Golf Clash Boss

Golf Clash Walkthrough Tour 1-11 (With Best Clubs For Every Tour)


golf clash walkthrough all tours

I wanted to write this walkthrough to help you improve your game, no matter what tour you’re currently in Golf Clash.

For each tour you will find the best clubs to use and some additional details to every course that is in that tour – I linked also a full walkthrough for every single hole and how to play it perfectly.

Best Clubs For Every Tour

Here you will find a detailed guide for the clubs that you should focus on in every single tour that will work best for the courses you find in these tours.

In each tour section you will also find a link to a full walkthrough for all courses and holes in that tour with the best ways to play them 🙂

Important! Do NOT rush tours unless you have the required bankroll for them! Read here how to never get broke in Golf Clash

Actually, play with whatever you get early in the game – opponents are bad and there’s not much to recommend someone who hasn’t that much choices 😉

Just grind your way through these tours and enjoy some horrible opponents that fail miserably ????

Tour 3 (Asia Pacific)

golf clash tour 3 guide

Tour 3 is slowly giving you more options when it comes to clubs but don’t waste any Coins early in the game just you pull some Big Toppers or Grim Reapers (happens pretty often).

The clubs you should focus on are the Extra Mile, the Big Dawg, goliath and also Malibu – they will also help you in later tours so keep your coins together and ignore the other clubs for now until you’ve beaten Tour 3.

I have here a full walkthrough for Tour 3 that will show you how to play every hole – check it out here (coming soon) .

Tour 4 (6 Star Hotel)

golf clash tour 4 guide

In Tour 4 it starts to get more difficult in the game for the first time when your opponents start to appear to even think about what they’re doing. Anyway, not really that hard to beat and get the bankroll to move on…

You should either use the Viper or the Big Dawg as wood and it’s worth upgrading at least one of them because they will be useful in many later tours as well. Do not upgrade both simultaneously! This will exceed your Coins, I can promise you that. Some courses are pretty long in Tour 4 and I would prefer the Big Dawg more unless you have more progress on the Viper already.

The Goliath is the long iron of your choice and you can catch up from Tour 3 here and keep it without looking left and right.

Ignore the Hammerhead (for now) and the Down-In-One that you very likely will get, they are not worth any coins right now, still continue using either the Thorn or the Dart, whatever suits you better.

You will get the razor in the next tour so keep using the Roughcutter now but don’t upgrade it too much only if you feel you have big problems with it

Last but not least in this walkthrough, keep the Malibu and upgrade it. It’s the second-best sand wedge in the game and the only better one (Spitfire) is not available for many tours.

Find a full walkthrough for Tour 4 that will show you how to play every hole here as well – check it out here (coming soon) .

Tour 5 (World Links)

golf clash tour 5 guide

In Tour 5 you should still stick with your Extra Mile and it will be finde for most courses.

Now it’s also time to work on upgrading your Hammerhead that wasn’t necessary earlier but here you will see a lot of advantage when you do it while walking through this tour.

If you’re looking for a short iron I’d recommend you to use the Hornet, it will work best in this tour. Rough iron is not that important and I barely use it, but the Razor is better due to higher accuracy .

The best sand wedge will still be the Malibu.

Find a full walkthrough for Tour 4 that will show you how to play every hole here as well – check it out here .

Tour 6 (U.S. Champions)

golf clash tour 6 guide

In Tour 6 you really want to level up your Big Dawg club because you can use it for about 80% of all holes so every additional level will help you out a lot. The reason is simple, you have very nice power compared. If you struggle with accuracy , what I know many do, you might want to switch to the Backbone or Saturn. But that depends on how you play and feel when playing this tour.

For the long drives you should still stick with the Extra Mile that you should have upgraded fairly well at this point.

Additionally, you also want to work on upgrading your Backbone because this long iron will also come in handy in many situations – with this setup you’re well-prepped for 90% of all holes and situations.

I have here a full guide for Tour 6 that will show you how to play every hole – check it out here .

Tour 7 (Tropic Kings)

golf clash tour 7

You can still stick with the Extra Mile and if you switched to the Backbone in Tour 6 you can also keep it, otherwise you should work on upgrading it as it will get more neccessary in this tour.

The Big Dawg served well so far but the lack of backspin makes it difficult to use in Tour 7 and you will start seeing more and more shootouts to settle the draw where the lack of backspin and not the best accuracy can kill your victory.

The other clubs from the previous tour are still fine to use.

I have here a full guide for Tour 7 that will show you how to play every hole – check it out here .

Tour 8 (Mountain Tour)

golf clash tour 8 guide

I wouldn’t recommend any different clubs than in Tour 7 but keep them upgraded, especially the Extra Mile as every yard counts.

You’ll encounter shootouts basically every single hole unless you or your opponent does some crazy things and they will decide how well you do in this tour.

Don’t feel like playing bad about it, it’s just how Tour 8 works right now and keep up. If you feel like getting stressed take a break and continue later 🙂

I have here a full walkthrough on Tour 8 that will show you how to play every hole – check it out here .

Tour 9 (Platinum Resort)

golf clash tour 9 guide

If you got the Apocalypse by now you can switch over to ut (Level 2+), otherwise keep on using the Extra Mile Level 7. Also the Backbone is one important club to use and have upgraded as far as you can. Both will make sure that you can win the shootouts that still are very common in Tour 8.

I used the Sniper here as wood and kept on using Malibu as sand wedge.

Don’t get confused that the recommendations get shorter now, we’re heading to the final tours and there’s not that much changing anymore rather than upgrading your clubs properly.

This is also a tour when you need to use either Navigators or Quasars as balls ! (Read here my ball guide )

Find a full walkthrough for Tour 9 that will show you how to play every hole here as well – check it out here .

Tour 10 (Tour Oceania)

golf clash tour 10 guide

If you can upgrade The Apocalypse to Level 3 you should choose that, otherwise you can use the Extra Mile Level 7 – they are both useful.

Having the Sniper also well-upgraded is really useful for shootouts and I’d switch the Backbone to the Goliath, but only if you can get it to Level 6, otherwise you should run with the Backbone at Level 10

The malibu should still be the best sand wedge you can use (I’m really a fan of it as you can see…) 🙂

Here you should try to get the Apocalypse to Level 5 as fast as possible, you will get wrecked by maxed Apocalypses often times and that’s the only way to hold up – but you’re in the highest tour and at the end of the walkthrough, so waht do you expect? 😉

Upgrade the recommended clubs from Tour 10 as much as you can and prepare for soem really strong and maxed player until you can max out yourself.

Don’t make the mistake and go broke here! Proper bankroll management is so super important or you will find yourself grinding Tour 5-8 for a long time again!

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best clubs tour 8 golf clash

Ray Barnes, our Senior Staff Writer and a Golf Analyst with a PhD in Sports Analytics, is a beacon of insight in the golfing world. With a deep understanding of the sport's nuances, statistical analysis, and a talent for demystifying complexities, he provides in-depth analysis and captivating narratives that engage golf enthusiasts worldwide.

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1 thought on “What are the Best Clubs in Golf Clash”

Not sure how the Grizzly is not on that list whatsoever for top long irons…better accuracy & ball guide than the Goliath & better EVERYTHING than the Backbone.

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best clubs tour 8 golf clash

Golf Clash Guide: Best Clubs, Stats, and Upgrading Strategies

Image of Craig Snyder

Golf Clash is a surprisingly deep golf game that you can play with your friends on Facebook, iOS, and Android. From clubs to stats and upgrades, its level of depth is essentially unmatched when it comes to other sports games on mobile devices. The way you progress through its courses and challenges gives it an RPG-like feel that leaves you with a sense of satisfaction when it’s all said an done.

However, one of the biggest roadblocks in the way of becoming a great player in Golf Clash is not knowing how to manage your coins and clubs. Any experienced player will tell you that sinking upgrades into clubs as you get them is absolutely not worth it , and I’m here to echo that sentiment. In this tips and tricks guide to Golf Clash , we’ll show you the best clubs in the game and explain how you’re going to want to manage your club collection.

Golf Clash Club Stats Spreadsheet 

Let me bring your attention to the most complete and comprehensive community-driven spreadsheet for clubs on Golf Clash . 

I didn’t create this spreadsheet , and it’s being managed by several veteran players over at /r/GolfClash on Reddit  and the Playdemic forums . Having such a large number of contributors means that it’s constantly updated to stay relevant and correct, highlighting the best clubs in the game. 

An excel spreadsheet showing the best clubs in Golf Clash

Click here to check it out in its entirety . 

The spreadsheet can be a little confusing at first, so let’s talk about exactly what you’re looking at. The most important column is the last one, % Perfect Weighted . This column identifies the highest and lowest possible value for each club stat category, then it calculates the percentage of how “perfect” that club is. For example, if a club’s highest Power is 240, then that value is 100% perfect. If its lowest Power is 190, then that’s 0% perfect. At 215 Power, it’d be 50% perfect.

The average values for each stat category create an overall % Perfect Value for each club. However, club   stats are weighted depending on the club type you’re looking at . For example, Power is the most important stat for Drivers. Therefore, Power has 75% weighting for the % Total Perfect value for Drivers.

Each page of the spreadsheet shows the clubs with the best possible stats (weighted and overall) in descending order . A 100% perfect club has the highest possible stats in every category.

Best Club of Each Type in Golf Clash

Having this spreadsheet allows us to easily determine what the “best” club of each type is. Best is subjective here (of course) because a club can have a really low value for a stat you’re looking for, however, it can be much higher than the rest of the field in other stats (thus giving it a higher % Perfect Weighted score).

If this is the only information you’re interested in, you don’t have to look at any complicated spreadsheet. Here’s a table with that information:

These are the clubs you’re going to want to save your resources for . Be conscious of your experience while playing Golf Clash, though. Do you plan to play the game long-term and farm for the best possible clubs? If so, you’re probably going to only want to spend your gems on the clubs above.

If you’re a more casual player, you can check out the difference in % Perfect Weighted back on our spreadsheet. For example, if you really want a good Long Iron but can’t get your hands on The B52 and already have Tsunami, the % Perfect Weighted difference between a Level 7 B52 and Tsunami is just 0.4%. Just put those levels into your Tsunami.

However, you need to be mindful of the strengths and weaknesses of every club . For example, The Amazon is the second-highest rated Rough Iron in terms of % Perfect Weighted, but its Ball Guide stat is very bad at just 2.5.

However, the Curl, Back Spin, and Top Spin on this club is high above the Level 8 Nirvana, which is the top-rated Rough Iron. Ball Guide is generally an extremely important stat for Rough Irons though. This is why calling any club the best is a bit subjective. You need to really read into the stats.

Golf Clash Club Upgrading Strategy

Many players make the mistake of sinking all their coins into upgrading clubs to max level so that rewards will stop prioritizing them and go into other clubs. From my own personal experience and everything I’ve read on Reddit and forums, don’t do this .

There are a small handful of clubs for each club type that are good — but the rest you’ll never use. Through the spreadsheet in this guide, it’s pretty easy to identify which is which. 

For Drivers, upgrading anything besides Extra Mile, Apocalypse, or Thor’s Hammer isn’t optimal. For Wood clubs, you only want to focus on Guardian, Sniper, and Cataclysm . Nirvana is the only Rough Iron you’ll ever use past Tour 7. Around that same time, you’ll be earning 300k+ coins per match and upgrading your clubs won’t be as tedious of a task.

However, you can’t just get to Tour 7 of Golf Clash by not upgrading clubs. You’re going to need to upgrade what you have as sparingly as possible so you can squeak by matches until you get your hands on one of the elite clubs. Don’t overdo it! You don’t need to upgrade any lower-tier clubs past the point at which you’re finding success with them . It’s a waste of your resources.

Golf Clash is a deep game that’s going to require some foresight before you jump right in and start splurging coins to upgrade every club. Save and make an upgrade plan for yourself. Focus on only the optimal clubs. Make use of the provided spreadsheet!

Interested in more Golf Clash content? Check out more tips from these two Golf Clash guides :

  • Get on Par with the Competition with These Quick Golf Clash Tips!
  • 4 More Tips For Dominating the Courses in Golf Clash

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The Best Clubs for Each Tour in Golf Clash

golf clash best clubs for each tour

Here is a guide showcasing the best clubs for each tour from 1-11 in golf clash. You can use this guide to learn more about the clubs you should use if you’re struggling with the first 11 tours in Golf Clash. There are also some other helpful details given to help you clear all the tours from 1-11 with ease.

The Best Clubs in Golf Clash for Each Tour

Tour 1 is the first tour in the game and it doesn’t really matter which club you decide to use here. All these opponents in this tour are very bad and won’t really challenge you much, meaning that you should be able to clear the tour with ease. You won’t really have many choices to choose from in terms of clubs in this course, so just choose whichever one you want.

Tour 2 is a lot like Tour 1 in the sense that all your opponents will be bad and won’t trouble you much. You won’t have many different clubs to choose from yet again. Just choose any single one of the few clubs available to you.

Tour 3 (Asia Pacific)

tour 3 asia pacific

You’ll have a few more options to choose from when it comes to clubs in Tour 3. However, this doesn’t mean that you should start spending all your money straight away. It is recommended that you try to conserve your coins and only focus on clubs like the Goliath, Extra Mile, Malibu, and the Big Dawg.

These clubs will also help you a lot in later courses, which is why you should only focus on them until you fully clear Tour 3. Opponents in this tour are also pretty easy to beat.

Tour 4 (6 Star Hotel)

tour 4 6 star hotel

This is the tour where things start to get interesting. Opponents in this tour will be quite better than all the previous tour. However, you should be able to easily beat them if you’re using the right clubs.

It is recommended that you use the Viper or the Big Dawg when it comes to wood. You should also consider upgrading one of the two clubs as they will help in the upcoming tours as well. Upgrading both of them at the same time isn’t recommended as it will just be a waste of coins.

You should ignore both the Down in One and the Hammerhead for this tour. Both of them aren’t worth upgrading for now and you should consider using the Dart or the Thorn for the time being. You can choose any of the two depending upon your personal preference.

You should continue using the Roughcutter for now. You’ll also get the Razor in Tour 5 which is why you don’t need to upgrade the Roughcutter.

To finish things off, it is highly recommended that you continue using the Malibu as you sand cutter in Tour 4. It is one of the best sand wedges in the game and is only second to the Spitfire which you won’t get for many tours. This is why you should focus on upgrading the Malibu more and more until you finally get the Spitfire later on.

Tour 5 (World Links)

tour 5 world links

Continue focusing on the Extra Mile on this tour. It is great for most of the courses in Tour 5 and can help you greatly in some situations. On the other hand, now would be a good time to start focusing on the previously mentioned Hammerhead. It wasn’t necessary to use and upgrade this club before, but it can be very helpful for most of the courses on this tour.

Rough irons aren’t the most important, however, it is recommended that you use the Razor which you will get in this tour. In terms of short irons, your best option for the courses in Tour 5 will be the Hornet. As mentioned previously, the Malibu will continue to be helpful in this tour as well.

Tour 6 (U.S Champions)

tour 6 us champions

The Big Dawg will be the most helpful club throughout this tour. It is helpful for a majority of all holes in this tour and will provide you with a lot of power if you have upgraded it to a decent level.

For long drives and sand wedges, it is recommended that you continue using and upgrading the Extra Mile and Malibu for the time being. Continue upgrading your Backbone as well as it is very helpful for some situations in this tour.

Tour 7 (Tropic Kings)

tour 7 tropic kings

You don’t need to make any changes to your setup from Tour 6. The Extra Mile and the Backbone will be very helpful for the holes on this tour which is why you should continue to upgrade them. The Malibu is still the best sand wedge for the time being.

It is only recommended that you consider replacing the Big Dawg. It has a serious lack of backspin which can be costly on this tour.

Tour 8 (Mountain Tour)

tour 8 mountain tour

The same setup you used in Tour 7 will be quite helpful for Tour 8. You don’t have to make any changes. Shootouts are very common in this Tour which is why you still shouldn’t use the Big Dawg.

Tour 9 (Platinum Resort)


The Extra Mile is still very helpful, however, you should consider replacing it with the Apocalypse in this Tour. You should only use the Apocalypse on this tour if it is level 2 or above. The Sniper is also a helpful wood for this tour and the Malibu continues to be the recommended sand wedge.

Tour 10 (Club Oceania)

tour 10 club oceania

Again, you don’t need to make any changes to your previous setup. The apocalypse is great for this Tour if it is upgraded to level 3. However, if it isn’t level 3, you should use your upgraded Extra Mile instead. The Sniper and the Malibu are still the best options if you have them both fully upgraded.

It is highly recommended that you focus on getting the Apocalypse to the max level on this tour. All opponents in this tour will mostly have maxed out clubs. It is recommended that you try to get all the clubs you used in Tour 10 to the highest level possible.

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best clubs tour 8 golf clash

Best Clubs in Golf Clash

Image of Jeremy Kanjanapangka

Knowing which club to use in Golf Clash is part of the challenge. Even more, you’ll have to decide which club you want to invest upgrades into with your hard-earned coins. That can be a difficult matter, so we’re here with some insight on what we think the better clubs are.

The best clubs in the game are – of course – the clubs that are unlocked at the final tours, but that doesn’t mean they are always the end all be all. There are many clubs that, when upgraded, can be on or near the same level as the endgame clubs. Here are some of the best clubs in Golf Clash!

Best Drivers

One driver you’ll get early on is the The Extra Mile, obtained from tour 2. With better balanced stats than The Rocket and lots of upgrade potential, this is the driver that will get you through the early game stages.

The Extra Mile

Once you fully upgrade The Extra Mile, it should last you all the way until the later tours where you can start unlocking new drivers like Thor’s Hammer and The Apocalypse. They’re both ultimate drivers, so either one works – whichever one you manage to find first is the one you should pour all your upgrades into. Thor’s Hammer is only behind The Apocalypse in curl, which isn’t too detrimental.

The Apocalypse

The Viper is a great starting wood club, with decently balanced stats for a starting wood. The Horizon has better stats in some areas, but its upgrade potential leaves a lot to be desired.

The Viper

Use the Viper until you’re able to score the Big Dawg or Hammerhead. These thing packs a ton of power and is pretty high in the other stats, and it should last you until the high end woods – just watch out for the accuracy.

Ideally you’ll want to aim for the Sniper. Packing a whopping 100 accuracy, the Sniper can nail perfect shots for you provided you have the timing and aim down. However, the Sniper’s other initial stats are pretty low and you’ll need to invest in it to make it as powerful as the other high end woods.

The Sniper

Best Long Iron

For long irons, you’ll want to stick with the Backbone for a while. It’s got slightly less power than the Grim Reaper, but it makes up for it with superior accuracy. It should be enough for you to make it through the early tours.

The Backbone

From there, there are several options. The Goliath is a great choice but just beware of its low accuracy, and the Saturn’s stats are for expert players who prefer more spin on their shots.

The B52 is what you should work towards. Once it has some upgrades it is powerful across the board. The Tsunami is also incredibly strong, but its ball guide stat is very lacking so it can be dangerous to play with.

The B52

Best Short Iron

To start out you’ll be able to get the Kingfisher at tour 2, which is our favorite starting short iron. It’s got less power than the Apache, but it makes up for it with higher accuracy, something you need in the fairway.

The Kingfisher

Once you get into the more difficult tours, we recommend going for either the Thorn or Hornet. The Hornet’s higher accuracy puts it up on the list for us, but both clubs are good once you sink some upgrades into them.

The Hornet

You’ll get the Dart pretty early on and while it’s a decent wedge, try to switch over to the Firefly. The Firefly is obtained as early as tour 2 and its packing awesome top spin and guide power, with accuracy being its main weakness.

The Firefly

Work your way up the tours and try to get the Endbringer as fast as you can. The Endbringer is unlocked from tour 6 and it has awesome stats across the board. The Rapier has better back spin, but the Endbringer has better power.

The Endbringer

Best Rough Iron

For rough irons, you want something with a lot of power to get you out of bad spots, and the Junglist is the perfect iron for that. With decent base power and a lot of room for upgrades, the Junglist will help you throughout the early game tough spots.

The Junglist

From there you can either go with the Razor or Nirvana. Both have great power and accuracy, two important stats for escaping the rough while advancing towards the hole. The Amazon is a decent choice as well, but the accuracy can leave you with some troublesome aiming.


Best Sand Wedge

The Castaway is a good starting wedge with decent power but low accuracy. It’ll help you get out of the sand but you’ll be at the mercy of aiming. The Desert Storm’s initial stats are low making it a questionable investment.

The Castaway

If you can get your hands on it, the Malibu is a great sand wedge that is powerful enough to get you through the early game. After that, you’ll want to work towards either the Sand Lizard or Spitfire, as these are the wedges with the highest upgrade potential. Most players prefer the Spitfire, though.


We hope this little guide helps you with choosing a club. Did we miss your favorite club? Is one of the clubs overrated? Let us know in the comments below!

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  • Golf Clash club guide

This is a quick guide to the clubs in Golf clash. The clubs that you can unlock and upgrade and recommendations for what clubs you will need to compete in various tournaments.

Types of Clubs:

These are the types of clubs available that you will use while playing.

There is also the Putter . This is not dealt with here as it is a single club with no unlocks or upgrades available.

Clubs are unlocked and upgrades through acquiring club cards from match rewards. Club cards also have a tour level, 1 through 7. This means that you only have a chance to earn those club cards in chests with that Tour number or higher. They can also be found in the shop but finding higher tour level club cards in the shop is restricted by your trophy count.

The unlockable clubs are found in three different rarities: Blue (common), Yellow (uncommon), Purple (rare). Blue and yellow clubs will be easy to obtain but the best, purple, clubs will take some time to gain.

Club details:

- Blue clubs can be upgraded to level 10 - requires a total of 3,784 cards

- Yellow clubs can upgrade to level 9 - requires a total of 1,784 cards

- Purple clubs can upgrade to level 8 - requires a total of 784 cards

Note: Stats and preferences are more important than the clubs tour level and rarity.

Every Tour allows you to gain 1 club of each type. (e.g. Tour 1 can unlock 1 wood, 1 diver etc) below is a table of the clubs you can gain from each tour.

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  • Introduction
  • Hints and Tips for Golf Clash
  • How to pick Club stats

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The Best Golf Clash Clubs: Which Ones Should You Choose?

Golf Clash is a wildly popular mobile game that’s taken the world by storm. It’s a golf game that’s easy to pick up, but difficult to master. To be successful in the game, you need to choose the right clubs for your play style. But with so many clubs to choose from, it can be overwhelming to figure out which ones are the best.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at three key factors you need to consider when choosing the best golf clash clubs . We’ll also highlight the top clubs in the game for power, accuracy, wind resistance, and more.

So if you’re looking to up your Golf Clash game and dominate the competition, keep reading to find out which clubs are the best for your play style.

Table of Contents

Understanding Golf Clash Club Stats

As you progress through the levels of Golf Clash, you will begin to realize that not all clubs are created equal. Each club has its own set of unique stats that can make or break your game. To give yourself the best chance of winning, it’s important to understand these stats and how they affect your gameplay.

First and foremost, you should pay attention to a club’s power stat. This stat determines how far the ball will travel when you hit it with the club. Clubs with higher power stats are perfect for long shots, while clubs with lower power stats are better for short shots.

Another crucial stat to keep in mind is a club’s accuracy . This stat determines how likely it is that your shot will land where you want it to. Clubs with high accuracy are perfect for precise shots, while clubs with low accuracy may require a bit more finesse.

When choosing clubs, don’t forget about the wind resistance stat. This stat is particularly important when you’re playing on courses with a lot of wind. Clubs with high wind resistance will help you to stay on course and avoid getting blown off track.

Finally, be sure to pay attention to a club’s top spin stat. This stat determines how much spin the ball will have when it lands. Clubs with high top spin are perfect for shots that need a lot of backspin, while clubs with low top spin are better for shots that require more forward spin.

If you’re serious about improving your Golf Clash game, it’s important to understand these club stats and how they affect your gameplay. By choosing the right clubs for your play style and understanding how to use them to your advantage, you can take your game to the next level.

How to Read Golf Clash Club Stats Like a Pro

Understanding the Basics: Each golf club in Golf Clash has four stats: Power, Accuracy, Top Spin, and Curl. Power determines how far the ball will travel, Accuracy determines how close to the target the ball will land, Top Spin affects the ball’s roll after landing, and Curl affects the ball’s path during flight.

Comparing Club Stats: When comparing clubs, look at the stats individually and as a whole. For example, one club may have higher power but lower accuracy than another, so it’s important to consider which stat is more important for your playstyle.

Upgrade Importance: Upgrading clubs can significantly improve their stats, but it’s important to choose which clubs to upgrade wisely. It’s often better to upgrade the clubs you use most often rather than spreading upgrades across all your clubs.

Overall, understanding Golf Clash club stats is essential to improving your game and choosing the right clubs for your playstyle.

How to Choose the Right Golf Clash Clubs for Your Play Style

If you want to be successful in Golf Clash, you need to choose the right clubs for your play style. Here are some tips to help you do just that:

Identify your play style: Before choosing your clubs, it’s important to determine your play style. Are you a power hitter or more of a finesse player? Do you prefer accuracy or distance? Knowing your play style will help you make better club selections.

Consider the club stats: When selecting clubs, pay attention to the club’s stats. Each club has a different level of power, accuracy, and spin. These stats will impact how the club performs on the course.

Think about course difficulty: Different clubs will be more effective on different courses. Consider the course’s length and obstacles when selecting your clubs.

Experiment and adjust: Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment with different club combinations. If you’re not seeing success on the course, adjust your club selections until you find the right fit.

Choosing the right Golf Clash clubs to suit your playing style is essential if you want to succeed in the game. The first step is to determine your play style, whether you are a power player or an accuracy player. Once you have determined your play style, you can choose the appropriate clubs to match it.

Power players tend to rely on distance and strength to win matches. They use clubs with high power ratings and low accuracy ratings. If you’re a power player, you should focus on choosing clubs with high power ratings and good ball guide, such as the Apocalypse and Thor’s Hammer.

Accuracy players prioritize precision and control over distance. They tend to use clubs with high accuracy ratings and low power ratings. If you’re an accuracy player, you should focus on choosing clubs with high accuracy ratings, such as the Sniper and Goliath.

For balanced players , who want a combination of power and accuracy, clubs like the Extra Mile and Quarterback are suitable options.

Matching Golf Clash Clubs to Your Play Style

Driver: The driver is your most powerful club and is perfect for those who want to make long shots. If you prefer to take risks and get to the green in a single shot, then the Extra Mile or Apocalypse driver is a great choice. For those who want to play it safe, the quarterback driver is perfect as it offers more control.

Wood: Woods are great for shots from the fairway, rough, or tee box. The Cataclysm and Sniper are great choices for those who want to make long shots with a lot of accuracy. If you need a more balanced option, the Guardian is perfect for you.

Iron: Irons are ideal for approach shots and are perfect for precision play. The Saturn is a great option for those who want to prioritize accuracy over distance. For those who want more distance, the Horizon and Castaway are great choices.

Wedge: Wedges are great for short approach shots and chip shots. The Endbringer is perfect for players who want to focus on accuracy, while the Nirvana offers a more balanced option. For those who want to prioritize distance, the Spitfire is a great choice.

Understanding Golf Clash Club Tradeoffs

While selecting clubs that match your play style is important, you should also consider the tradeoffs that come with each club choice. Accuracy, power, and wind resistance are all factors that must be balanced to select the perfect club.

For example, a club with high power may not have the best accuracy or wind resistance. A club with high accuracy may not have the power needed for longer shots. Understanding these tradeoffs is crucial to making informed decisions about which clubs to use in different situations.

It is important to experiment with different clubs and see how they perform in different situations. For instance, a club with high power might work well on a course with low wind, but could be a liability on a course with strong winds.

Overall, choosing the right club in Golf Clash requires a balance between understanding your play style and the tradeoffs between club stats . Keep this in mind when building your bag and selecting clubs for each hole.

The Best Golf Clash Clubs for Power

Power is an important factor in Golf Clash, as it allows you to hit the ball farther and with more accuracy. Here are some of the best clubs for players looking to boost their power:

The Apocalypse: This driver has the highest power stat in the game, making it a must-have for power-focused players. Its accuracy and topspin also make it a versatile choice.

The Cataclysm: Another top-tier driver, the Cataclysm offers both high power and impressive accuracy. Its ball guide and backspin are also useful for navigating tough courses.

The Thor’s Hammer: This driver offers slightly less power than the Apocalypse and Cataclysm, but makes up for it with excellent accuracy and topspin. Its curl ability is also useful for bending shots around obstacles.

The B52: This wood club offers high power and excellent ball guide, making it a reliable choice for long shots. Its backspin and curl abilities are also valuable for navigating tricky terrain.

If you’re looking to add more power to your game, consider investing in one of these top-performing clubs. But be aware that higher power often comes with tradeoffs, such as lower accuracy or fewer available upgrades. Choose a club that fits your play style and balances power with other important stats.

The Importance of Power in Golf Clash

Power is one of the most important attributes to consider when choosing a golf clash club. It determines the distance that the ball will travel when struck by the club.

Power is particularly important when playing on longer courses where a player needs to cover more distance in fewer shots. However, it is important to balance power with accuracy to ensure that shots land on the fairway or green.

Power also affects a player’s ability to navigate obstacles, such as trees or sand traps. Clubs with higher power ratings can help players overcome these obstacles with ease.

When selecting golf clash clubs, it is important to consider the specific course and play style to determine the optimal balance between power and accuracy.

Mastering Accuracy with Golf Clash Clubs

Accuracy is an important factor to consider when choosing your Golf Clash clubs. It determines how close your shot will be to the intended target. To improve your accuracy, start by selecting clubs with high accuracy ratings.

Another way to improve your accuracy is by using the right ball . Different balls have varying levels of accuracy, so it’s important to match the ball to the club and course you’re playing on. For example, if you’re playing on a course with strong winds, you may want to choose a ball with higher accuracy to compensate for the wind.

Finally, work on your swing accuracy . The way you swing the club can also affect the accuracy of your shot. Practice your swing regularly to improve your technique and precision.

Understanding Golf Clash Club Accuracy

Accuracy is an important stat to consider when selecting clubs in Golf Clash. It refers to how close the ball will land to the intended target. A higher accuracy means the ball will land closer to the center of the target circle, making it easier to hit the ball accurately.

Accuracy can be affected by the ball guide, the target circle, and the clubs. Some clubs have higher accuracy than others, and some clubs have a narrower target circle, making it easier to hit the ball accurately. The ball guide also plays a role in accuracy, as a longer ball guide can make it easier to aim at the target.

It’s important to balance accuracy with other stats, such as power and topspin. A club with high accuracy but low power may not be ideal for longer shots, while a club with high power but low accuracy may be difficult to control. Finding the right balance of stats is key to achieving accuracy and success in Golf Clash.

Improving Your Golf Clash Club Accuracy

Improving your accuracy in Golf Clash requires a combination of practice and proper club selection. Here are three tips to help you improve your accuracy:

  • Pay attention to wind direction and speed: Wind can greatly affect your shot accuracy. Be sure to adjust your aim and shot strength accordingly.
  • Use clubs with higher accuracy ratings: Some clubs are inherently more accurate than others. Consider using clubs with higher accuracy ratings to increase your chances of hitting the target.
  • Practice your timing: The timing of your shot release can also affect accuracy. Spend time practicing your timing to consistently hit your shots where you want them to go.

By following these tips and regularly practicing, you can improve your accuracy and become a more successful player in Golf Clash.

Golf Clash Club Accuracy vs. Power: Striking the Right Balance

  • Assess Your Play Style: The right balance between accuracy and power varies depending on your play style. If you prefer a more aggressive approach, then power may be more important. But if you rely on precision shots, then accuracy should be a priority.
  • Consider Course Layout: Another factor to consider is the course layout. Some courses have tighter fairways, which require more accuracy, while others have longer holes that require more power off the tee.
  • Experiment with Different Clubs: It’s important to experiment with different clubs to find the right balance for you. Test out different combinations of accuracy and power to see what works best on different courses and for different shots.

Ultimately, the key to striking the right balance between accuracy and power is to know your play style and the course you’re playing on. With practice and experimentation, you can find the right combination of clubs to improve your game and lower your scores.

Top Golf Clash Clubs for Wind Resistance

If you want to improve your game in Golf Clash, you need to take into account the wind when selecting your clubs. Here are some of the best golf clash clubs for wind resistance :

The Guardian is a popular choice for many players due to its high accuracy and great wind resistance. Its ball guide and backspin make it an excellent club for approach shots and chipping.

The Sniper is another excellent choice for wind resistance. It has a long-range and great accuracy, making it perfect for long-distance shots. The backspin and ball guide on this club also make it a great option for approach shots.

The Cataclysm is a highly sought-after club that is known for its impressive distance and accuracy. It has a high ball guide, making it easier to control the ball in windy conditions. The backspin on this club also makes it a great option for approach shots.

The Horizon is a versatile club that can be used for both long and short shots. It has great wind resistance and a high ball guide, making it a popular choice for approach shots. It also has a backspin that makes it easier to control the ball when putting.

These are just a few of the best golf clash clubs for wind resistance. Try them out and see which one works best for your play style!

The Impact of Wind in Golf Clash

Wind can be one of the most challenging factors to consider when playing Golf Clash . It can affect the direction and distance of your ball, making it harder to hit your targets accurately.

When the wind is blowing in your face, it can be especially tough to get the distance you need. You may need to adjust your club selection or your power to compensate for the wind resistance.

On the other hand, when the wind is blowing behind you, you’ll need to be careful not to overshoot your target. You may need to choose a less powerful club or aim slightly to the side to ensure that you hit the ball accurately.

Golf Clash Clubs with High Wind Resistance

Choosing the right golf club in windy conditions is essential to achieving success in Golf Clash. Clubs that offer high wind resistance can help you overcome the strong gusts and make your shots more accurate. Some of the top golf clubs with high wind resistance include:

The Thor’s Hammer and Apocalypse drivers are known for their excellent distance and accuracy in windy conditions. The Guardian and Berserker woods offer superior accuracy and control against strong winds.

Choosing the right club for windy conditions can mean the difference between success and failure in Golf Clash. By selecting clubs with high wind resistance, you can improve your accuracy and make the most of challenging weather conditions.

Strategies for Playing in High Wind with Golf Clash Clubs

Playing golf in high wind conditions can be challenging, but with the right strategy and Golf Clash clubs, you can still achieve success. Here are some tips to help you play your best in windy conditions:

  • Adjust your aim: In windy conditions, the wind can push your ball off course. To compensate, aim in the opposite direction of the wind. The stronger the wind, the more you should adjust your aim.
  • Choose the right club: Clubs with high wind resistance, like the Cataclysm and the Thor’s Hammer, are great options for playing in the wind. They allow you to make strong shots without sacrificing accuracy.
  • Take wind speed into account: Pay attention to the wind speed and direction when planning your shots. A strong tailwind can help you hit the ball farther, while a headwind can slow it down.

Remember that practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to experiment with different clubs and strategies to find what works best for you in high wind conditions.

Golf Clash Club Upgrades: Is It Worth It?

Golf Clash club upgrades can be tempting when you’re looking for that extra edge on the course. However, the question remains: is it worth it? Upgrades can be expensive and may not always yield the results you’re looking for.

One thing to consider is your skill level. If you’re a beginner, it may be more beneficial to focus on improving your technique rather than upgrading your clubs. On the other hand, experienced players may find that upgrades can give them a significant advantage.

Ultimately, the decision to upgrade your Golf Clash clubs comes down to personal preference and budget. It’s important to weigh the potential benefits against the cost and determine if it’s worth the investment for you.

Maximizing Your Golf Clash Club Upgrades

If you’re thinking of upgrading your Golf Clash clubs, it’s important to know how to maximize your investment. Here are some tips:

Choose your clubs wisely. Before upgrading, evaluate which clubs you use the most and which would benefit from an upgrade. Focus on upgrading clubs that will make the biggest impact on your game.

Plan your upgrades strategically. Don’t upgrade all your clubs at once. Instead, plan your upgrades strategically over time. This will allow you to focus on mastering the new upgrades before moving on to the next set of upgrades.

Use your upgraded clubs effectively. Upgrading your clubs won’t make a difference if you don’t know how to use them effectively. Take the time to practice with your upgraded clubs and adjust your play style as needed to take full advantage of their new capabilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the top golf clash clubs for accuracy.

Accuracy is an important factor in golf clash, and some clubs perform better than others. The Rocket and the Sniper are two popular clubs known for their accuracy. The Hammerhead and the Grim Reaper also have a reputation for being accurate.

Which golf clash clubs have the best power?

Power is another important consideration when selecting clubs in golf clash. The Apocalypse and the Thor’s Hammer are two of the most powerful clubs in the game. The Extra Mile and the Quarterback are also known for their power.

What clubs have high wind resistance in golf clash?

Wind resistance is critical in golf clash, especially when playing in higher wind conditions. The Cataclysm and the Endbringer are two clubs that have high wind resistance. The Guardian and the Sniper are also known for their ability to perform well in high winds.

Which golf clash clubs have the best ball guide?

The ball guide is a crucial feature in golf clash, as it helps players to aim their shots more accurately. The Sniper and the Guardian are two clubs with exceptional ball guides. The Endbringer and the Rapier are also known for their impressive ball guides.

What clubs are best for long shots in golf clash?

Some clubs are better suited for longer shots in golf clash. The Big Dawg and the Cataclysm are two clubs known for their long-distance capabilities. The Apocalypse and the Thor’s Hammer are also popular choices for long shots.

How do golf clash club upgrades affect gameplay?

Golf clash club upgrades can have a significant impact on gameplay, as they can improve a club’s accuracy, power, and other attributes. Upgrades can be earned through gameplay or purchased with in-game currency. Upgrading clubs can help players to progress through the game more quickly and improve their overall performance on the course.

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best clubs tour 8 golf clash

Local Attractions / Travel

The best golf clubs in moscow: luxury, exclusivity, and entertainment.

By Walter Raymond

February 24, 2015


  • The Best Golf Clubs in…

In Russia, the western concept of building architecturally beautiful golf courses filled with modern and luxurious amenities has found fertile ground. What was considered a frivolous pastime during the time of the Soviets has become the latest trend for the stylish set. These days, there are countless options around Moscow to practice golf, polo, ski, yachting, and other sports alongside 5-star hotels, luxurious country houses, and magnificent villas.

The game of golf is a sport that requires passion and expertise. It is also part of a culture that considers this pastime a synonym of social prestige and exclusivity. In recent years, the new Russian elite has turned to golf as a vehicle of integration in the era of globalization. Golf courses are also meeting and socializing spaces where Muscovite tycoons can relax and also seal business deals.

Golf Courses in Russia

The Moscow Country Club, Pestovo Golf & Yacht Club, Tseleevo Golf & Polo Club, and Zavidovo Golf Club, PGA National Russia are some of the most exclusive and elegant golf courses in Russia. Some of them have made it to the list of Top 15 golf clubs in the world, a source of great prestige for the country.

Moscow Country Club Moscow Country Club

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The first 18-hole golf course built in Russia, Moscow Country Club, hosts the exclusive PGA European Tour. Located just eight miles from the city center, this luxurious facility was created by architect Robert Trent Jones Jr . The design takes advantage of a typical Russian birch and spruce forest to provide a natural environment of extraordinary beauty.

Pestovo Golf & Yacht Club Pestovo Golf & Yacht Club

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The Pestovo Golf & Yacht Club is 18 miles from the heart of Moscow, close to historical monuments from the 17th and 18th centuries. Designed by famed architects Paul and Dave Thomas , this 18-hole course is part of a complex that includes a yacht club, an equestrian center, and a health and wellness facility. Pestovo Golf & Yacht Club is Russia’s version of a classic country club with multiple attractions.

Tseleevo Golf & Polo Club Tseleevo Golf & Polo Club

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This park is among the best in Eastern Europe and was awarded the 2014 World Golf Award as the best golf course in Russia. Located 25 miles from Moscow, it is part of a vast complex featuring an 18-hole golf course, designed by Jack Nicklaus , a polo club and a mountain ski club with four tracks. The design combines classic Scottish, Alpine, and English features in a dreamy landscape.

Zavidovo Golf Club, PGA National Russia Zavidovo Golf Club, PGA National Russia

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Less than 60 miles from Moscow, this golf course with a definite Scottish design is the only one in Russia recognized as a PGA (Professional Golfers’ Association) from Britain and Ireland. Located in an ecologically pristine area on the banks of the Volga River, the Zavidovo Golf Club embodies the spirit and appearance of the legendary Scottish golf courses. Its many springs and streams, hills, forests, swamps and lakes justify its reputation as a very demanding circuit. Last year, it entered the exclusive club of the 15 best golf courses in the world.   ■

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    3rd Priority. The ultimate one to get then is The Sniper. An amazing wood club in Golf Clash that you will use a long time and for a lot of holes, especially in Tournaments. Max it, use it. I also would say you can substitute The Cataclysm with it and it's blue so getting cards to upgrade is quite easy.

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    The r/GolfClash subreddit shall serve as a place to initiate discussions about the mobile game Golf Clash and where players help each other with tips, tricks and general advice. This sub has no affiliation with Playdemic or EA Sports. Join the Golden Alliance Discord for chat:

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    The Best Way To Book Is With GolfPass+. Start Free Trial. 10 rounds of waived fees. $120 in tee time credits. Tee Time Protection. Redeem GolfPass points. stars. rss_feed Get RSS feed with the latest reviews for this course. Moscow City Golf Club in Moscow, Moscow: details, stats, scorecard, course layout, photos, reviews.

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