Divergent Travelers

42 Top Things to Do in Almaty, Kazakhstan (Pro Guide)

Located at the heart of the largest landlocked country in the world, Almaty, Kazakhstan is a city of contrasts, culture, and perseverance.  If you’re on the hunt for a destination that’s a mix of the old Silk Road allure and 21st-century modernity, then buckle up.

There is no shortage of things to do in Almaty and the surrounding area. It’s a part of the world that promises a cultural journey that is both unique and fascinating. You’ll be treated to glacial lakes, snow-capped mountains, and spectacular views, too.

From dramatic landscapes to traditional Kazakh food, and everything in between, this is a destination for someone that wants more than your run-of-the-mill vacation. 

This guide is extensive  and dives deep into all the best Almaty attractions, activities, and restaurants, offering the ultimate itinerary for anyone who wants to experience the best of this unique destination.

We’ve spent hours putting this guide together, based on our own travels in Almaty, Kazakhstan , so that you can go, have fun, and relish the best that Almaty has to offer.

Quick Introduction to Almaty, Kazakhstan

Table of Contents

Brief History of Almaty, Kazakhstan

Women in traditional dress at the Hun Ethno Village near Almaty, Kazakhstan

Almaty has ancient roots, initially founded as Almatu by the Saka tribes between the 7th and 9th centuries AD. It later became a vital part of the Silk Road, serving as a crucial trade junction.

The modern chapter of Almaty’s story began in the mid-19th century when the Russians established the fort of Verny. With the building of the TurkSib Railway in the early 20th century, the city became a critical trade hub yet again.

Fast-forward to the 20th century, the city took a Soviet turn and became part of the Soviet Union. After surviving a major earthquake in 1911, Almaty was crowned the capital of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic in 1929. This led to significant development.

Kazakhstan officially gained its independence in 1991 leaving the Soviet times behind. Almaty retained its capital status until 1997 when it was moved to Astana (now Nur-Sultan).

Despite this, the former capital of Kazakhstan has retained its position as the cultural heart of the country. Which is why it’s such a fascinating place to visit.

Is Almaty Worth Visiting?

David and Lina Stock holding a Kazakhstan flag

All said, tourism in Almaty , and even Kazakhstan for that matter, is a new thing . The country lacks some of the infrastructure you might find in other destinations but for what it lacks, it makes up for in cultural and natural experiences.

Almaty is the largest city in Kazakhstan and it is currently going through a fascinating rebirth in its attempt to separate itself from its Soviet past. You’ll find the people putting their traditional Kazakh culture front and center while they push well into the modern world.

Unlike the other major Central Asian cities of Bishkek, Tashkent, and Ashgabat , which we’ve visited on our previous trips to this part of the world,  Almaty is unique  and that’s a fun thing to experience.

Is Almaty Safe?

Group of tourists in Almaty, Kazakhstan

Yes, Almaty is generally safe for travelers. Of course, common sense prevails. Avoid unlit areas late at night, keep an eye on your belongings, and maybe don’t accept drinks from strangers.

It’s always a good idea to review the Essential Safety Tips for Travel , but overall, we felt as secure wandering the streets of Almaty as in other big cities around the world.

What Languages Are Spoken in Almaty?

Kazakh girl holding a peace cake

While the official language is Kazakh, Russian is widely spoken and understood—thanks, Soviet legacy! If you’re armed with some basic Russian phrases, you’ll navigate much easier. English is less common but not impossible to find, especially among the younger crowd and in touristy spots.

We were surprised by how many young people stopped us in the streets of Almaty to ask where we were from. Many young Kazakh people study abroad, and English is becoming a staple in their educations.

What is Almaty Known For?

Almaty, Kazakhstan cityscape against the Tian Shan Mountains

Well, for starters, the city is surrounded by the magnificent Tian Shan mountains. This makes it one of the most picturesque cities we’ve ever visited. Beyond that, Almaty is famous for its green spaces, Soviet architecture, and a thriving art scene.

Additionally, Almaty is known as the apple city . The name derives from the Kazakh word for apple, alma. Some researchers believe that the apple tree originated near Almaty . This makes it the ancestral home of every Granny Smith, Golden Delicious, and Pink Lady you’ve ever crunched into. Even today, take a short drive out of the city and you’ll find wild apple forests everywhere.

Best Time to Visit Almaty, Kazakhstan

Lina and David Stock standing together at Kolsay Lakes in Kazakhstan

Your ideal time to visit depends on your seasonal preference. Winter is a snowy wonderland with skiing and snowboarding aplenty. Come summer, the mountains are your personal hiking paradise.

Fall offers a stunning palette of colors in the parks and foothills. Spring…well, let’s just say spring is when Almaty turns into a floral masterpiece. We visited Almaty during the first week of June , which would be considered late spring. The weather was perfect , both warm and dry.

How to Get to Almaty

Airplane map of the route from Frankfurt, Germany to Almaty, Kazakhstan with Lufthansa

Your gateway to Almaty is Almaty International Airport. Direct flights are available from various European and Asian cities. We flew from Duluth, MN to Chicago, IL, and then to Frankfurt, Germany before connecting directly to Almaty on Lufthansa.

I won’t sugar coat it, if you live in North America, it’s a long journey to Kazakhstan. Even from Europe, our last flight was 7 hours. Book a private airport transfer in advance to avoid jet-lagged overwhelm when you land.

How to Get Around Almaty

View from the front seat while on a tour in Kazakhstan

Public transportation is available and reliable. Buses and the metro system are easy enough to navigate. The UBER equivalent in Kazakhstan is called Yandex Go . We would recommend that you use that before hailing a taxi off the street.

While it’s possible to rent a car and explore on your own, we do not recommend this. The roads outside the city are not in great shape and the signs are few and far between. Plus, the traffic can be bad in the city, with sometimes erratic driving. It’s better to hire a driver or book day trips.

42 Best Things to Do in Almaty, Kazakhstan

1. panfilov park.

Panfilov Heroes statue in Panfilov Park in Almaty, Kazakhstan

Panfilov Park was the first stop on our Almaty city tour . It is the perfect place to introduce us to the unique Kazakh-Russian confluence that can be found around the city.

Located in the city center, this park is more than just a patch of grass. It’s a sprawling oasis that is named after the Panfilov Heroes, a group of 28 soldiers from the Red Army who reputedly halted a German tank assault during World War II.

Dominating the park is the Zenkov Cathedral, and the Eternal Flame that flickers in memory of fallen soldiers. This section of the park is flanked by a solemn war memorial.

Locals also seemed to enjoy the park for leisure. We witnessed old men engaging in intense games of chess, families picnicking under century-old trees, and street performers.

2. Zenkov Cathedral

Zenkov Cathedral form the front in Almaty, Kazakhstan

Zenkov Cathedral, officially known as the Ascension Cathedral , is a feat of wooden architecture situated in the heart of Panfilov Park.

It is built entirely without nails and is considered one of the tallest wooden buildings in the world. This Russian Orthodox cathedral showcases an impressive mastery of craftsmanship. Especially considering it’s one of the few buildings to have survived the devastating 1911 earthquake that shook Almaty.

Interior frescoes in the Zenkov Cathedral in Almaty, Kazakhstan

Adorned with colorful onion domes, it makes a vivid contrast to the surrounding greenery for anyone passing by. The cathedral was designed by Andrei Zenkov, and its construction was completed in 1907 during the Tsarist era.

During the Soviet period, its religious function was stripped away, and it served as a museum and a radio tower. Today, it has been restored to its spiritual glory, holding regular services that attract both faithful and curious tourists.

Of course, we couldn’t resist paying a visit to the interior during our visit. We were pleasantly surprised to see many intricate frescoes adorning the walls and columns.

3. Almaty Museum of Folk Musical Instruments

A Kazakh dombra laying on a pile of wool in Kazakhstan

The Almaty Museum of Folk Musical Instruments also referred to as the Kazakh Museum of Folk Musical Instruments, is rich in Kazakhstan’s sonic heritage.

Housed in a charming wooden building within Panfilov Park, the museum features a vast collection. You’ll find over 1,000 musical instruments from Kazakhstan and other Central Asian countries.

From the dombra, a two-stringed lute that is a symbol of Kazakh culture, to more obscure instruments like the sherter and asatayak , the museum offers an auditory journey through history.

The displays are often accompanied by recordings that allow you to hear the unique sounds each instrument produces. In addition to the instruments, the museum also showcases photographs and documents. They detail the history and significance of Kazakh musical traditions.

4. Central State Museum of Kazakhstan

Golden man display in Almaty, Kazakhstan

The Central State Museum of Kazakhstan is one of the largest museums in Central Asia. It serves as a vault for Kazakhstan’s historical, cultural, and archaeological treasures.

Established in 1931, the museum’s sprawling complex houses over 300,000 exhibits spread across multiple floors. The museum’s collection covers everything from the Bronze Age to the modern era.

Among its standout artifacts are Golden Man, a Scythian warrior’s burial suit made of more than 4,000 pieces of gold, and an extensive exhibit detailing Kazakhstan’s journey to independence from Soviet rule.

The museum is also rich in ethnographic materials, showcasing traditional Kazakh clothing, musical instruments, and crafts. Informative displays are supplemented by wall texts in Kazakh, Russian, and English, making them accessible to a wide audience.

5. Republic Square (Independence Square or New Square)

The center monuments at Republic Square in Almaty, Kazakhstan

Republic Square, often referred to as Independence Square, is the main square in Almaty. It serves as the city’s political and cultural heart. Stretching over 14 hectares, it’s one of the largest public squares in Kazakhstan.

The square is anchored by a monument known as the Golden Warrior, atop a winged snow leopard. It is also surrounded by significant buildings such as the former Presidential Palace, the City Mayor’s Office, and the Kazakh-British Technical University.

The layout is well-planned, with manicured lawns, flower beds, and rows of fountains that create a photogenic backdrop for the many public events and gatherings that take place here. A giant flagpole hoisting the Kazakh flag adds a sense of grandeur and patriotism.

The square is flanked by wide avenues and is easily accessible by public transport, making it a convenient meeting point for locals and a must-visit for tourists.

6. Palace of the Republic

Palace of the Republic in Almaty, Kazakhstan

The Palace of the Republic is an imposing structure that serves as a multifunctional cultural venue. Built during the Soviet era, its architectural style carries distinct elements of that period, featuring grand columns and intricate detailing. The palace is located on Dostyk Avenue. 

With a seating capacity of over 3000, it’s one of the largest stages in Kazakhstan, often attracting top local and international performers. The interior is equally grand, adorned with lavish decorations and a massive crystal chandelier that dominates the main hall.

7. First President’s Park

Lina Stock sitting on a bench at the First President's Park in Almaty, Kazakhstan

First President’s Park is a sprawling expanse of manicured greenery dedicated to Nursultan Nazarbayev, Kazakhstan’s first president post-independence. The park offers well-maintained lawns, an array of colorful flower beds, and an intricate network of walking paths.

During our visit, we admired the monumental bronze statue of Nazarbayev, surrounded by fountains and floral arrangements that sit at the center of the park. We also walked the paths of the open-air gallery, dotted with various sculptures and artworks.

Unlike older parks in the city, First President’s Park reflects modern Kazakhstan. It aims to marry the nation’s aspirations with its rich natural beauty.

8. Zhibek Zholy

Locals enjoying Zhibek Zholy in Almaty, Kazakhstan

Zhibek Zholy is Almaty’s main shopping street! It’s a lively epicenter of activity that captures the city’s dynamic blend of traditional and modern.

Stretching from Abylai Khan Avenue to the west, to Furmanov Street to the east, this pedestrian thoroughfare is a blend of Almaty’s cultural and commercial diversity. Which is why we found ourselves here on multiple occasions during our recent visit to Almaty!

Zhibek Zholy is lined with century-old buildings, boutiques, restaurants, and cafes. It is where you’ll find locals and tourists shopping for everything from high-end international brands to traditional Kazakh handicrafts.

9. Green Bazaar

Aisle at the Green Bazaar in Almaty, Kazakhstan

The Green Bazaar, also known as Zelyony Bazaar or the Green Market, is Almaty’s gastronomic temple. It is made up of a labyrinthine market where the city’s culinary and cultural flavors collide.

Located near the intersection of Zhibek Zholy and Pushkin Street, this marketplace is a foodie’s dream. Offering a wide array of fresh produce, spices, meats, and dairy products, you can’t miss a visit to this market. Of course, we visited during our Almaty city tour and even came back at the end of our trip!

A highlight for many is the assortment of local cheeses and the famous kumis. This is a fermented mare’s milk that’s a staple in the Kazakh diet! There are also several displays of horse meat, a Kazakh delicacy, prepared in just about any way you can imagine. And yes, we tried it!

Hygiene standards vary from stall to stall, so it’s wise to look for vendors who seem attentive to cleanliness. The vendors are often multilingual, switching effortlessly between Kazakh, Russian, and sometimes even English, and are eager to offer samples.

10. Arasan Baths

Arsan Bath House in Almaty, Kazakhstan

Arsan Baths is also situated just off Zhibek Zholy Street and is an institution in Almaty. It offers a unique blend of wellness traditions from Russian banya to Turkish hammams. Built during the early 20th century, this historic bathhouse has retained its original ornate décor, featuring high ceilings, intricate tilework, and wooden benches.

The atmosphere inside is one of timeless luxury, echoing the cultural uniqueness that defines Kazakhstan. The baths are segregated by gender and offer different temperature zones designed to induce varying degrees of perspiration and relaxation.

Traditional treatments like the venik (a bundle of leafy birch or oak twigs used to improve circulation) are popular here. They also offer more modern spa services like massages and facials. Locals frequent the baths not just for hygiene, but as a form of social gathering.

11. Almaty Metro

Hallway in the Almaty Metro in Kazakhstan

The Almaty Metro was inaugurated in December 2011 and is Kazakhstan’s first and only metro system. This underground marvel is not only functional but also aesthetically striking.

Each of the nine stations showcases a unique design that pays homage to various aspects of Kazakh culture and history. The use of local marble, intricate mosaics, and chandeliers make each station look more like a mini palace than a transit point.

With cars that run approximately every 10 minutes, the metro connects key areas of the city. It’s clean, efficient, and remarkably punctual, operating from around 6:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. daily.

Signs and announcements are typically in Kazakh and Russian, but the system is straightforward enough for visitors to navigate. Tickets are incredibly affordable, with token-based entry and contactless card options making it accessible for both locals and tourists.

While it might not cover the entire city yet, the Almaty Metro is a vital part of the public transport network. Plans for expansion are ongoing, aiming to make it an even more integral part of Almaty’s urban landscape.

12. Almaty Central Mosque

Almaty Central Mosque in Almaty, Kazakhstan

The Almaty Central Mosque was completed in 1999 and is one of the largest mosques in Kazakhstan. It serves as a religious and architectural landmark in the city. Even from a distance, this is an impressive building that you shouldn’t miss.

The structure is primarily built from white marble imported from Turkey. The interior is adorned with wooden carvings and Kazakh ornaments that pay tribute to the nation’s Islamic heritage. The mosque serves as a center for religious, educational, and community activities, offering daily prayers, religious classes, and social events.

Non-Muslim visitors are welcome outside of prayer times, although respectful attire is required. This means long sleeves and pants for men and head coverings for women.

13. Almaty Botanical Garden

Japanese Garden in the Almaty Botanical Garden

The Almaty Botanical Garden is a 108-hectare sanctuary of natural beauty situated in the northeastern part of the city. More than just a collection of plants, this botanical garden is a scientific institution. It boasts over 5,000 species of trees, shrubs, and flowers, both native and exotic.

The grounds are meticulously segmented into various thematic zones, such as the rose garden, and the Japanese garden. It’s also a fantastic place for birdwatchers as 65 bird species call this green expanse home.

14. Abai Opera House

Abai Opera House in Almaty, Kazakhstan

The Abai Opera House, formally known as the Abai Kazakh State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre, is one of the crown jewels in Almaty’s cultural scene.

The building is a blend of Neoclassical and Baroque architectural styles. It features ornate columns, chandeliers, and intricate moldings that set the stage for a night of high art. The interior is decorated with plush red velvet seating, gilded accents, and a ceiling adorned with a captivating fresco.

Acoustically, the hall is designed to offer a top-notch auditory experience, making the most of every musical note. We didn’t have time to go inside the Abai Opera House but admired the building from the outside.

15. Try Kazakhstan Chocolate

Row of Kazakhstan chocolate bars at Rakhat in Almaty, Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan’s chocolate scene is a hidden gem often overshadowed by its more famed Russian and European counterparts. Local brands like Rakhat have carved out a niche for themselves with quality products that often incorporate unique regional flavors.

You can get chocolate everywhere in Almaty. We even paid a visit to the Rakhat chocolate factory that is just down the street from the Green Bazaar. It was delicious!

What makes it worth a stop? Well, Kazakhstan chocolate typically features a higher cocoa content, making it richer and less sweet compared to many Western chocolates.

Some of the local favorites include chocolate with traditional Kazakh ingredients like kumis and shubat (fermented camel’s milk). These unique additions give the chocolate a slightly tangy note, setting it apart from typical chocolate offerings.

16. Eat Traditional Kazak Food

Beshbarmak, Kazakhstan's national dish, served in a wood bowl.

Traditional Kazakh cuisine is a robust blend of meat-heavy dishes, doughy delights and unique dairy products. Every dish is deeply influenced by the country’s nomadic past. This makes the culinary experience a journey of its own and is one of the reasons we loved visiting Almaty!

Beshbarmak  reigns as the pillar national dish, featuring boiled meat, usually lamb or beef, layered over flat pasta-like sheets and soaked in a savory onion broth. Another meaty mainstay is  kuyrdak , a sautéed mix of offal, potatoes, and spices.

Shashlik , skewered and grilled meat, can be found everywhere. On the noodle front,  Lagman is a dish of thick hand-pulled noodles, meat, and vegetables in a spiced broth, that brings a burst of flavor.  Manti , steamed dumplings filled with meat or vegetables, is often served with sour cream or a dollop of butter. Lagman and manti are both our personal favorites!

Not to forget dairy, as  kumis  (fermented mare’s milk) and  shubat  (fermented camel’s milk) are considered both tasty and medicinal. Last but not least,  baursak , deep-fried dough balls, offer a satisfying end to a hearty meal. We ate far more of these than I care to admit!

It’s very easy to eat all of these local dishes at restaurants around Almaty. To learn more about the history of Kazakh food, we’d recommend you take a walking food tour in Almaty .

17. Be brave and Try the Horse Meat

Horse meat stall at the Green Market in Almaty, Kazakhstan

Horse meat holds a special place in the culinary traditions of Kazakhstan. Its use traces back to the country’s nomadic heritage. Horse meat is prized for its rich, slightly sweet flavor and tender texture. It often features in special occasion dishes.

One of the most renowned horse meat delicacies is  kazy , a type of sausage made from the animal’s rib meat. It is seasoned with spices, and stuffed into natural casings. It is then typically boiled and smoked or dried.

Lina Stock trying horse meat in Almaty, Kazakhstan

Another popular item is  zhal , which is the fatty meat from the neck and hump of the horse. It is enjoyed for its richness. Horse meat is also commonly used in  beshbarmak , Kazakhstan’s national dish. In this dish, it is boiled and served over pasta-like sheets with a savory broth.

Consuming horse meat is not just about flavor but is deeply entwined with Kazakh culture and tradition. As a lifetime horse person, I have conflicting feelings about eating horse meat. But I did it out of respect for the culture and honestly, it wasn’t bad. Am I adding it to my daily diet, no, but it was worth the experience!

18. Almaty Central Park

People relaxing in Almaty Central Park in Almaty, Kazakhstan

Almaty Central Park, also known locally as Gorky Park, is an oasis of green in the heart of the city. Founded in 1856, this sprawling 100-hectare park is one of the oldest and largest in Almaty. It features tree-lined avenues, manicured lawns, and multiple ponds.

The park is designed for leisure and recreation, featuring a range of amenities like paddleboat rentals, amusement rides, and bridges.

19. Kok Tobe Hill

View of Almaty, Kazakhstan from the top of Kok Tobe Hill

Kok Tobe Hill is a mountain in the Tian Shan range, towering over Almaty. The hill offers some of the most breathtaking panoramic views of the city below. This popular tourist spot sits at an elevation of about 1,100 meters.

Once you reach the summit, you’re greeted with various attractions. This includes a mini-zoo and amusement park to an assortment of cafes and souvenir shops. There’s even a Ferris wheel. The main attraction, though, is the view. It is so good that it kept us at the top for a solid hour during our visit!

We also had fun searching for the bronze statue of The Beatles. Almaty claims it is the only monument of all four Beatles together in the world. During our visit, we also walked along the walking paths taking in the various attractions, rides, booths, and shops.

20. Almaty Tower

Almaty Tower in Almaty, Kazakhstan

Almaty Tower, locally known as Kok Tobe TV Tower, stands as a prominent landmark on Kok Tobe Mountain. With a height of 372 meters (1,220 feet), it’s one of the tallest free-standing tubular steel structures in the world.

Unfortunately, the tower is not open to the public. However, its unique design, featuring a cylindrical shaft and a crowning sphere, makes it instantly recognizable and a point of reference for navigating the city.

21. Museum of Kazakh Academic Drama Theater

The Museum of Kazakh Academic Drama Theater in Almaty is an institution that pays homage to the rich history of Kazakh drama and theatrical arts. It is located within the building of the Academic Drama Theater. The museum showcases an impressive collection of costumes, props, scripts, and photographs that chart the evolution of Kazakh theater.

Visitors can delve into the lives and contributions of iconic figures in Kazakh drama, notably Mukhtar Auezov, after whom the theater is named. The museum provides a compelling narrative through its exhibits, using multimedia displays and occasional live reenactments to enrich the visitor experience.

22. Astana Square

Statues in Astana Square in Almaty, Kazakhstan

Astana Square is another significant public space, though smaller and less grand than Republic Square. It is situated in the city’s center, and was formerly known as Red Square. A statue of Vladimir Lenin once sat at the center of the park.

Today that statue has been replaced by several other important statues. Additionally, the square sits opposite the Almaty Kazakh-British Technical University.

23. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Almaty, Kazakhstan

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, often abbreviated as KazNU, is a prestigious institution of higher education located in Almaty. It is one of the oldest universities in Kazakhstan. It was founded in 1934 and features a sprawling 100 hectares campus.

Named after the medieval philosopher Al-Farabi, the university places a strong emphasis on science and humanities. It boasts state-of-the-art laboratories, libraries, and research centers.

For anyone interested in academic life in Kazakhstan, a visit to the campus—with its blend of Soviet-era and modern architecture—provides valuable insights into the country’s educational landscape.

24. Kazakhstan Museum of Arts

Kazakh artwork depicting a local yurt and mountain scene

The Kazakhstan Museum of Arts, also known as the A. Kasteyev State Museum of Arts is the largest art museum in Kazakhstan. It serves as a comprehensive archive of both Kazakh and international art. It was established in 1935 and houses over 25,000 items, including paintings, sculptures, decorative arts, and modern installations.

A significant portion is dedicated to the works of Kazakh artists. Many pieces blend traditional Kazakh motifs with contemporary styles. All explanatory plaques are displayed in both Kazakh and English. 

Best Day Trips from Almaty, Kazakhstan

25. medeu skating rink.

Medeu skating rink near Almaty, Kazakhstan

Medeu is an outdoor speed skating and bandy rink on the outskirts of Almaty, about 1,691 meters above sea level. Known as the highest skating rink in the world, it spans 10.5 hectares and can host up to 30,000 visitors.

It was built in 1949, with many renovations, and has hosted numerous international competitions. The unique combination of mild winter temperatures, low humidity, and a high-altitude location creates an ice quality that many professionals consider to be some of the fastest in the world.

Even if you’re not into ice skating, the venue offers spectacular mountain views and is surrounded by hiking trails. Personally, the best views of Medeu are from the cable car that you can take up to the Shymbulak Ski Resort. It passes right next to the skating rink!

26. Shymbulak Ski Resort

View of the second chairlift from platform 1 at Shymbulak Ski Resort in Kazakhstan

Shymbulak Ski Resort is the largest ski resort in Kazakhstan. It is located just 25 km from the center of Almaty. Reachable via a cable car that starts from Medeu, the resort sits at an elevation of 2,200 meters.

The resort features modern lifts, including a gondola and chair lifts, which significantly reduce wait times even during peak seasons.

First platform at Shymbulak Ski Resort near Almaty, Kazakhstan

The resort isn’t just a winter destination as we found out during our visit. During the summer, the area transforms into a hub for hiking, mountain biking, and horseback riding.

We enjoyed walking around the small village at the top with a few restaurants and cafes. You can book this tour to visit both Medeu and Shymbulak .

27. Butakovka Waterfall

Butakovka Waterfall near Almaty, Kazakhstan

Set in the scenic Alatau mountains, Butakovka Waterfall is a natural gem that’s particularly attractive for hikers and nature enthusiasts. Located in the same area as Shymbukak, the waterfall is accessible via a moderate hike through the Butakovka Gorge.

It’s most spectacular in the spring when the melting snow feeds into the falls. This creates a powerful cascade that drops about 25 meters. The area around the waterfall offers picnic spots and trails with smaller falls and creeks, offering plenty of photo opportunities.

28. Furmanov Peak

View from the top of Furmanov Peak in Kazakhstan

If you’re looking for a great, yet challenging hike, Furmanov Peak stands at a height of 3,061 meters. It is one of the more accessible peaks in the Tian Shan Mountain range near Almaty. It’s named after Ivan Furmanov, a Red Army commissar during the Russian Civil War.

The summit trek starts from the Medeu area and can take up to 7 hours, depending on your fitness level. Once you reach the peak, you’re rewarded with panoramic views that include the city of Almaty.

You’ll also enjoy the sprawling landscapes of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. The peak is often snow-covered, even in summer, so make sure you are well-prepared for the elements.

29. Ile-Alatau National Park (Kok-Zhaylyau Plateau)

David Stock hiking at Kok-Zhayiyau Plateau in the Ile-Alatau National Park in Kazakhstan

Ile-Alatau National Park stretches across an impressive 200,000 hectares of rugged mountain terrain. It encompasses parts of the Zailiyskiy Alatau mountain range south of Almaty.

Established in 1996, the park serves as a protected area for the region’s diverse flora and fauna. This includes the elusive snow leopard and the endangered Tian Shan brown bear.

Its most famous landmarks include the Big Almaty Lake and the Charyn Canyon. That said, the Kok-Zhaylyau Plateau is one of the most accessible and popular trekking destinations near Almaty. It offers an exceptional natural experience without requiring a multi-day expedition.

We enjoyed taking some time to walk a few trails here and at the visitor center. You can arrange a full-day tour to Zhaylyau, Big Almaty Lake, and a waterfall from Almaty.

30. Big Almaty Lake

Big Almaty Lake in Kazakhstan

Big Almaty Lake is a stunning alpine reservoir situated 28 kilometers south of Almaty. It sits at an elevation of 2,511 meters above sea level.

The lake was formed by glacier activity and is renowned for its ever-changing palette of colors. These vary from emerald green to turquoise blue depending on the season and light conditions.

The lake serves as a natural water reservoir for the city of Almaty, so swimming is not allowed. The surrounding area is a biodiverse zone within the Ile-Alatau National Park, so be sure to pack your hiking boots!

The lake is accessible via a challenging but rewarding hike or a 4×4 vehicle and is a must-see for any nature lover visiting the region. It’s a popular spot for day trips and you can arrange a reasonably priced day trip to Big Almaty Lake here .

31. Charyn Canyon

Lina Stock standing on a rock overlooking Charyn Canyon in Kazakhstan

Charyn Canyon is a geological wonder located about 200 kilometers east of Almaty. It is often compared to the Grand Canyon in the USA . The canyon stretches 154 kilometers along the Charyn River and features striking red sandstone formations that have been eroded over millions of years into various shapes and sizes.

We enjoyed the network of well-marked trails that wind through the area. They took us to viewpoints that offered panoramic vistas of the sprawling, rugged landscape. They also led us from the top to the canyon floor.

Lina Stock hiking in the Valley of Castles at Charyn Canyon in Kazakhstan

The most famous section is the Valley of Castles, which was the highlight of our visit. It offers towering columns and intricate rock formations creating a landscape that feels both eerie and awe-inspiring. The canyon is also home to a rare species of ash tree that dates to the Ice Age.

We recommend you visit Charyn Canyon as part of a 2-day trip from Almaty . This trip also includes the Kolsay Lakes and Kaindy Lake. This is how we visited this region and it allowed us plenty of time for hiking at all the stops.

32. Kolsay Lakes (Kolsai Lakes)

David Stock at Kolsay Lakes in Kazakhstan

Kolsay Lakes is a trio of stunning alpine lakes set within the Tian Shan Mountain range southeast of Almaty. The lakes sit at different altitudes, with the first being the most accessible at 1,818 meters above sea level. This is the one that we visited during our time in Kazakhstan.

All the lakes are characterized by their crystal-clear turquoise waters and are surrounded by dense spruce forests and rocky cliffs. This makes them a dream location for hikers and nature photographers.

Lina Stock sitting on the dock at Kolsay Lakes in Kazakhstan

During our visit, we enjoyed a series of trails that let us explore the shores of the lower lake. We were also told that these trails connect all three of the lakes for an adventurous, multi-day trek.

We recommend you visit Kolsay Lakes as part of a 2-day trip from Almaty . It also includes the Charyn Canyon and Kaindy Lake. This is how we visited this region and it allowed us plenty of time for hiking at all the stops.

33. Kaindy Lake

Kaindy Lake in Kazakhstan on a still day

Kaindy Lake is a natural marvel best known for its underwater forest. It is one of the most desired places to visit in Kazakhstan.

The lake was formed by a limestone landslide after the 1911 earthquake, which created its most striking feature of a grove of submerged Picea schrenkiana trees. Their trunks protrude from the water’s surface like eerie, sun-bleached ship masts.

The water itself is a stunning shade of turquoise, contrasting vividly with the surrounding landscape of steep, forested slopes. At an altitude of 2,000 meters, the lake remains icy cold even in summer. This preserves the submerged trees and contributes to the area’s mystical allure.

David and Lina Stock at Kaindy Lake in Kazakhstan

Accessible by 4×4 vehicles and a short hike, Kaindy Lake has become a hotspot for divers, hikers, and photographers looking to capture its otherworldly beauty. Which we can attest is worth the effort to get there.

We recommend you visit Kaindy Lake as part of a 2-day trip from Almaty . It also includes the Kolsay Lakes and Charyn Canyon. This is how we visited this region and it allowed us plenty of time for hiking at all the stops.

34. Black Canyon

David Stock standing near the Black Canyon in Kazakhstan

Black Canyon, also known as Qara Zhorga in Kazakh, is a lesser-known but equally stunning geological formation located not far from Almaty. The canyon is notable for its dark, almost black, basalt rock formations that stand in sharp contrast to the blue sky and green foliage.

The rocks have been sculpted over time by erosion, resulting in unique shapes and structures that make for a surreal landscape. The area is relatively undeveloped, offering a more secluded experience compared to more popular natural attractions.

We stopped here for photos on our way back to Almaty from visiting Charyn Canyon and the Kolsay Lakes region. It’s worth a stop and can easily be added to most multi-day trips that are booked to the area.

35. Sunkar Falcon Farm

Woman in traditional dress handling a large Golden Eagle near Almaty, Kazakhstan

Sunkar Falcon Farm is a unique conservation center dedicated to the breeding and protection of birds of prey, particularly falcons and eagles.

Founded in 1989, the farm plays a critical role in rehabilitating injured birds and educating the public about the importance of these raptors in the ecosystem. We were able to witness these majestic birds up close, including the Kazakh national symbol, the golden eagle.

The highlight of our visit was the live demonstration of traditional Kazakh hunting techniques using trained birds of prey, known locally as berkutchi. The owner is hilarious, speaking many languages fluently and giving a very colorful presentation.

The facility includes an informational center with exhibits on falconry and conservation efforts. You can arrange a tour from Almaty to Sunkar Falcon Farm with lunch here .

36. Huns Ethno-Village

Performers at the Ethno Hun Village near Almaty, Kazakhstan

The Huns Ethno-Village is an immersive cultural experience located approximately 40 kilometers from Almaty. It is designed to transport visitors back to the era of the ancient Hun civilization that once roamed the steppes of Kazakhstan.

The village features reconstructed traditional dwellings, including yurts and wooden homes, furnished with artifacts and tools that offer a glimpse into the daily lives of the Huns.

The family that operates the village were all donning period-appropriate attire for that added touch of authenticity.

Man serving traditional baursak at Ethno Hun Village near Almaty, Kazakhstan

During our visit, we had the opportunity to engage in a variety of activities such as archery, horseback riding, and traditional crafts. We also were given demonstrations on cooking traditional Kazakh foods and sampled freshly made kumis (fermented mare milk).

We were entertained with traditional music, shown the inside of a yurt, and observed a horse show with several cultural games on display.

This is more than just a static exhibit. It’s a living, breathing reenactment of history set against the natural beauty of the surrounding landscape. We highly recommend that you visit if you are interested in the richness of Kazakhstan’s heritage.

You can arrange a private day trip to the Huns Ethno Village here .

37. Assy Plateau

David Stock with 4x4 at Assy Plateau in Kazakhstan

Assy Plateau is a sweeping highland situated about 100 kilometers to the east of Almaty. At an elevation ranging from 2,650 to 2,800 meters above sea level, this plateau is nothing short of a natural wonder.

It is rich in biodiversity and serves as a summer pasture, known locally as a jailau, for local herders who bring their flocks of sheep, goats, and horses to graze on its lush grass.

The area is dotted with archaeological sites, including petroglyphs carved into large rocks and boulders, and kurgans—ancient burial mounds—that provide a window into the past civilizations that once inhabited this land.

Also interesting are the observation buildings that offer a somewhat unexpected layer of Cold War history. These structures were initially built during the Soviet era as part of an astronomical observatory complex. The plateau’s high elevation and remote location made it an ideal spot for stargazing and atmospheric research.

Observation towers on Assy Plateau in Kazakhstan

Although the observatories are not in active use today, the buildings themselves have become a point of interest for visitors. We weren’t able to enter the buildings during our visit, but the views from the top were some of the best in Central Asia.

The plateau is accessible mainly by 4×4 vehicles, and the drive itself is an adventure. This is a full-day trip from Almaty, but worth doing for some crazy cool views of the Kazakh steppe. You can book your trip to Assy Plateau and Issyk Lake here .

38. Issyk Lake (Essik Lake)

Stand up paddle boarder at Issyk Lake in Kazakhstan

Issyk Lake is a stunning alpine lake located about 70 kilometers east of Almaty, in the Issyk Gorge. The lake is set at an elevation of 1,756 meters and is renowned for its turquoise waters.

Unfortunately, a 1963 mudflow disaster destroyed part of the lake but restoration efforts have revitalized this natural wonder. The lake is surrounded by pine forests and alpine meadows, making it a haven for hikers, birdwatchers, and nature enthusiasts.

39. Oi-Qaragai Mountain Resort

Man holding coffee in treehouse accommodation at Oi-Qaragai Mountain Resort near Almaty, Kazakhstan

Yes, this is a resort and somewhere you can find amazing accommodation, but it is also a destination. The Oi-Qaragai Mountain Resort is only 30 kilometers from Almaty and is a year-round destination that offers a diverse range of outdoor activities.

We stayed here one night and enjoyed a full day of activities here, including hiking, and horseback riding. One of the highlights is the cable car ride, which offers panoramic views of the mountainous landscape.

Lina Stock riding a horse in the mountains near Almaty, Kazakhstan

David, along with a few of our fellow travelers, opted to take three-wheeled trikes on a steep dirt track back to the bottom.

Overall, it is a fantastic all-in-one destination with a classic resort offering. You can arrive and never leave while being fully accommodated and entertained during your stay.

40. Arba Winery

A bottle of wine from Arba Wine

Winemaking in Kazakhstan has ancient roots and dates to the times of the Silk Road. More recently, the industry has been experiencing a resurgence.

Arba Winery has been carving out a name for itself in Kazakhstan’s emerging wine industry. Utilizing both local and international grape varieties, the winery produces a diverse range of wines including reds, whites, and rosés.

Tours of the facility offer an in-depth look into the winemaking process, from vine to bottle. They typically culminate in a tasting session where visitors can sample an array of wines.

With its commitment to quality and innovation, Arba Winery is quickly becoming a notable player in Kazakhstan’s wine scene. This is attracting both local and international attention.

41. Altyn Emel National Park

Sand dunes at Altyn Emel National Park in Kazakhstan

Altyn Emel National Park sprawls across a massive 4,600 square kilometers in southeastern Kazakhstan. The park showcases a diverse range of landscapes from semi-desert to mountainous terrain.

The park is famed for its “singing dunes,” a natural phenomenon where the movement of sand produces musical sounds. Beyond the dunes, Altyn Emel is a sanctuary for rare and endangered species. This includes the Bukhara deer and the Przewalski’s horse .

The area also contains fascinating archeological and geological sights, including petroglyphs. You can also visit the Aktau Mountains, a range of chalky hills showcasing millions of years of geological history.

Visitors often opt for guided tours due to the need for specialized vehicles to navigate its challenging terrains. We recommend this 1-day Express Tour to Altyn Emel National Park .

42. Experience Almaty Nightlife

Almaty’s nightlife is a mix of modernity and tradition, where East meets West in a blend of diverse experiences. The city’s youthful energy comes alive post-sunset. There are plenty of options ranging from chic rooftop bars offering panoramic views to underground clubs.

The district around Panfilov Street and Zhibek Zholy is a hotspot for trendy bars and pubs. You can find plenty of craft beers, cocktails, and live music. For those interested in a more local experience, numerous establishments serve kumis accompanied by Kazakh snacks.

Dance clubs, often located in the city’s upscale hotels, feature international DJs and themed nights, attracting a glamorous crowd. We had a good laugh at the newly opened Only Fans club at the Grand Mildom where we were staying.

More Almaty Travel Tips

Our recommended almaty tours.

  • Ancient Petroglyphs of Tanbaly – UNESCO World Heritage
  • Almaty City Tour
  • 1-day Express Tour to Altyn Emel National Park
  • Assy Plateau and Issyk Lake
  • Huns Ethno Village
  • Sunkar Falcon Farm with lunch
  • 2-day trip to Charyn Canyon, Kolsay Lakes and Kaindy Lake from Almaty

Where to Eat – The Best Almaty Restaurants

Traditional yurt meal in Kazakhstan

The Almaty food scene was surprisingly diverse. You can get a wide array of both local and international cuisine in every corner of the city. During our visit, we had the pleasure of trying the following restaurants. Truth be told, we never had a bad meal during our time in Almaty.

Fort Vernyi  – Located at Tole Bi Street 179a, we enjoyed a typical light Kazakh lunch here with different salads, soups, and taster plates.

Villa dei Fiori  – Located at St Furmanova 187a, this is one of the most upscale restaurants in Almaty and it features Italian cuisine.

The Noodles  – Located at Dostyk Avenue 52/2, contrary to the name, we enjoyed local cuisine and traditional shashlik.

Fahar  – Located at Dostyk Avenue 36, this place offered a beautiful atmosphere and served exceptional manti dumplings.

Alasha  – Located at St Mapata Ospanova 20, we had the classic Kazakh buffet experience here. The food was excellent, but it was very crowded.

Sydyk  – Located at Zheltoksan Street 155, this restaurant is most notable for its camel meat and milk. You can also enjoy kumis here among other authentic dishes, like beshbarmak, served with both camel and horse meat. David enjoyed his visit here during his Almaty food tour.

Qaimaq  – Located at Abay Avenue 46a, we enjoyed our final dinner here. It was over the top excellent! All of the salads were very fresh and the beshbarmak was presented more like a show. We highly recommend this restaurant for an authentic Kazakh dining experience.

Where to Stay in Almaty

The Grand Mildom Hotel in Almaty, Kazakhstan

Almaty is a sprawling city, which means there are several different areas to stay. We stayed at the Grand Mildom for the duration of our stay within the city limits of Almaty.

The hotel was a solid 3-star by Western standards. The rooms were large and comfortable. They had a nice spa with a pool and served an included breakfast buffet. The hotel was located in the Almaty city center, and walkable to a large mall. That said, we were driven to most places around the city.

We also heard fantastic things about the historic Hotel Kazakhstan . Built during the late Soviet era in the 1970s, the hotel’s design is a blend of Soviet modernism and Brutalism. The hotel has long been a symbol of the city and today is the third largest building in Almaty.

While the interior has seen upgrades over the years, it still retains some nostalgic Soviet charm. The hotel is strategically located, offering easy access to key attractions like Panfilov Park and Zenkov Cathedral.

Outside of Almaty, we stayed at two other properties. The Oi-Qaragai Mountain Resort for 1 night (in a crazy cool tree house!) and a small 2-star hotel called Hotel Kolsay Grand in Kolsay Lakes for 1 night.

Our visit to Kazakhstan was hosted by  Travel Kazakhstan in partnership with the SATW Digital Publishers Council. This trip was made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the sole responsibility of this author and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. All opinions about our incredible time in Kazakhstan are 100% mine, as always.

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Lina is an award-winning photographer and writer that has been exploring the world since 2001. She has traveled to 100 countries on all 7 continents. Member: SATW, NATJA, ATTA, ITWA

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Divergent Travelers- Adventure Travel Blog

The Adventures of Nicole

This publication is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Competitiveness, Trade, and Jobs Activity in Central Asia. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Nicole from The Adventures of Nicole and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

The 14 Best Things to do in Almaty + Almaty Day Trips

Updated in March 2024 ,   The Best Things To Do In Almaty was originally written in August 2019

Almaty, aka: the city of apples is the largest city in Kazakhstan and a must-see on any Kazakhstan itinerary. Once the capital (that torch was handed off to Astana, recently renamed Nur Sultan), Almaty is full of rich history.

With an Eastern European city feel, while still encompassing traits making it uniquely Kazakh, Almaty can be a great place to stop off on your Central Asia adventures for creature comforts, and can also make a great base for those wanting to satellite out to explore. Read on to discover some of the best things to do in Almaty.

Check out this  one day Almaty city tour  on Viator

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The Best Things to do in Almaty

1. visit colorful ascension/zenkov cathedral.

Kazakhstan, Almaty, Zenkov, Zenkov Cathedral, Ascension Cathedral, Almaty Cathedral, Almaty Church, Orthodox Church, Orthodox cathedral, Panfilov Park

You’ve probably seen photos of colorful Zenkov Cathedral in the heart of Almaty’s Panfilov Park perusing google for information on the city.

Also referred to as Ascension Cathedral, this Russian Orthodox Church built in 1907 (undergoing restoration in 2018) is the second talked wooden structure in the world.

Don’t forget to grab a copy of the Bradt Kazakhstan guidebook to start planning your trip

2. Stroll Through Panfilov Park

If you’re looking for things to do in Almaty, many of them are centered around Panfilov Park. This is the place to hang out in Almaty with plenty of places to stroll and home to Zenkov Cathedral and a War Memorial to an Almaty infantry unit. Panfilov is named after the 28 soldiers who died fighting off Nazis just outside Moscow in 1941.

3. Shop At Green Bazaar

Green Bazaar, Almaty, Kazakhstan, zelony bazaar, green bazaar almaty

This is where to head to get a taste of daily life and get a feel for the real bustle of Almaty. You can purchase literally anything imaginable here from Kumis (fermented horse milk), fresh produce, clothing, household supplies, and everything between.

Due to its crowded nature pickpocketing does happen here, so have a close eye on valuables at all times.

4. Visit Almaty’s Museums

A Kasteyev Museum, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Kazakh felt, felting, felt carpet

Almaty has a few museums to pop into, especially if you’re trying to escape the summertime heat midday.

Central State Museum

Old artifacts, cards in Russian

A. Kasteyev State Museum

Kazakhstan’s largest art museum, home to countless Kazakh pieces.

Kunaev House Museum

Dedicated to first Kazakh Soviet politician Dinmukhamed Kunaev and located in his once home.

Kazakh Museum Of Folk Musical Instruments

Located in Panfilov Park, this museum is home to many instruments you’ve likely never seen or heard before. There is a small hall inside that holds concerts.

Plan a two week trip to Kazakhstan & Kyrgyzstan

5. Take A Cable Car To Kök Tobe

For the best views over Almaty grab a cable car up to Almaty’s hilltop carnival Kok Tobe. Many days there are special performances held here.

6. Relax In Arasan Baths

Arasan Baths, Almaty, Kazakhstan, birch branches, Russian Bath, Russian banya, banya

With the Soviets came their bath and spa culture. Arasan Baths are the best place in Almaty to experience this. Head inside and kick back in various pools of different temperatures.

Note that most visit the pools in the nude and pools are gender-segregated.

7. Admire Almaty’s Central Mosque

Being the dominant religion of the region there is a massive mosque in the middle of Almaty. Foreigners are free to enter so long as dressed appropriately. There should be headscarves and coverings available to rent at the door if you aren’t.

8. Visit The Academy Of Sciences

Academy of Sciences, Almaty, Kazakhstan

The Academy of Sciences was an attraction in Almaty that I’d not heard of before and knew nothing of until I took a  Walking Almaty  Tour that focused on the Golden Corner of Almaty, a more off the main tourist trail twist on the city.

The building now houses 5 small museums that include Kazakh Natural History, Rare Books, the Satpaev Museum, Archeology, and the Museum of the Science of the History of Kazakhstan.

9. Walk Around First President Park

Take a city bus 20 minutes south of central Almaty to walk around the First President Park. You’ll likely see many wedding photoshoots happening while you’re here.

10. Stroll Up & Down Jipek Joli Pedestrian Street

Stroll down this street to watch street performers and snack your way along the path.

11. Abay State Opera & Ballet Theatre

Almaty, Kazakhstan, Abay Theatre

Catch a performance here at the Abay Opera & Ballet Theatre. Prices range from 400-2,000 KZT to catch a performance.

12. Gorky Park

This recreational park smack in the middle of Almaty likely has something to keep everyone in your group entertained with a carnival, cinema, aqua park, and cafes.

13. Respublika Alany

A square with plenty of monuments and views to the presidential palace and Maslikat Building.

14. Take A Ride On The Metro

Baikonur, Baikonur Metro station, Almaty, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Almaty Metro

In most parts of the world taking the metro isn’t a special experience, but in the post-Soviet Central Asian republics of Kazakhstan and  Uzbekistan , they’re ornate works of art, two of the most notable being Baikonur, Jibek Joli, and Auezov Theatre Stations.

Wanna See For Yourself? Check Out My Post:  A Tour Through The Almaty Metro

Day & Overnight Trips From Almaty

Big Almaty Lake, Almaty day trip, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, BAO

Day Trip To Big Almaty Lake

Another great day trip from Almaty is to Big Almaty Lake (BAO) located about 1 hour from the city center. Weekdays in the morning are best to avoid crowds.

To get here grab a taxi from Almaty. It should cost you about 7,000 KZT return including a couple of hours of wait time. City bus #8 will take you to the park entrance, but you’ll need to walk or hitch another 11 kilometers to the lake.

Check Out My Guide On  How To Get To Big Almaty Lake

Hike Or Iceskate At Medeu

Head to Medeu for the epic views of the area surrounding Almaty. If you visit in the winter don’t miss out on ice skating at the outdoor rink.

Take bus #12 from the city center to go directly to the rink in Medau. Buses leave on a 30 min schedule.

Ski Or Hike The Slopes At Chimbulak

Chimbulak is a great day trip from Almaty year-round. In summer you can actually trek between Chimbulak and Medau and in winter ski the slopes.

Take bus #12 to Medau from the city center and then take the cable car (2,500 KZT return) or hike up to Chimbulak.

Book this  5 day best of Southeast Kazakhstan  Tour to Altyn Emel, Charyn Canyon, Kaindy & Kolsai Lakes and more on Viator

Overnight (Or More!) To Lake Kaindy & Kolsai Lakes

Kaindy Lake, Kaindy, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Sunken Forest, Kaindy lake, Tien Shan

Located near to each other and easily reachable from the village of Saty outside of Almaty, Lake Kaindy and Kolsai Lakes will not disappoint. Kolsai Lakes is comprised of three glacial lakes that dot a beautiful evergreen landscape with waterfalls abound.

Lake Kaindy is home to the famous and unusual sunken forest. Kaindy and Kolsai can easily be visited on a combined trip in a couple of days.

Wanna See The Strange Sunken Forest Of Lake Kaindy & Trek To Kolsai Lakes? Read:  How To Get To Kaindy & Kolsai Lakes

Shop  Kaindy & Kolsai Lakes tours  run by local operators via Viator

Trek Around Charyn Canyon

Valley of Castles, Valley of Castles Charyn Canyon, Valley of Castles Kazakhstan, Charyn Canyon, Charyn, Kazakhstan canyon, Sharyn Canyon, Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan’s Grand Canyon with sweeping views over orangey-red rock formations in a desert landscape— a far cry from the other surrounding day trips from Almaty. There is great camping to be had out here at the canyon.

Check Out My Post  How To Get To Charyn Canyon  For More Information To Plan Your Visit

Don’t wanna go at it alone? Check out this  one day Charyn Canyon tour  on Viator

Explore The Wonders Of Altyn Emel National Park

Home to the eerie whistling dunes, ancient burial mounds, Turanga trees, and the unusual rainbowy Aktau Mountains smack in the middle of a barren steppe. Located 260 kilometers north of Almaty a trip of multiple days to take in the best of the national park is recommended. Check out Megan Starr’s  post  on her visit to the Singing Dunes at Altyn Emel for info on how to visit.

Check out Megan Starr’s post about  visiting the Singing Dunes  at Altyn Emel National Park

Book this  Altyn Emel National Park tour  on Viator

See Ancient Buddhist Petrogylphs At Tamgaly Tas

Head to Tamgaly Gorge to view Buddhist rock petroglyphs. Combining it with nearby attractions can make for a great day trip from Almaty.

Almaty Travel Tips

How to get to almaty.

Thankfully Almaty is one of the easier cities to get to in Central Asia from Europe and the Middle East by flight. If you’re already traveling in  Central Asia  the closest city is Bishkek,  Kyrgyzstan , just a 4 hour marshrutka ride away.

Getting Around In Almaty

Almaty is easy to get around with an extensive bus network and with its single line  metro . Getting a taxi is not a problem, you can haggle with drivers you can flag down on the street or order a car on the Yandex.Taxi app.

Where To Stay In Almaty

Being a hub in Central Asia Almaty has accommodations to fit any budget and traveler type. From my own experience here are the accommodations I recommend.

Budget Almaty Backpacker’s |  Booking.com  |

Midrange Hotel Mildom |  Booking.com  |  Hotels.com  |

Luxury Rixos Almaty Hotel |  Booking.com  |  Hotels.com  |

What To Eat In Almaty

Borsht, Markanda Restaurant, Markanda Restaurant Almaty, Almaty Restaurants, Kazkah food, Russian food, borsht, soup, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Almaty is jammed full of great restaurants serving Kazakh food as well as international cuisine. Some personal favorites include Markanda, Man’s Cafe,  Tyubeteika , and  Navat .

Wanna take a crack at Kazakh cooking?  Join a Kazakh cooking class !

Tours Of Almaty & Beyond

Don’t wanna deal with the logistics of figuring out how to get around the city or some of the surround areas? Don’t sweat it, you’re not alone and you’re on vacation– so you don’t have to. I highly recommend  Walking Almaty  Tours.  Click here  to shop various tours on offer in and around Almaty.

Have Any Questions Or Sites You Recommend To Visit In Almaty?

Ask in the comments below!

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The 14 Best Things To Do In Almaty + Almaty Day Trips

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10 Off The Beaten Path Destinations For 2021

1 thought on “the 14 best things to do in almaty + almaty day trips”.

Starting in Kazakhstan, a place where I no longer needed a visa as an American thanks to the Kazakh government removing visas for visits less than 30 days back in January 2017, I was off to a whirlwind start touring Almaty’s main attractions on day one of the tour. Panfilov Park, Zenkov Cathedral, Republic Square, and the Almaty City Museum, it wasn’t until heading to Chimbulak, a mountain resort just on the outskirts of the city, where we’d be taking a cable car up the mountainside, that I’d find my favorite part of this day thanks, to the incredible views from high up in the mountains.

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Travel Oasis

16 Awesome Things to Do In Almaty in 2024

travel partners almaty

Hey, guess what? Almaty is a pretty fun and happening city.

Unbeknownst to many travellers, there’s a pretty solid range of awesome things to do in Almaty. From taking in bizarre Soviet architecture to going on a day trip or two, we’ve outlined for you the best places to visit in Almaty.

Heading there yourself? Well then, read on for our guide to the 16 best things to do in Almaty.

Kazakhstan Travel Resources

  • Start here: The Complete Guide to Almaty
  • Getting there: search for flights to Kazakhstan
  • Where to stay: find a guesthouse, hostel or hotel
  • Guidebook: pick up a copy of Bradt’s Kazakhstan
  • Getting around: search for trains in Kazakhstan
  • Rent a car: search for deals on car rentals
  • Travel insurance: get travel insurance for your trip
  • Money: get a Wise travel card to save big time in Kazakhstan

Things to Do in Almaty City

Most of Almaty’s attractions are located in the city proper and are thus easy to access by walking, rideshare or public transportation.

Here are the top tourist attractions in Almaty.

Read: The Complete Guide to Almaty for tips on where to stay, eat and how to get around Almaty

Panfilov Park

Visiting Zenkov Cathedral is one of the best things to do in Almrty

Panfilv Park is a beautiful park located close to the city centre. It’s a lovely city refuge with lots of green spaces and benches that are perfect for watching the world go by. 

The Zenkov Cathedral , also known as the Ascension Cathedral, is a remarkable Russian Orthodox church located inside Panfilov Park.

Built in the early 20th century, the cathedral is made entirely of wood, without the use of nails or screws. This impressive cathedral is a must-see Almaty tourist attraction in my book. 

The Memorial Complex in Panfilov Park is an interesting (and very Soviet-looking) war memorial that’s dedicated to the 28 Panfilov soldiers who fought against Nazi forces during World War II.

Related: 14 Awesome Things To Do In Kyrgyzstan

Arasan Baths  

Located just around the corner from Panfilov Park, Arasan Baths is another must-visit Almaty tourist attraction.

Taking a soak at the Baths is as much a cultural experience as anything else – think old naked men (and presumably naked women in the female section) meeting with friends for a good chin wag while a stranger proceeds to beat their sweaty bodies with some sort contraption made of herbal leaves.

Though admittedly, it’s a pretty relaxing experience too.    

Price : around 3000 KZT (approximately $7 USD) for a 2-hour mid-week entry, during the day. The prices increase slightly on weekends and after 4 pm. Bathers can also opt for massage packages for an additional fee.

Read about visiting Ala-Kul Lake in Kyrgyzstan

Check out awesome Soviet-style architecture

Amazing Soviet architecture in Almaty Kazakhstan

Almaty has many interesting examples of Soviet-style architecture. It’s worth walking around and checking out these unique structures.

A few recommendations include Hotel Kazakhstan , Palace of the Republic, Arman Cinema, Palace of Pioneers, Republic Square, City Milk Factory and Kazakh State Circus. Look here for details on where to find more awesome Soviet-era art in the city.  

I also loved seeing the creative ways in which many of the old Soviet buildings are being integrated with more modern architectural designs. It’s yet another example of how this city is constantly evolving.   

Read next: How to Go Horse Trekking in Kyrgyzstan

Wander around Arbart 

The most popular pedestrian zone in Almaty is the section of Zhibek Zholy Street (also spelled Jibek Joly), also known as Arbat. In our opinion, Arbat is one of the best places to visit in Almaty.

Arbat is a lively neighbourhood that’s filled with students, restaurants and cafes. If, like us, you like seeing the authentic and local side of a city, this is it.

It’s a great place to soak in the vibes and participate in my favourite activity, people-watching.  

Central State Museum of Kazakhstan  

The Central State Museum of Kazakhstan is the largest museum in the country, with a collection that covers the history and culture of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. This is one of the better-known Almaty tourist attractions.

The museum’s exhibits include ancient artifacts, traditional Kazakh costumes, and a replica of a yurt (a portable dwelling used by nomads).

One of the best things to do in Almaty

The Academy of Sciences

The Academy of Sciences is yet another example of a location that is more of a cultural experience than a tourist attraction.

This mammoth building is a maze of obscure museums located within a larger building. It features doors within doors, doors leading to nowhere and doors leading to the most random places you can imagine.

It’s a bit like being in an escape room.  You really just need to check this place out for yourself.  

St Nicholas Cathedral

One of the best things to do in Almaty

St Nicholas Cathedral is another Russian Orthodox cathedral that features beautiful architecture and ornate interior paintings.

This is a good option to check out if you find yourself with a bit of extra time to play with and have finished seeing some of the more conventional Almaty tourist places. 

Kok-Tobe Hill 

Kok-Tobe Hill is a popular Almaty attraction for both tourists and locals, offering sweeping views of the city and the surrounding mountains.

At the top of the hill, you can visit the Kok-Tobe Tower, a 372-meter-tall television tower that has an observation deck and a restaurant.

You can also enjoy a ride on the cable car that takes you up the hill. It’s one of the best places in the city to catch a good sunset. 

Green Bazaar  

The Green Bazaar is a vibrant market in central Almaty, where you can find a variety of goods, from fresh produce to souvenirs.

The market is an excellent place to visit in Almaty to experience the local culture and sample some traditional Kazakh foods.

Almaty Circus

Barakholka Bazaar  

Barakholka Bazaar is a lively, large market where you can find cheap traditional Kazakh goods such as rugs, pillowcases and clothing. 

Another place to visit in Almaty if you like bazaars and haggling!

Ride the metro

Almaty metro

Almaty has a lively and colourful metro system, which has become a tourist attraction of its own.

Even if you don’t necessarily need to go anywhere, it’s still worth checking out its many interesting stations that include beautiful murals and ornate designs.

Also, tickets cost only 80 KZT (20 US cents) so you really have no excuses to miss it. My favourite stations include Saryarka, Auezo, Baikonur and Almali stations. 

Hotel Kazakhstan 

Almaty City Guide

Hotel Kazakhstan isn’t just a relic of Soviet architecture – its rooftop bar is still 100% operational and is an awesome place to visit in Almaty for sunset drinks.

The views from the rooftop bar are unbeatable and offer sweeping views of the city and neighbouring mountains. Can you think of a better sundowner spot?

Go To The Ballet

As with many other former Soviet cities, Almaty offers high-quality ballet and opera performances at very affordable prices. 

Performances are held regularly at the Abay Kazakh State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. This is an excellent thing to do in Almaty to get some culture in.

Check out Abay’s website for a list of current performances and to book tickets. Prices start around 1500 KZT ($3.50 USD).

watch a hockey game 

Almaty has a semi-professional hockey team, HC Almaty, and their games are affordable and surprisingly entertaining. Tickets can be purchased here . 

Day Trips from Almaty 

Some of Almaty’s best tourist attractions are short day trips from the city. For each, we’ve outlined how to get there independently, or via a tour.

Big Almaty Lake 

Big Almaty Lake

If you’re looking to escape the city and enjoy the natural beauty of the area, head to Big Almaty Lake, one of the region’s top tourist places.

Located about 25 kilometres outside the city, this stunning lake is surrounded by mountains and offers hiking trails and scenic views.

When I visited in November, the lake was the most incredible shade of blue – just look at that photo! 

How to Get to Big Almaty Lake

The easiest way to get to Big Almaty Lake is by renting a car and driving.

If you don’t have a car, you can take a Yandex to Big Almaty Lake, which should cost around 4000 KZT.

To get back, you’ll either have to pay extra to have the driver wait for you, or you’ll have to hitchhike. You shouldn’t have many problems getting a lift, as hitching is very common throughout Kazakstan (and all of Central Asia for that matter).

When I visited, the road leading directly to the lake was closed, so I still needed to walk a further 2+ hours to the lake (the trail is on maps.me).

Alternatively, if you want everything taken care of for you, it’s also very easy to arrange a tour to Big Almaty Lake .

Medeu Skating Rink and Shymbulak Ski Resort 

Shymbulak Ski Resort 

If you visit Almaty in the winter, make sure to check out the Medeu Skating Rink and Shymbulak Ski Resort.

Medeu is the world’s largest high-altitude ice rink, located at an elevation of 1,691 meters. That alone makes it one of the best places to visit in Almaty.

Meanwhile, Shymbulak Ski Resort offers a variety of skiing and snowboarding trails, as well as stunning views of the surrounding mountains.

Even though I didn’t ski or snowboard, I really enjoyed taking the chairlifts all the way to the top. It offers a great perspective of the city. 

There’s also a neat hike to one of the peaks that’s accessible from the top of the second chair lift. The trail can be found on maps.me.

Shymbulak Ski Resort 

How to Get to Medeu Skating Rink and Shymbulak Ski Resort

You can get to Medeu Skating Rink and Shymbulak Ski Resort by renting a car and driving, taking a Yandex rideshare or taking the number 12 bus from the centre of Almaty.

I took the number 12 bus and found it easy to navigate. Just bear in mind the bus can get VERY busy. 

Again, you can always book a tour out to Medeu Skating Rink and Shymbulak Ski Resort .

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Almaty Travel Essentials

Ideal duration: 2-3 days

Best Time: March - November Read More

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Almaty is the largest city in Kazakhstan and was its capital until 1997, when the capital was moved to Astana. It is situated in the southeastern part of the country, near the border with Kyrgyzstan. Almaty is the cultural, economic, and financial hub of Kazakhstan and is known for its beautiful natural surroundings.

One of the city's most striking features is its proximity to the stunning Tian Shan Mountains. Nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers are in for a treat with opportunities for hiking, skiing, and simply soaking in the breathtaking landscapes. Kok Tobe Hill, accessible by a scenic cable car ride, offers panoramic views of the city and the surrounding mountains. Visitors can explore the local bazaars, such as the Green Bazaar, to immerse themselves in Kazakh culture's vibrant colors and flavors. The Central State Museum provides a fascinating journey through Kazakhstan's history, from ancient civilizations to modern times.

Must Know Before You Travel to Almaty

Places to visit in almaty.

Central State Museum

Central State Museum

A. Kasteyev State Museum of Arts

A. Kasteyev State Museum of Arts

Kok-Tobe Hill

Kok-Tobe Hill

Kazakh Museum of Folk Musical Instruments

Kazakh Museum of Folk Musical Instruments

Panifilov Park

Panifilov Park


Top Hotels In Almaty

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Travel tips for a Fourth of July that's set to break records

Travelers line up to get into the security checkpoint at Chicago's O'Hare airport last summer.

Airports around the United States are preparing for what could be the busiest Fourth of July travel season on record. The nation’s roads are no different. Traffic could reach never-before-seen volumes over the Independence Day holiday.

“With summer vacations in full swing and the flexibility of remote work, more Americans are taking extended trips around Independence Day,” Paula Twidale, senior vice president of AAA Travel, said in a press release. “We anticipate this July 4th week will be the busiest ever.”  

Nearly 71 million people are expected to make trips for the Independence Day travel period, AAA predicts.

Here’s what to know about traveling for the holiday this week.

The TSA sets a new record and readies for another

Last week, a record-breaking 2.99 million passengers went through U.S. airports in a single day, according to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). The agency said it’s expecting a new travel record this week.

At Philadelphia International Airport, Gerardo Spero, the TSA’s federal security director for the airport, is dealing with an 8% passenger increase this year and is cautioning travelers to give themselves extra time.

“The best advice that I can offer is to get to the airport well before your ticketed departure time,” Spero said in a news release . “Now more than ever it is vital to give yourself plenty of time to park or return a rental car, check in with your airline to check bags and prepare for the security checkpoint.”

Spero also said travelers can help each other out by being “efficient” in the security lines: take off shoes and belts preemptively, empty your pockets into your carry-on, and grab a bin early.

Over at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport — where travel volumes are up 5% — the TSA wants travelers to double-check their carry-on bags before they get to the airport.

“We are asking travelers to be good partners with TSA and ensure that they are prepared for the screening process,” TSA Federal Security Director for Washington Greg Hawko said in a release . “Please don’t bring prohibited items in your carry-on luggage.”

The busiest airport days are expected to be July 3, 7 and 8, according to flight website Hopper . The company projects Atlanta, Dallas-Fort Worth and Denver airports to be the ones with the most travelers.

This rise in summer air travel comes amid heightened attention on aircraft maker Boeing’s quality control practices after a door plug blew out on a 737 Max jet in midair at the start of the year. Still, flying is the safest way to travel .

On the road

Nearly one in five Americans are set to drive more than 50 miles this Fourth of July travel season, according to an AAA forecast .

If you want to beat the traffic, drive early. INRIX, a transportation data provider, said driving on Monday should save travelers time. Any day after that, the best time to drive is before 10 a.m.

“Drivers in large metro areas can expect the worst traffic delays on Wednesday, July 3, as they leave town, and Sunday, July 7, as they return,” Bob Pishue, transportation analyst at INRIX , said in a statement. “Road trips over the holiday week could take up to 67% longer than normal.” 

If you are preparing for a longer road trip with family and friends, AAA recommends running through this checklist: check kids’ car seats, bring an emergency pack (first aid, jumper cables, snacks and water) and map the route.

At the pump, drivers can expect lower gas prices than last year with a gallon costing an average of $3.50. In 2023, gas cost $3.53 per gallon and in 2022, it cost nearly $5.

This year, the states with the most expensive gas are California ($4.80), Hawaii ($4.71), Washington ($4.21), Oregon ($4.07), Nevada ($4.04), Alaska ($3.90), Illinois ($3.88), Michigan ($3.70), Washington, D.C. ($3.66), and Indiana ($3.65).

Another cost to consider is tolls. Not all states have them, but check your route on Toll Guru to see how much change you might need on hand or how much money to have loaded on the E-ZPass.

The weather factor

High temperatures and a few thunderstorms are in the forecast for much of the country, according to AccuWeather . Both can cause travel delays.

The worst heat is expected in California.

“It’s going to be downright hot across the Southwest, especially in California and the Desert Southwest where record highs will be challenged,” AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Joseph Bauer told the website.

The Southern Plains and Southeast regions are also expected to feel the heat over the Independence Day weekend with higher than average temperatures.

High temperatures can slow down travel. When temperatures get too high, railway tracks can start to bend — forcing trains to slow down or stop completely. And planes may face weight restrictions during severe heat.

Traveling during the morning or evening can help offset the risk of heat-related delays.

While much of the country will face high temperatures on the Fourth of July, the Northern Plains, Midwest and portions of the Northeast may see thunderstorms, according to AccuWeather.

Flight delays and cancellations

As a rule, airlines are required to offer travelers a refund or book them another flight if they cancel a passenger’s flight. The rules surrounding flight delays are more complicated.

This U.S. Department of Transportation chart offers a full list of specific airline cancellation and delay policies.

Copyright 2024 NPR

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Journal of Nomads

19 Best Things to do in Almaty Kazakhstan  – The Complete Guide to visit Almaty City

Learn all about Almaty Kazakhstan, including the best time to visit, where to eat, places to see and top things to do in Almaty city and the best places to visit from Almaty.

Almaty, Kazakhstan is often the starting point of a Central Asia trip. The former Kazakhstan capital and largest city in the country is a place that has so much to offer.

Surrounded by stunning scenery and nature, the city’s fascinating architecture and delicious food scene are great reasons to travel to Almaty. This Almaty city travel guide will provide you with so many travel tips and amazing reasons to visit this wonderful city.

Tip: See my  Kazakhstan Travel Page  for a complete overview of all my travel guides and blog posts about Kazakhstan!

Visit Almaty City - Things to do in Almaty - Places to visit in Almaty - Almaty Travel Guide

Disclaimer: This posts might contain affiliate links, meaning that if you make a purchase through these links, I may earn an affiliate commission. Thank you for helping to support this website!

Plan your trip to Almaty

Where to stay.

  • Best budget pick: Evergreen Hostel
  • Best guesthouse choice: Guest House on Sadovaya
  • Top high-end hotel: Kazzhol Park Hotel

Top experiences in and near Almaty

  • Highlights of Almaty City Tour
  • Day trip to Big Almaty Lake
  • Top hikes near Almaty
  • Skiing in Almaty

Plan your trip to Kazakhstan

  • 18 useful things you should know to visit Kazakhstan
  • Visa services for Kazakhstan
  • Itinerary Planning for Kazakhstan
  • Travel insurance for Kazakhzstan
  • Rent a car in Kazakhstan or  travel by train


A brief history of Almaty

Destroyed by the Mongols in the 13th century, the modern city of Almaty, (formerly Alma-Ata) was founded in 1854 when the Russian military built a fortification on the site of the ancient city.

Sitting at the foot of the Tian Shan Mountains , Almaty gained its name ‘father of apples’ from the surrounding forests of apple trees.

The city is located in the southeast of Kazakhstan, bordering Kyrgyzstan and China. With a population of nearly 1.8 million people, it’s the country’s largest city. In 1995, Almaty had its title of Kazakhstan’s capital revoked and it was transferred to the city of Nur-Sultan (previously known as Astana).

Visit Almaty City - Things to do in Almaty - Places to visit in Almaty - Almaty Travel Guide

The city has a long-standing relationship with industry and during World War II, Russia moved around 30 of its factories to Almaty along with some of their schools. Today it can still be described as the industrial, historical, and scientific center of Central Asia.

Due to its location, Almaty became a center of trade, agriculture, and craft as settlements within ‘Greater Almaty’ became part of the trade routes along the Silk Road.

Almaty is a diverse and cultural city housing many different nationalities who have claimed the city as their home. However, in the early 20th century the Kazakh people underwent a genocide whilst under Soviet rule and millions of Kazakh people lost their lives. It’s only since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, that the Kazakh people are once again the ethnic majority in Almaty.

Today, large numbers of green spaces and parks, large squares, memorials, and magnificent Russian architecture all combine as evidence of the city’s Soviet history.

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What language is spoken in Almaty?

Russian is the main language spoken in Almaty. A small part of the city’s population also speaks Kazakh (a Turkic language).

If you are planning to visit Almaty, I’d definitely recommend learning a few basic phrases and words in Russian. Or alternatively, take a Russian Phrasebook with you as English is not very widely spoken.

You can also download the Russian language pack on the Google translation app onto your phone that will help you to translate words. Basic English is sometimes spoken in hostels and some hotels but don’t depend too much on it.

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11 Tips and tricks to learn Russian quickly

Is Almaty worth visiting? 

You may be wondering why to visit Almaty and through this travel guide, I’m to give you so many reasons why you should!

Although Nur-Sultan (Astana) was made Kazakhstan’s capital city, Almaty remains to be a bustling and vibrant cultural hub.

There are many great cafes and shopping centers for the new Kazakh generation that help make Almaty not only a destination that’s fantastic for solo travelers but also a lovely place for families to visit. Its laid-back cafe culture and friendly Kazakh locals will help win over all who travel here.

There are also many parks in Almaty, nearly one on every corner and once you’ve had your fix of nature within the city, the scenic places and natural spots to visit outside of the city are massively abundant too.

Things to do in Almaty - Hiking in Kazakhstan - Journal of Nomads

You can see some beautiful and interesting examples of Soviet mosaics scattered throughout Almaty if you know where to find them. Although the historical influence of Soviet rule still exists, Almaty is now described as rather cosmopolitan.

Life in Almaty is a mashup of modern, luxury apartment buildings that now sit next to old Soviet flats giving Almaty a very unique charm, the meeting of history and the modern world.

Join the 10-day Best of Kyrgyzstan-Kazakhstan Adventure and visit Almaty, Charyn Canyon, Kolsai Lakes, Lake Kaindy, Karakol, Son Kul lake, and many more! 

Charyn Canyon in Kazakhstan -Tours Kazakhstan - Small group tour in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan - Kazakhstan tour - Kazachstan reis - Kazachstan rondreis

What is Almaty Kazakhstan known for?

The city first came to be recognized as one of the many stops along the famous Silk Road with many merchants and people passing through for trade. It’s also known as the ‘Golden Triangle’, because of the city’s close proximity to three of the major attractions in Kazakhstan – the Charyn Canyon , Kolsai Lakes , and Altyn-Emel National Park.

How to visit Kolsai Lakes National Park and Kaindy Lake in Kazakhstan - Journal of Nomads

With its mild climate, Almaty is the genetic birthplace for many varieties of apples. Scientists have tracked here from all over the world to visit Almaty and learn and research the origins of the domestic apple. The word ‘Almaty’ translates to ‘father of apples’.

What is Almaty known for - Almaty City Kazakhstan - Almaty Travel Guide

Is Almaty safe?

Is Almaty safe for tourists? Yes, in general, Almaty city is considered to be a safe city and it is unlikely that you would encounter many problems whilst visiting this vibrant city. There are small occurrences of theft and robbery similar to any other city, although it’s a rarity in Almaty.

Corruption exists in Kazakhstan and some websites will lead you to believe that government officials and fake policemen will try to scam you out of money by fining you for no apparent reason. This is a rarity these days and more so than not, you will be greeted by friendly locals who are willing to help.

You may be randomly stopped for a document check though so keep your documents on you when out and about.

It’s also wise to be aware of taxi drivers who may try to overcharge you for your fare and if you can, agree on a price with the driver before you leave. Or better still , use the Go Yandex app especially if you happen to be travelling alone.

Solo female travel in Almaty is also considered to be safe (I never encountered any problems!) and the multicultural nature of Almaty means that although many people are practicing Muslims, most people have a fairly liberal attitude in regards to what a female tourist should wear. It’s important though to dress appropriately in places of worship.

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Almaty Kazakhstan Dostyk

When is the best time to visit Almaty in Kazakhstan

The best time to visit Almaty is between late spring and early Autumn (June-September). The parks are lush, green and leafy and cafe and restaurant terraces are open so that you can take in the beauty of the city, whilst enjoying lunch outside.

In summer, the weather is perfect for exploring areas outside of Almaty for trekking and hiking to waterfalls, lakes and mountains .

Hiking in Almaty - The best hikes and daytrips from Almaty

However, in winter, Almaty’s weather can be temperamental and if you choose to visit during the winter months, be prepared for some low temperatures such as -20°C!

One benefit of visiting Almaty in the winter is that flights are much cheaper compared to the busier, warmer months and that you can go skiing in Shymbulak , one of Kazakhstan’s biggest ski resorts!

19 Best Things to do in Almaty Kazakhstan  - The Complete Guide to visit Almaty City

Skiing in Kazakhstan: The Skiing Guide to Shymbulak Ski Resort

Medeu Ice Skating rink Almaty - Skiing in Almaty - Kazakhstan - Journal of Nomads

How to get to Almaty, Kazakhstan

There are a few different ways to get to Almaty, Kazakhstan. It’s common for visitors to fly into Almaty International airport from other world destinations. But if you happen to be travelling around neighbouring Central Asian countries such as China, Kyrgyzstan or Uzbekistan then it’s possible to arrive in Almaty overland.

How to get from the International airport to Almaty

There are several airline companies that offer reasonably priced tickets to and from Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Almaty International Airport is located quite close to the city center. You can take either a bus or a taxi into the city from the airport . It’s great if you have the Go Yandex app already downloaded on your phone as you can pre-book an official taxi.

There are many unofficial taxis working at the airport who may take advantage of a solo traveler who doesn’t know about regular taxi rates.

Many people will be shouting ‘taxi, taxi’ out the front of the airport and for the majority, they are not official taxi drivers. Instead, keep your eyes open for someone wearing a bright yellow vest , as these vest indicate the official taxi drivers and they will be standing near the police stand.

The fare will cost you around $7 (3000 KZT) or alternatively you can use the Yandex app and the taxi fare will cost you just under $4 (1500 KZT). You can pay in cash or with credit card but let the driver know before you leave the airport how you’d like to pay as they will charge you for the fare via card there at the airport.

If you opt for the bus, the #92 leaves from the airport and will take you to the Sayakhat bus station in the city centre. The bus fare will cost you less than a dollar, 150 KZT, and takes roughly half an hour to get to the station. Buses run every 15 minutes between 06:00 and 21:00.

How to get from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan to Almaty

You can travel between Bishkek and Almaty by taxi or marshrutka (minibus). You can catch a marshrutka at the Western Bus Station in Bishkek where you’ll have to wait for the marshrutka to fill with other travelers before you can leave but it will cost you less than $10 for the 5-hour journey.

Read for more details: How to get from Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) to Almaty (Kazakhstan) .

How to get from Tashkent, Uzbekistan to Almaty

You can take a bus or a train from Tashkent to Almaty. The most comfortable mode of transport would be the train which has three different class options.

The train runs three times each week and leaves from the Almaty-2 train station in Almaty. You can travel the entire 16 hour journey in a reclining chair for roughly $10.

Read for more details: How to travel by train in Kazakhstan .

How to get from Urumqi, China to Almaty

It’s possible to make the journey from Urumqi in China to Almaty via train. There are two weekly trains (K9795) departing on a Monday and a Saturday, that will take you to Almaty, Kazakhstan.

The journey time is roughly 30 hours, alternatively you can take a sleeper bus from Urumqi to Almaty that will take a day to travel and cost you around $70.

Kazakhstan Railway - How to travel by train in Kazakhstan - Journal of Nomads

How to get around Almaty

The layout of Almaty is like a grid. It’s quite simple to navigate your way around the city however strangely, you won’t come across an official city ‘centre’.

Many of the sights and places of interest are scattered across the city and you have to travel in order to find them. The majority of locals drive and rely on their cars as a main mode of transport around the city.

Getting around Almaty by bus

There are 88 bus routes in Almaty and tickets cost between 80 and 150 KZT depending on what route you take.

The larger buses are far more spacious and greener than the smaller marshrutka style buses that tend to operate on a lot of the routes. Due to the large number of routes, it can sometimes be tricky to navigate which bus to take.

You can check the citybus.kz website for information or alternatively you can download the maps.me or 2Gis apps that will tell you exactly which bus number to take.

If you plan on using the bus a lot when in Almaty it may be worth buying an Onay Card. This card can be used for the metro as well as the bus. Find out more information here .

Visit Almaty City - Things to do in Almaty - Places to visit in Almaty - Almaty Travel Guide

Almaty Metro

The construction of the metro in Almaty started in 1988 and didn’t finish until 2011 when it officially opened. The stations have been beautifully built and each one has a different character complete with its own unique Kazakh designs and symbols.

The metro is a great way to explore Almaty. Not only is it cheap and efficient but a lot of the well known sights are only a short distance walking from a metro station. 

Metro Tashkent - the most beautiful and best metro stations in Tashkent, Uzbekistan - Tashkent metro - Journal of Nomads

The Photography Guide to the Metro in Tashkent

Almaty metro station - Almaty City Guide

Taxis in Almaty

Taxis are more expensive than the metro or taking a bus, but they are still relatively affordable. Any car can be a taxi in Almaty, there are official and unofficial taxis.

I’d recommend downloading the Go Yandex app onto your phone which will allow you to book only the official taxis. It’s really fast and easy and you don’t need to go to the hassle of trying to negotiate a price, so there is less chance of being overcharged.

Walking around Almaty

Almaty is such a leafy, green city that walking through some of the neighbourhoods and exploring the parks and monuments on foot can be a lovely experience.

Visit Almaty City - Things to do in Almaty - Places to visit in Almaty - Almaty Travel Guide

Bear in mind that a lot of the sights are spaced out across the city, so if you plan on seeing a lot in a short time then walking might not be your best option. It’s all dependent on how you like to spend your days and how long you have to visit Almaty.

Cycling around Almaty

You can now rent a bicycle in Almaty and cycle around the city. There are 50 automated bike stations across the city where you can pick up a bicycle, travel around and then return the bike to another station.

It’s a cheap and easy way to see the sights and although cycling might not be the norm in some parts of the city, it’s a nice way to get around. Two to three hours rental will only cost you around $1.

12 Places to see and things to do in Almaty City

Almaty city map.

Top Tip: This Almaty city tour  covers most important historical, cultural, & traditional places of Almaty!

1. Kök-Töbe and Kök-Töbe Cable Car

Kök-Töbe (‘Blue Hill’) is a 1100m hill that sits on the city’s southeast edge and offers a wonderful view not only of the city but also of the surrounding Tien Shan mountains. This is one of the most popular things to do in Almaty for families as there’s a zoo and a small amusement park at the top.

Kok Tobe Almaty - Visit Almaty City - Things to do in Almaty - Places to visit in Almaty - Almaty Travel Guide

At the top sits a 372m high TV tower that can be seen from far and wide as well as a selection of attractions which can be accessed via a smooth cable car ride.

Kok Tobe TV Tower Almaty - Visit Almaty City - Things to do in Almaty - Places to visit in Almaty - Almaty Travel Guide

You can take this cable car from beside the Palace of the Republic up to Kök-Töbe hill and it will only take you a short six minutes to glide high above Almaty to the top of the hill.

Kok Tobe Cable Car Visit Almaty City - Things to do in Almaty - Places to visit in Almaty - Almaty Travel Guide

If heights aren’t your thing, you can also walk up the hill or take the number 95 or 99 bus to their terminus and take a marshrutka from there to the top of the hill. You will be charged an admission fee if you choose to travel to the top.

2. Panfilov Park, War Memorial and Zenkov Cathedral

The Ascension Cathedral or Zenkov cathedral in Panfilov Park of Almaty, Kazakhstan - Visit Almaty City - Things to do in Almaty - Places to visit in Almaty - Almaty Travel Guide

Panfilov Park is one of Almaty’s most popular lush and green spaces. Take some time to stroll around this special park that was named after the 28 soldiers from Almaty who fell whilst fighting in WWII. A memorial statue sits in the park that was dedicated to all of the Kazakh soldiers who died in both the first and second world wars.

War Memorial Panfilov Park Almaty - Visit Almaty City - Things to do in Almaty - Places to visit in Almaty - Almaty Travel Guide

Zenkov Cathedral , a spectacular wooden Russian Orthodox Church, sits in the middle of Panfilov Park. Designed in 1904, it’s claimed that this building is the second tallest wooden building in the world.

Visit Almaty City -Things to do in Almaty Kazakhstan -Places to visit in Kazakhstan - Places to visit in Almaty - Ascension Cathedral in Almaty - Journal of Nomads

One of the few Orthodox churches to survive the Soviet Union, this building was constructed remarkably with wooden nails and has survived several earthquakes. Restored after the dissolution of Soviet Rule in 1995, its candy colored exterior and decorative murals pack a colorful punch in Panfilov Park.

3. Kazakh Museum of Folk Musical Instruments

Kazakh Museum of Folk Musical Instruments - Places to visit in Almaty - Almaty Travel Guide

Situated in Panfilov Park, inside a beautiful wooden building designed by the same architect who made the Zenkov Cathedral, you’ll find the Kazakh Museum of Folk Musical Instruments .

This place is a must for any budding musician or anyone interested in traditional Kazakh music and instruments, think horns, bagpipes, wooden harps and stringed instruments such as the dombra and kobyz. Turkish, Kyrgyz and Uzbek folk instruments are also on display here.

Admission price 350 tenge / less than $1 Open Sunday to Tuesday from 10.00 am to 7.00 pm

4. Arasan Baths

Arasan Baths Almaty - Visit Almaty City - Things to do in Almaty - Places to visit in Almaty - Almaty Travel Guide

A visit to the Arasan Baths , that sit very close to Panfilov Park, will offer you the ultimate spa experience whilst staying in Almaty.

This enormous modernist building is the size of a city block giving you some idea of the Kazakh’s love for spa and wellness places. Not only is this luxury spa extremely affordable, the combination of traditional oriental architecture along with modernist forms is something of a spectacle in itself.

Head here after a long day of walking around the city to de-stress and relax. Price: 1500-2000 tenge/ under $5 per hour Opening hours: 8am – 12pm.

5. Abai Opera House

State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after Abai in Almaty, Kazakhstan - Things to do in Almaty - Places to visit in Almaty - Almaty Travel Guide

The beautiful Abai Opera House , built in 1934 is one of the oldest buildings in Almaty.

It was named after the Kazakh Poet Abai Kunanbayev who was also a musician and a philosopher. Abai captured and preserved ancient Kazakh folklore through his words and poems.

Why not treat yourself and indulge in a ticket and go and see one of the Opera Houses’ many ballet performances, classical music concerts or operas. You can check out the website for their latest schedule of performances. Open Monday to Sunday from 10am to 6pm.

7. Central Mosque

Central Mosque Almaty - Places to visit in Almaty - Almaty Travel Guide

Built on the site of a previous mosque in 1999, the Central mosque is the largest in the city and one of the largest in the country. With space for over 3000 worshippers, the spectacular domes of the minarets are covered in real gold with the main dome sitting at an impressive 36 metres high.

Central Mosque Almaty - Places to visit in Almaty - Almaty Travel Guide

If you’re looking for a peaceful space to sit and contemplate life, make sure you pay this beautiful marble plated building a visit. It’s important to note that if you wish to enter, you must make sure that your arms, legs and head are all covered.

Opening 5.00am to 10.00pm Pushkin St 16, Almaty 050016, Kazakhstan

8. Green Bazaar

Green Bazaar Almaty - Places to visit in Almaty - Almaty Travel Guide

The Green Bazaar is one of the most famous markets in Central Asia. It covers a large area, split over two storeys and offers up a real taste of traditional central Asian food shopping as well as many other products for sale.

You’ll find vendors selling nuts, dried fruit, meats, fish, spices, cured foods, fermented foods, medicinal herbs, dairy products and so much more.

You can also find a few restaurants serving up some of the best laghman (noodle broth) and beshbarmak (the Kazakh national dish) around. Open Tuesday to Sunday 8.00am – 6.00pm

9. Gorki Park

Gorki Park Almaty - Places to visit in Almaty - Almaty Travel Guide

Gorki Park is one of many lush, green spaces in Almaty city. This one in particular is a popular place for families because not only is it full of blooms during spring, there is also an entertainment park.

Funfair rides, a water park, a cinema, lakes as well as cafes, beer and food stalls are all on offer for visitors to the park.

If you’re big on food, Gorki Park is one of the best places to try shashlik (grilled meat skewer kebabs), you just need to follow your nose.

10. Central State Museum

Central State Museum Almaty - Places to visit in Almaty - Almaty Travel Guide

The Central State Museum houses several collections that will teach you all about Kazakhstan’s rich history. Not only is it one of the largest museums in Central Asia, the building itself is very impressive and worth a visit even if you don’t choose to go inside.

The displays take you from the Bronze Age right through the Second World War up to the current day, with many interesting artefacts to see. At the entrance there is a large Golden Man (a symbol of Kazakhstan) relating to a 3rd century warrior whose remains were uncovered in the late 1960’s and were entirely gold-clad.

Open 9.30am – 6.00pm Wednesday to Monday Admission Price – 500 tenge/$1 approx , tour in English 1000 tenge/$2 approx

11. Republic Square

Republic Square Almaty - Places to visit in Almaty - Almaty Travel Guide

Republic Square , known as both Independence Square or New Square was created under Soviet rule and on a clear day will provide you with a panoramic view of the mountains.

This square has a lot of special significance in relating the history of Kazakhstan’s journey for independence. It has been host to a number of prolific events such parades, demonstrations, festivals and celebrations.

It is also surrounded by several architectural landmarks such as the Independence Monument, Presidential Palace and the ‘Dawn of Freedom’ monument dedicated to those who lost their lives in the uprising in 1986.

12. Zhibek Zholy

Almaty Zhibek Zholy - Things to do in Almaty City

The pedestrianised street of Zhibek Zholy is a wonderful place to explore and stroll to soak up some cafe culture and watch entertaining street performers.

Located in the lower, northern part of Almaty, it can be compared to Moscow’s Arbat street. Artisan shops and inviting, inexpensive cafes and a few interesting art stands all help to create a cultural hub and a buzz during both day and night. This tree lined street is a popular hang out for locals and offers a great atmosphere for visitors too.

7 Things to do around Almaty – Best day trips from Almaty

If you’re a lover of the outdoors and thrive in nature, then Almaty is for you. There are so many sights and places to visit near Almaty as the city is located close to some of Kazakhstan’s best and most beautiful national parks.

Hiking in Almaty - The best hikes and daytrips from Almaty

Hiking in Almaty: The 5 best hikes in the mountains near Almaty

1. Big Almaty Lake

Hiking in Kazakhstan - Big Almaty Lake in Kazakhtan

Number one on your list of places to visit near Almaty should be the Big Almaty Lake (Bao). Not only is it less than an hour‘s drive from Almaty, it’s also right in the middle of the Ili Alatau mountains!

Its famous turquoise colour draws in many visitors from around the world and is a great example of something to do whilst in Almaty.

Perfect for a picnic and a popular spot for locals, this lake is not only an attraction but also is a major source of drinking water for the residents of Almaty. Because of this, swimming is strictly prohibited and it’s definitely not worth chancing a dip to then face a fine, something that you could face even for being too close to the water and not actually in it.

That being said, it’s a beautiful place for soaking up some sunshine and enjoying the spectacular views.

Big Almaty Lake Kazakhstan - Things to do in Almaty - hiking in Almaty - Journal of Nomads

The lake is very close to the border with Kyrgyzstan and border guards might ask for your passport when hiking in the area so make sure you bring it with you.

You can take a shared taxi or alternatively the number 28 bus leaves every 30 minutes from Presidents Park and that will take you as far as the entrance to the Ili-Alatau National Park and from there you can take a taxi or a minibus the rest of the way. Alternatively you could hitchhike or go on an organized day trip from Almaty:

2. Shymbulak Ski Resort, Medeu Ice Rink, Butakovka Waterfall and Furmanov Peak

If you are planning on visiting Almaty during winter, then the Shymbulak ski resort should definitely be high on your list for things to see near Almaty.

The largest ski resort in Central Asia, the ice skating rink in Medeu is also a brilliant place to visit if you’re a lover of winter sports.

Read more in The Beginner’s Guide to Skiing in Shymbulak, Almaty

A Beginner's Guide to Skiing in Shymbulak, Almaty - Kazakhstan - Journal of Nomads

Summer is also a great time for visiting as there are many interesting routes for hiking. Two trails in particular are good, ranging between 4-7 hours that will either take you to the Butakovka Waterfall or the Furmanov Peak.

Hiking in Almaty - Things to do in Almaty City

These trail options are great for the option of a hike in the mountains that isn’t far from Almaty.

To get to the ice rink, you can take the number 12 bus that leaves every 30 mins from across the street from the Kazakhstan Hotel. From there you can then take a cable car or a minivan to the Ski Resort.

Read more about this hikes in Hiking in the Almaty Mountains: 5 best hiking trails

3. Charyn Canyon

Charyn Canyon in Kazakhstan -The Complete Guide

The Charyn Canyon is another epic place of beauty to visit whilst in Almaty. Over the course of 12 millions years and a combination of the elements, the canyon was formed along with the many sculptural sandstone shapes that vary from deep orange to brown.

The Valley of Castles is the most famous part of the Charyn Canyon and when arriving, you’ll be asked for your passport, and documents (if you’re driving), so remember to pack them. The entrance fee is 730 KZT, just over $2 (June 2022).

Charyn Canyon - Kazakhstan -Valley of Castles - sunrise - Journal of Nomads

Whilst it is a bit further away than other sights, it’s still well worth the trip of just less than a three hour car journey. Although it’s not completely straightforward to get to, the experience will not disappoint!

Your best options from Almaty are hiring a car , taking a shared taxi or going an organized tour . Read more in The Complete Travel Guide to Charyn Canyon.

Here’s a guided day tour from Almaty to Charyn Canyon that I recommend:

4. Issyk Lake (Essik Lake)

The top places to visit in Kazakhstan - Journal of Nomads - Issyk Lake

Lake Issyk is another stunning alpine lake in close vicinity to Almaty. The turquoise water and beautiful scenery is only around a two hour drive from the city.

The lake is fed by waters from nearby glaciers and surrounded by native flora and forests. A popular spot for locals as well as tourists, you can either take a marshrutka from Sairan Bus Station in Almaty to Esik and then find a taxi to the lake or rent a car to travel from Almaty to Lake Issyk.

You can also get there via an organized day tour :

5. Kolsai Lakes and the sunken forest at Kaindy Lake

Kolsai Lake 2 - Travel Guide to Kolsai Lakes - entrance path to hiking trail - Journal of Nomads

The Kolsai Lakes are truly worth a visit from Almaty. These 3 alpine lakes, turquoise blue from glacial water, are in the Tien Shan mountains. Not only are they spectacular to see, the road and the journey itself to the lakes is one of great beauty.

The stunning pine forests and mountain views together with the crystal clear waters will provide you with a wonderful, picturesque scene. Once you arrive in Saty, you can hike to the 3 lakes from there.

It’s important to know that you must bring your passport if you intend to visit. A photocopy will not be accepted and tourists may be sent back if they do not have theirs to present at the police checkpoint just before Saty.

Hike to Kolsai Lake 2 - Travel Guide to Kolsai Lakes - Journal of Nomads

The sunken forest at Lake Kaindy is a sight to behold. In 1911, after the damming of the Kaindy river, glacial water flowed down into the valley and pooled together to create Lake Kaindy.

A spruce forest sat where the lake formed and now only the skeletons of the trees remain, ghostly and bare appearing to rise from the water.

Lake Kaindy - Travel Guide to Kolsai Lakes and Kaindy Lake - Kaindy Lake - sunken forest - Journal of Nomads

Just as with the Charyn Canyon, the Kolsai Lakes are a bit of a journey to get to. Your best options from Almaty are hiring a car , or taking a shared taxi. Read more about it in The Complete Travel Guide to Kolsai Lakes and Lake Kaindy .

The easiest way to get there is by going on a 2-day tour to Lake Kaindy, combined with a visit to the Kolsai Lakes and Charyn Canyon .

6. Turgen Gorge

Turgen Gorge Kazakhstan - Places to visit in Kazakhstan - Things to do around Almaty - Journal of Nomads

70km east, an hour and a half’s drive from Almaty, is the Turgen gorge, an alpine valley with so much to explore. Glaciers and mountain peaks, wildflower meadows and ancient forests all await you here.

If you plan on doing some hiking in Turgen, be aware that the trails are not marked. If white water rafting appeals to you, the Turgen river offers you a great chance to try some here with an organized tour .

To reach Turgen from Almaty, you can take a bus from the Sayakhat station to Esik and from there, you can then take a taxi to Batan. Or alternatively, hitchhiking is also an option from the park entrance for the final 20km to Batan.

7. Altyn-Emel National Park

Altyn Emel National Park - Places to visit in Kazakhstan - Things to do around Almaty - Journal of Nomads

The Altyn Emel National Park is an expanse of land that is not only home to a group of Kulan – rare wild donkeys but also exquisite landscapes, forests, mountains, ancient burial mounds and petroglyphs.

260km from Almaty, this national park is one of the best places to experience the wilds of Kazakhstan. To travel here from Almaty, you could book an organised tour or hire a car to explore this area.

Things to do in Almaty at night

Almaty has a wonderful nightlife. Along with an array of nightclubs, bars and restaurants, there are also art galleries and art houses that are open until around midnight. Even once the sun has set, there are still many things to do in Almaty.

The art houses in Almaty have lounges separate from the main galleries for relaxing and studying various art works.

Make sure if you decide to venture out to explore the Almaty nightlife that you have a taxi organized to take you back to your accommodation as sometimes it can be tricky to find available transportation later into the evening.

Things to do in Almaty at night - Almaty City Guide - Visit Almaty Kazakhstan

Where to eat – The best restaurants in Almaty

Almaty city has a great choice of restaurants, bars and cafes to choose from. International specialities are available in many eateries across the city and the culinary scene is very diverse. Many of the cafes open up in the evenings as a bar and restaurant, offering you even more choice from early morning to late night.

1. Dastarkhan

Dastarkhan is a cafeteria/ buffet style eatery and serves up a brilliant selection of affordable and great quality food such as soups, laghman, plov, bliny and salads, and the interior is spaciously laid out too.

If you want to try many different delicacies in one place, this is the place to come. Expect long lunchtime queues during the week.

2. Mar’ina Roshcha

Mar’ina Roshcha is a must visit in Almaty’s culinary scene. The owners chose to decorate the place inspired by the bohemian style of a Russian country mansion and the menu also reflects this.

For any avid fans of Russian culture and memorabilia from the 19th century, this is the place to come. Expect black tea from a traditional samovar (black teapot) and a menu of pelmeni (dumplings), draniki (potato fritters) and stroganoff.

Kishlak is an inviting restaurant with a relaxed atmosphere and a traditional Central Asian menu. Each of the dining rooms represent three different traditional Kazakhstan households.

The rooms have all been decorated with unique motifs from the area and the menu offers a taste of Kazakh, Uzbek and Uygur dishes.

Where to stay in Almaty

The famous Kazakh hospitality is present in all hostels and hotels. People are friendly and there are many to choose from that will suit any budget. Cleanliness and noise are important factors to think about when looking for a place to stay in Almaty. I have included some great hostel and hotel recommendations below.

The best budget accommodation in Almaty

  • Evergreen Hostel

Evergreen Hostel offers accommodation along with a shared lounge and kitchen, and free WiFi. The rooms all come with a shared bathroom and shower.

The staff behind the 24 hour front desk will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have during your stay here and organize your airport transfer. This is a great, clean and relaxed hostel that offers a reasonable nightly rate.

Check the rates and availability for the Evergreen Hostel here.

  • Wanderlust Hostel

Located on a quiet street, the Wanderlust Hostel has a homely vibe with friendly staff.

Close walking distance to the city centre as well as the Almaty Central Mosque, the Wanderlust Hostel has its own terrace as well as free WiFi throughout. A sociable hostel with a tour desk and luggage storage for guests.

Check out the rates and availability for Wanderlust Hostel here.

The Art Hostel is not only affordable but is well organized and clean with friendly staff who make you feel comfortable and at home during your stay.

It has a shared lounge and kitchen and a great location for taking the metro or a bus. The kitchen is well equipped for guests and the lounge is welcoming and social for people to chat with other guests.

Check out rates and availability for the Art Hostel here.

The best mid-range Guesthouses and hotels in Almaty

Here are some great mid-range hotels in Almaty that I would recommend:

  • Guest House on Sadovaya
  • Garden Park Inn
  • Hotel Uyut Almaty

The best high-end hotels in almaty

If you’re looking for some luxury in a high-end hotel, I would recommend:

  • Kazzhol Park Hotel
  • The Ritz – Carlton Almaty
  • Doubletree by Hilton Almaty

Visit Almaty City - Things to do in Almaty - Places to visit in Almaty - Almaty Travel Guide

Almaty is a wonderful destination to visit for anyone who loves nature and spending time outdoors. There are so many things to do in Almaty as well as an array of day trips to stunning sights nearby. With its hospitable and welcoming locals and it’s diverse culinary scene, this city has so many reasons for you to fall in love with it.

I hope that this Almaty city travel guide has offered you some good recommendations on what to do whilst in Almaty and that you have a brilliant time there!

I’m always happy to hear about your experiences and if you came across a special place or experience that you think should be added to this list, please let me and other readers know in the comments below or  contact me !

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More kazakhstan travel resources:.

  • The Travel Guide to Kazakhstan: 18 things you should know before you go
  • The 26 most beautiful and interesting places to visit in Kazakhstan
  • Is it safe to travel to Kazakhstan: 15 useful safety tips
  • Almaty City Guide: The 19 best things to do in Almaty
  • The 5 best and most beautiful hikes in the mountains near Almaty
  • Charyn Canyon Travel Guide
  • Kolsai Lakes and Lake Kaindy Travel Guide
  • Sayram Ugam National Park Travel Guide
  • Turkestan Travel Guide: discover the spiritual center of Kazakhstan
  • Visiting the ship graveyard of the Aral Sea in Kazakhstan
  • Trekking in Kazakhstan: 5-day hiking itinerary in the Northern Tian Shan Mountains
  • A beginner’s guide to skiing in Shymbulak, Almaty

2 thoughts on “19 Best Things to do in Almaty Kazakhstan  – The Complete Guide to visit Almaty City”

I am from the Philippines, my husband and would like to visit Kazakhstan. How do we get our visa to travel to Kazakhstan ?

Hi Dolores, as Philippine passport holders, you and your husband can enter Kazakhstan visa-free for 30 days 🙂

Best wishes, Cynthia

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Vitruvian Partners Ups Stake in Civitatis by $50 Million in Travel Experiences Bet

Jesse Chase-Lubitz , Skift

June 26th, 2024 at 2:30 AM EDT

Vitruvian Partners' additional $50 million investment in Civitatis underscores the company's appeal as a niche marketplace. The company plans to use the funds to solidify its leadership in Latin America.

Jesse Chase-Lubitz

Vitruvian Partners, an international investment firm, made an additional $50 million venture investment in Civitatis, a curated marketplace for tours and activities mainly serving travelers from Spain and Latin America.

In 2022, Vitruvian Partners invested about $109 million in Civitatis. In the latest action, Vitruvian bought secondary shares essentially from other shareholders.

“The company has no need for primary capital, having been profitable since inception,” said Alberto Gutiérrez, CEO and Founder of Civitatis.

The company, which saw a 31% increase in travelers between 2022 and 2023, capitalized on a huge untapped market by targeting Spanish speakers, which Civitatis said would be used to grow across Spain and Latin America. Its success in the niche is once again attracting private equity support, allowing it to expand its market.

“Civitatis has a very strong balance sheet position to continue investing in its international expansion,” said Gutiérrez. The company will focus on Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina, he added, as well as invest in new talent and technology.

The company’s main goal with these funds is to “cement” its leadership in Latin America. “Additional investment will help us to reach our goals faster, but also, to make them even bigger,” Gutiérrez said.

travel partners almaty

Civitatis’ growth

Civitatis’ offerings grew from 29,000 in 2019 to 87,000 in 2023 . In the same time period, it nearly doubled its Spanish-speaking suppliers to over 6,000.

The company claims to have traction in destinations like Japan, New York, Rome, Paris, and Madrid.

Last year, Gutiérrez told Skift that the company has found success because it is helping customers streamline decision-making. The company tries to offer tailored experiences by sourcing Spanish-speaking guides in different locations. 

Civitatis Finds Niche in Selling Activities to Spanish-Speaking Travelers

Civitatis Finds Niche in Selling Activities to Spanish-Speaking Travelers

Civitatis is capitalizing on its leading position in selling Spanish-speaking tours and activities as it pushes into new markets thanks to private equity support.

Have a confidential tip for Skift? Get in touch

Tags: europe , funding , investment , latin america , private equity , spain , startups , the prompt , tour operator , Travel Experiences , venture capital

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Credit cards

Chase Slate Edge vs. Chase Freedom Unlimited 2024

Sarah Brady

Julie Sherrier

Julie Sherrier

“Verified by an expert” means that this article has been thoroughly reviewed and evaluated for accuracy.

Robin Saks Frankel

Robin Saks Frankel

Published 6:47 a.m. UTC July 1, 2024

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Both the Chase Slate Edge® * The information for the Chase Slate Edge® has been collected independently by Blueprint. The card details on this page have not been reviewed or provided by the card issuer. and Chase Freedom Unlimited® credit cards offer generous introductory balance transfer deals for over a year, but if you want the card that has more bells and whistles, the Freedom Unlimited is the way to go. 

Unlike the Slate Edge Card, you can use Freedom Unlimited to earn a welcome bonus and earn up to 5% cash back. That said, neither card is a good option if you think you’ll carry a balance after the introductory interest period ends since both cards have a potentially high ongoing APR of almost 30%. 

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Chase Freedom Unlimited®

Welcome bonus.

Earn an extra 1.5% on everything you buy (on up to $20,000 spent in the first year) — worth up to $300 cash back. That’s 6.5% on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 4.5% on dining and drugstores, and 3% on all other purchases.

Regular APR

Credit score.

Credit Score ranges are based on FICO® credit scoring. This is just one scoring method and a credit card issuer may use another method when considering your application. These are provided as guidelines only and approval is not guaranteed.

Editor’s take

  • No annual fee.
  • Introductory APR periods on purchases and balance transfers.
  • Generous welcome bonus.
  • Can’t transfer points to travel partners unless paired with another card.
  • Charges foreign transaction fees.
  • There’s a balance transfer fee.

Card details

  • INTRO OFFER: Earn an additional 1.5% cash back on everything you buy (on up to $20,000 spent in the first year) – worth up to $300 cash back!
  • Enjoy 6.5% cash back on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, our premier rewards program that lets you redeem rewards for cash back, travel, gift cards and more; 4.5% cash back on drugstore purchases and dining at restaurants, including takeout and eligible delivery service, and 3% on all other purchases (on up to $20,000 spent in the first year).
  • After your first year or $20,000 spent, enjoy 5% cash back on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3% cash back on drugstore purchases and dining at restaurants, including takeout and eligible delivery service, and unlimited 1.5% cash back on all other purchases.
  • No minimum to redeem for cash back. You can choose to receive a statement credit or direct deposit into most U.S. checking and savings accounts. Cash Back rewards do not expire as long as your account is open!
  • Enjoy 0% Intro APR for 15 months from account opening on purchases and balance transfers, then a variable APR of 20.49% – 29.24%.
  • No annual fee – You won’t have to pay an annual fee for all the great features that come with your Freedom Unlimited® card
  • Keep tabs on your credit health, Chase Credit Journey helps you monitor your credit with free access to your latest score, alerts, and more.
  • Member FDIC

Chase Slate Edge vs. Chase Freedom Unlimited overview

Rewards and benefits.

Chase’s Freedom Unlimited card is the only one of these two that gives you rewards, which you’ll earn in the form of cash back. 

As a cardholder, you’ll need to pay attention to the specific terms in order to maximize the cash-back potential . 

For example, you can earn 5% cash back on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3% cash back on eligible dining and drugstore purchases and 1.5% cash back on all other purchases.

Redeeming rewards

When you earn cash back with Chase Freedom Unlimited, you’ll receive it in the form of Chase Ultimate Rewards® points — 100 points for every $1 earned — that you can redeem in a few different ways:

  • Statement credit or direct deposit 
  • Gift cards 
  • Chase Ultimate Rewards travel
  • Amazon purchases ($0.80 redemption value)

When you book a trip through Chase Travel℠ , you can also redeem points to pay for some or all of the cost of plane tickets, hotels, car rentals and cruises.

Transfer partners

Once you earn at least 1,000 points with your Freedom Unlimited Card and you have another Chase travel card such as the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card , Chase Sapphire Reserve® or the Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card * The information for the Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card has been collected independently by Blueprint. The card details on this page have not been reviewed or provided by the card issuer. , you have the option to transfer them to a handful of travel partner sites. Chase’s travel partners include:

  • Airlines: AerClub, Air Canada Aeroplan, British Airways Executive Club, Emirates Skywards, Air France KLM Flying Blue, Iberia Plus, JetBlue TrueBlue, Singapore Airlines KrisFlyer , Southwest Airlines Rapid Rewards, United MileagePlus and Virgin Atlantic Flying Club.
  • Hotels: IHG® Rewards Club, Marriott Bonvoy and World of Hyatt.
What’s the best way to use Chase Ultimate Rewards? Here are some ideas

The Freedom Unlimited is the only one of these two Chase cards that comes with a welcome bonus. The card offers 1.5% back on everything bought in the first year on up to $20,000 in spending, which is worth up to $300.

Travel benefits

Both of these credit cards provide auto rental collision damage waivers. With the Freedom Unlimited card, however, you get the additional travel benefit of trip cancellation/interruption insurance for up to $1,500 per person and $6,000 per trip (for prepaid, non-refundable passenger fares).

Winner for rewards and benefits: Chase Freedom Unlimited.

Fees and charges

The fees and charges on these two credit cards are nearly identical. Perhaps the most significant difference is that the introductory APR offer on Chase Freedom Unlimited card is 0% intro APR for the first 15 months on purchases and balance transfers, then a variable APR of 20.49% to 29.24%. An intro transfer fee of either $5 or 3% of the amount of each transfer, whichever is greater, applies in the first 60 days. After that, a fee of either $5 or 5% of each transfer applies. While the Slate Edge card offers 0% intro APR for the first 18 months on purchases and balance transfers, then a variable APR of 20.49% - 29.24% applies. An intro transfer fee of either $5 or 3% of each transfer, whichever is greater, applies on transfers made in the first 60 days. After that, a fee of either $5 or 5% of each transfer, whichever is greater applies, so Freedom Unlimited cardholders could find themselves paying interest charges sooner on any leftover balance.

If you apply for either of these no-annual-fee cards , note that Chase’s balance transfer fee jumps to the ongoing balance transfer fee after the first 60 days on both cards. If you transfer $10,000, that’s the difference of a $300 fee versus $500 fee.

Winner for fees and charges: No winner.

Special offers

Introductory apr.

Chase’s Slate Edge and Freedom Unlimited credit cards both give you introductory APR on balance transfers and purchases. For the longer introductory period, you’ll want to choose Slate Edge, since the promotion lasts for 18 months, versus Freedom Unlimited’s 15 months.

Just be sure to try to pay off your balance before the introductory period ends to avoid sky-high interest charges. Even with good credit, you might end up with a high APR. By comparison, the average credit card has an APR of 22.63%, according to the Federal Reserve’s most recent data from February 2024.

Additional offers

The Freedom Unlimited credit card is loaded up with additional offers.. Here’s what’s currently available through Chase partners when you open this card:

  • DoorDash: Complimentary three-month DashPass membership with $0 delivery fee on DoorDash and Caviar. After that, you get 50% off for nine months. 
  • Lyft: Earn 5% cash back on rides through March 31, 2025.
  • Instacart: Complimentary three-month Instacart+ membership and $0 delivery fee, and you can earn $10 in quarterly statement credits through July 31, 2024.

If you apply for Freedom Unlimited, you’ll want to take note of the deadline to enroll for each of these offers. Additionally, note when the offersend, since you’ll automatically be charged recurring fees after that if you don’t cancel the DashPass and Instacart+ memberships. 

Conversely, Slate Edge cardholders only get the DoorDash and Instacart+ LTOs.

Automatic term adjustments

For Slate Edge cardholders, Chase offers some unique opportunities to improve your card terms after you open the account. Here’s how your terms can improve:

  • Annual 2% rate reduction: If you make on-time payments for a year and spend at least $1,000 on the card, you’ll be considered for an automatic rate reduction of up to 2% each year until your APR reaches the Prime Rate plus 9.74%.
  • Automatic credit limit increase: You can be considered for an automatic increase to your credit limit if you spend at least $500 in the first six months of account opening.

While both of these features make the Slate Edge card more attractive, potential applicants should note that Chase neither guarantees these adjustments nor clarifies exactly how to qualify for them. 

Winner for special offers: Chase Slate Edge.

Additional perks

Purchase protection.

Whether you go with Chase’s Freedom Unlimited card or the Slate Edge card, you’ll get up to $500 in purchase protection per claim (and $50,000 per account) for up to 120 days, plus a one-year extended warranty on certain purchases.

Roadside emergency assistance 

The Chase Slate Edge gives you access to roadside dispatch, but you’ll have to pay for any roadside assistance you receive.

Trip cancellation/interruption insurance

Freedom Unlimited cardholders get an additional benefit if a trip is canceled or cut short due to sickness, severe weather or other covered situations up to $1,500 per person and $6,000 per trip.

Winner for additional perks: Chase Freedom Unlimited.

Chase Slate Edge might be right for you if:

  • You want a longer balance transfer period. 
  • You have a clear plan to pay off your balance transfer within 18 months. 
  • You plan to pay off your full balance on this high-APR card each month after the 0% introductory period ends.

Chase Freedom Unlimited might be right for you if:

  • You want a balance transfer credit card that gives you cash-back rewards.
  • You don’t mind tracking spending categories and timelines on special offers.
  • You will pay off your full balance on this high-APR card each month after the introductory period ends.

Bottom line

Chase Slate Edge and Chase Freedom Unlimited both have unique features, but don’t let that distract you from the terms that matter. Both cards can be dangerous choices for balance transfers, since the interest charges are steep for any balance you carry after the introductory period expires. 

As for the rewards you earn with the Freedom Unlimited card, you’ll want to consider how much you’ll really spend in the high cash-back categories. If groceries or gas are your biggest expenses, you might want to choose a card that rewards you even more generously for those purchases.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Chase Slate Edge and Freedom Unlimited both tout generous balance transfer periods, but the Freedom Unlimited card also earns cash back and has a welcome bonus. 

The maximum credit card limit for Chase Slate Edge is not disclosed by Chase.

The Chase Slate Edge credit card does not currently have a welcome bonus.

Chase does not disclose the minimum credit score needed to qualify for the Chase Slate Edge card. You’ll likely need good credit to qualify for this card, which means your FICO scores are above 660 .

You can earn 1.5% back on everything bought in the first year on up to $20,000 in spending, which is worth up to $300.

Chase does not disclose a minimum credit score needed to qualify for the Chase Freedom Unlimited card. You most likely need good-to-excellent credit to qualify for this card, which means your FICO scores are above 660 .

*The information for the Chase Slate Edge® and Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card has been collected independently by Blueprint. The card details on this page have not been reviewed or provided by the card issuer.

Blueprint is an independent publisher and comparison service, not an investment advisor. The information provided is for educational purposes only and we encourage you to seek personalized advice from qualified professionals regarding specific financial decisions. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

Blueprint has an advertiser disclosure policy . The opinions, analyses, reviews or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the Blueprint editorial staff alone. Blueprint adheres to strict editorial integrity standards. The information is accurate as of the publish date, but always check the provider’s website for the most current information.

Sarah Brady

Sarah Brady is a personal finance writer and educator who's been helping individuals and entrepreneurs improve their financial wellness since 2013. Sarah's other publications include Investopedia, Experian, the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC), Credit Karma and LendingTree and her work has been syndicated by Yahoo! News and MSN. She is also a former HUD-Certified Housing Counselor and NFCC-Certified Credit Counselor.

Julie Stephen Sherrier is a personal finance writer and editor based in Austin, TX. She is the former senior managing editor for LendingTree, responsible for all credit card and credit health content. Before joining LendingTree, Julie spent more than a decade as the managing editor and then editorial director at Bankrate and CreditCards.com. She also served as an adjunct journalism instructor at the University of Texas at Austin.

Robin Saks Frankel is a credit cards lead editor at USA TODAY Blueprint. Previously, she was a credit cards and personal finance deputy editor for Forbes Advisor. She has also covered credit cards and related content for other national web publications including NerdWallet, Bankrate and HerMoney. She's been featured as a personal finance expert in outlets including CNBC, Business Insider, CBS Marketplace, NASDAQ's Trade Talks and has appeared on or contributed to The New York Times, Fox News, CBS Radio, ABC Radio, NPR, International Business Times and NBC, ABC and CBS TV affiliates nationwide. She holds an M.S. in Business and Economics Journalism from Boston University. Follow her on Twitter at @robinsaks.

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Kazakhstan Small Group Tours

Kazakhstan’s culture today is an interesting mix of Russian and Western influence coupled with a revival of nomadic hospitability, traditions, and customs. Travelers from most western countries enjoy a visa-free regime for stays of up to 30 consecutive days in Kazakhstan. Travel through the vast steppes, modern Astana and learn more about the Central Asian ancient steppe empires of nomadic tribes.

Experience the wonders of Kazakhstan with our exclusive small group or private tours. With our small group or private tours, you’ll have the flexibility to customize your itinerary and travel at your own pace. Our knowledgeable guides will provide fascinating insights into the country’s culture, traditions, and natural wonders. Immerse yourself in the vibrant cities of Almaty and Astana, explore historic sites in Turkistan, and discover the country’s breathtaking attractions. Our expert guides will ensure an unforgettable journey through this captivating destination.

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Travel Highlights of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is double the size of the other four Central Asian countries combined and the distance from the West of the country to the East is as far as London to Istanbul. There are flights and trains connecting different parts of the country. Kazakhstan’s travel highlights are its vast steppes with their unique fauna and flora, trekking in the Tien Shan (“celestial mountains”) near Almaty, admiring modern architecture in the capital Astana, and strolling through Kazakhstan’s biggest city and former capital, Almaty. Visitors also get a sense of Central Asian Sufism at the ancient and beautiful Yassawi Mausoleum in Turkestan and can visit places that offer a reminder of the tragedies of the Soviet Union, such as the Stalinist labor camps (“Gulags”) memorial Alzhir nearby Astana. Read more about our pick of the  top 5 places to see in Kazakhstan or check frequently asked questions and the best time to travel to Kazakhstan .

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At a glance

  • Population:
  • 2,724,900km²
  • Kazakh, Russian
  • Time zones:
  • West - UTC+5 East - UTC +6
  • Tenge (KZT)
  • Continental
  • Steppes and mountains Highest point: Khan Tengri 6,995m
  • Dialing code:
  • Electricity:
  • 220V, 50Hz, European plug

Private Tour Enquiry

Kazakhstan in photos.

Big Almaty lake

Travel information

Money & costs.

Currency, ATMs, budgets and more

Tips for flawless journey

Entry & exit

Visa, permits, registration and customs matters

Best Time to Go

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Keep fit and well during your trip


The Kazakh currency is called the Tenge (KZT). The banking system in Kazakhstan is the most developed in Central Asia and in big cities there are many places to exchange money and to withdraw cash from ATMs using a variety of cards. We recommend bringing some cash in new USD bank notes of denominations of at least 20 USD. Small and old-looking bank notes are harder to exchange. Paying directly with a credit card is possible in most places. An emergency fund of around 500 USD in cash is always good to have during guided trips to Central Asia.

Kazakhstan is a multi-ethnic country with a long history of tolerance. Guests and locals are treated with respect and the whole country can be regarded as a very safe destination for travelers. That said, you are advised to wear a money belt, watch your belongings, avoid dark streets at night and take only official taxis. Your safety is our first priority at Kalpak Travel; we know and regularly assess all our Kazakh partners and we closely monitor political events.


Citizens of most Western countries do not need a visa for a stay of up to 30 days in Kazakhstan. To be sure whether you need a visa or not you can contact us. Any permits you might need for access to places that will be visited during your tour, we will provide them for you free of charge. As soon as we receive the deposit payment for your tour, we will confirm your booking and send you an email with important pre-departure information. Please read it carefully as it contains important information on customs regulations for Kazakhstan.


The climate of Kazakhstan is continental and dry in the majority of the country, including the largest cities. Summers are very hot with day temperatures between 30° and 40° Celsius and winters are extremely cold with strong winds. In the mountains, however, the weather is quite changeable. If you are planning to visit the mountains the best season is summer. Be aware, however, at high altitudes of 3000 meters or more it may even snow overnight during the summer. For cultural sightseeing tours, spring and autumn are the best seasons. Autumn is also the time when the country goes to harvest, meaning markets are full of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Do not drink water, unless it is bottled, filtered, or boiled. Do not use tap water for brushing your teeth or making ice either. Do not eat ice cream. Only eat well-cooked meat and fish, preferably served hot. Vegetables should be cooked and fruit peeled. If you follow these basic rules, you are likely to avoid any health issues like traveler’s diarrhea. Diphtheria, Hepatitis A, and Tetanus are recommended vaccinations for Kazakhstan. Ensure you are fully insured for medical emergencies including repatriation. Medical services in Kazakhstan are basic at best.

FAQs on Kazakhstan

How does communication work during my travel to Kazakhstan?

WIFI Most of the hotels and hostels in cities provide free Wi-Fi access. In rural areas, homestays and yurt stays generally have no internet access.

Local Sim card

You can buy a local sim card and use it on your phone if it is unlocked. Upon request, our guide may assist you in buying a sim card.

In the case of emergency your friends/family can call us and we will pass their message to you. Please take note of the 24/7 emergency number indicated in your travel documents.

What language do people speak in Kazakhstan?

Kazakh and Russian are the official languages of Kazakhstan and Russian is spoken widely everywhere. Both are using Cyrillic alphabet, Kazakh in a slightly adapted version. Kazakh language is very similar to Kyrgyz, Uzbek and Turkmen and part of the Turkic family of languages. All our guides speak English, but overall in Kazakhstan not many people understand or speak English.

Is it easy to get in contact with locals in Kazakhstan?

Local population is friendly and hospitable, but not very sociable. Your guide and driver will be knowledgeable locals who can answer all the questions and tell about everyday life in Kazakhstan. If you are interested in getting in touch with locals we recommend you to familiarize yourself with social dos and do nots as explained in our blog article .

What is the religion in Kazakhstan?

Kazakhstan is a secular state and population is predominantly Muslim. Religion is not widely practiced and people are very moderate. The ethnic Russians living in Kazakhstan are orthodox Christians.

How do I need to dress in Kazakhstan?

In Kazakhstan, you will see mostly European style clothing.  Feel free to wear same clothes that you would wear back home.  Only exception to this rule concerns visits of religious buildings like Mosques or Churches. When visiting these places, you will need to wear long pants and women need to cover their shoulders and head with a veil.

Is it safe to drink tap water?

No, it is not and we recommend you to drink bottled water, use filter or boil it. Moreover, please do not use tap water for brushing teeth and order your drinks without ice.

Is there vegetarian food in Kazakhstan?

Astana and Almaty are very western oriented cities, you will find McDonalds, KFC and many other western chains. There are variety of Italian, Chinese and European style restaurants so it will be easy to find something that can suit your taste and needs. Outside big cities, generally Central Asia is not an ideal place for vegetarians, however you can order side dish such as plain rice, mashed potatoes and in some places, even grilled vegetables. Most of the national dishes in cafes are made with meat, predominantly mutton. In some cases, you can also alter some meals with quick noodles that can be bought in stores.

Is there coffee in Kazakhstan?

Yes, Kazakhstan is the only Central Asian country that has real Starbucks in big cities. Outside these places the best coffee you can get is an instant coffee, if you are coffee-lover we recommend taking little Italian coffee machine with you.

How much to tip in Kazakhstan?

In cafes, service of 10-15% is usually included on the bill, however this does not go directly to the waiter, he gets only salary. Usually the amount is rounded up and If you are very content with the service you can leave some tip. Guides do not expect tips from you, if you are happy with their services, they will certainly appreciate a little tip.

What are toilets like in Kazakhstan?

Most of the hotels are clean and have western standard toilets with shower.

Will I be able to do my laundry in Kazakhstan?

The most expensive services for laundry are in hotels, since they charge 1-3$ per laundry item. Another option would be to wash couple of things by hand in hotel sink.

What happens in emergency situations during my trip?

Your safety is the first priority for Kalpak Travel, in organizing our trips we discuss every detail to make sure that your tour runs smoothly and you will have a wonderful experience with us. Our guides are well trained to deal with emergency situations and we will get you help as quickly as possible. In case of serious illness, we will help you to get proper medical assistance, do everything possible to get you to your homeland and inform your family. To join our tours, you are required to have travel insurance. Please make sure it fully covers medical emergencies including repatriation costs.

How are the general road conditions and transport in Kazakhstan?

Main intercity roads have been recently repaired, newly paved and are well maintained. Roads to Kolsai lakes, Altyn Emel and in steppes are not paved and shaky roads. Kalpak Travel has experienced and professional drivers who will drive you safely in Kazakhstan. All our vehicles are well maintained and checked before each departure.

Articles on Kazakhstan

Astana top places to see, kazakhstan travel information, kazakhstan – best time to visit, kazakhstan – top places to see, almaty – top places to see, nursultan architecture, 10 reasons to visit astana during expo 2017, travellers' impressions of kazakhstan.

If you're looking for a place off the beaten track for a holiday, I strongly recommend going to Kazkhstan. We visited Astana, Almaty and using the Kalpak Travel offer we had a chance to visit amazing places as the Singing Dunes, Charyn Canion, Kolsay and Kaindy Lakes. For 3 days we had a rare possiblity to admire the beauty of nature of Kazkhstan. The trip organised by Kalpak was excellent, the guides appeared to be very friendly and caring people, I think it would be almost impossible to organise everything on our own.Thanks Kalpak team and your team in Kazakhstan to make our memories unforgettable.

The guides in each city spoke excellent English and were extremely informative on all aspects of Central Asia. In Almaty, we were invited to have dinner at our tour guide's home. The food was fabulous and we had a wonderful evening…. We were very lucky to have Kalpak Travel as our tour company which exceeded our expectations with flying colours. We highly recommend Kalpak Travel if you are planning a hassle-free tour of Central Asia.

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Every user on GAFFL has a profile where they list their interests. If you and your potential trip mate share some common interests, it’ll make your trip go a lot smoother.

It's also important to have a similar budget in mind. If your travel companion wants to do more activities and eat at expensive restaurants but you can’t afford it, it can lead to an unpleasant trip for the both of you.

When browsing trips on GAFFL, make sure to read through the trip details to learn more about the trip and determine if the activities are something you want to do and can afford.

If you like a trip on GAFFL, simply click 'Connect,' and you'll be able to chat with your travel buddy right away. If you have your own travel plans, you can start your own trip and others can request to connect with you!

Finding the right travel companion online can be difficult for solo travelers. GAFFL, on the other hand, makes it very simple. Use our world-class real-time messaging system to get to know your potential travel partner. Chat with them to see if they'd be a good travel companion for you, and then plan together, meet up with your travel buddy, and start exploring together.

travel partners almaty

GAFFL is the best website/app for solo female travelers looking for female travel companions online because we prioritize our travelers' trust and safety. Our multi-step verification process includes social media, phone number, and a valid government ID, so you can be confident in your potential travel companion. With adventurers from over 190 countries, you can connect, chat, and find the perfect female travel buddy to meet up with on GAFFL.

Solo travel is great. But there are some times that I do not recommend someone travel solo and where I personally try my hardest not to travel solo. Some examples of this relate to safety, like hiking a trail that doesn’t have many people walking it each day, or being in certain destinations where I’ve heard from others that it’s difficult as a solo female.

Other examples relate to expenses, like taking a road trip and renting a car. Situations like these are where I think something like GAFFL is a great idea. With GAFFL, you can find a group to go on that hike with or split that car rental with!

I think GAFFL plays a role by allowing solo travelers to find travel buddies when needed. Though solo travel is a great way to travel, there are some experiences that are better enjoyed with more people (some don’t even allow for solo).

Friends and families are not always available to travel with, and sometimes the interests do not align for travel. Or sometimes you just want to socialize while still being solo most of the time. I think GAFFL helps solve these problems.

I think this is a fabulous idea because the things that can get expensive while solo traveling can usually also be easily split between people. If you aren’t a hostel fan, it would be awesome to have people to split hotels and Airbnb with.

If car rental is the cheapest way to get around a destination, it would be ideal to have others to split the costs with. But most importantly it always makes the experience that much more memorable when you have new friends to share it with.

One of the things that hold people back is that they don’t have a partner or a best friend to travel with and they feel scared and uncertain to travel alone, especially long-term. GAFFL helps with that!

Another thing that holds people back is the perceived cost of travel. While travel doesn’t have to be expensive, it’s always more affordable when you can share the cost of accommodation and groceries with someone else. Again, GAFFL provides a solution for that!

We truly believe that the best memories and experiences are the ones that are shared with others. It doesn’t matter if you’ve known someone for an hour or your whole life, when you do something badass together it’s sure to be a time you won’t forget.

Making connections and becoming friends with people all over the world is such a powerful tool to have when traveling. One day maybe you’ll visit your new friend in their homeland. Some of the best trips happen when you have a friend playing tour guide in their country.

GAFFL is a really cool opportunity to enrich your travels with like-minded people who will push you to get out of your comfort zone. No matter what type of personality you have, making new friends on the road is easier than ever.

travel partners almaty

New travel deals for Amazon Prime members on cruises, rental cars, flights and more

These savings on travel come in time for any last-minute summer vacations.

Amazon Prime Day is fast approaching, and beyond viral beauty products or hot new kitchenware, the e-commerce giant is introducing savings on travel just in time for any last-minute summer vacations.

Amazon partnered with various travel companies, including Southwest Airlines, Viator, Turo, Carnival, and others, to give Prime members early access to price cuts on travel packages, car rentals, and cruises.

PHOTO: In this undated stock photo, two friends dive into the sea from a cliff.

In a similar move last summer fellow retail competitor Walmart partnered with Expedia to give Walmart+ members the ability to earn Walmart Cash by booking vacations.

"These travel deals are sort of an extra that they can offer their members," RetailMeNot editor Kristin McGrath told ABC News. "There are plenty of ways you can save and get discounts. These membership programs can just make it a little bit easier."

Amazon Prime travel deals and discounts for Prime Day

PHOTO: A Southwest commercial airliner takes off from Las Vegas International Airport, Feb. 8, 2024, in Las Vegas.

Save 10% on Viator travel experiences Save up to 30% off Avis car rentals and earn 10% back Up to 15% Sixt car rentals Book a Carnival Cruise for to 40% off Southwest Airlines get 50% off Rapids Rewards points

PHOTO: In this June 20, 2019 file photo, the headquarters of Turo is seen in San Francisco.

Editor’s Picks

travel partners almaty

Delta One Lounge debuts this week, here's a look at the premium experience

travel partners almaty

How gift cards from big box retailers could help save on expensive travel

travel partners almaty

It's not too late to book summer travel, these tips make it easier

Walmart+ travel deals.

The company offers discounts on fuel and travel, plus up to 20% back in Walmart Cash for booking through their portal during Walmart+ week.

PHOTO: The Carnival Radiance cruise ship is seen at Avalon harbor, May 19, 2023, in Avalon, Calif.

Costco travel discounts and deals

The warehouse retailer's travel arm offers everyday savings on top-quality, brand-name vacations, hotels, cruises, and rental cars, exclusively for Costco members.

Teresita Nino has used Costco to book vacation packages and told ABC News how she saved on international deals.

"My last trip that we booked was to Saint Lucia and we ended up booking the airfare and the hotel -- I ended up saving about $700," Nino said of her experience using Costco. "Nine out of ten times is Costco Travel is always giving me a better deal overall than other travel companies."

Access to Costco's travel deals require a paid membership as an extra perk for customers.

"The travel savings are the cherry on top -- but it's not necessarily the most lucrative benefit," McGrath said. "In these membership programs, you have to take the value of membership as a whole rather than just joining to save on travel."

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    Travel Partners, Almaty, Kazakhstan. 220 likes · 2 were here. Авиа 24/7, визы, бронирование отелей, вип трансферы, вип в

  2. Travel Partners, travel agency, Almaty, Nauryzbai Batyr Street ...

    Travel agency Travel Partners at Almaty, Nauryzbai Batyr Street, 127блок2, Baikonur metro station, ☎️ +7 701 111 23 53. 6 photos, panoramas, working hours. Check entrances on the map and get directions in Yandex Maps.


    14K Followers, 683 Following, 377 Posts - TRAVEL PARTNERS | Almaty | Astana (@travelpartners.kz) on Instagram: "⚜️Единственная Luxury Travel Concierge компания с VIP услугами по всем направлениям 24/7 ⠀ Более 16 лет в туризме, 10.000+ довольных туристов"

  4. Find A Travel Buddy in Almaty, Share Costs & Travel Together

    GAFFL is the best website/app for solo travelers looking for travel companions online because we prioritize our travelers' trust and safety. Our multi-step verification process includes social media, phone number, and a valid government ID, so you can be confident in your potential travel companion. With adventurers from over 190 countries, you ...

  5. 42 Top Things to Do in Almaty, Kazakhstan (Pro Guide)

    After surviving a major earthquake in 1911, Almaty was crowned the capital of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic in 1929. This led to significant development. Kazakhstan officially gained its independence in 1991 leaving the Soviet times behind. Almaty retained its capital status until 1997 when it was moved to Astana (now Nur-Sultan).

  6. 3 Days in Almaty, Kazakhstan

    Start shopping for travel insurance plans over at IATI Insurance. Readers of the Adventures of Nicole get a 5% discount off your plan. The Adventures of Nicole partners with Global Rescue to offer the world's leading medical evacuation and security advisory services. To travel with peace of mind, shop evacuation coverage at Global Rescue.

  7. 9 Almaty Tour Packages (2024): Best Deals on Trips & Holidays

    About Almaty Tourism: Nestled in the foothills of the spectacular Trans-Ili Alatau Mountains, Almaty stands as the vibrant heart of Kazakhstan, offering a captivating blend of modernity and rich history.As the country's largest metropolis and former capital, Almaty beckons travelers with its striking natural beauty, diverse cultural heritage, and dynamic urban atmosphere.

  8. Panda Travel

    Panda Travel. 9 reviews. #10 of 78 Transportation in Almaty. City ToursMulti-day ToursTaxis & ShuttlesPrivate Tours Nature & Wildlife ToursDay Trips. Closed now. Write a review. See all photos. About. Our team is your reliable travel partner.

  9. The 14 Best Things to do in Almaty + Almaty Day Trips

    Catch a performance here at the Abay Opera & Ballet Theatre. Prices range from 400-2,000 KZT to catch a performance. 12. Gorky Park. This recreational park smack in the middle of Almaty likely has something to keep everyone in your group entertained with a carnival, cinema, aqua park, and cafes. 13.

  10. 16 Awesome Things to Do In Almaty in 2024

    Shymbulak Ski Resort. If you visit Almaty in the winter, make sure to check out the Medeu Skating Rink and Shymbulak Ski Resort. Medeu is the world's largest high-altitude ice rink, located at an elevation of 1,691 meters. That alone makes it one of the best places to visit in Almaty.

  11. Ultimate Almaty City Guide: Things to Do in Almaty

    During our recent trip to Kazakhstan we spent 10 days in the Almaty region and were thoroughly impressed with both the city and the incredible nature surrounding it. It was very different to Kazakhstan's new capital Astana and we enjoyed seeing the contrast.. We set ourselves up at a friendly and comfortable hostel and used this as our base for exploring all the things to do in Almaty.

  12. Almaty Tourism (2023)

    Almaty Tourism. Almaty is the largest city in Kazakhstan and was its capital until 1997, when the capital was moved to Astana. It is situated in the southeastern part of the country, near the border with Kyrgyzstan. Almaty is the cultural, economic, and financial hub of Kazakhstan and is known for its beautiful natural surroundings.

  13. Travel tips for a Fourth of July that's set to break records

    Over at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport — where travel volumes are up 5% — the TSA wants travelers to double-check their carry-on bags before they get to the airport. "We are asking travelers to be good partners with TSA and ensure that they are prepared for the screening process," TSA Federal Security Director for Washington Greg ...

  14. 19 Best Things to do in Almaty Kazakhstan

    Almaty, Kazakhstan is often the starting point of a Central Asia trip. The former Kazakhstan capital and largest city in the country is a place that has so much to offer. Surrounded by stunning scenery and nature, the city's fascinating architecture and delicious food scene are great reasons to travel to Almaty.

  15. The Ultimate One Day in Almaty Itinerary for First-Timers (Layover Guide)

    If you're following this Almaty itinerary, however, you will likely end up there before lunch. At the top of Kok-Tobe, you will find a cafe, restaurant, tea house, theme park, and a famous Beatles statue. It is a great place to chill out and get away from the hustle and bustle of Almaty for an hour.

  16. Lagardere Strikes Landmark Deal In Cambodia Using Profit ...

    Techo International Airport is scheduled to open in 2025. Foster + Partners. France's Lagardère Travel Retail has wrapped up a significant deal in Cambodia where, for the first time in Asia ...

  17. 25 Things to Know Before You Visit Almaty, Kazakhstan

    There is No 'City Center'. Nature isn't as Accessible as You May Think. Russian is the Default Language. Kazakhstan is a Muslim-majority Country. Kazakhs Only Recently Became the Ethnic Majority. Almaty Isn't the Capital - but It is the Cultural Capital. The City is More Modern than Meets the Eye.

  18. Vitruvian Partners Ups Stake in Civitatis by $50 Million in Travel

    Civitatis CEO, Alberto Gutiérrez. Credit: Ana Morales Civitatis' growth. Civitatis' offerings grew from 29,000 in 2019 to 87,000 in 2023.In the same time period, it nearly doubled its Spanish ...

  19. Transferring Credit Card Rewards to a Travel Partner? Do This First

    Many or all of the products here are from our partners that compensate us. It's how we make money. But our editorial integrity ensures our experts' opinions aren't influenced by compensation ...

  20. Chase Slate Edge vs. Chase Freedom Unlimited 2024

    After your first year or $20,000 spent, enjoy 5% cash back on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3% cash back on drugstore purchases and dining at restaurants, including takeout and ...

  21. Kazakhstan Small Group Tours

    With our small group or private tours, you'll have the flexibility to customize your itinerary and travel at your own pace. Our knowledgeable guides will provide fascinating insights into the country's culture, traditions, and natural wonders. Immerse yourself in the vibrant cities of Almaty and Astana, explore historic sites in Turkistan ...

  22. Find A Female Travel Companion in Almaty, Share Costs, & Travel Together

    GAFFL is a matchmaker site for travelers to find a travel buddy, travel partner or a travel companion. Connect with travelers & locals, plan your trip, meet up and travel together. ... Find A Female Travel Companion in Almaty, Share Costs & Travel Together Search Travelers From 190+ Countries Have Started Over 40000 Trips on GAFFL

  23. Video: How to bake a dessert on the grill

    Chef Tyler Florence shows us how to bake desserts on the grill with a strawberry upside-down cake that will impress everyone at your next cookout.

  24. Booking Holdings Q1 2024 earnings call forecasts summer success

    A healthy growth in leisure travel demand shows an upward trend that will continue into the peak travel season. ... The final insight that will build confidence for accommodation partners is that at the end of Q1, we had about 7.4 million global alternative accommodation listings. That's around 11% higher than in the same period last year.

  25. Video: Why Knoxville, Tennessee celebrates Dolly Parton and the

    Knoxville, Tennessee — famous for Dolly Parton, the Tennessee Volunteers…and fireflies? Just outside the city you can watch synchronous fireflies flash in unison, a phenomenon that's special ...

  26. New travel deals for Amazon Prime members on cruises, rental cars

    Amazon partners with Turo, Avis, Southwest Airlines, Carnival Cruises and more ahead of Prime Day for new summer travel savings. ... The warehouse retailer's travel arm offers everyday savings on ...


    Друзья, наша компания Travel Partners выступила одним из спорнсоров Luxury Weekend in Mercedes Benz Blue Star of Kazakhstan Мероприятия состоялось 2 марта и прошло на высшем уровне. Делимся с вами 🔥 Reels с этого вечера.

  28. Almaty Travel Guide

    Almaty has a humid continental climate so it is cold in winters and warm in summers. The city is also famous with its unexpected rain, especially during spring. The warmest month is July and the coldest month is January. We suggest you to visit Almaty during late spring or early autumn when the weather is optimal.


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  30. Almaty Kazakhstan's Ultimate Street Walking Tour!

    Almaty Kazakhstan's Ultimate Street Walking Tour!Francois Marc walks around Almaty, Kazakhstan with his friends from night to day. I got a chance to see real...