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Schengen Visa for Nepalese Citizens

The schengen visa – what is it.

Anyone planning a visit to Europe from Nepal should be aware of the Schengen Visa. This is an important consideration for Nepalese nationals as the visa has great benefits. The visa is currently valid in a total of 26 member countries across the European continent (known collectively as the Schengen Area ). This article provides comprehensive information on the Schengen Visa for Nepalese Citizens.

The Schengen Visa is a travel document that allows the holder to travel freely within the Schengen Area, without the need for additional paperwork. For example, if you begin your travel in France and wish to move on to Germany or Spain (or any other of the 26 member states) you can do so without the need to obtain additional visas. There are no internal borders to negotiate across the Schengen Area, making it simple move from one country to another.

Schengen Visa types for Nepalese Citizens

Before applying, you need to determine the type of visa you require. The following criteria will help you decide which visa is suitable for you:

A  Uniform Schengen Visa  permits the holder to stay in, or travel within, any country in the Schengen Area, for up to a maximum of 90 days at a time within a six-month period from the date of issue. These can be issued as:

• a single entry visa, meaning the holder can only enter/exit the Schengen Area once • a double entry visa allowing a second entry within the time period • a multiple entry visa which can be used multiple times (within the permitted time limits of the visa)

A  Limited Territorial Validity Visa  is available for travel only in the particular Schengen country that originally issued the visa. Holders of this type of visa are not permitted to enter any other Schengen member state. These visas are most often used in emergency/humanitarian situations where travel documents are not normally available.

Thirdly, there is a  National Visa . This particular visa is suitable for those who wish to study or work in any one of the Schengen countries and again is available as either a single or multiple entry.

Applying for a visa

Nepalese citizens wishing to apply for a visa must begin the process by arranging an appointment at an embassy. The embassy you choose for this should be either the one relating to the country you will begin your trip (first point of entry within the Schengen Area) or to the country in which you be spending the majority of your time. You can schedule your appointment online on the VFS website or, if you prefer, in person at a local VFS centre.

You should be aware that it may take up to 2 weeks to complete the process and you will probably wait up to another 10 days for the embassy to contact you; we would therefore recommend that you apply for your visa at least one full month prior to the date you wish to travel.

The following fees currently apply: Adult visa: 60 EUROS Long stay visa (>90 days): 99 EUROS Child visa (6-12 years): 35 EUROS

There will be no fee payable under certain conditions, such as for: children under the age of 6; diplomatic passport holders, students and accompanying teachers; researchers from third world countries and participants aged 25 and under at educational non-profit conferences or other events.

You will need to obtain an application form which can be downloaded from the embassy website or you may collect a hard copy from the embassy office. Along with the completed form, you will also be required to produce the following documentary evidence:

• two passport sized photographs adhering to the official standard (full-frontal head image between 32-36mm in height with a plain background; no red-eye, reflections or shadows) • a valid passport with at least two available blank pages • a sponsorship letter explaining the reason/objective of the visit and stating the duration • evidence of travel insurance purchased showing a minimum coverage of 30,000 EUROS • copies of all relevant travel tickets and a full itinerary for the trip, including accommodation bookings and any tourist packages • proof of applicant’s status, such as birth/marriage certificates and any national identity documents or cards • employment details, such as contracts, proof of income for the past six months, leave entitlement consent from your employer and any other documentation as requested • business credentials and licenses for self-employed persons along with IT returns and proof of financial means • for retirees, pension payment documents/evidence for past six months • for students, proof of enrolment and verification from school or college

The information and documentation provided by you will be scrutinised carefully by the embassy for authenticity. Once this process has been completed, you will be invited to attend an interview with an embassy official.

The interview

This is a very important part of the visa application process and it’s useful to know what to expect before you attend. The interviewer will ask you a series of questions to ascertain the reason for your travel. You will be asked to confirm all dates and your intended itinerary. Them, you will also be expected to confirm your financial status and may be asked to provide further evidence or documentation in support of this. Lastly, you will need to be able to prove that all necessary arrangements are in place and that you understand your obligations regarding the laws of the country/countries you are intending to visit, and confirm that you will return to Nepal at the end of the visit as planned.

Biometric testing will take place at the end of the interview and the results of this will be electronically associated with your identity documentation.

The outcome

You can expect to hear from the embassy within 10-15 days. If accepted, your visa will be posted out to you in due course. If, however, your application is not successful you will receive a letter stating the reasons why. Possible reasons for rejection could be:

• providing insufficient or incorrect personal information • the necessary travel documentation and/or a fully completed itinerary was not provided • no sponsorship letter was submitted with the application (this is essential where the travel is being sponsored) • the discovery of criminal convictions or any previous history of criminal activity • insufficient financial means or proof of income for travel • passport expiry date – the Nepalese government requires that passports need a minimum of three year’s validity • any evidence of forged documentation or incorrect information supplied • insufficient travel insurance coverage (less than 30,000 EUROS) or insurance that does not meet the required terms and conditions for the country/countries being visited • a lack of evidence relating to booked accommodation and any travel/tourist tickets (if a sponsor is organising this on applicant’s behalf, they must send the necessary documents to the embassy) • possible damage or any evidence of tampering with the applicant’s passport • any other form of non-compliance with the procedural requirements of obtaining a visa

Tips for a successful application

There are steps you can take to ensure that your application is successful. First, you should take care to read all the guidance and application forms thoroughly before you begin your application. You should also gather together all the necessary personal information and documentation you will need during the process. The important things to remember are:

• to check that your current passport has at least three year’s validity; if it doesn’t, you must renew it immediately – also ensure there is no damage to the passport • ensure that you explain fully your reasons for travel to the Schengen Area • make sure that all of your personal details are correct and that supporting documents are available and in the correct format • include all relevant educational/professional qualifications and evidence • organise and purchase the required amount of travel insurance • obtain sponsorship letters (where required) and collate all travel/accommodation documentation • do not, under any circumstances, provide incorrect or misleading information or attempt to forge signatures • check and double check that you have followed the correct procedures all the way through the process

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Visa and passport

Visa and passport. What should you bear in mind?

spain visit visa from nepal

Mountainous and remote, Nepal’s population of just under 30 million requires a Schengen visa in order undertake temporary travel to the Schengen area (i.e. most countries in Europe). If you are a citizen or resident of Nepal and you are considering a trip to France, Italy, or one of the other twenty-four “Schengen States,” you should familiarize yourself with the Schengen visas and types for Nepal passport holders—all of which allow you to spend 90 days in the zone. How to access the Schengen visa application form, as well as the answers to FAQs like, “Where do you apply for a Schengen visa?” And, “How much does a Schengen visa cost?” are available below. 

Applying for a Schengen visa from Nepal: Steps

  • How long does the Schengen visa take to process?” The answer to this question (usually 15 days but sometimes 30 or even 60) dictates when you should apply for your visa. Most applicants are encouraged to file a minimum of two weeks before they need to travel. 
  • Remember that you can travel to any of the 26 Schengen countries with a Schengen visa. However, in order to apply for your visa, you will need to select from among those countries the place where you will be spending the most time on your trip. This destination, which is called your primary destination, is the Schengen country you will apply for your visa from. 
  • If you are specifically traveling to the zone in order to visit one country, then your primary destination will obviously be that country. However, if you plan on visiting several countries (or even more than one) you will need to figure out which country you will be spending the greatest number of days (this country will be your primary destination).  
  • If you are spending the same amount of time in two countries, (for example, 30 days in both Italy and France) you should apply to the country you are entering first (if you are flying direct from Nepal to Paris, you should therefore apply for a French Schengen visa instead of an Italian one—even if you are spending equal time in both). 
  • Where do you apply for a Schengen visa in Nepal? Apply and meet the rest of your Schengen visa requirements for Nepal citizens and residents at the Embassy or Consulate of your primary destination in the Schengen area.  
  • If your primary destination in the Schengen area is a small country, it is possible that they will outsource their consular activities in Nepal to a larger country (i.e. one which has a larger diplomatic presence in Kathmandu). If this is the case, you may have to apply for your visa through that country’s mission, rather than through the mission of your primary destination in the zone. 
  • Occasionally (depending on where you are applying) you will need to apply for a visa through an embassy located in another country. For example, applicants for the French Schengen visa from Nepal should apply through one of the various French Consulates located in India (Bombay, Calcutta, etc). 
  • If you are applying for a short-stay Schengen visa from Nepal and are confused about where to apply in the country, please contact us . 
  • There are a number of Schengen visas and types for Nepal passport holders to choose from. Applicants should consider their main reason for traveling and select the Schengen visa that seems to best describe that purpose. For example, if you are visiting the Schengen area in order to obtain a medical procedure, you should apply for a Medical Schengen visa for Nepalese citizens and residents. 
  • Consider the complete list of Schengen visas and types for Nepal passport holders here .
  • Are you planning on making several trips between the Schengen area and Nepal? Or do you plan on making one trip to the zone before returning home indefinitely? The answer to these questions will determine which entry category of Schengen visa you should apply for. 
  • The Schengen visa for Nepalese citizens and residents is available in single, double, and multiple entry categories.  Select “single” if you only need one entry to the zone, select “double” if you require two entries, and choose “multiple” if you don’t want to be limited to one or two. 
  • In practice, this means: if you have a single entry Schengen visa and you leave the Schengen area for whatever reason, you will not be allowed back in. If you have a double entry Schengen, you will be able to enter the zone, leave it, and return one final time (if you attempt to re-enter the zone after exiting that second time, you will be denied entry). If you obtain a multiple entry Schengen visa you will be able to enter, exit, and re-enter the zone as many times as you like throughout your visa validity period (90 days). For this reason, the multiple entry is the most flexible category of Schengen visa. If you anticipate going back and forth between Nepal and the zone, this is the category you should apply for. 
  • Nepalese passport (or other valid country passport). 
  • Main application form. 
  • 2 passport size photos.
  • Documents confirming that you have received travel medical insurance. 
  • Documents confirming that you have a place to stay in the Schengen area.
  • Documents confirming you will ultimately leave the zone (proof of return). 
  • Schengen visa fee (How much does a Schengen visa cost? 80 EUR for most applicants). 
  • In addition to the above, applicants must also submit supplemental materials relating to their visa type (medical, educational, etc). To see exactly what you need to submit for your type of visa, click here .
  • Certain countries, such as France, direct applicants to an online application form . 
  • If your application destination does not have an online process, you should simply print and fill out the basic Schengen visa application found here .
  • You will be able to schedule your visa appointment online if the country you are applying through has an online application offering a mechanism for visa-appointments. If they don’t (i.e. you are just downloading and submitting the basic application form) you should contact the Embassy/Consulate you are applying through in order to make an appointment. 
  • Submitting all of your physical application materials (including a copy of your application). 
  • Paying your application fee (click here for visa fee info ).
  • Submitting your biometrics (photos and fingerprints). 
  • Being interviewed. 
  • How long does a Schengen visa take to be processed? Remember that the minimum processing time for most Schengen visa applications is   two weeks, however some applicants have to wait 30 or even 60 days for a response back from the Consulate/Embassy they applied through. 
  • Once you receive a response, you will either collect your Schengen visa and proceed with your trip (if your application is successful) or decide whether to appeal the decision (if your application is rejected). 
  • Consider the general guidelines for appealing a rejected Schengen visa here .

If you are applying for a Schengen Visa, Travel Medical Insurance is mandatory. To simplify your application process, Insurte, partners with leading European Insurance Companies operating under EU regulations provide Travel Medical Insurances. If you wish to proceed, please click below:


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  • Travel Tips

How To Apply For A Nepal Visa On Arrival (For Tourists)

Published: September 10, 2023

Modified: January 3, 2024

by Verla Dobson

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Welcome to Nepal, a land of natural beauty, rich culture, and adventure. If you’re planning a trip to this captivating country, one of the first things you’ll need to do is apply for a visa. Fortunately, Nepal offers a convenient visa on arrival process for tourists entering the country by air or land.

Obtaining a Nepal visa on arrival is a straightforward process that allows you to obtain a visa upon your arrival at Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu or other border entry points. This eliminates the need to go through the lengthy process of applying for a visa at a Nepali embassy or consulate in your home country.

In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of applying for a Nepal visa on arrival. We will provide you with all the necessary information and tips to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience.

So, whether you’re planning a trekking adventure in the Himalayas, exploring ancient temples and palaces, or immersing yourself in the unique cultural heritage of Nepal , let’s dive into the process of obtaining a Nepal visa on arrival.

Step 1: Check Eligibility for Visa on Arrival

Before you start preparing for your Nepal visa on arrival, it’s essential to ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria. The visa on arrival is available for citizens of most countries, except for a few exceptions.

To check if you are eligible for a Nepal visa on arrival, you can visit the official website of the Department of Immigration of Nepal or consult with your local Nepali embassy or consulate. They will provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding visa requirements.

It’s important to note that the visa on arrival is primarily meant for tourist purposes and has certain limitations. If you are planning to work, study, or engage in any other non-touristic activities in Nepal, you may need to apply for a different type of visa in advance.

Some nationalities may also require additional permits for specific regions or activities in Nepal, such as trekking in restricted areas. It’s crucial to research and understand these requirements before your trip to avoid any complications or delays.

It’s also worth mentioning that the visa on arrival is usually issued for a maximum stay of 15, 30, or 90 days. The duration varies depending on your nationality and the purpose of your visit. If you wish to extend your stay in Nepal, you can do so by applying for an extension at the Department of Immigration in Kathmandu.

Once you have confirmed your eligibility and understand the visa requirements, you can proceed to the next step of gathering the necessary documents for your Nepal visa on arrival.

Step 2: Gather Required Documents

Before traveling to Nepal, it’s important to gather all the required documents for your visa on arrival. Having the necessary documents ready will streamline the process and prevent any delays or complications at the immigration counter.

The documents you will need for your Nepal visa on arrival include:

  • A valid passport: Ensure that your passport is valid for at least six months from the date of your arrival in Nepal. It should also have at least one blank page for the visa sticker.
  • Completed visa application form: You can obtain the application form at the immigration counter upon arrival or download it in advance from the official website of the Department of Immigration. Fill out the form with accurate and truthful information.
  • Passport-sized photos: Carry at least two recent, color passport-sized photographs (size: 1.5 x 1.5 inches) with a white background. These photos will be affixed to your visa application form.
  • Visa fee: Prepare the appropriate amount of cash in USD or the local currency (Nepalese Rupees) to pay for the visa fee. The fee varies based on the duration of your stay in Nepal, so it’s advisable to have the exact amount ready.
  • Additional documents: Depending on your specific circumstances, you may be required to provide additional documents. For example, if you are visiting Nepal for a volunteer program, you might need a letter of sponsorship or invitation from the organization hosting you.

It’s always recommended to carry copies of important documents, such as your passport data page and travel insurance, as well as any supporting documents relevant to your visit to Nepal. These copies can come in handy in case of loss or emergency.

By ensuring you have all the necessary documents prepared in advance, you’ll be well-prepared to proceed with the visa application process upon your arrival in Nepal.

Step 3: Travel to Nepal

After confirming your eligibility and gathering the required documents, the next step is to make travel arrangements to Nepal. Whether you plan to fly into Kathmandu or enter via a land border, ensuring smooth travel will help set the stage for a stress-free visa on arrival experience.

If you’re traveling by air, you’ll most likely arrive at Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal. Many international airlines have direct flights to Kathmandu from major cities around the world. It’s a good idea to book your flights well in advance to secure the best fares and convenient travel times.

If you’re entering Nepal by land, you can choose one of the several entry points along the Nepal-India or Nepal-China border. These include Sunauli-Bhairawa, Kakarbhitta, Birgunj, and Mahendranagar, among others. Make sure to check the availability and operating hours of these border crossings before planning your trip.

Additionally, it’s crucial to review any travel advisories or entry requirements issued by your home country’s government regarding travel to Nepal. Stay informed about the latest updates and ensure that you comply with any health, safety, or security guidelines.

When planning your travel, take into consideration the weather conditions and peak tourist seasons in Nepal. The country experiences unique climatic variations across its diverse landscapes and regions, so make sure to pack accordingly and be prepared for the prevailing weather during your visit.

Lastly, consider arranging your accommodation and transportation within Nepal in advance to avoid any last-minute hassle. Nepal offers a wide range of accommodation options, from budget-friendly guesthouses to luxurious hotels, depending on your preferences and budget.

By planning your travel to Nepal with care and keeping in mind important considerations, you’ll be well-prepared for a smooth and enjoyable visa on arrival experience.

Step 4: Arrival at Nepal Airport

Congratulations, you have arrived in Nepal! As you disembark from your flight and make your way through Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure a seamless visa on arrival process.

Once you enter the airport, follow the signs for immigration and head towards the immigration area. It’s advisable to go directly to the visa on arrival counter to avoid any unnecessary delays.

At the visa on arrival counter, you will find immigration officers who will process your visa application. This is where you will submit your completed visa application form, along with your passport, passport-sized photos, and visa fee in the specified currency (USD or Nepalese Rupees).

The immigration officers may ask you a few questions about your visit to Nepal, such as the purpose of your trip, duration of stay, and your travel plans. Be prepared to answer these questions confidently and truthfully.

It’s worth noting that during peak travel seasons, there may be a queue at the visa on arrival counter. While waiting, take this time to fill out the arrival card, which will be provided to you at the airport.

Make sure to keep your boarding pass or e-ticket handy, as sometimes you may be asked to present it along with your passport and visa application form. Also, remember to keep your documents and valuables safe during this process.

Once your visa application has been processed and approved, the immigration officer will attach a visa sticker to your passport. This sticker serves as your official visa to enter and stay in Nepal for the prescribed duration.

Now that you have successfully obtained your Nepal visa on arrival, it’s time to proceed to the immigration process and enter this beautiful country. Follow the instructions of the immigration officers and obey any immigration rules and regulations.

With the visa sticker in your passport, you are now ready to explore the wonders of Nepal. Remember to keep your passport and visa documents secure throughout your stay in the country.

Continue to the next step to learn about filling out the arrival card, an important document required upon your arrival in Nepal.

Step 5: Filling out the Arrival Card

After obtaining your Nepal visa on arrival, the next step is to fill out the arrival card. This is an important document required by the immigration authorities upon your arrival in Nepal. The arrival card collects essential information about your travel and stay in Nepal.

Upon your arrival at Tribhuvan International Airport or other border entry points, you will be given the arrival card by the immigration staff. The card is typically provided along with your visa application form, or it may be available at a separate counter. You can also download and print the arrival card in advance from the official website of the Department of Immigration.

To fill out the arrival card, follow these steps:

  • Title: Write your title, such as Mr., Mrs., or Miss, in the designated field.
  • Full Name: Enter your full name as it appears in your passport.
  • Date of Birth: Write your date of birth in the format of day-month-year.
  • Nationality: Mention your nationality, which should match the country of your passport.
  • Passport Number: Enter your passport number. Ensure that you enter it correctly to avoid any discrepancies.
  • Occupation: State your occupation or profession, such as student, engineer, teacher, or any other relevant occupation.
  • Flight Number: If you are arriving by air, provide the flight number of your arriving flight. If you are entering by land, you can leave this field blank.
  • Address in Nepal: Write the address of your place of stay in Nepal, such as the hotel, guesthouse, or the home address of your local host.
  • Purpose of Visit: Indicate the purpose of your visit to Nepal, whether it’s tourism, business, work, study, or any other purpose.
  • Duration of Stay: Specify the number of days or the intended duration of your stay in Nepal.
  • Sign and Date: After completing the arrival card form, sign your name and write the current date in the respective fields.

Ensure that you provide accurate and truthful information while filling out the arrival card. It’s important to double-check all the details before submitting the form to the immigration officer.

Once you have filled out the arrival card, submit it along with your passport and visa documents to the immigration officer for further processing. The officer will stamp your passport and return the necessary documents to you.

Filling out the arrival card accurately and efficiently will save you time and ensure a smooth transition through the immigration process, allowing you to proceed with your exploration of Nepal without any delay.

Step 6: Paying Visa Fee

After completing the visa application and arrival card, the next step in the Nepal visa on arrival process is paying the visa fee. The visa fee varies based on the duration of your stay in Nepal and can be paid in either US dollars or Nepalese Rupees. It’s important to have the exact amount ready to avoid any inconvenience.

When you approach the visa on arrival counter at the airport or land border entry point, the immigration officer will inform you of the visa fee applicable based on your nationality and the duration of your stay. The fee may be different for single-entry and multiple-entry visas.

The visa fee can usually be paid in cash, so make sure to have the exact amount available. If you prefer to pay in a currency other than US dollars, it’s advisable to exchange some money beforehand, either at the airport or at a local currency exchange facility.

It’s important to note that credit or debit card payments may not be accepted for visa fees at the visa on arrival counters. Therefore, it’s recommended to carry sufficient cash in the appropriate currency to cover the visa fee.

While paying the visa fee, be sure to count the amount correctly and hand it over to the immigration officer. They will verify the payment and issue you a receipt for the visa fee.

Keep the receipt safely as proof of payment throughout your stay in Nepal. The receipt may be required for certain activities, such as extending your visa or obtaining permits for restricted areas.

By having the visa fee amount ready and being prepared to pay in the accepted currency, you can quickly and efficiently complete this step of the visa on arrival process in Nepal.

Step 7: Immigration Process

Once you have completed the necessary paperwork and paid the visa fee, you will proceed to the immigration process. This step involves having your passport and visa documents checked and stamped by the immigration officers.

At the immigration counter, present your passport, visa application form, arrival card, and the receipt of the visa fee payment to the immigration officer. They will verify the information and ensure that all the required documents are in order.

The immigration officer may ask you a few questions regarding your trip, such as the purpose of your visit, the duration of your stay, and your accommodation details. Answer the questions honestly and confidently.

The officer will then stamp your passport with the entry seal, indicating your arrival date and the duration of your visa validity. Verify the accuracy of the information on the entry seal before leaving the counter.

Once your passport has been stamped, it is essential to check that all your documents have been returned to you. Ensure that you have received back your passport, visa sticker, arrival card, and the receipt for the visa fee payment.

It’s important to keep your passport and visa documents in a safe and secure place throughout your stay in Nepal. Carry them with you when traveling within the country and be prepared to show them when required, such as during hotel check-ins or when dealing with local authorities.

With the completion of the immigration process, you are now officially cleared to enter Nepal. You can collect your belongings and proceed to explore the beautiful landscapes, vibrant culture, and warm hospitality that Nepal has to offer.

Remember to follow all rules and regulations during your stay in Nepal, and respect the local customs and traditions. Enjoy your time in this enchanting country and make lasting memories.

Step 8: Collect Visa Sticker

Once you have completed the immigration process and received the entry stamp on your passport, the last step of the Nepal visa on arrival process is to collect your visa sticker. The visa sticker serves as proof of your authorized stay in Nepal and should be affixed to your passport.

After exiting the immigration area, take a moment to carefully examine your passport and ensure that the visa sticker has been placed correctly. The visa sticker contains important information such as your name, visa type, duration of stay, and the date of issuance.

Make sure that all the details on the visa sticker accurately reflect the information you provided during the application process. If you notice any errors or discrepancies, promptly notify the immigration officers or staff at the airport for correction.

It’s important to handle your passport with care and keep it in a secure place throughout your stay in Nepal. The visa sticker should not be tampered with or removed under any circumstances.

During your time in Nepal, local authorities or accommodation providers may request to see your visa sticker. It’s recommended to carry a photocopy of your passport with the visa sticker page, while keeping the actual passport safely stored.

If you plan to extend your stay in Nepal, you can apply for a visa extension at the Department of Immigration in Kathmandu or its regional offices. Make sure to initiate the extension process well before your current visa expires to avoid any penalties or legal issues.

Remember, it is your responsibility to comply with all immigration laws and regulations while in Nepal. Failure to do so may result in fines, deportation, or other legal consequences.

With your visa sticker in place, you are now ready to make the most of your time in Nepal. Immerse yourself in the breathtaking landscapes, vibrant culture, and warm hospitality that this remarkable country has to offer.

Enjoy your journey, and may your time in Nepal be filled with incredible experiences and unforgettable memories!

Congratulations! You have successfully navigated the process of applying for a Nepal visa on arrival. This hassle-free and convenient option allows you to obtain your visa upon arrival at the airport or land border entry points, eliminating the need for prior visa applications at Nepali embassies or consulates in your home country.

In this comprehensive guide, we have walked you through the step-by-step process to ensure a smooth visa on arrival experience. We covered everything from checking your eligibility and gathering the required documents to traveling to Nepal and completing the immigration process.

By following these steps, you can confidently arrive in Nepal and explore all that this incredible country has to offer. From the majestic peaks of the Himalayas to the ancient temples and vibrant cultural heritage, Nepal is a treasure trove of natural beauty and cultural wonders.

Remember to check the eligibility criteria before your trip, gather all the necessary documents, and carefully fill out the arrival card. Be prepared to pay the visa fee in the local currency, and ensure a smooth immigration process by providing accurate information and complying with the rules and regulations.

As you embark on your Nepalese adventure, always carry your passport with the visa sticker securely, along with any other important documents. Respect the local culture, customs, and regulations, and make the most of your stay in Nepal.

Whether you’re planning to trek through the Himalayas, immerse yourself in the rich spiritual heritage, or simply enjoy the breathtaking landscapes, Nepal offers a truly unforgettable experience.

So, pack your bags, prepare for an incredible journey, and get ready to create cherished memories in the mesmerizing land of Nepal.

Have a fantastic trip!


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BLS Employee must provide receipt for all the services availed and paid at BLS Spain Visa Application Centre. Please write to Mumbai: [email protected] , Delhi: [email protected] if you have not received receipt for any payments made in the Spain Visa Application Centre.

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Welcome to the website of the Spain Visa Application Centre. This website provides information on how to apply for a Schengen visa to travel to Spain as your main country of destination. The guidelines listed on this site are to help you to prepare your documents as accurately as possible. This will reduce the chances of your application being delayed or rejected due to incomplete or faulty submission of documents.

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Nepalese visa for Spanish citizens

Visa requirements:, nepal tourist visa requirements:.

  • Holding Spanish passport that is valid for six months beyond the period of the intended stay in Nepal.
  • Proof of onward travel (departure) from Nepal.

If you are looking for Nepal visa information, such as available types of visas, or how to apply from Spain, we recommend you visit or contact the embassy or consulate of Nepal nearest your place of residence.

  • Madrid : The Embassy of Nepal in Madrid, Spain (Working hours: Close now )

Visa application requirements

Tourism Statistics Chart

The line chart shows the number of visitors from Spain traveling to Nepal from 2008 to 2018.

References: , World Bank and multiple sources. (This data is for informational purposes only. Please see our disclaimer page for more information.)

Nepal & Spain comparison

Nepal's area is approximately 143,350 km2 (55,347 sq mi), while the area of Spain is approximately 498,800 km2 (192,587 sq mi). This means Spain is 3.48 times bigger than Nepal.

As of August 2024, Nepal's population is ~31.3 million people - 15,536,654 fewer people than the population of Spain.

We have highlighted Nepal & Spain’s relative positions on world's map for your reference.

Frequently asked questions, answered

How many visitors from spain travel to nepal in one year.

The number of visitors from Spain visiting Nepal in 2018 was approximately 22,170.

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  • Travel time: 18 hours 28 minutes

This page was last updated on: August 2024

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The Pros and Cons of the Spanish Non-Lucrative Visa

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The Pros and Cons of the Spanish Non-Lucrative Visa

Is the NLV your golden ticket to Spain? Check out the pros and cons!

If you are dreaming of retiring to Spain , the NLV is the most popular option for you.

The Non-Lucrative Visa (NLV) is designed for those who are financially able to support themselves because the key thing is that you are not allowed to work on this visa. It’s sometimes referred to as ‘the retirement visa’. The good news is that hundreds of people have successfully applied for – and now renewed – this visa and the process has been streamlined a little.

But is this the correct visa for you? Here we bring you a quick look at the pros and cons of this visa.

Pros of the Spanish NLV

1. it is the easiest option..

Alternative options involve having higher financial resources (digital nomad visa), producing a business plan (self-employment visa) or spending much more on a property (the soon to be finished golden visa). 

2. Lower financial resources required than some other country’s options.

With passive sources of income of at least €28,800 per year for a single person, or €36,000 for a married couple in 2024, this is lower than the income required to get a fast-track visa in Cyprus (€50,000 per person) and also Italy’s Elective Residency visa (€38,000).

3. You can convert it to another visa after one year.

Some applicants use this as stepping stone to a self-employment (autonomo) visa because it is easier to do this once you have been settled in Spain for a year. Because you are not allowed to work, this might be considered an ‘adult gap year’ of establishing yourself or finding your feet in Spain. This is called residence modification.

4. Free movement within Schengen.

If you want to travel to other countries in Schengen such as next-door France or Portugal, you won’t have to get another visa for these countries. This is especially useful for those who might have a holiday home in another EU country.

5. Pathway to permanent residency. 

After one year you can renew your NLV for two years, and then after that, another two years and then you can apply for permanent residency because you have spent five years living in Spain. But just make sure you have not been out of Spain for too long (more than 183 days per year) and also that you have the financial resources for each of the two-year renewal periods (double the €28,800 per person).

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spain visit visa from nepal

Cons of the Spanish NLV

1. it doesn’t allow you to work..

With this visa you need to prove you have stopped working. People’s circumstances change and new tempting opportunities might be found in Spain. This includes being self-employed as a gardener or property manager, for example. But residence modification is possible.

2. It’s a lot of paperwork (and costs).

The biggest deterrent perhaps – along with the financial resources (see below). You need to produce a number of pieces of paperwork that require translation into Spanish and being apostilled. Over five years this means three applications. Our advice is to pay the modest amount required (often around €350 pp each time) to get expert help on this. This totals around €1,000 per application for all the legalisation and translation costs.

3. Timing and planning.

You apply for this visa before you go to Spain and getting the paperwork tends to take around three months, and then you have an in-person appointment after which you wait for the decision. Beware that some documents expire after three months. You can’t just go to Spain, start your new life and apply whilst you are there (as per the digital nomad visa).

4. If you are under state pension age you will need healthcare insurance.

Once you reach UK state pension age you can apply for an S1 Certificate from the NHS in the UK and access Spanish healthcare on the same basis as the Spanish. Until then you need to pay for private cover – from a Spanish recognised provider – as you will not be paying social security.

5. You become a tax resident in Spain.

This visa (unlike the golden visa) assumes tax residency in Spain as you will spend more than 183 days in Spain per year. Not everyone likes the idea of being subject to Spanish taxation because you pay tax on your worldwide income – which might include investments or buy to let properties outside Spain.

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Liz Rowlinson


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  6. Spain Visa Application Form

    NEPAL-SPAIN RELATION; CONSULAR SERVICES. VISA. ENGLISH; SPANISH; Passports. e-Passport; FAQ's Regarding e-Passport; Power of Attorney; Attestation; Non Residential Nepali NRN ID; Travel Documents; ECONOMIC DIPLOMACY. Trade. TRADE FROM NEPAL; TRADE FAIRS IN SPAIN; Tourism in Nepal. Discubra Nepal; History Of Nepal; Culture & Society of Nepal ...


    Payment of the visa can be made: 1.1.1. Payment through bank transfer. Name of the beneficiary: Embassy of Nepal, Madrid. CaixaBank account number: ES67 2100 2880 7415 0000 8931. Send proof of payment along with the passport to the Embassy. 1.1.2. Payment by card at the Embassy. At the Embassy you can only pay by card.

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    When you need visas and entry requirements. The passport or travel document is always required and must be valid for up to three months after the expected date of departure from the Schengen area, and must have been issued within the previous 10 years to the date of entry. Citizens of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland may enter and travel within Spain with ...

  9. Spain Visa Requirements

    Required Documents for a Spain Visa Application. The main requirements for a visa to Spain are: Visa Application Form. Two biometric photos in line with Spain requirements. Your passport. Copies of passport pages with info. Flight reservation. Proof of accommodation. Medical Insurance.

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  11. How to apply for a Schengen visa from Nepal

    Gather your required documents. In addition to submitting the Schengen visa application form, applying for a Schengen visa from Nepal involves supplying a number of additional documents and materials. These include the following: Nepalese passport (or other valid country passport). Main application form.

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    Visa Extension Fee. Tourist visa extension is done for minimum 15 days with USD 45 and USD 3 per day for additional days. In the case of delay less than 150 days additional USD 5 per day as late fine. Gratis Visa (Visa for Free) Gratis Visa is issued free of cost in case of following categories of Visa applicants:

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    Step 5: Filling out the Arrival Card. After obtaining your Nepal visa on arrival, the next step is to fill out the arrival card. This is an important document required by the immigration authorities upon your arrival in Nepal. The arrival card collects essential information about your travel and stay in Nepal.

  14. Spain visa requirements for Nepali citizens 2024

    The Spain tourist visa is also known as the Spain Type C Schengen Visa. Applicants are required to be present when applying for the Spain Sticker visa. This tourist visa typically allows a short term stay. The Spain tourist visa remains valid for 3 months. The Spain Sticker visa must be used within 90 days of issuance.

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    For more update your appointment here paid visa documentation work Facebook : Ba...

  16. Spain Visit visa from Nepal. a documentation work contact [email protected]/basu_binda#spainvisa #visitvisa #europevisa

  17. VISA

    NEPAL-SPAIN RELATION; CONSULAR SERVICES. VISA. ENGLISH; SPANISH; Passports. e-Passport; FAQ's Regarding e-Passport; Power of Attorney; Attestation; Non Residential Nepali NRN ID; Travel Documents; ECONOMIC DIPLOMACY. Trade. TRADE FROM NEPAL; TRADE FAIRS IN SPAIN; Tourism in Nepal. Discubra Nepal; History Of Nepal; Culture & Society of Nepal ...

  18. Nepal Visa for Spanish citizens 2024

    Nepal tourist visa from Spain. Spanish citizens can apply for a visa online when travelling to Nepal. Applicants are required to be present when applying for the Nepal eVisa. This tourist visa typically allows a short term stay. The Nepal tourist visa remains valid for 3 months. The Nepal eVisa must be used within 15 days of issuance.

  19. BLS Spain Visa

    Travel Insurance is mandatory for travelling to Spain. You may get your travel insurance from any authorized insurance company or from the below two options. TATA AIG Travel Insurance: click here; Reliance Travel Insurance: click here; BLS Employee must provide receipt for all the services availed and paid at BLS Spain Visa Application Centre.

  20. PDF Checklist Schengen visa application Nepal

    2.1 A passport or other travel document. 2.2 A copy of all pages of the passport. Copy of identification document proving the signature of parents or guardian. Your passport or travel document must be valid for at least 3 months from the date on which you leave the Schengen area. Your passport or travel document must have at least 2 empty visa ...

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    Nepal Tourist Visa Validity. The Nepal Tourist visa is intended as a travel document for leisure purposes including, but not limited to, sightseeing, touring, trekking, and visiting friends/family. Tourist visas are available for different periods of stay. Applicants can request a 15-day, 30-day, or 90-day visa when they apply.

  22. Spain Transit privilege Visa for Nepal citizens 2024

    With Spain transit visa, Nepal citizens can stay for a duration of 24 hours. You are exempt from the transit visa, so you generally do not need to go through the transit visa process. Documents required for Spain from Nepal include passport and other supporting documents. A total of 3 documents are required.

  23. Nepal visa requirements for Spanish citizens

    Nepal tourist visa requirements: Holding Spanish passport that is valid for six months beyond the period of the intended stay in Nepal. Proof of onward travel (departure) from Nepal. If you are looking for Nepal visa information, such as available types of visas, or how to apply from Spain, we recommend you visit or contact the embassy or ...

  24. The Pros and Cons of the Spanish Non-Lucrative Visa

    Here we bring you a quick look at the pros and cons of this visa. Pros of the Spanish NLV 1. It is the easiest option. Alternative options involve having higher financial resources (digital nomad visa), producing a business plan (self-employment visa) or spending much more on a property (the soon to be finished golden visa). 2.