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Skyrim Wandering

One day, just one day, you choose to walk to the next city, instead of fast travel to it.

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  • Cold Arctic Wind by cobratronic from http://www.freesound.org  +)
  • Creek by Corsica S of the Freesound Project  +)
  • Blowing grass in Wind by floft from http://www.freesound.org  +)
  • Crow - three times by inchadney  +)
  • waterfall soundscape by orpheuz from http://freesound.org  +)
  • Pre thunderstorm by RHumphries from http://freesound.org  +)
  • Dragon Growl 02 (Far) by Slaking_97  +)
  • wind blow in the trees by www.soundsnap.com  *)


Elder Scrolls

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Official Soundtrack

Skyrim Soundtrack Four Disc Set

Panorama of the Skyrim Soundtrack Four Disk set.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Official Soundtrack features an original score similar to Oblivion . The soundtrack has strong similarities with previous games in the series, including the main theme. The Skyrim theme has been released and its lyrics are written in the language of the dragons .

The soundtrack's instrumentation was recorded digitally by composer Jeremy Soule "with a midi keyboard and my two hands." [1]

  • 2 Cover images
  • 3 List of tracks
  • 4.1 In the dragon language
  • 4.2 In English
  • 7 References

The four CD set (autographed by composer Jeremy Soule) was originally released the week after the game's North American release date. The set was originally only available via Directsong for $29.99 USD, however it became available on iTunes in January 2013 for $15.99 USD.

Cover images

Front cover.

List of tracks

This list details the locations and scenarios where each track is played. All columns are sortable. Disc One consists of tracks 1-18, Disc Two consists of tracks 19-34, Disc Three consists of track 35-52, and Disc Four consists of track 53.

The lyrics for this piece are transcribed in the book Songs of Skyrim and in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Game Guide . [2] [3]

In the dragon language

Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin, naal ok zin los vahriin, Wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal! Ahrk fin norok paal graan fod nust hon zindro zaan, Dovahkiin, fah hin kogaan mu draal! Huzrah nu, kul do od, wah aan bok lingrah vod, Ahrk fin tey, boziik fun, do fin gein! Wo lost fron wah ney dov, ahrk fin reyliik do jul, Voth aan suleyk wah ronit faal krein Ahrk fin zul, rok drey kod, nau tol morokei frod, Rul lot Taazokaan motaad voth kein! Sahrot Thu'um, med aan tuz, vey zeim hokoron pah, Ol fin Dovahkiin komeyt ok rein! Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin, naal ok zin los vahriin, Wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal! Ahrk fin norok paal graan fod nust hon zindro zaan, Dovahkiin, fah hin kogaan mu draal! Ahrk fin Kel lost prodah, do ved viing ko fin krah, Tol fod zeymah win kein meyz fundein! Alduin, feyn do jun, kruziik vokun staadnau, Voth aan bahlok wah diivon fin lein! Nuz aan sul, fent alok, fod fin vul dovah nok, Fen kos nahlot mahfaeraak ahrk ruz! Paaz Keizaal fen kos stin nol bein Alduin jot, Dovahkiin kos fin saviik do muz! Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin, naal ok zin los vahriin, Wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal! Ahrk fin norok paal graan fod nust hon zindro zaan Dovahkiin, fah hin kogaan mu draal!

Dragonborn , Dragonborn, by his honor is sworn, To keep evil forever at bay! And the fiercest foes rout when they hear triumph's shout , Dragonborn, for your blessing we pray! Hearken now, sons of snow , to an age, long ago, And the tale, boldly told, of the one! Who was kin to both wyrm , and the races of man, With a power to rival the sun! And the voice, he did wield, on that glorious field, When great Tamriel shuddered with war! Mighty Thu'um, like a blade, cut through enemies all, As the Dragonborn issued his roar! Dragonborn, Dragonborn, by his honor is sworn, To keep evil forever at bay! And the fiercest foes rout when they hear triumph's shout, Dragonborn, for your blessing we pray! And the Scrolls have foretold, of black wings in the cold , That when brothers wage war come unfurled! Alduin , Bane of Kings, ancient shadow unbound, With a hunger to swallow the world! But a day, shall arise, when the dark dragon's lies, Will be silenced forever and then! Fair Skyrim will be free from foul Alduin's maw! Dragonborn be the savior of men! Dragonborn, Dragonborn, by his honor is sworn, To keep evil forever at bay! And the fiercest foes rout when they hear triumph's shout, Dragonborn, for your blessing we pray!

  • The verse "Ahrk fin kel lost prodah, Do ved viing ko fin krah, Tol fod zeymah win kein meyz fundein! Alduin, feyn do jun, kruziik vokun staadnau, voth aan bahlok wah diivon fin lein!" Is featured in its translated form in an in-game loading screen.
  • The song Dragonborn is sung by 30 people 3 times, so that 90 voices are heard on the final track.
  • Upon the soundtrack's release, all copies ordered before December 23, 2011 would be signed by Jeremy Soule himself. Due to unexpectedly high demand however, personally signed soundtracks have been on sale as late as April 2012.
  • The Tracks, One They Fear and Watch the Skies , are both used as combat music for Dragons. One or the other will begin playing whenever you enter combat with one, this tends to serve as an early warning system as one may not be aware of a Dragon's presence until the songs play, giving you a second or two to prepare.
  • Sovngarde (track 17 on Disk 3) has the same lyrics as Dragonborn, implying this is the original tune that is lost to the ages, as it is sung by the heroes in the Hall of Valor who would know the original tune.
  • List of songs
  • ↑ Jeremy Soule on Twitter
  • ↑ Songs of Skyrim
  • ↑ The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Game Guide
  • Elder Scrolls
  • 1 Marriage (Skyrim)
  • 2 Console Commands (Skyrim)
  • 3 Trainers (Skyrim)


The Music of Skyrim: Why is it so Good?!

skyrim wandering music

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a game often hailed as one of the greatest of its generation. With its high replay ability, immersive detail, and a vibrant (for lack of a better word) modding scene,  Skyrim manages to maintain an unprecedented level of relevancy in online gaming discourse—even over ten years removed from its initial release. However, I would say that a key element of the game’s success is its soundtrack. Picture this, you’ve just slain a mighty dragon atop a mountain and you’re feeling pretty epic—and rightly so! You walk away from the battleground, in search of new adventure, a new challenge… And you hear this music:

“Far Horizons”

It’s enough to make a battle-hardened Nord cry. This might be my favourite track in the entire game. It never fails to make me nostalgic and puts me right back into the world of Skyrim . Or, in a different vein, you’re wandering down a seemingly safe road just outside of the city walls… Then you hear this dreaded sound:

“Steel On Steel”

You’d be lying if you said this didn’t immediately make you scan your surroundings in search of danger. Although, let’s be honest… It’s likely a low-level wolf charging towards you, unknowingly approaching the unforgiving steel of the Dragonborn’s sword. This is the power of Skyrim ’s music. It can make you tear up, make your hair stand on end (even if the threat doesn’t warrant this at all), or inspire a sense of wonder. It’s the kind of legendary, seminal soundtrack that most composers can only dream of producing—beautiful, lush, immersive, catchy and every other adjective you could think of—and one that’s been an ever-present source of inspiration and joy for me since its release. In this post, I’m going to be discussing exactly why that is and why this collection of songs is so special to so many. 

It’s difficult to talk about why Skyrim ’s soundtrack is so impressive without first talking about its immersivity. “Immersion” is a word that’s frequently and synonymously used in the modern gaming community to describe a game’s quality. Still, the word is quite difficult to define in a video game context. So, what does the word actually mean and how does it apply to Skyrim and its music? In  A Composer’s Guide to Game Music , Winifred Phillips describes true immersion as the feeling when “the gamer has stepped through Alice’s looking glass, and is now wandering free through Wonderland.” 

Read More by the author: Sound Design as Music: How Mick Gordon Embodies the Modern Music Producer

While I’ll admit this is a somewhat pretentious description of the concept, it gets right to the point. Immersion is the feeling of absolute and total submersion in a video game. It’s a flow state in which the player becomes so involved in what they’re doing that the activity of playing comes completely naturally. To achieve this kind of feeling, the player has to consistently receive interesting sensory information from the game environment, act and have the world react to their choices, and experience deep emotional connections with the content. As video games are an interactive medium, they have a unique ability to immerse a player in their experience. Music plays an integral role in this immersion. Skyrim ’s soundtrack does this in a couple of key ways that glue the game together into a coherent package.

The first way that Skyrim ’s music serves to immerse you in the gameplay experience is that it gets you into the perfect headspace to play the game! Jeremy Soule sets up a player for their adventure through the land of Skyrim with the track: “ Awake ,” the first track you hear in the game:


It isn’t overbearing, it isn’t flashy, and it doesn’t interfere heavily with the expositional dialogue that we’ve heard a million times. Instead, it hints at a greater adventure to come down the road and sets up for the gameplay ahead. This is incredibly immersive and allows you to focus on projecting yourself into the world. Yes, even the kind of people that max out all of the character customization sliders to create horrendous abominations have to admit that the opening scene and its music are a perfect combination for roleplay and immersion.    

However, let’s go back to where it all started for a second—that iconic theme. I don’t know about you, but I can remember hearing it in the trailer for the first time in and being completely blown away. But it isn’t just the quality of the theme that makes it so good… As modern games strive to blur the line between the real and the virtual, it’s the job of a composer to bolster this idea—to enhance the realism of the world and the depth of the cultures found within the game. 

To immerse a player via the music for this type of game, a composer must do their research into its background and environment. In Skyrim ’s case, Soule and game director Todd Howard wanted Skyrim to feel distinctly Nordic in nature and so the theme reflects this. The pounding rhythms, the shouted vocals (in a language specifically designed for the game) and the powerful strings all culminate to form the main theme for Skyrim and immediately drag the player into the epic world that Bethesda created:


But if you think that’s where the blood-pumping, spine-tingling power of Skyrim ’s soundtrack stops, you’d be dead wrong. In a RPG like this, it’s important to signal to a hapless, adventuring player that the action is about to start, so that they can ready their weapons and prepare for battle. Skyrim uses a dynamic system for this akin to systems that can be found in many other modern games such as DOOM (2016) and its sequel DOOM: Eternal (2020). This means that “exploration” music will play until an enemy approaches and the battle music fades in. The cause of this can either be a deliberate action taken by the player, or it can be triggered by set-in-stone story beats. An example of a combat track from the game, “ Caught Off Guard, ” can be heard below:

“Caught Off Guard”

This, like all combat tracks found in the game, immediately makes you feel like a deer in the headlights. You may spin your in-game character around and around until you find the source of imminent danger. These types of tracks don’t just serve a gameplay function, however. They also bolster that sense of immersion I spoke about earlier. 

The increasing level and quantity of the rhythmic instrumentation sets these tracks apart from the majority of Skyrim ’s ambient soundtrack. Still, Soule manages to sneak in the aforementioned Nordic-influenced vocal timbre from time to time—often mirroring the game’s theme song. Only serving to further immerse a player in the province of Skyrim , this breadth of musical genre (whilst still fitting firmly within the “vibe” of  Skyrim ’s other musical numbers) showcases Jeremy Soule’s mastery over writing video game soundtracks that reinforce the various micro-gameplay loops while managing to maintain the theme of the overall game.

Another important aspect of Skyrim ’s music is that it comments on the player’s actions constantly. For example, at the completion of a quest when a little drum pattern plays. Or, rather, when you level up and are rewarded by an epic choir of Nordic chanting! This is one of the most important soundtrack aspects of interactive games, as they try to influence the player to complete certain actions. Jeremy Soule’s que for levelling up is a particularly good example, as why wouldn’t you want to level up when you get to hear that badass music every time you do it?! This increases a gamer’s emotional investment in the game and is crucial to their immersion. As they are one of the only direct ways of communicating musically with a player, it’s important that a game gets them right—and of course, Skyrim does!

Skyrim “Level Up” Sound

J.R.R Tolkien once said that the beauty of fantasy is in its escapist quality. This is a quote that I very much agree with. For the majority of my life, film and games have aided me in briefly forgetting my surroundings. Through immersion, this is possible. As I’ve written above, music certainly plays a huge part in that, with Skyrim and Jeremy Soule’s music being an incredible example. 

The soundtrack is hugely important to me and many others. This is not only because of the beauty found in its detail, but also due to its ability to immerse. Whether that immersion is found through the game’s theme song, the dense action music that immediately (and with quite startling efficiency) readies you for combat, or the lush environmental music that submerges you in the lore and fantasy of the Skyrim province, the score for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim will forever be one of the greatest soundtracks ever composed for a video game.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my ramblings surrounding this beloved soundtrack and I’ll leave you with perhaps my favourite musical moment of 2021 as a parting gift—the Skyrim 10th Anniversary Concert ! These are some of the finest performances of these tracks I’ve ever heard, and they definitely deserve a listen! As always, thanks so much for reading!

Skyrim 10th Anniversary Concert

Maxwell Jeffries

Raised on the evergreen rock gods of ‘Priest and ACDC, Max has been surrounded by music that’s hard and heavy from a young age. Music; among many other interests such as sci-fi, fantasy, sound design and herps (reptiles and amphibians), has always been a part of his life and Max is never happier than when he finds a new band to share with the world!

Skyrim Wiki

Talsgar the Wanderer

  • VisualEditor

Talsgar the Wanderer is a wandering bard who can be encountered anywhere in Skyrim .


  • The Age of Aggression or The Age of Oppression
  • The Dragonborn Comes
  • Tale of the Tongues

When asked about speechcraft, he suggest visiting the Bards' College in Solitude .

  • The Frozen Hearth in Winterhold

Skyrim Romance Modding Community Logo

… She breathed a sigh of relief, hearing the tumblers in that lock fall perfectly into place, and the iron door cried out as she pushed it open.  Slowly, bare feet began to dance lightly across the stone floors as she rediscovered what freedom felt like; creeping up the steps, a torch was spotted, as well as a dagger, which she snagged without hesitation.  The golden glimmer of a key also caught her eye, and so she reached out and took it as well.

A deep inhale, before a slow exhale followed.  All she had to do was get past the guards. She could do that; she knew she could.  One step forward was taken; then another…

Then a voice she wasn’t quite expecting echoed through the air:

“When I get out of here, I’ll kill you all myself!”

This is the first line LivTempleton’s Kaidan (that’s pronounced K-AYE-DAN , not K-EYY-DAN via Mass Effect) says to you upon meeting him, as he stares down your Dragonborn through iron bars.  I must admit, the sassy side of me was tempted to just scoff at him and walk away. However, the thirsty side of me looked at him, and with a grin, exclaimed, “Challenge accepted!”

Kaidan’s tune tends to change quickly after you release him; all it takes is finding the key and unlocking his cell.  You can also pick the lock if you wish. After that, he asks you to locate his sword from a Thalmor deeper in the cells.  You do that, and voila! You got yourself your very own bodyguard.

He doesn’t care about being indebted to someone, you see.

skyrim wandering music

Credit: Stchi Wong via LivTempleton’s Discord Server)

Not that this is such a bad thing since Kaidan isn’t bad to look at.  Liv spared absolutely no expense in designing Kaidan – taking influences from Godfrey Gao , combining vanilla meshes to get the half bun as well as real injury images and makeup tutorials for the scars of his back to design a character that is truly unique in appearance.  His face tint and eyes are also customized for him – And dreamy to boot.

With over 800 professionally recorded lines by the spectacular Daniel Matthew Lemon , you’d think that Kaidan would have a lot to say.  And, guess what, he does– along with being both quest-aware as well as aware of surroundings, time of day, and even weather. Take him to Whiterun; he will gladly judge the defenses as well as tell you a hilarious joke.  Take him to Winterhold and a debate over magic will ensue.  And the Rift – Kaidan loves the Rift.  So much so, that there was a point that he literally would not stop talking about it.  (Luckily, this has been fixed with his new Hearthfire update). Take him to a tavern and you can ask him about himself, tell him about your own history, and have actual conversations with him about how you’re feeling.  And yet, despite being a character that one could consider “alive” like Inigo and Vilja, there is a definite stoic aura about him that separates him from our previously-mentioned blue, furry friend. Compared to Inigo, Kaidan is definitely the polar opposite in that he is quite introverted and calm, carefully considering what to say to the Dragonborn (most of the time) before doing so.

Indeed, there’s plenty to do with your new mysterious companion, but his most prominent features are both his romance questline, and naturally, his bloodline questline.

skyrim wandering music

You see, Kaidan doesn’t know where he came from.  He never knew his parents, and his only clue to who his mother was is that sword of his.  And so, you have the opportunity to help him on his journey into finding out who she was, and in turn, finding out his ancestry.  As it currently stands, his investigation quest is not guided — meaning there are no markers, and nothing pops up in your quest log.  No, my friend, in order to help our swordsman with this grand quest, you have to actually put in some legwork, starting with translating the runes on his sword once you have collected enough Shouts or read a certain book.  His quest does follow the main storyline, so it’s best to keep him with you if you decide to play a new game.

But, that’s not what you’re here to read about, is it?  No, I didn’t think so – you and I both know by now that Kaidan is indeed a romance option.  All you have to do is actually get to know him enough, and slap on an Amulet of Mara to trigger the romance!  That’s right – his romance isn’t forced upon you, So if you’re just looking for a platonic companion, just don’t speak to him while wearing the amulet and he’ll keep his pants on.  But if you’re looking for a romance that feels natural in progression, Kaidan is the man for you. And if you play a male, fear not! Kaidan will love you just as much.

skyrim wandering music

Credit: pencilcrap/Yuutew from LivTempleton’s Discord Server)

The option to marry Kaidan came with his most recent update as of January 3rd, 2018 – and with it, came options.  Many different locations have been triggered to set off his proposal, as well as a special mini-quest to find one of his childhood hangouts if you so choose.  Play your cards right and he’ll pop the question.

Accepting his proposal allows you to choose to have either a public wedding – which works the same way as your vanilla wedding – or you have the option to have a private wedding; just the two of you, under the branches of a specific tree in the Rift, with a servant of Mara.  It even comes with custom music for the event. Short, sweet, and well worth the effort.

There’s still plenty of things to do after the wedding, however; After this, you can talk to him about which house he would prefer to live in, or even adopting one of the urchins that roam Skyrim; Kaidan has things to say about each and every one of them, including two of the children in Honorhall Orphanage.  It doesn’t just stop there, as Kaidan will have actual conversations with the kids, even giving them gifts and sage advice. All-in-all, Kaidan is a good father at the end of the day – even if he’s a little… nervous, about the role.

skyrim wandering music

Credit, Kaidan’s Nexus Page)

Now that we have all the lovely qualities of the mod out of the way, let’s discuss the technical bits – you know, the nitty gritty mod stuff.  I have played with Kaidan on both PC and Xbox One – yes, he has been ported over to Xbox – and overall he runs fine on both platforms. Meaning if one piece of machinery is in the shop, you’ll always have access to our favorite red-eyed wonderboy!

Overall, he is fairly compatible with a vast majority of mods; his skin texture will change depending on which one you use – though keep in mind, his scars may disappear when in the nude.  However, patches for vanilla meshes, as well as Sundracon and possibly SOS, which add to his scarred textures when in the nude, may possibly be created to make up for this.  Mods that require messing with the AI are semi-compatible, but highly recommended to not be used on him, as they can mess with and break his tiny brain.  Kaidan is, as you may have guessed from my blurb above, compatible with Live Another Life .  You can use Sexlab with him – giggity – and he doesn’t take up a companion slot.  I have ran around with Kaidan, Inigo, Niall, Fenrir, and Meeko all at once before.  Chaotic, hilarious , and without any technical issues.  And yes, he will travel with Bishop .

skyrim wandering music

 “K-Kaidan…?  Why are you smiling like that?  Stop it, you’re scaring me!” Credit: Zira Davine via LivTempleton’s Discord Server)

He does, however, tend to have a few hiccups – what mods don’t have issues?  As it currently stands, he has a tendency to warp around. He also likes to stand right in your personal bubble, and sometimes he’s just so taken aback by your Dragonborn’s beauty (or handsomeness, if you prefer) that his jaw just drops open.  These are all, of course, vanilla bugs that most companions deal with and so far nothing game-breaking.

With those out of the way, there are a few hiccups worth mentioning: sometimes Kaidan won’t talk to you when you go to collect him.  Placing LAL below him should fix this.  He currently cannot go to places such as Beyond Bruma and Harkon’s Castle; it is best to make him wait outside if you can for these places.  As previously mentioned, mods such as AFT are best not used on Kaidan; some people have managed to get Kaidan to ride horses via placing Convenient Horses and Ride Sharing below his mod in the load order, though I personally wouldn’t recommend it.  And sometimes, if using The Paarthurnax Dilemma/Ultimatum he doesn’t seem to acknowledge that you spared good ole’ Paarthie-Pants, and he will give you a good scolding.  Again, putting those mods below Kaidan seems to fix the issue.

Seems like letting him be on top is a cure-all for all ailments, if you know what I mean .  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

skyrim wandering music

Credit – Nova from LivTempleton’s Discord Server; Commission Link: https://artistsnclients.com/people/Neroarts )

As a final observation, let us compare him to one of the top romanceable options on Nexus – Bishop, from Skyrim Romance .  Because let’s face it, you’re at least a little bit curious, right?  Well, if you are looking for someone who is just as up-front and blunt as Bishop, you are not looking for Kaidan.  Though they may be equal adversaries in battle, when it comes to personality, they are as different as night and day.  Therefore, those who may find Bishop to not be their type may find solace in the embrace of the crimson-eyed swordsman, rather than the amber-hued ranger.

But hey, this writer is hoping that one day, maybe down the line, Liv and Mara may sit down and write a little update for the both of them?  Eh? Eh?!  Ah, it was worth a shot.

And there you have it – a complete review of Kaidan, the mysterious wanderer without a home; from who he is as a person, to his life goals, to even the technical details.  And with his new 2.0 rewrite in the works, there’s even more that will soon be worth exploring, including but not limited to romance tiers, a whole new quest with new characters, more dialogue for factions and DLC, and so much more!  Kaidan is definitely a companion that is well worth releasing from The Abandoned Prison. And hey, maybe with a bit of coaxing, you’ll have a fairytale of a different sort to unravel, aye?

Just don’t forget to remind him of how adorable he is, Changeling.

Please Download the Mod Here:  https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/86872

Author: Xeraphim Editor: Mulsanne Blue Author: Xeraphim is a long-time TES-lover and overall gamer who happened upon Kaidan a mere few days after he was released.  Xeraphim also runs the official LivTempleton Discord Server, known as Kaiventures, and is listed as LivTempleton’s Kimmy on the official Nexus page, due to handling most social media promotions, as well as giving overall advice when needed.

Skyrim:World Interactions

World interactions are random events that can occur as you explore Skyrim . Some events force your involvement, others need you to make the first move or they will just pass by, and some do not require your involvement to complete. All unnamed NPCs and animals involved in encounters are leveled unless stated.

There are 149 spawn points where an event can occur; you will not experience an event at every location every time you go near it. Some events take place over a fairly large distance, as each part of the same event takes place. The event is determined a fair distance from the spawn point which, if correctly estimated, allows one to manipulate which event occurs. The first spawn point likely to be found is between Riverwood and Honningbrew Meadery , with its event border extending to just before the bridge out of Riverwood.

While playing Skyrim, you may encounter many other combinations of animals and hostile NPCs fighting, however, there are only a few deliberately set to happen. Most hostile animals and NPCs have a large radius of detection that is perhaps a deliberate attempt at setting up more random encounters, saving game data by not having any additional scripts to handle.

Interactions added by Dawnguard , Dragonborn , and Creation Club are annotated with "DG", "DB", and "CC" superscripts, respectively.

  • 1 Reactive Events
  • 2 Reactions
  • 3.1 Beneficial Encounters
  • 3.2 Encounters With Differing Outcomes
  • 3.3 Hostile Encounters
  • 4 Random Quest Encounters

Reactive Events [ edit ]

A few non-random events will occur as a result of your actions.

  • An enemy's gratitude : If you kill someone, a rival of that person may send you one of two letters of gratitude.
  • Apologize or combat : Assaulted [ verification needed ] NPC or relative will demand an apology.
  • Invisible Child : If you use magic near a child they will ask you to make them invisible.
  • Revenge, Hired Thugs : If you kill someone, a member of their family may hire thugs to kill you.
  • Shout - Guard says stop : If you Shout near a guard they may approach and ask you to stop.
  • Steal, Thugs hunt player : If you steal an item, an NPC from that location may hire thugs to teach you a lesson. You do not have to be seen by the victim for this to occur.

A few minor quests randomly start after specific actions have taken place.

  • Buy Dwarven artifact : If you purchase a dwarven item in a shop a letter may be sent via courier asking you to bring it to Calcelmo .
  • Inheritance : A friend has died and left you a sum of gold. A letter of inheritance will be sent via courier to inform you of the tragic event.
  • Scare my Enemy : If you assault someone bare-handed, a letter may be sent from an NPC asking for a favor.
  • Shout - learn about word wall : If you Shout, then a letter may be sent via courier to tell you about an important place.

Reactions [ edit ]

The following random events occur in settlements as a direct result of an action that has been performed.

Random Events [ edit ]

Beneficial encounters [ edit ].

These are encounters where the only outcome is beneficial to you, or at the very least, do not have any sort of hostile outcome under any circumstance. The rewards can take any form, be that an enchanted weapon, a new location to discover, or simply knowing you have helped someone. If you choose to attack any of the participants, they will turn hostile.

Encounters With Differing Outcomes [ edit ]

Hostilities may break out in the following encounters, but can be avoided depending on your actions and faction relations.

Hostile Encounters [ edit ]

The following are encounters where you have no option but to fight. The non-hostile party in some of these quests may win the fight, even without your aid. All NPCs or creatures encountered in hostile encounters are leveled unless otherwise noted.

Random Quest Encounters [ edit ]

These encounters and events occur as a result of actions taken during a quest, and they usually have a theme of revenge. Unless otherwise noted, the related quest must be completed.

Notes [ edit ]

  • The dragon encounters are not in the Random Quest Encounters section because they are not a direct result of perceived actions during the Dragon Rising quest; rather, they are simply possible after the completion of that quest.
  • Random vampire attacks on settlements (added by Dawnguard) are disabled in Special Edition and the Nintendo Switch version of the game.

Bugs [ edit ]

  • Even though random nighttime vampire attacks in settlements and cities is supposed to be disabled in the Special Edition, they can still happen, regardless. ?
  • Multiple random encounters may spawn in the same spot (such as bandits fighting a conjurer, plus Vigilants of Stendarr fighting skeletons) at the same time. ?
  • Skyrim-Quests
  • Skyrim-Activities
  • Skyrim-Bugs Fixed by the Unofficial Skyrim Patch
  • Skyrim-Unconfirmed Bugs
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  1. Skyrim SE 4K Music & Ambience

    skyrim wandering music

  2. Wandering in Skyrim

    skyrim wandering music

  3. Relaxing Walk Across All of Skyrim

    skyrim wandering music

  4. Skyrim SE 4K Music & Ambience

    skyrim wandering music

  5. Skyrim: Wandering Skyrim, Hunting, Gathering, and Building

    skyrim wandering music

  6. ASMR Wandering Through Skyrim Part 2 Riverwood Tour

    skyrim wandering music


  1. Relaxing Walk Across All of Skyrim

    Relaxing Walk Across all of Skyrim Once Again with ambient music and sounds. Yes I did it again. Haha am I crazy... well maybe just a little. So I made some...

  2. Skyrim SE 4K Music & Ambience

    Our journey continues westward into the dense forest of Whiterun Valley! Enjoy this "Walk In The Woods" to Falkreath.Experience the wonder of The Elder Scrol...

  3. Skyrim:Bardic Performances

    * Lynly Star-Sung is unique in that she only plays instrumental music, and does not sing. For 5 gold she will play a random lute song. While working she will also spontaneously perform something on the flute, but not by request. † Talsgar the Wanderer will play a requested song for 25 gold. He can be randomly encountered wandering around Skyrim.

  4. The Elder Scrolls Music & Ambience

    Immerse yourself into the world of Skyrim with these stunning autumn scenes with a perfect mix of relaxing music from Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, and The El...

  5. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Original Game Soundtrack

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Original Game Soundtrack is the soundtrack album for the 2011 role-playing video game The Elder Scrolls V: ... Miller concluded that "Soule composes masterful music for wandering, and this could be the soundtrack for a winter hike or stroll across tundra-like meadows. Don't expect swelling emotion or fantastic ...

  6. Skyrim Relaxing Ambience

    Playlist · Skyrim Relaxing Ambience · 34 songs · 58.5K likes. These cookies are necessary for the service to function and cannot be switched off in our systems.

  7. "Walking Across Skyrim"

    "Walking Across Skyrim" features all of my ultra modded walking videos taken from the towns, cities, and amazing sights from all across Skyrim! Skyrim Next-Gen (Vanilla Enhanced) Music, Ambience, & Atmosphere Mod Remaster w/Modlist. This remaster and modlist is designed to enhance the vanilla Skyrim experience while maintaining the look, feel, and aesthetic of the original game.

  8. Skyrim Wandering audio atmosphere

    Listen to a sound of One day, just one day, you choose to walk to the next city, instead of fast travel to it.

  9. Quick Question what's everyone's favourite piece (music) from the

    Same.. My favorite memory of playing Skyrim was finally stepping out of Whiterun, on my own.. Wandering aimlessly. And then this song hits and it was night, its cold as fuck in the game and also in my place, there's Aurora borealis going on in the sky.. I just stood in some random hiking path looking up the sky till Secunda finished..

  10. Skyrim:Music

    Skyrim's music was composed by Jeremy Soule, who also composed the music for both Oblivion and Morrowind.A four-disc soundtrack release was available physically from DirectSong and it is digitally available from iTunes, Amazon, and Google Play.For the first time in the series additional music was created for add-ons for the game, though no official soundtrack of the music from Dawnguard and ...

  11. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Official Soundtrack

    For other uses, see Official Soundtracks. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Official Soundtrack features an original score similar to Oblivion. The soundtrack has strong similarities with previous games in the series, including the main theme. The Skyrim theme has been released and its lyrics are written in the language of the dragons. The soundtrack's instrumentation was recorded digitally by ...

  12. Relaxing Walk Across All of Skyrim

    Relaxing Walk Across all of Skyrim with ambient music and sounds. My goal was to walk to every major city and town. I didn't think it would take 11 hours but...

  13. Immersive Music

    Skyrim does not implore special music for dark themed quests, if you accepted it at night you could have expected a moodier, calmer, darker tone in both this mod and vanilla. In any case, thank you for your feedback. ... though I would have classified a few of them as music for interiors versus overland wandering - the Celtic bagpipe music ...

  14. I made a video and thought I'd share it here: Skyrim x The Wandering

    1.6M subscribers in the skyrim community. A subreddit about the massively popular videogame The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, by Bethesda studios.

  15. The Music of Skyrim: Why is it so Good?!

    Music plays an integral role in this immersion. Skyrim 's soundtrack does this in a couple of key ways that glue the game together into a coherent package. The first way that Skyrim 's music serves to immerse you in the gameplay experience is that it gets you into the perfect headspace to play the game! Jeremy Soule sets up a player for ...

  16. Talsgar the Wanderer

    Talsgar the Wanderer is a wandering bard who can be encountered anywhere in Skyrim. His performances are available by paying 25 and making a request for any of the following songs: The Age of Aggression or The Age of Oppression The Dragonborn Comes Tale of the Tongues When asked about speechcraft, he suggest visiting the Bards' College in Solitude. The Frozen Hearth in Winterhold

  17. Skyrim:Talsgar the Wanderer

    Talsgar the Wanderer is a Nord bard wandering around Skyrim in search of adventure to write tales about. He can be randomly encountered in the wilderness and he often stops at inns to share his stories. Although you can meet him all over Skyrim, and often quite joyful, Talsgar can also be encountered while defending himself from a couple of ...

  18. Skyrim ASMR Whisper

    Hail, traveler! It's been far too long since we wandered in Skyrim together! Join me for a relaxing whispered stroll along the north shore of Lake Honrich in...

  19. Skyrim Soundboard

    Skyrim New Game Sound. fitz skyrim 3. Cicero Yes Mistress. Skyrim Full Level Up. Skyrim - Fus Ro Dah. Skyrim Update Quest Sound. Unrelenting Force. Listen and share sounds of Skyrim. Find more instant sound buttons on Myinstants!

  20. WAY OF THE BAE: Introducing Kaidan, The Wandering Swordsman

    Accepting his proposal allows you to choose to have either a public wedding - which works the same way as your vanilla wedding - or you have the option to have a private wedding; just the two of you, under the branches of a specific tree in the Rift, with a servant of Mara. It even comes with custom music for the event.

  21. Skyrim Thunderstorms and Heavy Rain

    Embark on a tranquil and immersive musical journey through Skyrim's rain-soaked landscapes as we embrace the beauty and serenity of the rain. In this captiva...

  22. Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Music

    Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Music. Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil ' s music was composed by Daniel Ran. It features additional tracks from João Guerra, who also does the mod's male bard vocals. Many of the mod's tracks are inspired by Jeremy Soule's Oblivion soundtrack, with several of them featuring the same motifs. Others are entirely original for the mod.

  23. Skyrim:World Interactions

    Balbus, an aspiring cook, is wandering Skyrim looking for the Gourmet. You can tell him you're the Gourmet, but you will need the Gourmet's writ of passage to prove it. If you prove yourself to be the Gourmet, he will give you a fork and some rare ingredients. Balbus still alive: Frostmoon Invitation DB: A Hunter directs you to Frostmoon Crag.