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Travel forecast.

FORECAST January 17, 2024

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Driven by Tourism Economics' travel forecasting model, the latest U.S. Travel Forecast projects the following:

International travel to the U.S. is growing quickly but is still far from a full pre-pandemic recovery. 

An expected global macroeconomic slowdown, a strong dollar, and lengthy visa wait times could inhibit future growth, with volume reaching 98% of 2019 levels in 2024 (up from 84% recovered in 2023) and achieving a full recovery in 2025. Spending levels, when adjusted for inflation, are not expected to recover until 2026. 

Other countries with whom the U.S. directly competes have recovered their pre-pandemic visitation rates more quickly, and some countries—such as France and Spain—have even increased their share of the global travel market. Meanwhile, U.S. global market share is declining.

Business travel is still expected to grow in 2024, albeit at a slower rate. 

Volume in the sector is expected to end the year at 95% of 2019 levels—up from 89% recovered in 2023. Slowing economic growth will hinder domestic business travel’s recovery, with a full comeback in volume not expected until 2026. Domestic business travel spending is not expected to recover to pre-pandemic levels within the range of the forecast.

Domestic leisure growth decelerated through three quarters of 2023 as consumer spending slowed amid higher borrowing costs, tighter credit conditions and the restart of student loan repayments. 

The sector achieved a full recovery to pre-pandemic levels in 2022. 

To complement the travel forecast table, U.S. Travel has released an accompanying slide deck , which provides context for the latest projections. This document, which appears on the right under "downloads," is available exclusively to U.S. Travel members.

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The novel coronavirus, first detected at the end of 2019, has caused a global pandemic.

The Coronavirus Crisis

U.s. travelers are back in the saddle again. but they've adapted to a new reality.

Photo of Jaclyn Diaz

Jaclyn Diaz

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Horseback riders head down a trail near June Lake, Calif. As post-pandemic travel increases, people are flocking to outdoor activities and rural areas. George Rose/Getty Images hide caption

Horseback riders head down a trail near June Lake, Calif. As post-pandemic travel increases, people are flocking to outdoor activities and rural areas.

After surging coronavirus cases during the spring scuttled a much-anticipated cruise trip to Montreal, Nate Burglewski and his extended family really wanted to gather this summer — while also staying safe.

The trip had to meet a few requirements: a destination that wasn't too far for elderly relatives in the Midwest, had strict local coronavirus safety measures and offered lots of outdoor activities. Burglewski and his wife live in upstate New York, while other relatives are scattered across the country.

"Everyone is vaccinated and got them as early as we could. With the delta variant, we still decided to be very cautious. We did self-quarantines and all got tested the week before," he says.

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With Vaccines Now Mandated For Workplaces, Will A Travel Mandate Be Next?

They ended up meeting in Indiana, renting a vacation home and spending a lot of time outside.

"It all worked out," he says.

After losing out on big trips in 2020 because of the pandemic, lots of Americans are making similar decisions — and making up for lost time.

"After more than a year of isolation or being limited to local activities, people showed this pent-up demand for travel," says Larry Yu, a professor of hospitality management at George Washington University.

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After more than a year of being cooped up, people are traveling again but are forsaking hotels and international and urban destinations for the great outdoors, perhaps like Silver Lake near the Sierra Nevada mountains in California. George Rose/Getty Images hide caption

After more than a year of being cooped up, people are traveling again but are forsaking hotels and international and urban destinations for the great outdoors, perhaps like Silver Lake near the Sierra Nevada mountains in California.

This strong desire to travel has driven new trends in the industry — some of which may be here to stay. Like Burglewski's family, people are flocking to outdoor activities, rural areas and private vacation rentals and are showing less interest in hotels and international and urban destinations.

And early evidence shows that despite the delta variant and still-high cases of infection in the U.S., Americans are planning to continue to travel from now to the end of the year.

"We fully expect that leisure demand, especially on the weekends, continues to be strong in the fall and winter," says Jan Freitag, director of hospitality analytics in the U.S. for CoStar Group.

After a big drop, the industry shows signs of recovery

It's a big change from the earlier months of the pandemic, when the industry took a massive hit.

In the U.S., travel spending plummeted by nearly $500 billion, according to the U.S. Travel Association . Thousands of jobs were lost as well: 65% of all U.S. jobs lost in 2020 were supported by travel.

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2020 Was The Worst Year Ever For U.S. Hotels. Here's What's Next

To be sure, pandemic uncertainty is still causing some whiplash for businesses. Just last month, Southwest Airlines and other businesses reported they would pull back this fall.

Still, the U.S. travel sector is bouncing back from its pandemic lows, businesses and experts say. The travel association reports that travel spending is inching back up to 2019 levels. Hotel occupancy this summer recovered to just shy of pre-pandemic numbers: nearly 70% in July this year, compared with 73% during July 2019, according to STR, which provides data and research on the global hospitality industry.

Airline bookings — at least domestically — are also approaching pre-pandemic levels.

The rollout of vaccinations has made a big difference, says Paula Twidale, senior vice president of AAA Travel.

The travel agency has "been experiencing a travel boom all year," she says. "The domestic travel increase has been phenomenal."

Americans are traveling in ways shaped by the pandemic

The Burglewski's family vacation in Nashville, Ind., reflects many of the new realities. Most family members wore masks indoors and stayed outside as much as possible. They hiked and played four square at a nearby playground.

They chose a rental home — with a porch to gather on — over a big hotel.

"We feel like we can control the environment more," Burglewski says.

"Some people in the family still really want to do a cruise," he says, "but others said they don't think they would ever be comfortable doing something like that again."

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Nathan Burglewski and members of his extended family made use of a playground near their rental home during a family vacation to Indiana this summer. Nate Burglewski hide caption

Nathan Burglewski and members of his extended family made use of a playground near their rental home during a family vacation to Indiana this summer.

Other Americans were making similar choices over the summer — and in record numbers.

"Vrbo has experienced its best year ever," says Melanie Fish, a company spokeswoman. That makes a lot of sense, she says, because private vacation homes in the U.S. were in high demand during the pandemic.

Families also stayed longer. For instance, Airbnb has seen a rise in families renting properties for three- and four-day weekends. That has been easier because so many companies have delayed returning to the office or have announced flexible workweeks .

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Nathan Burglewski and his extended family had some requirements for their rescheduled vacation: a destination that wasn't too far for elderly relatives in the Midwest and offered lots of outdoor activities. They ended up in a rental in Indiana. Nathan Burglewski hide caption

Travelers chose mountains over skyscrapers

Where travelers are going is also changing. Coastal areas have been popular, says Yu, the George Washington professor, with more people taking advantage of kayaking, boating or canoeing activities. And small towns, too. For instance, 42% of the nights booked by families on Airbnb this summer were in rural destinations, up from 32% two years ago.

"There's been big growth in those areas," says Christopher Nulty, Airbnb's public affairs director. Early in the pandemic, he notes, "people were forced to travel to destinations a car ride away and they were able to find that great places exist just a tank of gas away."

Vrbo experienced similar demand for more local travel. Trips of 250 miles or less in July and August increased by over 20% compared with the same time in 2019, according to the company's latest data .

The greater emphasis on nature and outdoor activities is reflected in the popularity of U.S. national parks. Since seeing a major drop-off in visitors in the early months of the pandemic, the National Park Service has experienced a healthy systemwide rebound in 2021.

Yellowstone National Park, for instance, had 921,844 visitors in August 2021, making it the most-visited August on record and outpacing the pre-pandemic total for the same month by 12%, according to the NPS .

Experts predict a busy fall and winter

Though coronavirus cases have been declining and some foreign countries have reopened, U.S. travelers are staying cautious and, for now, close to home.

"The delta variant will continue to put a small damper on corporate demand, but the American consumers are seemingly undeterred," Freitag with CoStar Group says. "And as delta cases decline, we expect that leisure demand will hold."

More than 50% of American adults plan to take a domestic vacation before the end of 2022, according to AAA.

Vrbo's outlook for this fall and winter is also looking good, with "heightened demand" for homes in December compared with in previous years, says Nancy Lien, a company spokeswoman.

"Demand for holiday bookings started picking up as early as July ," she says. "Warmer destinations like the Florida Keys and Naples, Fla., have fewer than 30% of Vrbo homes remaining during Christmas week."

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Goats and Soda

Coronavirus faq: what's the advice about traveling in the delta variant era.

Ski destinations in the U.S. are a top choice as well. Vrbo reports that demand for popular ski spots in Breckenridge, Colo., and surrounding areas are up.

Among those who will contribute to the continuing travel surge will be Burglewski and his wife.

"We are making up for lost time and taking those trips we've put off," he says.

For Christmas, they'll fly to Florida for a 10-day stay. In the new year, the couple plans to visit Yellowstone for a delayed anniversary trip.

2023 Travel Trends in the USA for Consumers

As the travel industry continues to evolve, new travel trends emerge, shaping the way consumers explore the world. With the dawn of 2023, travelers in the United States can look forward to a host of exciting travel trends that will enhance their experiences. From immersive technology to sustainable tourism, this blog post delves into the top travel trends that will dominate the scene in the USA this year.

1. Rise of Immersive Experiences

The rise of immersive experiences in the travel industry is transforming the way travelers engage with destinations in 2023. Gone are the days when a vacation simply meant sightseeing and relaxing. Today’s travelers crave a deeper connection and a sense of being fully immersed in the places they visit.

Advancements in technology, particularly virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR), have revolutionized the way travelers can explore and interact with their surroundings. In 2023, these immersive technologies are becoming increasingly accessible, offering travelers unparalleled opportunities to engage with historical sites, landmarks, and cultural attractions.

The rise of immersive experiences in 2023 not only enhances the travel experience but also offers numerous benefits. Travelers can gain a deeper understanding of historical and cultural sites, fostering a sense of appreciation and preservation. Virtual tours and experiences can be especially valuable for individuals with physical limitations or those unable to travel long distances.

Moreover, immersive technologies enable travelers to plan and preview their trips more effectively. By virtually exploring destinations beforehand, travelers can make informed decisions about the places they want to visit, ensuring a more fulfilling and customized experience.

As the travel industry embraces these immersive technologies, expect to see a growing number of destinations, museums, and tourist attractions offering virtual and augmented reality experiences. Travel companies will incorporate VR, AR, and MR into their itineraries and packages, providing travelers with a wide range of options to choose from.

2. Sustainable and Responsible Tourism

With the growing recognition of the environmental impact of travel, sustainable and responsible tourism practices are gaining significant momentum among US travelers in 2023, becoming a larger travel trend amongst Americans. More and more people are realizing the importance of minimizing their carbon footprint and making conscious choices that benefit both the environment and local communities.

One of the key aspects of sustainable travel is the choice of eco-friendly accommodations. In 2023, there will be a surge in demand for hotels, resorts, and lodges that prioritize sustainable practices. Eco-lodges, which are designed and operated with minimal environmental impact, will gain popularity among travelers. These accommodations often incorporate renewable energy sources, utilize water and energy conservation measures, and integrate environmentally friendly materials into their construction. From solar-powered resorts to off-grid cabins, eco-friendly accommodations will provide a guilt-free and sustainable stay for travelers.

Another aspect of sustainable tourism is supporting local businesses and communities. In 2023, US travelers will increasingly seek out authentic experiences that directly contribute to the local economy. By choosing to dine at locally-owned restaurants, shop at local markets, and engage with local artisans and craftsmen, travelers can make a positive impact by supporting the livelihoods of residents. This approach fosters a deeper connection with the destination and ensures that tourism dollars are distributed more equitably within the community.

Engaging in responsible activities that preserve the environment and cultural heritage will also be a significant trend in 2023. Travelers will actively seek out experiences that minimize their ecological footprint and promote sustainable practices. Eco-tours, which focus on nature conservation and education, will gain popularity. These tours often include activities such as wildlife preservation, tree planting, and sustainable farming practices. By participating in such activities, travelers can actively contribute to the conservation and protection of natural resources.

3. Wellness Travel Trends

In the fast-paced and demanding world we live in, finding moments of peace and rejuvenation has become essential. In 2023, travelers in the United States are increasingly seeking wellness and mindfulness retreats as a means to escape the stresses of everyday life and prioritize self-care. These retreats offer a wide range of activities and experiences that promote relaxation, mindfulness, and holistic well-being.

One of the key components of wellness and mindfulness retreats is the practice of yoga and meditation. These ancient disciplines help individuals find inner balance, reduce stress, and promote mental clarity. In 2023, retreats will offer various yoga styles, such as Hatha, Vinyasa, or Yin, catering to different preferences and skill levels. Experienced instructors will guide participants through mindful movement, breathwork, and meditation, creating a nurturing and serene environment for self-reflection and personal growth.

Spa treatments will also be a significant feature of wellness travel trends in 2023. Travelers will have the opportunity to indulge in a range of therapeutic treatments, including massages, facials, and body scrubs. These treatments not only relax the body but also help to alleviate stress and promote overall well-being. Retreat centers will often utilize natural and organic products to enhance the rejuvenating experience, emphasizing the importance of self-care and holistic healing.

Cuisine plays a vital role in wellness retreats, as healthy and nourishing food is seen as an integral part of well-being. In 2023, travelers can expect nutritious and delicious meals prepared with fresh, locally sourced ingredients. Retreats will offer plant-based, vegetarian, and vegan options, catering to various dietary preferences. Nutritional workshops and cooking classes may also be provided, empowering participants to adopt healthier eating habits and make mindful food choices even after the retreat.

Outdoor adventures and nature immersion are another highlight of wellness retreats in 2023. Many retreat centers are situated in serene and picturesque locations, ranging from secluded mountain retreats to beachfront resorts. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in activities such as hiking, nature walks, beach yoga, or paddleboarding. These experiences allow travelers to connect with the natural world, unwind amidst breathtaking scenery, and find solace in the tranquility of their surroundings.

Moreover, wellness retreats in 2023 will foster a sense of community and connection among participants. Group activities, workshops, and group discussions will encourage interaction, sharing of experiences, and the formation of meaningful connections with like-minded individuals. This supportive environment provides a space for personal reflection, self-discovery, and the cultivation of a positive mindset.

4. Off-the-Beaten-Path Destinations

In 2023, a significant travel trend among US travelers will be the exploration of off-the-beaten-path destinations. While popular tourist hotspots continue to attract visitors, an increasing number of travelers are seeking unique and authentic experiences that go beyond the well-trodden paths. These intrepid adventurers are eager to discover lesser-known regions and hidden gems, delving into the cultural tapestry of a destination and uncovering its best-kept secrets.

Off-the-beaten-path destinations offer a refreshing departure from the crowds and offer travelers a chance to escape the tourist traps and experience the true essence of a place. Remote islands, secluded mountain villages, and small towns with rich cultural heritage become enticing choices for those seeking to immerse themselves in local traditions, flavors, and stories.

One allure of offbeat destinations lies in their unspoiled natural beauty. Travelers can embark on treks through pristine landscapes, explore untouched wilderness, and encounter unique ecosystems. From cascading waterfalls in hidden valleys to picturesque beaches with crystal-clear waters, these off-the-beaten-path locations provide breathtaking scenery that remains relatively unexplored.

5. The Luxury Travel Trends – Personalized Travel Experiences

In 2023, personalized travel experiences are gaining significant momentum as US travelers seek tailor-made itineraries that cater to their unique interests and preferences. This travel trend is fueled by advancements in technology, particularly artificial intelligence (AI) and big data, which enable travel companies to gather and analyze vast amounts of information to create highly personalized recommendations and experiences.

The rise of personalized travel experiences is a response to the increasing demand for customization and individualization in all aspects of life. Travelers no longer want a one-size-fits-all approach; they seek experiences that align with their passions, hobbies, and personal preferences. Whether it’s a food lover wanting to explore local culinary delights, an adventure enthusiast seeking adrenaline-pumping activities, or a history buff yearning for immersive cultural experiences, personalized travel options are designed to fulfill these desires.

One of the key drivers behind personalized travel experiences is the use of AI and big data. Travel companies are leveraging these technologies to gather and analyze vast amounts of information about individual travelers, including their past travel preferences, social media activity, and online interactions. By understanding the traveler’s preferences, AI algorithms can generate highly tailored recommendations for destinations, accommodations, activities, and dining options.

The Best Travel Rewards Programs

Tommy hilfiger’s successful spring break campaign with tlc worldwide north america.

In 2022, Tommy Hilfiger partnered with TLC Worldwide North America to execute a highly successful campaign during the popular spring break period in the USA and Canada. The primary goal of the campaign was to build upon the previous holiday programs and incentivize customers to increase their spending and acquire memberships in the Tommy Hilfiger Club. The target audience for this campaign was 30-55 year olds, a demographic that aligns with Tommy Hilfiger’s brand image.

TLC Worldwide North America designed a strategy that offered customers a high-value reward, specifically travel credits, which could be utilized throughout the year. The concept was simple: if a customer joined the Tommy Hilfiger Club and spent at least $200 in-store, they would receive $200 in travel credits to be applied towards hotel stays and car rentals.

This campaign proved to be a resounding success for Tommy Hilfiger. The results were remarkable, with an astounding 80% increase in sales during the spring break period. Moreover, the campaign generated a whopping 93,000 new sign-ups for the Tommy Hilfiger Club, reflecting the effectiveness of the incentive in driving membership acquisition.

One of the most significant achievements of this campaign was that 42% of qualifying transactions, where customers spent a minimum of $200, were driven by the new Tommy Hilfiger Club sign-ups. This demonstrates the direct impact of the reward program on increasing customer spending and engagement with the brand. By offering a tangible benefit that resonated with the target audience, Tommy Hilfiger was able to capture the attention and loyalty of a significant number of customers.

The travel credit incentive not only incentivized customers to make larger purchases but also encouraged them to join the Tommy Hilfiger Club, providing a more long-term benefit to both the customers and the brand. By becoming a member, customers gained access to exclusive offers, personalized recommendations, and other perks, further solidifying their loyalty to the brand.

This case study exemplifies the power of strategic partnerships and the effectiveness of well-designed incentive programs in driving sales and customer acquisition. By collaborating with TLC Worldwide North America and offering a compelling reward, Tommy Hilfiger was able to successfully tap into the spring break period’s potential and engage their target audience effectively.

The campaign’s success highlights the importance of understanding customer preferences and motivations and tailoring incentives accordingly. Tommy Hilfiger’s ability to provide a reward that aligned with their customers’ desires for travel experiences demonstrated a keen understanding of their target market.

Overall, the Tommy Hilfiger case study in 2022 serves as a testament to the positive impact of well-executed incentive programs. The brand’s partnership with TLC Worldwide North America, coupled with the travel credit reward, not only boosted sales but also significantly increased membership acquisition, ultimately strengthening the brand’s relationship with its customers.

Travel Trends

Canon’s ‘The Great Escape Deal’ with TLC Worldwide North America 

In 2023, Canon collaborated with TLC Worldwide North America to launch an impactful campaign called ‘The Great Escape Deal’. The primary objective of the campaign was to drive sales for the Canon EOS R100 camera kit, targeting Millennials, Gen X, and Boomers who desired to capture higher quality photos that are not typically achievable with a mobile device.

The challenge presented to TLC Worldwide North America by Canon was to create a compelling incentive program that would resonate with the target audience and align with their interests. TLC responded by designing an innovative strategy that combined the product and travel trends, offering purchasers of the Canon EOS R100 camera kit a $250 travel credit to be utilized across the United States and Canada.

This partnership between Canon and TLC proved to be highly successful, capturing the attention and loyalty of the target audience. By recognizing the growing desire for better photography experiences among Millennials, Gen X, and Boomers, Canon effectively positioned its EOS R100 camera kit as the ideal solution for capturing high-quality photos.

The inclusion of a travel credit as a reward was a stroke of brilliance, as it aligned perfectly with the audience’s interests and aspirations. This incentive not only provided immediate value to customers but also presented an opportunity for them to explore new destinations and create more memorable experiences while utilizing their new camera.

Furthermore, ‘The Great Escape Deal’ campaign strengthened Canon’s brand perception as an industry leader in photography equipment. By recognizing the evolving needs of consumers and aligning their product with the desire for high-quality photos, Canon demonstrated their commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction.

This program is still live and available for customers to purchase and redeem their travel credit reward at

Canon Travel Trend

Check out our latest blog on Marketing to Millenials and Gen Z in USA. 

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The bd-capital team combines best-in-class investors with ex-CEOs to offer the next evolution of the Private Equity Operating Partner model. The firm focuses on high-growth businesses fuelled by changing patterns of consumer behaviour and disruptive technology.

Unlocking Customer Loyalty: The Power of Personalized Experiences in Loyalty Programs

In today’s competitive market, customer loyalty is paramount. One of the most effective tools in achieving this is through well-designed loyalty programs. These programs not only retain existing customers but also entice new ones through personalized experiences. Let’s delve deeper into why loyalty programs are crucial for customer retention and acquisition.

Gamification: Everyone is a Winner

Gamification USA. In a highly competitive consumer landscape in the United States, customer engagement has become a critical success factor. For brands across sectors such as CPG, retail, finance, entertainment and more, a crucial point has come- with attention being harder to catch in this digital age of shorts and reels, how does a brand manage to capture and keep an audience engaged?

Tommy Hilfiger for the Win at the 2023 Chief Marketer Pro Awards

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Marketing to Millennials and Gen Z in USA

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These Are the Top Travel Trends of 2024, According to American Express Travel

What are people really traveling for in 2024?

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Grant Faint/Getty Images

Demand for premium travel continues at a torrid pace in 2024. Not only is that being reflected in the first few months of the year, but also in the newly released trend report by  American Express (Amex) Travel . The study explored travel behaviors and trip planning from participants living in seven countries: Australia, Canada, Mexico, Japan, India, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

The majority of respondents are planning major milestone-like trips, even if there isn’t necessarily an occasion to celebrate. And 84 percent of people surveyed plan to spend more or the same amount of money on travel in 2024 compared to last year. That includes destinations like  Antarctica  and the  Galapagos Islands . (Travel agents and advisors are making a resurgence as well, with over 50 percent of people looking to leverage a travel agent or trusted advisor to book, like  T+L’s A-List .)

“The report shows that demand for travel is continuing, and that people are building itineraries to create memories—being intentional about the places they are going, and the things they are doing when they get there,” Audrey Hendley, president of American Express Travel, told Travel + Leisure .

Meanwhile, if 2023 was the year of “gig-tripping” (and the Taylor Swift effect), then 2024 is the year of long-distance travel for sporting events. Amex’s survey showed that 67 percent of millennial and Gen Z respondents are interested in traveling for sports in 2024. Paris, Miami, and New York City are the top three cities for sports travel, according to Amex. (Paris is hosting the  Olympic Games this year, Miami is hosting Formula 1, and New York City has the U.S. Open Tennis.)

In addition, solo travel will be a prominent theme in 2024, with 76 percent of millennials and Gen Z (compared to 69 percent of all respondents) saying they plan to take a solo trip this year, with a majority centered around self-love and treating themselves. “It is really interesting to see how many people are embracing solo travel,” said Hendley. “We’re seeing changes with younger travelers in particular."

Finally, Amex says that 2024 will be a notable year for spontaneous trips or what they’re calling “on-a-whim travel.” Nearly 80 percent of travelers say they plan to take a spur-of-the-moment trip, while 44 percent of respondents even expressed a preference for a spontaneous trip instead of having all the details planned. In fact, there are entire companies (like  Pack Up & Go  and  Competitours ) that offer complete itineraries where none of the details are provided in advance.

For something a bit less extreme, Henley recommended leaving unplanned time on existing trips to experience local culture and activities. “I just took an incredible trip to Thailand and relied on local experts and tour guides to show me the ‘real’ sites. I would have missed out on these local experiences – and so much incredible food – if I hadn’t left room in my itinerary to be impulsive and truly explore,” she said.

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Where Americans Are Traveling in 2024: By the Numbers

Sam Kemmis

Sam Kemmis is a travel rewards expert at NerdWallet specializing in airline and hotel loyalty programs. In a previous professional life, he wrote comedy until a nomadic lifestyle and a lifelong obsession with saving money turned his attention to travel rewards. He is no longer funny. His work has been featured by The Associated Press, The Points Guy and Fast Company. He has spoken about travel rewards at CardCon, the Altitude conference and AwardWallet's "Award Travel 101" podcast. He is based in Ojai, California, and teaches mindfulness meditation because that's what you do in Ojai.

Giselle M. Cancio

Giselle M. Cancio is an editor for the travel rewards team at NerdWallet. She has traveled to over 30 states and 20 countries, redeeming points and miles for almost a decade. She has over eight years of experience in journalism and content development across many topics.

She has juggled many roles in her career: writer, editor, social media manager, producer, on-camera host, videographer and photographer. She has been published in several media outlets and was selected to report from the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.

She frequents national parks and is on her way to checking all 30 Major League Baseball parks off her list. When she's not on a plane or planning her next trip, she's crafting, reading, playing board games, watching sports or trying new recipes.

She is based in Miami.

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Many or all of the products featured here are from our partners who compensate us. This influences which products we write about and where and how the product appears on a page. However, this does not influence our evaluations. Our opinions are our own. Here is a list of our partners and here's how we make money .

Americans are traveling abroad in droves.

The number of U.S. citizens flying to international destinations reached nearly 6.5 million passengers in March, according to the International Trade Administration. That’s the highest March total in over five years and shows that the post-pandemic “revenge travel” trend is the new normal.

It wasn’t just March, which usually sees a spike in international departures for spring break. In every month of 2024 so far, more Americans left the country than last year and 2019. These trends point to a blockbuster summer for overseas travel.

Nearly half of Americans (45%) plan to travel by air and/or stay in a hotel this summer and expect to spend $3,594 on average, on these expenses, according to a survey of 2,000 U.S. adults, conducted online by The Harris Poll and commissioned by NerdWallet.

That's despite rising travel prices that have caused some hesitancy among would-be travelers. About 22% of those choosing not to travel this summer cite inflation making travel too expensive as a reason for staying home, according to the poll.

So where are traveling Americans going? And what does it mean for those looking to avoid crowds of tourists and higher travel prices?

New travel patterns

Nearly every region in the world saw an increase in U.S. visitors in March 2024 compared with March 2023, according to International Trade Administration data. Only the Middle East saw a decline of 9%. Yet not every region saw the same year-over-year bump. U.S. visitors to Asia saw a 33% jump, while Oceania and Central America each saw a 30% increase.

Comparing 2024 with 2023 only tells part of the story, however. The new patterns really emerge when comparing international travel trends to 2019. For example, Central America received 50% more U.S. visitors in March 2024 compared with March 2019. Nearly 1.5 million Americans visited Mexico, up 39% compared with before the pandemic. That’s almost as many visitors as the entire continent of Europe, which has seen a more modest 10% increase since 2019.

Only Canada and Oceania saw fewer visitors in March 2024 than in 2019, suggesting that interest in these locations has not rebounded. Indeed, the trends indicate a kind of tourism inertia from COVID-19 pandemic-era lockdowns: Those destinations that were more open to U.S. visitors during the pandemic, such as Mexico, have remained popular, while those that were closed, such as Australia, have fallen off travelers’ radars.

Price pressures

How these trends play out throughout the rest of the year will depend on a host of factors. Yet, none will likely prove more important than affordability. After months of steadiness, the cost of travel, including airfare, hotels and rental cars, has begun to sneak up again.

About 45% of U.S. travelers say cost is their main consideration when planning their summer vacation, according to a survey of 2,000 Americans by the travel booking platform Skyscanner.

That’s likely to weigh further on U.S. travelers’ appetite for visiting expensive destinations such as Europe, while encouraging travel to budget-friendly countries. It could also depress overall international travel as well, yet so far, Americans seem to be traveling more.

For those looking to avoid crowds while maintaining a budget, Skyscanner travel trends expert Laura Lindsay offered a recommendation many of us might need help finding on a map.

“Albania has been on the radar of travelers looking for something different,” Lindsay said. "Most people have yet to discover it, but flights and tourism infrastructure are in place, and there are fewer crowds in comparison to trending European destinations like Italy, Greece, or Portugal.”

On the flip side, American travelers looking to avoid crowds of compatriots would do well to avoid Japan, which has seen a staggering 50% increase in U.S. tourists between March 2019 and 2024.

How to maximize your rewards

You want a travel credit card that prioritizes what’s important to you. Here are some of the best travel credit cards of 2024 :

Flexibility, point transfers and a large bonus: Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

No annual fee: Bank of America® Travel Rewards credit card

Flat-rate travel rewards: Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

Bonus travel rewards and high-end perks: Chase Sapphire Reserve®

Luxury perks: The Platinum Card® from American Express

Business travelers: Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card

On a similar note...

travel trend amerika

These Are the Trending Destinations U.S. Travelers Are Booking for 2023

By Rachel Chang

Image may contain Outdoors Scenery Nature Landscape Aerial View Water Ocean Sea Land and Shoreline

American travelers are planning their 2023 getaways, and a handful of places—from small domestic towns to unexpected international cities —are already emerging as trending destinations for next year. 

In fact, there are 10 places that are quickly growing in popularity with American tourists for vacations in 2023, according to a just-released “Trending Destinations” report from American Express Travel. The report is based on recent travel bookings by American Express cardmembers. Each of the 10 locations have seen significant increases in booking popularity with U.S. travelers between 2019 and 2022. 

“Travel in 2023 looks strong," says Audrey Hendley, president of AmEx Travel. “As borders continue to re-open, people are not only thinking about big, international trips, they are booking them. Whether you are traveling solo, adventuring with friends or traveling with family, there is truly a trip for everyone.”

Here are the destinations that are trending with U.S. travelers for 2023, with some itinerary suggestions from AmEx travel specialists .

Image may contain Landscape Outdoors Nature Scenery Car Vehicle Transportation Automobile Aerial View and Urban

“Paris is a perennial favorite—there’s so much to see, do, and eat in the City of Lights,” Hendley says. “But no matter how many times you have been, every trip is different.” Lean into the Parisian food culture by dining at French hotspots, like Inavoué Restaurant , La Crêperie, Margús , and Racines . After you've had your fill, take a walking tour through the sprawling Jardin des Tuileres to soak in some greenery and people watching, or amble along the Canal Saint-Martin, which runs through one of the city's hippest neighborhoods. Next year will be a good time to fit in a visit to Paris before the city is thronged by tourists in 2024, when it is slated to host the Olympics.

Top down view of an idyllic island with a boat palm trees and coral reef in Fiji in the south Pacific ocean

Yaukuve Island, Fiji

A Fiji getaway is just as relaxing as it sounds, especially at this private Yaukuve Island sanctuary of Kokomo Island . Spend chill time at The Yaukuve Spa Sanctuary , kayak around Kokomo's House Reef, boat to the Uninhabited Island (where you can snorkel around the Great Astrolabe Reef ), and visit Kokomo farm to learn about the island's sustainable cultivation. Complement those activities with meals at Beach Shack , Walker D'Plank (which is only accessed by crossing a plank across a lake), and Beach Grill at Kokomo Island Fiji .

Image may contain Spire Architecture Tower Steeple Building City Town Urban and Metropolis

“ Istanbul is an incredible city, [with] an incredible mix of history and modernity,” Hendley says. “With its mix of contemporary art galleries, fine dining restaurants, deep cultural heritage and markets dating back to the Roman and Ottoman empires, there is truly something for everyone in Istanbul.” 

The Grand Bazaar , Hagia Sophia , and Blue Mosque are staples of the Turkish grandeur defining Istanbul, which straddles Europe and Asia. AmEx Travel experts suggest embellishing those visits by enjoying the wood-oven dishes at Yeni Lokanta , the creative cuisine at Neolokal in the SALT Galata cultural complex, and traditional royal dining at Matbah Ottoman Palace Cuisine , as well as by pampering yourself at the traditional 16th century Turkish bathhouse Hurrem Sultan Hammam .

Aerial view of boats tied to moorings over coral reefs in John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park. Key Largo Florida.

Florida Keys

There's a certain kind of thrill to island-hoping in the Sunshine State's southernmost region. “Beach vacations are always popular, and the Florida Keys are especially great for families ," Hendley says. “From the natural beauty to food and culture, the Keys are a crowd pleaser.” Among the key activities primed for all ages are browsing Duval Street (don't miss Kermit's Key West Key Lime Pie Shoppe ), exploring Key West Lighthouse & Keeper’s Quarters Museum , and ferrying over to Fort Jefferson and Dry Tortugas. Depending on your palette, try Mahina Marathon for Hawaiian flair, Blue Heaven for a Caribbean twist, and Little Pearl for local catches.

Image may contain Restaurant Furniture Chair Cafe and Patio

Portugal has quickly become a European favorite for Americans, with its capital offering a perfect sampler of everything the country has to offer. The Michelin-starred restaurant Alma shows off traditional Portuguese cuisine and wines, while Cantinho do Avillez puts a more contemporary spin on its food culture. The riverfront features the Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology , LX Factory shopping area, and Rocha do Conde de Óbidos viewpoint, while the yellow tram 28 takes you on a scenic ride passing through churches, castles, and plazas. And no visit to Lisbon is complete without a day trip to the fairytale world of Sintra with its castles, from the uniquely eclectic Pena Palace to the Renaissance masterpiece Quinta da Regaleira .

Image may contain Water Human Person Waterfront Dock Port Pier Building Outdoors Nature Ocean and Sea

Adrenaline seekers are rewarded by the most stunning view of the city on the Sydney Harbour Bridge’s Bridge Climb (don’t worry, you’re securely tethered to the beams the entire way). Contrast that with a more grounding adventure at the Blue Mountains, where a day trip includes visits with koalas and kangaroos, views of Three Sisters in Katoomba and Lincoln's Rock, and thrilling forest adventure at Scenic World. Balance it all out with meals at The Botanist , MuMu , Nomad , and Opera Bar .

Kotor is an old town in Montenegro. The Church of Our Lady of Remedy is a Roman Catholic church belonging to the Roman...

The beauty of Montenegro is in the variety of experiences, like walking the winding streets of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Old Town of Kotor, riding a motorboat in Boka Bay, kayaking to Luštica Bay, or taking a day trip to Stari Mostar, home of the picture-perfect Ottoman bridge, Stari Most. The dining is just as diverse, from the warming stews at Bastion to the trendy One&Only Portonovi’s Tapasake and the beachfront Tivat Bay Nikki Beach Montenegro .

Image may contain Landscape Outdoors Nature Scenery Water Vehicle Transportation Boat Waterfront Dock and Port

Denmark's capital merges historic storybook charm, like the 17th century Rosenborg Castle and Rundetaarn (Round Tower), with an innovative food scene, like at its organic bakeries Mirabelle in the trendy neighborhood of Nørrebro, as well as Seks Bakery and Eatery , which brings a Polish influence to a distinctly Danish experience. Meanwhile Ruby brings sophisticated cocktails to a traditional townhouse. And there’s no denying the magic of Tivoli Gardens , with its whimsical mix of stunning floral displays and theme park rides, especially at night when it's lit with tens of thousands of lights. 

“Travelers are looking for destinations where they can meaningfully engage with the local community,” Hendley says. “Denmark’s commitment to sustainability and readily available activities that allow visitors to engage with the local culture like their bike-friendly infrastructure, markets, and parks, make Copenhagen a great choice.”

autumnal country road

Woodstock, Vermont

Hendley, who visited Woodstock last year with her family, says the Vermont town is “beautiful with great outdoor activities, full of charm, and with great places to eat and shop.” Among the highlights picked by the AmEx Travel team: sampling cheeses and tasting maple syrup at Sugarbush Farm and following the Ottauquechee River Trail along old railroad tracks that have been there for nearly 150 years. Community meets coziness at the local restaurants, like Cloudland Farm , Worthy Kitchen , and The Prince & The Pauper Restaurant.

Image may contain City Town Urban Building Downtown Architecture Human Person Plaza Town Square Flag and Symbol

Mexico City

In a sprawling city with a population of nearly 22 million, it’s all about finding the highlights that truly make Mexico City unique. Among the AmEx consultants’ suggestions are taking in a Ballet Folklórico de la Ciudad Mexico show at Palacio de Bellas Artes, shopping the Bazar del Sabado (Saturday Bazar) and Coyoacán Market, browsing the art galleries of the Juarez neighborhood, and enjoying a stroll through the 1,700-plus acre Bosque de Chapultepec. Complement the experiences with quick bites at Taquería Orinoco , the garden dining at Pujol , and neighborhood standout Máximo Bistrot —and maybe even a tour of an organic farm with Arca Tierra .

travel trend amerika

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Travel and tourism in Russia - statistics & facts

Covid-19 impact on russians' travel destinations, impact of the war in ukraine on tourism in russia, key insights.

Detailed statistics

Travel and tourism's total contribution to GDP in Russia 2019-2023

Travel and tourism's total contribution to employment in Russia 2019-2023

Tourism spending in Russia 2019-2022, by travel purpose

Editor’s Picks Current statistics on this topic

Current statistics on this topic.


Leading outbound travel destinations in Russia 2021-2022

Number of outbound tourism trips from Russia 2014-2022

Leading source markets for travel to Russia 2020-2022, by arrivals

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Recommended statistics

  • Premium Statistic Countries with the highest outbound tourism expenditure worldwide 2019-2023
  • Premium Statistic Travel industry revenue distribution in Russia 2022, by segment
  • Premium Statistic Tourism spending in Russia 2019-2022, by travel purpose
  • Basic Statistic Travel and tourism's total contribution to GDP in Russia 2019-2023
  • Basic Statistic Travel and tourism's total contribution to employment in Russia 2019-2023

Countries with the highest outbound tourism expenditure worldwide 2019-2023

Countries with the highest outbound tourism expenditure worldwide from 2019 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Travel industry revenue distribution in Russia 2022, by segment

Distribution of travel industry revenue in Russia in 2022, by segment

Travel and tourism spending in Russia from 2019 to 2022, by purpose (in billion U.S. dollars)

Travel and tourism's total contribution to GDP in Russia 2019-2023

Total contribution of travel and tourism to gross domestic product (GDP) in Russia from 2019 to 2023 (in billion Russian rubles)

Travel and tourism's total contribution to employment in Russia 2019-2023

Total contribution of travel and tourism to employment in Russia from 2019 to 2023 (in million jobs)

Outbound tourism

  • Basic Statistic Outbound travel expenditure in Russia 2011-2022
  • Premium Statistic Number of outbound tourism trips from Russia 2014-2022
  • Premium Statistic Leading outbound travel destinations in Russia 2021-2022
  • Premium Statistic Number of outbound tourists from Russia 2022, by territory
  • Premium Statistic Outbound tourist flow growth in Russia 2022, by destination
  • Premium Statistic European Union (EU) Schengen visas issued in Russia 2010-2023

Outbound travel expenditure in Russia 2011-2022

Outbound travel expenditure in Russia from 2011 to 2022 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Number of outbound tourism trips from Russia from 2014 to 2022 (in 1,000s)

Number of outbound travel visits from Russia from 2021 to 2022, by destination (in 1,000s)

Number of outbound tourists from Russia 2022, by territory

Number of Russians travelling abroad with tourism purposes in 2022, by territory (in 1,000s)

Outbound tourist flow growth in Russia 2022, by destination

Growth in outbound travelers with tourism purposes from Russia in 2022 compared to 2019, by selected destination

European Union (EU) Schengen visas issued in Russia 2010-2023

Number of Schengen Area visas issued from applications to consulates in Russia from 2010 to 2023*

Inbound and domestic tourism

  • Basic Statistic International tourism spending in Russia 2011-2022
  • Premium Statistic Leading source markets for travel to Russia 2020-2022, by arrivals
  • Basic Statistic Domestic travel spending in Russia 2019-2022
  • Basic Statistic Number of nature protected areas in Russia 2015-2022, by type
  • Premium Statistic Estimated demand for inbound tourism in Russia Q1 2014-Q3 2023
  • Premium Statistic Inbound tourist flow growth in Russia 2020-2023
  • Premium Statistic Number of inbound tourist arrivals in Russia 2014-2022

International tourism spending in Russia 2011-2022

Spending of international tourists in Russia from 2011 to 2022 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Leading inbound tourism markets visiting Russia from 2020 to 2022, by number of trips (in 1,000s)

Domestic travel spending in Russia 2019-2022

Domestic tourism expenditure in Russia from 2019 to 2022 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Number of nature protected areas in Russia 2015-2022, by type

Number of nature conservation areas in Russia from 2015 to 2022, by type

Estimated demand for inbound tourism in Russia Q1 2014-Q3 2023

Estimated balance of demand for inbound tourism in Russia from 1st quarter 2014 to 3rd quarter 2023

Inbound tourist flow growth in Russia 2020-2023

Year-over-year growth in inbound tourism trips with tourism purposes in Russia from 2020 to 2023

Number of inbound tourist arrivals in Russia 2014-2022

Number of inbound tourism visits to Russia from 2014 to 2022 (in 1,000s)

Travel companies

  • Premium Statistic Travel industry organizations distribution in Russia 2022, by segment
  • Premium Statistic Number of tourism companies in Russia 2010-2022
  • Premium Statistic Most popular travel websites in Russia 2023, by traffic

Travel industry organizations distribution in Russia 2022, by segment

Distribution of travel industry organizations in Russia in 2022, by segment

Number of tourism companies in Russia 2010-2022

Number of travel agencies and reservation service establishments in Russia from 2010 to 2022

Most popular travel websites in Russia 2023, by traffic

Leading travel and tourism websites in Russia in August 2023, by monthly visits (in millions)

Package tours

  • Premium Statistic Number of package tours sold in Russia 2014-2021, by type
  • Premium Statistic Value of package tours sold in Russia 2014-2022, by type
  • Premium Statistic Package tour cost in Russia 2014-2022, by type
  • Premium Statistic Most popular travel destinations on package tours in Russia 2022

Number of package tours sold in Russia 2014-2021, by type

Number of package tours sold in Russia from 2014 to 2021, by tourism type (in 1,000s)

Value of package tours sold in Russia 2014-2022, by type

Total value of package tours sold in Russia from 2014 to 2022, by tourism type (in billion Russian rubles)

Package tour cost in Russia 2014-2022, by type

Average cost of a package tour in Russia from 2014 to 2022, by tourism type (in 1,000 Russian rubles)

Most popular travel destinations on package tours in Russia 2022

Number of outbound tourists sent on tours by travel agencies in Russia in 2022, by destination (in 1,000s)


  • Premium Statistic Number of domestic airline passengers in Russia monthly 2020-2022
  • Premium Statistic Passenger traffic growth of airlines in Russia 2021
  • Premium Statistic Travel transportation consumer price in Russia 2022, by type

Number of domestic airline passengers in Russia monthly 2020-2022

Number of passengers boarded by domestic airlines in Russia from January 2020 to May 2022 (in millions)

Passenger traffic growth of airlines in Russia 2021

Year-over-year growth rate in air passengers in Russia in 2021, by carrier

Travel transportation consumer price in Russia 2022, by type

Average consumer price of travel transportation in Russia in 2022, by type (in Russian rubles)


  • Basic Statistic Paid travel accommodation services value in Russia 2015-2022
  • Premium Statistic Travel accommodation establishments in Russia 2022, by federal district
  • Basic Statistic Total room area in travel accommodation in Russia 2013-2022
  • Premium Statistic Number of visitors in hotels in Russia 2010-2022
  • Basic Statistic Number of hotel visitors in Russia 2022, by travel purpose
  • Premium Statistic Overnight accommodation cost in Moscow monthly 2020-2023
  • Premium Statistic Hotel occupancy rate in Moscow 2023, by segment
  • Premium Statistic Average daily hotel rate in Moscow 2023, by segment

Paid travel accommodation services value in Russia 2015-2022

Value of paid services provided by travel accommodation establishments in Russia from 2015 to 2022 (in billion Russian rubles)

Travel accommodation establishments in Russia 2022, by federal district

Number of collective accommodation establishments in Russia in 2022, by federal district

Total room area in travel accommodation in Russia 2013-2022

Total area of rooms in travel accommodation establishments in Russia from 2013 to 2022 (in 1,000 square meters)

Number of visitors in hotels in Russia 2010-2022

Number of visitors in hotels and similar accommodation establishments in Russia from 2010 to 2022 (in 1,000s)

Number of hotel visitors in Russia 2022, by travel purpose

Number of visitors in hotels and similar accommodation establishments in Russia in 2022, by purpose of travel (in 1,000s)

Overnight accommodation cost in Moscow monthly 2020-2023

Average cost of overnight accommodation in Moscow from May 2020 to September 2023 (in euros)

Hotel occupancy rate in Moscow 2023, by segment

Occupancy rate of quality hotels in Moscow from January to March 2023, by segment

Average daily hotel rate in Moscow 2023, by segment

Average daily rate (ADR) in hotels in Moscow from January to March 2023, by segment (in Russian rubles)

Travel behavior

  • Premium Statistic Reasons to not travel long-haul in Russia 2022
  • Premium Statistic Intention to travel to Europe in Russia 2019-2022
  • Basic Statistic Summer vacation plans of Russians 2012-2023
  • Premium Statistic Travel frequency for private purposes in Russia 2023
  • Basic Statistic Average holiday spend per person in Russia 2011-2023
  • Premium Statistic Attitudes towards traveling in Russia 2023
  • Premium Statistic Travel product online bookings in Russia 2023

Reasons to not travel long-haul in Russia 2022

Main reasons for avoiding travel outside the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) in Russia from September to December 2022

Intention to travel to Europe in Russia 2019-2022

Index of intention to travel to Europe from Russia from January 2019 to December 2022 (in points)

Summer vacation plans of Russians 2012-2023

Where do you plan to spend your vacation this summer?

Travel frequency for private purposes in Russia 2023

Travel frequency for private purposes in Russia as of March 2023

Average holiday spend per person in Russia 2011-2023

How much money did you spend per person on holidays this summer? (in Russian rubles)

Attitudes towards traveling in Russia 2023

Attitudes towards traveling in Russia as of March 2023

Travel product online bookings in Russia 2023

Travel product online bookings in Russia as of March 2023

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Make it better, not just safer: The opportunity to reinvent travel

We remember the first time we jumped in a cold lake on a hot summer day with our siblings. The first time we ate street food walking the streets of a new country with college roommates. We even remember the first business trip we took—straight out of college, and too nervous to enjoy the ride.

This desire to build memories, to connect with people, and to see new places drove 1.4 billion of us to travel internationally in 2019. 1 International tourism highlights: 2019 edition, World Tourism Organization, 2019, Creating safer travel experiences is now paramount to protect this privilege.

Now is clearly a moment of crisis for the travel industry. Available seat miles on US airlines were down 71 percent in April 2020 from the previous year. 2 Andrew Curley, Alex Dichter, Vik Krishnan, Robin Riedel, and Steve Saxon, “ Coronavirus: Airlines brace for severe turbulence ,” April 2020. Globally, hotels are at 29 percent occupancy, compared with 72 percent over the same period in 2019. 3 STR occupancy data for May 17 through May 23, 2020. However, we are seeing green shoots of demand in areas that are opening up, highlighting an enduring desire to travel; our April survey of Chinese leisure travelers shows that many people are already planning their next trip. 4 Xiang Mi, “Big data from Tongcheng: The average room rate of domestic hotels during the ‘May Day’ rose by about 42% year-on-year,” DoNews , April 27, 2020,; Kay Chen, Will Enger, Jackey Yu, and Cherie Zhang, “ Hitting the road again: How Chinese travelers are thinking about their first trip after COVID-19 ,” May 2020.

But the future of the travel industry will depend on more than just travelers’ pent-up demand. For some, the romance that travel used to inspire was already wearing thin even before the crisis. We spoke to people across multiple geographies who have traveled in the last two months, 5 Recent traveler interviews conducted May 4 to May 15, 2020, with travelers aged 25–55 from China, Germany, Sweden, and the United States. and the one constant across their experiences was added stress—whether due to limited entry points, multiple new checkpoints, or fellow travelers’ inconsistent compliance with published safety measures.

Safety must be the first priority. Wherever possible, however, intensified health and hygiene protocols should be implemented in ways that avoid making journeys more difficult in the aftermath of the pandemic—for example, the way that travel became logistically more complex after 9/11 because of additional security measures. The imperative to move fast has often meant unilateral decision making, rather than solutions developed through quick, iterative feedback. Any further advance of cold or sterile experiences as a result of the (appropriate) pursuit of safety could radically shift behaviors toward simpler experiences, such as choosing to drive instead fly, or could even dampen the overall recovery.

Travel companies need to excite and attract customers as well as reassure them. To achieve this, leaders should focus on making travel better—not just safer—which means giving travelers more control, offering greater authenticity and personalization, and taking a customer-centric, agile approach.

Moving beyond table-stakes safety initiatives

Many travel companies have already announced a series of health and hygiene measures, often promoted with well-known cleaning brands or health experts. But not all of these measures will survive in their current forms: some won’t be effective, some won’t resonate with travelers, and some will prove impossible to deliver consistently and at scale. Constant one-upmanship on cleanliness, though well-intentioned, can be problematic for two reasons. First, each new announcement resets the bar on hygiene standards, leaving industry players scrambling to keep up with initiatives—whether or not they actually improve employee or traveler safety. Second, the travelers we interviewed told us that the fragmentation across new cleanliness programs creates anxiety and confusion about what works and who to trust to keep them safe. If one airport claims that its security process is safer than another’s, for example, why would travelers trust that any airport is safe? Travelers should have confidence in the whole system, rather than be anxious about pieces within it (Exhibit 1).

In fact, a focus on health and hygiene only scratches the surface of the changes that are necessary in the aftermath of the current crisis. Companies can consider three types of interventions to reinvent and reinvigorate travel over the coming years (Exhibit 2).

In addition to table-stakes safety initiatives, a second category of actions can reassure and comfort the public. Brands might differentiate themselves and re-engage their travelers with visible, communications-based cues—such as notifications about the health status of the destination city and personalized notes about the importance of testing and other safety measures. Finally, companies need to move beyond reassuring customers to exciting them, perhaps by looking for opportunities to create exceptional travel experiences.

Making travel better, not just safer

As travel companies redesign their traveler experiences to address risks and anxieties related to COVID-19, they should remember that the pain points and trends that existed before the crisis—such as the shift toward a more digital and personalized journey, and an increased emphasis on wellness and sustainability—have not gone away (Exhibit 3). Airports, for example, are going to have to rethink customer experience in the coming years, but many already understood the importance of improved service and contactless operations. 6 For more, read Melissa Dalrymple and Kevin Dolan, “ Beyond contactless operations: Human-centered customer experience ,” May 2020; “ How customer experience takes flight at the Orlando airport ,” February 2017.

Another example is the high-anxiety purchase journey for flights and lodging, meaningful purchases that often cannot be returned. Simplifying these experiences represents a significant opportunity: before the crisis, we estimated (in partnership with the International Air Transport Association) that the value at stake in making airline ticket retail easier might be $40 billion 7 Riccardo Boin, Alex Cosmas, and Nina Wittkamp, “ Airline retailing: The value at stake ,” November 2019. —equivalent to 4 percent of 2019 revenues—by 2030.

Many initiatives can make the travel experience simultaneously better and safer. Housekeeping services, for instance, will need to adjust for safety concerns, but revised protocols can also reduce environmental impact (such as through less-frequent laundering of sheets during each stay), decrease cost, and give guests more flexibility (by letting them choose their own housekeeping schedule).

Make it better, not just safer: The opportunity to reinvent travel

Companies will also need to look outside the industry to understand changing consumer expectations. Travelers develop preferences and needs based on their interactions with all companies, not only when they’re on airplanes or in hotels. Companies should consider, for example, how travelers interact with grocery-store clerks, food-delivery persons, or virtual-shopping experts.

Make it better, not just safer: The opportunity to reinvent travel

Admittedly, the current economic context makes it difficult to expect companies to do more. Indeed, not every good idea will be economically feasible, and there’s little slack in the system for big launches that fail. The good news is that some of the necessary changes will require no significant capital outlay but instead a change in mindset toward customer experience–centric behaviors. Where investment is needed, developing a clear perspective on which actions to prioritize will require balancing of the travelers’ needs with consistent delivery (perhaps with a smaller organization) and the business case’s viability.

Travel companies should bear three principles in mind when designing new protocols and experiences.

Give customers more choice and control

Companies should empower customers to build their own itinerary using smarter, connected digital tools and make it easier for them to modify or cancel their plans. In addition, companies must recognize that the factors that promote customer loyalty may now have shifted; near-term uncertainty may mean, for example, that the ability to cancel a reservation matters more than brand choice or price. The moments that matter might mean more digital than ever and in new places within the customer journey. Solutions and policies that provide choice and control will help to build the trust and confidence necessary to get travelers back on the road and in the air.

Be human and genuine, and personalize the experience

Before the crisis, personalized and unique experiences constituted a dominant trend. Boutique hotels, for instance, were the fastest-growing hotel segment in the United States, with supply increasing 10.6 percent between 2018 and 2019, compared with an overall hotel supply growth of 2.0 percent. 8 Kim Bardoul, “Boutiques can give hoteliers rebound opportunities,” Hotel News Now , April 22, 2020, Travelers are drawn to those hotels that put a human face on the institution, that can combine the high standards and consistency of a hotel chain with the personality and privacy of a vacation rental. Major hotel chains have recognized these changing preferences and launched new “soft brands” that serve as a collection of boutique hotels.

Travel companies now have an opportunity to take this personalization a step further, but—in a world where formerly welcoming smiles are behind masks—they will need to find new ways to connect. We have heard hotel staff calling first responders who were quarantining in their hotels to check on them and including notes of encouragement in their bagged lunches, and of airline pilots addressing passengers pre-flight to reassure them and answer any questions about safety.

Getting this right is a balance: mass emails from the CEO can only go so far, and consumers are already reporting fatigue around “we’re all in this together” messaging that is beginning to ring hollow. According to a recent Adobe study, brand marketers are 20 percent more likely than consumers to believe that consumers want to see ads on companies’ COVID-19 responses. 9 Adobe Blog , “Navigating advertising strategy during the COVID storm,” blog entry by Keith Eadie, May 21, 2020, The bar for authenticity in brand communication and behavior across channels (including in person) must remain high. As such, communication should be focused on what a company is doing for the traveler, rather than delivering superficial platitudes.

Make it better, not just safer: The opportunity to reinvent travel

Frontline staff can also be powerful messengers and are a great source of insight for improvements or opportunities that a home office will not spot as quickly. Travel workers have been through a lot since the start of the crisis, both professionally and personally, and maintaining an open dialogue around their experiences—and acting upon their feedback—will be vital to ensuring that they feel safe and confident.

To move forward, the industry can actually look backward and take inspiration from a time when airline travel was exciting and new, and travel companies went out of their way to solve for traveler needs rather than just optimizing against the competition.

Make it better, not just safer: The opportunity to reinvent travel

Listen to customers, and take an agile approach

We have found that companies that surpass their peers in customer-experience design tend to share a set of features 10 Benedict Sheppard, Hugo Sarrazin, Garen Kouyoumjian, and Fabricio Dore, “ The business value of design ,” McKinsey Quarterly , October 2018. : they have agile, cross-functional teams that develop and iterate with end users and deliver seamlessly across touchpoints. Companies that deliver at the highest level across those themes recognize real returns, outperforming their peers by nearly 3:1 in revenue and 1.5:1 in return to shareholders. In this time of great uncertainty and fluid demand, it will be more important than ever to listen to travelers and understand their rapidly evolving needs.

While many travel companies have begun to embrace agile principles in IT and digital, these principles are becoming a useful tool across the entire enterprise as we go into the “next normal.” As travel companies manage their new reality, they will need to be nimble. Cross-functional agile squads that break down traditional silos and collaborate more efficiently can help their companies move quickly to address changing traveler needs across the journey. When launching a new initiative, for example, these teams can conduct quick, one-on-one customer interviews—even in the hotel lobby or boarding area—that can be used to cocreate and pilot solutions at a relatively low expense, using metrics like adoption rate and rapid-fire feedback to course correct in real time. 11 For more on agile principles, see Hugo Sarrazin and Belkis Vasquez-McCall, “ Agile with a capital ‘A’: A guide to the principles and pitfalls of agile development ,” February 2018.

Make it better, not just safer: The opportunity to reinvent travel

Picture yourself in your favorite vacation spot. Perhaps you’re lying on a beach towel, hiking up a mountain, or skiing down one. Your journey there was different, but the new measures gave you more control and flexibility while ensuring your safety.

The companies that thrive after this crisis will likely be those that work with travelers and employees to cocreate distinctive solutions in a rapid and agile manner, that find new ways to enable choice across the customer experience, and that communicate progress in an authentic and transparent way.

No crystal ball can tell us what the future of travel will be, and we will not find the right solutions to today’s fluid situation overnight. This will take time, patience, and probably many attempts as we learn together. But travel companies need to embrace the challenge to come back better.

Melissa Dalrymple is a partner in McKinsey’s Chicago office, where Ryan Mann is an associate partner. Melinda Peters is a consultant in the New Jersey office and Nathan Seitzman is a partner in the Dallas office.

The authors wish to thank Vik Krishnan, Ellen Scully, Nate Lagacy, Kyle Snyder, Andrew Leon Hanna, Anna Obed, and Luis Diego Cabezas for their contributions to this article.

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How to Visit Russia as an American

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While U.S. citizens are welcomed with visas on arrival to 184 countries around the world, Russia isn’t one of them. American citizens need to obtain a Russian tourist visa before they’re allowed to depart for the country. 

There is one loophole, at least for now: cruise passengers are allowed to visit Russia without a tourist visa for up to 72 hours, presuming they follow a rigid set of rules. 

If you’re an American looking to plan a trip to Russia, here are your travel options.

How to Get a Russian Tourist Visa

Americans looking to visit Russia on tourist visas have two options, a single-entry visa for $113 or a multiple entry visa for $273 dollars. It’s recommended to apply for Russia travel visas 30 to 90 days before departure, but procrastinators can typically pay extra to have visa applications expedited.

The first step in getting a visa to visit Russia is securing a formal invitation. This is easier than it sounds. The Petr Hotel in St. Petersburg, Russia , for example, offers guests visa invitation letters instantly online for a $16 fee. Many hotels, tour operators and travel agents provide similar services.

Once you’ve got your invitation letter, you’ll need to fill out an online Russia tourist visa application , but prepare yourself. The application asks for a detailed log of your past decade of travel abroad as well as for information about your schooling, parents, occupation, and involvement with professional or other organizations. If you’re an avid traveler it might take you awhile.

After completing your application, you'll need to submit it through a visa processing company and pay the required fees. Travisa , CIBT Visas , and Allied Passport & Visa are among the companies you can use. For Travisa, processing fees start at $164, but that’s in addition to the visa fee itself. 

You will need to send in your physical passport and two passport size photos as part of the process. If approved, your passport will be returned to you with a full-page Russian tourist visa. 

Getting a visa to visit Russia can be a good way to avoid the crowds that often accompany large cruise ships and to have more time and freedom to explore on your terms. Lines at the Hermitage Museum and other sites are noticeably shorter once the cruise ships have pulled out of town, leaving a more authentic feeling in St. Petersburg. If you’re looking to visit Moscow and St. Petersburg , you’ll want more than 72 hours and will be best served by having a Russian tourist visa.

Take a Visa-Free Cruise to Russia

Passengers visiting Russia on cruise ships or via ferry services are allowed to stay in the country for up to 72 hours without a visa. This option limits both your time and independence in Russia.

If you’re on a major cruise line that’s making a stop in St. Petersburg, you’ll need to buy a shore excursion from the operator or book a city tour with a local company. You will need to remain with your tour group the entire time you’re on land, so kiss that casual wandering goodbye.

If you opt for the St. Peter Line ferry from Helsinki, you’ll have a little more freedom but not much. You’ll have to either sleep on the ferry or at one of a number of pre-approved hotels. You’ll also need to take the company’s sightseeing bus tour, something that’ll eat into the precious little time you’ll actually have on land.

And while you won’t need a tourist visa, you’ll still have to go through Russian customs, which can be an experience.

It’s worth keeping in mind the St. Peter Line ferry is no luxury cruise ship. Rooms are small and basic, with the most budget-friendly options coming in at around $230, not including extras like the required shore tour, an extra $30 per person. There are restaurants, bars, and a dance club on board, but ships sailing this route look like they’re straight out of the 1990s.

This option will save you visa fees and the hassle of applying for a Russia travel visa, but there is a cost. Ferry schedules typically have passengers arriving in St. Petersburg around 9 a.m. after an overnight journey from Helsinki and departing two days later around 7 p.m., giving visitors a scant 58 hours to explore a sprawling metropolitan area that was Russia's imperial capital for two centuries and remains its cultural capital.

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Moscow hosts UAE Culture Days on Manezhnaya Square amid growing tourism

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Discover Emirati heritage, cuisine and artistry in the heart of Russia's capital city

Days of UAE Culture

Moscow: Manezhnaya Square will host Days of UAE Culture, a highlight of the "Summer in Moscow" initiative. Visitors, including both citizens and tourists, are invited to explore the country's attractions, traditional attire, cuisine, henna painting, and an exhibition featuring paintings and photographs.

The program, organized by the UAE Embassy and the Government of Moscow, is part of reciprocal events under bilateral cooperation, explained Deputy Mayor Natalia Sergunina.

"Our partnership covers diverse areas, including tourism. In 2023, Moscow welcomed over 42,000 visitors from the UAE—an eightfold increase from the previous year. This trend continues in 2024, with ongoing growth. We invite everyone to Manezhnaya Square to enjoy exhibitions, musical performances, master classes, photo opportunities with art installations, and sample popular Arab delicacies," announced Natalia Sergunina.

According to her, UAE guests are drawn to Moscow's rich cultural heritage, parks, museums, and the city's diverse culinary scene, blending cuisines from around the world. The majority prefer traveling alone (34.2%) or with a partner (23.8%), opting for comfortable accommodations, with approximately a quarter staying in five-star hotels (23.4%).

"We are delighted to host UAE Culture Days in the heart of Moscow, on iconic Manezhnaya Square. This historical area is among Moscow's most beautiful tourist spots, and we eagerly anticipate showcasing UAE culture and heritage to the Russian people," noted Dr Mohammed Ahmed Sultan Essa Al Jaber, UAE Ambassador to Russia.

The cultural event spans five days, featuring folk performances, an ancient Emirati wedding demonstration, falconry shows, engraving exhibitions, henna art, and displays of antiques and traditional crafts. Visitors can savor Emirati coffee and dishes, purchase UAE goods, and capture memories in specially designed photo zones.

"Cultural exchange between our friendly nations has entered a new phase, reflecting increased UAE tourism to Moscow and growing interest in Russian culture, art, history, and traditions," Dr. Al Jaber added.

Moscow remains a key international tourist destination, with 23 million visitors in 2023, primarily from China, India, CIS countries, and the Middle East. The city actively engages in international collaborations through exhibitions, business missions, and events aimed at global audiences.

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