twists and turns.”
  • “Embrace authenticity and let your true self shine in all that you do.”
  • “Seek inspiration from those who have walked similar paths before you.”
  • “Remain open-minded, for innovation often arises from unconventional thinking.”
  • “Find purpose in your pursuits, aligning your actions with your core values.”
  • “Be kind to yourself along the way, celebrating accomplishments big and small.”
  • “Create a clear vision of success and stay committed to its achievement.”
  • “Be fearless in pursuing new paths, knowing that great rewards await those who dare.”

The only thing certain about new beginnings is change. Moving to a new place and stepping into a new chapter opens doors to endless possibilities. As these inspirational new journey quotes remind us, it’s the process that truly matters, not just the destination when it comes to new beginnings.

Fresh start quotes inspire us to embrace opportunities and leave the past behind. Ultimately, embracing new beginnings can be the best thing we do for ourselves.

Best inspirational quotes beginning a new journey.

Get the scoop on more quotes below:

  • 500 Best Boyfriend Encouragement Quotes for Men
  • 100 Inspirational Quotes to Live By
  • 200 Best Inspirational Short Mountain Quotes and Captions to Inspire You (2023)

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Hi, my name is Alexis, and I am an Assistant Editor for Sarah Scoop! When I'm not writing about lifestyle or the latest entertainment news, you'll find me cuddling on the couch watching k-dramas and horror movies.

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Inspired Life

92 New Beginnings Quotes For Starting A New Chapter In Life

The best way to start a new chapter in life is with the right mindset. That’s why we’ve compiled these new beginnings quotes to help you greet your next adventure with positivity and hope!

In today’s post, we’ll share some of our favorite quotes that talk about starting anew.

Whether you’re thinking about starting a new job or just finding fresh inspiration for your personal goals, these words will be able to inspire you on your journey.

Cheers to new beginnings quotes

“Starting a new chapter in life doesn’t always mean writing a blank page. Sometimes it means crossing out the old one.” – Unknown author

“The secret to life is to have more beginnings than endings.” – Dave Weinbaum

new journey new chapter

“I don’t regret the past. It’s all learning and growth, but nothing can replace a new day.” – Unknown author

“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.” – J.P. Morgan

“If you want to go fast, then go alone. If you want to go far, then find someone who will share the journey.” – Unknown author

“The best way out is always through.” – Robert Frost

“Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.” – Meister Eckhart

“The time for action is now. It’s never too late to do something.” – Antoine De Saint-Exupery

“The future starts right now, not tomorrow.” – Unknown author

“If you want to make a new beginning, then throw away your old clothes.” – Chinese Proverb

new journey new chapter

“The secret to success is thrashing yourself into shape before anyone else does it for you.” – Derek Sivers

“Starting over doesn’t always mean giving up; sometimes it means trying again or discovering something different.” – Unknown Author

“You can never start too soon and there will never be a time where you’re too late!” – Tony Robbins

“There is something beautiful about having the chance to rewrite your future.” – InspiredLifeHQ

“Don’t be afraid to push yourself. You’ll never grow if you don’t force yourself out of your comfort zone.” – Unknown author

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“It’s always too early or too late for something, so just do it now!” – Michael Jordan

“To find peace is like the beginning of a new day.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr.

“Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over.” – Guy Finley

“What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make the end is to make the beginning. The end is where we start.” T.S. Eliot

“Sometimes painful endings bring the best new beginnings.” – Shae Ross

“Cheers to a new beginning with a goodbye kiss to the beautiful ending.” – Unknown

“It’s not about the start, it’s about the finish!” – Unknown Author

“In order to find new beginnings we had to learn how to live with endings.” – C.S Lewis

“I refuse that I should waste my life because of a few people or things that are over.” – Catherine Pulsifer

“Starting again is like clearing your headspace and finally getting back in touch with yourself. A chance for a fresh start and an opportunity for change as you slowly wade out into unknown territory once more.” – Pauline Rennie Browne

“It is never too late to be who you might have been.” – George Elliot

new journey new chapter

“We’re never given a good reason for why we go through the things that happen to us. It’s hell, and it sucks, but sometimes there is beauty in what happens.” – Unknown Author

“The world breaks everyone eventually; those who are strong at heart survive.” – Hemingway

“It seems like this was all just some kind of weird dream from another life I used to lead. And now I’m starting again with nothing much more than an old notebook full of new beginnings waiting ahead.”- Duncan Sheik

“‘Welcome back,’ she said as he stepped inside. ‘New beginnings’.” – Stephenie Meyer

New beginnings quotes for work

“Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new center of gravity. Don’t fight them. Just find a new way to stand.” – Oprah Winfrey

“We have the power to choose our thoughts and this is what we are thinking about all day long. So, new beginnings start with a decision.” – Donna Richardson

“I’ve always been attracted by challenges; it’s in my genes and I can’t help it. When life hands me lemons, I try to make lemonade out of them… or maybe just drink some tea.” – Unknown Author

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” – Seneca

new journey new chapter

“Never allow waiting to become a habit. Live your dreams and take risks. Life is happening now.” – Paulo Coelho

“Many people are able to say who they want to be, but few are willing to change what they do.” – Unknown Author

“We all have a past and we don’t need to hide it. We just need the strength not to let it define us.” – Stevie Wonder

“You can never start too soon and you cannot finish too late if your goal is excellence in whatever you’re doing.” – John Wooden

“Feeling confident – or pretending that feel confident – is necessary to reach for opportunities. It’s a cliché, but opportunities are rarely offered. They’re seized.” – Sheryl Sandberg

“I can do anything that I set my mind to.” – Unknown Author

“Nourish your dreams and they will grow wings and take you places.” – Unknown Author

“No matter how many times you have to start over, it’s better than never realizing your dreams.” – Tyler Perry

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.” – Chinese Proverb

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.” – Lao Tzu

“New beginnings start without warning and are unplanned, but you can be ready for them when they come by following your own dreams instead of someone else’s.” – Unknown

“It never gets easier; you just get stronger as the challenges build up on top of each other so that eventually no one will ever be able to throw anything at you again.” – Unknown Author

“Today is not just another day. It’s a new opportunity, another chance. Embrace it.” – Unknown

“If a new beginning offers itself, it is not always in our power to refuse it: we often forget that this abyss carries us back again from which it had seemed ready to cast us forth for ever.”- Jean Paul Sartre

“The best time of your life was when everything began. The worst time will be when all these things end and something different starts.” – Carlos Castaneda

“The beginning is the most important part of the work.” – Plato

new journey new chapter

“You know that feeling of a new beginning? It’s like you’re back in school, everything is all clean and fresh.” – Unknown Author

“A new day brings with it new chances for us to finally live our life the way we want.”- John T. Meyer

“Every single job is a challenge. You are walking into a new set, a new character creating a world and trying to get comfortable to do your best work.” – Felicia Day

“A new job is like a blank book and you are the author.” – Unknown

“Think of a new job as an opportunity to make a fresh start.” – Unknown Author

“The best time in life is when you are just starting out with the right people, and it doesn’t matter if things go wrong because everything will always work out. New beginnings take your breath away.”- Nikki Rowe

“Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction.” – Germany Kent

“In today’s world, new beginnings are a necessity. The old ways of doing things have become ineffective and we need to find new solutions.” – Unknown Author

“Whatever the circumstances, you don’t deserve to stay stuck in an unhappy place from which there is no escape.”- Carl W. Buehner

“It’s not about how far down you’ve come. It’s about how quickly can you bounce back.” -Unknown

Embrace the magic of new beginnings quotes

“The magic in new beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all.” – Josiyah Martin

magic of new beginnings quotes

“If you’ve never tried it before, then how can you know that the new thing won’t be worth your time?” – Unknown

“The true magic of new beginnings is in the moments when we choose to take a leap and trust that everything will work out.”- Josiyah Martin

“New beginnings are like fresh water for our souls. Every part of us craves them. We’re thirsty for life.” – Josiyah Martin

“Instead of sitting around waiting on things to change or expecting others to make changes happen over night, find ways in which you can help yourself by starting one small thing at a time.” – Germany Kent

“And suddenly you know its time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.” – Meister Eckhart

“And now I know it was time to start something new,” she said, “to build, for myself and my sons, an even better life than the one we left behind.” – Astrid Lindgren

“Every new day brings with it hope as well as joy in anticipation; each morning offers another opportunity to make changes for ourselves and our lives.” – Joshua Becker

“You’ve got a new story to write and it looks nothing like your past.” – InspiredLifeHQ

new journey new chapter

“Dreams are renewable. No matter what are age or condition there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.” – Dale Turner

“The most important thing is that you don’t give up. You keep moving, and your life will change.” – Jenna Bush

“No matter what happens in the world, I am still me and my future self is strong.” – Dr. Seuss

“Each new day is a little time capsule with possibilities inside of it.” – Karen Salmansohn

“Trust the wait. Embrace the uncertainty. Enjoy the beauty of becoming. When nothing is certain, anything is possible.” – Unknown Author

“A new life awaits you. You are a little different, and your story is just beginning.” – Unknown Author

“Keep on beginning and failing. Each time you fail, start all over again, and you will grow stronger until you have accomplished a purpose – not the one you began with perhaps, but one you will be glad to remember.” – Anne Sullivan

“I feel like I’m dreaming, but it’s not a dream. It’s real life.” – Unknown Author

“If all you can do is crawl, start crawling.” – Rumi

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“This is the time of new beginnings in your life!” – Unknown Author

“A new day starts with a blank page waiting to be written on; full of unlimited possibilities.” – Karen Salmansohn

“If you don’t get the ending you desire, have faith in the magic of new beginings.” – Rita Zahara

new beginnings quotes for work

“You always get a second chance at the things that really matter in life.” – Unknown author

“No one starts out as an expert; it’s just those who start and keep on going, day after day. That’s what all this is about: doing something with your life despite obstacles, doubts, setbacks or failures.” – James Dyson

“It’s not hard. You simply need to decide where you begin—and then do everything else from there.” – Timothy Ferriss

“You can learn new things at any time in your life if you’re willing to be a beginner. If you actually learn to like being a beginner, the whole world opens up to you.” – Barbara Shur

“It’s always the journey, not the destination. The pleasure is in doing and not finishing.” – John Steinbeck

“You can’t change your past but you can start today to make a new beginning.”- Unknown author

“I am starting over so many times because it is hard to remember that I’m enough just as I am—no more no less than anyone else in this world who has their own struggles.” – Natalie Grant

“Let go of what was; hold on tight to what could be.” – Dr Seuss

“Nourish beginnings, let us nourish beginnings. Not all things are blest. The blessing is in the seed.” – Muriel Rukeyser

“No, this is not the beginning of a new chapter in my life; this is a beginning of a new book! That first book is already closed, ended and tossed into the seas; this new book is newly opened, has just begun! Look, it is the first page! And it is a beautiful one!” – C. JoyBell C.

Feel free to come back to read these quotes over and over again, especially when it comes to starting a new chapter in your life.

It’s always difficult to change up your routine or go through something different than what you’re used to. But once you get past that initial hump of getting used to things, the rewards are worth it!

Whether that means a career change, graduating from school, starting a new business or even moving across country – there is nothing like knowing that this time will be better then before because you’re already doing so much more with yourself.

Which one of these new beginning quotes resonated with you?

What did they make you think about? Let us know in the comments below!

new journey new chapter

Helping people and eating tacos are my jam! This blog exists to help provide tips and resources that can help you achieve your goals and live a better life. Whether you’re looking for tips on personal growth, fitness, advice on starting a side hustle, or resources for working remotely, I’ve got you covered.

New Chapter in Life Quotes

65+ Inspiring Quotes About Starting a New Chapter in Life

Beginning a new chapter in life can be a daunting task, but it also has the potential to open up exciting opportunities. Taking the first step towards making a change is often the most difficult part. It involves taking risks and embracing uncertainty. Nevertheless, having a goal in mind and breaking it down into achievable steps can help make this transition smoother. Being proactive and taking action is key. It’s important to remember that progress can be slow, but even small accomplishments can have a big impact. Here are some great quotes about starting a new chapter in life.

A New Chapter in Life Quotes

“Life is a book and every day is a new chapter. Make the most of it.”

“When a chapter of your “life book” is complete, your spirit knows its time to turn the page so a new chapter will begin. Even when you’re scared or think you’re not ready your spirit knows you are. ” – Beth Hoffman

“A new chapter in life is like a clean slate, full of possibilities and opportunities.”

“I hope you realize that every day is a fresh start for you. That every sunrise is a new chapter in your life waiting to be written.” – Juansen Dizon

“In that book which is my memory, On the first page of the chapter that is the day when I first met you, Appear the words, ‘Here begins a new life’.” – Dante Alighieri

“Every new chapter in life is a chance to rewrite your story.”

A New Chapter in Life Quotes

“Every new chapter is an opportunity to turn the page and start a new story.”

“No, this is not the beginning of a new chapter in my life; this is the beginning of a new book! That first book is already closed, ended, and tossed into the seas; this new book is newly opened, has just begun! Look, it is the first page! And it is a beautiful one!” – C. JoyBell C.

“Every new chapter in life is a chance to be grateful for the past and hopeful for the future.”

“A new chapter in life is like a fresh canvas waiting to be painted with your unique story.”

“Every new chapter in life brings its own challenges, but it also brings new opportunities for growth and self-discovery.”

“Life is a journey, and every new chapter is a chance to find your path and follow your dreams.”

“Embrace each new chapter in life with hope, courage, and a dash of adventure.”

“Starting a new chapter in life is both exciting and scary, but it’s always an opportunity to grow.”

“Every new chapter in life is a chance to let go of the past and focus on the future.”

The biggest challenge in a new chapter in life is to have the courage to let go of what once was and embrace what will be.”

“The beginning of a new chapter in life is both an end and a start. It’s a time to reflect on the past and embrace the future.”

“The only way to start a new chapter in life is to turn the page.”

“The beauty of a new chapter in life is the chance to write a better story.”

“Every new chapter in life is a chance to find your voice and live the life you’ve always wanted.”

“Don’t be afraid to close the book on yesterday and start a new chapter today.”

“A new chapter in life is a chance to turn the page and write your own story.”

“A new chapter in life is an opportunity to rise from the ashes of your past and write a better story for your future.”

“Every new chapter in life is an opportunity to learn, grow, and become the person you are meant to be.”

“New chapters in life offer a fresh start and the chance to make new memories.”

“Every new chapter in life is a chance to learn from your past mistakes and create a brighter future.”

“You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.”

A New Chapter in Life Quotes

“To attract something new, begin doing something different! Begin a new chapter today!”

“It’s time to write your story in bold and daring strokes, beginning with a blank canvas that knows no limits or boundaries – only possibilities! Open up a new chapter; it all starts with you!”

“The trick is to enjoy life, but never forget to open the next page in your story and start a new chapter.”

“And suddenly you just know it’s time to start a new chapter and trust the magic of beginnings.”

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and writing new chapters in life, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”

“Every day is a chance to start a new chapter.”

“Don’t be afraid of starting over the mistakes from yesterday can shape the success for tomorrow like a new chapter of your life”

“If you change the attitude in your life, you can write a new chapter that’s filled with joy and happiness.”

“Life doesn’t always give you another chance, but it always gives you the opportunity to start a new chapter at any moment.”

“There are no mistakes in life, just lessons which can be used to create a new chapter.”

“Facing challenges is part of life; they provide the opportunity to write a better story and start a new chapter in our lives.”

“We have the choice, no matter what has happened before, to choose how we want this next chapter in our life story to unfold”

“Today is your chance to write a new chapter in your life, full of joy, abundance, and success.”

“Always remember this: Your story isn’t over yet; you have plenty of time to create beautiful new chapters!”

“Life always offers you a second chance; it’s called tomorrow that can be your new chapter of life.”

“It’s never too late to be what you might have been; turn the page and start a new chapter in your life.”

“Every morning gives us the opportunity to start a new chapter in our lives and make sure it will be better than the last one. Believe it, achieve it!”

“A journeying heart must accept that there are times when chapters end, making way for fresh beginnings for the new chapters

“Push yourself to start that next chapter. No matter where you are at any given moment in time – no matter how intimidating or strange or overwhelming”

“Today is a new page in the story of your life, so write something beautiful!”

“Every day is a chance to begin again and make it a better ending than the one before.”

“One hesitates to open a new chapter when the old one is not resolved.” – Jude Morgan

“It’s time for a new chapter filled with pages of courage, happiness and adventure!”

“You can close the chapter and start anew, for the beautiful story of your life has only just begun.”

“You are the author of your life: Start writing a new chapter today!”

“A new chapter, regardless how terrifying and difficult, can be so alluring and great if you’re courageous enough to surrender to that unfamiliar journey ahead.”

“The anchor of hope that lives in the heart of us all can help us sail through unstable waters, leaving darkness and doubt on shore, so we can begin a new chapter in life with courage and light.”

“Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved. So undertake each day with enthusiasm and joy as it as a beginning of a new chapter in your life.”

“My fondest memories will always be found between the pages of my past; however, I’m looking forward to what awaits me on the next page of this new chapter in life.”

“My life feels like a book left out on the porch, and the wind blows the pages faster and faster, turning always toward a new chapter faster than I can stop to read it.” – Nancy E. Turner

“Every new chapter of life holds new lessons, opportunities and blessings in disguise.”

“Goodbye to the old days, hello to the new. It’s time to write yet another chapter in life!”

“Starting a new chapter in life isn’t about forgetting about the past, it’s about forgiving it.”

“When one door closes, find the courage to open another. That is how you write your next chapter in life.”

“A new chapter never means an end; rather, it is just another interesting turn in the beautiful story that makes up our lives.”

“Beautiful things happen when you distance yourself from negativity-simply start a new chapter… and keep turning pages!”

“Life isn’t always about finding yourself…Life is about creating yourself and you are the author of your life: Start writing a new chapter today!”

“Every new chapter we open holds the promise of a fresh start and new beginnings. Embrace the challenge of this change and enjoy the journey.”

“Never be afraid to life a new chapter because you never know how perfectly it will begin until you take the first step forward.”

“Life is a series of transitions, so don’t be scared to start a new chapter and turn the page in your story!”

“Even when we feel the sun in our soul has died, and the autumn storms of our life have broken the glow in our eyes, nothing must keep us from swelling the river of our inner longing. We can create a new scenario and colorize the new chapter of the story we want to embed and liven up the thinking pattern of the personae we would like to cast a role.” – Erik Pevernagie

We hope you enjoyed our collection of New Chapter in Life Quotes

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120 Best New Chapter Quotes to Inspire Your New Journey

new journey new chapter

Looking for new chapter quotes to help you start a new chapter in your life? We have compiled one of the greatest collections of new chapter in life quotes, sayings, captions, and status updates to motivate you to begin the next chapter of your life with renewed vigor. ‎

A new chapter in your life is one that provides you with new options and opens a new door in your life. It might be a new chapter in your relationship , love, family, business, career, or anything else where you need to do things differently in order to succeed. ‎

A new beginning brings with it new chances and wonderful experiences that have the potential to alter your life. The new chapter quotes we’re going to share with you will allow you to step outside of your comfort zone and restart your life. New beginnings may pave the way for the most creative era of your life. ‎

To begin this new chapter in your life, you must take the essential steps to bring you closer to your objectives and goals. Start by reading these quotes about beginning a new chapter. These new chapter quotes will also inspire you to take the necessary measures. So, let these quotations inspire you to make a fresh beginning or to begin your day in a different way. ‎

Without further ado, let’s go through these new chapter quotes one by one.

Table of Contents

Best New Chapter Quotes of All Time

Let’s start with some of the finest new chapter quotes. These statements provide us a glimpse into new chapters of life, allowing us to forget all the disappointments of the past and embrace new views and changes that contain great possibilities for our future. ‎

  • Today I close the door to the past, open the door to the future, take a deep breath step on through and start a new chapter in my life.
  • I’m writing a new part of my story. Something so new, and untouched by all the chapters before I deserve new. I deserve surprises. I’ve outgrown my story line of old. And so let life be fresh, because I am ready for a new adventure.
  • Whatever wrong turns you’ve taken in life you can always start over and find your way back to happiness. – Marty Rubin
  • No matter how hard the past is, you can always begin again. – Buddha
  • Let us make each day our birthday – every morning life is new, with the splendors of the sunrise, and the baptism of the dew. – S.A.R
  • Now, as we close one chapter, the pen is gradually inking up, preparing itself to write the next. – Mie Hansson
  • If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello. – Paulo Coelho
  • I am more than ready to begin the next chapter of my life. It’s time to move on.
  • The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new. – Dan Millman
  • There comes a day when you realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world, because you realize there’s so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on. – Zayn Malik

Inspirational New Chapter Quotes

All of our prior experiences’ lessons are used in the next chapter of our life, where we avoid making the same mistakes and make things work for us with a fresh perspective and positive energy. Here are some inspirational quotes for a new chapter in your life that will help you move on.

  • A new day: Be open enough to see opportunities. Be wise enough to be grateful. Be courageous enough to be happy. – Dr. Steve Maraboli
  • We are meant to keep focused for new life, for new beginnings, for new experiences, and to use our abilities to move beyond all those things that may serve as excuses to confine us to the now. – Byron Pulsifer
  • Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born. – Dale Turner
  • I look at life as an adventure. Each new chapter brings new opportunities. – Michelle M. Pillow
  • The secret to getting ahead is to focus your energy not on fixing and fighting yesterday, but on building and growing something new right now.
  • Everything begins at the beginning, and quite often the beginning begins when you shift your mind in a new direction. – Louie Herron
  • Keep on beginning and failing. Each time you fail, start all over again, and you will grow stronger until you have accomplished a purpose – not the one you began with perhaps, but one you’ll be glad to remember. – Anne Sullivan
  • New doors open new opportunities, so don’t be afraid to step over the threshold.
  • It’s never too late to become who you want to be. I hope you live a life that you’re proud of, and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start over. – F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • Start over, my darling. Be brave enough to find the life you want and courageous enough to chase it. Then start over and love yourself the way you were always meant to. – Madalya Beek

Famous New Chapter Quotes

Every new chapter of your life journey , as the saying goes, will necessitate a new version of you. A wiser, more confident, stronger version, and the start of a new chapter will fill you with passion and eagerness to achieve your desired outcomes. If you wish to begin a new chapter in your life, here are some notable new chapter in life quotes to assist you. ‎

  • The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life. – Steve Jobs
  • No, this is not the beginning of a new chapter in my life; this is the beginning of a new book! That first book is already closed, ended, and tossed into the seas; this new book is newly opened, has just begun! Look, it is the first page! And it is a beautiful one! – C . JoyBell C .
  • Kat had already seen the amazing things God had done on her adventure so far, and she could hardly wait for the next chapter. – Mona Hodgson
  • You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. – C. S. Lewis
  • We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. – Walt Disney
  • Starting over is an acceptance of a past we can’t change, an unrelenting conviction that the future can be different, and the stubborn wisdom to use the past to make the future what the past was not. – Craig D. Lounsbrough
  • Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman. – Maya Angelou
  • I resolve to write a new chapter of my life every new day. – Lailah Gifty Akita
  • It’s never too late to become who you want to be. I hope you live a life that you’re proud of, and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start over. – Eric Roth
  • When faced with a challenge, happy families, like happy people, just add a new chapter to their life story that shows them overcoming the hardship. – C. JoyBell C.

Short New Chapter Quotes

Let’s go through some short new chapter quotes. These new beginning quotes can help you find the words of forte and bravery to help you regulate to a new chapter in your life. ‎

  • Trust the next chapter because you are the author.
  • I want every day to be a fresh start on expanding what is possible. – Oprah Winfrey
  • Be like the lotus: trust in the light, grow through the dirt, believe in new beginnings.
  • History is dependent on the new generation to write a new chapter. – LaMelo Ball
  • The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. – Marcel Proust
  • The visionary starts with a clean sheet of paper, and re-imagines the world. – Malcolm Gladwell
  • I’m not giving up. I’m just starting over.
  • A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step.
  • The beginning is the most important part of the work. – Plato
  • Celebrate endings – for they precede new beginnings. – Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Positive New Chapter Quotes

It is now time to go through some positive new chapter quotes. These inspirational quotes about new beginnings will show you that simple positive changes in yourself may completely alter you, and will assist you in setting the tone for positivity and productivity. ‎

  • Every day is a chance to begin again. Don’t focus on the failures of yesterday, start today with positive thoughts and expectations. – Catherine Pulsifer
  • A new dawn always breaks after darkness, but only those who have survived the night live to see it. – Tristan Roulot
  • God is saying to you “your next chapter will be mind blowing.”
  • One chapter ends, another begins. Best of luck as you turn the page and begin writing your next chapter.
  • Sometimes you get to what you thought was the end and you find it’s a whole new beginning. – Anne Tyler
  • When God gives you a new beginning, it starts with an ending. Be thankful for closed doors. They often guide us to the right one! – A Woman of Faith
  • I used to believe that people are only born once, but now I feel I have been reborn, like I was given a new life. I see myself as a child, full of energy and hope. – Bahman Ghobadi
  • Bury your worries at sunset and wake up to new hopes each morning.
  • I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning. – J. B. Priestly.
  • New beginnings. They bring with them all sorts of expectations, emotions, and challenges. Myself, I have always cherished those times; if we allow them to, they can be opportunities for the future. – Chaker Khazaal

Inspiring New Chapter Quotes

Whether you’re quitting your work, launching a new venture, purchasing a new house, or terminating a longstanding association these quotes about starting a new chapter will inspire and encourage you in all of this. ‎

  • You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.
  • Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible. – St. Francis of Assisi
  • The start of something new brings the hope of something great, anything is possible.
  • Strength shows, not only in the ability to persist, but the ability to start over. – F. ScottFitzgerald
  • Move on. It is just a chapter in the past, but don’t close the book- just turn the page.
  • A champion fears losing, while everyone else is afraid of winning. I know you will become a champion in your new journey.
  • When a chapter of your life book is complete, your spirit knows it’s time to turn the page so a new chapter can begin. Even when you’re scared or think you’re not ready, your spirit knows you are.
  • It takes a lot of strength to reinvent yourself. Turn your attention from the past, the trauma and the pain. Start dreaming what your new chapter will look like and promise yourself that you will take one step towards the new life you deserve. – Tracy A. Malone
  • Try not to waste today by continuing on the same chapter you were complaining about yesterday.
  • So many amazing opportunities arise when a chapter of our life ends. When we resign from a job that we weren’t happy in, or even get fired, it’s actually a blessing because a better experience is waiting to happen. It’s all about perspective. – Miya Yamanouchi

New Chapter Quotes for a New Beginning

Let’s look at some quotes about beginning a new chapter. These beginning a new chapter quotes will discuss hope , persistence, transformation, forte, pleasure, conquering difficult times, and achieving your aspirations. So pay a close attention to all of them.

  • Nothing is predestined. The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings. – Ralph Blum
  • A new beginning is a blank canvas ready and thirsty for paint. For many though, fear and worry come along with it. – Chaker Khazaal
  • New beginnings are exciting! They become exciting to us because they offer the promise of hope, the anticipation of change in our lives, and the prospect that our dreams will indeed come true.
  • Let go of yesterday. Let today be a new beginning and be the best that you can, and you’ll get to where God wants you to be. – Joel Osteen
  • It’s a wise man who understands that every day is a new beginning, because boy, how many mistakes do you make in a day? I don’t know about you, but I make plenty. You can’t turn the clock back, so you have to look ahead. – Mel Gibson
  • I feel a new beginning coming towards me and I’m running to it with open arms.
  • Sometimes you just have to accept the fact that things will never go back to how they used to be, and that this ending is really a new beginning.
  • Perhaps that is where our choice lies – in determining how we will meet the inevitable end of things, and how we will greet each new beginning. – Elana K. Arnold
  • Don’t be afraid of new beginnings. Don’t shy away from new people, new energy, new surroundings. Embrace new chances at happiness. – Billy Chapata
  • New beginnings are in order, and you are bound to feel some level of excitement as new chances come your way. – Oscar Auliq-Ice

New Chapter Quotes for a Fresh Start

Here are some fresh start and new beginning quotes for you. Starting a new chapter in my life quotes can help you forget what is dragging you back to your dismal past. We all know that new beginnings and fresh begins may be frightening. Most of the time, we’ve never done what we’re attempting to accomplish now. Change is natural, let it happen.

  • Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending. – Carl Bard
  • A fresh start isn’t a new place, it’s a new mindset.
  • A fresh start. A new chapter in life waiting to be written. New questions to be asked, embraced, and loved. Answers to be discovered and then lived in this transformative year of delight and self-discovery. – Sarah Ban Breathnach
  • You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down, but the staying down.
  • I discovered that a fresh start is a process. A fresh start is a journey – a journey that requires a plan. – Vivian Jokotade
  • Think of how many chances and fresh starts you have given others… Let today be the day you grant that to yourself. A new day. A fresh start. Renewed energy. Endless opportunities and blessings. Let’s make today worth remembering! – Steve Maraboli
  • And suddenly you just know it’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings. – Meister Eckhart
  • Hit the reset button. Whatever happened yesterday, forget about it. Get a new perspective. Today is a new day. Fresh start, begins now. – Germany Kent
  • And then she realized that a fresh start was hers for the taking, that she could be the woman she’s always seen on the distant horizon—her future self. One step at a time. Starting today.
  • The life is possible without the past. You can always have a fresh start with life, at any point. Each moment millions of children are born to have a fresh start with life. – Roshan Sharma

New Chapter Quotes for Life

If you want to advance in life, you must welcome change. An optimistic attitude will enable you to stretch your boundaries and uncover new chances. These next chapter in life quotes might help you get your life back on track. Starting a new chapter in my life quotes will work like a charm if you listen to them. ‎

  • Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction. – Germany Kent
  • A bridge of silver wings stretches from the dead ashes of an unforgiving nightmare to the jeweled vision of a life started anew. – Aberjhani
  • The chief beauty about time is that you cannot waste it in advance. The next year, the next day, the next hour are lying ready for you, as perfect, as unspoiled, as if you had never wasted or misapplied a single moment in all your life. You can turn over a new leaf every hour if you choose. – Arnold Bennett
  • Too much of the same is a recipe for complacency and, eventually, dissatisfaction. Change it up. Add something new to your life or revive an old favorite (good for you!) habit that you had set aside long ago.
  • A new chapter or phase is starting to your life. Remember life is an adventure to explore whilst you have fun. This is going to be great. It’s time to live your life. It’s time to change. Go for it.
  • The skeletons of the past must not hold back the dream of a new life, even though fear and regret, guilt and remorse may unsettle us during the effort to give our future a new home. – Erik Pevernagie
  • Sometimes it’s not about trying to fix something that’s broken. Sometimes it’s about starting again and building something new. Something better. – Leisa Rayven
  • Sanctification is the outcome and inseparable consequence of regeneration. He who is born again and made a new creature receives a new nature and a new principle and always lives a new life. – J. C. Ryle
  • One bad chapter in life doesn’t mean it is the end, but it is the beginning of a new chapter in your life.
  • The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want. – Ben Stein

New Chapter Quotes to Uplift You

Let’s go through some new chapter begins quotes. Encourage and boost yourself by reading these onto the next chapter quotes to put a stop to your previous failures.

  • The hardest part is starting. Once you get that out of the way, you’ll find the rest of the journey much easier. – Simon Sinek
  • Life is like a book. Some chapters are sad. Some are happy. Some are exciting but if we never turn the page, we will never know what the next chapter holds.
  • Don’t become mired in thoughts of missed opportunities. If you want to do or be something new, go for it!
  • This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind … let it be something good. – Mac Anderson
  • For a true writer, each book should be a new beginning where he tries again for something that is beyond attainment. – Ernest Hemingway
  • You’ll never get bored when you try something new. There’s really no limit to what you can do. – Dr. Seuss
  • The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are. – John Pierpont
  • Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new center of gravity. Don’t fight them. Just find a new way to stand. – Oprah Winfrey
  • Every sunset is an opportunity to reset. Every sunrise begins with new eyes. – Richie Norton

New Chapter Quotes for Instagram Captions

School isn’t the only location where you may learn and grow . The world is full with hidden treasures, unknown stories, and breathtaking landscapes. It’s natural to feel as if you’ve reached a dead end or are caught in a rut. At some time in their lives, everyone feels this way. If you’re going through anything similar, it could be time to start a new chapter in your life. A new chapter begins quotes might assist you in taking that move. ‎

  • A new chapter of my life is about to begin. – Cindy-Leigh Boske
  • Soon, I will be leaving this page and turn to the next chapter. Leaving yesterday’s pain and acknowledging tomorrow’s happiness.
  • I am done writing this chapter of my life it’s time to start a new one.
  • I’m ready for a new chapter in my life.
  • I am starting over. A new pattern of thoughts; A new wave of emotions; A new connections to the world; A new belief system in myself.
  • May your new endeavour help you discover the hidden luck within yourself.
  • Dear Universe: I’m ready to begin the next chapter of my life. Bring it on.
  • Every sunrise is a new page of the book of your life, don’t let it stay blank.
  • Every day is a new journey for me, and I feel like, in my lifetime, I’ve been blessed to experience such a lot. – Bindi Irwin
  • Time to open up a new chapter in life, and to explore a larger centre. – Lillian Russell

More New Chapter Quotes

Many of us are at a crossroads in our lives. Because there is no friction, it feels delicious and comfortable. But ask yourself if this is truly where you want to be, or if it’s just a little respite. Perhaps you have dreams that are currently dormant in the back of your mind. Was there a goal that had to be postponed due to responsibilities? Consider your options carefully and make an informed decision. Browse through these quotes about new chapter in life to get some inspiration. ‎

  • By then I had moved often enough not to have the usual illusions about a clean slate or a fresh start or a new life. I knew that I could not escape myself. And the idea of beginning again, with no furniture and no friends, was exhausting. So my happiness then is hard to explain. I am tempted now to believe that entering the life one is meant to inhabit is a thrilling sensation and that is all. – Eula Biss
  • You said this was only the beginning, I didn’t realize that meant starting a new chapter without you as part of my story. – Tanzy Sayadi
  • When you arrive where you thought you wanted to be, you’ll just begin a new journey, so enjoy each step along the way.
  • You will enrich your life immeasurably if you approach it with a sense of wonder and discovery, and always challenge yourself to try new things. – Nate Berkus
  • Again a new chapter, a different one this time saying those goodbyes, you look forward to the new with a little ache for leaving the old behind.
  • You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.
  • Take a deep breath, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again.
  • Don’t allow yourself to wake up with troubling your mind. Refuse to live backwards, see every day is a new chapter.
  • I now bring you on a new journey. A new adventure. A new experience. It is time.
  • You don’t have to leave your past to start a new life. Instead, use it to forge your beginning.

Final Thoughts on New Chapter Quotes

We hope you enjoyed the quotes about beginning a new chapter we shared with you. It’s easy to become accustomed to doing things the same way you’ve always done them, especially when everything is going your way. You have a good career that pays well, your relationships are lively, you host game nights, and on weekends you volunteer at an animal shelter.

Life is wonderful. Why mess with something that isn’t broken? Change does not – and should not – occur solely during tough times . You don’t have to wait until you dread getting out of bed in the morning to do what you’ve always wanted to do. This is what we can learn from the new chapter quotes. ‎

Did you find these new chapter in life quotes to be inspiring? Which of the new chapter quotes did you like the best? Tell us about it in the comments section below. We’d love to know everything.

141 Positive Thinking Abdul Kalam Quotes to Motivate You

119 Inspiring Saving Lives Quotes to Keep You Motivated

new journey new chapter

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80 Interesting Pink Captions for Instagram


If pink is your color, then get ready for some inspiration! These pink captions for Instagram are perfect for all your rosy-hued photos. Whether you’re posting a picture of a beautiful sunset, a stylish outfit, or a delicious treat, these captions will add the perfect pop of color to your posts.

So grab your phone, snap that photo, and let these captions do the talking. Get ready to add some pink magic to your Instagram feed!

And before we start for those looking to add a touch of contrast to their photos, check out captions for black and white photos .

Cute Pink Captions for Instagram

From playful and fun to sweet and romantic, these captions will bring a smile to your followers’ faces. So whether you’re posting a picture of a stunning sunset, a stylish outfit, or a delicious treat, these captions will add a pop of pink to your posts. Let’s spread the pink love on Instagram

  • “Everything is better in pink 💕”
  • “Life is too short to wear boring colors 💕”
  • “Paint the world pink 💕”
  • “Let’s be real, pink is always the answer 💕”
  • “Good things come in pink packages 💕”
  • “Happy thoughts and pretty in pink 💕”
  • “I was born to be fabulous and pink 💕”
  • “Pink is my signature color 💕”
  • “Add a little pink to your life 💕”
  • “Sweet as candy and pink as can be 💕”
  • “I’m a pink dreamer 💕”
  • “Pink is the new black 💕”
  • “Pink is the color of happiness 💕”
  • “Life is a beautiful shade of pink 💕”
  • “Here’s to all things pink and pretty 💕”
  • “I’m a pink addict 💕”
  • “A pop of pink is all you need 💕”
  • “Pink paradise 💕”
  • “Every day is a good day for pink 💕”
  • “Pink is a mood 💕”

Pink Outfit Captions

Add a touch of sweetness to your wardrobe with the color of the season. Pink is a versatile shade that can bring out the best in anyone, and with so many shades to choose from, there’s sure to be one that’s perfect for you.

Whether you prefer soft pastels or bold fuchsias, incorporating pink into your outfits is a fun and flirty way to make a statement. So why not add a pop of pink to your look today? It’s time to embrace your inner fashionista and show the world just how stylish you can be.

  • “Feeling rosy in pink 💕”
  • “Sweet like candy in this pink getup 🍬”
  • “Paint the town pink 💗”
  • “Rosy cheeks, rosy outfit 🌸”
  • “Pink paradise 🌸”
  • “In the pink of style 💁‍♀️”
  • “A pop of pink, a burst of happiness 💕”
  • “Pink power 💪”
  • “Blushing in pink 🌸”
  • “Pink is my signature color 🎨”
  • “Fuchsia fabulous 💖”
  • “Bubblegum dreams come true 💗”
  • “Forever in love with pink 💘”
  • “Pink is the color of confidence 💪”
  • “My heart beats for pink 💕”
  • “Blushing beauty 🌸”
  • “Pink never goes out of style 💖”
  • “Pretty in pink and ready to twirl 💃”
  • “A shade of pink that’s oh so right 💕”

Short Pink Captions for Instagram

Pink is a color that evokes feelings of love , femininity, and happiness. It’s no wonder that so many of us are drawn to it, both in fashion and on social media. If you’re looking to show off your love for pink, these captions are the perfect way to do it. From soft pastels to bold fuchsias, each of these captions captures the essence of the shade in its own unique way. So why not give your Instagram a pop of pink and share your love for this beautiful color with the world?

  • “Pink perfection 💕”
  • “Lovely in lavender 💖”
  • “Rosy outlook 🌸”
  • “Blushing beauty 💗”
  • “Dreamy in dusty rose 🌸”
  • “Forever fuchsia 💖”
  • “Pink passion 💕”
  • “Peachy keen in pink 🍑”
  • “Bold in blush 💁‍♀️”
  • “Pink and proud 💕”
  • “Sugar and spice and everything pink 🍬”
  • “Magenta magic 💜”
  • “Blooming in pink 🌸”
  • “Girly in rose 💁‍♀️”
  • “Shocking in fuchsia 💖”
  • “Pink is always in style 💗”
  • “Sweet in salmon 🍣”

Funny Pink Captions

If you’re looking for a way to add some humor to your Instagram posts, look no further than these funny pink captions. Pink is often associated with sweet and girly things, but why not turn that notion on its head with some playful and whimsical jokes?

These captions will put a smile on your followers’ faces and add a touch of fun to your feed. So why not embrace your silly side and show the world just how humorous you can be, all while paying homage to the color of the moment? Get ready to laugh in pink.

  • “Pink is the new black…or is that just my cheeks?”
  • “Feeling rosy, but not too serious 😜”
  • “Life is short, wear pink and have fun 💕”
  • “Making the world a funnier place, one pink outfit at a time 💁‍♀️”
  • “Just trying to add a little humor to the world’s pinkest day 💕”
  • “Pink and funny, just like me 💁‍♀️”
  • “Life’s too short to not laugh in pink 💕”
  • “Why so serious? Let’s put on some pink and have a laugh 🎭”
  • “Feeling tickled pink and ready to giggle 💁‍♀️”
  • “I may be wearing pink, but my humor is bold and bright 💁‍♀️”
  • “Just a girl, standing in front of a camera, in pink, asking for a funny caption 📷”
  • “Hilarious in hot pink 💕”
  • “Too much pink? Never! But maybe a little too much humor… 🤣”
  • “Funny and fabulous in fuchsia 💖”
  • “Don’t take life too seriously, especially when you’re in pink 💕”
  • “Pink and punny 💁‍♀️”
  • “A pop of pink, a dash of humor 💕”
  • “Laughter is the best accessory, especially when you’re in pink 💁‍♀️”
  • “Pink and giggly, just the way I like it 💕”
  • “Who says you can’t be serious and silly in pink? 💁‍♀️”

In conclusion, pink is a versatile and universally loved color , and these 80 captions showcase the various aspects of the hue, from its feminine and playful qualities to its bold and powerful tone. Whether you’re looking for a heartfelt or humorous way to express your love for pink, there’s a caption here for you.

So, the next time you post a photo of your pink attire or surroundings on Instagram, use one of these captions to add some personality and flair to your post. Show the world your love for this beautiful color and share your passion with your followers. Happy posting!

141 Motivational Quotes for Employees to Share with Your Team


A few wise words of wisdom in the form of motivational quotes for employees have the potential to go a long way with your employees. Set the tone and try to get your employees motivated with a simple but powerful phrase, perhaps even integrate motivational quotes for the workplace into your company culture.

As many politicians and other public speakers have proven, motivational speeches have the power to inspire nations. Albeit your team might be too small even to fill an office, using some words of motivational quotes for employees when addressing others can make the difference in spurring them on to give 110%. Encouraging quotes for workers provoke positive emotions.

Through the power of the right message, any individual can engage employees and initiate a real following that will take teams to even higher productivity levels. When motivated with motivational quotes for employees, it is more than likely that this will be evidenced in the level of commitment they put in their work and, subsequently, an increased level of quality.

Motivational quotes for employees can help to facilitate an employee achieve their goals. Often motivation and goals work in tandem. With greater motivation, the successful reaching of goals is more likely. With the successful reaching of goals, it is more likely that a boost in motivation will be evidenced.

Best Motivational Quotes for Employees All Time

Motivation reflects something unique about each of us and allows us to gain valued outcomes like improved performance, enhanced well-being, personal growth, and a sense of purpose. Best motivational quotes for employees are a pathway to change employees’ thinking, feeling, and behavior. We have added a few more reasons that illustrate the importance of motivational messages for employees in the remote workplace.

  • The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work. – Harry Golden
  • If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself. – Henry Ford
  • Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. – Joshua J. Marine
  • Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. – Arthur Ashe
  • Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much. – Helen Keller
  • If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. – African Proverb
  • You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have. – Maya Angelou
  • Your most important work is always ahead of you, never behind you. – Stephen Covey
  • The meeting of preparation with opportunity generates the offspring we call luck. – Tony Robbins
  • A diamond is a piece of coal that is stuck to the job. – Michael Larsen

Funny Motivational Quotes for Employees

Laughter is the best medicine in life, and these funny motivational quotes for employees and sayings are guaranteed to brighten the day of your employees by putting a big beautiful smile on their faces. These staff motivation quotes will help to grow your company.

  • The elevator to success is out of order. You’ll have to use the stairs, one step at a time. – Joe Girard
  • Change is not a four-letter word… but often your reaction to it is!  – Jeffrey Gitomer
  • Work until your bank account looks like a phone number.
  • Think like a proton. Always positive.
  • The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking spaces. – Will Rogers
  • The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one. – Oscar Wilde
  • You don’t get paid for the hour. You get paid for the value you bring to the hour.  – Jim Rohn
  • I choose a lazy person to do a hard job, because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.  – Bill Gates
  • Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit.  – George Carlin
  • If you think your boss is stupid, remember: you wouldn’t have a job if he was any smarter. – John Gotti

Short Motivational Quotes for Employees

If your workplace could use some motivation, try incorporating some of these short motivational quotes for employees into your office space, meetings, and more. If you’re looking for other ways to improve your company culture, these words of encouragement for employees will help you.

  • The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. – Walt Disney Company
  • A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work. – Colin Powell
  • All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work. – Calvin Coolidge
  • No great achiever – even those who made it seem easy – ever succeeded without hard work. – Jonathan Sack
  • There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. – Beverly Sills
  • If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you. – Steve Jobs
  • If you can’t fly, then run; if you can’t run, then walk; if you can’t walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.  – Martin Luther King Jr.
  • We may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated. – Maya Angelou
  • Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence. – Vince Lombardi
  • Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless. – Jamie Paolinetti

Workplace Motivational Quotes for Employees

This list of workplace motivational quotes for employees will help you show appreciation from a managerial perspective and effectively motivate and engage your employees. These motivational quotes for workplace success are the best way to encourage your employees for your company.

  • Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. – Napoleon Hill
  • A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be. – Rosalynn Carter
  • The only way to do great work is to love what you do. – Steve Jobs
  • Hard work without talent is a shame, but talent without hard work is a tragedy. – Robert Hall
  • The expert in anything was once a beginner. – Helen Hayes
  • Working hard is very important. You’re not going to get anywhere without working extremely hard. – George Lucas
  • Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it. – Henry David Thoreau
  • Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is hard work. – Stephen King
  • Goodness and hard work are rewarded with respect. – Luther Campbell
  • Once you have commitment, you need the discipline and hard work to get you there. – Haile Gebrselassie

Appreciation Motivational Quotes for Employees

Employee motivation is significantly influenced by employee performance. For an organization to achieve positive outcomes, it must create a culture and systems of work through motivational quotes for employee appreciation that facilitate every employee to thrive. No one should be left behind. Motivation can be contagious. When all members of a team feel motivated through appreciation motivational quotes for employees to achieve their goals, this contributes to a more effective and productive workforce. 

  • Hey I noticed how greatly you handled the project. You did an amazing job! Keep up the good work!
  • I really appreciate how you use your skills and talent to get the whole team ahead. Kudos to your incredible performance!
  • Thank you for being such a good example of how talent combined with great work shows off. Your consistently great performance is an inspiration to all of us.
  • Hey you are a true superstar. The work you’ve put into the project is very high level, and I’ve learned so much from collaborating with you. Thank you!
  • Dear I was really impressed by your work on the project. Thank you for being someone I can rely on!
  • OK, next time when we’ll need something done right, we’ll just skip the line and give it to you! Is there anything you can’t do? Thank you so much for your great work!
  • I just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate your work. You put a lot of effort into what you do, and it shows in your great results. Thank you so much for your dedicated performance!
  • You have the best combination of talent, skills and attitude that add up to great performance. Keep up the good work!
  • I just wanted to let you know how much the whole team appreciates you. Thank you for being such a great professional to work with.
  • Cooperating with you has shown me the value of loving what you do. Your passion for work is such an inspiration!

Motivational Quotes for Employees to Achieve Targets

These motivational quotes for employees to achieve targets are designed to help motivate employees to do their best in and out of the office. If you are looking for more ways to engage with your employees, explore our list of inspirational quotes for employees. We know engaging with your team has become even more important these days, so these quotes will help point you in the right direction.

  • Culture is about performance, and making people feel good about how they contribute to the whole. – Tracy Streckenbach
  • Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. – Lou Holtz
  • Believe you can and you’re halfway there. – Theodore Roosevelt
  • Nobody’s a natural. You work hard to get good and then work to get better. It’s hard to stay on top. – Paul Coffey
  • There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. – Colin Powell
  • You win by effort, by commitment, by ambition, by quality, by expressing yourself individually but in the team context.  – José Mourinho
  • If you light a lamp for someone else, it will also brighten your path. – Buddha
  • What good is an idea if it remains an idea? Try. Experiment. Iterate. Fail. Try again. Change the world. – Simon Sinek
  • Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.  – Vincent Van Gogh
  • Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishment toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.

HR Motivational Quotes for Employees

Inspiration isn’t always easy to come through. So, whenever employee morale is down, and motivation is running low, a collection of the HR motivational quotes for employees will help lift your team’s spirits. Motivating employees is a primary concern for any good leader. That’s why they must search for new encouraging quotes for employees to boost the morale of their teams.

  • We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. – Einstein
  • If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail. – Abraham Maslow
  • The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new. – Socrates
  • In the confrontation between the river and the rock, the river always wins…not through strength but by perseverance.
  • Excellence is the result of caring more than others think is wise, risking more than others think is safe, dreaming more than others think is practical, and expecting more than others think is possible.
  • True strength is not in showing the world how strong you are but having the strength to win the battles the world knows nothing about.
  • Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be. – Zig Ziglar
  • Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.
  • Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.
  • Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.

Work Motivational Quotes for Employees

We need to understand the concept that motivation is a constant process. Thus, building a company culture that constantly motivates and encourages employees to do better is vital. Thus, we’ve come up with a bunch of powerful motivational work quotes for employees for you to share with your team. Display these motivational quotes for work for all to see in your workplace, and maybe you could overhear a few lighthearted and positive chats about them.

  • It is the working man who is the happy man. It is the idle man who is the miserable man.
  • I’ve always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come.
  • To win in the marketplace you must first win in the workplace. – Doug Conant
  • Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, “I’m possible! – Audrey Hepburn
  • The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary. – Vidal Sassoon
  • There’s a spark in you, you just gotta ignite the light. – Singer Katy Perry
  • Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right. – Henry Ford
  • I am so impressed by your performance. You give 150% in your work! Honestly, you are such an inspiration to us all.
  • A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.  – David Brinkley
  • Start by doing what’s necessary, then what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible. – St. Francis of Assisi

Motivational Quotes for Employees and Staff

Irrespective of how employee’s day goes, these inspirational quotes for staff may definitely bring inspiration and motivate your employees. Share our positive quotes for staff with your team for a top-notch employee engagement. And let your employees feel how much you appreciate them, how much you respect their efforts, and how much you want to see them succeed.

  • Throw yourself into some work you believe in with all you heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find happiness that you had thought could never be yours. – Dale Carnegie
  • When I meet successful people, I ask about 100 questions to find out who they attribute their success to. It is usually the same: persistence, hard work and hiring good people. – Kiana Tom
  • Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.  – Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • The man who has confidence in himself gains the confidence of others. – Hasidic Proverb
  • All employees have an innate desire to contribute to something bigger than themselves. – Jag Randhawa
  • Self-respect tends to inspire respect from others. – Nathaniel Branden
  • Pay attention to those employees who respectfully ask why. They are demonstrating an interest in their jobs and exhibiting a curiosity that could eventually translate into leadership ability. – Harvey Mackay
  • Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships. – Michael Jordan
  • The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.
  • Don’t dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer.

Motivational Quotes for Employees about Teamwork

Motivating your team members with motivational teamwork quotes for employees will create a sense of belonging in your team. Since employee motivation is so important, you should work towards implementing long-lasting engagement initiatives. These teamwork motivational quotes for employees will make you stand out as a great leader and help to improve relationships with your employees.

  • Individual commitment to a group effort–that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work. – Vince Lombardi
  • Remember, teamwork begins by building trust. And the only way to do that is to overcome our need for invulnerability. – Patrick Lencioni
  • Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is a success. – Henry Ford
  • Unity is strength. . . when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. – Mattie Stepanek
  • The best teamwork comes from men who are working independently toward one goal in unison. – James Cash Penney
  • Not finance, not strategy, not technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage both because it is so powerful and rare. – Patrick Lencioni
  • To build a strong team, you must see someone else’s strength as a complement to your weakness and not a threat to your position or authority. – Christine Caine
  • One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team. – Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
  • You shouldn’t focus on why you can’t do something, which is what most people do. You should focus on why perhaps, you could be one of the exceptions. – Steve Case
  • Nobody’s going to fix the world for us, but working together, making use of technological innovations and human communities alike, we might just be able to fix it ourselves.
  • The combined results of several people working together are often much more effective than could be that of an individual scientist working alone.
  • Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.
  • Moreover, in high-performance teams, the role of the team leader is less important and more difficult to identify because all members lead the team at different times.
  • And, as the complexity of these problems increases, the consequences of ineffective solutions correspondingly increase. Thus, an understanding of teamwork is a fundamental step in assuring our future survival.
  • The word team involves the roles and relationships between people working together. It involves dealing with their work and involves teaching them how to deal with conflict when it occurs.
  • Success stories, whether by individuals or organizations, are almost always the result of collaborative effort among many people who are united by a single goal and vision.
  • The truth is that teamwork is at the heart of great achievement. The question isn’t whether teams have value. The question is whether we acknowledge that fact and become better team players.
  • Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed. It is the only thing that ever has.
  • Members of trusting teams accept questions and input about their areas or responsibility, appreciate and tap into one another’s skills and experiences, and look forward to meetings and other opportunities to work as a group.

Motivational Quotes for Employees about Success

Employee motivation is a critical aspect of employee engagement. Because each employee is different, it’s part of your responsibility as a manager to find out what motivates each team member. Success quotes for employees motivate employees to go the extra mile to ensure the success of your team. And if an employee is motivated, the behavior might spread to other members of your team. So let’s dive into this section of employee motivational success quotes.

  • By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands — your own. – Mark Victor Hansen
  • Give yourself an even greater challenge than the one you are trying to master and you will develop the powers necessary to overcome the original difficulty. – William J. Bennett
  • Every worthwhile accomplishment, big or little, has its stages of drudgery and triumph: a beginning, a struggle and a victory. – Mahatma Gandhi
  • The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work. – Elbert Hubbard
  • Review your goals twice every day in order to be focused on achieving them. – Les Brown
  • The results you achieve will be in direct proportion to the effort you apply. – Denis Waitley
  • Oh yes, the past can hurt. But you can either run from it, or learn from it. – Rafiki
  • The most important thing in life is not to capitalise on your successes – any fool can do that. The really important thing is to profit from your mistakes. – William Bolitho
  • Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm. – Winston Churchill
  • Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
  • Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor. – Truman Capote
  • Fulfillment isn’t found over the rainbow—it’s found in the here and now. Today I define success by the fluidity with which I transcend emotional landmines and choose joy and gratitude instead. – RuPaul
  • Teamwork is really a form of trust. It’s what happens when you surrender the mistaken idea that you can go it alone and realize that you won’t achieve your individual goals without the support of your colleagues.
  • A “just a job” employee does just enough to keep their job while complaining about what’s not fair or right at work. A “team player” works positively together with everyone to get the job done the best way possible. See the difference?
  • Interdependent people combine their own efforts with the efforts of others to achieve their greatest success.

Positive and Motivational Quotes for Employees and Workers

Inspiration doesn’t always come naturally, and even the most motivated employees occasionally need a boost. Employee motivation is a complex process and, as a manager, you are sometimes too busy to take the time to implement exhaustive motivational quotes for workers. In this case, these positive quotes for employees might give your employees a well-needed boost.

  • Employee engagement is all about maximizing employee productivity by creating the right conditions to motivate employees to contribute their maximum effort, skills, and knowledge. – Guy Ellis
  • Inspiration is the windfall from hard work and focus. Muses are too unreliable to keep on the payroll. – Helen Hanson
  • It is not a question of how well each process works; the question is how well they all work together. – Lloyd Dobens
  • Service is the lifeblood of any organization. Everything flows from it and is nourished by it. Customer service is not a department… It’s an attitude.
  • My biggest motivation? Just to keep challenging myself. I see life almost like one long University education that I never had — every day I’m learning something new. – Richard Branson
  • Often I feel that projects overwhelm us when we look at how many hours are involved until completion. But just getting started is usually not that difficult.  – Emily Giffin
  • The two most important requirements for major success are: first, being in the right place at the right time, and second, doing something about it. – Ray Kroc
  • We generate fears while we sit. We overcome them by action. – Dr. Henry Link
  • You can have unbelievable intelligence, you can have connections, you can have opportunities fall out of the sky. But in the end, hard work is the true, enduring characteristic of successful people. – Marsha Evans
  • As long as you keep going, you’ll keep getting better. And as you get better, you gain more confidence. That alone is success. – Tamara Taylor
  • Failure is only postponed success as long as courage ‘coaches’ ambition. The habit of persistence is the habit of victory. – Herbert Kaufman
  • Our daily decisions and habits have a huge impact upon both our levels of happiness and success. – Shawn Achor
  • I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value. – Hermann Hesse
  • Big jobs usually go to the men who prove their ability to outgrow small ones. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. – Helen Keller
  • Motivating employees to work at their full potential is the main premise of successful management. – Eraldo Banovac

Final Thoughts on Motivational Quotes for Employees

How you use these motivational quotes for employees is entirely up to you. You could use these quotes to motivate workers. You could have motivational quotes for the workplace, where you reveal them one at a time or give your employees access to a bank of existing motivational information.

The real key to success is finding some motivational strategies that encourage your employees to be more productive—then measuring and analyzing that increase in productivity. For more inspiration, see our massive list of encouraging quotes for workers.

We all need a little extra motivation sometimes. This is especially true when you’re in a management position. You have dozens of responsibilities to handle, from hiring and scheduling employees to do inventory and accounting.

Having all of these tasks to worry about isn’t always conducive to feeling motivated. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of the best motivational quotes for employees. These quotes will keep you focused and give you the extra boost you need to make it through the tough days.

51 No Pain No Gain Quotes to Keep You Inspired


Welcome to our amazing collection of no pain no gain quotes. You’ve probably heard the phrase “no pain, no gain” before especially if you prefer coming to the gym and pumping up your muscles. This means that in order to make your muscles grow, you must shred the fibres in order for them to grow back bigger and stronger. Because you’re tearing your muscles apart, this advancement generates physical pain, but these no pain no gain quotes is always there to motivate you.

In business, it is putting money in today to reap benefits later or investing time, effort, or money in something in order to obtain future results. On a personal level, it may imply putting in more effort at work. You’re undoubtedly aware that if you want to achieve something, you’ll have to work hard. Nothing good in life is possible without it and these pain and gain quotes help you to achieve your goals. You must put effort in learning new abilities when establishing a business, just as you must put effort in becoming fit. These no pain no gain quotes are here to help you out right away.

You will have to go through some suffering in order to achieve your goals. It could be physical discomfort at the gym or mental discomfort and stress at work. We have carefully curated this long list of pain gain quotes to inspire you. We hope so that you will find enough no pain no gain quotes to stay motivated and to focus on achieving your goals.

Best No Pain No Gain Quotes

It’s a general belief that it is necessary to suffer or work hard in order to succeed or make progress. For that matter, motivation is a key factor which can be achieved only through these no pain no gain quotes. Explore some best pain and gain quotes that might inspire you.

  • Everybody wants happiness, and nobody wants pain, but you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain. – Zion Lee
  • The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow.
  • Change comes with pain… But this pain later becomes a gain. To explain it well, “no pain, no gain”! Endure the pain and make a difference! – IsraelmoreAyivor
  • New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings. – Lao Tzu
  • The stretching of your faith is immediate pain that results in ultimate gain. It is in the waiting that we become who we are meant to be. – Mandy Hale
  • Pain has been never been a gain… it has been the thing which stops people. – Deyth Banger
  • Merely to live without a pain is little gladness, little gain, ah, welcome joy tho’ mixt with grief the thorn-set flower that crowns the leaf. – Dan Simmons
  • Embrace the pain to inherit the gain. – Habeeb Akande
  • If you don’t like don’t do it. But don’t forget that: NO PAIN NO GAIN. – Serge Nubret

No Pain No Gain Quotes for Instagram Captions

Find the best no pain no gain quotes from our collection which suit you best. You can download, copy and even share it on Instagram and other social media websites with your family, friends, colleagues, etc. Let’s take a look at few pain and gain quotes we’ve listed for you.

  • We cannot learn without pain.
  • Someday this pain will be useful to you.
  • Don’t quit. You’re already in pain. You’re already hurt. Get a reward from it.
  • If you want to enjoy the rainbow, be prepared to endure the storm. – Warren W. Wiersbe
  • Pain changes people but it also makes them stronger.
  • Complaining is a vain way of explaining pain without gaining relief. Keep complaints distances away from you. – IsraelmoreAyivor
  • Poetry and beauty are born out of pain. This is their glory, this is our gain. – S. Tarr
  • Rain and Pain never go in Vain! They are just tests before we see GAIN. – RVM

No Pain No Gain Quotes for Motivation

When someone experience a terrible setback in their life, such as a business failure or a devastating heartbreak. They may feel bad for a while, but with the passage of time and no pain no gain quotes, they will change and evolve into a new, better version of themselves. Let’s review some pain and gain quotes in the following section:

  • You’ve got to be centered on Christ. It’s a work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit forms Jesus within us. No cross? No crown. No pain? No gain. No way around it – if there was a shortcut, I’d know it and I’d tell ya. – John Corapi
  • When you complain, you explain pain for no gain. Endure and balance yourself through the pain, be hopeful, and persist to the end. – IsraelmoreAyivor
  • Leaders are interested in gains. However, they acknowledge that there is no gain without pain. They embrace the pain. – IsraelmoreAyivor
  • Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.
  • Remember anything you want that’s valuable requires you to break through short-term pain in order to gain long-term pleasure. – Tony Robbins
  • Short-term pain leads to long-term gain. – Charles F. Glassman
  • Atheism – Your Gain, No Pain! – Ron Barrier
  • I broke my heart for every gain, to taste the sweet I faced the pain. – Whitney Houston

No Pain No Gain Quotes for Exercise

Many individuals are unaware that these golden no pain no gain quotes applies to each and every aspect of your life including your gym, fitness, dating, finances, and mental health. Check out these pain gain quotes and get inspiration to exercise harder in order to achieve your fitness.

  • Pain is temporary, quitting lasts forever.
  • No pain, no gain. – Angela Khristin Brown
  • Endure the pain, enjoy the gain.
  • Today’s pain is yesterday’s latent gain we did not take. – Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
  • People will do more to avoid pain than they will do to gain pleasure. – Tony Robbins
  • No gains without pains. – Benjamin Franklin
  • In life what you ASPIRE will TRANSPIRE – be it Loss or Gain, Sun or Rain, Joy or Pain. – RVM
  • The Gain of Change should be More than the Pain of Change! – Rahul Badami

No Pain No Gain Quotesfor Motivational Speech

Instead of seeing setbacks as weighty bricks in your mental backpack, you’re using them to construct stairwells that will one day lead to the clouds. These no pain no gain quotes are always ready to help you out. In this section, we’ve rounded up some pain gain quotes for you to use in a motivational speech.

  • Eat bitter, taste sweet,” Frank said. “I hate that proverb.””But it’s true. What do they call it these days—no pain, no gain? Same concept. You do the easy thing, the appealing thing, the peaceful thing, mostly it turns out sour in the end. But if you take the hard path—ah, that’s how you reap the sweet rewards. Duty. Sacrifice. They mean something. – Rick Riordan
  • I’ve been burnt, once or twice, when it comes to love. But what’s there to gain when we feel no pain? – Soroosh Shahrivar
  • The Americans have the saying ‘no pain, no gain’ and that’s why they have no distance-running champions. They get down to the track with a stopwatch and flog their guts out thinking that it’ll make them a champion, but they’ll never make a champion that way. – Arthur Lydiard
  • Often the thing that brings you the most pain is the very thing that will lead you to the most gain and your breakthrough. – Jeanette Coron
  • The longer the life the more the offense, the more the offense the more the pain, the more the pain the less the defense, and the less the defense the less the gain. – Thomas Wyatt
  • You have to hurt in order to know. Fall in order to grow. Lose in order to gain. Because most of life’s lessons are learned through pain. – Boonaa Mohammed
  • A lesson without pain is meaningless. For you cannot gain anything without sacrificing something else in return, but once you have overcome it and made it your own … you will gain an irreplaceable Fullmetal heart.
  • Prefer a loss to a dishonest gain; the one brings pain at the moment, the other for all time. – Chilon

More No Pain No Gain Quotes and Sayings

Once you apply these no pain no gain quotes properly in your life, you can achieve pretty much anything you want because they carry a tons of motivation and positive energy. Let’s have a look at few pain gain quotes we’ve gathered for you:

  • Suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret.
  • The pain will leave once it has finished teaching you.
  • A man’s enjoyment of all good things is in exact proportion to the pains he has undergone to gain them. – Cyrus The Great
  • To succeed perseverance yells “pain to gain”. If you don’t take heed, you’ll end up slain!. – Manuela George-Izunwa
  • I spend long days wearing a corset – but no pain, no gain. – Phyllis Logan
  • A moment’s pain can be a lifetime’s gain. – Leo Tolstoy
  • The old Chinese proverb springs to mind – No pain, no gain. – Marian Keyes

Final Thoughts on No Pain No Gain Quotes

We hope this list of no pain no gain quotes was exactly what you needed. Start seeing your dreams in this positive light, whatever they are. Every minute of pain and anguish, just like at the gym, will be rewarded afterwards. Pain is a sign that you’re progressing, so don’t be scared to experience it. These pain and gain quotes are here to help you all the way.

The pain in your muscles will strengthen them, the pain of rejection will teach you how to approach people better, and the pain of losing $1,000 will teach you many useful business lessons. One of the unwritten laws of the universe is that if you want to achieve something big, you must put out the effort and leave your comfort zone.

All of this will secure a success for you in future. Any area of life will necessitate those difficult repetitions and efforts. No book or piece of information can ever replace the experience you gather from your own life. Only these pain gain quotes are quite helpful in achieving your goals. So remember that it’s OK to fail, it’s OK to be stressed, and it’s OK to be perplexed. It means you’re getting better. We hope you will find this collection of no pain no gain quotes useful whenever you need it.

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150 Inspirational New Beginnings Quotes for Your New Journey

December 14, 2023

May the tears you cried in 2023 water the seeds you're planting in the 2024

Starting a new journey in life? Whether you’re starting fresh after a l ife challenge, a break-up, a big move, with new job, as a student, picking yourself back up after failure, or managing through other life changes , there’s a little something for everyone. Hope you like my list of 150 Inspirational New Beginnings Quotes for Your New Journey .

Image reads: Inspirational New Beginnings Quotes in blue and green font. The text is over an image of two girls sitting on a grassy hill doing peace signs to the sky.

New beginnings can be scary! Am I right? Sometimes quotes can help give us the encouragement and hope we need to keep moving forward.

Having reset my life multiples now, I can say that overcoming life’s unexpected challenges and/or having the courage to walk away from things you never thought you would is tough.

I’ve walked away from almost every “certain” thing in my life: my marriage, house, career, friends, and beyond.

Leaving the safety of what you know and going into the unknown is terrifying. But it is also oftentimes the best thing you can do for yourself. Even if you didn’t choose it.

Stepping into the unknown can feel like taking a leap of faith off of a cliff. You don’t know if you’ll get a soft landing or not. And while I’d like to guarantee that a soft landing will be there. That’s not how life works.

Uncertain outcome or not, I’ve decided that for me – I want to live the life of my dreams. And I’m willing to take risks, leave the safety of things I “know” (but that aren’t working), and try new things in pursuit of the life of my big and bold dreams.

What do you choose?

May these motivational quotes help you with your new beginning. From fresh starts to new journeys, from overcoming failure to recovering from heartbreak, I’ve tried to put a little something for everyone.

Save your favorites. Share them with a friend or loved one. And keep cheering each other on in life. Let’s go!

Fresh Start Quotes

There’s power in starting over again. Sometimes you realize you’ve been living on auto-pilot and need a change. Sometime life pushes us into new journeys we never expected. Either way, let these quotes on fresh starts empower you to begin your new journey stronger than ever.

1. “I discovered that a fresh start is a process. A fresh start is a journey – a journey that requires a plan.” – Vivian Jokotade

2. “There is always an opportunity to start again and again, if the old ways are not working last year, look for better ways of doing it in the new year and start again afresh.” – Bamigboye Olurotimi

3. “Step out of the history that is holding you back. Step into the new story you are willing to create.” – Oprah Winfrey

"Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction." ~Germany Kent

4. “Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction.” – Germany Kent

5. “We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us. The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come.” – Joseph Campbell

6. “For what it’s worth… it’s never too late, or in my case too early, to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit. Start whenever you want. You can change or stay the same. There are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you’ve never felt before. I hope you meet people who have a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of, and if you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start over again.” – attributed to F. Scott Fitzgerald (and sometimes to Eric Roth)

"Don’t be afraid to start over. This time you’re not starting from scratch, you’re starting from experience." – Unknown

7. “Don’t be afraid to start over. This time you’re not starting from scratch, you’re starting from experience.” – Unknown

8.  “You can start anew at any given moment. Life is just the passage of time and it’s up to you to pass it as you please.” – Charlotte Eriksson

9. “Sometimes the best thing we can ask for is change, and a fresh start forces us to confront change head-on.” – Natalya Neidhart

“If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one.” – Dolly Parton

10. “If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one.” – Dolly Parton

11. “The chief beauty about time is that you cannot waste it in advance. The next year, the next day, the next hour are lying ready for you, as perfect, as unspoiled, as if you had never wasted or misapplied a single moment in all your life. You can turn over a new leaf every hour if you choose.” – Arnold Bennett

12. “Begin today. Declare out loud to the universe that you are willing to let go of struggle and eager to learn through joy.” – Sarah Ban Breathnach

13. “As long as you’re alive, you always have the chance to start again.” – Emily Acker

14. “You are never too old to start over. Every day is a chance to make changes to create the life we want.” – Karon Waddell

15. “You’ve got a chance to start out all over again. A new place, new people, new sights. A clean slate. See, you can be anything you want with a fresh start.”– Annie Proulx

Every day is a fresh start

16. “Every day is a fresh start” – Unknown

17. “Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over.” – Guy Finley

18. “Never feel guilty for starting again” – Rupi Kaur

Small Steps and First Steps Quotes

New beginnings may seem daunting. But they always start with one simple thing – taking that first step.

1. “Even the greatest was once a beginner. Don’t be afraid to take that first step.” – Muhammad Ali

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu

2. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu

3. “The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.” – John Pierpont “J.P.” Morgan

4. “We are not helpless. We all have the ability to make this world a better place. We can start with small steps, one day at a time.” – Wayne Gerard Trotman

5. “The funny thing about wishes. Sometimes all it took to make them come true was a first step.” – T.J. Klune

“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

6. “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

New Year New Beginning Quotes

The New Year is a great time for new beginnings! And if you like New Year ideas, try these New Year Journal Prompts and get my New Year Reset here .

“This is a new year. A new beginning. And things will change.” – Taylor Swift

1. “This is a new year. A new beginning. And things will change.” – Taylor Swift

2. “And now let us welcome the new year, full of things that never were.” – Rainer Maria Rilke

3. “God is so good to give us new days and New Years since He knows we need so many times to start over.” – Lacey Sturm

4. “For last year’s words belong to last year’s language, and next year’s words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning.” – T.S. Eliot

5. “We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity, and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.” – Edith Lovejoy Pierce

6. “Your birthday should be celebrated like New Year’s day, a time of welcoming a new year, a time for reflection over the past year, and a time for new goals to be set.” – Kate Summers

7. “Let this coming year be better than all the others. Vow to do some of the things you’ve always wanted to do but couldn’t find the time.” – Ann Landers

May the tears you cried this year water the seeds you're planting in the new year

8. “May the tears you cried this year water the seeds you’re planting in the new year” – Unknown

New Beginning Quotes

Ready to tackle the beginning of something new? May the quotes below help you (as one quote says) trust the magic of new beginnings.

Time to start a new chapter

1. “Time to start a new chapter” – Unknown

2. “Each sunrise brings a new day filled with new hopes for a new beginning.” – Debasish Mridha

3. “Our life is an apprenticeship to the truth that around every circle another can be drawn; that there is no end in nature, but every end is a beginning, and under every deep a lower deep opens.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

4. “Every morning a new sun greets us and our new life begins.”― Marty Rubin

5. “The beginning is the most important part of the work.” – Plato

6. “Tomorrow is a new beginning. Embrace the light of a new day, for you have a fresh chance to begin again, to make life beautiful.” – Leon Brown

"All glory comes from daring to begin.” – Eugene Fitch Ware

7. “All glory comes from daring to begin.” – Eugene Fitch Ware

8. “It’s a wise man who understands that every day is a new beginning, because boy, how many mistakes do you make in a day? I don’t know about you, but I make plenty. You can’t turn the clock back, so you have to look ahead.” – Mel Gibson

9. “Every day is a new beginning. Take a deep breath, smile, and start again.” ~Unknown

10. “Beginnings could happen more than once or in different ways.” – Rachel Joyce

"Trust the magic of new beginnings.” ~Meister Eckhart

11. “And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.” – Meister Eckhart

(Above quote is also sometimes written as “Trust the magic of new beginnings”)

12. “The magic in new beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all.” – Josiyah Martin

13. “No, this is not the beginning of a new chapter in my life; this is the beginning of a new book! That first book is already closed, ended, and tossed into the seas; this new book is newly opened, has just begun! Look, it is the first page! And it is a beautiful one!” – C. JoyBell C.

14. “No one can ever take your memories from you – each day is a new beginning, make good memories every day.” – Catherine Pulsifer

15. “Right at the end of the road, a new way will be revealed.” – Hiral Nagda

This is the beginning of anything you want

16. “This is the beginning of anything you want”

17. “Each new day is a blank page in the diary of your life. The secret of success is in turning that diary into the best story you possibly can.” – Douglas Pagels

18. “Every day is a new opportunity to begin again. Every day is your birthday.” Dalai Lama

19. “Forgiveness says you are given another chance to make a new beginning.” – Desmond Tutu

20. “The beginning is always today.” – Mary Shelley

21. “Every day I feel is a blessing from God. And I consider it a new beginning. Yeah, everything is beautiful.” – Prince

The best time for new beginnings is now

22. “The best time for new beginnings is now”

23. “We have two lives, and the second begins when we realize we only have one.” – Confucius

24. “All great beginnings start in the dark, when the moon greets you to a new day at midnight.” – Shannon L. Alder

25. “Perhaps that is where our choice lies—in determining how we will meet the inevitable end of things, and how we will greet each new beginning.” – Elana K. Arnold

And so she said: Let's begin again

26. “And so she said: Let’s begin again” – Diana Celestine

Being a Beginner Quotes

Sometimes the hardest part of starting something new is having the vulnerability to let yourself be a beginner. Many people don’t pursue their dreams or push themselves out of their comfort zones because they don’t wish to look foolish. Remember: everyone who does anything worthwhile in life has started as a beginner! It’s just part of the journey. Would you rather play it safe or go for your dreams?!

“The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried.” – Stephen McCranie

1. “The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried.” – Stephen McCranie

2. “You can learn new things at any time in your life if you’re willing to be a beginner. If you actually learn to like being a beginner, the whole world opens up to you.” – Barbara Shur

3. “Every moment is a fresh beginning.” – T.S. Eliot

4. “Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.” – Meister Eckhart

5. “The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.” – Steve Jobs

Allow yourself to be a beginner. No one starts off being excellent.

6. “Allow yourself to be a beginner. No one starts off being excellent.” – Anonymous

7. “It is impossible to get better and look good at the same time. Give yourself permission to be a beginner.” – Julia Cameron

"Be brave enough to be bad at something new." – Jon Acuff

8. “Be brave enough to be bad at something new.” – Jon Acuff

Quotes for New Beginnings After Heartbreaks and Other Life Challenges

Sometimes life pulls the rug out under you. Sometimes you see it coming and other times you don’t. Whether you’re dealing with a break-up or divorce or managing through another life challenge, may these new beginnings quotes help empower and inspire you to keep going.

1. “Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.” – C. S. Lewis

2. “I’ve learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.” – Maya Angelou

“Trust the wait. Embrace the uncertainty. Enjoy the beauty of becoming. When nothing is certain, anything is possible” – Mandy Hale

3. “Trust the wait. Embrace the uncertainty. Enjoy the beauty of becoming. When nothing is certain, anything is possible” – Mandy Hale

4. “When nothing is sure, everything is possible.” – Margaret Drabble

5. “If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.” – Paulo Coelho

6. “Set fire to the broken pieces; start anew.” – Lauren DeStefano

7. “Nothing is predestined. The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings.” – Ralph Blum

8. “Ruins, for me, are the beginning. With the debris, you can construct new ideas. They are symbols of a beginning.” – Anselm Kiefer

9. “Oh, my friend, it’s not what they take away from you that counts. It’s what you do with what you have left.” – Hubert Humphrey

10. “One of the best times for figuring out who you are & what you really want out of life? Right after a break-up.” – Mandy Hale

11. “A friend took me to the most amazing place the other day. It’s called the Augusteum. Octavian Augustus built it to house his remains. When the barbarians came they trashed it a long with everything else. The great Augustus, Rome’s first true great emperor. How could he have imagined that Rome, the whole world as far as he was concerned, would be in ruins. It’s one of the quietest, loneliest places in Rome. The city has grown up around it over the centuries. It feels like a precious wound, a heartbreak you won’t let go of because it hurts too good. We all want things to stay the same. Settle for living in misery because we’re afraid of change, of things crumbling to ruins. Then I looked at around to this place, at the chaos it has endured – the way it has been adapted, burned, pillaged and found a way to build itself back up again. And I was reassured, maybe my life hasn’t been so chaotic, it’s just the world that is, and the real trap is getting attached to any of it. Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation. ” – Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love

“New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.” – Lao Tzu

12. “New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.” – Lao Tzu

13. “Once you realize you deserve a bright future, letting go of your dark past is the best choice you will ever make.” – Roy T. Bennett

14. “What the caterpillar calls the end, the rest of the world calls a butterfly.” – Lao Tzu

15. ““The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” – “Socrates” (From Dan Millman’s book Way of the Peaceful Warrior)

16. “Even if we don’t have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there.” – Stephen Chbosky

17. “Letting there be room for not knowing is the most important thing of all. When there’s a big disappointment, we don’t know if that’s the end of the story. It may just be the beginning of a great adventure. Life is like that. We don’t know anything. We call something bad; we call it good. But really we just don’t know.” – Pema Chödrön, When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times

18. “But there’s a beginning in an end, you know? It’s true that you can’t reclaim what you had, but you can lock it up behind you. Start fresh.” – Alexandra Bracken

“I am a woman who has learned repeatedly that while rock bottom feels like the end – it’s always the beginning of something.” – Glennon Doyle

19. “I am a woman who has learned repeatedly that while rock bottom feels like the end – it’s always the beginning of something.” – Glennon Doyle

20. “Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.” – Chuang Tzu

Beginning Again Quotes to Come Back After Failure

Starting over again after a failure is a real challenge. It can be so hard to pick yourself back up.

1. “Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It’s the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

2. “Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.” – Henry Ford

3. “Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new center of gravity. Don’t fight them. Just find a new way to stand.” – Oprah Winfrey

“You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down, but the staying down.” – Mary Pickford

4. “You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down, but the staying down.” – Mary Pickford

5. “Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fail.”– Confucius

6. “Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again.” – Richard Branson

7. “Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” – Nelson Mandela

8. “For every failure, there’s an alternative course of action. You just have to find it. When you come to a roadblock, take a detour.” – Mary Kay Ash

"Fall down seven times, stand up eight" – Japanese Proverb

9. “Fall down seven times, stand up eight” – Japanese Proverb

10. “The successes and failures of yesterday are gone, today is a new day.” – Noel DeJesus

11. “Everybody, at some point in their life, has fallen down and not felt like getting back up, but you have to, no matter how difficult it is.” – Charlie Hunnam

12. “Every day is a chance to begin again. Don’t focus on the failures of yesterday, start today with positive thoughts and expectations.” – Catherine Pulsifer

New Beginnings Quotes on Love and Relationships

Starting over in love or other relationships? These quotes are for you!

Thank you for reminding me what butterflies feel like

1. “Thank you for reminding me what butterflies feel like.” – Unknown

2. “When two people meet and fall in love, there’s a sudden rush of magic. Magic is just naturally present then.” – Paulo Coelho

3. “Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.” – Bruce Lee

4. “One can begin so many things with a new person – even begin to be a better man.” – George Eliot

5. “In this new love, we are crafting a love story that defies the odds, transcending distance, time, and any obstacle that comes our way.” – Anonymous

6. “The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.” – Rumi

New Beginnings Quotes on Moving Forward

Sometimes you just know it’s time to move forward with your life. Sometimes life forces you to move forward in ways you never saw coming. Either way, may these quotes help you move forward in a hopeful and empowered way.

Keep moving forward

1. Keep moving forward

2. “Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” – Carl Bard

3. “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” – attributed to Seneca

4. “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go they merely determine where you start.” – Nido Qubein

5. “The only thing a person can ever really do is keep moving forward. Take that big leap forward without hesitation, without once looking back. Simply forget the past and forge toward the future.” – Alyson Noel

6. “The only way to get rid of your past is to make a future out of it. God will waste nothing.” – Phillips Brooks

7. “For great things do not done just happen by impulse but are a succession of small things linked together.” – Vincent Van Gogh

8. “Life is a progress, and not a station.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

9. “Maybe the path that scares you the most is the one you need to take” – Lea Androić

10. “Don’t start your day with broken pieces of the past. Yesterday ended last night. Today is a brand new day and it’s yours.” – Zig Ziglar

11. “I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring.” – David Bowie

12. “Time to bloom”

13. “The best is yet to come” – Frank Sinatra and Carolyn Leigh

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler.” – Henry David Thoreau

14. “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler.” – Henry David Thoreau

15.  “Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?” – L.M. Montgomery

16. “Change can be scary, but you know what’s scarier? Allowing fear to stop you from growing, evolving, and progressing.” – Mandy Hale

17. “Each day is a new beginning. You can start fresh, anticipating what today will bring. Or you can just settle for yesterday’s doubts, fears, or worries. Which road will you take?” – Eve Evangelista

18. “It may not be the life you imagined, but it’s your life. You came here for a reason. Is it time for you to go and begin again?” – Doug Cooper

New Journey Quotes

Ready to embark on your next life adventure? Enjoy these starting a new journey in life quotes.

1. “We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” – Walt Disney

2. “The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each new day to have a new and different sun.” – Jon Krakauer

3. “The beautiful journey of today can only begin when we learn to let go of yesterday.” – Dr. Steve Maraboli

4. “You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So get on your way!” – Dr. Seuss

Find joy in the journey

5. “Find joy in the journey” – Unknown

6. “I will not follow where the path may lead, but I will go where there is no path, and I will leave a trail.” – Muriel Strode

7. “Your life is your story, and the adventure ahead of you is the journey to fulfill your own purpose and potential.” – Kerry Washington

8. “The hardest part is starting. Once you get that out of the way, you’ll find the rest of the journey much easier.” – Simon Sinek

9. “New beginnings, no matter how scary, are worth it for all the beauty and adventure they bring” – Alice Tyszka

Say yes to new adventures

10. “Say yes to new adventures”

Encouragement to Begin Again Quotes

These uplifting Here’s to New Beginnings Quotes are ready to help empower you to pick yourself back up and begin again. You’ve got this! 

Will it be easy? Nope. Worth it? Absolutely.

1. “Will it be easy? Nope. Worth it? Absolutely.”

2. “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow know what you truly want to become.” – Steve Jobs

3. “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe

4. “Holding on is believing that there’s only a past; letting go is knowing that there’s a future.” – Daphne Rose Kingma

5. “It’s only after you’ve stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform.” – Roy T. Bennett

“Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life.” – Robin Sharma

6. “Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life.” – Robin Sharma

7. “Never Give Up”

“Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life.” – Mark Twain

8. “Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life.” – Mark Twain

9. “Very often a change of self is needed more than a change of scene” – A. C. Benson

10. “Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” – Harriet Tubman

11. “Retirement is a NEW beginning, your chance to reset life, expand on your interests, and find new opportunities for your best retired years.” – Wendy S. Fisher

12. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

13. “It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” – William Shakespeare

14. “Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go.” – Herman Hesse

“What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?” – Vincent Van Gogh

15. “What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?” – Vincent Van Gogh

16. “You can start wherever you decide to start.” – Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

17. “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” – Anais Nin

"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." – Walt Disney

18. “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney

Whatever your reason, starting fresh can be scary. New journeys can be intimidating as we enter unknown territory.

I’ve personally experienced so many new beginnings. I’ve reset my life so many times. Each time has been terrifying but worth it in the end. From getting divorced, moving cross-country, quitting my job of 16 years, starting a new business, and everything in between, I’ve gone through a lot.

Silly as it may sound to some, inspirational quotes have helped me through many of the most challenging times of my life. I hope the 150 Inspirational New Beginnings Quotes I’ve collected here help you on your new journey.

Save your favorites. Journal on the quotes that resonate with you. Share these with a friend who could use the encouragement.

Wishing you all the best on your new beginning!

More Quotes to Live By

95 Inspiring Self Worth Quotes for Women on Confidence, Self Love, and Beyond

Note: I’ve done my best to research quote authors and attributions. Please let me know if you see anything I may have missed. I’m happy to make corrections and give credit where credit is due!

Thank you for checking out my list of 150 Inspirational New Beginnings Quotes for Your New Journey. Hope you found some quotes you love!

Comment below – which is your favorite? Do you have any other New Beginnings quotes you love? I’d love to hear them!

2 thoughts on “150 Inspirational New Beginnings Quotes for Your New Journey”

Thank you 🙏👍❤️🙏

You are so welcome, Aimee! 🙂

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A Conscious Rethink

17 steps to take if you want to close one chapter in your life and begin a new one

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illustration of a man walking on a book - starting a new chapter in life

Whether you are choosing to start a new chapter in your life, or whether that choice has pretty much been forced upon you by circumstances out of your control, you want some guidance.

You’re in luck. That’s what this article will provide.

But before you do anything else…

Stop. Breathe. Feel.

Are you overwhelmed? Afraid? Excited? Panicky?

All the above?

Are your emotions all over the place?

Know that your feelings are valid. And know that they are typical for a person who is about to go through a major life change.

Below are some important tips for successfully navigating the ending of one chapter and the beginning of a new one.

Take the parts that you think most apply to you, try them on for size, implement them, and watch as they help you get through this time.

Consult a life coach to help you successfully start a new chapter in your life. Use the quick and simple form on to have qualified life coaches email you to discuss their coaching services and provide quotes.

1. Let go of the old. 

The start of a new chapter means closing the page on what felt familiar, safe, and comfortable.

In life, you can’t go back and re-live previous chapters like you would re-read a book. The only movement you can make is forward.

To unlock the full potential of the next phase of your life, you need to let go of the past . You cannot focus on moving forward and creating a new story if your hands are still tightly clasped around the old.

Moving on doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be as simple as taking one step at a time or one day at a time. Don’t focus on the past or the future. Just focus on today, right now.

2. Reflect on who you want to be.

One benefit of starting a new chapter is the freedom to be whoever you want to be.

Before you lies a chapter full of empty pages where you can write whatever you want. The power to develop yourself, design your environment, choose your supporting characters is all within your grasp.

What kind of person do you want to be?  What kind of life do you want to live? The choice is up to you. You have the freedom to be whoever you want to be, the power to evolve into the butterfly you’ve always dreamt of being.

Give yourself some time to think this through. If you’re opening a new chapter as a result of the death of a loved one, don’t rush into making any drastic decisions while you’re still grieving. This is not the time to make sweeping changes. However, don’t remain glued to the same spot as a memorial in their memory. They wouldn’t want that for you.

This step will probably require some time and space from past relationships and routines as well. You might need to take a step back from some relationships because their tenacious hold on the past won’t let you move forward.

3. Decide what you want to do.

This next step is not as overwhelming as it sounds. It isn’t about determining what you want to do for the rest of your life . Because let’s be real, most of us still have no clue what we want to do for the rest of our lives and we’re in our 30s, 40s, or even 50s.

It’s about figuring out what you’re interested in trying or doing right now . What have you always wanted to do but never did? Is there a career you’re curious to explore or a trip you’d love to take?

Are you the type of person who has always done what was expected? You’ve made all the right decisions, followed all the rules, never deviated from what was expected for a minute. But you’ve suddenly realized that you’re not satisfied with the life that you’re living. You’ve had a re-awakening and want to embrace all (well, some) of the opportunities life offers. You’re ready to flip the page on the old and leap into the new.

Before you run full steam ahead into a mid-life crisis, make a list of what you want to experience, where you want to go, what you want to do. Write everything, big or small, that you want to do in this new phase of your life.

Remember, you are the author of your life. You can do whatever your heart desires.

4. Try new things.

You know that list of things you’ve always wanted to try but just never got around to? Bring it out and dust it off. Or make a whole new list. The start of a new journey is the perfect time to cross a few things off.

That marathon you’ve always wanted to run… buy a pair of running shoes and sign up with your local running club. You’ll cross two things off your bucket list – trying new things AND making new friends.

Have you been putting off learning a new language? Well, sign up for a class at your neighborhood community college or download a language learning app. To make it extra fun, go to a restaurant that serves the cuisine of the language you’re trying to learn. People are usually pretty friendly when you are attempting to learn about their culture, so don’t be shy – try a few words or sentences out on them.

Do you want to change careers? Figure out what skills you’ll need to transition and take a course in the areas where you’re lacking. Find a mentor who can advise you on making the leap. Join online communities in your new field and learn the lingo, while expanding your professional network.

If there’s anything you’ve ever wanted to try, now is the right time to try it. Your new chapter is still unwritten. Enjoy the freedom to write whatever you want on the blank pages.

5. Go back to school.

Take a class on something, anything at all. What are you interested in or what would you like to know more about? Is it salsa dancing? Or perhaps a coding language? Could it be you’ve always wanted to learn how to be a makeup artist? Find out if there’s a class on it nearby. It doesn’t matter how silly it is, go ahead and learn about it.

While online learning is convenient, there’s something about that one-on-one interaction with fellow students and your teachers that spurs you on. You’re building new friendships, increasing your network, opening yourself up to new information and new experiences – all the tools your new journey requires.

Don’t talk yourself out of it because you think you’re too old. If you’re interested in it, that’s all that matters. Knowledge is never lost and you’re never too old to learn something new.

6. Take up a hobby.

What hobby have you been dying to try but haven’t? Maybe it doesn’t fit in with your lifestyle or the person you’ve projected yourself as being. It’s too infantile, you think (or you’ve been told). Perhaps you’ve ruled it out because it’s too expensive and money is tight. You have  so  much to do and there’s just not enough time in the day for it.

But if you could, what would you love to spend hours doing?

Is it knitting? Or painting? Does nothing make you happier than a good book and a free afternoon to read it? Perhaps you’ve always wanted to restore classic cars or build model trains sets?

Hobbies help to relieve stress and focus your mind on an activity that you love while taking your mind off things that cause you stress. You are engaged in something that you find enjoyable, leaving you feeling happier, more relaxed, and better equipped to handle your life’s transition.

Studies have shown that people who take part in leisure activities function better psychologically and physically. They showed greater life satisfaction and engagement and even had fewer signs of depression and lower blood pressure.

Your hobby is not just a waste of time. It’s helping you refuel and could prolong your life.

7. Adopt a “can do” attitude.

As you step into the unfamiliar, there’s one critical tool that you need to be successful. Without this tool, you’re doomed to fail from the start. This tool holds the key to a wonderful life experience, one that surpasses your wildest expectations.

What is this tool? A “can do” attitude. It’s as simple as that.

Have you ever noticed how confident successful people are? Their self-confidence is off the charts. They have confidence in their abilities. Some believe that there is nothing impossible for them. If you’re not careful, you’ll mistake their confidence for arrogance.

What you need to be successful in the next chapter of your life is rock-solid belief that you can do it. You need to have faith in yourself. Faith that you’ll be okay if you succeed, faith that you have the skills to succeed, but also faith that you’ll be okay if you fail.

You need to believe that what you aspire to do is possible and you have what it takes to do it.

8. Make a vision board.

Yes, yes, vision boards have been done to death. Especially at the beginning of a new year. Honestly, it’s enough to make one hate all things arts and crafts.

The only problem is… they actually work. They are physical representations of your hopes and dreams.

A vision board is a picture of what you are dreaming of inside your head. It’s your dream house or a picture of that exotic location you’ve always wanted to visit or that company you want to work for.

You’re taking the picture from within you and focusing your eyes on its physical manifestation and the emotions surrounding accomplishing that feat.

The physical act of sifting through magazines and searching for pictures that represent your new journey or destination is enough to show you that your goals are possible.

Couple that with putting the board where you can see it every day so that you are forced to come face to face with the reality of your dreams and goals.

Now if that doesn’t stoke your fires, I don’t know what will.

Make a vision board of what your new chapter will look like. Don’t get caught up in the nitty-gritty details. Allow yourself to get lost in a daydream, just like you used to when you were a kid. Get a board and put pictures on it that represent your new phase.

Take time every day to look at your board and feel the emotions you’d associate with accomplishing everything you put on it. If you put a happy couple on the board, imagine yourself in a healthy relationship, one that makes you as happy as the beaming couple in the picture. If you put a confident business person running their company on your board, imagine yourself managing your business with the same level of confidence and success the person in the picture is portraying.

Eventually, you’ll either tire of just dreaming about the things on the board and go after them, or you’ll find that doors and opportunities seemingly fall into your lap, allowing you to pursue your goals.

9. Form new habits.

The habits that got you to where you are today won’t be able to get you to where you’re going in the new chapter. A new you requires a new way of doing things. You need some new habits.

Don’t make sweeping changes. If years of failed New Year’s resolutions have taught us anything, it’s that this tactic rarely works. So only make one or two small changes at a time.

For example, if you are used to sleeping in until 10 AM and want to wake up by 6 AM to get a head start on your day, start by getting out of bed at 9:30 AM and work your way (slowly) toward your goal of 6 AM.

You’re more likely to stick to your new habits if you ease into them.

It’s important you know your “why.” Why are you forming this new habit? Why is it important to you or your goals? What do you stand to gain from this new habit?

Keep it front and center (on a vision board, perhaps?)  so you are better able to stick to it, because the payoff is worth the temporary discomfort.

Another tip is to make sure you do it every day.  A study on how people form habits revealed it takes anywhere from 18 to 254 days, with the median at 66 days! A day missed here and there will just make establishing a new habit that much longer and more difficult.

10. Purge yourself of toxic people.

A new chapter requires a new you with new skills and, often, a new support system.

It’s never easy to purge your life of toxic relationships, particularly when dealing with narcissists or other manipulative people.

But it can be even more difficult if the people you need to distance yourself from aren’t toxic in the general sense.   

The relationships you may need to reconsider are the ones that are toxic to your new way of life. You want to move on and grow, but they like the old you and way of doing things. These are people who genuinely care for and about you. During low moments of your life, they were there for you. They know who you were and love that person dearly.

But they have no desire to get to know the new you and want no part in this new journey you’re on. At every opportunity, they’re reminding you of how great things were or how you used to be, and rejecting any attempt at change.

As painful as it may be, extricating yourself from them will be a critical part of the success of this chapter.

This will be a hard task, made even more difficult because they’re not bad people. They’re just stuck in the past.

11. Be open to learning.

A new chapter requires a lot of learning. You’re learning new habits and skills that you will need for your new experiences.

Make learning a part of your daily life. Give yourself room to make mistakes, while ensuring that you learn from them.

Think back to when you were learning how to ride a bicycle. You probably fell and scraped your elbows and knees quite a bit. But the excitement of riding your bike kept you committed to learning. So every time you crashed and hurt yourself, you got back up to try all over again, only this time with a better idea of how to balance, pedal, and steer.

Adopt the resilience of a child to the new journey you’re embarking on. Let the excitement of your new chapter keep you committed to learning and moving forward. Use the mistakes you make along the way as learning aides to do better next time.

Everyone who has ever ridden a bike has fallen a few times. The same rule applies to making a mistake – everyone does it. But not everyone learns from their mistakes.

Be open to learning new skills, learning from your mistakes, learning in general.

12. Embrace the fear.

Don’t be fooled, fear will always be there. The bravest people aren’t courageous because they have no fear. They are courageous because they don’t let fear stop them.

There’s always going to be something to be afraid of. Fear of failure, of success, missing out, of making a mistake. The list goes on and on. There will not be a time when you are completely without fear and ready for the next step in your journey.

Stepping out of your comfort zone requires you to be comfortable moving forward in spite of your fear. It’s your comfort zone because it’s where you’re comfortable. You are attempting to leave where you are comfortable in the hopes of something better. That’s a big deal.

Embrace the fear causing your knees to knock together, or your heart to pound with dread. Embrace it, pick it up, and get on with it.

13. Embrace change.

Nothing stays the same forever. Sometimes that’s a good thing; other times it’s bad. Either way, the only way to make change easier to handle is to embrace it.

Live in the moment, understanding that things will change. That doesn’t mean living in fear, but living in the awareness that you may not get to experience this again. So drink it in.

Ask yourself if this is how you want to live your life or spend your time. If it is, then be present. If it is not, change what you don’t like.

Develop skills that are marketable and transferrable to any industry so your career will be adaptable to change as well. If you’re not sure what type of skills those are, do some research. Don’t wait for change to come like a freight train. Be proactive. Prepare for it.

14. Put a plan in place.

Don’t leap without counting the cost. The only way you can do this is through proper research and putting a plan in place to mitigate any risks.

If you’ve followed the above steps, you have already done more than half the research. You have a clear-ish picture of what you want to do and who you want to be.

Now write out a plan that will take you there. Although details are very important here, don’t get stuck in over-planning. You can’t plan out everything. The unexpected will still show up, regardless.

The expected you can take care of with detailed plans. For example, if you want to travel to France, plan out the trip. Call up travel agents, get a cost estimate. Do you have enough money for the trip? If you don’t, how much can you save up? Find out who your kids can stay with while you’re away or if you can take them along with you. Check if your job will give you time off.  Which sights are you going to visit?

In order to bring your goals into clearer focus, you must have a plan in place. It brings a thought, an idea, a concept into stark reality. You’re no longer dreaming about taking a trip to France, you’re taking steps toward making that dream come true.

15. Enjoy the process.

The whole point of this journey is for you to be happy and to give yourself an opportunity to enjoy life. There is no point in upending everything, changing your habits, ending relationships, and pursuing new experiences if you hate every minute.

Yes, some parts will suck, but it shouldn’t all suck. If the transition seems like an enormous chore, re-examine what you’re doing and why. Are you doing it for the wrong reasons? Have you rushed a critical step, such as letting go?

A nervous excitement should fill you as you get out of your comfort zone, learn new skills, start new relationships, etc. Nervous because everything is still unfamiliar. Excitement because your life is filled with fresh air.

Things are changing quickly. But it shouldn’t be so fast that you don’t enjoy the wind of change.

16. Be patient.

You’re changing up your status quo. Your old way of life is under attack. Everything within you and even around you is going to scream against it. It’ll be a painful change to make. But you’re equipped to do it.

You’ll have some good days, you’ll have some bad days. Some days you’ll be happy and feel on top of the world. Other days, you’ll be certain you’re having some sort of mid-life crisis, and you won’t even remember why you’re doing what you’re doing.

Be patient. Allow yourself to take it one day at a time. Give yourself room to be a fallible human.

Don’t be afraid to take teeny tiny baby steps to ease the discomfort. Break every step or goal down into manageable, bite-sized mini-steps or mini-goals. A step forward is still movement forward.

Remember: you’re not in a race against anyone. Just ensure that you consistently move toward your new reality.

17. Take time for self-care.

With changes happening all around you, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Whether you realize it, you’re under immense pressure. Life is changing, you’re changing, nothing is staying the same. It’s enough to make your blood pressure rise.

Now, more than ever, you need to take time out for self-care. It needs to be part of your new routine. Taking time out of your schedule to decompress must become a priority in this new phase.

The truth of the matter is, if this transition becomes too difficult for you to handle, the likelihood is you’ll run back to what is familiar.

Make this process of change easier for yourself by taking regular time out for your mental and emotional well-being.

Starting a new chapter in life can be as exciting as you want it to be. This next phase doesn’t have to be bad just because it’s unfamiliar. It could be your greatest opportunity for growth and the life you want to live. But that won’t happen by chance. Decide and go after what you want.

As you look over the empty pages of your new chapter, remember you are the author of your life. You determine what to write on those pages.

Still need some specific guidance on beginning this new chapter in life? Speak to a life coach today who can walk you through the change step by step. Simply fill out this short form to get quotes from several coaches along with details of how they can help.

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Deborah L. Davis Ph.D.

Are You Starting an Exciting New Chapter in Your Life?

How to embrace big changes, ease your adjustment, and boost your happiness..

Posted June 8, 2018

Deborah L. Davis

Milestones like graduation, engagement, marriage , a new baby, landing a job, getting a promotion, or moving to a dream location are exciting and happy developments. But these developments can also bring huge transition and change to your life. After all, you’re embarking on a new adventure, whether it’s the next level of your schooling, relationship, marriage, career , or lifestyle. You will confront changes big and small, which will demand that you stretch and grow. Growth is hard, even if you’re looking forward to it!

Here is a map for moving into any new chapter, with tips for finding your way, adjusting with grace, and enjoying the journey.

Deborah L. Davis

Embrace growing pains. Yes, even happy change involves lots of stretching and growing, which can be uncomfortable, tiring, and time-consuming. While getting used to your new life, your adjustment includes finding new ways to be true to yourself, figuring out how to what you really want, and feeling comfortable in your new skin. Think of growing pains as part of the adventure. And know that you’re doing great even when you’re feeling sore or exhausted.

Deborah L. Davis

Acknowledge what you’re leaving behind. Although you may be focused on all you stand to gain with this new milestone, you likely will also experience some losses. Perhaps you’re moving away from a beloved home and leaving old friends and family. If you’re gaining new responsibilities, you’re giving up certain freedoms. You might have to relinquish some of your possessions, hobbies, or favorite activities. Pinpointing your losses can help you face unexpected feelings of sadness or disappointment. And going with the flow of any grief can ease your adjustment and boost your ability to constructively fill those holes. Remember too: when one door closes, many other doors open. Keep an eye out for those open doors and the possibilities they present!

Deborah L. Davis

Expect challenges and struggle. You will be challenged because new chapters—even happy, anticipated ones—require you to get out of your comfort zone, navigate unfamiliar waters, and learn new information and skills. It’s normal to encounter some rough sailing. By expecting to struggle, you won’t worry that something is wrong with you, wonder if you’ve made a big mistake, or doubt you’re up to the task. You’re fine, you’re making progress, and you can do this!

Deborah L. Davis

Expect your adjustment to be more demanding than anticipated. Most people underestimate the difficulties involved in entering a new, exciting phase of life. That’s because we tend to underestimate the extent and magnitude of the changes involved. For example, graduation can mean going off to college or entering the workforce, which can feel daunting. If a new milestone also includes moving to a new town or a new company, more will be required of you. The first year of marriage always requires more of the couple than they dreamed possible. Even when carefully planned, pregnancy and new babies are famous for making parents rearrange their lives in ways they’d never imagined nor intended! It’s normal to think, “This is way harder than I thought it would be!” And when you're overwhelmed, you may feel disheartened. Instead, make your journey under promise and over deliver by assuming it’s going to be a super-challenging adjustment. It can also help to remember this: As you settle into your new life, the long-term benefits will far outweigh the temporary hardships of your adjustment period.

Deborah L. Davis

Be patient with yourself. Adjustment takes time. Acquiring new knowledge includes repetition. Learning new skills takes practice. You may often feel like you’re in over your head, and you may even fall overboard. More than once! Accept failure as a valuable part of the trial and error process, and a normal aspect of your learning curve. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Grant yourself all the time, practice, and support you need to adjust to your happy new life.

Deborah L. Davis

Bon Voyage!

Deborah L. Davis Ph.D.

Deborah L. Davis, Ph.D. , is a developmental psychologist and the author of 6 books, including one about perinatal hospice titled A Gift of Time.

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30 New Beginning Quotes For When It’s Time For A Change In Your Life

30 New Beginning Quotes For When It’s Time For A Change In Your Life

Every new beginning is full of excitement, expectations and adventure here are 30 new beginning quotes that show it is time for a new chapter..

New beginnings are like new adventures. They may seem hard to dive into at first, there might be obstacles on the way, but there’re also excitement and a sense of fulfillment.  

Besides, it might be just what you need. Whether it’s something you have been planning for a while or a new opportunity has arisen, now it’s the time to take action. For an extra ounce of encouragement, take a look at our selection of new beginning quotes. They will inspire you to embrace change and look forward to a fresh start.

We can’t know exactly what lies behind a change that we decide to make, but we do know how we feel about our current situation. And if it’s discontent or discomfort, then a new beginning is definitely something that you should consider.

Instead of feeling scared about the idea, try focusing on every positive thing that might come out of it. Start off on the right foot and watch things change for the better.

Here are 30 new beginning quotes that show it is time for a new chapter:

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end. SENECA ( more Seneca quotes )
Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over. GUY FINLEY
Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. ( more Martin Luther King Jr. quotes )
You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down, but the staying down. MARY PICKFORD
Be willing to be a beginner every single morning. MEISTER ECKHART
It’s a wise man who understands that every day is a new beginning, because boy, how many mistakes do you make in a day? I don’t know about you, but I make plenty. You can’t turn the clock back, so you have to look ahead. MEL GIBSON
We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come. JOSEPH CAMPBELL ( more Joseph Campbell quotes)
It is never too late to be what you might have been. GEORGE ELIOT
It’s never too late to become who you want to be. I hope you live a life that you’re proud of, and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start over. ERIC ROTH
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. LAO TZU
Every moment is a fresh beginning. T.S. ELIOT
Celebrate endings for they precede new beginnings. JONATHAN LOCKWOOD HUIE
Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently. HENRY FORD
Forgiveness says you are given another chance to make a new beginning. DESMOND TUTU
Nothing is predestined. The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings. RALPH BLUM
Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward. C.S. LEWIS ( more C. S. Lewis quotes )
Keep on beginning and failing. Each time you fail, start all over again, and you will grow stronger until you have accomplished a purpose  not the one you began with perhaps, but one you’ll be glad to remember. ANNE SULLIVAN
Sometimes we can only find our true direction when we let the wind of change carry us. MIMI NOVIC
Nourish beginnings, let us nourish beginnings. Not all things are blest, but the seeds of all things are blest. The blessing is in the seed. MURIEL RUKEYSER
The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life. STEVE JOBS ( more Steve Jobs quotes )
Perhaps that is where our choice lies in determining how we will meet the inevitable end of things, and how we will greet each new beginning. ELANA K. ARNOLD
If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one. DOLLY PARTON
There will come a time when you believe everything is finished; that will be the beginning. LOUIS L'AMOUR
Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect. ALAN COHEN
Every day I feel is a blessing from God. And I consider it a new beginning. Yeah, everything is beautiful. PRINCE
The magic in new beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all. JOSIYAH MARTIN
Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born. DALE TURNER
Let go of yesterday. Let today be a new beginning and be the best that you can, and you’ll get to where God wants you to be. JOEL OSTEEN
Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet? L.M. MONTGOMERY ( more Lucy Maud Montgomery quotes )
The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new. DAN MILLMAN

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Pamela Anderson has it all: beauty, fame and success. So why can’t the most famous blonde find her fairytale ending? Why is Pamela so unlucky in love and what dark secrets lie behind her seemingly glamorous life?

The Many Marriages of Pamela Anderson

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Pamela Anderson had a fairytale look at weddings from a young age. "I'd meet somebody, fall in love, and it would just be very romantic and it would be love at first sight."

But sadly, none of her nine weddings led to that dream relationship for the 56 year old actress.

While she looks to have found peace and calm in her later years, Anderson's previous relationships were fraught with abuse, drugs, and fear.

How many husbands did Pamela have over the years?

Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee (1995-1998, 2008-2010)

The bad-boy of rock, Motley Crue drummer Tommy Lee, was the first man to sweep Anderson off her feet. The two stars had a whirlwind relationship that resulted in sons Brandon and Dylan. But what was once a fairytale marriage was also incredibly 'tragic,' ending in Tommy Lee being charged with spousal and child abuse.

While the Baywatch babe refers to Tommy Leed as "the only man I ever really loved was Tommy Lee," the two were not able to make it work.

Anderson and Kid Rock (2001-2003, 2006)

Anderson married the controversial rapper and musician a total of four times, though she knew it was a mistake, "right when I got married."

It looks like there was no love lost, as both have confirmed they never spoke again after the split.

Pamela Anderson and Rick Salomon (2007, 2013-2015)

Rick Salomon made a name for himself as a sometimes actor and poker player. Salomon turned out to have a serious drug addiction which Anderson only discovered when she found his crack pipe in the Christmas tree. Their marraige was annulled but they reconciled in 2013, thought the second marriage was short-lived.

Pamela Anderson and Jon Peters (2020) Kind of...

While it turned out the two never had an official marriage certificate, Anderson did announce her marraige to movie producer Jon Peters. Husband number five didn't last long, just a mere 12 days before the two split.

Pamela Anderson and Dan Hayhurst (2020-2022)

Anderson met her last husband, Dan Hayhurst, when he was the contractor for her house. The marriage survived two years before they went their separate ways.

"You know, it was more like trying to put a family unit back together. But I wasn't really in love. I just was going through the motions and then realizing, I have nothing in common with this person. Like I was putting people in my life to kind of numb some of the pain or be with someone, companionship, but nothing nothing healthy."

Rude Customer Has a Disagreement Over $6 - Teen Employees Have the Perfect Response

Teens Applauded For the Way They Handled This Angry Customer

Working in customer service can be challenging, especially when you’re dealing with rude and demanding clients. That’s particularly true for some teens, who work these jobs for part-time money and are often bullied by adults. Perhaps that’s why people are applauding these teen girls for the way they expertly handled an over-the-top customer.

An Angry Customer

It was a tough day for employees at Keke’s Snow Balls in Texas when an angry woman approached the window. She had placed a pickup order for a snow cone and because of a shift change, the snow cone wasn’t ready. Two days later, the customer came back and demanded a refund of $6.

A girl named Victoria was working the counter and listened to the woman’s complaints. According to Inside Edition , it was immediately clear this woman didn’t want to resolve things in the right way, and was trying to pick a fight. Another employee named Kaeley overheard it all.

“I was just listening in the back and, eventually, I could just hear she’s angry the whole time. So I was like, clearly she just wants to have a problem,” Kaeley recalled to the publication. “And I’m not about that, so I was like, ‘Okay let me just go give her $6 and we can move on, move past this.’ It was $6.”

An Unexpected Turn

At that point, the situation should have been resolved. However, Kaeley noticed the sign outside the window had fallen over during the dispute. So, she opened the window to fix it. That’s when the woman came by, slapped the sign out of the 17-year-old girl’s hand, and called her a derogatory name.

“M’am, please don’t act like that. You’re a grown woman,” Kaeley responded in a video that the restaurant then posted to TikTok . “You’re a grown woman. I’m 17. Get out of here. Don’t come back. Don’t come back. We don’t need your business.”

“I was scared and very confused,” Victoria added. “I wasn’t understanding what was going on.”

A Brilliant Online Reaction

After the owner posted the video online, it went viral and many people reached out to support the girls for their perfect reaction to the customer.

“People were traveling to come and see us from hours away,” the owner, Kyle, told Inside Edition . “We had people reaching out to us on TikTok asking how to tip the girls. We even had people going and leaving Google reviews that haven’t even been to the shop, saying they’re so proud of the girls and how they dealt with it,” he continued.

Kyle explained that he posted the video to remind everyone that the employees behind the counter are people, too. Adults, in particular, should try to remember that oftentimes, these are kids working to save up for cars, school, and other big life steps.

“Mistakes happen, but for you to go up and act like that as an adult, my whole point in uploading that video is to simply remind us all that we need to treat people better,” Kyle added.

"I am proud of the way our supervisor handled the situation," he added in the initial post . "We must strive for better behavior and respect in all interactions. It’s all about just being a kind person and approaching every situation with willingness to come to a good resolution."

We Are All the Same

As Kyle himself said, mistakes happen and no one is perfect. But demanding perfection of others can be a very lonely way to live. Rather than getting upset over an honest mistake and making someone feel bad or yelling at them, lead with grace and understanding. Not only will you help someone else feel respected, but you’ll probably get a better result from the situation, too.

When life doesn’t go our way, it can be easy to overreact or blame someone else. But by remembering that mistakes happen and this too shall pass, we can all live a little more peacefully.

Many of us are in these jobs because we’re trying to provide for our families or ourselves and our futures. Going to work can be hard enough, so remember to thank those who help you in the customer service industry and to tip well when appropriate. After all, we all want to feel appreciated at work.

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40-Year-Old Mother of 3 Goes From Inmate to Princeton Intern

Life can take us down unexpected and scary roads. Sometimes, we don’t know how to get off those roads and begin the climb to a better future. As this mom proved, however, anything is possible with a second chance and a little determination .

A Former Inmate

Woman goes from inmate to Princeton intern.

Mary McCrary is a 40-year-old mother of three who spent three years in prison. According to Good Morning America , she served time at the Debra K. Johnson Rehabilitation Center in Nashville for a parole violation following a conviction for aggravated burglary.

McCrary dropped out of high school in Grade 10 and has since successfully pursued her GED, but it wasn’t until prison that she began thinking about further education . She hit a breaking point behind bars and decided it was time to turn her life around.

“When you get to a point where you're tired and don’t even want to live and you're hopeless and you feel useless and worthless, you have a decision to make,” she told the publication.

“I made the decision to use this time to do something different, to change my life, because I didn’t want to keep doing the same things and getting in trouble and ... doing whatever I had to to survive because it gets you in the exact same place.”

So, McCrary enrolled in a coding class as part of the center’s Persevere program, an initiative aimed at helping inmates earn certifications as front-end or full-stack web developers.

“The class alone made you feel like you’re a human being, that I was working towards something, that there is a goal in sight, I am going to accomplish something, and I did,” she added. “That does give you confidence and hope.”

A Life-Changing Opportunity

For the next six months, McCrary earned her certificate in front-end coding. She decided to develop her skills even more by enrolling at Nashville State Community College, which offers a program for inmates.

This past May, McCrary was granted parole, completed her supervision, and earned extra credits toward an associate’s degree. But not even she could anticipate what would happen next: an internship at Princeton.

The nine-week program is meant for formerly incarcerated undergrad students to gain experience and new opportunities, and so far, McCrary is excelling.

“Her dedication to building her future is evident in how she does not shy away from challenges and the unknown,” Bridgett vonHoldt, an associate professor at Princeton and the head of the internship program said. “She is a role model, demonstrating for anyone who thinks such change is impossible that nothing is impossible.”

As for McCrary, she knows this is an incredible opportunity and hopes the internship is the next step toward earning her AA degree back in Nashville.

“This has been life-changing in more ways than one. This is an unbelievable, sometimes overwhelming experience,” she said. “If you look at my past, it's a crazy shamble mess, but look now, look what can happen. Nothing is ever impossible.”

Second Chances

McCrary hopes to be a role model for those who are having a hard time accepting the idea of a brighter future and so far, she certainly is. She’s a great example of how things can get better and you can change your future when you’re willing to take advantage of the opportunities you have — even if they don’t seem like opportunities at the time.

This story is also a needed reminder that everyone deserves a second chance in life and that sometimes, by allowing someone who has messed up the chance to try again, they may surprise you.

No one is perfect, and everyone stumbles. It’s not how hard we fall that truly matters in life; it's how we pick ourselves back up. But it’s also up to us whether we want to be the person who lends someone on the ground a helping hand or if we want to be the guy who just keeps on walking.

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45 New Beginning Quotes to Inspire You Every Day

Welcome to a brand-new day and a brand-new you.

preview for 10 Quotes For a Happy Life

As philosopher Heraclitus famously said, "The only constant in life is change." That truth presents us with countless new beginnings, whether we're kicking off a new year, starting a new job, or jumping into a new relationship. Every day the sun rises is a new beginning, and that's a reason to be excited! But change and new beginnings can also be scary. When you're approaching a new situation, it can be helpful to reflect on the new opportunity you're facing. Take a deep breath and read through these new beginning quotes for inspiration to take that first step.

Need more inspo? Check out these motivational Monday quotes and self-love quotes to get your new week, new day, or new everything started off on the right foot. Reflect on quotes about gratitude and think some happy thoughts about all the things you have experienced. Spend some time reading Bible verses about change too. Tally the lessons learned and think about how you can apply them to the new and exciting things to come.

Mary Shelley

new beginning quote by mary shelley

"The beginning is always today."

Louisa May Alcott

new beginning quote

"I make so many beginnings there never will be an end."

L.M. Montgomery

new beginning quote

"Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?"

new beginning quote

"never feel guilty for starting again"

Charlotte Eriksson

new beginning quote

"You can start anew at any given moment. Life is just the passage of time and it’s up to you to pass it as you please. ”

Emily Acker

new beginning quote

"As long as you’re alive, you always have the chance to start again."

Karon Waddell

new beginning quote

"You are never too old to start over. Every day is a chance to make changes to create the life we want."

Susan Rebecca White

new beginning quote

"What a seductive belief—that one can start fresh simply by jettisoning one’s history, that one can leave all that is painful or unsavory behind."

Richelle E. Goodrich

new beginning quote

"The direction you choose to face determines whether you’re standing at the end or the beginning of a road."

Lacey Sturm

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"God is so good to give us new days and New Years since He knows we need so many times to start over."

Chinonye J. Chidolue

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"Though we may not have reached the heights we anticipated yesterday, today is a brand new day to begin a new climb."

Germany Kent

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"Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction."

Doug Cooper

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"It may not be the life you imagined, but it’s your life. You came here for a reason. Is it time for you to go and begin again?”

Debasish Mridha

new beginning quote

"Each sunrise brings a new day filled with new hopes for a new beginning."

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"The funny thing about wishes. Sometimes all it took to make them come true was a first step."

Hiral Nagda

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"Right at the end of the road, a new way will be revealed."

Mehmet Murat Ildan

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"The best thing about existence is that any moment in time can be a point of beginning to anything!"

Adam Scythe

new beginning quote

"Things change, so I have to change too."

new beginning quote

"Every new beginning comes from other beginning’s end."

Jessica Edouard

new beginning quote

"Every morning’s dew is a fresh breath of a new beginning."

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60 Inspiring New Journey Quotes for Adventures Ahead

new journey new chapter

Embarking on a new journey can be both exhilarating and daunting. Whether you’re stepping into a new chapter in your life, career, or personal growth, it’s a path filled with unknowns.

That’s why we’ve curated a collection of new journey quotes to inspire and guide you through these uncharted waters. These pearls of wisdom are more than just words; they’re beacons of light designed to motivate and encourage you as you navigate your way forward.

Understanding the power of a well-placed quote can make all the difference when you’re facing the uncertainties of a new beginning.

Each quote in our collection has been carefully selected to resonate with the adventurers, dreamers, and believers in all of us.

They serve as reminders that every journey starts with a single step and that the most rewarding paths are often the ones we’ve yet to explore. So, let’s dive in and discover the quotes that will become your companions on this exciting journey ahead.

Quotes to Inspire Your New Journey

Embarking on a new journey can be daunting, but the right words can light your path. These carefully selected quotes are grouped by themes, offering inspiration for each phase of your adventure. Let these words be your guide as you step into the unknown.

Courage Quotes for the Initial Leap

  • “Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.” – Nelson Mandela
  • “You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.” – Rabindranath Tagore
  • “The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.” – Tony Robbins
  • “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” – E.E. Cummings
  • “Do one thing every day that scares you.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Motivational Quotes for Overcoming Challenges

  • “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.” – C.S. Lewis
  • “The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.” – Chinese Proverb
  • “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow.” – Unknown
  • “Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.” – Rikki Rogers
  • “Life is a journey that must be traveled no matter how bad the roads and accommodations.” – Oliver Goldsmith
  • “The only journey is the one within.” – Rainer Maria Rilke
  • “Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien
  • “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu
  • “Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life.” – Jack Kerouac

Embrace these quotes as you embark on your new journey. Let the courage quotes nudge you off the ledge of comfort, the motivational ones fuel your resilience, and the reflective sayings remind you to appreciate the path you’re on. Each word is a stepping stone towards becoming the hero of your own story.

Quotes on Embracing Uncertainty

Embarking on a new journey often comes with its fair share of uncertainty. It’s the unknown that can be the most daunting yet exhilarating part of starting afresh.

Embracing uncertainty isn’t just about bravely charging into the fog; it’s about recognizing the beauty and possibilities that lie within the mysterious. Below, you’ll find quotes that encapsulate the essence of venturing into the unknown with an open heart and mind.

Courage Quotes for Navigating the Unknown

  • “The only thing that makes life predictable is the unpredictability.” – Unknown
  • “You can’t be brave if you’ve only had wonderful things happen to you.” – Mary Tyler Moore
  • “It’s not the fear of the unknown. It’s the excitement of exploration.” – Uncharted Territories
  • “Where there is no certainty, there is endless possibility.” – Mandy Hale
  • “To dare is to lose one’s footing momentarily. To not dare is to lose oneself.” – Søren Kierkegaard
  • “The unknown always holds the greatest treasure.” – Unknown Explorer
  • “Fear is only as deep as the mind allows.” – Japanese Proverb
  • “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.” – Mark Twain
  • “Embrace uncertainty. Some of the most beautiful chapters in our lives won’t have a title until much later.” – Bob Goff
  • “The fear of the unknown is the silence before the sunrise.” – Unknown Dawn

Opening oneself up to the uncertain aspects of a new journey can lead to profound growth and unexpected adventures.

Let these quotes guide you as you navigate through the fog of the unknown. Remember, it’s in the moments of decision that your destiny is shaped. Use these insights to fuel your journey with optimism, courage, and an eagerness to discover what lies beyond the familiar.

Rather than viewing uncertainty as a daunting obstacle, see it as a path to creativity, learning, and unparalleled experiences. Keep these quotes close at hand, and let them remind you that every step into the unknown is a step towards defining your story.

Quotes for Courage and Resilience

Embarking on a new journey often demands more than just a leap of faith. You’ll need an armor made of courage and resilience to navigate through the uncertainties that lie ahead. These quotes are designed to be your beacon, lighting the path with wisdom encapsulated in words.

Courage Quotes to Ignite Your Inner Fire

  • “Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow.’” – Mary Anne Radmacher
  • “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” – E.E. Cummings
  • “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.” – Nelson Mandela
  • “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” – T.S. Eliot

Bold these quotes in your memory, for they are the whispers of strength in moments of doubt.

  • “Resilience is knowing that you are the only one that has the power and the responsibility to pick yourself up.” – Mary Holloway
  • “The human capacity for burden is like bamboo – far more flexible than you’d ever believe at first glance.” – Jodi Picoult
  • “No matter how much falls on us, we keep plowing ahead. That’s the only way to keep the roads clear.” – Greg Kincaid
  • “She stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails.” – Elizabeth Edwards
  • “You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.” – Margaret Thatcher

These resilience quotes serve as a reminder that your strength lies in your ability to recover and adapt, no matter the adversity you face.

Immerse yourself in the wisdom of these quotes, and you’ll find the courage and resilience you need to embark on your new journey with confidence. Let them guide you, inspire you, and remind you of your inner strength and the endless possibilities that await.

Quotes on Growth and Transformation

Embarking on a new journey often means stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing growth and transformation.

This process, while exhilarating, can also be fraught with uncertainty and challenges. The following quotes have been carefully selected to inspire you to see the beauty and strength in change, encouraging you to grow and evolve on your path.

Growth Quotes

As you stand on the brink of new beginnings, remember that growth is not always easy, but it’s necessary for your journey. These quotes aim to light that path of growth for you:

  • “Growth is painful. Change is painful. But, nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.” – Mandy Hale
  • “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” – Alan Watts
  • “We can’t become what we need to be by remaining what we are.” – Oprah Winfrey
  • “Growth and comfort do not coexist.” – Ginni Rometty
  • “There is no growth without change, no change without fear or loss, and no loss without pain.” – Rick Warren

Transformation Quotes

Transformation is at the heart of every new journey. It’s about shedding the old to embrace the new. Let these quotes inspire your metamorphosis:

  • “Transformation is a process, and as life happens there are tons of ups and downs. It’s a journey of discovery.” – Rick Warren
  • “And suddenly you just know it’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.” – Meister Eckhart
  • “What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.” – Richard Bach
  • “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” – Marcel Proust
  • “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin

As you navigate through your new journey, let these quotes on growth and transformation serve as reminders that change is not only inevitable but essential for personal evolution.

Whether you’re facing the unknown with trepidation or excitement, remember that each step forward is a step toward a new version of yourself. Embrace the journey with an open heart and mind, and allow these words to guide you through the valleys and peaks of your own transformation.

Encouraging Quotes for the Road Ahead

Embarking on a new journey often feels like standing at the brink of the unknown. It’s a mix of excitement, fear, and hope—emotions that, if harnessed correctly, can drive you towards unprecedented growth and success.

To help you stay inspired and confident as you navigate this path, we’ve compiled a selection of quotes that speak to the heart of the adventure. Each quote is a beacon of wisdom, shedding light on the importance of courage, perseverance, and the belief in one’s ability to overcome obstacles.

Quotes on Bravery and Taking the First Step

  • “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” -Lao Tzu
  • “Fear is only as deep as the mind allows.” – Japanese Proverb
  • “Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.” – Paulo Coelho
  • “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” – Nelson Mandela
  • “You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Quotes on Perseverance and Persistence

  • “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston S. Churchill
  • “The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking spaces.” – Will Rogers
  • “Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other.” – Walter Elliot
  • “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” – Confucius
  • “A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence.” – Jim Watkins
  • “Adaptability is about the powerful difference between adapting to cope and adapting to win.” – Max McKeown
  • “Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.” – Robin Sharma
  • “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin
  • “Life is about change. Sometimes it’s painful. Sometimes it’s beautiful. But most of the time, it’s both.” – Lana Lang
  • “Embrace uncertainty. Some of the most beautiful chapters in our lives won’t have a title until much later.” – Bob Goff

Final Thoughts

Embarking on a new journey can be both exhilarating and daunting. But remember, it’s your courage, perseverance, and belief in yourself that will guide you through.

The quotes shared aim to be your beacon of inspiration, urging you to take that first brave step, to adapt, and to keep moving forward, no matter the obstacles.

Let these words remind you of the beauty in transformation and the strength you possess to navigate the uncertainties ahead. Here’s to your new beginnings and the remarkable journey you’re about to undertake.

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100 Best New Chapter Quotes About Embracing A Fresh Start

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Inspirational Quotes About New Beginnings

New chapter in life quotes, quotes about new beginnings and starting over, new beginning quotes and messages, fresh start and new beginning quotes, enlightening quotes about new beginnings, new beginning quotes to forget the past.

A new beginning welcomes new opportunities and excellent moments that may change your life.

It gives you an opportunity to get out of your comfort zone and start life over. New beginnings might facilitate the most creative period of your time.

A new year resembles new beginnings in life. It is a time when people end their ties with distant past to embrace a new and optimistic future.

A peek into the fresh chapters of life helps us forget all the disappointments of our past life and accept the new perspectives and changes that hold exciting possibilities for our future.

To start this new chapter in life you need to take the necessary actions that will help you reach closer to your dreams and goals.

You can start by reading these new year-new beginning quotes and start a new chapter quotes that will motivate you to take the required steps. So let these quotes bring something in your life to make a new beginning or start off a day with a change.

Check out the article on new day quotes and quotes about starting over too.

Here are some quotes about new beginnings and starting a new chapter quotes that will inspire you.

1. "Once you realize you deserve a bright future, letting go of your dark past is the best choice you will ever make."

- Roy T. Bennett.

2. "There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. Yet that will be the beginning."

- Louis L'Amour.

3. "It always seems impossible until it is done"

- Nelson Mandela.

4. "I realize there’s something incredibly honest about trees in winter, how they’re experts at letting things go."

- Jeffrey McDaniel.

5. "Sometimes we can only find our true direction when we let the wind of change carry us."

- Mimi Novic.

6. "Beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it is the middle that counts the most."

- Sandra Bullock.

7. "What the caterpillar calls the end, the rest of the world calls a butterfly."

8. "I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning."

- J. B. Priestly.

9. "It turned out that sometimes it’s enough to start doing things differently now."

- Laini Taylor.

10. "Giving so that others may be helped is a purpose of life that we should all embrace."

- Byron Pulsifer.

11. "Do or do not. There is no try."

12. "Oh yes, the past can hurt. But you can either run from it, or learn from it.”

13. " Why let go of yesterday? Because yesterday has already let go of you.”

- Steve Maraboli.

14. “Nothing is predestined. The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings.”

- Ralph Blum.

15. "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end."

A new year holds opportunities to start a new chapter in your life. Below is a list that includes starting a new chapter in my life quotes and new chapters quotes that you will like.

16. “You’ll have bad times, but it’ll always wake you up to the good stuff you weren’t paying attention to.”

- Robbin Williams.

17. “Every day is a new beginning. Treat it that way. Stay away from what might have been, and look at what can be.”

- Marsha Petrie Sue.

18. "Just be who you are, and everything falls into place.”

19. "Forgiveness says you are given another chance to make a new beginning."

- Desmond Tutu.

20. “I discovered that a fresh start is a process. A fresh start is a journey – a journey that requires a plan.”

– Vivian Jokotade.

21. "You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down, but the staying down.”

- Mary Pickford .

22. "I don’t regret the things I’ve done, but those I did not do. ”

- Lucas, 'Empire Records'.

23. "A new day: Be open enough to see opportunities. Be wise enough to be grateful. Be courageous enough to be happy.”

- Dr. Steve Maraboli.

24.  “Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold with the handle of anxiety handle of faith.”

- Henry Ward Beecher.

25. “Not an hour or another day, but at this moment with my arms outstretched, I need you to make a way.”

- Smokie Noetful.

26. "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”

- Carl Bard

27. “The beginning is always today.”

- Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.

28. "We know we had to leave but did I make the most of every day.”

- Four years.

You will find here some of the best starting over quotes and begin again quotes that will empower you.

29. “I'm so, I'm so reborn, I'm movin' forward.”

- Kids See Ghosts.

30. “A time comes when you need to stop waiting for the man you want to become and start being the man you want to be.”

- Bruce Springsteen.

31. “Life is about change, sometimes it’s painful, sometimes it’s beautiful, but most of the time it’s both.”

- Kristin Kreuk.

32. "Don't waste it with a false start of no start at all. You were not born to fail."

- Og Mandino

33. “Gone are the clouds that had me blind, it's gonna be a bright sunshiny day,”

-Johnny Nash.

34. "Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction."

- Germany Kent.

35. “It’s never too late to become who you want to be. I hope you live a life that you’re proud of, and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start over.”

- F. Scott Fitzgerald.

36. “The magic in new beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all.”

- Josiah Martin.

37. "You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.”

- C. S. Lewis

38. "No one can ever take your memories from you – each day is a new beginning, make good memories every day.”

- Catherine Pulsifer.

39. “All we can do is our best. And sometimes the best that we can do... is to start over.”

- Hayley Atwell.

40. "When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about."

- Haruki Murakami.

41. “Set fire to the broken pieces; start anew.”

- Lauren DeStefano.

42. “Begin today. Declare out loud to the universe that you are willing to let go of struggle and eager to learn through joy.”

- Sarah Ban Breathnach.

Here is a list for embracing new chapters in life quotes.

43. "Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."  

- Martin Luther King Jr.

44. “Every story has an end. But in life, every ending is just a new beginning.”

- Dakota Fanning.

45. "Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect."

- Alan Cohen.

46. “Carpe diem. Seize the day , boys. Make your lives extraordinary.”

- Robin Williams, 'Dead Poet's Society'.

47. "End is the beginning”

- Adam, 'Dark'.

48. " Start over. Erase that picture right now!”

- Darce Montogomery.

49. “The struggles we endure today will be the ‘good old days’ we laugh about tomorrow.”

- Aaron Lauritsen.

50. "I feel so alive with you by my side.”

- Daydreamer.

51. “It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life for me, and I’m feeling good.”

- Nina Simone , 'Feeling Good'.

52. “The secret to change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”

- Socrates.

53. “A man sees in the world what he carries in his heart.”

- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe.

54. “When faced with a challenge, happy families, like happy people, just add a new chapter to their life story that shows them overcoming the hardship.”

- C. JoyBell C.

55. “New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.”

Encourage yourself by going through these quotes about new beginnings to put an end to your past failures.

56. “The very things that hold you down are going to lift you up. ”

57. “As you start this day, make positive memories to store away.”

58. "We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us."

- Joseph Campbell.

59. "New beginnings are available to all of us over fifty times a year; they are called Mondays."

60. “Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.”

- Dale Turner.

61. “The greatest power you possess in life is your understanding that life gives you a fresh start any moment you choose.”

- Guy Finley.

62. “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go. They merely determine where you start.”

- Nido Qubein.

63. "Everything is possible, even the impossible.”

- Mary Poppins, 'Mary Poppins Returns'.

64. "See, life is a journey and every chapter is very interesting."

- Zeenat Aman.

65. "Time to open up a new chapter in life, and to explore a larger centre."

- Lillian Russell.

66. "Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.”

- Meister Eckhart.

67. "Morning will come, it has no choice."

- Marty Rubin

68. “This isn't the end of anything. It's the beginning of everything!”

Here are some great quotes about new beginnings that will enlighten people and add to their wisdom:

69. "Seek ye first the good things of the mind, and the rest will either be supplied or its loss will not be felt."

- Sir Francis Bacon.

70. “I've got to break free.”

71. “Recreate your life, always, always. Remove the stones, plant rose bushes and make sweets.Begin again.”

- Cora Coralina.

72.  “It is not our abilities that show what we truly are… it is our choices.”

- Dumbledore, 'Harry Potter And The Chamber of Secrets'.

73. “In the end you start thinking about the beginning.”

- Brad Pitt.

74. "I am the captain of my boat, so I steadily sail and hope not to fail.”

- Dizzee Rascal.

75. "Wanna be Startin’ Somethin’.”

- Michael Jackson.

76.  “Every moment is a fresh beginning.”

- T.S. Eliot.

77. “Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It’s the courage to continue that counts.”

- Winston Churchill.

78. “A beginning is a very delicate time.”

- Virginia Madsen.

79. "Let go of yesterday. Let today be a new beginning and be the best that you can, and you’ll get to where God wants you to be."

- Joel Osteen

80. “A Sunrise is God’s way of saying, 'Let’s start again'.”

– Todd Stocker.

81. "Every sunset is an opportunity to reset."    

- Richie Norton.

82. "Tough times don’t last. Tough people do.”

- Robert H. Schuller.

83. “The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.”

-Steve Jobs.

84. "If you focus on what you left behind, you will never be able to see what lies ahead.”

- Ratatouille .

These quotes about a new beginning will help you forget the thing that pulls you back to your disappointing past.

85. “He knows he will be born again, and start fresh anew.”

- Dejan Stojanovic.

86. “Sooner or later we’ve all got to let go of our past.”

- Dan Brown.

87, “You will evolve past certain people. Let yourself.”

- Mandy Hale.

88. “Champions keep playing until they get it right.”

- Billie Jean King.

89. “I know what I have to do now, I’ve got to keep breathing because tomorrow the sun will rise. ”

- William Broyles, 'Cast Away'.

90. "Good seasons start with good beginnings."    

- Sparky Anderson.

91. “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

92. "We’re gonna get it, get it together, I know.”

- Coldplay.

93. “The future begins today.”

- Wayne Gerard Trotman.

94. “There's a place in your heart...and this place is brighter than tomorrow.”

95. “Arriving at one goal is the starting point to another.”

- John Dewey.

96. “Run, Forrest, run!”

- Jenny Curran, 'Forrest Gump'.

97. "All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them."

- Walt Disney.

98.  "History is dependent on the new generation to write a new chapter."

- LaMelo Ball.

99. “The present changes the past. Looking back you do not find what you left behind.”

- Kiran Desai.

100. "Here comes the sun and I say it's alright.”

- The Beatles.

Here at Kidadl , we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for new beginning quotes then why not take a look at new month quotes , or [ quotes about overcoming obstacles ].

We Want Your Photos!

More for you, 50+ feet quotes, 71 best never forget quotes, 32+ uplifting mission quotes to lift your spirits.

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English, Master of Arts specializing in English

Rajnandini Roychoudhury Bachelor of Arts specializing in English, Master of Arts specializing in English

With a Master of Arts in English, Rajnandini has pursued her passion for the arts and has become an experienced content writer. She has worked with companies such as Writer's Zone and has had her writing skills recognized by publications such as The Telegraph. Rajnandini is also trilingual and enjoys various hobbies such as music, movies, travel, philanthropy, writing her blog, and reading classic British literature. 

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2) At Kidadl, we strive to recommend the very best activities and events. We will always aim to give you accurate information at the date of publication - however, information does change, so it’s important you do your own research, double-check and make the decision that is right for your family. We recognise that not all activities and ideas are appropriate for all children and families or in all circumstances. Our recommended activities are based on age but these are a guide. We recommend that these ideas are used as inspiration, that ideas are undertaken with appropriate adult supervision, and that each adult uses their own discretion and knowledge of their children to consider the safety and suitability. Kidadl cannot accept liability for the execution of these ideas, and parental supervision is advised at all times, as safety is paramount. Anyone using the information provided by Kidadl does so at their own risk and we can not accept liability if things go wrong.

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Motivational And Inspirational Quotes

New Chapter Quotes To Inspire The Next Level Of Life

Ananya Bhatt

  • May 27, 2024
  • Inspirational Quotes

Looking for quotes about starting a new chapter in your life? We have rounded up the best collection of new chapter quotes, sayings, captions, status messages, (with images and pictures) to inspire you to start the next chapter of your life with fresh energies.

A new chapter in life is one which gives you new opportunities and opens up a new door in your life. It may be a new chapter of your relationship, love, family, business, work, new year, and more, where you require to do things differently and make it a success.

Also See: Best Quotes Of All Time

All the lessons of the past experiences are used in the next chapter of our lives, where we don’t repeat the same mistakes and also make things work for us with a new approach and positive energies.

Also See: New Day Quotes

As its popularly said, every new chapter of your life journey will demand a new version of you. A version which is wiser, and more confident, stronger and this beginning of the new chapter will full you with enthusiasm and excitement to get your desired results.

Do check out the article on new beginning quotes and  starting over quotes to encourage you to keep hustling.

Small positive changes to yourself can transform you entirely, inspirational new chapter quotes will help you to set the tone for positivity and productivity.

New Chapter Quotes

  • “A new chapter begins…” — Unknown
  • “The best is yet to come.” — Unknown
  • “Cheers to a new chapter!” — Unknown
  • “It’s time to write a new story.” — Unknown
  • “I’m ready for a new chapter in my life.” — Unknown
  • “Let today be the start of something new.” — Unknown

Next Chapter Quotes

  • “New Life…New Love…New Hope…” — Riarch Coco
  • “The next chapter of your life is still unwritten.” — Unknown
  • “You will never win if you never begin.” — Robert H. Schuller
  • “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” — Mark Twain
  • “Trust the next chapter because you are the boss.” — Unknown
  • “A fresh start isn’t a new place, it’s a new mindset.” — Unknown
  • “I trust the next chapter because I know the author.” — Unknown
  • “A new chapter of my life is about to begin.” — Cindy-Leigh Boske
  • “I’m excited to start a new chapter in my life.” — Leighton Meester
  • “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” — Unknown
  • “No matter how hard the past is, you can always begin again.” — Unknown
  • “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” — Steve Jobs
  • “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” — Henry Ford

New Chapter In Life Quotes

  • “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” — Walt Disney
  • “Sometimes painful endings bring the best new beginnings.” —  Shae Ross
  • “Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.” — Henry Ford
  • “So, I close my eyes to old ends. And open my heart to new beginnings.” — Unknown
  • “And so rock bottom became a solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life…” — J. K. Rowling

starting a new chapter quotes

  • “The life in front of you is far more important than the life behind you.” —  Joel Osteen
  • “Time to open up a new chapter in life, and to explore a larger centre.” — Lillian Russell
  • “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” — Seneca the Younger
  • “What is not started today is never finished tomorrow.” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • “Life has many chapters. One bad chapter doesn’t mean it’s the end of the book.” — Unknown
  • “Sometimes, it’s just time to start a new chapter…and be excited for whats next…” — Unknown

New Chapter Quotes Images

  • “The next chapter of my life is always more interesting than the last one.” — Michael Lipsey
  • “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • “If you’re brace enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.” — Paulo Coelho
  • “I resolve to write a new chapter of my life every new day in the New Year.” — Lailah Gifty Akita
  • “Realize that if a door closed, it’s because what was behind it wasn’t meant for you.” — Mandy Hale
  • “Each new day is another chapter in the unfolding promise of deliverance and life.” — Elizabeth George
  • “I feel like I’ve started a new chapter in my life, and I need to leave the past behind.” — Jennifer Capriati
  • “Every day is a new beginning. Stay away from what might have been and look at what can be.” — Unknown
  • “I’m starting a new chapter in my [[life], and you have no idea how much that means.” — Christopher Reeve
  • “And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.” — Meister Eckhart
  • “Embrace uncertainty. Some of the most beautiful chapters in our lives won’t have titles until much later.” — Unknown
  • “Life is a book. Everyday is a new page. Every month is a new chapter. Every year is a new series.” — Unknown

New Chapter Quotes Pictures

  • “Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect.” — Alan Cohen
  • “Now, as we close one chapter, the pen is gradually inking up, preparing itself to write the next.” — Mie Hansson
  • “A new chapter in life waiting to be written. New questions to be asked, embraced, and loved.” — Sarah Ban Breathnach
  • “What is age, anyway? I feel young because I’m beginning a new chapter in my life, which is so exciting!” — Brooke Burke
  • “Don’t close the book when bad things happen in your life! Just turn the page and start a new chapter!” — LaToya Jackson
  • “Regardless of how black the page, he had always managed to turn it and move on to a new chapter in his life.” — Robert Masello
  • “Behind you, all your memories. Before you, all your dreams. Around you, all who love you. Within you, all you need.” — Unknown
  • “Don’t let one bad chapter in your life define the rest of your life. The key is to learn from that chapter and re-write your own story.” — Unknown

quotes about beginning a new chapter

  • “The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals.” — Melody Beattie
  • “It is a beautiful new chapter in this book we call life. Write it. Live it. Create it. Every day. But most importantly, liberate it!” — Angela Gwinner
  • “You don’t need endless time and perfect conditions. Do it now. Do it today. Do it for twenty minutes and watch your heart start beating.” — Barbara Sher
  • “In that book which is my memory, on the first page of the chapter that is the day when I first met you, appear the words, here begins a new life.” —  Dante Alighieri
  • “As a chapter closes in your life, And a new one starts for you, May your years be filled with all the things You’ve been looking forward to!” — John Walter Bratton
  • “Life Is Like A Book……Some chapters are sad,some are happy and some are exciting,but if you never turn the page, you will never know what the next chapter has in store for You” —  Izuudon
  • “When a chapter of your life book is complete, your spirit knows it’s time to turn the page so a new chapter can begin. Even when you’re scared or think you’re not ready, your spirit knows you are.”— Beth Hoffman
  • “No, this is not the beginning of a new chapter in my life; this is the beginning of a new book! That first book is already closed, ended, and tossed into the seas; this new book is newly opened, has just begun! Look, it is the first page! And it is a beautiful one!” — C. Joybell C.
  • “New Year’s Day. A fresh start. A new chapter in life waiting to be written. New questions to be asked, embraced, and loved. Answers to be discovered and then lived in this transformative year of delight and self-discovery. Today carve out a quiet interlude for yourself in which to dream, pen in hand. Only dreams give birth to change.” — Sarah Ban Breathnach

If you are motivated with these wise words of wisdom, feel free to spread the positive vibes and share it with friends and family on Pinterest, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter, and more to empower them.

If we have missed some quotes, share it with us in the comment section below and we shall be happy to add it to the list.

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Starting A New Journey in Life Quotes

50 Starting A New Journey in Life Quotes and Status to Begin a New Phase

Life is in stages, and we must keep up with it. As it turns, it brings us different phases which require us to leave our comfort zones and start a new journey into that new phase. Every phase of life is very demanding, therefore, preparation must be made so that we can make the most of the new phase of life we’re headed. If you must make the most of the next phase of life, you need to stay inspired constantly.

Starting a new journey in life could be exciting, however, it could also come with a bit of curiosity or even fear. Hence, you need a form of motivation like starting a new life journey quotes to help you in starting the journey and even to keep moving on. These quotes will supply you with the necessary inspiration it will take to take you to the next phase of life.

Are you looking for the right quotes about starting a new life journey or a new phase of life quotes? This article features some powerful starting a new journey in life quotes to inspire you about starting a new journey or a new chapter in life. Be it a new career, a new life, a new age, a new relationship, or a new adventure of any kind. Feel free to explore and select from the list below.

Starting A New Chapter in Life Quotes

New life start quotes, new journey begins status, quotes about starting a new journey, quotes about starting a new chapter.

Starting A New Chapter in Life Quotes

Do you want to start a new chapter in life and you need inspiration? Below are starting a new Journey in life quotes to fire you up and keep inspired.

1. As you start a new chapter in life, be thankful to God, and approach it with an open mind. An open mind makes you learn a new thing every day.

2. Dear Lord, thank you for the opportunity to start a new chapter in life. It is by your love and mercy. May your mercy continue to keep me as I forge ahead in this new journey of life.

3. It’s always a blessing to start a new chapter in your life, it shows you are evolving. It may not be so much but at least great progress is made.

4. As you start a new chapter in life, I wish you all the joy, peace, and happiness it has to offer. May blessings be your lot all through this phase.

5. It’s a new beginning in your life, a new chapter, a new level. Welcome to your season of glory. This phase shall surpass the former phase.

6. Starting a new chapter in life could be challenging, I pray that you will receive the grace and wisdom to scale through this journey and get the best out of it.

7. You deserve the best things in life. As this new chapter in your life begins, may you be happy and comfortable!

8. Beginning of new chapters in life shows the successful completion of an old one. I pray that you will find success as you begin this new chapter in your life.

9. May your life be beautiful, may you find peace, love, and happiness as you start a new chapter in life. This will be the most glorious phase you have ever experienced.

10. I wish you a better future, may your latter be greater than your former. Welcome to a new chapter in your life. I wish you the best of it.

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11. Welcome to a new life, victory is assured as long as you stay determined and focused. I wish you victory all round and unending happiness.

12. As you start a new life today, remember not to look back and never let your past hold you down, but keep pressing till you achieve your goal. The best is never in the past but always ahead.

13. As new life starts, so are new challenges. Stay strong and positive, and watch the best coming your way in no time.

14. The success that you have always desired is always ahead of you, keep going forward, and you will soon be there. Congratulations as you start a new life. I declare God’s blessings upon you as you go on the journey.

15. Never think anything is impossible, believe you can do it and you will see yourself do it. I wish you a beautiful new life. Full of excitement and wonderful adventures.

16. You deserve a beautiful new life. Do not hold on to your past, let go and let the fun in the new life begins. If you can detach yourself from the past, the future will always be a reality.

17. As you are starting this new life, always remember that to get through the hardest journey, we only take one step at a time, but we must never stop moving.

18. As you start a new life, free your mind, pray for grace, and always be positive. It will take optimism to be on the winning side of life.

19. Start this new life with a heart of thankfulness and an attitude of a winner. If you are full of gratitude, the juicy side of life will always open up to you.

20. New life has started, you’ve got the chance to write your script and decide the outcome. Every new phase gives you the opportunity to write your stories afresh.

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21. Dear Lord, as this new journey begins in my life, I pray that you grant me the wisdom, strength, and knowledge to scale through unscathed.

22. It’s a fresh new season, it’s the beginning of new a journey in my life. I pray that I get the best that life has to offer on this side of it.

23. New journey begins with excitement and a little bit of curiosity. I hope your joy lasts forever and you see the process as worthwhile.

24. As you start this new journey, always remember that you own your pace, never be intimidated, and never allow anyone’s choices to determine yours. Be intentional and original, life will surely favor you!

25. As you start a new journey, strive to see the best in every situation, and see the wisdom in every tear. You cannot get the best unless you strive for it.

26. As this new journey begins, may you be thankful for your present whenever you remember your past. The present is always better than the past, don’t look back.

27. May you be blessed and favored all around as you start a new journey in life. May great things that you have never experienced before flow towards you. I wish you all the best.

28. Things may not be smooth at the beginning but as the force of persistence is applied, things get smooth. As this new journey begins in my life, I pray that the Lord goes before me and makes every crooked path straight.

29. New journey, new challenges, new responsibilities, new grace, and new blessings. These will be your experiences all day. Amen.

30. It’s the beginning of a new journey in my life. A journey into a strange world, a journey into new experiences. May the Lord grant me mercy, and give me total victory.

31. Sometimes, the best thing you can do for yourself is to let go of your past, and start a new journey into your future. Letting go of the past is the best decision you will ever make in your life.

32. Starting a new journey is not just about escaping from the past, it’s about opening yourself up to the new opportunities the future holds for you, and enjoying a new breath of freshness.

33. As you start a new journey, always remember to stay positive for the future, without forgetting the lessons your past has taught you. The past is always the school you attend to enjoy in the future.

34. As we are starting a new journey, we will all reach a point where we will be left with the option to either go back or keep moving forward. And the choice we’ll make will be determined by how strong our reason for starting was.

35. Life is in stages, and the beginning of each stage is determined by how ready we are to start a new journey in life. Instead of worrying about the next level, be focused on preparing yourself. The next level will open up when your preparation is full.

36. Sometimes, we won’t feel ready, all we need is just a level of willingness and an open mind to start a new life journey. Whether or not you feel like moving, just move!

37. In starting a new journey, at a point we get all excited, and then we get curious, then we develop cold feet from fear of the unknown. Yeah, it happens, so stay motivated, and remind yourself that you’ve got what it takes to do it.

38. Before you start a new journey, take a little break, and settle in your mind why you must go on that journey.

39. As we journey through life, we journey into phases. The best thing you can do for yourself is to prepare for those phases or else you will be caught unawares.

40. It’s great to start a new journey in life, it opens us up to new levels of possibilities, opportunities, and great adventures. As much as opportunities abound, so are obstacles. Be prepared, you will win!

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41. It’s time to close your eyes to old ends and open your heart to a new beginning. Welcome to a new chapter in life. Be courageous about this phase of life, it will surely yield fruits for you.

42. Sometimes starting a new chapter could be hard, it could get messy in the middle. But it will be worth it in the end. If you can fix your eyes on where you are going, nothing will be big enough to distract or deviate you.

43. Sometimes, we must learn to move on, and accept the fact that some people come into our life as just temporary happiness. Don’t hold on to things that do not want to move with you, let go and be at peace.

44. In staying a new chapter, bear in mind that those things that will happen to you are there to get you where you are going. Challenges will come but I will want you to see them as the ladder to your next level.

45. Starting a new chapter requires a proper plan and a dose of hope and courage. Without proper planning, the future will remain daisy.

46. As you close an old chapter in your life, and open a new one, I hope your eyes are opened to what matters, and your heart is fixed on where you are going. Don’t be distracted, keep your eyes on the main goal.

47. It’s a new chapter in your life, close the door to the past, take a deep breath, open the door, and into the beautiful future ahead.

48. As you start a new chapter in life, remember you must be courageous, with a level of commitment before you can reach your desired destination.

49. It’s a new chapter in your life, it’s a new season, remember to have fun and explore. Enjoy yourself, and live your life to the fullest. Never get tense up, relax, and enjoy the journey.

50. Today is your first day of starting a new chapter, let the journey start from your mind. Stay curious, and be positive. 

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We hope you have been motivated by this powerful starting a new journey in life quote. Feel free to drop your comment in the comment section, and don’t forget to spread the love, and share these quotes with your loved ones.

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Messages for new beginnings: encouraging words for people starting fresh or starting over.

Encouragement Card with a sun on it and an envelope on a desk with plants

New beginnings are all around us, all the time, from starting schools to changing jobs…moving to a new home or watching kids move out…saying good-bye to friends to letting go of parts of your life.

Some new beginnings are exciting and fun while others are more stressful, and there are ways to show support for your loved ones in each and every situation. Keep reading for inspiration and writing tips for encouraging messages for all those fresh starts.

Inspired? Create and share by tagging @HallmarkStores .

  • Encouraging Words for Kids Starting School
  • Friends Continuing Their Education
  • Graduation Messages
  • Good Luck Messages for a Big Move
  • Encouraging Words for Empty Nesters
  • Wishing Luck in a New Job
  • Showing Support When a Relationship Ends
  • Supporting Healthy Choices and Life Changes
  • Coming Out or Transitioning
  • Warm Closings

Encouraging Words for Kids Starting School  

Back-to-school is a high-emotion time, whether a child is excited to see friends or nervous about changes, and that’s why you can’t go wrong with a few encouraging words for kids. If you know the child is thrilled about going back to school, you can go with an upbeat message that shows you share in their excitement.

  • “You’re going to rock 4th grade.”
  • “Can’t wait to watch you shine this year!”
  • “Another school year, another year of you being amazing.”
  • “Happy back-to-school time! Hope this year is the best one yet.”
  • “As you head into another year of school, I just want you to know how proud I am of all your hard work.”
  • “I can’t believe you’re already a senior! It’s been so fun watching you grow and learn all these years, and I know this year will be a great one.”

If the child is anxious about starting school or entering a new or unexpected phase of school—such as online or hybrid learning, or a school or teacher change—your message could offer friendly support.

  • “I’m thinking about you as you start a new school year!”
  • “Even though school is different, you’re the same smart kid. You can do this, and I’ll be there to cheer you on.”
  • “I know you’ll learn a lot in school this year, but you already have the most important lessons down. You’re kind, caring, thoughtful and just an all-around good person…and that’s something you’ll carry with you long after school is over.”
  • “You’re going to kick butt. And when you need a little help, you know I’ve got you.”
  • “As you start a new school year, I wanted to let you know I’m so proud of you for always trying your hardest.”
  • “A new school year means you’re one step closer to being DONE!”

Friends Continuing Their Education  

Whether they’re leaving home for the first time to head to college far away or living at home and studying nearby, it’s a new beginning to celebrate. Encouraging college students, those in technical programs or anyone receiving a career certification is a great way to set them up for success. Your message could focus on the fact that they’ve made it this far, or you could look ahead.

  • “So proud of you for all you’ve done to get here.”
  • “Can’t wait to see where you go from here!”
  • “(Your college) is so lucky to have you!”
  • “We’re going to miss you like crazy, but we know you’re ready for this and you’re going to have the time of your life!”
  • “What an exciting new adventure—time to explore who you are and what you’re interested in. You’re going to love it.”
  • “The first-day-of-school jitters apply to grown-ups, too. But it’s an excellent excuse to buy shiny new school supplies.”
  • “Congratulations as you start a new chapter in life!”
  • “Even though you’re headed off to college, remember I’m always here for you and I’m only a phone call or text away.”

Graduation Messages  

Graduation is a time to celebrate new beginnings and a life stage coming to an end. Whether they’re graduating from high school or a college master’s program, they definitely deserve some praise.

  • “So impressed with everything you’ve accomplished. Can’t wait to see what you do next!”
  • “No matter what you do next, I know you’ll bring your very own unique blend of smarts, courage and heart. Congratulations.”
  • “Nothing like a fresh, new certificate to hang on your office wall! Congrats!”

Get more ideas about what to write in a graduation card .

Good Luck Messages for a Big Move  

New home, new city, new surroundings…a big move is a big deal. Your message could show optimism but also let your loved one know that you’re still with them, wherever they are.

  • “So excited for you and your new journey!”
  • “Everyone here is really going to miss you, but we can’t wait to hear all about your next adventure.”
  • “No amount of distance can keep us from texting each other 200 times a day.”
  • “No matter how far apart we are, you’ll always have my love and support.”
  • “Best of luck with the move—and remember, I’m always a text (phone call, video call, etc.) away.”

Get ideas for what to write in a housewarming card .

Encouraging Words for Empty Nesters  

Becoming an empty nester is bittersweet, and your message can reflect that. Depending on your loved one’s circumstances, you could mention the pride they feel in their child or the fact that they did a great job preparing their child for the real world. You could also look ahead to the fun times they’ll have as an empty nester.

  • “As bittersweet as this time might be for you, I hope you know what a great job you’ve done to get to this place. Congratulations on raising such a wonderful child.”
  • “The fact that (your child) is so ready to be out in the world is a testament to the incredible parent you are. Good job, (Mama).”
  • “Congratulations on moving to the next stage of parenthood! Here’s to all the family memories you’ve made over the years and to all the good times still to come.”
  • “Welcome to the Empty Nester Club! Looking forward to sharing memories, kid updates and new adventures with you.”
  • “I promise, missing them gets easier. You might even learn to enjoy not tripping over the stuff they leave all over the house.”
  • “Yes, it’s weird when they leave. But you’ll get used to the quiet. And the clean bathroom. And not finding empty milk cartons in the fridge.”

Wishing Luck in a New Job  

Big promotion or a new dream job? Time to celebrate! But if someone has been laid off and is taking a new position just to get by, they might not be excited so much as just thankful to have a job. Someone who was transferred to another department or location might be looking forward to the change, but also experiencing sadness over leaving their old role and co-workers.

Basically, approach this one with sensitivity and consider all angles when writing your message. When in doubt, keep your message super simple and just wish them the best.

  • “You did it! Congrats on getting your dream job!”
  • “What an exciting new opportunity! Can’t wait to hear all about the new job.”
  • “You’re seeing what happens when hard work, perseverance and talent finally pay off. So happy for you!”
  • “This new job is the start of something great—I just know it! Congratulations.”
  • “I’m jealous of your new co-workers because they get to work with YOU! We’re going to miss you around here.”
  • “Wishing you the best as you start in your new role.”
  • “I’m sorry your career path isn’t leading where you hoped it would. I’m sending good vibes and hoping your new team appreciates the experience and talent you bring with you!”
  • “Thinking of you and trusting that this is a stepping-stone along the path to something that makes you truly happy.”
  • “With your brains and talent, I just know you’ll make a positive contribution at your new job.”
  • “Congratulations on the new job. They’re so lucky to have you!
  • “It takes a lot of determination and hard work to start a business. Wishing you nothing but success as you begin this new adventure.”


Retirement is another “new beginning” that can come with mixed emotions. Your message can focus on the positive aspects of the situation and make your loved one feel good about the work they’ve done over the years, as well as look forward to the future.

  • “You’ve had a career to be proud of, and now you have a future to get excited about! Congratulations.”
  • “What are we going to do without you? Your contributions have been nothing short of incredible, and you will be so missed around here.”
  • “You have done so much for others over the years. Now it’s your time—to relax a little, to think back on the difference you’ve made and to do the things you truly enjoy.”

Get more ideas about what to write in a retirement card .

Showing Support When a Relationship Ends  

It’s hard to know what to say to a loved one who’s going through a divorce or the end of any significant relationship, but a caring message can really make a difference here. Your message will depend on how much you know about the relationship, but it’s always a good idea to stay out of any drama and just focus on being supportive. You don’t need to go into detail—a simple message of encouragement will show you’re thinking of them.

  • “You’re on my mind and in my heart.”
  • “Keeping you close in my thoughts.”
  • “I just wanted to let you know you’re on my mind and in my prayers.”
  • “I’m thinking of you, and I’m only a text or phone call away.”
  • “Whatever you need right now—a listening ear, a pint of ice cream, a bottle of wine—I’m here.”
  • “I’d love to help you through this transition any way I can.”
  • “Meals, babysitting, helping you pack—you name it, and I’m there.”
  • “I’m so sorry you have to experience the pain of divorce, but I’m happy you’re doing what’s right for you.”
  • “I know this wasn’t an easy decision to make for your family. Just want you to know I support you.”
  • “I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I’m here for you.”

Supporting Healthy Choices and Life Changes  

Whether someone is making diet and exercise changes for a healthier future, breaking an addiction or making any other positive change, you can be there to cheer them on every step of the way. Your words can help give them confidence to push through any obstacles along the way.

  • “You’re making a big change, and that’s a really big deal.”
  • “I’m so proud of you for doing what’s right for you!”
  • “I’m rooting for you, every day, all the time.”
  • “Even when you might not always feel like it, you have the strength to do this!”
  • “It takes serious courage to get on this path and stay on it. Good for you.”
  • “You have so many people supporting you on this journey, and we’re here the whole way, no matter what.”

Find more encouraging words for different situations.

Coming Out or Transitioning  

Coming out and transitioning are not “one and done” events. These are lifelong journeys, and the experience is different from one person to the next. Your message can show support and confirm that you’ll always be there for them.

  • “Coming out is a journey, and I can’t wait to celebrate with you every step of the way.”
  • “I’m so excited to call you by your true name. Congratulations on your transition!”
  • “I can’t imagine what this is like for you, but I’m here for you in whatever way you need.”
  • “Here’s to being unapologetically, perfectly YOU.”

For more ideas, check out our messages of support for the LGBTQ+ community .

Warm Closings  

Here are some ways to close your message:

  • Best wishes!
  • All the best,
  • Congratulations!
  • Congratulations and best wishes!
  • Keeping you in my thoughts,
  • Thinking about you,
  • Hope to see you soon,
  • Love and prayers,
  • All my/our love,
  • Lots of love,
  • Love always,

No matter what your loved ones are going through, showing your support is always a good idea. We hope these tips have given you something to write or a starting point for crafting your own message. If you get stuck, remember you can’t go wrong with a simple “I’m thinking about you.” And remember: Showing up for a loved one means being there for the new beginning and throughout the journey.

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A new chapter

Article by Diane Stopyra Photos submitted by Maame Agyeman, Jeremy Mogaka, Zaw Htoo and Ariana Fonda August 26, 2024

Members of the Class of 2028 embrace the journey ahead

Embarking on her college journey feels so big, so transformative, so life-changing, Maame Agyeman can only compare it to one thing: moving across the world. At age 12, thanks to career opportunities awaiting her engineer father, she left her childhood home in the African country of Ghana for a fresh start in Middletown, Delaware.

“This moment feels similar,” said Agyeman, who will begin her first year as an honors undergraduate student at the University of Delaware on August 27. “I’m excited and nervous. It’s bittersweet, closing one chapter and launching another.” 

It’s also high-stakes: Agyeman is the first member of her family to attend a U.S. university.

“Anytime I talk with loved ones back in Ghana, they reiterate how happy they are,” she said. “They tell me: ‘Make us proud’.”

For members of UD’s Class of 2028, these emotions—joy, anxiety, pride—are running high just before the start of the Fall semester. And the newest Blue Hens are channeling that energy into preparations: buying supplies, reviewing course requirements and, in the case of at least one incoming freshman, sunning on a boat.

“The highlight of my summer was a cruise through Bermuda with friends,” said Jeremy Mogaka from Bear, Delaware. “Once it starts, I know the work won’t quit, so I’m trying to take a rest while I can.”

The incoming biology major has devoted time to researching potential careers on TikTok (the new class will tell you: The platform is useful for more than funny skits or dance videos). Mogaka is leaning towards a future in the anesthesiology field, and he’s hopeful one of UD’s robust internship programs will help him get there. 

“I do feel a little overwhelmed,” he said. “This experience won’t be like high school where teachers remind you to submit assignments.  But overall I’m feeling good. I put my trust in God, because I know he’s got a plan for me.”

Zaw Htoo, incoming honors neuroscience major, is feeling slightly anxious about forging connections—as a commuter student coming from Middletown, he won’t be living in a residence hall with a built-in social network. But the former mathlete and track star (he completes a mile in under five minutes) plans to meet friends by exploring extracurriculars—UD offers more than 300 registered student groups —and connecting with the campus running community. 

“Delaware has a cozy feel,” he said. “It’s a tight-knit place where everyone seems interconnected.”

Htoo’s drive to make the most of his time on campus stems from his status as a first-generation student. When his parents moved to the U.S. from Burma (now Myanmar) in Southeast Asia, they did so partly so their son would have greater educational opportunities, and living out that dream “is very cool,” he said. “It feels important and empowering.”

As the first week of the semester approaches, Htoo is holding onto advice his parents gave him for making a big transition: “Remember that you’re not alone, and everything is going to work out okay as long as you do your best and have hope.” 

Hope, along with the complete box set of Twilight Zone DVDs. That’s what’s on the packing list of Ariana Fonda, an incoming biochemistry major who rewatches the series “about once a month.” With house plants and some favorite records in tow (Amy Winehouse, J. Cole, Lana Del Rey), she’s ready for her “first step into the adult world.” 

The true-crime fan aspires to a career in forensics, and whenever pre-semester jitters get the best of her, she focuses on that big-picture goal.

“I truly want to help the families of crime victims,” she said. “I chose UD because it’s the place that will help me make a difference in the world.”

As for Agyeman, the student from Ghana, she’s looking ahead to a career as a reconstructive surgeon. But in the meantime, she plans on handling her move to campus just a little differently than her move to the U.S. all those years ago. 

Back then, Agyeman said, culture shock mixed with garden-variety middle school bullying caused her to retreat into her shell. She spent an entire academic year trying to keep her head down and blend in. Eventually, she learned that it’s far easier—and more fulfilling—to be her authentic, outgoing self. She hasn’t looked back since, and that’s the energy she plans on bringing to Newark come fall. 

“I promise,” she said while packing Ghana-inspired dorm decor and her signature graphic tee-shirts. “People will love you for you.” 

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One Piece Chapter 1125 Delayed, New Release Date Announced


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One Piece: The Identity Of The Mystery Man In Elbaf, Explained

5 manga with the most volumes, ranked, one piece: the strongest non-devil fruit haki users, ranked, key takeaways.

  • Oda is taking a break: No One Piece chapter this week.
  • Chapter 1125 delay: Fans will have to wait until September 8th, 2024.
  • Exciting times ahead: Elbaf arc, Yonko involvement in upcoming chapters.

This article contains spoilers from One Piece chapter 1124.

One Piece Chapter 1124 dropped rather recently and fans are already looking forward to the next chapter, which is likely going to mark the beginning of the Elbaf arc . The upcoming arc of the story is now about to get underway, and fans absolutely cannot wait for the Straw Hats to finally step foot on the Warland itself. Of course, there are also many other exciting events that could take place over the course of the next few chapters, such as focus being thrown on other individuals across the world of One Piece.

There is a Mysterious man in Elbaf. Who could this person be in One Piece?

For all that, fans will have to wait quite a bit, because One Piece chapter 1125 is most certainly not being released this week. It has now officially been confirmed that there is a delay for One Piece and a new release date has also been announced simultaneously.

One Piece Chapter 1125 Delay And New Release Date Announced

  • Oda Takes A Break
  • No Chapter This Week

One Piece chapter 1125 was supposed to be released later this week, if one follows the Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. However, fans who have been reading One Piece consistently over the last few years should be well aware of the fact that Oda often likes to take his own breaks. The Weekly Shonen Jump schedule is not easy for an author to deal with. It is incredibly taxing, and authors often need a lot of time to recuperate following the delivery of an intense chapter. Oda has been dropping one intense chapter after another in the Egghead Island Arc , and naturally, he has needed plenty of breaks to do so. In general, Oda takes breaks often while writing One Piece, because that is one way for him to stay healthy while the story is in serialization in the Weekly Shonen Jump magazine.

A few years ago, Oda used to take one break after every six chapters. Then, he started taking one after every five chapters, which eventually reduced to one every four. Right now, One Piece takes a break after every three chapters or so, and now, it is Oda's time to take his usual break. This break doesn't really come as a surprise to any fan, given that they are already used to Oda's break schedule. Regardless of whether there is a Shonen Jump break or not, Oda usually has to have his own break, and that is why there is not going to be any One Piece this week.

Of course, fans might be wondering as to when One Piece chapter 1125 is going to be released, and the answer to the question is quite simple. Since One Piece is skipping the upcoming issue of Weekly Shonen Jump, One Piece chapter 1125 is most certainly going to be published in next week's issue of the magazine, which means that the official release date of One Piece chapter 1125 is September 8th, 2024. Fans will have to wait quite a bit for the next chapter of the story, but, the way it is certainly going to be worth it, because One Piece is now headed into new territory, where one of the most awaited arcs in the entire franchise is going to be tackled, and that is, Elbaf.

The Events Of One Piece Chapter 1125

One piece 1125 will showcase the journey of luffy and the yonko.

One Piece chapter 1125 is going to be incredibly exciting, and fans expect the upcoming chapter to deal with a lot of incredible things, starting with Luffy's Journey to Elbaf, all the way to the happenings in the rest of the world. There's one thing that makes Elbaf an incredibly exciting arc even before beginning and that is Oda's promise of focusing on multiple things at once in the Final Saga. This essentially means that Luffy and the Strawhat Pirates are not the only individuals taking up the spotlight in the Final Saga.

Let's go to Elbaf! The land of my dreams! – Usopp

Of course, Luffy and his crew will be central to this upcoming arc, but they are not the only individuals who will be highlighted here. Fans know for a fact that the likes of Blackbeard, Shanks, Buggy, even the Revolutionary Army, the Marines along with those of the World Government will be taking up the spotlight as well.

The major players for the Final Saga have already been announced, and that is what every fan of the series is currently focused on. One Piece chapter 1125 might just focus on these external factors and that means an incredibly exciting chapter is due soon.

The Journey To Elbaf

One Piece chapter 1125 could see the journey of the Strawhat Pirates continue to Elbaf. While the crew was sad in the previous chapter due to the death of Stella, it was confirmed by Lilith that Vegapunk survived through her, which kick-started an incredibly exciting banquet. Now, this banquet is going to be continuing in the upcoming chapter of One Piece, and fans will most likely get to see the Straw Hat Pirates get closer to Elbaf. It must be remembered that Elbaf is quite close to Egghead. This island was just a day's journey away from Egghead. It must also be remembered that Vegapunk himself said that it is quite close, which means that it shouldn't take Luffy and the Strawhat Pirates a long time to reach this place.

As such, if Oda truly wants to rush this event and simply have the Straw Hats set foot on the Warland, he could potentially have the crew reach the island in the next chapter. If that were to happen, then, the mysterious individual who was seen in a silhouette in the last panel of One Piece 1124 will finally be revealed.

Of course, fans will likely have to wait quite a bit to see this mysterious individual, and if they are lucky, One Piece chapter 1125 is going to do the trick.

The Role Of The Other Yonko Of The World

One Piece chapter 1125 might also focus on the role of other Yonko which fans are desperately waiting to see for the Elbaf Arc. Fans know that Shanks is one character that they will likely get to see play a central role in Elbaf. He has always been linked to Elbaf deeply , and this was also confirmed to the readers in the Egghead Arc. Given that this is the arc where Shanks is going to be taking the focus, fans absolutely cannot wait to see what is next for him.

Hey Beck, it is time to claim the One Piece! – Shanks

Similarly, there are also other members of the Yonko that need to be focused on, and One Piece chapter 1125 is going to play a significant role in that regard. Fans could get to see Blackbeard make his move, and after stealing the Poneglyphs from Law, he could either be going back to Hachinosu, or engaging some powerful individual in battle, such as Shanks. At the same time, Buggy is building towards his dream of claiming the One Piece, but how he manages to do it remains to be seen. Fans absolutely cannot wait to see what happens next in One Piece, and all they have to do is wait 2 weeks for the story to progress even further with One Piece 1125.

One Piece is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. The release date for the next chapter of One Piece, One Piece 1124, is set to be September 8, 2024.

One Piece (1999)

One Piece (1999)

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Chinese food YouTuber shares 'next chapter' after James Beard wins

Fresh off prestigious James Beard Foundation Broadcast awards, popular YouTube Chinese food culinary channel Made With Lau shared exciting plans for the future. In a video posted on Aug. 24, creator Randy Lau documented his recent trip to the White House and the awards ceremony in Chicago amidst the anticipation of their second child's birth in June.

Whirlwind journey: The video takes viewers on the channel’s whirlwind journey, starting with Lau's birthday and the impending birth of he and his wife’s third child. It then transitions to Lau’s recent trip to the White House where he and other YouTube creators met with officials . This experience, despite the channel's recent dip in views and revenue, served as a "visceral reminder to zoom out and see the bigger picture" for Lau. The video culminates with “Made With Lau's” winning “Instructional Visual Media” and “Emerging Voice” awards at the 2024 James Beard Awards . The proud moment, which he shared with his parents, was made even more special as Lau's wife went into labor shortly after.

Writing their next chapters: Lau announced the upcoming release of their first cookbook, focused on Cantonese cuisine. The cookbook, a passion project for the Laus, promises to be a treasure trove of authentic recipes. Lau also hinted at potential new video series exploring diverse culinary traditions and techniques.In a touching closing message, Lau expressed his deep gratitude for the journey he's been on. "I'm just so grateful that we get to do what we do... This has genuinely been the best chapter of my life so far," he shares.

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Watch ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter’ season 2 episode 13 for free on MTV

Amber reveals her engagement to Leah in a new episode of “Teen Mom: The Next Chapter” airing on Thursday, August 29.

The new episode will air at 8 p.m. ET and will be broadcast on MTV. Those without cable can watch the show for free through either Philo , FuboTV or DirecTV Stream , each offering a free trial to new users. Sling is another option for streaming the show and has promotional offers available.


“ For these Teen Moms, starting a new chapter means they will have to turn the page on past traumas, complicated relationships and more on a series that is all about what comes next,” MTV wrote about the show.

In the new episode, “Amber reveals her engagement to Leah; Maci has a family BBQ to celebrate Ryan’s one year of sobriety and their new family dynamic; Mackenzie continues her IVF journey and prepares for egg retrieval; Jade’s mom is released from jail but soon relapses.”

How can I watch “Teen Mom: The Next Chapter” without cable?

Those without cable can watch the show for free through either Philo , FuboTV or DirecTV Stream , each offering a free trial to new users. Sling is another option for streaming the show and has promotional offers available.

What is Philo ?

Philo is an over-the-top internet live TV streaming service that offers 60+ entertainment and lifestyle channels, like AMC, BET, MTV, Comedy Central and more, for the budget-friendly price of $25/month.

What is FuboTV ?

FuboTV is an over-the-top internet live TV streaming service that offers more than 100 channels, like sports, news, entertainment and local channels. It offers DVR storage space, and is designed for people who want to cut the cord, but don’t want to miss out on their favorite live TV and sports.

What is DirecTV Stream?

The streaming platform offers a plethora of content including streaming the best of live and On Demand, starting with more than 75 live TV channels.

What is Sling ?

Sling TV is the first app-based TV service letting you stream live television and on-demand content over the internet. With Sling TV, you get to choose the television option that’s right for you, including Channel Add-ons, Premiums Add-ons, DVR Plus and more.

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Saturday morning surprise! A tale of two Chick-fil-A tables

A new chapter for a breakfast ritual at houston-area chick-fil-a.

Brian Perry , Streaming & Creative Content , KPRC

This story was published by KPRC, KSAT's sister station in Houston.

HOUSTON, Texas – Sometimes life surprises us in the most unexpected ways, weaving moments of joy, connection, and a sense of divine timing into our lives. On Saturday, August 24th, I experienced such a moment at a Houston-area Chick-fil-A , a place that has been a constant on my grief journey.

As many of you know, for the past three and a half years, I’ve maintained a ritual of visiting Chick-fil-A every Saturday morning to honor my late son, Ethan, by ordering two breakfast biscuits—one for him and one for me. It’s a tradition that’s brought me comfort and kept me connected to the memories of our shared Saturday mornings.

Tony Levine, the restaurant operator, invited my wife, Angie, and I to take a sneak peek at the newly renovated restaurant before its official reopening. They had been closed for three weeks and the transformation was astounding—bright, airy, and welcoming, with the addition of a second drive-thru lane that promises to be a game changer for our community.

As we sat down at table #13, the team adorned the table with fresh flowers and prepared chicken biscuits for us, placing them on the very table where my journey of remembrance began.

Here’s where the story takes an incredible turn. During breakfast, Luke, one of the team leads, mentioned the community table was brand new. Many Chick-fil-A restaurants have handcrafted tables from A Better Way Ministries . Each table carries a unique story, complete with the signature and date of the person who built it mounted on the underside. Angie, ever the curious one, looked under the table to read the story. And there, we discovered that this table was completed and signed on March 25, 2024—the very date of our visit to the Chick-fil-A Support Center in Atlanta, which was also the three-year anniversary of Ethan’s passing.

The date on the table sent chills down our spines. What are the chances that this table, built on the anniversary of our beloved son’s passing, while we were in Atlanta at the Support Center would find its way to the very restaurant where I began my Saturday morning Breakfast Ritual? Was this a coincidence or divine intervention? It felt like a sign that Ethan’s presence continues to guide and comfort us in ways we can’t always comprehend.

This handmade table now sits next to table #13 at Chick-fil-A Sienna Crossing. If this was some plan orchestrated by the team at the Support Center in Atlanta, then they are truly incredible for thinking of this. If this happened by chance, then there’s no doubt in my mind that a higher power is at work. I am going to go with the latter.

This special visit reaffirmed the love and support the Chick-fil-A community has shown my family and I during our journey of grief and healing. The unexpected connection between our story and this new community table is something I will treasure forever. It’s a reminder that love and resilience continue to unfold, even in the most unexpected ways.

My hope is that one day, I will get to meet Derek McCreery and have him join us for some breakfast biscuits on a Saturday morning sitting around the tables.

WATCH: Chick-fil-A shares Brian and Ethan’s story

Thank you, Tony and everyone at Chick-fil-A Sienna Crossing near Houston, for being a part of this incredible journey. And to the entire Chick-fil-A community, your kindness continues to lift us in ways you may never know.

See you on Saturday morning for breakfast.

Copyright 2024 by KSAT - All rights reserved.

About the Author

Brian perry.

Brian has been at Graham Media Group's Houston Station, KPRC 2, for over 27 years and works behind the scenes. He spends most of his time working on the digital and streaming side of and KPRC 2+.

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    22. "A new chapter in life is a chance to turn the page and write your own story.". 23. "A new chapter in life is an opportunity to rise from the ashes of your past and write a better story for your future.". 24. "Every new chapter in life is an opportunity to learn, grow, and become the person you are meant to be.". 25.

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    No matter how hard the past is, you can always begin again. - Buddha. Let us make each day our birthday - every morning life is new, with the splendors of the sunrise, and the baptism of the dew. - S.A.R. Now, as we close one chapter, the pen is gradually inking up, preparing itself to write the next. - Mie Hansson.

  8. 150 Inspirational New Beginnings Quotes for Your New Journey

    4. "Every morning a new sun greets us and our new life begins."―. Marty Rubin. 5. "The beginning is the most important part of the work.". - Plato. 6. "Tomorrow is a new beginning. Embrace the light of a new day, for you have a fresh chance to begin again, to make life beautiful.".

  9. 17 steps to take if you want to close one chapter in your life and

    2. Reflect on who you want to be. One benefit of starting a new chapter is the freedom to be whoever you want to be. Before you lies a chapter full of empty pages where you can write whatever you want. The power to develop yourself, design your environment, choose your supporting characters is all within your grasp.

  10. Are You Starting an Exciting New Chapter in Your Life?

    Here is a map for moving into any new chapter, with tips for finding your way, adjusting with grace, and enjoying the journey. Source: Deborah L. Davis Embrace growing pains.

  11. 30 New Beginning Quotes When It's Time for a New Chapter

    Here are 30 new beginning quotes that show it is time for a new chapter: Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end. SENECA (more Seneca quotes) Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over. GUY FINLEY. Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.

  12. 45 Short New Beginning Quotes to Help You Start a New Journey

    Every day the sun rises is a new beginning, and that's a reason to be excited! But change and new beginnings can also be scary. When you're approaching a new situation, it can be helpful to reflect on the new opportunity you're facing. Take a deep breath and read through these new beginning quotes for inspiration to take that first step.

  13. 60 Inspiring New Journey Quotes for Adventures Ahead

    It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't.". - Rikki Rogers. "Life is a journey that must be traveled no matter how bad the roads and accommodations.". - Oliver Goldsmith. "The only journey is the one within.". - Rainer Maria Rilke.

  14. 100 Best New Chapter Quotes About Embracing A Fresh Start

    64. "See, life is a journey and every chapter is very interesting." - Zeenat Aman. 65. "Time to open up a new chapter in life, and to explore a larger centre." - Lillian Russell. 66. "Be willing to be a beginner every single morning." - Meister Eckhart. 67. "Morning will come, it has no choice." - Marty Rubin. 68. "This isn't the end of ...

  15. New Chapter Quotes To Inspire The Next Level Of Life

    New Chapter Quotes Pictures. "Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect.". — Alan Cohen. "Now, as we close one chapter, the pen is gradually inking up, preparing itself to write the next.". — Mie Hansson. "A new chapter in life waiting to be written.

  16. 17 Quotes About New Beginnings That Will Inspire You to Hit the Ground

    1. "It is never too late to be what you might have been." -- George Eliot. 2. "And suddenly you just know it's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings." -- Meister Eckhart. 3 ...

  17. 44 New Journey Quotes That Will Inspire You to Travel the Globe

    22. "Sometimes, reaching out and taking someone's hand is the beginning of a journey.". - Vera Nazarian. 23. "The main thing that you have to remember on this journey is, just be nice to everyone and always smile.". - Ed Sheeran. 24. "Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home.". - Matsuo Basho.

  18. 50 Starting A New Journey in Life Quotes and Status to Begin a New

    12. As you start a new life today, remember not to look back and never let your past hold you down, but keep pressing till you achieve your goal. The best is never in the past but always ahead. 13. As new life starts, so are new challenges. Stay strong and positive, and watch the best coming your way in no time. 14.

  19. Messages for New Beginnings: Encouraging Words for People Starting

    New home, new city, new surroundings…a big move is a big deal. Your message could show optimism but also let your loved one know that you're still with them, wherever they are. Examples: "So excited for you and your new journey!" "Everyone here is really going to miss you, but we can't wait to hear all about your next adventure."

  20. Class 9 English chapter 9 New words. A Journey Through ...

    Class 9 English chapter 9 New words. A Journey Through explanatory text. Page 127৯ম শ্রেণি ইংরেজি ২০২৪ সকল ভিডিও: ...

  21. A new chapter

    A new chapter Article by Diane Stopyra Photos submitted by Maame Agyeman, Jeremy Mogaka, Zaw Htoo and Ariana Fonda August 26, 2024 Embarking on her college journey feels so big, so transformative, so life-changing, Maame Agyeman can only compare it to one thing: moving across the world.

  22. Read Frieren: Beyond Journey's End, Chapter 132

    The adventure is over but new life lessons await this young elf mage. Skip to main content. Manga & Anime Favorites. Bleach; Naruto; Boruto; Pokémon; Ito-verse; My Hero Academia ... Beyond Journey's End, Chapter 132. Read Frieren: Beyond Journey's End, Chapter 132. August 27, 2024. More Frieren: Beyond Journey's End chapters! April 16, 2024:

  23. Collins grateful for journey but ready for next chapter

    Mandatory Credit: Geoff Burke-USA TODAY Sports Purchase Licensing Rights, opens new tab. ... "But at the same time, I'm just kind of ready for that next chapter. The journey has been great."

  24. Brothers in Dentistry: A Shared Journey at UAB

    In the heart of Birmingham, AL, two brothers are embarking on an extraordinary journey that will intertwine their futures in ways they had never imagined. Jack and James Belt James and Jack Belt, first-year students in the UAB School of Dentistry's D.M.D. program, found themselves starting a new chapter not just as siblings, but as classmates ...

  25. One Piece Chapter 1125 Delayed, New Release Date Announced

    One Piece chapter 1125 is going to be incredibly exciting, and fans expect the upcoming chapter to deal with a lot of incredible things, starting with Luffy's Journey to Elbaf, all the way to the ...

  26. Chinese food YouTuber shares 'next chapter' after James Beard wins

    Lau also hinted at potential new video series exploring diverse culinary traditions and techniques.In a touching closing message, Lau expressed his deep gratitude for the journey he's been on.

  27. Watch 'Teen Mom: The Next Chapter' season 2 episode 13 ...

    The new episode will air at 8 p.m. ET and will be broadcast on MTV. Those without cable can watch the show for free through either Philo, FuboTV or DirecTV Stream, each offering a free trial to ...

  28. New Jersey Route 38

    Route 38 is a state highway in the southern part of the U.S. state of New Jersey serving the [[[Delaware Valley|Philadelphia metro area]]. It extends 19.1 mi (30.74 km) from the Airport Circle, where it intersects with [[U.S. Route 30 in New Jersey|US 30] and US 130, in Pennsauken, Camden County, east to an intersection of US 206 and CR 530 in Southampton , Burlington County.

  29. Guy Fieri Is 'So Proud' of Son Ryder's 'New Journey'

    Guy Fieri's son, Ryder, has embarked on a new journey—and in photos of the milestone moment, the Food Network star declared he was "so proud" of his youngest child.. On Monday, Aug. 26, the ...

  30. Saturday morning surprise! A tale of two Chick-fil-A tables

    Sometimes life surprises us in the most unexpected ways, weaving moments of joy, connection, and a sense of divine timing into our lives. On Saturday, August 24th, I experienced such a moment at a ...