Roy Y. Gagaza

Founder at journey wealth management, llc.

journey wealth management hawaii

Roy Y. Gagaza is a financial professional dedicated to assisting his clients in securing their financial futures during retirement. With accreditations as a Certified Estate Planner (CEP) and a Registered Financial Consultant (RFC), as well as holding insurance licenses in Hawaii (458231) and California (0L87925), he brings a wealth of expertise to his practice.

Throughout his career, he has garnered numerous accolades for his exceptional service. On January 5, 2023, he and his wife Patricia, co-founder and CFO at Journey Wealth Management, were honored with induction into the Advisors Excel Hall of Fame. Since 2018, he has consistently received the Advisors Excel Elite Advisor Award and the Security Benefit Elite Advisor Award in 2018 and 2020. Additionally, he achieved the Allianz Century Award, symbolizing the attainment of $100 million in premiums.

He and Patricia are proud parents to two daughters, Kyrie and Mackenzie, and one son, Grant. During his leisure time, he can often indulge his passion for tropical waters, refining his golf skills, exploring new destinations, and delving into literature.

In service to his community, he has forged valuable connections by collaborating closely with local school districts, partnering with the highway patrol, engaging with local CPAs, and participating actively in Chamber of Commerce initiatives across various locations.

Roy Y. Gagaza Portfolio

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Roy Y. Gagaza: A Brief Bio and Interview with the Founder of Journey Wealth Management, LLC

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Roy Y. Gagaza, the CEO and Founder at Journey Wealth Management, LLC, retired in 2008 following nearly 25 years of distinguished service as an enlisted soldier out of high school, cadet and officer in the U.S. Army Reserves while in college and 20 years on active duty as an officer in the U.S. Army. During those years, Roy was twice awarded the Bronze Star, a distinction which represents “Heroic or meritorious Achievement…while engaged in an action or operation against an enemy of the United States.” 

Prior to his military service, Roy completed a bachelor’s degree in business marketing from San Jose State University, attending between 1984 and 1988. As a result, Roy was well positioned to enter the financial services industry in 1998 while on active duty.  Roy continued his practice after retiring from the military in 2008 and founded Journey Wealth Management, LLC, in January, 2010 and presently maintains two offices in Hawaii, in Waipahu and Honolulu, and one in Manteca, California.

Roy Gagaza collaborates closely with his clients to achieve financial security in their own retirement years. In service to that goal he has earned accreditation as a Financial Professional, a Certified Estate Planner, CEP, and a Registered Financial Consultant, RFC. In addition, Roy holds insurance licenses in Hawaii (458231) and in California (0L87925).

Roy has received several awards and recognitions for outstanding service to his clients. On January 5, 2023, Roy and his wife Patricia, co-founder and CFO at Journey Wealth Management, were inducted into the Advisors Excel Hall of Fame. Every year since 2018, Roy has received the Advisors Excel Elite Advisor Award, the Security Benefit Elite Advisor Award in 2018 and 2020, the Athene Summit Club in 2021 and 2022 and the Allianz Century Award representing the achievement of $100 million in premium. 

Roy and Patricia have two daughters, Kyrie and Mackenzie, and one son, Grant. In his free time, Roy enjoys spending time in the tropical waters, perfecting his golf game, traveling widely, and reading. Throughout his career, Roy has both served his community and broadened his professional network by working with local school districts, collaborating with the highway patrol, local CPAs, and the Chamber of Commerce in a number of locations.

Where did the idea for Journey Wealth Management come from?

About 10 years into my military career, my wife and I started thinking about what we would eventually do outside of the military. We started to think about a retirement plan. But little did we know that our path toward retirement could someday help clients achieve the same end. 

Recognizing that I needed a career beyond the military, I began by developing an educational seminar on financial security in order to test out the market in Northern California.  I did this after duty hours and on weekends to slowly build my client base.  Based on that success, I then led more educational seminars and reached hundreds of individuals approaching or already in retirement. I continued to provide these seminars and services throughout my last ten years in military service.  After retiring in 2008, my wife and I used this same process in Oahu, Hawaii.  Today we have clients spread out across the country.

What does your Typical work day look like and how do you make it productive?

What’s most typical about my work day is that it’s always different. I travel every two weeks between Hawaii and California and I provide financial guidance to people I meet, counseling both clients and prospective clients on spending plans, and consulting on how to create the most tax-efficient strategies for managing retirement income and assets.

How do you bring your ideas to life?

At Journey Wealth Management, LLC, we believe that people’s dreams matter. Everyone should be able to live the retirement life they’ve always wanted. 

I have assembled a highly qualified team. They are passionate about helping individuals and families create and achieve their financial goals and truly enjoy their retirement years. Our team helps clients create a well-thought-out strategy using a variety of plans, including insurance products and services, to meet their financial needs and concerns. I especially enjoy capitalizing on my own life experiences and translating them into gains for my clients.

A key to this strategy is understanding that ideas come to life best through relationships. I always take time to get to know each client and understand their goals and dreams.  Only by establishing a complete understanding of their personal situation can I build a personalized plan that delivers strong results.

I especially like working with seniors—the 55-plus market. I get along best with people who are older than I. They’ve gone through so much and seen so many things in their life. They deserve professional goal-setting and sound financial guidance for their financial resources. In this way I create an experience unlike many others in the financial planning and consulting business. This is what brings the dream of a financially secure retirement to life.

What’s one trend that excites you?

I’m excited by bucking the trend! I’m opposed to a world that is more than ever bent on yielding to an always-on, on-demand, fast-track society. At Journey Wealth Management we reverse that trend by returning to the traditional values of long-term, personal relationships. A client’s finances and life-long retirement dreams deserve nothing less.

What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur?

It’s a very simple habit: hard work combined with a pragmatic approach to education and business. That’s the solid basis we’ve built our business on. We’re known for outworking everyone around us. With full-time offices in both Hawaii and California, we serve two markets better than many firms serve one.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

I’d encourage myself to do what life has now taught me works best. It’s nothing I didn’t know before, but I was never too young for advice about living a well-balanced life of integrity and commitment to my family. I’d also remind myself to be a friend to my clients and sincerely invest in their successes and wellbeing. If my younger self ever doubted the value of education, I’d advise myself to get all I could out of learning from my peers in the financial industry, my university and military life. 

Tell us something that’s true that almost nobody agrees with you on.

There are actually three important aspects of financial management in which I disagree with many.

First, too many people follow dangerous paths to financial security. I work in two markets with very different outlooks on gaining and keeping wealth. In general, they disagree with each other and I disagree with them both. It has to do with financial risk vs security.

Journey Wealth Management’s Hawaiian clients tend to be more conservative with their capital and assets while some Northern Californians, especially in the technology area, tend to “play” their stocks and push excessive risk. I disagree with both strategies when carried too far.

As a result, I encourage and educate conservative clients to acheive higher yields to prevent losses due to stagnation.  On the other hand, I work to mediate risk for those inclined to gamble unwisely by investing in too many high-risk stocks and financial products. It takes a delicate touch and a solid client relationship to settle these disagreements.  

Second, I disagree with folks who retire and happily go about spending without planning. Too many people get into financial trouble within the five years before or after their retirement. People get in their “red zone” where they believe they’ve made it. They say things like: “Let’s go on that cruise we’ve always wanted. Or let’s go on 12 of them.” It takes a constructive kind of disagreement to save that retirement and achieve those goals safely. The strong, personal client relationships we create can make that happen. 

I also disagree that a few big, impersonal corporate clients can pave the way to success. I’d rather build a business on referrals from a community of well served, individual clients with whom I have built personalized financial strategies.

What are the specific areas in which you offer services?

Though the services I provide are individualized for each client, those services fall into three distinct categories.

The first service is Growth. On retirement, a lifetime of hard-earned assets can be put to work through a retirement income strategy such as an annuity. A client deposits a large sum with an insurance company who then makes regular payments back to the client over time out of the fund-growth in that account. Selecting the carrier and amount is best accomplished with a Financial Professional, a Certified Estate Planner, CEP, and a Registered Financial Consultant, RFC.

The second service is to Preserve and Protect a client’s assets in a way that helps them live the retirement they’ve always imagined. Asset protection strategies include life insurance, tax-efficient strategies, and long-term care strategies carefully developed for each client’s unique needs and preferences.

The third asset management strategy is Giving. In this strategy a client provides for the people and causes they care about the most. This is called legacy planning.

What is the unique perspective offered by Journey Wealth Management, LLC?

I create a bespoke, comprehensive, holistic strategy for each client based on the individual’s unique preferences and needs for asset preservation, risk reduction, and principal protection. This is only possible by creating long-term relationships with my clients and their families. 

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business? Please explain how.

I help my clients work towards their own, personal dream retirement. Together we develop well-thought-out strategies to preserve hard-won assets, adopt tax-efficient strategies that reduce tax liabilities, and create retirement income to enjoy their golden years with peace of mind. This produces a unique, individualized outlook that takes into account other factors such as community service and financial education suited for people from all walks of life. 

What is the role of family in your business?

Because of my family, I have led a rich and enjoyable life beyond the military and beyond the office walls. My wife, Patricia, co-founded Journey Wealth Management, LLC with me. She is now my most indispensable colleague. She has been by my side through the past 24 years, not only in business but as a military wife. 

We believe our example has led our children, in one way or another, to either follow in our footsteps or help guide or teach others in their own ways.

Our son, the youngest child, Grant, decided to follow in my example after graduating from the University of Pacific with a degree in Business Finance. He has now earned his Life and Health Insurance license. Our middle child, Mackenzie, recently married and has a Masters of Education in Literacy and teaches high school English. Our oldest child, Kyrie, is also married and recently gave birth to our first grandchild, Eleanor.  Kyrie earned a Masters Degree in Business Administration and continues her career as the Senior Team Lead, Marketing Operations at Yardi Systems, a real estate software firm. Family is a fundamental ingredient for success.

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Founder at Journey Wealth Management, LLC

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Roy Gagaza entered the industry after retiring from serving as an officer in the military for more than 20 years. Now, he assists clients in working toward their retirement dreams by developing well-thought-out financial strategies. Roy’s professional goal is to help others receive the financial resources they need and the sound guidance they deserve. He respects his clients’ wishes and genuinely cares about helping them pursue their goals, all while striving to build and maintain long-lasting relationships with them and their families.

Throughout his career, Roy has worked closely with the highway patrol, local school districts, CPAs, and several Chambers of Commerce, as well as numerous individuals. His seminars continue to reach hundreds of pre-retirees and retirees in need of financial guidance to help preserve their assets, create retirement income strategies, and use tax-efficient strategies to potentially reduce their taxes. Roy graduated with a bachelor’s degree in business marketing from San Jose State University. He is a Financial Professional, CEP and RFC, and holds insurance licenses in Hawaii (458231), California (0L87925). Roy is married to Patricia. They have two daughters, Kyrie and Mackenzie, and one son, Grant. In his free time, he enjoys spending time in the water, playing golf, traveling, and reading.

Roy Gagaza Portfolio

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Home » Interviews » Interview With Roy Y. Gagaza, President And CEO Of Journey Wealth Management

Interview With Roy Y. Gagaza, President And CEO Of Journey Wealth Management

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Armor is something that the military takes very seriously, protecting its personnel from injury in dangerous situations. But how does that make the crossover to retirement wealth protection? With a strong drive towards service, protection, and community, retired U.S. Army Armor officer Roy Gagaza chose to use his business degree from San Jose State University to help those approaching and in retirement to protect their retirement savings and assets while reducing risk. Starting with public seminars, his concept grew into Journey Wealth Management, based in Manteca California and Oahu, Hawaii. He now provides ongoing financial information on a variety of topics through his Wealthwize series webinars and resource library.

Below is our recent interview with Roy Y. Gagaza , President and CEO at Journey Wealth Management :

Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to your company?

A: Journey Wealth Management was started when I was about 10 years into my military career. I knew that it would take time to develop my business concept, and that I wanted to grow it organically, using references from current clients. I also knew that the longer I was in the military, the less relevant I would be in the business market, so I wanted to start early so that I had time to build that relevancy with my clients. I started and continue to provide a series of educational seminars. I added online webinars to reach a wider audience. This allowed me to start educating individuals who may want to use my services in the future, building a community of retirees and those approaching retirement who needed support.

Q: Can you give us more insights into what makes your company unique?

A: Unlike many financial planning firms, I’m focused on protecting clients from excessive risk. Many clients are stuck in the aggressive investment phase, and are concerned because they don’t know what to do next. I help them move to a preservation phase so that they’re protected. I want to help clients keep their money as opposed to having too much at risk. It’s all about preservation of principal. I’ve always believed in preservation of principal, but now I emphasize that more than ever and I emphasize the risk in the market.

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Q: Can you give us insights into your services?

A: I take a multi-faceted approach to protecting assets and reducing risk. This includes tax, insurance, income, long-term care, and estate planning, helping clients address issues with inflation and principal protection, and providing them advice on how to improve their situation with Social Security before they’re dependent on it. I enjoy working with individuals, because it allows me to get to know them on a personal level and create a plan that will work well for their specific situation, customizing it to their needs.

Q: What is the best thing about your company that people might not know about?

A: As a retired military veteran, I understand how difficult the transition can be back into civilian life, and so one of the top charities I support, matching client contributions, is U.S. Vets. This organization supports veterans, including mental health and wellness, housing support, workforce support, and individualized support, such as helping homeless veterans who cannot manage on their own. Veterans have given so much to our country that supporting them and their families during their time of need is important.

Q: You’re licensed in California and Hawaii. How did that come about?

A: While in the service, my wife and I visited Hawaii several times and fell in love with the people and culture there. Upon retiring, we decided to try one seminar in Hawaii to see how it would go, and the response was overwhelming! This has resulted in us building a large clientele in the Aloha state, regularly commuting to the islands every two weeks to assist clients on an ongoing basis. Who wouldn’t want to work in paradise?

Q: Is there anything you’d like to leave with our readers?

A: Retirement is a journey, not a destination, and it can take some education to understand how to get there. We’re always happy to help interested parties learn more about protecting wealth and assets while reducing risk.


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Journey Strategic Wealth Recruits $200m Advisor from LPL

Journey adds advisory team led by Michael LaBarbera and launches new Tampa office.

Journey Strategic Wealth ("Journey"), a national RIA for independent advisors, is excited to announce the addition of the MDL Wealth advisory team, including founder Michael LaBarbera, advisor Ted Albrecht, and service advisors Carol Liddy and Sheila Meneses, bringing Journey's total AUM to $3.7 billion.

LaBarbera and Journey President, Penny Phillips have a long-standing relationship with Phillips serving as a practice management consultant to MDL Wealth for several years.

“We are ready to take our practice to the next level,” said LaBarbera. “To do that, we know that we need to free up our time, double down on delivering exceptional service, and continue establishing ourselves in the markets we’re uniquely positioned to serve. Partnering with Journey is an important step in accomplishing those goals.”

Phillips added, “Mike and team could not be a better fit for Journey. They are passionate about their financial planning work and care deeply about their clients’ happiness and success. I cannot wait to watch this team grow and thrive.”

In addition to providing middle-and-back office infrastructure, including dedicated investment and operations teams, Journey takes on all investment operations tasks, freeing up time for both advisors and their staff.

Proof of the platform’s success is in the numbers. The average tenure of a Journey advisor is just over two years with average revenue growth of 99% over that time period.

Phillips added, “Our advisors grow in a scalable way, without having to immediately add expenses and people. We provide leverage so they can focus on what they do best and love most. The proof is in the pudding. When you let advisors be advisors and don’t handcuff them, they grow.”

The addition of LaBarbera establishes Journey’s foothold in Tampa and represents the eighth advisory team to join the RIA since Journey’s launch in 2021. Journey opened a Minneapolis office earlier this year, expanding on existing locations in the Bay Area, Richmond, VA, Northern NJ, and New York City.

About Journey Strategic Wealth

Journey oversees 3.7 billion in assets and is designed to turbocharge an advisor’s organic growth by creating significant capacity in the practice through middle and back office support, and by providing tools for practice management implementation.

To learn more about Journey, visit .

To learn more about MDL Wealth, visit .

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Amanda Larson [email protected] 919-621-1973


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  1. Journey Wealth Management

    Journey Wealth Management, LLC dba: Journey Wealth Management and Insurance Services, LLC - an affiliated company - is an independent financial services firm offering insurance services only; CA: 0L87925, HI: 458231. Roy Gagaza is a licensed insurance professional; CA: 0C47221, HI: 358160.

  2. Journey Wealth Management, LLC

    He is a Financial Professional, CEP and RFC, and holds insurance licenses in Hawaii (458231) and California (0L87925). Roy is married to Patricia. They have two daughters, Kyrie and Mackenzie, and one son, Grant. ... LLC dba: Journey Wealth Management and Insurance Services, LLC - an affiliated company - is an independent financial services ...

  3. Meet With Us |Journey Wealth Management, LLC

    Journey Wealth Management, LLC dba: Journey Wealth Management and Insurance Services, LLC - an affiliated company - is an independent financial services firm offering insurance services only; CA: 0L87925, HI: 458231. Roy Gagaza is a licensed insurance professional; CA: 0C47221, HI: 358160. Any references to protection benefits, safety ...

  4. About

    Roy's educational journey at San Jose State University, where he earned a bachelor's degree in business marketing between 1984 and 1988, laid the groundwork for his success in the financial sector. Today, he operates Journey Wealth Management from two offices in Hawaii—Waipahu and Honolulu—and another in Manteca, California.

  5. Roy Y. Gagaza

    Roy Y. Gagaza is a financial professional dedicated to assisting his clients in securing their financial futures during retirement. With accreditations as a Certified Estate Planner (CEP) and a Registered Financial Consultant (RFC), as well as holding insurance licenses in Hawaii (458231) and California (0L87925), he brings a wealth of expertise to his practice.

  6. About

    In addition, Roy holds insurance licenses in Hawaii (458231) and in California (0L87925). Roy has received several awards and recognitions for outstanding service to his clients. On January 5, 2023, Roy and his wife Patricia, co-founder and CFO at Journey Wealth Management, were inducted into the Advisors Excel Hall of Fame.

  7. Journey Wealth Management LLC

    Products & Services. Retire Now - 3 Keys To A Confident Retirement (without sacrificing your lifestyle) , Discover Your Route , Discuss Your Destination , Delight in Your Journey , Our ProcessJourney Wealth PerksResourcesContact Us , Serving California & Hawaii , Our TeamEventsUpcoming EventsPast Client Events , Income Health care Tax efficiencies Legacy , insurance strategies

  8. Business Profile for Journey Wealth Management LLC

    Hawaii; Aiea; Investment Advisory Services; Journey Wealth Management LLC (current page) Is this Your Business? ... Journey Wealth Management LLC. 903 W Center St Ste 7 Manteca, CA 95337-7315. 1;

  9. Home

    He also holds essential insurance licenses in Hawaii and California, enabling him to provide various financial products and services. ... Notably, on January 5, 2023, he and his wife, Patricia Gagaza, co-founder and CFO of Journey Wealth Management, were honored with induction into the Advisors Excel Hall of Fame. He has consistently received ...

  10. Roy Y. Gagaza: A Brief Bio and Interview with the Founder of Journey

    In addition, Roy holds insurance licenses in Hawaii (458231) and in California (0L87925). Roy has received several awards and recognitions for outstanding service to his clients. On January 5, 2023, Roy and his wife Patricia, co-founder and CFO at Journey Wealth Management, were inducted into the Advisors Excel Hall of Fame.

  11. Roy Gagaza

    Founder at Journey Wealth Management, LLC. ... CEP and RFC, and holds insurance licenses in Hawaii (458231), California (0L87925). Roy is married to Patricia. They have two daughters, Kyrie and Mackenzie, and one son, Grant. ... Estate planning is a crucial aspect of financial management and legacy planning. Life circumstances change over time ...

  12. Journey Wealth Management, LLC

    Journey Wealth Management, LLC dba: Journey Wealth Management and Insurance Services, LLC - an affiliated company - is an independent financial services firm offering insurance services only; CA: 0L87925, HI: 458231. Roy Gagaza is a licensed insurance professional; CA: 0C47221, HI: 358160. Any references to [protection benefits, safety ...

  13. Journey Wealth Management LLC

    Journey Wealth Management LLC, based in Waipahu, HI, is an independent financial services firm specializing in insurance services. Led by licensed insurance professional Roy Gagaza, the firm offers tailored retirement strategies using a variety of insurance products to meet individual needs and objectives.

  14. Interview With Roy Y. Gagaza, President And CEO Of Journey Wealth

    Starting with public seminars, his concept grew into Journey Wealth Management, based in Manteca California and Oahu, Hawaii. He now provides ongoing financial information on a variety of topics through his Wealthwize series webinars and resource library. Below is our recent interview with Roy Y. Gagaza, President and CEO at Journey Wealth ...

  15. Business Profile for Journey Wealth Management, LLC

    Journey Wealth Management, LLC has 1 locations, ... Hawaii: 94-229 Waipahu Depot Street, Suite #502 500 Ala Moana Blvd. Suite #7400 Waipahu, HI 96797 Honolulu, HI 96813 ...

  16. Journey Wealth Management LLC

    Journey Wealth Management LLC located at 94-229 Waipahu Depot St #502, Honolulu, HI 96801 - reviews, ratings, hours, phone number, directions, and more.


    JOURNEY WEALTH MANAGEMENT LLC is a Hawaii Foreign Limited-Liability Company (Llc) filed on April 12, 2010. The company's filing status is listed as Active and its File Number is 77094 C6. The Registered Agent on file for this company is National Registered Agents Of Hi, Inc. and is located at 1136 Union Mall Ste 301, Honolulu, HI 96813.

  18. $3.7B Journey Strategic Wealth Adds $200M Team From LPL

    Journey Strategic Wealth, a $3.7 billion registered investment advisor partnership launched in 2021, has added a $200 million Tampa, Fla.-based team from LPL Financial. MDL Wealth, which includes ...

  19. Journey Wealth Management, LLC

    Journey Wealth Management, LLC dba: Journey Wealth Management and Insurance Services, LLC - an affiliated company - is an independent financial services firm offering insurance services only; CA: 0L87925, HI: 458231. Roy Gagaza is a licensed insurance professional; CA: 0C47221, HI: 358160. Any references to protection benefits, safety ...

  20. Journey Wealth Management

    Journey Wealth Management, LLC dba: Journey Wealth Management and Insurance Services, LLC - an affiliated company - is an independent financial services firm offering insurance services only; CA: 0L87925, HI: 458231. Roy Gagaza is a licensed insurance professional; CA: 0C47221, HI: 358160. Any references to protection benefits, safety ...

  21. RISR and Journey Strategic Wealth arm advisors to business owners

    RISR, a wealth tech provider focused on helping advisors engage with business owners, is officially on the rise as it forges a key partnership. The fintech firm revealed its alliance with Journey ...

  22. Journey Strategic Wealth Recruits $200m Advisor from LPL

    Journey adds advisory team led by Michael LaBarbera and launches new Tampa office. Journey Strategic Wealth ("Journey"), a national RIA for independent advisors, is excited to announce the addition of the MDL Wealth advisory team, including founder Michael LaBarbera, advisor Ted Albrecht, and service advisors Carol Liddy and Sheila Meneses, bringing Journey's total AUM to $3.7 billion.

  23. Learn About Annuities and Insurance

    Hawaii Upcoming Events: August 6. Retire Now - 3 Keys To A Confident Retirement (without sacrificing your lifestyle), Honolulu HI Seminar. ... LLC dba: Journey Wealth Management and Insurance Services, LLC - an affiliated company - is an independent financial services firm offering insurance services only; CA: 0L87925, HI: 458231. Roy ...