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Tunisie Voyages

Tunisie Voyages

Headquarters in Tunis, Tunisia

Tunisie Voyages Reviews (69)

Tunisia discovery, small group tour.

Tunisie Voyages

Tunisia Tour, Small Group Tour

Immersive Tunisia, Small Group Tour reviewer 6

Immersive Tunisia, Small Group Tour

Tunisia Discovery, Small Group Tour reviewer 7

Tunisie Voyages Tours

Tunisia Discovery, Small Group Tour

  • Explore Hammamet's coastal charm and relax Tour Kairouan's ancient mosque and water basins Drive through Chott el Djerid's vast salt lake Visit El Djem's impressive Roman amphitheatre Discover the blue and white beauty of Sidi Bousaid

Highlights of Tunisia, Small Group Tour

Highlights of Tunisia, Small Group Tour

  • Explore Hammamet's coastal charm and relax Tour Kairouan's ancient sites and Great Mosque Drive through Chott el Djerid's vast salt lake Visit El Djem's Roman amphitheatre and Matmata Discover Carthage and the Bardo National Museum

Tunisia Tour, Small Group Tour

  • Explore the ancient ruins of Carthage Visit the Bardo Museum's mosaic collection Tour the Roman amphitheatre in El Djem Stroll through the Medina of Kairouan Admire the troglodyte houses in Matmata

The Best of Tunisia & All-inclusive Beach Extension (Stay connected), Small Group Tour

The Best of Tunisia & All-inclusive Beach Extension (Stay connected), Small Group Tour

  • Explore the old Medina of Sousse Tour the Great Mosque of Kairouan Visit the Roman amphitheatre of El Djem Discover the ruins of ancient Carthage Relax on the beaches of Hammamet

Step Back into the Millennium, Small Group Tour

Step Back into the Millennium, Small Group Tour

  • Explore the historic village of Sidi Bou Said Discover ancient ruins in Carthage and Dougga Visit the renowned Bardo Museum in Tunis Tour the impressive Roman Amphitheatre of El Djem Stroll through the old Medina and Great Mosque

Immersive Tunisia, Small Group Tour

  • Explore the white and blue village of Sidi Bou Said Discover ancient ruins at the Carthage site Visit the Bardo Museum's impressive mosaics Tour the well-preserved Roman site of Dougga Walk through the historic Medina of Kairouan

Taste of Tunisia, Small Group Tour

Taste of Tunisia, Small Group Tour

  • Weave through the famous ancient ruins of Carthage Admire picture-perfect ocean views at Sidi Bou Said Pay a visit to the ancient Islamic capital of Kairouan Bask at the magnificence of the El Djem amphitheatre

From the Mainland to the Island, Small Group Tour

From the Mainland to the Island, Small Group Tour

  • Explore the historic Medina of Kairouan Journey through the Sahara on a camel ride Visit the well-preserved El Djem amphitheater Discover Djerba's vibrant street art scene Tour the ancient ruins of Carthage

About Tunisie Voyages

We believe that customer focus and great communication is the foundation for a successful destination specialist. We offer an attractive and diverse range of products at very competitive rates, always ensuring that the highest standards are met throughout the process. Covering the entire country with offices in various locations, we strive for programme creativity, operational feasibility, value for money and the realisation of our clients dreams. This ensures complete customer satisfaction.

Health and Safety Guidelines

  • Covid-19 risk assessment of routes, visit of sights, possible crowds, number of people in the group, reduced services. 
  • Guest safety briefing.
  • Employee illness management policy.
  • Covid-19 reporting and emergency procedure.
  • Compliance with all local regulations mandated by local public health authorities.
  • Social distancing measures.
  • Increased hygiene measures.
  • Personal protective equipment.
  • Increased cleaning and disinfection regime
  • Social distancing in all public places
  • Reduced maximum capacity
  • Training for all staff in anti-viral/infection control measures

Do not hesitate to get in touch with us to have more details on all the safety measures taken on tours.

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Lundi à Vendredi : 9h-19h. Samedi : 9h-18h. Appel non surtaxé.

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Exemple : Paiement en 3 fois pour un achat d’un montant de 150€, apport de 52,46€, puis 2 mensualités de 50€. Crédit sur 2 mois au TAEG fixe de 22,08%. Coût du financement 2,46€ dans la limite de 25€ maximum

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Exemple : Paiement en 4 fois pour un achat de 400€, apport de 109,84€, puis 3 mensualités de 100€. Crédit sur 3 mois au TAEG fixe de 22,22%. Coût du financement 9,84€, dans la limite de 50€ maximum

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Maps of Tunisia

Phyiscal Map of Tunisia With State Boundaries. It shows the physical features of the Tunisia including mountain ranges, rivers, and major lakes, relative location of major cities, and more.

Tunisia is a North African country with a total area of 163,610 sq. km and a coastline of 1,148 km on the Mediterranean Sea to the north. Tunisia sits next to only two other nations. Algeria and Libya . Even though it is not directly connected, Tunisia is only a few hundred kilometers from the Southern European nations of Italy and Malta . Despite being roughly the same size as the state of Wisconsin , Tunisia's north-south extent lends great environmental diversity. 

The Tunisian Dorsal is a mountain range that runs in a southwest-northeast direction from Tunisia's border with Algeria in the west to the Cape Bon peninsula in the east. This mountain is an extension of the Saharan Atlas Mountains. Further north of the Tunisian Dorsal, the mountains of the Northern Tell (that include the Kroumirie Mountains in the northwest and the Mogods running along the northern coastline) can be found. The High Steppes (in the west) and Low Steppes (in the east) lie to the south of the Tunisian Dorsale. They are cut by mountains running north to south. Mount Chambi (1,544 M) is the highest point in the country. At 17 m below sea level, Chott el Djerid is Tunisia's lowest point.

The Medjerda River valley lies in between the Tunisian Dorsal and Northern Tell Mountains (shown on the map above). This valley features a series of ancient lake basins and is the country's most fertile grain-producing land. The Medjerda River is the only perennial river in Tunisia and it drains into the Gulf of Tunis. As we go further south, there is a series of depressions called chott. Many intermittent rivers flowing through the country end up in these chotts. Extending inwards from the eastern coastline are large plains called Al-Sāḥil and Al-Jifāra.

The Sahara Desert's Sand Sea , also called the Grand Erg Oriental covers much of the southern portion of Tunisia. Most of the wadis here remain dry all year round and hence, access to water is a major concern here. Tunisia also has several islands. Djerba Island marked on the map above is North Africa's largest island. It is located in the  Gulf of Gabès

Governorates of Tunisia Map

Political Map of Tunisia showing the 24 governorates of the country, their capital cities, and the national capital of Tunis.

Tunisia has 24 major administrative divisions called governorates. In alphabetical order, they are as follows: Ariana, Beja (Bajah), Ben Arous (Bin 'Arus), Bizerte (Banzart), Gabes (Qabis), Gafsa (Qafsah), Jendouba (Jundubah), Kairouan (Al Qayrawan), Kasserine (Al Qasrayn), Kebili (Qibili), Kef (Al Kaf), L'Ariana (Aryanah), Mahdia (Al Mahdiyah), Manouba (Manubah), Medenine (Madanin), Monastir (Al Munastir), Nabeul (Nabul), Sfax (Safaqis), Sidi Bouzid (Sidi Bu Zayd), Siliana (Silyanah), Sousse (Susah), Tataouine (Tatawin), Tozeur (Tawzar), Tunis, Zaghouan (Zaghwan).

The governorates are further subdivided into 264 districts called mutamadiyat which are further divided into smaller administrative divisions called shaykhats or municipalities and imadats or sectors. Tataouine is Tunisia's largest governorate by area and Tunis is the largest one by population but the smallest by area. The capital of this governorate, Tunis, is also the national capital.

Where is Tunisia?

Map showing location of Tunisia in the world.

Located in the Maghreb region of North Africa, Tunisia hosts the northernmost point in the African continent called Cape Angela. Tunisia is located in the Northern and Eastern Hemisphere of the Earth. It is bordered by only two neighboring nations. Libya bounds Tunisia to the southeast and Algeria to the west and southwest. The country has a coastline on the Mediterranean Sea to the north and east.

Tunisia Bordering Countries : Libya , Algeria .

Regional Maps : Map of Africa

Outline Map of Tunisia

Blank Outline Map of Tunisia

The blank outline map represents mainland Tunisia. The country also has several islands on the Mediterranean Sea which cannot be observed on this map. The above map can be downloaded for free, and used for educational purposes like map-pointing activities.

Outline Map of Tunisia

The above outline map represents mainland Tunisia without its islands on the Indian Ocean. The country extends southwards as a relatively narrow almost vertical band of territory from its coast on the Mediterranean Sea to the north. 

This page was last updated on December 18, 2023

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    Tunisia is a North African country with a total area of 163,610 sq. km and a coastline of 1,148 km on the Mediterranean Sea to the north. Tunisia sits next to only two other nations. Algeria and Libya.Even though it is not directly connected, Tunisia is only a few hundred kilometers from the Southern European nations of Italy and Malta.Despite being roughly the same size as the state of ...

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