travelling horse bazi

in bocca al lupo to the dog star

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travelling horse bazi

The Stars of the Four Pillars (BaZI Sen Sha — a reference)

What follows is an extended list of the ‘stars’ to be found in Four Pillars BaZi charts, keeping in mind that the term ‘stars’ here has no relation to actual stars. This document can be used and is intended as such for quick reference if one has their Four Pillars chart in front of them. There is a brief description of the main stars at the end of the document. The primary focus here is upon the relation of the Day Pillar and Day Master in particular to the other three Pillars, but other relations are included. It should be noted that some of these stars are simply different names for the same thing, with slightly different meanings: Day Breaker and Age Clasher; General Star and Gold Safe; Funeral Gate and Separate Edge. They are listed here together for people of differing exposure for ease of reference. As with all such influences, the meanings should be read allegorically, although they can produce the literal results! Also as with all astrology, there is a spiritual and a material interpretation for each of the stars, and they have to be read in context with the other Pillars and with a person’s innate inclinations. Never read them in isolation! Stressful stars can often lead to people becoming very successful in life if combined with other stars, too.

Day Branch to the Other Branches

Rat : with Rat, Gold Safe/General Star, Déjà Vu Ox : none listed Tiger : Funeral Gate/Separate Edge, Travelling Horse, Solitary Star Rabbit : Red Phoenix, Hook Edge, Six Adversities Dragon : Five Ghosts, Imperial Canopy Snake : Tragic Robbery Horse : Shatter, Major Squander/Age Clasher, Tragic Disaster, Day Breaker Sheep : Dragon Virtue Monkey : White Tiger Rooster : Heavenly Joy, Fortune Virtue, Peach Blossom Dog : Heaven Dog, Blood Edge, Widow Lodge Pig : Deceased God/Official Charm

Ox: Rat : Six Adversities Ox : Déjà Vu, Imperial Canopy Tiger : Red Phoenix, Tragic Robbery Rabbit : Tragic Disaster, Funeral Gate/Separate Edge, Solitary Star Dragon : Hook Edge Snake : Five Ghosts Horse : Peach Blossom Sheep : Shatter, Major Squander/Age Clasher/Day Breaker Monkey : Heavenly Joy, Dragon Virtue, Deceased God/Official Charm Rooster : Gold Safe/General Star, Blood Edge, White Tiger Dog : Fortune Virtue, Widow Lodge Pig : Heaven Dog, Travelling Horse

Tiger : Rat : Heaven Dog, Tragic Disaster Ox : Red Phoenix, Widow Lodge Tiger : Déjà Vu Rabbit : Peach Blossom Dragon : Funeral Gate/Separate Edge Snake : Hook Edge, Deceased God/Official Charm, Solitary Star Horse : Gold Safe/General Star, Five Ghosts Sheep : Heavenly Joy Monkey : Shatter/Major Squander/Age Clasher/Day Breaker, Blood Edge, Travelling Horse Rooster : Dragon Virtue, Six Adversities Dog : White Tiger, Imperial Canopy Pig : Tragic Robbery, Fortune Virtue

Rabbit : Rat : Red Phoenix, Fortune Virtue, Peach Blossom Ox : Heaven Dog, Widow Lodge Tiger : Deceased God/Official Charm Rabbit : Déjà Vu, Gold Safe/General Star Dragon : Snake : Funeral Gate/Separate Edge, Travelling Horse, Solitary Star Horse : Heavenly Joy, Hook Edge, Six Adversities Sheep : Five Ghosts, Blood Edge, Imperial Canopy Monkey : Tragic Robbery Rooster : Shatter/Major Squander/Age Clasher/Day Breaker, Tragic Disaster Dog : Dragon Virtue Pig : White Tiger

Dragon : Rat : General Star/Gold Safe, White Tiger Ox : Widow Lodge, Fortune Virtue Tiger : Travelling Horse, Heaven Dog Rabbit : Six Adversities Dragon : Imperial Canopy, Déjà Vu Snake : Solitary Star, Heavenly Joy, Tragic Robbery Horse : Separate Edge/Funeral Gate, Blood Edge, Tragic Disaster Sheep : Hook Edge Monkey : Five Ghosts Rooster : Peach Blossom Dog : Day Breaker/Shatter/Major Squander/Age Clasher Pig : Deceased God/Official Charm, Red Phoenix, Dragon Virtue

Snake : Rat : Dragon Virtue, Six Adversities Ox : White Tiger, Imperial Canopy Tiger : Tragic Robbery, Fortune Virtue Rabbit : Heaven Dog, Tragic Disaster Dragon : Heavenly Joy, Widow Lodge Snake : Blood Edge, Déjà Vu Horse : Peach Blossom Sheep : Funeral Gate/Separate Edge Monkey : Hook Edge, Deceased God/Official Charm, Solitary Star Rooster : Gold Safe/General Star, Five Ghosts Dog : Red Phoenix Pig : Shatter/Major Squander/Age Clasher/Day Breaker, Travelling Horse

Horse : Rat : Shatter/Major Squander/Age Clasher/Day Breaker, Tragic Disaster Ox : Dragon Virtue Tiger : White Tiger Rabbit : Heavenly Joy, Fortune Virtue, Peach Blossom Dragon : Heaven Dog, Blood Edge, Widow Lodge Snake : Deceased God/Official Charm Horse : Gold Safe, Déjà Vu, General Star Sheep : Monkey : Funeral Gate/Separate Edge, Travelling Horse, Solitary Star Rooster : Six Adversities, Hook Edge, Red Phoenix Dog : Five Ghosts, Imperial Canopy Pig : Tragic Robbery

Sheep : Rat : Peach Blossom Ox : Day Breaker/Shatter/Major Squander/Age Clasher Tiger : Deceased God/Official Charm, Heavenly Joy, Dragon Virtue Rabbit : General Star/Gold Safe, White Tiger, Blood Edge Dragon : Widow Lodge, Fortune Virtue Snake : Travelling Horse, Heaven Dog Horse : Six Adversities Sheep : Imperial Canopy, Déjà Vu Monkey : Solitary Star, Tragic Robbery, Red Phoenix Rooster : Separate Edge, Tragic Disaster Dog : Hook Edge Pig : Five Ghosts

Monkey : Rat : Gold Safe/General Star, Five Ghosts Ox : Heavenly Joy Tiger : Shatter/Major Squander/Age Clasher/ Day Breaker, Blood Edge, Travelling Horse Rabbit : Dragon Virtue, Six Adversities Dragon : White Tiger, Imperial Canopy Snake : Fortune Virtue, Tragic Robbery Horse : Heavenly Dog, Tragic Disaster Sheep : Red Phoenix, Widow Lodge Monkey : Déjà Vu Rooster : Peach Blossom Dog : Funeral Gate/Separate Edge Pig : Hook Edge, Deceased God/Official Charm, Solitary Star

Rooster : Rat : Heavenly Joy, Hook Edge, Six Adversities Ox : Five Ghosts, Blood Edge, Imperial Canopy Tiger : Tragic Robbery Rabbit : Shatter/Major Squander/Age Clasher/Day Breaker, Tragic Disaster Dragon : Dragon Virtue Snake : White Tiger Horse : Red Phoenix, Fortune Virtue, Peach Blossom Sheep : Heaven Dog, Widow Lodge Monkey : Deceased God/Official Charm Rooster : Déjà Vu, Gold Safe/General Star Dog : Pig : Funeral Gate/Separate Edge, Travelling Horse, Solitary Star

Dog : Rat : Funeral Gate/Separate Edge, Blood Edge, Tragic Disaster Ox : Hook Edge Tiger : Five Ghosts Rabbit : Peach Blossom Dragon : Shatter/Major Squander/Age Clasher/Day Breaker Snake : Red Phoenix, Dragon Virtue, Deceased God/Official Charm Horse : Gold Safe/General Star, White Tiger Sheep : Fortune Virtue, Widow Lodge Monkey : Heaven Dog, Travelling Horse Rooster : Six Adversities Dog : Déjà Vu, Imperial Canopy Pig : Tragic Robbery, Heavenly Joy, Solitary Star

Pig : Rat : Peach Blossom Ox : Funeral Gate/Separate Edge Tiger : Hook Edge, Deceased God/Official Charm, Solitary Star Rabbit : Gold Safe/General Star, Five Ghosts Dragon : Red Phoenix Snake : Shatter/Major Squander/Age Clasher/ Day Breaker, Travelling Horse Horse : Dragon Virtue, Six Adversities Sheep : White Tiger, Imperial Canopy Monkey : Tragic Robbery, Fortune Virtue Rooster : Tragic Disaster Dog : Heavenly Joy, Widow Lodge Pig : Déjà Vu, Blood Edge

Stem/Branch Relations

Yang Wood : Rat : Bath Ox : Heavenly Noble Tiger : Fortune Star Rabbit : Goat Blade Dragon : Golden Carriage Snake : Literary Horse : Red Envy Sheep : Heavenly Noble, Tomb Storage Monkey : Rooster : Flying Dagger, Red Clouds Dog : Pig : Learning Hall

Yin Wood : Rat : Heavenly Noble Ox : Tiger : Rabbit : Fortune Star Dragon : Goat Blade Snake : Bath, Golden Carriage Horse : Literary, Learning Hall Sheep : Monkey : Heavenly Noble, Red Envy Rooster : Dog : Flying Dagger. Tomb Storage, Red Clouds Pig :

Yang Fire : Rat : Flying Dagger Ox : Tiger : Learning Hall, Red Envy Rabbit : Bath Dragon : Snake : Fortune Star Horse : Goat Blade Sheep : Red Clouds, Golden Carriage Monkey : Literary Rooster : Heavenly Noble Dog : Tomb Storage Pig : Heavenly Noble

Yin Fire : Rat : Ox : Flying Dagger, Tomb Storage Tiger : Rabbit : Dragon : Snake : Horse : Fortune Star Sheep : Red Envy, Goat Blade Monkey : Golden Carriage, Bath, Red Clouds Rooster : Heavenly Noble, Literary, Learning Hall Dog : Pig : Heavenly Noble

Yang Earth : Rat : Flying Dagger Ox : Heavenly Noble Tiger : Learning Hall, Rabbit : Bath Dragon : Red Envy Snake : Fortune Star, Red Clouds Horse : Goat Blade Sheep : Heavenly Noble, Golden Carriage Monkey : Literary Rooster : Dog : Tomb Storage Pig :

Yin Earth : Rat : Heavenly Noble Ox : Flying Dagger, Tomb Storage Tiger : Rabbit : Dragon : Red Envy Snake : Horse : Red Clouds, Fortune Star Sheep : Goat Blade Monkey : Heavenly Noble, Golden Carriage, Bath Rooster : Literary, Learning Hall Dog : Pig :

Yang Metal : Rat : Ox : Heavenly Noble, Tomb Storage Tiger : Rabbit : Flying Dagger Dragon : Red Clouds Snake : Learning Hall Horse : Bath Sheep : Heavenly Noble Monkey : Fortune Star Rooster : Goat Blade Dog : Red Envy, Golden Carriage Pig : Literary

Yin Metal : Rat : Literary, Learning Hall Ox : Tiger : Heavenly Noble Rabbit : Red Clouds Dragon : Flying Dagger, Tomb Storage Snake : Horse : Heavenly Noble Sheep : Monkey : Rooster : Fortune Star, Red Envy Dog : Goat Blade Pig : Golden Carriage, Bath

Yang Water : Rat : Red Envy, Goat Blade Ox : Golden carriage Tiger : Literary, Red Clouds Rabbit : Heavenly Noble Dragon :  Tomb Storage Snake : Heavenly Noble Horse : Flying Dagger Sheep : Monkey : Learning Hall Rooster : Bath Dog : Pig : Fortune Star

Yin Water : Rat : Fortune Star Ox : Goat Blade Tiger : Golden Carriage, Bath Rabbit : Heavenly Noble, Literary, Learning Hall Dragon : Snake : Heavenly Noble Horse : Sheep : Flying Dagger, Tomb Storage Monkey : Red Envy Rooster : Dog : Pig : Red Clouds

Season’s Reference to the Other Three Pillars :

Rat : Heaven Noble Virtue : Snake Heaven Peace Virtue : Monkey Season Noble Virtue : Yang Water Season Peace Virtue : Yin Fire Season Breaker : Horse

Ox : Heaven Noble Virtue : Yang Metal Heaven Peace Virtue : Yin Wood Season Noble Virtue : Yang Metal Season Peace Virtue : Yin Wood Season Breaker : Sheep

Tiger : Heaven Noble Virtue : Yin Fire Heaven Peace Virtue : Yang Water Season Noble Virtue : Yang Fire Season Peace Virtue : Yin Metal Season Breaker : Monkey

Rabbit : Heaven Noble Virtue : Monkey Heaven Peace Virtue : Snake Season Noble Virtue : Yang Wood Season Peace Virtue : Yin Earth Season Breaker : Rooster

Dragon : Heaven Noble Virtue : Yang Water Heaven Peace Virtue : Yin Fire Season Noble Virtue : Yang Water Season Peace Virtue : Yin Fire Season Breaker : Dog

Snake : Heaven Noble Virtue : Yin Metal Heaven Peace Virtue : Yang Fire Season Noble Virtue : Yang Metal Season Peace Virtue : Yin Wood Season Breaker : Pig

Horse : Heaven Noble Virtue : Pig Heaven Peace Virtue : Tiger Season Noble Virtue : Yang Fire Season Peace Virtue : Yin Metal Season Breaker : Rat

Sheep : Heaven Noble Virtue : Yang Wood Heaven Peace Virtue : Yin Earth Season Noble Virtue : Yang Wood Season Peace Virtue : Yin Earth Season Breaker : Ox

Monkey : Heaven Noble Virtue : Yin Water Heaven Peace Virtue : Yang Earth Season Noble Virtue : Yang Water Season Peace Virtue : Yin Fire Season Breaker : Tiger

Rooster : Heaven Noble Virtue : Tiger Heaven Peace Virtue : Pig Season Noble Virtue : Yang Metal Season Peace Virtue : Yin Wood Season Breaker : Rabbit

Dog : Heaven Noble Virtue : Yang Fire Heaven Peace Virtue : Yin Metal Season Noble Virtue : Yang Fire Season Peace Virtue : Yin Metal Season Breaker : Dragon

Pig : Heaven Noble Virtue : Yin Wood Heaven Peace Virtue : Yang Metal Season Noble Virtue : Yang Wood Season Peace Virtue : Yin Earth Season Breaker : Snake

Special Considerations

External Peach Blossom : (Day Branch relation to Hour Branch) Tiger, Horse, Dog=Rabbit Monkey, Rat, Dragon=Rooster Snake, Rooster, Ox=Horse Pig, Rabbit, Sheep=Rat This relation gives a propensity towards lust, “wine, women and song”, dissolute romantic behavior, a materialistic personality, squandering of money and lay-about behavior.

Heaven Doctor : The Branch that precedes the Month Branch. Ex:  Ox preceding Tiger, if Tiger is the Month Branch. The Heaven Doctor is specifically connected with disease. This is the ‘healing star’, i.e., it has the capacity to balance and bring strength to the Month Branch. It also gives talent for medical studies and ease with one’s work in general. It is good for the study of metaphysics, philosophy, psychology and all types of scientific studies. It is a ‘five arts’ star.

The Three Marvels : if any three of the four stems are as follows, they are known as the ‘Three Marvels’: Heaven Marvel : Yang Wood, Yang Earth and Yang Metal Earth Marvel : Yin Wood, Yang and Yin Fire Man Marvel : Yang and Yin Water, Yin metal Symbolizes wealth, good fortune, longevity and vitality. These people are knowledgeable, capable, very ambitions, broad-minded, accomplished and achieve fame. They come under the Noble or Virtue stars.

The Six Elegant Day Masters : Fire Horse, Fire Sheep, Earth Rat, Earth Ox, Earth Horse, Earth Sheep These people are clever and talented, They are able to achieve fame and fortune.

God Leader Star : applies to any of the Four Pillars Earth Dog, Metal Dog, Water Dragon, Earth Dragon People with these combinations are strong leaders – bold, upright, outspoken, decisive, with strong leadership qualities, many ups and downs in life, but resilient, positive and hard-working. Makes for beautiful women, but strong. In essence, tough, persevering, resilient people.

Heavenly Amnesty Noble : For people born in these months and having the following Day Pillar Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon=Earth Tiger Snake, Horse, Sheep=Wood Horse Monkey, Rooster, Dog=Earth Monkey Pig, Rat, Ox=Wood Rat This is a combination capable of turning adversity into opportunity. It gives amnesty from difficult circumstances. Blessings in disguise. Can become rich and high-ranking officials. Life will be worry-free. If the star is weak, the benefit will be reduced to half.

Three Stages Nobility : if the following three Branches are found in the Four Pillars w/o conflict Tiger, Dragon, Monkey Rabbit, Snake, Horse Pig, Rat, Rooster These people will be blessed with authority and high position

Fortune Noble Star : found solely in the Day Pillar Wood Tiger, Wood Ox, Wood Pig, Fire Rat, Fire Dog, Fire Rooster, Earth Monkey, Earth Sheep, Metal Horse, Metal Snake, Water Dragon, Water Rabbit This is a wealth star and removes financial worry. Luck will come your way and fame is well-received. Produces erudite people and longevity. Revered by others.

Ten Spirit or Intelligence Stars : Day Pillar only Wood Dragon, Wood Pig, Fire Dragon, Fire Rooster, Earth Horse, Metal Dog, Metal Tiger, Metal Pig, Water Tiger, Water Sheep Marks a person who is versatile and clever, able to achieve fame readily, high reputation and erudite wit.

Day Master Virtue Stars : Wood Tiger, Fire Dragon, Earth Dragon, Metal Dragon, Water Dog Marks people who are compassionate and charitable, steady, will be blessed with good fortune, blessings in disguise

Day Master Noble Star : Fire Rooster, Fire Pig, Water Rabbit, Water Snake Virtuous and moral, beautiful features and modest, kind. If Direct Wealth, Eating or Resource Stars fall into the same category or support the Day Noble, then these will instill nobility and fortune.

Day Master Advancement Star : Wood Rat, Wood Horse, Earth Rabbit, Earth Rooster Fast fortune, great beauty of appearance, radiant personality. Decisive, positive, independent. Achieves results at work and will focus on R&D. The Peach Blossom Star ruins this placement through womanizing (man) or troublesome relationships (women).

Day Master Retreat Star : Fire Ox, Fire Sheep, Water Dragon, Water Dog More difficulty in succeeding in life. Pay cuts, loss of employment, always lazy and behind the times. Tardiness. Being conservative here is more favorable than putting up a strong front, as the latter will bring failure even faster.

A note about the Water Dragon : One of the sites that lists this combination lists it in two way – one positive and one negative. The listing above for the Retreat Star would appear to be in error. Other information I have seen equate this star more with the God Leader/Fortune Noble type of reading. My advice: Take the above with a grain of salt.

Solitary Phoenix Star : Wood Tiger, Wood Snake, Fire Horse, Fire Snake, Earth Horse, Earth Monkey, Metal Pig, Water Rat, Water Snake These are the most difficult placements for relationships. Unhappy sex life, and easily commit Peach Blossom activities.

Relations Between the Master Elements :

Rob Wealth : The name is misleading. Assets must be shared. Unequal sharing. Sales commissions, etc. The yin or yang complement of the same element Ex: Yin Fire, Yang Fire, etc. Investing into parts rather than trying to have the whole. Describes opposite gender relations. Wood : More advantageous to Yang in the beginning. Yin shields the Yang and permits growth. Yang Wood should always seek out Yin Wood at the beginning of an enterprise. Fire : Must learn the cycle of bright and dark. Yin Fire is slightly disadvantaged. Often must run in tandem. One of the more difficult combinations. Yin works better in darker periods, when it is not out-shone by Yang. Earth : One of the best of such combinations. They work well together, and are rarely seen apart. Metal : These do not work well together. The Yin will use the Yang to achieve brilliance and then leave without so much as a thank you. Water : These two are similar to Earth, always together. Firm contracts are needed to achieve separation of interests. But, they help each other, dependent upon the heat of a situation.

Eating God : Created element drains creating element, or draining (eating) Element is created by the creating Element. Ex: wood drains water, water creates wood. Depends on the strength of the creating element. Creativity, eccentricity, perfectionism, as in a great chef. Fantasizing, daydreaming, often indicates and introverted personality. Often of high IQ. The ability to use knowledge advantageously. Creative genius. Wood : Variety is the spice of life. Branching out. One idea leads to the next. Fire : The refreshing taste of the new idea. Provocative and original. Inventors. Earth : The same boring fare, but building with slowness and surety. Metal : The clean, crisp taste. Infinitely practical. No Fluff. Straight to the point. Water : Nouvelle Cuisine, the fringe thinker, avant garde artist, but often impractical. Fluid and unbounded. Best friend of the unknown. Fantasy writers.

Hurting Officer : Created element drains opposite polarity creating element: Ex: yin earth drains yang fire. The loudspeaker. Attracting attention to oneself. Very good with speech. Thinking out loud. The need to challenge the established authority. Best approach is to let them speak. Best in brainstorming sessions. Good in sales. Not good in executive groups. Water draining Wood : the unending idea They start small and slowly overwhelm you. Fire draining Wood : A placement for con-men, often alluring, who sell you a future you do not see. These people are on a timetable. Earth draining Fire : The nostalgic historian. “You remember when…” stories. Constantly reliving past successes and failures. They record everything you do. Metal draining Earth :  This is the most profound of the group. A gem is hidden in the earth, and revealed as a surprise by the Metal person. Water draining Metal : The person into refinement. Works slowly, like water polishing a precious metal.

Indirect Wealth : The value detector. These people see value in things that others do not. The Element that controls the same polarity of the controlled Element. Ex: Yin Fire, Yin Metal The key with this placement is to survive the lean times.

Wood, Earth : Patience is virtue. One of the most relaxed money combinations. Able to wait for Earth to break. The key is to ensure survival while waiting. Fire, Metal : Change for the better. The futurist. These are the people who see what they can be, not what they are. Investment profiles are about transformation. Earth, Water : Build it and they will come. Uncanny ability to be in the right place at the right time. Money just seems to happen to them. Laying the trap and then waiting. Metal, Wood : Delicate tendering. Care must be taken not to go too quickly, or resources will quickly disappear. This is a balancing act. Water, Fire : Timing is of the essence. This is one of the most formidable of the wealth combinations. Wealth is mostly predictable. Able to see the changing seasons.

Direct Wealth : The element that controls the opposite polarity of the controlled element. Ex: Yang Water, Yin Fire. The thing that is needed is consistent, directed effort. Strong Direct Wealth makes one work harder. A most practical placement. Yang Water, Yin Fire : Endless wealth. This is the richest combination. Yang Metal, Yin Wood : Harvest. The quickest of all the combinations. These are the people who seize opportunity and work quickly until it is finished. Then they move on. Yang Fire, Yin Metal : Transformation. These are the people who change the playing field. What is raw and of no considered value is slowly shaped into a magnificent tool. Yang Wood, Yin Earth : Longevity. Large family fortunes passed down through generations. Wood’s roots go deep and slowly consume Earth. Yang Earth, Yin Water : Strategy. These are the people who see the result far ahead and simply practice patience once plans are put in place.

Direct Officer : The star that controls the Day Master with the opposite polarities, such as Yin Water to Yang Fire. One of the best to have in the Four Pillars, because it minimizes efforts, but be careful about the authority one follows, and never follow blindly. Wood to Earth : They take their time, but their control is permanent once established. Fire to Metal : Very showy, will make an example out of you. “You will comply!” “Do as I say, not as I do.” Earth to Water : The most stubborn of the five. Take it or leave it. Known for ultimatums. The law without exceptions. Metal to Wood : The most gracious of the five. Look at my masterpiece! If no compliance, they will cut you to pieces. This one takes its time and works carefully. Water to Fire : Go with the flow. These people either blow things out of proportion or completely shut them down. One of the masters in leveraging situations. They reign in full control.

Killing : element that controls the day master of the same polarity. Ex: Yin Water to Yin Fire. This is the inner warrior. Aggressive and non-sentimental. This is never good, as it always has the capacity to take out (kill) the Day Master. It is a game to these people and they will employ every means to win. Natural lawbreakers. Revolutionaries. Managers of large corporations. Take no prisoners. Needed to get things done. A double-edged sword and has to be used with care. Often used in death prediction. Wood to Earth : Slow and steady conversion. Waiting patiently. Permanent solutions. Fire to Metal : Intense level of destruction. Total change, but the Metal person must not be reduced to a useless lump of metal. Unrecognizable after transformation. Earth to Water : Control valve to the raging energy. A delay in the inevitable. Directed aggression, rather than destroying everything in its path. Metal to Wood : Judgement is swift and clean. Very determined and not often veering from the chosen path. Water to Fire : No discussion or bargaining. No choice other than to follow the flow. Tsunami sweeping you away.

Direct Resource : In creating cycle, Yang creating Yin and vice-versa. Ex: Yang Wood to Yin Fire. The librarian. The embodiment of knowledge. Natural observers with a strong Direct Resource. Steadily ingesting knowledge. Very good at pattern recognition. Wood to Fire : Connecting the dots. Great detectives. Fire to Earth : Love to push things to the end. Conspiracy theorists. One-pointed to the exclusion of all else. Earth to Metal : The keeper of a secret. Seeking to understand the past. The archaeologist and genealogist. Staying in one spot and quietly digging. Metal to Water : Connecting cause and effect. Looking for the one thing that explains it all. Water to Wood : The big picture people.  What is most common to all. If it is too strong it will cause laziness; too weak and there will be no support. Controlling element of the Day Master or the Resource Master is the key here, to either generate the Resource element or to control the Resource Element, respectively.

For excessive Resource Element : Wood to Fire : Causes overconsumption, can lead to fanaticism, stopping just short of goals because of burnout. Take care not to burn bridges and use all one’s favors. Fire to Earth : The biggest problem here is stubbornness manifesting out of the relation. The Fire will change the Earth beyond recognition. Water is the remedy. Earth to Metal : Biggest problem is sloth – dragging one’s feet. Earth is too slow to generate support. Becoming muddled and holding back constantly. Metal to Water : Emotional instability and in extremes, mental illness. Transparency from Fire heals the situation. Need to talk things out, psychotherapy, etc. Water to Wood : People who are too smart for their own good. A great tendency to drift and change constantly, creating undependability.

Indirect Resource : Yin element creating yin element. Ex: yin fire creates yin earth. Vice-versa for Yang creation cycle. The twilight zone. Eccentric and heretical. Over-reliance on gut feelings. More willing to try the unconventional. Very thin veil between the unconscious and conscious. Needs serious self-control Wood to Fire : major sacrifice. Chasing the idea to the end. Conspiracy theorist. Fire to Earth : The “Eureka!” person. Bright and sudden bursts that do not last long. The wasted good idea that falls on fallow ground. Earth to Metal : Hidden treasure. Digging is required. Secret knowledge, privileged to the few. Courage required to get at the truth. Metal to Water : The jewel in the sea bed. Beautiful, but unattainable. Great dreams and hopes that people love, but impossible of attainment. Water to Wood : Sensual calmness. Touchy-feely. Too much causes these people to go adrift. Lends emotional support or can cause neediness.

Death and Emptiness Stars : A little more complex, but the main gist is as follows: There are six ‘streams’ in BaZi, in the order – Water, Earth, Metal, Fire, Earth and Wood. The Stems that do not naturally pair with the Elements in that stream are ‘left out’, i.e., they are termed death and Emptiness. Death refers to the Yang Stem, and Emptiness to the Yin, as follows:

Stream 1, 1 I , 2 II , 3 III , 4 IV , 5 V , 6 VI , 7 VII , 8 VIII , 9 IX , 10 X : Death = XI , Emptiness = XII

Stream 2, 1 XI , 2 XII , 3 I , 4 II , 5 III , 6 IV , 7 V , 8 VI , 9 VII , 10 VIII : Death = IX , Emptiness = X

Stream 3, 1 IX , 2 X , 3 XI , 4 XII , 5 I , 6 II , 7 III , 8 IV , 9 V , 10 VI : Death = VII , Emptiness = VIII

Stream 4, 1 VII , 2 VIII , 3 IX , 4 X , 5 XI , 6 XII , 7 I , 8 II , 9 III , 10 IV : Death = V , Emptiness = VI

Stream 5, 1 V , 2 VI , 3 VII , 4 VIII , 5 IX , 6 X , 7 XI , 8 XII , 9 I , 10 II : Death = III , Emptiness = IV

Stream 6, 1 III , 2 IV , 3 V , 4 VI , 5 VII , 6 VIII , 7 IX , 8 X , 9 XI , 10 XII : Death = I , Emptiness = II

The procedure is as follows: The Death and Emptiness always refer to the Day Pillar, although they can refer to other Pillars as well. So, find your day Pillar in one of the Streams, from above, and then see if one of the Death or Emptiness Branches are in that stream. That will tell you if there is Death or Emptiness in your BaZi. For example, if one’s Day Pillar is the Wood Dog (1 XI ), then this is Stream 2. The Death and Emptiness Pillars are then IX and X , or Monkey and Rooster. The meanings are not necessarily bad/difficult: Death and Emptiness mean that the Branch is not able to support the Stem. However, if the Branch is an inimical placement (a Stressful Star) to begin with, then the influence is negated, which helps a person and releases one from its negative effects. The opposite is also true, and the overall effect is like the Pillar with the Death or Emptiness Branch has taken a holiday, as an analogy, and is of no use. As for the individual elements: Wood : This is more difficult. Wood needs support to survive, and it withers and dies without it. It is an image of loneliness, like a piece of driftwood on the ocean. If found in the Month Pillar it can indicate separation from family, in the Year, ostracism from society or ancestral inheritance, if in the Hour, a person alone with their thoughts, finding it difficult to connect with people at that level, or instead can indicate a person who works in solitude, but is well-received through their work. Fire : This is actually helpful, as Fire does not need support to be noticed, like a star on a moonless, cloudless night. Fire’s function is to illuminate, so this is actually a help. Earth : This causes a scattering effect, and gives a lesson of detachment in life. Scattered earth cannot support anything. Metal : This gives unrestricted sounding, and is good for speaking professions. Sound is unhindered and travels far and wide, like a ringing bell. Water : This gives clear thinking. It removes all contamination. Since thoughts are not muddled with other people’s concerns, decision-making is clear.

The Fortunate Stars

Dragon Virtue: One of the best stars to have in your BaZi. It brings ease and great luck. Clashes and combinations may remove the auspiciousness.

Fortune Noble Star : These people act in a more proactive and positive manner. Very energetic in doing things, positive in action, with a comfortable life, a smooth sailing life and positive money flow.

Fortune Virtue: This star gives a lifetime of fortune, and fulfilment of every desire. It enhances every auspicious situation. Clashes and combinations will remove the auspiciousness.

General Star : People who have the General Star will have outstanding leadership ability and authority. This star dislikes sitting beside or combining with Clash or evil stars! If this happens, the General Star will become a fierce star, and will encourage power combined with wicked and wild behavior. The star is also a wealth star, and these people will be in charge of finances and sit in official positions.

Golden Carriage : People with Golden Carriage will have a happy match with a partner or have a spouse that brings wealth. They will care for their siblings, and can become rich. It gives good relationships. Both men and women look gentle, and have kind words and deeds, leading to a  happy life, with strong family bonding

Gold Safe: These people have outstanding talent, ability and strong financial and management abilities, which commonly leads to leadership and executive positions. Clashes and combinations will remove the auspiciousness.

Heavenly Joy: Creates a fine and upstanding character with fine features. It is generally very lucky.

Heavenly Noble : Gives encounters with helpful and sympathetic people. It is especially helpful in difficult times, as in when there are clashes otherwise because it brings in help and guidance when needed the most. Instrumental in helping you achieve your goals in life. This is one of the most fortunate stars to have in the BaZi chart.

Learning Hall : aka the Academic Star. Gives higher than average intelligence, facility with academic studies, a person who excels at learning, facility with words and an ability to turn difficult situations to one’s advantage. It gives the ability to ‘think outside the box’.

Literary : This is a blessing star, and can turn bad into good. Clever and intelligent, very versatile in thought and actions. Good with words and writing. Pleasant personality. Attention to details and very instrumental.

Red Phoenix: Men and women with this placement are generally charming and beautiful. It aids in seeking financial benefit, and also helps in attracting auspicious events. If it appears on the stem it is better. Clashes and combinations will reduce auspiciousness.

The Stressful Stars

Bath : This is another type of Peach Blossom. It is mostly related to relationship disputes.

Blood Edge: Prone to accidents and injury, bleeding, surgery due to things such as sharp objects: knives, weapons and other such items. This person is more sensitive than usual, and should be careful when handling such objects.

Day Breaker : Life for the Day Breaker personality is very unstable. They do not like restrictions and they feel restless at home. The spouse will have poor health or the relationship will end in divorce or it will result in quarrels between husband and wife; or they will find it difficult to get along with their children, or the children will have poor health.

Deceased God/ Official Charm, also known as the Death Star : This star has a mixed influence, depending on other factors. Well-placed, it is known as Official Charm. If it is so, the person will have power and authority, making them good with strategic planning, with sophisticated plans, a go-getter, but shallow of heart and calculating, petty and impatient. It is also one of the placements that gives a love of ‘wine, women (or men) and song’. If the same chart with an ominous star, its ominous nature is more to the fore, giving frivolous lawsuits, and causing one to lose ground.

Déjà vu: Déjà vu means the duplication of a pillar. Represents pain, depression, or even bankruptcy, as well as personal damage, such as self-harming or addictions. The position of the other Pillar will indicate the direction of the harming causation.

Five Ghosts: This is a particularly harmful star. It tends to give pitfalls in life, such as lawsuits, litigation, vulnerability to thieves or accidents. These people must be vigilant and careful at all times, speak the truth always and be modest in their behavior and speech.

Flying Dagger : As the name suggests, this star can result in injuries from criminal behavior, bloodletting, or bankruptcy. It is unique in that it can produce traffic accidents due to behavioral problems.

Funeral Gate: It is said that people with this star offend the evil spirits if one attends funerals or visits gravesites. It is detrimental to financial issues when it appears in the year (progressed Pillar or the Year Pillar).

Goat Blade : Like the Flying Dagger, this star tends toward wounds, but without the criminal element. It is a star of power. This is a bravery star and is resilient. The personality is impatient, gives emotional entanglements and intensity of actions. It is not a good match for siblings, in that they will constantly daring each other to do and say things. In careers it tends toward the military, , the judiciary, police, surgeons or technical trades, where skill and daring are required.

Heaven Dog: Another star of criminal injury, and being accident-prone. It is a star that can produce disfigurement. Be particularly careful when it appears in the Luck Pillars (progresses Pillars). Damage through villainy or disease can arise then.

Hook Edge: It is very easy to get into trouble with this star, with a lifetime of gossiping and trouble. People with this placement should think before talking and should mind their own business. Can indicate the occurrence of litigation.

Imperial Canopy : This is a star that gives unique ideas, talents, skills, artistry, musical ability, and ability in design and aesthetics. This is a very talented person – smart, philosophical, with an interest in metaphysics, religion, knowledgeable, and producing a psychic nature. These people can live up to their highest potential to reach their goals. With an attitude toward loneliness, they can do without much help from siblings and relatives. Imperial Canopy,  Resource or Officer stars in the same Pillar and will indicate a person who is highly respected in society and it gives achievements in official circles. If Imperial Canopy falls into empty placements, it will be good for religious life or a solitary progress. If the Imperial Canopy falls into death placements, Clash or Control, Sickness and Disaster stars, it will be difficult to raise children. In such case as the latter, the life path will not smooth sailing.

Major Squander/Age Clasher: Wasted time and many twists and turns in life. Prevention is the best cure here, as is a careful and steady outlook. It gives a greater chance of monetary loss, and generally tends toward anxiety and poor health.

Peach Blossom: Peach Blossom is a mixed influence, good or bad depending on the other influences. It must be judged with reference to the five elements and the good and bad Shensha. If  appearing at the Year or Month, it will be categorized as ‘inside Peach Blossom’, which gives blessings within relationships. If appearing at the Day or Hour, it will be categorized as ‘outside Peach Blossom’, which tends toward extramarital affairs. If more than three Beach Blossoms appear at the Branch of either the Rat, the Horse, the Rabbit or the Rooster, it would mean Peach Blossom everywhere! Peach Blossom produces charming men and beautiful women, great popularity, passionate, and sometimes greedy people. However, it also tends to produce people who are more emotionally unstable, with disorderly conduct, and big-time spenders – and very worldly-wise as a result!

Red Clouds : This is one of the disaster stars and tends toward accident-prone people. It is also what might be called a ‘bloody star’, in that it tends toward bloody traumas, such as abortion, major surgeries, and miscarriage – sometimes even death.

Red Envy ( Friend of the Peach Blossom ) Produces a lovable character, passionate and desirable, romantic and sentimental, handsome looks for man and beautiful women. Affairs are often indicated for people in relationships.

Separate Edge : Life with the Separate Edge star gives pitfalls, frivolous lawsuits or jail time. Experience has shown that life with Separate Edge is not necessarily the main cause of imprisonment or lawsuits. It can mean outstation or overseas assignments. Otherwise, it is hard to get out of difficult circumstances.

Solitary Star and Widow Lodge : This can give a solitary life, is characteristic of loneliness, and is not good for siblings and relatives. If it receives supporting stars, these can take away the solitary nature. If it is found with death stars, it will not be good. Good fortune is not realized in a timely manner. If the Day Pillar is the Solitary Star, The person will have no affinity with the spouse and children. The Solitary Star at Year Pillar is better for getting a foster parent, because it could harm the biological parent. For a man with the Solitary Star, and with the Direct and Indirect Wealth falling into death star placements, it means that married life is not accommodating. Woman with Widow Lodge, and with Officer and Killing stars falling in death star placements, this also means that married life is not accommodating. Great effort should be put into communication skills with partners and children in such cases.

Six Adversities: A lifetime of difficulties, worries and hardships. If there are fortunate stars to help, they can reverse the effects.

Tomb Storage : This gives introverted and stubborn people, who always like to hide the truth. It also indicates hidden talents. It tends toward an argumentative nature, negative thoughts and emotions and mental disturbances. In health, it tends toward a weak constitution.

Tragic Disaster: The main indicator here is for fire and water disasters. If a fortune star helps, it will become very powerful.

Tragic Robbery: This gives an impatient personality, a lifetime of being the brunt of gossip, bankruptcy and misfortune. It gives problems related to ear, nose, throat and  intestinal disease. If it can be used constructively, it will produce a competitive person with the courage to act and serve. If the person is a jealous, it indicates sexual violence, vulnerability to unexpected disasters. If found in the Year Pillar or the Luck Pillar, beware of bankruptcy, being framed and hurt by friends, extortion and other such unhappiness.

Travelling Horse : The Travelling Horse is a busy, outgoing, emphasis. It gives an unstable mindset, but is perfect for self-development abroad, and it gives many changes in career. Suitable for careers such as diplomatic work, foreign affairs, actors, drivers, restauranteurs, writers, tourism, travel workers, and traveling salespeople.

White Tiger: This is the star of criminal injury. It makes it easier to get into lawsuits and makes a person prone to bodily injury. There can be accidents or even bankruptcy, and there can be traffic accidents. Females with this star produce a staunch and decisive personality.

Widow Lodge : see Separate Edge

One Reply to “The Stars of the Four Pillars (BaZI Sen Sha — a reference)”

Hi I see I do have a very weak BazI- alot of solitude and abusive eventsin my life. Feel stucked, I do not know what to do. Lost job since 1 year, after my son gave up University. Broken since then. Do I have solidude star ? Bad relationships only. Any remedy? Please help as my life and my son’s life are blocked since a few years . I have nobody else to rely as support. Otherwise I am a good, empathetic person at least….Thank you!

Ari: F-born 18.09.1967 Born Moreni Romania at 10:40 seb: M: born 4.06.1998 born Bucharest Romania 23:55

We both live in Switzerland since 2004

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Ba Zi Series – About the Travel Horse

驿马 (YiMa)is the travel horse. It is the name of one of the deities in Chinese astrology (the Four Pillars of destiny or Bazi). In ancient China, 驿 站(Yi Zhan) is the post station, it is similar to our post office. 驿马were the tools for delivering all the posts and document for the governments. Hence, the travel horse represents movement in our destiny.

The traditional method of checking the travel horse is:

First convert the birthday to Chinese calendar, then write down the birthday formula. Check on the earthly branches of the year (年支 ) or the day (日支 )

For people who are born in the year or date of monkey, rat or dragon, if you see the earthly branch has the tiger, then it is the travel horse.

For people who are born in the year or the date of tiger, horse or dog, if you see the earthly branch has the monkey, then it is the travel horse.

For people who are born in the year or date of snake, rooster or ox, if you see the earthly branch has the pig, then it is the travel horse.

For people who are born in the year or date of pig, rabbit or sheep, the travel horse is the snake.

Travel horse is a symbol of travelling, changes, migration. If the travel horse is a lucky deity to the person, then the person can have lucky movements, such as a promotion at work, travel for business, making money while travelling, moving to a better house, or having a pleasant holiday. If the travel horse is the inauspicious deity, then it will bring hardship to the person. Such as: restless movement, hard work without income to match, constantly moving house, inability to ground oneself.

If someone is born on a date with a few travel horses, then the person has an unstable character, always moving, never still.

If the travel horse combines with other earthly branches, then the travel horse is useless, it cannot move. For example: 寅(yin)亥(hai) 合(he), 申(shen)巳(si)合, meaning the tiger next to the pig, or the monkey next to the snake, then the travel horse has no effect.

If the combination is crashed by the annual year sign, then the horse will move, the person in that particular year will have travel or changes.

If a womans birthday has too many horses, then the woman cannot gain peace of mind in her situation, and finds it hard to settle down. This is generally unlucky.

For people who have no travel horse in their birthday, when the travel horse appears in their luck era, it indicates for that particular era the person will have travel luck.

Some people have no travel horse in their birthday. However when the person meets the clash year 冲 年(chong nian), it means change, travel, movement in that particular year. Also, if a person has clash elements in the earthly branch, it also indicates travel, movement.

Here are the six groups of clashes:

The results from the travel horses can be good or bad. Soldiers, businessmen, homeless people all have travel horses.

In modern society, for most people, having travel horse is good in general. It means the person can have more experiences and more opportunities in their life. If someone does not travel or change in their life, you can imagine what kind of life it would be.

Ken's Cyber Cave

This blog contains over 700 articles on Chinese metaphysics written by Ken Lai since year 2000. It covers Bazi, Qi-men-Dun-Jia, Feng Shui and Yi-Jing divinations. Rare Feng Shui and Bazi knowledge not taught in classes are found here.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Meanings of "travelling horse" 驿马神煞解.

travelling horse bazi

  • shen, zi or chen year/ day:  travelling horse is yin-tiger
  • yin, wu  or  xu  year/ day:  travelling horse is  shen-monkey
  • hai, mao  or  wei  year/ day:  travelling horse is  si-snake
  • si, you  or  chou  year/ day:  travelling horse is  hai-pig


1.  Chart with 2+ travelling horses:   This person is likely leaving hometown or country to make  a living.

2.  During his/ her travelling horse year, this person will be hectic or toiling to make ends meet.

3 . " Travelling horse galloping in wealth region":  If by chance the travelling horse is also the wealth star of this chart and running into travelling horse luck period or staying in the horse direction-- this person may make major wealth during this luck period.

4 . Travelling horse with "peach blossom":   If by chance the travelling horse is also the peach blossom star of this chart, it means this person is likely unfaithful in relationship with unstable marriage.

5 .  Travelling horse with zheng-guan (+power):   If by chance the travelling horse is also the zheng-guan (+power) star of this chart, it means this person is likely be a reputable government official working outside his hometown.

6 .  Travelling horse with qi-sha (-power):   If by chance the travelling horse is also the qi-sha (-power) star of this chart, it means this person is likely a monk, priest or Mafia type person.

7 . Strong daymaster (DM) with t ravelling horse is likely auspicious (intelligent and sociable) whereas weak DM with travelling horse is inauspicious (toiling/ hectic life)

8 .  Travelling horse is favorable element brings prosperity and wealth to the person.  It brings poverty and obstacles if unfavorable.

9 .  Female with numerous  travelling horses, regardless of being favorable or unfavorable, implies problems in marital relationship.

10.  Yin, shen, si and hai are generally called "horse stars".  People with 2+ of any of these 4 branches in their natal chart cannot sit still and are good for sales professions. 

11 . Pillar location and t ravelling horse: 

  • in year pillar: leaving hometown in teen/ youth 
  • in month/ day pillar:   leaving hometown in middle-age
  • in hour pillar:  leaving hometown in old age (alone or with adult children)

If you want to know more about Bazi, you may want to check this out:  

© 2022 Ken Lai, all rights reserved.

Video Correspondence Courses: (click for details) “Visual Bazi: Wealth Secrets and Maximization” w/ 18 hr. HD video “Advanced Visual Form Feng Shui” 2020 w/23 hr. HD video “Visual Form Feng Shui” w/13 hr. HD video “Applied Bazi: Sickness Forecasting and Management” w/33 hr. HD video  “Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 1: Forecasting and Decision Support” w/32 hr. HD video “Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 2: Basic Bazi Therapy w/18 hr. HD video “Destiny/Luck Mgmt. 3 w/ Advanced Bazi Therapy w/18 hr. HD video “Feng Shui Toolbox: Sha-qi, Health/Wealth and Career” w/ 7 hr. HD video “Period 7/8 FS Toolkit w/ Advanced Flying Star techniques” w/ 6 hr. HD video “Practical Date-Selection Methods 2020 (incl. XKDG) w/ 12 hr. video “Practical Imperial Qi-Men-Dun-Jia 4G” w/ 12 hr. video “Professional Imperial QMDJ 4G” w/ 21 hr. video “EZ QMDJ series: Astrology, Date/Task Selection, Annual Luck/ FS”w/ 3 hr. HD “EZ QMDJ Advanced Feng Shui” with 4 hr. HD video “Daoist Talismans for Feng Shui/Blessing” w/ 24 hr video “Practical Door Feng Shui for Wealth” w/ 3 hr. video “4-Pillars Forecasting Bootcamp+ 2021″ w/ 18 hr. video  

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Travel or post horse star.

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Chinese horoscope: 4 pillars of destiny (BaZi)

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The four pillars of destiny alone constitute the main key to interpreting the Chinese horoscope. Each pillar is made up of one of the earthly branches and one of the celestial trunks of Chinese astrology.

The 12 terrestrial branches (animal signs of the Chinese zodiac) associated with the 10 celestial trunks (the 5 elements of WuXing in their Yin and Yang form) are part of the founding precepts of Chinese astrology. They are also used in Feng Shui, traditional medicine, gastronomy and martial arts.

In this article, after addressing the meaning of the four pillars of destiny and the origins and functions of the earthly branches and celestial trunks, we offer two tables that will allow you to have a more complete understanding of your Chinese horoscope (birth chart). The first table links the 60 binomials (Chinese zodiac sign and element) of the sexagesimal system, each corresponding to a specific pillar of destiny, itself associated with a poetic and symbolic phrase called imaged destiny . The imaged destiny sums up the main energetic lines of the character expressed by the pillar associated with it. Finally, after an explanation of the concept of confrontation between the annual pillar of birth with another pillar of destiny, we offer you a second table, which lists the binomials in opposition.

Meaning of the 4 pillars of destiny

  • First pillar of destiny : terrestrial branch and celestial trunk of the year of birth (main character traits, personality). The 1st pillar of destiny corresponds to the animal of the zodiac and to the Chinese element of the year of birth, according to the Chinese calendar, commonly called Chinese zodiac sign
  • Second pillar of destiny : terrestrial branch and celestial trunk of the month of birth (relationships with family and ancestors)
  • Third pillar of destiny : terrestrial branch and celestial trunk of the day of birth (the second chance in life, active from about 30 years old)
  • Fourth pillar of destiny : terrestrial branch and celestial trunk of the hour of birth (secret character, also called the traveling companion)

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Origins and functions of terrestrial branches and celestial trunks

The 12 terrestrial branches correspond to the division of the sky into 12 sections, correlated with the duration of the orbit of Jupiter (11.83 years, adjusted to 12 years). This primitive Chinese astrological system, associated with a sexagesimal calendar, was subsequently linked to the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac and to the current lunisolar calendar. Therefore, there are 60 possible combinations of Chinese zodiac signs associated with the 5 elements of Chinese astrology and Feng Shui . Each terrestrial branch corresponds to one of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs, just as there are 5 x 2 = 10 celestial trunks corresponding to the 5 elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water) in Yin or Yang polarity.

Furthermore, if there are 4 pillars of destiny according to 4 specific time periods of the date of birth (year, month, day, hour), each animal of Chinese astrology having 5 possible forms (for example: Wood Rat, Fire Rat, Earth Rat, Metal Rat, Water Rat), there are therefore 5 pillars of fate to describe each type of Chinese zodiac sign associated in binomial with an element, i.e. 60 pillars of destiny for the 60 binomials (Chinese sign + element), for a total of 60 4 = 12,960,000 combinations and therefore of possible types of individuals. Note also that each pillar of destiny exists in a Yin form (lunar, dark, introverted, feminine) and a Yang form (solar, luminous, extroverted, masculine).

To go further on the subject : 📅  Chinese calendar 🐉  Origins of Chinese Astrology

Confrontation between 2 pillars of destiny

What happens when a pillar of fate conflicts with the annual pillar.

Among the 4 pillars of destiny of your birth, the annual pillar is the most important. The 3 other pillars are always read from this annual birth pillar, which corresponds to your annual Chinese birth sign. According to the method of astrological interpretation of KarmaWeather, one can determine a conflict situation within a Chinese birth horoscope when one or more pillars of fate are in opposition with the annual pillar of birth.

For example, if you were born during the Year of the Metal Dragon 2000, a conflict situation could arise if one or more of the 3 remaining pillars were occupied by the Fire Dog. Therefore, the area occupied by the antagonistic pillar to the annual Chinese birth sign should be carefully monitored. If it is the second pillar, it will affect the relationships that the native will have with his parents or his ancestors (domestic violence, abandonment, separation, divorce, premature disappearance, etc.). If it is a question of the 3rd pillar of destiny, the dynamics of the second personal chance could be compromised by an unexpected and painful spell (accident, illness, bankruptcy, ruin…). Finally, in the case of an opposition with the pillar of the time of birth, we must expect emotional instability or an inability of the individual to accept and confront his psychological problems.

The negative effects of a confrontation between the binomial (animal and Chinese element) of the year of birth and one of the binomials of the other 3 pillars of life can be reinforced by an excess or deficiency of one of the 5 Chinese elements, within the natal chart (Chinese horoscope). Indeed, in addition to the element (celestial trunk) associated with each of the 4 pillars of an individual's destiny, let us remember that each Chinese sign (terrestrial branch) can itself be reduced to the sum of the elements it contains. This is why each day of the Chinese calendar can be symbolized by a charter of the 5 elements of WuXing, which can be used both for the astrological interpretation of the day for the attention of the 12 signs of Chinese astrology and of native chart of birth for babies born on this day.

According to the precepts of the traditional Chinese horoscope, the choice of the baby's first name makes it possible to counter the pernicious effect of energy imbalances, in addition to the protective effect that it can have to neutralize the possible confrontation between two opposite pillars. Indeed, according to the holistic precepts of WuXing, the energy components of each element (their essence) are found in their symbolic associations (for example, for the Fire element: the color red, red peppers or tomatoes, the first names whose etymology means fire, light or the sun).

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Posted by Imperial Harvest on 21 June 2024

Beginner’s Guide to Bazi Reading

Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins

Bazi (八字), also known as the Four Pillars of Destiny, is a multidisciplinary study in Imperial Feng Shui. It encompasses a well-developed set of metaphysical principles based on planetary influences, the duality of Yin and Yang, and the Five Elements.

Each Bazi chart is plotted using an individual’s birth year, month, date and hour of birth to interpret the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, personality, and relationship dynamics.

travelling horse bazi

A Major Flaw with Modern Bazi Plotting

Modern Bazi charts are plotted using standardised time zones to simplify timekeeping with the advent of railways and telecommunications. This represents a significant departure from the traditional methods used by ancient Bazi astrologers to create these charts.

travelling horse bazi

Ancient Bazi astrologers used real solar time, often measured with sundials, as it was the most direct and natural method to track the passage of time, based on the Sun’s position.

The study of Bazi believes that a person’s life trajectory is determined by the time his body is exposed to the Sun hence the authentic way to plot a Bazi’s chart is using real solar time.

What is Real Solar Time?

Real solar time, also known simply as solar time, is a method of reckoning time that relies on the position of the Sun in the sky. It is measured by the apparent motion of the Sun across an observer’s local meridian. Here’s a breakdown of how it works:

Solar Noon: Real solar time reaches 12:00 when the Sun is at its highest point in the sky, directly above a location’s local meridian.

Variation: Real solar time varies with longitude because it is determined by the Sun’s position relative to the local meridian (an imaginary line running from the North to the South Pole) of a specific location. Each degree of longitude represents a four-minute difference in solar time. For example:

  • As you move eastward, solar time becomes earlier. For every 15 degrees of longitude travelled east, the local solar noon occurs approximately one hour earlier than at the original location.
  • Conversely, moving westward delays solar time. Travelling 15 degrees west means that the local solar noon occurs about one hour later.

This variation means that every location with a unique longitude has its own distinct solar time. Therefore, it is important to know the exact time and city of birth before plotting the Bazi chart.

The Foundation of a Bazi Chart

To understand the different parts of a Bazi chart, we must first grasp the fundamental concept of Yin and Yang—the cosmic dualities that permeate all aspects of Chinese philosophy.

Each Bazi chart comprises the 10 Heavenly Stems (天干) and the 12 Earthly Branches (地支). These stems and branches are further classified into the Five Elements, each with Yin and Yang polarities.

travelling horse bazi

A Bazi chart is divided into the Year, Month, Day, and Hour pillars, which correspond to the foundational, adolescent, adult, and senior phases of a person’s life, respectively.

A Bazi chart can also be used to assess the dynamics of relationships in a person’s life, with the Year pillar signifying grandparents, the Month pillar representing parents, the Day pillar symbolising oneself and one’s spouse, and the Hour pillar denoting children.

It can also be employed to evaluate potential health risks, with the Year pillar linked to the head and neck, the Month pillar covering the chest and upper torso, the Day pillar focusing on the abdomen and digestive system, and the Hour pillar pertaining to the lower limbs.

travelling horse bazi

The interaction of elements between the Bazi chart and the 10-year luck pillar, as well as the annual, monthly, daily, and bi-hourly luck pillars, can also be analysed to identify the threats and opportunities ahead.

Structure of a Bazi Chart

Heavenly stems (天干).

In the study of Bazi, each of the ten Heavenly Stems is associated with an elemental attribute and a Yin-Yang polarity. These Heavenly Stems are Jia Wood (甲木), Yi Wood (乙木), Bing Fire (丙火), Ding Fire (丁火), Wu Earth (戊土), Ji Earth (己土), Geng Metal (庚金), Xin Metal (辛金), Ren Water (壬水), and Gui Water (癸水).

At the beginner level, the Day Stem of a Bazi chart is also known as the Daymaster. The Daymaster is the reference point from which practitioners evaluate the elemental interactions within a Bazi chart.

The Month dictates the season, and therefore the temperature and humidity of a Bazi chart. Based on the season, practitioners apply the temperature adjustment method (调候法) to identify the favourable elements—one of the key methods in Bazi analysis. Practitioners also commonly evaluate the strength of the Daymaster to determine the favourable and unfavourable elements (扶抑法). Other methods include sickness and cure (病药法) and bridging (通关法), which are also used to identify the favourable elements.

Read about Daymasters here

The Heavenly Stems of a Bazi chart are associated with the Ten Gods, representing specific attributes: Direct Resource, Indirect Resource, Friend, Rob Wealth, Hurting Officer, Eating God, Direct Wealth, Indirect Wealth, Direct Officer, and Seven Killings. These attributes can be used to predict and understand the timing of significant life events, such as career advancements, relationship changes, and health issues.

Earthly Branches (地支)

The 12 Earthly Branches are a fundamental element of Chinese astrology, intricately linked with the orbital period of Jupiter—the largest planet in our solar system. Jupiter takes approximately 12 years to complete its orbit around the Sun, and this celestial pattern significantly influences Earth’s astrological cycles. Consequently, these branches are integral to timekeeping in Chinese astrology.

travelling horse bazi

Each of the 12 Earthly Branches corresponds to a year in Jupiter’s 12-year cycle and is also applied to the division of time within each year. Specifically, each year, month, day, and two-hour period (时辰) is associated with one of these branches. The branches are: Zi (子), Chou (丑), Yin (寅), Mao (卯), Chen (辰), Si (巳), Wu (午), Wei (未), Shen (申), You (酉), Xu (戌), and Hai (亥).

To gain deep insights into elemental influences, ancient Bazi astrologers paired the 12 Earthly Branches with the 10 Heavenly Stems to form the 60 Jia Zi cycle, where a Yang Heavenly Stem is paired with a Yang Earthly Branch, and a Yin Heavenly Stem is paired with a Yin Earthly Branch.

This system not only serves as a method for timekeeping but also plays a crucial role in shaping the astrological framework that influences various aspects of life and destiny according to Chinese tradition.

Within each Earthly Branch, there are one to three hidden Heavenly Stems. Practitioners evaluate factors such as the Grand Duke, punishment, harm, clash, combination, and destruction among the Earthly Branches to gain insights into relationship dynamics, opportunities, threats, strengths, and weaknesses of an individual.

Read about the 12 Earthly Branches here

Year Pillar (年柱)

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The Year Pillar in an individual’s Bazi chart is derived from their birth year. It represents ancestors and grandparents, collectively known as the Ancestor’s Palace. This pillar also symbolises one’s external environment. Consequently, whenever the Year Pillar is clashed, it signifies a major change in one’s life. The specific area of change can be identified by determining which of the Ten Gods is being clashed, punished, harmed, or destroyed.

At a beginner level, the Year Pillar is used to assess general compatibility between couples or business partners using principles like the Three Harmony and Three Seasonal combinations. At a practitioner level, a deeper evaluation of an individual’s Bazi chart is conducted to identify the alignment of life goals and values for assessing compatibility.

The Year Pillar can be compared against the Ten-Year Luck Pillar to determine if a person will experience a major career change, such as moving overseas, finding opportunities abroad, or making a significant career transition. Additionally, the Year Pillar can be evaluated against the Month Pillar of one’s Bazi chart to understand how the family of origin affects one’s formative years. Any clash, punishment, harm, or destruction can indicate that the family of origin may hinder personal growth during those years.

The Year Pillar can also be assessed against the Day Pillar to evaluate how the family of origin influences one’s marriage. Similarly, it can be compared with the Hour Pillar to determine how the family of origin affects one’s ability to raise children. In terms of health, the Year Pillar is linked to the head, neck, and mental well-being. Therefore, any form of clash, punishment, harm, or destruction affecting the Year Pillar can manifest as health issues in these areas.

Month Pillar (月柱)

travelling horse bazi

The Month Pillar governs the seasonality of the Bazi chart, dictating its temperature and humidity. In Bazi studies, the Month Pillar is crucial for determining the favourable elements of a chart. When one encounters a luck cycle featuring these favourable elements, it can lead to the acquisition of benefactors, wealth, and opportunities. Conversely, when a luck cycle is dominated by unfavourable elements, it brings challenges, obstacles, and hindrances.

Given the paramount importance of the Month Pillar, any clash, punishment, harm, combination, destruction, or conflict with the Grand Duke (Tai Sui) can signify a major change in one’s career, business, and parents’ health. The favourability of this change depends on:

  • The nature of the interaction of the earthly branches (clash, punishment, harm, combination, destruction, or Grand Duke).
  • The elemental interactions between the heavenly stems and earthly branches in the natal chart and the luck pillars.
  • The Ten Gods.

This method of analysis is similarly applied to the Year, Day, and Hour Pillars of a Bazi chart. For career professionals, the Month Pillar, along with the Hour Pillar, is essential for evaluating career prospects. The Month Pillar affects relationships with superiors, while the Hour Pillar influences relationships with subordinates. For business owners, the Month Pillar represents the state of the business, business partners, or shareholders. The Day Pillar signifies financial health, and the Hour Pillar represents subordinates.

Day Pillar (日柱)

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The Day Pillar represents yourself.

A person’s personality can be understood through several key facets: openness to experience, characterised by creativity and curiosity; conscientiousness, marked by organisation and responsibility; extraversion, defined by sociability and assertiveness; agreeableness, which includes trust and empathy; and neuroticism, which involves tendencies toward anxiety and moodiness. Each of these facets encompasses specific traits that contribute to the complexity and uniqueness of individual personalities.

In Bazi, the Day Pillar is crucial for evaluating a person’s personality. The Day Pillar represents the core self and intrinsic qualities. By analysing the Day Master, we can gain insights into how a person expresses traits such as creativity, responsibility, sociability, empathy, and emotional stability. For example, if your Day Pillar is Geng Metal and Shen Monkey (庚申), it reflects a personality marked by pragmatic and analytical thinking, attention to detail, and a strong sense of duty. Individuals with this Day Pillar are known for their resilience and adaptability, allowing them to navigate challenges effectively. They also possess a willingness to take calculated risks, demonstrating innovativeness and ambition. These traits, combined with a drive for success, contribute to a robust and dynamic personality capable of achieving significant accomplishments.

The study of Bazi encompasses 60 possible Day Pillars, offering a complex and nuanced approach to evaluating one’s personality. This comprehensive analysis allows for a deeper understanding of the intricate nature of individual personalities.

Hour Pillar (时柱)

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The Hour Pillar represents our children, subordinates, and assets. It also plays a pivotal role in determining the favourable elements of a Bazi chart. In one of the Bazi classics, “San Ming Tong Hui” (三命通会), the Month and Hour Pillars are specifically noted for their influence on the temperature and humidity of the chart. The Month Pillar affects the season, and thus the general climate, while the Hour Pillar impacts the temperature of the day. For instance, daytime is generally hotter, and nighttime is cooler.

Conversely, the Year and Day Pillars are not mentioned in “San Ming Tong Hui” in this context because the temperature and humidity of the day cannot be predicted or inferred from these pillars. Therefore, the Year and Day Pillars are not evaluated in determining favourable elements.

The Hour Pillar can be a valuable tool for timing major investments. When the heavenly stem of the Hour Pillar enters the graveyard in a given year, it is generally unfavourable to engage in high-risk investments. A common approach among practitioners is to use the Rob Wealth star to evaluate if the client might experience financial losses. However, this method can be inaccurate, as the Rob Wealth star often predicts major cash outflows, which can include significant purchases like property.

For couples undergoing fertility treatments, the Hour Pillar is also useful in determining the optimal month for treatment, potentially increasing the chances of conceiving a baby.

The Ten Gods (十神)

travelling horse bazi

Every Heavenly Stem has a Yin and Yang polarity. To understand the specific attribute of each Heavenly Stem relative to the Daymaster, ancient Chinese astrologers assign each Heavenly Stem to one of the Ten Gods relative to the Daymaster.

The Ten Gods comprise the following stars: Direct Wealth (正财星), Indirect Wealth (偏财星), Eating God (食神星), Hurting Officer (伤官星), Direct Resource (正印星), Indirect Resource (枭神星), Rob Wealth (劫财星), Friend (比肩星), Direct Officer (正官星), and Seven Killings (七杀星).

In the study of Bazi, the principles of the Ten Gods are commonly applied to predict events that one would encounter during the 10-year, annual, monthly, and daily luck pillars.

Technical explanation: If your Daymaster is strong, Rob Wealth is considered your unfavourable Ten God. When you encounter a Rob Wealth star during your annual luck pillar, you should be cautious about making bold investments, as you might risk having your investment stuck. Similarly, when a strong Daymaster encounters an Indirect Wealth star during their annual luck pillar, it signifies opportunities for investment to grow and accumulate wealth.

Learn more about the Ten Gods here

What can i expect from a bazi reading.

Imperial Harvest believes in cultivating a lifelong working relationship with our clients as they embark on a journey of abundance and fulfilment under Master David’s guidance. Therefore, every Bazi reading conducted at Imperial Harvest is comprehensive, thorough, and meticulous, ensuring that each client receives insightful advice on various aspects of their lives.

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How long is a Bazi reading consultation?

Your complimentary Bazi analysis and consultation session is expected to take about one hour. As a pioneer in providing complimentary and comprehensive Bazi analysis in Singapore, Master David and his team conduct these sessions in a private consultation space. This approach ensures that clients gain a thorough understanding of their Bazi chart, helping them align their goals and aspirations before embarking on their Imperial Harvest journey.

Where will the session be held?

Bazi readings at Imperial Harvest will be conducted in person at Imperial Harvest’s Gallery.

In the study of Bazi, there are 13 time periods (时辰) in a day, factoring in the early and late rat hours. Given there are 365 days in a year, this results in 4,745 possible Bazi chart combinations in a year. When we factor in gender, this makes 9,490 Bazi charts. With 30,000 babies born each year in Singapore, this means there are at least three same-gender individuals born each year who share the same Bazi chart and luck cycle. However, not all people share the same life experiences because, despite sharing the same birth details, we are born with different elemental facial features and palm lines.

For an accurate and comprehensive Bazi reading, Imperial Harvest’s In-Person Live Authentic Bazi consultation combines face reading, palmistry, and Bazi analysis to gain a comprehensive understanding of our clients’ situations and goals before providing insightful and effective solutions to help them achieve their aspirations.

travelling horse bazi

Book your complimentary Bazi consultation with Imperial Harvest

At Imperial Harvest, every journey begins with a Bazi consultation. Master David, drawing upon profound insights and principles from ancient texts, adapts time-honoured traditions to suit our modern socio-economic context. Utilising wisdom passed down through generations, Master David distils Imperial Feng Shui wisdom, providing customised and effective solutions.

Learn about Imperial Harvest Journey

Imperial Harvest’s expert consultants are always on hand to guide you on your journey and provide you with insights to help you realise your fullest potential. Book a complimentary consultation today or contact us at +65 92301640 .

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Four Pillars of Destiny (Bazi)

The Four Pillars of Destiny is known as 'eight characters of birth time', namely Sheng Chen Ba Zi, shortly as Bazi in Pinyin. As an important component of Chinese fortune telling, the 'four pillars' refers to the year, month, day and hour pillars of a birthday in Chinese solar calendar and each pillar has two characters, eight characters (Ba Zi) in total. Two characters in each pair are made up of one character from the Heavenly Stems and one from the Earthly Branches.  The theory of the Chinese Four Pillars of Destiny is based on Yin Yang and Wu Xing, and the pillars are represented on the basis of the heavenly stems & earthly branches .   

Year Pillar

Year's Earthly Branch – the reminder (1-11) of the year divided by 12 will indicate the year's branch

Take the year 1985 for example. Last number 5 refers to Yi. 1985 divided by 12 equals an integer 165 with a reminder of 5. Number 5 refers to Chou. So 1985 is Yi Chou year.  

Month Pillar

Hour pillar.

travelling horse bazi

It has only eight characters, but the relation of the eight characters is very complicated. According to the Bazi analysis theory, year pillar represents ancestors and parents; month pillar represents brothers and sisters; day stem represents oneself; day branch represent spouse; hour pillar represents offspring. In addition, the heavenly stems have their own characteristics which are related to the Five Elements  (Wu Xing). The missing element in a baby's Bazi will be usually added into its name as an action of compensation. Among the ten heavenly stems, there are compatible and opposite relations. While among the earthly branches, the relations are more complex, combination, clash, restriction, harm, etc. Abundant relationships may have accurate explanation on the luck of one self or relatives.  The ancient people believed that birth time is a kind of Qi (aura, something of spirit). People born in the Wei hour have an aura field of Wei. If the birth time is in Wei hour but closing to Shen, the aura field has changed gradually to that of the Shen hour. The Four Pillars of Destiny was created based on vague time, as the time division in ancient time could not be accurate as it is in modern times. So, are there any errors if calculating the Ba Zi because of the time difference? An individual is unique replying on the combination of time, space and spirit. While the Four Pillars mainly talks about time, occasionally space but non spirit. It is an outcome of Chinese metaphysics which is special, interesting but the accurate is debatable.

BaZi Series – About the General Star

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Previously I have written two articles for Feng Shui Today magazine. One is “ About Peach Blossoms ” and the other is “ About Travel Horse ”. These are both important stars/symbols in Bazi (Chinese Astrology) and identify a person’s outlook, relationships, character and movements in life.

This article is about the General Star (将星) (Jiang Xing), which is another one of the stars or symbols in Bazi. It relates to power and affects a person’s career, ability and influence.

The Ancient Chinese said: ‘将星文武两相宜,祿重权高足可知’. This means that people who have the General Star will be good scholars and/or military figures, masters of both pen and sword. They may also enjoy high power and social status.

To find the General Star you can look at the Year Branch or Day Branch from your Bazi Chart.

将星 (Jiang Xing) refers to a big general in the army, therefore the center of the ‘Three Combines” is the General Star.

If the General Star is supported by lucky stars, it will be more powerful.

If the General Star is in a position of Officer (正官) , the person is likely to hold power in his/her life. An example is if a person’s Day Master is Yin Metal 辛金 and they are born in the year of Dog and the month of Horse. The Horse is the General Star and also a Power Star for this person.

If the General Star also happens to be a Seven Killing 七杀or Goat Blade 羊刃then  this person may hold the power of life and death.

If the General Star also happens to be a Prosperity Star, then this person has a chance to be a treasurer.

If the General Star is not damaged and does not clash, then it is good for all kinds of careers and this person will have power over people, with leadership and influence.

If the General Star is in a death position at the time of life, then the power of the star is inactive.

If the General Star meets an inauspicious star, it will enhance the inauspicious aspect of life and may cause financial loss, accidents and injuries.

If the General Star happens to be a Robbing Money Star 劫财 and if the Robbing Money Star is unfavorable to the person, then the negative impact from the General Star can be very strong; enough even to send the person bankrupt. An example is a person with a Yin Water Day Master 癸水 who is born in the Monkey year and Rat month. The Rat (Yang Water) is the General Star, but also the Robbing Money Star.

The General Star can also appear in the Luck Pillars or in the annual year. For example, 2014 was a year of the Horse, so for people born in the year of the Dog, Tiger or Horse, they had the General Star for a year. If they already have the General Star in their Bazi, then the Year Star could enhance its power.

Mina teaches Feng Shui & Bazi fundamentals at the Academy of Feng Shui.  For more information on her classes please visit  also her Yearly Almanac  is now available for download at our online shop.

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Mina Zheng was born in Southern China and moved to Australia in 1990. Her Feng Shui studies began with her father, who is a well known Tai Chi Master, Chinese Metaphysic researcher and author. Over the years she has also studied with Master Lillian Too, Grand Master Raymond Lo and Grand Master Shao Wei Hua, who is among the top ten Feng Shui Masters in China and was personally awarded the title of Feng Shui Master and Zhou Yi Prediction Master by him. Nowadays she runs a busy international practice – Feng Shui Australia.

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Destiny, Luck and Feng Shui

Sunday, July 18, 2010

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The 10 Gods Of Bazi Destiny Analysis

To decipher an individual’s bazi, one needs to have a fundamental understanding of the relationship between the self-element (day master) with other heavenly stems .

As a quick recap, bazi consist of 8 characters made up of 4 heavenly stems and 4 earthly branches.

More about the basics of bazi (4 pillars of destiny) can be found here .

There are 10 possible heavenly stems that can take up each of the 4 heavenly stems; positions.

In classical text, these 10 stems are named 十神 which literally translates to 10 gods, 10 deities or some refer to it as 10 spirits.

It should be reminded that these references to the 10 gods have no connotations to religion, superstition or celestial beings.

It’s just a play with words. An expression of the meanings behind them.

Among the 10 gods, what they represent to each person depends on the person’s self-element (ri yuan 日元). This is because what a certain element mean to a specific person can only be determined with reference to the day master.

The 10 gods are:

  • Jia wood (甲)
  • Yi wood (乙)
  • Bing fire (丙)
  • Ding fire (丁)
  • Wu earth (戊)
  • Ji earth (己)
  • Geng metal (庚)
  • Xin metal (辛)
  • Ren water (壬)
  • Gui water (癸)

A gentle reminder that the above don’t mean anything until one can figure out his self-element.

To find meaning behind them, the relationship between the self-element and the 10 gods have to be determined.

This can be categorized into:

  • The element that creates self-element
  • The element that is created by self-element
  • The element that destroys self-element
  • The element that is destroyed by self-element
  • The element that duplicates self-element

As there is a yin (-) or yang (+) attribute to each element, the above 5 elements plus their yin and yang polarity (or versions) make up the 10 deities.

As can be observed above, there are only 5 elements that have significantly different functions. Plus the elemental stem that represents the self (ri yuan), it makes up 6 main variables. Thus the 10 gods can sometimes be also referred to as the 6 gods or 6 spirits.

Discovering the 10 gods

To elaborate what are the possible representations each of the 10 gods has, let’s use an example in which an individual discovers he has a self-element of jia wood (+ wood) after plotting his bazi .

The wood element is destroyed by metal, creates fire, destroys earth, and is created by water.

The determination of each god then, is as below.

Direct resource (正印) is the yin creator and indirect resource (偏印) is the yang creator.

Friendly (比肩) is the yang duplicate and competition (劫财) is the yin duplicate.

Extrovert talent (伤官) is the yin created and introvert talent (食神) is the yang created.

Direct wealth (正财) is the yin destroyed and indirect wealth (偏财) is the yang destroyed.

Given authority (正官) is the yin destroyer and earned authority (偏官 or 七殺) is the yang destroyer.

Thus, in this example, we would be able to identify the 10 gods specific to this individual with a self-element of jia wood.

  • Direct resource as yin water (癸)
  • Indirect resource as yang water (壬)
  • Friendly as yang wood (甲)
  • Competition as yin wood (乙)
  • Extrovert talent as yin fire (丁)
  • Introvert talent as yang fire (丙)
  • Direct wealth as yin earth (己)
  • Indirect wealth as yang earth (戊)
  • Given authority as yin metal (辛)
  • Earned authority as yang metal (庚)

There are a lot of diverse implications for each god. But here is a brief explanation of what they can indicate.

To simplify the referencing of the 10 gods, heavenly stems can be labeled with numbers from H1 to H10. This can enable easier comprehension for non-mandarin speakers.

Direct resource

Mother, mentor, benefactors, supporters, academic pursuit, knowledge, charity, inputs for growth, home, religious places, etc.

Indirect resource

Stepmother, mentors with hidden agendas, knowledge of little value, medicine, unfruitful career, etc.

Independence, loyalty, decisiveness, confidence, perseverance, etc.

Passion, courage, authenticity, social, adaptable, impulsive, risky, etc.

Extrovert talent

Extrovert, eloquent, romantic, smart, creative, rebellious, variety of interests, etc.

Introvert talent (Eating God)

Introvert, philosophical, multi-talented, strategist, humble, deep-thinker, etc.

Direct wealth

Down to earth, sincere, rational, reliable, sensible, family-oriented, traditional, conservative, etc.

Indirect wealth

Generous, regimental, lack of discipline, sharp mind, indecisive, rash, cowardly, etc.

Given authority

Honorable, law-abiding, ethical, trustworthy, passive, weak willed, etc.

Earned authority (7 killings)

Chivalry, alert, firm, vigorous, dictator, charismatic, aggressive, unreasonable, reckless, etc.

As the method to determine which heavenly stem represents which god, here is a basic explanation to help you grasp it better.

Direct resource is the:

  • yin element that creates a yang self-element
  • yang element that creates a in self-element

Indirect resource is the:

  • yang element that creates a yang self-element
  • yin element that creates a yin self-element

Friendly is the:

  • yang element that duplicates a yang self-element
  • yin element that duplicates a yin self-element

Competition is the:

  • yin element that duplicates a yang self-element
  • yang element that duplicates a yin self-element

Extrovert talent is the:

travelling horse bazi

  • yin element created by a yang self-element
  • yang element created by a yin self-element

Introvert talent is the:

  • yang element created by a yang self-element
  • yin element created by a yin self-element

Direct wealth is the:

  • yin element destroyed by a yang self-element
  • yang element destroyed by a yin self-element

Indirect wealth is the:

  • yang element destroyed by a yang self-element
  • yin element destroyed by a yin self-element

Given authority is the:

  • yin element that destroys a yang self-element
  • yang element that destroys a yin self-element

Earned authority is the:

  • yang element that destroys a yang self-element
  • yin element that destroys a yin self-element

Alternatively, we can use a table to simplify the referencing.

Or you can refer to a full detailed cheat sheet here .

Having gone through the above elaborations, it should be clear that any one heavenly stem does not have a fixed representation of any of the 10 gods. What each stem represents depends on what the day stem (day master) of an individual is.

When a stem is favorable to the self, it can be referred to as a god (神). And when it’s unfavorable, it can be referred to as a ghost (鬼) or killing (煞).

It must also be noted that while the 10 gods play a critical role in basic bazi diagnosis, a lot of other variables come into play in advanced bazi analysis.

And if you cannot fully understand the 10 gods, you might want to refrain from making judgments and decisions on your own bazi.

This is because mistakes can sometimes cause you to trigger negative events and suppress positive events.

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BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny 101: What is a Clash?

This article will only cover the symbolic meaning of a Clash. To learn more about the fascinating and comprehensive system of BaZi (or Four Pillars of Destiny), please read here . Or click below for articles covering other symbolic meanings.


My clients hear the word “clash” and you can sense their nervousness and unease around this idea. Yes, being “under clash” is never the most comfortable feeling in the world and it is definitely the opposite feeling of peace and harmony.

Unfortunately – or fortunately depending on how you look at it – life is not all roses and cotton candies! And from a BaZi sense of view, a  clash  is a normal occurrence. It’s part of life. We all go through periods of  clash , multiple times in a lifetime, and it can happen at any moment – in a particular hour, a day, a month, a year, or even an entire 10-year luck cycle! But knowing this valuable information is a lot like being given an armor. You can better protect and prepare yourself to help minimize this  clash .

Now, the weight or severity of a  clash  depends on many variable factors that is all too complicated to explain in a single article. And a  clash  can manifest in different ways to different people, showing up as either a  clash  in their home, relationship, health, money, career, or the  clash   can even affect other people in their lives such as parents, grandparents, or children.

But a  clash  can be as minor as twisting your ankle in a pothole, a fender bender, running more errands in a single day, misplacing your house or car keys, missing the freeway exits, or having a simple misunderstanding between people. A  clash  can also be serious enough to cause physical harm like being involved in a car crash, it can also break up a rocky marriage or relationship, trigger a windfall of money outflow, cause you to get fired or laid off from a job, or even getting sick.

Similar to the energy of the  Traveling Star , you can choose to view a  clash  half-full and understand that a  clash  creates a change of events in one’s life. It is part of our human nature to want more, to live more, to strive more, even if it means we want to learn more or to grow. Because life does not stay in a static motion, a  clash  offers all of us an opportunity to let the organic and manmade shifts to happen throughout our life.

My teacher Grand Master Raymond Lo once told me privately, “You know BaZi so you can adjust your actions. If you know you’re under  clash , then satisfy the  clash   yourself so the universe doesn’t have to do something else to make it happen.”

What he means is if you are under  clash , one way you can safeguard yourself is to carry the pendant of the animal that helps to attract away the  clash . This serves as a psychological and emotional reminder that you are in a period of significant movement and change. But most importantly, you should be more cautious or tentative in your actions and decisions during a time of  clash .  Perhaps you might want to think twice before going bungee jumping, driving a fast car, or making a risky financial investment.

But if you also understand  where  the  clash  is happening, such as your House of Spouse, then you can turn up the notch in your relationship aspect by communicating your needs and concerns more clearly, more compassionately, and with more patience. Remember, destiny is just one-third of life, you have to actively participate with your own free-will. And when you are under  clash , it becomes especially more important to take care of the  Feng Shui   of your home.

To derive your clash and animal protection, you can use this table.

Birth Year or Day         Clash                          Animal Protection

Tiger 寅                                 Monkey 申                  Snake 巳

Rabbit 卯                              Rooster 酉                  Dragon 辰

Dragon 辰                             Dog 戌                         Rabbit 卯

Snake 巳                                Pig 亥                          Tiger 寅

Horse 午                                Rat 子                          Ox 丑

Goat 未                                   Ox 丑                           Rat 子

Monkey 申                             Tiger 寅                       Pig 亥

Rooster 酉                             Rabbit 卯                     Dog 戌

Dog 戌                                    Dragon 辰                   Rooster 酉

Pig 亥                                      Snake 巳                     Monkey 申

Rat 子                                     Horse 午                     Goat 未

Ox 丑                                      Goat 未                        Horse 午

  If you’re interested in understanding your personal BaZi, please contact Feng Shui by Jen for a consultation. Remote services available.

  Other Symbolic Meanings:

Traveling Star

Peach Blossom

Copyrighted © 2017 | Feng Shui by Jen LLC | Materials may not be copied, translated, or distributed without prior written consent.

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