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Ministry of Tourism & Investment Antigua/Barbuda

Ministry of Tourism & Investment, Antigua and Barbuda. Palm trees, pool, tiki hut and blue sky with white clouds.

Ministry of Tourism & Investment Antigua/Barbuda

Resilience, strength, growth.

Business View Caribbean interviews Hon. Charles Fernandez, Minister of Tourism & Investment Antigua and Barbuda, for our focus on Resilience in the Caribbean.

Antigua and Barbuda is one of the Caribbean’s favorite vacation destinations, boasting a wealth of tourist attractions, scenic vistas, and the best in luxury resorts. Antigua is home to the bustling capital city, St. John’s, and the V.C. Bird International Airport, while Barbuda plays host to nature lovers, with its renowned lagoon and quiet beauty. Sailing regattas, fishing, local food fare, and island-produced rum are but a few of the enticements that bring visitors by sea and air to this spectacular Caribbean getaway.

In a recent interview with Business View Caribbean , the Honorable Charles Fernandez, Minister of Tourism & Investment Antigua and Barbuda, reported on the government’s latest tourism-driven initiatives, challenges, and successes, and the industry’s importance as a major economic driver. The following is an edited transcript of that conversation.

minister of tourism antigua

Minister Fernandez: “Antigua was a sugar-based economy, historically; that changed in the 1970s when the price of sugar went down. Being a small island, there wasn’t enough land to really make it worthwhile. So, the government, at the time, decided to shift towards tourism. Since then, every effort has been made to ensure that it becomes very viable. As a result, tourism now accounts for 70 percent of our GDP.

“In terms of investment in manufacturing, that’s something else the government pushed very hard in the ‘70s and was successful to an extent. Unfortunately, it was difficult to be competitive. Many industries came to Antigua and eventually became obsolete, partly due to operating costs. Wages in Antigua tend to be higher and we’re not an oil-based economy, so utility prices are higher. But we’re able to compete better now, with the advent of alternative energy.

“In terms of tourism-related milestones, we’ve gone up to about 3,500 rooms, and the aim of the government is to double that through programs and initiatives to reach 7,000 rooms in five years. We have formed an Investment Authority with a mandate to incentivise investments. So far, the majority have all been related to tourism. The government has also set up a Tourism Authority unit, through the Ministry, to market Antigua and Barbuda as a tourist destination. We’ve set up offices in Toronto, the U.K., Miami, and New York, and we’re working hard to bring in outside investments linked to the tourism sector. We’ve also set out to improve on land-based products, so we’ll have more on offer for visitors to spend their money on.”

BVC: What role does your Ministry play in keeping tourism flourishing on the island?

Minister Fernandez: “Tourism accounts for a high part of our country’s economy, and the employment rate is intrinsically linked to the hotel sector. Apart from the government, it’s the next biggest employer. So, it’s in our interest to ensure that the hotels we have, as well as those that have come on-stream and ones that we are attracting, are well serviced. Antigua has become known as a high-end destination – a number of our properties are five-star, suited to business class and first-class air passengers. That has created a bit of a challenge and we’re now seeking to bring more three-star and three-and-a-half-star product to serve the larger group of economy passengers.

“We’ve worked assiduously to have a more balanced product available; as a result we have a number of three-star properties coming online. The Best Western (three-star) should open during the 2019 winter season with 78 rooms in phase one and ending with 126 rooms. The three-star Royalton will open around Feb. 2019 with over 400 rooms. The five-star Hodges Bay Club will open at the end of 2018 with more than 100 rooms. Plus, the Waldorf Astoria has broken ground and the Marriot should start construction towards the end of this year.

“In terms of airlift, American Airlines has one additional flight coming out of Miami and another from Atlanta starting in November. We have Virgin and British Airways coming out of the U.K. and linking most of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. We also have two airlines from Canada: Air Canada, celebrating their 16 th anniversary with Antigua at the end of this year; and Sunwing has been great for us because they have their own aircraft and they’re investing in their own hotel properties here. That’s guaranteed visitors.

“We’ve reached out in a big way to market Antigua and Barbuda in the islands. As a result, we had 200 persons from Guadeloupe come for Carnival in July, and we’ve seen positive growth in visitor arrivals within the Caribbean. In fact, Trinidad saw the need to add a daily flight to Antigua from Port Au Spain. We’re also in early discussions with the Ministry of Finance to address tax issues related to airlift in the region. If that goes well, we anticipate more visits from the Caribbean, especially in the slower summer months.”

Ministry of Tourism & Investment, Antigua and Barbuda. A cruise ship on the edge of a town.

BVC: What sort of infrastructure investments are in the works to attract business?

Minister Fernandez: “Two years ago, we opened the new V.C. Bird International Airport, with air bridges. That’s the most modern facility in the region. Our cargo port is just starting. And we’re in negotiations for our cruise port, looking to spend another $US75 million to put in a fifth pier and build out more product on the land side. Speaking of the cruise aspect, there is a property opposite the cruise pier at Fort James Beach and we’ve already advanced plans to put a water park there. We’ll also be upgrading the Fort, which has been earmarked as a National Heritage Site.

“We’re making a lot of effort to enhance our airlift and sealift; 2017 was a record-breaking year for air-based and cruise passengers. This year, at the end of August, we were up about seven percent in airlift overnight tourists and nine percent for cruise passengers. The one area we’re down a bit is the yachting sector. That we hope to turn around. We sent a team to the Monaco Boat Show in September to give a presentation, and we completed negotiations with Oyster Yachts who are putting an office in Antigua at Nelson’s Dock Yard.

“Harris Paints is putting a paint factory in Antigua. We’re also negotiating with Pirate Beer to locate a beer-making plant here. Antigua’s economy is growing by 4.5 percent – that’s a big thing for any country, but clearly is very big for us in the Caribbean. We have a number of AirBnBs coming on-stream now. That will help offset the lack of three-star properties and fill the gap for people wanting to enjoy the whole local aspect. We’ll also be upgrading our website to make it a lot more interactive.”

BVC: Does your Ministry address environmental issues?

Minister Fernandez: “We’re proud that Antigua and Barbuda is the first in the region to completely ban the use of plastic bags and Styrofoam products. We’re very conscious of taking care of the environment and the sustainability of our space, going forward. We worked with the Blue Halo Foundation to make sure the waters around Barbuda are environmentally protected, and we’re now engaged with them to bring Antigua into line with that.  After being hit hard last year by Hurricane Irma, I’m pleased to say Barbuda is on its way back. A number of the houses are restored, the school is temporarily operational, and there is electricity and water. The largest natural lagoon in the region was severely damaged. But the foliage is now back, the lagoon is alive, and the birds have returned.

“It will be an even more pleasing natural environment. Visitors can go snorkelling in the lagoon, and deep sea fishing. On land, there are many caves worth exploring and several Amerindian historical sites we’re looking to enhance, so you can visit the site and get an understanding about the people who were on Barbuda several thousand years ago. Unfortunately, some of those sites in Antigua were lost to development, and we’re trying to ensure that doesn’t happen in Barbuda.

“For anyone looking to do a hotel property investment in Antigua, we can link you with an environmentalist in the Ministry of Tourism who will give you the necessary guidelines – whether you want to locate on the waterfront or in the water, itself. We want to avoid a situation in 20 years where there are more properties, but the island is not sustainable. That’s most important.”

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WHO: Ministry of Tourism & Investment Antigua and Barbuda

WHAT: Statutory body responsible for tourism policy

WHERE: St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda

WEBSITE: www.ab.gov.ag



October 2018 issue cover of Business View Caribbean.

October, 2018 Issue

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Ministry of Tourism & Investment Antigua/Barbuda brochure cover.

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23rd April, 2021


(St. John’s Antigua: April 22, 2021) The Executives of Caribbean Journal, (an online Caribbean tourism centric news magazine) officially handed Antigua and Barbuda’s Minister of Tourism and Investment the Hon. H. Charles Fernandez his award in honor of the achievement of Caribbean Tourism Minister of the year 2020/2021.

Mr. Guy Britton, Executive Vice President and Mr. Alexander Britel, Editor in Chief and Founder of the magazine both extended hearty congratulations to Minister Fernandez who won the award based on his management of Antigua and Barbuda’s tourism industry during the Covid-19 crisis.

Antigua was the first Caribbean country to re-open its borders to international flights in June 2020 (months after a complete lock-down). This came following major re-structuring alongside the compilation of official Covid-19 protocols to govern different aspects of the industry.


Minister Fernandez commits the award to all the members of his team within the Ministry of Tourism as well as all the workers within the tourism industry in Antigua and Barbuda who have worked assiduously to keep the sector alive.

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minister of tourism antigua


Interview with Charles Fernandez, Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Transportation and Investment, Antigua and Barbuda

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Jan 2024 Interview with Charles Fernandez, Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Transportation and Investment, Antigua and Barbuda

Prisma Reports (PR): Tourism is the main pillar of Antigua and Barbuda’s economy. In 2022, you joined the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, which seeks to encourage sustainability efforts in the sector. How else is Antigua and Barbuda working toward protecting its environments?

Charles Fernandez (CF): Antigua, Barbuda and Redonda — the country’s three islands — have the largest ocean footprint of any of the island nations in the Eastern Caribbean. We have a huge ocean space that we need to protect. We believe and are all agreed that efforts toward sustainability are very important, because our natural environment is what we market and sell to tourists. If we can’t protect it, then we are basically hurting ourselves.

To that end, apart from what we’re doing in terms of investing in solar and other alternative energies on land, we have ongoing projects in Barbuda and Antigua to replant coral reefs. We are also working on marking all our reefs, so that we don’t have yachts coming in, running the ground and damaging them. It takes about 30 years for a reef to regrow and it can be destroyed in less than 30 minutes. That is something that we’re very concerned about. In addition, the government has just agreed to ban certain sunscreen products, as some of their ingredients cause damage to the reefs as well, and we are in the process of putting up moorings, because a lot of the boats currently dropping anchors are damaging the seabed and sea grass.

We are also in the process of looking at the different types of mangroves that we grow: there are some varieties that are more absorbent of carbon emissions than others and those are the ones that we are now looking to expand out in various areas. We’re not only protecting our mangroves, but we’re also looking to expand them. Those are just some of the efforts that we’re making in terms of sustainability.

PR: What incentives do you offer investors in Antigua and Barbuda and can you provide some examples of opportunities those investors are currently taking up?

CF: The incentives vary according to the level of investment. There could be tax holidays, for example, and we also give incentives in terms of building materials, furniture and fixtures when projects are going to start. Some of the things that we definitely will allow include hotel properties investing in their own solar energy plants or water plants, in terms of reverse osmosis projects that allow them to drill for their own water.

If someone invests in a solar energy project, we will work with them to sell their generation directly to the utility company. Investments in that area could involve build-own-operate-transfer projects, or it could be a situation where investors build, operate and sell to the utility company directly.

At present, we also have a U.S. company partnering with a local company on a liquefied natural gas (LNG) project, which is a fuel that ships have to move to by 2025. Those companies will be able to sell LNG to the cruise ships that come to Antigua and Barbuda. We have expanded our port and are going to have more ships coming in, so being able to offer LNG is a big thing for us as not many other islands in the Caribbean can offer it to cruise ships.

In the tourism sector, we had some projects planned before COVID-19 that have started since the pandemic ended and investments in that sector have ramped up to pre-COVID levels. For example, we have the Nikki Beach project that’s going to be starting very soon, the Royalton Chic that is replacing the old Halcyon has already started, Jolly Beach is now open and is being upgraded. In addition, the Nobu Hotel involving Robert de Niro is going to be starting this year in Barbuda, the billion-dollar PLH project is continuing in Barbuda and the Hawksbill Hotel in Antigua is being refurbished. A Sandals project will hopefully start before the end of the year — it is going to be a major upgrade and will add about 70 rooms.

I previously mentioned the investment project at our cruise port, which is going to cover about 50,000 square feet on the land side. Global Ports Holdings is doing that. We’ve already completed a fifth berth at the port and we’re now completing the dredging to allow for Oasis-class cruise ships. Additionally, a project at our cargo port that is already completed involved an investment of over $100 million. We now have the most modern cargo port in the Caribbean and we will have a much upgraded cruise port. Those are some of the investment projects that we are presently turning out.

PR: The Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States will be held in Antigua and Barbuda this year. What are major challenges that a small state island like yours is facing at the moment?

CF: In terms of the environment, sargassum seaweed is big challenge for all of the islands: if beaches are affected by the seaweed, the associated hotels invariably have to close. That is a serious threat affecting all of us and even the east coast of the U.S. Added to that is the fact that global warming is causing the oceans to be a lot warmer, which is a threat in terms of hurricanes. We have seen more hurricanes and we’ve seen category 5 hurricanes becoming more prevalent in the Caribbean. And again, when you have the oceans rising, you then have a problem when your beaches start to disappear. In addition, you lose the coral reefs, you lose that protection of the beaches and you lose sea life. That has a tremendous impact on, for example, the ability to sell snorkeling tours to visitors and the ability of fishermen to sell their produce straight from the sea to the table in hotels. The economic sectors being affected are not just tourism directly, but others that are associated to it too.

PR: Antigua and Barbuda will hold its biggest travel conference in June. What are your expectations for that conference?

CF: The main thrust of it is for Caribbean tourism ministers to meet and exchange ideas, to look at concerns and issues, to see how we can come up with best practices and also to ensure that we have some conformity on a number of issues and how we go forward together on those. It is a lot more productive for us to move as a team than to move individually. We will look at marketing the region, we will look at threats to the region and we will look at benefits for the region — basically to see how we can move forward with best practices together, after exchanging ideas and having open discussions.

PR: Is Antigua and Barbuda’s low crime rate when compared to the rest of the Caribbean a competitive advantage for the country?

CF: I would like to say that a threat to one is a threat to all. Antigua enjoys a very low crime rate and we take that very seriously. However, there has been an increase in rate through the region, which is something that the leaders of the Caribbean have had to address. We realize that the threat to part of the Caribbean is a threat to all of the Caribbean. So, even though Antigua and Barbuda is still the lowest in terms of crime rate, we take the threat very seriously and are doing everything we can to see what we can do to continue to mitigate against that threat.

PR: You are a member of the Wellness Tourism Association. What are your goals in the wellness space?

CF: There is a definite need for wellness tourism as many people are concerned about their health. Antigua and Barbuda has the best climate in terms of sunshine and tropical breezes, plus it has beautiful ocean waters. That, in and of itself, is enough to bring wellness. But added to that, we have passed legislation and now have, for example, stem-cell clinics operating locally that are well regulated. We also have a medical cannabis industry that is very well regulated. We are marketing Antigua and Barbuda as a tourism destination for all aspects of wellness and we think we are in a good position to do that.

PR: Has the COVID pandemic had any long-term impact on tourism in Antigua and Barbuda?

CF: We’ve learned a lot from the pandemic and, even though we say we’ve come out of it, it’s still around. As a result of that, we’ve had to adjust not just the way we do things, but also the way we market ourselves. For example, we promote the fact that we have 365 beaches. There is no overcrowding on our beaches, there is space for everybody, there is sun for everybody and, of course, there is fun for everybody. Those are things that I’d want to stress: we’re still concerned for the safety of our visitors and our locals alike and, rest assured, we are still very much aware that COVID is lingering out there and we will continue to put safety first.

PR: What would be your final message to our readers?

CF: Antigua and Barbuda is one of the safest, if not the safest, country in the region for visitors and locals alike. That is something that’s very important to us. I would also like to note that, in terms of developing our tourism offering, we are moving to encourage more local experiences and to expand our community tourism. For example, we have recently held an art week, a restaurant week and a sailing week.

When you come to Antigua and Barbuda, especially because our crime rate is very low, we have no hesitation in having you go out into the various communities and experiencing the real local cuisine, culture and so on. That is something that we are pushing: getting all visitors into our communities to really experience what we, as locals, have experienced all our lives.

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Antigua and Barbuda High Commission LONDON

Antigua and Barbuda Announces New Chairperson of the Tourism Authority Board of Directors and US Director of Tourism

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Appointments Strengthen Tourism Authority as Destination is Positioned for Continued Record Breaking Growth in 2019

The Honorable Minister of Tourism and Investment Charles ‘Max’ Fernandez, has announced the appointment of Lorraine Headley-Raeburn as Chairperson of the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority (ABTA) Board of Directors, while  Dean Fenton has been appointed as the new US Director of Tourism. Headley-Raeburn will also serve as a consultant to the Tourism Authority. As Non-Executive Chairperson of the ABTA, Headley-Raeburn will be responsible for overseeing the development of policies and strategies designed to strengthen Antigua and Barbuda’s reputation as a world-class tourism and travel destination and achieve continued growth in tourism arrivals. In announcing the recent appointments Minister Fernandez said, “I am very excited that Lorraine Headley-Raeburn has agreed to join our Tourism leadership team and that we have appointed Dean Fenton as the US Director of Tourism.  We have just celebrated another record-breaking year in Tourism arrivals, welcoming over one million visitors in 2018. With increased airlift, new properties set to open, and the opening of the 5 th  berth in St. John’s we are uniquely positioned for sustained growth. The appointments of these two talented and dedicated Antiguans are critical to our continued success.  Headley-Raeburn is the perfect person to have at the helm to maximise all opportunities to ensure our aggressive tourism goals are met; her advice and leadership will be invaluable.” The Minister continued, “The US is one of our most important markets, welcoming almost 100,000 overnight visitors per year. Our objective is to continue this momentum. We need the US Director of Tourism to have an extensive breadth of knowledge with the trade and consumer markets, and a deep contact list. Fenton will bring these important assets to the team with anticipated results of continued dynamic growth.”  Headley-Raeburn thanked Minister Fernandez for his support and said that she is honoured to become involved in helping Antigua and Barbuda achieve marked growth in tourism arrivals to the destination. Headley-Raeburn said, “I am pleased with the commitment and passion for success and growth from Minister Fernandez, the CEO, Colin C. James and the members of the Ministry of Tourism and Tourism Authority. I am excited to begin working on these aggressive tourism goals that will positively impact not only the country and its stakeholders in the tourism industry but also the lives of residents.” Headley-Raeburn has over 25 years of experience in tourism across the region, from the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) to the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) to the Ministry of Tourism. Highlights from her illustrious career include managing a large tourism development programme that was a joint public/private sector initiative on behalf of the Antigua Hotels and Tourist Association and the Ministry of Tourism. Headley-Raeburn held the position of Director General of Tourism for Antigua and Barbuda for two years. She played a pivotal role in re-branding the destination, enhancing a series of local tourism promotion activities including Tourism Week and the Trading Places initiative, and increasing the international tourism profile of the country through a concerted programme of global public relations and advertising campaigns. She also managed the tourism component of the requirements for the hosting of the Cricket World Cup in 2007 and contributed to the establishment of the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority. She has been an independent consultant for the past ten years and a founding Director of a beachfront boutique hotel on the South West coast of Antigua. Headley-Raeburn has also been a Director of the Antigua Commercial Bank since 2012, serving as Chairman since October 2016. She is a member of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries & Administrators (ICSA) and having completed the Directors Education and Accreditation Programme (DEAP), she holds the designation of Acc. Dir. Headley-Raeburn has a degree from Cambridge University and an MBA from the University of West Indies. Dean Fenton expressed his excitement for his appointment saying, “I am honoured to take on this new position for my home country, Antigua and Barbuda. We are on the precipice of seeing double-digit growth in tourism arrivals and cementing the country’s position as the greatest destination in the Caribbean. I am excited about the opportunities for the US team to play an integral role in the country’s success, and look forward to working together to ensure the US not only meets but exceeds expectations.” As the new US Director of Tourism, Fenton will be responsible for the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority operations in the US. He brings with him over 15 years of marketing experience in the Caribbean tourism industry and has been working with Antigua and Barbuda since 2006. Prior to his new appointment, Fenton served as Senior Sales and Marketing Manager for the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority. During his tenure with the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority, Fenton has secured over $750,000 in gratis advertising for Antigua and Barbuda in leading travel and consumer publications and increased group sales to Antigua and Barbuda by over 20%. He maintains solid relationships with travel promotional partners in the private sector, the travel industry, community and affinity groups and corporations for potential business opportunities to increase group sales, destination weddings and market share. Fenton’s specialities include marketing Antigua and Barbuda to the travel trade, media and consumers, as one of the Caribbean’s top wedding, honeymoon and romance destinations. Fenton is a graduate from Baruch College, CUNY and holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Management and Marketing.  

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Antigua and Barbuda Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Transportation and Investment, The Honourable Charles Fernandez has joined Caribbean tourism leaders in Barbados for the Caribbean Hotels and Tourism Association’s (CHTA) Caribbean Travel Marketplace

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Antigua and Barbuda Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Transportation and Investment, The Honourable Charles Fernandez has joined Caribbean tourism leaders in Barbados for the Caribbean Hotels and Tourism Association’s (CHTA) Caribbean Travel Marketplace business meetings starting today at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Center, Barbados.  

A day earlier, the minister attended the CHTA’s Caribbean Travel Forum, a new event that focuses on the business of tourism in the Caribbean with specific topics such as multi-destination marketing, intra-Caribbean travel with emphasis on air connectivity, sustainability, technology innovation, labour market, taxation and linkages. 

In a State of the Industry and Region Address delivered at the forum, CHTA President, Nicola Madden-Greig, provided a recap on Caribbean Tourism and the impact of the pandemic on the Caribbean Tourism Industry. “Travel continues to rise across the globe. The Caribbean as a region is the fastest recovering region in the world as far as tourism is concerned. And I think we deserve a round of applause. It has been the effort of our many, many, public sector leaders, our prime ministers, our ministers of tourism and also the private sector and the ministries of health and the CMOs that have got us here,” said the CHTA President.  

Prime Minister of Barbados, The Honourable Mia Amor Mottley, Q.C., M.P, during her keynote address inspired those at the forum with an investment and a shared interest in the region and its development to be “Be shapers, not takers”, a phrase that reverberated throughout other speaker presentations during the day.  

Other Discussion topics included: Responsible and Resilience Tourism as well as Technology and its impact on Caribbean tourism.  

Following the forum, Minister Fernandez indicated that “As Antigua and Barbuda moves to surpass our 2019 tourism arrivals, we are forging ahead with a vision for our country’s tourism industry, that includes continued sustainable tourism development that will provide opportunities for more local businesses and allow those employed locally to reap more benefits from the tourism industry.”

Antigua and Barbuda Directors of Tourism from the USA, UK & Europe, Caribbean and Canada have also travelled to Barbados for today’s start of Caribbean Travel Marketplace.

Caribbean Travel Marketplace affords tourism suppliers the opportunity to meet face-to-face with wholesalers from around the world selling Caribbean vacation travel over the course of two days of business meetings.

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Ministry of tourism review.

Submitted by Character And Comfort on Wednesday, Nov 30, 2022


Ive been coming and hearing the same excuse over and over again. For a ministry that deals with guest interaction to this island there is no value set on the assets that make this country, ITS PEOPLE. How can we say we value those who come for a day but abandon those who are here for a life time. Guest forget within a month or two, your people are always here.

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Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda T20 Host Country Reflects on Tournament

Joseph hammond | jul 3, 2024.

Prime Minister of Antigua & Barbuda, Hon. Gaston Browne, and Minister of Education & Sports, Hon. Daryll Matthew met with the West Indies Cricket Team in Antigua on May 14th

By Joseph Hammond

            North America has gone wicket wild in recent weeks over the success of the T20 Cricket World Cup which was hosted across the Caribbean and various cities in the United States.

            Yet, with the tickets sold and the games played for some of the host countries the magic of the event will continue to linger for sometime.

            Gaston Browne, the Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda sat down with Sports Illustrated to offer a few words on what the tournament meant to Antigua and Barbuda. Browne said his country had “risen to the task of hosting the T20 Cricket World Cup for the first time.

            “It was an exciting time for the nation. It has given a boast in terms of culture and excellence. Our hosting of the tournament] reflects the excellence of our hospitality and it proves that one of the smallest countries in the world can provide global leadership.”

            A historic period for the country as the country hosted in a matter of weeks not only the T20 World Cup but, another important international event. Weeks before the tournament had hosted the Fourth United Nations Small Islands Development Summit which brought over 20 heads of states and leaders of nations to Antigua and Barbuda. The UN Summit brought home the impact of climate change on small states – an environmental event which will have an impact of outdoor sports like cricket in particular.

            “These events have lifted our spirits and show that the size of a country is no impediment in terms of hosting global events and showing global leadership.”

            The country’s hospitality industry is well known and has been the subject of significant American investment in recent years. Notably, a Nobu from Hollywood star and former boxing champion Mike Tyson has also invested in a cannabis farm in the tropical Caribbean nation in recent years.

Joseph Hammond



  1. Hon. Charles Henry Fernandez, Minister for Tourism, Foreign Affairs

    minister of tourism antigua

  2. UN statement lists Asot Michael as Antigua’s Minister of Tourism

    minister of tourism antigua

  3. Welcome Back to Antigua and Barbuda Minister of Tourism, The Hon

    minister of tourism antigua

  4. Antigua and Barbuda’s Minister of Tourism upbeat about the future of

    minister of tourism antigua

  5. Antigua Inks Deployment and Development Pact with Royal Caribbean

    minister of tourism antigua

  6. Maliah Stuart is the new junior Minister of Tourism

    minister of tourism antigua


  1. Ministry of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Transportation AND Investment

    Ministry of Civil Aviation Headquarters. Antigua and Barbuda Investment Authority. Investment. Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority. Meteorology. St. John's Development Corporation. Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority. Overseas Tourism Offices. Economic Development & National Economic & Social Council.

  2. Antigua and Barbuda's Minister of Tourism upbeat about the future of

    During the recently concluded Caribbean Tourism Organization's (CTO) Caribbean Week in New York, Charles 'Max' Fernandez, Minister of Tourism of Antigua and Barbuda, shared an optimistic ...

  3. Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority

    The Ministry of Tourism is charged with making policy and establishing policy guidelines within the tourism industry in Antigua and Barbuda. We hold responsibility for the overall marketing & promotion of the destination, in addition to the development of the tourism product on the island. ... The Antigua & Barbuda Tourism Authority is a ...

  4. Ministry of Tourism & Investment Antigua/Barbuda

    In a recent interview with Business View Caribbean, the Honorable Charles Fernandez, Minister of Tourism & Investment Antigua and Barbuda, reported on the government's latest tourism-driven initiatives, challenges, and successes, and the industry's importance as a major economic driver. The following is an edited transcript of that ...

  5. Antigua and Barbuda receives "Caribbean Tourism Minister of the ...

    (St. John's Antigua: April 22, 2021) The Executives of Caribbean Journal, (an online Caribbean tourism centric news magazine) officially handed Antigua and Barbuda's Minister of Tourism and Investment the Hon. H. Charles Fernandez his award in honor of the achievement of Caribbean Tourism Minister of the year 2020/2021. Mr. Guy Britton, Executive Vice President and Mr. Alexander Britel ...

  6. Vernon Jeffers Is New Chairperson Of The Antigua And Barbuda Tourism

    April 28, 2023. 3. - Antigua and Barbuda Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Transportation and Investment, The Honourable Charles 'Max' Fernandez, has announced the appointment of Vernon A. Jeffers Sr. as the new Chairman of the Board of the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority (ABTA), effective February 2023.

  7. Welcome Back to Antigua and Barbuda from the Minister of Tourism and

    Watch on. "We can't wait to see you here, carving out your space in the sun.". Minister of Tourism and Investment, The Hon Charles Fernandez, welcomes travellers back to Antigua and Barbuda and provides details on COVID-19 health and safety protocols. ← A Message from HRH The Prince of Wales to Young People in the Commonwealth.

  8. Antigua and Barbuda's Minister of Tourism Upbeat About the Future of

    Charles 'Max' Fernandez, Minister of Tourism, Antigua and Barbuda The experienced cabinet minister highlighted the region's strong recovery and emphasized the renewed interest in the Caribbean as a popular travel destination, noting that the Caribbean has been one of the fastest in the world to recover from the pandemic. He expressed ...

  9. Interview with Charles Fernandez, Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation

    Prisma Reports (PR): Tourism is the main pillar of Antigua and Barbuda's economy. In 2022, you joined the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, which seeks to encourage sustainability efforts in the sector. ... The main thrust of it is for Caribbean tourism ministers to meet and exchange ideas, to look at concerns and issues, to see how we can ...

  10. Antigua and Barbuda'S Tourism Minister Officially Receives "Caribbean

    (St. John's Antigua: April 22, 2021) The Executives of Caribbean Journal, (an online Caribbean tourism centric news magazine) officially handed Antigua and Barbuda's Minister of Tourism and Investment the Hon. H. Charles Fernandez his award in honor of the achievement of Caribbean Tourism Minister of the year 2020/2021.

  11. Where will Antigua & Barbuda Tourism be in 2031?

    The Tourism Ministry is earmarking 2031 as a milestone year and is asking tourism stakeholders including the youth, to contribute to the tourism plan. "VISION 2031 will be guided by the input of all stakeholders throughout Antigua and Barbuda. It will be the culmination of their thoughts, our engagements, and consultations as we work towards ...

  12. Tourism Sector Buoyed As Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Air Arrival

    The Ministry of Tourism has announced that stayover tourism arrivals for the month came in at a high with 23,405 tourists visiting Antigua and Barbuda via the V.C. Bird International Airport.

  13. Tourism Industry Stakeholders Meet Virtually To Discuss Plans For

    The Ministry of Tourism, and the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority will also discuss the re-opening of the destination for tourism, with tourism industry stakeholders during a virtual industry meeting to be held on Monday May 11, 2020. The Tourism Industry meeting, which is open to all tourism sector partners, will allow for private-public ...

  14. Antigua And Barbuda Tourism Officials Report Significant Progress In

    Antigua and Barbuda Tourism officials led by The Honourable Charles "Max" Fernandez the country's Minister of Tourism, Investment, Civil Aviation and Transportation wrapped up an intense ...

  15. Antigua and Barbuda / Homepage

    The official website of the Antigua and Barbuda Department of Tourism, containing a full guide to the islands: location, climate, history, culture, events, transportation, accommodation, restaurants.

  16. Ministry of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Transportation and Investment

    Ministry of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Transportation and Investment., Saint John's. 2,626 likes · 4 talking about this. This page is dedicated to highlighting the activities of the Ministry of Tourism.

  17. Antigua and Barbuda Announces New Chairperson of the Tourism Authority

    Appointments Strengthen Tourism Authority as Destination is Positioned for Continued Record Breaking Growth in 2019. The Honorable Minister of Tourism and Investment Charles 'Max' Fernandez, has announced the appointment of Lorraine Headley-Raeburn as Chairperson of the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority (ABTA) Board of Directors, while Dean Fenton has been appointed as the new US ...

  18. Antigua and Barbuda's tourism minister hands over OECS Council

    By Shermain Bique-Charles [email protected] Antigua and Barbuda's Tourism Minister Charles 'Max' Fernandez has officially handed over the OECS Council of Tourism Ministers chairmanship to ...

  19. Antigua and Barbuda Minister of Tourism Joins Regional Counterparts in

    Antigua and Barbuda Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Transportation and Investment, The Honourable Charles Fernandez has joined Caribbean tourism leaders in Barbados for the Caribbean Hotels and Tourism Association's (CHTA) Caribbean Travel Marketplace business meetings starting today at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Center, Barbados.

  20. Ministry of Tourism

    Learn about Ministry of Tourism , Government Agencies in Saint John Antigua & Barbuda. Find Ministry of Tourism reviews and more on Connect Antigua.

  21. Tourism Week 2023 to focus holistically on tourism employees

    The Ministry of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Transportation and Investment is all set to celebrate the vibrant and diverse world of tourism with the launch of Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Week 2023 ...

  22. Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda T20 Host Country Reflects on

    Prime Minister of Antigua & Barbuda, Hon. Gaston Browne, and Minister of Education & Sports, Hon. Daryll Matthew met with the West Indies Cricket Team in Antigua on May 14th / Windies Cricket.